Of Couse, all the cheats from the original Baldur's Gate work too with the expansion. File Editing Open the file Baldur.ini in your Baldur's Gate directory and add the line Cheats=1 under the [Game Options] entry. Then save the file and run the game. Once in the game, press [Ctrl][Tab] to bring up the console in which you type the cheats. Type in the cheats exactly as they appear below and hit [Enter] to activate. Close console with [Ctrl][Tab] again. After editing the Baldur.ini file in the Bgate directory, (as was done for the other cheats), you can use the following codes: CLUAConsole:CreateItem("xxx") where xxx is the code for an item. For an entire list of all items download the Baldur's Gate Item List file. This is the list of all the new items from the expansion: AMUL17 : Greenstone Amulet MISC2M : Dwarven Rune Wardstone MISC2O : Lock of hair from Kirindale MISC2I : Wardstone Forgery STAF06 : Staff-Mace STAF07 : Staff-Spear +2 STAF08 : Quarterstaff +3 SCRL5A : Mental Domination SCRL5B : Defensive Harmony SCRL5C : Protection from Lightening SCRL5D : Protection from Evil 10' Radius SCRL5E : Champion's Strength SCRL5F : Chaotic Commands SCRL5G : Remove Curse SCRL5H : Emotion SCRL5I : Greater Malaison SCRL5R : Anderis Journal SCRL5S : Dezekiel's Scroll