WORLDS OF ULTIMA II: MARTIAN DREAMS INTRODUCTION MARTIAN DREAMS is the second game from Origin that does not take place in the realm of Britannia, but takes you instead to an alternate reality through a timegate created by the Orb of the Moons. Where the first game, SAVAGE EMPIRE, transported you to the hidden valley of Eodon on Earth in what I assumed was our own time period, MARTIAN DREAMS occurs on Mars in the year 1895. This must take place in an alternate universe, or every single trace of the events must have been obliterated and the dozen or so historical figures that participated must have been sworn to silence. The story line has holes in it that you could drive a truck through, the time paradox isn't sufficiently explained, but it is a a lot of fun. In your present day Earth, a strange woman arranges a meeting between your- self and Dr. Johann Spector at your place. After giving you some mysterious reading material, she disappears, leaving you and the redeemed villain from SAVAGE EMPIRE to make the next move. There are two books, a note, and a map, all written almost 100 years ago, as well as an old photograph. Both books were written by Dr. Spector in 1895. The first tells how the adventure began (will begin?) and contains brief biographies of each of the historical figures in the game. The second book describes the premature firing of Lowell's space cannon at the 1893 World's Fair which sent these people to Mars, most of them unwillingly. It contains information about Mars, gathered by the first expedition and relayed back to Nikolai Tesla on Earth with a set of reflectors. The note was written by Tesla himself, so he would believe your story when you arrived to join the rescue mission. The map had directions that led you to Tesla's laboratory, and using the Orb of the Moons as described in Spector's book it seemed that you and he could travel back to the same spot in 1895. In addition, you discovered definite proof that you must have participated -- an old photograph of you and Dr. Spector standing with the members of the rescue expedition. This was a mystery, and combined with the woman's cryptic parting message about saving both worlds, it was clear what you and Spector had to do. You traveled to Tesla's lab, opened a timegate to 1895, and met the other rescu- ers. Showing Tesla's note to him left him with no doubt that your story was true, and you joined the party when they journeyed to Mars. All this is covered in the lengthy opening sequence. Now, you must find a way to return the 1893 expedition to Earth. This is not a simple task, for you must help finish the space cannon being built on Mars, rescue several people whose minds have been taken over by Martians, and get the entire planet running again. This adventure is no doubt more complex than SAVAGE EMPIRE, and you will need help from almost all of the characters in the game. SURVIVAL ON MARS As detailed in Spector's book, Mars in 1895 has extreme cold weather, a low amount of oxygen in the air, and some very strange lifeforms. You will only be able to travel at night until about 10 P.M. -- even if clothed very warmly -- before you start taking damage from the cold. When it gets close to that time, you had better find a safe place to pitch your tent, and it is not a good idea to eat any Martian berries before bedtime as the party will not be able to rest until the effect wears off. You can find a lot of equipment in your ship, although I was not able to find enough clothing for Nellie Bly and that meant an early bedtime of about 7:00 until I found an arctic parka in Calamity Jane's trunk which I took. I played the entire game the first time fighting only with sabers, machetes, and occasionally an elephant gun. I didn't figure out how to open the nailed crates until late in the game, and that's where the best equipment and weapons were! Weapons safety is important. Never, ever give any gun set to shotgun to a party member who you don't set to Command action: all the party will suffer when he fires right through you to hit his target! There are many places to find tools and weapons, so if you leave a shovel or pliers somewhere, you can usually find another pair elsewhere, many times near a location that it is to be used. Weapons range from simple knives, machetes, and slings to pistols, rifles, and shotguns and a few ray guns which are load- ed by U)sing radium chips. Armor is pretty simple: the tougher the clothing the more protection from damage the character receives as well as extra warmth. There seems to be no moral code on Mars, you can pick up anything you find. For those steadfast Avatars, there is an exchange system that will allow you to buy what you need fairly. Oxium, the chewable oxygen supplement is the main currency, and things are priced very steeply. I wouldn't spend any oxium on items until I got into the Motherlode or found another supply of geodes on one of the northern plains, with the exception of perhaps buying Nellie warmer clothes. The three berry types with special properties may be traded for oxium, and there are a few good patches of berry bushes which can be har- vested. After picking the area clean, just leave for awhile and return to find them replenished. Three types of Martian berries will give you mental powers for a limited time. Purple berries give you telekinesis, the ability to U)se, G)et, and M)ove objects from a distance. Green berries are able to let you T)alk to in- animate objects, and if the object has any thoughts it will glow. There's only two uses for them that I know of in the game, talking to the Hellas Dream Machine and gaining mental power in the Argyre endgame. The brown berries pro- vide spatial awareness, and when U)sed they will turn night into day whether outside or in a cave, allowing you to see objects through some obstructions. Blue berries will make you dizzy for awhile, but will cure radiation sickness should you touch radium directly without tongs. Unfortunately, due to the way the lifeforms reproduce, they reappear in the same locations almost as quickly as the berries. I found the Creeping Cacti to be probably the hardest opponents, due to their large numbers. It may take you several tries to reach Cooter's place at the beginning of the game as a large force of Cacti stand between you and Noctis Labyrinthus. No one actually dies in battle, they "fall" instead. When you are overcome, the entire party is found by Dr. Yellin and carried back to your landing sight where Dr. Blood revives you. Fallen or injured party members can be treated on the field by using the oxygen canisters Dr. Blood prepares, restoring them to full health. Each canister weighs 15 pounds, so it may not be feasible to carry more than one. Dr. Blood seems to be the only person that can render medical treatment. Experience accumulates quickly during the game, and when you pitch your tent for any period the party members due a level increase get to increase one stat by choosing between a Sword (strength), a Heart (dexterity), or a Book (in- telligence). I saw no advantage to Intelligence, concentrate on the other two. Before camping, always see who may be due a level increase, and decide then what statistic to raise as you can't view their abilities when the question is asked. TIPS, TRICKS, AND SPECIAL LOCATIONS Note: This section covers some tricks you can use during the game, as well as locations of some places not covered in the walkthru. This also tells you the location of the "ruby slippers," an extreme "spoiler" that will allow you to see the endgame sequence early! There is a good supply of oxium geodes located on the Acidalia Planitia at about 38N, 58W. Most are located one level above you and you can only reach them by U)sing a purple berry to gain telekinetic power. Another source of geodes is found in the canyons that wind through the northern part of Syrtis Major Planum at 30N, 54E. However, both these locations may have oxy-leechs in the area. They won't take your geodes, but they will snatch loose oxium then run away. It has also been said by other players that there is a way to buy things from the traders without spending any oxium. If your Avatar puts at least 500 blobs of oxium into a small pouch, they say that the traders won't take any from you. I didn't test this idea, but it is mentioned here for those who want to try it. If an overwhelming force of hostile plantforms are nearby, the screen scroll will slow down to a crawl. If you don't feel up to the fight, U)se the spy- glass in their direction a few times and they'll vanish for a while. You'll only be able to use this technique outdoors in the daytime, but it is useful to escape the occasional large group of creeping cacti. Devil pods, if you can find them, can be useful when confronted by a large group of jumping beans, for example. If you D)rop one in the midst of the pack, it splits open and the pod devil will attack anything around it. How- ever, if it is still alive when the chosen enemy is gone it will turn on you. There is a good patch of berry bushes located between Ascraeus Mons and Xanthe Terra at approximately 12N, 70W. Another fair source is near the power station at 13N, 26W. After you pick an area clean, just walk away from the area for a while and it will be replenished when you return. Unfortunately, the creatures that were there will also be regenerated. Across the bridge at 4S, 121W and south to Aonia Terra you will find a "box house" at about 29S, 106W. You should find some radium chips in a lead box here as well as a heat ray gun. Ray guns are powered by U)sing radium chips, giving them 30 charges, but they are used up very quickly if you set the gun to either shotgun or combination. Freeze ray guns can temporarily freeze attacking plants as well as humans, so be cautious when using them. There is a small house near 69S, 135E that contains a heat ray gun. You will also find another heat ray gun in Elysium, a freeze ray gun in Kaxishek's polar laboratory, and another freeze ray gun when you finally get into Argyre. Argyre also contains a bag with 15 chips of radium and large stores of ammuni- tion for your firearms, but by the time you get inside there really isn't much fighting left to do. The ruby slippers are buried under a rock at 57S, 50E. If you put them on and U)se them three times, you will be given the option to see the endgame graphic sequence now and return to DOS. You will be able to restore the game from the last point you saved it. GETTING STARTED You can equip your beginning party pretty well from just the equipment in your ship, located at 26S, 146E. It's interesting to talk to your fellow passengers, but the important thing is to get the prybar from Dallas Garrett with the word NEED. Mention GEAR to him and he will suggest you get the sex- tant in the back of the ship. Prybar in hand, enter the back of the ship and open all the crates, trunks, chests, and barrels. You should find a pistol, rifle, and a Belgian Combine in the northwest crate, and the crate next to it contains 100 pistol rounds, 40 shotgun shells and 100 rifle rounds. The Belgian Combine may be U)sed to set it to Rifle, Shotgun, or Combination, therefore it can use rifle bullets, shotgun shells or fire one of each per round. NOTE: When you see a capitalized word in this walkthru, it usually refers to a key word that will get more information from the person you're talking to. These words appear in red letters if you have the help on. The carpet bag contains most of the tools you'll need to play the game, a pair of pliers, a pair of tongs, a wrench and a sledge hammer. The backpack comes with a lantern and 5 cans of oil, the all-important tent, and a tinder box. There should also be several machetes, an axe and a saber as well as various items of clothing which you should try to distribute evenly among yourself, Spector and Nellie Bly. Initially, you may want to equip everyone with machetes and your Avatar with the saber, although I'm not certain which weapons are the best. If a character is equipped with two weapons he is given two attacks per round. In one crate you'll find the sextant and telescope, and several other containers contain ornamental items that I doubt have any use in the game. After raiding the hold, you might talk to Tesla and mention COORDINATES to find that the previous expedition landed at 28S, 153W. A note about coordinates and the game map - the latitude and longitude aren't marked, but each line of latitude covers 10 degrees and each line of longitude is equal to 20 degrees. The center of the map is at 180, 0 and runs almost directly through the Amazonis Planitia. The longitude numbers from this spot proceed from 180W to 0 as you head east, and from 180E to 0 as you head west, wrapping around at the left and right edges of the map. The latitude progress- es from 0 to 70 from the equator both north and south. The longitude seemed confusing at first, I wish they would have centered the map on 0, 0. Attempt to U)se the prybar on the hatch, and Dr. Blood will stop you to ask a question whose answer can be found in one of the two books that came with the game. This is the only copy-protection I found, and when you answer cor- rectly Blood will allow you to continue. After opening the hatch, Blood will speak up again, warning you of the risk to your health and telling you about the oxygen canisters he'll begin preparing. Immediately, and whenever without oxium in your inventory, your strength and dexterity will drop by 4 points each while your intelligence will drop by 3. There are no great battles to fight if you journey almost directly east to the 1893 site, and there you'll recruit another party member who has a small amount of oxium. 1893 LANDING SITE Heading almost directly east from your ship and edging around the southern edge of the forest, you'll soon reach the previous landing site at 28S, 153W. You'll know when you're close when you spot the long east-west trench that the space bullet left as it landed. In the crate just to the left of the hatch, you find 50 pistol rounds, and in the cockpit you'll find an elephant gun with 50 shells. Inside the crate under a book you'll find a weed sprayer, which can hold 30 charges of weed killer. The weed sprayer may be your best weapon against the creeping cacti that you'll probably encounter as you head towards Noctis Labyrinthus, and there is one can of weed killer (10 charges) in the rear hold. The phlogonistite can't be removed - by you. Leftenant Dibbs is here, left by Percival Lowell to await a second expedi- tion, namely you. He has much useful information about what happened since messages stopped being sent to Earth. Mention EXPLORATION and he tells you that when Mr. Carnegie ran out of iron ore to make steel for a space cannon, the expedition split up into four main groups to explore the planet. Three of the groups set up residence in the abandoned Martian cities that they named for nearby landmarks, while Calamity Jane and Buffalo Bill set up an OUTPOST at 12S, 129W and became TRADERS. Jack SEGAL settled in OLYMPUS, at 10N, 110W and soon his group took over the CANNON construction site on Olympus Mons. He became very CAUTIOUS, barring the settlement from all outsiders that might have been CONTAMINATED by the Dream MACHINES. You'll hear a lot more about these as the game goes on, if you prompt Dibbs with DANGEROUS he'll reluctantly elaborate. Percival Lowell and his group found a working Dream Machine in ELYSIUM, near Elysium Mons at 20N, 114E. He attempted to utilize the machine to communicate, and now they are all MAD, believing themselves to be Martians. Shortly after, someone smashed the communications REFLECTOR. Grigori RASPUTIN found ARGYRE on the Argyre Planitia at 30S, 107W and closed off almost all communication with others. Little is known about his business, and you won't get to meet him until near the end of the game. Lt. Dibbs will also tell you of the transport TUBES, of the four BRIDGES that were extended over the empty canals, and of CRAZY MARCUS who escaped the Dream Machine and moved to HELLAS at 27S, 77E. Marcus claims to know secrets about the Dream Machines and to have been able to talk to inanimate objects. These give you an abundance of leads to follow up, but if you refer to Nellie Bly's NOTEBOOK when you talk to her, you will be reminded that you need to find a reliable source of oxium. Ask Dibbs about OXIUM, and he'll tell you how it is used, and of MCGEE who prospects for it. Dibbs joins your party, and you can divide the 20 oxium he carries amongst your group of four. He suggests you now should visit the TRADERS at their OUTPOST on Arsia Mons at 12S, 129W. TRADERS, RESCUING COOTER After your conversation with Dibbs, you may have a better idea of what the game is all about. However, your first priority should be obtaining a large supply of oxium. You use 1 blob of the stuff each hour, and you only have 5 apiece. From the 1893 landing site, head almost directly northeast to 12S, 129W. There may be a couple of sextellegers to fight outside the outpost, I recommend the elephant gun to dispose of them. In the outpost you'll meet Buffalo Bill and Calamity Jane. Bill sells TRAIL goods such as tents, lanterns, and tinderboxes as well as AMMUNITION. Talk to him about NOCTIS, and he'll tell you that a bridge across the canal is located at 4S, 121W. Calamity Jane sells CLOTHING, and trades OXIUM for BERRIES. Ask her about COOTER, who supplies their oxium, and she'll tell you that he hasn't been around for quite a while. If you agree to help find him, Bill will give you 30 more oxium and 3 purple berries when you mention OXY. He'll also give you more information: The entrance to Noctis Labyrinthus is at 20S, 113W and Cooter's cave is at 12S, 81W. There are a few items of good clothing in the trader's chests, I took the arctic parka from Jane's stuff for Nellie to use. You can also find another can of weed killer, a pistol and more pistol rounds here. You can also find three substantial caches of oxium just outside the walls of the trading outpost, buried in the chasm where you can't get them. However, take the Martian shovel located right outside the door and U)se a purple berry. Now, you can U)se the shovel from a distance on the disturbed ground, then G)et the oxium you uncover. I found a total of 45 blobs, so it's worth the trouble. Leave the outpost and head almost directly northeast to the bridge at 4S, 121W. Cross the bridge and make a dash for 11S, 100W. This isn't the marked entrance to Noctis that Bill told you about, but it is a straighter route to Cooter's cave. If you're lucky, you'll avoid the group of Creeping Cacti that will approach from the south. If not, you have a tough fight ahead, so save the game first. Equip your Avatar with the weed sprayer, and let the others use the firearms. If you entered Noctis at 11S, 100W just go directly east to the cave entrance. If you entered at 20S, 113W where the marker flag is located, proceed east, turn north, then east again. Light a lantern by having a character ready it, then just U)se it. The oil is automatically loaded and the tinderbox is assumed to be used. Enter the cave at 12S, 81W and walk north until you see the plank on the other side of the chasm. U)se a purple berry, and you'll gain the power of telekinesis for a short period of time. You can U)se, G)et, or M)ove objects from a distance while the effect lasts. M)ove the plank to the south twice, and you can cross over into Cooter's cave. You'll find some more blobs of oxium and purple berries in here, and a small pouch containing more ammunition, but the big loot is to the north. The two notes you find here, one written by Cooter and one by Rasputin, indicate that the old man met with foul play in Coprates Chasma when he refused to reveal the source of his oxium to Rasputin. You could go directly to where Cooter is and rescue him, but first you should explore the tunnels to the north. There is another plank to be moved, if your psychic power has worn off just pop another purple berry. The branch to the west contains nothing but bushrats and rat poison, and I could find no way to U)se the rat poison. You will encounter ammonoids in the tunnels to the east, but you will find many oxium geodes. Geodes may be broken with a hammer to G)et the oxium inside, the amount of which is randomized before the geode is broken. Since this quantity can vary quite a bit, a good technique is to save the game before opening the geode and restoring if you don't find enough. In my game, the amounts varied from a low of 7 to a high of 91. Cooter has barricaded himself in a cave to the southeast of Coprates Chasma, and you must kill the ammonoids there to get to him. From Cooter's cave, go directly south all the way to the rock, and the marker flag is to the east at 17S, 79W. This large open area is home to Sand Trappers, and they can be tough opponents. They may be avoided if you stick very close to the walls and work your way around to the southeastern corner. Continue east, south, and east again and you'll find the cave at 21S, 64W. Enter and kill the ammonoids be- fore moving the crates. If an ammonoid attacks Cooter, he will not respond when you try to T)alk to him. After rescuing him, he tells you about a REE-ward, the MAP which shows where his oxium stashes are. It's located one step west of the flag you passed at 17S, 79W and a SHOVEL is located under the rock to the west of that. The map shows 3 STASHES of oxium located at 14N, 41W - 10N, 39W - 4N, 27W and indicates the MOTHERLODE inside the power plant at 13N, 26W. Cooter tells you that the huge stash of oxium is behind a closed electrical DOOR but there is no POWER to open it and that EDISON at OLYMPUS might know how to get it going. Leave the prospector, and if you like you may go get the shovel and map. If you have a shovel already, you may just want to go straight to the stashes and get them. The second stash at 10N, 39W was already uncovered when I found it, but the other two contain a fair amount of oxium. If you got a good quantity of oxium in Cooter's cave, you may want to go straight to Olympus, as there's nothing much you can do at the power plant until you are allowed into Olympus. GETTING INTO OLYMPUS Retrace your steps out of Noctis Labyrinthus and go to the Olympus gate at 2N, 112W. Talk to Nathaniel Peters here, who is guarding the gate against anyone not KNOWN to the residents, due to the LOONIES from ELYSIUM. He wants PROOF of your integrity, and if Dibbs is with you he offers to vouch for you. But Dibbs is feared to be tainted also, so he doesn't qualify. When Nathaniel say that you must get 3 signatures on a note, Dibbs suggests the EXPLORERS. This is fine with Nathaniel, and he tells you that they were last known to be around Syrtis Major at 10N, 71E. He hands you a note, and will not speak to you again except to check the note. Walk around Olympus to 12N, 111W and cross this bridge. It's a long trip to Syrtis Major, and you are likely to encounter several sextellegers, as well as a Giant Maw if you stray too far into open plains. The best route is probably to follow the canal edge westward around to it's north tip at 52N, 163W then follow the polar ice cap to the canal at 52N, 123E. Continue south-southwest past Elysium at 31N, 87E. Alternatively, you can cross the bridges at 18N, 111W and 25N, 121E but you may encounter more sextellegers. Continue southwest then west to 10N, 71E to the mine at Syrtis Major. Dr. David Yellin is outside here, unable to help his companions who have been trapped in the MINE by a CAVE-in while they were SURVEYING for IRON ore. There is an unassembled DRILL in the building to the west, but Yellin doesn't have the right TOOL. When you mention TOOL, if one of the party members has a wrench they'll speak up. If you have a wrench, and you should have one from the carpet bag in your ship, you're set. The crate in the southwest corner of the building contains the drill part, G)et it then D)rop it on the drill base. Connect the two pieces by U)sing the wrench, then you can M)ove it north and south only to get it to the track. Walking behind it will push it in the right direction, go north into the mine, turn west then north again until you reach the rock pile. U)se the drill a few times and you'll clear a path through. Leave the drill here, you'll need it later. You've rescued Major Greg Duprey and Richard Sherman, T)alk to each and say NOTE to get them to sign. Duprey doesn't have a lot of information, but Sherman immediately joins the party and can be asked about almost every location that they've marked with flags. He is a good source of information, ask him about ARGYRE, for example, to see what you'll be up against there. With the explorers rescued, leave the mine and ask Yellin about NOTE to get the third signature. Return to Olympus and T)alk to Nathaniel, who now will open the gates. Once inside, you will be able to talk to several important people, and now the story starts to get moving. The most important, in his own mind, is the leader Jack Segal, who resides in the northwest corner of his settlement of "RIGHT"- thinking humans. Segal tells you he "persuaded" MARCUS to leave for HELLAS after he used one of the DANGEROUS DREAM machines HERE, then used his influ- ence to have the other people destroy it. Other important clues you can gain from him by talking to him about LOWELL, RASPUTIN, TRIPPET, JEAN and LEGRANDE. The next thing you need to do is get into the Hellas dream machine, and this first requires getting the electricity back on. The power plant is located in the building where Cooter found the "motherlode," and you must get it started up as well as repairing the broadcast towers. After investigating the plant, you will have to return to Olympus to have a part repaired by Trippet. POWERING UP THE PLANET The Martian power plant is located underground, and the entrance is in the building at 13N, 26W. The complex has a few rooms with objects you can't use, panels you can't understand how to use, and scrolls that explain how the system works as well as a history of the Martian industrial revolution. One room that is powered by electricity contains Cooter's "motherlode," oxium geodes and bins of oxium that will provide you with all you need once you get the door open. Two mechanical men, Coker and Stoker, run the power plant. Talking to Coker is not very productive, all you learn is that he brings the COAL from the wall to the conveyor BELT. Stoker, at the other end of the belt, takes the coal and feeds the FURNACE, which supplies POWER to the planet through the broadcast TOWERS. He mentions that the cables above are fragile, and any sudden change (like starting up the generator) could damage them. The furnace may be started temporarily by hand-feeding it some coal in case of a shutdown, but to keep it going requires a steady supply of coal from the Coker-Stoker team. Mention BELT to Stoker and he will tell you that this key link between the two robots is broken, and Dibbs will say that Trippet in Olympus could fix it. Take the broken belt, which weighs only five pounds and return to Olympus. Talk to the would-be canal barge Captain Trippet and say BELT. He should fix it, and you can then U)se it at the same spot you found it. Now, you should find a Martian wheelbarrow in one of the rooms which you can push next to one of the piles of coal lying around the furnaces. U)se a shovel to put the coal into the wheelbarrow, push it next to the furnace then U)se the shovel to put the coal into the furnace. The belt should begin to move, so clear the path for Stoker, who's going to head straight for the furnace with a huge chunk of coal. After a short graphic interlude, the power plant is again alive! Unfortunately, as Stoker mentioned, the electrical surge damaged the cables that connect the broadcast towers outside the station. Inside the now active power door is a 10 lb. spool of cable which you should now take. You need a pair of rubber gloves, which Spector should have if you haven't discarded them. If you don't have these, I believe there was a pair in Calamity Jane's trunk at the outpost. You will take a lot of damage from the vents that are now spewing steam if you try to return the way you came, but there is a route back through the mines. You can enter the next room and take all the oxium geodes now if you want, and you may also U)se the oxium bins as much as you like, getting 20 blobs of oxium each time. This is the motherlode that Cooter told you about! Enter the tunnels to the south of the oxium bin room, and the path through to the outside is fairly simple. In general, first go east, south and west, then continue south and west to a four-way branch. Turning south, you should reach a lighted passage where you'll fight some bushrats. At the end of this passage is another power door leading to a room under the central set of broadcast towers. In case you don't have one, there is a pair of pliers lying here. The scroll explains the repair procedure, and if you have the cable, gloves, and pliers you're ready to go. Go up the stairs to the surface and give the stuff to your Avatar as all your other party members will decline the job - try to get Nellie Bly to do it for a laugh. Now, ready the gloves, U)se the pliers on the cable TO the tower. After another graphic sequence, the power should now be spreading all over the planet, activating the transport tubes, bridges and doors that will give you access to all sorts of new areas. THE SECRET OF THE DREAM MACHINE If you just got the power back on and are at the broadcast towers at 4N, 15W you can return to Olympus by following the canal to the bridge at 12N, 111W. You should now investigate the only dream machine in the western half of Hellas at 23S, 62E which can now be reached as the bridges are operational. Go to the transport tubes just south from Olympus at 1N, 109W and enter the southwestern one, which will take you in a flash to the eastern part of Hellas at 34S, 72E. Before going to see the machine, find Marcus who may be found in the greenhouse at 23S, 75E. MAD Marcus was thrown out of OLYMPUS by Segal when he used a DREAM machine. He tells you that LOWELL and the others at Elysium weren't crazy, but that the MARTIANS POSSESSed their bodies when they used the machines. When you use a dream machine, you enter a dream WORLD shaped partly by your own IMAGINATION. Marcus believes that when the Martians began to die out, they escaped into this dream world, and while SOME were happy to wait for rescue from outside or to live forever inside, many others chose to inhabit the bodies of the humans who used the machines. The humans were TRAPPED in nightmares of their own, and Marcus believes they can be RESCUED if there were a working machine. He also says he discovered something IMPORTANT... you can leave the dream world by T)alking to yourself to wake up. Marcus reveals that there is another dream machine on the ISLAND across the canal that divides HELLAS, but that it seems to be broken. He thinks you can FIX it, and furthermore states that the machine can tell you how to do it if you talk to it! He claims that the BERRIES in the GARDEN to the east give one the power of psychometry, the ability to talk to certain OBJECTS. The garden is filled with JUMPING beans, and Marcus can no longer fight to get in. These are green berries, and if you already have a supply you won't have to venture into the garden at 26S, 83E. Use the lever to extend the bridge at 30S, 68E then enter the building with the two fountains in front. U)se a green berry, and T)alk to the Dream Machine. This "conversation" is more a series of feelings, you feel what the machine does. Thus, the "dialogue" is rather limited, it feels BLOCKED. It is DEAD, missing a large glowing ROCK known as radium. This is all the informa- tion you will get for now, time to return to Olympus. OLYMPUS MONS Back in Olympus, there are a few people that can give you information to help you get the Hellas dream machine running again. You will have to go into the mines of Olympus Mons to get some radium and attempt a rescue, and get Edison to rewire a control panel from the underground access tunnel. Madame Curie is in a building just inside the front gates. Ask her about her RESEARCH and REACTIVE ROCK. She will tell you that she believes the Martians used small pieces of this for their machines and mechanical men while larger pieces may have been used in larger devices, perhaps like the machine Segal destroyed. The pieces she found in the MINES seem to attract terrible WORMS, and the rock makes them GROW. She suggests a relationship between the size of the radium deposits and the size of the worms nearby. Spector mentions to you that unless you PROTECT yourself, exposure to radium may be fatal. When you ask Madame Curie about this, she is rather puzzled (some have said that she died prematurely from her experiments with radioactive elements, not knowing the harmful effects), but she offers you the use of the tongs and lead box in her lab. If you don't have a pair, be sure to take these, and certainly take the lead box. The Olympus dream machine, ordered destroyed by Segal, is being reluctantly guarded by Legrande Antoine Couillard while his BROTHER was sent to look for iron ore in the MINES. Everyone is AFRAID to look for him because of the worms, but if you HELP find JEAN, Legrande will let you inside to look at the DREAM machine despite Segal's orders. Agree to help him, shaking his HAND, and you will discover he is a mason. Not a terribly important fact, but interest- ing. Thomas Edison was very interested in the DREAM machine, but he had little chance to STUDY it before Segal had it destroyed. However, he did get to see the CONTROL panel, and believes that he could rewire almost any similar one to function in a dream machine. He mentions that he saw one in the underground access tunnel between Olympus and Olympus Mons, if you brought it to him he could do the job. Enter the access tunnel at 12N, 117W and follow it to where it ends at 12N, 125W, picking up the panel along the way. Head around the mountain to the mine entrance at 3N, 137W. Hearst has a shop near the tunnel exit, selling weapons and Martian artifacts. You'll need to make a deal with him later, but right now you shouldn't need anything he's selling. There are going to be some pretty tough fights with worms in the mines, make sure everyone is rested up first. Inside the mine, go directly north all the way then turn west. You may fight some oxy-leeches here, all I can advise you to do is to have your Avatar give all his oxium to another party member then battle these critters in solo mode. If the whole party gets into the fight you risk losing a lot of oxium. Go all the way west, the tunnel that branches northeast has ammonoids and cave worms but not much else. Follow the tunnel southwest, then go south as far as you can and turn east. When you start hearing "Body Critical!" messages, you're getting close. Fight past the rock worms, and when you get close enough to Jean he will automatically talk to you, giving you his Masonic symbol as he expires. Here you should also find some blocks of radium, ready the tongs then G)et a block. Immediately M)ove it into the lead box, or you will be poisoned by radiation. If you feel like fighting, you can get some radium chips to power any ray guns you find. I found two heat ray guns in here, one was in a tunnel past some rock worms and bushrats. The other was buried under the rubble you pass as you took the tunnel north, which can be cleared with a drill that you find off in the tunnel to the east. Leave the mine, and rest up outside. Chances are that one or more characters have a level raise coming after fighting all those worms. Carnegie could have been found if you took the tunnel to the west, but you'll be returning to talk to him later anyway. Climb up to the top of Olympus Mons using the slopes at 14N, 153W - 14N, 149W - 10N, 147W. Fight the band of Proto-Martians here then retrieve the camera at 9N, 145W. You will trade this to Hearst later after you find someone to develop the plate. If you like, take a look at the barrel of the space cannon near 9N, 138W before heading back down the mountain. Return to Olympus, find Edison and mention CONTROL. He'll rewire the panel in your inventory to work on a dream machine. Now, talk to Legrande and break the bad news to him about JEAN. After he takes the Masonic Symbol from you, allow him a moment of mourning then talk to him again about his agreement to let you see the DREAM machine. He unlocks the door, and there is the Martian device, smashed beyond repair. However, there is one piece still functional here that the Hellas machine lacks, G)et the headgear. With the rewired control panel, a block of radium and the headset in hand, you can now repair the Hellas dream machine. You will learn of the ruthless Martian villain who doomed his race to extinction, forcing the remaining Martians to flee into the dream machines. You will meet the benevolent Martians of Hellas, and rescue four of the nine humans who are trapped in endless nightmares while the Elysium Martians took over their bodies in order to live again. HELLAS DREAM MACHINE Take the transport tubes to Hellas and cross the bridge at 30S, 68E and go to the building that houses the dream machine at 23S, 62E. If you "talked" to the machine earlier, you know the first thing it needs is the glowing ROCK. U)se the block of radium on the power unit. If you now U)se a green berry to talk to the machine again, you will find it still "feels" BLOCKED, it is still UNDIRECTED and lacking a CONNECTION. D)rop the rewired panel on the cabinet and U)se the wrench to fasten it. Then U)se the headgear on the machine itself and the machine is ready for a test run by your brave Avatar! Move your Avatar into the seat, then have another character (I used Spector) go into solo mode and U)se the control panel. You fade into the strange world of Martian Dreams, where you find five symbolic obelisks in the Hall of Dreams. Four contain dream worlds that hold the minds of H.G. Wells, George Washington Carver, Louis Comfort Tiffany and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The fifth holds the dream city of Hellas, inhabited by the Martians that lived there. The mind of Lenin is trapped in the obelisk marked with a hammer and sickle in the southwest part of this hall. Walk to the front of the marker and enter his nightmare. Wind your way through his "village," a mixture of people some of whom seem to be living in comfort while others suffer in poverty. Lenin's task is to evenly distribute the wealth of the village among the 25 people, a noble idea but impossible in the real world even under socialism. Gather the rubles and you will also find an azurite stone. There are two problems here: you will not have an amount of cash that can be divided by 25, and you certainly can't divide the stone. Do your best, comrade, I found 253 rubles and so I dropped 10 each into 25 piles. This left me with 3 rubles and the gem. Speak to Lenin again and tell him no, that you did not divide the wealth evenly. Mention STONE, and he will ask you if you found the gem. Answer yes, of course, and he will explain how he plans to dispose of the stone in an equitable manner. It didn't sound kosher to me, but give it to him anyway. You still have some extra rubles, so talk to him again and say no again. Mention EXTRA, and he will tell you to divide the bulk evenly then tell him you have divided it all fairly, even though you haven't. Fear not, for Lenin has the answer to your dilemma. It still seems fishy, but give him the extra rubles and his nightmare is over. You awake in the company of your friends, although not really feeling that you've done the right thing somehow. Have Spector U)se the panel again, and reenter the dream world. Lenin waits where his obelisk once stood, as will all the people you free until you free these four as well as four more who are trapped in the Elysium dream machine. This time, go to the obelisk marked with a lamp in the southeast corner, this is Tiffany's prison. It begins very strangely, your "mother" is attacking you! You can't strike your mother, and if you stand there and take the punishment you will eventually "die" and awaken! The solution is to run, run right off the edge of the cliff into an endless fall. Speed things up by pressing the "down" arrow, just before you impale yourself on a set of spikes you will be transported to a relatively normal living room! U)se the book on the table and you'll read an interesting do-it-yourself tutorial on bullfighting. Strange, there's no bull here, right? Get the red throw rug lying here, but don't ready it yet! Walk along the path, and the ground begins to shake. You soon reach Tiffany's shop, and his worst fear is realized as there is a rampaging bull breaking up all his fine glassware and china. Waste no time, head for the north wall and throw the switch that opens the door. Now ready the throw rug, and wait until the bull notices. Lead him through the door, drop your "cape" on the platform and slip past him through the door. Tiffany thanks you, his nightmare is over, and you awake again. Your third rescue involves not so much a green thumb as it does strategy and luck. I had to try this one a couple times to succeed, if you fail just T)alk to yourself to awaken and try again. Approach the obelisk marked with a Martian pod in the northwest corner, this is where Carver resides. You must make your way through a path strewn with Martian lifeforms, and slowly walk through a forest of wandering trees. If you can't get through here, pass turns until the trees move then try again. Further along the path is another such forest, patience is the key here. You reach an open area where the botanist Carver needs your help to grow a Martian from seed to mature pod. Normally this isn't a problem, but cave worms are on the way. He gives you a bucket of water, 4 wormsbane seeds and a Martian ritual pod knife. Not much I can tell you here, start by U)sing the water on the pod plant that Carter left behind. Pass a few turns, and you should see several cave worms approaching. Plant a wormsbane seed or two in their path, and U)se the water on them two times to produce a flower. This will repel the worms, but must be watered again when the flower disappears. Attack the worms with your hands if they get too close, you should be able to hold them off until the pod matures. If they get past you and get to the plant you've failed, T)alk to yourself and try again. Once the pod is ripe, U)se the knife on it to cut it open. Carver pops out, and thanks you for letting him experience the full Martian life cycle. He tells you he will wait in the Hall of Dreams until EVERYONE is free. He names the four humans in the Hellas dream machine as well as four others trapped in Elysium. When you finish the conversation, you awake. Make sure you have your full hitpoints for the last rescue, it is the only one here that will involve real combat. H.G. Wells is trapped in the north- eastern obelisk that is marked with footprints. You must negotiate a strange maze filled with some mundane objects, some useful items and a lot of dreamstuff. If you have talked to Marcus in Hellas, you know that dreamstuff can be used to create things that you imagine. You won't have any control over the dreamstuff in the game, but you will be able to get the items you need by trial and error. At the end of the maze, Wells is surrounded by invisible Proto-Martians that you must find and kill to end the nightmare. The first patch of dreamstuff you find in the maze yields a weed sprayer, G)et it and follow the path until "You feel dizzy...." Your sense of direction has been altered by 180 degrees, east becomes west, northeast becomes south- west, and so on. Knowing this, maneuver yourself to the purple berries and G)et them. This will allow you to G)et items and patches of dreamstuff that are out of your reach, and a couple of these are very good for fighting the Proto-Martians at the end of the maze. U)se a berry and G)et the knife or U)se the dreamstuff next to the knife which should yield a hatchet. Walk back to the east and you should see a bottle of green paint, G)et it. Fight the Janitor and creepers, readying both the hatchet and knife will allow you two attacks per round. Just to the south of the janitor your directions will change again, this time by 90 degrees. Northwest becomes northeast, north becomes east, east becomes south, and so on. There is some more dreamstuff around here, most of it makes some pretty useless stuff, but there is a group of four which will get you a revolver and some pistol rounds. Continue along the maze towards the southwest until your directions change once again, altered by 90 degrees the other way. Northeast becomes northwest, north becomes west, etc. A little further along you hit another change, 180 degrees this time just like the first time. The platform off to the northwest contains some really useful stuff. U)se the barrel to get 16 elephant gun rounds, and inside the carpet bag you should find an elephant gun. Finally, as you approach the marker flags, your sense of direction will re- turn to normal. U)se the bottle of paint on the weed sprayer, ready it then approach H.G. Wells. When you T)alk to him, he'll tell you to get rid of THEM, INVISIBLE monsters that attack when you MOVE, and that he's not going anywhere until you get rid of them. When you end the conversation, they attack. The best strategy to defeat them may be to first attack them with the sprayer, causing them to become visible then shoot them with the elephant gun. In addition, you may want to quickly move away to put some distance between you and them, although they will still throw rocks at you. This fight will drain hitpoints from you in the "real" world, and it might take you a couple tries to defeat them, save before beginning the fight. After this battle, Wells is rescued and you awaken. All four humans will still have to wait in the Hall of Dreams until you free the other four trapped in the Elysium dream machine. Now enter the dream world once more and approach the one obelisk that remains, marked with a Martian. This is the dream version of the city of Hellas, and the layout is exactly like western Hellas where you are now. Five Martians "live" here, Prektesh the Agrarian, Xaktsesh the Arborist, Plashef the Cultivator, Pukchep the Gatherer and Chsheket the Am- bassador. You will also find several scrolls in these buildings that contain some interesting myths about Mars, the moon Phobos, Earth and the asteroid belt. You find yourself inside the Hellas dream machine, exit the building and find Prektesh in the building to the southwest. He is the Agrarian of HELLAS, the finest grove on Mars. The DREAM-world became their REFUGE from the PLAGUE that RAXACHK, Agrarian of ARGYRE unleashed in an attempt to rule the planet. The BACTERIA doomed all the Martians as well as their OFFSPRING, forcing them to flee into the dream world to wait FOREVER for someone to RESCUE them. He asks for your AID to find them new BODIES. The ELYSIUM Martians took over the bodies of the humans that used their dream machine to attempt to grow new Martians from SEEDS, and Prektesh asks you to FORGIVE them for their CRIMES. He tells you that PLASHEF knows where the Hellas seeds may be found, and adds that their ARBORIST Xaktsesh was working on an alternative plan for new bodies. Plashef the CULTIVATOR is just to the northwest of Prektesh's home, and he has much information that you will need to grow a Martian. XAKTSESH warned him of the PLAGUE in time for him to put some SEEDLINGS in a SECURE place. Next to the Hellas greenhouse is a PRESERVATION unit that Plashef used to save some seeds from the SCHEMES of Raxachk. Plashef will tell you how the GROWTH of the seeds must proceed, you must plant the seed then water it. The proper FERTILI- ZERS must be applied, a mixture of NITROGEN, PHOSPHATE and POTASSIUM, some samples of each are in his laboratory just outside the greenhouse. The seed takes nine days to produce a pod, during which you must look at it at least three times, then the pod must be cut open. Xaktesh the ARBORIST "lives" in a small building southeast from Prektesh. She does the needed HEALING in the Grove, although her skills are not needed in the DREAM-world. Her podmate KAXISHEK was RESEARCHING the creation of a diffe- rent kind of body that would be unaffected by the PLAGUE. He based his LABORA- TORY along the border of the northern icecap, in the belief the cold would slow the plague long enough for him to finish a PROTOTYPE. She HOPEs he was successful as he never followed her into the dream world. I met Pukchep the GATHERER wandering about, his duty is to help the KNOWLEDGE of the dead Martians of his GROVE survive. He adds the REMAINS of the Martians who die to the compost so that the life experience will pass on to new bodies through the soil. Part of his job was also to trade CHEMICALS with Fazek from Elysium, but he says you should ask Plashef for more information on that. Finally, Chsheket the AMBASSADOR of Hellas is usually found wandering just south of her house which is located northwest from Prektesh. She doesn't have much information to tell you other than the fact that ELYSIUM and ARGYRE seem to have PLANS for producing bodies for transfer. She will be the one whom you finally bring back into the real world, and she is to be a member of your party in the latter part of the game. T)alk to yourself to awaken, and polish off your green thumb. You have to grow a Martian and get one of the Hellas dream city citizens to transfer into it. It will be a tragic experiment, but necessary to prove your sincerity to the Elysium Agrarian Tekapesh, now inhabiting Percival Lowell's body. GROWING A MARTIAN With your four human friends waiting in the Hall of Dreams, you now must gain access to the Elysium dream machine to free the others. Tekapesh, the Agrarian of Elysium, will not allow you to have their bodies back until you can prove you are sincere in finding new bodies in which they can live. You have all the information you need from the Hellas Cultivator to try and grow a Martian, and almost everything you need is in Hellas. You will need to make a short trip to the northern icecap in order to get some ice, and this is a good opportunity to meet the "people" of Elysium. Pick up a bucket from either the Hellas greenhouse or one of the buildings in Olym- pus as well as a pick, then take the northwest transport tube to the terminal at 30N, 112E. Inside Elysium are the eight humans whose bodies have been possessed by Martians. If you've already been to the Hellas dream city, these people will not really be able to add to the information you have, but you might find it interesting anyway. The transfer to human bodies has left its signs, they are very unkempt and dirty, as they are trying to live as plants. While talking to them, you will notice they seem confused at times. You'll probably also notice that much of their human personality still comes through in the conversation, most noticeably in Lenin's case. Bikchiz is the Elysium Ambassador who has taken the body of H.G. Wells. He is also the HISTORIAN and will tell you about ARGYRE, RAXACHK, and of the disas- ter that he brought upon the Martian race. Pashesh, the assistant to BIKCHIZ, took Lenin's form and will talk about any PLANTAL or Martian city. Xichack is a sort of naturalist, and is living in Wyatt Earp's body. He has EXPLORED most of the planet and knows about CREATURES such as the SUBTERRANEAN worms and he also will talk about WATER. Cheshef, also known as Carver, is the CULTIVATOR. He was only an assistant when the plague struck down his predecessor, and doesn't know as much as he did about the growth process. He tells you that the seed needs WATER and FERTILIZER and must be visited three times during the nine day cycle, but he doesn't know much else. Fazek, the GATHERER, inhabits the body of Melies, and can tell you more about how the life experience is passed on through the soil through the COMPOST. He talks about TRADING with the Gatherer from Hellas for MATERIALS and CHEMICALS, and that there is a LABORATORY at 25S, 75E. Sisik, in the body of Mark Twain, is the ASSISTANT gatherer and can tell you more about how KNOWLEDGE is passed on through the SOIL to the DESCENDANTS. Chaktsaf, or Louis Tiffany, is the Elysium ARBORIST. The most important thing he has to tell you is how the TRANSFERENCE will be done. As the soil is now BARREN, the YOUNG Martian will not be born aware, but someone from the DREAM world must transfer into the body by using the dream machines. Finally, the Elysium AGRARIAN Tekapesh took Percival Lowell's body. He is the radical leader who will not relinquish the human forms until they succeed in growing BODIES for the TRANSFER. He will not allow you access to the DREAM machine here until you can show him some hope, or perhaps a better solution. He will talk about the PLAGUE and RAXACHK, the RESURRECTION of the true Martian FORM, and he will refer you to his fellow plantals when asked about other things like PODS and CULTIVATION. If you hadn't been to the Hellas dream city, all this information would be more useful but less complete. Now that you've met the Elysium Martians, you should go all the way north to the icecap and U)se the pick to chip off a chunk of ice. G)et it, then M)ove it into your bucket before it melts. Kaxishek's lab is slightly west from here but you won't be able to enter for awhile, now head back to Hellas to get a seed from the building at 25S, 78E. Even though the power is on, this door is rusted shut. There are plenty of places to find oil, if you haven't already picked up some the easiest to find may be in Madame Curie's lab in Olympus. U)se the oil on the door and you can now enter. There are four seeds here, you only need one. Enter the greenhouse and U)se a shovel to dig a hole then D)rop the seed in. U)se the shovel to move the dirt back in the hole and bury the seed. U)se the water on the mound, then G)et the Nitrogen, Potassium, and Potash that you should find around the greenhouse. If you have lost any of these, there should be more in Elysium. U)se each chemical on the mound, and if you look at it you should see a growing seed. If not, and you've messed up something, there are three more seeds in Hellas as well as more chemicals in the other Martian cities. However, it's pretty hard to get wrong, so now you just need to wait nine days. You deserve a break anyway, so go outside the city and pitch your tent repeatedly, checking your baby every three days. It should change into three different forms, finally sprouting a pod. U)se any blade to cut the pod open, and you should find an unconscious Martian! Note: Just to be difficult, I decided not to look at the plant for several days to see what would happen. It didn't die, but it didn't advance to the next stage of growth. I waited a total of over 12 days, but it didn't grow every three days unless I actually L)ooked at it. You'll probably need to shuffle someone's inventory, as the Martian weighs 25 pounds. Get the Martian, which has no consciousness at all because the soil was barren, and carry it to the Hellas dream machine. You must visit the dream city of Hellas once more to find a Martian willing to attempt the transfer. Chsheket is willing to go, but Prektesh decides he must take the risk. T)alk to yourself to awaken, D)rop the Martian in the seat of the dream machine and U)se the panel to activate the transfer. A short graphic interlude follows as Prektesh moves into his new form, then you are T)alking with "him." His TASK is now to grow bodies for all the dream world Martians to move into. When you try to end the conversation, suddenly the Agrarian begins DYING! After stating that the plague could no longer be in the AIR, Prektesh frantically tries to determine why his body is affected while you are still healthy. As you watch helplessly, he comes to the conclu- sion that the plague must now be in the SOIL. Realizing that any new plant- based body that is grown will be contaminated, he says you must talk to Xaktesh in the dream city about ALTERNATE bodies. He mentions the laboratory in the northern polar icecap, and tells you that you must win the trust of Tekapesh to be able to get any further. Taking his dead body to the Elysium Agrarian him will convince him that his plan will not work, and he will allow you to attempt your own plan. End the conversation, and Prektesh expires. Pick up his body and return to Elysium. First you had to tell Legrande in Olympus about his brother, now you must again be the bearer of bad news to Tekapesh. The Martian body is taken from you, and he agrees to cooperate with your "schemes." However, to gain access to the dream machine here in order to rescue the other four humans you will have to prompt him again. Ask him about REBUILDING, and he admits that PODS are not the answer, but that he and his fellow Martians will keep these forms until something BETTER is offered. Answer yes when he asks you if you know of another solution besides plants or worms, and he will allow you to try and free your companions from the dream world. When all eight are waiting in the Hall of Dreams he and the other body-snatchers will leave the bodies and allow the humans to return, but they will not wait forever in the dream world for you to succeed. ELYSIUM DREAM MACHINE After Tekapesh gives you access to the Elysium dream machine, you are now set to rescue the four humans trapped inside. Percival Lowell, Georges Melies, Mark Twain, and Wyatt Earp are here, and you must solve their dilemmas to release them from their nightmares. The Elysium dream machine is fully func- tioning and you can enter the Hall of Dreams without problem, where once again there are four obelisks which represent each of the individuals imprisoned within. Percival Lowell is in the southeast obelisk, marked with a man holding a telescope. You enter a set of platforms, each of which represents a planet in the solar system. You begin on Mercury, and it is hot here! You'll take damage as long as you're on this planet, but there are a pair of winged shoes lying on the next platform. You start this dream with telekinetic power, so G)et the footgear of the mythical messenger and put them on. Walk across space to the representation of Venus, where you find Cupid's bow and arrows, as well as a mirror. G)et them both, ready the bow and arrows then continue on to Earth. Here you find a note and a map left by Lowell, indicating that he went to the planet Neptune to search for the ninth planet. On Mars you can T)alk to the metal woman who is the only HOPE for her race, and her EXISTENCE depends on you. She indicates that the DESPAIR caused by the plague is known and in the past, while she represents the unknown future which you are somehow responsible to create. Now you must cross the asteroid belt to reach Jupiter, a simple maze that requires using the asteroids as stepping stones. There is only one possible path, just go in any direction that you are allowed, visiting each asteroid. Cross over to Jupiter, then to Saturn. Shoot the red spot of Jupiter to charm it if it gets in your way. On Uranus you'll find Lowell, who was unable to get to Neptune to STUDY the SOLAR SYSTEM and discover Pluto. He needs a HERO to take his telescope to Neptune, defeat the monster, find Pluto and then send a signal back. Of course you volunteer, and he gives you his telescope. You can signal him with the mirror when you reach the ninth planet and a shot from the magic bow will allow you to get by the monster, a Martian Canal worm. Shoot the worm, walk over to Neptune and U)se the telescope to the southwest to get a look at your destination. Just work your way across space in that direction, it isn't a difficult path. U)se the hand mirror when you reach Pluto to send a message to Lowell, who now realizes he is on Mars and that this was a dream. He returns to the Hall of Dreams, and you awaken. The southwest obelisk is where Georges Melies is imprisoned, and the obelisk bears a marking which looks like someone using a camera. In a dramatic fashion, the moving PICTURE maker explains that if you MOVE and touch CERTAIN squares, the WALLS close in, spelling certain DOOM. The door is rusted shut, and you must reach the dreamstuff on the opposite wall to imagine some oil, returning to open the door. The darker blue tiles are safe to step on, but each time you step on a grayish one the room narrows by one tile. The route is very simple: West, northwest, northeast, north, north and then northeast. G)et the dreamstuff and U)se it to get the oil. Return to the door by going southwest, south, southeast then south twice. Melies steps aside and you can U)se the oil on the rusty door. Melies returns to the Hall of Dreams, and you are allowed a moment in the spotlight before you awaken. Samuel Clemens, also known as Mark Twain, is in the northeastern obelisk that is marked by a riverboat. Entering his nightmare, you join him on a riverboat, actually a Martian canal barge. T)alk to him and he hands you a pilot's cap, explaining that you must help him collect the PAGES of his manuscript which were blown away and scattered along the "Mississippi." You must get the pages to the POST office box in TIME, or he'll be in trouble with his publisher. The pages are lying on shoals all along the "river," and you must steer the barge along to G)et them. You need to find only 25 of the pages, and I counted about 35 lying around so you should have no problem. The difficult part of this sequence is navigating the barge among the shoals, which are invisible at first. To see the obstructions you must first find a piece of dreamstuff, and U)se it to imagine some brown berries. You should get four berries, enough to finish the trip, but if you run out there is at least one other patch of dreamstuff further down the "river" that gives you some more. U)sing a berry gives you increased "spatial awareness," allowing you to see the shoals. U)se the barge controller in the direction you want to go then pass turns to move. After you have collected 25 pages, T)alk to Mark Twain again and he will put the pages in order, making a manuscript that is ready for you to mail. The mail box is at the end of the "river" to the southeast, on a white platform. U)se the manuscript here, and Clemens will be able to escape. You awaken, and now there is just one more rescue to complete. Wyatt Earp is inside the last obelisk in the northwestern corner, which bears a symbol of a marshall's badge and a gun. When you approach this obelisk, you are suddenly back in the dream machine, being attacked by four Proto-Martians! You have a piece of dreamstuff in your inventory, U)se it to create a saber and then dispose of the monsters. After this battle, you pass out from fatigue and awaken to discover that you actually slaughtered your companions! L)ook at each body to search it, and you will find money on your dead friends. G)et all the cash, you should find about 60 dollars, then leave the building and follow the winding path to the north. You enter an open area where a horse auction is about to take place, and you find the notorious Ike Clanton. He's here for the auction, and you must make sure you can outbid him for one particular HORSE. There are three for sale, a BROWN one, a BLACK one and a GRAY one. Ike tells you that the black one is the best of the lot, and that the gray one is going to be trouble. You may T)alk to each of the horses, and if you played ULTIMA V or VI, you will realize that the brown horse is the talking horse Smith! He recognizes you from SOMEPLACE, you're the AVATAR who he used to give HINTS to. He wants you to BUY him, and tells you that IKE is going to bid on MARSHALL, the gray horse. You can also ask him about PISTOL, the black horse, but Smith tries to discourage you from bidding on anyone but him. As Smith tells you, the black horse doesn't have much of a personality and if you T)alk to him he has nothing to say. The gray horse is terribly confused, he doesn't want anyone to BUY him, especially IKE. He must be FREE to protect his HERD, and says you'll buy him instead. Now, T)alk to the AUCTIONEER and BID on the GRAY horse. If you bid on the other horses first, you won't have enough to outbid Clanton and buy Marshall. You can keep raising your bid until you get Ike to give up or you can just go ahead and bid 50 dollars right away. After you buy Marshall, T)alk to him again and FREE him. You will wake up, and now all eight humans in Hellas and Elysium should be waiting in the Hall of Dreams to return to their own bodies again. T)alk to Tekapesh again and mention BETTER. He honors the agreement, and in another graphic sequence he and his fellow Martians return to the dream world and allow the humans to have their bodies back. He repeats his warning before he departs, that you will not have unlimited time to find them new bodies. Now you can talk to the newly restored humans, and they will be able to help you repair the ice melting stations located along the northern icecap. MELTING THE ICECAP With all eight humans returned to their bodies in Elysium, they are now able to talk with you about their professions and other subjects. More importantly, two of them can help you fix the ice melting stations to get the water flowing into the canals again. Return to Olympus and Peary will now talk about the STRUCTURES he found along the polar ICECAP that he believes were used to MELT ice as a source of water. He will tell you the THREE towers are POSITIONED along the northern icecap at 55N, 125W - 59N, 23W - 55N, 100E and that the system seems to have BROKEN down. He thinks that with the help of Tiffany, Carter and Edison you should be able to REPAIR it. From Olympus, travel across the northern bridge almost directly north to the first tower at 55N, 125W and pick up the broken lens, which weighs about 12 pounds. Now you can follow the edge of the icecap west to 55N, 100E and take the broken tracking motor in the building at 55N, 100E or travel to Elysium using the transport tubes at Olympus then travel north. Once you get the motor, return to Elysium and talk to Louis Tiffany. He can FIX most things made of GLASS, mention the BROKEN LENS and he will repair it. While in Elysium, talk to Carver about how the WEEDS that are surrounding the third tower at 59N, 23W may be DESTROYED with POISON. You should have found a weed sprayer in a crate near the SHIP at 28S, 153W as well as some weed killer. However, there are a few spray guns in Elysium and you can either find some weed killer inside the crate under a lantern in Sarah Bernhardt's house in Olympus or buy it from Buffalo Bill at the trader's outpost. T)alk to Lowell before you leave about how the LENS must be FOCUSED. Take the transport tube back to Olympus then T)alk to Edison about the MOTOR and he will fix it. Now, U)se the lens on the tower at 55N, 125W then U)se the motor on the tower at 55N, 100E. Follow the icecap west to the third tower at 59N, 23W and U)se the weed sprayer on the vines that cover it. (Attacking the vines with the sprayer doesn't work, for some logical reason). Finally, L)ook at your watch and U)se the panel. The alignment coordinate is represented by the military time with no separating colon. If it is 8:13 A.M. enter 0813, 7:26 P.M. is entered as 1926. The following graphic intermission describes your success at dawn, the sun comes up and is focused through the lenses, melting the ice to fill the huge cisterns. Sherman suggests that you now check out the pumping station at 18N, 167W to make sure things are working right. Indeed, the job isn't finished yet, the water hasn't begun flowing through the canals. To turn the water on you will need someone impervious to steam and strong enough to turn a large valve. You must find and activate the mechanical body from Kaxishek's polar lab, then transfer a Martian from Hellas into it. CHSHEKET'S NEW BODY, TURNING THE WATER ON With the icecap melting, you can enter Kaxishek's laboratory where Xaktesh's podmate from Hellas was working on a body for the Martians to transfer into that would be immune to the plague. You won't be able to do anything there until you obtain a "heartstone," a piece of azurite which you must get from Hearst in his Olympus shop. Follow the underground access tunnel in Olympus at 12N, 117W to the exit at 12N, 125W then T)alk to the famous entrepreneur in the building whose entrance is at 9N, 127W. He and Nellie Bly will have a few cross words at the beginning of your conversation, then ask him about AZURITE. He'll only trade it if you do a great FAVOR, something that will help increase his newspaper's circulation. He sent a photographer to take a picture of the space cannon up on Olympus Mons, and though he's worried about the man, he is much more concerned with retrieving the camera. If you followed this walkthru you already found the camera at 9N, 145W after defeating a band of Proto- Martians who surely killed the photographer. If you don't have it, go get it now. With the camera in hand, mention CAMERA to Hearst, who will take it from you and give you the plate. He'll tell you that you must have Georges Melies in Elysium develop it first, so go there and ask Melies to DEVELOP the PLATE from the CAMERA to produce a PHOTO. Return to Hearst and say PHOTO, and although he gripes a bit about the quality he honors the bargain and gives you the gem. You now can install it in the mechanical body that you will find in the laboratory. Travel almost directly north from Elysium and enter the lab at 54N, 112E. The central room is directly north, and there are side rooms to the east and west. The west room contains nothing of interest, but in the east room you'll meet the mechanical man named CUTTER, appropriate for his job. He can FASHION a GEM into a HEARTSTONE if he has a piece of AZURITE. The heartstone is used in the MECHANICAL men to hold the SENTIENCE of a plantal inside, giving it "life." He cannot cut the gem as he has no POWER, his ENERGY source has run out and he needs a radium chip. If you don't have any chips with you, just L)ook at the mangled robot lying near Cutter and you will find 3 chips. G)et a chip with the tongs, U)se it on Cutter then mention FASHION again. He will cut the gem for you and give you the heartstone which you can now U)se on the mechanical woman in the laboratory. G)et the metal woman, which weighs 25 pounds, and the freeze ray gun in the southeast crate if you want, then return to the trans- port tubes to travel to Hellas. D)rop the mechanical woman on the dream machine and U)se the panel. Chsheket, the Hellas ambassador, transfers into her new body and now Sherman will leave the party in order to make room for your new member. He drops all of his items and you can have Chsheket pick them up. She has 240 hit points and will heal as you do when you rest, or she can be repaired by Dr. Blood and Tesla at your ship. I'm not certain if she can be revived if she is killed, but I suspect she can be rebuilt by Tesla. Her first concern upon awakening in her new METAL body is to find some way to make her appearance more acceptable to the humans. Nellie suggests that Sarah Bernhardt at Olympus may be able to help, as she is an actress familiar with makeup and disguises. Chsheket agrees, and adds that you should also talk to the leader of the Olympus settlement, although I could get nothing useful out of Segal. Gather Sherman's equipment, take the transport tube back to Olympus and T)alk to Bernhardt about a DISGUISE. Spector explains that you need to make the bodies look human and Sarah says that she can create a pigment using ROUGE berries from Argyre to provide color, but this won't work without some- thing to cover Chsheket's metal skin that can hold the dye. Now the Martian tells you how the mechanical men who work around the cisterns were coated with a water repellent substance that resembles human skin, and Sarah agrees to create a dye that will blend with the rubber coating when you bring her the berries. You can't get into Argyre yet, but you can now get the water flowing through the canal's with Chsheket's help. Leave Olympus, cross the bridge at 4S, 111W and enter the pumping station at 18N, 167W. You will find a large room to the west which contains the cisterns which are now filled with water as well as the pumping machinery. There is a mechanical man here named DIVER who keeps the pipeworks functional in the master PUMPING station, which controls the flow of water MELTED from the icecaps into the CANALS. Diver can't get to the WHEEL beyond the STEAM leaks that controls the flow because he isn't allowed to move that far. He adds that there is a machine that applies a COATING to mechanical men in a room to the southeast, which is just south from the entrance. It uses a SEALANT that GREEN coloring was added to in order to make the coating more lifelike (to Martians). If you ask Chsheket about the STEAM, she will assure you that it will not hurt her new body, so put her into solo mode and send her south, west, then north. She can walk right through the steam leaks to reach the valve to the west and U)se it to turn the water on. Another set of pictures depicts her opening the valve and the canals filling with water from the cisterns. With this operation complete, all the systems on Mars are again operational, and now you can transport iron ore from the mine at Syrtis Major to Carnegie at the space cannon construction site inside Olympus Mons. You will be able to get into Argyre to get the rouge berries, but only after you can prove that you absolutely need to in order to recover another valuable item. ORE FOR THE SPACE CANNON With the canals now filled you can use the barges to move around the planet, but the return of the water has brought back the huge canal worms. If you talk to Trippet in Olympus about his JOB, he'll tell you that he was originally hired to pilot the CANAL BARGES, and he tells you the locations of all of the ones he found. The only one you're interested in right now is the really large one docked in Hellas at 27S, 62E. It has cannons on it which can be U)sed to help kill the canal worms, and a track that will allow you to move a railroad cart onto it. Take the transport tube to Hellas and U)se the lever in the barge dock to retract the bridge. Board the barge and U)se the control to navigate to Syrtis Major, following the canal north to 6S, 67E then east to 6S, 106E. Continue north to 6N, 106E then west to 6N, 72E and align the track on the barge with the middle track on shore. Leave the barge and enter the mine, pushing the rail cart ahead of you. Be sure to "park" the vehicle by U)sing the controller and pressing the space bar to center it. If you forget to do this, you will have to follow the canal to track down the barge. Inside the mine, push the cart north to the turntable and U)se a wrench to tighten the switch. U)se the switch to rotate the track, push the cart north and U)se the switch again. Push the cart to the junction where the track turns north and leave it there, you can't push it north. Follow the track north past the rubble you cleared with the drill to free Sherman and Duprey. Move north, pushing the drill ahead of you, then all the way down the first tunnel to the west. Here is a Martian wheelbarrow and shovel, as well as a good deposit of iron ore in the tunnel wall. Carnegie needs one full cart of iron ore to finish the cannon, and it takes seven full wheelbarrow loads to fill the cart. As you moved the drill north, you passed a cart on the track, return there and push the cart north to where the tunnel branches west. Now you must go all the way west to the end of the tunnel and U)se the drill on the iron ore deposit to produce a pile. U)se the shovel to move the ore into the wheelbarrow then push it east to the cart. U)se the shovel move the load of ore into the cart and push the wheelbarrow all the way back. Repeat this sequence six more times and you will have a full cart, it will contain seven loads of ore and its appearance will change. By the way, because your fellow party members tend to get in your way, this task is easier to accomplish in solo mode. Push the filled cart south until it is adjacent to the one at the junction, and U)se the shovel to move all seven loads into the empty cart. Push it east to the turntable, U)se the switch then push the cart all the way south out of the mine and onto the barge. After all that manual labor, you now can navigate the barge to the space cannon site at Olympus Mons. Follow the canal east to 6N, 106E then north to 14N, 106E. Continue east to 14N, 165E and then north to 21N, 165E and east to 21N, 164W. Here you need to make a decision: The north route is quite a bit longer as you must go all the way around, but there is a barge parked in the southern branch at 8N, 164W which you will have to move to the north of this junction if you want to get past it. I chose the northern route because it was less complicated, but there are lots of creeping cacti waiting along the south shore. That route continues north to 31N, 162W then east past an island of berry bushes and jumping beans to 31N, 128W. Continue south to 19N, 128W and east to 19N, 120W. Finally, south to 0, 120W and then west to line up with the tracks at 0, 137W. Park the barge here and push the cart north into the mine to another turn- table and U)se the wrench to tighten the switch. U)se the switch, push the cart north and U)se the switch again. Carnegie is to be found either at the west end of the tracks or in the small room to the east of the space cannon. Most of what he has to say you already know, he needs fresh RESOURCES to finish the SPACE CANNON. He only needs one more cartload of iron ORE to make enough STEEL with the Martian smelting MACHINE they found. The mine here ran dry, so he sent the EXPLORERS to look elsewhere while JEAN searched deeper inside Olympus Mons. The explorers reported back that they had found ore at Syrtis Major but could find no way to TRANSPORT it here. Carnegie will only recognize the ORE you brought so far if it is a full cart of seven loads, and if you have pushed it most of the way down the western track. After you explain how you got it here, no small task, he tells you that now you need to retrieve the phlogonistite from the ship at the 1893 landing site while his men continue to mine the ore. GETTING INTO ARGYRE, MAKEUP FOR CHSHEKET Sometime after you get the canals filled, the phlogonistite in the ship from the first expedition will be stolen. If you mention PHLOGONISTITE to Carnegie, he will assume you have been to the site and discovered the theft, whether you have or not. He suggest that you might find a clue at the scene of the crime that you or Mr. ROOSEVELT could use to deduce the identity of the thief. If you now go to Olympus and talk to Roosevelt, he'll say he has a good idea that the Russian monk RASPUTIN was the one who SABOTAGED the 1893 EXPEDITION and that he took FINGERPRINTS from the original CAPSULE. He also believes one of Rasputin's followers destroyed Lowell's REFLECTOR but he doesn't have enough EVIDENCE yet to prove his theories. If you consent, he will record your PRINTS as he has almost everyone else's. He needs a CLUE, something that Rasputin or his men touched so he can compare the fingerprints on it with the ones he found near the capsule fuse. Return to the rear hold of the 1893 capsule at 28S, 150W and you only find some broken straps where the phlogonistite once sat. This is the clue you need, you should be able to take one of them. Before you show the strap to the Mars police, you need to get the microscope from Plashef's Hellas lab at 25S, 75E so Roosevelt can search for fingerprints. Now he can draw the conclu- sion that Rasputin sabotaged the expedition and stole the phlogonistite, al- though I don't think he had conclusive proof. With no prints from Rasputin himself, and not having the prints of every other human on Mars, all he could really prove is that the person who discharged the space cannon was the same one who stole the propellant. However, this is enough for him, and more importantly it will be enough to convince Carnegie that you really must break into Argyre. If you talk to Peary in Olympus you learn that ARGYRE is fortified by thick GATES and that the cannonballs fired from the barge cannons are too soft to blow them open. You will be able to breach the eastern gate if you can convince Carnegie to make some steel BALLS to load a cannon with. After you supply him with the ore for the space cannon, he will make a set if you have proof that you really must get into Rasputin's stronghold. Once Roosevelt con- cludes that Rasputin stole the phlogonistite, Carnegie will take time to make the item which can be U)sed on the barge cannon at 4S, 9W. Cross the north bridge from Olympus and follow the canal all the way around, then navigate the barge to the canal spur at 32S, 29W. U)se the cannonballs on the cannon then fire it at the gates a couple of times to make an entrance. Once inside Argyre, you can go directly to where Rasputin is at 31S, 38W. You can talk to Emma Goldman, a truly independent woman who definitely believes in SPEAKING her mind. On earth she was an ORATOR who encouraged ANARCHY as a means to overthrow the GOVERNMENT that was run by the rich people like CARNEGIE. Her SPEAKING makes her very POWERFUL, and she sides with RASPUTIN because he will create a paradise on Mars where all people will be FREE and all things will be FAIR. She admits to breaking the REFLECTORS so that she could end Carnegie's monopoly on trading, and she threatens to do worse things now that they are alone here on Mars. There is a lot of ammunition and some good weapons in some of the buildings, another ray gun and 25 radium chips as well. These aren't going to be of much use to you now, the rest of the game doesn't have much combat. It does make you wonder if there was another way into Argyre earlier, however. Rasputin's thugs won't bother you, they believe his mental powers make him invincible. Ask him his name, and Chsheket gasps in horror as he reveals that he is RAXACHK in the body of Rasputin! You immediately learn that he has hidden the phlogonistite in the DREAM world and that if you REMOVE it, it will set off a CATACLYSM that will DESTROY MARS and the dream world as well. Spector confirms that this is indeed possible, and Chsheket seconds his opinion as her people had experimented with material transfers in the past. She tells you that you must FREE her people from the dream world before you attempt to retrieve the explosive, and that means creating acceptable bodies for them. Rasputin declares this a futile effort, that the people of Earth will never accept robotic Martians as equals, and even if you succeed in dis- guising the bodies you'll not be able to leave Mars with the propellant. In the mad Martian's eyes, you face a dilemma that you can't solve, and the final victory will be his. However, you must continue to try, and that means first getting the rouge berries for Sarah Bernhardt to make the pigment. When you return here with the transformed Chsheket, the situation will be very different. Get a clump of rouge berries from one of the bushes around the city then exit Argyre through the east gate, walking around to the transport tubes at 34S, 64W and return to Olympus. Tell the actress you have the ROUGE berries and she will mix a jar of pigment for you. Then return to the pumping station at 18N, 167W and enter the room in the southeast area of the cistern room. Open the crate, G)et the rubber then U)se it in the sprayer. U)se the pigment on the sprayer, put Chsheket into solo mode to put her inside the machine, then U)se the panel. In another graphic sequence, the metal body of the Martian ambassa- dor is coated with the synthetic skin, transforming "her" into a beautiful facsimile of a human female. Spector immediately provides clothing from some- where to cover the shapely form, a convention that Martians aren't acquainted with, and suggests that she speak with the women about when it should be removed... you realize this is the strange woman who you met (will meet?) almost 100 years later! Now, the rest of the dream world Martians must be provided with equally nice bodies that the humans on Earth will accept. Chsheket suggests that you see the leader of the Olympus settlement and get him to organize the construction of the mechanical bodies as rapidly as possible so the Martians can escape the Dream world before it is destroyed. This is probably the only thing Jack Segal is good at, making others go to work. Return to Olympus and talk to him, his condescending attitude towards the Martians seems to have vanished after see- ing the fruits of your labor. He will get the body construction started while you retrieve the phlogonistite, and the two expeditions as well as the new Martians will await you at the space cannon. You must return to Argyre, con- front your own nightmares and defeat Raxachk in the dream world in order to return the propellant to the real world. ARGYRE DREAM MACHINE, ENDGAME The humans at Olympus, under Segal's direction, are busy manufacturing bodies for the Martians in the dream world. The space cannon at Olympus Mons is being completed with the iron ore you mined, and everyone is preparing for immediate departure. You must return to Argyre and enter the dream machine, find Raxachk and retrieve the phlogonistite fuel. A massacre seems to have occurred in the Martian city since you left, all the humans have been killed except Rasputin and Emma Goldman. She tells you that RAXACHK murdered everyone but her, then forced her to operate the DREAM machine and transfer him back into the dream world. Emma kept the machine operating so that you could follow him, but the game logic requires that you talk to the confused monk Rasputin and ask him his NAME before the machine will work. He tells you that he was lured to Mars by VISIONS that RAXACHK sent him on Earth, convincing him that he could RULE the planet. Raxachk took Rasputin's body, and the monk became TRAPPED in a nightmare where his enemies tried to shoot, stab, drown and POISON him. Rasputin was freed when Raxachk went back into the DREAM WORLD for unknown reasons. You must now got to the dream machine in Argyre and seek the Evil Martian, retrieve the phlogoniste and escape from this dream world with the fuel. Save before you enter here... you can't wake yourself up from this nightmare until Raxachk is defeated, for his powers are too strong here. Enter the machine and you will live one of your worst nightmares, the ShadowLords from ULTIMA V are alive and well! They want to corrupt you by putting you in situations where it seems that the Principles of Truth, Love and Courage cannot prevail. Faulinei, ShadowLord of FALSEHOOD, and his two SIBLINGS who you thought you DESTROYED in Britannia now seek to REEDUCATE you in their VIRTUES. Your first TEST is to determine which of two dream figures is really your companion, Johann Spector. Each looks alike and speaks the same, but one is really a Martian and is LYING. When you determine which is the real Spector, go to the fake and call "him" a LIAR. The one object that will do the job is the mirror, located near the "Spector" at the east end of the maze. Move it in front of him and observe the reflection. If it is human, call the other "Spector" a LIAR, if you see a Martian, accuse "him." The door at one end of the maze will open, pass through it to your next test. The ShadowLord of HATRED, Astaroth, is waiting to give you your next lesson. In his TEST, your three FRIENDS are being held by a wounded Martian who claims VENGEANCE upon them for attacking "him." There are several patches of dreamstuff in this maze, some of which can be U)sed to imagine a freeze ray gun, a pistol and some pistol rounds. You might attack the Martian, but each time you do he will kill one of your friends. The solution can be found in one of the pieces of dreamstuff which will yield a healing potion. Just U)se the magic potion on your enemy to heal him. He will realize his error in acting out of anger and vengeance, he thanks you and then you are transported to your third "teacher." Nosfentor is the ShadowLord of COWARDICE, and her test involves merely show- ing the COURAGE to save your friends Yellin and Duprey. At the patch of desert far to the north is a sand leviathan, the worst monster on Mars. As you run north along the path to save join them, various traps will chop your hit points down. If you choose to T)alk to the Martians on the east platforms they will ADVISE you of the TRAPS ahead and PLEAD with you not to go on. They tell you that a safe exit lies through the exit to the west, and that you should take the easy way out as your friends are doomed anyhow. If you U)se the dreamstuff that lies just before the monster you'll get a saber, but all you really have to do is show your courage and step onto the desert in order to escape. With the three ShadowLords defeated and your virtue intact, you are suddenly transported to a platform where Raxachk himself has barricaded himself behind a crystal wall with the canisters of phlogonistite. The mighty Avatar does not frighten him, but he is bored waiting here to depart for Earth while his PLANS develop. If you ENTERTAIN him by winning three combats, he might GIVE you the PHLOGONISTITE. Agree, and you are transported to a small room where jumping beans attack. The dreamstuff here can be shaped into several items, but the only one that will help you right now is the machete. Arm yourself with it to defeat the jumping beans, getting as much of the dreamstuff as you can. If you kill all the critters, you'll be asked if you're ready for the next challenge. If you haven't gotten all the dreamstuff, especially the elephant gun rounds and the green berries, you may want to decline. The bridge to the first scene will still be there, you can return and get the rest of the dreamstuff. The second combat takes place in a cave, you must defeat the ammonoids here. You really need to get one particular piece of dreamstuff here which will turn into purple berries, before you kill all the creatures and are transported to the third combat. Otherwise, there isn't much of interest here. When you have finished off the ammonoids, you are transported to the third scene, a seeming- ly empty desert. A sand leviathan lurks here, along with some more dreamstuff. It is easy to defeat this menace if you picked up the purple berries from the cave and the elephant gun rounds from the first scene. Stay on the white edge that goes around the desert, if you wander onto the sand the leviathan will attack. U)se a purple berry to get the dreamstuff lying on the sand, you should be able to find an elephant gun and some brown berries. U)se one of these berries, and the monster's maw becomes a visible target for your elephant gun. Defeat this monster and you are returned to the center platform where Raxachk seems to have forgotten all about the game and the phlogonistite. He says that there is nothing you can DO to HARM him, that you neither have access to any more DREAMSTUFF nor the mental power to draw any from the void. Even if you had some, he says, your race wouldn't be able to imagine a weapon powerful enough to breach the walls of his CITADEL for a hundred years. Obviously, he doesn't realize where you really came from! U)se a brown berry to allow you to see the interior of the entrance room of his stronghold and you will see a switch that will open the door as well as the dreamstuff hoard. U)se a purple berry to give you the ability to U)se the switch, then enter the room and attempt to U)se the dreamstuff hoard. Your mental power seems to be too weak to gather any of the dreamstuff, but if you U)se a green berry you now will be able to pull a piece out of the void. U)se the first piece you get and you should be able to imagine a 20th century M-60 machine gun. Now ready the weapon, aim at Raxachk through the wall of his citadel and shoot him with the machine gun. A graphic sequence shows you putting the three fuel canisters on the realizer, then activating it to send the phlogonistite back to your companions in Argyre. You friends then help you transfer back to your body, and just as Raxachk said, mass destruction begins in the form of "mars" quakes. You must get all three 10 pound canisters back to Carnegie at Mons Olympus where everyone is waiting to launch the cannon. All the members of both expedition as well as the Martians from Hellas in their new bodies are here, and each has his or her own short message to tell you. T)alk to Carnegie and then sit back to watch the endgame sequence, which explains (in part) how Mars as we know it today came to be. WORLDS OF ULTIMA II: MARTIAN DREAMS is published and distributed by Origin. This walkthru is copyright (c) 1991 by Venger. All rights reserved.