Melty Blood ReACT 2.008 FAQ v.2.055: "Insert witty sentence here." Written by kalciane ( ), started 6/1/04 ============================================================================== _ _ ___ _ _ /\/\ ___| | |_ _ _ / __\ | ___ ___ __| | / \ / _ \ | __| | | | /__\// |/ _ \ / _ \ / _` | / /\/\ \ __/ | |_| |_| | / \/ \ | (_) | (_) | (_| | \/ \/\___|_|\__|\__, |_\_____/_|\___/ \___/ \__,_| /__\ |___//_\ / __Y__ \ / \/// _ \//_\\ / / / /\/ / _ \ __/ _ Y /___ / / \/ \_/\___\_/ \_|____/ \/ Through the Looking-Glass, Fairy Tale Transparently ============================================================================== The most current version of this document will always be found at: - Replays made by myself and other players will be referred to occasionally to demonstrate a technique or combo. These can be found at: - This FAQ is currently only supposed to be posted at: - - - This FAQ is copyright kalciane 2004. You are free to use it as long as permission is granted. None of the contents here may be used or sold for profit. ================= Table of Contents ================= I. Version History: List of changes made to this document. II. To Do List: List of things left to do. III. What is this FAQ for? A brief introduction. IV. Format: The various modes available for play. V. Gameplay Changes from the Original Melty Blood: Specifically covers differences, and assumes you already know Melty Blood. VI. Characters: Movelists. - Akiha Tohno - Akiha Tohno (Reversed) - Aoko Aozaki - Arcueid Brunestud - Ciel - Executioner Ciel - G-Akiha - Hisui - Hisui & Kohaku - Kohaku - Mech-Hisui - Miyako Arima - Neco-Arc - Nrvnqsr Chaos - Ren - Satsuki Yumizuka - Shiki Nanaya - Shiki Tohno - Sion Eltnam Atlasia - Sion Eltnam Atlasia (Vampire) - Walachia - Warcueid - White Ren IX. Credits: People who have helped. ================== I. Version History ================== 2.055 - Updated FAQ for version 2.008. Also added in defense equations introduced in 2.007; I hadn't put them in previously because I didn't like 2.007. The info is in the Meters section under Gameplay Changes; many thanks to linalys for the help. Note that things such as specific OTG properties of a character's move and damage proration will not be included right now. I've decided that I will rewrite the FAQ to be much more comprehensive once Watanabe finalizes the game, instead of working every three weeks on it. General - Fixed a bug where a character always had Max Circuit-level defense applied. - Fixed a bug with drawing shadows. - Fixed a bug with a character's cut-in during replays. - Fixed a bug that glitched the 2nd page of replays. - General bugfixes. - It sounds like some random sound effects were inserted, and there's a few more animation frames here and there. System - Fixed timing for shields. - Fixed error with jumping after immediately landing. (?) - "Compensation Value" defense gauge was added in Training mode to show the proration of damage. Ren - You can charge A and B Ice Blades: A will inflict massive hitstun and keep them standing; B will send both high and low out at the same time. - Added 421 moves; they're teleports. A will make Ren reappear as a cat and move halfway across the screen; B is a fakeout jump; C is a fakeout run that only moves her slightly forward. Walachia - Changed 421 moves; they're teleports. A will move Walachia halfway across the screen, but never behind his enemy; B will move Walachia behind his enemy; C will move Walachia halfway across the screen. - 421 can now be done in the air, where it will actually deal damage. Recovery is MUCH improved now. Arcueid - 236+A/B now moves her forward a LOT. 236+C remains the same, though. Warcueid - Air C is now cancellable normally. - 236 attacks go forward; A a bit, B a lot. Ciel - Bladesinger (623+A/B/C) is altered. It now charges a LOT faster, and all versions inflict enough stun to combo from. You can charge it up to two "sparks", resulting in three varying levels of damage. The first level will juggle the enemy up, the second will leave them on the ground, and the third will make Ciel switch sides. (First: 3 hits, 2429 damage; Second: 3 hits, 3138 damage; Third: 3 hits, 4744 damage, unblockable) Sion - 214+A now knocks down. - No OTG is possible after 6+A -> 4+A. - B throw changed; it tosses them much farther away now. Sion (Vampire) - 214+A now knocks down. - No OTG is possible after 6+A -> 4+A. - No OTG is possible after Bite (41236+C). - EX Katto Upper (623+C) has more startup and deals less damage. - B throw changed; it tosses them much farther away now. Shiki Tohno - Damage prorations adjusted. - A Anti-Air Kick's second hit won't land on some shorter characters at point blank. - Lag time after an airdash was increased. - Lag time after EX Slide and EX Dash Cut was reduced. Shiki Nanaya - Changed damage proration on C. - Eyes of Direct Death hit judgement fixed. - If you hit with Anti-Air Kick, you can cancel into his 22 dive. Hisui & Kohaku - You can now command the non-active sister while they're walking. - Maid Beatdown changed; it's an all-or-nothing super now, but with updated animation. You can't juggle after it anymore. It deals less damage, and you can't cancel it prematurely. - 214+D changed to 63214+C, so you regain Shield Bunkers with the duo. - You cannot charge Hisui Hadouken if Kohaku is on point. Kohaku - Some bugfix with her Kungfu Kohaku, but I'm not sure exactly what. Hisui - Lag time after an airdash was increased. - You can't gain circuit off of her air EX Ladle-Fu anymore. However, Hisui does float up in the air now, making it much easier to hit people with it. I haven't gotten over 14 hits with it. Mech-Hisui - You cannot airdash before a round. (You seem to be able to in training, though.) - Lag time after an airdash was increased. - Reduced damage on 2+B. - Increased lag and animation on 22+B. - The rocket in her airdash can hit for damage now. This was around 2.007, but I was too apathetic to update it then. Satsuki - 63214+C changed into 632146+C. The move is now tweaked so that while there's a bit of startup before the super flash, it's a guaranteed bite if they're in range afterwards. Miyako - Ground throw moves them further away, out of combo range. - 5+C moves her farther forward. You can now only cancel this move into specials. - 6+B juggles upwards now instead of leaving them on the ground, and prorates damage. - You can breakfall her 623+C earlier now. 2.050 - Updated FAQ for version 2.007. A full rewrite for this FAQ is in order soon; I pruned some old, outdated bits in it about the infinites and engine, and simplified some explanations. - There's a blurb about how defensive power was increased depending on your life bar and character. Each character has a slightly different damage index now, it'll be added later. - Minor blurb about corrected the color of Arcueid's tail. (?) - Some graphical bugfixes. - Bugfix about saving Vs. replays. - The game will return to the Vs. screen once a replay finishes. - Pressing a button during a replay will fast-forward it. A is 1.5x, B is 2x, C is 4x, D is 8x, barring the limitations of your computer. - Minor bugfixes all around. - System: - Bugfix with input response after a ground block. - Akiha: - You cannot ground breakfall her Reverse Uppercut (421+A/B). - Akiha (Reversed): - You cannot ground breakfall her Reverse Uppercut (421+A/B). - Air EX Flame Tongue lasts shorter. - You can low block her air 5+A. - EX Flame Creeper doesn't last the full screen anymore. - Arcueid: - 22+A/B now goes forward a lot more, has a smaller hit box, and the A and EX versions deals slightly less damage. You can also now airblock the 66 followups. - Hit box and recovery on air 22+A/B decreased and increased respectively. (Side note: added the air 22+A/B/EX section, no idea how I forgot about it) - Air 2+B changed majorly. Arcueid no longer drops down, and it deals less damage. - 4+B hits twice, and once hits low, so it's more viable as a launcher. You cannot cancel this move if it's blocked. Note that the charge version still only hits once and deals less and is blockable. - You cannot combo after her groundslam throw (hold 2 during throw). - Ciel: - 2+B moves her forward more. - Corrected a glitch that made her stand when trying to low block a shield bunker. - EX Swords deals slightly more damage. - Hisui: - Throws more crap for EX Random Stuff-Fu. - A new effect on her Hisui Hadouken to show how much it's charged. - Kohaku: - Her throws range seems to be decreased. - Fixed unblockable glitch for her 2+B's 2nd hit. - 236+A -> 236+B tweaked to toss them back farther, and recovery was lowered. - Kung-fu Kohaku will fly over a downed opponent instead of pushing against them. - You can now backdash cancel her 5+C. - There's a bit more startup for her Blood Heat Kung-fu Kohaku. - 22+A comes out faster. - Mech-Hisui: - 623+A/B/EX tweaked a bit; looks like there's a bit more animation, but I could just be seeing things. It's apparently easier to hit with now, and the A version deals more while the EX deals less. - Air EX Railgun tweaked so all the bits home in after a pause. Deals less damage. - A and B missiles tweaked. A goes up a bit, B shoots two. - Electroshock is now super cancellable. B version deals slightly less. - Miyako: - You cannot hit with anything after her 236+C hits. - Her forward dash was tweaked, but I'm not sure how. (?) - Nrvnqsr: - 5+C is now EX cancellable and juggles up when it hits. - You can do things now during his air backdash. - His backdash goes back farther. - His ground throw hits more and tosses them back farther. You don't get circuit from it anymore. - Arc Drive (Beast super) is now unblockable, deal the same damage, but do not wallslam. - Ren: - Ground and air ice blades are no longer persistent. - EX Ice slowed down by a few frames. - Improved shield bunker hit box and speed. - First hit of 5+C hits "higher", and first two hits are cancellable. - 623+A sped up, less recovery and startup. - Air 2+C deals a bit more damage. - Satsuki: - Added a new move, 64321+C. It's sorta like a small version of V. Sion's Bite super, deals a bit, heals a bit. - Last Arc recovery is better; she can combo after it. - Shiki Nanaya: - Eyes of Direct Death is now blockable. - He has a new teleport move with 22+A/B/C. A makes him go halfway across the screen and through characters, B is a fakeout, C is a feint. - Shiki Tohno: - His Last Arc is now completely invincible, and deals a bit more damage. - Eyes of Direct Death is now unblockable, and you can hit with it OTG. - He has a new teleport move with 22+A/B/EX. A makes him go halfway across the screen and through characters, B is a fakeout, C is an unblockable teleport throw similar to Warcueid's. - Sion: - You can now air breakfall her 6+B throw. - You cannot combo after her air throw anymore. - You can guard 214+A crouching, but not 214+B. - Sion (Vampire): - Arc Drive (Bite super) recovers less life now. - You cannot combo after her B throw anymore. - You cannot combo after her air throw anymore. - Walachia: - His sprite is smaller when crouching, leaving him less open. - Kattos slowed down a bit. - You cannot breakfall his Spinny Cape Deal anymore, and he'll recover first. - Warcueid: - Super armor was removed from her 2+C. - You can now airblock air 2+C and C. - Smaller hitbox and slightly larger recovery on 236+A/B/EX. - Lowered invincibility on 214+C. - Added command attack 3+C. It's a delayed, blockable, but more powerful 2+C that moves her forward. You can only cancel this move if it's unblocked. 2.045 - Updated FAQ for version 2.006. NOT just a Ciel bugfix, there's tweaks for everyone else: - Akiha: - Apparently she could not induce counterhits. This was corrected. - Ciel: - Corrected the Seventh Holy Scripture bug in 2.005. - Kohaku: - You can no longer do her Crackbaby Kohaku super if she is in Blood Heat that is induced by doing a Crackbaby super. However, you can still do this super if you activate Blood Heat normally. Basically, you can't infinitely loop it anymore. - Shiki Nanaya: - 236+A is now actually super cancellable into all of his EX moves. - Sion (Vampire): - 236+attack and 623+attack have larger blades and a slightly larger hitbox. - 623+B comes out a bit faster. - Walachia: - Fixed a glitch for after Walachia finishes blocking. - There's been a tweak for his 623+C, but I haven't figured out what it is yet. Possibly something involving recovery time or juggle time. - There's also tweaks for his non-EX Tornadoes, EX Katto Upper, and all of his Katto Forwards involving damage, but I'm not sure what it is yet. - Warcueid: - Super armor time was increased on air 5+B and 2+C. 2.040 - Updated FAQ for version 2.005; these are my rough translations of the changelog included with the .exe. Preliminary versions, of course; further playtesting will mean the unknowns get more filled out. - System: - You can't land a Counter off a throw anymore. - Characters no longer float as long when counterhit in the air. (Not sure about this one...) - Manual Heat and Blood Heat circuit length is now based on how full the bar was when you did it; it doesn't fill all the way and drain instantly if you activate with only a little circuit. - Akiha: - It is confirmed that Miyako and Nrvnqsr are supposed to have special throw properties. - Akiha (Reversed): - It is confirmed that Miyako and Nrvnqsr are supposed to have special throw properties. - The second hit of her 2+B hits low. This means she can now double OTG relaunch the entire cast reliably; however, the third hit will not land OTG. - Arcueid: - Can no longer has her Shield cancel off 623+C. - You cannot do her guard cancel dash if you do not have at least 50% circuit, and doing the move will drain 50% circuit. - Ciel: - You cannot do her guard cancel dash if you do not have at least 50% circuit, and doing the move will drain 50% circuit. - You cannot airthrow a crouching opponent anymore. - The bug where she could not do directional ground breakfall was fixed. - A new bug was introduced: pressing C will make Ciel do her Seventh Holy Scripture automatically if you are in Heat or Blood Heat. - Hisui & Kohaku: - A glitch with not hitting the ground after a vertical jump was fixed. - Mech-Hisui: - A glitch with not hitting the ground after a vertical jump was fixed. - Miyako: - Some minor bugfix with displaying an error message. - Ren: - Minor bugfix with inability to shield. - Shiki Nanaya: - You cannot ground breakfall his air throw. - His airdash is tweaked so he doesn't recover to attack as fast. - 236+A is super cancellable, but not into 236+C. - Shiki Tohno: - You cannot ground breakfall his air throw. - Sion: - Air 214+B now deals 1 hit only and more damage. - 421+B is slower to come out. (I think.) - You cannot do her guard cancel dash if you do not have at least 50% circuit, and doing the move will drain 50% circuit. Although the changelog says this, I was able to do it fine. - A glitch with not hitting the ground after a vertical jump was fixed. - Sion (Vampire): - A glitch with not hitting the ground after a vertical jump was fixed. - Warcueid: - Cannot do anything after her air throw now. - 5+C and air 5+B hitboxes are larger. - Next thing to do: add getup times for characters. 2.035 - Yay for discovering things I never would've figured out without the Japanese. - Arcueid can interrupt her 623+C with low-shield before the finishing swipe comes out. - Minor note about corner differences. - Minor errata on Shiki Tohno's EX Slide. 2.030 - Updating FAQ for version 2.004. - Shiki Tohno's infinite has been removed (you can flip out after the 214+B). - Warcueid's infinite is still there, though. - You now have a variety of breakfall options in the air: whereas previously you could only do a neutral breakfall, now you can pick back, forward, or neutral by holding the appropriate direction while pushing any button. This is basically Street Fighter Alpha 3's breakfall system; in fact, the entire juggling system is now greatly reminiscent of Alpha 3, but with added OTG and wallslams. - Problem with this addition is that Satsuki's crossunder mixup game is now completely nerfed. - Ren's Shield Bunker no longer drains circuit. - Added some Nanaya and Warcueid errata. 2.020 - Updating FAQ for version 2.003, props to VManofMana from's forums and linalys from Beast's Lair. - Minor changes to Hisui & Kohaku, Miyako, and Warcueid's manual entries. - According to rough Japanese online translators, this was mostly a bug and stability fix. - Hisui & Kohaku's Maid Beatdown deals a teeny bit more damage. (Woo.) - The Shikis were NOT toned down. - Walachia's Night on the Blood Liar glitch is fixed. - Ren has an intro pose now. - Arcueid can now chain 2+B, C. Major step up to help her game, IMO. - Miyako's air throw can not grab ground opponents, and cannot be comboed after. But it deals a little more. - The Akihas' EX Flame Tongue is back to 100% circuit usage. EX Flame Pits now will always drain Blood Heat. - Warcueid walks a bit faster. - Added some major errata to White Ren; she's not been revised since the original, so she can still OTG throw, combo after throw, and such. - Added some errata for the Sions' throws. - Added infinite info. Shiki Tohno and Warcueid have one. - Added Sion errata. - Reordered G-Akiha after Executioner Ciel instead of before. Dur, I R smrt. - Added in some character OTG info, after experimenting with Reversed Akiha; this is all in her section, since she's the only one who can OTG combo in such a way. - The Akihas' throws are no longer variable against Sion. They still are against Miyako, though, and now Nrvnqsr's suspectible to them too. 2.015 - Updating FAQ for version 2.002, mostly thanks to Anon Spectre: - Ren and Satsuki's throws are now breakfallable. - Ren's 5+C's last hit can be buffered, it hits 5 times instead of 4, and it will completely wiff OTG. - Arcueid's throw infinite has been removed. - Arcueid's A Uppercut can now only hit 5 times max. - Arcueid's 4+B can now be charged. - Akiha (Reversed)'s Activation now wallslams. - 300% EX moves no longer have variable circuit drains (with two exceptions). - Satsuki and Nanaya's 300% EX moves are now unblockable. - Miyako's A Dynamite Punch has been sped up. - Arcueid, Warcueid, and Shiki Tohno' 5+C charge move is unblockable. With Shiki, it can be blocked if at just the right distance. - Hisui and Shiki Tohno's Last Arc drains all circuit. - Automatically reloading Sion's gun is slower than manually doing it. - Walachia's EX Kyasutto deals more hits and slightly less damage up close. - Minor errata for the Shikis. 2.010 - Removed Strategy section. If people want to send stuff in that's fine, but there's too much out there right now for me to want to compile it by myself. The forums have a few ReACT threads, as do the GameFAQs boards. - Added Giant Attack Mode. - Removed Personal Opinions. - Added stuff about dash characters, and Eyes of Direct Death blockability. - This will probably be the last update for a while. 2.001 - Just some editing for now, after the massive 14-hour rewrite-a-thon. - Some minor cleanup for Ciel, Hisui & Kohaku, Mech-Hisui, Miyako, Nrvnqsr, Ren, Sion (Vampire), Walachia, Warcueid. - Changed the spelling to "Neco-Arc". It looks cuter. - I like "Ren" better, so it stays. - Saw a Japanese combo video, adding some errata... - Arcueid's Shiki-specific Last Arc. - Ciel's full damage info for her Last Arc. - Juggle potential of Shiki Tohno, Akiha (Reversed), and Nrvnqsr's Last Arc. - Range of Shiki Nanaya's Last Arc. 2.000 - Okay, so I lied. Here, a rewrite with integrated errata, separate move descriptions, and damage totals. Still no real movenames, though. The hiddens do not have a full rewrite simply because they don't have full movesets - Added some info on damage scaling for jumping/crouching characters. - Shield Bunkers can be done from blockstun, but eat circuit. - Added info on critical hits. - Added percentage gains for blocked and landed basic hits. 1.555 - Added in a whole new whack of errata thanks to Anon Spectre. - Characters whose Last Arc requires full circuit instead of getting it free. - Wallslam/juggle info for Heat/Blood Heat activation. - Throws which increase circuit. - New Shield Counter/Bunker circuit percentage gain. - New Shield Counter/Bunker information. - Errata for Akiha, Akiha (Reversed), Aoko, Arcueid, Ciel, Mech-Hisui, Ren, Shiki Nanaya, Satsuki, Shiki Tohno, Sion, Sion (Vampire), and Walachia. - Changed some antiquated terms for: low airdashing (goshuJINsama), and some characters' 300% EX moves. - Removed the bit about MBRUnlocker.exe not working; new version's been made. - Changed copyright notice. Apparently some people thought I was trying to start something, which is not the case. I simply do not want to be involved in their activities. 1.150 - Updated the FAQ for ReACT 2.001. Changes include: - Hisui & Warakia's improved Blood Heat Arc Drive - Miyako and both Akiha's improved Last Arc. - Attack data info in Training mode. - The game seems more stable now, and doesn't cause massive memory issues if you play it for a prolonged time. - The 300% shield/circuit glitch is fixed. (I knew it was a glitch!) - The floating character glitch seems fixed as well. - Ren can no longer OTG throw, except against Ren. - Corrected the command for Arcueid's Uppercut, and added in her infinite A Uppercut (J-ReACT BBS). Corrected command for Dash Swipe (tkhm). - Corrected romanization of "Satsuki Yumizuka". (Desturel) - Major change to the Strats section. Almost all of the infinites and 100% combos in the game have been rendered impossible. Arcueid still has her (limited) infinite. - There is now a "three wallslams maximum" rule. - Damage scaled more severely in 2.001. 50-60% combos now will only deal 40-45%. - Airdashes toned down. They're slower, and double midair C attacks are harder to pull off (but still possible with characters that have short jumps, like Ren). 1.140 - Added some personal opinions. - Added some general info on chargeable specials. Only Kohaku and Ciel seem to have them; anyone else know of any more? - More strats for Akiha, Reversed Akiha (yukinose), Hisui & Kohaku, Miyako (linalys), Ren (J-boards), and Satsuki (VManofMana, yukinose). - Added errata on Akiha/Akiha (Reversed)'s Fire Pit thanks to alextansc. - Added errata on Nrvnqsr's Crows, Ren's 5+C blockability, Warcueid's jump. - Important: added an update from Watanabe Productions about the bugs in ReACT. See below in To Do List. - Added errata on Akiha's throw against Miyako, revised the bugs/secrets section to account for MBRUnlocker.exe. 1.135 - Adding more strategies... - Added everyone's Shield Counters. - Updated life ratings. Simple version: Ren/White Ren and Warcueid all take 110%, Akiha (Reversed) takes 120%. - Updated info on 300% circuit without automatic Heat thanks to linalys. - Added some Walachia info thanks to Mellow RG. - Added some tactics seen in Japanese MB replays, specifically for Ren's corner infinite and Last Arc. 1.130 - Added more glitches, errata, and combos thanks to alextansc and linalys. - Kohaku and Nrvnqsr's character gravity verified (they can be OTG thrown by Ren). - Bit more info on the Universal Infinite and New Universal Infinite. At this time the New Universal Infinite seems to only work on Nrvnqsr and Walachia. - Reworked wall/OTG rules section. - Removed Flow. - Replaced all instances of "7 jump cancel" with "9 jump cancel", I'm an idiot... - Added in errata about normal/command moves that chip. - Tweaked the Gameplay Changes section. - More formatting. It's not as ugly as it was before! Really! - Added in temporary movelists for the hiddens. - Added in G-Akiha's placeholder movelist. 1.120 - Added all known infinites at this point, done by Kamo. - Removed the Rankings section. It doesn't matter anymore. - Added a new section to Engine, the New Universal Infinite. - More errata, specifically about character gravity. 1.110 - Added some further errata thanks to alextansc, Anon Spectre, and SS7MH from the GameFAQs boards and linalys and tjm from Beast's Lair: - Added new info for just about everyone. - Brief descriptions of the hiddens' moves. - Added a Strategy section. - Added errata here and there. - Added Wallslam properties in Engine. - Added Shield Bunker info. - Added 300% EX meter drain info. - Redid the formatting a bit. - Updated the status of the hiddens' potential to be unlocked (short version: right now, they can't be). 1.050 - Movelist mostly done, pending some error checks. All the 4/8 matches are done. 1.040 - Movelist almost done. Am finishing up the predetermined matches, added a bit of information about Counters. 1.030 - Added info on charge moves, and launchers. 1.020 - More info added... everyone's Last Arcs (except for the hiddens) and engine analysis. 1.010 - Added some sections and more information. 1.000 - Started the FAQ. ============== II. To Do List ============== - Add in meter gain for everyone's moves? Blech, what a pain... - Add info on characters' Heat activations and the hitboxes? - Build a section about each character's shielding area? - Try to break the game again. - Add wakeup times for characters. - Find more about character-specific damage proration. ========================== III. What is this FAQ for? ========================== This FAQ is a work in progress for details and analysis on the game, Melty Blood ReACT, which is a sequel to the very popular doujinshi fighting game Melty Blood. This FAQ will cover moves for the characters, analysis, and strategies. It is not a story or continuity FAQ; I am not a translator and I don't want to pretend I am one, although anyone who can help me in that regard is definitely welcome to do so. Revolve Translations is working on an English patch to the game, I believe. A couple of things before you start: the notation I will be using is as follows: 7 8 9 4 5 6 A B C D 1 2 3 where the numbers represent joystick directions if the player was facing right (1P), A is light, B is medium, C is heavy, and D is shield. The FAQ will assume that you are at least familiar with the basics, if not the advanced strategies and engine comprehension, of Melty Blood. If not, it's not a problem, but I'm not going to explain all of it. Peter Tsai has written an excellent FAQ for Melty Blood that covers the basics. This FAQ will also assume you have a working copy of the game. It isn't going to explain every small detail like damage totals and move descriptions and such, just the things you can't simply pull up from the game itself. There will be a focus on actual gameplay elements. ========== IV. Format ========== The game has several modes of play. - Story Mode: This is from the original Melty Blood, nothing new here. - Arcade Mode: This is the new feature. Each character has their own path, but the story is generally the same. A mirror-Ren has caused illusions of last summer's villains to reappear. Walachia/Tatari is suspected, so you go out to find out what's going on. (This differs slightly from character to character.) - Versus Mode: Just a normal, non-plot mode for pure fighting. You can play someone else, the AI, or watch replays of matches. - Giant Attack: A hidden mode. Hold Shield when you select Arcade. In this mode you will fight a single round against G-Akiha and be timed as to how fast you can beat her. ================================================= V. Gameplay Changes from the Original Melty Blood ================================================= Engine ------ - Arcade Mode consists of 10 battles. You will only get to battle 10 if you beat everyone without continuing. Every character faces a predetermined battle at 4 and 8, and everyone faces White Ren for 9 and Aoko for 10. All of the predetermined battles and the two bosses have permanently filled magic circuits. - The game moves about 10-25% faster (estimate). While this does make the action a bit more exciting, it also invalidates some of the meticulous gameplay aspects the original had by making them impractical. - Recovery time has been tweaked so the original Melty Blood's "universal infinite" concept no longer applies (see Engine). Many characters do not have very practical or effective launchers, and air combos are highly restricted. The new brands of launchers seem to be: - a double move, such as Akiha's 5+B, B - a natural move, such as Kohaku's 5+C - or an OTG juggle such as Arcueid's 2+C -> 5+B/C or Ren's 2+B -> 5+B. OTG juggles require jump cancelling and *lots* of precision and speed. - Characters can now be wallslammed and OTGed differently. A character may only touch the wall or ground twice before they become invincible to any further hits. Meters ------ - When you lose life, you have a reddish portion of your bar that shows up. This is energy that can be regenerated by entering Heat or Blood Heat. Being hit will drain your normal, yellow life and a bit of your red, regenerative potential life. - The vitality bar has been removed, so all dashes, shields, and dodges are now free. This was a major step up in my opinion. The increased speed makes shielding that much more difficult, though. - Guard crushing seems to be removed. - There are critical hits are in the game. Once in a while your character will deal more than normal on a move, about 101-125%. This seems to be determined totally at random, and the screen will flicker red very quickly when it happens. The easiest way to land criticals is to land a move that has a high hit count, to increase probability. - Magic circuit no longer charges automatically when you're idle, but also charges about 1.5x faster now. You cannot gain circuit when you are performing a throw, an EX move, or being thrown. Some characters have exceptions. - Here's a list of meter increases for the game: - Blocked A: slightly less than 5.8% - Blocked B: slightly greater than 7.2% - Blocked C: slightly greater than 14.4% - A: 6.8% - B: 8.5% - C: 17% - Throw: None (with exceptions) - Special Moves: Depends on move - EX Move: None - Blocked Shield Bunker: slightly greater than 14.4% - Blocked Shield Counter: ??? - Shield: 20% - Shield Bunker: 17% - Shield Counter: 20% + attack afterwards (with exceptions) - An attack that is shielded will not yield circuit. You do not gain circuit if you shield while in Heat or Blood Heat. Heat/Blood Heat --------------- - One of the new systems in ReACT is the Blood Heat system. This replaces the previous, simpler system of "three levels in a single super bar". Instead of storing 300% circuit, you will automatically go into Heat mode. You can also manually enter Heat mode if you tap 222+D with at least 100% circuit. - While in Heat, your character's circuit will deplete gradually, and your character will have a bluish aura. You will regenerate red life slowly as long as you are not blocking, being hit, or getting up. Your Heat circuit will not deplete if you are being thrown or touching the ground. - You can do a normal EX move for about 25% circuit. Heat mode is also the only time you can do a 300% EX move. All 300% EX moves empty the circuit automatically back to 150%. If you let the meter run out by itself, it will end up at 150% unless you manually invoked Heat, which will drain it to 0%. Manually invoking Heat will shorten the duration depending on how much circuit you had when you did it. - If you tap 222+D while in automatic Heat (that is, at 300% circuit), you will enter Blood Heat. While in Blood Heat, your character's circuit will deplete gradually, and your character will have a white or fiery aura. You will regenerate life *very* quickly as long as you are not blocking, being hit, or getting up. - In Blood Heat, you can execute the Arc Drive version of your character's 300% EX move, which is the more powerful version of it. This will instantly empty your circuit back down to 0% regardless of what the normal version drains. You can still execute 100% EX moves as in normal Heat with the same 25% circuit cost. - The Blood Heat circuit will drain to 0% after you run out of meter or execute your Arc Drive move. The available time is determined by how full the bar was when you executed the 222+D. - Invoking Heat or Blood Heat will make your character flash for a moment. This flash can hit the enemy, but won't kill them. It has absolute priority and will either wallslam or juggle if it hits (some characters have exceptions), and is unblockable. - There's supposed to be damage scaling in Heat/Blood Heat, but I haven't found the exact numbers yet. Movement -------- - You can now super jump by holding a downwards direction before an upwards one. - You can now airdash and doublejump freely, i.e. airdash, then doublejump. - Airdashes vary from character to character. Some have faster ones. Airdashing from a ground dash will make you do a quick, long airdash. - Wallslamming is much more prevalent, but has some properties associated with it. (See Engine) - Crouching characters take about 7% more damage. Jumping characters take about 9% less damage. - The corners are not equal. It is possible to cross up and switch sides on the right corner with moves that do not cross up in the left corner. This, interestingly enough, is the exact opposite of the same corner phenomenon in certain Capcom games, notably Street Fighter Alpha 3 and the Capcom vs. SNK series. Commands -------- - You can super cancel special moves into super moves unless otherwise mentioned. - Shielding in midair no longer slows your descent. There is also a slight bit of recovery afterwards. - Not all characters have the same area of affect when shielding. - All characters have a Shield Bunker, which is done by shielding with 214+D. This will shield and retaliate with a move. You can buffer into Shield Bunkers, but not from them. Shield Bunkers don't chip. Shield Bunkers can be done while in blockstun, but will deplete 50% circuit. If you use this manuever when you don't have 50% circuit, anything you normally would do to build circuit will deplete it instead until you start over at 0%. - All characters have a Shield Counter, which is done by doing 236+D after a successful shield. Depending on what kind of shield it was, the Shield Counter will have different effects. Shield Counters have an EX move flash but cost 0% circuit. Crouching Shield Counters are always of the "dash" or "switch sides" variety, and can be cancelled early by doing a move or pressing a direction. A Shield Counter that is simply an EX move will not increase meter like usual. - Charge moves are no longer done by "holding (X) button, then the direction, then releasing (X) button"; instead, you just hold the button, which is what would've made sense the first time. Some characters can charge their special moves or even EX moves. - All characters have a Last Arc, which is triggered when shielding while in Blood Heat. Some characters need to shield when in midair, some while standing, some while crouching. This will prompt an automatic retaliatory move. - New to ReACT is the Counter. A Counter is when you hit an enemy with an attack that obviously stops theirs from coming out. When this happens, the enemy will not be reeled back as normal but will actually be juggled up into the air, where you can combo them. They also cannot breakfall this juggle, and hitstun will be lengthened slightly. Counters deal less damage than normal as a result of this, by about 4% less. Life Ratings ------------ - Every character has a distinct life rating which scales the amount of damage that they take. In addition to this, certain characters have moves that will scale the damage of a combo utilizing that move further. Also, the damage a character takes will vary according to how much life they have left. Here's a breakdown of all that. Note that this section is not complete, as Watanabe is still revising the game. - Character-Specific Damage Scaling: Note that "normal" characters fall in the 90% bracket, so the damage totals in the rest of the FAQ are based on that. Because of this, the errata will state extra damage taken as 10% greater than what's written here, which is the true, unbiased value. - 85% Damage: Hisui, Mech-Hisui - 90% Damage: Akiha, Arcueid, Ciel, Kohaku, Nrvnqsr, Sion, Shiki Tohno - 100% Damage: Miyako, Satsuki, Shiki Nanaya, Sion (Vampire), Warcueid - 110% Damage: Akiha (Reversed), Ren, Walachia - Life-Specific Damage Scaling: - 85% Damage: - 90% damage tier: - 100% damage tier: - 110% damage tier: - Normal-Specific Damage Scaling: - Will be covered in the final releases of the FAQ, when it's rewritten to have information on every character's moveset. ============== VI. Characters ============== Here's a quick introduction to the format these movelists are in. Note: All damage formula are calcuated upon a standing character with 100% life rating upon damage level 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Character Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: who their first midboss is - Match 8: who their second midboss is - Activation: How their Heat/Blood Heat activation hits the enemy Charge Moves ------------ 5+C: Description of charge move, and properties. (# hits, avg. damage) 6+B: Description of charge move, and properties. (# hits, avg. damage) Command Moves ------------- 6+C: Description of command move, and properties. (# hits, avg. damage) Shield Bunker ------------- Description of Shield Bunker and properties. (# hits, avg. damage) Move 1: commands [EX] --------------------- A: Description of the A version and any special properties. (# hits, avg. damage) B: Description of the B version and any special properties. (# hits, avg. damage) EX: Description of the A version and any special properties. (# hits, avg. damage) Move 2: commands [EX, air only] ------------------------------- Errata about move. A: Description of the A version and any special properties. (# hits, avg. damage) B: Description of the B version and any special properties. (# hits, avg. damage) A (air): Description of the midair A version and any special properties. (# hits, avg. damage) B (air): Description of the midair B version and any special properties. (# hits, avg. damage) EX: Description of the A version and any special properties. (# hits, avg. damage) Super Move 1: commands [Heat, Blood Heat] ----------------------------------------- Errata about move. Heat: Description of the Heat version, and any special properties. (# hits, avg. damage total) Blood Heat: Description of the Blood Heat version, and any special properties. (# hits, avg. damage) Last Arc -------- Description of Last Arc and activation conditions. (# hits, avg. damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Description of air Shield Counter, and special properties. (# hits, avg. damage). Ground: Description of ground Shield Counter, and special properties. (# hits, avg. damage) Crouch: Description of crouch Shield Counter, and special properties. (crouch Shield Counters don't attack) Errata ------ - Descriptions of the character's quirks and their moves and other stuff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akiha Tohno ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Match 4: Shiki Nanaya - Match 8: Ciel - Activation: Wallslam Charge Moves ------------ 5+B: Delayed version of her 5+B. (3 hits, 1699 damage) Command Moves ------------- 2+C (air): Akiha flips and stomps her heel down. This no longer wallslams, but will interrupt her jump trajectory. (1 hit, 720 damage) 4+C: Akiha lashes out with a backhand blow. (2 hits, 973 damage) 6+C: Akiha does a cossack kick. This comes out much quicker now, and will wallslam if it hits an airborne enemy. (1 hit, 540 damage) 2+B x 3: Akiha does two low swipes, then comes from above with a third. The last hit won't combo, but is an overhead and will juggle them upwards. (2+1 hits, 798+450 damage) 5+B, B: A mid blow, then an upwards swipe. Launchs. (2 hits, 1020 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- A low, sliding swipe that will sweep. (1 hit, 1125 damage) Flame Tongue: 236+A/B [EX, air] ------------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Akiha cuts loose with a ribbon of flame. This comes out fast and goes downwards, can be used in a combo. (3 hits, 958 damage) B: This version goes upwards and has a fair bit of startup, so it won't combo. It deals a little bit more damage, though. (3 hits, 1045 damage) EX: Sends out both high and low flame ribbons. Note: damage for this move varies due to the large number of hits invoking a high chance of criticals. As of version 2.003, this move will net 20.4% circuit if it hits. (27 hits, 3130 damage) A & B (air): The flame tongues seem to always arc downwards, and only hits once. (1 hit, 360 damage) EX: (air): This one has a bit of wider range, and kind of starts above Akiha. This version will net up to 66.4% circuit back. (8 hits, 2562 damage) Flame Pit: 22+A/B [EX, air] --------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. If an enemy stands within the fire pit, they will gradually lose life. If they are in Heat or Blood Heat, the moment they step in the pit they will be drained to 25% circuit. This move will eventually disappear after about 30 seconds real-time. A: Akiha makes a pit of fire right in front of her. Tap the command again to ignite it. (3 hits, 742 damage) B: Akiha makes a pit of fire right under the opponent, wherever they're standing. This has a tiny bit more startup than A. (3 hits, 742 damage) EX: The fire pit will be created right in front of her. The EX version drains life twice as fast, and will still drain Heat and Blood Heat. The ignition field is slightly wider. (6 hits, 1391 damage) A & B (air): Akiha will make the pit directly under her no matter which you use. You cannot ignite a pit in mid-air. (3 hits, 742 damage) Flame Column: 214+A/B [EX] -------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. Both A and B versions reach the same distance. A: Akiha ignites a flame column right in front of her. This has lag at the end. (1 hit, 540 damage) B: Akiha ignites a flame column right in front of her. This has startup, but no end lag so you can combo after it. (1 hit, 450 damage) EX: Akiha ignites a bigger column right under the enemy, wherever they are. Has a bit of startup. You can combo after it. (8 hits, 2262 damage) Reverse Uppercut: 421+A/B [EX] ------------------------------ Cannot be super cancelled. If blocked, Akiha will land next to the opponent, but if not, she will bounce away from the last hit. You cannot ground breakfall the A or B versions. A: Akiha turns around, swipes up, then down. (2 hits, 1181 damage) B: Akiha dashes up to you first, then does the swipe part. (4 hits, 1813 damage) EX: Almost the same as her B version, but the EX places Akiha in the air for a followup air combo. (4 hits, 993 damage) Origami: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] ----------------------------------- Heat: Far away, this unleashes a gout of flame from one hand. This version will wallslam. Close, she'll grab them and burn them in a column of flame. This version will leave them in the air. (Far: 13 hits, 3476 damage; Close: 31 hits, 4263 damage) Blood Heat: Same as the Heat version, but the screen goes ablaze and thus can hit for some piddling damage. You can OTG combo after the close version. (Very Far: 1 hit, 450 damage; Far: 13 hits, 3476 damage; Close: 47 hits, 5224 damage) Last Arc -------- Done on the ground. Akiha will pull flame ribbons from the air down at you. You can combo after this. (26 hits, 4334 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Her midair 2+C command move, which will juggle up instead of knockdown. (1 hit, 662 damage) Ground: Sends a bunch of flame tongues your way, high and low, while walking forward. (21 hits, 2557 damage) Crouch: Dashes and switches sides. Errata ------ - 5+C will wallslam if it hits an enemy in midair. - Against Miyako and Nrvnqsr only, Akiha's throw will be the same as her original (variable number of hits and thus variable damage). Against everyone else, it will always hit seven times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Akiha Tohno (Reversed) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Satsuki Yumizuka - Match 8: Shiki Nanaya - Activation: Wallslam Charge Moves ------------ 5+B: Delayed version of her 5+B. (4 hits, 1588 damage) Command Moves ------------- 4+C: Backhanded swipe. (2 hits, 973 damage) 6+C: Her cossack kick. Akiha (Reversed) gets the slow version. This wallslams. (1 hit, 540 damage) 2+B x 3: Two low swipes, and a third overhead swipe that juggles upwards. Hers will combo, unlike Akiha's. (7 hits, 2224 damage) 5+B, B: Her launcher. The first hit has super armor. (2 hits, 1020 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- A low, sliding swipe that sweeps. (1 hit, 900 damage) Flame Tongue: 236+A/B [EX, air] ------------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Akiha (Reversed) cuts loose with a ribbon of flame. This comes out fast and goes downwards, can be used in a combo. (3 hits, 1045 damage) B: Akiha (Reversed)'s version has no startup, and goes upwards. (3 hits, 1045 damage) EX: Sends out both high and low flame ribbons. As of version 2.003 it only requires 100% circuit, and you gain 20.4% if it hits. (27 hits, 3150 damage) A & B (air): The flame tongues seem to always arc downwards, and only hits once. (1 hit, 360 damage) EX: (air): This one has a bit of wider range, and kind of starts above her. It doesn't last as long as Akiha's, but nets up to 66.4% circuit back. (8 hits, 2562 damage) Flame Creeper: 214+A/B [EX] --------------------------- Can be super cancelled. A: Akiha (Reversed) creates a column of fire which moves forward. (3 hits, 1045 damage) B: Comes out a bit slower but hits more. (5 hits, 1686 damage) EX: The EX version will keep going about 90% across the screen, so try to do it and mix things up. Damage and hits are variable. (2-33 hits, 496-2894 damage) Flame Pit: 22+A/B [EX, air] --------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. If an enemy stands within the fire pit, they will gradually lose life. If they are in Heat or Blood Heat, the moment they step in the pit they will be drained to 25% Heat. This move will eventually disappear after about 30 seconds real-time. A: Akiha makes a pit of fire right in front of her. Tap the command again to ignite it. (3 hits, 742 damage) B: Akiha makes a pit of fire right under the opponent, wherever they're standing. This has a tiny bit more startup than A. (3 hits, 742 damage) EX: The fire pit will be created right in front of her. The EX version drains life twice as fast, and will still drain Heat and Blood Heat. The ignition field is slightly wider. (6 hits, 1391 damage) A & B (air): Akiha will make the pit directly under her no matter which you use. You cannot ignite a pit in mid-air. (3 hits, 742 damage) Reverse Uppercut: 421+A/B [EX] ------------------------------ Cannot be super cancelled. If blocked, Akiha (Reversed) will land next to the opponent, but if not, she will bounce away from the last hit. You cannot ground breakfall the A or B versions. A: Akiha (Reversed) turns around, swipes up, then down. (2 hits, 1181 damage) B: Akiha (Reversed) dashes up to you first, then does the swipe part. (4 hits, 1813 damage) EX: Almost the same as her B version, but the EX places Akiha (Reversed) in the air for a followup air combo. (4 hits, 993 damage) Origami: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] ----------------------------------- Heat: Far away, this unleashes a gout of flame from one hand. This version will wallslam. Close, she'll grab them and burn them in a column of flame. This version will leave them in the air. (Far: 13 hits, 3476 damage; Close: 31 hits, 4328 damage) Blood Heat: Same as the Heat version, but the screen goes ablaze. You can OTG combo after the close version. (Far: 16 hits, 4185 damage; Close: 46 hits, 5224 damage) Last Arc -------- Done on the ground. Akiha fires off a huge blast of crimson energy in the enemy's face. This has some startup, and she can be hit out of it, but you can combo afterwards. (18 hits, 3834 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: EX Flame Tongue. (8 hits, 2562 damage) Ground: EX Reverse Uppercut. (4 hits, 993 damage) Crouch: Dashes and switches sides. Errata ------ - Akiha (Reversed) takes the most damage of any character in the game, about 121%. - She moves *much* faster than normal Akiha. - She can airdash twice. - She will no longer drain life from an enemy if she's standing close to them. - Her C throw will drain life, though. It always hits the same number of times now (7 hits), except against Miyako and Nrvnqsr (10 hits) who can also breakfall it. - Her midair 5+B is normal Akiha's midair 5+C. - Her midair 5+C is normal Akiha's midair 2+C and will knockdown. - 5+C will wallslam if it hits an enemy in midair. - She no longer seems to have the winpose where she turns around. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aoko Aozaki ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: - Match 8: - Activation: Wallslam Charge Moves ------------ Command Moves ------------- Shield Bunker ------------- Blue Fireball: Outwards Arc: 214+A ---------------------------------- Sends out 12 fireballs that arc outwards and at the enemy. Gold Fireball: Ceiling Shoot: 214+B ----------------------------------- Sends out a single fireball that sprays downwards and reflects off the walls and floor. Blue Fireball: Explosion Array: 214+C ------------------------------------- Sends out a blue shot that explodes outwards and reflects off the walls. Gold Fireball: Straight: 236+A ------------------------------ Sends out four clustered shots. Gold Fireball: Ricochet: 236+B ------------------------------ Sends out eight shots which arc downwards, then forwards off the screen, then back the other direction. Gold Fireball: Spread: 236+C ---------------------------- Sends out eight shots straight from her hand that bounce off the walls. Magical Gunner Miss Blue: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] ---------------------------------------------------- Heat: "Sphere!" One arm beam. "Break!" The other arm. If the enemy is within the first sphere she unleashes, this move will be unblockable. (13 hits, 5342 damage) Blood Heat: "Sphere! Break! Slider!" The Arc Drive version adds in a kick at the end which sends out shockwaves. Still unblockable up close. (18 hits, 6732 damage) Last Arc -------- Shield Counters --------------- Air: Ground: Crouch: Errata ------ - As of version 2.003, Aoko has no crouch, and no jumping attacks. Trying to do a jumping attack will make her do a ground attack and shift her standing plane up. Trying to crouch will make her sprite freeze. - 5+B will wallslam. - If you play her in Story Mode you will have one match before you automatically win (with no ending). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arcueid Brunestud ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Ciel - Match 8: Executioner Ciel - Activation: Wallslam Charge Moves ------------ 5+B: Slower version of 5+B, overhead move. (2 hits, 1330 damage) 5+C: A slow version of her 5+C. This is unblockable. (1 hit, 1350 damage) 4+B: Slower version of her 4+B, which launches. This move can hit crouchers, but deals no extra damage. (1 hit, 810 damage) Command Moves ------------- 2+B (air): A diving swipe. Knocks down. (1 hit, 675 damage) 2+C (air): A spinning tackle. Arcueid will pop up slightly in the air before this hits. Knocks down. (2 hits, 1137 damage) 3+B: An uppercut that launches, but you don't seem to be able to combo after it. (1 hit, 900 damage) 4+B: A flying knee attack that launches. This counts as one of her jumps. It will hit crouching characters (except for the really tiny ones). (2 hits, 1036 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- Downwards swipe, looks like her 214+B Rekka-Ken finisher but isn't. (1 hit, 900 damage) Rekka-Ken: 236+A/B x 2 -> 236+A/B or 214+B [EX] ----------------------------------------------- Can be super cancelled if you're not using the 214+B finisher. You can switch between the A and B versions for any of the hits except the 214+B finisher. A: Arcueid does a series of three swipes, and the last one ends according to which version you use. 236+A/B will make her do a low swipe that trips. 214+B will make her do a short-range, overhead blow that won't combo. (3 hits, 1560 damage) B: Carries her a bit farther. (3 hits, 1912 damage) EX: Multi-hitting version with short range, like the A version. The last swipe will wallslam. (12 hits, 3281 damage) Uppercut: 22+A/B, 66+A/B [EX, air] ---------------------------------- Can be super cancelled. A: Arcueid does an upward swipe, then a forward one. This can be ended with another 22+A for a total of five hits. This move has an invincible frame. (5 hits, 2647 damage) B: Goes a bit higher and more forward. This one can't be comboed infinitely. This move has an invincible frame. (5 hits, 2904 damage) EX: Arcueid does two uppercut rotations. There isn't a finisher for this one, however, if you do 66+C while using A or B uppercut, she'll do an EX finisher that wallslams instead of doing her normal midair Uppercut. (7 hits, 3486 damage) A (air): Air version. Arc goes straight up instead of going forward like on the ground. You can't follow this move up with the 66+A/B, only 66+C. (2 hits, 1361 damage) B (air): Same, but hits more. You *can* follow this one up with 66+B/C. (5 hits, 2829 damage) EX (air): Same old. Due to air damage scaling, this move deals less than the ground version. (5 hits, 3074 damage) Dash Swipe: 623+A/B, 6+A/B [EX] ------------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Arcueid slides forward and swipes down, then up. Wallslams. (2 hits, 1837 damage) B: A bit more startup, but goes forward more. Wallslams. Has a bit more leeway to enter the second command. (4 hits, 2551 damage) EX: Does both parts as one command, you can skip the 6+A/B part. Wallslams. (8 hits, 2861 damage) Dash Elbow: 214+A/B [EX] ------------------------ Can be super cancelled. A: Arcueid leaps forward with her elbow. Hits once and juggles up. (1 hit, 720 damage) B: There's a bit of startup that makes it uncomboable. Hits twice, and doesn't juggle up. Super cancellable on the 2nd hit only. (2 hits, 1771 damage) EX: Her old "se-no" combo from original MB, but as only one command now. You can't interrupt this move anymore. (4 hits, 2957 damage) Teleport: 66 after blockstun ends --------------------------------- Arcueid does her old A teleport. This no longer works as a separate move, as Warcueid has that. This move cannot be done if you do not have at least 50% circuit, and will drain 50% circuit. Melty Blood: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] --------------------------------------- Heat: Arcueid summons chains from the ground which can hit anywhere on the screen. Standing farther away increases activation very slightly. (11 hits, 3324 damage) Blood Heat: Adds in the blood-claw part at the end. The claws won't hit if you're at the very edge of the screen, and will wallslam if they hit. (19 hits, 5534 damage) Last Arc -------- Done in the air. Blasts the enemy with a white column of energy while she hovers in the air as Princess Arcueid. Against the Shikis, she will fill the screen with golden beams of energy instead. (Normal: 7 hits, 4136 damage; Shikis, 18 hits, 3752 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Midair 2+B command move. (1 hit, 765 damage) Ground: EX Uppercut. (7 hits, 3653 damage) Crouch: Teleports and switches sides. Errata ------ - She no longer has her midair 22 mini-jump, Shiki Nanaya has that. - Her throw still has two variations: wallslam (if you do nothing), and groundslam (if you hold 2 while she's grabbing them). Groundslam no longer plants them on the ground, they will bounce upwards. - Her dash will flip sides when she reaches the opponent. - Her 5+C will wallslam if it hits the enemy in midair. Press it again and Arc will chase them. - Arcueid doesn't seem to have her anti-Cross Counter move (shield Ciel's 5+A x 3) anymore. - Her 5+B will slam down if it hits an airborne opponent. - You cannot combo after her air throw anymore as of version 2.002. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ciel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Akiha Tohno (Reversed) - Match 8: Arcueid Brunestud - Shield Counters: Air, does her EX midair Hiero. Ground, does her EX Flip Kick. Crouch, dashes forward. - Activation: Wallslams Charge Moves ------------ 4+B: High overhead kick. You can add 236+B after this for a wallslam flip kick, but it doesn't count as a combo for some reason. 236+B won't come out unless the first hit lands. (1+1 hit, 810+723 damage) 5+C: Slow version of her 5+C. (1 hit, 1620 damage) Command Moves ------------- 2+C (air): A sword dive. This will come down at an angle and cut her jump trajectory short. Will chip. (1 hit, 900 damage) 4+B: High overhead kick. This version isn't actually an overhead. You can add 236+B afterwards for a wallslam flip kick, but it doesn't count as a combo. 236+B won't come out unless the first hit lands. (1+1 hit, 583+723 damage) 4+C: An upwards slice with a knife. (2 hits, 1063 damage) 2+B, B: A hop kick after a crouching punch. This will only come out after the punch hits twice. Ciel is considered to be in the air for the duration of the kick, which will juggle up. (3 hits, 1560 damage) 2+C, C: A sweep kick, then an upward kick. Launches. You can do this move even if you don't land the first blow. You can buffer the second blow if it's blocked, as long as Ciel is still on the ground. (2 hits, 1292 damage) A x 3: A one-two-three punch combo. Last hit wallslams. The Cross Counter won't come out unless you hit with it. (3 hits, 1291 damage) 5+C, C: Stabs with one sword, then spins and throws another with purple energy. Second hit cannot be buffered and knocks down. (2 hits, 1591 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- A long-ranged right hook that comes out very quickly for a Shield Bunker and juggles up. (1 hit, 1080 damage) Swords: 214+A/B, 4+A/B, 4+A/B/C [EX, air] ----------------------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. If you hold the button down while doing this move, Ciel's swords will be on fire and will juggle upwards instead of comboing fully. This is a multiple-choice move. Here's the path. A/B: A single sword at midlevel. Both of these do the same thing. [ leads into ] 4+A/B: The second move MUST be the same button as whatever you used for the first move. A will throw two swords higher up, B will throw two that are slightly spaced wider apart. [ leads into ] 4+A/B/C: You can pick any one of these for the finisher. A is the only one that will lead into a full combo, with three tightly-clustered swords. B and C will throw four swords, widely-spaced. 4+B/C: If you used the B version to start, you can do one more addition where Ciel tosses a sword from a hop. The first two segments will combo, but neither of the last two will. 214+A/B, 4+A/B, 4+A will all deal 6 hits and 2013 damage. The first half of the B-string deals 1306 damage, the second half deals 1713 plus one extra non-comboable hit for 315. EX: Ciel flips back and throws a mighty load of swords. Tweaked from the original this is now so slow it cannot be comboed from anything. (29 hits, 3301 damage) 214+A/B, 4+A/B, 4+A/B (air): Ciel throws a sword, then another, then four. You can only use the same button to finish this move. You cannot hold the button down to set the swords on fire. The last salvo won't combo. (2+4 hits, 885+1611 damage) EX (air): Ciel throws sword, sword, sword, then a bunch of swords. If not spaced right not all the hits will land, but this will combo and juggle up. (18 hits, 4150 damage) Hiero: 236+A/B [EX, air] ------------------------ Cannot be super cancelled. This is a multiple-choice move. Here's the path. A/B: Ciel will fly towards her corner and... (nothing): ... dismount and do nothing. You can hit 4 or 6 to control her descent. A/B/C: ... dive towards the enemy. The angle depends on where she mounted the wall and which button you pressed. Ciel has no recovery from this move and can combo afterwards. (3 hits, 1045 damage) 214+A/B/C x 2: ... cling to the wall and throw one sword down at a sharp angle. The second command will make her bounce off the wall, throwing a second sword at a less-steep angle. Button doesn't seem to affect anything. (405 damage each) wait, then 214+A/B/C: ... throw down three swords in a V shape. This only works if you do the move after she dismounts from the wall. EX: Ciel does a bunch of rapid runpasts that juggles up. Can be comboed into itself. The farther away she is from the wall the more hits it deals. (6-19 hits, 1143-2864 damage) A (air): Ciel will dive down and not hit. Is a fakeout move. B (air): Same as her walldive move, but doable in the air and will juggle the enemy up. (3 hits, 1045 damage) EX (air): Dives down, juggles the enemy up, and recovers instantly so you can combo afterwards. (3 hits, 1306 damage) Flip Kick: 22+A/B [EX, air] --------------------------- Can be super cancelled. A: Flip kick. Anti-air, but predictable. Only super cancellable on the ground. (1 hit, 900 damage) B: Goes a bit higher, and hits more. Super cancellable on ground or air. (3 hits, 1846 damage) EX: Does two cycles. (6 hits, 2835 damage) A (air): Air flip kick. Good for ending combos. (1 hit, 900 damage) B (air): Hits more. Can only be super cancelled on the first hit. (2 hits, 1361 damage) EX (air): Does three cycles (9 hits, 3105 damage) Bladesinger: 623+A/B [EX] ------------------------- Can be super cancelled. A: Ciel lines three of her Black Keys up and slides at you. (2 hits, 885 damage) B: Same, but with startup and juggles up. (3 hits, 1237 damage) EX: This move comes out fast enough to be comboed into, and you can charge it up to two "sparks", resulting in three varying levels of damage. The first level will juggle the enemy up, the second will leave them on the ground, and the third will make Ciel switch sides. (First: 3 hits, 2429 damage; Second: 3 hits, 3138 damage; Third: 3 hits, 4744 damage, unblockable) Teleport: 66 after blockstun ends --------------------------------- Ciel does her dash immediately out from blockstun. This move cannot be done if you do not have at least 50% circuit, and will drain 50% circuit. Seventh Holy Scripture: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] -------------------------------------------------- Ciel will have hyper armor as she runs, and as she puts her robes back on; she'll take normal damage but won't be knocked out of her animations. Heat: Ciel pulls out her gun and runs at you, then fires the horn outwards. This is much slower and shorter-ranged than before. (10 hits, 4834 damage) Blood Heat: Ciel runs at you, then lifts her gun up and fires up into the air... with you on it. (19 hits, 5576 damage) Last Arc -------- Done in the air. Throws down some flaming swords. I've yet to land all the hits in a full combo with this myself, but I've seen it done. (19 hits, 3998 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Midair EX Hiero. This Hiero may look the same, but enemies can breakfall it quicker than the normal EX Hiero. (3 hits, 1045 damage) Ground: EX Flip Kick. (6 hits, 2975 damage) Crouch: Dashes and does *not* switch sides. Ciel is quite possibly the only character in the game who does not. Errata ------ - Her grounddash is very low and will go under most projectiles. She also has a few shielding frames on it. - Ciel falls slightly quicker than average; not enough to make most OTG tricks whiff, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Executioner Ciel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: - Match 8: - Activation: Charge Moves ------------ Command Moves ------------- Shield Bunker ------------- Seventh Holy Scripture - Blast: A or C -------------------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A/C: Ciel fires a shot from her gun. Wallslams. (1 hit, 1800 damage) Seventh Holy Scripture - Run: B ------------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. B: Ciel does the Arc Drive version of her 300% EX. If blocked, she has very little recovery. (19 hits, 5697 damage) Last Arc -------- Shield Counters --------------- Air: Ground: Crouch: Errata ------ - Executioner Ciel has permanent hyper armor (cannot be hit out of her moves) and the Seventh Holy Scripture out at all times. - As of version 2.003, Executioner Ciel has only two moves, cannot jump or crouch. - As of version 2.003, if you try to shield, Ciel will strike a winpose and the match will end in a draw. - Executioner Ciel's dashes are slower than her normal version's. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G-Akiha ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: - Match 8: - Activation: Charge Moves ------------ Command Moves ------------- Shield Bunker ------------- Last Arc -------- Shield Counters --------------- Air: Ground: Crouch: Errata ------ - As of version 2.001, trying to play G-Akiha will crash the game and erase all your saved data. She can only be an opponent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hisui ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Miyako Arima - Match 8: Neco-Arc - Activation: Wallslam Charge Moves ------------ 5+C (air): Charged table to the face. This move has quite a large number of shield frames. (1 hit, 1080 damage) 5+C: Not really a charge move, but Hisui will run forward and chair you. (3 hits, 1558 damage) Command Moves ------------- 4+B: Hisui breaks out a waterpot. If the stream touches the enemy's feet, they'll be swept and will lose 20% circuit. They will gain 3.8% as they get up. (1 hit, 90 damage) 5+B, B (air): Upwards book slam, then a downwards one which knocks down. You can't buffer the second hit. (2 hits, 975 damage) 6+B: Upwards ladle whack. Launches. (1 hit, 720 damage) 6+C, C: Upwards frying pan whack, then downwards for a knock down. Neither hit can be buffered, but both will chip. (2 hits, 1656 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- Hisui will appear to do nothing. If she's hit, she'll shove a vase in the enemy's face for a wallslam. (1 hit, 900 damage) Furniture-Fu: 22+A/B/C ---------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Hisui will lay down a tarp with a lunch on it in front of her. If the enemy walks over it, it'll blow up and juggle them up. The lunch will disappear in about 5 seconds real-time. You can only lay down two lunches at any given time. This move hits low/is unblockable. (1 hit, 900 damage) B: Exploding lunch goes halfway across the screen. Also disappears after 5 seconds. You can only lay down two lunches at any given time. This move hits low/is unblockable. (1 hit, 900 damage) C: Hisui lays down a chair. The chair will not damage anyone, but will prevent the enemy from walking normally; all of their forward motion will be about halved. You can only lay down four chairs maximum at any given time. Ladle-Fu: 236+A/B [EX, air] --------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Hisui jabs a bunch of times with a ladle, then uppercuts with a spatula for a wallslam. The spatula won't combo. (6 hits, 1593 damage) B: More ladle jabbing, and the spatula will launch instead of wallslam. (9 hits, 2227 damage) EX: The spatula will combo for this one, and launch. (17 hits, 3023 damage) A (air): The air versions just have the ladle. (8 hits, 1597 damage) B (air): A bit of startup on this one. (12 hits, 2274 damage) EX (air): You never thought a ladle would kick this much butt, did you? (17 hits, 2772 damage) Featherduster-Fu: 623+A/B [EX] ------------------------------ Cannot be super cancelled. A: Hisui dusts the area in front of her. (2 hits, 1151 damage) B: Hisui dusts the area above her. This can hit both standing and airborne enemies if they're relatively big. Ren, Miyako, and Neco-Arc won't be hit. (2 hits, 1361 damage) EX: This can hit up to four times, but there's a lot of pushback. Only works well in corners or between Chairs. (4 hits, 3884 damage) Random Stuff-Fu: 214+A/B [EX] ----------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Hisui throws books, vases, pots, lamps, hangers, baking pans... it's all randomized. Everything is the same (i.e. goes across the screen) except for the book, which falls open 90% across the screen; the vase, which falls short at 85% of the screen or so; and the pot, which falls short at 90%. She will throw one object for this move. (Vase or pot is 1 hit, 900 damage; lamp is 1 hit, 810 damage; book is 1 hit, 450 damage; baking pan is 1 hit, 630 damage; hanger is 1 hit, at 720 damage.) B: A bit more startup, but she throws two things. The damage depends on what she throws, which is randomized once more. (2 hits, 1065-1700 damage) EX: Five things! The Tohnos must have lots of junk. Damage is still randomized since the items can be any one from the above list. (5 hits, 2438-3383 damage) Hisui Hadouken: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] ------------------------------------------ Heat: Hisui winds up and throws a fireball. You can charge this now according to the number of "swoop" sounds you hear. One to four swoops is the first level, four to six swoops is the second, and seven to nine is the third. After nine swoops, the fireball will automatically release. The third level wallslams if all the hits connect. (First: 3 hits, 2614 damage; Second: 5 hits, 4160 damage; Third: 8 hits, 5038 damage) You can also look at how big the sphere is as she's charging up for a similar reference. Blood Heat: Bigger fireball that can't but comes out instantly and wallslams. All the hits will only connect if you're not exactly next to them and not in the corner. (1-8 hits, 720-5038 damage) Last Arc -------- Done on the ground. Hits you with her spiral typographical error attack. This will reverse your controls, I believe. (1 hit, 388 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: A knee dive. I've yet to land this as a non-Counter. (1 hit, 496 damage scaled) Ground: A version of Ladle-Fu for a wallslam. (6 hits, 1593 damage) Crouch: Dashes and switches sides, then bows. The bow is cancellable by doing anything. Errata ------ - Hisui's headbutt throw will sometimes make her fall on her butt. In this event, Hisui will recover very slightly before the opponent does. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hisui & Kohaku ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Akiha Tohno - Match 8: Neco-Arc - Activation: See the respective sisters' activations. Note: All of the sisters' moves are the same, and won't be relisted here. Check errata for some minor changes. Charge Moves ------------ See the respective sisters' charge moves. Command Moves ------------- See the respective sisters' command moves. Shield Bunker ------------- See the respective sisters' Shield Bunkers. Tag Out: 22+D ------------- Cannot be super cancelled. Switches from Hisui to Kohaku or vice versa. It won't work unless you hear the clap. If they're surrounding the enemy, it can be rather confusing as they switch. Assist: 214+A/B/C ----------------- Cannot be super cancelled. This calls in the non-active sister for an assist move. You get no meter from any of these moves. Kohaku will do... A: ... the spinny tree. (8 hits, 1792 damage) B: ... the missile drop. (3 hits, 1569 damage) C: ... a jumping broom to the face. (2 hits, 1417 damage) Hisui will do... A: ... a running shove to the face. (1 hit, 450 damage) B: ... a chair to the head. (2 hits, 1771 damage) C: ... a jumping table to the face. (1 hit, 900 damage) Maid Beatdown: 214214+C [Heat] ------------------------------ There does not seem to be a separate Blood Heat version of this move. Heat: Hisui and Kohaku do a team attack. This move doesn't have as much range as it looks; you have to be standing next to them. You can't cancel it prematurely anymore, either. (23 hits, 3714 damage) Switch Super: 63214+C [Heat] ---------------------------- Heat: This will make the inactive sister do her 300% EX move. Kohaku will do her Kungfu Kohaku, Hisui will do her Hisui Hadouken. Note that being in Blood Heat will not make them do their Arc Drive versions. All damage values are the same as for the regular Heat versions of the moves. Last Arc -------- See the respective sisters' Last Arcs. Shield Counters --------------- See the respective sisters' Shield Counters. Errata ------ - You don't get Kohaku's missiles or Hisui's Random Stuff, they're preempted by the Assist move. You can still do Kohaku's missiles in the air, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kohaku ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Akiha Tohno (Reversed) - Match 8: Neco-Arc - Activation: Juggles up Charge Moves ------------ 5+C (air): Delayed version of her midair broom whack. (1 hit, 1620 damage) 2+C: Delayed version of her broom... sweep. (Sorry, had to say it.) (1 hit, 1620 damage) Command Moves ------------- 5+C: It's not a command move, but I figured it should be noteworthy as her launcher. (5 hits, 1818 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- Kohaku turns around for a sword swipe which parries, then does the swipe. (1 hit, 1350 damage) Swordswipe: 236+A/B, A [EX] --------------------------- Can be super cancelled. A: Kohaku slices a hidden sword from her broom. Recovery is massively improved but it's not foolproof. You can cancel this move into any other special move or her A finisher, which will juggle the enemy up. You can charge this move by holding A down, which will automatically sweep the opponent. (1 hit, 900 damage; 2 hits, 1597 damage with finisher; 1 hit, 1350 damage charged) B: Kohaku slices upwards. Okay for anti-air if you can anticipate. Hitting with this will knock the opponent down. You can only cancel this into her finisher. You can charge this too, which will wallslam. (1 hit, 900 damage; 2 hits, 1541 damage with finisher; 1 hit, 1620 damage charged) EX: Kohaku slices out. If blocked, nothing happens. If it lands, she does a dramatic pose. (1 hit, 2520 damage) Kohaku Missile: 214+A/B [EX, air] --------------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Flies on a broom 75% across the screen. Pressing A/B will make her drop a missile. Kohaku can no longer attack after dropping a missile. (3 hits, 1569 damage) B: Same, but she flies farther, about 85%. (3 hits, 1569 damage) EX: Kohaku drops a few missiles in slow succession. For best results use when 1.5 character widths apart from the enemy. (10 hits, 3345 damage) A (air): Kohaku flies 25% forward and drops a missile automatically. (3 hits, 1569 damage) B (air): Flies a bit farther, but otherwise the same. (3 hits, 1569 damage) EX (air): Kohaku drops a bunch of missiles close together. For best results use when right above enemy. (12 hits, 4012 damage) Potted Plant: 22+A/B [EX] ------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. You can only have one plant out at any given point in time. A: A pine which drills up at an angle. This hits all the way as it goes upwards, and positioning will determine how many hits it lands. For best results use about 3 character widths apart from enemy. (8 hits, 1690 damage) B: A tree that spins around. (8 hits, 1792 damage) EX: A rabid, punching cactus. The last hit wallslams. The act of throwing the pot out can hit, but won't combo. Once in a while you'll get Johnny the firebreathing venus fly trap, who won't combo because he spits fireballs that juggle up. Johnny spits eight fireballs. (18 hits, 3104 damage) Kung Fu Kohaku: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] ------------------------------------------ This move is unblockable. Heat: Kohaku dons a cheongsam and dashes forward to inflict pain. All the hits are unblockable, and the last hit wallslams. The part where she drops her broom can no longer hit. (3 hits, 4125 damage) Blood Heat: Some more punches and kicks thrown in for good measure. Also wallslams. The part where she drops her broom can no longer hit. (11 hits, 5792 damage) Crackbaby Kohaku: 1632132+C [EX only, Heat, Blood Heat] ------------------------------------------------------- This move can be done with only 100% circuit. Kohaku will pull out her medicine box, and the screen will freeze until she says "himitsu no..." After that, time resumes, and she injects herself and freaks out for a second. If she is hit or thrown at any point before she freaks out, the move will not work. Otherwise, Kohaku will gain a full-length Blood Heat circuit and hyper armor (cannot be hit out of moves by anything). Last Arc -------- Done on the ground. Kohaku retaliates with a sword swipe as a background of a weird lizard and some kanji fly around. (1 hit, 2430 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Does her Kohaku Missile but only drops 2. (6 hits, 2367 damage) Ground: Does A Swordswipe which sweeps. (1 hit, 1458 damage) Crouch: Rolls to the other side. Errata ------ - Jumping C will automatically knock the opponent to the ground. - You can backdash cancel her 5+C. - She doesn't seem to do the monologue anymore if you crouch for a minute or two, but she still laughs and does the cat thing. - On an off note, I was under the impression no one besides Geese Howard had that god-awful command motion, but apparently Watanabe hates us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mech-Hisui ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Neco-Arc - Match 8: Neco-Arc - Activation: Wallslam Charge Moves ------------ 5+C (air): Delayed mallet to the head. (1 hit, 1170 damage) 5+C: Delayed chainsaw swipe. This move will chip. (4 hits, 2432 damage) 2+C: Delayed lightsaber sweep. (1 hit, 2070 damage) Command Moves ------------- 6+C: A giant sledgehammer blow. Launches. (1 hit, 540 damage) 2+C (air): A flamethrower. Mech-Hisui will maintain her jump trajectory for this move. This move will chip. (8 hits, 2191 damage) 4+B: Wrist napalm. This move lasts a deceptively long time and chips. For best results standing one character width apart. (16 hits, 1902 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- Getter Lyger's Drill Arm attack! If you land all 8 hits of this you will gain 27.2% circuit. (8 hits, 1597 damage) Wrist Missle: 214+A/B [EX] -------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: She opens up her wrists, fires a missile that flies slightly upwards. Will juggle up. (1 hit, 675 damage) B: Fires two missiles which fly a bit faster and spread apart a bit. Will set on fire *and* juggle up. (2 hits, 1275 damage) EX: Lifts her dress and... unloads a dynamite keg from under it. (1 hit, 2160 damage) Electroshock: 623+A/B [EX] -------------------------- These moves do not chip. A: Makes lightning come from her fingers. Think Brocken from World Heroes. (4 hits, 1289 damage) B: Has a bit of startup, and hits more. (15 hits, 1575 damage) EX: This version knocks down. (19 hits, 3032 damage) Eye Beam: 236+A/B [EX] ---------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Eye beam. Won't hit ducking enemies unless you're fighting Nrvnqsr. Covers the whole screen instantly. (1 hit, 900 damage) B: ... eye beam, with startup. Won't hit ducking enemies either. Unless you're fighting Nrvnqsr. (1 hit, 1620 damage) EX: Guess what this is. *Can* hit ducking enemies... unless you're fighting Ren or Neco-Arc. For best results use point-blank. (5 hits, 2914 damage) Barrier: 22+A/B [EX] -------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Mech-Hisui raises a spherical forcefield around herself. Good for anti-air. Juggles up. (1 hit, 900 damage) B: This one is much slower but hits more, and juggle upwards. (7 hits, 1701 damage) EX: This one has no recovery at the end, so you can combo after it. Easier to do in the corner, though. (11 hits, 2773 damage) Railgun: 214+A/B [EX, air-only] ------------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Mech-Hisui pulls out a crossbow-like gun and fires three shots. She'll recoil a bit back up into the air afterwards. (3 hits, 1569 damage) B: Fires five shots, and will recoil back and up. Most characters are too short to be hit by all five, with Nrvnqsr and Walachia being exceptions. (4 hits, 2058 damage; 5 hits, 2530 damage) EX: Fires six shots which circle around, then home in on the opponent. (6 hits, 1989 damage) Lasso: 421+A/B [EX] ------------------- A: Mech-Hisui whips her hand at the enemy's ankle and throws them up in the air. This move won't connect unless the very tip hits. (1 hit, 1220 damage) B: Same move, but it will wallslam and you can combo afterwards. (1 hit, 1080 damage) EX: This version will place them next to you on the other side, electrocuted and open to be comboed. (1 hit, 740 damage) Mech-Hisui Parade: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] --------------------------------------------- Heat: Lots of Hisuis come out and run you over. The density of the Mech-Hisui mob varies, so sometimes not all the hits will land because the first few will juggle them up. (13 hits, 4079 damage) Blood Heat: They *fly* in and ram you. This attack is pretty much unavoidable, but it doesn't consistently hit the same. (25 hits, 5611 damage) Last Arc -------- Done in the air. Mech-Hisui takes off on a jet plane and rams past the enemy a few times. "Saturday Night Forever"? (4 hits, 5716 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Does A Railgun with three shots. Because of the angle of the move, it won't connect most of the time. (3 hits, 1569 damage) Ground: Fires eight pairs of missiles. Too bad this has startup. The missiles hit to set on fire, so not all of it will combo. (6 hits, 1412 damage) Crouch: Dashes and switches sides. Errata ------ - Her airdash, both forwards and back, will carry her upwards, and lasts almost twice as long as anyone else's. - Mech-Hisui dashes instead of running. You can cancel into her backdash, but you cannot cancel from her grounddash. - Mech-Hisui's standing throw will give her circuit. - Mech-Hisui's dash cannot be stopped early by pressing 4 or 6, but you can attack or jump to stop it. - Once in a while, Takashi Takeuchi (Tsukihime's character designer) will show up besides Mech-Hisui in her intro and winposes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miyako Arima ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Shiki Nanaya - Match 8: Neco-Arc - Activation: Juggle up Charge Moves ------------ None? Command Moves ------------- 6+C: Upwards punch. It won't combo from anything and has pathetic range. Skip it. Miyako has better ways of getting people in the air. This attack will chip. (1 hit, 900 damage) 6+B: A forward-moving elbow. Not as useful anymore because it juggles them up in the air. This move chips. (1 hit, 495 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- Her 6+C, but it moves her forward a bit more. If you're going to use that move, use this instead. (1 hit, 900 damage) Elbow Smash: 236+A/B, 236+A/B [EX] ---------------------------------- Can be super cancelled on either hit. You can do either A or B for either step of the move, and it will exhibit the appropriate properties described below. The followup to this move will wallslam if it hits an airborne enemy. A: Miyako dashes, elbows them in the face. Doing it again will make her do a shoulder check. The range on this is very limited. The recovery on the first hit is bad, but good on the followup. Note that the followup will not come out unless you land the first blow. (1 hit, 630 damage; 2 hits, 1035 damage) B: Miyako dashes slower, but goes farther. This won't combo from any of her normals. However, if Miyako is within one character width of her enemy, she will come at them from behind. The followup will also have the same crossup property all the time. Note that you must adjust your directions accordingly to the side she's facing. (1 hit, 1080 damage; 2 hits, 1603 damage) EX: Miyako rockets across 70% of the screen. If the enemy is within 3.5 character widths of her, she will switch sides before attacking. This attack wallslams and is unblockable in the air. (1 hit, 1620 damage) Doublekick: 623+A/B [EX, air] ----------------------------- Can be super cancelled. A: Miyako kicks one leg, then the other and juggles up. This is no longer unblockable in the air. Only super cancellable on the second hit. (2 hits, 1091 damage) B: Goes a bit higher, and hits more if done close. Not unblockable in air. (3 hits, 1570 damage) EX: Stuns more, so you can jump afterwards to air combo. This works best in the corner. (3 hits, 2648 damage) A (air): The midair A versions is quite weak. Skip it. Only super cancellable on the second hit. (2 hits, 841 damage) B (air): I haven't figured out a reason not to use this yet. Only super cancellable on the second hit. (2 hits, 1251 damage) EX (air): Will wallslam. (2 hits, 2102 damage) Dynamite Punch: 214+A/B [EX] ---------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Miyako hops forward, goes "DOKKAN!", and does a straight punch. Has super armor during the dash. If it hits on the ground, it'll juggle up. On an airborne enemy, it'll wallslam. (1 hit, 720 damage) B: Miyako hops forward *very* slightly more and has some startup before DOKKANing. This also has super armor, but won't combo from any of her normals. Will also juggle up on the ground, wallslam if it hits an airborne enemy. (1 hit, 900 damage) EX: This has exactly the range and speed of her A Dynamite Punch, but will always wallslam. (1 hit, 1980 damage) Stomp: 22+A/B [EX] ------------------ Cannot be super cancelled. A: Miyako stomps. Hits low. Can OTG combo up to 3 times. (1 hit, 720 damage) B: A bit slower, this version has more range and juggles up for an air combo. (1 hit, 630 damage) EX: With startup, but this one hits anywhere on the screen as long as they're on the ground. You can combo after this one, too. (1 hit, 1620 damage) Big-assed Stomp: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] ------------------------------------------- Heat: A stomp with ki and yelling. No longer 150% circuit for 80% damage, thank god. The range has been slightly decreased too, and recovery is a bit long if you don't land it. This is air unblockable still, but remember that airborne characters take less damage. (1 hit, 3420 damage) Blood Heat: A bigger aura burst on this one, and still air unblockable. Still bad recovery. (1 hit, 4320 damage) Last Arc -------- Done on the ground. Hops forward and does a Dynamite Punch for a wallslam. (1 hit, 2880 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Midair EX Doublekick. I've yet to land this as a non-Counter. Will wallslam. (2 hits, 2030 damage scaled) Ground: A wallslamming version of her 5+C shouldercheck. (1 hit, 900 damage) Crouch: Dashes and switches sides. Errata ------ - Miyako dashes instead of running. You can't cancel either from or to either dash, though. - Her 5+C chips. - Her throw no longer wallslams, but sets them up for a combo at close proximity. More useful, IMO, but will damage scale greatly. This move will not KO. - 5+C will wallslam if it hits a midair enemy. - Miyako falls quicker than usual and some OTG tricks won't work on her. - Miyako cannot cancel her ground dash except through jumping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neco-Arc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: - Match 8: - Launcher: 5+B - Activation: Charge Moves ------------ Command Moves ------------- 6+C: Flamethrower breath. Will juggle up, so it won't land all possible hits. This move will not chip. (2-4 hits, 1531-2904 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- Eye Beam: 236+A/B [EX] ---------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Hey, guess what this is. Covers the full screen in a straight line. Has some slight startup. Use close for best results. (8 hits, 2382 damage) B: "BIIIIIMU". Goes up at about 60 degrees, and has startup. (7 hits, 2124 damage) EX: Goes up at 45 degrees, lasts a deceptively long time. (26 hits, 4449 damage) Rocket Arc: 214+A/B/C [air only] -------------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Neco-Arc flies forward head-first in a straight line. This carries her halfway across the screen. (8 hits, 1920 damage) B: Same move, but she goes 99% across the screen (won't hit someone in the corner). (10 hits, 2701 damage) C: Same move, same distance, same damage. (10 hits, 2701 damage) Megaton Punch: 22+C ------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. Grabs them and punches them off the screen. You will learn to hate this move. On the good side, all the damage it deals can be regenerated. (1 hit, 1999 damage) Teleport: 214+A/B/C ------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. Neco-Arc disappears and reappears behind the enemy in a cloud of dust. Neco-Arc Storm: 41236+A/B/C [Heat, Blood Heat] ---------------------------------------------- As of version 2.003 the only difference between the Heat and Blood Heat versions of these moves is the B version. A: Neco-Arc calls out a few dozen other Neco-Arcs from a well, and they go flying up into the air. Fills the whole screen and can juggle you to death. (??? hits, ??? damage) B: Neco-Arc forgoes the well and just calls them out from the ground to go flying up. In Blood Heat, this is just the A version of the move again. (??? hits, ??? damage) C: Neco-Arc pretends she's Master Asia or Ko-En-Shaku and spins forward in a tornado before bouncing off the ground. I've never gotten this to hit more than twice. (2 hits, 618 damage) Call the Damn Sun: 63214+C -------------------------- Same as the Blood Heat version of Warcueid's move, it's unblockable once it lands. As of version 2.001 this move requires 0% circuit. (1 hit, 3600 damage) Last Arc -------- Shield Counters --------------- Air: Ground: Crouch: Errata ------ - Neco-Arc is about as big as crouching Ren, all the time. It's not that she's got a tough AI, she's just impossible to hit. - As of version 2.003 Neco-Arc does not have an airdash or double-jump. She also cannot buffer her normal moves. - She can crouch-walk forward *and* backward. - Neco-Arc can forward ground dash forever. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nrvnqsr Chaos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Ciel - Match 8: Arcueid Brunestud - Activation: Wallslam Charge Moves ------------ 2+C: Delayed 2+C. The charged version will launch. (1 hit, 1080 damage) Command Moves ------------- 4+C: A giant mantis leg sweeps up. Will launch, but you can't follow up for a combo. This move will chip. (2 hits, 1243 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- A delayed 5+B. For best results use close, but it has quite a far reach. Landing all five hits of his Shield Bunker will net you 27.2% circuit. (5 hits, 1332 damage) Crow: 236+A/B [EX] ------------------ Cannot be super cancelled. There is no limit to how many crows you can have on the screen. A: Nrvnqsr lifts an arm and shoots out a bird straight and fast. Everyone except the Shikis and Nrvnqsr can duck under this. (1 hit, 720 damage). B: This version has the crow fly up first and wait about 3 seconds before striking. It will shoot down at a shallow angle and reach 90% across the screen. (1 hit, 720 damage) EX: This has no delay anymore. Nrvnqsr lets loose with a few dozen crows which strike in front of him up to halfway across the screen. Note: damage for this move is slightly inaccurate because the sheer number of hits always guarantees at least one critical hit. (52 hits, 2778 damage) Hellsnake Thing: 214+A/B [EX] ----------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. If the snakes crawl off-screen, nothing will happen. You can only have one snake on the screen at any time. A: Nrvnqsr lifts his other arm, drops a snake. The snake will continue to writhe across the screen if you hold A down, and it'll turn into a hellmouth when you let it go. The hellmouth will nibble the enemy downwards and dump them onto the ground from the top of the screen. You can hit them as they are sinking down, but not as they get dropped from the top of the screen. (7 hits, 1539 damage) B: The snake will always turn into a hellmouth a character width away from Nrvnqsr. It'll only hit once but juggle up for an air combo. (1 hit, 900 damage) EX: He'll drop a snake, and it'll hellmouth under wherever the enemy is and juggle up for a combo afterwards. (1 hit, 2520 damage) Deer: 421+A/B [EX] ------------------ Cannot be super cancelled. You can only have one deer on the screen at any time. A: Nrvnqsr releases a deer from... somewhere. It will find the opponent and ram them. Very irritating. Juggles up for an air combo, but you have to be quick. (1 hit, 720 damage) B: The deer will try to ram twice. It won't combo, but it'll still do everything else. (1 hit, 720 damage) EX: Guess what this does! Yes, the deer will try to ram three times. (1 hit, 1350 damage) Arm Swipe: 63214+C [EX only] ---------------------------- Some creepy thing comes out from Nrvnqsr's chest and swipes a limb downwards. It's fast and covers half the screen. Will wallslam. There is no Blood Heat version of this move. (3 hits, 2476 damage) Big Freaking Beast Transformation: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] ------------------------------------------------------------- Heat: Nrvnqsr turns into a monster and rams the enemy. Hits once and unblockable, plus it goes all the way across the screen. There's a bit of startup. (1 hit, 3150 damage) Blood Heat: Turns into the monster, does *two* runpasts. He will steamroll from his current spot to the edge, then back to his original spot. Both hits are unblockable. (2 hits, 5028 damage) Last Arc -------- Done on the ground. Nrvnsqr's chest opens up and he unleashes a cone of raw chaos at the opponent. You can combo after this. (15 hits, 3836 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Knockdown version of midair 5+B. I've yet to land this as a non-Counter. (2 hits, 1140 damage scaled) Ground: 5+C. (4 hits, 1518 damage) Crouch: Dashes and switches sides. Errata ------ - Nrvnqsr cannot jump from a grounddash. He can also no longer control how far his dash goes. - Midair 5+C wallslams. - Nrvnqsr's air throw gives him circuit. - Nrvnqsr has problems throwing shorter characters away from the corners. He'll whiff the away attempt but will have no problems throwing her into the corners. - Some of his normals chip: 5+A, midair 5+A, 5+B, midair 5+B. - You can only EX cancel his 5+C. - You cannot cancel his crouch Shield Counter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ren ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Ciel - Match 8: Shiki Nanaya - Activation: Wallslam Charge Moves ------------ None? Command Moves ------------- 2+C (air): Ren surrounds herself with her glowy ball things. You cannot do anything after this attack: buffer, doublejump, airdash. (4 hits, 1371 damage) 2+C: Ren crouches, turns into a cat, then pounces in human-form outwards. She returns to her original position after the attack. This move is not bufferable. This isn't anything special by itself, but... (1 hit, 810 damage) 3+C: Ren crouches, turns into a cat, then pounces in human-form outwards. She moves forward after the attack. This move *is* bufferable. (1 hit, 810 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- An upwards swipe with her glowy ball thing. This will launch, but you can't follow up with an air combo. You get 20.4% circuit if this lands. (1 hit, 900 damage) Ice Blade: 236+A/B [EX, air] ---------------------------- Can be super cancelled, except for the ground B version. You can charge this move on the ground. A: Ren fires off a blade of ice down towards the ground. This doesn't hit low, however. The blade will juggle the enemy up into the air (no followup, though). (1 hit, 720 damage) B: Ren fires off an upwards ice blade. The blade will juggle the enemy up into the air (no followup). (1 hit, 720 damage) EX: Ren twirls and twirls and twirls and makes a deadly bouquet of ice blades from her back. This move is has no invincible frames, but it's unblockable in the air, and you can't breakfall until you hit the ground. It's now slow enough so that it only combos OTG. (8 hits, 2965 damage) A (air): This version goes forward, and she'll hover in air for a sec. Blade will persist, and juggles up but the enemy can't be hit afterwards. (1 hit, 720 damage) B (air): Goes up, hovers in air, blade persists, juggles up, can't combo afterwards. (1 hit, 720 damage) EX (air): Fires off a bunch of midair A Ice Blades. These start a bit beneath her, so it's hard to land in an air combo. (7 hits, 3174 damage) A (charge): This comes out very slowly, but inflicts enough stun to let you super cancel into EX Ice Blade, as it keeps the enemy grounded. (1 hit, 1350 damage) B (charge): Not as slow as charged A Ice Blade, and it sends both A and B versions out. They'll both hit only if close. (2 hits, 1361 damage) Spin Dash: 623+A/B, A/B [EX] ---------------------------- Only super cancellable on A version's circle kick. A: Ren twirls forward and does a circle kick. If you press A before the circle kick she will spin again, then do the kick (you can't interrupt a 2nd time). If you press B before the circle kick she will stop. A second spin will not combo with the first. (4 hits, 1191 damage) B: Ren twirls forward a bit higher and farther. This version won't combo from her normals. You can do the same finishers as with the A version. If not, she will do a circle kick that wallslams. (4 hits, 1893 damage) EX: Ren twirls forward and does a wallslamming circle kick. This one can't be interrupted. (9 hits, 3338 damage) Cat: 214+A/B/C -------------- Cannot be super cancelled. There can only be two cats on the screen at a time. A/B: Deposits a cat which walks across the screen. The cat's color determines what it does. - White: Will push the enemy back, but deal no damage. - Grey: Seems to do nothing. - Black: Knocks down. (1 hit, 90 damage) - Tabby: Juggles up for an air combo, moves fast across the entire screen. (1 hit, 90 damage) C: Releases a Neco-Arc which flies forward onto the ground, then rockets up into the air; it'll hit once when released and once as it flies up. The second hit will juggle up for an air combo. Note that this means the Neco-Arc will be a valid hitbox until it leaves the screen or touches the enemy. The two hits can't combo. (1+1 hits, 199+765 damage) Teleport:421+A/B/C ------------------ This move deals no damage. A: Ren ducks, and reappears in halfway across the screen in cat form. Very slow. B: Ren jumps... and fades away, not moving an inch. Rather quick recovery. C: Ren runs forward... and fades away, moving only a bit forward. Pretty bad recovery. Raging Demon: 41236+C [Heat/Blood Heat] --------------------------------------- Heat: Ren fires off an orb of energy that hits 3-23 times depending on how far away she is, and where the enemy is in respect to the screen edge. For best results, do while enemy is in the middle of the screen with Ren about 3 widths away, and run after them as they get hit. (3-23 hits, 652-3326 damage) Blood Heat: When in Blood Heat, the orb will hit only once, the screen will go dark, and Ren will do... something to the enemy in Raging Demon fashion. She may show up in a nightie or swimsuit before beating down. You can glitch this move by trading hits with the orb. If you succeed, you can hit the enemy freely as the beatdown goes on, though you won't be able to see anything. (16 hits, 5266 damage) Last Arc -------- Done in the air. Drops a cake on the enemy, then a bunch of forks and knives. You can combo after this move. (10 hits, 3439 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Drops a giant cake on the enemy. You can't combo after this. (1 hit, 1407 damage) Ground: Turns herself into a huge mallet with a ribbon and smacks the enemy. Juggles up, but you can't hit them afterwards. (1 hit, 1999 damage) Crouch: Dashes and switches sides. Errata ------ - Her 5+C is only bufferable on the first, second, and fifth hits. - Ren takes slightly more damage than normal, about 110%. - Ren falls quicker than normal and thus won't be hit by some OTG moves. - Ren will turn into a cat if she crouches, and can move forward while crouching. This reduces her size greatly to about Neco-Arc size, if not smaller. - Ren's jump is shorter and quicker than the rest of the characters. - Ice Blade is the only chargeable special move in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Satsuki Yumizuka ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Sion Eltnam Atlasia - Match 8: Ciel - Activation: Wallslam Charge Moves ------------ 5+C: A charged ground pound which will juggle up for an air combo. (1 hit, 1260 damage) 5+C (air): A charged punch which will bounce them up for an air combo. (1 hit, 1890 damage) 2+C: A charged sweeping attack. (2 hits, 1728 damage) Command Moves ------------- None? Shield Bunker ------------- A delayed Punch to the Face. (1 hit, 900 damage) Punch to the Face: 214+A/B [EX] ------------------------------- Can be super cancelled. A: A wild swing to the face. This move will leave her open if she's too close on the ground, regardless of if she hits or not. (1 hit, 900 damage) B: Satsuki winds up first before swinging. The windup has a bit of super armor. This move won't deal full damage if you're point-blank. (1 hit, 900 damage; 2 hits, 2033 damage) EX: Winds up first, and then SWINGS. This comes out instantly and wallslams. (1 hit, 2520 damage) Grab: 236+A/B [EX] ------------------ Cannot be super cancelled. A: Satsuki grabs, then throws the enemy in the other direction. (1 hit, 1569 damage) B: Same as above, but pushes them down to the ground so they bounce straight back up. It seems possible to juggle afterwards with an air combo, but I haven't managed it yet. (1 hit, 697 damage) EX: A little longer-range version of the B version, and you can't breakfall it. Definitely combo after this one. (1 hit, 2092 damage) Air Grab: 623+A/B [EX] ---------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Satsuki grabs, then throws the enemy in the other direction. (1 hit, 1569 damage) B: Same as above, but pushes them down to the ground so they bounce straight back up. It seems possible to juggle afterwards with an air combo, but I haven't managed it yet. (1 hit, 697 damage) EX: A little longer-range version of the B version, and you can't breakfall it. Definitely combo after this one. (1 hit, 2092 damage) Ground Pound: 22+A/B [EX] ------------------------- Only A can be super cancelled. A: Punches the ground (only one fist) and causes a shockwave. Juggles up, but too much recovery to combo afterwards. This move has an invincible frame. (1 hit, 900 damage) B: Punches the ground with one fist, then the other. Knocks down. This move has an invincible frame. (2 hits, 1591 damage) EX: Punches the ground a whole lot, and the last hit wallslams. This move also has slightly wider reach. (7 hits, 3070 damage) Bite: 632146+C [EX only] ------------------------ Satsuki reaches out to do a move similar to V. Sion's bite super. It will heal a tiny bit of her life, but has no priority at all. (1 hit, 1800 damage) Satsuki Goes Insane: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] ----------------------------------------------- This move is unblockable. Heat: Dashes forward, stabs you with her hands. Reaches just under half the screen. It doesn't look comboable, but it is -- just not easily. (1 hit, 2970 damage) Blood Heat: Dashes forward, stabs you with her hands, and then flails away screaming "BAKA!" ("Jerk!") and wallslamming you with a punch. If you're fighting the Shikis she'll scream "USOTSUKI!" ("Liar!)" instead and hit more times (but deal less damage, go figure). (23 hits, 5179 damage; against Shikis, 37 hits, 5134 damage) Last Arc -------- Done on the ground. Satsuki activates her Reality Marble and opens up the Depletion Garden, where autumn leaves kick the enemy's ass. You can combo after this move. (20 hits, 3442 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Midair 5+C that knocks down. I've yet to land a non-Counter version of this. (1 hit, 1490 damage scaled) Ground: A Punch to the Face that wallslams. (1 hit, 972 damage) Crouch: Dashes and switches sides. Errata ------ - Satsuki falls faster than the other characters. Lots of OTG/Invalid combo tricks won't work on her. - Satsuki cannot jump from a ground dash. She has a few shielding frames on it. - You can cancel into her grounddash, but not from it. - Satsuki has no air throw. - Jumping C will knockdown. - Her jumping moves seem to be restricted (i.e. cannot combo them, double- jump or airdash after them). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shiki Nanaya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Akiha Tohno (Reversed) - Match 8: Nrvnqsr Chaos - Activation: Juggles up Charge Moves ------------ 5+C: Delayed stab that's unblockable and juggles up, but can't be followed up for a combo. This is move is not unblockable. (1 hit, 2160 damage) Command Moves ------------- 5+B, B: His launcher. The second hit can be charged, and if not it combos from the first. The second hit is not bufferable if it doesn't connect. (2 hits, 1501 damage; 1+1 hits, 630+1530 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- 2nd hit of his 5+B, B. Launches, but you can't followup afterwards. (1 hit, 1080 damage) Overhead Flip: 214+A -------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. The old overhead flip that set up most of Shiki's combos in the original MB. You can't combo after it anymore, and it's only one knockdown hit. Still very fast. Nanaya has an effective range of 60% of the screen with this move. If the enemy's not within range of that, he won't do anything and will reappear at the 60% mark on the screen. (1 hit, 1080 damage) Horizontal Dash: 214+B ---------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. The runpast. Nanaya has an effective range of 60% with this move. If the enemy's not within that range, he won't do anything and will simply reappear. This move wallslams if Nanaya is more than 1.5 character widths away from his enemy. If he's within that range, he'll switch sides and juggle the enemy up in the air. (Wallslam: 1 hit, 810 damage; Runpast: 1 hit, 1440 damage) Trick Throw: 214+C ------------------ Cannot be super cancelled. The fakeout. Nanaya disappears, then reappears in front of the enemy and throws them to the other side. This move has an effective range of 50% and is unblockable. (2 hits, 871 damage) Stabby Happy: 236+A/B [EX] -------------------------- Only A can be super cancelled. A: Used to belong to Shiki. Lots and lots of knife slashes. Works better when up close. You can move Nanaya back and forth with 4 and 6 while he's doing it. (6 hits, 1240 damage) B: More stabbiness. This move doesn't build as much circuit as you think it may. You can move Nanaya back and forth while he's doing it with 4 and 6. (12 hits, 1962 damage) EX: Yet more stabbiness! You can move him back and forth with 4 and 6. (18 hits, 3321 damage) Anti-Air Kick: 623+A/B [EX] --------------------------- Can be super cancelled only on the first hit, when he's still on the ground. You can cancel this move into his Ground Drop if it hits. A: Kicks upwards, and that's it. (1 hit, 1350 damage) B: Kicks higher, and deals more damage and hits if close. (3 hits, 2206 damage) EX: Will juggle up and leave them open for a hit, but I've only managed to connect another EX Anti-Air Kick afterwards. (6 hits, 3158 damage) Teleport: 22+A/B/C ------------------ This move deals no damage. A: Nanaya teleports forward halfway across the screen and through opponents. B: Nanaya teleports... nowhere. It's a fakeout. C: Nanaya crouches, but doesn't teleport. It's a feint. Ground Drop: 22 [air only] -------------------------- Nanaya drops quickly to the ground. Good for fakeouts and relaunch combos. Eyes of Direct Death: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] ------------------------------------------------ Almost all of the damage inflicted by the Eyes of Direct Death cannot be regenerated. This move is now blockable. Heat: Nanaya's Eyes deal more than Shiki's, but lack the nifty shattering glass effect. You can actually connect with Nanaya's Eyes OTG, but it deals significantly less damage. (1 hit, 3780 damage) Blood Heat: Nanaya's a simple man. This move is the same thing but with an extra slash mark. You can OTG this but it cripples the damage. (2 hits, 5364 damage) Last Arc -------- Done on the ground. Nanaya flips on top of the opponent, then comes down with his knife in a burst of crimson. This move can hit the enemy anywhere on the screen as long as they're on the ground. (1 hit, 4140 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Midair 5+C that bounces the opponent up for an air combo. I've yet to land a non-Counter version of this. (1 hit, 662 damage) Ground: EX Stabby Happy. This is like Tohno's version which has a lot of pushback so not all the hits will connect. (20 hits, 3193 damage) Crouch: Dashes and switches sides. Errata ------ - You can cancel both from his grounddash and into it. - His grounddash has a few shielding frames. - Nanaya moves a bit faster than Shiki Tohno. - Nanaya's 2+B is a sliding stab that chips. - His midair 5+C is a downwards stab. - His 5+C is a jab. - His 2+C is a slidekick that trips. - Nanaya falls slower than any other character in the game except for Shiki Tohno. - Nanaya's throw gives him circuit. His air throw no longer wallslams. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shiki Tohno ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Nrvnqsr Chaos - Match 8: Warcueid - Activation: Wallslam Charge Moves ------------ 5+C: Delayed stab that juggles upwards (but can't be followed up). Unblockable unless you hit them with the very tip of the knife. (1 hit, 1980 damage) 5+C (air): A delayed jump kick which juggles upwards for an air combo. (1 hit, 720 damage) Command Moves ------------- 5+B, B: Swings his knife upwards. The second hit will combo now and launches. It cannot be buffered unless it hits. (2 hits, 1501 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- The second hit of his 5+B, B. Launches, but you can't followup with a combo. (1 hit, 1080 damage) Dash Cut: 236+A/B [EX] ---------------------- Can be super cancelled. A: Shiki slides forward and uppercuts with his knife. (1 hit, 1260 damage) B: A bit slower to come out, but hits 3 times and goes farther. Can only be super cancelled on last hit. (3 hits, 1560 damage) EX: Does the B version, then a downwards swipe as a wallslam finisher. (4 hits, 2716 damage) Slide: 214+A/B [EX] ------------------- Can be super cancelled. A: Shiki slides in a low kick that trips. You can OTG combo from this. (1 hit, 900 damage). B: Comes out a bit slower and goes farther. You can OTG combo from this. (1 hit, 900 damage) EX: A slide, and then a wallslam finisher. You can cancel the second hit of this move into any move. (2 hits, 1701 damage) Anti-Air Kick: 623+A/B [EX] --------------------------- Can be super cancelled only on the first hit, when he's still on the ground. The air kick finisher won't come out unless the first part lands. A: Just what it sounds like, with an air kick to finish it at the end. You can OTG combo from this. (2 hits, 1721 damage) B: Goes a bit higher. You can OTG combo from this. (2 hits, 2151 damage) EX: Have to be close to get full damage. You can OTG combo from this. (3 hits, 3793 damage) Teleport: 22+A/B [EX] --------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: A teleport halfway across the screen, and through characters. This move deals no damage. B: A teleport that goes nowhere; it's a fakeout. This move deals no damage. EX: A teleport that will land in an unblockable grab. (2 hits, 2649 damage) Eyes of Direct Death: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] ------------------------------------------------ Almost all of the damage dealt by this move cannot be regenerated. This move is now unblockable. Heat: Now with a nifty shattering glass effect. Shiki will zip past them and cut. This move OTGs now also. (1 hit, 3200 damage) Blood Heat: Same basic thing, but more hits. You can OTG this too. (17 hits, 5691 damage) Last Arc -------- Done on the ground. Shiki does a miniature Eyes of Direct Death, saying he'll show them the meaning of killing things! This juggles up for a combo, and is completely invincible. (1 hit, 1749 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Midair 5+C that bounces the opponent up for an air combo. I've yet to land a non-Counter version of this. (1 hit, 662 damage) Ground: Nanaya's EX Stabby Happy. The pushback is too great for all the hits to land. (20 hits, 3116 damage) Crouch: Dashes and switches sides. Errata ------ - Shiki falls slower than any other character in the game except for Shiki Nanaya. - You can cancel both from his grounddash and into it. - His grounddash has a few shielding frames. - His ground Shield Counter is the only way you can get his Stabby Happy move. - Shiki's throw gives him circuit. His air throw no longer wallslams. - Shiki has a corner infinite: 2+C, 5+C, B Dash Cut, repeat with OTG 2+C. Oddly enough, this doesn't seem to work on Arcueid, Sion, Sion (Vampire), Walachia, or Warcueid. Maybe vampires don't like infinites? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sion Eltnam Atlasia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Satsuki Yumizuka - Match 8: Shiki Tohno - Activation: Wallslam Charge Moves ------------ 5+C: Delayed high kick that wallslams. (2 hits, 1951 damage) 5+C (air): Delayed cycle kick, it juggles the enemy higher up into the air and is not air blockable. (1 hit, 828 damage) Command Moves ------------- 3+B: Launcher. Doesn't have the range it did from the original game. (1 hit, 630 damage) 6+B: Overhead swinging kick. It's just an overhead if you press the button, but you can charge this attack, which will bounce the enemy up into the air for an air combo. (Normal: 1 hit, 630 damage; Charged: 1 hit, 1530 damage) 6+C, 4+C: An overhead whip swing, then a tug back to trip. Both hits are bufferable, and the second hit chips. You cannot OTG after this move. (2 hits, 1510 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- Incredibly slow version of her 6+C which juggles up but can't be followed with a combo. (1 hit, 900 damage) Anti-Air Whip: 623+A/B [EX] --------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Sion twirls and brings her whip with her. Has some invincible frames. (2 hits, 1541 damage) B: Goes a bit higher. Has some invincible frames. (7 hits, 2202 damage) EX: Goes the highest. Has some invincible frames. (8 hits, 3120 damage) Gun: 236+A/B/C -------------- Cannot be super cancelled. Sion starts each match with 13 bullets loaded. If she runs out, she will automatically do Reload. A: Sion fires at the ground once... (1 hit, 360 damage) B: ... three times... (3 hits, 1045 damage) C: ... five times. All the moves have about 40% reach. (5 hits, 1686 damage) Reload: 22+D ------------ Cannot be super cancelled. Reloading manually is quicker than having her do it automatically when she runs out. Reloading when you have 13 does nothing. Restores her supply to 13 bullets. Not as slow as before, but still a bit slow. Leg Throw: 214+A/B [EX, air only] --------------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. This move will not chip. A: Sion dives down and tries to catch them in a slam. This is almost point-blank, and is blockable. (1 hit, 1046 damage) B: This goes down a bit farther but has startup. You cannot block this crouching. (1 hit, 1350 damage) EX: Goes down as far as her B version, but without the startup, and does five slams in a row. You can hold 4 or 6 to control the way she slams. Sion will end up standing in the direction she's slamming. (6 hits, 2852 damage) Whip Catch: 214+A/B [EX] ------------------------ Cannot be super cancelled. A: Sion tries to catch the enemy's ankle with her whip. If it lands it'll knock down. (1 hit, 828 damage) B: Sion tries to do the same, but this move will set them in front of her, open for a combo. This move can NOT hit OTG. (1 hit, 720 damage) EX: Sion does an extended version of her B Whip Catch. It can hit OTG and will set them up for a combo. (4 hits, 1713 damage) Slide Kick: 421+A/B [EX] ------------------------ Can be super cancelled. A: Sion ducks forward. It's a fakeout move. B: Sion ducks forward, then does a high kick that juggles up and can be followed by any move she has: specials, EX moves, normals, air combos. Very useful. (2 hits, 1411 damage) EX: Sion goes airborne with her kick, and you can follow it with an air combo. This counts as one of her jumps. (4 hits, 2226 damage) Teleport: 66 after blockstun ends --------------------------------- Sion does a roll immediately out from blockstun. This will go through enemies. Black Barrel Replica: 41236+C [EX] ---------------------------------- Heat: Sion flicks a bullet up and then fires her gun off into the air. This can actually hit ground opponents now, but to get the full damage you still need to hit them in the air. Note that the bullet flick can hit, and if it does so the rest won't connect on the ground. In the air it's not a problem. You can mash to get more damage if they're hit in the air. (Ground: 10 hits, 4497 damage; Air: 15 hits, 6565 damage) Blood Heat: Sion will run forward first, do her 3+B, then do the Black Barrel Replica. She will only run 95% across the screen; if you're all the way across from each other she won't reach. If the 3+B is stuffed the rest of the move doesn't happen. Mash for more hits. (16 hits, 7376 damage) Last Arc -------- Done in a crouch. Tethers herself down with her whip, then fires off a shot from the Black Barrel Replica in your face for a wallslam. (10 hits, 4243 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Midair charged 5+C, juggles further up into the air. (1 hit, 828 damage) Ground: EX Anti-Air Whip. (8 hits, 3177 damage) Crouch: Rolls and switches sides. Errata ------ - Sion has a B throw and a C throw. The B throw only deals 450 compared to C throw's 900, and the B throw can be breakfalled. - Her standing C throw will increase circuit. It cannot be breakfalled. - Sion's 2+C has autoshield until the whip comes out, and afterwards has super armor until she's facing backwards. - You cannot hit anything after her air throw. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sion Eltnam Atlasia (Vampire) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Ciel - Match 8: Shiki Tohno - Activation: Juggle up Charge Moves ------------ 5+C (air): Delayed cycle kick, it juggles the enemy higher up into the air. (1 hit, 828 damage) Command Moves ------------- 3+B: Launcher. Doesn't have the range it did from the original game. (1 hit, 630 damage) 6+B: Overhead swinging kick. Sion (Vampire) cannot charge this attack. (1 hit, 630 damage) 6+C, 4+C: An overhead whip swing, then a tug back to trip. Both hits are bufferable, and the second hit chips. You cannot OTG from this move. (2 hits, 1510 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- Incredibly slow version of her 6+C which juggles up but can't be followed with a combo. (1 hit, 900 damage) Katto Forward: 236+A/B [EX] --------------------------- A: Walachia's forward blades. Hitting with this leaves you open for a bit if the enemy's on the ground. The blades will persist even if Sion (Vampire) is hit. (1 hit, 1080 damage) B: Stronger version. This one is safe to hit with, and the blades will persist. (3 hits, 1830 damage) EX: "Katto, katto, katto, katto!" Nothing really special, it deals more damage. (3 hits, 2614 damage) Katto Upper: 623+A/B [EX] ------------------------- A: Walachia's upward blades. Juggles the enemy up in the air, but you don't have enough time to follow. The blades persist even if Sion (Vampire) is hit. (1 hit, 1350 damage) B: Stronger version. This can be comboed after if you're timing is good. The blades persist. (3 hits, 1982 damage) EX: "Katto, katto, katto, katto!" You cannot breakfall this until you hit the floor. Air combos ahoy. Keep in mind this version comes out slower than the other two. (5 hits, 2369 damage) Kyasutto: 22+A/B/C ------------------ A: Sion (Vampire) coils her whip and calls out the nightmare of Arcueid to do a wide horizontal uppercut. Works best when one character width away. You can air combo afterwards. (4 hits, 1344 damage) B: Sion (Vampire) calls out Satsuki with her B Punch in the Face. You can air combo afterwards. (1 hit, 900 damage) C: Sion (Vampire) calls out Akiha to walk and do a 6+C command kick for a wallslam. (1 hit, 1350 damage) Whip Catch: 214+A/B [EX] ------------------------ Cannot be super cancelled. A: Sion tries to catch the enemy's ankle with her whip. If it lands it'll juggle them into the air, but you cannot follow up with a combo. This move can hit OTG. (1 hit, 662 damage) B: Sion tries to do the same, but this move will set them in front of her, open for a combo. This move can NOT hit OTG. (1 hit, 720 damage) EX: Sion does an extended version of her B Whip Catch. It can hit OTG and will set them up for a combo. (4 hits, 1713 damage) Leg Throw: 214+A/B [EX, air only] --------------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. This move will not chip. A: Sion dives down and tries to catch them in a slam. This is almost point-blank, and is blockable. (1 hit, 1046 damage) B: This goes down a bit farther but has startup, and deals less. (1 hit, 1350 damage) EX: Goes down as far as her B version, but without the startup, and does five slams in a row. You can hold 4 or 6 to control the way she slams. Sion will end up standing in the direction she's slamming. (6 hits, 3158 damage) Vampire Bite: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] ---------------------------------------- Heat: An all-or-nothing move, Sion grabs you and takes a big bite. It deals about 31.5% average, and will heal her lifebar a bit (not just the red part, but the whole thing). It's also unblockable and doesn't seem affected by crouch damage scaling. (1 hit, 3150 damage) Blood Heat: This move deals about 43.2% and reaches about two character widths It's unblockable too and heals as well. Sion (Vampire) gets the Night on the Blood Liar smiley, cool. (1 hit, 4320 damage) Last Arc -------- Done on the ground. Her whip snakes out and her friend Reez Baife impales you with her Pile Bunker polearm for a wallslam. (8 hits, 5276 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Midair charged 5+C, juggles further up into the air. (1 hit, 828 damage) Ground: A series of katto's that juggles up. You can follow up with an air combo. (7 hits, 2416 damage) Crouch: Rolls and switches sides. Errata ------ - Sion (Vampire)'s 5+C is a three-hit downwards punch which is still bufferable, but only on the last hit and only for special moves. - Her 2+C is an arm sweep instead of the whip which comes out faster than normal Sion's. - Sion (Vampire) also has two throws, B and C. B deals 450, and C deals 900. Her standing C throw will increase circuit, and you can breakfall the B throw. - Her Heat Activation will not hit Satsuki, Sion, or Warcueid. It will also completely whiff Ren. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walachia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Ciel - Match 8: Arcueid - Activation: Wallslam Charge Moves ------------ None? Command Moves ------------- 6+C: Launcher. Will not combo from any of his moves anymore except 2+C. (1 hit, 1170 damage) 2+C (air): A slightly delayed knockdown version of midair 5+C. Walachia will float up a bit before doing this. (1 hit, 828 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- A delayed 6+C. Look, it even deals the same damage. (1 hit, 1170 damage) Katto Forward: 236+A/B [EX] --------------------------- Can be super cancelled after any of the three hits. A: You remember these, don't you? The blades aren't as long anymore. (3 hits, 1306 damage) B: Has a bit of startup, but reaches longer. (3 hits, 1830 damage) EX: Goes halfway across the screen and wallslams. (6 hits, 2879 damage) Katto Upper: 623+A/B [EX] ------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: The anti-air Katto. This one juggles up but is too slow to allow for juggling. (1 hit, 1350 damage) B: This one is better. It reaches halfway up to the ceiling. (3 hits, 1982 damage) EX: "Break!" Maybe Walachia took a cue from Aoko. Juggles up, *and* Walachia recovers before it ends, so you can air combo to your heart's desire. (5 hits, 2518 damage) Kyasutto: 214+A/B/C ------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Walachia summons a nightmare Akiha (Reversed) to do her Reverse Uppercut. This bounces the enemy up for an air combo followup. (1 hit, 720 damage) B: He summons Nanaya to do his Runpast. The Runpast will always be an actual Runpast, and will only juggle the enemy up slightly to be comboed afterwards. (1 hit, 1080 damage) C: Summons Nrvnqsr to do his Arm Swipe that somehow only hits once. This won't hit point-blank, and Walachia can combo afterwards. (1 hit, 1440 damage) EX Kyasutto: 63214+C [EX only] ------------------------------ Cannot be super cancelled. Walachia summons Warcueid to throw her B Blood Circles. This move can only be done with at least 100% circuit. If you do it up close, the act of summoning Warcueid will hit them as well for 2 extra hits. (2+2 hits, 354+2953 damage) Spinny Cape Deal: 421+A/B [EX, air] ----------------------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. You cannot breakfall this move. The ground version deals no damage. A: Walachia disappears and reappears halfway across the screen, but he will never reappear behind the enemy. B: Walachia will reappear right behind the enemy. C: Walachia will teleport halfway across the screen, behind the enemy if in range. A (air): Walachia spins at the enemy and flies off-screen, to reappear right in front afterwards. Hits depend on positioning somewhat. (5 hits, 1381 damage) B (air): Same thing, but hits more. (11 hits, 2697 damage) EX (air): The seventh hit is hard to land consistently. (7 hits, 3685 damage) Tornado: 22+A/B [EX] -------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Makes a tornado come up from the floor right next to him. You can combo after this. (6 hits, 1156 damage) B: Tornado appears halfway across the screen. You can combo after this too, but spacing is a bit harder. (6 hits, 1156 damage) EX: The tornado starts next to him and moves forward. Hits are determined by time spent in it. Fifteen is about the most you can get without interfering, but you can combo while this move happens (preferably knocking them back down into it). (15 hits, 2427 damage) Night on the Blood Liar: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] --------------------------------------------------- Heat: The move we've all come to know and love. The tornado will find the enemy anywhere on the screen, but is air blockable. After that, you get the creepy smiley face, which no longer deals 28000+ damage by itself. You can still tack on a hit before the smiley face. (12 hits, 4491 damage) Blood Heat: Even better, Walachia summons all of his Kyasutto nightmares to beat on you while you're in the tornado. Walachia remains occupied for the duration of this move, so you can't do anything fancy. (28 hits, 5285 damage) Last Arcs --------- Walachia is the only character who has two Last Arcs. 1) Done in a crouch. Walachia disappears, and rends the screen with a few claw marks, reappearing on the other side. (6 hits, 2704 damage) 2) Done on the ground. Walachia does the Cape Spinny Deal three times, getting huger each pass, and then does his bloody smiley face thing. Lasts a really long time. (36 hits, 4170 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Knockdown version of midair 5+C. I've yet to land a non-Counter version of this. (1 hit, 828 damage scaled) Ground: Sends forth a Katto Forward, which then rends the screen with more blades from the air. Has a bit of startup. (7 hits, 2416 damage) Crouch: Dashes and switches sides. Errata ------ - You can't OTG with his throw anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Warcueid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: Ciel - Match 8: Walachia - Activation: Juggle Charge Moves ------------ 5+C: Delayed version of 5+C that wallslams. (1 hit, 1800 damage) 5+B: Charged overhead. Only the second hit is bufferable. (2 hits, 1063 damage) Command Moves ------------- 2+C (air): Like Arcueid's spinny flaily deal, but this hits 7 times and knocks down. (7 hits, 1907 damage) 3+C: Like her 2+C, but moves her forward and is slower to come out. You can only cancel this move if it's unblocked. (1 hit, 1512 damage) Shield Bunker ------------- Downwards swipe that juggles up. It's the first hit of Arcueid's 623+A/B. (1 hit, 1080 damage) Blood Uppercut: 236+A/B [EX] ---------------------------- Can be super cancelled. A: Warcueid lifts her arm and a crimson aura rips up. This version is fast and will persist even if she gets hit. Juggles up in the air, but I haven't been able to combo after it. (1 hit, 1080 damage) B: A fair bit of startup, but it goes farther forward. Juggles up in the air, but again I have not been able to combo after it. This version persists as well. (8 hits, 1785 damage) EX: Warcueid leaps forward and does a flying uppercut. (5 hits, 2546 damage) Blood Circle: 214+A/B [EX, air] ------------------------------- Can be super cancelled from everything but the ground A version. A: Hey, remember Krizalid's wind cutters? Big, obnoxious, taking up half the screen. This won't go past the 50% point of the screen, and is fast enough to use in combos. (1 hit, 900 damage) B: This one doesn't combo very well, but it sticks out just past halfway on the screen. Has a fair bit of startup, though. (2 hits, 1771 damage) EX: These reach to the 55% point, and reach just above half of the screen height. They come out fast too, easy to combo with. (10 hits, 3029 damage) A (air): Leaps back and throws a single ring. This won't touch the ground, but will hit standing enemies. (1 hit, 900 damage) B (air): This one hits the ground. I haven't found a reason not to use this over the midair A version. (1 hit, 900 damage) EX (air): Throws a single ring. It actually goes as far as the B one, but Warcueid pops up into the air slightly before doing it so it's slightly easier. (1 hit, 2070 damage) Teleport: 623+A/B [EX] ---------------------- Cannot be super cancelled. A: Warcueid teleports a short distance, about two characters widths. This can pass through opponents. B: Warcueid teleports to halfscreen. Will pass through opponents. EX: This version is an actual attack: grab and throw into wallslam. Can be blocked, with very little recovery. Warcueid will go halfway across the screen. (1 hit, 1202 damage) Call the Damn Sun*: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] ---------------------------------------------- This move is unblockable and hits anywhere on the screen. Heat: Warcueid rears back... poses... calls the damn sun down... pauses in her pose... and then can move. Then it takes another three seconds for the super to actually hit. If she's touched in any way -- blocked or not -- at any point in this process, which takes about six or seven seconds, the super will fizzle completely. She's invincible in her pose, but has a good three seconds to not even be allowed to block. And guess how much damage it deals? (1 hit, 1800 damage) Blood Heat: For this version, all the startup comes first. After three seconds of flexing, Warcueid calls down the sun and then it will hit, guaranteed. It juggles up, but you don't seem to be able to hit after it. (1 hit, 3870 damage) * Yes, I know the move is named "Utsuwari no Tsuki". Last Arc -------- Done on the ground. Warcueid shoots chains up from the ground and then flings the enemy away with a burst of energy. (22 hits, 3698 damage) Shield Counters --------------- Air: Midair EX Blood Circle. (1 hit, 2070 damage) Ground: EX Blood Uppercut. (5 hits, 2546 damage) Crouch: Teleports and switches sides. Errata ------ - Warcueid takes slightly more damage that usual, about 110%. - She no longer has super armor on all of her moves, only midair 5+B. - Her dash does not flip sides like Arcueid's. - Her 2+B trips, but 2+C does not. - Her midair 5+C is an uppercut that will juggle up. - She has the highest jump in the game. - Her throw will simply toss the enemy aside instead of wall or groundslamming. - Her Heat/Blood Heat activation will not hit Ren or Miyako. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ White Ren ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Match 4: - Match 8: - Activation: Charge Moves ------------ None? Command Moves ------------- None? Shield Bunker ------------- A small uppercut with her offhand. Not the same as Ren's. White Ren doesn't have the 50% circuit penalty for using it. (1 hit, 900 damage) Ice Blade: 236+A/B [EX, air] ---------------------------- Pretty much the same as Ren's, but has a prettier dissipating effect. The air EX version hits 32 times for 7560 damage as of version 2.003. White Ren's EX Ice Blade have the property of not manifesting consistently; sometimes there will be more blades going up, sometimes more going forward, sometimes more towards the front or back. Spin Dash: 623+A/B [EX] ----------------------- Same as Ren's. Cat: 214+A/B ------------ Same as Ren's. White Ren can't drop Neco-Arc. Mirror Maze: 41236+C [Heat, Blood Heat] --------------------------------------- White Ren creates a bunch of mirrors on the field. In 2 seconds, you're hit with a full-screen attack. If you hit White Ren before her Mirror Maze attack actually attacks, it will cancel the move. If you are counterhit out of the animation, you will be free to move, but you don't seem to be able to keep hitting them like with normal Ren. You can, however, combo after the Mirror Maze. As of version 2.003, White Ren will always do the Arc Drive version even if you're not in Blood Heat. (17 hits, 5211 damage) Last Arc -------- Shield Counters --------------- Air: Ground: Crouch: Errata ------ - White Ren is based off of Ren from the older versions, so the following is still in effect: - You cannot breakfall White Ren's throw on the ground, but you can in the air. You can also hit after it. - She has no missed throw animation, so her OTG throw is still possible. - You cannot buffer her 5+C. It's also unblockable in the air. - She cannot superjump. - White Ren takes slightly more damage than normal, about 110%. - She falls quicker than normal and thus won't be hit by some OTG moves. - Her jump is shorter and quicker than the rest of the characters. - She will turn into a cat if she crouches, and can move forward while crouching. This reduces her size greatly to about Neco-Arc size, if not smaller. - She does not have Ren's 3+C. - She does not have an air throw. =========== IX. Credits =========== People who did about half of the actual work in strats and errata, whom I stole from. (No, seriously, I asked permission. =P) alextansc, Anon Spectre, SS7MH, linalys, Mellow RG, and goshuJINsama from the GameFAQs Melty Blood board. linalys, tjm, and VManofMana from Beast's Lair - EvoSpace for having the best English Tsukihime page on the Internet. -'s forums, the place to go for actual strats. - Kamone for discovering the first batch of infinites for everyone for Sion (Vampire). MA2 for discovering even more interesting ways to break Ren. At least I can rest happy knowing Ciel's not the end-all be-all of top tier. =P No thanks to me for discovering the infinite for Sion (Vampire). =P Ugly ASCII title art by Glazius Falconar. Tsukihime, Melty Blood and Melty Blood Re.ACT is copyright Watanabe Productions/French Bread and Type Moon. This FAQ is copyright kalciane 2004. You are free to use it as long as you ask for permission first. None of the contents in this FAQ may be used or sold for profit.