=============================================================================== METAL GEAR SOLID 2 - SUBSTANCE (PC) NINJA RAIDEN VR MISSIONS GUIDE VERSION 1.0 LAST UPDATED ON April 10, 2003 WRITTEN BY Zeph zephronite@yahoo.com =============================================================================== =============================================================================== CONTENTS =============================================================================== A. INTRODUCTION B. INFO c. PLAYING TIPS D. MISSIONS a. VR MISSIONS aA) SNEAKING MODE Ai) SNEAKING Aii) ELIMINATE ALL aB) WEAPON MODE Bi) HF BLADE aC) VARIETY MODE b. ALTERNATIVE MISSIONS bA) BOMB DISPOSAL MODE bB) ELIMINATION MODE E. VERSION HISTORY F. CREDITS G. OTHER CRAP =============================================================================== A. INTRODUCTION =============================================================================== Hello, and welcome to my first FAQ. I decided to start on this FAQ while waiting for the 5th of May to come, so I can go into college. At least I could do something productive with my time, other than playing PC games the whole day. But enough of that. On with the FAQ! =============================================================================== B. INFO =============================================================================== This guide will only tell you the easiest (at least for me) way to complete a VR mission. A way to get the high score WILL NOT be given, unless my method 'accidentally' gives you the high score ^_^. I played the game using the keyboard + mouse combo, as I don't have a gamepad. Thus, I will only be using the Thrust attack (R3) as it is fast, and kills easily. If you want to get more points through the No-kill Bonus, switch to the non-lethal side (X). The HF Blade should now be blue in the lower-right hand corner. Then, move your R Stick (the mouse for keyboard users) to whack the guards senseless. Keep in mind that the Thrust Attack IS STILL DEADLY. =============================================================================== c. PLAYING TIPS =============================================================================== Ninja Raiden has poor armour. All it takes are a few bullets to bring him down, and a Shotgun blast kills instantly, even at full life. Make sure the Block button (L2) is held down when you are under enemy fire. However, it is still inadvisable to rush headlong into combat as the Block can't deflect all the bullets. So, here is a cheap strategy to take down those pesky guards. (Please forgive the crappy ASCII art) LEGEND: O Ninja Raiden X A generic guard ________ ? | | X | | | | |______| O Bonk! 1. You knock (Y) the wall, attracting the guard. His vision cone should turn yellow. ________ | | | | | | | | | |______| | O X 2. He walks toward you, and when you get him within range... ________ | | | | | | |______| O-->X YEEARGH! 3. Thrust Attack him! And if you attract more guards because of his screams, consider it to be a bonus! This trick can be done anywhere, as long as the enemy has to turn a corner to get to you. Replace Thrust Attack with the Non-Lethal Attack(described above) if you want the No-kill Bonus. No damage, no Alerts. Easy. =============================================================================== D. MISSIONS =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a. VR MISSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= aA) SNEAKING MODE ================= Ai) SNEAKING ============ LEVEL 1 ------- A pushover. Run right up to the junction and wait for the guard to stop in front of you. Then, run behind his back and into the exit. LEVEL 2 ------- When the second guard begins patroling right, make a dash for the exit. LEVEL 3 ------- Wait for the guard above you to start patroling up. Then go up, then right to the junction near the exit and cartwheel up into the guard. Exit the level. LEVEL 4 ------- Go to the bottom of the square and knock. The guard should walk down. Go left, around the square and up into the middle of the upper-most two squares. Wait for the guard on the right to look away, and run behind him into the exit. LEVEL 5 ------- Go right, up and wait at the right wall near the noisy floor. When the guard comes to investigate (he should already have), kill him. Go up and attract the other guard's attention, and kill him. Go all the way right, hang from the railing, and drop down near the exit. You may want to wait for the guard at the bottom to look away before you drop down. LEVEL 6 ------- Climb over the ledge on the right and head all the way right, cartwheeling over the obstacles. You should come to a place where there is a disappearing floor above you. Wait for the guard to turn back left. Then run over the diasppearing floor, head up and turn right at the first corner. Then head up (make sure the guard doesn't see you), turn right and climb on the ledge to the exit. LEVEL 7 ------- Go around (ignore the body), cartwheel over the plates and wait for the guard. Kill him when he appears. Go around and down. Kill the guard if you want to. Go all the way left, stopping at the corner and wait for the last guard. Kill him. The exit is now within easy reach. LEVEL 8 ------- Go right, and up. Wait under the security camera (stay close to the wall). When the guard stops in front of you, rush up and kill him. Then go right and up, under the security camera (wait for it to point away before going). Quickly head left and up the stairs. The lone guard up there should be heading right if you were fast enough. Kill him, and the exit is yours. LEVEL 9 ------- Wait for the guard to turn around, then kill him. You should attract the other guard. Quickly head all the way right and up, stopping at a wall. Wait for the guard above to face right (the security camera should have pointed away by now) and quickly run into the exit. LEVEL 10 -------- Go all the way up and go up the second flight of stairs. Hide in the area above the stairs and wait for the guard to pass. Then head right, and hang-drop over the ledge before the noisy bridge. Go up. As you pass under the bridge, the guard above should notice you. Go right and cartwheel over the plates. WAIT at the right side of the block there. Wait for the second guard to face down, and the security camera to point away. Run up, and left under the security camera. Climb onto the ledge and exit. Aii) ELIMINATE ALL =================== LEVEl 1 ------- YEEARGH!! Next. LEVEL 2 ------- Wait for the first guard to go away. Kill the second guard. Both his buddies should be alerted. Run left and wait at the left of the left-most rectangular wall. Wait for one of the guards to turn the corner and kill him. Do the same for the last. LEVEL 3 ------- Quickly run right, up and kill the guard. Kill the second one who comes to check. The last one should be easy. LEVEL 4 ------- Knock on the wall to attract the first guard. Kill him. Run up and kill the one on the left. Kill the one on the right last. LEVEL 5 ------- Go right, up and wait at the right wall near the noisy floor. When the guard comes to investigate (he should already have), kill him. Go up (attracting a guard at the bottom in the process) and attract the other guard's attention, and kill him. Quickly run down and wait above the stairs. Kill the bottom guard when he comes. Another guard should be attracted. You know what to do. As for the last one on the bridge, knock on the wall and kill him. LEVEL 6 ------- Knock on the wall, YEEARGH!! Wait for the guard above to face up before heading up. Knock on the wall, YEEARGH!! Go right and cartwheel over the noisy floor, climb over the ledge, YEEARGH!! The last one should pose no problems. LEVEL 7 ------- Quickly run around and kill the first guard, attracting the one on the other side of the wall. Quickly run up and wait at the corner to kill him, as he's ass fast. The last two are pushovers. LEVEL 8 ------- Go right and run up the stairs. Head up and wait at the left-most block. Kill the guard as he comes. You should attract another one. Go to the stairs and wait there. ANOTHER guard should be attracted. Kill them both. Attract the last one and kill him at the Stairs O' Death. LEVEL 9 ------- Wait for the guard to turn around, then kill him. You should attract the other guard. Kill him as well. The last guard should be attracted and walks towards the body. Run down, right and all the way around to get him from behind. If he doesn't walk towards the body, then run down, right all the way and up until you come to a wall. Knock on it and do the dirty job. LEVEL 10 -------- Go all the way right, climb over the box and head up the stairs. Go up, and stop in front of the first hiding hole. This should get the attention of the guard on the other side. Oh, and kill the guard that's in front of you. Go up and press yourself against the railing. Kill the guard when he comes up. Then, wait for the guard below to finish checking the stairs. Then kill him.The guard above should see this and come to investigate. Kill him as well. Go up and right and stop at the bottom of the second block (the one with a security camera on the left). Knock and kill. Exit. =============== aB) WEAPON MODE =============== Bi) HF BLADE ============ LEVEL 1-5 --------- Easy as pie. Or cake. Or whatever. You won't need my help here. ================ aC) VARIETY MODE ================ LEVEL 1 ------- Just keep killing until you meet the quota. Remember to keep your guard up and beware the Shotgun-toting guards! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b. ALTERNATIVE MISSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================== bA) BOMB DISPOSAL MODE ====================== NOTES: There will be two types of bombs in the levels. One is detected using Sensor A (NorBomb), and the other using Sensor B (ProxBomb). Bomb A is harmless. Bomb B, however is a proximity bomb, meaning that it you get too close to it, BOOM! Mission Failed. So, keep Sensor B equipped at all times and pay close attention to the frequency of the beeps. LEVEL 1 ------- Kill the guy right in front of you. Go up and left into the room where the President was in the normal game. Hear that beeping? Go left from the door, and stop when you hear the beeps becoming very fast. A ProxBomb is in the air vent. Crouch down in 1st-person view (1PV) to spray it. One more to go. Exit the room and head down. Go left, down the stairs. Be careful! Another ProxBomb is near. Kill the sleeping guard, and the second one that follows. Busybody. Climb on top of the first level of containers in the middle of the room. The ProxBomb is in the air vent in front of you. LEVEL 2 ------- Go out the door, and hang over the railing. Wait for the guard to pass, then drop down. Then, head up, hang over the railing and drop down again. Go down. Wait for the guard to pass then go left down the stairs. A ProxBomb is on a small crate to your right. Spray it. Switch to Sensor A. Go down, and left. Go up the first small flight of stairs. Ignore the long one. Go straight up and wait for the guard to the left of you to stop. Kill him. If you attract the other one at the top, run down and kill him as well. You should now be at a place with a big rectangular container in the middle. Go to the lower-left corner, face down and switch to 1PV. The NorBomb should be in front of you. LEVEL 3 ------- Go left into the torture chamber. A ProxBomb awaits you at the base of the torture machine. Go right, and right again into the Jejunum. Knock knock, YEEARGH! Go up the stairs to your right. Introduce the Tengu up there to your blade. Head up until you reach a gap. Switch to 1PV, and look up. A ProxBomb is attached to the lower jaw of a Metal Gear Ray. Head left across the bridge, go all the way up, killing as you see fit. Go down the stairs to your left, slowly. As you are near the bottom, switch to 1PV. A nasty ProxBomb is attached to the outer wall to the right of the stairs. Do what you must. LEVEL 4 ------- Rush left and shish kabob those two poor guards. The other one above should not have noticed this slaughter. Now, go up the stairs they were sitting on, using the LEFT side. Then, go towards the left door, but do not enter it. face right and switch to 1PV. A ProxBomb is attached to the wall above, near the right door. Spray it, and exit left to to Crew's Quarters. Go up, right, down and all the way around, killing guards as you go. At the bottom-most corridor, just as you are about to head back up, switch to 1PV and look up. A ProxBomb is attached near the top of the doorway. Spray it. Then head up and left. Turn the wheel and out you go into(?) the rainy Aft Port. Switch to Sensor A. Go down, down the stairs, further down, and turn right. Head up the next flight of stairs, which leads to a small area with a pole and some lines. Climb on top of the... err... box, face left, switch to 1PV and look up the pole. A NorBomb is attached to it. Spray. Go back down the stairs and head back up, and enter the door to the Crew's Quarters again. Go up the stairs. Head all the way right and kill the guard. Go to the upper-right corner of the room, face down, and switch to 1PV. A NorBomb is attached to the side of the upper crate, facing the wall. Spray. Switch back to Sensor B. Go back left and head up the stairs. Wait for the two guys in the canteen to face left. Crash in and stick your blade through them. Go up into the kitchen, and left. STOP in front of the first oven you pass. Crouch. Go into 1PV and look up to your right. A ProxBomb is in the grille (I'm not sure what its called). Spray. LEVEL 5 ------- Switch to Sensor A. Then, quickly run left, up and dispatch the guard. The guard inside should be alerted. Go back down and wait for him to come out. Kill him. Go into the room. Exit via the above door. Turn left and down into the Camera Corridor. Go under the camera and head down bit by bit until you are just out of the camera's range. Crouch down and whip out your Coolant. Spray around the piped area to YOUR RIGHT until you hear the 'tac tac tac' sound of a NorBomb being defused. Focus your Coolant on that area until the bomb is defused. Switch back to Sensor B and head up to the BC Bridge. Wait for the Cypher to go away. Then, run up and kill the guard. Go back down and right to the destroyed bridge. Stop just before you pass the railing. Crouch, switch to 1PV and look down. A ProxBomb is on the right, attached to some bars. Switch to Sensor A. Damned Cypher. Now you're under Alert. Go up and enter the Dining Hall. Go into one of the toilets. You have two choices: Kill the attack squad as the come in, or hide in one of the stalls. Your call. Evasion should come up soon. Go up, killing the guard as you pass, turn right, and enter the door to the kitchen. As soon as you enter the door, turn left and spray the box with a NorBomb inside. Go back out and exit right to the CD Bridge. Go down the stairs and run all the way right, knocking out some loose floor plates. When you reach the other end, stick to the wall and inch yourself left to the nearest platform. Face right, crouch and look down. A NorBomb is attached to the underside of the floor. Spray. Switch back to Sensor B. Inch yourself right again, go up the stairs and right into the Sediment Pool. Wait for the guard in the middle to turn away. Then, quickly go down the stairs, turn right and head down. Hang over the right railing, and drop down (A), but quickly tap the (Y) button rapidly the instant you drop down until you hand on to the railing below. Haul yourself back up. Kill if you need to. Head up. The ProxBomb is on the ceiling, near the stairs. Spray, and you're done! ==================== bB) ELIMINATION MODE ==================== LEVEL 1 ------- Run down and kill the first guard there. Then, run all the way right and kill the guard on the far right. Go down the stairs and kill the guards on the left. Make sure your Guard is up. Head right on the bottom floor for the exit. LEVEL 2 ------- Straightforward. Just go right and all the way around, killing guards as you make your way to the exit. LEVEL 3 ------- Go right and down the stairs. Kill the two guards at the bottom. Move all the way right and wait under the stairs as another guard comes to investigate. Kill him. Then go up and take out the last guard. LEVEL 4 ------- Wait for the guard at the bottom to turn around. Then move down, right and kill the guard. You should now be in Alert. Yeah. Go rightand stop at the junction. Wait for two Shotgun guards to come. Kill them both. Now go down and left to kill the remaining guard. LEVEL 5 ------- Go right and down. Wait for the guard on the left to stop, then kill him. Kill the guard at the bottom. Go down and left. Kill the guard. Go up. Kill. The last one is all yours. LEVEL 6 ------- Wait for the two guards to spin around. Then quickly move left and kill the one at the top. Go down and left. Wait for the guard to enter the room, then rush in and kill them both. Wait until the Shotgun guard outside stops in front of the door, then quickly go out and kill him. Do some knocking and kill the guard that comes. Go up and kill. Knock at the corner to attract one guard. Kill. Knock again. Kill again. Take out the last one with style. LEVEL 7 ------- Wait for the guard at the top to turn left. Then rush up and kill him. You should have done this near the door, before he enters the room. A guard inside will be attracted. as soon as he is in front of you, kill him. Then, wait for the guard at the bottom to patrol downwards. YEEARGH! Wait by the stairs and kill the busybody. Go left, down the stairs and up another flight of stairs. Wait there for the guard to come out and walk in front of you. Kill. Go left and hinde behind the crates. Knock. Kill. A shielded guard will come down. Knock. Kill. Two more left. One is an easy AK guard, while another is a Shotgun guard. Still, I don't think they will pose any problems. Next! LEVEL 8 ------- Knock, knock, YEEARGH! The guy above should be alerted and calls for backup. While none will actually arrive, this knocks out your radar, so kill him before he completes his call. Stand behind the crates and knock furiously. By now, the remaining 5 guards will be homing in on your position. Take your time and kill them one by one. LEVEL 9 ------- Try to create an Alert, so all the Tengus will be out for your blood. When this happens, go to the huge container near your starting point and wait at the lower right corner. Pick them off at your leisure. LEVEL 10 -------- Go out and down the stairs. Stop as soon as you leave the stairs. Let the guard on the left spot you. He WILL shoot you and cause some damage, but that's OK. Wait until he causes an Alert. After he does, kill him and run into the small hiding place to the right. Wait patiently for the guards to arrive one by one. When you're done, there should be only one left. Go left, up, head down the stairs. Take the Thermal Goggles at the lower left end of this platform and equip them. The last guard is invisible. Go left, down the stairs, down, left, and up the stairs once. The last guard is on the left. Have fun! =============================================================================== E. VERSION HISTORY =============================================================================== VERSION 1.0 - April 10, 2003 Finished all the Missions. Some content revisions and minor corrections. VERSION 0.8 - April 9, 2003 Finished the Bomb Disposal Missions. VERSION 0.5 - April 8, 2003 First version. Finished the VR Missions. =============================================================================== F. CREDITS =============================================================================== Thanks to Hideo Kojima, for making a great game. Thanks to Konami, for bringing this to the PC. Thanks to my dad, for buying me this kickass PC. No thanks to my mom, for always nagging me just for using the computer (even when I'm not playing games). ^_^ =============================================================================== G. OTHER CRAP =============================================================================== If you find that my tactics can my improved on, or if you have some of your own, send them to (zephronite@yahoo.com). All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. =============================================================================== COPYRIGHT (C) ZEPH 2003 ===============================================================================