Heart de Roommate - English Translated Version Complete Game Walkthru Game Format Version: PC/Windows Heart de Roommate Created By: AngelSmile English Translated version by: G-Collection (www.g-collections.com) Heart de Roommate Walkthru Created by: Hideki Motosuwa (www.animetoshokan.org) Date Project Began: Feb 28, 2004 Date Finished: Feb 28, 2004 *************************************************************************************** Disclaimer *************************************************************************************** This faq is for the sole use to help those who are in need of assistance. This document is not to be posted, printed, or any other forms of creation to be distributed out to the public without the sole consent of the maker of this faqs. Heart de Roommate Complete Walkthru(c)2004 Hideki Motosuwa / Anime Toshokan Inc. Heart de Roommate(c)2003-2004 AngelSmile Heart de Rommate Translated(c)2004 G-Collections Inc. All Rights Reserved. *************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************** History *************************************************************************************** Ver 1.00: Initial Release: My staff at Anime Toshokan went thru this game from head to toe bring you the first guide to Heart de Roommate. There may be mistakes in it so please notify me if you find any. Ver 2.00: Final Release 1: Mistakes in Marumu's route have been fixed. The mistakes occured in the 2nd choices within Episode 3 & 6. The corrent path has been put into the faqs. If anymore are found, please notify me. Thank you! *************************************************************************************** Introduction *************************************************************************************** Heart de Roommate is a bishoujo/novel game where your choices will determine the outcome of the as it branches off into different directions. There are content within this game that is not suitable for people under the age of 18 so please don't play this game if you are easily offended by graphic scenes of nudity and sex. Heart de Roommate tells the story of Yusuke Sawada, a 3rd year high school student who was sented out into the country by his airhead parents to attend Aiho Academy. After finding out that his parents didn't register him into the dorm he was supposed to stay in, he's left out in the cold to live the life as a hobo until that faithful night he runs into a girl..........someone from his past.....whom will change his life along with her 2 roommates & best friends. *************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************** Characters *************************************************************************************** Yusuke Sawada: The hero of the story. Yusuke is a senior of Aiho Academy who lives in the Harukaze Dormitory which is only for girls and has strict rules about boys being inside. He secretly stays in the dorm after bumping into Asumi. Now he spends his time living in the girls closet which Asumi gave him. His nickname is "Parasite One", which was givin by Asumi but he does get other names along the way. Asumi Hirota: Asumi is the leader of the room in which Yusuke lives in. She is very high-spirited, energetic girl whom belief is "To enjoy youth to the fullest without any remorse." Asumi is very bossy, self-centered, and at some points selfish but that's what makes her who she is. She really cares about her 2 roommates Tomoe & Marumu. She also has a past with Yusuke as his bully but because of a event that took place in their past and Yusuke was the one who helped her, she feels obligated to do him one favor as payment for not telling her secret to anyone.....even though he doesn't remember what "THAT" was. Her nickname is "Asumin." Tomoe Katsuragi: Tomoe is another girl who lives in the same room as roommates with Asumi, Marumu, and Yusuke. She is very mild-mannered, sweet, and kind to everyone. She's too kind for her own good that its hard for her to say "no" when people places tasks upon her. She does have some secrets but their not all that big except for her past which affected how she acts now. She also has the biggest breasts in the game which makes her the constant target of Yusuke's cousin, Namiki. Her family also runs a hotel which has a hot spring in which she loans out to her roommates for their group meetings. Her nickname is "Moe-Moe" which was also givin by Asumi. Marumu Ogamayama: Marmu is the last of the 3 girls who makes up the roommates in which Yusuke lives with. She's very quite who rarely talks but when she does, it usually comes out with comediec results. No one, not even her roommates, knows what the hell she is thinking. Some say she resembles a stag beetle due to her bangs and hair orniments which were givin to her by Asumi as a sign of friendship. Marumu's nickname is "Marutan". She really is a mysterious girl. Another thing is that she seems to be very good with her english language..........which is scary at times. She also has a thing for popping up a white flag, stabbing people with flags & forks for attention, and so on. One thing to take note of, her hair orniments, which are originally the color yellow, changes colors thru out time to time to show what kind of mood she's in......scary. *FAQ Author side note: Is it me or does she resemble "Guu" from the anime series "Jungle wa Itsumo Hale nochi Guu"?* Namiki Honjo: Namiki is Yusuke's cousin but has him refer to her as "Sis". She would usually beat up bullies to protect Yusuke only to bully him instead. She believes that no one can bully Yusuke except her. She is pretty much the big sister of the group even though she's the same age and grade as everyone else. She also has a thing about being a leader which makes her the constant rival of Asumi. Namiki also loves to flaunt about the fact that her boobs are the best there is, except to Tomoe. Its because of Tomoe's boobs that Namiki becomes inflatuated with Tomoe and constantly jokes (but really serious) about having her as a roommate and also loves grabbing them if it means that she can enjoy herself. Namiki is known as the "Shadow Leader" by Yusuke and the "Wannabe Leader" by the "Trio de Bitches." Yoshiko Yagami: Yoshiko is the homeroom teacher of Yusuke, Asumi, Tomoe, & Marumu. She's beautiful, kind hearted, and nice to all of those around her. She also wears glasses due to the fact that she's really blind as a bat when she takes them off, especially in the bath. Because she's too kind, she ends up being the coach of so many of the school clubs, as well as the Harukaze Dormitory manager. Toshibo: Toshibo is a cat whom belongs to Tomoe. For some odd reason, it seems that Tomoe is the only person who knows what he's saying (at least, she thinks she does). Toshibo is no ordinary cat. He's smart and seems to know what people are saying. The only way to tell Toshibo from other cats is by his physical appearance...........TOSHIBO IS A REALLY BIG FATTY CAT!! Nontheless, everyone still loves him. Toshibo also hides a secret that Tomoe should have took heed of from the moment they became friends. Hikaru Saeki: Hikaru is a new transfer student who appears in the 2nd half of the series/game. She's cold-hearted and blocks everyone within her heart. She's just as mysterious as Marumu and shows no sign of emotions what so ever. She is known as a "Cold-Hearted Bitch" by the 3 girls who make up the "Trio de Bitches." Something within her past made her who she is now. Hikaru is also a year older than everyone due to being held back a year so she would be considered as Namiki's big sister. Kousuke Fujisawa: A classmate and best friend of Yusuke. He has a thing for Tomoe (along with everyone else in the school). Tomomi Katsuragi: Tomoe's big sister who helps at their family hotel. Takuto: Head of the hotel association that Tomoe's family is a part of and is also her cousin whom she used to love when they were little. Kirimaru Ogamayama: Marumu's little brother who has a IQ way over 160. He feels responsible for what happened to his sister and about how she acts now. Misaki: A boy who is shrouded in mystery. Almost all the girls at Aiho Academy likes him but he coldly turns them down. It seems that he has his eyes set on someone else. Asumi notes that he's also a psycho. The "Trio de Bitches": The Trio de Bitches is a name that Asumi gave to a group of 3 girls who stay down the hall from her. The group consists of: Akane Yukimura: The leader of the Trio de Bitches. She would be considered the exact twin of Asumi as a leader. She's known Asumi since middle school and has hated her ever since she found out her bust size was a inch lower than Asumi's which explains why their at each others throats. She also has a thing for Misaki. Kaoru Hisame: The left hand member of the Trio de Bitches. She is known as the "Executor" of the group as she is the one who initiates all the missions assigned by Akane. She's very athletic and ranks top of the Swimming Club but she doesn't participate in events. From Asumi's point of view, she's twisted. She also looks down on people. Midori Fubuki: The right hand and final member of the Trio de Bitches. Midori is known as the "Anaylist" of the group. Her specialty is data collecting and anaylizing. She is somewhat drivin by her curiosity which is why she do what she does. Midori used to be bullied when she was little and because of the stress, she became somewhat of a eyeglasses fanatic, which explains why she is friendly to Yusuke (When he's in the girls uniform). *************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************** WALKTHRU *************************************************************************************** Heart de Roommate plays like your in a anime TV show. So the game consists of 26 episodes. Thru out some of these episodes, you'll have to make choices to determine where the story will branch off to. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::Table of Contents:: 1. Asumi Hirota 2. Tomoe Katsuragi 3. Marumu Ogamayama 4. Namiki Honjo (Special Route) 5. Yoshiko Yagami (Special Route) 6. Perfect Route 7. Unlockable Secrets & Hikaru CG Pictures 8. FAQ Authors Final Thoughts 9. Acknowledgements 10. Copyrights and Legal Stuff Author Note: Whenever you see a "*" next to the choice number within an episode, it means the choice you make will have no effect on the outcome with Asumi, Tomoe, & Marumu's stories. They only effect Namiki's & Yoshiko's as they will determine if you get their side stories. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Route 1 - Asumi Hirota --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 1: The Beginning -See What Happens -Im freezing. Could you warm me up? Episode 2: Transformation -Have a seat -Get Miffed Episode 3: The Name is Toshibo -What the hell! Face it! -Search for Toshibo with them Episode 4: Emergency Meeting at the Hot Spring -Sure, I'll join you -I better keep quiet Episode 5: My Savage Sister -Run Away -Asumi is the best Episode 6: Codename: U-Suke -Leave her without saying anything -Search some more Episode 7: U-Suke Exposed -Leave her alone -Wake her up -No, I didn't Episode 8: Crash of the Titans: Asumi vs. Namiki -I should vote for Asumi -Talk to Namiki Episode 9: The Girl Under the Moonlight -Talk to Her -Remain Silent Episode 10: The Baseball Fanatics -Push Her -Watch over the beautiful sight Episode 11: Close Encounter with the Two Sisters -Take her lesson (or) Run Away* -I better go home now (or) Stay and listen to her* Episode 12: Shaking Hearts: Part 1 -Don't Ask him -Its Asumin -Don't Answer Episode 13: Shaking Hearts: Part 2 -Of course Im a man! -Nod without saying a word -Declare your love for Asumi Episode 14: The All Girls Secret Meeting Episode 15: A New Semester & A Transfer Student -No decisions Episode 16: Love Storm -Think of an excuse Episode 17: One Fine Weekend Episode 18: The Day The Earth Falls Episode 19: Then The Three Meet Episode 20: The First Arranged Marriage Meeting Episode 21: The Adventures of Toshibo Episode 22: The New Life Episode 23: Fading Friendship -No decisions Episode 24: Harmony of Minds (Note: Save your game here) -Stay Calm -Have sex with her (You get the Hikaru CG Scene but its game over) Episode 25: Our Bright Youth Episode 26: Final Episode: Roommates Forever -No decisions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Route 2 - Tomoe Katsuragi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 1: The Beginning -Run away from her at once -I don't want to spend the night outside Episode 2: Transformation -Have a seat -Talk to Tomoe Episode 3: The Name is Toshibo -No way. Just Run Away -Search for Toshibo with them Episode 4: Emergency Meeting at the Hot Spring -No Thanks -Admonish Asumi Episode 5: My Savage Sister -Run Away -Tomoe is the best Episode 6: Codename: U-Suke -Leave her without saying anything -Give up and go home Episode 7: U-Suke Exposed -Help Tomoe -Wake her up -No, I didn't Episode 8: Crash of the Titans: Asumi vs. Namiki -Tomoe could be a good leader -Think about it a little more Episode 9: The Girl Under the Moonlight -Talk to her -Remain silent Episode 10: The Baseball Fanatics -Comfort her -Quickly cut them for her Episode 11: Close Encounter with the Two Sisters -Take her lesson (or) Run Away* -I better go home now (or) Stay and listen to her* Episode 12: Shaking Hearts: Part 1 -Ask him -Its Moe-Moe -Explain to her Episode 13: Shaking Hearts: Part 2 -Of course Im a man! -Nod without saying a word -Declare your love for Tomoe Episode 14: The All Girls Secret Meeting Episode 15: A New Semester & A Transfer Student -No decisions Episode 16: Love Storm -Think of an excuse Episode 17: One Fine Weekend Episode 18: The Day The Earth Falls Episode 19: Then The Three Meet Episode 20: The First Arranged Marriage Meeting Episode 21: The Adventures of Toshibo Episode 22: The New Life Episode 23: Fading Friendship -No decisions Episode 24: Harmony of Minds (Note: Save your game here) -Stay Calm -Have sex with her (You get the Hikaru CG Scene but its game over) Episode 25: Our Bright Youth Episode 26: Final Episode: Roommates Forever -No decisions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Route 3 - Marumu Ogamayama --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 1: The Beginning -Run away from her at once -I don't want to spend the night outside Episode 2: Transformation -Have a seat -Get miffed Episode 3: The Name is Toshibo -No way. Just Run Away -Search for Toshibo with them Episode 4: Emergency Meeting at the Hot Spring -No Thanks -Admonish Asumi Episode 5: My Savage Sister -Run Away -Marumu is the best Episode 6: Codename: U-Suke -Leave her without saying anything -Search some more Episode 7: U-Suke Exposed -Leave her alone -Wake her up -No, I didn't Episode 8: Crash of the Titans: Asumi vs. Namiki -I have to vote for Namiki -Think about it a little more Episode 9: The Girl Under the Moonlight -Get close to her quietly -Talk to her Episode 10: The Baseball Fanatics -Push her -Watch over the beautiful sight Episode 11: Close Encounter with the Two Sisters -Take her lesson (or) Run Away* -I better go home now (or) Stay and listen to her* Episode 12: Shaking Hearts: Part 1 -Don't ask him -Its Marutan -Don't answer Episode 13: Shaking Hearts: Part 2 -Of course Im a man! -Nod without saying a word -Declare your love for Marumu Episode 14: The All Girls Secret Meeting Episode 15: A New Semester & A Transfer Student -No decisions Episode 16: Love Storm -Think of an excuse Episode 17: One Fine Weekend Episode 18: The Day The Earth Falls Episode 19: Then The Three Meet Episode 20: The First Arranged Marriage Meeting Episode 21: The Adventures of Toshibo Episode 22: The New Life Episode 23: Fading Friendship -No decisions Episode 24: Harmony of Minds (Note: Save your game here) -Stay Calm -Have sex with her (You get the Hikaru CG Scene but its game over) Episode 25: Our Bright Youth Episode 26: Final Episode: Roommates Forever -No decisions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************************************************************************** SECRET ROUTES *************************************************************************************** These are the routes in order to obtain the CG scenes with Namiki & Yoshiko. Be advised that you will not be able to go into the 2nd season/half of Heart de Roommate if you choose these routes and also don't be discourage when you find out that your game is over after episode 13. The stories with these 2 girls in it will not appear in the normal storyline, instead, their side-stories that are unlocked in the Appendix Album section. There are no choices to make in their stories so enjoy the show. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Secret Route 1 - Namiki Honjo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 1: The Beginning -Run away from her at once -Lend me money for food and a place to stay Episode 2: Transformation -Have a seat -Get miffed Episode 3: The Name is Toshibo -No way. Just run away -Make an Excuse Episode 4: Emergency Meeting at the Hot Spring -No thanks -Admonish Asumi Episode 5: My Savage Sister -Just give up -Namiki is the best Episode 6: Codename: U-Suke -Leave her without saying anything -Give up and go home Episode 7: U-Suke Exposed -Leave her alone -Wake her up -No, I didn't Episode 8: Crash of the Titans: Asumi vs. Namiki -I have to vote for Namiki -Think about it a little more Episode 9: The Girl Under the Moonlight -Talk to her -Remain silent Episode 10: The Baseball Fanatics -Push her -Watch over the beautiful sight Episode 11: Close Encounter with the Two Sisters -Take her lesson -I better go home now Episode 12: Shaking Hearts: Part 1 -Don't ask him -Its Asumin (or) Its Moe-Moe (or) its Marutan (Just choose one) -Don't answer Episode 13: Shaking Hearts: Part 2 -Of course Im a man! -Nod without saying a word -I still don't know my true feelings (Game Over - Side story is in the Appendix) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Secret Route 2 - Yoshiko Honjo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 1: The Beginning -Run away from her at once -Lend me money for food and a place to stay Episode 2: Transformation -Go out of the room with Ms. Yagami -Get miffed Episode 3: The Name is Toshibo -No way. Just run away -Make an Excuse Episode 4: Emergency Meeting at the Hot Spring -No thanks -Admonish Asumi Episode 5: My Savage Sister -Run away -Namiki is the best Episode 6: Codename: U-Suke -Talk to Ms.Yagami -Give up and go home Episode 7: U-Suke Exposed -Leave her alone -Protect Ms. Yagami -Sorry, I did Episode 8: Crash of the Titans: Asumi vs. Namiki -I have to vote for Namiki -Think about it a little more Episode 9: The Girl Under the Moonlight -Talk to her -Remain silent Episode 10: The Baseball Fanatics -Push her -Watch over the beautiful sight Episode 11: Close Encounter with the Two Sisters -Run Away -Stay and listen to her Episode 12: Shaking Hearts: Part 1 -Don't ask him -Its Asumin (or) Its Moe-Moe (or) its Marutan (Just choose one) -Don't answer Episode 13: Shaking Hearts: Part 2 -Of course Im a man! -Nod without saying a word -I still don't know my true feelings (Game Over - Side story is in the Appendix) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SPECIAL ROUTE: PERFECT ROUTE* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This route indicated in this section is known as the "PERFECT ROUTE" due to the fact that if you want to go ahead and get easy access to all 3 girls endings and get both side stories in the game, all you need to do is follow this route and follow the directions indicated. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 1: The Beginning - See what happens next. - I'm freezing. Could you warm me up? Episode 2: Transformation - Go out of the room with Ms. Yagami. - Talk to Tomoe. Episode 3: The Name is Toshibo - What the hell! Face it! - Search for Toshibo with them. Episode 4: Emergency Meeting at the Hot Spring - Sure, I'll join you. - I'd better keep quiet. Episode 5: My Savage Sister - I just give up. - Asumi is the best. Episode 6: Codename: U-Suke - Talk to Ms. Yagami - Search some more. Episode 7: U-Suke Exposed - Help Tomoe. - Protect Ms. Yagami. - Sorry, I did. Episode 8: Crash of the Titans: Asumi vs. Namiki - I should vote for Asumi. - Think about it little more.(*) Episode 9: The Girl Under the Moonlight - Talk to her. - Talk to her. Episode 10: The Baseball Fanatics - Push her.(*) - Quickly cut them for her. Episode 11: Close Encounter with the Two Sisters - Take her lesson. - Stay and listen to her. Episode 12: Shaking Hearts: Part 1 - Ask him.(*) - It's Moe-Moe! - Explain to her. Episode 13: Shaking Hearts: Part 2 - Of course I'm a man! - Nod without a word. (Note: Save at this point. You now have a save file that allows you to travel through each route for all three girls. If you wish to get the Namiki/Yoshiko extra episodes early select the fourth option to get a quick end otherwise you'll get them after completing one of the girls routes.) Episode 14: The All Girls Secret Meeting Episode 15: A New Semester & A Transfer Student -No decisions Episode 16: Love Storm -Think of an excuse Episode 17: One Fine Weekend Episode 18: The Day The Earth Falls Episode 19: Then The Three Meet Episode 20: The First Arranged Marriage Meeting Episode 21: The Adventures of Toshibo Episode 22: The New Life Episode 23: Fading Friendship -No decisions Episode 24: Harmony of Minds (Note: Save your game here) -Stay Calm -Have sex with her (You get the Hikaru CG Scene but its game over) Episode 25: Our Bright Youth Episode 26: Final Episode: Roommates Forever -No decisions (Note: I've marked certain deciscions with a (*). I'm sure you can pick any option as i'm sure it doesn't affect the love rating for each girl.) *************************************************************************************** UNLOCKABLE SECRETS & Hidden Hikaru CG *************************************************************************************** 1. Asumi Side Story - "The Place Where the Sun Sets..." This is the true ending for Asumi and will also explain something as to what takes in her story and answer your questions about Tomoe & Marumu's endings. To obtain this side story, you must go thru the game 3 times and get the endings with Asumi, Tomoe, & Marumu. After you've done that, the 3rd slot in the Album in the Appendix will be open to you. Enjoy the true finale to "Heart de Roommate". 2. Hikaru CG Scene This isn't really a secret but if you want to finish the game with 100% CGs and secrets then you'll have to get her scene. In episode 24, you'll have to make a choice to either have sex with her or keep yourself calm. Save your game here and "SCREW HER BONES OUT!!" The bad thing is that your game ends here but I guess that's why I said to save, ne? After you got the CG scene with her, just load up the saved game and choose the right decision and continue on with your game. Hikaru's CG scene is now a part of your CG collection. **************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************** FAQ Authors Final Thoughts **************************************************************************************** I've been playing novel bishoujo games for some time now and I must say that Im really impressed with AngelSmile for their work on Heart de Roommate. I mean, its not like everyday you get to play a game like this and think that its a very well thought out anime TV show. I've been thinking if what would happen if this game was turned into a actual anime TV series. I mean, the basis for the story is already there, just take out all of the hanky panky stuff so that its suitable for TV and there you have it. All of the episode titles are there but they can be changed if needed. I love Heart de Roommate but my favorite novel/bishoujo games still lays with the Kango Shicyauzo series by Trabulance. Don't ask me why, I just do. So far my favorite bishoujo games are Kango Shicyauzo 1 & 2, Heart de Roommate, Do You Like Horny Bunnies 1 & 2, Tsuki-Hime, Fate/Stay Night, & Pia Carrot 1, 2, & 3. Somewhere in there lies X-change 1 & 2, Tokimeki Check-in, Baldr Force.EXE, Colorful Kiss, Colorful Heart, and a couple of others but I wont get into them. Anyway, I just hope that AngelSmile can continue bringing stuff like Heart de Roommate cause I really enjoyed it!! **************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************** ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS **************************************************************************************** There are a few people I would like to thank for encouraging me to do this FAQs. AngelSmile - Thanks to them, this game was created. I have to thank them first because without AngelSmile, there wouldn't be no Heart de Roommate. Thanks AngelSmile! G-Collections - For bringing this great and funny game over to the US and translating it for all of us to enjoy. G-Collections, ya really should proof-read your translations before releasing though. Too many errors but still thanks!! Shinobu-Maehara - Thank you Shinobu for showing me such a wonderful game and for being on the AT staff. I really appreciate it. Also, thanks for taking the time to verfy the routes along with me. Wepon1984 - The same goes for you man! You've helped me thru with the verifying also and to mention finding the perfect route. It helped make a lot of things easier for me to do this faqs. Tomo-Chan - I can't put you in here yet until you give me something....boooo. Just kidding! Thanks for your support in the making of this faqs. And to All of you who thought that this faqs was helpful in anyway, thank you so much. Please let me know how my staff and I have done with this faqs and I may do another one pretty soon for Do You Like Horny Bunnies 2. With that said, see you next time! **************************************************************************************** Copyrights and Lega Stuff **************************************************************************************** Heart de Roommate(c)2003-2004 AngelSmile Heart de Roommate English Translated Version(c)2004 G-Collections Heart de Roommate Complete Walkthru(c)2004 Hideki Motosuwa / Anime Toshokan All Rights Reserved. G-Collections: http://www.g-collections.com Anime Toshokan Inc.: http://www.animetoshokan.org Hideki Motosuwa Webmaster of Anime Toshokan hideki@animetoshokan.org Please email me if there is any problems you may find with this walkthru. Thank you. ****************************************************************************************