=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for KING'S QUEST IV: THE PERILS OF ROSELLA =============================================================================== ___________________ | GUIDE INFORMATION | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо AUTHOR : Tom Hayes E-MAIL : tomhayes83(at)hotmail(dot)com SYSTEM : PC UPDATED : 22nd May, 2004 VERSION : 2.0 __________ | CONTENTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 2.1. Day 2.2. Night 3. Item List 4. Point List 5. Frequently Asked Questions 6. Copyright Information _________________ | VERSION HISTORY | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо VERSION 2.0 : 22nd May, 2004 Updated the format. VERSION 1.0 : 7th April, 2003 First version. =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== In King's Quest IV, King Graham has fallen ill, and Rosella travels to the land of Tamir to find a magic fruit which will save him. After arriving in Tamir, she meets Genesta, the fairy queen on an island near a shark-infested ocean. Genesta has had her magic talisman stolen by the wicked queen Lolotte, and only has one day to live if the talisman is not returned. Rosella must first journey through a troll's cave to find the magic fruit near a poisonous viper at the other side of a swamp, and must then journey to Lolotte's castle at the top of a mountain to find the talisman. =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1. Day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The game starts on the beach. North. East. East. "Look under bridge" to find a gold ball. North. East. East. "Open door" and enter the house. West. "Get book" from the right shelf. East. Exit the house. West. South. "Open door" and enter the house. "Clean house". "Get pouch" from the table. Exit the house. South. Enter the mine. East. "Give pouch to dwarf" at the right side of the mine. West. Exit the mine. East. A bird will try to pick up a worm in this area. If the bird doesn't appear, exit and enter the area until it does. "Get worm". West. West. West. West. North. North. Exit and enter this area until the minstrel is playing the lute on the rock. "Give book to minstrel", and he will give you the lute. North. West. Wait at the end of the pier until the man walks east to the house. East. "Open door" and enter the house. "Give pouch to man", and he will give you a fishing pole. Exit the house. West. "Put worm on hook". "Fish" to catch a fish. East. East. Exit and enter this area until Pan is playing the flute. "Play lute". "Give lute to Pan", and he will give you the flute. East. Exit and enter this area until Cupid appears and drops his bow. "Get bow". South. South. Stand at the south side of the pond and "drop gold ball". Walk to the north-east corner of the pond and "get frog". "Kiss frog" to receive the crown. East. East. East. South. Walk near the waterfall and "wear crown" to transform into a frog. Rosella will swim through the waterfall to the cave on the other side. "Get board". Enter the cave. "Get bone". Exit the cave. Swim to the other side of the waterfall. South. Walk up the path and Rosella will be taken up to the castle, where Lolotte will ask Rosella to find a unicorn. After the cutscene, Rosella will be returned to the bottom of the path. West. West. West. West. West. South. South. West. West. West to arrive on the island. West. West. "Get feather". East. East. East. Exit and enter this area until the whale appears. Swim into the middle of the area and the whale will swallow Rosella. Walk to the left side of the whale's tongue and climb to the top. Walk to the middle of the tongue and "tickle uvula with feather". North. Walk inside the boat at the right side of the island and "look ground" to find a golden bridle. Walk to the middle of the island and "throw fish". The pelican will drop a whistle. "Blow whistle", and a dolphin will appear. "Ride dolphin" to return to the main island. North. East. East. "Shoot arrow at unicorn". "Put bridle on unicorn". "Ride unicorn". Rosella will ride to the castle, where Lolotte asks her to find some golden eggs. West. West. South. "Open door" to the house. "Throw bone to dog". Up. "Get axe". Down. "Open door" under the steps. Wait here, and the ogre will return. "Look keyhole". After the cutscene, "open door". "Get hen". North. East. East. Walk up the path and Rosella will be taken up to the castle, where Lolotte will ask Rosella to find Pandora's Box. West. South. "Use axe on trees". East. Enter the cave. "Get glass eye" from the witches at the top-left corner of the cave. Exit the cave. Enter the cave. One of the witches will throw a scarab toward Rosella. "Get scarab". "Give glass eye to witch". Exit the cave. South. South. South. Walk near the waterfall and "wear crown" to transform into a frog. Rosella will swim through the waterfall to the cave on the other side. East. "Light lantern". East. South. East. "Put board over chasm". North. East. Walk near the edge of the path and "jump" sixteen times to cross over to the island. "Put board over swamp" and walk over it to the island. "Play flute" to hypnotise the snake. "Get fruit" from the tree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2. Night ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walk across the board and "get board". "Jump" sixteen times to return to the cave entrance. Enter the cave. South. "Put board over chasm". West. North. West to exit the cave. Swim to the other side of the waterfall. North. West. "Open door" and enter the house. West. "Look portrait". Walk near the left wall and "look wall" to discover a latch. "Move latch" to open a secret entrance. West. "Get shovel". East. East. Exit the house. West. "Dig" the grave at the top-left corner of the area to find a rattle. East. "Open door" and enter the house. Up. Enter the left room. West. Walk up to the cradle and "give rattle to ghost". East. South. Down. Exit the house. West. "Dig" the grave at the bottom-left corner of the area to find a bag of gold coins. East. "Open door" and enter the house. "Give coins to ghost". Exit the house. East. "Dig" the grave at the bottom-left corner of the area to find a locket. "Open door" and enter the house. Up. Enter the right room. "Give locket to ghost". South. Down. Exit the house. West. "Dig" the second grave from the bottom-right corner of the area to find a medal. East. "Open door" and enter the house. East. North. "Give medal to ghost". South. West. Exit the house. East. "Dig" the grave at the back of the area to find a toy horse. West. "Open door" and enter the house. Up. Enter the right room. "Climb ladder". "Give toy horse to ghost". "Open chest". "Look in chest" to find sheet music. South. Down. West. West. Up. Up. "Sit". "Play sheet music" to reveal a drawer. "Get key" from the drawer. Stand. Down. Down. East. East. Exit the house. East. "Unlock door". "Open door" to enter the crypt. "Get ladder". "Climb". "Get Pandora's Box". "Climb". Exit the crypt. South. South. Walk up the path and Rosella will be taken up to Edgar's room in the castle. Wait, and Edgar will soon slide a rose under the door. Walk over to the rose to pick it up. "Get key from rose". "Unlock door". "Open door". Down. Down. East. Enter the top-right door. "Open cabinet" at the right side of the room. "Get inventory". West. Enter the bottom-right door. East. Up. Up. "Use gold key on door". "Open door". "Shoot Lolotte". "Get talisman". Down. West. "Open door". "Get hen" from the top-left corner of the room. "Get Pandora's Box" from the top-right corner of the room. Exit the room. East. Down. West. Exit the castle. Enter the stable. "Open gate" to free the unicorn. Exit the stable. South. South. North. North. Enter the crypt. "Climb". "Drop Pandora's Box". "Climb". Exit the crypt. "Close door". "Lock door". West. West. West. West. West. North. West. West. West to arrive on the island. South. West. North. "Open door" to enter the palace. West. Up. "Give talisman to Genesta" to complete the game. =============================================================================== 3. Item List =============================================================================== AXE Found on the top floor of the ogre's house. It is used to frighten the trees. BOARD Found behind the waterfall. It is used to cross the chasm in the cave. It is also used to cross over to the island in the swamp. BOOK Found on the first floor of the haunted house. It is given to the minstrel for the lute. BONE Found at the start of the cave behind the waterfall. It is given to the dog in the ogre's house. BOW Found two screens north of the pond. It is used to shoot the unicorn. It is also used to shoot Lolotte. BRIDLE Found inside the boat at the right side of the island. It is used on the unicorn. COINS One of five items found in the graveyard. It is given to the ghost in the entrance hall on the first floor of the haunted house. CROWN Found near the pond after the frog has been kissed. It is used to travel to the other side of the waterfall. FEATHER Found on Genesta's island. It is used to tickle the uvula of the whale. FISH Found by using the fishing pole west of the fisherman's house. It is given to the pelican on the island for the whistle. FISHING POLE The fisherman will give Rosella the fishing pole when he is given the pouch. It is used to catch a fish. FLUTE Pan will give Rosella the lute when he is given the lute. It is used to hypnotise the lake on the island in the swamp. FRUIT Found on the island on the swamp with the snake. It is given to Graham at the end of the game. GLASS EYE Found in the witch's cave. It is taken to stop the witch chasing Rosella in the cave. GOLD BALL Found under the bridge one screen north and two screens east from the start of the game. It is thrown into the pond to get the frog. GOLD KEY Found in the rose that Edgar slides under the door in Lolotte's castle. It is used to unlock the door to Lolotte's bedroom. HEN Found in the ogre's house when he returns. It is given to Genesta at the end of the game. LANTERN The dwarf in the mines will give Rosella the lantern when she gives him the pouch. It is used in the cave behind the waterfall. LOCKET One of five items found in the graveyard. It is given to the ghost in the top-right room on the second floor of the haunted house. LUTE The minstrel will give Rosella the lute when he is given the book. It is given to Pan for the flute. MEDAL One of five items found in the graveyard. It is given to the ghost in the top-right room on the first floor of the haunted house. PANDORA'S BOX Found in the crypt. It is given to Lolotte. POUCH Found on the table of the dwarf house. It is returned to the dwarf in the mines for the lantern. RATTLE One of five items found in the graveyard. It is given to the ghost in the top-left room on the second floor of the haunted house. SCARAB The scarab is given to Rosella after she has taken the glass eye. It is used to avoid the mummy in the crypt and the zombies in the graveyard. SHEET MUSIC Found in the chest after the toy horse has been given to the ghost in the haunted house. It is played on the pipe organ to find the skeleton key. SHOVEL Found at the bottom of the secret steps in the haunted house. It is used to in the graveyard to find the rattle, coins, locket, medal and toy horse. SKELETON KEY Found in the drawer of the pipe organ after the sheet music has been played. It is used to unlock the crypt. TALISMAN Found in Lolotte's bedroom. It is given to Genesta. TOY HORSE One of five items found in the graveyard. It is given to the ghost in the top-right room on the second floor of the haunted house. WHISTLE Found by throwing the fish to the pelican on the island. It is blown to make the dolphin appear. WORM The worm will appear in the area one screen east from the dwarf mine. It is used on the fishing pole to catch a fish. =============================================================================== 4. Point List =============================================================================== ____________ | 230 POINTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 2 : Get the gold ball under the bridge. 2 : Get the book from the haunted house. 5 : Clean the house of the seven dwarfs. 2 : Get the pouch from the table. 3 : Give the pouch to the dwarf. 2 : Get the worm. 3 : Give the book to the minstrel. 3 : Give the pouch to the fisherman. 1 : Put the worm on the hook. 3 : Catch a fish. 3 : Give the lute to Pan. 2 : Get Cupid's bow. 3 : Kiss the frog. 2 : Receive the crown from the prince. 5 : Wear the crown near the waterfall. 2 : Get the board from the cave. 2 : Get the bone from the cave. 2 : Get the feather from the island. 5 : Tickle the uvula with the feather. 3 : Find the bridle on the island. 4 : Throw the fish to the pelican. 2 : Get the whistle. 2 : Blow the whistle. 2 : Ride the dolphin to the main island. 4 : Shoot Cupid's arrow at the unicorn. 3 : Put the bridle on the unicorn. 7 : Bring the unicorn to Lolotte. 4 : Throw the bone to the dog. 2 : Get the axe. 4 : Get the hen. 7 : Bring the hen to Lolotte. 4 : Use the axe on the trees. 3 : Get the glass eye. 2 : Get the scarab. 3 : Give the glass eye to the witches. 2 : Put the board over the chasm. 2 : Put the board over the swamp. 4 : Play the flute to the snake. 10 : Get the fruit from the tree. 2 : Put the board over the chasm. 4 : Move the latch in the haunted house. 2 : Get the shovel. 3 : Find the rattle. 2 : Give the rattle to the ghost. 3 : Find the gold coins. 2 : Give the gold coins to the ghost. 3 : Find the locket. 2 : Give the locket to the ghost. 3 : Find the medal. 2 : Give the medal to the ghost. 3 : Find the toy horse. 2 : Give the toy horse to the ghost. 2 : Look in the chest to find the music. 4 : Play the sheet music. 2 : Get the key from the drawer. 3 : Unlock the door to the crypt. 2 : Lower the ladder in the crypt. 4 : Get Pandora's Box. 7 : Bring Pandora's Box to Lolotte. 2 : Get the key from the rose. 2 : Unlock Edgar's bedroom door. 4 : Get the inventory from the cabinet. 2 : Unlock Lolotte's bedroom door. 8 : Shoot Cupid's arrow at Lolotte. 5 : Get the talisman. 2 : Get the hen. 2 : Get Pandora's Box. 4 : Open the gate to free the unicorn. 2 : Drop Pandora's Box in the crypt. 2 : Lock the crypt door. 10 : Give the talisman to Genesta. 2 : Give the hen to Genesta. =============================================================================== 5. Frequently Asked Questions =============================================================================== Q. I can't find the whale! I've entered the screen east of the island so many times, but the only thing that appears is the shark. What should I do? A. Make sure you've walked up the mountain path to talk to Lolotte first. If you haven't done this, the whale won't appear. Q. I'm inside the whale. How do I climb the tongue? A. Walk to the far left side of the tongue and press up to start climbing it. Slowly tap right, then up, then right, then up. Continue doing this to reach the top of the tongue. Q. I'm inside the ogre's house, but I keep getting caught by the dog! How do I avoid it? A. That dog is extremely fast. Make sure you've set the speed slow, and throw the bone as soon as you enter the house. Q. I'm under the steps in the ogre's house. I've looked through the keyhole and he's not there yet. Have I got to do something before he arrives? A. No. Just wait a while and he'll arrive. Q. I've got the hen and opened the door, but it squawked and attracted the attention of the ogre. What should I do? A. Make sure you've set the speed to fast. The ogre will only follow you through some areas, so walk north, then east to escape the ogre. Q. I've entered the witch's cave, but I can't find the glass eye anywhere. I've tried getting it, but a message appears telling me I'm not close enough. What should I do? A. The witches at the back of the room pass it to each other. Walk to the back of the room, and get the eye as soon as they start to pass it. Q. I can't go anywhere in the cave as the troll keeps catching me! How do I avoid the troll? A. The troll appears randomly, so keep entering the cave until the troll doesn't appear. Q. How do I find the latch on the wall in the haunted house? A. Make sure you look at the portrait first, and then the wall. Q. I've tried playing the music at the pipe organ, but it doesn't work. How do I play the sheet music? A. Make sure you actually type "play sheet music". "Play music" will not work. =============================================================================== 6. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This document is Copyright 2003-2004 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.