Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader Walkthrough By Steven W. Carter Version 1.03 Last Updated October 07, 2003 * ================= * * Table of Contents * * ================= * 01.00.00 Introduction 02.00.00 Character Development .01.00 Gender .02.00 Race .03.00 Spirits .04.00 Attributes .05.00 Traits .01 Racial .02 Regular .06.00 Perks .07.00 Skills 03.00.00 Companions 04.00.00 Equipment 05.00.00 Earned Perks 06.00.00 Gameplay Tips 07.00.00 Walkthrough .01.00 Starting Out .02.00 Barcelona Map .03.00 Barcelona Gate District .04.00 Barcelona Temple District .05.00 Barcelona Port District .06.00 Barcelona Sewers .01 Sewer Entrance .02 Hall of Beggars .03 Thieves Congregation .04 Dungeon One .05 Dungeon Two .06 Dungeon Three .07 Thieves Den .08 Unholy Oubliette .09 Troll Pit .07.00 The Four Factions .01 Inquisition .02 Knights Templar .03 Order of Saladin .04 Wielders .05 Dark Wielders .06 Bonus Summary .08.00 Thieves Versus Beggars .01 Thieves .02 Beggars .09.00 Forest Areas Map .10.00 Forest Areas .01 Crossroads .02 Barcelona Coast .03 Scar Ravine .04 Inquisition Exterior .05 El Bosque .06 Rio Ebro .07 Lago Del Rio Ebro .08 Slave Pit Exterior .09 Waterfall Passage .10 Goblin Camp .11 Bounty Hunter Camp .12 Old Shipwreck .11.00 Montserrat .01 Grove at Montserrat .02 Montserrat Chambers .03 Montserrat Deep Chambers .12.00 On the Road to France .01 Duero Plains .02 Pyrenees Mountains .13.00 Montaillou Map .14.00 Montaillou .15.00 Toulouse .16.00 Caverns of Nostradamus .01 Heart of Fire Entrance .02 Clan of the Hand .03 Ogre Den .04 Small Chamber .05 Clan Retreat .06 Tourniquet of Pain .07 Clan of the Skull .08 Stalagmite Grove .09 Contested Alcove .10 Nostradamus' Demesne .17.00 The Crypt .01 Entrance to the Crypt .02 Antechamber .03 Retreat of Souls .04 Mausoleum of Clovis .05 Defiled Vault of Remigius .06 Doomed Plateau .07 Crypte de Trois .08 Merovingian Crypt .09 Burial Chambers .10 Crypt of the Lance .18.00 War! .01 Montaillou .02 Barcelona Temple District .03 Barcelona Gate District .04 Crossroads .05 Ether Plane .19.00 England .01 Druid Shrine Exterior .02 Temple of the Initiate .03 Meditation Chamber .04 Stone Chamber of Wyrmkind .05 Meditation Chamber Two .06 Meditation Chamber Three .07 Antechamber of Lore .08 Chamber of the Crystal .09 Meditation Sanctum .10 Exalted Chambers .11 Ether Plane .20.00 The Persian Desert .01 Desert Sprawl .02 Shifting Dunes .03 Lair of Azi Dahaka .21.00 The Fortress at Alamut .01 Maw of the Assassin .02 Acid Wash .03 Chamber of Torment .04 The Dark Temple .05 Sanctum of the Master .22.00 Bonus CD Content 08.00.00 Thanks 09.00.00 Revision History 10.00.00 Permissions and Updates Appendices A. Skills B. Perks C. Object Modifiers ***************************************************************************** * 01.00.00 INTRODUCTION * ***************************************************************************** Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader is a role-playing game developed by Reflexive Entertainment and published by Black Isle Studios and Interplay Entertainment. It uses the SPECIAL character development system from the Fallout games, and, at least for half of the game, uses the system to create an interesting, intricate environment -- one worthy of a walkthrough. The walkthrough portion of this guide is now (relatively) complete. I used the retail release of the game for most of the walkthrough. I don't think the 1.1 patch changes anything in terms of balance or how quests work. If you find something you think I've missed, then please let me know and I'll credit you in the Thanks section. If you're looking for information you can't find here, then your best bet is probably Interplay's Lionheart forums: You might also have luck with a walkthrough posted on Interplay's web site: Or a site with maps of all the areas in the game: I'd suggest you use the forums rather than ask me questions directly. I'm receptive to e-mail, but everything I know I put in the guide, and I explain it in the guide as well as I can. So if you're looking for something more, or if part of the walkthrough is confusing, then the people in the forums will probably be able to help you more. ***************************************************************************** * 02.00.00 CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT * ***************************************************************************** * =============== * * 02.01.00 Gender * * =============== * If you're female, then it's possible Shakespeare will try to woo you and give you a ring. That's the only significant difference in the genders that I know of. * ============= * * 02.02.00 Race * * ============= * There are four races in the game -- pureblood, demokin, feralkin, and sylvant -- but there isn't a lot of difference between them. They differ by a perk here and a trait there, but mostly they play about the same. There isn't even really a penalty for playing a tainted race. So pick whichever race seems the most interesting. One place the races do differ is in character creation. Each race has a different set of attribute maximums and minimums, and that can make a difference for the type of character you want to play. However, these caps only apply to character creation. Once you're in the game, you can increase attributes beyond the maximums. Str Per End Cha Int Agi Luc ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Pureblood 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 3-10 1-10 1-10 Demokin 1- 8 3-10 1- 9 2-10 3-10 3-10 1- 9 Feralkin 3-10 2-10 3-10 1- 9 3- 9 2- 9 2-10 Sylvant 1- 9 1-10 1-10 2-10 3-10 1-10 2-10 * ================ * * 02.03.00 Spirits * * ================ * There are three spirits to choose from: the Elemental Spirit (Divine Magic), the Bestial Spirit (Tribal Magic), and the Demonic Spirit (Thought Magic). The spirits have different personalities and voice actors, but other than slightly different conversations at various points in the game, I think the only real difference between the spirits is that the one you pick will add a skill point to each of the branches under its sphere of magic. So if you're going to be a frost mage, for example, you should choose the Demonic Spirit. * =================== * * 02.04.00 Attributes * * =================== * Strength -------- Each point of strength adds 25 to your carrying capacity and 1 hit point during character creation (strength does not add hit points when you level). Strength also allows you to intimidate people in conversations, and it adds to melee damage: Strength Damage Bonus 1 0 2 1 3-5 2 6 3 7-9 4 10 5 That is, the damage bonus is the strength attribute divided by two and rounded (if necessary) to the closest even integer. If you're planning to be a diplomat or use ranged / magic attacks, then strength is an attribute you can skimp on. Perception ---------- Perception adds to your mana capacity and to your casting speed (see "Mana Capacity" and "Casting Speed" below). It also adds some conversation options (one quest requires that you be a demokin or have 5 perception), and it adds to ranged damage: Perception Damage Bonus 1 0 2-4 1 5-7 2 8-10 3 That is, the damage bonus is the perception attribute divided by three and rounded (if necessary) to the closest integer. Endurance --------- Each point of endurance adds 2 hit points during character creation and 1/3 of a hit point each time you level up. That is, each point of endurance will probably net you about 15 hit points by the end of the game. That doesn't sound like a whole lot, but realize you probably won't reach 300 hit points before the last battle. Endurance also adds slightly to the healing rate (see "Healing Rate" below), and, for every point at six or higher, it adds 2 points to poison / disease resistance. Charisma -------- Charisma adds to your mana capacity (see "Mana Capacity" below). However, it does not affect how many companions can join you, and it doesn't seem to affect how people view you, and it doesn't give you more conversation options. So only upgrade this attribute if you're planning to use a lot of mana in the game. Intelligence ------------ Each point of intelligence adds 1 skill point per level. Because of the skill points, intelligence also has a huge indirect influence on mana (see "Mana Capacity" below), so it's an attribute you should always have a lot of. However, intelligence doesn't seem to affect conversations at all. Agility ------- Each point of agility adds 2 to AC. Agility also determines your action points (how quickly you do things): Agility Action Points 1-3 6 4 7 5-7 8 8 9 9-10 10 That is, action points are simply the agility attribute divided by two and rounded (if necessary) to the closest even integer. Luck ---- Each point of luck from 6 up adds 2 points to fire / cold / electricity resistance, and adds 1 point to your critical chance. It's also important for the slayer and sniper perks, and if you have 10 luck you'll get to visit the Old Shipwreck area in the game. Bonuses ------- It's also useful to know that during the game you'll be able to add +2 luck, +1 perception, and +1 intelligence for completing various quests, plus add either +1 endurance, +2 perception, or +1 intelligence as a reward for the faction you join, plus perhaps add another attribute point from dealing with an efreet. So if you want to visit the Old Shipwreck area (which requires 10 luck), for example, you only need to create a character with 8 luck. Mana Capacity ------------- MC = 2*PE + 3*(CH + LU/2) + (magic skill points) * (2*CH + PE) / 12 Mana Regeneration Rate ---------------------- The mana regeneration rate is fixed at 0.15 mana points per second (or 9 points per minute). The boots of spirit regeneration add another 0.15 per second, and the armor of magery adds 0.40. Casting Speed ------------- CS = AP / 2 + PE / 8 Hit Points ---------- HP = 15 + ST + 2*EN + (level-1) * (EN/3 + 3) + (melee skill bonus) The melee skill bonus is for the unarmed, one-handed and two-handed skills. For every 50 points you have in one of the skills, you'll receive +5 HP. With the Brutish Hulk perk, you get (EN/3 + 3) extra hit points each level. Healing Rate ------------ HR = 1 + EN / 10 + (level) / 5 Combat Speed ------------ This speed is for both melee and ranged weapons. CS = AP / 2 + (ST + EN) / 8 * =============== * * 02.05.00 Traits * * =============== * 02.05.01 Racial --------------- There aren't many good racial traits. This is mostly because traits are selected at the same time you distribute your attribute points, and the traits only lower your maximum attribute values and change the number of attribute points you have. For example, the Demonic Frenzy trait costs you an attribute point while only giving you +15 to One-Handed Melee. That's not a good trade, especially since the +1 strength in the trait description doesn't allow you to bump your strength up to 9. But here are the racial traits I'd take: Vampiric Fury (demokin): Healing spells and potions are pretty wimpy anyway, and this trait saves you some time and money. (But note: you only leech hit points from melee attacks.) Elephant Hide (feralkin): Gaining damage thresholds and resistances is a really good thing, and it's worth the hit to your maximum agility. Fiery or Frost Ancestry (sylvant): If you're going to play a fire or frost mage, then pick the appropriate trait. (And note: If you pick the Frost Ancestry trait, you can later take the Fire Evasion perk to almost eliminate the fire resistance penalty.) Skin of Thorns (sylvant): If you're going to play a melee sylvant, this is the way to go. You'll be hit by melee attacks way more than magical attacks, and so the bonuses more than make up for the penalties. 02.05.02 Regular ---------------- As with the racial traits, there aren't too many regular traits I really like. However, the one combination that has worked in every SPECIAL style game is Gifted plus Skilled. If you take the two together, your non-magic skills will start lower, you'll receive (probably) three fewer perks in the game, and you'll lose out on one skill point per level, but you'll receive six extra attribute points, and I think that is worth substantially more than the penalties. If you really don't want to give up any perks, then remember that Lionheart is mostly a combat game, and so you should focus on traits that add offense or defense. Traits like Nasty Disposition, One Hander, Thick Skinned, and Arrows for Words are all possibilities. Or you can just skip traits altogether. They're not required. * ============== * * 02.06.00 Perks * * ============== * Even if you select the "skilled" trait, you'll still get at least 10 perks by the end of the game. That means you don't have to agonize too much over what perks to take; you'll probably be able to take most if not all of the ones useful to your character. Still, you shouldn't waste perks. You shouldn't take any perk that only adds skill points, since you can add skill points without the use of a perk. You should also avoid perks that affect poison or disease resistance, since poison and disease damage will be minimal in the game. Instead, you should focus on perks that add attributes, skill points, offense or defense. There are too many perks to grade each one individually, but here are some of the useful ones. For all characters: Brutish Hulk (if feralkin) Damage Resistance X2 Educated Fire Evasion Gain Attribute Power from Beyond (if sylvant or demokin) For unarmed fighters: Bonus HTH Damage X3 Pugilist Slayer For melee weapon fighters: Master of Arms Retribution Weapon Finesse 1H / 2H Weapon Handling Weapon Specialization 1H / 2H For ranged weapon fighters: Bonus Ranged Damage Bonus Rate of Fire Sharpshooter Sniper Superior Senses For spellcasters: Cold Soul / Mark of Fire / Lightning Rod Earthen Contact / Enlightenment / Mental Focus Pyromaniac Spirit Guide Note that some of the high level perks also have high requirements. For example, sniper requires a 200 rating in ranged combat. These requirements are different than what is shown in the manual, so be sure to look at the readme file that comes with the game. Also be sure to plan ahead so you can select perks as soon as they become available. Another note: perks that add to an attribute will stop being available once you have that attribute at 10 or higher. If you're not careful you might miss out on a perk like Weapon Handling. * =============== * * 02.07.00 Skills * * =============== * In general, you should be able to do three things in the game: attack with a weapon, attack with a spell, and defend yourself. Coincidentally (or maybe not), you get to tag three skills, so I'd suggest using one on the weapon of your choice (unarmed and ranged are probably best), one on the Thought Magic branch you like best, and one on the Divine Magic Fortitude branch. Thief skills are also useful in the game, but I don't think you need to put over 100 points in any of them, and so you shouldn't tag any of them. You can also find equipment and potions to buff up thief skills, making them even less necessary to put points into. If you don't want to be much of a magic user, evasion is a good skill to tag instead of a magic branch. ***************************************************************************** * 03.00.00 COMPANIONS * ***************************************************************************** Beatrice the Chicken -------------------- Beatrice the chicken can be found in Montaillou. She'll only join you once you've gotten the quest to restore her spirit, and she'll only stay with you until you reach the witch Na Roqua. Cervantes --------- You can find Cervantes in the grassy area on the northern side of the Temple District. He'll join your party if you agree to hunt for La Bestia (see "Cervantes and La Bestia" in section 07.04.00), but he'll leave once you complete the quest. Cortes ------ Cortes can be found in the tavern in the Port District. You must take his side against Shylocke, or else he'll disappear from the game, and you won't be able to do his quests. Once you complete the quest for his mechanical arm, he'll join your party until you discover his treasure cave (refer to section 07.05.00 for information on both quests). Ernesto ------- You'll find this guy in Lago Del Rio Ebro (see section 07.10.07). He'll stay with you for the entire game. Fang ---- You'll find Fang the bear in the Crossroads area west of Barcelona. Once you rescue Fang from the hunter trying to claim his hide, he will stay with you for the rest of the game. However, Fang is the weakest of the companions (which is saying something) so don't form any sort of lasting attachment to him. Inquisitor Darsh ---------------- You'll find Inquisitor Darsh in the Goblin Camp (see section 07.10.10). He'll stay in your party until you return to Barcelona. Inquisitor Diego ---------------- You can find Inquisitor Diego in the Duero Plains. He'll stay with you until you defeat the Dark Inquisitors, or until you leave the area. Jehanne d'Arc ------------- You'll find Jehanne on the Doomed Plateau in the crypt. If your speech skill is high enough (100 is enough) you can convince her to join you once you've spoken to the Spirit Council. Then you can either keep her in your party for the rest of the game, or end her curse when you speak to the efreet (see section 07.17.10). Jehanne is the best companion in the game, with about 200 hit points and resistances. She can stay alive even in difficult battles. Knight of Saladin ----------------- He'll join you if you talk to him at the Shifting Dunes, and stay with you for the rest of the game. Lightning War Golem ------------------- After you defeat Nanghaithya in Montaillou, you'll find a key on his body. The key will open a nearby door, and inside you'll be able to activate a lightning war golem, who will then join your party for the rest of the game. As companions go, the war golem is one of the better ones. Roger Templeton --------------- Templeton will approach you when you enter the Temple of the Initiate, and he'll offer to help you against the druids. If you accept his offer, he'll stay with you for the rest of the game. Wounded Knight -------------- You'll find the wounded knight in the sewers, on the Thieves Congregation level. He's part of the Knights Templar initiation quests (see section 07.07.02), and he'll leave your party as soon as you leave the sewers. ***************************************************************************** * 04.00.00 EQUIPMENT * ***************************************************************************** This is a list of some of the unique items you can find in the game: Amulet of Dour Tidings: +10 sneak, +5 critical chance, -1 fortune, -500 karma (found in the Rich Merchant's Den) (Bonus CD content) Amulet of the Grand Inquisitor: +10 speech, +2 AC, +1 healing rate (for rescuing Inquisitor Darsh from the goblins) Amulet of the Prophet: +3 AC, +4 slashing resistance (for asking Amir about the dead body in the forest outside Barcelona) Axe of the Feral Curse: 6-14+6 damage, bonus 66 damage to simple animals, +20 evasion, +20 sneak, -1 charisma (sold by a shopkeeper at the Duero Plains) Bleeding Lance: +5 AC, +1 critical chance, +5 to the Divine Protective branch (for completing the crypt quest) Blood Ring of Richard the Lionhearted: +10% slashing and crushing damage, +30 mana (found by clicking the statue of King Richard in the Exalted Chambers) Boots of Arid d'Jinn: +12 speech, +12 barter, -3 one-handed, -3 two-handed (for completing Bartolome's quest to rescue his brother Renaldo) Bow of Fiery Smite: +25% fire damage, +40% piercing damage (found past the last two mouths in the Chamber of Torment) Bow of Icy Carnage: +20% cold damage, +20% piercing damage (sold by a shopkeeper at the Duero Plains) Bracers of Stealthy Cunning: +20 sneak, +5 speech (for completing the thief faction quests) DaVinci's Crossbow: same rate of fire as a longbow, +4 critical chance, +12% piercing damage (for completing the "DaVinci's Crossbow" quest) The Everlasting: 1-15+3 damage, +25 bonus damage to goblins, +15 two-handed, +5 AC (acquired from the bounty hunters in the Bounty Hunter Camp) Gauntlets of Hellfire: +25% fire damage, +5 fire damage threshold (sold by a merchant in the southwestern corner of the Gate District after completing his quest) (Bonus CD content) Gauntlets of La Mancha: +1 luck, +4 unarmed, +4 one-handed, +4 two-handed, +4 ranged, +2 AC, +1 unarmed damage (for completing Cervantes' quest) Lion Shield: +10 AC, +10 crushing resistance, +10 slashing resistance, +15 piercing resistance, +1 crushing damage threshold, +1 slashing damage threshold, +1 piercing damage threshold, -7% attack speed, -10 unarmed (for completing one of the Knights Templar initiation quests) Mace of Divinity: 5-11+3 damage, 3-9 bonus damage against undead, 3% chance to kill undead outright, +1 to all Divine magic branches (found in the first level of the crypt) Maelstrom Bow of the Horde: +25% electricity damage, +20% piercing damage (for locating Jean Phillippe Cihlar's treasure) Marco Polo's Boots: +20 carry weight, +1 endurance (for freeing Marco Polo from the Trapped Ether Plane) Michel's Amulet: +15% crushing and electrical resistance (given by Brother Michel in Montaillou) Ring of the Prophet: +3 AC, +4 slashing resistance (given by Na Roqua in Montaillou) Sacred Scimitar: 2-11+3 damage, +5 critical chance, +10 pierce resistance (for completing the trial of physical prowess at the Dream Djinn) Sceptre of Bone: +2 to all Thought magic branches, +2 to all Tribal magic branches (found in Leonardo DaVinci's secret chamber) Scorching Blade: 1-6 slashing damage, 4-18+3 fire damage, +25% fire resistance (sold by Ali Akbah in the Desert Sprawl) Shakespeare's Ring of Promise: +1 charisma, +10 speech (for being female, completing the "Shakespeare's Woes" quests and allowing Shakespeare to woo you) Sword of Kublai Khan: 4-11+3 damage, +1 luck, +10 one-handed, negative karma (for defeating the madman in the Trapped Ether Plane) Sword of Rigor Mortis Frost: 1-8 damage, bonus 2-10 cold damage, 50% cold resistance, 15% chance of freezing undead for 4 seconds (sold by a merchant in the southwestern corner of the Gate District after completing his quest) (Bonus CD content) True Cross: +1 strength, +1 endurance, +10 combat skills, +10 Divine Fortitude branch (found at the final battle) Wand of Spirits: +2 to all Divine and Thought magic branches, +25 mana (for completing one of the Wielder initiation quests) ***************************************************************************** * 05.00.00 EARNED PERKS * ***************************************************************************** During the game, by solving quests or performing other actions, you might earn some extra perks. Here is a list of them: Beggar Comrade: title perk (see section 07.08.02) Brambles' Patience: +5 lockpick, +5 sneak, +6 HP, +1 critical chance (see "Restoring Brambles" in section 07.03.00) Debt of Brimstone: negative karma, +1 critical chance, +5 to the Tribal Necromancy branch (see "Inside the Inquisition Building" in section 07.04.00) Dervish of the Crescent: +5 to all combat skills (see section 07.07.03) Drunken Boxing: +3 unarmed (see "Drunk Bar Patron" in section 07.05.00) Galileo's Magical Battery: +50 mana (see "Inside the Inquisition Building" in section 07.04.00) Hero of the Inquisition: title perk (see section 07.07.01) Merchant Slayer: title perk (for killing any merchant) Scholar of the Crescent: +1 intelligence, +10 speech (see section 07.07.03) Stargazer: +1 perception (see "Davinci's Crossbow" in section 07.05.00) Thief Comrade: title perk (see section 07.08.01) Weng Choi's Shaolin Secret: +20 unarmed, +20 evasion (see "Weng Choi's Book Collection" in section 07.03.00) Note: Title perks only affect karma, and sometimes not even that. ***************************************************************************** * 06.00.00 GAMEPLAY TIPS * ***************************************************************************** Try to keep your find doors/traps skill on as much as possible. There are hidden doors, traps, and cached equipment all over the place, and you get experience each time you find something. The contents of chests aren't decided until you open them up. Similarly, the equipment sold by shopkeepers isn't decided until you talk to them. So you can save and load to ensure (or at least make more likely) that you'll get something useful. Stacks of potions weigh one pound, no matter how many potions you have in the stack. So never sell potions, and try to purchase healing potions as you can afford them. There are some extended sequences in the game where you won't have access to shops. To cast spells (like heal) during combat, wait until your character uses its weapon, then cast the spell and quickly click on the enemy again. This won't add much lag to the time between attacks, and so it's almost like casting the spell for free. Unlike other games, summoned creatures in Lionheart are worth experience and can drop gold and equipment. So if a summoning creature isn't causing you any problems, don't be in a rush to kill it. To skip some conversations and cut scenes (anything where gears show up in the upper left-hand corner of the screen), just push the enter key. If you double click on an item in the shop interface, you'll automatically sell it or buy it. The critical chance value shown on the attributes screen is not how likely you are to get a critical hit. It's just one factor (and kind of a minor one at that) for determining the likelihood. You can use the "w" key to make objects on the ground briefly glow. If you can get a resistance to over 100% then attacks of that type will actually heal you. Enemies will almost always make a sound when they see you. So when you hear something, you should immediately stop so you don't have to fight many enemies at once. The game occasionally corrupts saved game files. If you're unlucky, it will corrupt your quicksave and your autosave. So you should create other saves every couple hours just to be safe. The requirements for perks only check your *current* attributes and skill ratings. That means, for example, if your intelligence is 10 but you still want to select Gain Intelligence, you can drink some booze to lower your intelligence and then take the perk. You can also use thief potions to enable you to take Master Thief (and skip the wimpier Thief perk). ***************************************************************************** * 07.00.00 WALKTHROUGH * ***************************************************************************** * ===================== * * 07.01.00 Starting Out * * ===================== * You start out in a slave pen -- but not for long. After you finish talking to your spirit, open the door to your cell. You have a couple options for this: You can pick the lock (20 exp), or you can talk to the guard and convince him to open the door (15-100 exp). If the guard doesn't run away, then you can also kill him for an extra 52 exp. "Boot? Ass? Hey! You die!" -- Slaver There isn't any point to exploring the rest of the slave pits area. Locked doors will probably stop you anyway, but even if they don't there's a wandering master assassin in there who will kill you easily. (You'll see master assassins again in about 30 levels.) So wield your short sword (if you got one from the slaver), and then head east. You'll find another slaver you can kill, plus the exit. Outside the slave pits you'll run into Signor Leo, who turns out to be Leonardo DaVinci (this isn't supposed to be a surprise, but for some reason the game obscures who he is initially). After DaVinci teleports you to Barcelona, you'll talk to him and your spirit again and learn, among other things, that you're a distant descendant of Richard the Lionhearted. You'll also receive your first quest, to join one of the factions of Barcelona (see section 07.07.00). * ====================== * * 07.02.00 Barcelona Map * * ====================== * ___ _/ X \_ People: _/ c \_ _/M G I\_ a Amir _/H \ b Bartolome _/C S _/ c Cervantes / H _/ d Duke of Medina \_ \_ e Benito \_A q \_____________ Port f Fish Monger \_ \_ O _/ |P B \_______ District _ g Acolyte Garcia \_ \_ _/ s g | H| m |____ / \ h Hrubjub Temple \_ \_/ |___/ H |H K|H Xr\___ | / i Capt Isabella District \ E H | # / t \_/ n/ m Murder Victim |_____ | /D oH H | n Fernand Desoto L / v \ v__ \_ f _ \__ o Solitary Man | | __| |_/ \____ bTTT / \_ u| q Inqs Dominguez |v _/ | | a / TTT _ \_d \/ r Marisol \_____/ m| H _/ \_ \_ s Sqr Santiago h Gate | e _ \_i \_/ t Dumb Thug District \_ H _/ \_ \_ u Mute Sailor \___/ \_/ v Vendor Places: A Templar Armory (Sir Auric) K Shakespeare's House B Book Shop (Weng Choi) L Lost Street C Cathedral (Lord Javier) M Machiavelli's House D DaVinci's Workshop P Potion Shop (Quinn) E Eduardo's Balcksmithy S Shylocke's Building H House T Tavern I Inquisition Building (Raphael) X Entrance to Sewers * ================================ * * 07.03.00 Barcelona Gate District * * ================================ * Barcelona is made up of three areas: the Gate District (where you are now), plus the Temple District to the north and the Port District to the east. Explore all three areas to find a whole slew of quests. Hrubjub the Goblin ------------------ West of the city gates you'll find a pair of goblins, Hrubjub and Bludjund, with a dead city guard. If you inform the pair that you're not a friend of the guards, they'll give you a quest to scout the city for them. All you have to do is walk inside the gate and then return to them to receive 100 exp. If you decide you don't like the goblins, there are a couple things you can do. The most obvious is to kill the goblins (for 50 exp) and then report your deed to the western gate guard (for 50 gold). But if you're quick, you can do a little better. Instead of killing the goblins, tell them you won't report them but then do just that (for 75 exp). Then the gate guards will rush over to kill the goblins, but if you can land the killing blow on them both times (for 50 exp) you'll be able to tell the western gate guard that you killed the goblins, and he'll react like he had no idea they were there (and give you 50 gold). "Ah, an unlucky witness to wicked goblin schemes, a morsel to be slain lest it spoils our black goblin dreams!" -- Hrubjub There isn't any way to kill the goblins *and* do their quest. Amir and the Order of Saladin ----------------------------- You can find Amir east of the city gates. If you talk to him you'll learn that a relic under the care of the Order of Saladin has been stolen, and that he's worried that relics under the guard of the Knights Templar might be in danger as well. He'll also let you know that because you're a Westerner, you're not allowed to join the Order of Saladin, but that you can become a Favored One. To see the quests involved in this process, please refer to section 07.07.03. Murder Victims -------------- Scattered throughout Barcelona you'll find four murder victims. They'll all have had their fluids drained, and they'll all have bite marks on their necks. Here's where you can find them: 1. Outside Barcelona, east of the city gates. 2. In a house in the middle of the Gate District. 3. Near Shakespeare's house in the Port District. 4. In a house in the middle of the Temple District. After you find corpse #1, you can tell the Captain of the Gate Guards (the western guard outside the city gates) about it, and he'll give you 25-75 gold, depending on how much you noticed about the victim. You can also tell Amir (of the Knights of Saladin), and he'll speculate that a daeva or demon is performing the murders, and give you the Amulet of the Prophet (+3 AC, +4 slashing resistance). Note that the amulet is a quest item. Hang onto it. Next to the house of corpse #2, you can find a woman hiding behind a bush. If you talk to her she'll just run away to the Port District. Then, at some point after you discover the body, a guard will appear in front of the house. You can tell him about the woman, but nothing seems to come of it. Worse, if you talk to the guard too much, he'll grow suspicious and attack you. When you find corpse #4, you'll discover that it is indeed a daeva who has been doing the killing, but nothing much will come of the encounter. This is basically just a set-up for a later part of the game. Weng Choi's Book Collection --------------------------- When you enter Weng Choi's shop (along the northern edge of the district), ask him what kinds of goods he sells, then ask him about his book collection, and then offer to sell him any rare books you find. That will give you the quest. Here are the books you can find: 1. Art of Barter. This is a quest reward for completing Shylocke's quest to collect money from Shakespeare (see "Shakespeare's Woes" in section 07.05.00). Note: You can also read it for +15 barter. 2. Book of Death. This is in Cortes' treasure cave (see "Cortes' Treasure" in section 07.05.00). Note: You can also read it to gain +15 to the Tribal Necromancy branch. 3. Centuries. You can find this in a chest in the secret room south of Torquemada in the Inquisition building. 4. Eloquent Works. This is a quest reward for completing Shakespeare's muse quest (see "Shakespeare's Woes" in section 07.05.00). Note: You can also read it for +15 speech. 5. History of the Crusades. You'll find this book in Shylocke's building, in the chest closest to the desk (it's the "lead" chest, I believe). Shylocke and his goons won't like it if you open the chest, so once again use sneak to pick the lock on the chest without anybody noticing. You can also just pick open the chest and then run out of the building to avoid fighting, but make sure you've done Shakespeare's quests first, and make sure you don't kill Shylocke (since that will earn you a negative perk). 6. History of the Dragons. This can be found on a shelf behind Leonardo DaVinci in his workshop in the Port District. When you click on the shelf the book will fall to the floor, and then you can pick up the book. 7. History of the Fell Spirits. You'll find this in a chest in the wererat cave in the Slave Pit Exterior area. 8. History of the Inquisition. This is in a chest next to Sir Auric in the Templar armory. If you're at least a squire with the Knights Templar, then you can pick the lock on the chest and get the book without reprisal. Otherwise, you need to be sneaking when you pick open the lock. A sneak skill of 85 is enough. If you're not a thief, use a potion of stealth, which you can usually find being sold by the skulkers in the Barcelona sewers. 9. History of the Necromancers. This is in a chest in the cavern area beneath the woodcutter's house in El Bosque. You must be working on the first Wielder initiation quest or the fourth Inquisition initiation quest to get access to the cavern. 10. Poetry Book. This is in a chest in a secret room behind the Goblin Khan's throne. 11. Tome of Geomancy. This is in a chest next to Brambles in La Calle Perdida. Brambles won't mind if you pick open the chest and loot its contents. If you sell Weng Choi eight books (for 250 gold and 250 exp each) you'll complete the quest and earn Weng Choi's Shaolin Secret perk (+20 unarmed, +20 evasion). But even if you only sell him one book, that will cause him to consider you a valued customer, and you'll be able to browse his special wares, including kegs of firepowder. Blackmailing Quinn ------------------ Quinn is the potion merchant located in the northern part of the district, west of Weng Choi. Once your barter skill is high enough (around 30) you can ask Quinn about the Inquisitors and then blackmail him. You'll get a 10% discount on his wares. El Guapo the Potato Thief ------------------------- On the eastern side of the district, you'll find a building with smoke coming out of the door. When you go inside, a man will demand you give up all of your potatoes. Play along, and then either say that you have potatoes right outside (20 exp) or that you can bring him loads of potatoes if he pays for a cart (75 exp and 2 gold). You can then attack him if you want for 6 more exp. As far as I know, there aren't any potatoes in the game. "The spider falls into my... I mean the fly spins... you are captured!" -- el Guapo the potato thief The Grumpy Port Guard --------------------- Near the exit to the Port District, you'll find a grumpy guard named Hector. If your speech rating is high enough (25 is enough), you can ask him for news, and he'll tell you how he was a door guard at the observatory and let Galileo in when he wasn't supposed to. As a result, he was demoted to his current unenviable position. Raymundo the Merchant --------------------- Along the western wall of the district you'll find Raymundo the Merchant. If you ask him about "unusual" merchandise and then about magical bows, he'll show you his special stock: magical bows, crossbows, and ammunition. Restoring Brambles ------------------ Brambles is the tree in La Calle Perdida (to learn how to enter La Calle Perdida, refer to section 07.07.04). When you talk to Brambles you'll learn that a necromancer named Relican cursed him to become a tree, and that only Relican can lift the curse. You can find Relican in the Slave Pit Exterior area (see section 07.10.08). Once you've killed Relican, pick up the potion of transformation that he drops, and then return to Brambles. You'll earn 1500 exp, 1000 gold, and receive Brambles' Patience perk (+5 lockpick, +5 sneak, +6 HP, +1 critical chance). Then Branbles will disappear. Note: There isn't any way to help Brambles *and* join the Dark Wielders. Search for the Five Ways Crystals --------------------------------- In La Calle Perdida you'll find a wielder named Jorge Vandorga next to a large green crystal. (To learn how to enter La Calle Perdida, refer to section 07.07.04.) Vandorga will tell you that the crystal will bestow a magical enchantment on you -- once -- and that there are four other crystals out there in the world. Here are the locations of the five crystals: 1. La Calle Perdida: +1 to all Thought magic branches 2. Bounty Hunter Camp: +1 to all combat skills 3. Heart of Fire Entrance (Entrance to the Caverns of Nostradamus): +1 to all Tribal magic branches 4. The Chamber of the Crystal (on the Antechamber of Lore level of the druid shrine): +1 to all Divine magic branches 5. Shifting Dunes (the desert area just before Alamut): +1 to all thief skills Once you've clicked on all five crystals, you'll gain +5 cold / fire / electrical resistance, and you'll gain a rank with your faction (see section 07.07.06 for the faction bonuses). The Way Gates ------------- In the western part of La Calle Perdida (see section 07.07.04 for information about how to enter the area) you'll find several way gates. If you consider the gates to be positions on a clock, then they'll send you to the following locations: 12:00 An island in the northwestern corner of the area. The small green crystal there will send you back to the way gates. You'll also find a mechanism that requires a lever. If you ask Pedro Guitterez (the Keeper of Ways) about it, he'll give you the missing lever. Then when you fix the mechanism, it will move a rock bridge and allow you to access a northern island (from the center island). There you'll find "a lost soul," the spirit of a man who died during the Fourth Crusade (almost 400 years earlier). When you convince him to pass on (using a speech-enabled dialogue option), he'll drop a random magic item and you'll receive 500 exp. 1:30 The Crossroads. 4:30 Quinn's shop. 7:30 The Trapped Ether Plane. You'll quickly find that this way gate was a trap, as a spellcaster taunts you and some undead attack you. Once you've cleared this first island, activate the mechanism to create a land bridge to the second. Defeat the undead there and then click on the pile of bones on the ground. The spirit of a templar will talk to you, and it should be straightforward to convince it to create a land bridge to the third island. Clear the undead from the third island and then click on the pile of bones there. This time the spirit of Marco Polo will talk to you and give you a choice: you can either go back to La Calle Perdida now or face the madman who is entrapping people in this pocket of ether. If you choose the former, then you can just click on the nearby yellow crystal to return to the way gate station. If you choose the latter, then you'll need to talk to the templar spirit again to get him to help Polo. Once you're ready to leave (either back to La Calle Perdida or to face the madman), Polo will ask you to take his spirit along, in the form of a pair of boots. If you agree, you'll receive Marco Polo's Boots (+20 carry weight, +1 endurance). If you decided to take on the madman, then move to the eastern side of the island. Step onto the first stone that has moved into position, and that will cause a second stone to start moving. Between the two, they'll create a land bridge to the final island. On this island you'll find more undead to kill, but eventually you'll face the madman. For this confrontation you have two choices: you can convince him to commit suicide, or you can kill him. Either way you'll earn 257 exp, and you'll receive the Sword of Kublai Khan (4-11+3 damage, +1 luck, +10 one-handed, negative karma). Then just go to the yellow crystal on the third island to return to La Calle Perdida. 9:00 The Inquisition Chambers. 10:30 The Port District. * ================================== * * 07.04.00 Barcelona Temple District * * ================================== * Entering the Temple District ---------------------------- There are a variety of ways to get into the Temple District. If your speech skill is high enough, you can bluff the guards into opening the gate for you. If you talked to Squire Santiago or Acolyte Garcia (in the Gate District) about the Knights Templar or Inquisition, respectively, you can do some name dropping to convince the guards to let you in. You can even go through the sewers to get into the Temple District, and then when you exit the Temple District into the Gate District, the gate between the two will open. The Murdered Woman and the Daeva -------------------------------- This encounter is handled in section 07.03.00 under "Murder Victims." The Observatory --------------- When you try to enter the observatory, you'll find that it's locked up pending an investigation. There are three ways to get inside, coinciding with the three factions you can join. If you're at least a squire with the Knights Templar or an acolyte with the Inquisition, you can say you're there on official business, and the guards will let you in. If you're with the Wielders, you can bluff the guards by saying you're a part of the investigative team, but that approach requires a speech rating of 35 (maybe less). Inside the observatory, you can do three things: look through the telescope to receive the Stargazer perk (+1 perception), remove the lens from the telescope for the "DaVinci's Crossbow" quest (see section 07.05.00), and claim a spirit left by Galileo for a Wielder initiation quest (see section 07.07.04). Note: You have to look through the telescope before taking the lens, or else you won't be able to get the perk. Shylocke's Building ------------------- This building will start out locked, but once Shylocke returns you'll be able to complete some quests involving him and Shakespeare (see "Shakespeare's Woes" in section 07.05.00). Also in the building you can find the book History of the Crusades in the chest closest to the desk. The book can be used in Weng Choi's quest (see "Weng Choi's Book Collection" in section 07.03.00). Protect Machiavelli ------------------- You can find Machiavelli in his house on the northern edge of the district. When you meet him, he'll ask you to act as a bodyguard and protect him from assassins. If you agree, then as soon as you leave his house he'll be attacked, so rush back in and kill the four assassins in the room with him (for 111 exp each). Two of the assassins will be near Machiavelli, and two will be by the door waiting for you. To keep Machiavelli alive, you need to ignore the two assassins by the door and head straight for the other two. When the assassins are dead, talk to Machiavelli. You'll receive 250 exp and 150 gold. If you then ask him about the assassins, you'll learn that he's the one who helped the slavers to capture you and the assassins to find you. That information gives you the option of attacking him. If you do, you'll get 400 exp for his death. Otherwise he'll walk away. There doesn't seem to be any reason not to kill him. Cervantes and La Bestia ----------------------- You'll find Cervantes in the grassy area on the northern side of the district. Talk to him and agree to help him hunt down La Bestia. He'll then rush off to battle, so follow him and then talk to him again. If you have a high enough speech rating, you can convince him at this point to follow you, but it's more fun to let him keep hunting for the beast. So follow him all the way to the cathedral, and tell the guard there that Cervantes is under your care. Then talk to Cervantes and tell him to follow you. "A tree? Did you not see the creature clawing at me? My squire, you are not seeing clearly if you thought I was fighting a tree." -- Cervantes If you took the right conversation path when you met Cervantes, you'll have learned that La Bestia appeared when Cervantes was near some windmills. But if you didn't learn this, or if you just want some more background information on the quest, then go see Leonardo DaVinci in his workshop in the Port District. You'll find out that Cervantes swiped a magical quill from DaVinci and inadvertently summoned La Bestia while he was writing his book. So head out into the forest. You'll find La Bestia (aka Don Quixote) near the windmills in the Barcelona Coast area. If your speech skill is high enough (50 is enough) you can convince Don Quixote to merge back with Cervantes, and you'll earn 1200 exp, 250 gold, and Gauntlets of La Mancha (+1 luck, +4 unarmed, +4 one-handed, +4 two-handed, +4 ranged, +2 AC, +1 unarmed damage). If your speech skill isn't high enough, then you'll have to fight Don Quixote. Your reward will be about the same, except you'll get 10 extra exp for killing Don Quixote and receive 230 less gold. Iquisitor Dominguez and the Mana Spirits ---------------------------------------- This is one of the Inquisition quests. Refer to section 07.07.01 for details. Escaping the Inquisition ------------------------ When you approach the western entrance to the Inquisition building, you'll see a man fleeing from a couple Inquisitors. If you turn him in, you'll receive 5 gold. If you misdirect the pursuers, then when you talk to the man you can either blackmail him for 10 gold, accept a reward of 20 gold, or let him keep his gold. Inside the Inquisition Building ------------------------------- There are a bunch of minor things to do and see inside the Inquisition building: 1. There's a secret door in the southern corner of the foyer. It leads to a chest that always contains a potion of extra healing. 2. If you go down the western staircase you'll find a guard standing next to a chest. The chest contains the chalice necessary for a beggar quest (see section 07.08.02). You can either sneak while picking the chest to get the chalice; or, if your speech skill is 35, you can tell the guard he's wanted upstairs, and then open the chest when he leaves; or, if your speech skill is 45 you can get the guard to open the chest for you. Note: The guard will only start a conversation with you the first time you try to open the chest. If you can't get him to leave at that point, then you'll only be able to sneak while picking open the chest to get the chalice. 3. When you go down the eastern staircase, a "tithe inquisitor" will demand to know why you're there. Tell him you have important information for the Grand Inquisitor, and the tithe guy will not only let you wander around, he'll unlock the door to the Grand Inquisitor's chamber to the east. 4. South of the tithe inquisitor you'll find a room with some jail cells in it. When you enter the room a jailer will confront you, but if you say you just want to look around, he'll let you. Also, if your speech skill is high enough (35 is enough) you can claim to be doing an inspection for the Knights Templar, and the jailer will give you the keys to the cells. Note: If you don't get the keys, then you'll still be able to pick open the cells, but you'll have to sneak while doing it or else the guards in the room will attack you. If you get the keys, then it won't matter if the guards see you or not. 5. In the room with the jailer, you'll find a chest with a scepter inside. You can use the scepter to repair or destroy some of the crosses in the area, to open or close some jail cells, and to prevent the crosses from draining your mana. 6. There are also four cells in the room with the jailer. In one cell you'll find a Wielder. (His name is Faust, although he won't introduce himself.) You can talk to him and not learn much, but if you open his cell he'll escape and you'll earn 150 exp. In another cell you'll find an inquisitor who will attack you. In the only other cell you can currently open, you'll find a prisoner who'll ask you to release the ghost of his dead wife. He'll put his spirit inside you, allowing you to wrench open the door to her cell (the fourth cell in the room). Immediately go to the cell and open it (if you wander off you'll lose the prisoner's spirit) to release the ghost. Then when you return to the prisoner, he'll die but you'll receive 250 exp. 7. On the western side of the Inquisition Chambers, you'll find a cell blocked by a blue forcefield. If you repair the cross just west of it (using the scepter from #5) then the forcefield will go down. The cross you need to repair can be difficult to see because it blends in with the floor, but just move your mouse pointer around west of the forcefield, and you should spot it. Beyond the forcefield you'll find a few cells where the prisoners will attack you (and die quickly). You'll also find a staircase. 8. In the jail cell next to the blue forcefield cell, you can find a hidden ring of the undead (+20 to raise undead). 9. In the Lower Inquisition Dungeon (down the stairs beyond the blue forcefield) you'll encounter some weak terrors fighting a guard. If you use mana at all then the first thing you should do is destroy the cross next to the stairs. Then when you explore the area you'll find more weak terrors to kill, plus Renaldo (see "Rescue Renaldo" in section 07.05.00). If you have the potion from Bartolome then you can release Renaldo and gain 150 exp. Lastly, you'll find some jail cells. Some of them have weak terrors in them (good for exp), but two others are more interesting (see #9 and #10). 10. The Daeva of Pain. In an eastern cell in the Lower Inquisition Dungeon you'll find the Daeva of Pain. It'll ask two things of you: to convince Faust to come see it, and to free it by destroying the two crosses next to it. If you haven't freed Faust yet, then if you tell him about the demon and free him, you'll earn 200 exp and then 450 exp more when you get back to the demon and see it kill Faust. This will also somehow release the demon, and you'll receive the Debt of Brimstone perk (-250 karma but +1 critical chance and +5 to the Tribal Necromancy branch). You can also just free the daeva for the same exp and perk. Note: You can (force) attack the daeva, and it'll just stand there and take it, plus say some funny things. I don't think you can actually kill the daeva, but if you attack it long enough you'll gain 50 exp and then 250 exp, and both times you'll see the message "Your knowledge of fighting unearthly creatures has increased." This isn't a perk or anything, and I'm not sure if it gives you a bonus or not. "Oh Dark Master, why must I be a training dummy for these witless bags of flesh?" -- Daeva of Pain 11. Galileo. In a western cell in the Lower Inquisition Dungeon you can find Galileo. He won't want to be rescued, but he'll ask you to free Faust. If you do (even if it's to let the Daeva of Pain kill him) then Galileo will grant you Galileo's Magical Battery perk (+50 mana), and you'll also earn 150 exp. Plus, if you talked to the grumpy port guard in the Gate District, you can ask Galileo about the observatory, and he'll tell you that he stashed a spirit in the globe there. Note: If you're visiting Galileo because of the Wielder initiation quest, you'll need to ask him about the spirit using the dialogue option marked with the book (quest) symbol. Then he'll not only tell you about the spirit in the observatory, he'll cast a spell on you so you can see it. Torquemada's Quest ------------------ Also in the Inquisition building (on the eastern side of the Inquisition Chambers), you'll find the Grand Inquisitor Tomas Torquemada. Speak the truth to him and say you use your spirit for good, and he'll ask you to kill the Goblin Khan in the forests west of Barcelona. You'll find the Khan in the Goblin Camp area (see section 07.10.10). When you return from completing the deed, you'll receive 1000 exp and 150 gold. There's a perk called Torquemada's Divine Boone, but it didn't make it into the final release of the game. Note: There is a secret door in the southern wall of Torquemada's room. You'll need a lockpick rating of 90 or so to open it, but inside you'll find two chests. One of the chests contains the book Centuries. * ================================ * * 07.05.00 Barcelona Port District * * ================================ * Fish Monger ----------- North of the tavern you can talk to the fish monger, Carlos Desoto. You'll learn that creatures named vodyanoi have eaten away at his business -- literally -- and that now he carves their skulls to make money. He'll even offer to buy their skulls from you, if you should find any. He'll offer 25 gold per skull, but if your barter skill is high enough (22 is enough) you can upgrade the price to 50 gold. Eventually, though, he'll only pay you 10 gold per skull. Shakespeare's Woes ------------------ You can find Shakespeare in his house in the northwestern part of the district. Exhaust all conversation options with him to learn about his play, his muse, and his dealings with the moneylender Shylocke. You should end up with two quests: to get Shakespeare's muse back from Shylocke, and to convince Shylocke to extend Shakespeare's debt. Shylocke's building is in the middle of the Temple District, but if you go there you'll find that the place is locked up, and a note on the door will indicate that Shylocke is in the tavern, which of course is back where you started, in the middle of the Port District. When you arrive at the tavern, you'll find Shylocke in a heated debate with the explorer Cortes. It's important that you side with Cortes, even though that will upset Shylocke. If you don't side with Cortes, then he'll disappear and you won't be able to do his quests. Once Shylocke leaves in a huff, follow him to his establishment in the Temple District. Apologize for siding with Cortes (if you get the option), and then ask about Shakespeare's muse. Shylocke will demand 500 gold (or less, if you sided with him over Cortes) but you can work the amount down to 300 if you have a decent bartering skill (40 is enough). Then Shylocke will give you a key and tell you the muse is in one of the chests on the right side of the room. It's in the silver (middle) one. When you open the chest the muse will go into your inventory automatically. If your speech skill is at least 50, then go ahead and ask Shylocke about Shakespeare's debt. You'll be able to convince him that Shakespeare's play will make him a lot of money, and he'll decide to extend Shakespeare's debt. (If your speech skill is under 50, you'll only get a dialogue option to call Shakespeare a moron, and Shylocke will offer you a job to extract money from him. Don't do it! You'll be able to get this quest after completing both of Shakespeare's quests. If you do it now you'll fail Shakespeare's debt quest.) "No doubt the man has some writing talent, but he lacks the common sense to ever be successful." -- Shylocke Return to Shakespeare's house and tell him the good news. You'll receive 500 exp for completing the debt quest, and you'll receive 500 exp plus the book Eloquent Works (+15 speech) for completing the muse quest. If you're female you now have to make a decision. The next time you talk to Shakespeare he'll try to woo you. If you let him you'll receive Shakespeare's Ring of Promise (+1 charisma, +10 speech) but you won't be able to have a regular conversation with him after that -- he'll keep wanting to kiss you -- and so you won't be able to complete Shylocke's quest, should you take it. However, if you reject Shakespeare's advances as harshly as possible (by always selecting the bottom dialogue option), then you'll be able to have regular conversations with him, and complete Shylocke's quest. So if you're male or a ring-avoiding female, head back to Shylocke and ask him about work. He'll give you the quest to collect money from Shakespeare. Once you go back to Shakespeare and threaten him enough, he'll leave to pay off Shylocke. Then just return to Shylock to claim your reward: 500 exp, 300 gold, and the book Art of Barter (+15 barter). Note: You can use both Eloquent Works and Art of Barter in Weng Choi's book collection quest, but there are enough books available that you don't need to. DaVinci's Crossbow ------------------ When you talk to DaVinci in his workshop, you'll be able to ask him about his machines and his "latest invention," a repeating crossbow. He'll tell you that he needs some gears from his steam engine, but that the steam engine isn't cooperating. So click on the steam engine, and then select the "pull lever" option. The machine will tell you that it needs a magic potion before it can create the gears. So give it a potion (for 100 exp) and it'll give you the gears. But when you give the gears to DaVinci (for 500 exp) he'll tell you that he needs another component, a lens designed by Galileo, and that you can find one in the telescope in the city observatory. "*I* am the brains of this operation. I've helped him build all of his inventions, but what thanks do I receive? Just more work, and the occasional lubing, though that is nice." -- Steam engine So head over to the observatory in the Temple District. If you can't get in, see the "Observatory" section of section 07.04.00. Once inside, look through the telescope to gain the Stargazer perk (+1 perception), and then take the lens from the telescope. When you give the lens to DaVinci you'll receive 1000 exp plus the crossbow itself (same rate of fire as a longbow, +4 critical chance, +12% piercing damage). DaVinci's Secret Chamber ------------------------ In DaVinci's workshop you can find a viola organista, a muse / organ that you can play. Also in the room is a toy horse inscribed with "For Cecca, my childhood steed." If you play the notes C-E-C-C-A on the organista, you'll be teleported to DaVinci's secret chamber, and you'll gain 1000 exp. (If you play other notes, you'll see some funny lines from the steam engine.) Inside the secret chamber you'll find three incomplete siege engines and four chests. One of the chests will contain the Scepter of Bone, an item that, simply by being carried, adds skill points to the Thought and Tribal Magic branches. Rescue Renaldo -------------- On the western side of the tavern you'll find an Inquisitor preaching to some tainted humans. One of the tainted will ask why they aren't allowed into the Temple District, and he'll promptly get whacked on the head. Follow him north and talk to him. You'll learn that his name is Bartolome and that his brother Renaldo was recently seized by the Inquisition and taken to their dungeon. Agree to help, and Bartolome will give you a potion to give to Renaldo. You'll find Renaldo in the Lower Inquisition Dungeon (down the stairs beyond the blue forcefield). When you give him the potion he'll disappear and you'll earn 150 exp. Then when you talk to Bartolome you'll earn 250 exp and 300 gold. Note: If you get a barter dialogue option with Bartolome, you can demand a reward for completing the quest. Then besides the exp you'll receive Boots of Arid d'Jinn (+12 speech, +12 barter, -3 one-handed, -3 two-handed). Guy Fawkes the Spy ------------------ In the tavern north of where Cortes and Shylocke start out, you'll find a man named Guitterez. Have a drink with him, and when he toasts the Spanish Armada, tell him you hope England wins the war and that you have an allegiance with England. He'll then ask you to meet him outside the city gates. Once outside (west of the city gates), Guitterez will introduce himself as Guy Fawkes, a spy for England. He'll then ask you to ferret out information about the Spanish Armada by talking to Captain Isabella in the Port District. Isabella can be found on her ship moored at the southern dock. Talk to her until you get the "How do you plan on attacking England?" dialogue option, and then go back and report to Fawkes. (If you've already talked to Isabella and asked her this question before, you'll still need to ask it again to complete Fawkes' quest.) When you return to Fawkes, you'll earn a reward of 700 exp and 150 gold, and Fawkes will have another mission for you -- to assassinate the Duke of Medina Sidonia. Even if you don't want to do it, go ahead and accept the quest. Then you'll have two options: 1. Go through with the assassination. Go back to the duke and convince him there's a person hiding in the courtyard to DaVinci's workshop who has information about the English. The duke will walk over there and get blown up (follow him to watch). Then when you return to Fawkes, you'll receive 1000 exp and 350 gold, and Fawkes will walk away. 2. Turn in Fawkes. Go back to the duke and tell him about Fawkes, and then return to Fawkes and kill him (for 300 exp). When you report your success to the duke, you'll receive 500 more exp and 250 gold. But note: Even though you get a better reward for killing the duke, you might want to keep him alive for the "Captain Morales" quest (see 07.10.02). So either wait on completing the quest, or kill Fawkes instead. As far as I know, there aren't any ramifications for whether you help England or Spain. You won't gain or lose any karma, either. Drunk Bar Patron ---------------- In the bar next to where Cortes and Shylocke start out, you'll find a bar patron speaking gibberish. Drink enough ale or Serpent's Bile to get drunk, and the patron will suddenly start making sense. (You can get free booze from Guitterez, the singing Irishman to the west, or the Barmaid if you "compliment" her, so you don't have to buy anything.) Then if you give the drunk guy gold for more ale, he'll teach you some fighting moves, and you'll receive the Drunken Boxing perk (+3 unarmed). "Barshih jarshz fzoash wojey woash." -- Drunk bar patron Demokin Sailor -------------- In the back of the tavern, in a shadowy corner, you'll find a demokin sailor. He's part of the "Captain Morales" quest (see section 07.10.02). I don't think it matters what you say to him at this point, or if you insult him. Give Cortes a Hand ------------------ You'll find Cortes in the tavern, arguing with Shylocke. Side with Cortes in the matter; if you don't then you won't be able to do his quests. Once Shylocke leaves, talk to Cortes and learn about his expeditions to the New World, and, in particular, how he lost his arm and found a treasure map. Ask to help him with his arm, and he'll tell you that Leonardo DaVinci is supposedly creating a mechanical one for him. So head on over to DaVinci's workshop and talk to DaVinci. He'll tell you that he designed an arm for Cortes, and that he gave the plans for the arm to Eduardo the Blacksmith, but that Eduardo needs a supply of Red Ore to complete the project. So go to Eduardo's shop in the Gate District. Eduardo will tell you that the lava trolls in the city sewers have Red Ore, but that you'll probably have to fight them to get it. So continue your tour of Barcelona and enter the sewers. The Troll Pit can be found on the northern edge of the Hall of Beggars, and the ore can be found in the northeastern part of the area, in a chest. When you bring the ore to Eduardo, he'll give you some gears and a rod for DaVinci, and you'll earn 250 exp. Then when you give the items to DaVinci, he'll give you Cortes' mechanical arm, and you'll receive 100 more exp. Finally, when you give the arm to Cortes, Cortes will join your party and you'll receive the "Cortes' Treasure" quest. You'll also receive 1500 exp. Cortes' Treasure ---------------- You'll get this quest when you complete the "Give Cortes a Hand" quest. As soon as you trigger it, Cortes will mark Rio Ebro on your map, the location of the treasure cave. Note: In order to enter the treasure cave, Cortes must be in your party. So don't let him get killed! When you reach the southwestern part of the area (across the river from a cross), Cortes will create a land bridge to the treasure cave, and you'll automatically go inside. Cortes will then loot the first chest he finds and abandon your party, leaving behind a gem called the Eye of the Dragon and allowing you to loot the rest of the cave. You'll also earn 500 exp. Note: If you used the barter dialogue option to demand an equal share of the treasure when you gave Cortes his mechanical arm, he'll also leave behind some gold and a random magical item. Inside the cave you'll find an assortment of chests, traps, and hidden caches. You'll also find some pirate ghosts who won't be thrilled to see you. Once you loot the southern part of the cave and try to pass through the ghosts, they'll become hostile and attack. "Avast! What kind of fool are you that you would trespass into the dread Cruelcut's lair?" -- Ghost pirate To get to the real pirate treasure, you need the Eye of the Dragon. Once you pick it up, you'll be able to click on the eye socket of the dragon skeleton in the cave and be teleported to a small room with three chests in it. One of the chests will contain the Book of Death (+15 to the Tribal Necromancy branch). The others will have random treasures. However, the westernmost chest will require a substantial lock picking skill (in excess of 100) to open. When you exit the treasure room, you'll find undead creatures in the main part of the treasure cave, but they shouldn't pose much of a problem. The Solitary Man and the Thug ----------------------------- In the northern part of the district, you'll find a "solitary man" and a not- so-bright thug. The solitary man will accuse you of being a servant of Satan, and if you leave him be, then when the thug demands gold from you, you can tell him the solitary man has some, and then the thug will kill him (you'll get 25 exp). You can also tell the thug that there's some gold on the beach, and the thug will dutifully run down there and look for it (but you won't get any exp). If you just kill the pair, you'll get 10 exp for the solitary man and 40 exp for the thug. So to get the most exp, tell the thug about the man, and then kill the thug. Gomes and the Gem ----------------- In a (locked) house next to the sewer entrance, you'll find a man named Gomes. He'll offer to sell you a gem for 100 gold (or 80, if you have at least 25 barter), but you can just kill him and get the gem for free (plus get 71 exp). Note: If you kill Gomes, then you can find the gem he would have sold you in a hidden cache in the room. The cache will only appear after he dies, and it will appear in addition to the gem he drops. (The gem he drops is probably a bug.) Find Tomas in the Sewers ------------------------ Next to the sewer entrance, a girl named Marisol will ask you to find her brother Tomas, who is somewhere in the sewers. So go into the sewers and look around. Eventually you'll wander into the Troll Pit, a small area connected to the northern edge of the Hall of Beggars, and you'll find Tomas in the northeastern part of that area behind a secret door. When you reach him he'll run off, but when you talk to Marisol again you'll receive 200 exp. "Finally! It's about time someone got me out of here!" -- Tomas The Mute Sailor --------------- You can talk to the mute sailor and learn he witnessed a murder, but that's as far as you can go until a later quest (see the "Captain Morales" quest in section 07.10.02). Help Fernand Save His Brother ----------------------------- If you follow the beach all the way to the northeast, you'll run into Fernand Desoto, who will tell you that his brother was just dragged off by vodyanoi. Agree to help and Fernand will give you a potion of healing. To the north you'll find that the brother is already dead, but after you kill the three vodyanoi next to him (for 111 exp), you'll be able to pick up some low-level equipment and some gold. Then when you return to give Fernand the bad news, you'll receive 150 exp. Note: Desoto is also the name of the Fish Monger, whose brother was also killed by vodyanoi. Maybe the vodyanoi have it in for the Desotos. The Wind Scroll --------------- Talk to Captain Isabella on her ship moored to the southern dock in the area. Ask her about the Armada and why the English use magic, and she'll give you a quest to find her a Wind Scroll, an item that can counteract the English Weather Wizards. To get a Wind Scroll, you have to be able to browse Weng Choi's special wares. (Weng Choi is a merchant on the northern edge of the Gate District. See the "Weng Choi's Book Collection" quest in section 07.03.00 if you haven't met him yet, or if you haven't accessed his special wares yet.) Weng Choi will have the Wind Scroll on sale for... 0 gold! What a deal! So simply buy the scroll and give it to Isabella, and you'll receive 500 exp and 50 gold. The Cathar Couple ----------------- In one of the (locked) houses in the southwestern part of the district, you'll find a Cathar couple. It doesn't seem to matter what you say; they'll just attack. If you have trouble in the battle, then you can just leave the house and re-enter once you've healed. For killing the couple you'll get 74 exp, plus some loot from the nearby shelves. * ========================= * * 07.06.00 Barcelona Sewers * * ========================= * Almost as soon as you enter the sewers you'll witness a fight between some thieves and wererats (beggars). Then someone will ask you which side you stand with. To learn more about the feud between the thieves and beggars, refer to section 07.08.00. Besides the thieves and beggars, the sewers mostly allow you to kill some low-level enemies and finish up some quests. The sewers are comprised of three major areas and six smaller areas, and I'll list the high points below. Also, there are many traps and secret doors in the sewers, so keep your detect traps / doors skill on at all times. 07.06.01 Sewer Entrance ----------------------- On this level you can find some thieves, beggars, vodyanoi and undead. You can also find some vendors (called skulkers). Although skulkers look like thieves, they're not a part of the thieves guild, so don't kill them (if you do you'll earn a bad perk). In the northeastern corner you can find an entrance to the Hall of Beggars (trough a break in the wall), to the south you can find an entrance to Dungeon One (through a door), and in the northwestern corner you can find an exit to the Thieves Congregation (through an elevator). To operate the elevator, simply click the chain on the wall next to it. Note: There is a secret door west of the elevator. Beyond the door you should find some thieves, three chests, and a hidden cache. There are also two exits to the surface: one to the north (leading to the Temple District), and one in the southeastern corner (leading to the Port District). 07.06.02 Hall of Beggars ------------------------ This level is shaped something like a big "O" with an island of sorts in the center. You'll start out in the northeastern corner, next to a big locked door. (The entrance to the level is a hole in the wall next to a staircase, which can be difficult to see.) I'm not sure if you can pick open the big door or not, but once you make your way around to the other side, you'll find a chest with a key in it, and the key will unlock the door. On this level you'll find roughly the same creatures as in the previous level, minus thieves. However, the most important thing on the level is Enrique Garcia, the leader of the beggars. You'll find him along the southern edge of the map. If you joined the beggars then you should head straight for him so you can start doing beggar quests (see section 07.08.02). However, if you joined the thieves then you might want to avoid him for a while since he can be difficult to kill. (You can walk past his little nook of the sewers without him noticing you though, so feel free to explore.) One other item is interest can be found on the "island" in the center of the level. One of the wererats there will be named Felgnash (although you won't see this unless you talk to him), and he'll be carrying the Sword of Eduardo. This is an item for a Knights Templar initiation quest (see section 07.07.02). If you're not a part of the Knights Templar, then you can take the sword back to Eduardo and receive 500 exp and 200 gold. In the southwestern corner you'll find an exit to Dungeon Two (through a tunnel), and at the northern edge you'll find an exit to the Troll Pit (through another tunnel). 07.06.03 Thieves Congregation ----------------------------- This level of the sewers is much like the Hall of Beggars. It's roughly shaped like an "O," once again you start next to a big locked door, and once again you can travel all the way to the other side of the door to open it. The main difference in this level is that instead of beggars you'll find a lot of thieves wandering around. There are a few things of interest to find: 1. Juanita Suarez, the thief guildmaster. You'll meet her in the northwestern part of the area. If you joined the thieves then you should head straight for her so you can start doing thief quests (see section 07.08.01). If you joined the beggars, then you can go ahead and kill her since she's not very tough. (And she moves slowly, so if you're a ranged attacker, then you can attack and retreat and never get hit.) 2. Enrique's sword. You'll find it on one of the thieves in the "room" southwest of Juanita. It's part of the beggar quests (see section 07.08.02), so if you joined the thieves, don't worry about trying to get it. 3. A wounded Knight Templar. You'll find him lying near the center of the level (you should be able to see him when you cross the northernmost bridge). There's a path to him on the western side of the area, next to the bridge there. You'll have to escort him out of the area -- it's one of the Knights Templar quests (see section 07.07.02) -- and he'll want to kill all the thieves along the way. So if you joined the thieves, avoid him (at least until you do their quests). When you get him to the surface you'll earn a whopping 50 exp. Note: The knight won't kill beggars, so if you joined the beggars it's safe to use the knight to help you clear out the sewers. 4. A pair of secret doors. One is almost directly northeast of the elevator. Beyond it you'll find a thief swordsman and a staircase down. The staircase leads to the Thieves Den. The other secret door is in the northeastern corner of the area, next to a chest. It leads to a pair of chests. You can also find exits to the Unholy Oubliette (through a doorway in the southwestern corner) and to Dungeon Three (through a doorway in the room between two doorways). 07.06.04 Dungeon One -------------------- This is a small area guarded by a few undead creatures. You might get more experience here detecting traps than killing creatures. The only things of interest are the three chests at the southern end of the dungeon and a hidden cache near the western chest. Inside the cache you'll find Boots of the Walking Dead (-1 charisma, +3 ac, +8 to Raise Undead, +8 to Exorcism). Note: You'll be facing groups of undead many times in the game, so you might want to hang onto items that give a bonus to exorcism. Even 8 points of Exorcism give you a 10% chance to destroy undead creatures. 07.06.05 Dungeon Two -------------------- This dungeon is a lot like the first one, with undead creatures guarding treasures. However, this dungeon has a secret door along the western wall. When you go through it, you'll find a treasure chest and hidden cache guarded by no less than seven traps. It's a pretty easy way to make 750 exp if you can detect them all, and the (random) loot probably won't be bad, either. Note: East of the secret door, under two mana spirits, is a trap worth 500 exp to detect. 07.06.06 Dungeon Three ---------------------- This is the least interesting of the three dungeons. There are some undead creatures, and there is a hidden cache in the southeastern branch of the area, but that's it. 07.06.07 Thieves Den -------------------- In this level you'll be fighting some thieves, mostly archers and dogs (the two easiest thief types to kill). Once you explore some of the area you'll discover a room north of the staircase blocked off by two doors. Next to each door is a chain. When you pull one of the chains, the doors will open but spikes will appear (letting the archers in the room fire at you), and then when you pull the second chain, the spikes will disappear. Note: Even though the cursor will show an "X" you can damage the archers in the room using ranged attacks. Inside the room you'll find three chests plus a hidden cache. 07.06.08 Unholy Oubliette ------------------------- This area can be difficult because you'll have to fight 2-4 undead creatures at once, and you probably can't afford the mana cost of exorcism yet (if you have the spell at all). So if you find yourself in trouble, run back to the staircase and leave the area so you can heal for a while. Then go back in and try again. Anyway, ignore the big locked door when you find it. Like other levels in the sewers, you'll be able to open the door once you get to the other side. So just kill the undead you come across, and eventually you'll find a big cross. The cross will heal your health when you click on it, but since it's located at the end of the level, it's not especially useful. There isn't anything else particularly useful in the level. 07.06.09 Troll Pit ------------------ The first troll you meet will talk to you, but there doesn't seem to be any way to talk your way through the area. So you'll have to fight the trolls (you'll have to fight them anyway if you joined the beggars). The trolls can be tough, but they move slowly, so if you have a ranged attack, you can attack them and then retreat until they die. There are a few things of interest in the level: 1. A secret door west of the entrance (but before the red lava pool in the middle of the area). It leads to a chest. 2. A huge lava troll. He's a little tougher than the regular lava trolls, but you can kill him the same way. 3. A chest next to the huge lava troll. It'll have Red Ore inside, which you need for a quest (see the "Give Cortes a Hand" quest in section 07.05.00). 4. A secret door next to the huge troll and chest. Yes, everything important is conveniently in the same place. Beyond the door you'll find Tomas, who is part of a quest (see "Find Tomas in the Sewers" in section 07.05.00). There are also a couple chests and hidden caches in the area. * ========================== * * 07.07.00 The Four Factions * * ========================== * Your first quest in the game will be to join one of the four factions in Barcelona. It isn't possible to join the Order of Saladin -- you can only become a Favored One and not a full member -- but that still leaves you three factions to choose from: the Inquisition, the Knights Templar, and the Wielders. You can't join all three factions, but you can do all of the initial quests for them. However, once you complete the first initiation quest for a faction (like donating money to the Knights Templar or Inquisition), that's it; you won't be able to continue with any of the other factions. So only complete the first initiation quest when you've gone as far as you can with the three factions. The Order of Saladin is a special case. You can do all of its quests and still join one of the other factions, and vice versa. The Dark Wielders are another special case. They're an offshoot of the Wielders, and you'll be able to choose their path during the Wielder initiation. Note: The Knights Templar quests will force you to fight thieves and maybe beggars, and the Inquisitors will force you to fight beggars. So you should complete the thief / beggar quests before venturing far into the faction initiation quests. 07.07.01 Inquisition -------------------- You can find the Inquisition building in the northeastern part of the Temple District. Once inside, talk to Inquisitor Raphael, and ask about joining the Inquisition. He'll give you the following tasks: 1. Assist Inquisitor Dominguez. You'll find Inquisitor Dominguez east of the observatory in the Temple District. He'll stand out because he'll grunt every so often, and three guards will be standing there watching him. It turns out Dominguez feels the presence of mana spirits in the district, and so he's been flagellating himself (or something) to try and get rid of them. If you help him out by collecting 10 mana spirits in the area, you'll receive 35 gold and 250 exp. Then when you return to Inquisitor Raphael, he'll ask you to... 2. Pay a tithe of 1000 gold (or 1500 gold if you're tainted). Remember, once you do this you won't be able to join the Knights Templar or the Wielders, or complete the introductory quests for either of those factions. Completing this quest will make you an acolyte, and you'll receive +5 HP, +5 unarmed, +5 cold / fire / electrical resistance. Once you've paid the fee, Raphael will ask you to... 3. Deal with the Afflicted (aka beggars, aka wererats) in the sewers. In this case "deal" means "kill." Even if you cure the wererats in the sewers (through one of the beggar quests), you'll still have to kill them. Luckily, wererats can only be found in the Sewer Entrance and Hall of Beggars levels, and they group themselves together, so they should be relatively easy to find. I believe there are 25 wererats, plus Enrique the leader. Once you've killed them all your log will update, so you should know when you're done. If you can't seem to find one of the Afflicted, it's probably the beggar near the sewer exit to the Port District. Once you've completed the deed and returned to Raphael, you'll receive 750 exp, and Raphael will ask you to... 4. Create a Rod of the Inquisitor. The rod is made up of two parts. The first part involves... 4a. Finding some darkwood. Raphael will suggest you seek out a woodcutter in the forests west of Barcelona. You'll find the woodcutter in El Bosque, but when you ask him for the darkwood, he'll tell you that spirits have infested his darkwood cavern. So go down there and kill all the undead, and when you return you'll receive the darkwood and 750 exp. Then when you see Raphael you'll earn another 500 exp, and Raphael will disclose that you also need to... 4b. Obtain the hair of a saint. You can get this in the cathedral, beyond the door at the far end of the chamber (under where Lord Javier is standing). The Templar guard in front of the cathedral will stop you if you try to enter, but if you talk to him you can explain you're on a mission for the Inquisition and he'll let you pass. Inside the crypt, first detect the trap surrounding the coffin, and then click on it to get the hair. However, when you return to Raphael, you'll find out you need to... 4c. Receive the blessing of the Grand Inquisitor. You can find Grand Inquisitor Torquemada in his chamber on the second level of the Inquisition building. It's on the eastern side beyond a (possibly secret) door. When you talk to Torquemada he'll automatically create the rod for you, and you'll gain +1 perception, +10 to the Divine Favor branch, and +1 healing rate just for carrying the rod around. If you continue talking to Torquemada, you'll receive a quest to kill the Goblin Khan. But this isn't an Inquisition initiation quest. Anybody can do this quest. See "Torquemada's Quest" in section 07.04.00 for details. To get your next Inquisition quest, go back to Raphael. He'll ask you to... 5. Rescue Inquisitor Darsh from the Goblin Camp. The Goblin Camp is far west of Barcelona (see section 07.09.00 for a map of how to get there). You'll find Darsh on the western side of the camp. If you fought through the goblins to get to him, then it should be easy to make your way back to Barcelona. But if you became friendly with the goblins, then you'll need to convince Darsh not to attack the goblins once he joins your party, and you'll have to lie to the goblins so they don't realize you're rescuing him (which requires speech). Regardless, once you return to Barcelona, you'll earn 750 exp and Darsh will give you the Amulet of the Grand Inquisitor (+10 speech, +2 AC, +1 healing rate). Then when you return to Raphael, you'll receive 1000 exp more. (If you get Darsh killed during your rescue attempt, you'll still be able to complete the quest, but you'll only receive 500 exp from visiting Raphael.) Then Raphael will give you your final quest to... 6. Seek out the hidden location of La Calle Perdida. See section 07.07.04 for information on how to get to La Calle Perdida. (I'm not sure how different it might be to find the location if you haven't found it already before getting the quest. I think Raphael will give you Quinn's name to start you out.) Once you find the Wielder hideout, return to Raphael. Then you'll have a choice: to give the location or lie and say it doesn't exist. If you give the location, then you'll receive the Hero of the Inquisition title perk, but all the Wielders (and their quests) will disappear, and you won't be able to use the way gate station any more. If you lie, then La Calle Perdida will remain the same. Either way, you'll earn 2000 exp. Note: Quinn won't mind if you give up the location of La Calle Perdida. In fact, he'll still call you "friend of the Wielders." Once you complete the last quest, you'll become an Inquisitor. The title will grant you +1 perception, +10 unarmed, +1 skill point per level, and +10 cold / fire / electrical resistance, but it will also remove the bonuses from the previous title. Then Raphael will give you a new quest, to protect the relic at Monsterrat. However, this quest is (essentially) the same for all three factions. See section 07.011.00 for details. 07.07.02 Knights Templar ------------------------ To start your initiation into the Knights Templar, seek out Sir Auric in the armory on the western side of the Temple District. He'll give you the following quests to perform: 1. Deal with the thief Benito, who is working in the Port District. You'll find Benito the Thug in the southwestern part of the district. When you approach him he'll demand money, but if your speech skill is high enough you can lie and say six Knights Templar are on their way to arrest him and he'll flee (150 exp). If your barter skill is high enough you can also bribe him 50 gold to leave (150 exp). Or you can just fight him and the archers he calls to assist him (likely over 300 exp). To make the fight easier, run away when Benito approaches to talk to you. He'll follow you, and by drawing him away from his friends, you'll be able to fight them all separately. When you report back to Sir Auric you'll receive 250 exp. Then Sir Auric will direct you to speak with Lord Javier in the cathedral (in the northwestern part of the Temple District), and when you do he'll ask you to... 2. Donate 1000 gold to the faction. Remember, once you do this you won't be able to join the Inquisition or the Wielders, or complete the introductory quests for either of those factions. Completing this quest will make you a squire, and you'll receive +5 HP, +4 one-handed, +4 two-handed, +4 ranged, and 200 exp. Then Lord Javier will ask you to... 3. Assist Sir Esteban at the Crossroads. Sir Esteban won't mention the Templar initiation quest at all. In fact, he won't talk to you any differently than any other character. So just do the three things he asks -- deal with the goblins, wasps, and thieves -- get the rewards from him, and then return to Lord Javier. You'll receive 200 exp, and Lord Javier will direct you to speak with Sir Auric. Finally, Sir Auric will ask you to... 4. Find the lost knight in the sewers. The knight will be on the Thieves Congregation level of the sewers (see section 07.06.03), near the middle of the area. You can get to him from a land bridge near the westernmost bridge. Once he joins you he'll want to kill any thieves he encounters, so if you joined the thieves make sure you've done their quests first. The knight won't attack beggars, so you're perfectly safe letting him tag along as you clear out the sewers. But eventually, once you leave the sewers, the knight will leave your party. You'll gain 50 exp for that. Then when you return to Sir Auric, you'll receive 500 more exp, plus 200 gold. Then when you visit Lord Javier you'll receive another 200 exp, and he'll ask you to... 5. Forge a lion shield. Go to see Eduardo in his smithy in the Gate District, and ask him about the shield. He'll tell you that you need to undertake a test of valor to give the shield its strength, and he'll ask you to... 5a. Retrieve Eduardo's sword from Felgnash in the sewers. If you have a high enough speech skill, or a high enough intelligence (maybe perception), or if you're a feralkin, you can question this quest and Eduardo will offer to pay you to retrieve the sword instead. Then if your strength is high enough you can get Eduardo to rescind the quest altogether and move on to the next one. Otherwise you'll need to bop down into the sewers and find Felgnash the beggar. He'll be in the Hall of Beggars (see section 07.06.02), on the "island" in the middle of the area. He'll look just like the other beggars (wererats) in the area, and in fact, if you hover your mouse pointer over him he'll be labeled "wererat" and not "Felgnash." So to find him you either have to talk to all the wererats on the island (if you joined the beggars) or simply kill all the wererats until you happen upon the sword. Warning! If you have to talk to Felgnash, your conversation might lead to fighting him, and then all the beggars in the sewers will turn against you. So if you joined the beggars, be sure to do all of their quests before dealing with Felgnash. If your speech skill is high enough (50 is enough) you'll get an option to buy the sword from Felgnash. He'll ask for 500 gold, but if your barter skill is high enough (45 is enough) you'll be able to reduce the price to 200 gold. Then when you take the sword to Eduardo you'll receive 500 exp and 150 gold (you'll only get the gold if you demanded payment). But the sword won't be enough; Eduardo will also need you to... 5b. Retrieve some magnetized silver. It's being guarded by a bunch of goblins in the Scar Ravine (see section 07.10.03). You'll have to go into the eastern cave so you can take the yellow crystal portal there to arrive in the back of the western cave. Nearby you'll find the chest with the magnetized silver in it. When you give the silver to Eduardo, you'll receive 500 exp plus the Lion Shield (+10 AC, +10 crushing resistance, +10 slashing resistance, +15 piercing resistance, +1 crushing damage threshold, +1 slashing damage threshold, +1 piercing damage threshold, -7% attack speed, -10 unarmed). Then when you return to Lord Javier you'll receive another 2000 exp, and he'll ask you to... 6. Eliminate the slaver menace. The slavers are covered in section 07.10.08. They're pretty easy to kill, and you only need to kill the slaver captain to complete the quest. Once you do that and return to Lord Javier you'll receive 1500 exp and you'll finally become a Warden Knight. The title will give you +5 HP, +1 endurance, +1 healing rate, +8 one-handed, +8 two-handed, and +8 ranged, and it will remove the bonuses from the previous title. You'll then get a quest to protect the relic at Montserrat, but the quest is (essentially) the same for all factions. See section 07.11.00 for more information. 07.07.03 Order of Saladin ------------------------- To start yourself on the road to becoming a Favored One of the Order of Saladin, talk to Amir outside the city gates of Barcelona. He'll give you the following quests: 1. Seek out Ali Huban. After receiving the quest, talk to the twin brothers Farshid and Farshad (right next to Amir). They'll tell you that Huban is a master of disguise and is probably in the Port District. So wander around the Port District until you encounter Consuela the Barmaid in the tavern. Ask her for information, then ask her about Ali Huban, and finally give her the "news" dialogue option. Consuela will reveal that (s)he's really Ali Huban, and (s)he'll give you a letter to deliver to Amir. You'll also receive 100 exp. Then when you give the letter to Amir, you'll receive 250 more exp, and you'll get a quest to... 2. Recover the Shard of Dreams from the slavers west of Barcelona. You can find the slavers in the Slave Pit Exterior area (see section 07.10.08). Once you've defeated the slaver captain with the shard, return to Amir for 1200 exp. Then Amir will tell you that you need to... 3. Sacrifice a gem. There are three gems you can use: a green gem (see "Gomes and the Gem" in section 07.04.00), a river pearl (see section 07.10.07), or a Tear of Kwan Yin (on sale at Weng Choi's shop). If you have more than one, use the green gem first because it is the least valuable of the three. When you give the gem to Amir, you'll receive 150 exp, and you'll appear at... 4. The trials of the Dream Djinn. When you talk to the djinn you'll have a choice, to test your intellect or your physical prowess. If you decide to test your physical side you'll have to face four waves of enemies: three goblin shamans, then two ghouls and two zombies, then four ogres, and then a nightmare. If you get into trouble you can use the yellow crystal on the island to escape, but to get back you'll have to use another gem. Also, although the djinn will heal you between battles, he'll only heal 20 HP, and he won't affect your mana at all. However, when he talks to you between battles, the game won't pause, and so you can sit and regenerate health and mana as long as you want. When you defeat all four waves, you'll receive the Dervish of the Crescent perk (+5 to all combat skills) plus the Sacred Scimitar (2-11+3 damage, +5 critical chance, +10 pierce resistance). If you decide to test your mind, then the djinn will ask you three riddles. The riddles are random, but since they're also multiple choice, they're usually easy to solve. Here are some of the riddles and answers: "A merchant comes before you..." : Third beggar "He who makes it, makes it to sell...." : Coffin "In naming me, I am no longer there...." : Silence "My life can be measured in hours..." : Candle "Only one color, but no tone size..." : Shadow "Walk on the living, they don't even mumble...." : Fallen leaves "What force and strength cannot..." : Key "What God never sees..." : Equal "What is greater than God..." : Nothing "What is it that was given to you..." : Name "What is that which travels without..." : Water "What is the plate with many gems..." : Sky If you get all three riddles correct, you'll receive the Scholar of the Crescent perk (+1 intelligence, +10 speech). If you make a mistake (and don't want to reload), then you can use another gem to try again. Regardless of the trial you choose, when you talk to Amir after completing it, you'll receive 2000 exp. 07.07.04 Wielders ----------------- To become a Wielder, you first have to find the Wielders, and that's difficult because the Wielders have been labeled heretics and aren't exactly making themselves known. So to find the Wielders, first talk to Leonardo DaVinci (in his workshop in the Port District). Ask him about Barcelona, then the factions, and then the smaller groups. He'll mention there are some wizards hiding in the city. Ask him about the wizards and where to find them, and he'll suggest you talk to Quinn the Herbalist. Quinn can be found in his shop in the northern part of the Gate District. Tell him that Leonardo sent you and that you have magic talent, and he'll ask you to read a passage from the book on the chair next to him. When you do, proving that you have magic talent, Quinn will give you a magic charm and tell you that the charm will allow you to see the hidden entrance to The Lost Street, the home of the Wielders. (You don't have to wear the charm; having it in your inventory is enough.) "Perhaps the street is being hidden right in front of me and I cannot see it!" -- Inquisitor Mateo The entrance to the Lost Street is on the western side of the Gate District, near the two vendors. When you approach the wall, it will become transparent, allowing you to pass. So go through and then enter the nearby doorway, and you'll gain 150 exp and find yourself in The Lost Street (La Calle Perdida). Then talk to Cedric Alsen, and he'll give you the quests you need to complete in order to become a member of the Wielders: 1. Create a Wand of Spirits. Cedric will suggest you seek out a woodcutter west of Barcelona for advice on how to find the darkwood necessary to make the wand. You'll find the woodcutter in El Bosque, but he'll tell you that the cavern with the darkwood is being haunted by evil spirits. Agree to take care of the problem so you can get some of the wood. "If they should happen to do any of the... things... their kind is liable to do... disembowel you, for instance, or impale you, or maybe tear out your eyes... be sure to say a prayer with your last breath or -- heaven forbid -- you will rise as one of them at the next full moon!" -- Felipe the Woodcutter Inside the cavern you'll find undead creatures that are a little more powerful than the ones you might have found in the sewers under Barcelona. Once they're all dead (again), head back up to the surface and talk to the woodcutter. He'll give you the darkwood you need, and you'll gain 750 exp. Then when you return to Cedric, you'll gain 300 exp and you'll become an Apprentice Wielder, which will grant you +4% cold / fire / electrical damage, and +5 HP. You'll also get the Wand of Spirits, which won't do much for you yet. Note: This quest for the Wielders is the equivalent of the donation quests for the other two factions. Once you complete it, you won't be able to become a Knight Templar or Inquisitor, and you won't be able to complete any more of their quests. But there is some good news. By becoming an apprentice, Quinn the potion merchant will have extra wares for you when you visit him. Finally, Cedric will direct you to... 2. Bind a spirit to your wand. The person to see for this is Galileo, who is currently being held prisoner in the Inquisition dungeons (see section 07.04.00 for details on the Inquisition building). Once you find Galileo, you can ask him about spirits, and he'll cast a spell on you so you can see the one he left in the observatory. You'll also earn 300 exp. When you arrive in the observatory (if you're having trouble getting in, see the "Observatory" entry in section 07.04.00), click on the globe in the center of the room to upgrade your wand. Now just by carrying the wand you'll receive +2 to all Divine and Thought magic branches, plus 25 mana. You'll also earn 100 exp. When you get back to Cedric, you'll receive 550 more exp, and he'll ask you to... 3. Bring Relican the Arch Necromancer to justice. That is, kill the guy. You'll find Relican in the Slave Pit Exterior area (see section 07.10.08), in the southwestern corner. Once you've killed him, return to Cedric to earn 1000 exp and become a Wielder. The title will give you +8% cold / fire / electrical damage, +10 HP, +4 AC, +1 intelligence, and it will remove the bonuses from the previous title. (These are the same bonuses that Dark Wielders get.) You'll then get the quest to protect the relic at Montserrat, but the quest is (essentially) the same for all factions. See section 07.11.00 for more information. 07.07.05 Dark Wielders ---------------------- You'll find Relican in the Slave Pit Exterior area, in the southwestern corner. He was once a Wielder, but now he and the Wielders hate each other. If you follow the Wielder initiation quests, then you'll be directed to kill Relican. However, when you meet him you'll be able to take his side. He'll ask you to carry his summoning ring into La Calle Perdida, and if you do he'll take over the area. Then if you're a Wielder he'll ask you to... 1. Find the Scepter of Bone. Leonardo DaVinci has the scepter (see "DaVinci's Secret Room" in section 07.07.05), but it's easy to retrieve. Once you present it to Relican you'll earn 350 exp and Relican will let you keep it. Then Relican will ask you to... 2. Convince Quinn to join the Dark Wielders. If you have a high enough speech skill you can convince Quinn to join you (120 exp). You can also intimidate him into joining (no exp). As a last resort, you can also kill him (250 exp), but that will earn you the Merchant Slayer perk. Of course, if you want to be a Dark Wielder, maybe that's ok. Note: If you're going to kill Quinn, make sure you've completed your beggar quests, if any. He's involved in the last one. When you return to Relican you'll earn 1550 exp, and you'll become a (Dark) Wielder. The title will give you +8% fire damage, +8% cold damage, +8% electricity damage, +10 HP, +4 AC, +1 intelligence, and it will remove the bonuses from the previous title. (These are the same bonuses that regular Wielders get.) You'll then get the quest to acquire the relic at Montserrat, but the quest is (essentially) the same for all factions. See section 07.11.00 for more information. 07.07.06 Bonus Summary ---------------------- If you just want to see what the bonuses are for each faction without having to do a lot of reading, here you go. Inquisition Rod of the Inquisitor: +1 perception, +10 to the Divine Favor branch, +1 healing rate Acolyte: +5 HP, +5 unarmed, +5 cold / fire / electrical resistance Inquisitor: +5 HP, +1 perception, +10 unarmed, +1 skill point per level, +10 fire / cold / electrical resistance (and removes Acolyte bonus) Hallowed: +5 HP, +1 perception, +1 charisma, +15 unarmed, +1 skill point per level, +15 fire / cold / electrical resistance (and removes Inquisitor bonus) Knights Templar Squire: +5 HP, +4 one-handed melee, +4 two-handed melee, +4 ranged weapons Warden Knight: +5 HP, +1 endurance, +1 healing rate, +8 one-handed, +8 two handed, and +8 ranged (and removes Squire bonus) Paladin: +5 HP, +1 strength, +1 endurance, +1 healing rate, +15 healing, +12 one-handed, +12 two-handed, +12 ranged (and removes Warden Knight bonus) Wielders Obelisk bonus: +2 AC, +1 to the Divine Favor branch (see section 07.10.06) Wand of Spirits: +2 to all Divine and Thought magic branches, +25 mana Apprentice Wielder: +5 HP, +4% cold / fire / electrical damage Wielder: +10 HP, +1 intelligence, +4 AC, +8% cold / fire / electrical damage (and removes Apprentice Wielder bonus) High Wielder: +15 HP, +1 intelligence, +1 charisma, +8 AC, +12% cold / fire / electrical damage (and removes Wielder bonus) * =============================== * * 07.08.00 Thieves Versus Beggars * * =============================== * When you enter the sewers you'll learn that there's a guild war going on between the thieves and beggars. Depending on the side you choose to support, you'll be able to go on several quests, which are listed below. The beggar quests are more difficult, but the final reward for them is much better than the final reward for the thieves. Note: If you join the Knights Templar, you'll have to fight the thieves and maybe the beggars. If you join the Inquisition, you'll have to fight the beggars. So you should complete the quests listed below before you venture too far into your faction quests. 07.08.01 Thieves ---------------- To start doing quests for the thieves, you first have to find Juanita Suarez, the thief guildmaster. To get to her, go to the northwestern part of the Sewer Entrance level and pull the chain next to an opening in the wall. An elevator of sorts will arrive, and if you get in you'll be taken to the Thieves Congregation. You can find Juanita on that level in the northwestern corner. When you reach Juanita, she'll ask you to... 1. Recover Juanita's locket from the beggar who stole it. You'll find the offending beggar (wererat) on the Hall of Beggars level of the sewers (see section 07.06.02). In the middle of the level you'll find an island of sorts, with three bridges connecting it to the rest of the level. The beggar with the locket will be on the northern side of the island, in a room with two piles of straw in it. Once you return the locket to Juanita, you'll receive 200 exp, and she'll ask you to... 2. Kill the leader of the beggars. You might have done this while retrieving the locket, but if not head back to the Hall of Beggars. You'll find the leader, Enrique Garcia, south of the "island" where the locket was. Enrique can be difficult to kill, so if you're still a low level, you might want to put off this quest for a bit. But after you do kill him (worth 500 exp), return to Juanita and tell her the news (worth 500 more exp), and she'll decide you can be trusted by the thieves guild. Then she'll give you a job to... 3. Rob from the house next to the cathedral in the Temple District. Juanita will even give you a key, so this should be pretty easy. Anyway, go to the house (it's between the cathedral and Machiavelli's house), and help yourself to what you find inside -- some gold and a magical item in a hidden cache, plus some gold in the shelves. Then when you return to Juanita you'll have to give her a cut of the profits, but you'll also receive 500 exp, and Juanita will give you a new job to... 4. Collect dues from a guy in the Port District. Juanita will say the guy lives near Leonardo DaVinci, but that's not a very helpful description. The guy really lives next door to Shakespeare. When you enter his house, he'll automatically give you 125 gold. Then when you return to Juanita she'll take her cut once again but she'll also give you Bracers of Stealthy Cunning (+20 sneak, +5 speech), and you'll also receive the Thief Comrade title perk (which does absolutely nothing). Then Juanita will suggest you spend a little quality time together, but if you do she'll rob you of 500 gold. She'll also open a secret door to her private quarters, and you'll find a chest there, but the chest never seems to generate anything useful (however, it might get you back your 500 gold). 07.08.02 Beggars ---------------- To start doing quests for the beggars, you first have to find Enrique Garcia, the leader of the beggars. He's in the sewers, on the Hall of Beggars level, at the southern edge of the map. When you talk to him, he'll give you a series of quests: 1. Recover Enrique's sword. You can find the sword on the Thieves Congregation level. It'll be on a thief in the "room" southwest of Juanita Suarez, the thief guildmaster. When you bring the sword back to Enrique, you'll receive 200 exp and 25 gold. Then he'll ask you to... 2. Kill Juanita Suarez, the thief guildmaster. Chances are you had to do this to get to Enrique's sword, but if not head back to the Thieves Congregation and kill her. (She's in the northwestern part of the level.) For this deed you'll receive 200 exp and Enrique will ask you to... 3. Steal the chalice from the Inquisition. If you go down the western staircase in the Inquisition building, you'll find a chest with a guard next to it. The chalice is inside the chest. To get the chalice you can either sneak while picking open the chest, or, if your speech skill is high enough, you can tell the guard he's wanted upstairs and then open the chest when he leaves. If your speech skill is really high (64 is enough) you can even get the guard to open the chest for you. When you give the chalice to Enrique, you'll receive 200 exp and 175 gold, and he'll ask you to... 4. Destroy the lava troll menace. You have to kill the lava trolls for a couple other quests anyway, so why not? You can find the lava troll area through an exit at the northern edge of the area, slightly northwest of the entrance. After you kill the trolls, return to Enrique to earn 200 exp and 200 gold. Then Enrique will ask you to... 5. Discover a cure for wererat lycanthropy. The first person to see for this quest is Quinn the potion dealer, located in his shop in the Gate District. He'll tell you that he can't make a curative potion for the disease without a piece of the Prime Wererat. You'll find such a piece (wererat fur) in the wererat cave in the northeastern corner of the Slave Pit Exterior (see section 07.10.08 for details). When you give the fur to Quinn, he'll give you a lycanthropy cure potion. Then just take the potion to Enrique in the sewers, and you'll receive 200 gold and a potion of permanent +1 luck. You'll also receive the Beggar Comrade perk, which doesn't do anything so far as I know. * ========================= * * 07.09.00 Forest Areas Map * * ========================= * Bounty Goblin Hunter------Camp Camp | | Scar Ravine Waterfall | | Inquisition Passage | Shipwreck Exterior | | ____________/ | \ | / | Lago Del------El Bosque------Crossroads-------------Barcelona Rio Ebro | | | | | | | | Slave Pit Rio Ebro-------Barcelona Exterior Coast * ===================== * * 07.10.00 Forest Areas * * ===================== * There are a handful of forest areas west of Barcelona. They involve more combat than Barcelona does, so start exploring them when you get tired of walking and talking. Eventually, quests in Barcelona will start directing you into the forest areas. For highlights about what each forest area contains, see the subsections below. 07.10.01 Crossroads ------------------- This is a pretty tame region, as you might expect since it's the first area outside of Barcelona. There are lots of low level creatures to kill, plus three things of note: 1. Sir Esteban (near the eastern exit). He'll tell you about the dangers in the area -- goblins, wasps and thieves -- and he'll give you a quest to eliminate each. But watch out! As soon as you agree to eliminate the goblins, a group of them will attack you! Luckily, they're not very tough. Be sure to pick up the blood bracers one of them will drop, and hang onto it until Esteban asks for it. You can find the goblins in the southwestern corner (near the blue crystal), the wasps in the northwestern corner, and the thieves in the southeastern corner. You'll also have to battle with numerous wolves in the area. As far as I know, things like wolf pelts and wasp stingers don't serve any purpose, and you should just sell them. Killing the wasps and goblins is straightforward, but for the thieves you have some options. If you're tainted and if you recognize the head thief Ramon as tainted, you can convince him to leave (350 exp). You can pay Ramon 30 gold to make him leave (400 exp). You can lie about paying Ramon gold to make him leave (350 exp). Or you can just kill him, like Esteban wants (about 200 exp and a little bit of gold). Once the thieves are gone, be sure to loot the three chests around the campfire, plus the two nearby caches of gold. When you complete the quests, you'll receive 700 exp, 150 gold, and a long bow of carnage for killing the goblins; 35 gold for turning in the blood bracers (about twice as much as you'd get for selling them); 600 exp and 100 gold for killing the wasps; and 700 exp and 150 gold for dealing with the bandits. Note: Sir Esteban's three quests comprise one of the Knights Templar initiation quests (see section 07.07.02). 2. Alvaro the Merchant (in the middle of the area). He has special wares to sell, but you won't get the option to see them if your karma is bad (like if you've helped any daevas to escape). His special wares are pretty good, so check with him often, and save before you do. 3. Fang and the hunter. South of Esteban you'll find a hunter attacking Fang the bear. The bear will immediately join your party, and you'll have to decide what to do about the hunter. You can kill him, scare him, or buy him off. You can even try to let him have the bear, but Fang will probably kill him and you'll have Fang in your party anyway. Regardless of the option you choose, you'll earn about 50 exp. 4. A blue crystal. Blue crystals like the one in the southwestern corner act as teleporters, and they'll allow you to move to any location on the world map. But be warned! When you use them you can end up in the ethereal plane (or ethereal wasteland, or ethereal ruin, etc.) instead and have to fight some enemies. The enemies you face will be based on your level, so the ethereal plane can be a good place for exp and equipment, or it can be a pain, depending on your view. You'll end up in the plane about 10% of the time. If you want to get there more often, click on a blue crystal, and if the world map comes up, just exit it and try again. Note: When you enter the Crossroads from the east or west, a random citizen will appear with you and start walking. If the citizen is a vendor and you have a high enough barter skill, you can ask to see the vendor's special wares. 07.10.02 Barcelona Coast ------------------------ There are a few things of interest in this area: 1. A windmill. If you have Cervantes with you then you can complete his quest here (see "Cervantes and La Bestia" in section 07.04.00). 2. A red crystal. You can click on red crystals three times, and each time they will summon undead creatures to fight you. The first wave will have brittle skeletons, the second wave will have huge brittle skeletons, and the third wave will have lesser brimstone reavers (how many of each you face depends on your level). The crystals aren't a part of any quest, so your only reward regarding them is the exp (and maybe equipment) you get. So don't bother touching them unless you can kill the creatures they summon. Note: It's a good idea to move away from the red crystal before fighting. Otherwise you might inadvertently click on the crystal again and cause more enemies to appear. Another note: The undead creatures are summoned when you click on the crystal, meaning they'll only stay about a minute before they disappear. That means if you want to kill them (and especially the last wave since it's the one that drops equipment), you need to kill them quickly. Exorcism is the way to go (if you have it), but firepowder kegs can also help. 3. The ghost of Captain Morales. If you talked to Captain Isabella or the Duke of Medina in the Port District, you might remember one of them mentioning Captain Morales and how he fell overboard and drowned during a storm a couple months back. Well, when you talk to his ghost you'll learn that he was actually murdered, and that a crewmember witnessed the foul deed. So head back to the Port District. The crewmember you're looking for is the mute sailor at the end of the northernmost dock. When you talk to him you'll learn that his tongue was cut out because of something he saw -- the murder of Morales -- and that prevents him from telling you who did it. However, he'll pantomime that a horned (demokin) sailor knows the answer as well. The demokin sailor is in the tavern, standing in the shadows in the back area. If your perception is high enough (I think 5 is enough) or if you're a demokin yourself, then you'll recognize that he's a demokin, and you'll be able to ask him about the murder. At the worst, he'll mention that "she" did it, but if you threaten him (and have at least 7 strength) he'll accuse Captain Isabella directly. Note: If you're slightly short in strength, you can drink Serpent's Bile to briefly bump it up by 2. Regardless, when you talk to Captain Isabella she'll readily admit her guilt. This gives you some options. If your barter skill is high enough you can shake her down for 1000 or 2500 gold. If your speech skill is high enough you can convince her to turn herself in (400 exp). You can also listen to her story and then keep quiet (400 exp) or lie about keeping quiet (100 exp) and then turn her in to the duke (500 exp and 150 gold). When you return to Captain Morales, you'll receive 500 exp and he'll tell you about a treasure he found next to the prow of the nearby rowboat. Just turn on your find traps/doors skill to find the treasure, which should contain gold, three potions and a magic item. Afterwards, as long as you didn't have to go to the duke, you can return to the mute sailor to let him know he's safe from Captain Isabella's wrath. You'll receive 100 exp, 75 gold, and a potion of extra healing. 07.10.03 Scar Ravine -------------------- You'll find a bunch of wasps hovering around this region, plus a few vodyanoi keeping them company. You'll also find three things of note: 1. Gloria and the goblin. On the eastern side of the area you'll find a goblin preparing to eat a little girl. If you've met the woodcutter from El Bosque, then you should recognize that the girl is Gloria, his daughter. If your speech skill is high enough (96 is more than enough) you can convince the goblin that you'll take the girl to the Goblin Khan (worth 50 exp). Otherwise you'll have to fight him (worth 49 exp). Either way the girl will run home to her father. 2. A cave entrance in the northwestern corner. 3. A cave entrance in the northeastern corner. The two caves are linked. They'll also be full of goblins and wasps. When you go into the western cave, you'll discover that wooden spikes divide the area into two halves, and that you can't get to the northern half. But never fear, you'll also find a large yellow crystal in the eastern cave, and it will teleport you to the northern half of the western cave. In the northern half of the western cave you'll find a chest with magnetized silver in it. This is an item for the third Knights Templar initiation quest (see section 07.07.02). You'll also find another large yellow crystal. This one will take you to a new part of the western cave. The new part of the western cave will have more wasps in it (including a large blue cursed wasp), plus a chest and yet another large yellow crystal at the end. This last yellow crystal will take you back to the southern half of the western cave. Note: In the eastern cave you'll also find a hut with a banner outside that reads (in part), "Those that can see what the world offers them are greatly rewarded." Inside the hut you'll find a trap and three hidden gold caches. Another note: If your luck is 10 or higher when you enter the Scar Ravine, an exit in the southeastern part of the area will lead to a shipwreck (see section 07.10.11). 07.10.04 Inquisition Exterior ----------------------------- This is a small area that simply connects the Crossroads to the lower chambers of the Inquisition building from the Temple District in Barcelona. All you can do here is kill a handful of wolves. 07.10.05 El Bosque ------------------ In the center of this area you'll find Felipe the Woodcutter. If you're working on the Wielder initiation quests, then refer to section 07.07.04 for how to get darkwood from him. You might also notice that Felipe seems troubled. If you ask him what's wrong, he'll tell you that his daughter Gloria vanished one night and that he fears she's been abducted. You can find Gloria in the Scar Ravine, guarded by a single goblin. It's not a boss goblin or anything, so dispatch it quickly. Gloria will then run home, and when you talk to the woodcutter again you'll receive 500 exp and 200 gold. There is also a broken blue crystal in the area (in the northeastern corner), but I don't know if anything can be done with it. 07.10.06 Rio Ebro ----------------- There are three things of interest in this area: 1. The haunted ship. The ship is located in the southeastern part of the area. You'll know you're getting close when a bunch of skeletons rush you. Once you've defeated all the undead around the ship, you can loot a chest on the ship that should have several magical items in it. This is a good place to save to make sure you get something good from the chest. 2. An obelisk. It's located on an island on the western side of the area. If you're a Wielder and click on the obelisk, you'll receive +2 AC and +1 to the Divine Favor branch. 3. Cortes' treasure cave. The cave is located in the southwestern part of the area. See "Cortes' Treasure" in section 07.05.00. If Cortes is with you, then he'll create a land bridge to the cave, and you'll be able to go inside and get some loot. 07.10.07 Lago Del Rio Ebro -------------------------- The first thing you'll see in this area is a blue crystal. You can use it to teleport to other areas on the world map (see section 07.10.01 for more information). The second thing you'll see is Grumdjum the goblin. Even though he's a goblin he'll talk to you first, and he'll ask you to kill the river dryad for him. You can find the dryad through the yellow crystal to the north. If you kill the dryad you'll earn 750 exp, and then when you return to Grumdjum you'll earn 500 more exp and receive a Ring of Fiery Death (+20% fire damage). "Goblinkind has produced the greatest philosophers ever to walk this orb, great minds like Bloodspiller the Pensive, Bonecrusher the Pedantic, and Brain-Gnasher of the Fairy-Pogrom." -- Grumdjum If, on the other hand, you decide you don't want to side with the goblins, you'll have to fight Grumdjum (worth 575 exp) and the other goblins on your way to the yellow crystal. Then when you talk to the dryad, she'll ask you to kill the Goblin Khan (see section 07.10.10 for information on how to do this). After you complete the task, return to the dryad to receive a river pearl, a potion of (permanent) +1 luck, 500 exp, and 78 gold. However, if your speech skill is high enough (55 is enough) then the best thing to do is accept the quest from Grumdjum, then change your mind when you talk to the dryad, and then lure Grumdjum to his death. You'll get the Ring of Fiery Death, plus 600 exp, plus still be able to do the dryad's quest. There are a couple other things worth noting in the area: 1. A goblin camp in the southeastern corner (through the arches). Inside you'll find Ernesto, a demented Spaniard. Ask him about his home, and he'll decide he should go back to Barcelona to tell everybody about his exploits. Then you can decide whether or not to add him to your party. He'll stay for good. 2. A red crystal in the southwestern corner. See section 07.10.02 for information about red crystals. 07.10.08 Slave Pit Exterior --------------------------- As you make your way south into the area, you'll find an "alpha wererat" fighting some goblins. If you're working on the final beggar quest, then don't worry when the wererat doesn't drop anything. The alpha wererat isn't the wererat you're looking for. Speaking of wererats, you'll find a wererat cave in the northeastern corner of the area. As soon as you enter the cave, your spirit will appear and let you know that Aesma, the Daeva of Hate and Fury, resides in the cave. So proceed slowly and cautiously. You'll find Aesma in the southeastern corner, through the yellow crystal portal. Note: East of the entrance, in a chest, you'll find the book History of the Fell Spirits. Aesma can be tricky to kill. He'll keep summoning minions, and if you "kill" him while a minion is still alive, he'll replace the minion with himself and return to full health. So make sure all the minions are dead before you strike the death blow. If you have an area attack spell (including exorcism), then let the spell damage the minions (who aren't very powerful) while you use your weapon on Aesma, and then only attack minions directly when Aesma is almost dead. Otherwise, just kill everything as best you can. If you get into trouble, you can always exit the room through the yellow crystal to the north. Note: Aesma will usually create a minion just as soon as you enter the room. So advance into the room to check for it. You don't want to do all the work of killing Aesma only to discover there was a minion hiding out of view. Once Aesma dies, he'll drop wererat fur, and you'll receive 1070 exp. The wererat fur is for the final beggar quest (see section 07.08.02). Also in the room you'll find a chest, and it (I think) will always drop a bow of some sort. Back outside the wererat cave, you'll find three things of interest: 1. A hut in the northwestern corner. A banner next to it will read, "The path to glory is beset with tests of shrewdness. Choose wisely." Inside you'll find gold on the ground and a trapped chest. So detect the trap and then choose both. 2. Relican. You'll find him all by himself in the southwestern corner of the area, and you'll have some options for how to deal with him. If you've met the Wielders, then you might have one or two quests to kill him. (The Wielders don't like him much and vice versa.) Killing him (which is easier than the build-up might indicate) will net you 189 exp, plus allow you to finish the Wielder quests. If you do kill Relican then don't forget to pick up the potion of transformation from his corpse. "Well, explorer, you have discovered someone who does not want to be found." -- Relican If you decide, however, that Relican sounds like a cool guy, you can help him overthrow the Wielders by carrying his summoning ring into La Calle Perdida (for information on how to get there, refer to section 07.07.04), and then activating it once you get inside. If you're a Wielder, this will change your path to the Dark Wielders. See section 07.07.05 for details. 3. The entrance to the slave pits along the western edge of the area. When you go inside you should notice that the place looks familiar. This is where you started out the game. So if you came simply because of the Order of Saladin quest (see section 07.07.03), now you have another motivation. Anyway, there isn't much to do here. Just walk around killing thugs and thieves until you encounter the slaver captain. He'll talk to you first, and, depending on your speech skill, you might have some options. You can let him go (200 exp, 100 gold). You can kill him (125 exp, ~50 gold). You can demand money of him. For the latter case he'll reveal a secret room (that might not be detectable) with three gray wolves and a treasure chest inside. In all you'll get about 250 exp and 200 gold for this option. "Are you some kind of fool to come near me? Do you not remember me? I am your master! You belong to me!" -- Slaver captain Regardless of what you choose, you'll receive the shard of dreams (either directly or by picking it up off the ground). Then just mop up the rest of the thieves and thugs, and watch for hidden doors and caches (there are a few of them). 07.10.09 Waterfall Passage -------------------------- This is simply a connector area between Lago Del Rio Ebro and the Goblin Camp. All you can do here is kill a bunch of vodyanoi. Note: if you leave at least one vodyanoi alive when you exit the passage, then when you return there will be a full set of vodyanoi again, and you can use the area to gain exp. The vodyanoi will stop spawning once you rescue Inquisitor Darsh, or if you complete the quest for Rakeb (unverified). 07.10.10 Goblin Camp -------------------- Even if you've killed every goblin to cross your path so far, you'll be able to talk to the goblins here when you first arrive. Better still, they'll allow you to walk around their camp unmolested, and so you can, among other things, find a goblin merchant (in a hut north of the goblin archer acting as a town crier) and get some extra quests. And for the icing on the cake, once you've shopped and quested, you can turn around and kill the goblins for even more equipment and experience. "Stand fast and be recognized, knave! You stand on Mongol soil, where goblins scheme and enemies boil." -- Goblin Note: Even if you don't want to "play nice" with the goblins, you might want to be friendly to them at first so you can move west through their camp and exit into the Bounty Hunter Camp, where you can buy a weapon that will kill goblins easily, and where you can get a quest to kill goblins if you're a feralkin. You'll also get 50 exp for being nice to the goblins. To get quests from the goblins, you need to travel to the cave entrance at the northern edge of the area. There, if you keep take the eastern branch in the tunnels, you'll find Rakeb, a goblin shaman. (The western branch leads to the Goblin Khan, who you don't need to meet yet.) Rakeb will give you the following quests: 1. Clear the vodyanoi from the Waterfall Passage. You might have done that anyway on your way to the Goblin Camp. When you report your success to Rakeb you'll earn 250 exp and 75 gold. 2. Collect the woodcutter's eyes and liver. The woodcutter is standing in the middle of El Bosque. If you haven't rescued his daughter yet (see section 07.10.05) or completed your Wielder initiation yet (see section 07.07.04) then you should delay this quest. But once you do kill the woodcutter (losing 50 karma in the process), his eyes and liver will automatically go into your inventory, and you'll receive 125 gold when you return to the shaman. If your barter skill is high enough, then instead you'll receive 250 gold, and the shaman will become a (really lame) shopkeeper. If you killed the dryad earlier (even if Grumdjum "accidentally" died in the process), you'll also be able to talk to the Goblin Khan and get a quest from him. He'll ask you to kill the bounty hunters in the area to the west, and to return to him their magical weapon. If you do so, you'll earn 250 exp and anywhere from 200 to 700 gold depending on your speech and barter ratings. You'll also receive the Goblin Champion title perk. I believe that's all the use you can get from being nice to the goblins, so from here pick a spot you like and then start fighting them (use force attack if you need to). Clearing the goblin camp should be straightforward, and while you're there you can also rescue Inquisitor Darsh (on the western side of the camp). If you convince him to leave with "stealth and wit" he'll follow you and not fight the goblins (which might be good if they're still friendly with you). Otherwise he'll help you fight. The stealth approach requires some speech skill to bluff your way past the goblins, and the other way just requires a lot of combat that you're probably going to perform anyway. So the fighting approach is probably best, especially since Darsh is a ranged (spell) attacker who won't rush off and get himself killed. But regardless of the choice you make, you'll receive 750 exp and the Amulet of the Grand Inquisitor (+10 speech, +2 AC, +1 healing rate) when you arrive back at the Gate District. Note: If you fight your way out with Inquisitor Darsh, you'll encounter some goblins in the Waterfall Passage. If you allow Darsh to turn you invisible, you'll gain 150 exp and you won't have to fight the goblins. If you decide to stay visible and fight the goblins, you'll receive over 300 exp. When you decide to fight the Goblin Khan, realize that he's another daeva -- Tawrich, the Daeva of Hunger -- and so defeating him won't be easy. So kill the other goblins in the cave first (including Rakeb for 650 exp) and then move towards the northwestern corner. You'll find the Khan in a room with four goblin archers and a goblin shaman. You'll know you're close when you see a pair of banners. If you attack the Khan you'll find that he regenerates health very quickly. To prevent that you need to kill the goblins in the room with him. Of course, staying alive long enough to do that *and* kill the Khan can be tricky. If you have the weapon The Everlasting from the bounty hunters, you can probably just wade in and kill everything (using hectic mode since the bonus damage always "hits"), but otherwise you'll have a couple options: 1) buy firepowder kegs and use them in the room to kill the helper goblins and perhaps the Khan himself (6 kegs is enough), or 2) use hit-and-run tactics to kill one or two goblins at a time, or 3) use a lot of potions. Regardless, once you have the Khan alone, he shouldn't be too hard to kill, and you'll receive 1070 exp once he dies. Note: There are also some secret doors in the goblin cave. One is along the western wall (prior to the Khan) and leads to a chest. Two more (in sequence) are behind the Khan's throne and lead to four chests. You might want to save before opening the chests to increase your odds of getting something good. One of the chests always has a goblin poetry book in it. Another note: Once you kill some goblins in the cave, when you leave the cave you'll be attacked by a couple shamans and archers. 07.10.11 Bounty Hunter Camp --------------------------- When you enter the area for the first time, a few goblins will come fleeing towards you. If you're quick, you can kill some or all of them. In the middle of the area you'll find Raylark, Fenclaw, and two other bounty hunters. If you talk to them you'll learn that they're hunting goblins, and that they have a secret weapon, a warhammer named The Everlasting (1-15+3 damage, +25 bonus damage to goblins even if you miss, +15 two-handed, +5 AC). If you have a high enough barter skill then you'll be able to buy The Everlasting from them for around 9000 gold. Otherwise you'll have to fight Raylark and the rest of his Savage Heart Company to get it (if you want it). "Do not resist! I need to sever your head cleanly!" -- Raylark If you're a feralkin, then after you ask Raylark who he is and what the Savage Heart Company is, you can ask to join him. He'll tell you that the company is full, but he'll offer to split the goblin bounty with you if you can kill a dozen goblins. Plus, he'll offer more if you can kill the goblin shaman Rakeb. For killing a dozen goblins you'll receive 750 exp and 450 gold, and for killing Rakeb you'll receive 1000 exp and 550 gold. Also in the area you can find a green crystal (see the "Search for the Five Ways Crystals" entry in section 07.04.00 to learn more). This particular crystal will grant +1 to all combat skills. Lastly, you should find a couple blood bracers on the ground. You can sell them to Sir Esteban at the Crossroads for 35 gold each. 07.10.12 Old Shipwreck ---------------------- Note: You can only access this area if your (current) luck is 10 or higher. This is a small area that features a shipwreck and some wimpy undead guardians. Once you fight your way through the guardians, you'll find three chests and a hidden cache. * =================== * * 07.11.00 Montserrat * * =================== * Regardless of the faction you joined, once you complete its initiation quests, you'll receive a quest to protect / acquire the relic at Montserrat. You'll still be able to go back to Barcelona when you take on the quest, but you're probably better off completing the quests there (and in the sewers and nearby forests), because the creatures will get more difficult the further you move into the storyline. 07.11.01 Grove at Montserrat ---------------------------- Note: The only way to get to this location is to teleport in via the blue crystals. You'll find yourself in a grove outside of Montserrat, the temple where the relic is. The grove will lead you first to the east and then to the west, and along the way you'll be able to fight some snakebreeds and some other forest critters, plus visit a couple caves. As far as I can tell, neither cave has anything interesting in it, unless you've been searching for just the right bear pelt to match your boots. You'll find the temple along the northern edge of the area, and, if you continue west all the way to the western edge (after crossing the river), you'll find a red crystal. See section 07.10.02 for more information on red crystals. The big door (with the star on it) in the northeastern corner of the area is the exit from Montserrat, and you'll be able to use it eventually. 07.11.02 Montserrat Chambers ---------------------------- When you enter Montserrat, the doors will close behind you. It might then appear like you're stuck inside, but there's actually a mechanism next to the doors that you can use to open them back up. (It's on the left side, but it blends in pretty well and can be difficult to see.) Inside the chambers, you'll first be attacked by a handful of snakebreeds. So creep forward until they make a sound, and then retreat back to the entrance doors so you can face as few as possible. Then explore the area. After killing more stuff, you'll eventually find yourself at the southern edge of the area. A hallway there will lead to the next area. Note: Don't worry. The Montserrat Chambers area is just oddly shaped. You didn't miss any secret doors. 07.11.03 Montserrat Deep Chambers --------------------------------- The hallway will branch almost immediately, but the two branches will later join up to the southeast. Once you've killed everything, continue southeast from where the hallways re-connect, and you'll shortly find Brother Montgomerie. He'll tell you that the relic was stolen, and that the creatures who took it headed north. Then, with his last few breaths, he'll tell you to seek out Brother Michel on the other side of the Pyrenees. The conversation will net you 2500 exp and mark the Pyrenees area on your world map. "Horrible, powerful beasts. Monsters, assassins. They went... north. They seek more relics." -- Brother Montgomerie * ============================== * * 07.12.00 On the Road to France * * ============================== * To seek out Brother Michel, you'll first have to fight your way through a couple areas to get to him. 07.12.01 Duero Plains --------------------- Note: The only way to get to this location is to teleport in via the blue crystals. However, it might be difficult to see the area on the world map. It's the pentagram-in-a-circle east of Barcelona. As soon as you enter the area, Inquisitor Diego will run up to you and ask for your help against some Dark Inquisitors to the north. If you agree to help him, then you're stuck; you'll have to help him. However, if you refuse, you can come back later and decide to help him, or you can decide to help the Dark Inquisitors instead. So that's the way to go if you want to keep your options open. If you decide to help Inquisitor Diego, then the Dark Inquisitors will attack you when you approach them. There will be five, and they'll all be spellcasters (with fire and electrical attacks) so you might want to buff up your resistances before taking them on. Once they're all dead you'll receive 1000 exp, 100 gold and two potions, and Inquisitor Diego will leave. (If you left Diego behind somewhere in the area, then you'll receive the reward when you approach him.) If you decide to help the Dark Inquisitors, they'll ask you to kill Inquisitor Diego. You'll get 93 exp for the deed itself, and then when you return to the Dark Inquisitors you'll receive another 1000 exp and the Dark Inquisitor you were talking to will turn into a (pretty good) shopkeeper. Elsewhere, you'll find a lot of poisonous plants in the area. When you walk past them they'll shoot poison spores in the air, and the spores will damage and poison you. If you have any companions with you (like, say, Inquisitor Diego) it's probably best to tell them to stop following you. The poison spores won't hurt you much, but they'll take out companions quickly. Besides the poisonous plants and the Dark Inquisitors, you'll find three other things of interest in the area: 1. A red crystal on the eastern side. It will work like all the other red crystals (see section 07.10.02). 2. Mauldo the Wilderness Merchant in the northeastern quadrant. He'll sell the Bow of Icy Carnage (+20% cold damage, +20% piercing damage) and the Axe of the Feral Curse (6-14+6 damage, bonus 66 damage to simple animals, +20 evasion, +20 sneak, -1 charisma). If you're competent with two-handed weapons, you should get the axe for a later part of the game. (You'll have to fight scorpions, and apparently scorpions are considered simple beasts.) 3. The hired goons. In the middle of the area you'll be accosted by three hired goons. They'll demand money from you, but you should be able to refuse and kill them pretty easily. (Unverified: The goons might be related to Shylocke. If you borrowed money from him then the goons might try to collect from you rather than rob you.) 07.12.02 Pyrenees Mountains --------------------------- This area is mostly one big battle, with wolves on the western side and rock titans on the eastern side. Rock titans are big and potentially nasty, so move carefully so you don't end up fighting several at once. There are three things of interest in the area: 1. A cave on the western side. Inside you can kill some wolves. 2. A big door / wall in the middle of the area. It separates the southern half of the map from the northern half, and there isn't any way to open it (even when you get to the other side). 3. A cave on the eastern side. You'll have to go through this cave to bypass the door / wall in the middle of the area. Inside the cave you'll find a lot of ogres to kill, and in the northeastern corner you'll find a "woozy ogre" that you can talk to. The ogre will tell you that he hears the voice of Aka Manah in his head, and that Aka Manah commands him to kill you. However, he'll resist the command and leave north. When you follow him you'll find yourself in a second cave. This cave will be much like the last one, only smaller. Once you've killed all the ogres in the second cave, head for the eastern exit. It will lead to Aka Manah's lair. (The exit in the northwestern corner will return you to the Pyrenees Mountains, but you won't be able to go through it until you deal with Aka Manah.) As soon as you enter the lair, your friendly spirit companion will pop up to let you know that Aka Manah is a daeva. Then, when you walk far enough into the lair, Aka Manah will start talking to you. If your speech skill is high enough (75 is enough) you can convince him that he's more powerful than his master, and you'll earn 2500 exp when he leaves. Otherwise, you'll have to fight him Since Aka Manah is a daeva, it shouldn't come as a surprise that fighting him will be tricky. He'll create mirror images of himself three times, once at the very beginning of the fight and then twice after that. The mirror images will be much weaker than Aka Manah, so determining which version is real and which ones aren't should be easy. (If you do a lot of damage to one, it's a fake.) So concentrate your attacks on the real Aka Manah, and let area affect spells take care of the images. If you don't have any area affect spells, then just bludgeon away until everything stops moving. Aka Manah won't gain back any hit points when he creates images, so you can just wear him down until he dies. You can even run back to the second cave to heal if you need to. Once Aka Manah dies you'll earn 2500 exp. I don't think he ever drops anything particularly valuable, so if you can talk your way past him, that's the route to take. With Aka Manah gone (one way or the other), you'll be allowed to leave the second cave and head to the northern half of the Pyrenees Mountains area. However, as soon as you exit the cave you'll be greeted by about five ogres, so make sure you're rested first. Then just head for the northern edge of the map. There you'll find a blue crystal, and when you click on it you'll be able to teleport to Montaillou * ======================= * * 07.13.00 Montaillou Map * * ======================= * _________ __________ ____________ | \ \ S |_/b d | People: | n \_/ /\___/\_ | | |__ / | b Beatrice l Louis | G \___ \ C| d DaVinci m Maury | \ \ | g Guillaume n Nanghaithya | TTTT | | | h Henri t Lucius | EEE TTTT |__| | | EEE __ | Places: | l YYYY | | | | g YYYY | | | A Adelie's House |_____________ ___/ | | B Beatrice's House | | ___ \_ | C Blue Crystal ____B____H_| | | \_ \_ | E Temple W Witch's House | ___________| | \_ \ | G Grave Stone Y Mayor's House H| | \ \__|h | H House | |_A______M____ \ __ | M Brother Michel's House |___________t____|H | m | | W| S Head Statue |___/ |______| T Tavern * =================== * * 07.14.00 Montaillou * * =================== * Your goal in Montaillou is to talk to Brother Michel, but of course there are many other things you can do. The Spirit Gem -------------- North of where you start out (up some stairs) you'll find Leonardo DaVinci next to a wrecked flying machine. Ask him what he's doing in Montaillou and he'll tell you that he came to pick up a spirit gem, but that the merchant, Guillaume, failed to show up. Volunteer to track down Guillaume. "This machine will fly again, and this time it will fly higher and faster... unless of course an unexpected upwind collapses the manifold, and then it will be a burning heap." -- Leonardo DaVinci You'll find Guillaume far west of town. Be careful what you say to him. He might try to trick you out of some gold and then disappear (I'm not sure if you can find him again if he does that). So ask him about the spirit gem first, and he'll tell you that Inquisitor Fournier confiscated it from him. Inquisitor Fournier is located in the temple west of the town square. If you've completed both of his tasks (see "Inquisitor Fournier's Tasks" below), or if your speech skill is high enough, then you can lie to him and say that the gem is dangerous and needs to be destroyed. Then he'll give you the key to the chest in the temple, and you can get the gem from it. If your speech skill is too low and you prefer not to do any quests for Inquisitor Fournier, then you can use the same trick you might have used to collect some of Weng Choi's books earlier: sneak and then pick the chest open to get the gem without anybody noticing. Regardless, when you give the gem to DaVinci you'll receive 1750 exp and 1000 gold. Find Nostradamus ---------------- Besides finding out about the spirit gem, you can also ask DaVinci why he is checking up on you. He will mention that he'd like to help cultivate your gifts, and that you should seek out the seer Nostradamus. However, DaVinci won't know where to find him. To find Nostradamus, you have to talk to the witch Na Roqua. You can find her in her hut in the southeastern corner of the area. Then just ask her about Nostradamus, and she'll mark his location on your world map. See section 07.16.00 for more information on Nostradamus. The Bear -------- South of where you start out you'll see a bear. If you get too close to him, he'll attack you and then change to a human when he dies. If you stay a short distance away and follow him south, he will change into a human and then you can talk to him. At this point you can simply keep his secret, or blackmail him for 200 gold, or, if you're a feralkin, learn that he's a lycanthrope and that another family in the area has the same affliction. But nothing really seems to come of this conversation. Aidan the Merchant ------------------ In the tavern (on the northern side of the town square) you'll find a man labeled "feralkin citizen" standing next to the bar. If you talk to him you'll learn his name is Aidan and that he's a traveling merchant. He's the best merchant in Montaillou, if you're looking for weapons or armor, so be sure to check with him often. Jean Phillippe Cihlar's Treasure -------------------------------- This quest is a little convoluted. First you have to talk to the barkeep in the tavern, and tell him you're looking for some gold. He'll respond by telling you the legend Jean Phillippe Cihlar, the former owner of the tavern, and how that "meat eater" supposedly buried his treasure under a charmed statue. If you ask him what the charm is to open the statue, the barkeep will tell you that you can ask Cihlar's ghost yourself, provided you bring him his favorite wine. So head out to the cemetery (northwest of the tavern), and click on Cihlar's tombstone (at the northwestern side). Cihlar's ghost will appear, but he won't give you the charm. However, he'll say, "Only one who lives as I lived shall spend my gold." So head back to the tavern and talk to the Inquisitor who is eating meat all by himself. He'll offer you some of his roast, which you should accept, even though it will tick off the Cathars in the tavern. Then when you leave the tavern some Cathars will accost you. You can fight them for minimal exp, or you can explain you're not with the church and that you support the "goodmen" and they'll let you go (worth 250 exp). Back in the cemetery, talk to Cihlar's ghost again. He'll smell the meat on your breath, and he'll give you the charm you need to open the statue. "Leave the entrance open. Perhaps when it becomes known that someone has solved the mystery of my treasure, these foolish bumpkins will stop pouring wine on my grave as they have these many years." -- Jean Phillippe Cihlar's ghost You can find the statue north of the cemetery, across a bridge. When you click on it you'll be able to give it the charm phrase, and then you'll be able to enter the treasure chamber beneath it. Inside you'll find a single chest with a Maelstrom Bow of the Horde inside (+25% electricity damage, +20% piercing damage). Inquisitor Fournier's Tasks --------------------------- In the temple (on the western side of the town square) you can talk to Inquisitor Fournier. If you tell him you're on a mission to safeguard holy relics, he'll give you two tasks: to find a witch named Na Roqua, and to investigate the mayor. You'll find the mayor in his house on the southern side of the town square. To learn his secret, just get him to talk about his mistress Beatrice and how he accidentally transferred her mind into a chicken (see "Saving Beatrice the Chicken" below). When you return to Fournier you'll receive 250 exp. Na Roqua will be in her hut in the southeastern corner of the area, but you won't "find" her until you actually talk to her. Then when you return to Fournier you'll receive 250 exp. As far as I can tell, there isn't any downside to completing the quests. The mayor and the witch won't disappear or talk to you differently, and after completing the quests Inquisitor Fournier can be convinced to sell you potions (if you have a high enough speech skill). Completing Fournier's quests also makes the "Spirit Gem" quest easier (see above). Saving Beatrice the Chicken --------------------------- When you talk to the mayor in his house (on the southern side of the town square), ask him about Brother Michel and then tell him that he can trust your discretion. He'll tell you how he accidentally transferred his mistress Beatrice's mind into a chicken, and how the chicken has run off. Agree to find Beatrice and take her to Na Roqua the witch so the botched spell can be reversed. You'll find Beatrice north of the town, east of the head statue where Jean Phillippe Cihlar buried his treasure. "Ummm... er, bluck, cluk, bok ek!" -- Beatrice the chicken When you talk to Beatrice she'll join your party. All you have to do now is lead her to the witch Na Roqua in the southeastern corner of the area, but be careful. Wolves will have spawned between where you find Beatrice and the witch, but luckily they'll pretty much ignore Beatrice and attack you. When you reach the witch, Beatrice will be restored and you'll gain 2500 exp. Then when you speak to the mayor next you'll receive 1000 gold, and the mayor will start selling magical items. You can also find Beatrice again (in her house at the docks), and if you ask her for a reward she'll give you a bottle of wine. Saving Henri's Father --------------------- In the southern part of the area, next to a bridge, you'll find a little kid named Henri. He'll tell you that his father is under attack. So cross the bridge and protect the father, Maury the Shepherd, from the nearby vodyanoi. Once you've saved the father you can drag his last gold piece away from him if you want (in sort of an amusing conversation). Otherwise there doesn't seem to be a reward, unless the good deed grants karma. Louis the Beggar ---------------- West of town you'll find a Cathar by the road. If you talk to him you'll learn his name is Louis the Beggar, and, depending on the dialogue choices you make, you can either pay him 1-2 coins, or receive a coin from him, or kill him, or leave him be. If there's anything special about him, I don't know what it is. Nanghaithya ----------- In the northwestern part of the area you'll find Nanghaithya, another daeva. (Nanghaithya was the daeva killing people in Barcelona, so you might have met him before.) If your speech skill is high enough (110 is enough), you can scare him off by mentioning that you killed Aka Manah. He'll drop a key when he leaves. Otherwise you'll have to fight him, and, of course, with him being a daeva fighting him might not be easy. If you don't have an object "of the prophet" then Nanghaithya will keep changing form, and you won't be able to kill him. You can get an object "of the prophet" either from Amir in front of Barcelona (see "Murder Victims" in section 07.03.00) or from Na Roqua the witch in the southeastern corner. If you decide to get the object from the witch, you'll have to fight Nanghaithya first to trigger the necessary dialogue option with her. Once you have an object "of the prophet" killing Nanghaithya should be reasonably easy. He'll keep casting slow on you, and the casts will stack together, so eventually you'll barely be moving at all. But he won't attack when he casts, and so you'll have some free time to beat him up before he concentrates on damaging you. (This battle might be easier with a high agility. I think Nanghaithya will keep casting slow on you until your agility drops to 1.) If you have a spell that continuously damages an area of the map (like fire ring or ice storm), that's the way to go. Otherwise, just whack Nanghaithya until he dies. You probably won't be able to run away from the battle because of the slow spells, so make sure you have some healing potions with you just in case. After Nanghaithya dies, you'll receive 2750 exp and a stone key. The key will open the door behind Nanghaithya, and inside you'll find a mechanism and two "sleeping" piles of armor. When you pull the lever on the mechanism, a lightning war golem will join your party. There isn't any way to activate the second pile of armor. Brother Michel -------------- You'll find Brother Michel in the second-to-last house on the docks. His house will be guarded by Lucius the rock titan, but Lucius won't want to let you enter. To get past Lucius, you have a few options. There are a few ways to talk your way past him (requiring 60 speech or 7 intelligence), and, if that fails, you can always fight a duel with him to prove your worth (requiring strength or maybe just enough health). If you can't talk or fight your way past Lucius then you probably have a bad character build. But all is not lost. Just like with intimidating the demokin sailor in Barcelona, you can drink wine or ale to bump up your strength (Serpent's Bile gives a +2 bonus, if you want to trudge back to Barcelona), and hopefully that will be enough to allow the duel to take place. "I have lost to a little person. How cruel are the ravages of time." -- Lucius Inside the house you can finally talk to Brother Michel. He'll tell you about another relic, the Bleeding Lance, and how it lies is a nearby crypt. Brother Michel will also mark the location of the crypt on your world map. Note: For fun, click on the book next to Brother Michel a few times. This will trigger a quest to retrieve the lance. See section 07.17.00 for details. Trouble in Toulouse ------------------- After speaking with Brother Michel, you'll witness a conversation between a woman named Esclarmonde and the mayor the next time you approach the town square (where the fountain is). Then when you talk to the woman, she'll tell you how Toulouse was attacked by rock titans, and how the titans have captured and plan to eat the inhabitants, including her husband Thierry. Agree to help her and Toulouse will show up on your world map. Next, go talk to the mayor. He won't want to do anything about Toulouse, and he'll claim that Montaillou is safe because Lucius is protecting it. That certainly sounds at odds with what Lucius told you before, so head back down to the docks to talk to Lucius again. Lucius will admit that he lied to the mayor, and he'll ask you to help him out. If you can kill the rock titans in Toulouse, then Montaillou will be safe and Lucius will also be safe. However, Lucius will ask that you give him the stone hearts from the four elder titans in the town, so that he can give them the proper funerary rites. "You *must* speak with your blade. Do not attempt to parlay with them; they will recognize your strength and try to divert you from your purpose or trick you into helping them." -- Lucius This quest is (possibly) more complicated than it first sounds, and I'll cover the rest of it in the Toulouse section (07.15.00). Note: If you talk to Brother Michel before completing the Toulouse quest, and if you tell him you're going to fight the titans, he'll give you Michel's Amulet (+15% crushing and electrical resistance). * ================= * * 07.15.00 Toulouse * * ================= * When you arrive in Toulouse you'll be able to talk to a rock titan named Tereo. You can learn a little about the rock titans from Tereo, including that they've been expecting you, but mostly he's just there to direct you to Lethos, who is located a little farther along the path. Note: If you have the quest from Lucius to kill the rock titans, you can attack them at any time. So you might want to do some talking first. When you talk to Lethos you'll learn that Lucius (aka Memnos) used to live in Toulouse, and that the rock titans sacked the town while looking for him. He'll then ask you to talk to Rhea to learn more about Memnos. Before talking to Rhea, you might want to talk to Menoetius and Iapetus in the northeastern corner. Menoetius will mention Nostradamus and mark his location on your world map (which is useful if you somehow couldn't get the location from the witch in Montaillou). Iapetus will tell you about the creature that has been stalking and eating the humans in the town. From his description, it's pretty clear that Nanghaithya was the culprit, and you can even receive three large jewels from the rock titan as a reward for killing him. (Nanghaithya is covered in section 07.14.00.) If you now go visit Mathuo (the rock titan who was attacked by Nanghaithya) at the western edge of the town, you'll be able to ask him about the attack. Among other things he'll mention that he was "dipping mercury" to the southeast. That will allow you to go to the location and click on a large rock to find titan mercury (the cul-de-sac with the rock is east of Rhea). You can now give the mercury to Mathuo, and, if you speech skill is high enough (93 is enough), suggest that he drink it with Poimaino, who is guarding the human prisoners. If you get too close to Mathuo and Poimaino, they won't leave, and they'll even attack you. So stay a screen away until they leave (switch the text panel to dialogue mode to see what they say), and then talk to Thierry the prisoner. Tell him that the way is clear, and he and the other two prisoners will escape. Then back in Montaillou you'll receive 4000 exp when you talk to Thierry (at the town square), and you can even ask for a reward. Thierry will tell you that he hid 1000 gold in a tree stump at his house in the northwestern part of Toulouse. You'll find the stump north and then west of the rock titans Klao and Baktron. (Klao and Baktron will attack you if you try to move past them before learning of the stump.) If you decide to let Thierry keep the gold, you'll earn 100 karma instead. Note: If you return to the prisoner area, you can watch a funny conversation between Mathuo and Poimaino, but don't go past Poimaino or else all the rock titans will turn hostile. With the prisoner quest out of the way, you can finally head to the southwestern corner and talk to Rhea. You'll learn that a titan's memories are written on a crystal in its chest, and that by eating the crystal a titan gains the memories from it. You'll also learn that Lucius / Memnos was responsible for keeping the collective memories of the tribe, and that now that he's grown old, a member of the tribe needs to eat his heart to preserve the memories. Note: When you first see Rhea, she'll be talking to a young titan named Ephebos. To find out what the conversation is really about, head back over to Tereo and talk to him. After the conversation with Rhea, go back and talk to Lethos again. He'll ask you to kill Lucius / Memnos and return the crystal heart (mneme) to him, or else lure Lucius / Memnos back to Toulouse, where the rock titans can take care of the oath-breaker themselves. And so you have a choice: to kill the rock titans and return four stone hearts to Lucius, or kill Lucius and return his heart to Lethos. You can't do both, obviously. If you decide to help the rock titans and kill Lucius, then you can either ask Lethos for gold or for a magic item (or both, if your barter skill is high enough), and then when you return from completing the deed, you'll receive 1500-2000 gold and / or a random high quality piece of armor, plus 2500 exp. You'll also receive 1776 exp for killing Lucius. Note: When you talk to Lucius you can also decide to stay out of the matter and earn 5000 exp, but then you won't get a reward from Lethos. Another note: If there's a way to lure Lucius back to Toulouse, I don't know what it is. (107 speech wasn't enough to get a dialogue option for it.) If you decide to kill the rock titans, then you'll have a long battle on your hands. The four elder titans you need to kill are Lethos (in the middle of the area), Menoetius and Iapetus (in the northeastern corner), and Rhea (in the southwestern corner). Once you've killed them and, what the heck, all the other titans and ogres in the area (for about 7500 exp), and returned to Lucius in Montaillou, you'll receive 3500 exp and 2500 gold. * =============================== * * 07.16.00 Caverns of Nostradamus * * =============================== * You can only access these areas once you've triggered the Nostradamus quest in Montaillou (see "Find Nostradamus" in section 07.14.00). When you complete the Nostradamus quest and the Crypt quest (covered in the next section), England and Spain will go to war, and Montaillou and Barcelona will suddenly look much different (that is, worse). So complete all the quests you can and do all the shopping you need to before completing the two quests. 07.16.01 Heart of Fire Entrance ------------------------------- Note: The only way to get to this location is to teleport in via the blue crystals. Shortly after you arrive in the area, a monk will run up to you and start a conversation. He'll let you know that a battle rages on, with assassins trying to reach Nostradamus so they can use his visions for evil purposes. He'll also let you know that Nostradamus is undergoing a transformation of some sort. After the monk leaves, simply wander around and kill stuff. You'll find hujarks and snakebreeds (bad) fighting ogres (good), and you can join in if you want. As long as you deliver the killing blow, you'll get the exp. You'll also find another green crystal (see "Search for the Five Ways Crystals" in section 07.03.00). When you touch it you'll gain +1 to all Tribal magic branches. The entrance to the caverns can be found along the northern edge of the map. 07.16.02 Clan of the Hand ------------------------- As soon as you enter the area, a half dozen hujarks and snakebreeds will close in on you. However, since you just entered the area, you'll be right next to an exit, and so you can exit and heal as much as necessary to kill those first few enemies. Over the rest of the area you'll find more hujarks and more snakebreeds, and some will even cast spells or summon more enemies. So, as always, proceed cautiously, and run back to the entrance area to heal if you need to. You'll also find four exits from the area, not counting the exit back to the Heart of Fire Entrance. To the west you'll find an exit to the Ogre Den, to the northeast you'll find an exit to the Small Chamber, and near the middle you'll find an exit to the Clan Retreat. (Each of the passageways connecting the northern and southern halves of the area has an exit.) However, to progress farther into the cavern system you'll have to use the southeastern exit leading to the Tourniquet of Pain. 07.16.03 Ogre Den ----------------- This is a small, circular area with more hujarks and snakebreeds to kill. It will mostly be straightforward -- until the end. When you kill the enemies and return to the exit, a hujark shaman and a bunch of snakebreed crushers will appear. The best thing to do at that point is run away like crazy and try to separate the enemies so you can fight them a couple at a time. "The Old Man will pay handsomely for this one's head on a pike!" -- Hujark shaman You'll receive 582 exp for killing the shaman. 07.16.04 Small Chamber ---------------------- This is a very small area. If you're quick you can prevent a Wielder from getting killed. If you do that, then when you exit the area you'll have to face some extra enemies, but the Wielder will help out. Disappointingly, nothing will happen if you keep the Wielder alive in the fight. He won't even talk to you if you click on him. 07.16.05 Clan Retreat --------------------- This is another small area where you can fight a few things and maybe save an ogre or two from getting killed. You'll probably have to fight a trio of hujarks after you leave. 07.16.06 Tourniquet of Pain --------------------------- This is a small area that you'll have to fight your way through. Do you sense the trend yet? Anyway, this area is at least a little different than what you've seen before, because other than the familiar hujarks and snakebreeds, there will also be siege engines continuously tossing boulders around. So be careful when you walk through the center of the area, and avoid the impact points (which are always the same). Otherwise, just fight your way from the southwestern corner to the northeastern corner, and exit the area there. 07.16.07 Clan of the Skull -------------------------- This area is shaped something like a big "U". You'll start in the northwestern corner, and you'll have to make your way to the northeastern corner. Again, there won't be anything special going on, or traps or secret doors to detect. Just kill stuff and keep moving forward. Also, if you feel so inclined, you'll find an exit to the Stalagmite Grove in the southwestern corner, and you'll find an exit to the Contested Alcove in the southeastern corner. Note: The exit in the northeastern corner will take you to Nostradamus -- and a big fight. So save your game (and not just a quicksave) before going through. 07.16.08 Stalagmite Grove ------------------------- This is another small area with some things to kill. On either side you can also save some ogres who are under attack, and then reward yourself by looting nearby chests. 07.16.09 Contested Alcove ------------------------- You'll encounter a big fight going on when you enter the area. So help out the ogres if you want, but exit the area if the snakebreeds swarm you and you need to heal. Once the battle is over, use your find traps/doors skill to detect the hidden cache (and the trap) in the southeastern corner. The cache will produce a random magical object. 07.16.10 Nostradamus' Demesne ----------------------------- When you walk into the room you'll witness a cutscene where an assassin, a hujark shaman, and a hujark blademaster confront a Wielder and then kill him. As soon as the Wielder dies, the trio will turn on you -- and block the door behind you. So you'll have to fight them in one battle, and you'll probably need a few potions. The assassin is the toughest of the three, so you should save him for last and concentrate on the shaman first. Using an area affect spell or some firepowder kegs would be a good idea here, if you have them. You'll get 285 exp for the blademaster, 582 exp for the shaman, and 775 exp for the assassin. You'll also receive 5000 exp when you enter the room, since doing that will complete your "Find Nostradamus" quest. Once the bad guys are dead, talk to Nostradamus, who now looks like a big tree. He'll give you some information about the people who oppose you (Ahriman and Asha / Old Man / Betrayer), and why he was attacked, but he won't say anything particularly interesting. Once you end the conversation, a portal will appear next to the (former) exit, and you can use it to return to Montaillou. "You are a shadow, an anomaly clouding my sight, a word begging to be spoken, but forgotten as it is uttered." -- Nostradamus * ================== * * 07.17.00 The Crypt * * ================== * You can only access these areas once you've spoken to Brother Michel in Montaillou (see "Brother Michel" in section 07.14.00). When you complete the Nostradamus quest (covered in the previous section) and the Crypt quest, England and Spain will go to war, and Montaillou and Barcelona will suddenly look much different (that is, worse). So complete all the quests you can and do all the shopping you need to before completing the two quests. 07.17.01 Entrance to the Crypt ------------------------------ When you enter the area, you'll see a couple assassins break open the doors to the crypt and then raise some undead before going inside. So kill the undead and then follow them. Note: If you've been meaning to put points into the Divine Smite spell branch, now is the time to do it. 07.17.02 Antechamber -------------------- When you enter the antechamber, a spirit will demand that you choose one of the three crypts in the room, and then defeat whatever challenge it creates. It doesn't really matter which one you pick -- all three will create a couple wimpy undead creatures for you to kill -- but shortly after picking one the Guardian of the Lance will appear, and it will also attack. The Guardian of the Lance can be nasty because it has something like 300 hit points, plus a vampiric ability. But just keep whacking away at it and eventually it should go down. Once it dies, you'll discover it had a fake lance, and that you need to keep exploring the crypt. So turn on your find traps/doors skill and stand next to the southern wall until the secret door there is revealed. Then head south and exit the area. 07.17.03 Retreat of Souls ------------------------- If you've been cruising (more or less) through the combat in the game so far, this is where you might start having some problems, because the enemies here have lots of hit points and lots of resistances. For example, greater skeletons have over 200 hit points and resist over 50% piercing damage and over 60% cold damage. If those happen to be the two types of damage you do, or if you have similar match-up problems with other enemies, then the crypt can be a long, grueling affair. But just grit your teeth and get through it. Anyway, right next to the entrance to the area you'll find a circular pattern on the floor. In the center is an object surrounded by metal bars, on the southern side are three beams along the edge of the circle, and on the eastern side is a line of four beams outside the circle. Your goal on this level is to lower all the bars and beams so you can continue on to the next level. You'll also find three passageways leading away from the circular pattern room. Each passageway coincides with one of the beams along the edge of the circle. When you fight your way through a passageway and operate the mechanism at the end, the associated beam will go down. Note: At the southern end of the middle passageway (southeast of the staircase) you'll find a secret door. In the room beyond you'll find a chest, four crypts, and an exit to the Mausoleum of Clovis. You should save before opening the crypts. One will have a group of huge ghouls in it, and another will have a couple revenants in it. If you haven't met any revenants before, then get used to the experience. They'll give you headaches for the remainder of the crypt, but luckily most of them are like the ones in the secret room: optional. But if you're determined to open every crypt, chest, and secret door in the game, then the best way to deal with revenants is fire. Another good way is exorcism. A third good way is to use the mace of divinity, which you'll come across later. You can also just use up a lot of potions if you want, and then head back to Barcelona and Montaillou every so often to buy more. Lastly, hit- and-run tactics seem to work well. Either revenants only heal with their vampiric ability, or else their healing rate is really low. So as long as you can damage them, you can run away and heal and then finish them off later. It's boring but it works. Once you've operated the three mechanisms in the three passageways, the bars around the object in the center of the circle will go down. Then, when you click on the object, the beams to the east will go down and the Second Guardian will attack you. This guardian looks just like a huge ghoul, but it won't summon anything and should be pretty easy to kill. Just stay away from the new passageway leading east or else you'll have to fight the guardian and a few of its closest friends, all at the same time. "Your living soul burns these eyes. You must be slain and reborn into death." -- Second Guardian When you head down the eastern passage, be sure to use your find traps/doors skill. There are no less than three hidden doorways before the passage turns south, and in the third one you can find the Mace of Divinity (5-11+3 damage, 3-9 bonus damage against undead, 3% chance to kill undead outright, +1 to all Divine magic branches). Obviously, it's a pretty good weapon for fighting the undead, provided you're skilled with one-handed weapons. At the end of the eastern passage you'll find two mechanisms you can turn. The eastern one leads to a room with thee crypts and another mechanism in it. If you operate the mechanism, all the crypts will open and a bunch of undead creatures will attack you. A secret door will also become unlocked (although you'll still have to detect it). To avoid all the undead creatures attacking you at once, click on the crypts before clicking on the mechanism. In the next room you'll find two more crypts and another secret door. In the room beyond that you'll find another crypt and the exit to the Defiled Vault of Remigius. Back at the room with two mechanisms, when you turn the western one a whole bunch of huge ghouls will rush at you. Between them and the ghouls they summon, it's easy to get overwhelmed. If that happens, simply run away. The huge ghouls won't stray far from the western mechanism, and the summoned ghouls will stop chasing you after a while, and then eventually they'll disappear. At worst you should be able to use hit-and-run tactics wear the huge ghouls down and kill them. Beyond the ghoul welcoming committee, you'll find a passageway with more ghouls, terrors and crypts waiting for you. You'll also find more secret doors. One is just before the room with three crypts in it. If you use the mechanism it reveals, the beams in the room with three crypts will rise for about a minute. If you have a ranged attack, then you can use the mechanism to "cage" the creatures created by the crypts, and kill them without being attacked in return. A second secret door is in a room with two crypts and a chest in it. Beyond the door you'll find a crypt and two chests. The crypt has a couple revenants in it. The stairs down to the next level (the Doomed Plateau) can be found just southwest of the room with three crypts in it. 07.17.04 Mausoleum of Clovis ---------------------------- You'll come under attack as soon as you enter the area. A zombie, a greater skeleton, some screaming terrors -- all of your friends just thrilled to see you visit. If you need to, exit the area so you can heal. In the rest of the area you'll find some more undead to kill and some more crypts to open. The crypts will be pretty friendly until the last one. When you open up that one, a single revenant will appear, but when you kill it more skeletons, greater skeletons, and finally another revenant will all appear. When you manage to kill them all -- again, run out of the area if you need to -- the beams blocking the chest next to the last crypt will lower, and you'll find two random magical items and some gold inside. Then you can operate the mechanism next to the chest, and that will lower a section of wall so you can exit the area more quickly. 07.17.05 Defiled Vault of Remigius ---------------------------------- This is a small area, barely big enough for the bunch of zombies and terrors that attack you when you walk in. Once the undead are defeated, notice the sword lying on the ground in the northeastern corner. It's the Blade of the Berserker (3-12+3 damage, -10 AC, +10% critical chance, +1 strength). When you open up the crypt in the area, three revenants will appear. Attack and retreat as necessary to kill them. Once they're dead, the beams on the eastern side of the room will lower, and you'll be able to open the chest there. Inside you'll find a random magical object. 07.17.06 Doomed Plateau ----------------------- When you arrive in this area an undead templar will start talking to you. Don't fight him; the level will be difficult enough without the templar knights being against you, too. Once you tell the templar you're there to protect the relic, he'll tell you to seek out Jehanne (Joan of Arc). Of course, you won't be able to just walk up to Jehanne. If you explore the area around the undead knights, you'll find two passageways to the west that are currently blocked off. Just like in the previous level, you'll have to fight your way to a mechanism so you can open up the passageways. You'll also find two unblocked passageways leading away from the knights: one to the north and one to the south. It doesn't matter which one you take; both will lead you to the western side of the level, where you'll encounter Jehanne. Here are some things of interest you'll find along the way: 1. A secret door near the start (eastern side) of the southern passage. It leads to a pair of revenants and a chest. 2. A mechanism at the southern end of the southern passage. It lowers a section of wall leading to the Crypte de Trois. 3. A secret door near the end (western side) of the southern passage (near three crypts). It leads to a crypt. 4. A secret door near the start (eastern side) of the northern passage. It leads to a chest. 5. A secret door on the northern side of the northern passage. It leads to a crypt and chest. 6. A secret door near the end (western side) of the northern passage. It leads to a crypt. When you reach the western side of the level, you'll witness a cut scene where Jehanne and some undead templar knights fight off a bunch of undead creatures. Then when you approach Jehanne, she'll automatically start talking to you. "Step no further, monster! I will not allow you to desecrate this sanctum nor take the Bleeding Lance from my care." -- Jehanne Don't fight her. Talk to her long enough for her to mention the Council, and how the Council has been guiding her, and then leave. East of Jehanne's position you'll find a mechanism. Turning it will lower the nearby wooden beams, plus lower two nearby wall sections (leading to more crypts). East of the mechanism you'll find a second mechanism. When you turn this one more wooden beams and another wall section will lower (these are the beams and wall section you might have noticed when you first entered the level). Beyond the last lowered wall section you'll first find some more undead to kill, and then you'll run into the Council that Jehanne mentioned. Talk to them to learn about the deal Jehanne made with an efreet, and that the Council calls Jehanne the "Pious Child." Now head back to Jehanne. Tell her that you've come to lift the efreet's curse, and then give the "Pious Child" dialogue option. Jehanne will realize you're there to help, and she'll lower the wooden beams west of her. If your speech skill is high enough (100 is enough), you can also convince Jehanne to join you. West of Jehanne you'll find a three-way intersection. To the south you'll find some crypts, to the north you'll find the exit to the Merovingian Crypt, and to the west you'll find the exit to the Burial Chambers (the next place you need to visit to get to the lance). 07.17.07 Crypte de Trois ------------------------ A trio of revenants will attack you as soon as you enter the area. So attack and retreat as necessary to kill them. Once the dust settles, you'll find yourself in a small area with three crypts, two chests and a mechanism in it. The three crypts are locked, and, if they can be picked open at all, it must take a lockpicking skill in excess of 115. That means the only way to open the crypts is to use the mechanism, and of course that will open all three at the same time, and you'll quickly find yourself surrounded by huge ghouls, revenants, and ghoulish hags. So once you click on the mechanism, immediately run to the exit, and then fight the enemies there. That way you can quickly exit the area and heal if you need to. As far as I know, nothing interesting happens when you kill all the creatures from the three crypts. 07.17.08 Merovingian Crypt -------------------------- Once you fight your way to the southern end of the area, you'll find a crypt surrounded by wooden beams, plus two more sets of wooden beams blocking secret doors. If you explore to the east and west, you'll find mechanisms that lower the beams blocking the secret doors. Then beyond the secret doors you'll find mechanisms that lower the beams surrounding the crypt. When you click on the crypt a bunch of huge ghouls will appear, and you'll also receive a couple random magical objects. 07.17.09 Burial Chambers ------------------------ This level is made up of three small areas. When you enter into the first one, you'll have to do some fighting, but eventually you'll come to a staircase leading to the Crypt of the Lance. Right next to the staircase is a secret door leading to a portal to the second area in the level. Note: There are three other secret doors in the first area. The second area has a portal to the third, and the third area has a portal into the Crypt of the Lance. However, you'll arrive in a barred-in area, and your only exit will be to the lance itself (and a nasty battle), and you won't be able to return to any other parts of the crypt. So you might want to explore the three areas in this level and then take the stairs from the first area into the Crypt of the Lance. That way you can see everything. 07.17.10 Crypt of the Lance --------------------------- You'll walk in on a battle between templar knights and the undead. Once you've helped the knights quiet things down, explore the immediate area. You should find two walls that can be lowered, plus some beams blocking a lamp. The efreet lives in the lamp. You should also find a mechanism to the east. When you use it one of the walls will lower, and when you use the mechanism it reveals, the beams blocking the lamp will lower. Save your game before clicking on the lamp. When you click on the lamp and talk to the efreet, you'll have some options. If your speech skill is high enough (100 is enough), you can wish for a wish "granted in generous goodwill" and then ask for either +1 strength, +1 intelligence, or +1 agility. If you don't get that speech option, then you can either ask the efreet to end the curse on Jehanne (for 1500 exp, but you'll lose Jehanne as a companion) or you can tell the efreet to get lost (300 exp). The other dialogue options are funny but don't net you anything. When you use the mechanism next to the efreet, that will open up the eastern side of the level. Then, once you fight through more undead, you'll come to a room with three crypts and some bars blocking a portal. (If you had teleported in from the Burial Chambers, you would have ended up on the other side of the bars.) To remove the bars, you have to open the eastern crypt. It has two revenants inside, but you don't really have to fight them. You can instead just run for the exposed portal. Note: Once you go through the portal, your only exit will be back to Montaillou. If you've already completed the Nostradamus quest, then Montaillou and Barcelona will be under siege from the English, and most shopkeepers will be dead. So if you're carrying a bunch of stuff, you might want to head back to Montaillou or Barcelona to buy / sell some stuff first. When you go through the portal you'll be confronted by an assassin master. I don't think there's any way to talk your way past him, so be ready for a fight. The assassin will be sort of annoying to kill. He'll keep disappearing and then reappearing when he attacks you. However, area affect spells will still hit him, and companions will always be able to see him. So wear him down, and heal yourself when you can't see him, and you should be able to get through the battle. You'll get 1202 exp when the assassin dies. Note: If you start sneaking before you step on the portal, you can just sneak by the assassin master. All you have to do now is detect and disarm some traps, and operate a mechanism so you can grab the lance. Once it's in your possession, you'll gain +5 AC, +1 critical chance, +5 to the Divine Protective branch, and +1 fortune (whatever that is). A portal will appear when you have the lance, and it will take you back to Montaillou. * ============= * * 07.18.00 War! * * ============= * Once you've completed the Nostradamus and Crypt quests, you'll discover that England and Spain have finally gone to war. The war will drastically change the Montaillou and Barcelona areas, mostly by killing off the majority of the shopkeepers. 07.18.01 Montaillou ------------------- When you portal into the area, you'll find the Inquisitors and Knights Templar from the temple battling some English soldiers. That's your hint that war has started. So help out your allies as best you can, and then explore the rest of the area. Mostly what you'll find is more of the same, except you'll usually be on your own. The good news is that English soldiers are worth really good experience (around 400 exp each). The bad news is that for some reason they don't drop mana spirits. So if you rely on mana for your damage, try to be as stingy as possible when using it. Otherwise you'll have to do a lot of standing around and twiddling your thumbs between battles. (Of course, if there's a book you've been meaning to read, maybe the downtime is just fine.) Almost everybody you met before will either be dead or missing. The witch will still be near her hut in the southeastern corner of the area, and you can still use her as a shopkeeper. But that's about it. Even the blue crystal will be destroyed. So to get back to Barcelona, you'll have to use the portal near DaVinci's flying machine. Note: Once you go through the portal you won't be able to return to Montaillou. 07.18.02 Barcelona Temple District ---------------------------------- Barcelona will be much like Montaillou, with pockets of resistance against the English invasion. Most every building in the district will be blocked off, except for the cathedral. If you go inside there you'll learn that the assassins have stolen the relic. You'll also be able to go into the crypt on the far side and click on the coffin to receive a magical shield. 07.18.03 Barcelona Gate District -------------------------------- You'll find more English soldiers to kill here, but you'll also find a couple of shopkeepers. Eduardo will still be in his blacksmith's shop and Weng Choi will still be in his bookshop. So continue to kill all of the invading English, and do what shopping you can. Then leave the area for the Crossroads (the Port District is blocked off). 07.18.04 Crossroads ------------------- This area is teeming with the English. However, unless you're being thorough, you don't have to kill them all. You just need to cut a swathe to the portal, located a little west of the center of the area, and then go through. So move slowly and carefully, and try to draw the English to you one or two at a time. Note: Unlike other recent portals, once you go through this one, you'll be able to return. 07.18.05 Ether Plane -------------------- You'll immediately come under attack by a bunch of English archers, so kill what you can and then pop back through the portal to heal. Eventually you'll come to a second portal that will lead you to England. However, prior to the second portal you should come across a bridge leading southeast. Across the bridge you'll find Surrey O'Connell, the supply master for the English army. He'll sell you items, and he makes a pretty good replacement for Alvaro. He'll also mention that something fell over the side, but I haven't found that to lead anywhere. Note: Behind Surrey is a chest with about 500 gold in it. However, Surrey will notice if you open it, and it takes more than 85 stealth to loot it without him calling the guards. * ================ * * 07.19.00 England * * ================ * 07.19.01 Druid Shrine Exterior ------------------------------ This is where you'll end up when you take the portal from the Ether Plane. But there isn't anything to do here, so just head northeast until you can enter the druid shrine. 07.19.02 Temple of the Initiate ------------------------------- As soon as you enter the shrine you'll witness some Knights Templar attacking a couple of druids. Then Roger Templeton will approach you and offer to help you against the druids. If you accept his offer, he'll join you and stay for the rest of the game. You'll also receive 400 exp. After that just do the regular thing: explore the area, kill the bad guys, and search for hidden doors and traps. The bad guys on this level are still English soldiers, so you should have a pretty easy time of it (or at least a familiar time of it). Note: You'll find a few piles of books in the area that you can click on. The books supply you with mana (like mana spirits), but they only work four times. You'll find a couple of secret doors in the northeastern part of the area. Both lead to rooms where you can find a chest and a pile of books. You'll find another secret door at the southern edge of the area, past the trapped doorway. It leads to the exit for Meditation Chamber One. You'll find a last secret door in the southwestern part of the area. It leads to a chest. Lastly, you'll probably notice a big closed door south of where you entered the area. This is another one of those doors that you won't be able to open until you get to the other side. To get to the other side, you have to pass through the trapped doorway in the southern part of the area, and then head west. The stairs leading down to the next level can be found west of the big closed door. 07.19.03 Meditation Chamber One ------------------------------- This is a very small area with almost nothing to do in it. In fact, it's so small and inconsequential you might worry there's a secret door somewhere that you're missing, but as far as I know there isn't. However, you can find a pile of books to click on if you're low on mana. 07.19.04 Stone Chamber of Wyrmkind ---------------------------------- Once you kill all the English soldiers in the room where you start out, you'll find that there are two doors you can open and two that you can't (yet). So pick one of the doors you can open and go through. Eventually you'll be able to make your way through the entire level and open the other two doors. You won't find any secret doors on this level, but you will find three exits to other areas (not counting the exit back to the Temple of the Initiate): 1. The exit on the western side of the level leads to Meditation Chamber Two. 2. The exit in the room south of where you start out leads to Meditation Chamber Three. 3. The exit in the southeastern corner of the level leads to the Antechamber of Lore. The first two exits are optional. The third one is where you need to go to continue deeper into the druid shrine. 07.19.05 Meditation Chamber Two ------------------------------- You'll have to fight a bunch of druids in this curvy little room, but as your reward you'll get to loot a chest and use a pile of books. 07.19.06 Meditation Chamber Three --------------------------------- Druids and lightning war golems will attack you when you enter the room. If you have armor of polyelemental reflection, or if you have a good lightning resistance, then the battle should go easily. Otherwise, exit the area whenever you need to heal. Once the battle is over you'll be able to loot a chest and a shelf, and be able to use a pile of books for mana. 07.19.07 Antechamber of Lore ---------------------------- This is a snaky level. You start in the northeastern corner and have to wind your way down to the southwestern corner, where you'll find the exit to the Exalted Chamber. You'll also find a secret door next to a pile of books on the eastern side of the level (south of where you start). Beyond it you can find a pair of chests. Farther into the level (about a third of the way through) you'll come across the exit to the Chamber of the Crystal. The chamber is an optional area, but it contains one of the five (green) Ways Crystals, and so you should definitely visit it. Past the exit to the Chamber of the Crystal, you can find the exit to the Meditation Sanctum, plus two more secret doors. These areas are all optional. Finally, at the end of the passage, you'll find the stairs down to the Exalted Chambers. 07.19.08 Chamber of the Crystal ------------------------------- You'll have to fight quite a few English soldiers in the chamber, plus four war golems, but then you'll be able to loot a shelf and use a pile of books, and, better yet, be able to click on one of the (green) Ways Crystals (see section 07.03.00 for more information on the Ways Crystals). The crystal will net you +1 to all Divine magic branches. You can also find a secret door on the western side of the chamber. Beyond it you'll find a lightning war golem and a chest. 07.19.09 Meditation Sanctum --------------------------- After you kill the two druids and the fire war golem that greet you when you enter the sanctum, you should find three mechanisms at the far end. The one farthest away lowers a wall to reveal two chests, and the other two lower walls or open doors to reveal more enemies. 07.19.10 Exalted Chambers ------------------------- This is the last level of the druid shrine. If you haven't visited Surrey in a while you might want to chat with him now and see if his selection has improved any. Conveniently, you'll find a second staircase when you enter the chambers, and it leads to a secret room in the Temple of the Initiate (I don't think there's any way to detect the hidden room before this point). So it doesn't take very long to run back to Surrey. Once you're ready to proceed, go through the big doorway to the south. You'll witness a cut scene where an assassin chews out a druid master and takes off with Galileo. Then when you walk a little further into the room the druid will speak to you. He'll let you know that King Richard is buried in the next room, but eventually he'll attack. (I don't think there's a way to talk him out of fighting you. If there is, it requires over 100 speech.) The battle with the druid master will be very difficult or very easy, depending on a couple things. The druid master is a spellcaster, and he'll summon a bunch of war golems, and so you'll only face magical damage in the fight. So if you have armor of polyelemental reflection, or if you have good resistances, then the fight will be easy. If you're a melee character with poor resistances then you'll probably have a tough go of it, and need to use the staircases in the first room a few times. After the battle you'll find a book on the pedestal in the room. It works just like the piles of books before. Then when you explore farther into the area you'll find more English soldiers to kill, and, eventually, a large statue of King Richard. Click on the statue to receive the Blood Ring of Richard the Lionhearted (+10% slashing and crushing damage, +30 mana). Then head through the nearby portal to arrive in another pocket of the Ether Plane. 07.19.11 Ether Plane -------------------- Just like the last Ether Plane, this is a way area between countries. When you make your way southeast and enter the portal there, you'll find yourself in Persia. * =========================== * * 07.20.00 The Persian Desert * * =========================== * 07.20.01 Desert Sprawl ---------------------- Head generally northwest and you should run into a vendor named Ali Akbah. Ask him how business can be good in the middle of the desert, and then ask him about the bird men and the assassins. If your barter skill is high enough (85 is enough), you can also get a 5% discount on his wares, not that money should be much of a problem at this point (Akbah will say he's giving you a 10% discount, but it's only 5%). Akbah will have a nice variety of goods, but he's the last vendor in the game. Note: Akbah will always sell the Scorching Blade (1-6 slashing damage, 4-18+3 fire damage, +25% fire resistance). It's a nice one-handed weapon, but if you're a demokin with vampiric fury you shouldn't use it. You'll only leech hit points from the 1-6 slashing damage part. Over the rest of the area you'll find a whole lot of scorpions to kill. If you have a weapon that adds damage to "simple creatures" you can use it to good affect against the scorpions. If you have a sniper character with high luck, the scorpions might not even make it close enough to you to attack you. Otherwise just move slowly and lure the scorpions to you one or two at a time, and run back through the portal if you need time to heal. Other than Akbah and the scorpions, there are two things of interest in the area: 1. Some sand spirits (aka bird men) running around a rock in the northwestern part of the area. If you have a high enough speech skill (100 is enough), and if you talked to Akbah about the bird men and the assassins, you can sell the spirit elder a rain recipe for 2000 gold (and 2000 exp). Then if any assassins get close to the sand spirits, the sand spirits will kill them. 2. Four assassins in the northern part of the area. If you can't kill them yourself (not likely), or if you just want the sand spirits to do it for you, complete the sale in #1 and then lure the assassins to the sand spirits. Nothing will happen after all four assassins have been killed, though (it would be cool if it started to rain), and the spirits won't even realize your system for rain doesn't work. If you decide you want to kill everything in the area, and do it on your own, then when the sand spirit elder approaches you, run away and make it follow. If you get it far enough away from the other spirits, you can fight it by itself (a good idea since it's nasty). Then you can probably lure the other spirits to you one or two at a time. The spirit elder and the other spirits are worth 848 exp each. Note: You can find a hidden magical object next to the rock the spirits are running around. The exit from the area is in the northeastern corner. 07.20.02 Shifting Dunes ----------------------- You'll find this area to be much like the last one, with lots of scorpions to kill. You should also find: 1. A shipwreck in the southeastern corner. It's guarded by some undead creatures (but not revenants), and there is a chest nearby. 2. The fifth (green) Ways Crystal, east of the shipwreck. (See section 07.03.00 for more information about Ways Crystals.) When you touch the crystal you'll gain +1 to all of your thief skills. If this crystal completes the Ways Crystals quest for you, then you'll also receive +5 fire / cold / electrical resistance and an upgrade to your faction rank. 3. A Knight of Saladin, in the northeastern part of the area. He'll join you if you talk to him. The exit to the next area is in the northeastern corner. But be warned: you'll immediately start a conversation / battle in the next area, so save before moving on. 07.20.03 Lair of Azi Dahaka --------------------------- When you enter the area, metal bars will pop up behind you and the dragon Azi Dahaka will challenge you. If your speech skill is high enough (130 is enough), you can get the dragon to leave without fighting and earn 10,000 exp. Otherwise you have to fight him. Azi Dahaka will use fire and crushing damage against you. If you can resist those types of damage (especially the fire) then the dragon won't be much of a problem. Plus you can use the Knight of Saladin in the battle if you want. If you kill the Azi Dahaka you'll earn 11,000 exp. Once Azi Dahaka is gone, the bars behind you will lower again. You'll be facing a lot of archers (and thus a lot of piercing damage) in the Old Man's fortress, so you might want to take this opportunity to visit Ali Akbah and pick up some heavier armor. Then just head into the fortress. * =============================== * * 07.21.00 The Fortress at Alamut * * =============================== * 07.21.01 Maw of the Assassin ---------------------------- You'll be greeted by an assassin master when you enter the fortress, but this one won't keep disappearing, and so he should be much easier to kill. Note: North of the entrance is a secret door leading to a chest. When you move farther into the fortress, you'll find a dome with mechanisms on either side. The mechanisms control the nearby doors, so once you click on them the dome will sit at the center of a four-way intersection. The direction you want to go is northwest, but if you travel in that direction you'll find your way blocked by metal bars. So you have to move through the doors to the northeast and southwest so you can operate mechanisms to lower the bars. Southwestern Door ----------------- You'll find yourself on a ledge with (trapped) stairs leading down. If you turn on your find traps/doors skill, you'll also find two secret doors on the ledge. Both lead to chests, although the southern one also contains two assassins and a trap. Down the stairs you'll discover that you have to run a gauntlet of sorts. Assassins will be on ledges above you, and they'll shoot arrows at you as you pass. If you're a ranged attacker, then you can just move slowly forward and take out the assassins as you come to them. If you're a melee attacker, this level -- and, really, all the levels in the fortress -- will be much more difficult. You can try running up to the assassins and attacking them, or you can try luring them back to you. However, if you have lots of trouble here, then you really need to do something about your AC and piercing resistance. The lower levels will be even tougher. Eventually you'll come to a narrow passage with a blade moving across it. (The blade is the thing making that really annoying noise.) Once you kill the assassins nearby, you can go up the steps to the east and use the mechanism there to turn off the blade. Then you can head up the stairs to the north and operate three mechanisms there. One turns off (or on) a trap, one opens a door (leading back to the northwestern passage), and the third sets the bars around a chest in motion. Note: At the far (northwestern) side of the gauntlet you can find another secret door leading to a chest. Northeastern Door ----------------- Once again you'll have to run a gauntlet, but this one is easier than the southwestern one (it doesn't have a nasty, trapped bottleneck). So just keep moving forward and killing things until you reach the three mechanisms and use them all. Note: You can find a secret door leading to a chest on the far (northwestern) side of the gauntlet. You can find another next to the mechanism controlling the blades-around-the-chest trap. Northwestern Passage -------------------- With all the mechanisms in the side areas triggered, you can finally continue moving northwest from the dome. Eventually you'll find yourself in a room with a mechanism and a metal door. When you click on the mechanism, the metal door will open, and a secret door will also open and release an assassin master. Note: Don't forget to loot the two chests on your way to the room with the metal door. Past the metal door you'll find the stairs leading down to the next level, plus some more assassins to kill. You can also find another secret door. It leads to a trapped chest. 07.21.02 Acid Wash ------------------ You'll start out on a raised platform. When you go down the (trapped) stairs, acid will start flowing from the east, so you'll only have a short time to head west to the next platform. On the second platform you'll only find a couple assassin masters. However, getting to the third platform requires a long walk to the south, and a bunch of assassins will fire at you along the way. You'll also have to deal with acid again. If you have a ranged attack, getting to the third platform is relatively easy. The acid won't flow very far for some reason, and so you don't have to rush to keep ahead of it. So you can just walk along the corridor and snipe at any enemies you see. If you don't have a ranged attack, then all you can do is run from the second platform to the third platform, and take your lumps from all the assassins firing at you. You should increase your piercing resistance as much as you can before you start, and then when you arrive at the third platform, immediately head north and click on the mechanism there. That will lower the bars to the north and allow you to get back to where you started. You can even exit the area if you want, to heal in peace. Then when you're ready to fight again, just use hit-and-run tactics to kill the assassins on the third platform. The stairs to the next level are southeast of the stairs leading up to the third platform. If you're a melee character and you don't want to take the time to kill all of the assassins on the level, then just run for the stairs instead of operating the mechanism. The next level will start out quietly, allowing you to rest in peace. 07.21.03 Chamber of Torment --------------------------- If you head west you'll see some stone "mouths" against the wall, and the Old Man will walk over and taunt you. The mouths control traps, and the only way to bypass the traps is to find "teeth" to put into the mouths. So what you need to do on this level is find four teeth so you can get past the mouths and move closer to confronting the Old Man. "What to do, I wonder? Well, I'm sure you'll come up with... something." -- Old Man There are actually six teeth in the level. Disabling the first four mouths allows you to use the stairs leading to the next level. Disabling the two after that allows you to enter a treasure room. Four of the teeth are in plain sight, so progressing farther into the fortress should be no problem, but the other two teeth are sitting behind secret doors, and so you'll have to search for them. I'm not going to give a blow-by-blow account of the level. It's much bigger than the previous two levels, but it contains the same types of enemies, so if you survived the Acid Wash then the encounters here should be easier. So I'll just list the locations of the six teeth: 1. Northeastern room (behind bars) 2. Northwestern corner (next to a bridge) 3. Southeastern area (next to a door) 4. Southwestern room 5. Southeastern area (in a chest past two secret doors, west and then north of tooth #3). 6. Southwestern area (in a chest past a secret door next to the westernmost of the three doorways on the southern half of the level) If you just want to move on as quickly as possible, you don't even need to find four teeth. The traps connected to the six mouths won't necessarily kill you. See below (the mouths are numbered from east to west, or in the order that you'll encounter them): 1. 350-500 cold damage, can resist (being able to resist the trap is probably a bug) 2. 350-500 fire damage, can't resist 3. 350-500 electrical damage, can't resist 4. 350-500 poison damage, can't resist If you're a feralkin with the brutish hulk perk then you can probably trigger the first four traps and be ok as long as you rest up before each trap. Otherwise, if your cold resistance is high, you can trigger the first trap and be fine, and only have to find three teeth. When you get past the first four mouths, you'll find a staircase leading down, plus two more mouths: 5. 350-500 fire damage, can't resist 6. 350-500 fire damage, can't resist Beyond the last two mouths, you'll find a room with a chest in it. But turn on your detect traps/doors skill to discover the real prize. Beyond a secret door along the northern wall of the room you'll find a chest with a Bow of Fiery Smite (+25% fire damage, +40% piercing damage) in it. 07.21.04 The Dark Temple ------------------------ This is another one of those areas that is easy if you're a ranged attacker and a pain if you aren't. Basically, you just need to get to the center of the area, but to do that you'll have to find the mechanisms that lower the bars that allow you access. However, everything you need is in plain sight, and the assassins here are the same ones you've been fighting in the previous levels, and so it's just a matter of killing stuff and slowly making your way through the level. In the center of the area is a portal. When you approach it, heed the advice of your spirit. Going through will take you directly to the final battle against the Old Man. So save first, and also put on your best fire resistance equipment. 07.21.05 Sanctum of the Master ------------------------------ When you enter this last area, a few things will happen. You'll immediately lose the Bleeding Lance, and the Old Man will start to perform his ritual to restore Ahriman to power. Then one of Leonardo DaVinci's siege engines will arrive and destroy the cage that is holding you. Finally, a Chaos Dragon will appear and attack you. All you have to do to win the game is defeat the dragon. Keeping DaVinci and Galileo alive is nice but not necessary (which is good, because it's difficult to keep them alive with a melee character). To make matters more complicated, the Old Man will continuously summon assassins and other enemies to attack you. None of the enemies themselves are difficult to kill, but their unending numbers plus the Chaos Dragon make the battle almost impossible to win. So there's a trick, of course. If you turn on your find traps/doors skill, you should detect a trapped globe on the western side of the room. When you disarm the globe the summoning will stop and you'll earn 7000 exp. (In case you're wondering how anybody might have noticed this, the globe glows briefly every time enemies are summoned into the room.) Note: Quaff a potion of master thievery if you have trouble detecting the trap on the globe. With the summoned enemies out of the way, run up to the Chaos Dragon and grab the True Cross (+1 strength, +1 endurance, +10 combat skills, +10 Divine Fortitude branch), and then run back to where your cage was. As long as you have a good fire resistance, you're pretty safe at that location. Then either just stand there and attack the dragon (for ranged attackers) or dash in to hit him when he draws back to breathe fire (for melee attackers). Meanwhile, try to kill the hujark acolytes that appear from time to time, to prevent them from killing DaVinci and Galileo. Eventually you should be able to wear down the Chaos Dragon (it doesn't have a good health regeneration rate). Once you kill it, the game will end and you'll witness a pretty crummy cut scene. Note: If your speech skill is 180 or higher, and if you exhausted all the conversation options with Nostradamus, you can potentially talk your way out of the battle. Then you'll get much nicer responses from DaVinci and Galileo at the end, and even your spirit will chime in and congratulate you. * ========================= * * 07.22.00 Bonus CD Content * * ========================= * If you received the bonus CD with your game (or, ah, somehow "acquired" the content) you'll get to go on an extra quest. This quest can be found in the Gate District of Barcelona, by talking to one of the vendors in the southwestern part of the district. The vendor will tell you that his sister Malihandra has been kidnapped, and that since he has tainted blood, the city guard won't do anything to help him. If you agree to help, he'll open up a door behind him. If you're perceptive, you can also notice that the merchant doesn't appear to be hurting money-wise, and get some extra gold for agreeing to help him. Beyond the door you'll find yourself in the Rich Merchant's Den, which looks a whole lot more like the sewers than any den I've ever seen. Anyway, as you make your way clockwise through the area, killing thieves, dogs, and vodyanoi as you go, you should first find the Amulet of Dour Tidings (+10 sneak, +5 critical chance, -1 fortune, -500 karma), and then Malihandra in the southwestern corner (guarded by a bunch of thieves). Note: There's a locked door right next to the entrance. I'm not sure if it can be picked, but you can open it by pulling the chain on the side opposite to where you start. Malihandra will join your party when you talk to her, but as soon as you move a ways back into the den, she'll leave you and tell you to inform her brother that she is safe. So exit the area and return to the Gate District, and when you talk to the merchant you'll earn 500 exp (and maybe 50 gold). The merchant will also offer to show you a special set of wares, including the Sword of Rigor Mortis Frost (1-8 damage, bonus 2-10 cold damage, 50% cold resistance, 15% chance of freezing undead for 4 seconds) and the Gauntlets of Hellfire (+25% fire damage, +5 fire damage threshold). That's all there is to the bonus content. ***************************************************************************** * 08.00.00 THANKS * ***************************************************************************** Thanks to all the friendly posters at Interplay's official Lionheart forums, especially Kurik, Galian, and alxkorvin. Thanks also to the people who have sent me information through e-mail: Ahmet Apaydin Behnam Saberi Can Isin Chris "deadbyday" Jordan Chris Volcheck Dan Veith Fastman22 Gamebm James Upton Jeff Keith Taylor LightEater Neil Whitworth Nutrimat Rekaewt Zaki ***************************************************************************** * 09.00.00 REVISION HISTORY * ***************************************************************************** August 28, 2003 (vers 0.20) --------------------------- Initial release. Contains introductory material and most of the Barcelona city and sewers quests. August 30, 2003 (vers 0.30) --------------------------- Added more quests for Barcelona and the surrounding forests. September 01, 2003 (vers 0.40) ------------------------------ Added more quests up through Montserrat. Added more information to the attributes section (02.04.00). September 03, 2003 (vers 0.45) ------------------------------ A minor update, mostly to correct the mistakes I made in the attributes section last time. Also completed the thief quests and added some Templar quests. September 05, 2003 (vers 0.50) ------------------------------ Completed the Templar quests. Completed the Inquisition quests. Added a faction bonus summary section (07.07.06). Added to section 07.12.00. September 07, 2003 (vers 0.60) ------------------------------ Corrected the mana and hit point formulae *again*, but they should finally be right this time. Added skill reference information (Appendix A). Completed the walkthrough through Toulouse. September 09, 2003 (vers 0.65) ------------------------------ Added the Nostradamus quest (section 07.16.00) to the walkthrough. September 15, 2003 (vers 0.80) ------------------------------ Added the crypt (section 07.17.00) and the war regions (07.18.00) to the walkthrough. Started on the druid shrine (07.19.00). September 18, 2003 (vers 0.90) ------------------------------ Completed the druid shrine (section 07.19.00). Added in the Persian desert (07.20.00) and some object modifiers (Appendix C). September 20, 2003 (vers 1.00) ------------------------------ Completed the fortress at Alamut (section 07.21.00) and thus the walkthrough. I'm still missing some material here and there, and eventually I'll add in the perks, but I'm probably going to play some other games for a while and fill in the blanks later. September 23, 2003 (vers 1.01) ------------------------------ Added in some contributed information and the bonus CD content (see section 07.22.00). Added more formulae (02.04.00). Completed the list of object modifiers (Appendix C). September 27, 2003 (vers 1.02) ------------------------------ Added in the perk information finally (see Appendix B), plus some other minor things. October 7, 2003 (vers 1.03) --------------------------- Added in some minor things. ***************************************************************************** * 10.00.00 PERMISSIONS AND UPDATES * ***************************************************************************** This guide may be posted on any web site as long as the text is not changed and as long as I am informed of the posting. I will always submit new versions to GameFAQs ( first, so if you are looking for the most up-to-date version of this guide, that is the place to look. ***************************************************************************** * APPENDICES * ***************************************************************************** * ========= * * A. Skills * * ========= * Combat Skill Points Effect ------------ ------ ------ Unarmed X (X/40)-(X/10) base dmg (and an accuracy bonus) One-handed Melee 100 +2 dmg 200 +4 dmg (and an accuracy bonus) 300 +6 dmg Two-handed Melee 100 +2 dmg 200 +4 dmg (and an accuracy bonus) 300 +6 dmg Ranged Weapons 100 +6% pierce dmg 200 +15% pierce dmg (and an accuracy bonus) 300 +25% pierce dmg Evasion 100 +12% evasion, +20 AC 200 +24% evasion, +40 AC 300 +35% evasion, +60 AC Divine Favor Points Effect ------------ ------ ------ Divine Might 100 +20% crush / slash dmg (63 sec) 200 +30% crush / slash dmg, +1 ST (96 sec) 300 +40% crush / slash dmg, +1 ST (130 sec) Blessed Aim 100 +24 to melee / ranged skills, +11% chance to hit (63 sec) 200 +39 to melee / ranged skills, +19% chance to hit (96 sec) 276 +50 to melee / ranged skills, +25% chance to hit (122 sec) Greater Sight 100 +2 PE, +26 to find traps / doors (107 sec) 200 +2 PE, +46 to find traps / doors (195 sec) 251 +2 PE, +56 to find traps / doors (240 sec) Divine Power 100 +2 ST, +1 EN (113 sec) 200 +2 ST, +1 EN (197 sec) 226 +2 ST, +1 EN (219 sec) Spiritual Knight 100 knight with +65% HP, +3 dmg (3 min) 191 knight with +110% HP, +6 dmg (3 min) Divine Smite Points Effect ------------ ------ ------ Weaken Enemies 100 Enemies receive -12% AC, -12% chance to hit, -23% crush / electrical / fire resist, (4 enemies, 18 ft, 30 sec) 200 Enemies receive -18% AC, -18% chance to hit, -37% crush / electrical / fire resist, (4 enemies, 25 ft, 30 sec) 300 Enemies receive -25% AC, -25% chance to hit, -50% crush / electrical / fire resist, (4 enemies, 25 ft, 30 sec) Cripple Enemies 100 7-10 dmg, -20% enemy dmg (11 ft, 10 sec) 200 12-16 dmg, -20% enemy dmg (13 ft, 15 sec) 276 15-20 dmg, -20% enemy dmg, (13 ft, 15 sec) Celestial Smite 100 12-18 fire & elec dmg 200 20-29 fire & elec dmg 251 24-35 fire & elec dmg Exorcism 100 19-29 dmg, 15% disintegrate undead (10 ft) 200 24-36 dmg, 20% disintegrate undead (12 ft) 226 25-38 dmg, 20% disintegrate undead (12 ft) Righteous Fury 100 25-35 dmg, +5 HP / 5 sec (11 ft, 30 sec) 191 30-40 dmg, +5 HP / 5 sec (13 ft, 30 sec) Divine Fortitude Points Effect ---------------- ------ ------ Healing 100 9-14 HP healed 200 14-22 HP healed 300 20-30 HP healed Purify Body 100 +48% poison / disease resist, 74% chance to cure poison / disease (102 sec) 200 +65% poison / disease resist, 100% chance to cure poison / disease (174 sec) 276 65% poison / disease resist, 100% chance to cure poison / disease (229 sec) Resist Elements 100 +45% fire resist, +40% cold resist (105 sec) 200 +65% fire resist, +60% cold resist (181 sec) 251 +75% fire resist, +70% cold resist (220 sec) Divine Assistance 100 +3 magical damage threshold, +2 physical damage threshold, +16% AC, +20% mana capacity (50 sec) 200 +4 magical damage threshold, +4 physical damage threshold, +26% AC, +30% mana capacity (70 sec) 226 +4 magical damage threshold, +4 physical damage threshold, +29% AC, +30% mana capacity (75 sec) Greater Resistance 100 +52% acid / electrical / fire / poison / disease resist (80 sec) 191 +73% acid / electrical / fire / poison / disease resist (98 sec) Divine Protective Points Effect ----------------- ------ ------ Aid 100 +13 AC, +15 HP (50 sec) 200 +22 AC, +25 HP (75 sec) 300 +30 AC, +35 HP (75 sec) Physical Aura 100 +23% physical resist, +3 physical threshold (144 sec) 200 +35% physical resist, +3 physical threshold (150 sec) 276 +35% physical resist, +3 physical threshold (150 sec) Holy Fire 100 3-7 fire dmg / 2 sec (15 ft, 74 sec) 200 5-10 fire dmg / 2 sec (15 ft, 124 sec) 251 6-12 fire dmg / 2 sec (15 ft, 125 sec) Mana Shield 100 32% of damage is taken from mana (125 sec) 200 48% of damage is taken from mana (200 sec) 211 50% of damage is taken from mana (200 sec) Thought Ice Points Effect ----------- ------ ------ Frost Spike 100 10-14 cold dmg, enemy slowed by 5% 200 17-22 cold dmg, enemy slowed by 5% 300 25-30 cold dmg, enemy slowed by 5% Ice Javelin 100 18-24 cold dmg, -21 enemy AC (60 sec) 200 30-39 cold dmg, -38 enemy AC (60 sec) 276 40-50 cold dmg, -50 enemy AC (60 sec) Ice Ring 100 19-24 cold dmg (x8), 45% chance enemy slowed by 25% (60 sec) 200 29-38 cold dmg (x8), 60% chance enemy slowed by 25% (60 sec) 251 35-45 cold dmg (x8), 60% chance enemy slowed by 25% (60 sec) Ice Missile 100 18-28 cold dmg, up to 21 cold splash dmg, 45% chance enemy slowed by 25% (60 sec) 200 23-37 cold dmg, up to 32 cold splash dmg, 60% chance enemy slowed by 25% (60 sec) 226 25-40 cold dmg, up to 35 cold splash dmg, 60% chance enemy slowed by 25% (60 sec) Ice Storm 100 14-22 cold dmg / 2 sec, 10% chance enemy slowed by 30% (16 ft, 16 sec) 191 18-26 cold dmg / 2 sec, 10% chance enemy slowed by 30% (20 ft, 16 sec) Thought Fire Points Effect ------------ ------ ------ Fire Orb 100 10-15 fire dmg, 1-6 bonus dmg after 2 sec 200 17-23 fire dmg, 1-10 bonus dmg after 2 sec 300 25-30 fire dmg, 1-10 bonus dmg after 2 sec Dragon's Breath 100 12-18 fire dmg 200 19-28 fire dmg 276 25-35 fire dmg Fire Circle 100 7-12 fire dmg / 2 sec (8 ft, 13 sec) 200 10-16 fire dmg / 2 sec (8 ft, 18 sec) 251 12-18 fire dmg / 2 sec (8 ft, 20 sec) Fireball 100 Up to 37 fire dmg, 1-6 bonus dmg after 2 sec, 66% chance enemy knocked down (15 ft) 200 Up to 45 fire dmg, 1-10 bonus dmg after 2 sec, 88% chance enemy knocked down (20 ft) 211 Up to 45 fire dmg, 1-10 bonus dmg after 2 sec, 90% chance enemy knocked down (20 ft) Thought Electrical Points Effect ------------------ ------ ------ Static Charge 100 6-11 elec dmg, 25% chance to stun enemy 3 sec 200 11-16 elec dmg, 35% chance to stun enemy 3 sec 300 15-22 elec dmg, 35% chance to stun enemy 4 sec Electrical Burst 100 9-13 elec dmg (13 ft) 200 14-20 elec dmg (18 ft) 276 18-25 elec dmg (18 ft) Lightning Bolt 100 24-39 elec dmg 200 38-59 elec dmg 251 45-70 elec dmg Lightning Storm 100 8-14 elec dmg / 2 sec (8 ft, 16 sec) 200 11-19 elec dmg / 2 sec (10 ft, 16 sec) 226 12-20 elec dmg / 2 sec (10 ft, 16 sec) Thunder Clap 100 23-38 elec dmg, 50% chance to knock down enemy for 7 sec (10 ft) 191 30-45 elec dmg, 50% chance to knock down enemy for 10 sec (12 ft) Thought Protective Points Effect ------------------ ------ ------ Magical Shield 100 +12 AC, +9% physical resist, +1 physical threshold (124 sec) 200 +18 AC, +20% physical resist, +1 physical threshold (150 sec) 300 +25 AC, +30% physical resist, +1 physical threshold (150 sec) Poison Ring 100 7-10 pois dmg (x8), 7-10 bonus dmg after 2 sec 200 13-17 pois dmg (x8), 13-17 bonus dmg after 2 s 276 17-22 pois dmg (x8), 17-22 bonus dmg after 2 s Halo of Frost 100 3-7 cold dmg / 2 sec, 30% chance enemies slowed by 30% for 10 sec (15 ft, 124 sec) 200 5-10 cold dmg / 2 sec, 60% chance enemies slowed by 30% for 10 sec (15 ft, 125 sec) 251 6-12 cold dmg / 2 sec, 60% chance enemies slowed by 30% for 10 sec (15 ft, 125 sec) Halo of Fire 100 4-8 fire dmg / 2 sec, 30% bonus dmg after 2 sec (15 ft, 125 sec) 200 6-11 fire dmg / 2 sec, 30% bonus dmg after 2 sec (15 ft, 125 sec) 226 7-12 fire dmg / 2 sec, 30% bonus dmg after 2 sec (15 ft, 125 sec) Mana Shield 100 30% of damage is taken from mana (125 sec) 191 40% of damage is taken from mana (193 sec) Tribal Necromancy Points Effect ----------------- ------ ------ Raise Enemy 100 Enemy receives 40 HP, does 80% dmg 200 Enemy receives 60 HP, does 110% dmg 300 Enemy receives 80 HP, does 125% dmg Corpse Bomb 100 Corpses explode for up to 10 acid dmg (15 ft), creates poison cloud of 6 dmg (8 ft, 30 sec) 200 Corpses explode for up to 16 acid dmg (20 ft), creates poison cloud of 6 dmg (8 ft, 30 sec) 276 Corpses explode for up to 20 acid dmg (20 ft), creates poison cloud of 6 dmg (8 ft, 30 sec) Raise Undead 100 Summons soul reaver with 92% HP and 92% dmg, plus a bonus of 3 dmg 200 Summons soul reaver with 150% HP and 150% dmg, plus a bonus of 6 dmg 251 Summons soul reaver with 150% HP and 150% dmg, plus a bonus of 6 dmg Undead Energy 100 Raised creatures gain +32 HP, +5 dmg, and +47 to acid / electrical / fire resist 200 Raised creatures gain +54 HP, +9 dmg, and +75 to acid / electrical / fire resist 226 Raised creatures gain +60 HP, +10 dmg, and +75 to acid / electrical / fire resist Vampire 100 Hits return 15% health (110 sec) 191 Hits return 20% health (120 sec) Tribal Nature Fury Points Effect ------------------ ------ ------ Feral Lash 100 -18% enemy physical resist (30 sec) 200 -27% enemy physical resist (50 sec) 300 -35% enemy physical resist (70 sec) Shaman's Eye 100 Creates eye with sight radius of 27 ft, +50 to find traps / doors (20 sec) 200 Creates eye with sight radius of 35 ft, +50 to find traps / doors (20 sec) 276 Creates eye with sight radius of 40 ft, +50 to find traps / doors (20 sec) Balance of Nature 100 Returns 26% damage back to attacker (46 sec) 200 Returns 32% damage back to attacker (63 sec) 251 Returns 35% damage back to attacker (72 sec) Monster Summoning 100 Summons 1 monster with 169% HP and 174% dmg (3 min) 200 Summons 2 monsters with 250% HP and 250% dmg (3 min) 226 Summons 2 monsters with 250% HP and 250% dmg (3 min) Insect Plague 100 6-9 acid & dis dmg / 2 sec (13 ft, 22 sec), 10% chance of 1-4 pois dmg / 2 sec (4-10 sec) 191 8-11 acid & dis dmg / 2 sec (13 ft, 30 sec), 10% chance of 1-4 pois dmg / 2 sec (4-10 sec) Tribal Domination Points Effect ----------------- ------ ------ Slow 100 Enemies are slowed by 38% (14 ft, 22 sec) 200 Enemies are slowed by 50% (20 ft, 35 sec) 300 Enemies are slowed by 50% (20 ft, 47 sec) Discord 100 50% chance to turn an enemy to your side with 50% of its HP (25 ft) 200 76% chance to turn an enemy to your side with 50% of its HP (25 ft) 276 95% chance to turn an enemy to your side with 50% of its HP (25 ft) Sleep 100 32% chance of enemies sleeping for 20 sec (14 ft) 200 44% chance of enemies sleeping for 30 sec (20 ft) 251 50% chance of enemies sleeping for 30 sec (20 ft) Dominate 100 59% chance of charming an enemy for 117 sec (25 ft) 200 75% chance of charming an enemy for 174 sec (25 ft) 211 75% chance of charming an enemy for 180 sec (25 ft) Tribal Protective Points Effect ----------------- ------ ------ Absorb Spirit 100 Transfers 7-17 HP from enemy to caster 200 Transfers 11-23 HP from enemy to caster 300 Transfers 15-30 HP from enemy to caster Shroud of Darkness 100 +10 AC, +18 sneak (94 sec) 200 +16 AC, +30 sneak (100 sec) 276 +20 AC, +40 sneak (100 sec) Armor of Bones 100 +18% crush / slash resist, +16% cold / elec / fire resist (90 sec) 200 +26% crush / slash resist, +22% cold / elec / fire resist (90 sec) 251 +30% crush / slash resist, +25% cold / elec / fire resist (90 sec) Animal Grace 100 +2 AG, +1 LU, +50 lockpick (65 sec) 200 +2 AG, +1 LU, +50 lockpick (85 sec) 226 +2 AG, +1 LU, +50 lockpick (90 sec) Mana Shield 100 30% of damage is taken from mana (125 sec) 191 40% of damage is taken from mana (193 sec) * ======== * * B. Perks * * ======== * The manual is not a good source of information for perks, and even the original readme is lacking. The readme with the 1.1 patch includes all of the perk changes, but I'm going to summarize the perk information below anyway. If nothing else it should be more convenient to look at all the information in one place. Perk Lvl Also Requires Affect ----------------- --- ------------- ---------------------------------- Adrenaline Rush 5 HP<50%: +1 AG, +20 evasion. HP<25%: +2 AG, +30 evasion, +1 melee dmg Ancestral Armor 5 30 Trib/Prot +15 Tribal Protective branch Backstab (x2) 1 7 AG, When sneaking and attacking from 50 sneak behind: +50% dmg for each rank Bonus HTH Dmg (x2) 5 6 AG, 6 ST, +1 unarmed dmg for each rank 50 unarmed, Pugilist Bonus Ranged Dmg 5 6 PE, 6 AG +3 ranged damage Bonus Rate of Fire 14 6 IN, 7 AG, +40% ranged attack speed 50 ranged This perk will not increase ranged attack speed beyond 100%. Brutish Hulk 17 7 ST, 5 EN, Doubles HP gain each level Lifegiver Cold Soul 1 40 Tht/Ice +15% cold dmg You can't have this perk and Mark of Fire. Dmg Resistance (x2) 5 6 LU, 6 EN +8% crushing / piercing / slashing dmg resist You can only have one perk out of Damage Resistance, Tough Hide, and Hide of Scars. Dark Majesty 11 <7 IN, <7 PE +1 skill point per level, +3 to melee skills, +10% poison resist Sylvants can't take this perk. Deadly Accuracy 2 5 AG, +15 ranged weapons 40 ranged Die Hard 2 6 EN HP<20%: +20% resists, +5 AC Disease Ward 11 5 EN Sets base disease resist to 110% You can't select this perk and Venom Ward. Displacement 11 Die Hard HP<20%: +1 AG, +10 AC, double mana regen Divine Privilege 5 30 Div/Favor +15 Divine Favor branch Divine Protector 5 30 Div/Prot +15 Divine Protective branch Dodger (x2) 5 6 AG +5 AC, +3 evasion for each rank Earthen Contact 1 6 CH, 6 PE, Reduces Tribal spell cost by 15% 100 in any Tribal spell Educated 5 6 IN +2 skill points per level Eloquence 2 30 speech +15 diplomacy Enlightenment 1 6 CH, 6 PE, Reduces Divine spell cost by 15% 100 in any Divine spell Fire Evasion 1 6 AG +2 AC, +15% fire resistance You can't select this perk and Pyromaniac. Fortune Finder 2 8 LU +5% gold found Gain Agility 11 <10 AG +1 AG Gain Charisma 11 <10 CH +1 CH Gain Endurance 11 <10 EN +1 EN Gain Intelligence 11 <10 IN +1 IN Gain Luck 11 <10 LU +1 LU Gain Perception 11 <10 PE +1 PE Gain Strength 11 <10 ST +1 ST Ghost 5 50 sneak +20 sneak Grace Under Fire 11 <10 PE HP<40%: +1 PE, +15 ranged weapons Here and Now 8 -- +1 level Hide of Scars 11 6 EN +6% to all resistances except fire You can only have one perk out of Damage Resistance, Tough Hide, and Hide of Scars. Inherited Resist <3 5 EN +10% poison / disease resistance, +1 poison / disease threshold Lifegiver (x2) 5 4 EN +6 HP for each rank Lightning Rod 1 40 Tht/Elect +15% electrical dmg Mark of Fire 1 40 Tht/Fire +15% fire dmg You can't have this perk and Cold Soul. Master Necromancer 5 30 Trib/Necro +15 Tribal Necromancy branch Master of Arms 27 7 ST, 200 1H +25% slashing and crushing dmg or 2H melee, <100 unarmed Master of Dom 5 30 Trib/Dom +15 Tribal Domination branch Master Thief 11 50 lockpick, +20 lockpick, sneak and find traps 50 sneak, 50 find traps Master Trader 8 60 barter, 7 +15 diplomacy, +15% shop discount CH, Salesman Mastery of Fort 5 30 Div/Fort +15 Divine Fortitude branch Mastery of Fury 5 30 Trib/Fury +15 Tribal Nature's Fury Mastery of Smite 5 30 Div/Smite +15 Divine Smite branch Mental Focus 1 5 CH, 6 PE, Reduces Thought spell cost by 15% 100 in any Thought spell More Criticals (x3) 5 6 LU +5 critical chance for each rank Necrosage 8 5 IN +2 dmg versus undead, +1 dmg for summoned creatures Observant 1 5 PE, 30 find +25 find traps/doors, +5 lockpick traps/doors 1H Weapon Finesse 1 55 1H melee +10 one-handed melee You can't select this perk if you have the Heavy Handed trait. 1H Weapon Special 1 100 1H melee, +3 1H dmg, +5 one-handed melee 1H Weapon Fin Power from Beyond 5 5 IN +1 healing rate, +1 skill point per level Only sylvants and demokin can take this perk. Pugilist 5 25 unarmed +1-2 unarmed dmg Pyromaniac 8 5 IN +10% fire dmg You can't select this perk and Fire Evasion. Rejuvenation 1 5 EN +1 healing rate Retribution 8 -- +10% crushing and slashing dmg Salesman 5 50 barter +10 diplomacy, 10% shop discount Sharpshooter 8 7 PE, 6 IN +1 PE when using ranged weapons You can select this perk even if your perception is 10. Slayer 33 8 AG, 8 ST, Hits are upgraded to critical hits 200 unarmed based on luck roll Snake Eater 5 3 EN +30% poison resistance You can't select this perk and Venom Ward. Sniper 33 8 AG, 8 PE, Hits are upgraded to critical hits 200 ranged based on luck roll Spirit Guide 2 7 CH, 7 PE +10% mana from mana spirits Strong Back 2 6 ST, 6 EN +50 carry weight Superior Senses 14 5 PE +1 PE, +15 find traps/doors Swift Learner (x2) 2 4 IN +5% exp for each rank Thief 2 -- +10 lockpick, find traps/doors, and sneak Thought as Armor 5 30 Tht/Prot +15 Thought Protective branch Tough Hide 11 8 EN +5 AC, +5% to all resistances Only sylvants and feralkin can select this perk. You can only have one perk out of Damage Resistance, Tough Hide, and Hide of Scars. Trapper 1 4 AG Gives better pelts 2H Weapon Finesse 1 55 2H melee +10 two-handed melee You can't select this perk if you have the Heavy Handed trait. 2H Weapon Special 1 100 2H melee, +3 2H dmg, +5 two-handed melee 2H Weapon Fin Undead Glory 1 6 IN, 50 +15% HP and +1 dmg for raised raise undead creature Venom Ward 11 5 EN Sets base disease resist to 110% You can't select this perk if you have the Disease Ward or Sneak Eater perk. Weapon Handling 14 5 AG +1 AG, +3 1H and 2H melee * =================== * * C. Object Modifiers * * =================== * Numbers in parentheses represent ranges of numbers that can appear with the modifier. If a modifier has "(for that particular type)" at the end, that means the modifier is the general case for specific instances. For example, "Resistance" can represent "Fire Resistance" or "Cold Resistance" or other resistances. General ------- Fortitude: +(10-35) to Divine Fortitude branch Necromancy: +(10-35) to Tribal Necromancy branch Protection: +(1-20) AC Resistance: +(1-25) resistance (for the particular type) Thievery / Thief: +(6-35) to find traps/doors and lockpick Body Armor ---------- Archer: +(10-25) ranged weapons Brawling: +(1-3) agility, +(5-20) unarmed Carrying: +50 carry weight Crippling: +(5-20) to critical chance Deepest Winter: (1-2)-(2-7) cold damage aura Disease Defiance: +1 endurance, +10 disease resistance Dragonscales: +(5-15)% fire resistance, +10% melee damage reflection Elemental Amplification: +5% fire, cold, and electrical damage Giant Strength: +1 strength Mage: +(5-20)% acid / cold / fire / electrical resistance, +1 to all spell branches Magery: +0.40 mana per second Mastery: +1 skill point per level Oration: +(10-25) speech Polyelemental Reflection: (10-20)% fire / cold / electrical damage reflection Stealth: +(16-30) sneak, +10 lockpick Thief Eyes: +(10-25) find traps/doors, +10 lockpick Titan Bones: +(1-2) strength Weapon Mastery: +(5-20) to one-handed and two-handed melee Wound Constriction: (1-2)-(1-8) damage is healed shortly after it is inflicted Gloves / Bracers ---------------- Archery: +(5-10) ranged weapons Blessed Archery: +(20-45) ranged weapons Defense: +(10-15) AC Double Balance: +(7-40) two-handed melee Gladiator: +1 strength, +5% slashing damage, +10 two-handed melee Heroic Strength: +1 strength Helmets ------- Eagle: +8 ranged weapons, +5 lockpick, +7 find traps/doors Falcon: +8 one-handed melee, +5 lockpick, +4 sneak Focused Logic: +1 intelligence Hard Bargaining: +1 charisma, +20 barter Sylvant: +4 one-handed and two-handed melee, +1 AC (+4 unarmed melee, +3 AC if sylvant) Spirit Regeneration: +0.15 mana per second Boots ----- Adder: +20% poison resistance, +10 to poison ring Load Bearing: +50 carry weight Speed: increased movement speed Spirit Regeneration: +0.15 mana per second) Walking Dead: -1 charisma, +3 AC, +8 raise undead, +8 exorcism Belts ----- Brawling: +10 unarmed melee, +4 AC, +10% unarmed damage Endurance: +2 endurance Feral Power: +1 strength, +1 unarmed melee (+6 two-handed melee, +3 AC if feralkin) Titan Strength: +2 strength Voodoo: +1 to Tribal magic branches (+1 skill point per level when worn with Necklace of Voodoo) Shields ------- Arrow Deflection: +(1-3) piercing damage threshold Charisma: +2 charisma Defiance: +(1-3)% damage (for the particular type) Firedrake: +(5-20)% fire resistance and fire damage, +(5-20) one-handed melee Frostwyrm: +(5-20)% cold resistance and cold damage Iron Cunning: +(10-20)% fire and cold resistance, +(5-10) one-handed melee Spirit Enhancement: +50 mana Rings ----- Arrow Dampening: +(5-15)% piercing resistance Brawler: +3 unarmed melee, +5% unarmed damage Divine Attunement: +2 to all Divine magic branches Fiery Death: +20% fire damage Laceration: +(5-15)% slashing damage, +15 one-handed and two-handed melee Magical Devotion: +5% cold / electrical / fire damage Metal Fist: +(5-15) unarmed melee, +(5-15)% unarmed damage, -(2-9) to weapon skills One-Handed Combat: +(5-30) one-handed melee, +(1-5) critical chance, +(10-20) lockpick Snake: +10% poison resistance, +5 sneak Two-Handed Combat: +(5-30) two-handed melee, +(1-5) critical chance, +(10-20) lockpick Undead: +20 raise undead Necklaces --------- Acid Touch: 1-3 acid damage aura Carnage: +10% damage (for the particular type) Dead of Night: +15 sneak, +10 lockpick, +20% poison resistance Elemental Attunement: +1 perception (+2 to heal, aid, and balance of nature if bound to elemental spirit) Evasion: +15 evasion Exorcism: +12 exorcism Icy Fury: 1-3 cold damage aura Lava Burn: 1-3 fire damage aura Luck: +1 luck, +10 lockpick Night: +6 sneak, +5 lockpick, +5% poison resistance Voodoo: +1 to Tribal magic branches (+1 skill point per level when worn with Belt of Voodoo) Weapons ------- Accuracy: +(3-12)% chance to hit Acid: +(1-2)-(2-12) acid damage Agility: +(1-3) agility Carnage: +(1-15) acid damage Cold Biting: +(1-2)-(2-12) cold damage Demonic Bile: 5% chance of extra (40-105) fire damage Double Biting: 100% chance of extra (1-2)-(3-7) acid damage every 5 seconds for 15 seconds Druidic Enchantment (axe): +20% crushing resistance, +6 AC Druidic Enchantment (mace): +1 agility Druidic Enchantment (sword): +1 healing rate, +10% fire / cold / electrical resistance Enduring: +(1-3) endurance Evasion: +(24-35) evasion Exorcism: +(1-4)-(4-15) damage to undead Fire: 2-8 fire damage Firestorms: 10% chance of +(1-4)-(6-15) fire damage Flame: +(1-2)-(2-12) fire damage Fleshseeking: +(1-25)% chance to hit Goblin Slaying: +(3-10) damage to goblins Haste: +15% attack speed Heartseeking: +(1-4) acid damage, (15-25)% chance of +(20-50) acid damage Hunting: +(1-2)-(3-15) damage to simple animals Lethargy: (15-40)% chance to slow enemy by 25% Lightning: 5% chance of +(3-12)-(10-22) electrical damage Luck: +(1-3) luck Mastery: +10% damage Numbing: 20% chance of freezing target for 4 seconds Pestilence: +(1-3)-(2-14) disease damage Revealing: +(20-60) find traps/doors, +10 lockpick Ripping: +(1-3)-(4-20) slashing damage 4 seconds after successful attacks Shocking: +(1-3)-(2-12) electrical damage Skill: +(5-20) one-handed and two-handed melee, +10% crushing and slashing damage Snakebiting: +(1-6) poison damage every 5 seconds for 20 seconds Speed: +10% attack rate Stealth: +(24-35) sneak Strength: +(1-3) strength Striking: +(5-25) to critical chance Vampirism: 25% chance of transferring (1-2)-(3-8) hit points to wielder Venom: (5-50)% chance of +(1-6) poison damage every 5 seconds for 10 seconds ***** Copyright ¸ 2003 by Steven W. Carter