+-----------------------------------------------+ | GAME NAME : Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition | | FAQ NAME : Complete FAQ / Walkthrough | | PLATFORM : PC | | VERSION : 1.21 | | DATE : 2004.07.21 | | AUTHOR : Keith McLeod | | E-MAIL : mcleodkw@hotmail.com | | COMPOSED WITH : Notepad 79 pt. | +-----------------------------------------------+ GO100 +---------------------------+================================================== | [01-00] Table of Contents |================================================== +---------------------------+================================================== In order to make the guide more accessible I have implemented Damir Kolar's Search feature into my guide. To use it, press CTRL + F to bring up the Find dialogue box. Copy the code in there and press enter. You will go to the area of the FAQ that you put in. I took care to only put the code in twice so you should never have to press Enter more than once. +---------+-------------------------------+-------+ | NUMBER | NAME | CODE | +---------+-------------------------------+-------+ | [01-00] | Table of Contents | GO100 | +---------+-------------------------------+-------+ | [02-00] | Introduction | GO200 | | [02-01] | Abbreviations | GO210 | +---------+-------------------------------+-------+ | [03-00] | New Weapon | GO300 | +---------+-------------------------------+-------+ | [04-00] | New Enemies | GO400 | | [04-01] | Common Enemies | GO410 | | [04-02] | Boss Enemy | GO420 | +---------+-------------------------------+-------+ | [05-00] | Walkthrough | GO500 | +---------+-------------------------------+-------+ | [06-00] | Secrets | GO600 | +---------+-------------------------------+-------+ | [07-00] | Duke Related Stuff | GO700 | | [07-01] | Easter Eggs | GO710 | | [07-02] | Game Credits | GO720 | | [07-03] | In Game Stuff | GO730 | | [07-04] | On the Atomic Edition Disc | GO740 | | [07-05] | Music | GO750 | +---------+-------------------------------+-------+ | [08-00] | FAQs | GO800 | +---------+-------------------------------+-------+ | [10-00] | FAQ Information and Copyright | G1000 | | [10-01] | Version Information | G1010 | | [10-02] | Credits | G1020 | | [10-03] | Contacting Me | G1030 | | [10-04] | Copyright | G1040 | +---------+-------------------------------+-------+ GO200 +----------------------+======================================================= | [02-00] Introduction |======================================================= +----------------------+======================================================= [02-00-00] Introduction ----------------------- Hi, this is a guide for Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition. This was also released as the Plutonium Pak. This guide only covers the aspects that are new to the Atomic Edition. If you want information regarding the first game, including a complete walkthrough of the first 3 episodes, then go here: http://db.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/duke_nukem_3d_b.txt I have tried my hardest to make all the main portions of the guide spoiler free as I find that in any guide including spoilers in the main portion of the guide detracts from the experience. However, there are many spoilers in the section 7, which include transcripts of endings, for one thing. [02-00-01] What You Won't Find in This Guide -------------------------------------------- This FAQ will cover most of the in game aspects Duke Nukem 3D. However, because of my lack of knowledge on the subject and the relative obsolescence of this game, I will probably not cover such issues as: + Technical problems (sound card issues, performance etc) + Compatibility with other systems + multiplayer (particularly TEN) + the "Build" engine + anything to do with DOS with relation to this game [02-00-02] Language Warning --------------------------- There is some coarse language in this guide. I personally don't swear in the walkthrough, but I do have transcripts of some of the in game content. This is primarily in the section 7, which is called "Duke Related Stuff". If you are sensitive to this kind of thing, here is fair warning to you. [02-00-03] Assumptions Made When Using This Guide ------------------------------------------------- * You are playing the game on the Come Get Some difficulty. * You are using the 1.5 patch (available at http://www.3drealms.com) GO210 +-----------------------+ =| [02-01] Abbreviations |===================================================== +-----------------------+ There will be many abbreviations in this guide in an attempt to cut down on file size. [02-01-01] Categorized Listing ------------------------------ PSTL - Pistol PA - Pistol Ammo SGUN - Shotgun SHL - Shotgun Shells CGUN - Chaingun Cannon CA - Chaingun Cannon Ammo RPG - Rocket Propelled Grenade RPGA - RPG ammo PB - Pipebomb SHA - Shrinker Ammo SRAY - Shrinker DVA - Devastator Ammo DV - Devastator FZRA - Freezer Ammo LTB - Laser Tripbomb FZR - Freezer MFT - Duke's Mighty Foot PMED - Portable Medikit BA - Body Armor STR - Steroids LK - Large Medikit HDK - Holoduke SK - Small Medikit JP - Jetpack AH - Atomic Health GOG - Nightvision Goggles RK - Red Key SCG - Scuba Gear BK - Blue Key BTS - Boots YK - Yellow Key TRP - Assault Trooper BLRD - Battlelord CAP - Assault Captain OLRD - Overlord PIG - Pig Cop CE - Cycloid Emperor OB - Octabrain ENF - Enforcer RPV - Recon Patrol Vehicle FF - Forcefield SDRN - Sentry Drone TP - Teleport Pad COM - Assault Commander PROT - Protozoid Slimer MG - Mounted Gun SRK - Shark Atomic Edition Abbreviations ADRN - Alien Drone PIGT - Pig Tank AQ - The Alien Queen ERAY - Expander EXA - Expander Ammo [02-01-02] Alphabetical Listing ------------------------------- +------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | ADRN - Alien Drone | OB - Octabrain | | AQ - Alien Queen | OLRD - Overlord | | AH - Atomic Health | PA - Pistol Ammo | | BA - Body Armor | PB - Pipebomb | | BK - Blue Key | PIG - Pig Cop | | BLRD - Battle Lord | PIGT - Pig Tank | | BTS - Boots | PMED - Portable Medikit | | CA - Chaingun Cannon Ammo | PROT - Protozoid Slimer | | CE - Cycloid Emperor | PREG - Protozoid Slimer Egg | | CAP - Captain | PSTL - Pistol | | CGUN - Chaingun Cannon | RPG - Rocket Propelled Grenade | | CMD - Commander | RPGA - RPG Ammo | | DV - Devastator | RPV - Recon Patrol Vehicle | | DVA - Devastator Ammo | RK - Red Key | | ENF - Enforcer | SCG - Scuba Gear | | ERAY - Expander | SDRN - Sentry Drone | | EXA - Expander Ammo | SGUN - Shotgun | | FF - Forcefield | SHA - Shrinker Ammo | | FZR - Freezer | SHL - Shotgun Shells | | FZRA - Freezer Ammo | SK - Small Medikit | | GOG - Nightvision Goggles | SRAY - Shrinker | | HDK - Holoduke | SRK - Shark | | JP - Jetpack | STR - Steroids | | LK - Large Medikit | TP - Teleport Pad | | LTB - Laser Tripbomb | TRP - Trooper | | MFT - Duke's Mighty Foot | YK - Yellow Key | | MG - Mounted Gun | | +------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ GO300 +---------------------+======================================================== | [03-00] New Weapons |======================================================== +---------------------+======================================================== Some Abbreviations unique to this section: SH - Shot R - Round There is one new weapon in the Atomic Edition, the Expander. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expander (ERAY) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAMAGE : 15/R, 1R/SH WEAPON PICKUP : +0 AMMO PICKUP : +20 MAX CAPACITY : 50 You can't pick up the ERAY separately, you have to get a SRAY to use the ERAY. The Expander ammo looks like a little silver box with a radar on top. (EXA) To use the expander, press the button for the SRAY twice. This gun at first seems to be a little gimmicky and a little superficial. Sure, it fires fast enough, but it's limited ammo capacity hinders it's usefulness in combat situations. This is offset by the large amount of ammo that you get with one pickup, however. Another benefit of the expander is when you shoot an enemy with it and kill it, instead of simply dying, the expand (to fit their space, too!) and eventually explode, dealing decent splash damage to everything in a small radius (this damage is enough to kill PIG, ENF, TRP and CAP amongst others). Therefore, if you find yourself fighting a large group of weaker enemies and you want to conserve your other ammunition, consider switching to the Expander. Decent for killing TRP, CAP, PIG, ENF, particularly in groups. Not recommended for killing much else, especially BLRD, COM, SDRN, RPV, PIGT, ADRN and all bosses. This gun does do damage to the above enemies that it is not recommended for, but may not cause them to expand afterwards. It is ineffective against ADRNs and will not reflect off mirrors like the ERAY's SRAY counterpart. GO400 +----------------------+======================================================= | [04-00] New Enemies |======================================================= +----------------------+======================================================= This is how the guide is set up. Enemy Name (Abbreviation) HEALTH : Amount of health points the enemy can take before dying/freezing DROP : Item(s) the enemy drops upon death. Physical Description. Behavioral Description. Weaknesses and Strengths. GO410 +------------------------+ =| [04-01] Common Enemies |==================================================== +------------------------+ There are two new enemies in the Atomic Edition: the heavily armed Pig Tank and the agile Alien Drone. There is also a new boss, the Alien Queen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pig Tank (PIGT) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEALTH : 800 + DROP : None They are PIG-piloted tanks that have quadruple side mounted flak guns and a big atomic symbol on the back of it. These guys are really strong... looking. Sure, they can take a lot of hits and they can deal out a lot of damage in the form of their quadruple flak cannons that whittle away your health, or their singular grenade launcher that hurls a BLRD-like proximity grenade in your direction. However, their glaring weakness is in the form of the atomic symbol on the back of their frame. Unlike most other enemies, you can run around them and they won't look at you the whole time, thus you can sneak up behind them and use their AH symbol (like a door). You will then hear a beeping. Just a word of caution: get out of their way when because when the beeping stops, they explode, they make a HUGE and painful blast radius. When they die, they may (not always) release a PIG. Using the Atomic Symbol on the back of them is recommended way to destroy the PIGT, however, if this is not possible for whatever reason, then RPG (3) or DV(15-20) seem to do the trick. SRAY, ERAY and FRZ are ineffective and nothing else should be used against the PIGT besides the symbol if possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien Drone (ADRN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEALTH : 300 DROP : None They are tall, lanky bipedal tan creatures with huge fangs, red eyes and green blood. The ADRN is more of a "special forces" enemy than a basic grunt troop, which is probably to your benefit. The ADRN doesn't have a direct damage projectile attack, instead relying on it's shrink ray to attack. It also can leap long and far and pounce on you with it's claws, dealing decent damage but nothing too great. The big thing about these ADRN is that they have a large health amount. The easiest way to kill these enemies is to circle around them and run away backwards, using the recommended guns to whittle away their health. They shouldn't be a problem if fought from a longer range, but if you fight them up close then you could be in trouble. When they appear in groups, it can be a bit difficult to handle, as a group of four ADRN would require about 3 direct hits if they all stayed close together. When fighting groups of ADRN, the best strategy is to use the strategies for fighting one of them, running backwards and circling the group, and if you can, firing the RPG into the group. It's satisfy to kill a large group of these enemies without taking damage. SGUN(4) and CGUN(30) are the recommended weapons that you will probably have to use at close range, but FRZ(15) is surprisingly effective as well - I suppose it has a good use against these guys. At long range, RPG(2) and DV(12). SRAY is ineffective against these guys, and ERAY is not recommended. GO420 +---------------------+ =| [04-02] Boss Enemy |======================================================= +---------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Alien Queen (AQ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEALTH : 6000 The Alien Queen is a massive blue beast, resembling a ADRN on steroids. She has three red eyes, massive fangs, and gigantic claws. Ignoring her large health amount, the AQ isn't really that hard. Her only real attack is a maneuver that electrocutes the entire area around her, dealing unavoidable damage (note that this also hurts you on land if, for some reason you are fighting her there). She can also "birth" ADRNs at will, and if you get close to her, she will squish you. However, if you have a PMED and some SCG if you are fighting her underwater you will be just fine. DV(~90) is the only thing that should really be used, though it is difficult to hit them all in one try. Therefore, you might want to use the surprisingly ineffective RPG(~65) to finish her off, but other weapons such as the CGUN and the SGUN can be used too. Since you will most likely be fighting her in Level 4-10 The Queen, here is the strategy that was given there: " [Killing the AQ] You will be attacked by the AQ and some of her ADRN spawn. If you really need this and you really shouldn't there are a couple of alcoves that got 2 SHL, 2 CA and a LK. She only has two real abilities. The first is to give birth to another ADRN; this is shown by it crouching over and a big burst of green crud coming from her - then a curled up ADRN will spawn. Her other attack is to electrify the area around her. This does guaranteed damage to you. Additionally, if you come too close to her, she will instantly kill you. Your only real rivals will be the ADRNs and the OB floating about. Kill off the OBs quickly (there are only a few). There are a bunch of ADRN now to deal with, but guess what: you don't have to fight them! You can simply float above them to avoid their damage - you may get SRAY'd but that's no big deal. Circle around them and fire on the Queen. Unleash all you got on the AQ, in the form of DV and RPG and it shouldn't be too hard. She has the most health of all the bosses and it might be a long battle, but don't stress too much and it should be over before you're out of SCG. If for some reason you do run out of air, look at the roof: there are some strategically placed holes that you can use to get some air. " GO500 +---------------------+======================================================== | [05-00] Walkthrough |======================================================== +---------------------+======================================================== This is the walkthrough for Episode 4: The Birth of the Atomic Edition. [05-00-01] Par and 3D Realms Times ---------------------------------- These are the times that you should get if you are on the rush course through the level. 3D Realm's time is for the elite, although if you play the levels enough you should get the 3D Realms time. It usually requires a shortcut too, if there is one in the level. To get to a specific level quickly, copy the name and the number of the level that you want from the table below and use the CTRL+F Find dialogue box to get to it. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-01] It's Impossible | 03:04 | 01:32 | 07 | | [4-02] Duke-Burger | 04:00 | 02:00 | 04 | | [4-03] Shop-N-Bag | 03:30 | 01:45 | 07 | | [4-04] Babe Land | 06:32 | 03:16 | 04 | | [4-05] Pigsty | 02:02 | 01:01 | 05 | | [4-06] Going Postal | 03:04 | 01:52 | 04 | | [4-07] XXX-Stacy | 01:24 | 00:42 | 03 | | [4-08] Critical Mass | 03:18 | 01:59 | 04 | | [4-09] Derelict | 05:02 | 02:51 | 05 | | [4-10] The Queen | 10:50 | 05:25 | 07 | | [4-11] Area 51 | 04:20 | 02:10 | 07 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-01] It's Impossible | 03:04 | 01:32 | 07 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [Outdoors] You begin in a clearing. If you stay still for too long, not only will you get struck by lightning but the dual MGs mounted above the door will fire on you, and an additional one from a cave above you. You can storm the Improbable Mission Facility right away, but you should probably get some stuff around here first. You can go to one of the corners of the outdoor area and take out the MG that is firing on you from the cave above you if you get onto the ledge. Then, you can get the PSTL on the ledge here and take out the two MGs that are firing on you from below. There is a LK near the big door. [SECRET 1] There is a tiny ledge on the cliff that has the PSTL. You can climb up this ledge and get into the cave that had the MG in it. There are PBs and a HDK in this cave. [SECRET 2] Go onto the main ledge and face the big doors. Walk to the right and across the little bridge and you will notice a bloody handprint on the rock face, this will open a door under the bridge. You can enter the cave that the doors leads to and get the GOG and the AH inside it. [Entrance] Note that there are two entrances to the building here, but the best one is the main doors (the other one is to the right of the main doors). Go in the big doors. You will have to fight three TRP (one on a JP) and there is a fourth in a nearby hallway. There is also a CAP behind the big column in the middle of the room. At the entrance of the room near the computers there are two SK, on the desk there is a PSTL and some SHL. There is a tape recorder on the desk, and if you use it, it will blow up in your face. The big column in this room has a crack in it; you can blow it up to get three LK. [Briefing Room] Now the purpose of coming here is to some armament before facing some harder enemies while getting the RK. The big challenge here is killing three ENF and a TRP with a PSTL; it shouldn't be that bad as there is lots of ammo and health abound. When you kill everything, you can get the main spoil here which is a SGUN behind the desk here. Behind the podium is a LK. You can open the second locker from the left to get a BA, and on top of the lockers is a PSTL and a LK. On the counters in the middle of the room are PBs and a PA. Now you can do this next part either way, but you should go through the door that's on the same wall as the lockers. [RK Door Room] Go down the hallway and fight the two TRP on the way. Then open the door that you will come to. As you do, three SDRN will see you so you can try and close the door to see if they blow up. There are three LTB on the top of a box in the middle of the room and RPGA in the corner. There is a box to the left of the IMF logo on the wall that you can open to reveal two EXA and two SK. Now, you can go up the elevator at the other end of this room. [Elevator Room] There is an ENF to greet you, and some PA on the floor. The other elevator has an ENF on it and leads to a locked door. The big door in this room leads back to the Briefing Room. [Hallway] Go back the Entrance area and then to the hallway opposite to the entrance of the Briefing room. This hallway connects to some parts of the level. When you first go down it, you have to fight two TRP. First, take the left path and go to the Mess Hall. [Mess Hall] In the initial part of this room you will have to fight two PIG and three TRP (all in a clump so a good PB target). There are two TRP behind a counter too that aren't in the main room. There are some SHL near a moving water lake. [Kitchen] Go in the big door there and go to the other sides of that waterway. On the left side there are two SK and on the right side there is an AH. You can swim down the sink to get two SK but nothing else. There is a door here that contains two OB. Take them out and use PBs here; there is a FRZ and a LK in this room. [SECRET 3] There is a red handprint in this room. Pressing it will open a section of wall beside it; enter to find a computer and a FF. Hit the computer to disable the FF and enter the next part of the room. Inside this room, there is a SRAY and BA on some boxes. You can also swim back to the Kitchen via the sink here. [Bathroom] In the room with the two OB there is a fan that you can break which leads to the bathroom. Crawl through it and be prepared to fight three OB's right away and a TRP on the sink counter. The BK is also on the sink counter and a CGUN near a pair of urinals. {SECRET 4] On the counter there is a switch, and it opens a wall above the toilet stall. There is a PMED in there. [Barracks] Go in the grate that's above the urinals. Go through the grate and you will be at a good position to fight the enemies in that room, which are numerous. Toss a couple of PBs in there to clear them all out easily (there are many PIG and an ENF). On the left beds there are STR, PA and SHL, and on one of the right beds there is a CA, and near the clock there are two LK. [SECRET 5] On the bed across from the TV, you can stand on it and use it like an elevator. Take it up and you can go in the next door that you see. A JP and two DVA are in this room. [Command Center] Go left twice and follow the hallway down and fight the two TRP and the PIG that are waiting for you. There are switches there, and the following combination there is O X X. In the main area of the command center there are 4 PIG that you have to fight and 2 TRP, so use that PB. Get the 2 SK near the wall. There is also a switch on the wall near the steel window, that will open and provide access to the Entrance part of the level. You can use the BK to take down the FF here, but if you want to kill some of the enemies in the room guarded by it and prevent some fighting, there is a COM in there waiting for you, so you can attract him to the FF and let him fire on it, dealing splash damage to the enemies in there. When you use the BK, go in the room and use your SRAY on the COM. Then, get the RK, SHA, PA, LK and SK in various parts of the room. Now hit the switches on the wall near the big door in the Command Centre room in the order X O X. This is the locked door in the Elevator room; go back to the RK Door Room and open the RK Door. [SECRET 6] The computer near the IMF logo can be used to open a portion of the wall with a PIG and a RPG in there. You can also open a portion of the wall in that room to get to the SECRET 5 area. [Janitor Closet] Get the PBs and break the fan. Head into the grate. You will come to another fan, facing downwards, through which you can see various LTB lasers. It would obviously be suicide jumping in there through those, so throw a PB on the unbroken fan. Now, backtrack into the RK Door Room, as the explosion of the PB will cause a chain reaction. Blow up the PB and after the explosions are done go back into the vent and go right beside the fan facing downwards. [Console Room] Whatever you do here, don't touch the floor. If you didn't get SECRET 5, go back and get the JP now. If you touch the floor, you will be attacked by many enemies. Instead, drop through the vent with the JP on. Time is limited on the JP so do this quickly. Hover over to the big red button on the wall and hit it. Now, four switches will raise opposite you; hit them in the order O X O X. Now, opposite those a compartment will open with another switch inside that you must hit, this unlocks the big safe door in this room. Hover out of this room. Now if you want to, you can fight the enemies that you would if you landed on the floor. Before you do, rig the room with PBs or LTBs. Then, run in and out of the room and detonate the PBs. Four ENF, TRP and PIG will emerge; when you kill them, not only will you get their spoils, but the rooms that they were in collectively contain two PSTL and two SK. [Security Access] Go up the stairs, as you come near the wall a part of it will open and you will be attacked by two ENF, a PIG, and a MG. Take them out possibly with a PB. Jump in that room to get an LK. Hit the console here to open the Security Access door outside this small room. [Doors Hallway] When you come close to the doors in this room they will open automatically. After the second door, there is a grate to your left that you can destroy and enter. [Excavation Room] You will be attacked right away from room ahead of you by a PIG and a TRP, and an ENF is waiting for you to your left. There is also a TRP in the mine cart. Around the area there are two PBs and a CA. There is another door in this room near the cart. Inside there are two COM and two TRP; take them out and get the SK. Go behind the rock wall to get a DV and an SK. [SECRET 7] There is a switch near the vent that you came out of to get in the room. Pressing it will open the door to the mine cart, revealing a SHL, a CA, an AH and two SK. Go back to the Doors Hallway. Go to the end of the hallway, use the phone at the end of the hallway, and you will go down on a platform. [Offices] You will see a singular PB and a crack in a door here. Use the PB to destroy the crack and back up. Amongst other enemies, including some ENF and PIG, you will fight your first ADRN here, so be careful about it's SRAY. The door to your left will be blown out, but if you go in to get the PBs the door across from it will open, revealing 3 PIG. You might want to rig the other door. Another ADRN may also attack. After you are done that, go back to where you blew up the wall, get the two LK in the hole in the wall. Hit the exit symbol to finish the level. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-02] Duke-Burger | 04:00 | 02:00 | 04 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [The Street] There is a trashcan right beside where you start and it has a PSTL in it. If you go out onto the main part of the street, you will alert three RPVs to your presence. Near the entrance to BK Door (and thusly the Duke Burger] there are some PBs and a STR. Go around the perimeter of the building to the left. There is a PIG to fight you right away, and then there is another alley that houses two RPV and a PIGT to fight you. After you are done with them get the two PA in their alley. On one of the walls near the sidewalk of the Duke Burger, there is a LK. Going down the street farther will bring you to the front of the SPCH, which has a PIGT guarding it and some SHL on the right side of it. There is a dumpster here; if you jump into it the wall will explode to reveal an LK. There is also a barrel near the entrance of the level that has a SHL in it. Now, go to the Drive Thru thing with the big Duke Head on it. Use the front of the Drive Thru and then a small compartment on the wall behind it will open. Jump on the wall across from the Drive Thru and then jump on the drive thru thing itself to get access to the compartment, which contains the BK and a SRAY. [SECRET 1] Go to the alley that had some RPV and the PIGT in it, as well as the two PA. There are two ways of getting this secret but both involve the use of an item. There is a barrel to the right of the alley, facing a T-Shaped portion of wall. Jump on the barrel, use STR and run right into the wall. You should get into the secret room. You can also use the JP and get into the secret room that way (the secret entrance is right under the yellow line). In the secret room are PBs, STR, PMED and two EXA. There is an exit in this room that leads to inside the Duke Burger (so you don't actually need to use the BK in this level!) [Dining Room] Go back to the BK door and use it. You will have to fight the two PIG to the left and right of you. There is an SK in the left corner, and on the right side of the room there is a table with two SK on it and a FRZ under it. [Behind the Counter] As you go up to the counter, you will fight some more PIG and a CAP that is behind the counter. There are exits to the street area here. On top of the right garbage bin there is FRZA. On the counter, there is a little cardboard box, which you can destroy to reveal an AH. There is an AH on a window sill there. There is a SK on the counter near the pop machine. There is a PB on the slanted area behind the counter, and near the window sill there is a cash register that has two PBs on it. [Men's Bathroom] Across from the counter, you will notice a grate above the condiments stand. Break the grate and head in to get the SHL inside it. You will have to squish some PROT on the way, and will have to jump to get into the longest part of the shaft. Follow it down and break the other grate. There are tons of TRP in the bathroom, use a PB to make a mess. There is a LK under the grate. Open the door to fight a PIG and watch the door to the women's bathroom blow. Go into that bathroom. [Women's Bathroom] In the bathroom, there are two ADRN in the stalls and an ENF, but in this bathroom don't use explosives, as you require the mirror on the wall to progress with the level. On top of one of the stall walls there is a SHA. If you look in the mirror, you will see a message that says 'Think Smaller' and this refers to the little shaft in the corner of the room. You can get shrunk by the ADRN, but it's easier to use the SRAY (like the one that you got when you got the BK) to reflect it off the mirror (if you killed the ADRN and destroyed the mirror then you're screwed). Get shrunk and run through the little vent. [Kitchen] There are tons of enemies in the form of TRP, CAP and ENF, so be careful not to get squashed! When you are done taking them out, then get the spoils, which include a CGUN behind a deep fryer, some BA on a deep fryer, and a SK. There is also a carton that you can destroy to get an AH. You can also disable the FF here that leads back into the Dining Room. Now go down the hall here. [Storage] Go down the hallway and to the right. In this room, there is a pod of PREG and 4 ENF that you can take out with PBs. The RK and SGUN are on the desk at the other side of this room on a desk, and from the desk you can access the tops of some boxes where GOG and a EXA are. [SECRET 2] Behind the desk, there is a small switch on the bottom left side of it. Hit this switch to open a wall on top of some boxes across from it. Climb the boxes and enter the compartment that was opened to get a FRZ. [Freezer] Use the RK and fight the two PIG and the ENF that are waiting for you. Two PBs are in the corner under the dead chickens, and around the corner is an ENF. There is FRZA in the corner, and under the crushing walls in the middle of the room there is a DV. There is also a grate on the wall that has a PMED in it and which leads back to the vent that goes to the bathroom. You have to follow the conveyor belt now. There are some LTBs guarding it so use a PB or something. Then, follow it down, fighting the three ENF on the wall. The hallway has a path that leads to a door on the left that is guarded by two PIG. Kill them and follow the belt down some more until you come to a ledge, and you can jump up there. [SECRET 3] The room with the poster of the dog anatomy has a very unexpected secret. The light switch near the entrance causes the wall beside it to rotate, and if you rotate with it, you will emerge into a room with an RPG. Note that it is very easy to get squished doing this. [Meat Disposal] Jump up the ledge and follow the hallway in there. There is an ENF waiting for you, and another farther down. There is an ENF in the next room full of cages. You can destroy the cages with explosives, and there is one cell that has some RPGA. [SECRET 4] You have to blow up the gates on the right block of cells for this one (the one that has the little puppy in it). On the two cells beside the ones with the puppy in it, the back of the top one can be opened to get some PBs. [SPCH Entrance] Follow down to the end of the room, and there will be another narrow hallway. You must fight two ADRN to progress. Follow this hallway down to the end; you will come to the entrance area of this building. There are two ENF in there, kill them and go into the entrance area. The wall will explode, giving you an exit to the Street area, but you will also have to fight a PIGT on your way out. There are two LTBs on the counter, BA on top of file cabinet, and two DVA behind the couch. There is a switch behind the counter that you have to hit to open the door that you saw at the end of the hallway to the entrance area. [Exit Room] This room has two ADRN in it, and some SHL. The exit symbol is here behind a box. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-03] Shop-N-Bag | 03:30 | 01:45 | 07 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [Destroyed Building] Right when you start you will be attacked by some troops, but will probably die because the building in front of you explodes. There is a LK behind you in case you took damage. At the other end of the building there is some SHL. A PIG, ENF, and TRP will attack you from the street area. [Street] When you go on the street, you will notice there is a place where the shopping carts go; in there is some RPGA. You can jump over the chain link fence at the one part of the street and get to the two garages. In the one with the broken door, you can enter and fight the TRP. There are GOG in the corner and PBs and a AH guarded by a MG. And across from the broken garage, there is a little bedroom that has a TRP and a MG, and inside the room are 2 PA and a SGUN on top of a crate stack. [The Shop and Bag] Go back to the main part of the street area and break the glass to enter. To your left and right are MGs that you must take out; there are SKs under either. Some PIG may be alerted to your presence. As you go around the magazine rack, you will be attacked by a PIGT and a PIG that are between rows 1 and 2. In that space there are SHL and two LK. [SECRET 1] To the left of the shelf that has "1" on it is a fire extinguisher on a wall. Destroy it to make a crack in the wall, and enter to find two TRP guarding a DV and a PMED. This also leads back to the little bedroom as detailed before. [Shop and Bag] You can go to the right and fight the two ADRN that will come and attack you. There is also a LK on a box. [SECRET 2] Go to the right and look at the stack of boxes between 1 and 2. There is a darker stack of boxes in the middle of the stack. You can open the middle stack and get some EXA and a BA. [Shelves Top] You can go between the shelves of aisle 2. There is a TRP there, and an LK and 3 SK around this area. You can climb the boxes here to get to the top of the shelves. You will be fired on by two MGs as you go up. You can get the CA on the top of the boxes. On the shelf to the right from you, you can get the SHA, and straight across from that are two LK, and to the left of that is a DVA. From that shelf, you will be attacked by a TRP and an ADRN in a boxed off area, where the BK is located. Get the BK and go the BK door (you can use the shelves to get there). [BK Door] Open the door and be prepared to fight a TRP and a PIG. There is a PIGT around the corner, and a ADRN on the other side of a window. Go through the next door after you are finished here. [Meat Room] To the left and right you will be attacked by two MGs. You will be attacked right away by three TRP and a PIGT. Notice that the Yellow Key Door is at the other end of the room. Take the enemies out and continue. On the other sides of those shelves are two PIGT on the ground level and three TRP sniping at you from on top of some more shelves. Take out the PIGT first by luring them out onto the other side and them kill off the TRP. There are some vents that run through the shelves here; go through them to take out an MG firing at you, and get an AH. You will notice that one of the vent sections has a nook in it; if you have a JP you can JP up there to get access to the top of the shelves (though you could get access to the shelves with the JP otherwise) and get the spoils, which involve a SHL, two LK, a FRZA, and a DVA. You can jump onto the top of a crate of boxes from here to get an RPG. There is also a LK in the corner here. [SECRET 3] There is a crack on some boxes here. Blow it up to get access to the beginning of the level and get the CGUN stuck in there. [Back Room] Go back in the grates that went between the two shelves. Follow them back as far as you can (past the MG) and you will see another grate, and you can see into a room that has two ENF and a MG in it. Use a PB to clear this small room. Then go in. There are three switches on the wall around a little compartment, the combination to open it is X X O. The YK is in there. There is also a button on the wall that opens a steel window which you can exit. [YK Door] Use the YK but be very careful as a COM and a MG are ready to fire on you. You won't be able to use the SRAY on this COM so bust out the RPG. After, you will notice a switch on the roof, and if you shoot it the door will open. Go farther into the room, you can kill the TRP that's behind some shopping carts and the ENF that is just in the room. The door here also leads outside. [SECRET 4] There are two ATM machines in this room. You can open the left one. Be prepared to move backwards very fast and launch an RPG or something in there as three MGs await you. Then go in there and get the DV. [Checkout] Go back into the meat room, and then go to the signs that have the 'Checkout' arrows on them. You might get attacked by a COM if you go the left way, either way you'll end up in the checkout area and have to fight the three TRP that are behind each till. There is also an MG in the corner above a LK. Some CA is beside one of the tills. Now, you could follow the hallway out, but you'd just end up outside after fighting a ADRN and a MG. Instead, facing the tills from the front, go to the farthest right. Behind that till are four buttons that you must hit a combination on, which is O O X X. This unlocks the door that's closest to the till that you're in. [Office] When you open the door, you will be greeted by a ADRN. Climb the stairs and get the LK on the way up. As you go into the office, kill the two TRP and get the STR on the desk and the RPGA on top of the file cabinets. You will be attacked by a COM and a TRP in the room right beside the office. Take them out and get the PBs on top of the crate. This next part requires a bit of dexterity. You will notice a red button beside a small compartment, and behind you near the ceiling you will see another small compartment. You need to do this to get the RK Hit the red switch here. Then, do a 180 degree turn, and you will notice a small compartment has opened, revealing another red button. This is timed so be very quick in shooting that button. Shooting this button opens the compartment beside the original red button, and this holds the RK but is also timed. Now, you can blow up the crack in the wall when you have got it. Go back to the Meat Room. [Vegetables] Where the stack of crates with the RPG is, face the wall where the checkpoint arrow points and go down the left path. There is a COM waiting for you, and as you go down the hall farther, to the right is the entrance to the vegetables section. In there, however, are two ADRN and a COM. After you kill them, you can get the spoils, which include 3 LTB, two SHL, and a BA. Now go down to the end of the hallway, you will see the RK door. [Box Room] Immediately to your left there is a stack of crates with a TRP and 3 SKs on top. To the right there is a PIG between the boxes and the wall. You can go past where this PIG died and look at the tall crate and jump on it to get the EXA on top. [SECRET 5] There is a small box here that you can jump on (to get to it, from the entrance to this room, go right, the follow the path to the small box). You can jump up onto the small box and into the little alcove above it. Open this to reveal a FRZA, PBs, and GOG. Now going down the first aisle from the right, you will encounter some resistance in the form of PIGT and a ADRN. Kill them, and get the 6 SK in between the shelves. At the end of the first aisle is a AH on some crates. There is a switch at the very top of these crates that opens the trash compactor doors. To get to it, you have to go to the far left of the crate stack, kill the PIG and get the LK, climb up the boxes then hit the switch. In the second aisle, there is a HDK in a hole in one of the shelves. You can use this small hole as cover against the two TRP, the COM and the possible ADRN that's around here in the third aisle. Around the third aisle are two LK and two SK. [SECRET 6] Go behind the stack of crates nearest to the trash compactor doors. There is a small arrow on the back of the box, open the part of the boxes that it's pointing at to reveal STR, SHL and RPGA. [Trash Compactor] You have to avoid the trash compactors to get to the exit. To do this, you must first go close to the tiny depression in the wall right across from the entrance to the trash compactors. Doing this reveals a button, hit it quickly as it is timed. Now, back before you went in the acid, a switch panel will raise. Pressing each switch will stop each of the four trash compactors individually. Make sure you do it when they are just a bit above crouching distance. The exit symbol is at the other end of all the trash compactors. [SECRET 7] Under the second trash compactor, the left wall (facing the exit symbol) can be opened to get BTS, a PMED and RPGA. There is a crack in the wall here that can be used to get back to just before the Meat Room. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-04] Babe Land | 06:32 | 03:16 | 04 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [Entrance] You start in a pipe. Exit this pipe and you will notice two booths. One has a PIG in it, kill it and go in it to get an SGUN. The other booth has a LK. Both booth have a switch in it that disables the FF around the revolving door beside them. Go through one of the revolving doors. [Babeland Hub] When you go through one of the doors you will have to fight two PIGs that will drop down from either side of you. Follow the path and you will come to the Babeland Hub (you will eventually be able to access all the areas in the level through here). To you immediate left is a PIG hiding behind some boxes. Across the pool here is a grate that contains two CAP, and there is a window to your right that has two PIG in it. On the top of the boxes to your left there are SHL and behind the boxes is a LK. You can climb the boxes to get to a ledge which has some PBs on it. There is some PA behind a Duke sign. [Underwater] There are various OB and PREG in the fountain, but it will be hard to take them out with PB as the fountain is quite large. After you are done killing them, you can get the 2 EXA on the floor. There is also a grate that leads to the D-Cup Ride's pool. [D-Cup Ride] The only place that you can go into right away is the D-cup ride, which is easily identifiable by a sign on the wall. There is a booth in the hall to the ride that has STR and two PA. When you go through the revolving door, a CAP will attack you right away. When you see the ride itself, two MG will attack you from the other side of the ride and two TRP on a ledge above it. On the ride itself are two CAP. The ride consists of two cups that rotate around a central shaft, and you can get up to the areas on the other side of the ride by riding the D-Cups. You have to get to all three and hit the switches on each small platform. There is a CA on the right platform and a CGUN in the center one. This will lower a portion of the central shaft of the ride which has the BK in it. [Under the Ride] There are 3 OB, 6 PREG and a TRP in a cup underwater. Other than that, a SHL awaits you in the corner and in the cup that the TRP was in is a PMED. The grate in the wall here leads back to the Underwater fountain in the Hub area. [Hub] Go back to the hub; on the boxes here you can get up to a ledge. There is some PBs here and you have access to a broken part of a bridge; jump on it and get the AH on the small raised platform and get into the window. There is a PA and a RPGA in there. You can look in the monitor here and you will see a door in front of the One Eyed Pete's Ride area; you have to open this to continue the level. The switches on either side of the monitor must be turned on like this: hit the bottom one on the left side and both on the right side. Now go to the One Eyed Pete's Ride that you just opened. [One Eyed Pete's Shooting Gallery] You can use the BK on the BK slot here right away. There is also a booth here that has a PIG guarding a SHL. When you are ready go through the revolving door. Now in the ride there are three PSTL on the counter and a LK in the corner. The shooting gallery consists of five targets and some ducks that cycle through the area; there are two AH that are with the ducks as well. Behind the five targets there is an RPG and a SK. Note that getting this next secret is mandatory to beating this level. [SECRET 1] This is kind of stupid, this one. You have to shoot the second target from the left and the second target on the left; this will lower the platform with the Prizes on it. Inside there, two PIG will attack. When you kill them, you can get the RK, GOG, and BA inside there. This secret is mandatory for level completion. [SECRET 2] When you enter the gallery, you will notice a crack on the wall across from the entrance; blow it up and two ADRN will jump out and attack you so be careful. In the secret area there is a SHL. When you get the RK, go back to the hub area and to the Babes of the Carribean ride (this is identifiable by the sign on the wall). [Babes of the Carribean] The RK slot is guarded by a PIG, there is also some CA in that booth. When you use the RK, the FF in front of the revolving door will drop, but watch out for the PIG that will come and attack you from the entrance to the booth. Go through the revolving door when you are ready, and be prepared to fight some enemies. Going down the first part of the walkway, you'll have to fight three TRP on JP (there is a SK near them) and a ADRN will spawn behind you. Continue down, there is a room divided into a walkway in which a ADRN and a PIG reside. There are two SK around this area on the walls. Now when you are ready get to the main part of the ride. At the actual entrance of the ride you will have to fight an ADRN right off. In the booth with the window there are two PIGs, and you will also be attacked once in a while by some RPVs (you can use the booth as cover). Now to progress with the level, you have to catch a ride on one of the boats that is rotating around this area. There is an RPGA on the boarding area, but when you go near this, a door will open across the river from you, with four PIG in it. There are also a BA and a LK in that room. There are some items that are on the boats, which include an RPG, a CGUN, and a SRAY. [Jail Cell] Take one of the boats and get off at the first possible place. There is a PIG in a jail cell here; when you kill it, a wall across the river will explode revealing four more PIGs. You can JP over to that crack in the wall to get PBs inside it. [SECRET 3] There is a crack in the door near the prison cell, you can destroy it to enter it and get some RPGA. [Auction Platform] Get back on a boat and get onto the next platform that you can; you will initially be attacked by three TRP and a CAP on a higher platform and if you go close to it a door will open, revealing three PIG in there. There is also a CA in that room. There are GOG in the corner in the corner of the lower platform. Now go to the upper platform and another door will open, and you will have to fight three more PIG. There is an HDK and a BTS up here, and you can get a RPGA where the PIGs came from. To continue with the level, you can't keep on taking the boats. You will notice on the upper platform an arrow pointing towards a "hard hat area", you'll have to get the BTS on and follow that path. [Ship and Castle] Get on to the first place of land that you can see, you can get either two DVA or a RPGA, depending on the way that you came here. You can see a bit of the ship from here, this is beneficial because you can use this part of the castle that you are one for cover. A battle between a pirate ship and a castle is going on, and you can get caught in the crossfire if you aren't careful (the cannon balls can do significant damage to you!). There is a BLRD over there that you should take out, however, cannons may distract your fire (auto aim) so you should probably avoid using the DV right away and shoot them with a RPG. When you finish off the BLRD you can get the FRZA at the front of the castle. You should probably destroy the two cannons on the castle and on the ship if you haven't already and be prepared to swim. [Under Ship] When you go underwater you will be attacked by some sharks, but there are other enemies under here, namely the clumps of OB and PREG that are on either side of the ships opposite - great RPG targets. Beside the left clump there are two LTB and on the right one there is a SCG and a LK. Under the ship there are two SK. On the right side of the ship there is a crack in the wall; destroy it to find a LK and a CA in it. [Ship] Swim up the hole in the bottom of the ship to get into it, and you will initially have to fight two OB. There are some barrels near them that you can explode to deal damage to them. There is a SRAY on the platform that they were on. Go through the TP here to get onto the top of the ship. If you destroyed the cannons you probably won't have a lot of trouble up here. There is a RPGA on the lesser elevated part of the ship and a FRZ and a LK on one of the elevated portions (beside the steering wheel of the ship). There are two switches on the ship on the mast columns; the light switch turns on the lights on the top part of the castle opposite you (go figure) and the other switch opens the gate of the castle. When you open the door, you will be assaulted by a BLRD and two TRP from within the gates, so be careful and use the mast columns as cover. Note that the other TP on the ship takes you back to the entrance to Babes of the Carribean. [Castle] Jump over to the castle entrance. When you go through the door, a ADRN will spawn on the highest part of the castle and attack you so be careful. In the courtyard of the castle there is a SGUN and a AH on the ground an a LK on a box. Jump on that box to get up to the castle walls. Follow the wall around and get the CGUN, DV and RPG on the way. There is a door at the other side which you can enter. [Castle Interior] There is a ADRN right ahead of you when you open the door so you might want to rig the entrance with a few PBs. When you kill it, you can get access to the top of the castle through another door on the inside. There is a PBs, JP, HDK, and two EXA. [SECRET 4] A JP is required for this secret, which is very poorly designed because there are really no clues on how to find it. Face the ship and look to the right of it, you will see a security camera there whose sister monitor is in the hull of the ship. JP up to the camera and try to enter to the right of the camera (you have to be at the same height of the camera and touching the ceiling. You will eventually pass through a secret wall into a ventilation shaft; follow it down to get an AH. [Castle Hallway] There is a second doorway in the castle interior, which is locked by a button combination (X O X O). There is a ADRN waiting for you at the other end of the hall. Rig the door at the other end of the hall with LTBs and / or PBs and move back when opening it as two more ADRNs are there. In the next hallway, there is an indestructible gun firing on a wall opposite it; in it's line of fire is an ADRN and it will take some damage but not die so be careful of that. There is a pause in the gun's firing so use this to your advantage. In the final room there is an ADRN hiding behind the door that you will open so be careful. The exit symbol is also here. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-05] Pigsty | 02:02 | 01:01 | 05 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [Street] You will start in the parking lot outside of a building, and you can get the SHL behind you to start off. There is also a CGUN in front of a barred window. When you go closer to the building, you will hear a car crash and some chaos within the building, and after that's all said and done a PIGT will come and assault you. Take him out and get the PBs and LK that's at one side of the parking lot (note the manhole cover near here can be destroyed and grant access to a later part of the level. Near a lamp post at the entrance of the building is a LK. [SECRET 1] You need a JP for this one, but it's pretty easy to miss. JP up the building with windows on the outside. You can go in one of the windows here (it has some graffiti under the window). Once you enter, you will get the secret and can now get the FRZ, STR and EXA around this place and the DV and RPG behind the desk. [L.A.R.D Building] Go in the entrance of the building. There is another PIGT in the entrance so be very careful. There is plenty of stuff abound for you, including SHL and BA on a couch, as well as CA near the phones at the entrance and a LK on a counter near the car. When you are ready, go to the stairs at the other end of the entrance of the building. There are two sets of stairs to your left and right, and two PIG are at the top of both flights. [SECRET 2] At the bottom of the right flight of stairs there is a switch. Hit it and run over to the phones to get a AH. Go up the left flight to start. The second room to your left will have a RPG in it. The third room on your left is open, but has a PIG hiding behind the door so be careful. [Offices] Right when you enter here you will be attacked by an ENF. There is a light switch near the door to this room, so turn it on to shed some light in here. To your left in this room is a PMED and a SHL. On one side of the book shelf here are some offices, the farthest one has GOG and a SK on it. On the other side of the bookshelf are 4 PIG. Take them out with a PB. There is also a window here from which you can see down to the bottom of a room. [Computer Room] Drop down into the room below. You will be attacked by a PIG and probably an ENF from the computer room. In the computer room there are also two more ENF. When you go into that room a COM will spawn in the offices that you were just in and fire on you, so be careful of that. There is a STR on top of the computers here as well. Now, go out of the computer room and go to the right. You will be attacked by a PIG at one side of the room and a ENF will jump out from the darkness to your right. The BK is at the other end of this room. Go up the ramp, get the RPGA at the top of it and use the BK. Now, all of the rooms that were locked with the BK will be opened. Exit this room and go down the ramp to the Security Access door. [Security Access] You will be attacked by PIG right away, and around the corner two ENF await you, and they are guarding PBs, JP, and a LK. There are two non- BK doors here, go in the right one first and kill the two PIGs in that room. There are two LTBs and a LK on top of some audio equipment on the desk. Now you can go to the room across from you and get the FRZ. [SECRET 3] In the room with the audio equipment you can use the thing with the two reels on it and this will open a door to the right of you. You can go in this room to get the AH. [Prison Cells] There are two parts of the room after the BK door. The first is an acid bath that has two OBs over it. There are two prison cells there; in them are a few PREGs. The cell on the right has PBs and a LK and the cell on the left has DVA. The other part of the room has a COM in it so you should avoid getting hit by him as he is behind a cell door. Dispose of him, open the cell door and you will come into a room just loaded with PREGs, amongst them is the RK. Go back up to the Offices area. [BK Door Offices] Right across from the top of the first BK door that you opened is another that you can open. Inside that room there is an ENF to greet you right off and a PIG to your left. There is also a LK on the counter to your left and a pistol near the photocopier. Further in there is a LK in a drawer in the file cabinet and a SHL on top of it. There is a RK door here that you can open. [SECRET 4] There is a bookshelf near the file cabinet that you can open. Follow it down to get to the area that you can see at the beginning of the level; it looks like an execution place. There is an AH and 3 CGUN down here. [Large Office] There is a COM waiting for you in this room so be careful. There is a EXA beside the file cabinet in this room and the YK and some STR are on the desk. [SECRET 5] The big map in this room can be opened to acquire a PMED. [Court] Now that you got the YK go back to the entrance to the LARD building. You can go up the right staircase now and fight the two PIG there. Kill them and get the SHL up there. There is a fire extinguisher here that can be destroyed to give an exit back onto the street. Now use the YK and open the big doors here. Five CAP await you, and after you are done with them you can get the SRAY on a desk and a RPGA in a phone booth. [Courtroom] This room is pretty loaded and you should be pretty careful in here and use PBs to your advantage. Besides the BLRD acting as the judge here, there are two ENF, two PIG, and two ADRN. Use the doors to your advantage and take your time. When you are done, get the AH in on top where the witness stand is. When you do this, a wall will open and two PIGT will attack, and in the place where they came from there is a LK. Back on the stand there is a switch that opens a door to the Exit Room. [SECRET LEVEL] Open the big George Washington picture behind where the judge sits. You will come to the secret level exit symbol. [Exit Room] There are two LK on top of a bookshelf here, and the Exit Symbol is at the end of the table here. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-06] Going Postal | 03:04 | 01:52 | 04 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [Parking Lot] You will start in the large parking lot. Get the PA at your side and in the dumpster there is some PBs. When you proceed farther down into the parking lot you will have to fight a ADRN. There is a burning trash barrel with two PA beside it and a MG above it. You can jump on top of the fire truck here in the corner of this area and get the AH. [SECRET 1] On the side of the fire truck with the fire hydrant there is a panel on the side of the truck about the middle of it. You will hear a door open when you hit it this door will be at the back of the truck. You have to jump through this burning window to get on the inside of it to get the DV and the BTS. This secret is timed and you can hit the switch to the right of the entrance to get out of it. [Post Office Entrance] Go in the main doors of the building. To your right you will be fired on by an MG so take it out. If you look around the main post office area you will find a paw print on the wall; press it to open a compartment that holds a SGUN. Now, go back, to your left is initially a PIG and if you follow it in farther you will have to fight two more. There is a HDK on one counter near the Wanted poster and a SK near another. There's a switch behind the counter that opens the mail shafts so you can go through them. [SECRET 2] The wanted poster here can be opened to reveal a vent that has some PBs behind some mail. [Mail Sorting] Go down one of the mail shafts and follow until you reach the bottom. You will be attacked by a PIG initially followed by an ENF. There are also some PREG on the floor here. There is an RPG on a stack of mail and a SHL on a counter, and two SK around this area. Follow the new path through by going up the stairs. You will have to fight two PIGs that are on the top of the stairs. As you turn the left corner you will be attacked by an ENF, a ADRN and a PIG so maybe you'd want to throw a PB around the corner. [Locker Room] There are STR on the bench here. There are also four lockers; in the farthest left one there is a LK, in the third there is the BK and in the fourth there is BA. [SECRET 3] You can open the back of the second locker from the left here. This reveals a secret room where there are two ADRN behind a desk. On some of the sandbags there is a PSTL and beside it there are some PA. Around more sandbags there is a PA and beside the boxes there is a PA a CGUN is on top of it. There is also a grate to a vent in this room that has a SK in it, and if you go behind the sandbags the little cage will open that has a PMED in it. [Mail Processing] Go out of the locker room and go down to the end of the hallway that has the BK Slot on it. Use the BK here to drop the FF beside it. In this next room there are a couple of TRP and two MG waiting for you, and some PROT crawling around. [SECRET 4] Notice the small conveyor that processes individual letters. Jump over this and go to the center column; you can open it to reveal a vent. Follow it through to get a SRAY. A FRZA is in the corner. Ride the conveyor belt now. There is a ADRN waiting for you initially, and another ADRN is waiting for you on the belt. Two more PIG and a TRP are on the boxes here. On top of the boxes is a DV and a LK. In the corner of this room are some PREG and a TRP guarding a PSTL, and across from that is another ADRN and three more PREG guarding a FRZ. On the beam nearest that corner are two ADRN ready to pounce. Near them is the RK Slot so make sure to notice this. Where the conveyor belt goes through a black wall there is a beam, where RPGA can be found. If you go through the conveyor belt (you can go through the black flap) you will get a AH. As the conveyor progresses there will be a room full of barrels, and amongst them are a SHA, a EXA and a SK. Circulating on the conveyor belt are STR, GOG, BA, LK, and SK. Now go back near the boxes at the entrance of the room. There is a door that says "MAIL" on it. You will have to fight a PIG first off. On the desk here there are PBs, and you will notice some canisters beside a door: you can destroy the canisters to reveal an exit to the entrance to the Post Office. Go back on the conveyor. Follow it through; you will have to kill some PROT. You will come to an ending with two alcoves on the left and right with a RK and a PMED. You can drop out here and go to the RK door. [Outside] Using the RK will open the garage door a small crack. When you exit you will be attacked by 2 initial ADRN and another two will leap at you from behind the post office truck. In the truck there are two LTBs. Around the corner to the right is a SK and a FF that can be deactivated to lead back to the beginning of the level. Across from the RK door there is an overturned Post Office Truck and they YK door. You can jump on top of the truck and get in the doorway of it to get a AH. Go to the garage door and then to the sandbag barrier at the other side. Get in the fort and prepare for a fight. You will be fighting various waves of enemies. You will notice two red circles on the way to the fort, and they can be detonated by two switches inside the fort. Don't do it until there is a ton of enemies that you can kill. Inside the fort there are a lot of items; a DV, a CGUN, PBs, 3 CA, a SHL, a RPGA, 3 PA, a PMED, and a BA. You should probably rig the outside of the fort with PBs and LTBs, and get your DV, RPG, and CGUN ready. This is going to be quite a battle. The first load is going to be composed of TRP. They will probably trip the LTBs that you laid out and you can take out any survivors with the CGUN. Next will be a wave of PIGs and two PIGT with them, and they will be pretty far away and won't shoot until they are quite close. Use the RPG with wanton disregard at this stage and make sure you take out the tanks. The tanks have the greatest chance to make it to your fort, so try and take them out with the RPG and go ahead and use one of the explosion switches. Then will be a load of enforcers, so use the DV to take them out quickly after you use the last switch. There is a BLRD as the last wave. Kill it with the DV and use the fort as cover if he comes that far. After you do all that, the garage door across form the fort will open. Go in and get the YK, DVA and the 2 LK. Be very careful or quick when you go to the yellow key door, however, because a second BLRD awaits. You can just skip him though. [YK Door] This is just a small hall that leads to the exit symbol. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-07] XXX-Stacy | 01:24 | 00:42 | 03 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [Outside] You will start off in a small fenced off area. Get the PBs, 3 PA and the SK here. Go around the corner to fight 4 TRP and a PIGT; take them out but don't waste your ammo on the multitude of barrels here. Then get the LK near the corner of this area, and destroy the trashcans to get a PB, SHL, and a LK. Go up the ramp and into the door. [Entrance] Right when you open the door you will fight two CAP, and when you go in two PIG await you at the top of a ramp. When you turn the next corner a third PIG awaits. Go through the door here [Offices] There is a PIG hiding in the office somewhere but that's it. There is a SK on top of the file cabinet, on a desk is a CGUN and STR, in a cabinet beside the desk are a PSTL and BTS, a trash can is able to be broken to reveal a box of PBs near the printing machine's front. Before you exit, notice the BK door and go through the curtains with Authorised Personnel above it. [Filming Room] When you go in the next room the door across from you will open and 3 PIG will assault you. There is a PB beside that door. Then go to the right when you can. In the cubicle there is a LK, and that's all there is in terms of items in that room. Now go through the door where the PIG came from. [Storage] In this room there are three PIGs but there are many canisters; and you don't want to destroy them right away if you want to live. So the best way to do it is to quickly throw a PB in there, run away and detonate it. This will make some holes in the wall and kill the PIG in there. Back in that room there is a BA on top of the crates closest to the entrance and the BK and a AH are on the other stack. [SECRET 1] There is a box on top of the stack that has "Top Secret" on the side; open the front of it to reveal a FRZ. [Acid River] Go back to the BK slot and when you use the BK it will open a window. On the ledge outside of it there are two PIG and a SDRN, and across from them are two more PIG and another SDRN. Careful taking the SDRN out; do them first. After you are done with them jump onto the ledge. Get the PMED and the SHL at either side. Notice the acid river below you and the indestructible gun that's firing across it. Get to the ledge with the box across you and jump from the box onto the ledge. You will be fired on by a PIG in the window. [SECRET 2] This requires a JP. JP up the side of the building that you are on that doesn't have the open window and move towards it. The top of the building has a false wall that you can go through. There are many, many canisters in there, so don't blow them up right away. Instead drop a PB in and run out of the room, detonating it from afar. Go back in and get the spoils, which include a DV, RPG and PB, and a path to a later part of the level. [Comedy Club] Go in the window that had the PIG firing on you from within it. You will emerge in a comedy club and be assaulted by a PIG to start, and when you go around the corner three CAP and 4 TRP will await you. Go behind the bar's counter to get a SGUN and a LK. Near the stage there is a CA on a table and a trashcan that can be broken to reveal a LK. Now go to the switch at the other side of the room. [Back Outside] You probably heard him laughing and moaning before but when you went outside for the very first time a COM was released so be careful. There is also an ENF out there. Get the SHL near the double doors and get your PBs ready as there are 6 ENF in the next room. Kill them with the PBs and then get the various spoils, which include the RK, DV, HDK and two PA near and on a counter, the AH and FRZA in the lockers here, the SHL at the other side of the room and the SK in the trash can. If you open the door you will come to a ledge that has a PB and a SK on it. There is a switch here, that raises the water level outside so you can swim over to the ledge across and get the SHL. Now, go into the water and swim around. Watch out for the SRK down here. Follow the water bottom and get the SHL and the SK and go through the small opening. Emerge in the control room. [Control Room] You will have to fight two TRP on the upper ledge and a OB on the lower one. There is a SK on the upper ledge. Go into the control room here and fight off the CAP and two TRP. Get the SHL beside the lockers here and open the lockers to find a GOG and a EXA. [SECRET 3] In this room, there is a switch that lets you change the water level outside. Make the water level low, and when you do this a SRAY will be revealed in one of the computers. [Infested Area] Destroy the green canisters and follow the ramp up. You will have to fight a weakened OB and maybe a ADRN if the explosion didn't kill it. Then when you go farther in the room a door will open automatically and five ADRN will leap at you so be very careful here. There are two LTBs on top of the pop machine here. [Office] Open the door near the pop machine to fight three ENF. On the file cabinet there are two LK and in the trashcan there is some RPGA. In the room where the ADRN came you can dive in the water there and get the SCG at the bottom, as well as the RPG and the PMED under some pistons. When you are ready, open the RK Door. [Street] This door leads to two PIGT on the street below you. There is RPGA near a palm tree. Ready your SRAY and open the garage door. Fire right away as a COM is waiting for you. Kill it and go to the exit symbol here in the garage. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-08] Critical Mass | 03:18 | 01:59 | 04 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [Street] You start in the garage from the last level so get the PA on the floor and open the door. There are two PIGT waiting for you outside; kill them and get the PBs in the corner of this area as well as the BA near the out-of-order garage door. There is a switch opposite this that opens the door to the garage area. [Garage] Right when you enter this room you will be attacked by an ENF and when you go down a bit farther two more ENF will attack your from the left. There are 3 PA on the ramp that you started on. Now, there are some items that you can get on the boxes here. There is a SGUN on one of the lower boxes and you can jump up it to get a SK. From this box you can get an AH, RPGA, CA, and LK on various boxes around the room. On the box that has the CA and the LK you can get to a vent that has a PB and GOG in it. Near that box on the floor is a SHL. Now make sure you have gotten every thing that you wanted down here before you go up the staircase because you won't be able to come back here. Go up the spiral staircase at the end of the room and open the door. [Explosions Room] When you enter this room there will be two ENF firing on you; run up to them and don't stay in the red lighted room. You can get the CGUN, CA and the LK in the red room while you are running. Kill the two ENF and make sure you are not in the red room because the entire ceiling will collapse on you. [SECRET 1] Instead of rushing to avoid the ceiling coming down, you can wait right at the entrance of explosions room, and opposite the door that you entered a secret door will eventually open. Inside there is a AH and a TP to the area that you would normally run to if you didn't use the secret. Be wary, however, if you do this because you will teleport into the room and have to fight two ADRN and the 2 ENF that were there if you didn't kill them. When the ceiling goes down all the way two small doors will open to either side of you, with an ADRN in each. There is a CA in the corner and two LK and two SK in various places here. Now in one of the rooms that the ADRN came out of there is a grate that you have to break. [Trash Compactor] When you drop into the water the walls will start to close together. If you didn't notice it, you're gonna get squished if you don't do something. There is a switch underwater along with some OB that you shouldn't worry about. When you hit the switch a door will open opposite the grate that you can go in. [Trash Control] You can get the PBs and the SCG on the ground here, and the AH and the LK in the two little medical compartments here. Go to the door when you are ready. [SECRET 2] There is a computer here that you touch to open a door near it, which conceals a PMED. [Electrified Room] When you go down to the end of the next room the lights will turn off and the walls will open, revealing two ADRN. There is a CA at the end of the hallway and a DV and a EXA where the ADRN came out. After that happened, the door to the next room opened, which has lightning striking it. When you go in that room two more walls will open with two more ADRN. There is a switch to the left that opens these doors if they close; and inside them you can get a GOG and a SK on the left one and a PB and a HDK in the right one. Go up the elevator at the other end of the room. [Box Room] Right off in this room is a PIG that wants you dead, and around the corner are two more so take them out. On the stack of boxes nearest the entrance is a STR and across from that are boxes with a PMED on top. In the center stack there are two LTBs, SHL, and a LK on top. Go in the doors at the other end of the room. There are some doors at the other end of the room that you must go into next. [Windows Room] Proceed down this room; you will come to a clump of ENF aka PB targets. When you are done get the FRZ on the shelf and go into the only non-locked door in the room. [Office Room] Once again get those PBs ready as there are 4 PIGs in that room. In this room there is a SGUN on the table, BA on the computer, two LK on top of a file cabinet and a CA in the trashcan. On the wall are a set of switches that you must hit in the order X O X X. It unlocks the compartment beside it which has the BK in it. Go out of the room and back into the Window Room. Use the BK in the slot here. [Generator] Its quite dark in here so you can actually put your GOG to use for once. There are five OB and a bunch of PREG all across the room. There is a FRZA on the circumference of the generator here. [SECRET 3] From the entrance, to the left is a clump of green canisters. Blow them up and go into the resulting crack in the wall to get a RPG. [SECRET 4] This secret requires a JP. You can JP up in the darkness and go to the platform opposite the entrance. There is a SRAY and a DVA up in this room. [Underwater] Note that on the generator's center there is a CGUN. Underwater there is are some switches that you must hit in the combination X X X. The columns of the generator will raise, revealing the YK and AH. Now go back into the windows room and go the YK door. [Offices] When you open the YK door you will be assaulted by 3 ADRN and then you can get the PA and the SK on the ground. Note the RK door here. You might get sniped by the ENF in an office across from you but you can shoot him too. Now go into the double doors. [Large Office] When you open this door two more ADRN will attack you. After you are done with them get the RK on the bookshelf and the SHA on the desk. There is a vent in this room which leads to a SK. Now go out to the Offices area and use the RK here. [RK Office] Here you will have to fight two ENF. When you exit this part of the building the whole building will collapse and many explosions will hit you, and thus you should be very careful. Amidst the rubble outside is a LK and the exit symbol. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-09] Derelict | 05:02 | 02:51 | 05 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [Water] You will drop from the sky right into the water. Circulating around you are some RPVs and in the water there are various OBs and SRKs. There is some stuff underwater. You will notice a large green column extending from the ship into the ground; around this are an RPG and two DVA; in a bunch of weeds under the ship lie two SHL. [SECRET 1] If you search the underbelly of the ship there is a hole that leads into the bottom of the ship. When you go in this you will be attacked by two ADRN but you can lure them out into the water and avoid fighting them. In this secret room are a CGUN, STR, GOG and a BA. [The Ship] There is crane very close to where you start. Watch it's actions and go to where it is going to pick up something. Get picked up by it and get onto the ship. You will initially have to fight off some TRP and CAP but there are other sources of damage as well, like MG's mounted on the sides of the boat and the RPVs if you haven't taken them out yet. On the column where the crane is there is a SCG. At the very back of the ship (closest to where you got picked up) is a PSTL and a RPGA near a box and a PMED on top of that box. You can follow the path of that box down to get a STR and a SGUN, and to either side of those under a window is an AH. As you go around the other side of the ship you can get SHL and a BA near a column. Now, you have to go back to the windows that had all of the blaster fire coming at you and an AH underneath. An ADRN may leap and attack you. Go into one of these windows. [Barrel Room] It doesn't matter what window you go in, in either are two MGs firing on you and a bunch of TRP. Take them out with the CGUN and get the SK behind a column. [Center Room] In between the two windows there is a room that has 3 CAP and 2 TRP in it, there are also some canisters in there so throw a PB to save some trouble. Once destroyed, you can get an SRAY, two FRZA and a LK. [Stairs Room] There are two doors that lead into the same room in the Barrel Room. In this room there are two CAP and two TRP, and you can get the two LTBs in this room as well. From here you can go up for down the spiral staircase. [Stairs Top] Go up the stairs and get the LK to get into this room. There is a CAP and a TRP up here. There are also two SK and two doors to the left and right of the staircase; these doors both lead to the same area. [Barrel and Box Room] This room is kind of dangerous. Go in the right door to make things a bit easier for you. You'll have to kill a TRP right away but if you look carefully you'll notice a green canister behind a stack of crates. Destroy this from the distance you're at to kill a bunch of the TRP that were assaulting you. Around the corner there is a big black box and at least 5 more TRP waiting for you on and around it. Take them out with the CGUN. Get the SK near where you entered and the DV on top of the big black box. There is also a CA in the corner. On the other side there are less TRP hiding behind the stack of crates but two COM wait for you. After you are kill them you can get the LK in the corner and the FRZ on top of the stack of crates. Near the entrance to this place is a SK and in the corner near the center door there is a EXA. When you are ready go into the center room. [Navigation Room] In this room you'll have to fight one or two ADRN initially and another one in the little bedroom area. The BK is here, near the steering wheel, GOG and SHL are on some computers, an RPG is in the little bedroom area and a LK is near the entrance. There is a switch on the big column here that opens the big column, and you can access the Center Room and the Down Center room from here by dropping. You can drop from here to the Down Center Room if you want, which is pretty close to the BK door, but I will assume that you went back to the Stairs Room and went down the stairs. [Barrel Storage] If you go down you will come to an area that has many TRP and a CAP waiting for you. Their blasts will initially destroy the barrels so you will have time to get out that CGUN. After you take them out you can get the HDK on a box and the EXA and LK behind it. There are two doors here that lead to the same area. [Downstairs Hallway] Going in one of the doors brings you here. There are 3 CAP and two TRP for you to deal with. There are two doors on the right and left ends of this hallway that are locked with switches beside them. These doors lead to the outside of the ship. In the center of the hallway is a room. Also in this hallway is the BK slot. [Down Center Room] In this room, there are a few TRP and CAP amongst various barrels. When you take them out you can get the LK and the CGUN on the back wall and the two DVA in front of the monitor. There is also a switch in this room at the center column. This opens the column and reveals an AH, but that's not all. This column gives you access to the other Center Room, and the Navigation Room above that if you have a JP. Now, exit this room and go back into the Downstairs Hallway. [BK Door Room] The BK Slot is at the right of the Downstairs hallway. Use the BK and it will deactivate the FF in front of an elevator. Go into the elevator and take it down. [Catwalk] You will emerge on a catwalk. At the end opposite you are two ADRN that are perfect RPG targets. From here you can snipe off some PREGs and a ADRN on a lower area. Three tricky TRP will come and attack you on their JPs too. You can then take the elevator down and get the spoils down there and get the 2 DVA. Notice that the YK door is down here. The RK door is at the end of the catwalk. When you are ready, go up the small set of stairs near the entrance to the catwalk. [MG Hallway] Shoot the fire extinguisher near the two MG's to destroy them. Get the two PA beside them afterwards. The hallway is eerily quiet, until you get to the end of it. The walls will open and four MGs on either side of the hallway will attack you. However, some of them will destroy each other. Still, destroy them. There are three places that you can go now. Facing the door at the other end of the hallway, you can go to the left, right and center doors. [Mess Hall] Going to the left door leads to the mess hall. There is a COM behind the counter, with 3 CAP and 2 TRP on the other end. There is some RPGA behind the Mess Hall's column, a LK is on the window sill, SHL is in a trash can. [SECRET 2] Behind the window there is a switch on a counter with a knife on it. Pressing this switch will open a small compartment beside you, which contains a PMED. [Crew Quarters] Going in the right door leads to the Crew's Quarters. Kill the CAP that you can see right off and the ADRN that will come afterwards. Some TRP will emerge from the rooms. In the left room there are 6 TRP and a ADRN that are good PB or CGUN fodder. On the couch is a LK and behind the TV is a CGUN. [SECRET 3] Jump on top of the TV to open a compartment across from it that has a SGUN in it. Note that you get the secret credit if you just jump on the TV. [Sleeping Quarters] Opposite this room is another one where there are many beds. You'll have to fight a TRP right off and a TRP and a CAP in the right set of beds. In the right beds there are 3 CA in a metal chest, and a PA and LK on some of the beds. In the other sleeping quarters there is a ADRN on a bed and a TRP. On the beds there are a STR, FRZA and a LK. [Captain's Quarters] Going through the center doors leads to the captains quarters, which is a pretty dangerous place as it contains 3 ADRN and a COM to boot. After you dispose of them with the aid of PBs, you can get the RK on the desk here. There are also some other items on the desks here, including BA and LK near the bed, SHL near the drink counter, and GOG and SHL on the desk. Now go to the RK door back on the Catwalk area. [SECRET 4] Above the desk is a clock. Use the clock to cause the bookshelf in this room to lower, reveal a SRAY, two EXA, and two AH. [Generator Room] This is the room that was locked with the RK. An ADRN is there to greet you, and below you are a TRP and a CAP. Going closer to the generators at the base of the room will cause 3 ADRN to notice you. There is a SGUN on the right side of the generators, a EXA in a crevice on the front few, a CGUN on the right side and an AH in between the generators. On the other side is an ADRN that will attack you, along with a EXA in the place opposite where the other EXA was and a LK in the corner. A BLRD will also notice you in the room across from the generators. In this room there is also an ADRN. When you take these two enemies out, you can get the YK that is on top of a box as well as the two PBs and the BA that's just a bit higher than those. Behind the crates, in the fire, is another ADRN guarding an AH. When you are ready, go back to the Catwalk area and to the YK door that's near there. [Crane Room] Using the YK will take down the FF that's in front of this room. Go in. A ADRN will fall from the roof and attack you. When you go farther into the room a COM will attack you from on high and 2-4 ADRN will come and attack. There is 2 PA near the entrance. At the left side of this room is a SHL and an LK. In the center portion of this room are two RPGA and a AH. Go to the right part of this room and take the conveyor belt. In this room there are initially a TRP and two COM. There are SHL in a corner [SECRET 5] You can climb the boxes all the way up with jumping. When you get to the highest point a TRP and a COM will attack you from a hole in the boxes. You can drop in this gap after you kill them to get a RPG and BTS. Now, get on the conveyor and wait until you stop moving to get picked up. You'll land in another area and be attacked by a TRP and a CAP behind some barrels. There is some STR back there too. There is a LK in the opposite corner and BTS on the same wall. There is also a highly potent acid pit here that really kills you quickly - even if you're not touching the acid! So be careful. You have to get through this acid pit however if you don't have a JP. Save before you do it and use you boots. Just run up the acid fall, swim down under the obstacle then swim up to emerge on a platform with barrels. There is a TRP behind them and a EXA and LK are on the same platform. You can exit the small door in this room and fight the ADRN and the TRP that you encounter. Go around this area and get the CA and the SHL on the window sill. If you go past the window you can hit a switch that unlocks an elevator which leads down to the beginning of the area. There is another passage that you can go down that's just before the window. If you go to the right you can reach another elevator that can be unlocked to bring you down to the same area as before. You can go left and then right to come to a room with some barrels and three TRP in it. You can go into the pool here too, it has two DVA and a AH at the bottom amongst some OBs. There is another switch near here that will let you out onto the top of the whole barrel moving complex. On top of here are PBs, two CA and a LK. Now, drop down to the side opposite of the door (into the water to avoid taking damage). However, before you do that, you might want to drop a lot of PBs down into that area, as there is a BLRD, two OBs and a ton of PREGs. If you have a JP it is VERY useful against the BLRD down there. After you kill it, you can get the AH near the pool. Then dive into it. [Green Column] You will swim down the green column that you saw at the beginning of the level. There are four OB down here that you might want to take out with PBs. Then, get to the very bottom of the green column. The exit symbol is here. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-10] The Queen | 10:50 | 05:25 | 07 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [Operating Room] There's nothing in this room, so go to the TP on the other side of the room. [Outer Waterfall Room] Note that when you come from the TP you will be in front of the YK slot. This room is divided into several parts. Where you start there are 4 LK. You can go left or right. Either way you go you will have to fight a TRP at the entrance to a shaft and then an ADRN and a ENF inside it. The shaft leads to the other side of the area and there are CGUNs at either entrance to you. On the upper portions above the shaft area there are 2 PB that you can acquire. There is also a LK near either column. [SECRET 1] You will notice some elevated platforms in this room that cannot be accessed by jumping. You have to use the JP to get up to them. On the right path you can JP up there to get two SHL. [SECRET 2] You will notice some elevated platforms in this room that cannot be accessed by jumping. You have to use the JP to get up to them. On the right path you can JP up there to get two DVA. [SECRET 3] You will notice some elevated platforms in this room that cannot be accessed by jumping. You have to use the JP to get up to them. On the left path you can JP up there to get two CA. [SECRET 4] You will notice some elevated platforms in this room that cannot be accessed by jumping. You have to use the JP to get up to them. On the left path you can JP up there to get two RPGA. There are two Green rooms here that you can enter, you will have to fight an ENF and a TRP when you are in there. When you are ready, go up the ramp that's in the middle of the room. [Code Room] Go up the ramp and fight the TRP that is there. Get into the room and fight the 2 ENF and the TRP that are in there. Get the 2 PBs, four DVA, and 2 LK that are scattered about. There is a row of switches on the column that you have to hit in the order X O X. This will open a door opposite you can down the rap. [Outer Shell 1] There are many TRP waiting for you so use the CGUN right away. Then, circle the area to the left or right; going to the right you will have to fight a few PREG sitting on some ledges and some CAP. going to the left you will get to the next area right away. This room is loaded with a circle of PREG, and two ENF guard it. There is also a ADRN and a OB ready to pounce in a nearby hallway. Amidst the eggs is an RPG and two LK and in the corners of the room there are two DVA, and behind the big column there are two RPGA. The small area opposite the big column has a DV and a SCG . [SECRET 5] On the big column here there is something that looks like - well, I hate to say it - a butthole. Jump into it and get the PBs, 2 DVA, RPGA, CA, and two SK. The other end of this... pipe leads to the Inner Shell area. [Inner Shell 1] One way to get to the inner shell of the Outer Shell area is via the water. The under water area houses various ADRN and OB so be careful. Thee are also a couple columns with PREG around them, and if you blow up the PREG cluster you can destroy the columns. Then, go into the center of the underwater area and emerge there. In the inner shell area there are 3 ENF and 3 TRP. On one of the ledges here there is a BA. When you go on this ledge a door will open beside you, with a pool in it. There is an ENF and a ADRN in there. Swim down and go into the small room under there (it looks like it was guarded by a FF but it isn't). There is a SHL and CA in that room, as well as a switch. Hit the switch, it will open the viewing wall behind you and reveals another switch to the right of this one. Touch this switch. It will open an underwater door. [BK Room] This room has two crushing doors in it. To the left and right of both pistons there are two switches. Be careful when you do this; you can get pretty close to the column and hit the switches. Hit all of them to open a compartment at the end of this room. In the compartment is the BK, AH, and a BA. Go back to Inner Shell area. Go back onto the ledge that had the door with the pool in it. You can get to a higher ledge from here. When you go there the door will automatically open so be very careful. A BLRD and a ENF wait for you. Kill them and then get the two DVA up here. The BK slot is also here, use it and go into the resulting room. There is a PMED and a switch that raises some green columns in the Purple Acid area. When you are ready, go back to the Code Room area. [Code Room] On the other side of the column that had the original code on it (you can tell what it is because they are turned on) there will be a new set of switches that you opened in the RK room. Then, hit the switches in the combination O X X. A door will open opposite your portion of the column. This next bit might seem very similar. In fact, this next area is near exactly the same as the previous one. I won't retype the whole thing, instead, I will copy and paste the relevant parts. [Outer Shell 2] There are many TRP waiting for you so use the CGUN right away. Then, circle the area to the left or right; going to the right you will have to fight a few PREG sitting on some ledges and some CAP. going to the left you will get to the next area right away. This room is loaded with a circle of PREG, and two ENF guard it. There is also a ADRN and a OB ready to pounce in a nearby hallway. Amidst the eggs is an RPG and two LK and in the corners of the room there are two DVA, and behind the big column there are two RPGA. The small area opposite the big column has a DV and BTS . [SECRET 6] In the big column here there is something that looks like - well, I hate to say it - a butthole. Jump into it and get the PBs, DVA, RPGA, CA, and SHL. The other end of this... pipe leads to the Inner Shell area. [Inner Shell 1] One way to get to the inner shell of the Outer Shell area is via the water. The under water area houses various ADRN and OB so be careful. Thee are also a couple columns with PREG around them, and if you blow up the PREG cluster you can destroy the columns. Then, go into the center of the underwater area and emerge there. In the inner shell area there are 3 ENF, 3 TRP and a couple ADRN. On one of the ledges here there is a BA. When you go on this ledge a door will open beside you, with a pool in it. There is an ENF and a ADRN in there. Swim down and go into the small room under there (it looks like it was guarded by a FF but it isn't). There is a SHL, CA and JP in that room, as well as a switch. Hit the switch , it will open the viewing wall behind you and reveals another switch to the right of this one. Touch this switch. It will open an underwater door. [RK Room] This room has three rotating gears it. Beside the gears is a switch. Be careful when you do this, though you can get pretty close to the gears and hit the switches. Hit all of them the go to a compartment at the end of this room. You can use the grey divots in the gears for safe transportation. In the compartment is the RK, AH, and a BA. Go back to Inner Shell area. Go back onto the ledge that had the door with the pool in it. You can get to a higher ledge from here. When you go there the door will automatically open so be very careful. A BLRD and a ENF wait for you. Kill them and then get the two DVA up here. The RK slot is also here, use it and go into the resulting room. There is the YK and the PMED here, and a switch that raises some green columns in the Purple Acid area. When you are ready, go back to where you spawned after the beginning of the level, where the YK is. [Purple River] When you use the YK, the wall opposite the slot will open to reveal a purple acid river. You probably have full BTS, if you don't you should get the BTS in the outer shell of the RK area. When you are ready, sprint across the river. You will take a LOT of damage on your BTS , and you can't even JP across it so you must be very very fast. Get to the door at the end (it should be uncovered from the switches that you hit in the key rooms). [Final Walk] Follow this short path and get the STR and LK on the way. Go into the small pool at the end and submerge; get the 2 RPGA and the 2 DVA initially. Swim down the underwater tunnel. After the first corner there is a nook that has an AH in it, and farther down there is a AH near a dead end. When you go in this area, the roof will come down and you will have to fight the final battle! [Killing the AQ] You will be attacked by the AQ and some of her ADRN spawn. If you really need this and you really shouldn't there are a couple of alcoves that got 2 SHL, 2 CA and a LK. She only has two real abilities. The first is to give birth to another ADRN; this is shown by it crouching over and a big burst of green crud coming from her - then a curled up ADRN will spawn. Her other attack is to electrify the area around her. This does guaranteed damage to you. Additionally, if you come too close to her, she will instantly kill you. Your only real rivals will be the ADRNs and the OB floating about. Kill off the OBs quickly (there are only a few). There are a bunch of ADRN now to deal with, but guess what: you don't have to fight them! You can simply float above them to avoid their damage - you may get SRAY'd but that's no big deal. Circle around them and fire on the Queen. Unleash all you got on the AQ, in the form of DV and RPG and it shouldn't be too hard. She has the most health of all the bosses and it might be a long battle, but don't stress too much and it should be over before you're out of SCG. If for some reason you do run out of air, look at the roof: there are some strategically placed holes that you can use to get some air. [SECRET 7] If you look on the roof here, there is a small opening from which you can emerge and gain a PMED, AH, BA, and a break from the action :) There are also some other holes in the roof that give you breathing room. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-11] Area 51 | 04:20 | 02:10 | 07 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [Entrance] You will start off in an opening with a little shack and a hallway to an elevator. There are two TRP as you go to get the two PBs here, and there are two SHL in a corner as well. Look at the shed and notice the cracks in it, use one of the PBs and blow up the shed. The remains will be a button and a PSTL. Hit the switch and go down the hallway and up the newly opened elevator, getting the extra PBs on the way. In the room that the elevator goes to is a CGUN and a LK. There is also a TP here that you must go in. [Outside] You will spawn behind a trailer that has two PIG that will fight you right off so be careful. If you are low on ammo, don't look behind the trailer if you are low on ammo because there are a couple PIGT and some other harsh enemies. There are also some RPV rabble flying around here that you shouldn't worry about if you can. When you are ready, go to the left of where you spawned (there is a LK and a SK on the way). You will notice a platform with a fan on it; there is a TRP and a SK near it. Break the fan. [Service Entrance] Jump down the shaft. You might fall down through the second fan at the bottom without breaking it, there is some BA down there. Break the fan to get out. There is a switch on the inside part of the shaft which leads to the Command Room. [Command Room] Two PIGs are waiting for you initially. A CA is on one side of the chair and as you go to get the BK on the other side, some doors near the entrance to this room will open revealing 2 ENF, 2 PIG and a TRP. You might want to go down one of the ramps in this room for cover (note the FF here). Also notice the inside of the command chair here. You might want to take down the codes on the sides of the chair here, for later reference. When you are done with them, get the PBs and the 2 SK in one of the rooms that the enemies came out of and go into the TP. [Back Outside] You will be in a small room above the fan platform outside. There is a TRP guarding an SGUN on a platform here. When you are ready, jump out and go back to the trailer position. There are a couple TRP up there and some PIGT around back, along with any RPV that you left, so you'll be in for a tough fight. After you are done you might want to get the spoils, which include two RPGA on top of the trailer. From the trailer, you can jump into a cave that has GOG and a LK in it. There is a PA beside the BK door here (but there is a MG above it). Also, in a corner here, there are 6 PB, a CA and a LK. Use the BK on the BK door when you're ready. [Foyer] A CAP and a TRP will attack you to begin with and behind a counter to your left an ENF awaits. There are two FRZA on a couch and two PA on either side of a computer. Across from the booth with the ENF there is an area with a PIG guarding a switch combination; don't worry about those now but you can get a secret. [SECRET 1] The computer on the booth with the ENF can be activated to open a wall near the large doors near the combination switches. In it's room there is a PMED (do it quickly because this is timed). [Crate Room] Back in the main room there is a door that leads down a ramp. You'll have to fight a TRP near the ramp and get the LK beside it. Across from there are some crates. Hiding behind them is a TRP, and amongst them are two LK. There are 3 LTB on the shelves in the wall here. Beside this room is a hallway that leads farther down. Follow this hallway down, and note the small symbol on the wall here (above the computers). [Computer Room] Upon entering this room you will have to fight two CAP. There are some GOG on a keyboard and farther in the room there is a HDK on some more computers. [SECRET 2] Back in the hallway to the crate room, there is a symbol on the wall, but you don't have to touch it; simply jumping in front of it will activate it. This will open a computer in the computer room which reveals an AH (which is timed). [SECRET 3] You can open the wall behind the HDK to reveal some STR. [Elevator] Head back up the ramp and you will emerge behind the counter. From there you can head to the big doors with the combination switches , with the combination O X 0. Its really dangerous going down the shaft without a JP, though they are really quite rare in Episode 4. If you don't have a JP, you will have to jump down, its a long fall but you won't die if you have decent health. Whatever the case, remember to save before you do this. Jump across to the other side of the elevator to increase the chances of you hitting the beam. If you jump just right you will land on a beam, the only thing you can do from here is get a PMED in a compartment near the beam, to replenish your health lost to falling damage. Fall down some more to get to the base of the shaft. There is a DV and a LK here. You will notice a broken door here that you have to go through to get to the Hub area. [Hub] This is called the Hub because it gives access to various parts of the level. There are several FF'd portals here, and a central elevated room in the middle of all of them. Initially there is a TRP and an ENF up there, take the elevator up to find 2 switches when you are done, labeled 1 and 2, that open their respective FF. There is also a third FF, notice that it's button is broken. You might as well hit Switch 1 to begin with. [Examination Room] The room that is guarded by the first FF leads to this room. You will notice that there is an ADRN right away, feel free to exploit the FF glitch :). As you proceed into the room you will have to fight 2 more ADRN; you will notice _another_ ADRN in a capsule, you can break the capsule and fight it if you really want to but it's harmless otherwise. A FRZ is on a table, two DVA rest on a ledge, and a switch can be pressed that lowers a column which reveals a SHL. Standing where the SHL were (there are some surgical instruments there) will lower the wall near the cadaver trays which reveals the RK. Upon going in there, more ADRN will attack you; you can hide in the RK hole to avoid taking any damage. In the room where the ADRN came out there are two LK. Go back to the hub when ready. [Storage Room] Hit the second switch, this lowers the second FF. Go in the resulting room. There are 3 OB that you will combat initially and a fourth hiding behind a box. HDK, SHL, CA, and two LK are amongst the boxes here. [SECRET 4] Use the computer tower in this room; this will open a crate nearby revealing SCG and a BA. [SECRET 5] Near the computer at one side of the room there is a crack in the wall that can be destroyed. Inside there is a OB, kill it and get the PBs and the 3 SK here. There is a pool here that you can dive into to get two EXA and a view in the wall of a UFO :). Note that the UFO is broken, if you shoot it with an explosive, it will become even more broken! Cool! [SECRET 6] Near the PBs, there is a handprint on the wall that can be activated to open a wall. This leads to a TP; this leads to a bridge in the Outside portion of the level (actually quite similar to 1-5 of the Abyss in my opinion) there is a bridge that leads to an RPG. [UFO Room] When you are ready, go back to the Storage Room, and go down the small ramp here. Notice the crane here. [SECRET 7] You have to get picked up by the crane or use a JP to get up to the area with the conveyor belt. Aside from a SRAY and a JP here, there is also a switch that deactivates the conveyor belt. However, this has a second and more important function, to open the door that leads to a TP at the end of the belt. Go in there. You will emerge in a cramped area that has a switch near it. Open it and you will be inside the UFO (this is the secret, not the process of getting there). In here is an AH. [UFO Room] When you go past the conveyor belts, you will be initially assaulted by 3 ADRN and a fourth hiding in a corner. Around this room, there is a PSTL, 2 CA and 4 SK. On top of a ramp that leads to the YK door, there is are two DV. The RK door is in this room too, go in it. [Planning Room] In the RK room, there is a SK and a TP that leads to this room. In this room, you will be assaulted by 4 ENF, a COM and eventually a ADRN. On a counter here there is the YK, and in a compartment there is a SGUN, there are 3 SK. There is a switch on the wall that disables the FF that leads to the Command Room. Also, there is a switch on one of the counters that unlocks the window-esque things on the wall; this leads back to the UFO room. A ramp here leads to a FF that has the disabling switch beside it; this leads back to the Hub area. When you are done, go back to the UFO room and go to the YK door. Be warned that some new ADRN have spawned in the UFO room. [Launch Room] The YK door leads to an elevator, this travels down to the launch room area. However, exercise extreme caution because a BLRD is down there. When you are done killing it, go up to the switch panel in the middle of the area. When the switch is in the first position, nothing will happen. In the second position, the left switch panel will open, the third position the right panel will open, and the fourth will open panels on the far left and right sides of the area showing your progress. You did find the codes on the command chair in the Command Room area, right? If you didn't, the code for the right set of switches (facing the monitor with the Duke Burger in front of you) is O O X X. The code for the left set of switches is X X O X. When you put both codes in right, some levers will appear in front of the "Access Code Required" signs. Pull these switches; these will destroy the rockets here. When both are destroyed, a wall will raise behind you (to your right facing the elevator) with the exit symbol. GO600 +-----------------+============================================================ | [06-00] Secrets |============================================================ +-----------------+============================================================ +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-01] It's Impossible | 03:04 | 01:32 | 07 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [SECRET 1] There is a tiny ledge on the cliff that has the PSTL at the beginning of the level. You can climb up this ledge and get into the cave that had the MG in it. There are PBs and a HDK in this cave. [SECRET 2] Go onto the main ledge at the beginning of the level and face the big doors. Walk to the right and across the little bridge and you will notice a bloody handprint on the rock face, this will open a door under the bridge. You can enter the cave that the doors leads to and get the GOG and the AH inside it. [SECRET 3] In the room in the kitchen with the fan there is a red handprint. Pressing it will open a section of wall beside it; enter to find a computer and a FF. Hit the computer to disable the FF and enter the next part of the room. Inside this room, there is a SRAY and BA on some boxes. You can also swim back to the Kitchen via the sink here. {SECRET 4] On the counter in the bathroom there is a switch, and it opens a wall above the toilet stall. There is a PMED in there. [SECRET 5] On the bed across from the TV in the barracks, you can stand on it and use it like an elevator. Take it up and you can go in the next door that you see. A JP and two DVA are in this room. [SECRET 6] The computer near the IMF logo can be used to open a portion of the wall with a PIG and a RPG in there. You can also open a portion of the wall in that room to get to the SECRET 5 area. [SECRET 7] There is a switch near the vent that you came out of to get in the mining room from the big door hallway. Pressing it will open the door to the mine cart, revealing a SHL, a CA, an AH and two SK. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-02] Duke-Burger | 04:00 | 02:00 | 04 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [SECRET 1] Go to the alley that had some RPV and the PIGT in it, as well as the two PA. There are two ways of getting this secret but both involve the use of an item. There is a barrel to the right of the alley, facing a T-Shaped portion of wall. Jump on the barrel, use STR and run right into the wall. You should get into the secret room. You can also use the JP and get into the secret room that way (the secret entrance is right under the yellow line). In the secret room are PBs, STR, PMED and two EXA. There is an exit in this room that leads to inside the Duke Burger (so you don't actually need to use the BK in this level!) [SECRET 2] Behind the desk in the RK room, there is a small switch on the bottom left side of it. Hit this switch to open a wall on top of some boxes across from it. Climb the boxes and enter the compartment that was opened to get a FRZ. [SECRET 3] The room with the poster of the dog anatomy has a very unexpected secret. The light switch near the entrance causes the wall beside it to rotate, and if you rotate with it, you will emerge into a room with an RPG. Note that it is very easy to get squished doing this. [SECRET 4] You have to blow up the gates on the right block of cells for this one (the one that has the little puppy in it). On the two cells beside the ones with the puppy in it, the back of the top one can be opened to get some PBs. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-03] Shop-N-Bag | 03:30 | 01:45 | 07 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [SECRET 1] To the left of the shelf that has "1" on it, at the beginning of the level, is a fire extinguisher on a wall. Destroy it to make a crack in the wall, and enter to find two TRP guarding a DV and a PMED. This also leads back to the little bedroom as detailed before. [SECRET 2] Go to the right and look at the stack of boxes between aisles 1 & 2. There is a darker stack of boxes in the middle of the stack. You can open the middle stack and get some EXA and a BA. [SECRET 3] There is a crack on some boxes in the meat room. Blow it up to get access to the beginning of the level and get the CGUN stuck in there. [SECRET 4] In the room with two ATM machines, you can open the left one. Be prepared to move backwards very fast and launch an RPG or something in there as three MGs await you. Then go in there and get the DV. [SECRET 5] In the storage room with all the boxes there is a small box here that you can jump on (to get to it, from the entrance to this room, go right, the follow the path to the small box). You can jump up onto the small box and into the little alcove above it. Open this to reveal a FRZA, PBs, and GOG. [SECRET 6] Go behind the stack of crates nearest to the trash compactor doors. There is a small arrow on the back of the box, open the part of the boxes that it's pointing at to reveal STR, SHL and RPGA. Note that the trash compactor doors are near the end of the level. [SECRET 7] Under the second trash compactor, the left wall (facing the exit symbol) can be opened to get BTS, a PMED and RPGA. There is a crack in the wall here that can be used to get back to just before the Meat Room. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-04] Babe Land | 06:32 | 03:16 | 04 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [SECRET 1] This is kind of stupid, this one. You have to shoot the second target from the left and the second target on the left; this will lower the platform with the Prizes on it. Inside there, two PIG will attack. When you kill them, you can get the RK, GOG, and BA inside there. This secret is mandatory for level completion. [SECRET 2] When you enter the gallery, you will notice a crack on the wall across from the entrance; blow it up and two ADRN will jump out and attack you so be careful. In the secret area there is a SHL. [SECRET 3] There is a crack in the door near the prison cell on the ride to the pirate ship, you can destroy it to enter it and get some RPGA. [SECRET 4] A JP is required for this secret, which is very poorly designed because there are really no clues on how to find it. Face the ship and look to the right of it, you will see a security camera there whose sister monitor is in the hull of the ship. JP up to the camera and try to enter to the right of the camera (you have to be at the same height of the camera and touching the ceiling. You will eventually pass through a secret wall into a ventilation shaft; follow it down to get an AH. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-05] Pigsty | 02:02 | 01:01 | 05 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [SECRET 1] You need a JP for this one, but it's pretty easy to miss. JP up the building with windows on the outside. You can go in one of the windows here (it has some graffiti under the window). Once you enter, you will get the secret and can now get the FRZ, STR and EXA around this place and the DV and RPG behind the desk. [SECRET 2] At the bottom of the right flight of stairs in the L.A.R.D building there is a switch. Hit it and run over to the phones to get a AH. [SECRET 3] In the room with the audio equipment you can use the thing with the two reels on it and this will open a door to the right of you. You can go in this room to get the AH. [SECRET 4] There is a bookshelf near the file cabinet in the room with the RK door that you can open. Follow it down to get to the area that you can see at the beginning of the level; it looks like an execution place. There is an AH and 3 CGUN down here. [SECRET 5] The big map in the room with the YK can be opened to acquire a PMED. [SECRET LEVEL] Open the big George Washington picture behind where the judge sits. You will come to the secret level exit symbol. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-06] Going Postal | 03:04 | 01:52 | 04 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [SECRET 1] On the side of the fire truck with the fire hydrant there is a panel on the side of the truck about the middle of it. You will hear a door open when you hit it this door will be at the back of the truck. You have to jump through this burning window to get on the inside of it to get the DV and the BTS. This secret is timed and you can hit the switch to the right of the entrance to get out of it. [SECRET 2] The wanted poster near the main mail counter is there is a poster with the Unabomber on it, here can be opened to reveal a vent that has some PBs behind some mail. [SECRET 3] You can open the back of the second locker from the left here in the locker room. This reveals a secret room where there are two ADRN behind a desk. On some of the sandbags there is a PSTL and beside it there are some PA. Around more sandbags there is a PA and beside the boxes there is a PA a CGUN is on top of it. There is also a grate to a vent in this room that has a SK in it, and if you go behind the sandbags the little cage will open that has a PMED in it. [SECRET 4] Notice the small conveyor that processes individual letters. Jump over this and go to the center column; you can open it to reveal a vent. Follow it through to get a SRAY. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-07] XXX-Stacy | 01:24 | 00:42 | 03 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [SECRET 1] There is a box on top of the stack inside the building that has "Top Secret" on the side; open the front of it to reveal a FRZ. [SECRET 2] This requires a JP. JP up the side of the building that you are on that doesn't have the open window (above the acid river) and move towards it. The top of the building has a false wall that you can go through. There are many, many canisters in there, so don't blow them up right away. Instead drop a PB in and run out of the room, detonating it from afar. Go back in and get the spoils, which include a DV, RPG and PB, and a path to a later part of the level. [SECRET 3] In the room with the switch that lets you change the water level outside, make the water level low, and when you do this a SRAY will be revealed in one of the computers. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-08] Critical Mass | 03:18 | 01:59 | 04 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [SECRET 1] In the room that collapses on you, instead of rushing to avoid the ceiling coming down, you can wait right at the entrance of explosions room, and opposite the door that you entered a secret door will eventually open. Inside there is a AH and a TP to the area that you would normally run to if you didn't use the secret. Be wary, however, if you do this because you will teleport into the room and have to fight two ADRN and the 2 ENF that were there if you didn't kill them. [SECRET 2] After you avoid the trash compactor and get onto the platform, there is a computer here that you touch to open a door near it, which conceals a PMED. [SECRET 3] This secret is in the room with the big generator in it. From the entrance, to the left is a clump of green canisters. Blow them up and go into the resulting crack in the wall to get a RPG. [SECRET 4] This secret is in the room with the large generator in it. From the entrance, you can JP up in the darkness and go to the platform opposite the entrance. There is a SRAY and a DVA up in this room. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-09] Derelict | 05:02 | 02:51 | 05 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [SECRET 1] If you search the underbelly of the ship there is a hole that leads into the bottom of the ship. When you go in this you will be attacked by two ADRN but you can lure them out into the water and avoid fighting them. In this secret room are a CGUN, STR, GOG and a BA. [SECRET 2] Behind the window in the mess hall there is a switch on a counter with a knife on it. Pressing this switch will open a small compartment beside you, which contains a PMED. [SECRET 3] Jump on top of the TV in the crew quarters to open a compartment across from it that has a SGUN in it. Note that you get the secret credit if you just jump on the TV. [SECRET 4] Above the desk in the Captain's Quarters there is a clock. Use the clock to cause the bookshelf in this room to lower, reveal a SRAY, two EXA, and two AH. [SECRET 5] In the crane, You can climb the boxes all the way up with jumping. When you get to the highest point a TRP and a COM will attack you from a hole in the boxes. You can drop in this gap after you kill them to get a RPG and BTS. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-10] The Queen | 10:50 | 05:25 | 07 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [SECRET 1] You will notice some elevated platforms in this room that cannot be accessed by jumping. You have to use the JP to get up to them. On the right path you can JP up there to get two SHL. [SECRET 2] You will notice some elevated platforms in this room that cannot be accessed by jumping. You have to use the JP to get up to them. On the right path you can JP up there to get two DVA. [SECRET 3] You will notice some elevated platforms in this room that cannot be accessed by jumping. You have to use the JP to get up to them. On the left path you can JP up there to get two CA. [SECRET 4] You will notice some elevated platforms in this room that cannot be accessed by jumping. You have to use the JP to get up to them. On the left path you can JP up there to get two RPGA. [SECRET 5] On the big column here there is something that looks like - well, I hate to say it - a butthole. Jump into it and get the PBs, 2 DVA, RPGA, CA, and two SK. The other end of this... pipe leads to the Inner Shell area. [SECRET 6] In the big column here there is something that looks like - well, I hate to say it - a butthole. Jump into it and get the PBs, DVA, RPGA, CA, and SHL. The other end of this... pipe leads to the Inner Shell area. [SECRET 7] In the chamber that you fight the AQ in, if you look on the roof, there is a small opening from which you can emerge and gain a PMED, AH, BA, and a break from the action :) There are also some other holes in the roof that give you breathing room. +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [#-##] Level | Par Time | 3D Realms Time | Secrets | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ | [4-11] Area 51 | 04:20 | 02:10 | 07 | +------------------------------+--------------+---------------------+---------+ [SECRET 1] The computer on the booth with the ENF can be activated to open a wall near the large doors near the combination switches. In it's room there is a PMED (do it quickly because this is timed). [SECRET 2] Back in the hallway to the crate room in the downstairs area of the initial entrance to the actual Area 51 facility, there is a symbol on the wall, but you don't have to touch it; simply jumping in front of it will activate it. This will open a computer in the computer room which reveals an AH (which is timed). [SECRET 3] In the downstairs area of the initial entrance to the Area 51 area, you can open the wall behind the HDK to reveal some STR. [SECRET 4] Use the computer tower in the room with the crates and the 3 OB; this will open a crate nearby revealing SCG and a BA. [SECRET 5] Near the computer at one side of the crate room there is a crack in the wall that can be destroyed. Inside there is a OB, kill it and get the PBs and the 3 SK here. There is a pool here that you can dive into to get two EXA and a view in the wall of a UFO :). Note that the UFO is broken, if you shoot it with an explosive, it will become even more broken! Cool! [SECRET 6] Near the PBs in Secret 5, there is a handprint on the wall that can be activated to open a wall. This leads to a TP; this leads to a bridge in the Outside portion of the level (actually quite similar to 1-5 of the Abyss in my opinion) there is a bridge that leads to an RPG. [SECRET 7] You have to get picked up by the crane or use a JP to get up to the area with the conveyor belt. Aside from a SRAY and a JP here, there is also a switch that deactivates the conveyor belt. However, this has a second and more important function, to open the door that leads to a TP at the end of the belt. Go in there. You will emerge in a cramped area that has a switch near it. Open it and you will be inside the UFO (this is the secret, not the process of getting there). In here is an AH. GO700 +----------------------------+================================================= | [07-00] Duke Related Stuff |================================================= +----------------------------+================================================= This is a collection of some of the stuff that makes Duke just what it is. There are some Easter Eggs in this section. GO710 +---------------------+ =| [07-01] Easter Eggs |======================================================= +---------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4-1] It's Impossible ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obviously, the entire level is one big reference to the movie "Mission: Impossible". Some of the references to the movie are: - The music playing in the background - Going to the desk and using the tape deck in the first room will have the famous message "This tape will self destruct in ..." in the voice of the military officer at the beginning of the episode. The tape will do good on it's promise. - In the briefing room, there is coat hanger with a hat and cane on it which says "STEED" on it - The part of the level where you have to enter the code without touching the ground is possibly the biggest reference. - The trash can that looks like it has slime coming out of it in the room that you can't touch the floor in is from the movie too; this is where the computer operator throws up in (well, he throws up in a garbage can to be sure). Andrew J. Crofts sends this in: "I just wanted to mention that the scene with all the doors leading to the telephone in the first Episode of 'The Birth' is from another show, not related to Mission Impossible. An old classic TV show called 'Get Smart' where the main character (for the intro of each episode of the show) walked through heaps of doors and answered a phone and was dropped below to his headquarters." In the RK Door Room, there is a poster on the box that's to the left of the IMF logo. It references to Orson Wells and the War of the World series. In the Barracks part of the level there is a large TV; you can look at it to see a scantily clad girl doing a weather report. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4-2] Duke-Burger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rotating sign near the entrance says "Duke Burger - 0 Burgers Sold"; a play on the McDonalds gimmick of putting their burger numbers on their signs. When you go up to the counter, Duke says that "There's no way that I'm eating this shit!" Sees the chamber that is presumably used for eating dogs; "Nobody messes with MY meat!" In the room with the dog kennels / cells, there is a dog in one of them. The label on the outside of the cell says "Scrappy Due", which can be translated to "Scrappy Doo", a character from the Scooby Doo cartoon series. It's kind of fitting that it's going to be turned into Duke Burger :) SPCH - Society for the Preparation of Canine Hamburger - in contrast to the real life SPCA - the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Andrew J. Crofts sends this in: " If you talk to the drive-thru intercom, you get a quote from Butt-Head from 'Beavis and Butthead' saying "we're like, closed or something". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4-3] Shop-N-Bag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Duke Nukem 3D theme song is the muzak that is playing in the background. Secret 7 - "I guess he didn't escape from L.A." - this is a reference to the movie "Escape from L.A." - the guy's head on the pike is Kurt Russell's character Snake Plissken. In one of the back rooms of the area, with the dead dolphin (which is actually considered an enemy in game and "squeaks" if you shoot it) there is a poster on the wall that says "Farm Raised 'SESOS' .39c / lb USAD Grade A". Beside the poster is a bloody bat. This is referring to the incidents in the past where fur hunters would brutally club baby seals for their fur. In the vegetable section there is "Radioactive Lettuce"! Yum! When you are going to get the RK, there is a computer screen with a Duke Nukem atomic symbol on it. There is also a whiteboard with a message on it: "Fire Jack! Caught playing Duke again! - Bobby". You can touch the computer screen and hear Duke say "Get back to work, you slacker!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4-4] Babe Land ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The entire level is probably based on Disneyland, culminating with the "Babes of the Carribean" ride, which is, of course, based on the "Pirates of the Carribean" ride of Disneyland fame. In the line up to the Babes ride, there are some TVs that show a cartoon mouse killing a cartoon axe. This is very reminiscent of the Simpsons episode where the Simpsons go to the Itchy and Scratchy theme park and watch an Itchy and Scratchy movie while waiting for a ride. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4-5] Pigsty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you go to the area labeled Computer Room, when you are a perfect distance away from the computers, a picture of a duck will appear on all the monitors. Perhaps this is supposed to entice you to duck, because a COM spawns right behind you when you go in this room :) Beside the Computer Room, to the left of it, there is a tiny and dark corridor. In there, on the wall, is a picture of a judge, and underneath it is the caption "J.Dredd", from the movie Judge Dredd. Though the Judge really wasn't a Judge in this sense. Those "Wanted" pictures on the walls here, like the ones in the office before the Computer Room, are of the Duke 3D development team. From left to right, the best I can do are: Chuck Jones, Todd Repogle, Allen H. Blum, Dirk Jones, Dirty Harry?, Brian Martel, and Keith Schuler. Maybe. The one in the main entrance has a picture of George Broussard at the top and a picture of Stephen Hornback on it, too. Oddly, on both boards there is a sign that says "Just say NO to drugs!". Hmmm... In the office that is above the Computer Room, there is a desk with a nameplate that has "H. Callahan" on it; this is the name of Clint Eastwood's character in "Dirty Harry" (Harry Callahan). When Duke goes to the desk, he utters the famous saying from that movie, "Go ahead. Make my day!" Right at the beginning of the level, Duke says "I'll be Back.". This is from the movie "Terminator" obviously, as well as the car crash and explosions at the beginning of the level when Arnold goes into the police building, kills several cops and gets Sarah Connor. Stand or crouch on the photocopier itself. In the photocopier tray, there will be a picture of Duke's rear and his belt. One of the desks here has a picture of J. McLain, the name of the character in the "Diehard" series of movies. When Duke approaches the desk, he says the famous phrase that was uttered in the movie "Yippie Ki Yay Motherf**ker!". Near the Judge's desk there is a picture of the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski, who had psychological problems to say the least. At the front of the Judge's Stand, there is a symbol on there that is representative of the legal system of the United States. It should have "E pluribus unum" on it - which is the national motto of the United States; translated from Latin, it means "From many, one" or "Out of many, one." However in this game it says "E pluribus Nukem", which, roughly translated, means "From many, Duke." :) Go to the witness stand in the courtroom and Duke will say "So help me Duke", as opposed to "So help me God". In the exit to the secret level, there is another desk that has "J. Dredd" on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4-6] Going Postal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the front desk there is a picture of the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski, who had psychological problems to say the least. In Secret 3 there is a poster of "Postal Rifle Association", in contrast to the National Rifle Association. There is also some pictures of the mailman's worst enemy, and where to "aim" on it - the dog. Look in the mirror in the locker room. There is a message scrawled on the wall; it says "Take Home Bart". This is from an episode of the Simpsons, where Homer forgets to pick up Bart from soccer practice. The person who writes the message on the wall is Milhouse but I forget why he did it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4-7] XXX-Stacy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Besides the multitude of Sister Act III posters here, there is also a machine that is making "Sister Act IV: Making Whoopie" posters. Whoopie, in this context, is obvious but Whoopie Goldberg is the star of the real Sister Act. In "The Funny Boner" (har) comedy club, there is a microphone here. When you touch it, it will make a sound as if you were tapping on the mic. Normally, this wouldn't be significant. However, it is a comedy club, and comics sometimes tap the mic if they aren't getting a good response : "Is this thing on??". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4-8] Critical Mass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret 1 is called Sector 7-G and is surrounded by donuts, fitting because Sector 7-G is "The Simpsons" character Homer Simpson's place of work, and even more fitting because this level is set in a power plant that is on the verge of a meltdown (where Homer works, of course). At the end of the map, you can see a huge ship; this is for the next level, "Derelict". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4-9] Derelict ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The name of the ship is "Valdez-2", which is apparently a U.S. Navy ship; the full name of which is "AG-169 Pvt. Jose F. Valdez ". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4-11] Area 51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use DNCLIP at the beginning of the level and walk through the chain fence (you can't fly over it if you're wondering). You can look behind the jeep and find a sign that says "3D Realms Prop. Dept. #4330 Jeep" which makes no sense to me but it's an egg nonetheless. On the back of the trailer in the "Outside" area, there is a license plate on it that says "ILUVET", referencing the movie ET obviously, which involves aliens and thus referencing Area 51 etc. In the crate room, there is a box that has "Received from Roswell, N.M., 7/2/47, to W.P.A.F.B, OH Hanger 18" - W.P.A.F.B is the name of an Air Force base in Ohio if that means anything to you - apparently the founder of aerospace research and involved in the Roswell incident. Secret 5 has a sign in it that says "Groom Lake", the name of the dried up lake bed that Area 51 is situated on. GO720 +----------------------+ =| [07-02] Game Credits |====================================================== +----------------------+ [07-02-01] Credits ------------------ Project Leader/Director George "Frame rate sucks" Broussard Assistant Director Allen "Done. Next?" H. Blum III Game Programming Todd "How's the game running?" Replogle "Build" 3D engine/Tools/Network Ken "I can do that" Silverman Map Design Allen "Nice Hat!" H. Blum III George "Keyboarder" Broussard Randall "DuvalMagic" S. Pitchford II Keith "Duke maps are easy" Schuler 3D Modeling Chuck "The animation is cookin" Jones Additional 3D Modeling Douglas "Hiccup... Kill me!!" R. Wood Artwork Stephen "Chillin" Hornback Dirk "Don't touch my toys" Jones Brian "Left MP in time" Martel James "Fish and Chips" Storey Douglas "Slippers" R. Wood Music and Sound Effects Lee "Make it louder" Jackson Voice Talent Lani Minella - ProMotionsProd. Co. Jon St. Jon as "Duke Nukem" Special Thanks to Steve Blackburn, Scott Miller, Joe Siegler, Terry Nagy, Collen Compton, Kevin Green, Bryan Turner, Dennis DeSmeth, all the Realms beta testers Duke Nukem is a trademark of 3D Realms Entertainment Duke Nukem 3D (C) 1996 3D Realms Entertainment Made in Dallas, Texas USA [07-02-02] Map Credits ---------------------- Here are the people that designed the Atomic Edition maps. Name Abbreviations AB - Allen H Blum III RP - Randall Pitchfird II <--- Spelt differently in the game credits KS - Keith Schuler GB - George Broussard RP - It's Impossible AB - Duke Burger GB - Shop N Bag AB - Babe Land RF - Pigsty <--- It says "RF" in the maps file. Typo probably for RP KS - XXX Stacy KS - Critical Mass AB - Derelict RP - The Queen RP - Area 51 GO730 +-----------------------+ =| [07-03] In Game Stuff |===================================================== +-----------------------+ [07-03-01] Introduction ----------------------- A picture of a military officer is shown on the screen in front of a computer. He tells Duke, "Duke, we've got a new problem here! This video was shot by an undercover operative." We then look at a screen with some ADRN surrounding a naked woman on a steel table, very pregnant and giving birth. "Our queen is born!" one of the drones says. Duke puts on his glasses and says "Hmm. I'm goin' in!" [07-03-02] Ending ----------------- When Duke first sees the AQ, he says "I'm gonna kick your ass, bitch!" Upon killing her, he says "Die, you son of a bitch!" Hmmm... Afterwards, we see Duke floating above the body of the AQ. Duke swims near the lower portion of the body, gets a pipebomb, and places it into the, uh, birthing canal of the AQ. He swims away, saying "It's time to abort your whole friggin' species!" as the body of the AQ explodes. The message then appears on the screen: "Thanks to all our fans for giving us big heads. Look for a Duke Nukem 3D sequel soon." Hmm, like Duke Nukem Forever? ;) Then, a screen showing a picture - with big heads - of the creators is shown. Back Row: Brian Martel, Chuck Jones, Keith Schuler, Randall S. Pitchford II (Randy), George Broussard, and a picture of Duke giving bunny ears to George :) Front Row: Lee Jackson, Todd Repogle, Allen H. Blum III, Dirk Jones, Douglas R. Wood Dismembered Head: Stephen Hornback " Team "Duke Nukem" thanks you for playing. " GO740 +------------------------------------+ =| [07-04] On The Atomic Edition Disc |======================================== +------------------------------------+ There's plenty of extras on the Atomic Edition disc, to make sure you didn't waste your money on it :) [07-04-01] Shareware -------------------- There is some shareware in the /SHARE directory, including: Death Rally (/RALLY) Raptor: Call of the Shadows (/RAPTOR) Rise of the Triad (/ROTT) Terminal Velocity (/TV) Xenophage: Alien Bloodsport (/XENO) [07-04-02] Build ---------------- (/GOODIES/BUILD) The full version of Build is on this disc, with multiple warnings that it is indeed not freeware. [07-04-03] Windows 95 Kernel Powertool -------------------------------------- (/GOODIES/BUILD) Some keyboards didn't have the Windows key when Duke 3D came out and thus the Windows key functionality wasn't incorporated into Duke; this program allows you to change this: "This PowerToy lets you configure your MS-DOS game so that Windows will ignore the Windows logo key while the game is running." [07-04-04] - FAQs ----------------- (/GOODIES/BUILD) There are two very interesting FAQs in here about 3D Realms and Apogee. They truly are interesting reads, detailing their game history, amongst other things. [07-04-05] - Music ------------------ (/GOODIES/MIDI) Here is a full directory loaded with all the .MIDI files used in the game (sans the .VOC files of digitized music) If you install the MIDIs in the Duke 3D SSEP package, you'll get 16 MIDIs. [07-04-06] - Pictures --------------------- (/GOODIES/PICTURES) There are two pictures here, one of the software creation team (without Duke or Stephen's severed head) seen at the end of the Atomic Edition. The second picture is of Todd Repogle, with the caption "SHIP IT!!" above his head in large letters and his arms in the air. [07-04-07] - RTS Maker ---------------------- (/GOODIES/RTSMAKER/) A tool for making remote ridicule sound effects, complete with documentation. [07-04-08] - Screen Savers -------------------------- {/GOODIES/SCRNSAVR/) Installs a bunch of cool Duke-related screensavers. There is a chooser that you can use to select the screensavers. All the screensavers can be password enabled. DN3D Body Parts An interesting screensaver that makes bodies crash down onto the screen after falling from the sky. They will stack up, and some of the bodies include TRP, PIG, OB and COM, as well as some jibs and Duke. You can change the drop rate, too - they can drop like flies. DN3D Carnage Meter Well, I don't really get this one too much... it tallies how many shots that Duke shoots but doesn't actually show anything. You can adjust how much carnage is actually tallied. There is sound on this one too. DN3D Desktop Rampage This ones cool. Various enemies (or Duke) come onto the screen and wreak carnage on your desktop. Some things include: a pig blasting the screen, Duke flame-throwing the screen, Duke dropping a rigged toilet with a TRP on top and blowing it up, a TRP shooting the screen, and Duke blowing up an ENF on it's way to the screen. When this happens, a big hole appears in the screen. DN3D Exploding Stuff This one is just like it's namesake. There are various things that blow up, including toilets, urinals, snack machines, pop machines, barrels, canisters, chairs, enemies and so forth. There is also an option to turn on babes that get blown up, you sicko :) When something happen, a big hole appears in the screen. You can make the background black if you want. DN3D Image Carousel A bunch of screenshots in the image directory, taken from the game. You can add your own screen shots and change the delay between showing them. DN3D Shooting Gallery Stuff appears on the screen, including bottles, trash cans, and enemies, and Duke shoots them with a SGUN, CGUN, RPG, or PSTL. The best thing about it is that all the bodies and rubble stay afterwards. Plus, true to the game, the trashcan can only be blown up if Duke uses the RPG! There are options that change the guts that are shown afterwards. [07-04-09] - Themes ------------------- (/GOODIES/THEMES/) Installs two cool Duke-related themes that require the Windows 95 Plus Pack (or higher operating system) to be installed. They are really quite cool. [07-04-10] - UNIVBE ------------------- (/GOODIES/UNIVBE/) This is a small program called SciTech Display Doctor, complete with documentation. " SciTech Display Doctor is a collection of useful utilities that fix many common problems associated with Super VGA (SVGA) graphics cards. SciTech Display Doctor contains a number of separate components that make up the entire package. Many users may already be familiar with UniVBE, the Universal VESA BIOS Extension. UniVBE is now one of the many components that make up the entire SciTech Display Doctor suite of utilities. " [07-04-11] - Sound Files ------------------------ (/GOODIES/VOC) A complete directory of all the Duke 3D and Atomic Edition Sound effects in .VOC form. If you install the ScreenSaver SSEP package, you can get a 25 .WAV files. [07-04-12] - WAD2MAP -------------------- (/GOODIES/WAD2MAP) A great utility programmed by Ken Silverman that can convert Doom .WAD files to Duke3D .MAP files. [07-04-13] "Preview" Images --------------------------- (/PREVIEW) This directory has a few folders that, at the time, were previews to some of 3D Realms' new games. The games that have some screenshots in that directory are: Balls of Steel (/BALLS) - 2 Images Blood (/BLOOD) - 16 Images Stargunner (/STARGUN) - 16 Images Shadow Warrior (/SHADOW) - 20 Images [07-04-14] Music on the Disc! ----------------------------- Put this into an audio CD player (or play Track 2 of the disc on your computer) and you can hear the MP3 version of the Duke Nukem 3D theme song by Lee Jackson. You can also get this MP3 file on 3D Realm's Site (it's really quite a cool song, you should get it if you love the theme song as much as I do :) Note: Do NOT try to play Track 1 on the disc, that is all the data on the disc and it could ruin some older CD Players if you did. [07-04-15] Jigsaw Puzzles (JIXXA) --------------------------------- When you install the screensavers you have the option of installing a jigsaw puzzle program, complete with 16 puzzles and a Duke3D MIDI in the background. All of these puzzles seem to be from the first episode (Shareware I suppose). 2LIZARDS - Two TRP in 1-1 BARPIG - A PIG in 1-2 BOSS - The BLRD in 1-5 CITY - A JP'd TRP and a RPV in 1-2 DIEPIG - A PIG dying by Duke's PSTL in 1-2 FACTORY - 1-4's crane FLYPIG - Duke shooting at a RPV in 1-2 LIZARD2 - A TRP in 1-6 MONSTER - Something from the shareware showing the CE, ENF, and a COM OCTO - An OB in 1-5 POOLROOM - Duke fighting a couple TRP in 1-2's Pool Room PORKCHOP - Duke murdering a PIG with a CGUN in 1-3 PRISON - Duke JP'ing outside a 1-3 prison cell, using his CGUN on some TRP SEWERPIG - Fighting a PIG in the sewer of 1-2 STAIRS - Duke SGUNing a TRP on the stairs to the projector room in 1-1 SUB - A TRP firing on Duke from 1-3's submarine [07-04-16] Bitmaps and Textures ------------------------------- When you install the SSEP you have the option of installing various desktop textures and bitmaps, seemingly from the shareware. Bitmaps ------- 3LIZARDS - Three TRP in 1-1's movie theatre AIR2SHOT - A RPV in 1-2 ARCADE - 2 TRP in the 1-1 Arcade BAR - Duke shooting a PIG with his pistol in 1-2's Entrance area. BOSS2 - Duke fighting the BLRD in 1-5 BOSS - Duke firing on the BLRD in 1-5 with a CGUN CANYON - A view of the outside of the alien vessal in 1-5 CANYON2 - A part of 1-5's interior CHURCH - A view of the church in 1-3 with an OB blast CITY - Duke firing on an RPV with a CGUN in 1-2 CLAMP - A crane in 1-4 lifting a PIG's body DOOR - 1-5 Door in the pre-BLRD chamber DUKCRASH - The ship crashing at the beginning of 1-1 DUKE3D - The entrance screen of Duke3D EXPLODE - Duke using the RPG in 1-3 EXPLODE2 - Duke using the RPG in 1-4 EXPLODE3 - Duke using the RPG in 1-5 FLYNGPIG - An RPV and a PIG in 1-2 GUTS - Duke SGUN'ing a babe in 1-3 GUTS2 - Duke blowing up a TRP with RPG in 1-1's theater entrance HANGER - The dead monk in 1-3 HEADKICK - Duke kicking a choking TRP in 1-3 HEART - A heart flying into Duke's face in 1-4 HEART2 - Duke blowing up something in 1-5, seeing the heart INSIDE - A view of the fan in the 1-6 complex LIZARD - A view of a PIG and Duke killing a TRP in 1-2 LIZARD2 - A TRP in 1-6 near the spiral switches LIZARD3 - A TRP standing in front of the theatre in 1-1 MADLZRD - A dead PIG and a TRP in 1-2 MADPIG - A CAP and a PIG in 1-3 near the electric chair MIRROR - Duke looking in a mirror and seeing a TRP in the reflection in 1-1 MIRROR2 - Duke blowing up a mirror in 1-1 with an RPG OCTO - An OB firing at Duke underwater in 1-4 OCTO2 - An OB in 1-5 OCTO4 - An OB in 1-5, in the alien ship OPENING - The opening to the BLRD's chamber in 1-5 PIG - Duke launching an RPG at a PIG in 1-3 PIG2 - Duke firing his CGUN at a PIG in 1-3 PIGDIE - Duke killing a PIG in 1-2 with his CGUN outside near a dead TRP PIGDIE2 - Duke killing a PIG in 1-1 with his PSTL PIGDIE3 - Duke killing a PIG in 1-2 outside with his PSTL PIGGUTS - Shooting a PIG in 1-2 with a PSTL in front of the strip club PIGSHOT - Duke crouching and fighting a PIG in 1-2, with a dead PIG beside RPG - Duke shooting an RPG at a TRP in 1-3 SCUBA - A view of a depth mine underwater in 1-4 SCUBA2 - Duke shooting a depth mine with a RPG underwater in 1-4 STREET - Duke blowing up a RPV in 1-2 with a CGUN near a TRP STREET2 - A view of a couple dead TRP and a broken fire hydrant in 1-1 THEATER - Two CAP firing on Duke in 1-1 TOILET - A broken toilet in 1-1's bathroom Tiles ----- These are simply the textures that were used in Duke Nukem 3D, although they are kind of cool to have on your desktop instead of "Bubbles" or "Blue Lace". D3DTIL01 - Floor tile D3DTIL02 - Siding D3DTIL03 - Some bricks D3DTIL04 - Wall panel D3DTIL05 - Looks like a vent panel D3DTIL06 - Some canyon rock D3DTIL07 - Some metal wall panels D3DTIL08 - Grey bricks D3DTIL09 - Alien door textures D3DTIL10 - Security Monitor picture D3DTIL11 - TP D3DTIL12 - Windows D3DTIL13 - More windows D3DTIL14 - Wooden floor panels D3DTIL15 - Smaller bricks D3DTIL16 - Even more windows D3DTIL17 - Canyon bricks D3DTIL18 - Bathroom tile D3DTIL19 - Some graffiti from Rabid Transit D3DTIL20 - Some pipes D3DTIL21 - Alien Doors D3DTIL22 - BLRD door D3DTIL23 - Looks like some alien light webbing D3DTIL24 - An alien pipe D3DTIL25 - Some infestation slime GO750 +----------------+ =| [07-05] Music |============================================================ +----------------+ Though you might not have heard the music in the game over the action, there was allot of time put into it by Lee Jackson and another guy, Robert C. Prince III. In the Plutonium Pak all the music was done by Lee. Atomic Edition Music -------------------- BRIEFING.MID - Briefing Room (Opening Cinematic) MISSIMP.MID - Missing? Impossible! WAREHAUS.MID - Warehaus BAKEDGDS.MID - Baked Goods PREPD.MID - Preparation D CF.MID - Calypso Facto LEMCHILL.MID - Lemon Chilllllllllllllllll LAYERS.MID - Layers of Dust FLOGHORN.MID - Floghorn POB.MID - Pissed Office Box DEPART.MID - Departure RESTRICT.MID - Restricted Area GO800 +------------------------------------+========================================= | [08-00] Frequently Asked Questions |========================================= +------------------------------------+========================================= 01. What you say is different from the instruction book. Why? There are various errors or misinformation in the Atomic Edition instruction booklet. From what I can find, there are: - The Chaingun Cannon (which is what it is referred to in game) is called the Ripper in the instruction manual and in some older help files. - The Chaingun Cannon Ammo looks different than it does in game (it looks thinner) - The booklet says that Devestator gives 50 ammo, but in the game it gives 25. - The booklet says that the Freezer Ammo gives 50 ammo, but in the game it gives 25. - The picture of the small medikit looks different than it does in game. - The Pig Cop in the guide looks like it has a sub machine gun or something, but in the game the Pig Cop uses the Shotgun. - It says that the Enforcer can drop it's "armored breastplate" when killed, but this doesn't happen. - It says that the Assault Commander can drop RPG ammo, but this doesn't happen. - There is a screenshot on page 12 that shows the status bar. Where the current amounts of ammo are shown for the guns, there is no "0", i.e., no freezer. 02. There is a different photo of the Duke Team in the instruction booklet. What are the differences? From left to right, the members of the Duke team in the photo are: Standing Row: Brain Martel, Stephen Hornback, Chuck Jones, Keith Schuler, Randy Pitchford, George Broussard, Duke Nukem (with bunny ears on George....) Kneeling Row: Lee Jackson, Todd Repogle, Allen Blum, Dirk Jones, Doug Wood. Staked Row (heads): Ken Silverman, James Storey. In that game, the picture doesn't have Stephen Hornback standing in the picture (he is be-headed), and Ken Silverman and James Storey are just missing totally. G1000 +--------------------------+=================================================== | [10-00] FAQ Information |=================================================== +--------------------------+=================================================== G1010 +-----------------+ =| [10-01] Updates |=========================================================== +-----------------+ [10-01-01] Previous Updates --------------------------- 1.21 ---- # more eggs, rewrote some stuff, spelling 1.20 ---- # added instruction book errors, tons of eggs 1.1 --- # Found the Area 51 launch code ~!; added separate secrets list, quick search # feature and various other minor updates. 1.0 --- # Initial Version; Walkthrough, Enemies, Items, some eggs and a bunch of other # junk! [10-01-02] Future Updates ------------------------- Everything that was on this list has now been done! Huzzah! Now.... some minor details to be cleared up. - Add levels corresponding to music. G1020 +-----------------+ =| [10-02] Credits |=========================================================== +-----------------+ [10-02-01] Sites ---------------- 01. GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com - Hosting the FAQ - Being a great site 02. IGN - http://faqs.ign.com - Hosting the FAQ - Being a great site [10-02-02] People ----------------- 01. Split Infinity - Currently using parts of his style of FAQ writing, including abbreviations and GO feature 02. Zeuxis - Some Easter egg info 03. Web Master of http://www.babtech.com/ - some information on secrets 04. beissermj - some eggs 05. Andrew J. Crofts - some more eggs (Beavis and Butthead, Get Smart) G1030 +----------------------+ =| [10-03] Contact Info |====================================================== +----------------------+ If you have any suggestions, comments, improvements, etc, please feel free to contact me at mcleodkw@hotmail.com. Make sure you have "FAQ" in the title somewhere so that it doesn't get filtered. If it has something to do with the game then I will gladly respond. Make sure that you look through the guide first. If you are contributing something, include the name that I will credit you by. And sorry if I misspell your name; if you see it spelt wrong e-mail me and I will change it. G1040 +-------------------+ =| [10-04] Copyright |========================================================= +-------------------+ This FAQ is (C) and Copyright Keith McLeod 2002. Under no circumstances may this FAQ be reproduced, electronically or otherwise, without the explicit permission of the author. =============================================================================== 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 End of Document