Secret modes: Select either arcade or arrange (append) mode at the title screen. Then, press Select or Up at the difficulty selection screen to display the "Secret Mode" screen. Then, enter one of the following dance moves to unlock the corresponding mode before the timer reaches zero. The secret modes can be saved to a memory card to allow them to be accessed as needed. Another mode Press Up(2), Down(2), Up(2), Down(2). Maniac mode Press Left(2), Right(2), Left(2), Right(2). Double mode Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right. Mirror mode Press Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right. All secret modes: Select either arcade or arrange (append) mode at the title screen. Then, press Up at the difficulty selection screen to display the "Secret Mode" screen. Press Up(2), Down(2), Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left(2), Right(2),Left(2), Right(2) before the timer reaches zero. Extra characters: Select either arcade or arrange (append) mode at the title screen. Note: Each mode has its own set of extra characters. Then, hold Left and press Start for an extra set of characters. To unlock a second set, hold Right and press Start. Versus mode: Press Down + Start on controller two at the mode selection screen to unlock the versus mode option. Alien and Tama Kid opponents: Highlight "Arrange Mode", then hold Left and start the game. Question Mark Man opponent: Highlight "Arrange Mode", then hold Right and start the game. "Make A Jam" song: Complete the game under normal mode ten times. "Paranoia KCET" song: Complete the game under hard mode one hundred times. "Boy" song: Complete the game under hard mode three hundred times. "I Believe Miracle" song: Complete the game under hard mode four hundred times. "Paranoid Max" song: Complete the game under hard mode five hundred times.