E-mail: doggeru@hotmail.com Name: Death 2000 (a.k.a. "Doggeru") Version: 1.3 E-mail comments and errors please. Topic: Sim Earth FAQ Contents: Chapter 1: Menus I. What i said up there Chapter 2: Animals I. Sea II. Land Chapter 3: Random Planet I. What i said up there Chapter 4: Credits I. What i said up there Chapter 5: LegalStuff I. What i said up there Chapter 6: Useless stories I. What i said up there Chapter 7: Help I. I NEED HELP! Chapter 8: Terraformers I. What I said up there -----------------------------(Menus)------------------------------- First Scenario/Next Scenario: Click this if you want to play the "real" game where you got precise goals and some of them a time limit play if your a real good god. Random Planet: Now this is fun! You can select the time period (Funest one in my opinion is the geological one) and you can pick how much energy you start with (Even Infinite!) it ends though after 10,000,000,000 years (About 24 hours if you aint playing if you are it's longer) Most of this FAQ contains stuf for this. Daisy Planet: Dont play this please it's just a planet full of daisies and isnt even habitabal play only if you are obssed with daisies (Your sick). Dictionary: Contains small info on the biomes and animals nice to skim through. Backup Inistalize: Coulda just been load (Thats what it does) pretty worthless if your a rom player. --------------------------(Animals)---------------------------------- Sea Animals: Contains only Sea Animals look down for Land. Bacteria: Disgusting one-celled animals, the only good thing there for is to evolve into Ameba (Next) Amoeba: Multiply Celled organs evolved version of bactiria they are almost worthless, yet they evolve into starfish (Next) Starfish: Six legged, Star Shaped animals, Can also go on land, Evolve into Crabs, They make good pets :P. Crabs: Nice little crustations, they can also go on land, They evolve into i think octopi and insects (I think please e-mail me if you know) Just to clear it up, all but Bactiria and Amoeba can be civilized those two cant they are only good for evolving into more worthy creatures. Fishes: Many differnt looks (It looks like a worm first) carry pitchforks when evolved, They evolve into Amphibians. Octopi: You gotta know these guys!, Evolve into Fish (How the (censor) do they do that!). Whales: Ya know what these are!,They de-evolved from mammals. The reason they went back into the water beats the hell outa me! Land Animals: Contains only Land animals look up for sea animals. Achori: Little stringy pieces of nothing they "CAN" become civilized but do not evolve (They turn into Jellyfish for some weird reason) Insects: You know them you hate them. They evolved from crabs and they grow carnifers. (I try to wipe them off the earth when i play :P) Amphibi: Evolved from i think fish, They grow into Reptiles. Reptiles: The snakes, Lizards, Salamanders of this game. They evolve into Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs: MY PERSONAL FAVE! God i love Dinos i always have them rule the world. They evolve into birds and mammals. Birds: Evolved from dinos and evolve back into them (HOW THE (CENSOR)!!!) Mammals: Look at yourself You are a mammal!, They evolve into whales somehow and make very good pets (heheheh). Carnifers: Some type of plant. Evolve from Insects and can really become civilized yet they cant be moved. Thanks to Ryan Ramage i found out that Carnifers are just like Venus Fly traps and such that eat insects. (I thought so but you've seen the pictures what is that!?) --------------------------------(Random Planet)--------------------- My personal favorite way of playing. First pick the time period then pick the energy allocation to start with then your off! I'm here to help you start off from the geological period (I would like to point out that this involves you having a good amount of energy so when you see the word alot and you dont got alot of energy pretend it means some) Well lets get started! Part 1: The Dawn of Time Wellcome to a huge ball of rock. Time to make it habitabal. First thing to do is ice rock this planet till there is alot of water (about 75% of the map) then wait for some time some bacteria should appear if you got 100 energy go into the Biological section (the one with the slider) and slide Thoughtfullness, Reproducage, Evolve and mutate to high and C2O almost all the way, that should make them reproduce real quick and evolve real quick without killing eachother (Problem 1: There is to much Bacteria in the ocean then anything else!, Set Reproducage to none and wait for them to vanish then crank it up again they will not reproduce as fast as normal), after some time you should have Amoeba and Starfish make sure that they are equal or more than bactiria, if not then Burn Baby Burn! (Fry alot of them till they are less than the rest) bacteria can really be a pain when they flood the ocean. Once you got some crabs and octopi you really outa get the ground ready, build some Biome Factories and make sure that there is enough O2, C20 and N2 in the air to support the animals, if done right you should be getting Insects and Amphibians (also fish) once the amphibians reach the ground they should evolve into reptiles. the reptiles should evolve into Dinos (CAUTION!:If you love Dinos as much as me turn down mutate or the Dinos will become exticte by Mammals and Birds!) The Dinos should evolve into birds and mammals. Part 2: What Happend To My Rock! By now Amoeba and Bacteria should be extict (e-mail me if they arnt) or near-extict soon an animal race should become Civilized (Usally Dinos,Birds,Mammals) i'll just say dinos when i mean whatever civilized animal you picked. well by now the dinos should be in the stone age (you better turn down the reproduction or they will have some trouble) they should be building cities and exploring the earth once they got about 5+ cities they should be in the bronze age. Part 3: The World sighs in depression. Once they get to the Iron age they will be building alot of cities to support there ever growing population, Once the Industrial age hits time to be very careful! They got more power than you got now they can start a full scale war or pollute your beutiful planet to death so watch out!, They will probly take control of the earth by now so becareful. Part 4: The Atomic Mayhem. They should get into the Atomic age fairly quickly and when they do they will multiply very quickly the world is probly dieing so you better find some way of stoping a full out Nuclear war or the planet will be contaminated for life (Nukes are permenant) once they reach the information age they will relize what they are doing and will help you. The Dinos will be prepareing the exodus soon. Once they reach Nano the exodus is ready. Only a matter of time. Part 5: The Exodus and the Mess. The Dinos should have left the planet and as you see the planet is full of crap. time to fix it up by freeze & burning it then set it back to normal. Well time to pick a new faction to rule the New Earth. ----------------------------------(Credits)----------------------- Myself of course! and umm... Jesus.. and stuff.... My "family" for food and love i guess.... Vancouver, Washington, USA for a place for my "family" and You for actually reading this Faq! (Consider yourself family! :) ) Ryan Ramage for the Carinfer data. MxPx for kewl Punk/Christian rock also for living not so far from me. Insanity for its privliges! My own Mind for lasting these 20 years of life... Some times i just think for hours... Yes im Crazy... -------------------------------(LegalStuff)----------------------- (C) Death 2000. 2001. You must ask permision to use this faq an any way,shape,form and if you post this i will have the ability to sue for $100,000,000,000,000.00. And if you swap your name onto this you will either be arrested for fraud or i will peronaly chop your head off. (E-mail adress: doggeru@hotmail.com) E-mail any questions,comments,answers,thanx or anything you want i really aprecitate it when someone reads my faqs. Also you MUST give me URL to the site you are posting it on! I wanna see if its worthy (heh) of holding the only Sim Earth Faq! Also its for my legal protection... I aint gonna have any loopholes in my legal crap k! --------------------(Useless Stories)---------------------------- Yo. This is just a fun little thing of stuff that happened to me and my Friend Vet when we played the game. (I will also add other peoples short stories if they are e-mailed to me) Story 1: Nuclear Dino. (By Death 2000) I was playing Random Planet (Like Always) and they advanced to the atomic age and decide to start a Nuke War the war lasted 2 ages untill the reached Nano and then flew outa the planet. Sadly they left a huge mess of Nuclear waste and useless plants. I had to freeze and burn the planet and restarted life. Weirdly the Dinos returned and ruled again then Nuked it and left... then the sun blew up... Damn Dinos! Story 2: Back Evolution. (By Jeff "Vet" Rash) I was playing Random Planet (Like Always, Hey Death Said That Already!!!) and my civilization was at nano... then it went to info... then atomic... then industrial... then iron... then bronze... then stone... then bacteria (I wonder how!?) but i was so pissed i scorched the earth to show them i mean bussiness! thats the last time those stupid animals turn on me! Story 3: Fall-Out. (By Jeff "Vet" Rash) I was playing my game (On Random) and once my Civilization reached Atomic (They Where The Octopuses) they began nuking Other Races!? They wiped out every race exept There selves! I was so pissed at they're act that i freeze & burn them then had Birds Rule The Earth (They ended up wipeing the dinosaurs out but what the hell) Story 4: River Wars. (By Death 2000) It was a boring day (Nothing on TV & My PC was in repair & It Was Raining... What a combo...) and i decided to play a little C&C (Command & Conquer) on Sim Earth. I Created a Random Planet With infinite energy and when the earth was in the civilized age i created 2 HUGE Islands for each side and 1 big river. I waited for them to get to the atomic and once they did i messed with them till World war started. They started to fire nukes at one an other. The Side On The Left of my screen won (They advanced to Info) and the Right Lost (Nuke Polluted they're whole island. It was extremly funny watching them do that with a good ol' bag of popcorn. Sadly though the victors left the planet and as i searched for any other life i found a little reptile... He Has A Little Adventure of his own. Story 4 1/2: River Wars Continued. (By Death 2000) Well as you read i searched the planet for any life and found a small reptile walking around the wastelands of the right side (The Losers) and it started to spawn. Once they got to the civilized stage they started to spread out and rule the planet. They got to the atomic age and ruled both islands... Until i provoked them again heheheh... They ended up nukeing each other again BUT This time there was no victor... The World was Ruined And Life Was destroyed... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! --------------------------------(Help)--------------------------------- Yo. If you are reading this please could you help me with one thing. The little bar graph which says Energy Allocation and Energy Distrubution well what the hell does it do? if you know PLEASE e-mail me what! you will be put in the Credits list for telling me (Only if you got a Nick or a real Name). Thanks in Advance. Come on guys! If you dont tell me alot of other people will not know also... -----------------------------(Legend)---------------------------------- "Whatever": Anything inside those Brackets means False or a Nick (example: "Family" Means my Family 'cept i was Adopted so they aint Real Family, And Jeff "Vet" Rash means Vet is Jeff's Nickname.) (Whatever): Anything inside those Brackets means its either helpful or me just rambling off. Freeze & Burn: That means you set the climate to real cold (0% Solar impact, 100% Cloud & Rain, 0% Core Heat) Untill the World is all Artic then you up the heat (100% Solar Impact, 0% Cloud & Rain, 100% Core Heat) That usally teaches those Animals a thing or two and also usually make the world new (Sorry, Nuke Marks still remain) And ends up wipeing life out (I think you only need to freeze or burn it but hey its more fun doing both!) Dinos: My Reference to whatever Faction you picked to rule the World, Since Dinos are my favirote i picked that. ---------------------------(Terraformers)------------------------------ This Is a Guide For Terraformers that you can make and what they do! O2 Generator: Makes Oxygen. PROS: Cools Down Temp & Allows Life. CONS: Causes Fires & If Many Can Scorch The Earth. N2 Generator: Make Nitrogen. PROS: Raises Air Pressure which causes the Temp to stay normal. CONS: NONE! CO2 Genrator: Makes Carbon Dioxide. PROS: Allows Plant Life. CONS: Raises Heat Dramaticly. Biome Factory: Makes Biomes. Thats It. Monolith: Chance Of Advancing to the next Stage of life. I think its chance is on how evolved the animal who will be used with the monolith is. Verify me if im wrong. Ice Meteor: Creates Oceans. Thats It. Vaporator: Makes Vapor. PROS: Causes Rain Fall and Raises Temp. CONS: Raises Temp. ----------------------------------(END)------------------------------ Soon To Come! A Walkthrough For All The Planets! Guide To All The Animals! More Short Stories! (Unless CjayC Kill's My FAQ!) Helpful hints on the Slider Scale! Also Look For My Other FAQ's ON GameFAQs! Outpost 2: Divided Destiny Guide. And The Almost Completed FAQ's! For Win Only. C&C RA Unit Tips & Tactics For EVERY RA. Age Of Empires Guide. Populous: The Beginning Tutorial. 1602 A.D. FAQ. And The Sim Mania FAQ's That are almost done! Sim Tower FAQ. Sim City (SNES, PC) FAQ. Sim Copter FAQ. Sim Isle FAQ. Sim Safari FAQ. Streets Of Sim City FAQ. Ya'll Know It's my faq by seeing my name on the front! --------------------------------(END REALLY)---------------------