Mike8787 (Porcell78@AOL.com) February 22, 2003 Version 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~THE EVEN MORE INCREDIBLE MACHINE~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~A WALKTHROUGH~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================ 1. Introduction & Updates ============================================ Welcome to my, Mike8787's, step by step walkthrough for "The Even More Incredible Machine," an extremely fun game from the Dynamix Company. This game involves using different and unusual pieces to perform tasks that one would normally solve simply. The game also involves a "Freeform Mode", in which you can create your own puzzles, or just play around with the pieces they give you. 160 great, fun levels of gameplay are open to you, and now, for those confused, I compile a walkthrough with an explanation of how to beat each level, starting with the first, and obviously, the easiest. Good luck with your playing of "The Even More Incredible Machine", I hope this guide will help you! ~*Updates*~ July 28th - 33 KB - Began FAQ, and wrote to Puzzle 12. Took a few hours, but it was worth it. July 29th - 93 KB - Wrote up puzzles 13 through 33. 20 puzzles, 3 hours. Only 127 puzzles to go (it's a good think I have an entire month to write this, it will take that long). February 16th-21st - 304 KB - Finished Puzzles 34-160. Quite a lot of work, but I procrastinated long enough. Some of this was done over the 7 some months I didn't record any updates. On to the finishing touches. ============================================ 2. Table of Contents ============================================ 1. Introduction & Updates 2. Table of Contents 3. Copyright Notice 4. Pieces & Parts List - A through GGG 5. Password Codes: Manual Pages 1 to 40 6. The Even More Incredible Machine's Puzzle Answers 1-160 -To search for a puzzle, press CRTL + F, and search for the puzzle number or part of the puzzle's name. 7. Tips & Strategies, Tricks & Secrets 8. Freeform Mode FAQ 9. Thanks Tip: To get quickly to your desired section, use your Internet's find command (CRTL + F), and search for your desired section (i.e. 6. Tips & Strategies, Tricks & Secrets), and hit "Find". ============================================ 3. Copyright Notice ============================================ I appreciate and thank everyone using my guide. However, all must know that this guide is copyrighted to Mike8787. You may not use this guide without my permission, which can be obtained by e-mailing me at the following E-mail Address : Porcell78@AOL.com . Thank you for not using this guide or reproducing any part of it without my permission. Have fun playing "The Even More Incredible Machine," and have fun with the guide! ============================================ 4. Pieces & Parts List ============================================ The following is a list and explanation of each part used in this game. At the end, I will include the several pieces that are only available on certain days, or rather, when your computer's date reads that day. This list is in the order that the pieces appear in your sidebar in a normal "The Even More Incredible Machine" game (Freeform Mode). Note: I will refer throughout to general parts as objects, pieces, items and parts. **Small Key: ~Feels Gravity~ means this item will fall or rise, instead of being grounded. ~Resizable~ means this item can be changed in size (i.e. longer, shorter). **************** A. Bowling Ball **************** Actions: Drop (All Gravity) ~Feels Gravity~ The bowling ball is the heaviest and largest ball. **************** B. Basketball **************** Actions: Drop (Regular + Strong Gravity), Rise (Weak Gravity) ~Feels Gravity~ The basketball is rather light, and will bounce a little. **************** C. Cannonball **************** Actions: Drop (All Gravity) ~Feels Gravity~ The cannonball is a heavy ball that does not bounce at all. It can be found through the parts list, as well as by being shot out of a Cannon (another item) **************** D. Baseball **************** Actions: Drop (Regular + Strong Gravity), Rise (Weak Gravity) ~Feels Gravity~ The baseball is a light and small ball, and will not bounce. **************** E. Tennis Ball **************** Actions: Drop (Regular + Strong Gravity), Rise (Weak Gravity) ~Feels Gravity~ The lightest and smallest ball, the tennis ball will bounce well. **************** F. Red Balloon **************** Actions: Rise (Regular and Weak Gravity), Fall (Heavy Gravity) ~Feels Gravity~ The red balloon is filled with helium, and will rise off the top of the screen. It can be held by string attached to another part, or popped by scissors, a spinning gear or a tack. **************** G. Teeter Totter **************** Actions: Fulcrum Power The teeter totter can be used to propel items. String can be attached to either/both ends, and produce interesting effects. **************** H. Bellows **************** Actions: Blowing (Left or Right) The bellows can only be used if something presses them, such as a ball falling on the handle, or a balloon pushing up on the handle. The wind current produced can spin a windmill, or push objects. **************** I. Automatic Boxing Glove **************** Actions: Punching (Left or Right) When it's flat end is touched by any object, the automatic boxing glove will shoot out in the direction it is facing, hitting movable objects in its path, sending them flying. **************** J. Trampoline **************** Actions: Bouncing The trampoline allows falling objects to be sent back into the air, when landing upon it. Objects falling at an angle will continue moving in at that angle, just moving back upwards. **************** K. Fan Belt **************** Actions: Transmitting Motion Using any spinning part, the fan belt will connect the two parts, causing them to spin. It is only a connecting link between the two pieces. **************** L. Metal Gear/Cog **************** Actions: Spinning The metal gear can either pop a balloon (when spinning), or transmit a spin to other gears/parts. It must be attached to a mouse exercise wheel, an automatic spinning machine, or a windmill to spin. **************** M. Conveyor Belt **************** Actions: Moving Pieces (Left or Right) ~Resizable~ The conveyor belt spins when connected to another already spinning piece by a fan belt. It will move objects placed on it in a direction. **************** N. Jack-in-the-Box **************** Actions: Catapulting (Left or Right) When the Jack-in-the-Box is turned, it will open and send anything placed on its lid flying. It must be turned by another part already spinning, connected by a fan belt. **************** O. Windmill **************** Actions: Using Wind Power (Left or Right) The windmill is used to bring power to any spinning piece through a fan belt. It can be turned left or right to change the direction of spin (and change to a desired direction for such a piece as the conveyor belt, which cannot change directions itself). It can be spun by any wind causing piece (the fan, the bellows) **************** P. Rope **************** Actions: Connecting The rope is used to connect pieces together. It can be cut by closing scissors, and holds many objects, such as the pail or the balloon. It can be used to turn on lights, hold balloons, or many other jobs. Like the fan belt, it does not affect gameplay if touched during a running machine, but is very useful. **************** Q. Metal Loop **************** Actions: Holding Rope The metal loop's job is simple - when rope needs a stable, unmoving end, tie it to the metal loop. It is another untouchable part, and cannot be moved. **************** R. Pulley **************** Actions: Rerouting Rope The pulley is used to reangle the direction rope is coming from. This allows for one to place the other end of the rope tied to anything else anywhere, and still be able to use objects that require a certain angle of rope, such as the process of firing the gun. **************** S. Gun **************** Actions: Shooting The gun, when attached to rope, and having the rope come from behind its handle, and that rope bringing pressure on the trigger (where it is tied), will shoot a bullet in the direction it is facing. This bullet can hit objects like Pokey the Cat, Bob's Fishbowl, Mel, any ball, as well as many other moving items. **************** T. Scissors **************** Actions: Popping, Cutting (Closed) The scissors have two states, open, and, when pushed on by another object, closed. If a rope is in the scissors' range when closing, it will cut the rope. Scissors can pop balloons as well. **************** U. Light Switch Outlet **************** Actions: Desired Power (Above or Below) This outlet requires one to flip the power switch before any electric machines plugged in will work. Fans and electric spinners require electric power, and can be plugged in here. Balls or other movable pieces can flick this switch. **************** V. Generator **************** Actions: Desired Power This outlet requires one to connect another piece already spinning, through fan belt, to its cog to gain power. Electrical appliances can be plugged in to this object. **************** W. Light-Powered Outlet **************** Actions: Desired Power This outlet requires one to place a turned on light source near it for power, such as the light bulb or the flashlight. This outlet can also attach only electrical appliances. **************** X. Fan **************** Actions: Wind Power The fan is an electric appliance, and requires a powered up outlet to work. It will blow many parts, once it is turned on. Note: An object is only plugged in when one of the outlets turns black. Therefore, you can actually plug two appliances into one outlet source, as it has two outlets for plugging in. **************** Y. Electric Motor **************** Actions: Spinning This object, when plugged in and powered up, spins a large cog, allowing one to, by attaching it to another item by fan belt, activate that item's spinning action. **************** Z. Magnifying Glass **************** Actions: Lighting a Fuse (Left or Right) The magnifying glass does not affect actual gameplay, in that it cannot be hit by other parts in a machine. However, when subjected to either light source, and posed in the correct direction, it will light a fuse. It can light rockets, dynamite, cannons, candles and more - basically anything with a fuse or wick. **************** AA. Flashlight **************** Actions: Lighting The flashlight is primarily used in conjunction with the magnifying glass, in which it is used as the light source to light the fuse (as many know, when light is put through a magnifying glass, it is centered and can burn!). It must be turned on, however, by having any moving object dropped on it (turning on its switch). This part can also be used to power up the light-powered outlet, this not needing the magnifying glass to do. **************** BB. Light with Drawstring **************** Actions: Lighting The light with drawstring works exactly like the flashlight, except for, instead of need an object being dropped on it to work, it must have its drawstring pulled, which requires one to attach it to a weighed down piece of rope (a piece of rope that is attached to another object that will allow it to be pulled.) The string can be pulled up or down, your choice. This item also allows light, with a magnifying glass, and powering of a light-powered outlet. **************** CC. Cannon **************** Actions: Shooting Cannonball This item can only work if its fuse is lit, requiring either of the two light choices, and the magnifying glass. When lit, it shoots a cannonball in the direction it is facing. **************** DD. Dynamite **************** Actions: Exploding ~Feels Gravity~ This item requires a lit fuse to work, and therefore needs a magnifying glass and light. However, if one piece of dynamite explodes, it will, in turn, cause any other dynamite nearby to explode as well. Dynamite, upon exploding, can send nearby objects flying, and destroy any brick or wood surface (but not slanted surfaces, metal piping, metal piping curves, or pieces of earth) **************** EE. Rocket **************** Actions: Launching Upwards ~Feels Gravity~ The rocket requires a light source and magnifying glass to be launched. The end of a rocket will stay lit after it is launched, and can, in turn, light other objects with fuses. It can also pop balloons with its fuse. **************** FF. Candle **************** Actions: Being Lit & Moving ~Feels Gravity~ The candle can be lit with a magnifying glass and light source, and can be blown out using a fan or bellows. It can be used to warm the tea pot, and light other objects. Being the only easily controllable moving light source, it is unique. **************** GG. Dynamite Plunger **************** Actions: Exploding This item, much like its cousin "Dynamite", explodes. However, you must apply pressure to the plunger for it to explode. You can do this by either dropping something on the handle, or, attaching string to the handle, pulled the handle down by hanging something heavy off the string. This will not explode by ignition due to nearby exploding normal dynamite. **************** HH. Pail/Bucket **************** Actions: Catching Items ~Feels Gravity~ The pail, or bucket (it is called by both names) is used primarily to catch items like balls or animals. It must be attached to rope to work (though it will fall all the same without the rope). It can be hit by a bullet. **************** II. Bottomless Birdcage **************** Actions: Trapping ~Feels Gravity~ The bottomless birdcage is just that - a birdcage with no floor. You can drop this cage on an animal, such as Pokey the Cat, to prevent him from reaching Mort the Mouse. This can be attached to string, and is heavier than the bucket. **************** JJ. Pokey the Cat **************** Actions: Eating, Shrieking, Chasing ~Feels Gravity~ Pokey the Cat loves to eat mice - especially Mort the Mouse. When in close to distance to the mouse, he will chase, and, if he can, eat him. If he is nearby when Bob's Fishbowl is broken, he will run over for a snack there as well. If hit by an object, or put in any uncomfortable position, he will shriek, letting all the hair on his back stand up! **************** KK. Mort the Mouse **************** Actions: Eating Cheese, Running ~Feels Gravity~ Mort the Mouse runs from Pokey the Cat, is eaten by Ernie the Alligator, and loves to eat cheese - put some down and he'll head straight for it! He is tiny, and will fit through small holes. **************** LL. Mouse Exercise Wheel **************** Actions: Spinning, Running This object, when touched by another object, or frightened, will begin to spin its cog (the mouse inside will become scared, and start to run, spinning its wheel). Attached with a fan belt, it can turn any desired part of a machine. **************** MM. Bob the Fish **************** Actions: Breaking Bob the Fish does nothing in his normal state. But, once his bowl is hit, and broken, he will attract Pokey the Cat towards him. He will also die (stop flapping), having no water to swim in! **************** NN. Monkey Bike **************** Actions: Spinning Yet another devise used to spin, the money bike requires one to, attaching a heavy object or pulling force to the in front of the monkey's face, allow the monkey to ride. You will be able to attach a fan belt to his bike wheel, and attach that to which you like. But, be aware! If the monkey is hit on the head by an object, he will stop pedaling for a moment, experiencing a starry headache! **************** OO. Brick **************** Actions: Ground ~Resizable~ One of the many forms of ground, the brick can be destroyed by exploding dynamite. **************** PP. Metal Piping **************** Actions: Ground ~Resizable~ Another form of ground, the metal piping cannot be destroyed by exploding dynamite. **************** QQ. Metal Piping Curve **************** Actions: Corner ~Resizable~ Used to form a corner or lip when making ground, Metal Piping Curve can bend in four different directions, and cannot be destroyed by exploding dynamite. **************** RR. Wood **************** Actions: Ground ~Resizable Yet another form of ground. This can be destroyed by exploding dynamite. **************** SS. Wooden Slant/Slope **************** Actions: Incline, Downward Slope ~Resizable~ Basically a slant. It can be very steep (short), or almost level (long). It is not able to be destroyed by dynamite. **************** TT. Vacuum Cleaner **************** Actions: Sucking This item must be plugged in to work. When turned on, it begins to suck up all that's around it. Any item that "feels gravity" will be sucked inside. Place a piece of brick over its opening, and items will be sucked up against the wood, but not in! Make your tennis balls float! **************** UU. Cheese **************** Actions: Attracting Mort ~Feels Gravity~ This object is appealing to mice, so Mort the Mouse runs towards it, if it is in his vicinity. When he reaches it, it does not get "eaten", per se, as other items might, but rather lays still while Mort lays next to it. **************** VV. Tack **************** Actions: Ground, Popping The tack, when many are placed next to each other, can form a nice walkway. When a balloon hits the bottom, sharp point of the tack, it pops. **************** WW. Mel **************** Actions: Walking, Falling, Dying ~Feels Gravity~ Mel can do many things. He is a little person who walks in the direction you aimed him until he either dies or hits a wall, the latter in which he will turn around and walk the other way. Mel can die by falling too far, being eaten by Ernie the Alligator, or hitting a wall too quickly (a fast bash). He will only stop walking, otherwise, if he reaches his home, another item. **************** XX. Mel's House **************** Actions: Housing Mel Mel's house does one thing - when he walks past it, he enters the door, and he is safe. The usually dark house will light up when he enters, with smoke pouring out the chimney. You can also see him through the window! The house saved this little guy from walking forever - or dying! **************** YY. Rubber Ball **************** Actions: Bouncing ~Feels Gravity~ This item is basically a "Bouncy Ball", a rubber ball that bounces all over. When bounced on a flat surface, it will just go up and down endlessly. But, upon hitting an angle, the ball will fly around the machine, most likely shooting off the sides and into oblivion. **************** ZZ. Piece of Earth **************** Actions: Ground Another piece of ground. It cannot be destroyed by dynamite. Nothing special. **************** AAA. Ernie the Alligator **************** Actions: Tail Bouncing, Eating The Ernie the Alligator can do many things. He will eat both Mort the Mouse and Mort, but will not move. He is a stationary part of the machine. If a ball or another item hits Ernie the Alligator's tail (which is throughout a running machine shaking up and down), it will hit it away. If a ball is dropped straight down on his tail, it will bounce it back straight up, so the ball stays in a stead bounce on its tail. **************** BBB. Teapot **************** Actions: Steaming ~Feels Gravity~ The teapot is just a plain item until you find a way to heat it underneath - usually done by lighting a candle underneath. This causes the teapot to spew steam in an either up-right or up-left direction. The teapot also moves backwards, the steam pushing it back, so be sure to make sure the teapot can't fall off the edge of piece of ground! **************** CCC. 8-Ball **************** Actions: Floating, Soaring The 8-ball is unlike the other balls, in that it does not fall. It just floats, until hit. Think of yourself looking straight down at the top of a pool table. The 8-ball acts as if that were true. The 8-ball will, when hit, fly in that direction, and bounce until it loses momentum. **************** DDD. Pinball Bumper **************** Actions: Bouncing Objects When an object hits a pinball bumper, it is sent flying the other way. Much like a bumper in an actual pinball game, "The Even More Incredible Machine"'s Pinball Bumper knocks touching puzzle parts away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SECRET DATE MACHINE PARTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **************** EEE. Halloween Pumpkin **************** Actions: Drop (All Gravity) This acts like a ball, but, of course, is not. Just change the date on your computer to October 31, and you can access this item. **************** FFF. Christmas Tree **************** Actions: Nothing The Christmas Tree is just a barrier. Things can hit it, things can walk into it. Change your computer's date to December 25 to access this item. **************** GGG. Irish Shamrock **************** Actions: Drop (Normal and Strong Gravity), Rise (Weak Gravity) This is just another item - it bounces a little. Change your computer's date to March 17, St. Patrick's Day, to get this object. **************** HHH. Valentine's Day Balloon **************** Actions: Rise (Normal and Weak Gravity), Drop (Strong Gravity) Just like a normal balloon, but heart shaped, and it WONT POP! Retrievable on February 14th, Valentine's Day, of any year. Change your computer's date to get it. This ends the description of "The Even More Incredible Machine"'s game parts. If you find any description confusing or incomplete, or I somehow missed a part (Hey, no one's perfect), please, e-mail me with the problem. ============================================ 5. Password Codes: Manual Pages 1 to 40 ============================================ To begin playing "The Even More Incredible Machine", you must first input a "password" that refers to pages in the game's manual. For those who have lost the manual, and therefore cannot start the game, I have compiled each page's passwords below. Note: The passwords are composed of a combination of parts from the game. You must pick the correct machine parts in the correct order to enter. The order and pieces are both equally important. Enter them as you see them below. Note 2: I have found that the earlier passwords are used almost exclusively. Passwords 20 and more I have never been asked for, but I will list anyways. ******************** Page 1: Vacuum, Mel, Pokey the Cat ******************** Page 2: Ernie the Alligator, Bob the Fish, Pinball Bumper ******************** Page 3: Teapot, Cheese, Fan ******************** Page 4: Tack, 8-Ball, Light with Drawstring ******************** Page 5: Cheese, Bowling Ball, Pinball Bumper ******************** Page 6: Rocket, Dynamite, Ernie the Alligator ******************** Page 7: Mel's House, Fan, Vacuum ******************** Page 8: Gun, Teapot, Mel ******************** Page 9: Bowling Ball, 8-Ball, Cheese ******************** Page 10: Mel, Light with Drawstring, Teapot ******************** Page 11: Cheese, Ernie the Alligator, Mel ******************** Page 12: Pinball Bumper, 8-Ball, Light with Drawstring ******************** Page 13: 8-Ball, Mel's House, Ernie the Alligator ******************** Page 14: Teapot, 8-Ball, Cheese ******************** Page 15: Light with Drawstring, Dynamite, Pinball Bumper ******************** Page 16: Ernie the Alligator, Gun, 8-Ball ******************** Page 17: Tack, Cheese, Bowling Ball ******************** Page 18: Bob the Fish, Mel's House, Pinball Bumper ******************** Page 19: Fan, 8-Ball, Teapot ******************** Page 20: Tack, Mel, Mel ******************** Page 21: Vacuum, Fan, Rocket ******************** Page 22: Gun, Vacuum, Mel ******************** Page 23: Cheese, Pokey the Cat, Cheese ******************** Page 24: Mel, Mel, Mel ******************** Page 25: Mel's House, Gun, Rocket ******************** Page 26: Tack, Teapot, Ernie the Alligator ******************** Page 27: Pokey the Cat, Dynamite, Light with Drawstring ******************** Page 28: Pinball Bumper, Dynamite, Mel ******************** Page 29: Mel, Vacuum, Pokey the Cat ******************** Page 30: Gun, Teapot, Fan ******************** Page 31: Teapot, Rocket, Rocket ******************** Page 32: Teapot, Bowling Ball, Mel ******************** Page 33: Mel's House, 8-Ball, Light with Drawstring ******************** Page 34: Bowling Ball, Ernie the Alligator, Mel ******************** Page 35: Tack, Tack, Tack ******************** Page 36: Cheese, Light with Drawstring, Mel ******************** Page 37: Bowling Ball, Cheese, Bowling Ball ******************** Page 38: Teapot, Gun, Mel ******************** Page 39: Cheese, 8-Ball, Tack ******************** Page 40: Mel's House, Fan, Gun ******************** ============================================ 6. The Even More Incredible Machine's Puzzle Answers ============================================ Here's the reason you came, folks. The puzzle answers, in detail, for each of the one hundred and sixty puzzles this game features. I hope they will help you in your quest to be a "The Even More Incredible Machine's" master. Always Remember to have fun, and to take a break with some Freeform Mode - your work will be safe until you return! Note: When you insert a puzzle password, as listed below, at the puzzle selection screen, it will take you to the puzzle after the one you beat to get the password. Do not use these passwords to get back to puzzles you like, as they will always take you one away, to the next puzzle! ******************************* Puzzle 1: TUTORIAL: PUT THE BALL IN THE HOOP ******************************* Directions: Make the basketball go through the hoop. Machine Parts: 3 Fan Belts, 3 Mouse Exercise Wheels, 3 Slants This is the first and easiest puzzle. First, place a mouse exercise wheel under the left-most bowling ball - the one floating in mid-air. Then, attach it to the conveyor belt to the right of it with a fan belt. Moving to the next bowling ball, place another mouse exercise wheel next to this ball, on the right. Attach it to the middle conveyor with a fan belt. Place the last mouse exercise wheel to the right of the third bowling ball, which is resting on the middle conveyor. Attach this to the top conveyor belt with your last fan belt. Now, make a ramp from the right of the top conveyor belt that meets with the left side of the "hoop". Use all three slants just to be safe (you will have to resize them). Press the "Start Machine Button" in the upper-right of the screen. A win! Puzzle Password: SIERRA ******************************* Puzzle 2: TUTORIAL: MIRROR IMAGES ******************************* Directions: Put both bowling balls in the metal baskets. To solve this puzzle you must place and flip the mouse cage and then hook up the fan belt to the conveyor belt. Machine Parts: Basketball, Fan Belt, Mouse Exercise Wheel To solve this puzzle, you need to copy exactly what you see on the left side of the screen. You must flip the mouse exercise wheel so the mouse inside is facing left (i.e. so the conveyor belt will go left. Also, look at the other mouse. He is facing right, so shouldn't this mouse face the opposite way?) Place the basketball inside the brick square, above where you will place the mouse exercise wheel. Place and attach the wheel to the conveyor belt below. Press "Start Machine". Congratulations! Puzzle Password: DYNAMIX ******************************* Puzzle 3: TUTORIAL: BELLOWS AND BALLONS ******************************* Directions: You must pop all the balloons Machine Parts: Basketball, Tennis Ball, 2 Bellows, Scissors First off, you can be happy that one balloon is already popped for you! That only leaves two. To finish off the top-most balloon, place one of the bellows to the right of it, the point facing the balloon. Place the basketball above it, so it will drop down and make the bellow work, which will blow the balloon into the gears. Two balloons down, one to go! Place the scissors to the right of the bottom-most balloon, so the sharp points are facing the balloon. On the left side, place the second bellows so they are facing the balloon. Put the tennis ball above the bellows, so they will blow the balloon into the scissors. Start the machine, and you've got another win! Puzzle Password: MACHINE ******************************* Puzzle 4: TUTORIAL: FLIP, FLIP, FLIP ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to make the bowling ball fall off the bottom of the screen. Machine Parts: Four Teeter Totters This is a simple puzzle. Just follow the pattern you see with the first two cannonball set ups - put the teeter totters so they catch the ball against the wall, and will send it up into the air when the ball behind it hits the opposite end of the teeter totter. On the bottom half, you will be forced to flip the teeter totters over, but no big problem. Put in all four teeter totters, hit start, and your done! Puzzle Password: DISK ******************************* Puzzle 5: TUTORIAL: PUNCH OUT ******************************* Directions: Use the boxing gloves to punch the baseball up to the metal pipes. Machine Parts: 2 Teeter Totters, 2 Automatic Boxing Gloves This puzzle is simply because it basically asks "What part that you have fits here?" You have to put a teeter totter under the first cannonball you come to, an automatic boxing glove on the left side of the wood next to the second boxing glove, another teeter totter under the second cannon ball, and a boxing glove behind the baseball at the very bottom. Some alternating and switching may be necessary, but overall, it is simple. Press Start after you've done, this, and your finished. Puzzle Password: SHUTTLE ******************************* Puzzle 6: TUTORIAL: BOUNCING OVER TO MORT ******************************* Directions: Make Mort the Mouse Run in his cage by hitting the cage with the basketball. Machine Parts: 3 Trampolines This puzzle I can't give you much help with. Just keep starting the puzzle, and aiming with the trampolines. You'll have to place them at certain intervals along the screen, so the ball bounces consecutively from one to the other, and then onto the mouse exercise machine. It all depends on where you put your first trampoline. It's not too hard though, and, if it takes you a while to get the hand of it, don't worry, there are only one or two other puzzles here that actually use this "principle" again. To make things easier for yourself, be sure to make your last trampoline much higher than the rest, so the ball will easily come near the mouse exercise machine. Puzzle Password: SATURN ******************************* Puzzle 7: TUTORIAL: JACK SAYS, "HI, BOB!" ******************************* Directions: Make the jack-in-the-box break the fishbowl of Bob the Fish. Machine Parts: 2 Fan Belts, Mouse Exercise Machine This puzzle looks difficult when you first see it. But, and this being a tip I would suggest for all puzzles, hit start before you do anything. Oh, wow, there's barely anything you have to do to finish this puzzle! All the complex stuff is already done! Just connect the top mouse exercise machine to the top jack-in-the-box with a fan belt. Then, place your mouse exercise machine at the bottom left outside corner of the brick square. Attach this exercise machine to the jack-in-the-box below the brick square with a fan belt. Press start again...and you're done! Puzzle Password: KING ******************************* Puzzle 8: TUTORIAL: TILTING AT WINDMILLS ******************************* Directions: All you need to do is pop the balloon. Note that you must flip the windmill to select which direction it turns. Machine Parts: 2 Bellows, 2 Fan Belts, 2 Windmills To start this puzzle, first reverse a windmill and place it in front of the bellows at the top of the screen. Attach this windmill with one of your fan belts to the conveyor belt below. Then, go to the bottom half of the screen. Place a bellows facing right so that the handle is below the small hole in the right side of the wooden ground in the middle of the screen. place your second windmill (un-reversed) in front of it. Attach this bellow to the second, lower conveyor belt. Repeat what you did with the bellows for the second hole in the wood on the right side, this on the lower wood ground. Also, point this bellow to the left, and make sure it is level with the windmill at the bottom. Press start, and you win! Puzzle Password: DRAGON ******************************* Puzzle 9: TUTORIAL: LOWER ALL THE BUCKETS ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to lower all three buckets. To do this you must cut both ropes with the scissors. Machine Parts: Cannonball, Trampoline, Scissors Easy. You have to bounce the baseball back up towards the already posed scissors to cut down those two buckets. However, an integral part of this puzzle is to not get your farthermost bucket stuck on the trampoline you will use, as that will cause you to fail. You must place the trampoline so the baseball hits it on the trampoline's right side - so it is not under the bucket. Don't worry, it will still work. The second bucket is easily cut down by just dropping the cannonball on the scissors. Ta da! Puzzle Password: ANTS ******************************* Puzzle 10: TUTORIAL: BANG, BANG, BANG ******************************* Directions: You must shoot all three guns. Machine Parts: 2 Ropes, Gun, Bucket Another one of those puzzles where they do some of the work for you. Press Start - the upper left gun already goes off. Also, notice what the bucket does, as it serves two purposes in this puzzle. It pushes that teeter totter. Hmm... First off, place a gun on the left side of the screen. Take a rope, attach it to the left side of the teeter totter, then weave it through the two pulleys, the one on the right first, left second. Then attach it to the gun. Then, just put the bucket below the gun on the right side of the screen, and attach it to the gun with rope. Press Start. Puzzle Password: BASEBALL ******************************* Puzzle 11: TUTORIAL: LIKE A HURRICANE ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to turn on all the fans. You must flip the light switch to provide power to the electric plug. The initial state of all plugs is off. Machine Parts: Trampoline, 2 Fans "Use the Fans, Luke! Use the Fans!" No, that isn't the quote from Star Wars, but if it was, boy would it apply here. What you have to do first is place a fan by each unoccupied outlet (one per each, to keep the game fun. We all know you could bunch them up, but let's play fair) - one at the bottom left, one at the upper right. Make sure the one at the upper right is facing to the left, and make sure all fans are PLUGGED IN (one of the outlets turns to a black circle). Put the trampoline below the baseball, but also below the light switch it wants to hit, but is pointed down. The trampoline will send the ball back up, hit the switch, which will cause the fan you plugged in to blow the balloon to the left, up and turn on the switch. The fan on the bottom left will just turn on when the cannonball passes by - don't worry. Puzzle Password: BEAR ******************************* Puzzle 12: TUTORIAL: GENERATORS AND MOTORS ******************************* Directions: Make the tennis ball fall down into the pipe hole. Generators will take turning motion and provide electricity. The electric motor must be plugged in to run. Machine Parts: 3 Fan Belts, Windmill, Generator, Fan, Electric Motor Oh, finally one where we have to really work. First, place a windmill in front of the upper right fan - some distance away so you can attach it to the generator to the left of it with a fan belt. Then, plug your electric motor into the generator, but be sure to reverse it, first! Attach the electric motor to the conveyor belt with the basketball on top. Then, moving on to the mouse exercise wheel, place your generator below and a bit to the left of it. Attach the two with your last fan belt. Then, place your fan to the right of the generator - be sure it is plugged in and facing right. Make sure, also, that the fan is in a position where it can blow at the tennis ball. Press Start, and watch the machine move, step by step, to achieve success. Puzzle Password: FISH ******************************* Puzzle 13: TUTORIAL: PUTTING THE GEARS IN MOTION ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to make all the gears on screen turn. Shining light on the solar panel will make the electric plug active. Machine Parts: 3 Fan Belts, Rope, Fan, Electric Motor, Flashlight First, reverse the electric motor in your inventory. Plug it in to the topmost plug (on the left side of the screen), and attach it to the conveyor belt below, the belt with the cannonball on it, with one of your fan belts. Next, moving to the right of the conveyor, place a flashlight below the gap between the two metal piping pieces, so that it faces the light-powered outlet (the cannonball will roll onto it from the conveyor, turning it on so it can power the outlet). Reverse the fan, and plug it in below the outlet you just set up power for with the flashlight (so it faces the windmill in the center). Moving on to the windmill, attach it to the conveyor belt below the bucket. Attach the bucket's handle to the light and drawstring below. Your almost done - just attach the electric motor at the bottom to the three metal gears with your last fan belt. Press start - you've won! Puzzle Password: DALE ******************************* Puzzle 14: TUTORIAL: LIGHTING A FUSE ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to fire all of the cannons. You will need to flip one of the magnifying glasses so the light is focused correctly. Machine Parts: 2 Magnifying Glasses, 2 Flashlights This puzzle is just testing to see if you understand how to use magnifying glasses. Don't worry, it's very easy. Take a look at the set up they have shown you - this is how it works. Just place the flashlight so it points at a fuse, and place a magnifying glass in front of it. However, you must tilt the magnifying glass the correct way to get it to work. It's just a quick switch if you don't get it the first time, so don't worry. Just copy the pattern you see with the magnifying glass and flashlight at the first cannon for the other two. You will turn on the other flashlights with the cannonballs shot from these cannons. With the nice, tight tunnels they made for you, it will be easy to aim the flashlight (the ball has to fall straight down). Remember to reverse the flashlight to face left, and flip the magnifying glass for the middle cannon. Just aim them right, and you'll win easily. Puzzle Password: CHESTERTON ******************************* Puzzle 15: TUTORIAL: BOOM, BOOM, BANG ******************************* Directions: All you need to do is fire the cannon. Machine Parts: Rope, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, Dynamite Meet your new friend, Dynamite! This puzzle is also a simple introductory to a new piece, and should be easy, and logical. First, attach the bucket to the light and drawstring with your rope. Then, go down to the cannon, and place the magnifying glass and flashlight. Be sure to reverse both (a tip to remember is that, whenever you have to flip the flashlight, you have to flip the magnifying glass as well). Now move back to work with your dynamite. It needs to be flipped, first of all. Then, you have to place it on the small piece of brick below the basketball. Make sure it is not directly under the basketball, but a little to the left. This way, the basketball will fly to the right, instead of up, when the dynamite is lit and explodes. Hit start. Bravo! Puzzle Password: SIZE ******************************* Puzzle 16: TUTORIAL: BLASTOFF ******************************* Directions: You must light the candle Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Rope, Pulley, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, (SECOND PAGE) Light with Drawstring Press Start, first off all. This is one of those puzzles where they do a lot of the work. Place and reverse the teeter totter so the left side is up. Move it until, when the machine is run, the bowling ball will fly off and hit it. Place the light with drawstring and a magnifying glass to the right of the candle (ignore the rocket and balloon. They can actually be skipped in this puzzle). Place a pulley below the light with drawstring, and then attach a string to the drawstring, through the pulley, and to the right, lowered side of the teeter totter. Press start. The candle should light. Note: You do not need the second pulley, the second magnifying glass, or the flashlight to actually complete this puzzle (to actually do so might be more complex than it's worth) Puzzle Password: IRELAND ******************************* Puzzle 17: TUTORIAL: DOING SOME BLASTING ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to push both plungers down and set off the dynamite. Make sure you explode all dynamite that is on the playfield. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Rope, Pulley, 3 Dynamites Press Start, and watch the bowling ball fall down. That's a waste of work...they could have just dropped it and worked past all that woodwork and plunger work. Place the teeter totter below where the bowling ball falls, so it will hit and knock the right side down. Place the pulley directly behind the gun, and attach the rope to the gun, through the pulley, and onto the left, lowered side of the teeter totter. Going to the left side of the machine, place your three pieces of dynamite on the three ledges built in the brick square. Place the topmost piece of dynamite on the top ledge inside, which is the ledge just below the bowling ball, but make sure it is to the left of the bowling ball, so it will make it roll to the right, and hit the dynamite plunger. Press start! Congratulations. Puzzle Password: WORD ******************************* Puzzle 18: TUTORIAL: SENDING MORT THE MOUSE HOME ******************************* Directions: Get Mort the Mouse safely to the mouse hole in the bottom right part of the screen a broken fishbowl will attract Pokey the Cat. Machine Parts: Trampoline, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, Pokey the Cat Step 1 - place your trampoline below the bowling ball at the very bottom left side of the game screen. Then, look at Mort the Mouse. Isn't he at an unusual height? Why, you could fit a conveyor belt under him - do, and attach it to the mouse exercise wheel above. Then, on the brick directly to the right of the bowling ball, place Pokey the Cat (they're triplets), and reverse him so he is facing right. Press Start. Bingo! Puzzle Password: BRIEF ******************************* Puzzle 19: TUTORIAL: MONKEY BUSINESS ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to make both monkeys ride their bicycles. Machine Parts: 2 Ropes, 2 Pulleys, Light with Drawstring, Rocket Press Start, first. Watch the cage fall off the screen, and realize also that half your work has been done for you! One monkey is already pedaling! Also, see that the reason the monkey pedals is because its shade is opened, and it wants to get to the banana. First, place the light with drawstring to the right of the magnifying glass at the bottom of the screen. Attach this with rope to the bottomless birdcage. On the metal piping to the left of the magnifying glass, place your rocket. Then, placing a pulley below the shade of the left-most monkey, attach the shade to rope, loop it through the pulley, and attach it to the lowered, right side of the teeter totter. The rocket will push it up when it launches. Press Start, and your a winner! Puzzle Password: HOT DOG ******************************* Puzzle 20: TUTORIAL: BRIDGING THE GAP ******************************* Directions: The basketball must cross all the gaps. To solve this puzzle you must connect two of the teeter-totters with a rope passing through the pulleys. You must also stretch an incline smaller to fill in one of the gaps. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Rope, Wooden Slant First, reverse the teeter totter so the left side is down, and fill in the first, large gap in the slope by matching the bottom left tip of the slope with the teeter totter (making it so the basketball should move smoothly on it, not hitting the edge. Taking your rope, attach it to the left side of your placed teeter totter. Loops the rope through the two pulleys, and then attach it to the lower of the two teeter totters on the right (the one that is also embedded in the slope), and to its left side, which is pointing up. Fill in the small hole in the middle of the track with your piece of slope. You will half to resize it to be one notch shorter. Press Start and look! You won! Puzzle Password: COUNTDOWN ******************************* Puzzle 21: TUTORIAL: CLIMBING A HILL ******************************* Directions: Make the ball climb the hill and knock Pokey the Cat off the cliff. To solve this puzzle you need to place the mouse cages to that the ball rolls over them. Machine Parts: 2 Fan Belts, 2 Conveyor Belts, 2 Mouse Exercise Wheels Press start, and see how the first stop works. You need to copy this. Taking your mouse exercise wheel, look at the center gap in the track. making it level, place it as left as you can, but even with the slope so the ball can over the upwards slant, and onto the mouse exercise wheel. Then, take your conveyor belt, shrink it to the smallest size, and fit it between the next piece of upward slope and the mouse exercise wheel. Attach them with your first fan belt. Repeat this process with the upper gap, so you have an upward incline, then a flat surface, then an incline again. As it works, the bowling ball has enough momentum to make it up the incline, upset the mouse so he starts running in his wheel, and roll onto the conveyor belt, which is, by now, spinning fast due to the scared mouse it is attached to. The top combined mouse exercise wheel/conveyor belt will push the bowling ball up, and knock it into Pokey the Cat, who just jumps off the edge! Press start and see for yourself! Note: Make sure your mice exercise wheels are facing to the right. Puzzle Password: PSALMS *~~Note: You've beaten all the tutorial levels! Congratulations! However, now the levels will be more difficult! Be prepared. ******************************* Puzzle 22: TURN, TURN, TURN... POP, POP, POP ******************************* Directions: Pop any three of the four balloons. Gears that are turning will pop any balloons that come in contact with them. Machine Parts: 4 Fan Belts, Metal Gear, Rope This is the ultimate fan belt machine. First, attach the wheel of the lower monkey with the gear directly behind it. Add your gear (in your inventory) to those two gears, so it is directly to the left of the top gear. Attach this gear to the conveyor belt above it. Then, moving on to the mouse exercise machine on the right, attach that to the gear at the far top middle of the screen, with the balloon resting on it. Don't worry, the fan belt will barely stretch that far. Moving to the left side of the game screen, attach the up, left side of the teeter totter to the upper left monkey's blinds with your rope. Then, attach the two gears below it, the one that has the balloon resting on it (that is all alone), and the one that is linked with the top gear directly below the monkey (you get the idea). Press start! Woo hoo, popping balloons! Note: You could pop the other balloon if you'd liked, but it would've been a lot of work, and these three are very easy to get. Puzzle Password: TANK ******************************* Puzzle 23: TRICK SHOOTING ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to make the three baseballs, but none of the tennis balls, go into the container on the right. Machine Parts: 3 ropes, 3 Pulleys, 3 Guns Agh. I hate this machine. This is complete luck, and I can't help you much. What you have to do is have patience with this machine. Set up your guns (using your pulley, you can attach two guns to one of the teeter totters, and one to the other. Just maneuver those pulleys around until the gun is in a position related to the teeter totter than it would get pulled, rather than go limp). You have to shoot the balls, and I admit, I can't do this at times. Just work at it, and figure out a pattern. The bullets shoot almost instantly, but still place each of your guns somewhat below the ball. Just have patience...when you're done, and you win, you definitely deserve a pat on the back. Puzzle Password: NIGHT ******************************* Puzzle 24: SAVE THE BALLOONS ******************************* Directions: Don't let any of the balloons pop. Machine Parts: Rope Ok, this is simple. Just connect the two balloons that have no rope, and weave them through the unused pulleys. That was easy. Puzzle Password: GAMES ******************************* Puzzle 25: POP TWO BALLOONS ******************************* Directions: Pop the two rightmost balloons Machine Parts: Bowling Ball, 2 Balloons, 3 Ropes, 3 Pulleys Despite what the name says, you can't choose to pop the left balloon. However, you need to use this balloon to solve the puzzle. First, put the bowling bowl on top of the mouse exercise wheel. Now the gear is spinning. You're halfway there, not to mention the fact that now one of the balloons, the middle one, is directly below the spinning gear, and will pop. Now, to pop the other balloon, you need to get out your pulley - just one, mind you, and a rope. Now, see that little piece of brick on the bottom, all alone, just a piece? Place your pulley directly on the right of that, and attach the left-most and right-most balloons through the pulley. Press Start, and another win. Note: You don't need all that other junk - the 2 extra balloons, the other puzzle, the other rope, to solve this puzzle. It's just extra baggage you don't want! Puzzle Password: WESTERN ******************************* Puzzle 26: DROPPING THE BALL ******************************* Directions: You need to make the bowling ball drop down into the cave. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 2 Fan Belts, 3 Metal Gears, 2 Conveyor Belts, 2 Ropes, (SECOND PAGE) 2 Pulleys, Gun, Magnifying Glass, Light with Drawstring, Mouse Exercise Wheel, (THIRD PAGE) Monkey Bike, Wooden Slope There are a whole lot of parts in this machine, and I assure you, some will be left unused. However, this is a very complex puzzle, as you have to time it right. I'll explain my way of time it, using random pieces to bounce stuff, etc. You don't have to do it this way, though. First, place your light and drawstring and your magnifying glass in position to the left of the cannon (magnifying glass closest, then light with drawstring). Placing a pulley below the light with drawstring, but at the very bottom of the screen, attach this with your rope to the down facing left side of the teeter totter on the far left. Place the wooden slant in the path of the cannon, so will deflect down, towards the buckets. In fact, aim it so it will land in a bucket. Next to the other teeter totter, but below it, and where the bowling ball rolls off, place your other teeter totter. Also, place your gun between the two buckets, facing right, and so it can shoot, when the trigger is pulled, through the small brick passageway leading to the bowling ball at the bottom right. The buckets are currently in the way, but, when the cannonball falls into them, it will pull one up, one down, and out of the gun's path. Here's the difficulty: It takes the puzzle a shorter time to shoot the gun than to shoot the cannonball into the bucket, so, left alone, the gun will shoot the bucket, still blocked. Using the gears, conveyors, etc, build a small tunnel at the upper left that will slow down your bowling ball. You can do this however you like, and, if you fiddle with it, and your placement of the wooden slant which deflects the cannonball, you can speed up the cannon's part in the puzzle, and slow down the gun. Eventually, your timing will be right, and the bucket will rise before the gun goes off, which will shoot the bowling ball into the brick square. Puzzle Password: LOG HOME ******************************* Puzzle 27: POPPING BALLOONS ON THE MOON ******************************* Note: The moon has different gravity and air pressure than the usual puzzles. Note how this causes balloon to fall, rather than rise. They will act like very light balls that do not bounce, but will go high when hit by a trampoline. Directions: Pop all three balloons. Note that you are on the moon. Machine Parts: 2 Automatic Boxing Gloves, 2 Ropes, 2 Gun, 2 Wooden Slopes A few useful things I found about both the automatic boxing glove and the gun is that their curves will cause objects, like balls and balloons, to curve off them. So, if you run out of slopes, use another item to aim these balloons for popping. First, place one slop between the metal piping in the center, and the pointed scissors, so it is sloping towards the scissors. This balloon will slide straight into them. Then, place a gun so it is aimed directly at the center of the teeter totter. Loop the rope from the gun, to the BOTTOM pulley, then the TOP pulley, then to the right, upper pointed side of the teeter totter. In essence, the balloon's weight will cause the gun to shoot it. The last balloon requires you second slop. Place it adjacent to the trampoline, so the balloon will slide down onto the trampoline (high on the right, low on the left. Then, place your gun, so it faces to the right, at the top of the metal piping tunnel on the left, giving enough room on the right side at the top for the balloon to be deflected through. The balloon will bounce off the gun, and hit the metal gear. Looks like you didn't need that second rope, or either of the automatic boxing gloves! Puzzle Password: GRAPHICS ******************************* Puzzle 28: A BASEBALL IN EVERY POT ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to put one baseball in each of the metal pipe containers. Machine Parts: 6 Teeter totters, 2 Trampolines, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, Mouse Exercise Machine, 2 Wooden Slopes Take my advice here. The only machine parts you will use here are the 6 teeter totters. Forget everything else. Take a look, if you want a physical hint, at puzzle #4, FLIP, FLIP, FLIP. This is exactly the same. Just place a teeter totter with the low end (it will be the left side for all balls on the left side, and the right side down for all the balls on the right) directly under the ball. Magically, the bowling ball will hit each teeter totter in turn, hitting the baseballs up, through the air, and into the bucket. Couldn't be simpler! Note: Some puzzles have un-needed pieces like this - this is a puzzle where you should NOT use every piece, no matter how you do it. The extra pieces are just there to trick you - watch for this in the future, as it will happen again. Puzzle Password: KNUTH ******************************* Puzzle 29: WEIGHING THE SITUATION ******************************* Directions: Make the baseball fall off the bottom of the screen. Machine Parts: Cannonball, 3 Tennis Balls, 2 Ropes Another timing machine - I do tire of these. You have to manage, somehow, to balance the buckets so they either rise. For the first set of buckets, connect them with your rope, and take out two tennis balls. Place one very, very close to the bucket's opening on the right, and relatively high for the left. The fact is, when the left tennis ball lands in the bucket, they both stop moving. So, to get enough room underneath for the baseball, you have to get as much time as possible for that left bucket to rise. Test this until you get it right. The second bucket set is more time consuming, as you have to balance out a cannonball and a tennis ball, which are very different weights. First, attach them through the two pulleys with rope. Then, place the tennis ball as low as possible in the right bucket. Next, look at the wooden ramp system that was made for you. Test out where to put the cannonball on this so it drops into the bucket in time with the moving baseball, as in just after the baseball passes, so the other bucket on the right will rise in time for the baseball to pass as well. It takes some patience, but you will get it. Trust me. Note: I recommend starting the ball in the middle of the second ramp from the top (the top ramp on the right side) for the cannonball. You should be able to find the right mix quickly from there. Puzzle Password: DONALD ******************************* Puzzle 30: POP ALL THE BALLOONS ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to pop both balloons. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 3 Fan Belts, 2 Conveyor Belts, 2 Ropes, Monkey Bike, (SECOND PAGE) 3 Wooden Slopes This is a very tricky puzzle. First, you must get those gears spinning. First, place a wooden slope under the bowling ball so it will run into Pokey the Cat. He gets pushed into the teeter totter, and switches it. Hey, that kind of movement could get a Monkey Bike pedaling! Pull out the monkey, but alas, you cannot pull the blinds open from above, and ACK! You have no pulleys! However, placing your teeter totter below the monkey bike, attach the right side of Pokey's teeter totter with the right side of yours below. Attach the left side of your teeter totter to the blinds, and bam, the monkey is running! Attach the spinning bike wheel to the rightmost gear. Now one balloon will pop, but the other one is off the top of the screen. Place a slope above the rightmost balloon's path, but far enough above that it can travel farther left still. Then, make a smooth 1line out of the two conveyor belts along the right of the slope, so they go all the way but two spaces from the span of the wooden wall (except for the fact that there is a hole there, imagine it went all the way up and down. Stay one space away). Place a steep slope there, so the balloon will be angled down when it hits it, and hit the spinning gears. Attach the right-most conveyor to the metal gear that is top-right most (two away from the one attached to the monkey's bike wheel). This is important, as the two other gears will spin the conveyor the wrong way. The balloon will fly right, hit the steep slow, and fly down into gear below, which is nicely uncovered by the wall. That wasn't too hard, was it? Note: If this is confusing to you, don't worry, it's hard. If you really can't understand it, e-mail me at Porcell78@AOL.com, and I will send you a screenshot of how it should look. Puzzle Password: COMPACT DISK ******************************* Puzzle 31: PUT AWAY THE BASKETBALLS ******************************* Directions: Put all the basketballs into the wooden container on the right side of the screen. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, Mouse Exercise Wheel, Wooden Slopes This looks like one of those puzzles we'd hate, but it is actually testing how imaginative you are in using random pieces as slopes. First off, take out your mouse exercise wheel and conveyor belt. Try to get the bottom ball (centered and alone) to hit the mouse exercise wheel on its corner, so it wont land and stay on top of it. Attach the conveyor, and place it against the mouse exercise wheel, but at the bottom. Put the Teeter Totter, left side up, right side down, adjacent to the conveyor belt, and then place the wooden slope adjacent to that. The wooden slope should hit the wall of the wooden basket at its tip, so the basketballs don't hit the rim and bounce out, or get stuck. Easy, just fool around with it. Puzzle Password: SHAVER LAKE ******************************* Puzzle 32: FIVE GUN SALUTE ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to shoot all five guns. Machine Parts: 2 Baseballs, 4 Teeter Totters, 9 Ropes, 2 Pulleys, 3 Scissors Place scissors pointing to the left below the already placed ball at the bottom. This will cut down two balloons. Place a teeter totter above each of the now cut balloons, both with the left facing down, the right pointing up. Attach the right side of the right teeter totter to the lowest gun on the right. Then, put a pulley on the very left side of the screen. Weave a rope from the left side of the right teeter totter to that pulley, and up to the bottom gun of the left side. That's two guns down. Place another pulley on the very far right side. Then, attach a rope to the right side of leftmost teeter totter you placed, weave the rope through the pulley you just placed, and onto the trigger of the gun farthest to the right (it is in the middle, from top to bottom). That's leaves only the two top-most guns to go. Take your scissors, and place them just to the right of the scissors already placed, facing the same direction. They will cut the rightmost balloon's string. Place one of your baseballs over them. Then, place a teeter totter just above the balloon (try to squeeze it under the one you placed above the balloon next to it. If it wont fit, just move the teeter totter on the right up a few spaces until it will). The right side of this teeter totter should be pointing upwards, so the balloon should hit the left, lowered side. Attach a rope directly from the right side of this teeter totter to the top-most gun on the right side. Only one gun left. Taking a teeter totter onto the left side, watch where the balloon you cut there rises (this is referring to the right most balloon that was one of the two you cut originally), and where it goes after it hits its teeter totter. It should float to the left, where you can get it to hit your second teeter totter. A two for one deal! Reverse this new teeter totter, and attach a rope to the left, raised side. Attach this rope to the top left gun. If the balloon successfully hits both teeter totters there, all the guns should go off. Whew...that's a lot of work. Puzzle Password: RHEUMATISM ******************************* Puzzle 33: A FAREWELL TO BALLOONS ******************************* Directions: Pop the balloon. Machine Parts: 6 Fan Belts, Metal Gear, Fan, Magnifying Glass First off, take your metal gear and place it directly above the metal gear on the bottom right. Attach this gear to the generator that is directly above it with a fan belt. Place your fan, pointing left, to the right of the rightmost switch-outleft. Press Start and watch how the fan blows the tennis ball. Maneuver the fan until the tennis ball falls down and turns on the flashlight. Place your magnifying glass to the left of the flashlight (do not reverse it). Now, you must move on to your remaining fan belts. Connect the jack-in-the-box in the center of the puzzle to the electric motor directly to the right of it. Attach the other electric motor, on the left upper side of the machine, to the generator below it. Moving on to the line of metal gears, attach the rightmost conveyor belt (they are along the bottom. This one has the candle on it) to the rightmost conveyor belt (it has no belt already attached). Note one thing. You have to place the fan is such a place that it blows the ball down in time for the flashlight to turn on AND light the candle. In some instances, the candle will not have time to light before it is sent away on the conveyor belt. Move the fan until the tennis ball makes a smooth fall down. Also, maneuver your magnifying glass. This can help as well. Puzzle Password: HARPSICHORD ******************************* Puzzle 34: POP GOES THE WEASEL ******************************* Directions: You must get the jack-in-the-box to spring up Machine Parts: 2 Teeter Totters, 4 Fan Belts, 6 Gears, 2 Ropes, Light-Powered Outlet, (SECOND PAGE) Fan, Light with Drawstring First off, reverse a teeter totter so the right side is pointed up, left down, and place the right side under the tennis ball in the upper right part of the screen (directly under it). Place, directly to the right of the basketball, and in this order, your fan (facing left), then your light-powered outlet, then your light with drawstring. Pick up your fan and place it in the same place so it will be plugged in. Loop one of your ropes from the light with drawstring, through the pulley at the bottom of the metal piping structure, and to the down, left side of the teeter totter you placed. Now, press start. You will see the basketball fly off the side of the screen. Using two at most of your gears, make it bounce down and hit the teeter totter, or mouse exercise wheel below (if it hits the teeter totter, it will turn on the excursive wheel. That is all we're look to do). Then, take out a gear, and attach it to the mouse exercise wheel. Stretch this wheel directly to the right of the mouse excursive wheel as far as it will go with the fan belt still being there. Place another gear adjacent to the first gear on its right. Then, taking a third gear, attach this to the right gear with a fan belt, and stretch this as far as it will go without losing the fan belt. Place your last gear adjacent to this one, again on the right, and attach this last gear to the jack-in-the-box on the far right. Press Start! Puzzle Password: MARKET ******************************* Puzzle 34: WHEEEEEEE! ******************************* Directions: Put the bowling ball into the metal basket Machine Parts: 2 Balloons, Teeter totter, 3 Trampolines, 2 Wooden Slants Simply Puzzle #6, BOUNCE OVER TO MORT, yet a little more difficult. First, make it so the ball can travel as far right as possible using one of your wooden slopes, and making it adjacent to the original, already placed slope, and pointing at the trampoline. Don't worry, the bowling ball will jump the hole between the long slope and the trampoline, and hit the trampoline head on. Place a trampoline directly to the right of this trampoline. Moving on to the other originally placed trampoline, farther right, place on trampoline at its upper right corner, and another on its left side, but down one notch (the trampoline's will overlap a bit on the left side, but not of the right). Overall, it will look like stairs going up, made of trampolines. If this ends up getting confusing, or doesn't work (the game can do funny things), just move the trampolines around until it works. If you have to, pull out the other wooden slope to bounce the ball in the right direction, but stay clear of the balloons and the teeter totter. Puzzle Password: DESK ******************************* Puzzle 36: POKEY AND BOB SHOOT IT OUT ******************************* Directions: Stop the shootout between Pokey the Cat and Bob the fish. You must let both guns fire, but you can't let the bullets hit Bob or Pokey Machine Parts: Bowling Ball, Scissors This is primarily a timing puzzle, nothing more. Place your scissors so they are alone the rope line, going vertical, at the top right. On the provided ramp at the top right, place the bowling ball. It will cut the scissors, making the buckets fall, and then bounce, and, if your timing is right, block the bullets if they both bounce in the way at the right time. Just try moving the scissors, the ball, flipping the scissors (a hit on the sharp end or the handle will cause them to snap shut). Just keep at it, have patience. There is a certain timing, and you should be able to get it after a while. Good luck! Puzzle Password: MYRTLE ******************************* Puzzle 37: MOUSE IN THE HOUSE ******************************* Directions: Send Mort to his house on the bottom left part of the screen. Machine Parts: 2 Fan Belts, Metal Gear, Generator, 2 Fans, Electric Motor, 3 Wooden Slopes Place one of your fans at the very top right, and make sure it is both plugged in and facing left. It will blow Mort across, but, annoyingly, he will get stuck on the slope you hit him at. Place a wooden slope, high part on the right, two spaces away from the left side of the top metal piping floor, but one notch above it. This way, Mort will hit the flat end of the slope, and fall straight down. This is the closest you can get him to fall from his perch above. Then you have to worry about Pokey the Cat. Pokey will try to eat Mort, and he is faster than the mouse, so he will catch and eat him if you don't intervene. What you do is this: Place a steep slope, pointed either way, with one notch between it and the metal piping the cat & mouse are on. Put it as far right as it can go without Pokey eating Mort - what I mean is, Mort will run under the slope, and Pokey will be too big to follow. You can get Mort to run off the edge, just keep moving the piece right notch by notch. It should work. Next, place your gear on top of the gear already supplied on the right side of the screen. Plug in your electric motor to the same outlet you plugged your first fan into (at the top right), and connect it with a fan belt to the top gear below. Then, place your generator below the gear, attach it, and then move it as far as you can off the screen, to the right. Plug in the fan, and face it left. You must move as far as you can to the right, or Mort will land on the fan and will not be blown into his home. It's easy, don't worry. Puzzle Password: QUARTERNION ******************************* Puzzle 38: INSIDE THE WALLS ******************************* Directions: You must put the bowling ball inside the brick walls. Machine Parts: Bellows, 4 Trampolines, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, Windmill, (SECOND PAGE) Scissors) First, put your scissors in position so the baseball on the right will fall on them and they will cut the balloon free. The sharp part of the scissors should be facing left. At the very, very top of the screen, place your bellows, facing left. Then, place a conveyor belt under the bowling ball, and stretch it out so it fills the small crevice meant for it. Place a windmill above the conveyor belt, in the path of the bellow's blow. Attach the windmill and conveyor belt with your fan belt. You will not need to reverse the fan belt. The ball, you will now see if you try starting the machine, will be sent flying down the small ramp, and, unfortunately, into that hole in the metal piping below its original resting place. Place one of your trampolines across that hole. Now the ball will fly out of the metal piping structure, towards the brick walls. Using your trampolines, bounce the bowling ball until it goes up and into the brick structure. Two points to you! Puzzle Password: AQUARIUM ******************************* Puzzle 39: TRAP POKEY THE CAT ******************************* Directions: You must trap Pokey the Cat in the cage. You must also make the cannon ball go into the bucket. Machine Parts: Bowling Ball, Scissors, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, Cannon, (SECOND PAGE), 2 Rockets, 2 Wooden Slopes First, trap Pokey. Take a slope, and angle it so it is aimed for him. Then, drop your bowling ball onto the slope. It will roll off, and push Pokey under the cage. Step one, done. Place your cannon wherever you choose, but facing left, and preferably on the right side of the screen. Reverse your magnifying glass and flashlight for the cannon "set-up" - instead of a ball, you will use one of your rockets to turn on the light. Place your scissors so they're set up to cut the vertical rope on the left side of the screen - you will move them for aiming later. Your goal should be to get your cannon to shoot, hit the far brick wall on the left, and hit your scissors (cutting the rope). After which, the cannonball must drop down from the scissors, into the fallen bucket (you have another wooden slope to aim just for this purpose). Ignore the second rocket. If you time it right, the cage will fall on Pokey as you cut the rope, and the ball will fall smoothly down, and into the bucket. Puzzle Password: SHOE ******************************* Puzzle 40: GOING IN THE HOLE ******************************* Directions: Make both basketballs fall into the brick hole. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, 2 Ropes, Pulley, (SECOND PAGE) Light Switch Outlet, Light-Powered Outlet, Fan, Electric Motor, Light with Drawstring, (THIRD PAGE) Dynamite Plunger You will not use all these parts. First off, place your conveyor belt under the top basketball, but make it as small as possible (short). Then, reversing the light switch outlets, place them, with the switch down, above the leftmost balloon. Place a fan, facing right, between the switch outlet and the basketball. This will blow the basketball left. Above the light switch, in the spot where the balloon would travel after flipping the switch, place your teeter totter, with the left side down, right side up. Place a pulley at the bottom of the machine screen, and put your light with a drawstring to the right of the teeter totter you just placed. To the right of the light, place your light-powered outlet. And, to the right of that, place your electric motor, and plug it in. Attach its cog to your conveyor belt with a fan belt. You now have two basketballs moving to the right, yet they wont stay there. Taking your dynamite plunger, and using the plunger and box just as a wall, place it in the blank below the leftmost basketball and the brick strip it is resting on, and make sure the plunger part is on the right side. Also, make it hover in the middle of the blank area, or your top basketball will bounce over it, and not be deflected back towards the hole. Move it around a bit, and eventually your basketballs will fall into the brick hole. Puzzle Password: FLOWER ******************************* Puzzle 41: HELP POKEY GET HOME ******************************* Directions: You must help Pokey the Cat find his way home to the house in the lower right corner of the screen. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Rope, 2 Pulleys, 2 Mice, 2 Fishbowls Two things to remember: Pokey the Cat loves to eat mice, but is only attracted to broken fishbowls. So, unless you break Bob's Bowl, he wont move. First, on the top ledge, place a mouse on the left. Then, below the hole in the two top brick pieces, place a teeter totter, with the left part up, right down. Make it so Pokey hits only the very end tip of the teeter totter. Place a pulley at the bottom of the screen, and attach the left, down side of the teeter totter, through the pulley, and to the dynamite's plunger. Place Bob's Fishbowl on the ledge just above the dynamite plunger, but to the right of it. That way, the fishbowl will not be onto of the hole that the dynamite makes, but will still break. If it was over the hole, its broken bowl would serve as floor, and Pokey wouldn't fall down. Pokey will fall to the bottom, so just place a mouse down there, far enough to the right that it will get him to run into the small wooden structure, but not too far that Pokey wont chase it. Don't worry if it gets eaten, the puzzle will be over by then. Puzzle Password: STORE ******************************* Puzzle 42: RING OF FIRE ******************************* Directions: Explode all the Dynamite Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Automatic Boxing Glove, Trampoline, 2 Magnifying Glasses, Flashlight, Cannon, 2 Wooden Slopes You will only use your magnifying glasses, your flashlight, your cannon, and perhaps you slopes (yet they are not necessary) in solving this puzzle. First, place your cannon on the ledge near the tennis ball. Intuition should tell you that that tennis ball is there to turn on your flashlight, so line it and you magnifying glass up. If you put the cannon just right, it will shoot its cannonball straight into the right bucket - if not, just use your wooden slopes to aim it there. It will drop on the flashlight - you'll have put your magnifying glass to the right of it, and KABOOM! It's a fiery flash of a win! Puzzle Password: CLARE ******************************* Puzzle 43: LOWER THE BUCKET ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to lower the bucket so that it is resting on the brick wall. Machine Parts: Bowling Ball, 5 Fan Belts, 4 Conveyor Belts, 2 Ropes, 3 Pulleys, Light-Powered Outlet, Electric Motor, Magnifying Glass, Light with Drawstring, Monkey Bike, 2 Wooden Slopes This looks very complicated, but you will only use half the pieces, so take a deep breath. First, place two long conveyor belts adjacent to the horizontal piece of brick at the bottom, so they stick out to the left, extending the floor. They wont need to turn. Place the longest form of a slope, high on the left, low on the right, on the right side of the small conveyor belt with the candle on it. Attach the candle's conveyor belt to the leftmost gear in the center with a fan belt. Then, place your light with drawstring between the gears and the rep balloon, and put your magnifying glass on the right side of it (do not reverse. Place your bowling ball above the teeter totter at the top left (so it hits the higher, right side), and also, place a pulley underneath the light with drawstring. Loop a rope from the lower, left part of the teeter totter, through the pulley, and onto the drawstring. The light should turn on when you press start. Next, place your light-powered outlet near to the light with drawstring, and plug your electric motor into it - place the motor above the gears, and attach it to the top right gear (after placing this fan belt, the two higher gears will be used, the three lower not). Don't worry above making the conveyor belts at the bottom move, the candle will have enough momentum. If all went correctly, the candle should fly down the slope, across the conveyor belts, and under balloon, where it will be lit and pop the balloon. If it bounces back out, just attach the rightmost conveyor to the rightmost gear, or move around the light with drawstring and magnifying glass until it lights (be sure to move the light-powered outlet when you do so, however, and to make sure you keep the electric motor plugged in). Puzzle Password: KERRY ******************************* Puzzle 44: PLAY A SET ******************************* Directions: Make the tennis ball go over the net. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Trampoline, Rope, Pulley, Gun, Scissors, Flashlight, Dynamite, Rocket, 3 Wood Grounds Ignore the balloon, first off all. Place the teeter totter, left side up, right side down, below the bowling ball on the right. Place the gun so it is facing left, and its barrel is aimed down the tunnel with the baseball in it. Place a pulley behind the gun. Attach the top right part of the teeter totter to rope, take it through the pulley, and attach it to the gun. Moving to the other side of the game screen, place your first wooden wall vertically, so it runs down the left side of the bucket. Then, place the scissors so they'll cut the rope. The baseball should be hit by the bullet, bounce of the wall and hit the scissors. If it doesn't, just maneuver your scissors until it does. Place your flashlight, facing left, under the bucket. To the left of the magnifying glass, place a piece of wooden ground, going horizontal. Place your rocket on this. The bucket will turn on the flashlight, which will, with the magnifying glass, light the rocket. Place a piece of wood, again horizontal, against the vertical piece of wood you placed before, leaving enough room up & down for you to fit a piece of dynamite in there. Place it, and point the fuse out, so it can be lit by the launched rocket. The dynamite, under the ball, will send it up into the air. If it doesn't make it over the fence, use your trampoline to bounce it over. Good luck! Puzzle Password: FLANGE ******************************* Puzzle 45: YOU GOTTA SMILE ******************************* Note: Yet another changed gravity puzzle. But look, it seems that the balloon is the same weight as the air, so it wont rise or fall until hit. Treat it like an 8-Ball Directions: Your goal is to pop the balloon. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Fan Belt, Metal Gear, Rope, Pulley, (SECOND PAGE) Light Switch Outlet, Electric Motor, Magnifying Glass, Light with Drawstring There are two ways to pop the balloon. The lit rocket or the spinning gear. And remember, the tennis ball is your friend. Start of by putting your light and drawstring and magnifying glass set up at the bottom left. Reverse the magnifying glass, put a pulley below the drawstring light, and put the teeter totter in a place where the tennis ball, after bouncing off the wooden slope from its original trampoline bounce, will hit it and turn it. Make sure the left side is up, the right side down on the teeter totter, and attach the rope to the right, downed side of it. Run the rope through the pulley, and onto the drawstring. The rocket can now launch. Place your light switch (switch down) above the spot the rocket launches from. Plug in your electric motor, and attach it to your gear. Put the gear as close to the balloon as possible, and hit start. Let the tennis ball bounce around - if the balloon gets in a position where you know it wont pop, just move some stuff around (the gear, the teeter totter) until you manage to get the balloon popped. Remember - it will go in any direction! Puzzle Password: SEASON ******************************* Puzzle 46: SAVE BOB THE FISH ******************************* Directions: Save Bob the Fish from the cannonball that will smash his fishbowl. The cannonball must fall off the bottom of the screen. Machine Parts: Baseball, 2 Teeter Totters, Fan Belt, Rope, Pulley, (SECOND PAGE) Magnifying Glass, Dynamite, Candle, Monkey Bike First place your dynamite on the brick ledge at the bottom right of the wooden structure - have the fuse point to the right. Place your magnifying glass in front of the flashlight on the bottom right, and place the baseball so it falls into the little hole and hits the flashlight. Take the candle, and place it on the conveyor belt to the left of the parts you just worked with. Now it should light when the puzzle starts. All you have to do is get the conveyor belt working. Pull out the monkey bike. Place it on the right side of the screen, and place a pulley below its screen. Attach the wheel to the conveyor belt with your fan belt. Attach the screen to your rope, through the pulley, and up to the right down side of the lower teeter totter. Press Start...and the monkey delivers! Note: The fuse on the dynamite has to stick out some from the brick ledge, or the candle wont be able to light it when it moves over there. Puzzle Password: TRIBOLOGY ******************************* Puzzle 47: FETCH A PAIL ******************************* Directions: Deliver the two pails down onto the metal pipes on the bottom of the screen. You must deliver one pail to each side of the screen. Machine Parts: Baseball, 7 Fan Belts, 10 Metal Gears, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, 7 Dynamites, Rocket, Candle, 3 Mouse Exercise Wheels, Brick Ground This is another imaginative puzzle. First, place a dynamite on all put the top left and right ledges. In those spots, place two mouse exercise machines, both facing left. Attach both to the conveyor belts above with two fan belts. Place your third mouse exercise machine in the left metal piping container, at the very bottom right corner - make it face to the right. Attach it to the conveyor belt on the bottom with a fan belt. Place your rocket above the exercise machine, so it will run. Place your candle on the conveyor belt by the brick structure. It can actually be "on the wall, so place it so it is sticking into the bottom left dynamite's fuse. To the left of it, place your left facing flashlight and magnifying glass. Put the baseball in position so it will turn on the flashlight. Press start. If the two buckets both fly off to the left side, balance a piece of dynamite on the top of the left side's metal piping. The first bucket will hit it, and fall over onto the left when hit from behind by the second bucket. However, this second bucket will fall down on the right, and hit the spinning conveyor belt below it, flinging it to the right side, and a win. Puzzle Password: ABRASIVE ******************************* Puzzle 48: EXCERSIZE KELLY THE MONKEY ******************************* Directions: Kelly the Monkey is not getting enough exercise. Your goal is to make her ride her bicycle Machine Parts: 3 Teeter Totters, 2 Trampolines, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, Rope, (SECOND PAGE) 2 Magnifying Glasses, Flashlight, Rocket, Mouse Exercise Machine Start with the bottom left. Place your magnifying glass to the left of the flashlight - reverse it. Take a teeter totter and make its right side low, left side high, and stick the very bottom right edge under the cannonball to the upper right of the rocket. Then, take a second teeter totter, make it right end down, left end up, and attach its left, upper side, to the other teeter totter's upper left side. Place the bottom right side of this new teeter totter over the rocket on the bottom left. Take both trampolines, and place them both in the holes at the bottom of the metal structure, one in the center, and one a bit to the left of the center. Take your last teeter totter, angled any way, and place it in the bend of the center metal piping structure, where the middle cannonball will fall and hit it. Take your conveyor belt, and place it in the only large hole at the top of the structure. Fill the entire stretch up, it will be the second largest form of the conveyor belt. Placing your mouse exercise machine over the red balloon just to the right of this new structure, face it to the left and attach it to the conveyor belt. Moving to the bottom right, place your flashlight pointing right to the left of the magnifying glass, and place your rocket on the right edge of the metal piping vertical ledge at the very right side (it looks exactly the same as the ledge with the rocket on the left side). Make sure the rocket (looking up) would hit and move the teeter totter attached to Kelly's bike shade if launched. And now, when you press start, it will. Puzzle Password: DEFORMATION ******************************* Puzzle 49: FEELING A LITTLE OUT OF SORTS ******************************* Directions: Sort all the balls. Put the baseballs in the left container and the tennis balls in the right container. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Rope, Pulley, Gun, 2 Metal Pipes, Wooden Ground, 5 Wooden Slants AGH! I hate this puzzle. First, take four of your wooden slopes, and make them steep. Place one under each baseball, angled so they will send the baseballs left. Then, using the other two slopes, your teeter totter (basically a slope), and your gun (hey, you could shoot one of the tennis balls), move all the tennis balls to the right, and pray they tennis balls bounce over the baseballs. Just mess around with it...this about the best tip I can give you. If you give up (as I do most times with this puzzle), just move on. Check the Tips & Strategies, Tricks & Secrets for how. Puzzle Password: ELASTIC ******************************* Puzzle 50: POP, POP, POP, POP, AND...POP ******************************* Directions: You must pop all five balloons. Machine Parts: Baseball, 3 Trampolines, 5 Fan Belts, 4 Conveyor Belts, Magnifying Belt, Flashlight, 2 Mouse Exercise Wheels First of all, set up your magnifying glass, flashlight and baseball combination next to the rocket in the bottom center of the game screen. Place the conveyor belt above where the rocket would shoot through the wooden holes of the wooden ground - but not directly about. Rather place it 6 notches above, meaning that, when it flies up and to the right, it will light the candle, which flies past and down the hole. Place a conveyor belt, long as possible, adjacent to the wooden ground below the balloons, so it juts out of the left side. Place a mouse exercise machine one notch to the left this conveyor belt, leaving just enough room between the two for the rocket to shoot up. Attach the mouse exercise wheel to this conveyor belt - make sure the mouse is pointing left. Why, press start, and listen close. Why, did the game just say the name of machine, or was that just the sound of success? Puzzle Password: ADHESION ******************************* Puzzle 51: REPLACING BOB'S FISHBOWL ******************************* Directions: Bob wants a new bowl. Break his bowl so he can get a replacement. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 3 Trampolines, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, 2 Ropes, (SECOND PAGE) Mouse Exercise Machine, 4 Wooden Slopes First off, ignore the entire right side of the screen. You need only worry about getting that cannonball to bounce to the left. Place your conveyor belt under the cannonball at the top, and place your mouse exercise wheel to the right of it, over the balloon's path upwards from below. Do not use a wooden slope - it will not give the ball enough momentum, and it will not make it over the first wooden wall. This will send the cannonball to the left. Place three trampolines in the wooden structure in the following places: The first belongs below the pulley in the center of the structure, so it meets and flows smoothly with the slope on the right, which faces downward to the left. The second trampoline belongs at the left end of the horizontal wooden flooring on the left side of the machine. This trampoline will meet, on its edges, with the vertical wood pieces above it. The last trampoline goes on the very left wall, directly on top of the slope touching the wall, and the lower second-inmost vertical wall from the wall farthest to the left. It will fit snuggly. The ball will bounce on each in turn, and finally hit Bob's Bowl. If it doesn't for some reason, using a slope might help. Puzzle Password: SPECTRA ******************************* Puzzle 52: TRAP MORT THE MOUSE ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to drop the cage onto Mort the Mouse. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Automatic Boxing Glove, Trampoline, Scissors, Light Switch Outlet, (SECOND PAGE) Fan First, place the trampoline under the tennis ball. Then, moving to the upper center, place your automatic boxing glove so it faces left against the baseball (on its right side). Take your teeter totter and angle it so the left side is up, right side down, and make it so the upper left side is above the bouncing path of the tennis ball, so it will deflect off and roll onto the top horizontal landing which has the boxing glove and the baseball. This tennis ball will hit the glove, and make it hit the baseball to the left, off the wall, and down the ramp to the right, and fall down the little hole in the wood platform. Take your light-switch outlet, and place the switch under the hole in the center platform. Plug the fan in so it faces left, so it will blow the balloon to the left. Press play, and see where the balloon's string blows to, and where the baseball falls after it goes through the hole and rolls down the giant ramp. Taking your scissors, aim them so the ball will snap them shut at the rope's blown point, as, if you aim the scissors on the stationary balloon string, it will shut on air, as the balloon and its string will already have blown left. Take a little time, and you should get it easily. Puzzle Password: INDUCTION ******************************* Puzzle 53: RED ALERT ******************************* Directions: You must launch all the rockets before the outer-space villains attack the planet Earth! (Note for the watching: Yes, the game has a misspelling here!) Machine Parts: Bowling Ball, Cannonball, Teeter Totter, 3 Fan Belts, 2 Metal Gears, (SECOND PAGE) 3 Conveyor Belts, 2 Ropes, Gun, Magnifying Glass, Light with Drawstring, (THIRD PAGE) Candle, Dynamite with Plunger, Mouse Exercise Wheel, 3 Wooden Slopes First off all, despite what it seems the directions imply, there is not time limit to this puzzle. Nothing is coming. Don't fret. First, place the shortest conveyor belt you can make against the one piece of brick sticking up at the very bottom center of the screen. Place a candle on top of this. Place, in the square corner created above, your mouse exercise wheel, facing left, and attach it to your conveyor belt with a fan belt. Place a magnifying glass to the left of the candle (do not reverse), and your light with drawstring to the left of that. At the very top of the page, place a teeter totter, left side down, right side up, and attach its left side to rope, take it through the pulley, and onto the light with drawstring. Place your bowling ball so it falls on the very right tip of the teeter totter. Now you need to time. You have to give the candle enough time to be lit before being moved. So, use your far away bowling ball to hit the mouse exercise wheel. I prefer to use my two extra conveyor belts, so the bowling ball rolls off the teeter totter, down one conveyor belt, down the second, and hits the mouse exercise wheel, a good amount of time for the candle to light. Just let the conveyor belt shoot the candle across the line of rockets, and you'll see an eight rocket salute! Note: There is a page and a half of stuff you don't need for this puzzle. The makers over-compensate, eh? Puzzle Password: POLARIZATION ******************************* Puzzle 54: SET OFF FIREWORKS ******************************* Directions: Launch all four rockets. All the rockets must fly off the top of the screen Machine Parts: Trampoline, 2 Fan Belts, Windmill, Scissors, Generator, (SECOND PAGE) Fan, Electric Motor, 2 Flashlights, Dynamite with Plunger, Bob the Fish First of all, make sure you realize that one rocket is on the right, and the other three all the way on the left. Some might miss that, thinking it should be three, and the number four was a typo. As well, despite the large number of items, this puzzle is actually very simple. First, place your flashlight on the right of the magnifying glass on the left, and on the left of the magnifying glass on the right. The one on the right should be under the baseball. This will launch the first rocket. Place Bob's Fishbowl above where the rocket will launch, across from Pokey the Cat so he will be attracted to it. He will fall down, and scare Mort to the left, over the edge of the metal piping. Place the scissors below where he falls, so he will land on them, and drop the bucket. Place your dynamite with plunger's plunger under the bucket's falling path, having the dynamite end under the tennis ball. When it goes off, it must shoot the ball out of its metal piping prison, and into the main tunnel. Maneuver your dynamite until it does this successfully - most likely moving it to the right, so it will shoot the tennis ball to the upper left. Place your trampoline in the center of the puzzle, pressed up against the bottom of the vertical piping tunnel (there is a hole in the right side that leads to where the tennis ball is initially imprisoned). This will bounce the tennis ball upwards after it escapes its square home, and bounce it up so it turns the switch outlet above, already placed. Plug your fan, placing left, into this outlet. Place the windmills to the left of it, and attach them to your generator with your first fan belt. Plug in your electric motor to your generator with a fan belt(this all done in the empty space in the upper left), and attach the electric motor, using your last fan belt, to the jack-in-the-box. You do not need to reverse the electric motor. All should be set now, if you already placed the flashlight facing left at the magnifying glass's right below. This will light the last three rockets - make sure their above passage isn't blocked by your generator or electric motors before starting! Puzzle Password: OVERJOY ******************************* Puzzle 55: PUNCH THE BUCKET ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to make the boxing glove punch the bucket. Machine Parts: 3 Teeter Totters, Trampoline, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, Mouse Exercise Wheel, 2 Wooden Slopes Another easy one. First, place on of your wooden slopes, slanted with low on the left, up on the right, under the bowling ball on the upper right. Place a teeter totter, bottom on the right, up on the left, under the middle bowling ball. Place a mouse exercise machine to the right of it, so it will hit it when it is leveraged into the air by the first bowling ball. Place a conveyor belt DIRECTLY under the cannonball, so it will shoot smoothly across the top, separated landing in this middle section. Make sure the mouse exercise machine is facing right, and attach it to the conveyor belt with your fan belt. Place your second teeter totter, right side down, left side up, under the baseball on the right side. The cannonball should shoot over, when the conveyor belt starts turning, and shot it up, and over the ledge, and down to the bottom level. Place your last teeter totter, right side down, left side up, under the cannonball at the bottom. Take your trampoline, and place it snuggly below the farthest left vertical wall, so the bottom-most cannonball will be bounced up and onto it, with no chance of bouncing under the edge and off the screen. There is a long vertical tunnel of wooden pieces going up, and, at the top, place your last wooden slope, right side up, left side down, so it will deflect the bouncing cannonball right, and into the automatic boxing glove, finishing the puzzle. Puzzle Password: DISCURSIVE ******************************* Puzzle 56: HAPPY SECOND BIRTHDAY ******************************* Directions: You must light both candles. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Automatic Boxing Glove, 3 Trampolines, Rope Another simple puzzle. Your first goal is to get the bowling ball across the void to the wooden ramp across the screen. Use your trampolines, and bounce it across. It will happen if you work on it. Place your teeter totter, right side down, left side up, with the bottom right tip directly under the cannonball. Attack the left, up side with the left, up side of the teeter totter below it. Place your automatic punching glove to the left of the bucket, facing right. The cannonball will pop up, when pushed by your teeter totter contraption, and hit the boxing glove, which punches the bucket off, turns on the light, and lights the candles. Good job. Puzzle Password: CROSS ******************************* Puzzle 57: LET MORT OUT OF THE BOX ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to release Mort from the brick walls. Mort must fall off the bottom of the screen. Machine Parts: 2 Teeter Totters, Automatic Boxing Glove, Trampoline, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, (SECOND PAGE) Rope, Pulley, Dynamite with Plunger, Monkey Bike First off, place a Teeter Totter above the balloon on the right, with the right side down, and with that right half above the balloon. Take your Dynamite with a Pulley along the bottom of the wooden square, with the dynamite on the right side, and directly in the falling mouse's path. Place the pulley below the plunger. Attach the plunger, through the pulley, to the right side of the teeter totter. On the left side of the machine screen, place your trampoline directly the right of the already set pulley (more specifically, touching it on the bottom right, so it is below the scissors). Take a teeter totter, left side down, and place it adjacent, on the right, to the trampoline. This will act like a ramp for the baseball to roll down, bounce off the trampoline, and clamp the scissors shut, cutting the rope. The balloon, on the right, will float up, hit the teeter totter and pull the plunger, blowing a hole in the brick and letting the mouse free! On to the next level... Puzzle Password: CHOCOLATE ******************************* Puzzle 58: EXCERSIZE ALL FOUR MICE ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to make all four mice run in their cages at the same time. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 2 Trampolines, 2 Fan Belts, 2 Conveyor Belts, 4 Wooden Slants First of all, this machine tries to trick you. You will not be activating any mouse exercise wheels by going up those steep ramps. But, just to start, place your teeter totter, in any position, below the two basketballs, so the center is touching the bottom of the center brick wall, separating the two center mouse exercise wheels. Use your two running mice by putting a conveyor belt under each tennis ball, and connect them with a fan belt to the mouse exercise wheel directly bellow. Place, on the left side, a trampoline touching the bottom right corner of the left metal pipe. Place a wooden slant, slanting upward to the right, on the right side of the trampoline. Place a second slant, also slanting upward, on the right side of that first wooden slant, and stretch it to the right until it meets with the brick wall. Place, on the right side, a trampoline on the bottom left-hand corner of the rightmost metal pipe. Place a slant, slanting upward to the left, on the left adjacent to the trampoline. Place and stretch to fit a second slant on the left of that one (the two trampoline/slant set-ups should be mirror images of each other). Press start...and get ready to move on to the next level! Puzzle Password: PLATO ******************************* Puzzle 59: LOWER THE...BOOM ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to put a cannonball in the bucket, and the bucket in the hole in the brick wall. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Rope, Scissors, 2 Magnifying Glasses, Flashlight, (SECOND PAGE) Light with Drawstring, 4 Metal Pipes, Pipe Bend Ok, here's the deal. One cannonball in the bucket, while another hits the scissors that will drop the bucket. Also, the bucket has to be steady, as it also has to drop into the indent in the brick floor. But, the trick is, drop the bucket, THEN put the cannonball in it. Put the flashlight, facing right, on the left, so the baseball will fall on it. Place the magnifying glass to the right of it, and make sure the bowling ball will light. Place the scissors on the rope, and a teeter totter, right side up, to the right of it. Your goal is to move the scissors and teeter totter until the cannonball both causes the scissors to cut the rope, and flips the teeter totter. Use the pipe bend or one of the metal pipes to direct the cannonball if you need to. This is the trickiest part of the puzzle. Flip your light with drawstring, and place it to the right of the cannon in the upper right. Place your magnifying glass, flipped, between the cannon's fuse and the light with drawstring. Using your rope, attach the right side of the teeter totter to the light. That cannon should now go. Using your remaining metal piping and metal bend, deflect this ball into the bucket. It shouldn't be too hard, but be sure not to block the cannonball of the lower left cannon. When you finish, pat yourself on the back. You're moving on! Puzzle Password: WELLSPRING ******************************* Puzzle 60: CAT-A-PULTING ******************************* Directions: Help Pokey join his friends down under. Machine Parts: Basketball, 5 Teeter Totters, Bellows, Automatic Boxing Glove, Scissors, (SECOND PAGE) Bob's Fishbowl, Metal Piping, Wooden Slant Take your teeter totters, and place one, with the left down and right up, snuggly fitting below Pokey on the bottom right. Then, for each other Pokey, place a teeter totter with the right down and left up below them. If you press go, the mouse will start a reaction the will end with the last Pokey being throw over the end and onto the bucket. If you place your scissors in its path, and crossing the rope, it will cut the rope. On the top left, place your bellows so they are pointing right, and so they are below the bucket, and pointed at the mouse. To the right of Mort the Mouse, place your Automatic Boxing Glove facing right, so it will hit the cannonball into the bucket. Now, on the far right, place Bob the Fish as far right as you can, on top of the brick wall (go half off the visible screen). Place the basketball so it will drop on him. Once the bucket in front of him raises, the top level Pokie will walk towards the broken fish bowl, and fall down, to his friends. Puzzle Password: HYDROPLANE ******************************* Puzzle 61: PUT MORT IN PRISON ******************************* Directions: Drop the cage onto Mort the Mouse. Machine Parts: Trampoline, Fan Belt, Conveyor, Rope, Pulley, Revolver, Scissors, Mouse Exercise Wheel, 4 Wooden Slants First, place the trampoline directly under the dynamite. It will bounce up, and into the area between the two wooden walls, making it ready for exploding. You then will have to shoot it with the revolver (so it will explode), and cut the rope on the cage (preferably in that order, so as not to send the cage flying with the explosion). Strangely, I solved this not be trapping mouse. All I did was cut the rope, dropping the cage, exploding the dynamite, and shooting the gun. The cage actually blew off the screen. So, essentially, what you need to do is this. Take your gun and attach it the left side of the teeter totter. Aim it right, towards where the dynamite will end up. Use three of your wooden slants to slow the decent of the bowling ball in the upper left, so it doesn't hit the teeter totter immediately (slowing the time of the explosion. Take your other slant, and shrink it to its smallest size, with the right side down, and left side up. Put it below the baseball. Place the mouse exercise wheel adjacent to it on the right, and the conveyor belt, on its smallest setting, adjacent to that on the right. You should be a few spaces away from the rope holding up the cage. Attach the mouse exercise wheel and the conveyor belt (the ball will roll down the slant, activate the exercise wheel, and fly across the conveyor). Place the scissors on the rope, so they will cut when the ball falls and hits them. All together, the cage should fall (and if it doesn't, perhaps your game will glitch like mine, and you'll solve the puzzle anyways). Puzzle Password: PALM ******************************* Puzzle 62: ELIMINATE THE BALLOONS ******************************* Directions: You must make all three balloons pop. Machine Parts: 2 Fan Belts, 3 Metal Cogs, Rope, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, (SECOND PAGE) 4 Wooden Slants Take your flashlight and magnifying glass, and set them up on the upper left so the baseball drops and turns on the light, lighting the cannon. Place a wooden slant, right down, left up, to the left of the bowling ball and in the path of the cannon, so it is deflected down, and will, if directly correctly, shoot down the entire path, and hit the automatic boxing glove in the bottom right. Using your remaining wooden slants, direct the basketball to the left, so it hits the teeter totter and flips it. Make sure it doesn't hit any balloons. To the left of the conveyor belt in the center, place, adjacently, two metal cogs, side by side. To the left of the right cog, place another cog, which should be above the conveyor belt. Attach the left cog to the monkey exercise wheel with a fan belt. Attach the blinds on the monkey exercise bike to the teeter totter's left side. Lastly, connect the rightmost metal cog to the conveyor belt. Press go, and the balloons will fly to the left, and pop...one, two three! Puzzle Password: SOMBRERO ******************************* Puzzle 63: LAUNCH ALL THE ROCKETS ******************************* Directions: Launch all three rockets so that they fly above the top of the screen. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 3 Fan Belts, 3 Metal Cogs, Conveyor Belt, 3 Ropes, (SECOND PAGE) 3 Pulleys, 2 Magnifying Glasses, 2 Lights with Drawstrings, Dynamite, Wooden Slant First, place a pulley on the left side of the revolver. Attach the left, up side of the teeter totter through the pulley to the gun. Place a teeter totter under the center metal piping, so the basket ball falls on it. Place a light with drawstring to the left of the two rockets on the bottom right, and place a pulley below it. Place a magnifying glass to its right. Attach the bottom left side of the teeter totter on the bottom right, to the pulley, to the light with drawstring. It should light those two candles. Place your wooden slant, right side up, left side down, below the narrow wooden falls so the baseball between them falls, and rolls to the left, activating the teeter totter. This actually should already have been done so that the revolver would shoot. Don't forget to stick your dynamite below the bowling ball in the upper left. In the bottom right, place your magnifying glass and light with drawstring, and place a pulley below them. Looped through the pulley, attach the bottom right side of the center teeter totter and this light with drawstring. Now, you should be home free! Puzzle Password: JOIST ******************************* Puzzle 64: FIRE THE CANNON ******************************* Directions: Light and fire the cannon any way you can. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 3 Fan Belts, 3 Conveyor Belts, Rope, Pulley, 3 Mice with Exercise Wheels, Monkey Exercise Bike This puzzle is fairly simple, it just takes testing. Along the bottom of the left wooden wall, place your mouse exercise wheel, facing right. Next to it, place your conveyor belt, stretched out to fit to the slant. Attach with a pulley. Do this again in the next slot, and connect. It should look sort of like the first puzzle. Take your Monkey, and make it so the baseball bounces off it and to the left. Make it land on a mouse exercise wheel, pointed left, and have a conveyor belt to the left of that, and attach it. Place a teeter totter, left side up, to the right of that, so it hits it down, and, with its momentum, continues to the left. This may sound complicated, but test it. And, for a last note, attach the two right sides of the teeter totters with rope (both should be down). That will allow the ball to fly across it. You may be confused by this puzzle, but, stare at it a bit, and you should understand my process. Puzzle Password: ASTRONAUT ******************************* Puzzle 65: BREAK BOB'S FISHBOWL ******************************* Directions: Make Bob's fishbowl break any way you can. Machine Parts: You don't need anything but your magnifying glass and dynamite. Look at the flashlight. Place the magnifying glass to the right of it. Now, move your dynamite around until it hits off the edge of the flashlight, and falls to the right. It should ignite. And you should blow up the bowl. Puzzle Password: MARIONETTE ******************************* Puzzle 66: KNOCK IT OFF ******************************* Directions: You must knock the baseball off of the small wooden wall. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Trampoline, 2 Fan Belts, 2 Metal Cogs, Conveyor Belt, (SECOND PAGE) Rope, Pulley, Monkey Exercise Wheel, 2 Wooden Slants I wonder if the gun already set up will help you knock down the ball. Oh, yes, they set it up for you. Now, the real goal is, how can I knock that bowling bowl down so it hits the scissors? Simple, I say. WAIT. Forget the bowling ball. Forget the gun. Place your conveyor belt so it is in the upper right, so the falling baseball will land onto it, and be able to, when activated, roll into the other ball. Taking your two metal cogs, put one between the two already placed, and another to the left of the topmost cog. Attach it to the conveyor belt. Attack the middle cog to the mouse exercise wheel. Make sure the balloon hits the mouse exercise wheel when it flies up (use your trampoline or something as a wall - you also have your slants). Boom, the ball hits the other ball. Simple? Yes. Puzzle Password: OSMIUM ******************************* Puzzle 67: TEN, NINE, EIGHT, IGNITION SEQUENCE START... ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to make the rocket fly off the top of the screen. Machine Parts: 2 Teeter Totters, Automatic Boxing Glove, Trampoline, Fan Belt, Metal Cogs, (SECOND PAGE) Rope, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, Mouse Exercise Wheel This is one of those "place the pieces just right" puzzles. First, on the right side of the screen, place the automatic boxing glove facing left, so the balloon on the bottom right will fly up, and activate it to the left, knocking the baseball to the left. Take your trampoline, and place it under the center balloon (it will wedge nicely in the wooden square below it). Move the glove and the trampoline around until you get the ball to fall of the left side of the screen. Then, using your two metal cogs, bounce the baseball until it falls off the left side, and rolls to the right, and down that long ramp towards the bottom right. At the bottom of the ramp, place your flashlight (pointed right) and your magnifying glass, unreversed. Taking one of your teeter totters, place it, left side down - right side up, below the rocket and the cannonball. However, make sure it is high enough that the baseball can roll past it, and not get caught on the down left side. This will cause the cannonball to bounce the rocket to the right, and then get trapped between a piece of wood. Also, make sure your teeter totter is placed directly the left of the small vertical wooden piece, not one space away (if you place it one space away, the rocket will fall down and off the teeter totter, and becoming un-lightable). The rocket will land in perfect range for your flashlight/magnifying glass, which will be turned on by your baseball, and shoot up the hole at the top. Puzzle Password: ASSURANCE ******************************* Puzzle 68: MORT-TRAP ******************************* Directions: Trap Mort in the cage. Puzzle Pieces: Teeter Totter, 2 Fan Belts, Metal Cog, 2 Ropes, Pulley, (SECOND PAGE) Magnifying Glass, Dynamite, Wooden Ramp Take a look at your puzzle, and you can see it is mostly set up for you. You have to move mort a little to the right, as well as blow up the brick (the ONLY brick in the entire game screen - why else would it be there?) below the cage. To blow up the brick, place the dynamite below it. Now, you already (amazingly) have a gun perfectly aimed at it. All you have to do is pull the trigger - but AFTER Mort moves. Look at another piece of this puzzle: a cannonball already drops on a teeter totter. Place your teeter totter, right side up, to the right of Pokey the Cat at the bottom left, so, if he goes right, he'll hit it. Place a pulley to the right and a little below it, and connect the bottom left of that teeter totter, through the pulley, through the pulley directly behind the gun, and to the right side of the teeter totter hit by the cannonball. Take the metal cog, and put it on the right side of the metal cog already placed. Connect it, with a fan belt, to the mouse exercise wheel, and attach the left cog to the conveyor belt Pokey is standing on. Take your wooden ramp, and, on the given setting, with the right side down, place it parallel to the automatic punching glove at the top of the screen, but at the very bottom, one space above, or against the floor. Now, press play. Mort should run directly where the cage would fall. Now, to get that gun to shoot. Take your rope, and loop it on the up right side of the teeter totter Pokey steps on, through the left-most pulley, and to the gun. Now, the gun should shoot the dynamite, while Mort should have enough time to get under the cage, and be protected from Pokey's claws. Press go, and, congratulate yourself for another complicated win. Puzzle Password: CALCULATOR ******************************* Puzzle 69: SHEDDING SOME LIGHT ******************************* Directions: Turn on all the lights in the house. Machine Parts: 5 Fan Belts, 4 Conveyor Belts, 4 Ropes, 2 Mouse Exercise Wheels, 1 Rope This looks complicated, but its not. First, place a conveyor belt directly under the top bowling ball, and the bottom one, so they touch the teeter totters to their left (so the ball will fly up and over). Place another conveyor belt under the bucket on the bottom left. Place a mouse exercise wheel -facing right- directly under the middle bowling ball. Connect it to the conveyor belt under the bucket with a fan belt (it'll stretch). Place another mouse exercise wheel directly above the balloon on the bottom left (facing left). Connect this wheel to the rightmost metal cog parallel to the right of it, and connect the right metal cog to the bottom left metal cog of the five above. Attach the bottom right metal cog to the conveyor belt under the bottom bowling ball, and attach the second to topmost metal cog to the top bowling ball's conveyor belt. And, now, for the lights, as you've got all the teeter totter's activated. There are four pulleys on the bottom, the three in a clump and the one of the far left. None of the lights will turn on just by being directly connected to a moved teeter totter, so use these. I will not specify which one, as it doesn't matter. If you play the machine at this point, you will see the top bowling ball knocks over both the top and middle teeter totters (the top 2). Attach, using three ropes, the bottom right of each of those teeter totters (the top 3) through pulleys, to the lights. Play. You should now have three on lights. Lastly, attach the bottom right of the bucket's teeter totter through a pulley (preferably not the one of the far left, as it is at such a strange angle and might not work correctly), and to the last light. Press go. Win! Puzzle Password: SUPERIOR ******************************* Puzzle 70: SAVE THE BOB SQUAD ******************************* Directions: Save Bob the Fish and all his friends. Do not allow any of the fishbowls to be smashed. Machine Parts: Baseball, Teeter Totter, Fan Belt, Jack-in-the-Box, Scissors, (SECOND PAGE) Mouse Exercise Easy as pie. Put the jack in the box to the right of the gun, which will absorb the bullet. No such luck with the cannonball, so just put your scissors across the rope that activates it, and, either using the given cannonball in the center, or the baseball you can move around, cut the rope. Ding! Puzzle Password: PHILHARMONIC ******************************* Puzzle 71: THE WOODEN SHAFT ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to make all the baseballs fall in the wooden shaft. Machine Parts: 3 Teeter Totters, Trampoline, 2 Fan Belts, Conveyor Belt, Windmill, (SECOND PAGE) Scissors, Electric Motor, Light-Powered Outlet, Fan, Generator, Bob the Fish This puzzle is weird. First off, you have to use teeter totters to activate things, though they shouldn't actually activate them (teeter totters don't allow overlap when moved themselves, only when something is moved into their range). Anyways, place a conveyor belt under the balls in the center (stretch it out) and connect it to the generator, facing right. Connect that to the light-powered outlet, and be sure to plug it in. Make sure the outlet is next to the light. Place Bob the fish parallel horizontally with Pokey the cat, but against the far left brick wall (the second one in). Place a teeter totter below him, left side up and all the way to the left and bottom, so it is under the brick shaft. Place, at the top center, a fan to the right of the basketball, facing left, and plug it in to the electric motor. Place the windmill to the right of all three items, and attach it with a fan belt to the electric motor you placed. Make sure the windmill would be blown if the bellows were activated. Now, all you have to do is activate them. On the bottom right, place your last teeter totter, left side up, adjacent to the bottom of the wooden shaft, so the tennis ball will drop onto it. Place your scissors, points to the right, so they will cut the rope when hit by the teeter totter (the teeter totter you placed on the bottom left will break Bob's bowl, causing Pokey to run to the left, and activate the teeter totter). Press start, and you should have a win. Puzzle Password: ANGULAR ******************************* Puzzle 72: LAYING DOWN A BUNT ******************************* Directions: Put the baseball in the bucket Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 3 Fan Belts, 2 Metal Cogs, Rope, Light-Powered Outlet, (SECOND PAGE) Fan, Light with Drawstring, Mouse Exercise Wheel, 2 Metal Pipings, Wooden Ramp Place a mouse exercise wheel, facing right, directly the left of Pokey. It will run. Connect it, using your two metal cogs and your fan belts, to the conveyor belt at the top. It will shoot the tennis ball to the right. Using your metal piping, making the tennis ball fly across and into the baseball, which, using your other metal piping, you will make fall down (it will hit a vertical piping stretched to the wooden strip the bucket sits on). Use your ramp to direct the ball in, and, if needed, put your fan on the other side of the bucket to prevent it from jumping over. Puzzle Password: ZIPPER ******************************* Puzzle 73: A PIRATE'S LIFE FOR ME ******************************* Directions: All you need to do is fire the cannon. Machine Parts: 4 Teeter Totters, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, Rope, 2 Scissors, (SECOND PAGE) Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, Dynamite, Mouse Exercise Wheel This puzzle is tricky. First off, place a teeter totter, right end down, with the very end of the right tip under the baseball. Place another teeter totter, right end down, under the basketball. The baseball needs to roll down and pop the basketball over the brick ledge to the right. Use your mouse exercise wheel if it wont roll all the way. Place a scissors so it will cut the balloon string on the right, and so the flying basketball will hit it. Above the balloon, place a teeter totter, right side down (right side above the balloon). Attach the right side to the gun with your rope. Now the gun will shoot. Place the dynamite on the brick just above the area behind the cannon, and so the gun will shoot it. Place a teeter totter, right side down, so it will roll the green tennis ball in the upper left to the right, by the dynamite. When exploded it will make a hole. In the area behind the cannon, place a magnifying glass and a flashlight pointing right. When the dynamite explodes, the tennis ball should fly back and into the hole, or, if it doesn't, maneuver the dynamite until it does. If it misses the flashlight, you can move that around to. The cannon should then light. Congrats! Puzzle Password: UMPIRE ******************************* Puzzle 74: CHASE AWAY THE MICE ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to make all of the mice go off the bottom of the screen. Don't let the cat eat any of the mice. Machine Parts: Balloon, 2 Fan Belts, 2 Metal Cogs, Conveyor Belt, Rope, (SECOND PAGE) Gun, Switch Outlet, Fan, Dynamite & Plunger, Wooden Floor, (THIRD PAGE) 4 Ramps The puzzles will get progressively confusing at this point. First, put a fan as close to the floor as you can along the bottom strip, directly to the left of the four mice. Put the outlet directly above it (it should fit RIGHT above it), and plug it in. Put a ramp at two-length right side down against the left side of the outlet (touching the bottom left, not top left corner). Place a gun facing left behind pokey, and attach it to a balloon with rope. Put the longest conveyor belt to the left of Pokey's wooden strip, and attach it (through the two gears) to the mouse exercise wheel activated by the cannonball (make sure the gun or balloon isn't in the way). Place the plunger below the hole between the topmost Mort and the strip on the right (Plunger under the hole, dynamite on the left, near the wall). Pokey should fly over and activate it, so Mort will drop below, turn on the fan and fly over it (if not, maneuver the plunger and dynamite or the fan a bit), and land with the other mice, who are now, after having the fan turn on, blown off the screen, uneaten. Puzzle Password: RECOVER ******************************* Puzzle 75: BLOW UP ******************************* Directions: Make all the dynamite blow up. Machine Parts: 6 Teeter Totters, 7 Ropes, 7 Pulleys, Magnifying Glass, Light with Drawstring Time for teeter totter madness. You have three teeter totters, right side up, on the left side, and four teeter totters, left side up, on the right side. They should alternate, starting with the bowling ball hitting one of the left side with right side up directly under it. The ball should have enough room to go down one after another, hitting and activating each. Now, attach each to a gun but one (any you choose) using pulleys at your will, except for three (you can use no pulleys if you angle it right, attaching, for example, the left side of the bottom teeter totter to the top gun). Now, using the two remaining pulleys, pick one teeter totter, and attach the rope to the other side, so it will, through two pulleys, act as a pull rather than go limp (and pull a gun), and attach the other end to the gun. Now, all but the bottom dynamite should explode. All you need to do now is place the magnifying glass and light with drawstring next to the bottom dynamite. Attach, and use a pulley to make sure it turns on, the drawstring to the unused teeter totter, and turn on the light. The dynamite should blow, and you should win. Puzzle Password: SHADOW ******************************* Puzzle 76: BALLOONS IN DANGER ******************************* Directions: Do not let any of the balloons initially on the screen pop. Machine Parts: 2 Balloons, Scissors You have to block two guns with a balloon, and cut one rope with scissors, pushed closed by the other balloon. Just fiddle around with it - you'll get it soon enough. No more tips to help you here. Puzzle Password: IONIZE ******************************* Puzzle 77: GETTING THE BALLS TOGETHER ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to get the bowling ball, the basketball, and the cannonball together where the balloon is in the lower left part of the screen. You may need to clear the balloon out of this area to let the balls fit. Machine Parts: Basketball, Teeter Totter, Trampoline, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, (SECOND PAGE) Rope, Gun, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, Dynamite, (THIRD PAGE) Mouse Exercise Wheel This puzzle is stupidly easy, though I took the complex road to begin with. Place, even with the wooden piece below it, a mouse exercise wheel to the left of the bowling ball, and to the left of that, the conveyor belt, stretched to meet the other side. Connect them. Take your basketball, and put it way up in the top left, so, when it falls, it both pushes the bowling ball enough to fly into the pit, and the basketball itself follow, and preferably pops out the balloon. Place the magnifying glass to the right of the cannon. Place the flashlight low enough to the right (facing left) that you can fit the dynamite above it, to turn it on. It should, if you maneuver it enough, turn on and light the wick. Use the trampoline, teeter totter and gun to bounce the cannonball in the hole. Moving on... Puzzle Password: QUAKE ******************************* Puzzle 78: FREE POOR POKEY THE CAT ******************************* Directions: You must free Pokey the Cat by lifting the cage that is trapping him. The mice need exercise, so you must all make all the mice run into their cages Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 3 Fan Belts, 3 Conveyor Belts, 2 Ropes, Mouse Exercise Wheel, (SECOND PAGE) 6 Ramps Take a wooden slant, and place it, on smallest side, right side up, to the left of the left most exercise wheel, directly above the leftmost balloon. There should be a hole between big enough for the balloon to pass above it, too. Put your conveyor belt on biggest side, and put it under the bowling ball. Connect it to that mouse exercise wheel with a fan belt. Make an incline to the right with two ramps and another conveyor belt. on the landing it falls to below, place your last conveyor belt, stretched out. Using one ramps, make it the longest length, left side up, aiming for the exercise wheel (the ball will get stuck there, keeping it running. Place another ramp above the middle balloon, so it flies to the right and hits the middle exercise wheel, which attaches to the conveyor belt you places just above it. Place your teeter totter, right side down, directly under the cannonball in the upper right. Attach the right side to the balloon on the bottom left with a rope, which will hit the left side mouse exercise wheel and fly up, catapulting the ball over the edge of the brick wall. Taking your other rope, connect the cage, through the left pulley, to the right pulley, to the bucket. Aim the cannonball into the bucket with the ramp and mouse exercise wheel you have left (acting as a wall). Good luck, and, if lucky, you'll be a winner! Puzzle Password: OCTOBER ******************************* Puzzle 79: PUT THE BALLS INTO THE BASKETS ******************************* Directions: Put the bowling ball into the taller basket and the basketball into the shorter basket Machine Parts: 2 Teeter Totters, 4 Fan Belts, 2 Metal Cogs, Conveyor Belt, Rope Luck is with us, the balls go into the hole they're closest to, and not the other way around! So, the plan is this. You just attach that mouse exercise wheel to that conveyor with the bowling ball - who cares what direction it goes. Place a teeter totter to the right of the brick structure the ball rolls off of. That's two points for you. Now, for the foul shot. Place your teeter totter, right side up, to the left of the short basket. Now, attach it to the confined balloon. It will actually try to correct itself (move straight up) and pop out of the confinement, and hit the exercise wheel. Bingo! Attach the basket ball, use the cogs if you need aiming (you shouldn't) and you've won! Puzzle Password: BILATERAL ******************************* Puzzle 80: BASKETBALL ON THE MOON ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to make the basketball go through the hoop. Machine Parts: Baseball, 2 Fan Belts, Jack-in-the-Box, Rope, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, Dynamite, Monkey Bike Place your dynamite, wick to the left, on the ledge below the cage. Place the magnifying glass/flashlight/baseball jumble to the left, so it will light. If you do it right, the dynamite will blow a hole from top to bottom, dropping the cage down (though some brick might remain around it). Attach the cage by rope to the monkey, who will run then. Attach it with a fan belt to the metal cogs. Place the jack-in-the-box directly below the basketball, and attach that to the metal cogs. Now, move stuff around until the ball flies through the air, into the hoop. It should eventually. By the way, the monkey can go to the right of the cage, so keep it there, and not above, or it'll block it. No extra pieces to help you direct the basketball, though. Good luck. Puzzle Password: LYRIC ******************************* Puzzle 81: BREAKING DOWN THE WALL ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to make the cannonball go into the bucket. Machine Parts: Bowling ball, Teeter Totter, Trampoline, 2 Ropes, 3 Magnifying Glasses, (SECOND PAGE) 2 Lights with Drawstrings, Dynamite, 2 Candles Place a teeter totter on the left, right side up, and a bowling ball at the top of the ramp, so it rolls down and moves the teeter totter. Place, on the upper right piece of brick, the dynamite, the magnifying glass and light with drawstring to the left. Attach the light with your rope through the pulley below it, through the pulley at top center, to the right side of the teeter totter. Now it should explode. Place a magnifying glass to the left of the cannon. Place a candle to the left of the brick strip that is to the left of the magnifying glass your just placed. Place the trampoline below it, somewhere. To the left of the candle, place the remaining magnifying glass and light with drawstring, which you can attach, through the pulley at the bottom, to the left side of the teeter totter. Try to time it out so the cannon shoots it in the hole made by the dynamite, and, if it doesn't move the dynamite around. Good luck. Puzzle Password: NEEDLE ******************************* Puzzle 82: BOUNCE, BOUNCE, BOUNCE GO THE BALLS ******************************* Directions: Transfer the basketball into the metal basketball in the upper left corner of the screen. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 6 Trampolines, Ramp Place a trampoline below the basketball, with the ramp, left side up, above it, so it flies into the middle area. Now, use your other pieces to bounce it over. Just keep working at it. Eventually it will go. Puzzle Password: THEORY ******************************* Puzzle 83: LIGHT MY FIRE ******************************* Directions: You must light all the candles. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 5 Fan Belts, 2 Metal Cogs, 4 Conveyor Belts, Rope, (SECOND PAGE) Pulley, 2 Magnifying Glasses, Flashlight, Light with Drawstring, Mouse Exercise Wheel, (THIRD PAGE) 3 Ramps Place a flashlight below the cannonball, facing right, so the cannonball turns it on, but also rolls off it, to the left. Place a mouse exercise wheel where the ball rolls, and attach it, with a fan belt, to the conveyor belt on the right. Place your magnifying glass to the RIGHT of the candle. If you put it on the left, the candle will be too far away to be lit. However, the flashlight will still be near enough to the candle to light it. This will both light that candle, and launch the rocket, whose fuse can light some of the other candles. Make a diagonal ramp out of conveyor belts and ramps, so the rocket will fly to the left. Mine was (all in the longest position) from right to left, wooden ramp, conveyor belt, wooden ramp, conveyor belt, conveyor belt, wooden ramp (the consecutive ramps were one above the other). This will also lead the rocket to hitting the mouse exercise wheel at the top, if you choose to use that (my guide here will not). This will light the three candles on the brick walls, and the candle on the far upper left. Now, for those in the bottom left. Place a teeter totter, left side up, with the left side up the candle in the far upper left. Place your light with drawstring in the bottom left hole, or the right side of it (opposite side of the hole from the candles). Attach it, with a pulley below, to the right side of the teeter totter. Place a magnifying glass to the left, and you should win. Next! Puzzle Password: LOBSTER ******************************* Puzzle 84: REMOVING THE PATTERN ******************************* Directions: You must put both cannonballs in the buckets, and both buckets and all the rope must fall off the bottom of the screen. Machine Parts: 2 Cannon Balls, Scissors Put a cannonball at the far top right, above the top rightmost pulley, as high up as it will go (you are aiming for this to fall into the bucket when it rights itself). Place your other cannonball as far inside the other bucket as you can. Place your scissors (you'll have to play the machine a few times to aim this) on the far left (don't go along the bottom, they'll refuse to cut), handle to the right. If aimed right, the balls will fall in, and the rope will cut. Keep aiming, and you'll get it. Puzzle Password: SAMURAI ******************************* Puzzle 85: PUT THE CAGE IN THE HOLE ******************************* Directions: You must transfer the cage into the brick hole at the bottom of the screen. Machine Parts: Tennis Ball, Balloon, Bellows, 5 Fan Belts, Metal Cog, (SECOND PAGE) 3 Conveyor Belts, 2 Ropes, Pulley, Scissors Ok, this plan is complex. Attach the gun to the bucket with a rope. At this point, you should have the cage flying off the left side of the screen. Attach it to the metal loop, but through a pulley. You will use this pulley to direct the rope to wherever you need it, so it can get cut by the baseball's scissors slice. Attach the mouse exercise wheel to the rightmost gear. Place two of your conveyor belts along the bottom of the wooden floor (notice how the left ramp doesn't meet with the floor evenly. Place the conveyor belts, on longest, against this, so the cage will roll right down it). Attach them to the leftmost and bottommost metal gears. Use your remaining pieces (deflecting and the such) and the pulley to get the cage down to the bottom wooden area, and so it can get cut and still fly to the right. Place your last conveyor belt in the hole between the rightmost wooden ramps on the bottom, and the brick hole, so the cage can just fly up and in. The cage should go smoothly. If not, place that extra gear on the right side of the rightmost already placed gear, and attach it with a fan belt to the conveyor. Pow! Puzzle Password: SPLICE ******************************* Puzzle 86: SAVE MORT FROM THE CATS ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to guide Mort the Mouse safely to his mouse hole in the lower right part of the screen. Machine Parts: Teeter Totters, 5 Fan Belts, 2 Conveyor Belts, Jack-in-the-Box, 3 Mouse Exercise Wheels Wow, easy puzzle. Place a mouse exercise wheel, pointed right, above the path of the balloon in the bottom left, and attach it to the conveyor belt holding one of the cats. Place your teeter totter, left side down, below the hole Mort initially falls down, the left tip only showing, and you've won. Puzzle Password: GULF ******************************* Puzzle 87: UP, UP AND AWAY ******************************* Directions: Your goal is to make the rocket blast off. Machine Parts: 4 Teeter Totters, 3 Fan Belts, 3 Conveyor Belts, Magnifying Glass, 2 Mouse Exercise Wheels Obviously, place the magnifying glass to the left of the flashlight. Your only need, then, is to turn on the light. Ignore the upper left and the punching glove. In this plan, you wont need it. Focus on the hole above the flashlight. Place a shortest length conveyor belt below the cannonball, so there is still room for the baseball under it. Place another conveyor belt under the baseball, on longest length, so it is even with the wooden strip in the center of this area. Place a teeter totter, left side up and against the above wooden piece, to the left of where the ball flies, so it gets bounced back to the right (it should start to flip and go over the top of the teeter totter, and be deflected by the basketball rolling in behind). Above, place a mouse exercise wheel behind the rightmost basketball, so as the other baseball hitting the topmost basketball will make it roll down and activate it. Have this face left, and attach it to the conveyor belt the main baseball lies on. Place another mouse exercise wheel to the left of the middle basketball, in its rolling path. Attach this wheel, facing right, to a conveyor belt you will place to the right of the teeter totter you placed, to push the ball to the right, and into the hole. The baseball should fly through this setup, and turn on the flashlight. Puzzle Password: RHOMBUS ******************************* Puzzle 88: TUTORIAL: GET MEL HOME ******************************* Directions: Show one of the four 'Mels' into the house. (Note that this puzzle shows the actions of all the new parts.) Machine Parts: Tack Place a tack to the right of the Mel along the bottom strip, so he is bounced back to the left after hitting the balloon. What a tutorial! Puzzle Password: OLIVE ******************************* Puzzle 89: HORROR FLICK ******************************* Directions: Feed each of the four alligators. Machine Parts: Bowling Ball, 2 Teeter Totters, 2 Ropes, 2 Pulleys, Magnifying Glass, Light with Drawstring, Dynamite Place a teeter totter, right side down, directly to the left of the strip on which the Mel's are standing. Only one should make it over to that alligator. Place your dynamite below the dynamite and plunger's dynamite on the right. Attach, through a pulley, the right side of the teeter totter and the upper plunger and dynamite. Through this, you should get each alligator fed (the bottom plunger is activated by a passing Mel, who also feeds the bottom left alligator, while the rest fall to the one just to the left of their home). Puzzle Password: POLYNOMIALS ******************************* Puzzle 90: BOUNCING BALLOON ******************************* Directions: Pop the balloon between the two bumpers. Machine Parts: Teeter Totters, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, Rope, Pulley, Electric Motor, Magnifying Glass, Candle Look at your surroundings! You have a falling tennis ball on the right, the light under the left outlet, and a light activated outlet. Place a teeter totter, right side up, under the tennis ball, and attach the bottom left side, through a pulley below it, to the light with drawstring. Place a conveyor belt under the outlet on longest, with the excess sticking out to the left. Plug the electric motor into the outlet, and attach it to the conveyor belt. Place your candle on the far left of the conveyor belt, and your magnifying glass to the right of the left, between the two. Not only will the candle activate the outlet, but, when the candle flies past the balloon, its flaming wick will pop it! Puzzle Password: PARAMETRIC ******************************* Puzzle 91: NEW TENNIS ******************************* Directions: Put the tennis ball in the far left bucket. Machine Parts: Bowling Ball, Cannonball, 5 Fan Belts, 9 Metal Cogs, 2 Conveyor Belts, (SECOND PAGE) Rope, 8 Pulleys, Gun, Dynamite, Mouse Exercise Wheel Place your bowling ball on the upper right ramp. Place a cannonball in the middle bucket, with a gear below the bucket so it can't fall. The bowling ball will roll down and knock the tennis ball down that thin shaft to the right. Place a conveyor belt in the hole below where the ball falls (to fix the path), and in the hole in the center (align it with the ramps, not the wooden path). Using the rest of the pieces, aim the ball in. If you have to, connect the bucket, through the pulleys, to the metal loop below the rightmost bucket, so it wont move to much. Either way, you've won! Congrats! Puzzle Password: SOLAR SYSTEM ******************************* Puzzle 92: WHEN PUSH COMES TO SHOVE ******************************* Directions: Make all of the balls fall off the bottom of the screen. Machine Parts: 2 Trampolines, Magnifying Glass, Dynamite, 3 Wooden Pieces, Wooden Ramp Make an incline, from top left to bottom right. Using a ramp and wooden piece, get Mel down to the ball level (make sure the wood piece is one spot above the grass floor he lands on, so he can bounce back and forth off it). Then, use your two trampolines to bounce the balls off. Simple. Puzzle Password: MARBLE ******************************* Puzzle 93: CAT BOXING ******************************* Directions: Punch Pokey Cat. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Automatic Boxing Glove, Fan Belt, Jack-in-the-Box, 3 Ropes, (SECOND PAGE) Metal Loop, 2 Pulleys, Gun, Scissors Put your Jack-in-the-Box below the right bucket. Attach it, with a fan belt, to the wheel of the monkey bike. Place the automatic-boxing-glove to the left of Pokey. Place your gun, facing right, at the end of that long wooden tunnel along the bottom. Attach the gun to the left side of the teeter totter (use a pulley if you have to). The gun should make the boxing glove punch, and Pokey should get knocked out. Good job! Puzzle Password: HEAVY ******************************* Puzzle 94: A BETTER MOUSE TRAP ******************************* Directions: Feed Pokey Cat by letting him catch Mort Mouse. Machine Parts: Fan Belt, 2 Ropes, 3 Pulleys, Scissors, Magnifying Glass, (SECOND PAGE) Light with Drawstring, Mouse Exercise Wheel, 2 Ramps Place scissors along the rope connecting the balloons, so it will be in the path of the falling bowling ball. Attach the right side of the top left teeter totter with the right side of the teeter totter below Pokey. It seems all those other pieces were...pointless! Puzzle Password: REPUBLIC ******************************* Puzzle 95: ON THE WAY HOME ******************************* Directions: Deliver Mel and all his friends to the house. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 2 Fan Belts, 2 Metal Cogs, Rope, Magnifying Glass, (SECOND PAGE) Light with Drawstring, 2 Mouse Exercise Wheels, Brick Wall Place your two mouse exercise wheels even with the break in the dip in the path along which the boys walk. They'll fill it. Place two adjacent gears in the area to the left of the house, and attach one to the conveyor belt at the bottom, and one to one of the mouse exercise wheels (preferably the one of the left). Place a teeter totter, right side up, against the conveyor belt at the bottom left, so the bucket will fly off and hit it. Place, to the left of the rocket in the center right, a light with drawstring and magnifying glass. Connect the light to the right side of the teeter totter. It will light the rocket and get it out of the boys' way, so they will survive. Make sure to put your brick piece behind the boys, and clogging that hole, because, if that rocket doesn't shoot fast enough, they'll double back, so you need to deflect them back again. They will then fall, and find their way home. The boys are coming home, mama. Puzzle Password: QUATRAIN ******************************* Puzzle 96: CANNONBALL CHAOS ******************************* Directions: Get one of the cannonballs to fall off the screen. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Rope, Pulley, Fan, Magnifying Glass, (SECOND PAGE) Flashlight, 7 Dynamite Place all your dynamites along the big ramp, with the top one on top of the piece to the right of the cannonball. Place a flashlight under the baseball in the bottom right, with magnifying glass as well. This will light the rocket, which will flip the above outlet. Plug in the fan, and face it left, so it blows the high right balloon (it'll make it go down, and the other one up). Place a teeter totter above the rising right balloon, right side down and above the balloon. Attach the left side to the gun through a pulley. This will shoot the dynamite, exploding them all and making all the walls on the ramp disappear, sending the top cannonball shoot down, knocking the other off the side and outta sight. Puzzle Password: TYRANNOSAUR ******************************* Puzzle 97: MOUSE DANCE ******************************* Directions: Keep the mice moving, but don't let them fall off the screen. Machine Parts: Bowling Ball, 8 Trampolines, 5 Ramps FACT: In the original "The Incredible Machine" game, this was one of the pre-saved files in the free form mode. It already had the trampolines and ramps filled in, however, and was just a fun thing to look at. See every hole? Put a trampoline below it. See how the metal piping separating the holes has ramps at the top, and two of the tall ones them only have half of the point? Finish them with two more ramps. See how the short ones have only half? Finish them with another short ramp piece going the other direction like you did with the tall ones. See the next machine? 'Cause that's where you're going. Puzzle Password: SULFURIC ******************************* Puzzle 98: BALLOON BREAKING ******************************* Directions: Pop the balloon. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, 2 Ropes, Pulley, (SECOND PAGE) Gun, Scissors, Dynamite, Mouse Exercise Wheel Place a teeter totter, right side up, at the end of the top ramp, so it is hit by the bowling ball. Attach it, through a pulley, to the dynamite and plunger below, so it is activated. Place your dynamite to the right of the plunger's dynamite, until, when activated, the dynamite blows the cage up off the screen. Attach, through the two pulleys, the cage to the balloon. Place a scissors in the path of the balloon when the cage rips it downward. It should hit and pop. Puzzle Password: DOPA ******************************* Puzzle 99: BUMPING UP ******************************* Directions: Shoot the cannonball out of the piped-in area. Machine Parts: 7 Pinball Bumpers This is an aiming puzzle. Just use the bumpers, and watch where the ball goes. You don't need to use them all. Just move it around, and remember, bouncing is tedious, but fun! Also, remember, the cannonball responds to gravity. You might have to make a sort of ladder, bouncing the ball up, left, right, left, right, and so on, forcing it up, against its own desire to fall down. Puzzle Password: MINARET ******************************* Puzzle 100: EIGHTBALL IN THE BOWL ******************************* Directions: Break Bob's fishbowl Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Automatic Boxing Glove, 3 Ramps, Ernie the Alligator You need to fill in the missing deflecting ramps, but first, place a teeter totter to the left of Mel, at the end of his wooden platform. Place your boxing glove, facing left, to the left of this teeter totter, close enough that it hits the eight ball. This will shoot it straight to the left. Now, you need to bounce it around the board, and finally, to the fishbowl. You have three to place. They all should be the shortest. The first is to the left of where the ball is originally, with the left side up. It should be one space below the ramp in the left center, and one space to the right of ramp that is below it. The second goes in the mirror spot of the one you just placed. It has the right side up, and should be one space to the left of the ramp below it, and even horizontally with the ramp that is below Mel at his starting position (it will bounce the ball to that ramp). The last ramp should be parallel horizontally with the ramp below Bob's bowl, and the vertically with the ramp below Mel. Ignore the alligator, hit go, and get ready to move on. Puzzle Password: DOVETAIL ******************************* Puzzle 101: INFILTRATION ******************************* Directions: Help Pokey Cat destroy the castle. Machine Parts: Fan Belt, Jack-in-the-Box, Rope, 2 Pulleys, Gun, (SECOND PAGE) 13 Dynamite, Pokey the Cat Basically cover every ledge you can on the brick structure with dynamite (make sure it doesn't block the bath of the rolling cannonball). Make sure you cover every inch, not just one area. Secondly, place Pokey in the left bucket. Below the teeter totter's left side (but also not in the path of the cannonball), place your jack-in-the-box. Attach it to the mouse exercise wheel. Place a gun, facing left, along the bottom of the machine, in the brick structure (it should be facing a piece of dynamite along the left brick wall). Attach, through a pulley, the gun and the left side of the teeter totter. When shot, the dynamite will blow, and a circular inferno will ensue, ensuring a win! Puzzle Password: JASMINE ******************************* Puzzle 102: PUSH ******************************* Directions: Get Mel to his home. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 2 Fan Belts, 2 Metal Cogs, 3 Ropes, 2 Pulleys, (SECOND PAGE) Gun, Magnifying Glass, Light with Drawstring, Rubber Ball, Eight ball Ok, take a gun, and reverse it, and place it so Mel bounces back on his first trip to the left. Place, to the right of the dynamite at the upper right, your light and drawstring and magnifying glass. Attach the light to the right side of the teeter totter below. Place another teeter totter, right side down, on top of the alligator in the center, so as Mel could walk over him. Place your eight ball in the hole between the gun on the right and the teeter totter next to it (Mel will fall in and get trapped in this whole if you cannot). To make sure the left teeter totter doesn't move if hit by anything, attach its left side, through the leftmost pulleys, to the gun (it should be attached in such a way that it would pull the opposite direction of the trigger, and will be locked in position). Place two adjacent gears above Mel's house, and attach one to the mouse exercise wheel, and one to the conveyor belt. Now, to activate all this stuff, place your rubber ball above the right side of the right teeter totter. Keep moving this until it not only turns on the light, but also flies down and activates the mouse exercise wheel. This should shoot Mel across the last alligator's mouse, and send him home. Puzzle Password: WRANGLE ******************************* Puzzle 103: SACRIFICE ******************************* Directions: Save at least 6 of the mice by getting them to their mouse hole. Machine Parts: Switch Outlet, Fan, 2 Brick Walls It's time to defy gravity. In the hole on the right side of the brick wall, place your outlet and fan, the fan below and plugged in. Make sure to reverse the outlet's switch, so it turns on by being pushed down, and make sure the fan is facing left. Place your first brick piece in the hole in the second brick level (between the pieces holding the leftmost Pokey and the four airborne mice) so it connects. Press play. See how the mice get caught right at the entrance to the hole, by the lip? Fill in that dip with your other brick piece. Now it's time to move on to bigger and better things! Puzzle Password: KUDOS ******************************* Puzzle 104: GOOD SHOT ******************************* Directions: Shoot the cannonball into the bucket. Machine Parts: Baseball, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, Cannon, Ramp Ok, set the cannon up on the right side of the screen, facing left. Set up the baseball, magnifying glass and flashlight to light the fuse. Use the ramp to knock the ball in - I'd suggest putting the ramp on the shortest session for the most direct downward deflection. Hard? I think not! Puzzle Password: CULDESAC ******************************* Puzzle 105: MORNING AEROBICS ******************************* Directions: Exercise Mort Mouse without disturbing the 'Fish Squad' Machine Parts: Baseball, Teeter Totter, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, 2 Ropes, (SECOND PAGE) 3 Pulleys, Gun, Switch Outlet, Electric Motor, 2 Buckets The goal? Get the mouse to move without breaking any fish bowls. So, blowing up dynamite is kind of out of the question. Now, how to get inside without big explosions. It's really easy. The buckets already on the screen are a big clue. You know how one bucket weighs the same as another, and will fall if something is added? Well, place a bucket under Mort's wheel. Place another bucket outside. Place two pulleys above, and attach. Now, drop the baseball in the bucket outside. The inside bucket will lift, and scare the mouse into running. Oh, and amazingly, no fish will have to die. So, no animals were harmed in the making of this machine, which certainly (this time) is a good thing. Puzzle Password: YODEL ******************************* Puzzle 106: DROP THE BUCKET ******************************* Directions: Drop the bucket. Machine Parts: 9 Teeter Totters, Automatic Punching Glove, 4 Trampolines, 9 Ropes, Magnifying Glass, (SECOND PAGE) Light with Drawstring, Dynamite, 18 Ramps You'd you think this'd be complex, but it isn't. Place a teeter totter, left side up, at the bottom of the first shaft. Now, you could essentially place one at the top of the next one, and the bottom, etc, etc, etc, and attach them with ropes - but who has time? Place a dynamite below the bucket, squeeze your light with drawstring in to the left of it (it will fit if you fiddle with it) and a magnifying glass to the left of it. Attach the left side of the teeter totter with the light. Bingo! Looks like those high numbers were pointless. Puzzle Password: XYLOPHONE ******************************* Puzzle 107: PRISON BREAK ******************************* Directions: Free Pokey Cat by lifting the cage. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 2 Trampolines, 2 Ropes, Pulley, Bucket, (SECOND PAGE) 3 Ramps This a timing puzzle. First, place a bucket and attach it, through the two pulleys at the top, to the cage. Place a trampoline right under the dynamite, and a ramp, right side up, above it, so it flies to the top of the wooden structure. Use another ramp if it flies over, to keep it on top. Now, place a teeter totter in the path of the rolling cannonball so it turns, and attach it to the gun through a pulley. Now, using your other ramp and trampoline, you have to get the gun to shoot only after the dynamite gets in position. You also, then, once it blows away enough top, need to have the cannonball fall into the bucket, so the cage will lift. Good luck, you'll time it eventually (if you need to keep the bucket at an angle, but it keeps swinging back, trying leaning it against the extra trampoline, which will allow the ball to roll off the teeter totter (shoot the gun), across the trampoline, and into the bucket). Puzzle Password: MONKEY ******************************* Puzzle 108: ATTACKING BOB ******************************* Directions: Break Bob's fishbowl Machine Parts: Cannonball, Fan Belt, Jack-in-the-Box, 2 Ropes Attach the two buckets through the pulleys at the top, and place the cannonball in the left bucket. And... Puzzle Password: HEIST ******************************* 109: MAKING A WINDMILL TURN ******************************* Directions: Turn the windmill blades. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Trampoline, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, Magnifying Glass, (SECOND PAGE) Flashlight, Rocket, Mouse Exercise Wheel Place a trampoline on top of the brick piece at the bottom right (the piece attached to the ramp going down left). Place a rocket on the trampoline (there is a thin path going up that is one space thin. Aim the rocket so it goes up this). Place your magnifying glass and flashlight to the right of the trampoline, and use your teeter totter (right side up) to bounce the baseball onto the light (like a ramp). Place a conveyor belt, on longest setting, directly under the teapot (it will be one space short of filling the gap between the wall and the short brick platform. Leave the gap on the right side, so the rocket can go up). Place a mouse exercise wheel above the right hole in the top of the brick structure, where the rocket will hit it (attach it, facing right, to the conveyor belt). The rocket will both send the teapot to the right, and boil the teapot, which will blow the windmill. If it doesn't work, move the rocket around on its path. Puzzle Password: CAPTURE ******************************* Puzzle 110: FREE THE MICE ******************************* Directions: Free the mice from prison. They must all fall off the bottom of the screen. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 4 Fan Belts, Rope, Dynamite with Plunger Attach the top left exercise wheel to the jack-in-the-box. Now, Pokey will fly across the screen, and land in the far right bucket. Place a teeter totter, right side up, below it, and attach it, through two of the pulleys (or three if you wish) to the monkey bike's blinds. Attach the monkey's wheel to the rightmost gear. Attach the top gear to the conveyor belt, and the bottom left gear to the conveyor belt at the top left, holding another cat. Place a plunger, dynamite to the left, to the left of the pulleys at the bottom, so the cannonball rolls off and hits the plunger, also removing the wall so the mice can run off when Pokey, who's conveyor belt you activated, is shot down, and into their area. They will run off, finishing your work on this level. Puzzle Password: PURSE ******************************* Puzzle 111: BOUNCE, FIRE, POP ******************************* Directions: Launch the rocket and punch Bob Fish. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Bellows, Trampoline, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, (SECOND PAGE) Rope, Gun, Flashlight, Candle Use your bellows as a ramp to knock the bowling ball down, through Bob's bowl if you have to, onto the trampoline. Now, where it flies, bounce it again. Place your flashlight to the left of the magnifying glass, and, to the right of it, place a candle on a conveyor belt, stretched out so it will fly out under the rocket when lit. The bowling ball will do a lot of work here, as it will hit the mouse exercise wheel (attach it to the conveyor belt), after turning on the light. If the mouse isn't hit, I've found the bowling ball has enough momentum that it will knock the candle to the right anyways. Then, position your teeter totter at the far right, where the candle falls after it lights the rocket. Place your gun to the left of the pulley in the center, facing left, and attach it to the teeter totter as appropriate. The gun will shoot the boxing glove, and cause it to punch the fish (which might strangely have already been killed by a passing bowling ball). Puzzle Password: HOBBY ******************************* Puzzle 112: EIGHT BALL IN THE SIDE POCKET ******************************* Directions: Knock the eight ball into the left, side pocket, then seal the pocket so the ball can't get out Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, 2 Ropes, Switch Outlet, (SECOND PAGE) Electric Motor, Magnifying Glass, Light with Drawstring, Candle, Wooden Ramp Another timer. You have to pop the eight ball in the hole, and then get that darn bucket to fly up after and clog the hole - OH WAIT. You don't even have to clog the hole, if you aim it right. Apparently the game just looks to see how the long the ball stays in. So, you can trick it for an easy win. Place a ramp, on third longest length, right side up, one space to the right of the trampoline. On the right side, using the falling cannonball in the bottom right to turn a teeter totter. Attach it to a light with drawstring, through a magnifying glass, which lights the candle you'll play under the teapot, which shoots the eight ball. Most of the directing is done for you, but that last piece you placed. And, why, golly gee, the ball bounces around in the pocket a bit, and then...you win? No clog necessary, ladies and gentlemen (which might be less a trick, and more due to the fact that the ball begins to bounce back and forth horizontally after a few seconds, meaning it would bounce like that forever, and actually never leave the corner, anyways. Either way)! Bravo! Puzzle Password: DEIFY ******************************* Puzzle 113: BONK THE MONKEY ******************************* Directions: Bonk the monkey's head with a bowling ball. Machine Parts: 2 Fan Belts, Conveyor Belt, Rope, Pulleys, Gun, (SECOND PAGE) Generator, Fan Place a conveyor belt on longest under the bowling ball (it should connect with the wooden floor to the left). Attach it to the mouse exercise wheel behind it. Place your generator above the monkey, and attach it to his wheel. Plug in your fan on the right side of the monkey, facing right. It should blow the balloon into the mouse exercise wheel (use the gun to keep the balloon from flying away, and hitting the mouse's wheel). This should send the ball flying, onto our friend the monkey, and "bonking" his head. (If it doesn't, attach the upper right side of the teeter totter the bowling ball flies past to the gun on the far right. Use a pulley to the right of the gun (if it point to the right) to make it so the teeter totter can't move. This will force the ball to run down the teeter totter, onto the monkey.) Good luck. Puzzle Password: MERGANSER ******************************* Puzzle 114: TIME TO CLEAN UP ******************************* Directions: Vacuum up all of the tennis balls. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Vacuum, Fan Belt, Rope, Pulley, (SECOND PAGE) Mouse Exercise Wheel, 2 Vacuums, Mel Place a trampoline under the upper left tennis ball. Place a mouse exercise wheel at the hole in the center wooden floor, against the bottom of the right side (so its left side is sticking out, and top is against the floor). Attach this to the electric motor, and plug a vacuum in to it, on the left side (above that tennis ball). Now, place Mel to the left of the tennis balls at center left. Under the wooden piece they are on, place a teeter totter, right side up, but have the teeter totter's right tip stick out, so the balls hit it, but keep moving. Attach the left side of the teeter totter, through your pulley, to the light with drawstring. Plug the other vacuum in down there, so it gets the balls as Mel pushes them the rest of the way down (the ball that is used to hit the mouse exercise wheel should bounce down here, too. If it doesn't maneuver the trampoline until it does. If it does, but flies past before the vacuum turns on, move the vacuum until it blocks the ball from passing, but is still plugged in). Good job! Puzzle Password: SEAL ******************************* Puzzle 115: HOLE IN THE FLOOR ******************************* Directions: Make one of the baseballs fall off the screen. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 5 Fan Belts, Metal Cog, Windmill, 3 Ropes, (SECOND PAGE) 2 Pulleys, Gun, Bucket Place a gun, facing left, so it will shoot the baseball in the upper left. Attach it to the right side of the teeter totter below it. Now, it will turn on the fan, which should blow a windmill you place in front of it. Attach the windmill to the conveyor belt with the cannonball. Place a bucket above the mouse exercise wheel in the center right, just below the lip of the brick platform the cannonball is shot across. Attach it, through two pulleys (put each parallel vertically above the two buckets) to the other bucket. The cannonball should now both fall in the left bucket, and lift the one in the bottom right, but also drop the bucket onto the mouse exercise wheel, activating it. Attach the wheel to the conveyor belt in the bottom right. Place your teeter totter, left side up, at the end of the tunnel the baseball there is shot across (it does fit at the left end). Attach the left side of the teeter totter to the light with drawstring. Place you metal gear between the other two. Attach the bottom left mouse exercise wheel to the center gear, and attach the left and right gears to the conveyor belts below. This will win the puzzle, and all you have left is one pulley (which was meant for the gun at the start, though it will still shoot without the absolutely perfect horizontal rope pressure)! Puzzle Password: CONTRAPTION ******************************* Puzzle 116: 3 POINT SHOT ******************************* Directions: Put a basketball into the pipe basket. Machine Parts: 5 Fan Belts, 3 Metal Cogs, Conveyor Belt, Rope, Gun, (SECOND PAGE) Dynamite, Ramp Place your dynamite on that little brick pedestal, and point a gun, facing right, at it. Attach the gun, through the pulley at the far left, to the left side of the teeter totter. Now, use the ramp, gears and conveyor belts to bounce a ball through the hole, and in the basket. Puzzle Password: FLAX ******************************* Puzzle 117: AMBULANCE DRIVER ******************************* Directions: Rush Bob Fish to the hospital. Switch on the car's 'headlights' (flashlight) and start its 'motor' (turn the gear in the rear wheel). Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 4 Fan Belts, 4 Metal Gears, Conveyor Belt, Windmill, (SECOND PAGE) 2 Rope, 2 Metal Loops, 3 Pulleys, Gun, Magnifying Glass, (THIRD PAGE) Light with Drawstring, Dynamite, Ramp The upper right baseball's the key. Place a teeter totter, left side up, so that the ball hits it, and KEEPS GOING. That's essential. Place your dynamite, wick to the left, on the front of the car, on the double flat wooden piece. Put your light with drawstring and magnifying glass to the left of it, and attach the light to the right side of the teeter totter, so the dynamite blows out the wood, and both hits the mouse exercise wheel and turns on the light. Place two sets of metal gears, going down to the bottom left, so you can connect the mouse exercise wheel's power to the gear at the bottom right. That's two sets of two gears (you know the deal). You should have quite a few pieces left, but, don't be afraid! The car will run like new now. Puzzle Password: PRIMORIDIAL ******************************* Puzzle 118: TRICK SHOT ******************************* Directions: Get the basketball in the bucket. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 3 Ropes, 2 Pulleys, Gun Place a teeter totter above the balloon, left side down. Attach the left side of the teeter totter, through the pulley on the right, to the plunger. Place a gun, facing left, next to the basketball, so it doesn't shoot right, but left. Attach the gun at the bottom, through the left pulley, to the right side of the teeter totter. Now, you have the ball bouncing, and the bucket flying to the right. Now, to get the bucket to move left, too. Attach the bucket, through a pulley you place at the top (and will be moving around for aim) to the other gun, which is just being used as something to attach the bucket to, and it doesn't matter if it shoots. When the other gun shoots the bucket, now it will swing to the right, and then to the left. Maneuver the pulley on the bucket until the basketball falls in. Good luck with your pulley placing (you can move the gun, too, that the ball bounces off, for better aim)! Puzzle Password: RAVE ******************************* Puzzle 119: BALLOON EXTERMINATOR ******************************* Directions: Remove all balloons from the piped-in area. Machine Parts: Trampoline, 2 Fan Belts, Metal Cog, Conveyor Belt, Rope, (SECOND PAGE) Fan, Dynamite with Plunger Did you know popping the balloons counts? Place your dynamite with plunger above the balloons (it will barely fit), and attach it, through the pulley almost off the bottom, to one of the balloons. Pop! Puzzle Password: HYACINTH ******************************* Puzzle 120: ALLIGATOR COUNTRY ******************************* Directions: Guide Mel safely to his home. Machine Parts: 2 Teeter Totters, Automatic Boxing Glove, Trampoline, Rope, Magnifying Glass, (SECOND PAGE) Flashlight, Dynamite, Vacuum Place a teeter totter, right side up, directly to the right of Mel. Plug in a vacuum cleaner to the outlet above, but make sure it is high enough only to pull Mel when he is at the peak of the teeter totter's height (gives him a little skip over the edge of the next wooden platform, but doesn't suck him inside). Place your trampoline at the far right, next to the ramp, so he pops up, and, hitting the ramp in the top right corner, starts to the left. Place a teeter totter in the hole in the top level, with left side up, and right side adjacent to the ramp. He should fall down, and turn to the right now, parallel vertically with the outlet. Place your flashlight on top of the middle alligators mouth, so Mel can walk over it and not get eaten. You can also use the punching glove to bounce him to walk left on the small platform just below and to the left of the outlet. This should lead Mel to walk over the last alligator (on the flashlight), and down, into his home. Puzzle Password: SPIDER ******************************* Puzzle 121: THE LAUNCHING ******************************* Directions: Fire off the rocket on the right side of the screen. Machine Parts: 2 Fan Belts, Conveyor Belt, Rope, Pulley, Scissors, (SECOND PAGE) Light with Drawstring, Candle, Mouse Exercise Wheel Place a mouse exercise wheel below the bowling ball, where the baseball will bounce and hit it. Attach to the upper left conveyor belt. This will shoot the basketball to the right, towards the rope attached to the balloon. Place scissors so the ball hits them, but so it also bounces off them and keeps going right and pushes the cat into the mouse exercise wheel, Connect the middle teeter totter's left side with the light with drawstring you will place to the left of the magnifying glass. Place a conveyor belt, shortest length, directly to the right of the magnifying glass. Place a candle on the conveyor, to the far left. If you attach the bottom mouse exercise wheel with the top right conveyor belt, you should get a candle, lit and ready to go. Puzzle Password: YAMMER ******************************* Puzzle 122: VERTICAL BOWLING ******************************* Directions: Get the bowling ball to fall off the bottom of the screen. Machine Parts: 2 Fan Belts, Windmill, Rope, Gun, Switch Outlet, (SECOND PAGE) Fan, Dynamite, Wood Platform, Wooden Ramp Place your dynamite on the small brick platform under the bowling ball. Connect the mouse exercise wheel at the bottom to the jack-in-the-box. Now Pokey will bounce up to the conveyor belt. Place the outlet below the ramp in the upper left, so Pokey turns it. Plug a fan into the outlet (but out of Pokey's path), and have it blow the windmill into action. Attach the windmill to the conveyor belt, and now Pokey flies to the right. Use your ramp and wooden slant to aim Pokey onto the teeter totter, so it flips. Place your gun, facing right, so it is aiming at the dynamite. Attach it to the left side of the teeter totter to the gun, and BOOM! The ball is falling. Puzzle Password: NERVE ******************************* Puzzle 123: MONKEY AEROBICS ******************************* Directions: Exercise Kelley Monkey. Machine Parts: Baseball, 3 Fan Belts, 4 Metal Cogs, 2 Conveyor Belts, Rope, (SECOND PAGE) 2 Mouse Exercise Wheels, Wooden Platform, 2 Wooden Ramps A timing puzzle, but harder than the rest, as it is almost impossible to change the timing. Place a conveyor belt under the lowest dynamite. Place your baseball on top of the flashlight in the upper left. Place a conveyor belt over Pokey, to whom you should put the mouse exercise wheel, facing left, next to it. Attach to the bottom conveyor belt. Place to cogs next to the placed mouse exercise wheel, and connect the left one to the conveyor belt above Pokey. Taking two ramps, bridge the gap on the right side, with the longest length, so the highest dynamite slides all the way to the right and back to the left on it. Place your mouse exercise wheel next to the rightmost metal piping, one space above it, so the corner gets hit by the passing dynamite. Connect it (facing left) to the gears you placed before. This should be enough to win, after you attach the bucket to Kelley's blinds. If not, use your remaining gears to bounce pieces, or slow things down. Keep at it, and you will get it. In reality, what happens is, timing wise, each dynamite bounces and blows up a bit of the brick time after time. Eventually, the bucket is platformless, and falls, pulling open the blinds. Puzzle Password: GRATE ******************************* Puzzle 124: ROCKET LAUNCHER ******************************* Directions: Launch the rocket. Machine Parts: Bowling Ball, Automatic Boxing Glove, Rope, 2 Pulleys, Light with Drawstring, (SECOND PAGE) Candle, Dynamite with Plunger, Wooden Floor Use the boxing glove to bounce the ball onto the teeter totter's up, right side. Place a platform to the bottom right of the rocket, and place a candle on it. Place your light and drawstring, and magnifying glass next to it. Attach the drawstring to the left side of the teeter totter. Now our candle is lit. Take your dynamite with plunger, dynamite on left, plunger below the path of the right bucket. Place the bowling ball so it will go into the bucket, and lower it, slowly. Your goal is to get the dynamite to blow from under the candle, so the candle pops up (in a little arc), and lights the rocket. Move the candle's platform and the dynamite until this works for you. When it does, you've won! Puzzle Password: EMULSION ******************************* Puzzle 125: ATTRACTING MORT ******************************* Directions: Make Mort fall into the metal pipes. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 2 Fan Belts, 2 Conveyor Belts, 2 Ropes, Pulley, (SECOND PAGE) Gun, Dynamite, Mouse Exercise Wheel, Monkey Bike, Alligator Place dynamite on the brick platform to the right of Mort. Point a gun on the other side at it. Place a teeter totter above the balloon, left side down, and attach it, through a pulley, to the gun, on its left side. Place the alligator, face to the right, under the cheese. His face will fling it to the left, but you bounce it back to the right. Using your other pieces, deflect it down, until it lands and attracts Mort. If it falls in the hole with him, that's ok. Puzzle Password: INPUT ******************************* Puzzle 126: SHOOT ******************************* Directions: Fire the cannon at the right of the screen. Machine Parts: 3 Fan Belts, Jack-in-the-Box, Rope, Light Powered Outlet, Fan, (SECOND PAGE) 2 Electric Motors, 2 Magnifying Glasses, Rocket, Fishbowl Uh, place a magnifying glass next to the flashlight, and drop a rocket on the flashlight. Wow... Puzzle Password: PARADISE ******************************* Puzzle 127: THIS SUCKS ******************************* Directions: Suck Mort into the vacuum. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 2 Ropes, 4 Pulleys, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, Light with Drawstring, Dynamite You have to test this, to get Mort to do what you want at the top. Place a teeter totter, right side down, so Mort runs over it. Attach it, through a pulley, to the plunger, at the left. Mort needs to run over it and fall in the explosion's hole. However, he also has to be close enough to the left for the other cat to chase him. Work until it does. Place the light with drawstring above the light powered outlet, and attach it to the left side of the teeter totter below it. Place your dynamite to the left of the alligator at the bottom left, and place your magnifying glass and flashlight to the right (make sure the flashlight can get hit by the cat at the right who should fall on it, and turn it on. That should do it, and get Mort past the nasty kitties, but inside the vacuum bag, and dead, nonetheless. Puzzle Password: SAMURAI ******************************* Puzzle 128: LAUNCH THE ROCKETS III ******************************* Directions: Send up the rocket. Machine Parts: Trampoline, 2 Fan Belts, Conveyor Belt, 2 Ropes, Electric Motor, (SECOND PAGE) Light with Drawstring, 2 Ramps An aiming puzzle. First, plug the electric motor in to the outlet, and attach it the conveyor belt. Fill in the hole in the ramp with one of your ramps, and place another (right side up) to direct the flying cannonball down into the left bucket (make sure it doesn't go in the path of the right bucket when it rises). Place a conveyor belt under the baseball, and attach it to the top left mouse exercise wheel. Place your trampoline so, when the boxing glove punches Pokey, he bounces up and hits the teeter totter in the upper left into flipping. Place your light with drawstring to the right of the magnifying glass at the bottom left, and connect it, through a pulley, to the right side of that teeter totter. Now your rocket should get lit, and you should win! Puzzle Password: CHAOS ******************************* Puzzle 129: FANSY ******************************* Directions: Free the balloon without popping it. Machine Parts: Cannonball, Teeter Totter, Jack-in-the-Box, Windmill, Switch Outlet, (SECOND PAGE) Fan Remember tutorial puzzle #2, Mirror Images? This is the premise here, too. Using the outlet, fan and cannonball, duplicate in distance and power, the other side. Ignore the motor, its just to power the gears. Do this, and win. Is it bad that the premise from a tutorial is repeated in the very extreme levels? Oh well. Use your other items to deflect if you can't get it just right. Puzzle Password: BRAWL ******************************* Puzzle 130: MEL FIRES THE CANNON ******************************* Directions: Fire the cannon. Machine Parts: 4 Teeter Totters, Trampoline, Fan Belt, Flashlight, Mouse Exercise Wheel Use three teeter totters to make a ramp up to the left (all three with the right side down, fitting into the holes between the wooden ramps). When he reaches the top, use your trampoline to bounce Mel up (move it up and down until he bounces far enough that he goes to the right past the first landing, cause he'll walk back off the edge if he doesn't). Place another teeter totter like the others, but with right side up, so Mel walks up it and onto the top level at the top of the machine. Make him walk onto a flashlight, which will light the candle, and then walk into it, and push it gently (much slower than if you propelled it with the conveyor, and this allows the candle to light). The candle will go to the right, bounce off the tennis ball, and fall straight down, onto the cannon's wick, and lighting it, and winning for you. Puzzle Password: ASIDE ******************************* Puzzle 131: TEAMWORK ******************************* Directions: Fire off the rocket. It must fly off the top of the screen. Machine Parts: 2 Teeter Totters, 3 Fan Belts, 2 Metal Cogs, 2 Ropes, 2 Switch Outlets, (SECOND PAGE) 2 Fans, Electric Motor, Wooden Ramp Place an outlet below the baseball at the upper left, and fan to its right, so it blows the tennis ball down. Place a teeter totter, right side up, with the right tip under the hole where the green tennis ball falls down. Now, maneuver the fan until the tennis ball gets enough momentum to, at this point, push the baseball left, and itself fall right and go down the skinny hole there. Place a teeter totter below the hole (right side up), so the tennis ball bounces off it, and flies to the left actually turning on the flashlight, and launching the rocket! Without any more help, the rocket will actually shoot up and out the hole the tennis ball just fell down. Good work, friend! Puzzle Password: AXIS ******************************* Puzzle 132: COUNTDOWN TO LIFTOFF ******************************* Directions: Make the rocket fly off the top of the screen. Machine Parts: 3 Fan Belts, 2 Windmills, 3 Generators, 4 Fans, Alligator Ok, you need to let the baseball fall on the alligator's mouth, as it faces right. Move it up and down, until the ball bounces off the mouth, off the other alligator, and flips the switch at the bottom left. When done, plug a fan in, facing right. Put a fan far to the right of it, but parallel, so it gets blown. Place a generator above it, and attach it to the windmill. Plug in another fan to that, pointed right, so it blows the already placed windmill, above and to the right of the brick shaft. Place a generator above the windmill, and attach it, and plug a fan in to it. This fan should face right, and be up against the tennis ball, so it will blow it down the wood shaft, and onto the flashlight. If you did it right, and kept away from directly above the brick shaft but for fan belts, you should win. If you can't stretch it (if you can't make the fan belts stretch far enough), you can make another windmill-fan-generator combo with left over parts Puzzle Password: OFFBEAT ******************************* Puzzle 133: TRANSPORTATION ******************************* Directions: Put the basketball into the metal container. Machine Parts: 2 Teeter Totters, 3 Fan Belts, 4 Metal Cogs, Conveyor Belt, Rope, (SECOND PAGE) 5 Wooden Ramps Place a teeter totter, right side down, with the right side directly under the basketball, and attach the left side of that teeter totter to the right side of the one attached to the balloon below. Use a conveyor belt and ramp to fill in the big gap in the right center of the machine, or any combination of left over parts. The ball should bounce over (I used a long ramp, right side up, to a conveyor belt, longest, to do it), and into the metal hoop. Puzzle Password: QUIP ******************************* Puzzle 134: ROUNDABOUT ******************************* Directions: Drop the bowling ball into the wooden bin at the bottom right of the screen. Machine Parts: 2 Teeter Totters, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, Rope, Gun, (SECOND PAGE) Mouse Exercise Wheel, Ramp Place a teeter totter, right side down, below the basketball. Place a gun, facing left, behind the bowling ball, so it shoots it when attached, through the pulleys, to the left side of the teeter totter. Place a ramp, shortest size and left side up, at the end of the wooden platform that the bowling ball lands on. When it flies up and past, make a platform for it to fly across and into the wooden hole by making a flat area with the mouse exercise wheel and conveyor belt (attach them if you think that'll help, but the ball his enough momentum on its own to make it. If not, go ahead, but be sure to put the mouse wheel first). Puzzle Password: NEWMAN ******************************* Puzzle 135: POKEY PLAYS PINBALL ******************************* Directions: Make the baseball fall into the bucket. Machine Parts: 2 Teeter Totters, Automatic Boxing Glove, Trampoline, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, (SECOND PAGE) Jack-in-the-Box, Rope Place a conveyor belt directly below the baseball, stretched all the way out, and connect it to the mouse exercise wheel below. Place a teeter totter, right side up, below the mouse, so that the teeter totter's bottom left is right under the mouse. Place another teeter totter, right side down, along Mel's path at the upper right, so he hits it and flips it, and then hits a well placed boxing glove, breaking Bob's fishbowl. Pokey will run right and fly, hitting the pinball bumpers, and flying at Mort, who (after being flung up and around by his own teeter totter, which you attached its left side to the upper teeter totter's right side) will run under the conveyor belt to safety, and activate the mouse exercise wheel. Place your jack-in-the-box in the hole between the wood shaft and the platform to the right of it, so Mel can't fall down and interfere. The ball will shoot left, and in (use the extra trampoline for aim if need be). Puzzle Password: SLOPE ******************************* Puzzle 136: DEMOLITION ******************************* Directions: Blow up the brick wall. Machine Parts: 3 Fan Belts, 2 Metal Cogs, Conveyor Belt, Jack-in-the-Box, Magnifying Glass, (SECOND PAGE) Flashlight, Rocket, Dynamite with Plunger Place the dynamite with plunger, plunger on the right, with the dynamite against the brick. Drop the rocket on the plunger. Boom! Puzzle Password: TENON ******************************* Puzzle 137: THE TRAP ******************************* Directions: Trap the superball in the pipe cage by closing the cage after the ball enters. Machine Parts: 2 Fan Belts, 2 Metal Cogs, Conveyor Belt, Rope, Pulley, (SECOND PAGE) Switch Outlet, Electric Motor, 2 Buckets Place an outlet, switch down, in the opening to the metal chamber. Plug in the generator to it. Place a conveyor belt, longest length, on the cannonball, and attach it, with the two gears, to the plugged in generator. This will shoot the cannonball left. Now, place a bucket under the hole into the metal piping, and place the other one where the cannonball rolls, so it flies up. Attach them, with the two pulleys directly above them (you place one, the other is given over the entrance to the metal structure). Now, when the ball goes in, it will hit the switch, and start the closing process. Move stuff around, and you will get it, eventually. Puzzle Password: CROSSCUT ******************************* Puzzle 138: HIT TWO BUMPERS ******************************* Directions: Hit the two pinball bumpers with the cannonball. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 3 Ropes, 2 Pulleys, Gun, Light with Drawstring, (SECOND PAGE) Dynamite, Candle, Pinball Bumper Place your light with drawstring to the left of the magnifying glass, and place your candle on the right. Place a teeter totter, right side up, under the basketball, and attach it, with a pulley on the left side, to the drawstring. Put your dynamite at the top of the machine so it drops down, and hits the bowling ball into the boxing glove, which, with the help of the gun as a ramp, with knock the candle to the left, and up, across the rocket's wick, and light it, shooting the rocket up, and to light the cannon's wick. Now, use your pinball bumper to bounce this cannonball into the other bumper. You win! Puzzle Password: NORM ******************************* Puzzle 139: Bowl Breaking ******************************* Directions: Break Bob's fishbowl. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 4 Fan Belts, Metal Cog, Conveyor Belt, Jack-in-the-Box, (SECOND PAGE) Scissors Attach the bottom mouse exercise wheel to the left metal cog. Attach the bottom right cog to the metal conveyor belt with the bucket on it. Place a conveyor belt under the baseball, so it is adjacent to the top mouse exercise wheel. Attach this to the top metal cog. Place the scissors along the line where the right bucket falls, so, if cut, they would snip the rope. Place a jack-in-the-box under them, and also place a metal cog next to the top cog (connecting to the baseball's conveyor belt). Attach both. Move until the jack-in-the-box shuts the scissors and cuts the rope. Place your teeter totter, left side down, directly under Bob's bowl in the upper left. The left bucket will fly up and hit the teeter totter, and cause the left side of it to fly up, and break the bowl. Puzzle Password: HOUSE ******************************* Puzzle 140: BALLS INTO POTS ******************************* Directions: Put one ball into each of the pipes. Machine Parts: 5 Teeter Totters, Trampoline, 3 Fan Belts, 3 Conveyor Belts, 5 Ropes, (SECOND PAGE) Pulley, 3 Mouse Exercise Wheels Place a teeter totter, left side down, under the bottom three balls, and a conveyor belt, on shortest, under the top tennis ball. Place a trampoline directly to the right of the bottom right center wooden strip, so the cheese bounces up. Attach the teeter totter to the left of the wooden strip on its right side to the right side of the teeter totter holding the basketball, and, on the left side, through a pulley below it, to the right side of the one holding the baseball. To the right and below the trampoline, place the teeter totter, right side up, which Pokey will fall on. Attach the right side to the right side of the teeter totter holding the bowling ball. Place a mouse exercise wheel, facing right, to the right of the tennis ball's conveyor belt, above the cheese, so the cheese activates it, and the tennis ball flies across, along the exercise wheel, and into the big pipe. Attach the left side of the baseball teeter totter to the left side of the cannonball's teeter totter, and press go. Whew, a win. Puzzle Password: MACARONI ******************************* Puzzle 141: FEEDING FRENZY ******************************* Directions: Feed 1 mouse to each Ernie Alligator. Machine Parts: 4 Fan Belts, Metal Cog, 3 Conveyor Belts, 2 Ropes, Metal Loop, (SECOND PAGE) Magnifying Glass, Light with Drawstring, Mouse Exercise Wheel Place you magnifying glass and light with drawstring at the bottom left. Attach the drawstring, through the pulley below it, to the right side of the bottom teeter totter. Place a metal hook above and to the left of the cage, and attach it to the string. Place conveyor belts, on longest setting, under all three mice. Press go - the mice should sit, and the eight ball should fly up. Place a mouse exercise wheel in its path. Place your cog between the other three, as a middle link, to connect them. Connect this middle cog to the mouse exercise wheel (which should be facing left). Attach each conveyor to the other cogs. Now, each should shoot its own mouse to a different alligator (if it doesn't, move around the conveyors - they should be directly under each mouse, not a little below them, to get them to the top two alligators). Puzzle Password: TALON ******************************* Puzzle 142: NAILED ******************************* Directions: Prevent the balloons from popping. Machine Parts: 2 Ropes, 2 Metal Hooks, 2 Buckets Ok, on the left side, attach the second balloon to a metal loop. Concentrating on this part, put the loop to the left, and maneuver it until, swinging up to the left, it pushes the leftmost balloon of the left side, and also doesn't pop itself. Place a bucket directly under the center balloon (This will suction the balloon and pull it down), in which half the balloon is in the bucket. Attach the other two balloons with the remaining string, and repeat the bucket trick with either one, which will pull down both. Puzzle Password: BEAK ******************************* Puzzle 143: ROCKET LAUNCHER ******************************* Directions: Launch the rocket. Machine Parts: Rope, 3 Pulleys, Light with Drawstring, 4 Alligators Place an alligator, facing right, at the end of the ramp the cannonball rolls down (in the hole). Place another alligator in the hole to the left and up (to the left of the ramp). Place your third alligator to the left of the cannonball's start, up a bit, facing left, in the hole there. Place the last alligator In the hole between the second short ramp to the left of the rocket's set up (This will be chain of popping up the ball). Place your light with drawstring to the left of the magnifying glass, and attach to the right side of the teeter totter through a pulley. Watch and win. Puzzle Password: BIRETTA ******************************* Puzzle 144: BLOWING HOME ******************************* Directions: Help Mel get home. Machine Parts: Rope, Magnifying Glass, Light with Drawstring, 5 Dynamites, 2 Candles, (SECOND PAGE) Teapot, Eight ball Ok, a disclaimer. Some of these puzzles from now on out that depend on the eight ball going to the right direction might take forever to fix, and, truthfully, the game's maker did a poor job placing them, so they might not work at all. Try your best, and maneuver what you can to get them right. Or, my person favorite, avoid them altogether. I could tell you to do the dynamite shtick on the right side of the screen, but that would put you under the power of the eightball's discretion, and I'd rather not put you through that. So, place a dynamite on the flashlight, to turn it on. Place a magnifying glass to its right, and a candle under the strip to its right. Place your teapot, facing right, above it. Place your other candle under the teapot above, and your light with drawstring to the left of the magnifying glass. Attach the drawstring to the left side of the teeter totter. Place your eight ball under the right side of the teeter totter (this one, since you can move it, is under your control). You should get it to go, without all that silly bouncing. Puzzle Password: FREQUENT ******************************* Puzzle 145: BALLOON EXTERMINATOR II ******************************* Directions: Get both balloons off the screen. Machine Parts: Bellows, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, Rope, 3 Pulleys, (SECOND PAGE) Light Powered Outlet, Electric Motor, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight Place your bellows, facing right, so they are pressed against the left end of the top center wooden piece. This should make the balloon go to the left, and keep the bowling ball from balling down. Attach the left side of the upper right teeter totter, through a pulley, to the dynamite plunger. Place your conveyor belt, on second longest setting, adjacent to the left of the bottom wooden strip. Place your outlet above it, and plug in the electric motor to the left, low enough that, when the candle flies past, it is blocked from going all the way over the edge. Place your flashlight below the baseball (facing right), and magnifying glass to the right of that. One balloon goes up, and now, one balloon gets pooper. Puzzle Password: STREAM ******************************* Puzzle 146: DON'T EAT ME ******************************* Directions: Show Mel safely to his house. Machine Parts: Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, Windmill, Flashlight, 6 Dynamites, (SECOND PAGE) Candle, Mouse, 2 Wooden Platforms, Teapot This is use of dynamite in ways thought impossible. First, place a short conveyor belt to the right of the magnifying glass. Place the candle on it, and place a small wooden platform above it, and the teapot above that. Place a windmill in the path of the teapot, and connect it to the candle. Now the candle should fly to the right, if it gets lit. Place your flashlight, facing right, as far to the left as it will go, and down. Turn it on with a piece of dynamite. Place another in the middle flat platform at the top, the area below that, and then behind the center alligator another piece. Place, to the left of the house, a small platform with another stick of dynamite in it. Place one other dynamite to the left of the house, it its small square area. If you did it right, Mel should walk behind the falling candlestick, and into his house (if he falls of the left initially, place your mouse above him at the top left, so they fall behind him once the puzzle starts. He will bounce off after the first explosion sends him back, if it does so). If you can't get it right at the bottom right, maneuver the dynamite and wooden platform until it works. Puzzle Password: UMIAK ******************************* Puzzle 147: LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR ******************************* Directions: Blow up the walls of the wooden house at the right. Machine Parts: Basketball, Baseball, Automatic Boxing Glove, 3 Dynamite, Candle, (SECOND PAGE) 2 Ramps, Pinball Bumper Place your baseball on top of the flashlight, and, using your automatic boxing glove and a ramp, aim the rocket up the ramp to the right. Place your other ramp at the end, sloping right side down. Place your extra dynamite around the house, so they all light each other. You should get a big surprise! Puzzle Password: HIATUS ******************************* Puzzle 148: BUCKET TRAINING ******************************* Directions: Fire off the rocket. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 3 Fan Belts, 2 Metal Cogs, Conveyor Belt, Rope, (SECOND PAGE) Pulley, Switch Outlet, Light Powered Outlet, 2 Electric Motors, Light with Drawstring, (THIRD PAGE) Candle The premise here is, get the candle in the bucket, lit, and then lift the bucket all the way up, for the candle to light the rocket. Timing is essential. First the candle lit, then the candle moved, then the bucket rises. Let's attempt, shall we? Place your teeter totter right side up under the bowling ball. Place a candle to the right of the magnifying glass, and a light with drawstring to the left. Attach, through a pulley, the drawstring and left side of the pulley. Place your light powered outlet above the light with drawstring, and, above that and plugged in with gear on right, place an electric motor. Place another conveyor belt under the cannonball at the top, so it meets with the wooden platform to the right. This should, at this point, both light the candle and shoot the cannonball to the right. Using your two gears, other electric motor, and light switch, get the cannonball to flip the switch, bounce off the electric motor (which is plugged into the switch) and into the bucket. the electric motor should be attached, through the two gears, to the conveyor belt below the candle. If you maneuver it correctly, and time it right, the candle will fly to the left and land in the bucket, getting lifted up to light the rocket. Puzzle Password: CREEK ******************************* Puzzle 149: MEL TO THE RESCUE ******************************* Directions: Escort Mel and his brother safely home. Machine Parts: 3 Teeter Totters, 3 Trampolines, 2 Ropes, Pulley, Gun, (SECOND PAGE) Dynamite Place a trampoline above the left Mel, and another one between the ramp and wall on the right side. Where Mel flies on the right, place a teeter totter, left side up. Place, to the right of the left Mel, on the small wooden piece, a stick of dynamite. Place your gun, facing left, point at it, and attach it to the right side of the teeter totter you just placed. Place another teeter totter, right side down, over the bottom alligator, and another, this one left side down, over the top alligator. Attach the left side of the bottom teeter totter to the left side of the top one (This will keep them from changing positions). Place a trampoline directly above the rightmost trampoline you placed, (it will actually be a bit to the right) in the hole to the right of the small ramp. This should bounce them up, and you should get both boys home, safe and sound! Puzzle Password: CROQUET ******************************* Puzzle 150: TEA TIME ******************************* Directions: It's tea time. Boil the water in the tea kettle. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, Trampoline, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, 2 Ropes, (SECOND PAGE) Pulley, Gun, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, Candle, (THIRD PAGE) Dynamite with Plunger, Mouse Exercise Wheel, Monkey Bike Place your dynamite's plunger under the strip holding the teapot, with the dynamite sticking out to the right. Place your candle on it. Place, to the left, your magnifying glass and flashlight. Now, using the teeter totter, conveyor belt, trampoline, mouse exercise wheel, monkey bike and gun (the last two can be use as ramps to bounce Mel to the right when on the trampoline), get Mel over to activate the flashlight. I used the teeter totter, onto the mouse exercise wheel, onto the conveyor belt (longest), onto the trampoline and bounced right with the gun (facing right). Then, bravo. You've won! Puzzle Password: ACID ******************************* Puzzle 151: BASKET-BOWL ******************************* Directions: Shoot the basketball into the brick box. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 2 Ropes, Pulley, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, (SECOND PAGE) Candle, Teapot Place teapot, facing left, on the top ledge to the left of the bottom teeter totter. Place a candle on the ledge below it, with the magnifying glass and flashlight to the right (the baseball should rest against it, but not hit it). Place a trampoline, left side up, above the bottom teeter totter. Attach the left side of that teeter totter, through a pulley above it, to the left side of the bottom teeter totter. Connect the right side of the middle teeter totter to the left side of the top one. Press go. If your teeter totter is well placed you should get a hole in one. Puzzle Password: BABY ******************************* Puzzle 152: BALLOONING AROUND ******************************* Directions: Put the balloon into the pipe basket at the bottom right of the screen. Machine Parts: 2 Baseballs, 7 Fan Belts, 7 Metal Cogs, 7 Conveyor Belts, Jack-in-the-Box, (SECOND PAGE) Windmill, Rope, Metal Loop, Gun, Scissors, (THIRD PAGE) 4 Switch Outlets, 4 Fans, Dynamite, Bucket, 3 Ramps Balloons go down? They do if you put on bucket on them. Attach that bucket to a metal loop, until, on falling, it does a swing move and flies to the bottom, using a ramp and a gear to bounce it over. Line up conveyor belts even with the pipe on the bottom (on top of that small flat wooden platform), and the bucket should go mostly across. But then, it gets caught on the rope. Put an outlet at the far left, and plug two fans into it, one facing right so it will blow the bucket, and the other facing towards a windmill you place (use your baseball to turn on the outlet). Using your gears, attach the windmill to a jack-in-the-box at the top (see how the center main wood platform has a small wooden piece on it? Place the jack-in-the-box there). Now, hit go, and watch the rope. Place your scissors on the spot where the rope should go. Now, by catapulting with the jack-in-the-box, send the other baseball through the air, and direct it onto the scissors (another timer, you have to do this later enough the it cuts the rope after the bucket and balloon have reached their destination). You now should have the balloon and bucket in the metal piping. If the bucket doesn't make it, add a gear off the windmill and attach it to a conveyor belt on the bottom, for speed. Good luck! Puzzle Password: SEAN ******************************* Puzzle 153: BUCKET WORK ******************************* Directions: Send the basketball off the screen. Machine Parts: Teeter Totter, 2 Ropes, 4 Pulleys, Wooden Platform, 2 Ramps Clog the cannonball in the upper left by place a teeter totter, left side down, in its path. Attach the left two buckets, through one pulley, together. Attach the other two buckets, through a pulley, and make the rightmost bucket's pulley far to the right of it, so it swings out of the way. The other bucket will stay high enough to keep out of your way. Good luck, and keep maneuver stuff. Puzzle Password: QUALM ******************************* Puzzle 154: COME HOME MEL ******************************* Directions: Help Mel reach his house. Machine Parts: 6 Balloons, Fan Belt, 7 Ropes, 6 Metal Loops, 2 Pulleys, (SECOND PAGE) Scissors, Light Powered Outlet, Magnifying Glass, Light with Drawstring, Mouse Exercise Wheel Now, Mel can't walk on water, but he can walk on balloons. Place three balloons (they'll squeeze) in the hole directly in front of Mel, and tie them down to three metal loops. Attach the balloon on the right to the hook placed to the bottom left of it. Place your mouse exercise wheel even with the conveyor on the right, and attach. This should shoot Mel to the left, where he falls down a hole in the bottom left corner of the machine. Place a balloon there, and put a hook above it, and attach (if you put it below, it will still move). Now, you've got him home again! Congratulations. Puzzle Password: THIAMINE ******************************* Puzzle 155: CHEESE ******************************* Directions: Guide Mort and his friends to their mouse hole. Machine Parts: Cannonball, 3 Fan Belts, Conveyor Belt, Jack-in-the-Box, Rope, (SECOND PAGE) 2 Pulleys, Magnifying Glass, Flashlight, Candle, 3 Mouse Exercise Wheels, (THIRD PAGE) Teapot Place a teapot to the right of the bottom right alligator. Place a candle underneath it. Place your magnifying glass and flashlight to the right, and drop the cannonball on the flashlight to turn it on. Now the mice, when down there, will fly over the alligator. At the top right, place a mouse exercise wheel to the right of the topmost wooden platform, so the mice fit under it. Attach to the conveyor with the cheese on it. Place a mouse exercise wheel under the cheese platform on the far left, and attach it to a conveyor you stretch out (longest) to the right of it. Place your jack in the box below the right side of the teeter totter, and attach it to another mouse exercise wheel, which is under the conveyor belt you just placed, to the right. The mice should now, when the puzzle starts, be shot to the right, after the cheese. Attach the right side of the teeter totter, through the two pulleys, to the plunger on the dynamite at the far right. That should do it. The mice should chase the cheese, fall down, and chase the other cheese to the left, float over the bottom alligator, and run home. Puzzle Password: TURN ******************************* Puzzle 156: EXPERT: WHERE IS MY HOME ******************************* Directions: Help Mel and his friends get home. Deliver one little guy to each house. Machine Parts: 2 Teeter Totters, Trampoline, Fan Belt, Conveyor Belt, Jack-in-the-Box, (SECOND PAGE) Rope, Gun, Mouse Exercise Wheel, Pinball Bumper Place a teeter totter, left side down, directly under the cannonball. Connect the two buckets, through the two pulleys, to each other. Now, you have all three boys walking off to the left side, and the other flying to the top left. Using your pinball bumper, place it above the red brick piece in the bottom center, so it breaks them up to two going right, one left. Now, you have three home, essentially, two to the same place, the bottom right. Placing your conveyor belt in the hole along the bottom. Now, using your teeter totter, jack-in-the-box and the mouse exercise wheel, get one of those little guys up to the far right ramp, and, using your trampoline, bounce him up (remember, jack-in-the-box timed right can catapult Mel) and into his house. Good luck (this is a hard one - I guess expert is the right name for it!) Puzzle Password: KANGAROO ******************************* Puzzle 157: EXPERT: CLEAR THE PATH ******************************* Directions: Fly both rockets off the top of the screen. Machine Parts: Automatic Boxing Glove, Trampoline, Scissors, 2 Magnifying Glasses, 2 Flashlights, (SECOND PAGE) 2 Wooden Platforms Place a flashlight and magnifying glass combo beside each rocket. The left one will surely light, but the right...use your scissors to roll the right ball to the right, and use a platform, then trampoline, then boxing glove to bounce the ball onto the right flashlight. If you need to, use the other wooden platform to aim it. Let them shoot up, and the rockets will fly off the top. Puzzle Password: CONTENT ******************************* Puzzle 158: EXPERT: 10-9...8... ******************************* Directions: Launch the rocket. Machine Parts: Bowling Ball, 9 Fan Belts, 5 Metal Cogs, 4 Conveyor Belts, Windmill, (SECOND PAGE) Switch Outlet, Fan Place your outlet under the baseball in the top left. Plug in a fan, and place a windmill to the right of the balloon (it'll turn and block the balloon from clogging the whole at the top). Attach the windmill to the third cog in the middle, and place two cogs between it. Place another cog at the bottom left to the right of the lowest gear, and attach to the conveyor belt below. Attach the left cog systems second to highest cog to the left most cog of the center system. Now the ball should fly to the right. Place your bowling ball into the right bucket, and place a conveyor belt under the cannonball. Connect to the third highest cog of the left system, and deflect it with the other gears leftover until it falls into the left bucket. Now, it will get the right timing, and the ball should fly over and hit the flashlight, and spark your dreams into reality. Puzzle Password: BELLOC ******************************* Puzzle 159: EXPERT: CLEAR THE PATH II ******************************* Directions: Help the rocket blast off the top of the screen. Machine Parts: 6 Fan Belts, 3 Metal Cogs, 3 Conveyor Belts, Jack-in-the-Box, Electric Motor, (SECOND PAGE) 2Magnifying Glasses, 2 Candles, 2 Mouse Exercise Wheels Place a candle to the right of the magnifying glass. To the right of that candle, place a magnifying glass, then place another candle to the right of that, and a magnifying glass to the right of that. So, along the bottom right, you have flashlight, glass, candle, glass, candle, glass, right up to the rocket. Using a mouse exercise wheel, facing left, place it against the second highest ramp the ball rolls down (the center ramp system). Now the ball should make it to the bottom, and hit the flashlight on. The rocket should launch. On the left, attach the mouse exercise wheel at the bottom left to the conveyor belt below it. Place your jack-in-the-box to the right of the steep ramp, so, when the machine is run, the dynamite lands on it. Connect to the mouse exercise wheel you placed in the path of the ball. At the top left, place a conveyor belt, longest length, to the left of the two steep ramps, with their right sides up, so, when played, the dynamite lands there. To the right of the one ramp at the top left, place your mouse exercise wheel, facing right. The dynamite should hit this while flying up, and make it run, shooting it to the right. Place two conveyor belts in the holes in the path, so, if propelled correctly, the dynamite would fly to where the rocket is. Plug your electric motor into the light outlet at the bottom right. Place three adjacent gears somewhere, and attach the middle gear to the motor. Attach the other two gears to the other conveyor belts at top center, which should push the rocket to the right (the gear to motor fan belt will stretch very long, while the conveyor belt to gear fan belt wont, for some reason. Keep this in mind for placing them. I placed them under the hole you filled with a conveyor to the left of the hole the rocket flies up). If you placed everything just right, the rocket should light the dynamite, and you should have won the puzzle. Only one to go! Puzzle Password: PASSWORD ******************************* Puzzle 160: EXPERT: A LONG WALK ******************************* Directions: Escort Mel and his friends to his house. Machine Parts: 2 Fan Belts, Conveyor Belt, Rope, Switch Outlet, Electric Motor, (SECOND PAGE) Flashlight, Light with Drawstring, Dynamite, Candle, Vacuum, (THIRD PAGE) 5 Tacks Place, at the bottom, your flashlight facing left to the right of the magnifying glass, a conveyor belt, even with the dirt floor, under the baseball, and attach it to the mouse exercise wheel. Place a candle under the teapot. At the top left, place the switch outlet under the baseball, so it falls and turns it on. On the left side of the jack-in-the-box, place your vacuum. On the right, place your electric motor, spinning gear on the left side. Make sure the vacuum is plugged in, the gear is attached to the conveyor. Now, all the Mel's should be shot to the right, and they should run over, and cut the rope. Place a dynamite, wick to the right, above the left side of the teeter totter at the very top center. Place your light with drawstring to the right of the magnifying glass at center. Attach the drawstring, through the pulley below it and the pulley above the teeter totter, to the right side of the teeter totter. Now, all the Mels should fall to that second level, an walk off the right side of the screen. Using your tacks, make a curved ramp for them to walk down. When you do, the bottom is already set up, and you will blow them over the gap, and home. Congratulations. You have finished your final puzzle!!! Puzzle Password: This is the final Puzzle! There is no password Click advance to go to free form mode. ******************************* You have now completed all 160 puzzles of "The Even More Incredible Machine". Continued in this walkthrough are hints and tips for general play, a section devoted to the freeform mode, and a thanks section. Please, read on at your own discretion, and use this guide to the best of your ability! ============================================ 7. Tips & Strategies, Tricks & Secrets ============================================ There are some tricks and hints that make this game a bit easier. There are some things you wouldn't think of, nor would you probably try. If you want just a couple ideas to run through your head, read on here. ******************** 1. The Balloon & Bucket Trick ******************** As seen in several puzzle explanations, I have found the balloon & bucket trick to help a lot in difficult situations. By placing a balloon inside of a bucket, you can drag the balloon down with the bucket. This helps when you need to get a bucket lower, or, if the goal is to protect a balloon from something above it. ******************** 2. Balloons Offed By Popping Cheat ******************** Sometimes a puzzle will ask you to get balloons off the screen, in which the balloons are trapped. In all these instances, balloons will be considered off if you pop them, either by lighting a fire under them, shooting them, cutting them, etc. In some instances, this actually may be necessary to finish a puzzle (when a balloon literally cannot escape). ******************** 3. Chutes and Slides ******************** The following objects are suggested as alternatives to use a wooden ramp for deflecting or rolling: Teeter Totter, Bellows, Automatic Boxing Glove, Gun, Fan, Electric Motor, Flashlight, Metal Piping Curve, Vacuum, Tack, Pinball Bumper. ******************** 4. Turn Me On ******************** The following objects are suggested as alternatives to balls when you want to activate something (often the game's creators added droppable items that make puzzles insanely simple, because they didn't realize steps could be skipped with this item being able to be used to drop): Balloon (lift), Dynamite, Rocket, Candle, Bucket, Pokey, Mort, Cheese, Mel, Teapot. ******************** 5. Light My Fire ******************** The following pieces can light other items (the last two through a magnifying glass): Rocket, Candle, Light with Drawstring, Flashlight. ******************** 6. Spinning Wheel ******************** The following pieces can make another piece spin, through a fan belt: Gear, Windmill, Electric Motor, Mouse Exercise Wheel, Monkey Bike. ******************** 7. Alligator Hijinks ******************** The alligator works in peculiar ways. It will balance a ball or any other moving object on its tail, bounce behind it anything that lands on its jaw, and eat the following animals: Mort, Mel. He will not eat Pokey. ******************** 8. Animal Attraction ******************** To get Pokey to move, you can place, but only in front of him, a mouse, a fishbowl, or a broken fishbowl (he will climb onto the mouse and broken fishbowl). To get Mort to move, you can place a cheese in front of him, or a Pokey behind or in front of. To get Kelly the Monkey to run, you must pull open her blinds. Mel will always move, while Bob the Fish and Ernie Alligator will never move, other than the alligator's mouth and tail. ******************** 9. Stand On Me ******************** The following things can be used as flooring, ceiling or walling, aside from the given floors: Conveyor Belt, Jack-in-the-Box, Gun, Generator, Dynamite with Plunger, Mouse Exercise Wheel, Alligator. ******************** 10. Pop Goes the Weasel ******************** The following things will pop a balloon: Spinning Gear, Gun, Scissors, Dynamite, Candle, Dynamite with Plunger, Rocket, Tack. ============================================ 8. Freeform Mode FAQ ============================================ This section outlines the process used in the freeform mode, and what the game allows you to do here. If you feel comfortable with the freeform mode, go right ahead and skip this section. ******************** What is it? ******************** The Freeform Mode is accessed by pressing the metal wrench to the right of the puzzle selector. It allows you to use any piece you wish to make your own puzzle. You can use up to 79 pieces, and then the game loses memory. This part of the game allows you to test the ways certain pieces act, and just plainly have fun. It also allows you to make and save your own puzzles, complete with directions, select pieces to place, and a goal. ******************** What do the symbols around the placed pieces mean? ******************** Every piece shares two symbols, which are the bottle at the top left of the piece, and the padlock to the upper right. The bottle gets rid of the piece for you, or recycles it, which you could also do by dragging it to the blue piece bar at the right. The other symbol, the padlock, allows you to lock pieces in place, so no one playing (unless they click the padlock again) or trying to solve your machine will move them. If you click the padlock, all the other button choices disappear, and the piece acts like one of the already placed pieces in the puzzle mode. Symbols on a piece that are arrows above, below or to the sides, allow you to make that piece longer and shorter horizontally and vertically. The only two symbols, on the bottom left and right, are arrows in a recycling sign circle, which, however, mean reverse the piece. In all pieces but the metal piping cure, clicking either will do the same thing. However, clicking them on the metal piping curve will rotate them clockwise ninety degrees, or counter-clockwise for the other. Use these buttons to control your pieces, and make your puzzle ******************** I've made my puzzle, but how do I control what pieces someone playing it can use? ******************** Right click the puzzle screen, so you are in the main area. Click the blue piece bar on the right. You should be in the adjust parts bin. To remove all pieces from the blue piece bar, click the bomb. Then, click the pieces you want to add for players to use on your puzzle from the selection of the left (use the down green arrow to get the second half of the items). You could also remove items from the right, or follow my own personal process, which is as follows: Create an entire puzzle that works, and then empty the blue piece bin with the bomb button. Go back to the puzzle, and remove pieces from the puzzle by placing them in the previously empty blue parts bin. Then, you have all the parts you need, without trying to guess from the adjust parts bin. After that, just padlock all the other left over parts. ******************** What else must I do to finish a puzzle? ******************** To make a puzzle, you should add your own description on what a player needs to do to solve the puzzle on the main page. Just click "(Click here to enter description)", and write the goal of the puzzle. Also, you'll want to save your puzzle, by clicking the button shaped like a disk with an arrow pointing to it (the right disk). You can load it later by pressing the other disk button (the left disk) ******************** What else can I do in Freeform Mode? ******************** You can now, finally, affect the air pressure and gravity on your puzzle. By pushing the gravity to the right, you increase gravity, which alone has no effect on anything (balloons still rise). By pushing the gravity to the left, you decrease gravity, which only makes things rise and fall slower. By pushing air pressure to the right, you increase pressure, and light balls will lift into the air. By pushing air pressure to the left, air pressure is decreased, and the balloon will fall. Combine moving the two for interesting effects. You can also play pre-saved puzzles, by the games creators, in freeform mode. This is basically the same thing as puzzle mode, just...they're saved in this section. You can also alter them, add pieces, remove pieces, change gravity and air pressure. Some pre-saved puzzles are actually just amusing machines that do funny things, like the dynamite with plunger, where the plunger is surrounded by eight balls, and, when activated by a dropping Pokey, they shoot out in all directions. Just play around with saved files, and have fun making your own puzzles. And don't be afraid to test stuff, and try new ideas. After all, since you're past the puzzles, this is the second half, and sometimes more amusing part of the game! Have fun! ============================================ 9. Thanks ============================================ I, Mike8787, would like to thank the following people or organizations for their help in creating this guide: -My friend SW for entertaining my complaining and repeated absences as I solved puzzle after puzzle after puzzle. -Jeff Tunnel Productions for making this game, and then remaking it with more pieces and puzzles. You guys rock (and are some of the most amazingly creative people I have ever met for thinking this up). -Dynamix and Sierra, for also having a part in this great game, and continuing to update and fund it. -My fingers, for not becoming sore and puffy after about a five hour writing spree one night that ended at 2:30 AM, not to mention a couple hours most other days. -All the people listed on page 36 of the game manual, or those listed in the "Game Credits". -Coca Cola, for creating a drink that kept me awake and alert, and was also tasty. I'd also like to thank Dove Chocolate, for an alternative taste to sweet, sweet cola. -Myself, for finally completing this FAQ/Walkthrough, in its immensity and complexity. 160 puzzles - I still don't know how I managed. -CJayC, for accepting and putting up this FAQ/Walkthrough, and allowing me to feel some sense of accomplishment in this dull and dreary life I now lead. Perhaps his posting of this FAQ/Walkthrough will allow me to move up in the world of gaming, and on to the greatness I am destined for! Or just some fun. Thanks anyways. -You, for giving me a reason to write this FAQ/Walkthrough, and also, a reason for living. ============================================ I hope you had fun, and that this guide was helpful! Any questions or comments can be addressed to Porcell78@AOL.com. Thanks for reading, I hope you had fun - and, remember, playing The Even More Incredible Machine is a cyclical process - you can play it over and over! Good luck with your game, and have fun! ============================================ (c) 2003, Mike8787