Press [`] and type in: hereComesTrouble Enable cheat mode openLevelsGuv All levels accessible cash + 10,000 Dollar setCar [CARNAME] Change Your car name to [CARNAME] makeai [CARNAME] Create opponent with [CARNAME] invincible God mode ai on/off AI ON/OFF WasteAll Destroy all cars lastlap Start on final lap lastcheckpoint You only need to clear the last checkpoint adventure A text adventure hidden game damage_multiplier # Increase damage to # addPowerup # Add powerup (#=Name) breakCar # Damage car (#=Name) peds on/off Pedestrians ON/OFF enablebuy Buy all cars if you want And you might also try: bendCar splitCar wasted almost_wasted setlevel renderPaths vel carsuspension setCarSlipMutt setCarEnginMutt incCarCenterX incCarCenterY incCarCenterZ setCarAPO endlevel enablebuy lastlap lastcheckpoint endMission setshitter powerups peds b_render_cars b_path_followers b_mission_update b_drones b_nuke b_special_volumes nextlevel difficulty revs fonttest sfxinfo campos debug setCockpit SetTestVal1 SetTestVal SetTestVal3 rendernames hardshadows RenderLights missioncheatah net_debug obj_detail renderPedColData b_particles b_hud b_radar b_sound b_physics b_tex_anim b_level_script b_replay b_task_manager b_sky b_track b_anim_props b_water test_cars b_clampdt speedTest reloadBridges crash fp_getnetinfo skyfog skyfogcolour skyfogrange trackfog trackfogdist trackfogoffset trackfogcolour foginfo netLookAhead chat netSetLag throttlemessages throttlemsgcount throttlebytecount --- Go to the Assests folder of the game and edit the file options.txt. Search for the string USE_TIMER and change the value from 1 to 0. Now the timer is off. --- To edit the power ups check the file PowerupStrings_Internal.txt in the assets folder. --- Load the carma.pak file from the assets folder with wordpad and scroll till ENDDIFFICULTY. Here you will find the attributes for anything you will get money for. Change this numbers and remove the line APO_TRADE_OFFENSIVE at the end of this section.