__________________________________________________________ RAYMAN 2: The Great Escape(PC) WALKTHROUGH v0.3 (11/9/01) Written by Ben Hunt E-Mail: dias_flac39@hotmail.com ~~~~~~~~ Contents ~~~~~~~~ 1. Revision History 2. Introduction 3. Character guide 4. Lums 5. Walkthrough 6. Credits 7. Legal stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Revision History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Version 0.1 (9/8/01) - There is far, far more to be added to this guide, at the moment there is an introduction to the game, a list of characters which I have come across so far and a walkthrough of level one and two. Expect this guide to be updated every few days or so, by tomorrow I should have added level three and maybe four to the walkthrough. -Version 0.2 (10/8/01) - Added levels three, four and five, added more to characters section. -Version 0.3 (11/9/01) - Added levels six and seven and info to character section. Altered a few other bits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I first purchased a Sony Playstation one of the first games I bought was the original Rayman. I thought the graphics were quite impressive for being 2D (although not brilliant), however the repetitive gameplay and boring levels did not please me at all. I also thought the music was incredibly disappointing(and cheesy to say the least). Rayman 2: The Great Escape was released a couple of years after. After I purchased a magazine with a free demo I was very impressed by the graphics and was also quite impressed by the fairly good gameplay. The music was also far better than the original. I bought the full game recently and am now writing a full walkthrough to the game as I play through it. This is my first walkthrough so probably won't turn out to be very good but I shall continue writing it to the best of my ability. It is very far from completion, with the character section constantly expanding and a few levels everyday being added to the walkthrough. I must make it clear that this walkthrough does not tell you the locations of all the yellow Lums in the game. So if you use this walkthrough, unless you explore the game a little yourself you are unlikely to complete the game 100%. However it is still perfectly possible to finish the game without getting every yellow Lum. It is unlikely that I will add a Lum guide in the future. I believe there is already one on GameFAQ's anyway. I generally use the locations of them in my walkthrough so as to let you know that you are heading in the right direction and do not get lost. I do not want to receive e-mails asking where the last three Lums in level 6 are or the final Lum in level 10 is. I will ignore this type of e-mail. If you are e-mailing me to let me know something or ask for any other kind of help then put in the subject of you e-mail that it is about Rayman 2 and/or the FAQ. If you wish to e-mail with any information, help etc use the following address - dias_flac39@hotmail.com. I do not expect to receive hate mail thank you very much! If you do not receive a response straight away either assume you question is not sensible enough to be answered or has already been answered in the FAQ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Character guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For this character guide I will add characters I come across as I progress through the game I will also expand the information on the characters I have already listed as I gain more information about them. After completing level two I have come across the following characters. ---Rayman--- Rayman's the central game character that you control; he has the ability to attack enemies with his spheres of energy from long range. He also has the ability to float from high places using his hair as a helicopter blade. He can also swim, swing, climb, hang-on and climb between to walls to reach higher locations. He is good-humoured and has fantastical powers. The game manual states Rayman is a unique character of unknown origin. ---Globox--- Globox is Rayman's best friend and has the power to create rainstorms, the manual states at last count he has more than 650 children at LAST COUNT!! His mate is Uglette. He escapes the prison ship with Rayman but the two get separated. Later on Sssssam informs Rayman that he has once again been kidnapped and taken across The Marshes of Awakening. Rayman pursues the pirates to help his friend once again. ---The Teensies--- Ancient wise people who created the Hall of Doors, which can be used to access different regions of the world. They are very old but very amusing. They are so old they cannot remember which one of them is the king. Reside in the Council Chamber of Teensies. ---Murphy--- Murphy helps you at various points throughout the game explaining certain controls or how to get passed certain areas of the game. He can also be called by passing over magic stones. ---Ly--- Ly is a fairy and possesses magical power however due to the explosion of the primordial core she is now weak. By using energy she has gathered she can return certain powers to Rayman by using silver Lums ---Polokus--- Although I have not come across this character yet he has been mentioned by Ly and is apparently the Spirit of the World. Reuniting the four masks can only awaken him. Rayman is able to communicate with him through some kind of dream world. ---Sssssam--- Sssssam appears after Rayman frees him from a cage at The Marshes of Awakening. After a short conversation between the two he offers you a ride across the Marsh to help Globox who has once again bee kidnapped. ---Clark--- The only one of the freedom fighters not to be captured. You first meet Clark the Menhir Hills but he is unwell(due to his sensitive stomach) and needs a life potion, which can only be obtained from The Cave of Bad Dreams. Rayman is willing to take a risk for his friend. He is extremely strong. Can send a regiment of pirates flying with a single blow. ---Guardian of The Cave of Bad Dreams--- You first meet this guy when you need the life potion from within the cave to help Clark. He challenges you to a fight and when you win you discover a cave full of treasure. Everything within the cave is apparently stemming from the nightmares of Polokus. ---Razorbeard--- Famous for reducing over one hundred planets through out the galaxy to cosmic dust. His dream is to take over the world and reduce all its inhabitants to slaves. Looks kinda funny. ~~~~~~~~ 4. Lums ~~~~~~~~ ---Yellow Lums--- The 1000 fragment of the heart of the world broken by the pirates. They contain universal knowledge. The more Rayman gathers the more he learns. They are used to access the powers of the world and during the game Rayman can use them to access secret areas and secret levels. There is a certain amount spread around each level as indicated in the Hall of Doors. Sometimes released from cages with the captives of the cage. There are also larger yellow Lums with smiley faces to be collected ---Silver Lums--- Ly can make silver Lums when she has gathered enough power and return one of the powers Rayman lost when the primordial core exploded. ---Red Lums--- Red Lums are vital as they replenish Rayman's health throughout the game. Scattered through out the levels. ---Green Lums--- When Rayman dies he will reappear at the last green Lum he touched, these are vital in long levels. ---Blue Lums--- These Lums are similar to red Lums but instead of replenishing health they replenish oxygen, vital for when Rayman is swimming in underwater areas. Scattered throughout underwater areas. ---Purple Lums--- Purple Lums are very useful for reaching ledges that are to far to jump to. If Rayman shoots an energy sphere at one he will swing from it, once he presses jump he will let go. Usually found in areas where a jump is to far. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Walkthrough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robo-pirates from deep space have arrived and are determined to enslave the entire world. Volunteers form resistance group's fight to defend the planet from the pirates and among these volunteers are Globox and Rayman. It appears that the pirates have destroyed the primordial core preventing Rayman from using his powers. All of the resistance fighters but Clark have been captured. Razorbeard, leader of the pirates, also captures Rayman but Globox manages to escape and flees to Ly the Fairy for help. Powerless, Rayman is then thrown into a prison cell. "Rayman, look what the pirates have done to our world. A planet of anguish and pain, haunted by evil. A dark place, teeming with monsters. Nothing can stop them now they've captured you. They've taken everything and reduced our people to slave. The robots search for innocent prey. In the chaos they exploded the heart of the world. The 1000 lums of energy which form it have been scattered. We are getting weak, soon it will be too late. You must escape, Rayman you are our only hope." Note: Because this is the first version of my walkthrough it only tells you how to complete each level(not all of them currently), and at the moment. It does not tell you the location of every yellow Lum(and is unlikely to do so in the future) although I encourage you to e-mail me with any secrets you know of which you think may be useful. The game opens up with Globox being dragged passed other imprisoned creatures by two pirates, he is then thrown into a prison cell with a powerless Rayman. Globox informs Rayman that he has a silver Lum from Ly. Rayman can now use his fist again, once you gain control of Rayman stay away from the Laser guarded door and instead use your fist to break the rusted grid blocking off a tunnel. Jump into the tunnel and slide from left to right to collect the red lums to restore Rayman's health. You end up on a platform outside only to be knocked off the pirate ship altogether by Globox who has followed you down the tunnel. You will fall to the Woods of Light below. ***Lv1:Woods of Light*** ---Lums:5 Cages:2--- The game starts off fairly simple, walk forward and you will run into Murphy who will explain how to use the magic stones. Continue to run forwards until you reach a cage; hit it twice to release the captured creatures. Murphy will reappear and will talk to you about yellow Lums. Collect the Lum and the grid below it will slide back and allow you to jump down the hole. Follow the river avoiding the enemy and walk over the magic stone. Continue forward and jump up the platforms for another magic stone and a yellow Lum. Jump up once again for another yellow Lum. Jump across the river avoiding the enemy. Walk to the magic stone and then go collect the yellow Lum you see under the waterfall. Run back round over another magic stone back up the hill. Make the rather large jump over the river and you will engage in a conversation with Globox's kiddies. They say that the pirates have kidnapped Ly. Run through the tunnel and over to the magic stone and Murphy will teach you how to jump up the crevice. Walk and jump up the crevice collecting the yellow Lum along the way. Once at the top hit the cage twice to release a group of the Teensies. A funny scene will follow. The Teensies inform you that the pirates have taken Ly to The Fairy Glade but the only way to get there is through the hall of doors. The Teensies however can create a portal to get there with the five Lums you have collected during the level. Rayman jumps in and is transported the hall. Murphy teaches you how to start at a new level. You are now able to enter The Fairy Glade. ***Lv2:The Fairy Glade*** ---Lums:50 Cages:7--- Start the level by jumping into the water and find an underwater passage, dive down and pass the magic stone, collect the blue Lums when you can as they replenish your oxygen supply. Hit the cage you see twice to release the creatures from it and collect the Lum released. Head back out from the passage way and surface and head to the area of land that the bridge is connected to. Jump on the mushroom you see. You will grab the above overhang and receive a yellow Lum. Swing to the ledge you can see and drop down. Walk around the corner and pick up the green Lum. You will come across some piranha infested waters so do not jump; instead use the lily pads floating in the water. Once over the other side, walk on top of the magic stone and collect the red Lum to replenish any health you have lost. Now jump onto the ledges sticking out the wall until you reach an opening, walk forwards up the netting and hit the switch to open a door. Jump down into the water you can see below and walk to the door where Globox's kiddies are standing. Walk through the door and over to the magic stone and follow the waterfall down and you will come across another area infested with Piranhas. Walk up the green path and up the netting onto an odd machine. Go as far to the right as you can and then jump and helicopter to a platform you see in the corner, jump onto the large block floating in the water and it will take you for a ride, while on the block you collect to one yellow and two red Lums. Once it has finished moving around jump back onto land and back to the large machine you were on before. Jump as far up as you can until you see two spring like structures, jump from one to the other and onto the opening to finish the first section of this level. For the second area you have to cross the river but it is far to jump, you will notice however that the walls are covered in vines. Grab onto the vines closest to you and move around collecting any Lums you can see along the way, make sure you also avoid the jumping piranha once again. Once you reach the other side, walk around the corner to finish this relatively short section. The next section can be tricky if you haven't got a clue what to do. You must run over to the wooden area in the grass and wait until the pirate fires at you, now run away and the wood will be blown up revealing a hole which you can jump down. Now you will see a head of you a bunch of boxes and kegs floating in some kind of slimey stuff. Make sure you take your time; by trying to jump them as fast as you can in one go will only get yourself killed. Make sure you helicopter to each one slowly and safely. Collect the red Lums along the way. Once across this area you will see a sticky web. Jump onto it and climb up it moving from left to right avoiding the falling kegs from each side, if a keg hits you, you will be knocked off. Once at the top jump left to safety and hit the door to smash it. Walk up the stairs and Murphy will converse with you. As you walk forward a pirate will run around the corner and star attacking you. A good method of killing him to hold the ctrl button and continuously move from left to right will hitting him. He is fairly easy to kill and you will gain a red Lum. Walk through the next door you come to and you will see a sleeping pirate. He is exactly the same as the last pirate but you get the advantage of first shot at him. Finish him off and collect the red Lum he leaves behind. Once he dies a net falls down on the wall to the left allowing you to climb up it. Do so and jump to the overhang and collected the available Lums. Jump to the gap in the wall but do not jump into the next room. If you observe closely you will notice a laser, which moves from side too side. Helicopter down and jump the laser to avoid taking damage. While jumping hit the switch you see. Now jump up above the switch and grab the platform. Jump through the laser beam in front of you and down the stairs to find another lazy sleeping pirate. Kill him for a red Lum. Hit the switch he was supposed to be guarding and you will notice a door guarded by laser beams has now opened up for you. Jump over the banister and walk through the door to start the next section of this level. Once you start this area you will notice two laser beams next to each other moving up and down and from side to side, jump these carefully to avoid unnecessary health loss. Walk down a set of stairs and into a high up area and you will see a broken bridge. You must jump to the ground below and you will see Ly who is the only one who can help you to get over the bridge. She explains that you must destroy the machine that is holding her too free her. Walk through to a room behind you. You will see a large machine in front of you. Now the next part can be tricky. First pick up the keg and start walking towards the machine. Every so often a bomb is sent from the machine and floats towards you. What you must do is throw the keg in the air and shoot at the bomb to destroy it, however you must not move or you will not catch the barrel when it falls back towards you. Once you are close enough to the machine throw the keg at it. You must hit it three times in a row. You will know when you have destroyed it, as Rayman will run back to Ly who will now talk to you. She asks you if you have ever heard of Polokus. She informs you that Polokus is the spirit of the world and reuniting the four masks can only awaken him. You may be a bit confused at the moment but all should become clearer later on in the game. Ly informs you that she is too weak to restore all your powers but does give you the power to use purple Lums. Now walk to the tall structure you jump from at the start of this area and climb up the netting on the side collecting two yellow Lums on your way up. Now face the purple Lum you see in the middle of the air above the broken bridge. Shoot to grab it and swing across to another platform. Walk to the two pipes running down the wall and jump between them collecting the yellow Lum. Once you have reached the top you will start a new section of the level. Walk to the very edge of the pipe you land on and you will see the long fall to the bottom. You must helicopter down to the next pipe collecting the yellow Lums along the way. Collect the Lum on this pipe and helicopter your way down for another Lum in the air and one on the pipe. Go down once more and fall onto the pipe with the sleeping pirate. He is likely to wake up before you land and may start firing at you before you get the chance to fight back. You must make sure he does not knock you off the pipe or you are likely to fall to your death. Once you have killed him collect the red Lum and free the captured creatures and collect a bunch of Lums released as well. Finally jump down onto the wooden bridge below. Collect the green Lum and head over too the magic stone. Murphy will appear and will explain to you how to use the whirlwinds to get to the top of the cave like area. Each whirlwind has a couple of yellow Lums. Some are found at the bottom so you must disable your helicopter to fall to the bottom of the whirlwind and then quickly enable it again to make sure you don't fall to the bottom of the cave. Once at the highest whirlwind you will see a purple Lum, which you can use to swing to safety. Walk around to the cage you see to free a Teensie. He will walk to the wall, follow him and he will create a portal to the hall of doors. Make sure you save your progress. ***Lv3:The Marshes of Awakening*** ---Lums:50 Cages:5 This level is fairly short, start by walking to the end of the wooden platform and jump from lily pad to lily pad using your helicopter. Jump to the smallest pad for a red Lum then proceed to the largest pad. Jump onto the netting opposite the pad and climb to the left until you see another platform. You must jump over the netting and grab on the other side. Then proceed by jumping from the netting to the platform. Hit the cage twice to free Sssssam. Rayman will enquire about the four masks but Sssssam hasn't got a clue what Rayman is talking about. He will say he saw Globox being taken away by two pirates across the marshes. Sssssam will offer to give Rayman a ride across the marshes and Rayman will accept. Shoot to grab onto Sssssam. This little game may seem fun at first but I guarantee that you will be frustrated after a few tries. This section is hard to explain. You must simply avoid any objects in the water while collecting as many of the Lums as you can. You must also follow the same route around the pegs in the water as Sssssam does. At the end of this section Sssssam will circle an Island a couple of times. This is your opportunity to smash the cages floating in the water. When you circle round again pick up as many of the yellow Lums as you possibly can. Sssssam will take you onto the next section. This area is similar to before. When you come across a bomb and think you may hit it speed up (ctrl) to avoid damage. At the end of the level Sssssam will drop Rayman off in a small opening and depart. Smash the cage open to reveal a Teensie who will go on to open a portal. Rayman does his cool dance and jumps in. You may find it quite hard to pick up all the Lums in this level so you may wish to repeat it. Once again make sure you save you progress. ***Lv4:The Bayou*** ---Lums:50 Cages:7--- This level opens up with Razorbeard on the pirate prison ship. The crackhead only goes and eats one of the yellow Lums(does his voice remind any one else of the Shredder from teenage mutant ninja turtles?) Once the level opens if you look to the left you will notice Ly. You must for a short part of this level pursue the ship. You must jump on the moving block to start with, once it has stopped moving make sure you jump off or it will disappear. Make sure you shoot the bomb that is fired at you. Pick up the green Lum. Jump onto the next moving block and quickly jump in the cave it takes you to. Head up the ladder collecting the three yellow Lums on your way. Once at the top, grab the lums and hit the switch you should be able to see. Jump to the bridge that has just fallen down, it will start to shake and will eventually break so you have to jump to the next bridge and keep doing so before they break. On the last straight of bridges the pirates will fire bombs at you so make sure you jump early as the bombs will cause the bridges to collapse. Climb up the ladder and run round the corner and get the green Lum. Bust open the cage quickly and dispatch the pirate. Pick up the red Lum he drops. You should now see a purple Lum in front of you. Swing from it onto a moving block. Avoid all the enemies that head towards you by jumping over them. At the end the block will fall down a waterfall. Jump to the log across from the waterfall to avoid falling to your death. Collect all the Lums on top and hit the cage you see below the log. Run, jump, and helicopter to the platform near the ship. Collect the Lums you see but once again make sure you're not on the platform a bomb hits. At the end of this section you will be in a cave with a pipe at the top of it, continue forwards to complete the area and make sure you open the cage you see. Run forwards and jump to the log you see, walk right to the end and make the Lum come to you. Then jump across to land making sure you avoid the jumping piranha. Walk through the cave like area you come across and helicopter over the water just to be safe. Carry on forwards but beware of the pirate. He is up and ready to fight. Finish him off and collect the red Lum he leaves behind. Hit the switch you should be able to see and walk across the metal bridge which extends outwards. From the metal bridge jump to the wooden platform and collect the green Lum but be very careful of the kegs that fall. The first part is quite easy but when you jump to the second platform you have to watch out for the rolling kegs. From this platform jump back to land. Once again helicopter across these small gap you see to avoid damage. Pick up the green Lum. Ahead of you, you should see a small piece of rock sticking out from the side of the cave with a Lum on but kegs will fall from the side and knock you off if you are not quick enough. Jump back to land and you will see even more small rocks with three yellow Lums on. Jump across once again avoiding the kegs. You will come too an opening, collect the Lums you see and check behind one of the rocks for another Lum and a switch. Hit the switch to extend the metal bridge. Walk to the end of the metal platform collecting the Lums and use the purple Lum to swing across collecting any other Lums along the way. You will see an enemy, when he runs to you side step him and run forwards. He should leave you alone afterwards. Now hit the round red switch you see and run through the swinging blades. Once at the end of the passage turn left and jump over any kegs that roll from behind you. Don't carry on walking forwards or you will fall off the ledge like the kegs are. Instead walk left to the pipe. Get the yellow Lum. You will notice that there are pads on the pipe. Jump on the one to the right and free a Teensie from the hanging cage. He will use the bouncy pads to jump up to a ledge high up above the pipe. Follow him and he will open a portal. Rayman will do his groovy dance and you have completed the level. Save your progress and get ready for the next level. ***Lv5:The Sanctuary of Water and Ice*** ---Lums:50 Cages:2 This level starts out with another amusing scene from the Teensies. They welcome you to the council chamber then send you through the door to The Sanctuary of Water and Ice. When you start this level you should see a wooden platform extending out into the see. Run to the end of it avoiding any crabs and open up the cage. Collect the three yellow Lums released. Now walk towards the large cliff like structure and a pirate will appear. You are advised not to climb until you have dispatched of the pirate. When he appears shoot him once. He will then dive underground and reappear at a new spot, hit him again. Repeat this process until his is dead and collect the red Lum he drops. Climb up the side of the cliff and collect all the yellow Lums you see. Walk through the gap into the wall and jump straight into the water. There is a tunnel in the bottom and you should swim through it to collect the yellow Lums and free the second and last cage of the level. Jump out the water and climb the ladder and get the yellow Lum. Jump down the other side for the green Lum. Walk up the stairs and get the red Lum, walk down the stairs opposite. Kill the pirate you see and collect the red Lum he drops. Now make your way across the beach and up the stairs you see. Walk round the corner and pick up a keg and walk back across the beach until you see a door. Throw the keg at it and Murphy will come and explain about the magic spheres to you. Pick up the blue sphere you see and walk across to the blue base on the beach. Throw it on top and head back to the kegs. Pick up another and this time throw it at the door near you. Walk up the stairs and pick up the red magic sphere. Throw it on to of the red base on the beach to open the door in front of you. Walk through the door to the next area. Walk into the large open room and run around the outside of the room to pick up all the Lums available. Walk through the large door for the next area. In this area you must slide down a slope and there are a lot of Lums to collect so try not to miss any. Ever so often there is a gap in the slope and you must jump to reach the other side. Once you have reached the end of the short but fun little game you will run into the first real boss of the game. -Boss: Axel This guy is fairly easy to kill but the method in doing so can be difficult. When you begin Axel will start throwing a load of Ice at you. Look above Axel and you will notice a purple Lum. Grab onto it and you will see a load more purple Lums. Swing from each Lum. Watch out for the Axel throws at you though or it will knock you off. Once you reach the last purple Lum jump into the air and shoot at the massive ice block you see. It will fall on Axel killing him. A new purple Lum will appear. You will have to swing from the start again but this time when you reach the last Lum jump into the air and helicopter to safety. Now you need to walk to the left or right and walk all the way round for an extra yellow Lum and two red Lums. Walk under the waterfall and continue ahead. A scene will now take place. Rayman will discover the first mask but will then disappear into thin air. He has been transported to a dream world where Polokus resides. He will take the first mask off Rayman and return Rayman to the Hall of Doors. Once again save your game. ***Lv6:The Menhir Hills*** ---Lums:50 Cages:8--- At the beginning of this level Murphy will come and talk to you. Start this level by quickly running behind the tree and hitting the switch. A hole will appear nearby where the three odd structures are. Jump down the hold and walk down the tunnel to find a cage. Open it and collect the five yellow Lums. Climb back up the web on the side of the wall. Now wait for the shell to run at you and once it is quite close you must run away from it. Once it stops pursuing you jump on top of it. Now ride it across the thorns and jump off once you reach the other side. Murphy will reappear and once again talk to you. You should instantly see a cage, open it. Return to the outside and jump the small fence. Walk inside and kill the two sleeping pirates and collect the red Lums they leave behind. Run through the door to your left and bust open the cage. Run back to the previous room. Go through the next door you see to head on to the next area. Run behind the tree and pick up the yellow Lum and then jump onto the mushroom next to the tree. Use that mushroom to jump to the one growing in the tree. Once on top of the mushroom in the tree swing from the purple Lum to the platform above the entrance where you came in. Collect the two yellow Lums and shoot the cage opposite the platform you are standing on. Jump back down and tame the shell once again and run through the cave. This bit goes quick so make sure you get all the Lums you can and avoid any spikes that pop up out the ground or from the side of the wall. Go over the bridge and avoid any boxes in your way. A bird will also attack so simply dodge it. You will see a red Lum, which you should pick up. Carry on up the platform and crash into the door you should see. The shell will explode destroying the door. Walk through it and make an easy kill of the pirate. Press the switch he was supposed to be guarding and finish the area. You will now enter a conversation with Clark but he is unwell and requires the life potion found at The Cave of Bad Dreams. You must return to The Marshes of Awakening. Jump on the first lily and you will notice to the left there is a tree root you can jump onto. Make sure you avoid the piranhas. Walk upwards and collect the two yellow Lums. Walk around the corner and into the cave. Avoid or kill the enemies you come across. You will talk to the guardian of the cave who will grant you access to the cave however he wishes to race you further on in the level. ***Lv7:The Cave of Bad Dreams*** ---Lums:50 Cages:0 This level looks pretty damn cool. Start by walking to the end of what you are standing on. Swing to the next platform using the purple Lum. You must now jump across a few platforms until you reach a green Lum. Use you helicopter to be safe. Collect it and then jump from floating skull to floating skull quickly, watch out because they sink. Jump from the last skull onto the wall and collect the Lums. Climb left and jump off the wall onto some more floating skulls, these also sink. Jump back to land and collect the green Lum and legit past the giant set of skeleton hands to collect a yellow Lum. Use the purple Lum in the air to swing to the wall where you will find a yellow Lum. Climb left until you reach a bridge. From hear jump to the giant pillar. You will not be able to jump to the top but you will be able to cling on to the side of it. You will notice the pillar start sinking so quickly climb up and swing using the purple Lum you see to reach the next pillar. Quickly get to the top and jump to the next pillar and from that pillar you can easily jump to safety on land. Pick up the green and two yellow Lums. Avoid the skeleton hands and jump up to the crevice when you are able to. You will get a yellow Lum. Quickly squeeze through the gap forwards to avoid falling and collect the two red Lums. Jump the large gap you see over to the area of land where there are two enemies. Kill them and kill two more, which rise from the ground. Use the yellow sphere one of them drops on the yellow base and jump down the newly opened hole. Once you are at the bottom collect the yellow Lum and head forwards. Once in the large room you should see a gold and blue base. Avoid the ghoulies, as they will constantly reappear. You should also see another door. Head for it and pick up the green Lum. There is a path left and right. Run right and use the purple Lum and use the skulls to head forwards to a platform with a yellow and two red Lums. Use the purple Lum to swing to the moving crevice. When there is a small gap is the time to swing and immediately climb upwards. You must now jump over a few more platforms and use the skull on a hand to move across even further. You should now see four platforms with yellow Lums on them but there are ghoulies moving about on them. To make life simple kill them and then collect the Lums. Jump onto the skull in the water and it will move upwards on a hand. Jump on the platform you stop at to discover the gold sphere. You must now throw the sphere across to another platform, which you yourself must jump to. Repeat this once more. Then throw it across to the next platform heading back to the room with spheres only use the purple Lum to swing across instead of jumping. Now return to the room with the gold base picking up the green Lum along the way. Pop it on top of the base and return to the doorway but this time head left instead of right. Jump onto the floating skull and then to the next and it will rise. You must now jump onto the nearest rotating platform. Jump to a platform with the yellow and red Lum to collect them. Return back to the rotating platform and then jump to the other. Jump to the non-moving platform for a green Lum and the blue sphere. The next part can be tricky. You must return to the room with the two bases by throwing the blue sphere from platform to platform. When you are heading back collect the green Lum and pop the blue sphere on the blue base for the strange Cyclops mouth thingy to open. You must now race the monster. You must walk forward and begin sliding down the green slope. People will find this tricky, as they do not realise that when they slide they can also shoot and destroy the green crystals that block your way. Make sure you collect all Lums possible. You may wish to retry this later to get them all. Jump any gaps you come to and you will come up against a boss. -Boss: Guardian of The Cave of Bad Dreams This guy can be damn tricky and may take a while to beat. When he shoots fire at you from the other platform side step it. However when he fires a skull at you fire at it to stop it in mid air. Jump to it and stop the next skull he fires. You must repeat this until you get onto the same side as him. When you do he will jump to the side you were originally on. Repeat the process until you can once again get onto the same platform. He will jump down platforms through a small cave. Repeat the same process until you reach a green Lum. Pick it up and then use the two purple Lums to swing to the next platform. He will once again run away from you. You must use the skull-stopping tactic again but this time once you reach the smaller pillars jump onto them and collect the yellow Lum. Once you jump across to him he will take one last rather large jump. Use the skull-stopping tactic again. This time it could be rather tricky. It is imperative you do not fall or you will have to start at the last green Lum. With a bit of practice it will be easy. Once you get onto his side he will flee into a cave. Run after him and a sequence will start up. Rayman runs into the cave and is impressed when he sees it is full of gold. The Guardian will give you a choice of taking or leaving the treasure. Choose to take the treasure first for a funny sequence. Once Rayman stops daydreaming choose not to take the treasure. You will return to the start and the Guardian will give you a life potion for Clark. Exit back the way you came through The Marshes of Awakening and return to Clark. ***Return to The Menhir Hills*** Ok this level is the same as before. You must use the same method of taming the shell etc. Remember to pick up anything you missed before. You have to fight all the pirates, which were originally in this level. Once you return to where you met Clark Rayman will give him the potion. Clark says he is ready to crush more pirates and runs through a wall making way for Rayman. Walk ahead of him and you will come to a closed gate. Climb on top of the box and use the purple Lums above you to swing to the highest platform. You'll find a box. Open it and your health gauge will increase. Now and jump down to the second highest level. Walk forwards and drop down into the hallway. Press the lever to let Clark through the gate. He will walk to another wall the run through it making way for Rayman once again. Leave Clark behind and walk down the stairs. The next area is small and easy. Run and jump on top of the tree trunk. From there use a purple Lum to swing to a cage on a wooden platform. Open it and jump back down. Run towards the shell, jump over it and jump up the vine behind it. Jump to the ledge with a cage and open it up. Jump back down to the ground and tame the shell. Direct it up the extremely steep hill. There are lots of Lums including yellow ones to collect. Get as many of them as you can. Avoid any rocks that rise from the ground and go over the two bridges dodging and of the boxes. You will wind up in a small tunnel and a sequence starts. Rayman will slow the shell down and jump off a cliff into a portal down below. This level is now finished completely. Save you game. (Continued soon!) ~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Credits ~~~~~~~~~~~ Seeing as I have only just started this walkthrough I guess I've had no help and so have no one to thank. Although I guess that I should thank anyone who is taking there time to read this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Legal stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guide can be found at: ---www.gamefaqs.com--- ---www.neoseeker.com--- ---http://DLH.Net--- This game guide is Copyright ¸ B. Hunt 2001/2002 This FAQ is not to be posted on your own or anybody else's site without first asking for my permission via e-mail. If I do give you permission I expect to receive full credit for the FAQ. If I discover this FAQ at any other site than the one mentioned above I will not be best pleased. Publishing of this FAQ in any magazine or other publication is strictly prohibited. DO NOT use this FAQ for your own financial gain and DO NOT use it as a basis for writing your own. DO NOT rip-off my work in any way possible. If any of the above rules are ignored legal action shall be taken immediately. If you wish to print this FAQ for personal use then feel free to do so.