All Tracks in Two-Player Mode: Play each race in two player mode and win to unlock secret tracks (for two player only). Eventually, you'll unlock all the tracks and then all the secret boats. This unlimited two player mode is great for practicing and finding shortcuts. Clean Pause: While racing, press Start and while the pause menu is up, press X and Y together. This will get rid of the pause menu and you can get a clear picture of what is around you on screen. Earning Tracks and Boats: To race the medium tracks, finish each of the three Easy courses in the Top 3 positions, and you will get all the medium tracks, plus medium hydroboats, too. To race the hard tracks, finish each of the Medium tracks in first or second position, and you will get access to the hard tracks, plus hard boats too. To get bonus tracks, finish each of the Hard courses in first place only, and you will get one bonus track, and bonus cars too. Then, finish the bonus track in first to get another, then repeat that to get the others until you've conquered Hydro Thunder. Race as a Fishing Boat Enable all of the hidden tracks. Highlight the Thresher at the boat selection screen. Then, hold L + R and press View two times. Select the Chumdinger to race in a fishing boat. Race as the Tiny Titanic: You have to beat the easy courses in the top three to get the medium courses. After you have the medium courses then beat them by placing in the top two to get the hard courses. Beat these by placing first in all the races to get the bonus tracks. Beat the first three bonus tracks in first and you will be able to race with the most awesome boat in the game. The Tiny Titanic. Turbo Start: Hold left trigger while game is loading. As the number 3 fades release left and hold Right trigger. As the number 2 fades do the opposite (release right and hold left trigger). then do the opposite again as the number 1 fades (you should end with right trigger held.) Patrick Hofmann