At ANY opening screen/menu, type in (version 1.0): iamcheater - (it's listed twice, so if once doesn't work, type it in twice.) You'll hear a click if entered correctly allitems - gives you all weapons with full ammo resurrect - same as what zombie was in the demo, brings you back to life goodhealth - gives you good health nohits - player doesn't take hits killthemall - kill all the enemies funnyhead - Big heads (I think) gamedone - successfully completes current mission gamefail - current mission ends in failure openalldoor - just like it says.. opens all the doors showtheend - I believe this shows the ending movie for the game. Use at yer own risc. laracroft - heh. enemyf - shows enemy in front of you. enemyb - shows enemy behind you (so you can see where/what they are doing). playercoords - your coordinates in the game. debugdrawvolumes - no idea what this does. debugdrawwire - wireframe mode (haven't tried it) quickload - loads the savegame of the current mission After the update the cheats have been crippled, now only work: iwillcheat - Activate cheat mode goodhealth - Life energy complete killthemall - All enemies die missionover - Jump to next mission --- If you have a censored version of H&D you can type in BLUESTARS and the games is uncensored. This works in versions 1.1 / 1.2 .