Red Alert 2 This is the Red Alert 2 Faq. This faq was made by Vincent Offermans A.K.A. Tombstone. Also check out my Jagged Alliance 2 Faq. If you want to contact me mail me at : DO NOT rip anything from this faq because I will find out if you did. Contents 1. Allied Units 2. Allied Buildings 3. Soviet Units 4. Soviet Buildings 5. Special Units 6. Creating a affective strike force 7. Advanced Tactics Allied Units >GI : This unit has a m-60 and is low armored but cheap and a good defender because he has a deploy mode. If you use this he will put sandbags around him and his weapon will be alot stronger. It will be helpfull to use these units as "wolfpacks" select five soldiers and let them deploy them on different spots on the map, now the enemy will have more trouble reaching you because they will lose units in the fight. >Engineer : This unit can capture and repare buildings. This unit can also repair a bridge if you put him in the bridge hut. He can also defuse Crazy Ivan bombs. >Rocketeer : This is an airborn unit. He is also helpfull in the wolfpack strategy. Keep him away from anti aircraft units or buildings. >Spy : He can disguise himself as an enemy unit. He can also penetrate enemy buildings. The list below explaines what he will do with the following buildings Building Effect Barracks New units will be veteran units War Factories New units will be veteran units Refineries He will steel all the cash that is there Power Plants He will temporary shut down the power Battle Labs He will add a new unit to the command bar Radar Domes He will fill the enemy's map with fog of war >Tanya : She is a special allied unit who can blow up buildings and swim. She is very helpfull in special tactics. She has two colt .45 pistols which can kill a soldier with one shot. But keep her away from tanks. >Attack dogs : Real good against soldiers and must be used in wolfpacks ( Hehe ) if you use them in a pack of five you can easily take on 50 soldiers. Keep them away from tanks. Chrono Legionnaire : This unit can chrono shift ( go from one place to the other in a few seconds ). His weapon allows to erase units and buildngs from time. But when they chrono shift over a large distance it will take some time to arrive and he will be very weak against attacks and won't be able to fight back. >Grizzly Battle Tank : This is the standard allied tank. It is faster than a soviet tank. But is low armored. This unit is very good for scouting. >Infantry Fighting Vehicle : This unit can have multiple weapons if you put different soldiers in it. The list will explain in what it will change. Unit Type of vehicle GI It will have a machine gun turret Engineer It will be able to repair other tanks Spy This does nothing Tanya It will have a long range machine gun turret Chrono Soldier It will have the chrono soldier's weapon but more powerful Conscript It will have the same weapon as the GI tank Tesla Trooper It will have a Tesla weapon Crazy Ivan It will have a self-destruct weapon Flak Trooper It will be a anti air unit Yuri It will have a mind control weapon ( I'm not sure ) >Harrier : this is an airborn unit. It has the ability to hover for some time. It has just one Maverick so you have to use it in wolfpack strategy. >Mirrage Tank : This tank can transform into a tree so that enemy units won't see it. It has a very powerful weapon so it is a good tank fighter. It is also very usefull against buildings. This tank can fight really good on it's own. >Night Hawk Transport : This helicopter can transport five soldiers but can't transport tanks. It has also got a small machine turret that is usefull against soldiers. >Prism Tank : This tank has the most powerful weapon of all allied tanks. This tank has the same weapon as the Prism Tower but is a little bit weaker. If you use them in a wolfpack strategy they will will work together and they will fire one beem that will split up into multiple beems when it hits the target that's why it is helpfull against a large troop of enemy tanks and soldiers. >MCV : This stands for Mobile Construction Vehicle. It will change into the Construction Yard if you deploy it. It has not got a gun so defend it very good. >Chrono Miner : This truck will mine some ore for cash and can chrono shift himself back to the refinery.It hasn't got a gun so you must defend it. >Amphibious Transport : This can transport soldiers and tanks it is usefull because it can travel over water and land. Again no gun. >Destroyer : This ship take on all the submarines and can back up a team that is storming a beach. It's small aircraft has very good weapons against subs. >Aegis Cruiser : This unit is a counter unit against the Soviet Dreadnought because it can destroy it's missiles in mid air. But he can't defend himself. >Aircraft Carrier : The proud american attacker. It can also back up beach storms. This carrier has three F-18 Hornets on board. >Dolphin : Not a real cool unit. But do not appear on enemy radar. He has a small laser on it's back. It is the counter unit against the Soviet squid. Allied Buildings >Construction yard : This building will let you build. You can't start a base without this. >Power Plant : Gives you power. >Ore Refinery : Converts ore into cash. >Barrack : Let's you build Soldiers. >War Factory : Let's you build tanks. >Naval Shipyard : Let's you build ships. >Air Force Command Headquarters : Controls the aircraft and gives you a map. >Service Depot : Let's you repait tanks. >Battle Lab : Gives you new technology. >Ore Purifier : Ore will be more worth. >Spy Satelite Uplink : Let's you see the whole map. >Fortress Walls : Just a wall. >Pillbox : Defense against soldiers. >Prism Tower : Defense against Tanks. >Patriot Missile System : Defense against air attacks. >Gap Generator : Creates a black spot on the enemy map. >Chronosphere : Can transport soldiers over great distances. >Weather Control Device : Creates lightening strikes anywhere you want. Soviet Units >Conscripts : Can't deploy himself but is a lot cheaper. >Engineer : Like the Allied engineer for more info look at the Allied engineer. >Attack Dogs : Like the Allied dog. Dogs can detect spies. >Tesla Trooper : Wear's a Tesla weapon and can give Tesla Coils power if they don't have any. This unit can't be driven over by tanks. >Crazy Ivan : Can place explosives on soldiers tanks and buildings.Do not create a pack of Crazy Ivan's because if one is killed they will all be killed. >Flak Trooper : Anti aircraft soldier. Also good against tanks. >Yuri : Is a mind controller and can make an enemy unit a Ally but can only convert 1 trooper or tank. He can also make a mind explosion killing everyone in the circle. >Rhino Heavy Tank : The Russian answer to the grizzly this tank is much stronger. >Flak Track : Anti air tank and also a transporter. >V3 Rocket Launcher : A tank with a powerful rocket strapped to it's back. Not a real good attacker. This tank is very annoying. >Kirov Airship : A very slow blimp with really powerfull missiles. >Terror Drones : Can jump into tanks and destroy them. Can also kill infantry. >Apocalypse Assault Tank : The best tank ever. This can destroy any tank. Can also destroy air units. This tank has the biggest canon. >MCV : The same as the Allied MCV. >War Miner : Ore Transporter but this one has a gun turret. >Amphibious Transporter : The same as the Allied version. >Typhoon Attack Sub : Not very usefull but good as a scout. >Dreadnought : A heavy battle ship. This has two big missiles like the V3. >Sea Scorpion : Again a anti air unit also a good scout. >Giant Squid : The water Terror Drone, it can attack boats. Soviet Building >Construction Yard : The same as the Allied version. >Tesla Reactor : The Soviet power plant. >Ore Refinery : Again the same as the Allied version. >Barracks : I'm not gonna say it again. >War Factory : BLA BLA BLA >Naval Shipyard : I'm getting sick of this. >Radar Tower : Gives you a map. >Service Depot : Here we go again. >Battle Lab : The same. >Nuclear Reactor : Gives you a LOT of power. >Cloning Vats : When you build soldiers at the barracks they will be doubled. >Fortress Walls : Just a wall. >Sentry Gun : Kills enemy soldiers. >Tesla Coil : Anti tank defense. >Flak Cannon : Anti air defense. >Psychic Sensor : Let's you know what the enemy wants to attack. >Iron Curtain : Makes a unit invulnerable for a small period of time. >Nuclear Missile Silo : Can launche a nuke. Special Units >American Paratroopers : Let them drop anywhere and you'll have a wolfpack ready to move. >French Grand Cannon : A long range cannon and has a very large barrel. >German Tank Destroyer : Can clear the way for your special squads. >British Sniper : Long range soldier killer. VERY usefull. >Korean Black Eagle : A Harrier but much stronger. >Russian Tesla Tank : The tank version of the Tesla Trooper. >Cuban Terrorist : A Hara Kiri soldier, just walks in and BOOM !! >Libyan Demolition Truck : Tank version of the Cuban Terrorist. >Iraqi Desolater : Has a nuclear weapon and can attack soldiers and light armored tanks. He has also got a deploy funtion. With this there will be a everything destroying circle. Creating a affective strike force A affective strike force is a strike force which can burst through enemy lines and destroy the base.This is one of the tactics for the Allies : First destroy the Construction Yard with eight Harriers.Than head in with some tank and make a hole in the defense.Now build some navy seals or Tanya's and Prism Tanks.Now you can go through their defense and destroy the base. The next strategy is for the Soviets.Build 10 apocalypse tanks and 5 V3 Rockets. Now make a hole in defense and go and destroy the patriot missile system. The V3 rockets can now siege the base while the tanks are killing the soldiers and tanks. If don't have the real guide you can use this because it's better and gives better info about tanks and units.It has 2 winning strategy's.Also look at my Jagged Alliance 2 Faq. I wish good luck and hope this guide has helped you a lot.