Level Warp: Enter this code in the load and save screen as password: xlvlchtmsb Bonus Rounds: Enter this code in the load and save screen as password: xbnschtmmm 99 Lives: Enter this code in the load and save screen as password: xmucholife All Rockets: Enter this code in the load and save screen as password: xtoorocket Cheat Codes: Enter one of the following passwords at the load and save game screen: PasswordWhat It Does XMVLCHTMSBLevel select XMUCHOLIFE99 lives XALLDBUGCRLevel select and 99 lives XTOOROCKERAll rocket parts XURASNAKERChange shape XDBUGLOCNCAdd coordinates to Paws screen XBNSCHTMMMAccess bonus rounds XZOOMERKBEnable zoom cheat [Note] Note: Press Left + Start to move around the level after enabling the "Zoom cheat" Sound Test: Enter one of the following passwords at the load and save game screen. Each code will replay a series of phrases from a level. BUBSYHITXA BUBSYBOPXA BUBSYCNTXA BUBSYDOGXA BUBSYCARXA BUBSYGLDXA BUBSYHIHXA BUBSYIDLXA BUBSYPOWXA BUBSYSCRXA BUBSYUFOXA BUBSYH2OXA BUBSYWOOXA BUBSYWOLXA BUBSYWORXA