Debug Mode: Pause game anytime press and hold L1 and R2, then push up, triangle, down, X, left, box, right, circle. Release L1 and R2 and press L1, R1, L2, R2. Unpause game and press L2 and R2 at the same time, a menu should come up on the screen. You can get infinate of any weapon on the game. And you can do a whole bunch of other cool shit in there too! You'll have to do some experimenting though because all the words are japanese. After a whille you'll figure it out. A debug menu that allows invincibility, bonus weapons, enemy summoning, enemy AI toggles, FMV sequence skip, and other effects will appear. Frame by frame: Enable any debug option, pause game play, and tap Select to move through the game frame by frame. Two player mode: To set the game in two player mode, use the "Enemy" option to select any opponent. Select the "Pad-2" option to enable a second player. Keep moving away from the newly created player until a question mark appears near the health bar. Run back towards the newly created player. Both controllers may now be used to play the game in two player mode. Note: If either player leaves the screen, the second player will be cancelled. Submission: cschatz ( > ) Restore health: Press Start to pause game play, then press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, Square. For the Japanese version, press Start to pause game play and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle. The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. Submission: and Al Amaloo ( Carry up to 99 items: Hold L1 and press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, Square at the item selection screen. For the Japanese version, hold L1 and press Up(2), Down(2),Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle at the item screen. The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. Submission: Al Amaloo ( and Thomas Macdougal IV. Increased item inventory: Hold L2 and press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, X at the item selection screen. For the Japanese version, hold L2 and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle at the item screen. The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. One more of each item will be available every time this code is enabled. Submission: Al Amaloo ( More types of items: Hold R1 and press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, Circle at the item selection screen. For the Japanese version, hold R1 and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle at the item screen. The sound of ashout will confirm correct code entry. Submission: Al Amaloo ( Level select: Select a character, then hold R2 and press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, Square at the next screen (mission select). For the Japanese version, select a character, then hold R2, and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle at the next screen. The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. Submission: Al Amaloo ( Layout select: Select a character, then hold R1 and press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, X at the next screen (mission select). The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. Submission: Al Amaloo ( Enable Japanese voices: Select a character, then hold L1 and press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, Circle at the next screen (mission select). The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. Note: Japanese voice effects will start after the first level; the narrative will remain in English. Submission: Al Amaloo ( Alternate Ayame costume: Press Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, Circle at the item selection screen. The armor icon will automatically be selected. Begin game play as Ayame and select her third costume. Submission: Al Amaloo ( >More weapons: Hold L2 and press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle at the weapon selection screen. One more of each weapon will be available. 99 Item Carrying Capacity: At weapon select screen, hold down L1 and press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, triangle. Full Health: When in the game, press Start to pause, and press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, triangle. You'll hear a shout from the ninja to confirm. Get all items: At weapon select screen, hold down R1 and press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, triangle. Increase all items by one: At weapon select screen, hold down L2 and press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, triangle. Level Select: At the level select screen, hold down R2 and press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, triangle. All levels should appear, with the appropriate secret items next to them. Tenchu Japanese Menu Translation: Top Level (top to bottom) Play Training Options Options Menu (top to bottom, left/right) Difficulty (Easy/Hard) Sound (Stereo/Mono) Sound Levels Music Sound Effects Back Sound Test Music Test Sound Test Back Memory Card Automatic Save Prompt (Yes/No) Load Save Game Manual Save Game (It will overwrite in you're not careful) Back Vibration (on/off) Back Basic Ninja Weapons List: Top Row, Left to Right: Shuriken -- Throwing Stars, basic distance damage weapon Caltrops -- Drop them behind you to discourage pursuit. Very handy when running away Health -- Takes you back up to 100 points Middle Row, Left to Right: Bomb -- Throw and detonate, like a grenade. May fizzle Smoke Bomb -- Confuse opponents by getting smoke in their eyes. Stops 'em for a few seconds Land Mine -- Very, very powerful explosive. Do not be near this thing when it goes off Bottom Row, Left to Right: Poisoned Food -- Make dogs and unwary soldiers sick. Sleeping Potion -- Put fires and people out with this draught Five Colored Rice -- Markers to keep track of where you've been. Tenchu Mission Briefing Translation and Tips: At the end of every level, you get this briefing screen which gives you your score and ranking. This is a short translation and ranking result summary of that screen. Left to right - Statistics, scoring, record score Top to bottom: Silent kills (Assassinations) -- kills/number of possible kills Necessary kills (combat kills) -- kills/number of possible kills Number of sightings (number of times the enemy spotted you) -- times Civilian deaths (in blue) -- times Scoring: Silent Kills (20 points) Necessary Kills (5 points) Sightings (400 points for 0 sightings, 260 for one sighting, and a progressive scale to 0) Civilian Kills (-30/death) Ranking: 400+ points -- Ninja Initiate -- Get secret weapon 300-400 points -- High Ninja -- Get more standard supplies 200-300 points -- Middle Ninja -- Get some standard supplies 100-200 points -- Low Ninja -- Get the least amount of standard supplies 0-100 points -- Ninja Reject (Turned away at the door) -- nothing Tenchu Tips: 1) Don't stock up on anything the first time around. Finish an easy level once or twice to get more supplies. You'll need them later on. 2) Finish above 400 points and you get secret weapons. 3) Use rooftops and water to your advantage. Nobody can swim, and few can get onto roofs. 4) Be patient. Sneaking around people is a lot more rewarding than fighting your way in. Not getting seen is worth big points. 5) Hide behind lamps and carts to avoid attention. Stop, drop, and roll your way to safety.