Change gears quickly: Press L2 + R2 when on the world map or at a place that you can use your Gears to hop in and out without going to the menu. Chrono Trigger's Lucca cameo: Lucca from Chrono Trigger is in Xenogears. After the game first begins, take control of Fei and go to the Information House (left of the Elder's House). Look closely to see that it is Lucca that teaches you about Save Points. Different Announcer: To get a high pitched voice enter the options menu and press the select button until you hear a sound. More Boards: Win at every difficulty level once. For each Level you will gain a special board. Extral Course: Win the 3 special boards and you will be able to play the Extra Track. Sound test: When you are in the Yadrisil (Sandmarine Ship), go to the control room and talk to the large dolphin-like control man. Choose the top selection for a sound test. He will keep asking the same question over and over again. Select the first choice again for a new sound, or use the second choice to exit. View Gears: After winning two rounds in the battle arena in Kislev, press R2 + L2 to remove the victory time text from the screen. Press Left or Right to rotate your Gear. Replenish armor and fuel on all Gears: This trick is useful after getting access to the Yggdrasil, and your Gears are damaged from battle. Simply enter the Yggdrasil and exit to replenish the armor and fuel on all Gears. Defeating Hamar: This is useful during disc 2. A monster called Hamar, who self-destructs after he glows red, is located at the dungeon where Rico gets his new Gear. The explosion is lethal, but the party can escape before Hamar explodes. However, the trick here is to kill him before he blows up to receive a special item that increases the chance of receiving rare items to 100%. Reserve some infinity or level 3 attacks until Hamar turns red. Once he starts glowing, give it all to him. (Booster also helps). With the special item equipped, go to any forest and fight white snails. These creatures were plentiful in disc 1, but now they are quite rare. Killing these creatures gives the speed belt (helps gears and human battles). Besides this, there are many other special items/equipment carried by monsters. Fighting tip: Immediately dash up to your opponent and begin rapidly alternating between the X (attack) and the Circle (dash) buttons. X will launch a kick and Circle will cancel the combo, allowing you to immediately start another. With a bit of practice, any Gear (including the Champ's) will be in endless stagger until it is defeated. Obtaining the deathblow item: When you are on the Thames, you will encounter people who challenge you to a game that is similar to Speed. If you win against all the people located in the Beer hall and the Supply Grounds, go to the Armor grounds and play against the female who is standing with two men. If you beat her, she will give you a deathblow item for your Gear. This item will allow you to do a deathblow attack. Defeating Calamity: A huge Gear will be encountered at the end of the Stalactite Cave. Make sure Fei and Bart are on high levels (20-25), even though it still may be difficult win at that. Have Bart cast Wild Smile on Calamity, making it hard for him to hit you with any of his physical attacks. Next, hit him with all your ten point attacks, and save your energy until your Gear power is at level one. Use your best level one combos for both Fei and Bart, hopefully hurting the Huge gear. Keep in mind that Calamity has 2500 HP, and that it will take a while to wear him down. His missile attack will still hit you with 400 - 500 points of damage, not giving you much time to defeat him. Use Fei's Guided Shot as your last defense. Lahan Well items: At the start of the game in Lahan, jump down the well a few times. You will get an eyeball (sell it for gold), an Aquasol S, a Power Ring, a chill and a lot of "well" puns.