----------- --- -- --- --- ---------- | -------| \ \/ \/ / / \ |_ _ _ _| | |_ _ _ \ / /-----\ | | |_ _ _ _ | \ / / \ | | _ _ _ _| | \ / / \ | | |_ _ _ _ _| \_ / / \ |_| _ _ _ _ _ _ | | --------- | _ _ _ _ _| | |_ _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ | |_ _ _ _ _ _| Elite Edition Guide By Simon (pdhq64) Maddox Version History --------------- Version 1.1 ----------- Due to popular demand, I have updated the walkthrough section slightly and changed a spelling error. Version 1.0 ------------ First version online ============= TABLE OF CONTENTS ============= 1) Introduction 2) Frequently Asked Questions 3) Messaging Menu 4) Commands a) Dynamic Commands b) Stealth Commands 5) Earning Medals 6) Walkthrough a) Highway Sniper Apprehension b) Vehicular Assault Suspect c) Turkish Ambassador Rescue d) Home Invasion e) LAX Siege f) The Construction Site g) Television Studio Raid h) Ambassador Rescue i) Phoenix Lounge j) Holy Trinity Church k) Hollywood VIP Detail l) LA Convention Centre (Daytime) m) LA Sewer Systems n) LA City Hall o) Hotel Carlyle at Wilshire p) LA Convention Centre (Nighttime) 7) Multiplayer 8) Where To Get Further Information 9) Credits/Copyright Information ============= CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ============= SWAT3: Elite Edition - join the ranks of LAPD's finest and fight the global forces trying to thwart the signing of the United Nations Nuclear Abolishment Treaty and the celebration of Global Peace Day 2005. Emphasizing SWAT tactics with state-of-the-art weapons, SWAT3: Elite Edition is a first-person tactical action game that can be played in mission, career or multiplayer mode. I will explain each mode in the relevant section. ============= Chapter 2: Frequently Asked Questions ============= Q) Is SWAT3: Elite Edition an add-on? A) No, SWAT3 is a standalone game, which includes SWAT3: Close Quarters Battle, and the downloadable upgrade, Elite Edition. Q) You just said Elite Edition could be downloaded, why don't I just buy Close Quarters Battle and download Elite Edition? A)Not really, on Amazon.co.uk, Close Quarters Battle is ?18 (Second Hand) whereas I bought Elite Edition for ?8 (it was the Bestseller Series one in a DVD case). ============= Chapter 3: Messaging Menu ============= (From the Manual - I will rewrite it later) SWAT 3's messaging menu provides the player the means by which to communicate with teammates, the Command Post, civilians, hostages and suspects. The messaging menu is built on a three-level branching tree structure with messages accessed by number keys. Beyond the root directory level, message options change according to the tactical mode of play: stealth or dynamic. Root Directory The root directory allows the player to begin a command message, report the mission status, alert team members of a compromise and issue compliance. Command Messages Command messages can be directed at the entire team [ ELEMENT ] or at the individual two-man teams [ RED & BLUE ] . Press the corresponding number [ 1-3 ], located to the left of the team name, to designate the command recipient. Designating a command recipient expands the message menu by one level. Report Mission Status As an element leader the player is responsible for the coordination of this process. Reporting officer, civilian, hostage and suspect status to the Command Post keeps the Brass abreast of your tactical situation and allows them to provide evacuation support. Pressing the number [ 4 ] key from the root directory begins a report message and expands the message menu by one level. The expanded menu allows the player to report the status of an individual character or report that the mission is complete. To access the various character status options the game cursor must be pointed at that individual. When the game cursor is pointed at a in-game character the extended menu options highlight. Choosing the corresponding number to a status option results in the player to reporting a character's status or requesting evacuation [ 1 - 4 ]. Reporting that the mission is complete does not require special placement of the game cursor. Once the corresponding number [ 5 ] for "mission complete" is pressed the Command Post verifies the message and calls the team back to the Command Post. Down Reports highlighted individual as wounded. Evacuate Requests evacuation of individual highlighted by cursor. Neutralized Reports highlighted individual as dead. Contact Reports contact has been made with individual highlighted by cursor. Mission Complete Returns the team to the Command Post and ends the mission. Caution: Reporting "Mission Complete" will end the mission regardless if all the mission objectives have been met. Area Cleared Pressing the [5] key from the root directory results in the player notifying his teammates that an area is clear of threat. The player can follow-up this announcement by dropping a lightstick at the entrance to the cleared area. Once an area is pronounced clear of threat the player's team will behave as though the area is a safe zone. Consequently, it is imperative that the area be cleared of threat, otherwise the player is jeopardizing his team's safety. Compromised Pressing the [ 6 ] key from the root directory results in the player notifying his teammates that their situation has been compromised. If the game was in stealth mode this notification causes the game to switch to dynamic mode. A compromised situation is one in which a suspect is unexpectedly encountered. Compliance Compliance is the use of verbal commands to subdue non-threatening individuals, and are issued in non life-threatening situations. Non life-threatening situations are defined as those in which officers, or other innocents, are not in immediate danger of dying. A non life- threatening situation refers to encounters with unarmed civilians and hostages, or armed suspects who are not pointing their weapon at an innocent. General compliance commands are issued when the game cursor is not pointing at a specific individual and the player presses the [ 7 ] key from the root directory. To issue compliance to a specific individual point the game cursor at the individual and press the [ 7 ] key from the root directory. ============= Chapter 4: Commands ============= (From the Manual - I will rewrite it later) a) Dynamic Commands Dynamic commands reflect the nature of dynamic tactics: fast and loud. To issue dynamic commands, the player must first be in dynamic mode (press the [ PAGE UP ] key). Once in dynamic mode the player must choose a command recipient from the root directory [ 1:Element, 2:Red, 3:Blue ]. Choosing a recipient expands the message menu by one level. The dynamic commands available on the second level of the message tree highlight as the game cursor is passed over game characters and various environmental elements. There are a total of eight dynamic commands. Some of the commands change based on whether the player is inside or outside an environment, and some have a third level of options. Press the corresponding number [ 1-8 ], located to the left of the command, to issue an order. Breach, Bang & Clear Breach, bang and clear appears as a dynamic command option when the game cursor is pointed at a closed interior door. Defined, breach, bang & clear commands the recipient to breach (open) the closed door, throw in a flashbang and clear what lays beyond the door. When commanded to "breach, bang & clear", the game assaulters know what equipment they have in their arsenal that will allow them to dynamically breach the door. If their primary weapon is a shotgun and they are carrying breaching rounds they will execute the breach with the shotgun. If they are carrying C2 explosives they will blow the door open. If they were not assigned dynamic breaching material, or have run out, they will notify the player that they cannot execute the breach. Bang & Clear Bang and clear appears as a dynamic command option when the game cursor is pointed at an open interior door. Defined, bang & clear commands the recipient to flashbang the doorway and clear what lays beyond the door. If the commanded assaulter was not assigned flashbangs, or has run out, he will notify the player that he cannot execute the order. Breach, Bang & Make Entry Breach, bang and make entry appears as a dynamic command option when the game cursor is pointed at a closed exterior door. Defined, breach, bang & make entry commands the recipient to breach (open) the closed door, throw in a flashbang, make entry and clear the area just beyond the interior of the doorway. The game assaulters know what equipment they have in their arsenal that will allow them to dynamically breach the door. If their primary weapon is a shotgun and they are carrying breaching rounds they will execute the breach with the shotgun. If they are carrying C2 explosives they will blow the door open. If they were not assigned dynamic breaching material, or have run out, they will notify the player that they cannot execute the breach. Move and Clear Move & clear appears as a dynamic command option when the game cursor is pointed at any open doorway. Defined, move and clear commands the recipient to enter the open door and clear the area beyond for threat. Once an area is cleared of threat, the recipient will notify the player of the situation. Don't Use Gas If you don't wish your officers to deploy CS when clearing, use this command when commanding your element to move and clear. Use CS Gas If you want your officers to deploy CS gas when clearing, use this command when commanding your element to move and clear. Breach & Clear Breach & Clear appears as a dynamic command option when the game cursor is pointed at a closed door. Defined, breach and clear commands the recipient to breach (open) the closed door and clear the room beyond the doorway for threat. Once an area is cleared of threats, the recipient will notify the player the area is clear and will drop a lightstick in the room's doorway upon exiting. Don't Use Gas If you don't wish your officers to deploy CS when clearing, use this command when commanding your element to breach and clear. Use CS Gas If you want your officers to deploy CS gas when clearing, use this command when commanding your element to breach and clear. Search Search appears as a dynamic command option when the game cursor is pointing anywhere within a room or hallway. It is not available if the game cursor is pointing at a door. If the game cursor is pointing at an opening within a room or hallway then the Search command applies to the area on the other side of the opening. Direction of Search When the search command is selected the menu tree expands and provides the player with directional modifiers. When searching a location the modifiers, [ Left ] and [ Right ], refer to the direction of the command recipient. In other words, the player commands the recipient to search to their left or right, not the player's left or right. Left Modifies the command to "search to the left." Right Modifies the command to "search to the right." Continue Commands the recipient to continue searching. Cover Cover appears as a dynamic command option when the game cursor is pointed at a particular location or at a specific hostage, civilian or suspect. When commanded to cover a particular location, the assaulters will move into a position where they can safely cover against a threat from that general direction. When ordered to cover a suspect, hostage, or civilian, the assaulters will set up aim on that individual and follow their movement. Fall In Fall in as a dynamic command is available at all times. Commanding a recipient to fall in does not require special placement of the game cursor. Defined, fall in commands the recipient to follow behind the player until commanded to do otherwise. It should be noted that the fall in command can be used as a "hold" command as well. If the player wants to stop an assaulter from engaging a civilian, hostage or suspect, the fall in command will cause the assaulter to abort the engagement and fall in behind the player. Deploy The player can command a recipient to deploy any one of five tactical aids in dynamic mode. Two of the tactical aids require that the game cursor be pointed at a closed door. The other three require that the game cursor be pointed at a specific area. Lightstick Lightsticks are used to light otherwise dark areas and to mark areas which have been cleared of threat as 'cleared.' To issue the command, 'Deploy Lightstick', the game cursor should be pointed at the area in which the player wants the lightstick dropped. C2 C2 is used to blow open closed / locked doors. To issue the command, [ Deploy C2 ], the game cursor needs to be pointed at the closed door which the player wants blown open. If the commanded assaulter has run out of C2 he will inform the player that he cannot execute the breach. Flashbang Flashbangs are used to temporarily distract or disorient a suspect, hostage or civilian. When entering a room, the flashbang should be dropped just inside the doorway. This allows the police officers to use the smoke generated by the flashbang as concealment as they enter the room. To issue the command, [ Deploy Flashbang ], the game cursor should be pointed at the area in which the player wants the flashbang to detonate. If the commanded assaulter was not assigned flashbangs, or has run out, he will inform the player that he cannot execute the "bang". CS Gas CS Gas is used as a non-lethal alternative when dealing with non- compliant suspects, civilians and hostages. When deployed, CS gas causes the unprotected recipient to cough violently. The physical response to CS gas, combined with compliance commands, often causes enough stress to make a non-compliant individual compliant. Once the individual is compliant, they can be secured and evacuated to safety. To issue the command, [ Deploy CS Gas ], the game cursor should be pointed at the area in which the player wants the CS gas to discharge. If the commanded assaulter was not assigned CS Gas, or has run out, he will inform the player that he cannot execute the command. Shotgun When loaded with a breaching rounds a shotgun can be used to breach closed / locked doors. Commanding an assaulter to breach a door with a shotgun requires the assaulter to have been assigned a shotgun and breaching rounds in the pre-assault briefing. To issue the command, [ Deploy Shotgun ], the game cursor needs to be pointed at the closed door which the player wants blown open. If the commanded assaulter does not have a shotgun, or has run out of breaching rounds, he will inform the player that he cannot execute the breach. Disable The player can issue a disable command on a variety of devices, ranging from security systems to missile launchers to atomic demolition munitions. The game cursor will highlight when passed over active objects that can be disabled or defused. To issue the command, [ Disable ], the game cursor needs to be highlighted and pointed at the object which the player wants disabled or defused. Restrain The player can command a recipient to restrain (handcuff) any hostage, civilian or suspect. In order for the command to be carried out, the hostage, civilian or suspect must be compliant. Compliant is defined as having surrendered. Compliant individuals are unarmed and "assume the pose" - they drop to their knees with their hands in the air. If the player commands that a non-compliant person be restrained, they will lose respect from their team, as this is considered a "dumb" command. ============= Chapter 5: Earning Medals ============= Medals are awarded for bravery, preservation of life and minimum use of force. Criteria for the presentation of a medal is as follows: Medal of Valor No civilian is hurt or neutralized No hostage is hurt or neutralized No non-threatening suspect is neutralized All downed officers are evacuated to safety All downed hostages are evacuated to safety All downed civilians are evacuated to safety The officer is shot at 50 times or more The officer returns less fire then received Police Medal No non-threatening suspect is neutralized All downed officers are evacuated to safety All downed hostages are evacuated to safety All downed civilians are evacuated to safety Officer is shot at 25 times or more Officer returns less fire then received Police Star No non-threatening suspect is neutralized All downed officers are evacuated to safety All downed hostages are evacuated to safety All downed civilians are evacuated to safety Officer is shot at 25 times or more Officer returns less fire then received Police Commission Unit Citation No non-threatening suspect is neutralized No officer is wounded All downed hostages are evacuated to safety All downed civilians are evacuated to safety Officer is shot at 7 times or more Officer returns less fire then received ============= Chapter 6: Walkthroughs ============= Mission #1: Highway Sniper Apprehension This mission involves going into a two story house with two people inside, both of whom are at unpredictable levels of aggression. There are three rooms on the first floor, with a hallway to the kitchen. As you enter the house, there is a staircase on your left that leads to the second floor; there is a concealed door underneath the stairway facing the hallway. The second floor has a bathroom and two bedrooms; one of the bedrooms is used for storage. Above the first floor staircase is a staircase to the house's attic. The attic is littered with boxes. Although the house is small, it has a good selection of starting points for the suspect and his female companion. You take control after the element has successfully taken position on the suspect's front porch. Using the command menu, issue the Stack command. You can try to open the door with your Use/Open key, or you can issue the Try Door command (press "1" twice while the door is highlighted with your crosshair) to the element. As expected, the door is locked. Press "1" twice to change the command to Pick the Lock and one of your team will do just that and open the door. Continue to use the top commands on the menu and issue a Mirror order to have one of the element use a mirror to check for suspects before abandoning your cover. Aim toward the doorway and issue the Search order. The element carefully enters the household and assesses the nature of any risk within. You may run into the suspect's female friend somewhere on this floor. She is wearing a towel. The female is cooperative and normally no trouble to apprehend, although sometimes she tries to run away. She can be in the small den to the right or in the kitchen. Press "7" to issue the Compliance command, which causes you to scream an order to "Put your hands up!" This usually does the trick. Once she complies, issue a Restraint command (press "1" then "8"). Aim toward the entrance to the kitchen or the den and issue the Search command (if your are in Dynamic Mode, this command changes to Breach & Clear). If you desire, you can search both rooms at the same time by splitting the element into two units. Simply press "2" or "3", then choose the order in which to Search the rooms by aiming your crosshair toward the room you want searched first and issuing the Search command. Brenner has turned the space under the staircase into a hiding place. When you are close to the hidden door, you can open it by aiming your crosshair (which is highlighted) at the door and using your Use/Open key. The suspect may be inside, so be ready to defend yourself. Give the Cover command before you open the door to make sure that you have a backup. Hopefully, the element can subdue the suspect without incident. If the suspect is in the hidden area, aim your crosshair at the weapon he drops and press the Use/Open key to confiscate the weapon. Make this a habit--you do not want armed suspects to get away after you have neutralized the threat. Confiscating the weapon also satisfies one of your mission objectives. Next, press "4" to report the suspect's condition to headquarters. In the case pictured here, the suspect was Down (wounded but alive). In the kitchen, the suspect has another sneaky hiding place: under the sink. It's a tight fit, but he's still armed and dangerous, so proceed with caution. Try to issue the Compliance command before he raises his weapon--once he raises it he is a threat and a target for the element. With the lower floor secured, you're ready to climb the staircase. Even if you have made contact with and subdued the suspect and the civilian, you still have to confiscate all of the weapons on the premises--it's important that you make a full search of the house. Issue the Fall In command to regroup the element and your team will assemble behind you. Aim toward the top of the stairs and issue the Search command to start them moving. Your team cautiously ascends the staircase while watching for any unexpected dangers. If you have not captured the suspect yet, use caution--he may be at the top of the stairs. If the suspect is upstairs, he may try to snipe at the element through a crack between the floor and the staircase that leads to the attic. If this happens, your best move is to lead the way up the stairs and fire warning shots to force the perpetrator to surrender. If you encounter the civilian upstairs, she may try to run to the bedroom. Follow her, issue the Compliance command, and she will eventually come to her senses. This can lead to a tense situation if she warns the suspect of the element's approach. When she does comply, be sure to Restrain her, but be warned--she'll let fly with some rather unsavoury comments aimed at you. Once the situation is under control, assemble the element and search the rooms on this floor. One defensive technique you can use is to set the blue or red team to Cover while the other team executes a Breach & Clear of each room. If the suspect is already in custody, split up the teams and have each Search a separate room simultaneously. This move is allowed when the threat has been neutralized. The first room you come across is the bathroom--if you haven't yet made contact with the civilian, she'll be here. Issue the Compliance command and she will drop to her knees. The next room is to the right and is empty except for scattered cardboard boxes. Search the room for weapons. The final room on this floor is the bedroom, which also leads to a small closet behind a closed door. You can enter and search this room yourself but, if you do, set the element to Cover you during the search. Open the closet with the Use/Open key and turn on your flashlight if it is too dark inside to see. Once you're finished looking around, exit the room and have the element Fall In. Next, take up a position along the staircase that presents a good line of fire toward the attic door. Aim your crosshair toward the attic and issue the Breach & Clear command (remember that in Stealth Mode, this will read Search instead). If you have not made contact with the suspect by now, this is the only place he can be, hidden behind the door waiting for a final standoff. The Breach, Bang, and Clear command is often too slow for this area because the suspect jumps out once the door is opened. Another option is to lead the entry into the attic, quickly issuing the Compliance command, followed by a few warning shots. This is a good way to try to avoid gunfire, but all too often the suspect has responded aggressively and is already Down- -or worse--in the attic. Press "4" to Report the status of the suspect before proceeding. When you Report, remember that Neutralized means the suspect is dead on arrival (DOA), Down means he is hurt, and Evacuate means he is in handcuffs. With the help of the element, Search the attic to find the suspect's Long Rifle, which is sitting by an open window. Aim your crosshair at the firearm and press the Use/Open key to claim it as evidence. Press "B" (or whatever key you have assigned to Briefing Summary) and you should see both objectives marked Complete. When you receive a radio transmission to come in, click Debrief with the cursor to complete the mission! ============= Chapter 7: Multiplayer ============= The in-depth multiplayer guide will come later, once I know my guide has been accepted. ============= Chapter 8: Where To Get Further Information ============= http://cgi.gamefaqs.com/boards/gentopic.asp?board=28839 - It's a bit empty though http://www.3dactionplanet.com/swat/SWAT3/index.html - A good SWAT3 Site If you wish to ask any questions or have a section I can include in my guide, feel free to email me at pdhq64@msn.com ============= Chapter 9: Credits/Copyright Information ============= Guide written by Simon (pdhq64) Maddox Thanks to GameFAQs.com for hosting this guide Copyright (c) 2002 Simon Maddox If you wish to use my guide on my site, please email me at pdhq64@msn.com and give me the URL, i boosts my ego when sites want my work :)