_____ _ _ ____ ______ _____ _ _ _________ __ / ____| /\ | | | | / __ \| ____| | __ \| | | |__ __\ \ / / | | / \ | | | | | | | | |__ | | | | | | | | | \ \_/ / | | / /\ \ | | | | | | | | __| | | | | | | | | | \ / | |____ / ____ \| |____| |____ | |__| | | | |__| | |__| | | | | | \_____/_/ \_\______|______| \____/|_| |_____/ \____/ |_| |_| W A L K T H R O U G H BY PSY Game: Call Of Duty Console: PC Developer: Activision + Infinity Ward Genre: World War Two First Person Shooter Release: October 29, 2003 (USA) November 7, 2003 (UK) Author: Simon Elliott (Psy) Contact Email: Psycopsy@hotmail.com Copyright 2004 Simon Elliott ############################################################################### ===================== [ C O N T E N T S ] ===================== ############################################################################### You can use the "CTRL+F" find function to find what you want by entering in the content you want to find. For example to find the Training Mission guide, push CTLR+F and type "[2.1.1]" and the guide will take you straight to it. ############################################################################### [0] - Updates + Authors Comments [1] - Introduction [1.1] - Controls [2] - Missions [2.1] - Miscellaneous Missions [2.1.1] - Training [2.2] - American Missions [2.2.1] - Pathfinder [2.2.2] - Burnville [2.2.3] - Dawnville [2.2.4] - Car Ride [2.2.5] - Brecourt [2.2.6] - Chateau [2.2.7] - POW Camp [2.3] - British Missions [2.3.1] - Pegasus Night [2.3.2] - Pegasus Day [2.3.3] - Dam [2.3.4] - Truck Ride [2.3.5] - Airfield [2.3.6] - Ship [2.4] - Russian Missions [2.4.1] - Stalingrad [2.4.2] - Red Square [2.4.3] - Train station [2.4.4] - Sewer [2.4.5] - Pavlov [2.4.6] - Factory [2.4.7] - Railyard [2.4.8] - Tank Drive Country [2.4.9] - Tank Drive Town [2.5] - American Missions [2.5.1] - Hurtgen [2.6] - British Missions [2.6.1] - Rocket [2.7] - Russian Missions [2.7.1] - Berlin [3] - Weapons Guide [3.0] - Introduction [3.1] - American Weapons [3.1.1] - Introduction [3.1.2] - Statistics [3.1.3] - Information [3.2] - British Weapons [3.2.1] - Introduction [3.2.2] - Statistics [3.2.3] - Information [3.3] - Russian Weapons [3.3.1] - Introduction [3.3.2] - Statistics [3.3.3] - Information [3.4] - German Weapons [3.4.1] - Introduction [3.4.2] - Statistics [3.4.3] - Information [3.5] - Misc Weapons [3.5.1] - Introduction [3.5.2] - Statistics [3.5.3] - Information [3.6] - Stationary Weapons [3.6.1] - Introduction [3.6.2] - Statistics [3.6.3] - Information [3.7] - Hidden Weapons [3.7.1] - Introduction [3.7.2] - Statistics [3.7.3] - Information [4] - War Quotes [5] - Cheats / Codes [6] - Credits / Special Thanks [7] - Copyrights + Contact Email ############################################################################### ========================= [0] - [ U P D A T E S ] ========================= My Computer, England January 16, 2004 2312 hrs Version 2.5 Quite a large update because I have included a weapons guide which I spent the last week writing. Hopefully people find it useful. That's all I've changed in this version. Coming soon are some tips for Single player, and then depending on my free time, maybe a Multiplayer Guide. That probably won't happen soon though because I want a break from guide writing. I've been doing it continually for about 3 weeks so I think I earned a rest. I'll definitely have some Multiplayer Tips in the next update though, so look forward to that, and depending on my boredom level, I may have part of, or all of a Multiplayer Guide. ############################################################################### My Computer, England January 9, 2004 2355 hrs Version 2.0 Well I finished writing out, and typing up the rest of the in depth mission walkthroughs, so they should cover you through the whole game now. After I take 2 exams at college I'll write about weapons and multiplayer, but for now the guide is going well. I also added "War Quotes" from the screens when you die or pass a mission which should be a good read for those who haven't seen my separate guide with them in. ############################################################################### My Computer, England December 15, 2003 1559 hrs Version 1.75 I've added a new section under each mission called "Mission Walkthrough". The guide was previously based on telling you how to complete each objective, which I realised wasn't very helpful, so the "Mission Walkthrough" guides you through the mission step by step, in a lot of detail. I'm working on finishing the missions in there, because for now it only covers everything up to the "Dam", but the rest should be finished in the next week. It also covers how to complete the game in Veteran mode, so it will be helpful for people who aren't scared to get their hands dirty. Once I get these finished I shall be doing a weapons section, and then some multiplayer tips and tricks as well as some helpful advice, so look out for them. Speaking of multiplayer, if anyone has any servers up and would like me to join them in a game, feel free to email me, because I'm pretty good and it'd be cool to play against people who read this guide. ############################################################################### My Computer, England November 25, 2003 2300 hrs Version 1.0 Finished the main part of the guide, wrote up all missions, added cheats and edited the formatting. Put contents in and proof read most of it. Submitting this to GameFAQs soon. Coming soon are: - Multiplayer tips. - Weapon Guide. - Review of the game. - A list of the mission passed / failed quotes. - Probably more stuff. =========================================== [0] - [ A U T H O R S C O M M E N T S ] =========================================== Welcome to my Call Of Duty FAQ / Walkthrough. I've been a fan of War Time First Person Shooters since the Medal Of Honor days, maybe before, and I'm also very interested in World War Two itself, so when I heard about Call Of Duty, and saw it's amazing graphics I knew I had to get it. I was a bit late in buying it, I got it about 3 weeks after it was released, but that was because I had to gather the cash to buy it first, plus I had Medal Of Honor : Allied Assault to keep me busy. Anyway, I wrote this guide for a few reasons: - There wasn't one already. - I think I'm pretty good at explaining things, so I thought I might as well give it a shot. - I have experience at writing guides. - I wanted to contribute to the CoD community. So I hope you find it useful. About The Guide ооооооооооооооо All of this guide was written by Psy, and only Psy. It was written while I played through the game, then typed up. All text here is my own work and I won't be held responsible for any problems caused as a result of it. All mission walkthroughs are my own way of beating the mission, and it's up to the reader to choose if they want to follow them. This guide can only be seen at: GameFAQs.com Avault.com dlh.net CheatCC.com CallOfDuty.org And my own sites Unless permission is granted via email. Don't steal my guide and claim it to be your own work, or host it without asking, because you are breaking the law and I have the power to do something about it. Contacting Psy оооооооооооооо You may contact Psy to ask questions about the game, or to correct mistakes in my guide. Please use the following emails: If its just a normal email (text), use: Psycopsy@hotmail.com If it has an image attached or is a big file, please use: Psy@GTA-SanAndreas.com No spam, viruses or hate mail. I have tools, and I will use them if I'm provoked. =================================== [1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ] =================================== In the war that changed the world, No one fought alone. Call Of Duty is an amazing World War Two First Person Shooter. You work along with your team mates to wipe out the Nazi force and put an end to the war. You will go through shellshock, witness death to your friends, have to murder countless people and come up with some quick plans if you are to make it out alive. * Review Coming Soon * ============================= [1.1] - [ C O N T R O L S ] ============================= The following are the controls I use for Call Of Duty. I find them very useful, and I'm showing you them because if you decide to use them and get used to them, they can work extremely well for you. This is mainly because all of the buttons you will need to push are very close to each other, and will save time having to try and find what you want to push. Look оооо Look Up - Unbound Look Down - Unbound Mouse Look - Unbound Center View - Unbound Free Look - Yes Invert Mouse - No Smooth Mouse - No Mouse Sensitivity - 15-20% up Move оооо Forward - Keypad 8 Back Pedal - Keypad 5 Move Left - Keypad 4 Move right - Keypad 6 Lean Left - Keypad 7 Lean Right - Keypad 9 Stand / Jump - Keypad Enter Go To Crouch - Unbound Go To Prone - Unbound Jump / Stance Up - Unbound Stance Down - Unbound Stance Up - Unbound Toggle Crouch - Keypad Del Toggle Prone - Keypad 3 Crouch - Unbound Prone - Unbound Turn Left - Unbound Turn Right - Unbound Strafe - Unbound Shoot ооооо Attack - Left Mouse Toggle Aim Down The Sight - Right Mouse Aim Down The Sight - Unbound Melee Attack - Keypad 1 Reload Weapon - Keypad + Change Rate Of Fire - Keypad 2 Select First Weapon - 1 Select Second Weapon - 2 Select Pistol - 3 Select Grenades - 4 Next Weapon - Wheel Down Previous Weapon - Wheel Up Save / Interact ооооооооооооооо Show Objectives / Scores - Tab Use - Keypad 0 Screenshot - F12 Quick Save - F5 Quick Load - F9 Enable Console - Yes ############################################################################### =========================== [2] - [ M I S S I O N S ] =========================== There are 24 missions in Call Of Duty, and each one has a name. You can find which one you are on by clicking "Load Game" and then reading what the newest file is called. During the walkthrough I will indicate a number of things in different ways. The main thing is the objectives. All objectives will be highlighted with a number (eg 1.) in front of it. This will help to distinguish what the objective I am currently talking about is, and also it will help you so that you don't need to read through the whole thing to find something which could be the last objective on a mission. While objectives are being explained, a number in square brackets indicates how many there are. For example "Blow up tanks. [4]" would mean there are 4 tanks to blow up. This walkthrough is very basic and simple, but it should hopefully guide you through the mission you are on. It would be impossible for me to write a complete step by step guide through each level, because it's not that kind of game, you will have to figure out most of it on your own and use common sense to realise what to do, but I will be able to give you a basic run-down of the mission. I have now included a detailed walkthrough of every level (Mission Walkthrough) which will cover all decisions you should make, where to go and how to go about it. These decisions are the same on all difficulties and don't really change depending on the computers AI, so they should be more useful than the Objectives Walkthrough's. Remember to always use your compass, either to show you where your allies are, or to find out where you are supposed to be going next. Remember to use Quicksave (Defaults to F5) and Quickload (Defaults to F9) to help you as you play through. Experienced players will probably stop using this to prove they can play through without having to save every 5 seconds. The "Objectives Walkthrough" part of the guide is written based on the "Greenhorn" difficulty and the "Mission Walkthrough" is based on Veteran difficulty. Because of this, some things may not be accurate, such as more enemies, more objectives or lack of weapons and health packs. The guide should be able to cover the majority of the game, but if it doesn't you'll just have to use your common sense, and move slowly. ############################################################################### [2.1] M I S C E L L A N E O U S M I S S I O N S ############################################################################### ======================== [2.1.1] - [ TRAINING ] ======================== Camp Toccoa, GA - U.S.A. August 10, 1942 0900 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Read each sign. [5] 2. Approach the sign indicated by the compass star. 3. Open the gate to the obstacle course. 4. Pick up both Carbines, hit the target a total of 12 times. 5. Pick up the Springfield, hit the target a total of 4 times. 6. Pick up a Thompson, hit the target a total of 10 times. 7. Switch Weapons, hit the target 3 more times. 8. Pick up some Grenades, throw a grenade into each window and door. 9. Plant the explosives. 10. Go through the last gate to exit training. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Read each sign. [5] - Read each of the signs by moving your mouse to face them. 2. Approach the sign indicated by the compass star. - Walk up to the sign on the left (see the star on the compass). 3. Open the gate to the obstacle course. - Head North, to the star on the compass and start the obstacle course. Do this by opening the gate. - Crouch down through the tunnels and fence. - Jump over the other fences and wall. - Go to prone (lie down) and crawl through the barbed wire. - Climb up the ladder at the other end. - Go through the door for weapons training 4. Pick up both Carbines, hit the target a total of 12 times. - Grab an M1A1 Carbine from the table. - Get more ammo from the other gun. - Approach the fence and fire 6 rounds into the target. - Fire 6 more rounds. 5. Pick up the Springfield, hit the target a total of 4 times. - Grab a Springfield rifle. Swap it for your Carbine. - Fire 2 rounds at the target in normal view. - Fire 2 rounds at the target while aiming down the scope. 6. Pick up a Thompson, hit the target a total of 10 times. - Swap a gun for the Thompson sub-machine gun. - Fire 10 rounds at the target, some from hip, some from aiming down the sight. - Do a melee attack. 7. Switch Weapons, hit the target 3 more times. - Switch weapons and fire 3 more rounds at the target. 8. Pick up some Grenades, throw a grenade into each window and door. - Pick up the Grenades. - Throw Grenades into each of the holes. - Pick up the explosives from the next gate. 9. Plant the explosives. - Plant it on the wall then move away. 10. Go through the last gate to exit training. - Go through the gate. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Use your mouse to look at all five of the signs. - Move to the sign indicated by the star on the compass. - Move North and enter the gate to the obstacle course. - Crouch down and go through the tunnel and under the first fence. - Jump over the next two fences and the wall. - Lie down and crawl under the barbed wire. - Climb the ladder at the end, then drop down on the other side and go through the door. - Move around to the left and pick up the two M1A1 Carbines. - Fire 6 rounds into the target at the East. - Fire 6 more rounds into it. Try crouching or lying down to get used to the different firing positions. - Go through the gate and pick up the two Springfield rifles. - Fire 2 shots at the target. - Use the scope this time and fire 2 more rounds at the target. - Go through the gate and swap one of your guns for the Thompson Sub-Machine Guns. - Fire 10 bullets into the target. - Switch weapons and fire 3 more rounds at the target. - Move into the next area and pick up the 5 Grenades. - Throw a grenade into each hole in the wall. - Go through the gate and into the next area. If you are on an Easy difficulty setting you can collect the health kits if you need them, if not, just move straight onto the explosives. - Pick up the explosives and plant them on the wall, then move back. - Go through the gate, and that's Weapon Training complete. ############################################################################### [2.2] A M E R I C A N M I S S I O N S ############################################################################### =================================== [2.2.1] - [ P A T H F I N D E R ] =================================== Outskirts of St. Mere Eglise, France June 5, 1944 2330 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Link up with Sgt. Heath. 2. Get the sergeants Legbag. 3. Set up the radio beacon. 4. Defend the drop zone. 5. Make your way to the nearest town. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Link up with Sgt. Heath. - Head up the hill and kill the soldier up there. Sometimes by the tree. - Follow the path around to Sergeant Heath. 2. Get the Sergeants Legbag. - Pick up the Legbag. - Head towards the star on the compass and take out the guards. 3. Set up the radio beacon. - Go out to the front and set up the radio beacon. 4. Defend the drop zone. - Go towards the buildings and take out any enemies you see. - Go into the building on the right and work your way through, killing all enemies as you go. 5. Make your way to the nearest town. - Head out along the trench. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Head up the hill to the left and kill the guard who urinates next to the tree. - Move around the corner to the left and pick up Sgt. Heath's Leg Bag and his M1 Garand if you want it. - Kill the two guards in the bunker, then go out to the front and set up the Radio Beacon. - Move to the wall in front of the house on the right and wait for your team to meet up with you. - Take out as many guards in the house as you can and keep low to save your health until the house blows up. - Go in and through to the left, kill the German at the top of the stairs, then progress through the yard at the back and kill the Nazis in there. - Kill the German at the window above the door. - Go through the door and up the stairs and kill all of the Nazis you find up there. - Head back down and kill the five or so Nazis who come on the truck. - Go through the back door and follow your squad into the trench. ############################################################################### ================================= [2.2.2] - [ B U R N V I L L E ] ================================= Ste Mere Eglise, France June 6, 1944 0020 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Destroy the "Flakpanzer" Anti-Aircraft tanks. [3] 2. Debrief with Captain Foley at the crossroads. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Destroy the "Flakpanzer" Anti-Aircraft tanks. [3] - Make your way across the fields and take out as many of the gunners as possible. - Head into the buildings. - Work your way through, killing everyone. - Kill all of the people in the houses, then go through the back and kill everyone there. - Head into the church, kill everyone there, then kill the people on the Anti-Aircraft gun through the hole in the wall. - Plant explosives on the "Flakpanzer" tank. - Head out and kill the enemy, then plant more explosives on the next "Flakpanzer". - Go around the corner and kill the final few soldiers then blow up the final "Flakpanzer". 2. Debrief with Captain Foley at the crossroads. - Meet up with Captain Foley. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Run across the field to the fence and keep low. - Kill all of the enemy soldiers in the buildings, remembering especially the ones on the right. - Make sure you take out the MG42 gunners before they take you out. - When you seem to have killed them all, move across the road and check every building from right to left and kill the Nazis you find. - Once you've killed them all, go into the church, kill the guard in there, and take out the machine gunner on the bullet proof truck. - Run up next to the wall and kill as many Germans as you can. - Move across the road and go through the buildings, killing all Nazis. - Go through the back into the gardens and kill all of the enemies you find there too. - Move across, towards the church and watch out for enemy fire. - Kill the Nazis in the church and use the hole at the end to kill the soldiers on the MG42's and the Flakpanzer Anti aircraft tanks. - Look through the last window on the right and shoot the crew on the Flakpanzer tank across the yard. - Move out and around and plant the explosives on the tank. - Step back as it blows up, then go across the area and eliminate the enemy soldiers by the tank, if you didn't already from the safety of the church. - Plant the explosives on it and get back. - Head up and go through the houses. - Lie down and crawl into the door facing the wall to the right. Use a rifle to kill the 5 or so Germans. - Move East and kill the Flakpanzer gunners, then shoot the soldiers by it. - Before moving across to it, make sure you kill the 3 or so Germans on the right, and the MG42 gunner. You can use this against the Flakpanzer team if you haven't already killed them. - Go across the road and plant the explosives. - When it blows up, head East and meet Captain Foley. ############################################################################### ================================= [2.2.3] - [ D A W N V I L L E ] ================================= Ste Mere Eglise, France June 6, 1944 0730 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Assemble With Captain Foley. 2. Get a Panzerfaust Anti-Tank weapon from the church. 3. Destroy the tank. 4. Defend the church. 5. Reinforce the Northern approach. 6. Get a Panzerfaust Anti-Tank weapon from the church. 7. Locate and eliminate the enemy mortar positions. [3] 8. Regroup with Captain Foley and get in the car. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Assemble With Captain Foley. - Run across the street into the room with Captain Foley. - Grab some weapons from near the wall. - Wait in the room until Johnson is killed then head towards the church and kill the Germans who climb over the wall. 2. Get a Panzerfaust Anti-Tank weapon from the church. - Head into the church and grab a Panzerfaust. Head outside and blow up the tank. If you miss, repeat. 3. Destroy the tank. - Blow up the tank with a Panzerfaust. 4. Defend the church. - Go back into the church. - Use the MG42 to wipe out as many Germans as you can. Once you kill enough, Captain Foley will tell you. 5. Reinforce the Northern approach. - Move through the houses and help your team kill the enemy soldiers. - Head around the corner and wipe out the final few soldiers. 6. Get a Panzerfaust Anti-Tank weapon from the church. - Run back around to the church, killing everyone on the way there, then grab a Panzerfaust and blow up the tank. 7. Locate and eliminate the enemy mortar positions. [3] - Head along, past the blown up tanks and grab the Sniper Rifle from next to the wall. - Snipe all enemies on the field, and once they are all dead head through the trench and kill the remaining few Germans. Don't forget the two behind the building on the left. 8. Regroup with Captain Foley and get in the car. - Go to the car and get in. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Run across the street and into the room with the other soldiers. - Grab some weapons from next to the wall. * Tip from Aldo Danzo: You can pick up the FG42 from a dead German, it has a scope and can fire 20 shots per clip, which makes it more useful. - Quickly run out, keep to the left and hide next to the church watching the door in front of you. - Kill the Germans who try to come out of the door, then look to your left and kill the remaining Germans at the bottom of the street. - Move down into the church and pick up a Panzerfaust. - Run back up towards the room, keeping to the left and blow up the tank to the East. - Move into the church and fire at the Germans who are trying to get around from the back. Using Panzerfausts works very well if you have good aim. - [Optional] Swap your rifle for a Panzerfaust and take it with you. - Once you've killed them all, go across the road and through the buildings. - Help your squad kill the Germans under the arch, then go around the corner and kill the Germans around there. - After that, go back around the corner, equip a Sub-Machine Gun and RUN back in between the houses. - Make sure you get past the tank as quick as possible. - Kill all of the enemy soldiers around there, including the 2 or 3 in the last room, then run across in front of the tank and grab another Panzerfaust, unless you have one from earlier. - Fire at the tank and blow it up. - The road block tank to the South East has now moved, so head in that direction and watch as your crew disable it. - Head along the road and grab the sniper rifle. - Lie down and aim carefully to take out the enemy shooters. - There are two in the tower to the right and a few will go to each of the MG42's. - Kill them all, then move onto the grass and down the trench, then go to the left. - Kill the two people on the mortar launcher then go across to the car and get in. ############################################################################### =============================== [2.2.4] - [ C A R R I D E ] =============================== Normandy, Route N13 June 6, 1944 0815 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Report the towns capture to Regimental HQ. 2. Find another vehicle. 3. Defend Private Elder. 4. Get in the Kubelwagon. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Report the towns capture to Regimental HQ. - Switch weapons to a Sub-Machine gun and kill as many Germans as you can while you fly past. - Take out the machine gunners on the trucks which chase you. - Continue killing everyone and protecting the vehicle until it blows up. 2. Find another vehicle. - Head out through the houses, killing everyone. Go slowly if you want, because you are in no immediate danger. 3. Defend Private Elder. - Get to the car and use the MG42 to wipe out the Germans on the road block. 4. Get in the Kubelwagon. - After you kill enough, get in the car and continue killing Germans as you escape. - Sit tight and wait until you pass the mission. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Grab a Machine Gun or Sub-Machine Gun if you have one and wait until the car reaches the German road block. - Kill as many Germans as you can, but stay safe and save your ammo. - Stay in the car and look out for any other Germans as you drive across the field. - When you are being chased by the German truck you need to kill all of the Germans. Use headshots. - Kill all of the Nazis who show up as you are driving through the next village, and try not to get hit until the car has blown up. - Go into the building and kill the Germans. Pick up their weapons if you're low on ammo. - Stand at the back doorway and use a rifle to take out the five or six guards at the bottom left and right. - Move down and around to the left, then kill the Nazi who will be walking towards you. - There is also a Nazi at the top left window of the East house. Take him out with your rifle. - Run over to the car, get on the MG42 and kill as many Germans on the road block as you can. Don't forget the Germans to the left. - Once you've killed enough, get in the car and fire at the few foot soldiers as you drive through the gardens. - Keep low and try to avoid fire until you escape the German lines. ############################################################################### =============================== [2.2.5] - [ B R E C O U R T ] =============================== Brecourt Manor, France June 6, 1944 0900 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Secure all enemy maps and documents. [2] 2. Destroy the enemy artillery guns. [4] 3. Provide covering fire for Sergeant Moody. 4. Get the explosives from Sergeant Moody. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Secure all enemy maps and documents. [2] - Follow the squad, then head along the left side and enter the trench. - Kill all of the Germans on the Flak, then move away as one of your team blows it up. - Head along the trench to the South-West. - Crouch down to avoid the fire, and clear the area of enemies. One of your team will then blow up the Flak. - Go into the bunker and kill all the Germans. - Go through into the next room and grab the documents. 3. Provide covering fire for Sergeant Moody. - Fire at the MG42 gunner for a while. 4. Get the explosives from Sergeant Moody. - Head back along to Sergeant Moody and he will give you the explosives. 2. Destroy the enemy artillery guns. [4] - Plant the explosives on the Flak then move away. - Head out across the field and kill the Germans on the other side, then blow up the Flak gun. Keep to the left while running across to be safe. - Head down the trench, kill the Germans, take out the MG42 gunner, then blow up the third Flak. - Move across the grass and take out all of the Nazi's in the building, and the few behind. - Go into the building, kill the Germans and grab the documents. Then use the MG42 to destroy the Germans approaching. - When it looks like there are no more, there is. They are in your building. Move down stairs and kill them before they kill your team. - Go outside and kill the muppet on the MG42. - Advance around the corner and wipe out the Germans, then blow up the last Flak. Mission Complete. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Run around the corner and go across to the right, avoiding the mines, and kill the Germans on the Flak. - Once you've cleared them out, move back while Sergeant Moody blows up the Flak. - Head down the trench and keep low. Very low. Crawl if you want to. - Get to the Southern part of the trench then crawl out and aim West. Kill the three or four enemy soldiers, then keep low again and follow the trench around. Let Sgt. Moody go first if you want, because he can't be killed. - Move slow, keep low, and work your way to the end of the trench. - Go around the corner and kill the four Germans to the right of the Flak, then move back as Sergeant Moody blows it up. - Move around the corner and throw a grenade or two into the door to kill the few Germans who will try to come out, then move in and finish the rest of them off with a Sub-Machine Gun. - Carefully go into the next room and kill the last two Germans. - Pick up the documents and then crawl through the door and along the trench, stopping next to the Medic on the right. - When Sergeant Moody goes to collect Private Delarosa with the explosives, fire at and kill the Germans to the right. - Keep Moody Safe!!! - Get the explosives from him, then move around to the Flak and plant them. I suggest crawling to it to be safe. - After it's blown up, go up onto the grass on the left, and keeping to the left, make your way across to the other side. Use the trees for cover and kill the Germans as you approach. - When you get across, kill the other Germans and plant the explosives on the Flak and continue along the trench. - Kill the Germans along there and the ones by the Flak, then plant the explosives. - Head out across the grass and shoot the Germans in the barn. - Using a rifle, take out the five or so guards standing by the wall behind the barn, then move towards the house. - Let Lt. Tucker clean out the house, then move up and pick up the enemy docs. - There is a huge group of Germans outside, so use the MG42 to take them out. The Germans will come from the near right and left and the far left. - Once you've killed almost all of the Germans outside, get off the MG42 and move away because there's a German on an MG42 in the building to the left who will try to kill you. - Go downstairs and kill the Nazis who got into the house, then kill the MG42 gunner. Going back upstairs and using a rifle through the window works very well. - Head out and kill the Germans to the right and the German to the left who is lying down. - Move along to the West and kill the other Germans to the right then go around the corner and wait for your team to catch up. - Move around the final corner slowly and kill all of the Germans on the Flak. - Before planting the explosives look around the area and kill all of the Germans. Look out for the one in the window to the East. - Plant the explosives to complete the mission. ############################################################################### ============================= [2.2.6] - [ C H A T E A U ] ============================= Bavarian Alps, Germany August 7, 1944 0130 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Break through the main gate. 2. Find a way into the Chateau. 3. Secure any documents and plans. 4. Find the secret communications room. 5. Sabotage enemy communications equipment with your weapon. 6. Find and secure the prisoners. 7. Clear the way to the extraction point. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Break through the main gate. - Go up the hill and take out the MG42 gunner. - Kill the Germans in the building. - Move up the hill and kill the guards who come down, and all of the soldiers on the truck. 2. Find a way into the Chateau. - Advance around the back of the Chateau, killing all Germans. 3. Secure any documents and plans. - Head through the corridors and up the stairs to the room on the end, killing the Nazi's on the way there. - Grab the documents. 4. Find the secret communications room. - Go back down the stairs. - Before moving towards it, throw a Grenade at the double doors. Move forward and the Nazi's will open them, but the Grenade will kill them. - Get ready to kill the soldiers up on the balcony to the right. - Move through the rooms and kill the Germans. There are plenty of Medi-Packs if you need them. - Go across the balcony and kill the Nazi's on the truck and at the other end of the balcony, in the room. - Move down the stairs and use the statue to open the secret entrance to the communications room. 5. Sabotage enemy communications equipment with your weapon. - Smash the radio with your gun (use the melee attack to save ammo). - Kill the guards in the room behind you. 6. Find and secure the prisoners. - Move through the door, down the stairs and then kill the Germans. - Your team will then blow the door. Stand back and wait for it to blow, then kill the next lot of Nazi's, especially the guy on the MG42, and move through to the prisoner, Captain Price. 7. Clear the way to the extraction point. - Move up the stairs and through the house. Watch out for the groups of Germans who come at you. - Follow Captain Price to the window, then move to the truck to pass the mission. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Run up the hill, then crawl to the right and shoot the MG42 gunner with your BAR. - Progress forwards and use a combination of Sub-Machine Gun fire and Grenades to wipe out the Germans in that area. - Go into the small building and kill the German in there. - Move further up the hill to the East and kill the two soldiers who come down. - Move up a bit further, kill the Nazi to the left by the wall, then kill all of the Germans who come on the truck. A well placed grenade thrown just as the truck is pulling up is sure to splatter them all over the grass. - From there, move slowly around to the back of the building and kill the Germans including the few on the balcony to the right and the ones on the left by the garages. - Keep going through and two trucks will come with more Germans. Kill them all and then move towards the entrance of the main building. - Work your way through slowly and kill all Germans you see before progressing any further. - Go up the stairs and eliminate the Germans, then head to the East and kill the three Germans there. - Go in the room at the end and get ready to kill two more Germans. - Grab the documents, then go back along the hall and down the stairs. - Just as you reach the bottom of the stairs, throw a Grenade gently at the double doors. - Move forward then quickly move back into the door. The two Germans who come through the door will be blown to bits. - Lie down and crawl towards the door. Kill the two guards on the balcony to the upper right, then go into the room. - Go into the arch on the West side of the room, then head right and carefully enter the next room. - Get a good position (under the balcony to the right works well) and shoot the Germans who fire at you and your team mates. - Next, head up the stairs to the left and go around the corner. - Use your BAR to eliminate the Germans on the truck, then look to the left and shoot the Germans on the balcony, and in the room at the end. - Check back on your team mates because some Germans may have gotten into the room and tried to kill them. - Go along the balcony and into the room on the end. Kill the German who runs in. - Go out of the room to the left and kill the two Germans who come up the stairs. - Go down the stairs, kill the guards in the room, then use the statue to open the secret door. - Go in and shoot all of the radios, then quickly turn around and shoot the Germans in the room behind you. - Go back out into the big room and help your squad kill the Germans. - Go down the right stairs and clear the room of Germans. - Move down further, into the basement and let the guys blow the door. Stand back, then as soon as its blown, kill all of the Germans in the room. If you have any left, throw a grenade through the door as soon as it blows open and that will remove most of the Germans. - Move along to the end to rescue Captain Price. - Move back up the stairs and kill the four or so Germans who come down to meet you. - When you reach the top, you are heading East, so get ready to shoot all of the Germans in that direction. - Move through the room and take out the other Germans in the next room. - Escort Captain Price to the window, then climb out and run to the truck. ############################################################################### =============================== [2.2.7] - [ P O W C A M P ] =============================== Dulag IIIA - Strasshof, Austria September 18, 1944 0320 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Eliminate the guards at the main gate. 2. Locate Major Ingram. 3. Escort Major Ingram back to the truck. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Eliminate the guards at the main gate. - Snipe the guards at the front gate. 2. Locate Major Ingram. - Run in, and head along through the buildings killing the Nazi's. 3. Escort Major Ingram back to the truck. - Rescue Major Ingram, then move back along to the truck. Take out the large groups of Germans on the way there. - Get to the truck to pass the mission. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Run up the hill to the left side of the area and snipe the four guards by the gate. - Run to the gate and meet up with the crew. - Run towards the East end of the compound and help your squad kill the Germans as you go. They will keep bursting out of the rooms, so get ready to open fire on them. - Go slowly and carefully, but remember you only have 10 minutes. You can spend 6 minutes getting to Major Ingram, and 4 minutes getting back if you need to. - Go through the lunch area and kill the Germans, then go to the right, kill more Germans, and enter the cell area. - Kill the guard and escort Major Ingram back to the truck. - Kill the Germans who are swarming the area, and move as quick as possible back to the truck. Remember you have to go through the middle of the camp. - Kill Germans who need to die then move through as fast as possible. - When you get to the truck you will complete the mission. ############################################################################### [2.3] B R I T I S H M I S S I O N S ############################################################################### =========================================== [2.3.1] - [ P E G A S U S N I G H T ] =========================================== Benouville, France June 6, 1944 0007 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Clear the area of enemies and secure both ends of the bridge. 2. Capture the bunker. 3. Regroup with Captain Price. 4. Find an army engineer. 5. Use the Flak 88 gun to destroy the tank. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Clear the area of enemies and secure both ends of the bridge. - Kill the guards in and around the bunker. - Head across the bridge and kill those soldiers. 2. Capture the bunker. - Kill the guards in the bunker and capture it. 3. Regroup with Captain Price. - When the tank starts shooting, move to where Captain Price is. 4. Find an army engineer. - Run across in front of the tank and get the engineers attention. 5. Use the Flak 88 gun to destroy the tank. - Run back to the other end of the bridge and clear the enemies and tank. - Meet in the middle of the entrance to the bridge. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Find a good spot, then take out some of the MG42 gunners. - Kill the gunners a few times and wait for your team to advance forwards. - Head along to the right side and kill all of the Germans there, then move around into the bunker and wipe out the MG42 gunners once more. - You will be told to go to the other side of the bridge, so do it. - A tank will come through the West road block so go to the left and speak to Captain Price. - He tells you to go across the road and get an army mechanic to fix the Flak gun. - Run across in front of the tank and get the mechanics attention by trying to shoot him from close range. - Run to the other side of the bridge with him, and give him covering fire until he can fix the Flak gun. - Get on the Flak 88 and use it to blow up the tank. - Run back across the bridge and help your team mates eliminate the remaining Germans. - Meet up with Captain Price at the entrance to the bridge. ############################################################################### ======================================= [2.3.2] - [ P E G A S U S D A Y ] ======================================= Benouville, France June 6, 1944 1230 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Hold the bridge until Allied relief shows up. 2. Defend the west bank of the canal. 3. Fall back to the machine gun and provide covering fire. 4. Destroy the incoming tank. 5. Help the reinforcements clear the area of any remaining enemies. 6. Debrief with Captain Price. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Hold the bridge until Allied relief shows up. - Move to the other side of the bridge, grab some weapons and start killing everything that moves. 2. Defend the west bank of the canal. - Kill a lot of people and you will be ordered to retreat to the bridge. 3. Fall back to the machine gun and provide covering fire. - Run across the bridge and man the MG42. - Fire at the Germans. 4. Destroy the incoming tank. - Get on the Flak 88 and blow up all tanks that arrive. Medical supplies are near by if you require them. - There are tanks in the following places: - South from your position. - North from your position. - South from your position. - North-East from your position. - Across the river, South. - North-East from your position. 5. Help the reinforcements clear the area of any remaining enemies. - Hop off the Flak and kill any and all Germans who are left. Keep killing them until there's no more. 6. Debrief with Captain Price. - Meet up with Captain Price at the East end of the bridge. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Run on to the middle of the bridge for cover from the artillery strikes. - Move over the bridge and shoot the Germans. - Clear out the four main areas; Left, Top Left, Top right and Right. Killing about ten or fifteen Germans in each area should put you well on your way to meeting the objective. - The Captain will tell you to fall back and cover them with the MG42, so run back across the bridge and go into the bunker on the left to use the MG42. - Shoot as many Germans as you can, and keep doing so until the Captain orders you to stop. - There are now enemy Tanks approaching, so get to the Flak and wait to see where they are coming from. * NOTE: If you aren't doing so already, now would be a VERY good time to use Quick Save. - Jump on the Flak and blow up the tank to the South, then run into the trench near-by for cover. - While in the trench, try to shoot any Germans that you can see, particularly to the South. - When the message appears again, run to the Flak and shoot the tank to the North. Once it's blown up, return to the trench and shoot more Germans. - Keep doing this while you blow up the tanks to the South, North-East, South Across The River and North-East again. - Once they are all blown up, it's time to clear the area of enemies, so grab a Machine Gun and shoot anything that moves. Except your own team, obviously. - Meet up with Captain Price in front of the bunker and you've finished what it quite possible the hardest level in the game. ############################################################################### ===================== [2.3.3] - [ D A M ] ===================== Eder Dam, Germany September 2, 1944 0545 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Destroy the AA guns on the top of the dam. [6] 2. Plant explosives on the generators. 3. Destroy the AA guns at the bottom of the dam. 4. Meet up with Captain Price at the top South end of the dam and escape. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Destroy the AA guns on the top of the dam. [6] - Start by blowing the brains out of the guards on the left with your sniper rifle. Don't forget to splatter the few Nazi's that run across the dam too. - Head along the top of the dam, placing the explosives as you go. Kill the guards who shoot at you, especially after you blow up the fourth Flak. 2. Plant explosives on the generators. - Go down through the open room. - Be prepared to kill 'LOTS' of Nazi's. - Go down the left stairs and follow it along, across, down, across, along across and down the lift. Medical supplies are plentiful for the needy. Most dead Germans will drop one. - After taking the lift down, follow the corridor along and down, killing all Germans you see. - Place the bombs on the generators and Flak 88's. 3. Destroy the AA guns at the bottom of the dam. - Move down and kill the few Nazi's down there. - Plant the explosives on the Anti-Aircraft guns. 4. Meet up with Captain Price at the top South end of the dam and escape. - Move back through the dam, the same way you came before, only the opposite direction. Watch out for the large amount of Germans who will be coming after you. - Get back up to the top of the dam then get in the truck and shoot the Germans as you escape. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Use your Sniper Rifle to pick off the three or four Germans on the left and the two who run across the top of the dam. - Move across the top of the dam and plant the explosives on the Flak 88's as you go. - Move slowly and watch out for enemy fire coming from the other end of the dam. - Keep working your way along, and after the fourth Flak you will be heavily fired upon by an MG42 situated on the ground, under an arch on the top of the dam. Try to pick off the three or four guards in that area with your Sniper Rifle, then move across and plant the last few explosives on the Flaks. - Move down into the dam entrance and kill the German in there. - Go down the stairs a little way and kill the German who will come up, then go down in the elevator. - There will be two or three guards waiting for you, so kill them quickly, then kill the guards who come around the corner. - Head along the hall and kill the Germans as you go. Move into the room on the right and kill the three or so Germans in there, then go into the main room in the dam and kill the three guards who run after you. - Go down the stairs on the left side of the dam, and kill the Germans as you work your way down slowly. - When you reach the bottom, look around and up for any more Germans who are waiting for you to go out into the open, and take them out with your Sniper Rifle. - It is a good idea to pick up the enemies MP40's too, because you will definitely run out of ammo for your own weapons, and the enemy drop those guns every time you kill one. - Move across the open space and then go down the stairs to the left. Watch out for the Germans up above and also the ones hiding at the bottom of the stairs. - Go across again and enter the hall, then work your way along it and kill the Germans before moving any further. - When you reach the end look up again for more Germans to kill, then move across the final big area and use the elevator to go down to the next level. - When you get down you will be ambushed by a large group of Germans, so use a Sub-Machine Gun and kill the five or so who are waiting around the walkway. - Move down the stairs and kill the Germans to the left and right, making sure you got them all before going any further. - Head along to the right and then turn right and go along the very long corridor. Kill the Germans who poke their heads around the corner of the wall at the end. - Get out at the end and kill more Germans who are waiting for you to go there. - Move into the generator room and kill the four or so guards who are in there, then plant the four explosives on the Generators and go outside. - Plant some explosives on the Flak outside the door, then move down and kill the final few Germans. - Plant explosives on the last 2 Flaks, then it's time to head back through the dam and escape. In other words, the hard part. - Move back up the grass to the generator room, and kill the three or four Germans in there, then head across the small yard and go into the long corridor again. - Work your way along and kill the Germans at the end with whatever weapon you choose. - When you get to the end there will be a group of Germans waiting on the walkway above you, so be prepared to shoot them all before they shoot you. - Kill the few Germans on your level, then move up the stairs. - Kill the Germans up there and go up to the top floor in the elevator. - Be ready to kill about ten more Germans as you head towards the exit of the dam. - Fight your way to the stairs going up, then enter the main dam room. - Go out and through the room with the big machines in, kill the last 4 Germans, then go back up in the elevator. - Go up the stairs and get on the truck with Captain Price. - Fire at the few Germans on top of the dam as you drive off and complete the mission. ############################################################################### =================================== [2.3.4] - [ T R U C K R I D E ] =================================== Eder Dam, Germany September 2, 1944 __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Get to the airfield. 2. Cover Sgt. Waters while he blows the bridge. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Get to the airfield. - Grab a Panzerfaust from Waters and blow up the chasing truck. - Get another one, then turn around and blow up the parked trucks. If you miss, turn back around and get them while they are chasing you. - Blow up the next truck. 2. Cover Sgt. Waters while he blows the bridge. - Cover Sergeant Waters by sniping the Germans who are trying to cross the bridge. - You can use other guns if your sniping skills aren't quite perfect. - Grab another Panzerfaust and blow up the chasing truck. - Blow up the other trucks with Panzerfausts. - Shoot the people in the back of the trucks with a machine gun. - Keep the trucks off your back until you go through the dirt-track. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Take a Panzerfaust from Sgt. Waters and fire at the chasing truck. - Take another one and fire at the trucks again, and keep doing so until you have cleared them. - Grab the Sniper Rifle and fire at some of the Germans running towards and across the bridge. - Once you kill a few of them, switch to your Bren LMG and fire at the Germans who made it onto the bridge. Make sure you keep Waters safe until he blows the bridge. - Take another Panzerfaust from Waters, and shoot at the chasing trucks, then use your Bren LMG to shoot and kill all of the soldiers on the back of the trucks and small bikes which chase you. - Take a Panzerfaust from Sgt. Waters and shoot the chasing truck again as you go through the tunnel. - Take another Panzerfaust and aim forwards. Try to shoot the truck on the left in the road block. - Shoot at the chasing trucks with the last of the Panzerfausts then use your Bren LMG to shoot more of the small bikes and kill all of the Germans on the trucks. Make sure you do it as quick as possible because they have their own Panzerfausts. - There will eventually be a truck in front of you, or beside you, so make sure you kill all of the people on it as soon as possible or they'll blow you up. - Shoot at the men on the final few trucks that chase you, then relax as you escape from the Germans after a bit of off-road driving. ############################################################################### =============================== [2.3.5] - [ A I R F I E L D ] =============================== Germany September 2, 1944 __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Draw enemy fire while the rest of the team steals a German plane. 2. Get back in the truck and escape to the plane. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Draw enemy fire while the rest of the team steals a German plane. - Fire at the Germans on trucks. - Keep the fire off the truck by killing as many people as you can. - Get on the Anti-Aircraft gun and shoot the planes on the runway. There are 4 of them. - Shoot the dive-bombers in the sky. There's about 14 altogether. - Medical supplies are near if you need them. 2. Get back in the truck and escape to the plane. - Get back in the truck and fire at the Germans until you reach the plane. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Crouch down and face behind the truck. Wait until you see the German truck behind you, then fire at and kill every man on there. Be warned the man in the green has a Panzerfaust and wont miss. - Kill the Germans on the second truck too as they have Panzerfausts. - Keep safe until Captain Price parks the truck. - Kill the man who runs through the door, then get on the Flak gun and destroy the boxes in front of you. - Turn to the right and blow up the Stuka Dive Bombers before they take off, as they speed down the runway. - Turn the Flak gun to the left and shoot the people on the roof who are shooting at you, then turn back to facing straight ahead. - Shoot the Stukas out of the sky before they dive bomb you. - Once you kill the first wave of planes turn to the left and shoot the Germans on the roof, then turn back to the right and shoot the Stuka's again. - Once you kill them and see the big plane, get off the Flak and get back in the truck, It will drive you over, so kill the rest of the Germans and keep the team safe until you reach the plane. ############################################################################### ======================= [2.3.6] - [ S H I P ] ======================= Hakoya, Norway October 27, 1944 1900 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Board the German battleship Tirpitz. 2. Locate the ships armoury. 3. Retrieve the explosives from the armoury. 4. Plant the explosives on the ships boilers. [4] 5. Destroy the Anti-Aircraft radar electronics near the bridge. [3] 6. Retrieve the naval patrol logs. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Board the German battleship Tirpitz. - Board the ship and follow Captain Price to the room with the two guards. 2. Locate the ships armoury. - Wait till he kills them, then grab their guns. 3. Retrieve the explosives from the armoury. - Pick up the explosives from the shelf. 4. Plant the explosives on the ships boilers. [4] - Plant them on the boilers as you go past. 5. Destroy the Anti-Aircraft radar electronics near the bridge. [3] - Head back up the stairs, then go to the right and through the door. - Follow it up and around until you reach the top. - Shoot the Anti-Aircraft electronics, then head down two sets of stairs for more. 6. Retrieve the naval patrol logs. - Kill the Captain and pick up the naval patrol logs. - Go all the way down and get back to the boat. - You can't kill everyone, so just run like hell out of there. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Stay on the boat and wait until it pulls up to the ship (not like you have a choice =P). - Board the ship with Captain Price and then move to the North end of the boat. - When you see the hangar on the right, go up the stairs and enter it. - Go down the stairs in there and work your way through the corridors until you reach the end with the two German soldiers. - Wait for Captain Price to kill them then pick up his gun. - Grab the explosives from the shelf then run up one side of the ship through the boilers, kill the Germans there and plant the explosives as you go. You can move slowly if you want, and make sure you kill everyone. Be safe. - Go down the other side of the boilers and do the same. - Head back up onto the deck, kill all the guards close to you, then run over by the crates and kill every single German you can see. Look up for the guards on the balcony, look right, left and straight ahead. Move VERY slowly and make sure every German is dead before you move. Once they are dead, take a step and make sure there are no more Germans. This is one of the worst bits of the level if not the game because it seems that the Germans just keep coming and coming. - Once you think you've killed them all, run to the right and go through the door which leads towards the bridge of the ship. - Work your way up the stairs to the right and kill the Germans who appear. - When you reach the second floor, go through into the room and kill the two Germans as well as blowing up the 2 communication boxes in there. - Head up the rest of the stairs and eliminate the Captain plus a few other Germans. - Shoot the last communications box and grab the documents. - Go back down the stairs, all the way to the bottom, head North and go back down onto the main deck. - Move towards the boat you came on at the South end of the ship. Watch out though, there are around eight Germans at that end of the ship, so move slowly and kill them all. - If all else fails, just high tail it back to the boat to complete the British Missions. ############################################################################### [2.4] R U S S I A N M I S S I O N S ############################################################################### ================================== [2.4.1] - [ S T A L I N G R A D ] ================================== Volga River, Stalingrad September 18, 1942 1100 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Acquire a weapon or some ammunition. 2. Find a more experienced soldier and obtain new orders. 3. Enter the city of Stalingrad. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Acquire a weapon or some ammunition. - Enjoy the boat and landing scene from the movie "Enemy At The Gates". - Get your ammo. 2. Find a more experienced soldier and obtain new orders. - Run up the hill using the walls and crouch for cover. - Get to Sgt. Borodin and the Medical supply if you need it. - Follow his orders and run across to the wrecked truck when he gives the signal. - Run across to the next car when he tells you to. - Run down to the broken building. - Wait for the artillery to destroy the machine gunners. 3. Enter the city of Stalingrad. - Run up the bank on the left. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Duck down in the boat so that you aren't shot by the planes gunfire. - When you make it across to the main land, walk along the dock and join the queue of people waiting for weapons and ammo. - As you'd expect, you don't get a rifle, but you do get 5 bullets! Woohoo! - Run up to the actual land then when the boxes are blown up and you are in Shellshock, Bunnyhop / run up the middle of the beach. You are aiming to get behind where the car is. It seems that you are MUCH harder to hit while in Shellshock, so go as far as you can while in it, getting all the way to the sniper without taking a hit is possible. - Crouch down by the sniper and listen to what he says... Wait for the Germans to change out their barrels, then run across to the car. Again, bunny hopping is very useful, although very unrealistic. - Lucky you if you made it, but you still have to do it again. Wait for his signal, then run behind the car and crouch down. - He now wants you to run down to the broken building, so when he tells you to, run like hell. He'll kill the Russian officer. - Get down there and catch your breath, then watch the top of the riverbank for an amazing display. - Go out to the left and up the slope to the top and it's time for Red Square. ############################################################################### =================================== [2.4.2] - [ R E D S Q U A R E ] =================================== Red Square, Stalingrad September 18, 1942 1300 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Retake Red Square. 2. Find a good flanking position. 3. Eliminate the officers in the enemy blockade. [4] 4. Rendezvous with Major Zubov via the train station. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Retake Red Square. - Run across the Sgt. Makarow, picking up weapons and dodging bullets on your way over. 2. Find a good flanking position. - Keep to the right and the wall will blow up. - Move in and kill everyone. - Head through, and go up the stairs. - Kill the guards and grab the sniper rifle. 3. Eliminate the officers in the enemy blockade. [4] - Shoot the 4 officers with the sniper rifle. They are the men in light coloured suits standing there, waving their arms. - There are 2 in the trench, and 2 at the entrance to the building. - Once you kill them, move outside and watch the explosions. 4. Rendezvous with Major Zubov via the train station. - Move along to the right, go through the bunkers, then work your way through the buildings slowly, killing everyone as you go. - Move towards the train station door to pass the mission. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - The charge begins. Carefully run up the middle of the battlefield and pick up the rifles as you go. - When you have picked up four or so, move towards the right and meet up with Sergeant Makorow. - He tells you that you're both dead men, whether you go forwards or back, so flanking the enemy is the only option. - Move out to the right and keep low. Run towards the building over there. - Artillery will break open the wall, so prepare to move in and kill the five or so Germans. Grab their weapons too, if you need them. - Head through the building, killing all of the Germans who you come to, then go all the way up to the top of the stairs. - Kill the Germans up there, then grab the Sniper rifle from next to the wall. - You now need to kill the four German officers who are the people in light green outfits. They are waving more Germans towards the MG42's. - They are located in the following places: - Middle of the trench. - Steps of the building on the right, between the pillars [2 of them] - In the trench again, but this time just under the window. - Once you've killed them all, move back downstairs and wait for the artillery attack to end. - Run past the tank and into the trench, then go through it. - If you still have your Sniper rifle, get it and just before you move out of the bunker fully, look to the right. There are about 5 Germans trying to kill you. - They are situated at: - The clock tower in the distance. - A window of the building to the North West. - Next to the truck to the North. - Just around the corner to the North East. - In front of the truck on the left. - Kill them all, then move across the area and wait just before you go around the corner. - Try to kill the Germans who come around the corner to the North West with a Sniper rifle, then use grenades, or a Sub Machine Gun if you have one to wipe out the next few Germans. - Head around the corner and quickly kill the German on the MG42 facing you. Throwing a grenade through before moving in will take him off the MG42. - Follow the path through, but be careful as there are Germans on the left, right and two in the distance behind the wall. - Kill them, then continue through the broken walls. - Once they're dead, move through and to the South. - Kill the Germans around there, a Sniper rifle works well, then continue moving West. - Kill the 5 or so Germans in that area, then the MG42 gunner in the distance and progress forwards. - Go around the corner and kill the German, then wait by the left. - Aim your Sniper rifle to the right and take out all of the Germans in that area, they go as far back as the station, and as close as the statue. - Once they're all gone, run across to the door of the Station, and you finished one of the longest missions in the game. In my opinion anyway. ############################################################################### =========================================== [2.4.3] - [ T R A I N S T A T I O N ] =========================================== Stalingrad September 18, 1942 __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Rendezvous with Major Zubov. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Rendezvous with Major Zubov. - Head up and through the station, killing all Germans. - Grab medical supplies as you go, if you need them. - Keep going through, following the compass and snipe the large amount of Nazi's at the station. - Proceed along through the houses. - Snipe the people in the large open space, then work your way through to the next one. - Meet up with Zubov. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Move into the Train Station and then immediately kill the two Germans to the left, on the balcony. - Once they are dead, make your way up the stairs and through the room on the left. - Kill the German hiding to the right, then move into the room and keep low. Grab the Sniper rifle if you don't already have one, then use it to take out the MG42 gunner to the left. Next take out the snipers lying down on the walkway. Use the MG42 to kill the group of Germans on the left, then move onto the walkway. - Once you get about half way across, five Snipers will appear on the roof to the right. Kill them. - Head along to the end, then drop onto the train roof. Turn around and jump onto the metal roof of, well, whatever it is, then lie down. - You can kill all of the Germans from up here without even taking a hit. - Once you kill them all, drop down and go up the stairs on the right. Watch out for the snipers on the left, and take them out before they do the same to you. - Move across the walkway, then take out the few Germans who come around the corner. After that, drop down the broken ledge and into the street type thing. - Go through the two holes in the wall, then get on the MG42. - Eliminates all of the Germans who come towards you, then once they are dead, move across to the other side of the area, keeping low. - Kill the large amount of Germans in the next area, then move around and meet up with more Russians by the Sewer entrance to complete the mission. ############################################################################### ========================= [2.4.4] - [ S E W E R ] ========================= Stalingrad Sewers November 9, 1942 1300 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Use the sewers to bypass the enemy lines. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Use the sewers to bypass the enemy lines. - Head down, through the sewers. - Kill all of the Germans who approach and watch out for friendly fire on your own team. - Keep moving through the sewers. - Move up at the end of the sewer and kill the people in the house, then drop down to complete your objective. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Move down the stairs and around towards the sewer entrance. Just before you enter the water, look West and kill the four Germans. - Move out along the sewer, and as you reach the box on the right, lie down and kill the two Germans on the bridge overhead and the one German to the North West. - Continue along, but don't shoot at the next lot of people, as they are all Russian soldiers. - Go up the stairs and kill the three Germans at the end, then go along that passage. - Go around the corner and kill the two Germans waiting for you, then go around the next corner and kill the three or four Germans coming at you. - Kill the two Germans in white, then go towards the entrance to outside and look up. Snipe the two Snipers on the balconies, the one on the right on a wooden ledge, and the one on the left in a building. - Go down into the sewer again, and down into the bottom level. - There are a few Germans down here, so a well placed grenade in the hole to the right will clear the area of a few, and a Sub Machine Gun will do the rest. - Head down further and go into the water, kill the two Germans on the left, then move further around. - Kill the German at the end of the tunnel, plus the ones at the top left and top right, then move along to the end of the tunnel. - Go up the stairs and follow the next sewer to the right. - Go in the room on the right and help your squad defeat the Germans, then move around and along. - Kill the German here, and the three or four around the corner. - Continue along and go around the next corner, kill the few Germans there and move along, down the corridor. - Go down and along, kill the Germans in the house, Snipe those above you then go into the house and drop down through the broken floorboards. ############################################################################### =========================== [2.4.5] - [ P A V L O V ] =========================== Stalingrad September 18, 1942 __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Assemble with Sgt. Pavlov's squad. 2. Eliminate the snipers. [7] 3. Get across the field. 4. Clear out the apartment building. [6 Floors] 5. Regroup with Sgt. Pavlov on the fourth floor. 6. Use the 2nd floor anti-tank rifle to blow up the tank. 7. Use the 3rd floor anti-tank rifle to blow up the tank. 8. Hold the building until relieved by friendly units. 9. Clear the area of any remaining forces. [5] 10. Assemble with the reinforcements out front. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Assemble with Sgt. Pavlov's squad. - Move through the dirt tracks crouched down to avoid the snipers. 2. Eliminate the snipers. [7] - Look at the building and take out the snipers on the different levels. 3. Get across the field. - Run across the field, taking cover when you need it. 4. Clear out the apartment building. [6 Floors] - Hide behind the wall, and kill the machine gunners with a sniper rifle. I strongly suggest using the lean feature to avoid their fire. - Move over to the building and kill all the Germans on each floor. An SMG works best. 5. Regroup with Sgt. Pavlov on the fourth floor. - After you kill all of the people in the building, head to the fourth floor and meet up with sergeant Pavlov. 6. Use the 2nd floor anti-tank rifle to blow up the tank. - Move down to the second floor, get on the anti-tank rifle and fire a few shots at the tank to blow it up. 7. Use the 3rd floor anti-tank rifle to blow up the tank. - Move back up to the third floor and use that anti-tank rifle to blow up the incoming tank. 8. Hold the building until relieved by friendly units. - Stay on the third floor, near the anti-tank weapon and blow up tanks if they are coming. - You can basically camp (stay in one place and wait for the enemy to come to you) in a corner and wait until the time runs out. 9. Clear the area of any remaining forces. [5] - Next, move down stairs and kill all of the Nazi's. 10. Assemble with the reinforcements out front. - Meet up with Sgt Pavlov outside at the front of the structure. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Grab the grenades, then crouch down and follow Pavlov across to the other soldiers. - Get the Sniper rifle, and cover the runner by shooting the Germans who appear at random windows of the building ahead. - After you kill them all, run across the fields and rest against the wall on the left or right. I prefer left. - Pop your head around the wall and shoot any Germans you can see. Keep doing so for what seems like forever, although it's only about 30 German kills. - Once that's over, move into the building and check every room for Germans. Don't forget about the three Germans in the basement. - They are randomly placed, so just move slow and quicksave a lot. If you die, learn from your mistakes and remember that the German will probably be there in the same place next time. - Once the building is clean meet up with Pavlov on the top floor. He tells you to blow up the incoming tanks with the Anti-Tank rifles located on floor two and floor three. - Run down two floors and use the Anti-Tank rifle as fast as you can to blow up the first tank. - Run back up two floors and use the other Anti-Tank rifle to blow up the next tank. - Now comes the extremely hard part. Undoubtedly the hardest part of the game. You have to protect the building until relief shows up! This means basically staying alive while 300 or more Germans storm the place. - Myself and Roxxer think the best tactic is to stay at the top of the main stairs to the third floor and shoot the Germans as they come up. - You must get your reloading times perfect though and Quicksaving a lot will probably be needed, or you'll be dead before you get your magazine back in. - Lie down, facing towards the top of the stairs from the little groove back a bit. Crawl back as far as you can to the back and to the left so that unless the German is practically in front of you, it'll be hard for him to hit you. - Grab a German's MP40 Sub Machine Gun, because you'll need to pick up the ammo and kill anything that moves. - Stay put when the time runs out because you have to kill at least twenty more Germans, so just stay in that position until you see Allied soldiers coming up. - The most important thing is to keep quicksaving. Some people don't like this very much, however unless you want to try this over and over for hours until you get it perfect, it's the only thing that will keep you with a chance of completing it. - Once you've killed them all, and by all, I mean about all hundred of them, go downstairs and to the front of the building, and meet up with the Allies. ############################################################################### ============================= [2.4.6] - [ F A C T O R Y ] ============================= Warsaw, Poland January 17, 1945 1030 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Secure the tank repair facility. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Secure the tank repair facility. - Eliminate all of the outdoor guards. - Let the people on your team blow the door, then move in and kill the soldiers. - Go down the stairs to the left. - Head through the building and kill the Germans. - Help out your team outside by firing through the window. - Continue through the facility. - Head up through the building, killing the Nazi's. - Work your way around and down, then go outside. - Go through the door slowly, and make it to the end door. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Move forward at the start quickly and clear the area of Germans with your team. Try not to get hit, because it's still very early in the level. - Wait for the explosive people to blow up the door, then move in and kill all of the Germans to the right and left. Don't forget the few people in the room to the left. - Move downstairs and kill the two people there and the three in the room to the left, plus the bottom corridor. - Go around the corner and kill the four Germans, then move through into the big tank room. - Carefully snipe the Germans who are on the overhead walkway and the other Germans who are at the left and right sides of the room. - Move along to the other end, then kill the three Germans as you head onto the top walkway. - Move to the door at the end and kill the four Germans, then head out and along and kill the next few in the hall. - When you reach the window on the right, shoot out of it and kill the two Germans, then continue along. - Go down the stairs at the end and kill the four Germans, then head towards the door, and go through into the big tank room. - Kill the Germans in here then go through the door, up the stairs and outside. - Go in at the next door just along and kill four more Germans, move through and kill the next few, then go to the door and complete part one of this mission. ############################################################################### ================================= [2.4.7] - [ R A I L Y A R D ] ================================= Warsaw, Poland January 17, 1945 __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Regroup with the 4th army on the outskirts of the complex. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Regroup with the 4th army on the outskirts of the complex. - Help your team kill the huge amount of people in the main yard. - Head into the hangar and blow up the tank with a Panzerfaust. - Kill all of the Germans in the hangar and feel free to blow up the other tanks if you want. - Move out and kill the soldiers, then meet up at the truck. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Lie down and take out the Germans straight ahead, then go just out the door and snipe the ones on the right. - Move to the South of the area and take out any Germans to the North, especially the three or four on and around the MG42 to the North West. - Kill the two Germans in the alley to the right, then go up the steps on the left and move behind the broken wall. - Look over the crack in the wall and take out the MG42 gunner and the few Germans, using a grenade if necessary. - Kill the next lot of Germans who come around (about fifteen of them) then go down the steps and through the alley. - Grab a Panzerfaust from the box on the left and wait for the tank to come out. When you see it, fire, and blow it up. - Once that's done, grab a rifle, or preferably a Sniper rifle and lie down in front of the blown up tank. - Pick off all of the Germans in the hangar, then use Panzerfausts to blow up the other tanks. - Move through the room on the right, killing the Germans, then move to the doorway leading outside. - Kill the Germans out there and the few on the ledge across the other side, and once they are all dead, go to the truck. ############################################################################### ===================================================== [2.4.8] - [ T A N K D R I V E C O U N T R Y ] ===================================================== Approaching the Oder River January 26, 1945 1345 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Reach the outskirts of the next town. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Reach the outskirts of the next town. - Drive your tank around the roads and blow up the enemy tanks. Aim for their turret which usually makes them blow up in 1 shot rather than 2 or 3. - Keep moving to avoid their rockets. - After you get past the large group of tanks, you're finished. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Get to grips with how the tank moves, then progress forwards. - When you reach the first corner, some enemy tanks will start shooting at you, so shoot back and blow up their tanks. - Continue around the corner, then prepare to kill the five or so tanks on the right after you cross the bridge. - Move slow and keep firing until they are all blown up. - Now comes the tricky, or rather, annoying part. You need to drive through the valley and kill the Germans hiding behind rocks with Panzerfausts. - Go through and carefully take them out without taking any damage, shoot behind rocks to be safe, and then keep going along the path. - Head around the corner and take out the two Panzer tanks. - Go around even further and eliminate the group of about ten tanks, then drive past the building and you'll pass part one of the mission. ############################################################################### =============================================== [2.4.9] - [ T A N K D R I V E T O W N ] =============================================== Approaching the Oder River January 26, 1945 __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Destroy the Flak 88 artillery guns. [2] 2. Destroy the Flakpanzer anti-aircraft gun. 3. Secure the Western edge of the town. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Destroy the Flak 88 artillery guns. [2] - Progress through the town, blowing up buildings to prevent rocket launchers firing at you, and enemy tanks. - Take out the 2 tanks around the corner before they get your squad. - Move around and kill the big group of tanks, then continue to move around the corner. - Blow up the 2 Flak's with your tank's rockets. 2. Destroy the Flakpanzer anti-aircraft gun. - Move around and shoot the front, lower section of the anti-aircraft tank, then blow up any tanks you missed. 3. Secure the Western edge of the town. - Take out the 5 or so tanks which are coming towards you. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Start by blowing up all of the buildings you see, this will kill the Anti-Tank people in there. - Move around the corner and help take out the German tank. - When everything seems to be dead, head around the corner, kill the Panzerfaust people then the tank to the left and fire at all of the building to make sure no people are in there. - Go around the next corner and kill the on foot Germans who will come out of the building with Panzerfausts, then blow up the four tanks down there and progress through and around the next corner. - Blow up the tank here, and the Germans in the building to the left who have Panzerfausts. then blow up the tank which comes through the arch. - Go through the arch and blow up the Flak 88 plus the Germans by it, then blow up the other tanks around there. - Shoot the tanks coming down the hill, then blow up the other Flak 88. - Move around and shoot the Flak tank and if you got all of the tanks to the West, you will pass the mission, and the great Russian campaign. ############################################################################### [2.5] A M E R I C A N M I S S I O N S ############################################################################### ============================= [2.5.1] - [ H U R T G E N ] ============================= Northeast of Bastgone, Belgium January 15, 1945 1520 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Capture all enemy documents. [2] 2. Destroy the German tanks. [2] ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Capture all enemy documents. [2] - Run across the fields and kill the guards. - Move down and around, and take out the MG42 gunner. - Clear out the bunker and grab the first lot of documents. - Move to the next bunker. - Kill everyone there and grab the second set of documents. 2. Destroy the German tanks. [2] - Run up the hill and use the Flak 88 to take out the tanks, or a Panzerfaust from in the bunker. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Run across the fields, keeping to the right all the way, just make sure you stay on the right side of the mine signs. This should make you pretty much immune to the artillery attacks. - Follow the path on the right all the way down until you hear your squad fighting with some Germans. - Drop down into the valley and carefully go around the corner. - As soon as you see the three Germans in the distance behind the sand bags and the MG42, take them out. You can see them before they see you if you shoot them as soon as you can. - Go up the hill and help your squad take out the five or so Germans. - Go off on your own to the left of the bunker, carefully peeking around corners and kill the 3 machinegunners. Shoot them before they see you, because two of them are using MG42's. Not the kind of thing you want to be shot with. - Go to the entrance of the bunker, kill the last few Germans still inside, then grab the documents and head back out. - Go up the hill on the right and kill the Flak 88 crew, then move across and do the same. - Go to the bunker and do the same thing as before, kill the Germans looking out with Machine Guns then move in and wipe the rest out. Don't forget to grab the documents while you're there too. - Run out and get on the Flak 88 and shoot the two tanks. If the Flak is blown up, then run back into the bunker and use Panzerfausts to blow them up. - American missions officially finished. ############################################################################### [2.6] B R I T I S H M I S S I O N S ############################################################################### =========================== [2.6.1] - [ R O C K E T ] =========================== Burgsteinfurt, Germany February 2, 1945 1600 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Destroy the Flakvierling anti-aircraft cannons. [2] 2. Intercept and destroy the supply trucks. [2] 3. Locate the V2 launch site. 4. Fuel the rockets. 5. Destroy the V2 rockets. [3] 6. Exfiltrate through the Northern bunker. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Destroy the Flakvierling anti-aircraft cannons. [2] - Snip the guards in the snow and move across slowly. - Kill all the guards as you go with the sniper rifle. - Move around and take out the guards, then blow up the first Flak 88 gun. - Head around again and take out the next lot of guards and blow up the next Flak. 2. Intercept and destroy the supply trucks. [2] - Head North with Waters. - Kill the few soldiers and head along to watch the trucks blow up. - Kill the surviving soldiers and head North again. 3. Locate the V2 launch site. - Kill all of the people near the rocket and go down into the left bunker. 4. Fuel the rockets. - Kill your way through the bunker and get to the switch to put some fuel into the rockets. 5. Destroy the V2 rockets. [3] - Head back up and plant the bombs on the 3 rockets. - Move away as they explode. 6. Exfiltrate through the Northern bunker. - Get to the Northern bunker and escape through the corridor. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Move out, around the corner and snipe the five or so Germans, then continue across the fields. - Snipe the two Germans in the shelter and the one in the bunker, lying down next to them. - Go across the other side of the field towards the Flak gun. Snipe all of the Germans around there, then place the explosives on the gun and hide in the trench behind it. - Kill the four or five Germans who will approach from the East, and possibly some from the South, then move out to the East. - Kill more Germans who pop up, and keep moving along the path to the next Flak cannon. - Kill all of the Germans near the Flak, then plant the explosives. - Head out to the North and kill the five Germans who appear from the West. - Kill the German just inside the bunker up there too if you want, and go in for some grenades. - Move North and wait for the trucks to be blown up, then kill any survivors. - Head North / West again and kill the Germans in the rocks, then the Germans on the MG42 in the small bunker. - Head all of the way along until you see the rocket, then head towards the most Western bunker. - Kill the German in there, and use his MG42 to wipe out the Germans coming towards you from the left. - After that, head to the left, then shoot the Germans to the right. - throw a grenade in the hole in the wall where the MG42 gunner is on the left, then go towards the trench on the left. - Kill the five or so Germans down there, then go left and into the main bunker. - Kill the first lot of five or so Germans, then go down the ramp and kill the five or so more down there. - Reach the engine room and pull the switch for the rocket, then go back up the way you came. - Plant your explosives on the three rockets, then head North. - Go into the bunker, kill the last German and go down the trench. - British missions officially finished. ############################################################################### [2.7] R U S S I A N M I S S I O N S ############################################################################### =========================== [2.7.1] - [ B E R L I N ] =========================== Approaching the Reichstag, Berlin April 30, 1945 1100 hrs __________________ <-- Objectives --> оооооооооооооооооо 1. Destroy all enemy tank positions. [4] 2. Storm the Reichstag and get to the rooftop. 3. Hold the line until the tanks arrive. ------------------------------------------- O B J E C T I V E S W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------------- 1. Destroy all enemy tank positions. [4] - Head up the hill and snipe the machine gunners. - Keep to the left and kill the few machine gunners you can see from there. - Run across and plant the explosives on the Flak 88. - Head up and around, through the blown up building. - Jump out the window, then back in the next one along. - Move around and kill the Nazi's then stick the explosives on the Flak 88. - Move down and to the right and plant more explosives on that Flak 88 then move away. - Move along next to the tank, then crouch down and crawl in front of it and plant the explosives on it. Then move out the way. 3. Hold the line until the tanks arrive. - Head up and through the hole in the wall made by the tank. - Kill the few guards then snipe the machine gunners in the building until you get support from the tanks. 2. Storm the Reichstag and get to the rooftop. - Go into the building and help the team dispose of the enemy guards. - Move up towards the roof and snipe the machine gunners. - Go up to the roof and around the corner. ------------------------------------- M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H ------------------------------------- - Go to the left and snipe the MG42 gunner and the other Machine Gunners. - Keep to the left and progress forwards. - Snipe the gunners at the top of the road and if you can get a good shot, kill all of the gunners on the left. - Once they are all dead, run across the road to the Flak gun and plant the explosives then run South, through the crack in the wall for cover. - Jump out the Southern most window, run up and jump in the next window. This will protect you from the tanks machine gun. - Go through the end, kill the Germans to the right with Grenades or whatever you want, then plant the explosives. - Now move back down to the North and plant the explosives on the other Flak. - Next, you have to head towards the tank, keep to the right then crouch under it's machine gun and plant the explosives. - Once it's blown up, head back to the South. - Go through the hole the tanks made and kill the two Germans, then go through to the outside. - Run behind the tank and lie down, The officers will tell you to help hold the position until the tanks get there but they will do it themselves, so just wait there and save your life and ammo. - When the tanks arrive, clear the area of remaining Germans and run across to the entrance of the Reichstag. - Kill the few Germans at the doorway and move in. - Go into the big room and kill all of the Germans carefully, then go out of the door. - Kill the sniper up on the wood and the German in the yard then head up towards the roof top. - Kill the last two Germans then get to the roof and finish Call Of Duty, and your role as a soldier. Congrats, the war is over! - Russian missions officially finished. ############################################################################### "Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy, forget in time that men have died to win them" - Franklin D. Roosevelt. ############################################################################### [3] W E A P O N S G U I D E ############################################################################### =================================== [3.0] [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ] =================================== This Guide is written to inform the reader about the weapons in Call Of Duty, their strengths, weaknesses and power, as well as other things which will help with gameplay of Call Of Duty. Official sources will be used to find the power of the weapons, however I will use my own personal feelings towards each weapon in this guide, and this means that what I say may be different to what someone else feels. Afterall, it's a persons personal opinion about what they like the most, I'm just helping out by giving them ideas. The weapons in Call Of Duty are probably the main force behind the game. Without weapons there is no way to fight a war, so if it wasn't for these, there wouldn't be much of a game to be played. There are 26 different hand held weapons in the game (according to the game data), but not all of them are available during the game. Some of them are used for Germans in single player who drop weapons where you won't be able to collect them. Their differences are that they don't need you to reload them, there is no animation of the hand reloading the weapons because the German will be out of sight, and so there is no point in showing him reloading his gun. Some also appear to be the same as the normal gun, however they may have been used in BETA testing and are still in the game. Along with that, there are 5 stationary weapons which can be used to wipe out the Nazi force. All of these will be described in detail below. ############################################################################### ============================================= [3.1] [ A M E R I C A N W E A P O N S ] ============================================= ############################################################################### ========================================= [3.1.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ] ========================================= The Americans have the largest selection or firearms in the game. Obviously being one of the most advanced countries to enter the war, their weapons are arguably the best, but you can decide on your own after studying all of the evidence. The weapons you will come across which are American are: - Colt. 45 - M1 Garand - M1A1 Carbine - Thompson - BAR - Springfield - M2 Frag Grenade ############################################################################### =================================== [3.1.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ] =================================== This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%. Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player. ############################################################################### Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip. Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits. Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads. Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row. Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held. Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired. Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at. Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target. Sound: How much noise the weapon makes. Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack. Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating. With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is. If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD And so on. ############################################################################### ========== Colt. 45 ========== Ammunition: 7 Damage: 20% Reload Time: 90% Firing Time: 90% Speed: 100% Range: 70% Accuracy: 60% Iron Sight: 40% Sound: 70% Melee Time: 90% Overall: 70% =========== M1 Garand =========== Ammunition: 8 Damage: 85% Reload Time: 75% Firing Time: 90% Speed: 85% Range: 90% Accuracy: 80% Iron Sight: 70% Sound: 50% Melee Time: 80% Overall: 78.3% ============== M1A1 Carbine ============== Ammunition: 15 Damage: 25% Reload Time: 80% Firing Time: 85% Speed: 80% Range: 70% Accuracy: 90% Iron Sight: 95% Sound: 65% Melee Time: 90% Overall: 75.5% ========== Thompson ========== Ammunition: 30 Damage: 60% Reload Time: 85% Firing Time: 95% Speed: 90% Range: 70% Accuracy: 45% Iron Sight: 50% Sound: 85% Melee Time: 85% Overall: 73.8% ===== BAR ===== Ammunition: 20 Damage: 85% Reload Time: 40% Firing Time: 90% Speed: 30% Range: 85% Accuracy: 65% Iron Sight: 80% Sound: 55% Melee Time: 70% Overall: 66.6% ============= Springfield ============= Ammunition: 5 Damage: 95% Reload Time: 60% Firing Time: 70% Speed: 80% Range: 100% Accuracy: 70% Iron Sight: 100% Sound: 50% Melee Time: 75% Overall: 77.7% ================= M2 Frag Grenade ================= Ammunition: 1 Damage: 100% Reload Time: N/A Firing Time: 80% Speed: 100% Range: 75% Accuracy: 30% Iron Sight: N/A Sound: 60% Melee Time: 90% Overall: 62.1% ############################################################################### ===================================== [3.1.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ] ===================================== ========== Colt. 45 ========== Weapon Type: Pistol Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: No The Colt. 45 is a pistol which is given to all American and British soldiers. It's used as a backup weapon in case the main weapon or weapons runs out of ammunition, and is not very effective at taking down large numbers of men. It is useful for quick running, and one on one combat, but with only 7 bullets in a magazine, it won't keep you alive for very long if you try to take out a whole team with it. The best tactic with a Colt. 45 is to use your normal weapon, such as a Sub Machine Gun, then when you need to reload, switch to your Pistol and use that to finish off your enemy. It's also good for holding while you run fast if you need to get somewhere quickly. =========== M1 Garand =========== Weapon Type: Rifle Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: No The M1 Garand is a Semi-Automatic rifle. It's clip can hold 8 bullets and it can only be reloaded after all of the bullets have been fired. This can be both good and bad for the user. It's good because if two people are having a shoot-out with rifles, the M1 Garand allows many more shots than the enemies Kar98k, which means the user has more chance of killing and staying alive. The gun does however have bad points, such as the fact that if you only have 1 bullet left in it, and you forget to fire it out and reload, you'll enter a battle, fire a shot, then have to reload and that makes a large change of you being shot down. The M1 Garand is best used on maps which require long distance shots, as it has good range and is pretty powerful, but a bad point is the fact that it makes a large amount of noise, so you will attract attention to yourself if used too much. Head shots will be a one hit kill with this weapon, as will upper torso shots. The best maps to use an M1 Garand on are "Hurtgen" and "Burnville". ============== M1A1 Carbine ============== Weapon Type: Rifle Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: No The M1A1 Carbine is the first weapon you will use in Single Player. It can hold 15 bullets in each magazine which makes it the rifle with the biggest bullet capacity, however the bullets are not as powerful as M1 Garand, so more shots will need to be fired before a kill is made. This is obviously bad because it will give away your position. The rifle is also Semi-Automatic, like the M1 Garand. This can be used best in close combat because if you're quick on the trigger it can kind of be used like a Sub Machine Gun. Slightly powerful, and very accurate if looking down the sight, the M1A1 Carbine is a good killing machine. The M1A1 Carbine can be used to good effect on the maps "Carentan" and "Brecourt". ========== Thompson ========== Weapon Type: Sub Machine Gun Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: Yes The Thompson is probably a runners favourite weapon in Call Of Duty. With 30 bullets in each magazine, and some good power behind them, the Thompson Sub Machine Gun can wipe out countless Germans. Because of it's light weight it allows the user to run very fast, and this makes it unbelievably useful in close combat. It lacks power for long range, but in mid-range it can be turned onto Semi-Automatic and used as kind of a Sniper rifle. Best used for close combat, or times when a lot of Germans need to be cleaned out. Some of the best maps to use the Thompson on are "Carentan" and "Burnville". ===== BAR ===== Weapon Type: Machine Gun Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: Yes The Browning Assault Rifle packs a major punch. The gun's magazine can only hold 20 bullets, however just one of these can take away life. The gun's greatest point is that it is Semi Automatic and Fully Automatic over great distances and when looking down the scope it can be used like a Sniper rifle because of the zoom that looking down the sight gives you. Just match up the top of the bar at the front of the weapon with your targets head and fire a shot. Instant death. The down side to this great killing machine is that you run extremely slowly while carrying one and it takes a long time to reload it. It pumps the bullets out extremely fast, but they almost go too fast because you'll find yourself reloading every few seconds if you are in heavy combat. The BAR is best used when you have space between you and the enemy, and then using the sight, it can take them out very easily. It can also be used in close range, however you will usually find that the BAR's slowness leads to being killed by Sub Machine Gunners. Some maps to use a BAR well are "Hurtgen" and "Brecourt". ============= Springfield ============= Weapon Type: Sniper Rifle Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No The Springfield is a scoped bolt action rifle which is obviously used for snipers. It's one of the most powerful weapons on the game, however it's low rate of fire can cause problems in close range. It can kill in one shot, almost no matter where on the body it hits, and it's 4x zoom scope makes seeing what's coming much easier, which is why many people use it. More problems arise though, because of the fact that the weapon really has to be fired while lying down or crouched for maximum accuracy. These problems are the fact that it makes quite a large sound and muzzleflash, so any close enemy soldiers can pick out your position easily. It also takes a slightly long time to reload it which causes problems when you are under attack. The Springfield is however a very well built rifle and can eliminate a large number of the enemy as long as it's user knows how to keep themselves in cover. The Springfield sniper rifle is best used when large distances are between the Allies and Axis. It's usually used to pick off stationary enemies, because they are easier to hit, so you'll want to find a good position and try to take out the enemy Snipers before they get a chance to shoot you. Maps that the Springfield should be used on are "Hurtgen" and "Rocket". ================= M2 Frag Grenade ================= Weapon Type: Grenade Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No The M2 Fragmentation Grenade is a Grenade which when exploding, will fire out the fragments of red hot metal into anyone in range. This is very useful as it's not only the blast that kills people, but if they are anywhere near it, they will take damage from the tiny fragments. It's almost like the equivalent of firing thousands of tiny bullets into anything around it. The Grenade is useful because it allows you to run full speed, and can be thrown pretty far, which adds to the force you will be able to use when taking out Germans. If a large number of them are in one room, just 1 Frag Grenade will wipe them all out. Grenades are best used for killing groups of Germans, such as in bunkers or trenches, although they can be thrown over walls and into places where a large amount of people will pass in the hopes that it will take down a few men. A good idea would be to throw Grenades into the buildings on "Carentan" or into the bunkers on "Hurtgen". ############################################################################### ========================================= [3.2] [ B R I T I S H W E A P O N S ] ========================================= ############################################################################### ======================================= [3.2.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ] ======================================= The British have a decent selection of weapons, with one of each type, so they can be used in most situations. The weapons you will come across which are British are: - Colt. 45 - Lee-Enfield - Sten - Bren LMG - Springfield - MK1 Frag Grenade ############################################################################### =================================== [3.2.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ] =================================== This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%. Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player. ############################################################################### Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip. Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits. Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads. Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row. Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held. Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired. Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at. Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target. Sound: How much noise the weapon makes. Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack. Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating. With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is. If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD And so on. ############################################################################### ========== Colt. 45 ========== Ammunition: 7 Damage: 20% Reload Time: 90% Firing Time: 90% Speed: 100% Range: 70% Accuracy: 60% Iron Sight: 40% Sound: 70% Melee Time: 90% Overall: 70% ============= Lee-Enfield ============= Ammunition: 10 Damage: 85% Reload Time: 75% Firing Time: 75% Speed: 85% Range: 90% Accuracy: 80% Iron Sight: 70% Sound: 60% Melee Time: 80% Overall: 77.7% ====== Sten ====== Ammunition: 32 Damage: 30% Reload Time: 95% Firing Time: 95% Speed: 90% Range: 60% Accuracy: 70% Iron Sight: 70% Sound: 80% Melee Time: 85% Overall: 75% ========== Bren LMG ========== Ammunition: 30 Damage: 80% Reload Time: 55% Firing Time: 85% Speed: 30% Range: 80% Accuracy: 55% Iron Sight: 60% Sound: 70% Melee Time: 40% Overall: 61.6% ============= Springfield ============= Ammunition: 5 Damage: 95% Reload Time: 60% Firing Time: 70% Speed: 80% Range: 100% Accuracy: 70% Iron Sight: 100% Sound: 50% Melee Time: 75% Overall: 77.7% ================== MK1 Frag Grenade ================== Ammunition: 1 Damage: 100% Reload Time: N/A Firing Time: 80% Speed: 95% Range: 65% Accuracy: 30% Iron Sight: N/A Sound: 60% Melee Time: 90% Overall: 74.2% ############################################################################### ===================================== [3.2.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ] ===================================== ############################################################################### ========== Colt. 45 ========== Weapon Type: Pistol Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: No The Colt. 45 is a pistol which is given to all American and British soldiers. It's used as a backup weapon in case the main weapon or weapons runs out of ammunition, and is not very effective at taking down large numbers of men. It is useful for quick running, and one on one combat, but with only 7 bullets in a magazine, it won't keep you alive for very long if you try to take out a whole team with it. The best tactic with a Colt. 45 is to use your normal weapon, such as a Sub Machine Gun, then when you need to reload, switch to your Pistol and use that to finish off your enemy. It's also good for holding while you run fast if you need to get somewhere quickly. ============= Lee-Enfield ============= Weapon Type: Rifle Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No The Lee-Enfield is a high powered rifle used often by the British soldiers. It can hold 10 bullets (2 clips of 5), which gives it's user more chances to hit their target. Unlike the M1 Garand, this can be reloaded before every bullet is fired, however the only chance to reload is after 5 bullets or all 10. This can confuse the user and end up in them not reloading and running out of ammo mid-battle. It is very powerful, so a carefully aimed shot can easily get a one hit kill, however it makes a rather large sound when firing and will give away your position. Like all rifles, the Lee-Enfield is best used at long range, because of the distance it can fire. Many people favour it instead of a Sniper rifle because of the ammunition it can contain. Some of the best maps to use it on are "Depot" and "Chateau". ====== Sten ====== Weapon Type: Sub Machine Gun Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: Yes The Sten Sub Machine Gun is literally a pipe with a firing device attached. It's very light and can be fired and reloaded very fast. Because of the cheaply made weapon however, the accuracy of it's shots suffers greatly. It can hold 32 bullets in it's magazine, so the majority of those can hit it's target making it's accuracy not too important, but the bullets aren't too high powered so a number of shots will have to hit the target before falling over dead. It's best for close combat, like all SMG's, but it also very good for running with because of it's light framework, which makes the Sten a popular choice for people who don't want to camp in one place all the time. It's very good for clearing out trenches and bunkers because of it's ammunition. The Sten can be used to good effect on "Rocket" and "Chateau". ========== Bren LMG ========== Weapon Type: Machine Gun Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: No The Bren Light Machine Gun is a high powered machine gun used for taking out large numbers of enemies. It is best for it's accurate shooting, and high damage rounds of ammunition, however it's slow reload time and very slow moving speed bring down the rating of this weapon. 30 bullets in each magazine gives this weapon 10 shots more than the American BAR, although in WWII the magazines would only be filled up with 28 bullets to prevent jamming. The Bren LMG is best used in medium range combat, but works well at long range and close range. It's melee attack takes a long time to execute, however is probably the most powerful in the game. Recommended use on "Depot" and "Chateau". ============= Springfield ============= Weapon Type: Sniper Rifle Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: No The Springfield is a scoped bolt action rifle which is obviously used for snipers. It's one of the most powerful weapons on the game, however it's low rate of fire can cause problems in close range. It can kill in one shot, almost no matter where on the body it hits, and it's 4x zoom scope makes seeing what's coming much easier, which is why many people use it. More problems arise though, because of the fact that the weapon really has to be fired while lying down or crouched for maximum accuracy. These problems are the fact that it makes quite a large sound and muzzleflash, so any close enemy soldiers can pick out your position easily. It also takes a slightly long time to reload it which causes problems when you are under attack. The Springfield is however a very well built rifle and can eliminate a large number of the enemy as long as it's user knows how to keep themselves in cover. The Springfield sniper rifle is best used when large distances are between the Allies and Axis. It's usually used to pick off stationary enemies, because they are easier to hit, so you'll want to find a good position and try to take out the enemy Snipers before they get a chance to shoot you. Maps that the Springfield should be used on are "Hurtgen" and "Rocket". ================== MK1 Frag Grenade ================== Weapon Type: Grenade Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: No The MK1 Fragmentation Grenade is a Grenade which when exploding, will fire out the fragments of red hot metal into anyone in range. This is very useful as it's not only the blast that kills people, but if they are anywhere near it, they will take damage from the tiny fragments. It's almost like the equivalent of firing thousands of tiny bullets into anything around it. The Grenade is useful because it allows you to run at almost full speed, and can be thrown pretty far, which adds to the force you will be able to use when taking out Germans. If a large number of them are in one room, just 1 Frag Grenade will wipe them all out. The British version, the MK1 Frag Grenade is slightly heavier which makes the distance it can e thrown and the speed at which it can be carried slightly less, but it still does the same damage. Grenades are best used for killing groups of Germans, such as in bunkers or trenches, although they can be thrown over walls and into places where a large amount of people will pass in the hopes that it will take down a few men. A good idea would be to throw Grenades into the buildings on "Carentan" or into the bunkers on "Hurtgen". ############################################################################### ========================================= [3.3] [ R U S S I A N W E A P O N S ] ========================================= ############################################################################### ======================================= [3.3.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ] ======================================= The Russians made the best of what they had, and that wasn't much. They have some well build weapons, but they didn't have much selection. The weapons you will come across which are Russian are: - Luger - Mosin-Nagant - PPSh - Scoped Mosin-Nagant - RGD-33 Stick Grenade ############################################################################### =================================== [3.3.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ] =================================== This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%. Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player. ############################################################################### Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip. Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits. Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads. Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row. Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held. Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired. Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at. Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target. Sound: How much noise the weapon makes. Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack. Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating. With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is. If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD And so on. ############################################################################### ======= Luger ======= Ammunition: 8 Damage: 20% Reload Time: 90% Firing Time: 90% Speed: 95% Range: 70% Accuracy: 60% Iron Sight: 60% Sound: 70% Melee Time: 90% Overall: 71.6% ============== Mosin-Nagant ============== Ammunition: 5 Damage: 85% Reload Time: 85% Firing Time: 75% Speed: 85% Range: 90% Accuracy: 85% Iron Sight: 95% Sound: 70% Melee Time: 80% Overall: 83.3% ====== PPSh ====== Ammunition: 71 Damage: 15% Reload Time: 75% Firing Time: 100% Speed: 95% Range: 40% Accuracy: 50% Iron Sight: 65% Sound: 90% Melee Time: 85% Overall: 68.3% ===================== Scoped Mosin-Nagant ===================== Ammunition: 5 Damage: 95% Reload Time: 70% Firing Time: 70% Speed: 80% Range: 100% Accuracy: 80% Iron Sight: 100% Sound: 80% Melee Time: 85% Overall: 84.4% ====================== RGD-33 Stick Grenade ====================== Ammunition: 1 Damage: 100% Reload Time: N/A Firing Time: 80% Speed: 80% Range: 50% Accuracy: 30% Iron Sight: N/A Sound: 60% Melee Time: 85% Overall: 69.2% ############################################################################### ===================================== [3.3.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ] ===================================== ############################################################################### ======= Luger ======= Weapon Type: Pistol Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: No The Luger is a pistol which is used by German and Russian soldiers. It's used as a backup weapon in case the main weapon or weapons runs out of ammunition, and is not very effective at taking down large numbers of men. It is useful for quick running, and one on one combat, but with only 8 bullets in a clip, it won't keep you alive for very long if you try to take out a whole team with it. The best tactic with a Luger is to use your normal weapon, such as a Sub Machine Gun, then when you need to reload, switch to your Pistol and use that to finish off your enemy. It's also good for holding while you run fast if you need to get somewhere quickly. ============== Mosin-Nagant ============== Weapon Type: Rifle Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No Say hello to the greatest weapon in the game (in my opinion anyway). The Mosin-Nagant is a bolt action rifle with great accuracy, and an amazing iron sight. Looking down the sight basically gives it's user a "hit what you aim at" skill, which proves very great for killing enemy troops. It has a decent reload time as it reloads 5 bullets at once in a clip, and is pretty light, thus allowing it's user to run fast while carrying it. The rifle doesn't make much sound when firing either, so you will be safe from enemies hearing your shot and finding you. Obviously with bolt action rifles, the problem occurs with the rate of fire. After one shot the gun has to be reloaded, which takes a valuable half a second or so which usually proves costly against the blaze of machine gun fire. The Mosin-Nagant can be used on almost all Russian maps to great effect as it can be used in all range combat, but the "Harbor" and "Pavlov" are some good maps to try out it's great power. ====== PPSh ====== Weapon Type: Sub Machine Gun Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: Yes The PPSh is a sub machine gun in a totally different league to the Thompson, Sten and MP40. The main differences are the fact that it can hold a staggering 71 bullets in each magazine, which means constant fire until an enemy is dead is easily possible. Along with that is the extremely light weight of the gun, which is almost lighter than the Luger handgun, which allows full speed running while being used. Unstoppable right? I mean with all those bullets and speed? Not really. The bullets are extremely weak and usually need 25 before killing the target. The accuracy is also very poor, and the fact that you will be running around with bullets blazing everywhere will only draw attention to yourself. The PPSh is best used for close combat because of it's bad accuracy, and is very useful for wiping out rooms of enemies, such as on "Pavlov" or the "Harbor". This should only be used by people who aren't too skilled at aiming because of it's amount of ammo which will give the user a lot of time to hit their target, however people skilled with a rifle will probably do better. ===================== Scoped Mosin-Nagant ===================== Weapon Type: Sniper Rifle Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No Almost exactly the same as the Mosin-Nagant rifle, only with a scope, this gun scores very highly. It has a small reload time as a 5 bullet clip is reloaded in half a second, and is very powerful, however a large sound is made when the weapon is fired and it is not very useful in close combat because of it's bolt action mechanism. It allows fast running, however being a sniper rifle, it's not intended to be moved too far as snipers rarely change position. The Scoped Mosin-Nagant will work best on maps where a large distance is between the enemy and the allies, such as "Pavlov" and "POW Camp", however won't work too well on the map "Harbor" because of it's close combat weaknesses. ====================== RGD-33 Stick Grenade ====================== Weapon Type: Grenade Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No The RGD-33 Stick Grenade is a Grenade which when exploding, will fire out the fragments of red hot metal into anyone in range. This is very useful as it's not only the blast that kills people, but if they are anywhere near it, they will take damage from the tiny fragments. It's almost like the equivalent of firing thousands of tiny bullets into anything around it. The Grenade is useful because it allows you to run at almost full speed, and can be thrown pretty far, which adds to the force you will be able to use when taking out Germans. If a large number of them are in one room, just 1 Stick Grenade will wipe them all out. The Russian RGD-33 Stick Grenade is slightly heavier than the German equivalent, which reduces the distance it can be thrown, and decreases the speed at which it's carrier can run, however it seems it's blast radius is bigger than all other grenades. Grenades are best used for killing groups of Germans, such as in bunkers or trenches, although they can be thrown over walls and into places where a large amount of people will pass in the hopes that it will take down a few men. A good idea would be to throw Grenades over the walls on "Harbor" and "POW Camp". ############################################################################### ======================================= [3.4] [ G E R M A N W E A P O N S ] ======================================= ############################################################################### ======================================= [3.4.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ] ======================================= The Germans have probably the second best set of weapons. Throughout the war they were defending places, so they needed some decent fire power. The weapons you will come across which are German are: - Luger - Kar98k - MP40 - MP44 - Scoped Kar98k - Stielhandgranate ############################################################################### =================================== [3.4.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ] =================================== This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%. Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player. ############################################################################### Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip. Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits. Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads. Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row. Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held. Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired. Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at. Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target. Sound: How much noise the weapon makes. Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack. Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating. With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is. If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD And so on. ############################################################################### ======= Luger ======= Ammunition: 8 Damage: 20% Reload Time: 90% Firing Time: 90% Speed: 95% Range: 70% Accuracy: 60% Iron Sight: 60% Sound: 70% Melee Time: 90% Overall: 71.6% ======== Kar98k ======== Ammunition: 5 Damage: 85% Reload Time: 85% Firing Time: 75% Speed: 80% Range: 90% Accuracy: 85% Iron Sight: 80% Sound: 55% Melee Time: 80% Overall: 79.4% ====== MP40 ====== Ammunition: 30 Damage: 30% Reload Time: 85% Firing Time: 90% Speed: 95% Range: 50% Accuracy: 65% Iron Sight: 55% Sound: 75% Melee Time: 85% Overall: 70% ====== MP44 ====== Ammunition: 32 Damage: 40% Reload Time: 70% Firing Time: 85% Speed: 60% Range: 90% Accuracy: 85% Iron Sight: 80% Sound: 90% Melee Time: 85% Overall: 76.1% =============== Scoped Kar98k =============== Ammunition: 5 Damage: 95% Reload Time: 65% Firing Time: 80% Speed: 80% Range: 100% Accuracy: 80% Iron Sight: 100% Sound: 60% Melee Time: 85% Overall: 82.7% ================== Stielhandgranate ================== Ammunition: 1 Damage: 100% Reload Time: N/A Firing Time: 80% Speed: 100% Range: 70% Accuracy: 30% Iron Sight: N/A Sound: 60% Melee Time: 85% Overall: 75% ############################################################################### ===================================== [3.4.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ] ===================================== ############################################################################### ======= Luger ======= Weapon Type: Pistol Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: No The Luger is a pistol which is used by German and Russian soldiers. It's used as a backup weapon in case the main weapon or weapons runs out of ammunition, and is not very effective at taking down large numbers of men. It is useful for quick running, and one on one combat, but with only 8 bullets in a clip, it won't keep you alive for very long if you try to take out a whole team with it. The best tactic with a Luger is to use your normal weapon, such as a Sub Machine Gun, then when you need to reload, switch to your Pistol and use that to finish off your enemy. It's also good for holding while you run fast if you need to get somewhere quickly. ======== Kar98k ======== Weapon Type: Rifle Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No The Kar98k is a decent rifle which was used very often by Axis forces during World War Two. It is reloaded with a 5 bullet clip which makes it's reloading time very short, which is obviously good, however it's bolt action mechanism makes it like all rifles, very ineffective at close combat. While looking down the sight it can be used as a sniper weapon, although without the zoom, and with it's quite quiet firing sound, should protect you from any nearby enemies. The Kar98k would not be anyones rifle of choice if they had an option however it can be used effectively to take out enemy soldiers in the distance. The Kar98k is best used while prone, although when looking down the sight, makes a very effective killing device. It's problems with close range combat are a down side, although there isn't a bolt action rifle which is good in close range. The Kar98k is best used on the maps "Hurtgen" and "Rocket" is no sniper rifles are available. ====== MP40 ====== Weapon Type: Sub Machine Gun Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: Yes The MP40 is a fairly average Sub Machine Gun. It can hold 32 bullets in a magazine which is a decent amount of firepower, and is pretty light which allows it's user to run quite fast while carrying it. It has a quick reload time and very little sound which makes it good for picking off enemies one by one. It is however fairly inaccurate, not too powerful and it's range is not too good either, so it's best for cleaning out enemies at close range. The MP40 is best used in trenches or bunkers to clear rooms or enclosed areas because of it's poor accuracy at long range. I suggest using it in the bunkers on "Rocket" and throughout the houses on "Carentan". ====== MP44 ====== Weapon Type: Machine Gun Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: Yes The MP44 Machine Gun looks almost like a Sub Machine Gun because of it's small body, however it is fairly obvious it's not when you try to run with it. It's weight pulls you down, literally. It is a very good gun as it's bullets are powerful, it is pretty accurate and while used in prone, looking down the iron sight, it can be a very useful rifle type weapon. With the ability to switch it to Fully Automatic or Semi Automatic the accuracy of shots can improve even more. It is quite good for long range shooting, especially while prone, and it is very good in close range combat because of it's powerful, accurate shots. The MP44 is best used when there is a mixture of distances between the enemy and yourself. In other words, maps where you will experience close combat and long range combat. Maps like this are "Rocket" and "Hurtgen". =============== Scoped Kar98k =============== Weapon Type: Sniper Rifle Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No Another of the rifles which has been fitted with a scope, the Scoped Kar98k works very well indeed. It's reload time isn't too good as the bullets are reloaded one by one, but it is very light and allows very quick moving for those times when your position has been compromised. Like all sniper rifles, it is very powerful, but a medium sound will be heard when it is fired. It is not very useful in close combat because of it's bolt action mechanism. The Scoped Kar98k will work best on maps where a large distance is between the enemy and the allies, such as "Rocket" and "Hurtgen", although if close combat is taken into consideration, it would probably be better to use a different weapon capable of quicker fire. ================== Stielhandgrenate ================== Weapon Type: Grenade Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No The Stielhandgrente is a Grenade which when exploding, will fire out the fragments of red hot metal into anyone in range. This is very useful as it's not only the blast that kills people, but if they are anywhere near it, they will take damage from the tiny fragments. It's almost like the equivalent of firing thousands of tiny bullets into anything around it. The Grenade is useful because it allows you to run at almost full speed, and can be thrown pretty far, which adds to the force you will be able to use when taking out Germans. If a large number of them are in one room, just 1 Stick Grenade will wipe them all out. The German Stielhandgrenate is the lightest Grenade in the game, which increases greatly the distance it can be thrown, and also increases the speed at which it's carrier can run. Grenades are best used for killing groups of enemies, such as in bunkers or trenches, although they can be thrown over walls and into places where a large amount of people will pass in the hopes that it will take down a few men. A good idea would be to throw Grenades over the walls on "Harbor" and "POW Camp". ############################################################################### =================================== [3.5] [ M I S C W E A P O N S ] =================================== ############################################################################### ======================================= [3.5.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ] ======================================= Along with each teams weapons, there are some which can be found throughout the levels. Most of these are 'actually' German weapons, however they are not selectable in Multiplayer, so they will go here, in the Misc section. The weapons you will come across which are Misc are: - FG42 - Panzerfaust 60 ############################################################################### =================================== [3.5.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ] =================================== This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%. Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player. ############################################################################### Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip. Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits. Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads. Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row. Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held. Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired. Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at. Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target. Sound: How much noise the weapon makes. Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack. Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating. With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is. If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD And so on. ############################################################################### ====== FG42 ====== Ammunition: 20 Damage: 80% Reload Time: 70% Firing Time: 85% Speed: 75% Range: 85% Accuracy: 20% Iron Sight: 100% Sound: 50% Melee Time: 75% Overall: 71.1% ================ Panzerfaust 80 ================ Ammunition: 1 Damage: 100% Reload Time: N/A Firing Time: N/A Speed: 25% Range: 55% Accuracy: 50% Iron Sight: 70% Sound: 70% Melee Time: 85% Overall: 65% ############################################################################### ===================================== [3.5.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ] ===================================== ############################################################################### ====== FG42 ====== Weapon Type: Scoped Machine Gun Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: Yes The FG42 is a very powerful weapon which has been fitted with a 4x zoom scope. Along with the fact the weapon can be used with Semi Automatic of Fully Automatic properties, it makes it a very good killing machine. There is one huge problem with this gun though, when firing more than one shot at a time, it's accuracy is extremely bad. Using the gun in fully automatic is sure to miss a target right in front of you, and end up in your own death. It has very damaging bullets, but they cannot be fired automatically PERIOD or you will miss your target. The FG42 is best only if you do not have a different scoped weapon. Use it in Semi Automatic mode and fire single shots at your target like a sniper rifle. If you are VERY close to it, then you can fire all 20 bullets in Fully Automatic, although you will probably rocket all of your bullets out and miss, then get killed while reloading. Not a very good weapon at all. Best used on "Rocket" and "Carentan". ============= Panzerfaust ============= Weapon Type: Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No The Panzerfaust translates to "Tank Fist" in English. This is because the weapon will deliver a hell of a punch to a tank if it makes contact, the same thing will happen to a person, although with more fatal effects. The Panzerfaust is the heaviest weapon in the game which means you run slowest while carrying it, however when you pull the trigger, the rocket propelled grenade will fly through the air and wipe out anything withing a few feet of where it explodes. Panzerfaust's are not only great for stopping tanks, but they can wipe out a whole room of enemy soldiers before you even enter, just fire it at a wall! Panzerfausts are best used as stated above, for clearing out large areas where you may be in danger. They will explode on impact and kill anything within a few feet, so just fire one in the general direction of your enemy and prepare to watch them fly through the air on a cloud of dust. Panzerfausts are best used on all levels where they are available, but in particular try "Rocket", especially when explosives are being planted, and "Depot" for the same thing. ############################################################################### =============================================== [3.6] [ S T A T I O N A R Y W E A P O N S ] =============================================== ############################################################################### ======================================= [3.6.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ] ======================================= Finally the last lot of weapons in the game are those which cannot be moved, but provide very good demolition in taking out Germans. The weapons you will come across which are stationary are: - MG42 - Flak 88 - Flak Gun - Anti-Tank Rifle - Tank Cannon ############################################################################### =================================== [3.6.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ] =================================== This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%. Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player. ############################################################################### Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip. Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits. Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads. Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row. Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held. Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired. Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at. Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target. Sound: How much noise the weapon makes. Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack. Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating. With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is. If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD And so on. ############################################################################### ====== MG42 ====== Ammunition: Infinite Damage: 30% Reload Time: N/A Firing Time: 100% Speed: N/A Range: 85% Accuracy: 70% Iron Sight: 70% Sound: 20% Melee Time: N/A Overall: 62.5% ========= Flak 88 ========= Ammunition: Infinite Damage: 100% Reload Time: 20% Firing Time: 20% Speed: N/A Range: 90% Accuracy: 85% Iron Sight: 85% Sound: 70% Melee Time: N/A Overall: 67.1% ========== Flak Gun ========== Ammunition: Infinite Damage: 100% Reload Time: N/A Firing Time: 100% Speed: N/A Range: 90% Accuracy: 85% Iron Sight: 85% Sound: 60% Melee Time: N/A Overall: 86.6% ================= Anti-Tank Rifle ================= Ammunition: Infinite Damage: 100% Reload Time: 70% Firing Time: 80% Speed: N/A Range: 90% Accuracy: 85% Iron Sight: 85% Sound: 80% Melee Time: N/A Overall: 84.2% ============= Tank Cannon ============= Ammunition: Infinite Damage: 100% Reload Time: 20% Firing Time: 20% Speed: N/A Range: 90% Accuracy: 85% Iron Sight: 85% Sound: 60% Melee Time: N/A Overall: 65.7% ############################################################################### ===================================== [3.6.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ] ===================================== ############################################################################### ====== MG42 ====== Weapon Type: Heavy Mounted Machine Gun Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: Yes The MG42 is almost the ultimate stopping machine. In the game it has infinite ammo and almost no recoil, so you just aim and squeeze the trigger and you will kill your target in split seconds. In real life however the gun would need to have it's barrels changed out, however it could still fire continually for something like 80 seconds. There are good and bad points about it in Call Of Duty though, firstly it can kill whatever you aim at which makes it good, however you cannot move while carrying it and while using it you are exploding yourself to attacks from the left, right and back. It also makes a very big sound when firing, so anyone who knows where the MG42 is will be able to make their way around and know that you'll be there. The MG42 is best used in short bursts but for killing large numbers of enemies, as many people will remember from Saving Private Ryan, the MG42 caused great devastation to on coming troops. It's best used while being fired from the bunkers on "Hurtgen" and to stop advancing enemies on "Carentan" although it can really be used at any time, just make sure you get in cover as soon as you finish shooting. ========= Flak 88 ========= Weapon Type: Anti-Tank / Aircraft Gun Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No The Flak 88 was a very powerful Anti-Aircraft gun which had large amounts of power behind it's shots. In Call Of Duty it's used for the same thing; stopping aircraft. You only get to use this gun on the missions "Pegasus Night", "Pegasus Day" and "Hurtgen". It can blow up tanks in one shot depending on where it hits, and can kill a rather large group of enemies if they are close to each other. It's power is it's only really good point, because of it's few down sides. Firstly it cannot be moved, so you are prone to attack while on it. Next it will turn very slowly so if you are being shot from two places at once you will not be to turn around quickly and return fire. After that, the gun takes a few seconds to reload after every single shell has been fired, so if you miss your target, you'll probably be dead before you can shoot again. Because the Flak 88 is only used on 3 missions, and often as the 'Bomb' on "Search And Destroy", the best tactic is to just use it to wipe out the tanks you will be facing while you are on it. "Pegasus Night" contains 1 tank for you to eliminate, "Pegasus Day" has about 7, and "Hurtgen" has two. ========== Flak Gun ========== Weapon Type: Anti-Aircraft Gun Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: Yes The Flak gun was also a very powerful Anti-Aircraft gun which had large amounts of power behind it's shots. In Call Of Duty it's used for the same thing; stopping aircraft. You only get to use this gun on the mission "Airfield". It can blow up Aeroplanes in one shot, although with it's constant rate of fire it can take out anything in range. It can kill a rather large group of enemies because of it's extremely powerful, and large ammunition. Much like the Flak 88 it has some down sides. It cannot be moved, so you are prone to attack while on it. Next it will turn pretty slowly so if you are being shot from two places at once you will not be to turn around quickly and return fire. The main thing that the Flak gun was useful for was it's constant rate of fire with large ammunition. It can keep shooting, and as soon as a plane flew through it, it would be shot down easily. The Flak Gun is only used on one mission, but it can be used to cause lots of devastation. You can use it to destroy boxes, trucks, people and aeroplanes, so just keep shooting and make sure you keep your sides covered. ================= Anti-Tank Rifle ================= Weapon Type: Anti-Tank Rifle Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: No The Anti-Tank Rifle is almost a Semi Automatic Panzerfaust. It fires shells at tanks and after a few hits, the tank will be nothing more than a steaming pile of rubble. The Anti-Tank Rifle is only used on one mission, the hardest mission on the game, "Pavlov", but it proves to be very useful to you and your allies. I haven't read much about these being used in World War Two, however from the looks of the game, they would have been very useful tools. They cannot be moved though, because of their weight, but turn pretty fast and can launch out RPG's in semi automatic mode. It's power is pretty good too, because it can blow up tanks in two or three shots, so it's really the same as a panzerfaust, but it can be fired in semi automatic, so it's probably better. The Anti-Tank Rifle is best for... taking out tanks. Use it to kill a few tanks on "Pavlov", and maybe some foot soldiers. Seeing as it can only be used on one single player mission, thats all the stuff I can say about it. ============= Tank Cannon ============= Weapon Type: Tank Cannon Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No The Tank Cannon is used on two Single Player missions. They are "Tank Drive Country" and "Tank Drive Town". It proves very useful, as a carefully positioned shot can take out an enemy tank in one, however it takes a rather long time to reload, which costs you, although luckily your team's tanks will absorb the rockets fired at you. It can't be moved in theory, but in reality the actual tank provides the movement. That isn't the weapon though, so it can't be included here. It's shells are very powerful, but it has a long reload time. It also makes a large sound while firing, but that usually doesn't matter as there will be enough enemy tanks coming at you for no one to care about the sound that they make. The best use for the Tank Cannon is to aim for enemy tanks Turrets. If you hit it you can wipe out the tank in one shot. This is only used in 2 missions, so having any more tips is pretty pointless unless someone makes a mod to let you play in Tanks. ############################################################################### ======================================= [3.7] [ H I D D E N W E A P O N S ] ======================================= ############################################################################### ======================================= [3.7.1] - [ I N T R O D U C T I O N ] ======================================= Infinity Ward used some clever techniques when making the game, such as having Germans who are out of sight, not reload their gun which will make the game have to load less things and run smoother for everyone. Some of these are also BETA weapons which were removed, they are mainly no different to the normal weapons, however they can only be gotten through cheating. The weapons you will come across (If you cheat) which are Hidden are: - 30cal - Kar98k - M1A1 Carbine - Sten - Mosin-Nagant Ammo ############################################################################### =================================== [3.7.2] - [ S T A T I S T I C S ] =================================== This next section is the weapon statistics and strengths and weaknesses. I know the game booklet has a number of these in, however I have tested all of the weapons in the game and made my own guesses as to what the specs are of each one. Each rating is out of a maximum of 100%. Here is a list of what each statistic means. Remember these are in my own opinion. They have been tested in multiplayer and single player. ############################################################################### Ammunition: How much ammo can be stored in one clip. Damage: The amount of damage one bullet will do to the person it hits. Reload Time: How quickly the gun reloads. Firing Time: How quickly two bullets can be fired in a row. Speed: How fast you can move while the weapon is being held. Range: How far the bullet or projectile can be fired. Accuracy: How likely the bullet is to hit what you aim at. Iron Sight: How well the Iron Sight helps you hit your target. Sound: How much noise the weapon makes. Melee Time: Time taken to perform a Melee attack. Overall: Taking all of these into consideration, the final rating. With all percentages, the higher the percentage, the better it is. If Damage is 50%, that means it takes off half of the players life - OK If Sound is 20% this means that it makes a lot of noise - VERY BAD If Accuracy is 100% it means you'll hit what you aim at - VERY GOOD And so on. ############################################################################### ======= 30cal ======= Ammunition: 20 Damage: 85% Reload Time: 40% Firing Time: 90% Speed: 30% Range: 85% Accuracy: 65% Iron Sight: 80% Sound: 55% Melee Time: 70% Overall: 66.6% ======== Kar98k ======== Ammunition: 5 Damage: 85% Reload Time: 85% Firing Time: 75% Speed: 80% Range: 90% Accuracy: 85% Iron Sight: 80% Sound: 55% Melee Time: 80% Overall: 79.4% ============== M1A1 Carbine ============== Ammunition: 15 Damage: 25% Reload Time: 80% Firing Time: 85% Speed: 80% Range: 70% Accuracy: 90% Iron Sight: 95% Sound: 65% Melee Time: 90% Overall: 75.5% ====== Sten ====== Ammunition: 32 Damage: 30% Reload Time: 95% Firing Time: 95% Speed: 90% Range: 60% Accuracy: 70% Iron Sight: 70% Sound: 80% Melee Time: 85% Overall: 75% =================== Mosin-Nagant Ammo =================== Ammunition: 5 Damage: N/A Reload Time: N/A Firing Time: N/A Speed: 100% Range: N/A Accuracy: N/A Iron Sight: N/A Sound: N/A Melee Time: N/A Overall: 100% ############################################################################### ===================================== [3.7.3] - [ I N F O R M A T I O N ] ===================================== ############################################################################### The next lot of "weapons" can only be obtained by using the cheat command "give all". That will give you all weapons in the game, and when you scroll through them you will notice these weapons which weren't in the normal game. For information on how to enable cheats check out: http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/code/36440.html ############################################################################### ======= 30cal ======= Weapon Type: Machine Gun Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: Yes What Is It: The BAR With A Different Name Differences: None, Exactly the same as the BAR The 30cal (BAR) packs a major punch. The gun's magazine can only hold 20 bullets, however just one of these can take away life. The gun's greatest point is that it is Semi Automatic and Fully Automatic over great distances and when looking down the scope it can be used like a Sniper rifle because of the zoom that looking down the sight gives you. Just match up the top of the bar at the front of the weapon with your targets head and fire a shot. Instant death. The down side to this great killing machine is that you run extremely slowly while carrying one and it takes a long time to reload it. It pumps the bullets out extremely fast, but they almost go too fast because you'll find yourself reloading every few seconds if you are in heavy combat. The 30cal (BAR) is best used when you have space between you and the enemy, and then using the sight, it can take them out very easily. It can also be used in close range, however you will usually find that the 30cal's (BAR's) slowness leads to being killed by Sub Machine Gunners. Some maps to use a 30cal (BAR) well are "Hurtgen" and "Brecourt". ======== Kar98k ======== Weapon Type: Rifle Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No What Is It: The Kar98k, however there are two of them. Differences: After firing a shot the player does not use his hand to reload it, the used shell just pops out by itself. Probably used by a German in single player who wasn't very visible to cut down un-needed actions being run by the game. The Kar98k is a decent rifle which was used very often by Axis forces during World War Two. It is reloaded with a 5 bullet clip which makes it's reloading time very short, which is obviously good, however it's bolt action mechanism makes it like all rifles, very ineffective at close combat. While looking down the sight it can be used as a sniper weapon, although without the zoom, and with it's quite quiet firing sound, should protect you from any nearby enemies. The Kar98k would not be anyones rifle of choice if they had an option however it can be used effectively to take out enemy soldiers in the distance. The Kar98k is best used while prone, although when looking down the sight, makes a very effective killing device. It's problems with close range combat are a down side, although there isn't a bolt action rifle which is good in close range. The Kar98k is best used on the maps "Hurtgen" and "Rocket" is no sniper rifles are available. ============== M1A1 Carbine ============== Weapon Type: Rifle Semi Automatic: Yes Fully Automatic: No What Is It: The M1A1 Carbine Differences: None, Exactly the same as the M1A1 Carbine. The M1A1 Carbine is the first weapon you will use in Single Player. It can hold 15 bullets in each magazine which makes it the rifle with the biggest bullet capacity, however the bullets are not as powerful as M1 Garand, so more shots will need to be fired before a kill is made. This is obviously bad because it will give away your position. The rifle is also Semi-Automatic, like the M1 Garand. This can be used best in close combat because if you're quick on the trigger it can kind of be used like a Sub Machine Gun. Slightly powerful, and very accurate if looking down the sight, the M1A1 Carbine is a good killing machine. The M1A1 Carbine can be used to good effect on the maps "Carentan" and "Brecourt". ====== Sten ====== Weapon Type: Sub Machine Gun Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: Yes What Is It: The Sten Differences: None, Exactly the same as the Sten. The Sten Sub Machine Gun is literally a pipe with a firing device attached. It's very light and can be fired and reloaded very fast. Because of the cheaply made weapon however, the accuracy of it's shots suffers greatly. It can hold 32 bullets in it's magazine, so the majority of those can hit it's target making it's accuracy not too important, but the bullets aren't too high powered so a number of shots will have to hit the target before falling over dead. It's best for close combat, like all SMG's, but it also very good for running with because of it's light framework, which makes the Sten a popular choice for people who don't want to camp in one place all the time. It's very good for clearing out trenches and bunkers because of it's ammunition. The Sten can be used to good effect on "Rocket" and "Chateau". =================== Mosin-Nagant Ammo =================== Weapon Type: None Semi Automatic: No Fully Automatic: No What Is It: Ammo that you get on the mission "Stalingrad". Differences: None You will be given the Mosin-Nagant ammunition on the mission "Stalingrad". Much like the movie "Enemy At The Gates" you wait in line for a rifle, but end up getting the bullets which can't be used, although you could try throwing them at the enemy... =P ############################################################################### [4] - W A R Q U O T E S ############################################################################### D E A D Q U O T E S ############################################################################### "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." - Winston Churchill =============================================================================== "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill =============================================================================== "In war there is no prize for the runner-up." - General Omar Bradley =============================================================================== "Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living." - General Omar Bradley =============================================================================== "It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it." - General Douglas MacArthur =============================================================================== "In war, you win or lose, live or die-and the difference is just an eyelash." - General Douglas MacArthur =============================================================================== "The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war." - General Douglas MacArthur =============================================================================== "They died hard, those savage men - like wounded wolves at bay. They were filthy, and they were lousy, and they stunk. And I loved them." - General Douglas MacArthur =============================================================================== "So long as there are men there will be wars." - Albert Einstein =============================================================================== "We must be prepared to make heroic sacrifices for the cause of peace that we make ungrudgingly for the cause of war. There is no task that is more important or closer to my heart." - Albert Einstein =============================================================================== "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature, and has no chance of being free unless made or kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." - John Stuart Mill =============================================================================== "Future years will never know the seething hell and the black infernal background, the countless minor scenes and interiors of the secession war; and it is best they should not. The real war will never get in the books." - Walt Whitman =============================================================================== "There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending." - Abraham Lincoln =============================================================================== "The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin =============================================================================== "Death solves all problems - no man, no problem." - Joseph Stalin =============================================================================== "In the Soviet army it takes more courage to retreat than advance." - Joseph Stalin =============================================================================== "The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - General George S. Patton =============================================================================== "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." - General George S. Patton =============================================================================== "Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime." - Ernest Hemingway =============================================================================== "Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another." - Ernest Hemingway =============================================================================== "All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers." - Francois Fenelon =============================================================================== "I have never advocated war except as a means of peace." - Ulysses S. Grant =============================================================================== "Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die." - Herbert Hoover =============================================================================== "Only the dead have seen the end of the war." - Plato =============================================================================== "War does not determine who is right - only who is left." - Bertrand Russell =============================================================================== "Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily." - Napoleon Bonaparte =============================================================================== "Patriots always talk of dying for their country and never of killing for their country." - Bertrand Russell =============================================================================== "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke, British statesman and philosopher =============================================================================== "It is well that war is so terrible, or we should get too fond of it." - Robert E. Lee =============================================================================== "A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon." - Napoleon Bonaparte =============================================================================== "He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat." - Napoleon Bonaparte =============================================================================== "You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war." - Napoleon Bonaparte =============================================================================== "There's a graveyard in northern France where all the dead boys from D-Day are buried. The white crosses reach from one horizon to the other. I remember looking it over and thinking it was a forest of graves. But the rows were like this, dizzying, diagonal, perfectly straight, so after all it wasn't a forest but an orchard of graves. Nothing to do with nature, unless you count human nature." - Barbara Kingsolver =============================================================================== "If we don't end war, war will end us." - H. G. Wells =============================================================================== "From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity." - Edvard Munch =============================================================================== "He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare, And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere." - Ali ibn-Abi-Talib =============================================================================== "For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he pass'd; And the eyes of the sleepers wax'd deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!" - George Gordon Byron, "The Destruction of Sennacherib" =============================================================================== "They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason." - Ernest Hemmingway =============================================================================== "There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror." - General William Tecumseh Sherman =============================================================================== "War is delightful to those who have not experienced it." - Erasmus =============================================================================== "War is as much a punishment to the punisher as it is to the sufferer." - Thomas Jefferson =============================================================================== "War would end if the dead could return." - Stanley Baldwin =============================================================================== ############################################################################### V I C T O R Y Q U O T E S ############################################################################### =============================================================================== "When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite." - Winston Churchill =============================================================================== "Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter." - Winston Churchill =============================================================================== "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." - Winston Churchill =============================================================================== "Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result." - Winston Churchill =============================================================================== "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill =============================================================================== "We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender." - Winston Churchill =============================================================================== "When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." - Franklin D. Roosevelt =============================================================================== "The real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war." - Ralph Waldo Emerson =============================================================================== "A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer." - Ralph Waldo Emerson =============================================================================== "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson =============================================================================== "The characteristic of a genuine heroism is its persistency. All men have wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity. But when you have resolved to be great, abide by yourself, and do not weakly try to reconcile yourself with the world. The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic." - Ralph Waldo Emerson =============================================================================== "If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves." - Joseph Stalin =============================================================================== "The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - General George S. Patton =============================================================================== "Better to fight for something than live for nothing." - General George S. Patton =============================================================================== "Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." - General George S. Patton =============================================================================== "If a man does his best, what else is there?" - General George S. Patton =============================================================================== "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." - General George S. Patton =============================================================================== "Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another." - Ernest Hemingway =============================================================================== "All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers." - Francois Fenelon =============================================================================== "I have never advocated war except as a means of peace." - Ulysses S. Grant =============================================================================== "We happy few, we band of brothers/For he today that sheds his blood with me/Shall be my brother." - William Shakespeare, King Henry V =============================================================================== "Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once." - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar =============================================================================== "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte =============================================================================== "There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit." - Napoleon Bonaparte =============================================================================== "There will one day spring from the brain of science a machine or force so fearful in its potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled, and so abandon war forever." - Thomas A. Edison =============================================================================== "There are no atheists in foxholes" isn't an argument against atheism, it's an argument against foxholes." - James Morrow =============================================================================== "If we don't end war, war will end us." - H. G. Wells =============================================================================== "Live as brave men; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with brave hearts." - Cicero =============================================================================== "Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air." - John Quincy Adams =============================================================================== "Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." - John Wayne =============================================================================== "Above all things, never be afraid. The enemy who forces you to retreat is himself afraid of you at that very moment." - Andre Maurois =============================================================================== "I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." - Voltaire =============================================================================== "Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and beautiful end of a human being." - Kahlil Gibran, "The Voice of the Poet =============================================================================== "He conquers who endures." - Persius =============================================================================== "It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!" - Emiliano Zapata =============================================================================== "You know the real meaning of peace only if you have been through the war." - Kosovar =============================================================================== "Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them." - Franklin D. Roosevelt =============================================================================== "In war there is no substitute for victory." - General Douglas MacArthur =============================================================================== "War is a series of catastrophes which result in victory." - Georges Clemenceau =============================================================================== ############################################################################### [5] - C H E A T S / C O D E S ############################################################################### Create a shortcut to the "CoDSP.exe" file located in the Call Of Duty program files. Right click on the shortcut and go to properties. Go to where it says "Target" and add the following onto the end of the existing link: +set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0 So the link should now say something like: "C:\Program Files\Call of Duty\CoDSP.exe" +set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0 Next go into the game and bring down the console by pushing the button above "TAB", then enter the code from below for the desired effect. NOTE: Some codes apparently crash the game. All of these codes worked fine for me when I tested them, so make sure you do everything correctly and they should work for you too. Code | Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- give | Gives player an object ("give mp40", etc.) give health | Gives you full health. god | Invulnerability. notarget | The enemies won't shoot you. noclip | Walk through walls and such. ############################################################################### Here are some extra console cheats I hacked myself: Code | Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- give all | Gives the player all weapons in the game. ufo | Allows the player to zoom around the level, going up | with jump and down with crouch. toggle cg_thirdperson | Puts the camera at the 3rd person view. You are | sometimes invisible. toggle r_measureOverdraw | Puts the game in multi-colours. toggle r_showtris | Shows the game in wireframe. viewpos | Shows your co-ordinates in the console. toggle g_entinfo | Shows scripts above all soldiers and highlights | important objects. toggle r_showLeafLights | Displays lines where the light comes through the | leaves. toggle r_showtricounts | Displays numbers on each texture. toggle r_showportals | Displays where you can access. toggle cg_drawshader | Tells you what each texture is. toggle cg_drawgun | Makes your weapons invisible. Useful for people with | lag. toggle r_lightmap | Makes the ground and walls white. toggle cg_draw2d | Disables the on screen icons, such as radar and | health. Useful for taking good screenshots. toggle r_lockpvs | Some textures turn invisible. toggle r_fastsky | Removes clouds and makes the sky lighter. map_restart | Restarts the current level. r_vc_stats | Shows some stats about the game in the console. kill | Kills the player. give ammo | Gives the player 10 Grenades and 1 Panzerfaust. May | not work on some levels. ############################################################################### [6] - C R E D I T S / S P E C I A L T H A N K S ############################################################################### I would like to give a special thanks to the following people: Infinity Ward + Activision - For making the best game ever! Psy (me) - For writing this guide. CJayC (GameFAQs.com) - For putting the guide straight on his site. Redfoot - Correcting me on the name of Sgt. Waters (I had Walters). Roxxer - For providing me with a tip about the mission "Pavlov". Aldo Danzo - Providing the tip about using the FG42 instead of bolt action rifle on Dawnville. Everyone I've had the pleasure to play with and against on multiplayer. ############################################################################### [7] - C O P Y R I G H T S / C O N T A C T E M A I L ############################################################################### About The Guide ооооооооооооооо All of this guide was written by Psy, and only Psy. It was written while I played through the game, then typed up. All text here is my own work and I won't be held responsible for any problems caused as a result of it. All mission walkthroughs are my own way of beating the mission, and it's up to the reader to choose if they want to follow them. This guide can only be seen at: GameFAQs.com Avault.com dlh.net CheatCC.com CallOfDuty.org And my own sites Unless permission is granted via email. Don't steal my guide and claim it to be your own work, or host it without asking, because you are breaking the law and I have the power to do something about it. Contacting Psy оооооооооооооо You may contact Psy to ask questions about the game, or to correct mistakes in my guide. Please use the following emails: If its just a normal email (text), use: Psycopsy@hotmail.com If it has an image attached or is a big file, please use: Psy@GTA-SanAndreas.com No spam, viruses or hate mail. I have tools, and I will use them if I'm provoked. Copyright 2004 Simon Elliott (Psy). All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.