-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- Backyard Baseball 2001 Edition Player List by: Dark Vortex (Quan Jin) darkvortex0012000@yahoo.com Version 0.2 -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- This guide may be found on the following sites: [http://www.gamefaqs.com]--------------------------------------------[GameFAQs] [http://www.gamespot.com]--------------------------------------------[GameSpot] [http://faqs.ign.com]------------------------------------------------[IGN FAQs] [http://www.neoseeker.com]------------------------------------------[Neoseeker] [http://www.dlh.net]--------------------------------------[Dirty Little Helper] [http://www.cheats.de]----------------------------------------------[Cheats.de] [http://www.supercheats.com]--------------------------------------[SuperCheats] This guide is copyright 2003(c)Quan Jin _ _ (_)=========================================================================(_) (_)--------------------------< Table of Contents >--------------------------(_) (_)=========================================================================(_) 1. Introduction...............................................[1000] 2. FAQ........................................................[2000] 3. Player List................................................[3000] 4. Version History............................................[4000] 5. Legal Disclaimers..........................................[5000] 6. Credits and Closing........................................[6000] To find a section quickly, press Ctrl-F and type in either the name of the section along with its content number (ie. 1., 2., 3., etc.) OR you can use the codes on the far right. Simply type in the brackets with the code number to get a jump. _ _ (_)=========================================================================(_) (_)---------------------------< 1. Introduction >------------------- [1000] (_) (_)=========================================================================(_) Backyard Baseball is an unique sports game. Instead of focusing on today's league of players, Humongous Entertainment had a different idea. What if we make the players kids? Apparently, it grew into a major success as Backyard Baseball as well as the whole Backyard series grew into a major hit, especially for the little kids who just didn't have the skills to play the more mature sports games. This FAQ is simply a Player List. I will give strategies and list the stats for each player. Please do not email me with questions that have nothing to do with the subject at hand. _ _ (_)=========================================================================(_) (_)--------------------------------< 2. FAQ >----------------------- [2000] (_) (_)=========================================================================(_) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [Q] Would you recommend this game only to kids? [A] Despite what it appears, not entirely. I didn't enjoy it that much but I didn't hate playing it. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [Q] How many different players are there in all? [A] Correct me if I'm wrong but I count 63. I guess I will have a more accurate count when this FAQ is finished. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _ _ (_)=========================================================================(_) (_)----------------------------< 3. Player List >------------------- [3000] (_) (_)=========================================================================(_) Here we are, the Player List. I will list every player, their stats, and my own recommendation. To find a player quickly, search for their name using Ctrl-F. (Player Name) ~ =-----------= Nickname : (The Player's Nickname) Batting : (The Player's Batting Stats) Running : (The Player's Running Stats) Pitching : (The Player's Pitching Stats) Fielding : (The Player's Fielding Stats) Game Description : (The In-Game Description for the Player) (This is where my recommendation and strategy will go) [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------] Jeromy Burnitz ~ =------------= Nickname : The Kid Batting : [][][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][] Fielding : [][][][][][][] Game Description : Jeromy is one of the best left-handed hitters in the league. This talented outfielder has a sweet swing and can hit to all fields. His defense is solid and his arm is fantastic. He also likes to play Ping-Pong - but hey, who doesn't? A fairly mediocre player overall. He has well balanced stats so you can place him almost anywhere. However, I find him doing well on second base. If you have any better choices, go for them. Unless you don't want to power-hitters or something, go with someone else with a bit more points in each stat. Tony Gwynn ~ =--------= Nickname : Pal Batting : [][][][][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][] Pitching : [][][] Fielding : [][][][][][][][] Game Description : An excellent hitter, little Tony Gwynn leads the league in batting average almost every year. His great concentration and Dmitri-like smarts make pitchers sweat bullets - it's nearly impossible to strike him out. Tony Gwynn is a great choice if you are looking for a power-hitter. He can do pretty well in the outfield but his problem is his speed. It isn't that low but it isn't the best either. He might do well on a base position. Just remember to never put him on pitcher or you will have a problem. Marty Cordova ~ =-----------= Nickname : Shade Batting : [][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][][][][] Fielding : [][][][] Game Description : Marty is a solid all-around player. He can play a lot of positions, but is best in the outfield. With his mighty arm, he can make runners think twice about extra bases. This power-hitter can put the ball out of the park, too. The game description is kind of misleading. Marty Cordova really is not that great of a player. His stats are lowly and he can barely hit for beans let alone be an outfielder. Just by looking at his stats, you know there are better choices. If you do pick him, put him as pitcher if you don't have anyone better. Kenny Kawaguchi ~ =-------------= Nickname : K-Man Batting : [][][] Running : [][][][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][][][][] Fielding : [][][][] Game Description : One of the smarter players in the league, Kenny is a solid hitter with a good eye for the ball. Incredibly, Kenny seems to get stronger as the game goes on, and can play for hours... or days! He's pretty fast on the base path too. A good utility player. Okay, we have a kid in a wheelchair. How can we expect too much from a kid in a wheelchair against a couple of fully running kids (with no offense to anyone who truly is disabled)? And unless you're scoring for a bad team, then I guess you better avoid Kenny Kawaguchi altogether. His stats aren't great and he can't hit at all. Kiesha Philips ~ =------------= Nickname : Flash Batting : [][][][][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][] Fielding : [][][][][][] Game Description : One of the best outfielders in the league, Kiesha hits the ball hard and has a strong arm. And when she gets those legs pumping, this girl can speed around the bases. You can't go wrong with this kid on your team. Kiesha Philips is indeed one of the greater players of Backyard Baseball. With impressive overall batting and running stats, she can do some damage on the offense. On the other hand, she isn't too great fielding. Maybe you should keep her as catcher or something. A good choice for a good team. Alex Gonzalez ~ =-----------= Nickname : Lil' Mitt Batting : [][][][][] Running : [][][][][][][][][] Pitching : [][][] Fielding : [][][][][][] Game Description : Gonzalez is a decent hitter, but he is more often known for his defensive plays. He also has great speed on the basepads. This shortstop's amazing glove and great arm will make even the toughest hitter cry like a baby. We don't really have anything too impressive here except for some nice running stats. If you want him on your team, take him. He's not that great but I guess he can do your team some good. Alex Gonzalez is better than many. Keep him as second base or similar. Stephanie Morgan ~ =--------------= Nickname : Bubbles Batting : [][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][][] Fielding : [][][][][][][][] Game Description : Baseball is Stefanie's life. She was born to play shortstop and has the skills and smarts to be a superstar. Her only drawback is her gift for gab - she gets so much into chatting that she forgets that she's supposed to be playing. Hmm, I don't know what to make of Stephanie Morgan. I have never really used her in too much detail but her stats aren't too shabby. She isn't the best the but she can't be that good either can she? Put her on shortstop if you have no one better in that position. Gretchen Hasselhoff ~ =-----------------= Nickname : Jabberjaw Batting : [][] Running : [][][][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][][][] Fielding : [][][][] Game Description : This little jabber-mouth has one of the best slow-mo pitches in the league, plus she gets nice movement on her hooks. Not the strongest throwing arm in the field (in fact, probably the weakest) because she tends to get excited when the ball comes her way. I hate it when I can barely pronouce someone's name and this is a perfect example. I don't find this particular player good at all. The only thing she really excels in is her running ability but unless you can actually hit that ball, you can't run. I don't suggest you select her. Dmitri Petrovich ~ =--------------= Nickname : Paste Batting : [][][][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][][] Pitching : [] Fielding : [][][] Game Description : Dmitri, the undesputed brain of the game, knows every aspect of baseball. Missed 13 games one season after a painful slide rule accident. Don't expect a lot of innings out of this kid... too much exercise wheres the poor guy out. Well what do you know? It's the nerd of the game. Despite his appearance, this book-lover seems to be a fairly good hitter overall. Whatever you do, don't place him in a pitcher position. That should be obvious. Tony Delvecchio ~ =-------------= Nickname : Vec Batting : [][][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][] Pitching : [][][] Fielding : [][][][][][][] Game Description : Nobody has a stronger throwing arm than Tony Delvecchio... or a bigger ego! Vec has all the skills to be a superstar in this league, if he can learn to keep his cool. Also, he seems to step it up a notch when playing against his sister, Angela. You know what Delvecchio reminds me of? One of those 50s gangsters. I mean, just look at him! Anyway, Tony does have smoe pretty well balanced stats but I don't find him that great. If you can ignore his constant comments and brags (or just turn off the sound), then I guess you can do something with Vec. Put him on second base. Sally Dobbs ~ =---------= Nickname : The Boss Batting : [][][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][][][][] Fielding : [][][][][][][] Game Description : Her leadership skills usually make her the designated 'Mom' of the team. Not the best contact hitter, but when she goes for power, she can usually hit the ball out of the park. Sally has a great arm and an equally great glove. Recently voted 'Babysitter of the Year' in her neighborhood. Dobbs has totally balanced stats which can be both a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it. Because of her completely balanced stats, she can't excel at any position which makes her mediocre at best. However, she can't be terrible at any position which is a pretty lifting plus. Luanne Lui ~ =--------= Nickname : Lulu Batting : [][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][][][][][][] Fielding : [][][][] Game Description : Luanne has got a lot of skills for a kid who still carries around her teddy bear. Not much of a throwing arm, but has great speeds on the basepads and can steal second before the catcher can get the ball out of the glove. Luanne is also a super-fantastic pitcher with an outstanding 'Fireball.' Luanne Lui has got fantastic stats for running and pitching but her fielding suffers. If I were you, I would just put her on catcher position where she can't do that much damage. A great overall base- runner and an outstanding pitcher. Raul Mondesi ~ =----------= Nickname : Tuesdesi Batting : [][][][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][][] Fielding : [][][][][][][] Game Description : Raul can hit for average and power, has speed, and can field and throw. This outfielder is an all- around great player with a cannon for a right arm. In his spare time, he likes to listen to Salsa music. Raul Mondesi is a great player overall. With fantastic stats in both batting and running, he can obviously get around the bases for a score easily. However, that's really the only area in which Mondesi can offer his expertise. His other stats are decent. Jason Kendall ~ =-----------= Nickname : Patch Batting : [][][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][] Fielding : [][][][][][][] Game Description : Possibly the fastest catcher ever to play (which isn't really saying much), Jason gets on base a lot and looks to steal. His great vision and powerful arm make runners think twice about stealing when he's behind the plate. Hmm, I don't know what to make of this. Kendall is mediocre in every stat which is the reason you don't want this kid on a power-hitter group. I guess you can use Jason Kendall here but if you are looking for better players, pass Kendall by. Jorge Garcia ~ =----------= Nickname : Bonkers Batting : [][][][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][] Fielding : [][][][][] Game Description : Jorge seems more concerned with keeping his expensives clean than playing. Regardless, the young Mr. Garcia does show some promise in the outfield. At the plate, though, he appears to be afraid of the ball. And what's up with that swing? I shouldn't have to explain too much here. Let's just put it this way, Jorge Garcia is everything you don't want on your team. Unless you are looking for a challenging ball-game (on your part of course), pass this by. Vladimir Guerrero ~ =---------------= Nickname : Alvino Batting : [][][][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][][] Fielding : [][][][][][] Game Description : Vladimir has good power and a strong right arm, which makes this outfielder a force to be reckoned with. This great contact hitter with good vision gets on base and his speed gets him extras. Vladimir Guerrero (another impossible name to pronouce) has solid stats in batting and running which might make this particular player a decent choice. I usually pass this player by though when I'm playing. Ken Griffey Jr. ~ =-------------= Nickname : Junior Batting : [][][][][][][][][] Running : [][][][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][][] Fielding : [][][][][][][][][][] Game Description : They don't make 'em any better than Junior. Kenny's the most exciting player in baseball... well, except for Mikey Thomas. This outfielder's all-star defense and awesome offense make him a fan favorite. I take it we all heard of Ken Griffey Jr. somewhere, right? Well, it seems that they made this particular player one of the best in the game. With great stats in batting, running, and fielding, this player is something you'd want on your team. Just ignore the pitching stats but don't put him there if you have better pitchers. Ernie Steele ~ =----------= Nickname : Funnybones Batting : [][][][][] Running : [][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][][][][] Fielding : [][][][][][][][][][] Game Description : Ernie can hit. Ernie can run. Ernie can catch. Ernie can play a mean first base. The only thing Ernie can't do, apparently, is find a pair of pants that fit his long legs. Believe or not, he thinks his jokes are funny. Humor him. Ernie Steele's stats go up just like a ramp (although the ramp-like effect looks a lot cooler in the game itself). Wonderful fielding but his batting and running suffer a little bit. Not too bad but definitely not the best either. Sidney Webber ~ =-----------= Nickname : Little Smokey Batting : [][][][][] Running : [][][][][][][] Pitching : [][][][][][] Fielding : [][][] Game Description : The other half of the famous Webber twins, Sidney, is a solid pitcher with enough stamina to play a double header. With great vision, she always knows where the ball will go. They say two heads are better than one - pair her with Ashley for the truth. Ick, I hate Sidney Webber's stats. She isn't that great in anything really. If you want to improve them a bit, make her on the same team as her sister, Ashley Webber. Still, the stats won't increase as much so you shouldn't even bother. _ _ (_)=========================================================================(_) (_)--------------------------< 4. Version History >----------------- [4000] (_) (_)=========================================================================(_) Version 0.1 - I have finished the Player List up to Alex Gonzalez. Quite a few more to go. 15 KB Version 0.2 - Completed all the way to Sidney Webber And even after all that, it seems I STILL have a long way to go. In fact, less than 1/4 done even... 27 KB _ _ (_)=========================================================================(_) (_)-------------------------< 5. Legal Disclaimers >---------------- [5000] (_) (_)=========================================================================(_) This guide is under full copyright 2003-2004 Quan Jin. It shall not be altered, reproduced, published, sold for profit, etc. without the written and expressed permission from this guide's rightful owner. If you feel the need to violate copyright law and break these rules, I will be forced to perform legal matters on you. If you shall wish to use this guide on your site or use any non-opinionated tidbits of information, it is essential you contact the author. If I find that a site is hosting this document without recalling any permission given to them, I will take action against the offender. Currently, the below sites will not be granted permission no matter what (with thanks to Red_Pheonix's FAQ Theft Guide for the list): [http://911codes.com]-----------------------------------------------[911 Codes] [http://www.9lives.ru/eng/]-------------------------------------------[9 Lives] [http://www.bean.dk/psx/index.htm]---------------[Bean's PlayStation Dimension] [http://www.cheatcc.com]-----------------------------------[Cheat Code Central] [http://cheatindex.com]-------------------------------------------[Cheat Index] [http://cheatmatrix.com]-----------------------------------------[Cheat Matrix] [http://cheatsearch.com]-----------------------------------------[Cheat Search] [http://www.panstudio.com/cheatstop/]------------------------------[Cheat Stop] [http://games.netscape.com/Faqs/]-----------------------------[CNET Gamecenter] [http://www.consoledomain.co.uk]-------------------------------[Console Domain] [http://kirby.pokep.net]--------------------------------------------[Dreamland] [http://www.gamesdomain.com]-------------------------------------[Games Domain] [http://www.gameexpress.com]-------------------------------------[Game Express] [http://www.megagames.com]-----------------------------------------[Mega Games] [http://www.square-haven.net]------------------------------------[Square Haven] [http://www.flatbedexpress.com]-------------------------------[Ultimate System] [http://www.videogaming.net/]---------------------------------[VideoGaming.Net] Keep in mind that this list is not permanent. It will change every once in a while when action is taken. _ _ (_)=========================================================================(_) (_)------------------------< 6. Credits and Closing >--------------- [6000] (_) (_)=========================================================================(_) Hey, what do you know? The FAQ is officially over. There's not much here to say except enjoy the rest of Backyard Baseball 2001 and of course, worship the following. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Humongous Entertainment - Props to these guys for having a great idea and launching this game which gives me some work to do. GameFAQs - The largest FAQ archive on the net. Thanks to CJayC for accepting this piece of work. He hasn't failed us yet. http://www.network-science.de/ascii - The wonderful ASCII generator I used for my signature at the bottom. The FCSB - They didn't help too much but what can I say, where would I be without a few of them? Major props to these great board members who are also prized FAQ writers. Some examples being; Crazyreyn, Psycho Penguin, Gbness, Karpah, SinirothX, Meowthnum1, Joni Philips, War Doc, Merca, and last but definitely not least, Gobicamel1. You all rock! =============================================================================== ____ __ _ __ __ / __ \____ ______/ /__ | | / /___ _____/ /____ _ __ / / / / __ `/ ___/ //_/ | | / / __ \/ ___/ __/ _ \| |/_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / ,< | |/ / /_/ / / / /_/ __/> < /_____/\__,_/_/ /_/|_| |___/\____/_/ \__/\___/_/|_| -=Game On Forever=-