BRAVE SOUL GUIDE Copyright 2003 A. Miklic *Disclaimer This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except f or personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Web-sites with permision are as follows: News: December 1st-Started it and Done basic layout and info About Me Well I'm in process of completing the last ending, Ending 0, only need to lvl up a bit, since lvl 87 seems not enauf to beat the boss in Loser Paradise at current difficulty. Anyhows I decided to point out some things abaut the game. You are welcome to send me info,correct me etc., I will put you under credits. This is my first FAQ :). Also all offensive emails will be ignored. Here it goes, hope it helps some people. Guide I-Characters II-System III-Some dungeons and their importance IV-Items V-Girl Events Characters Hero-Swordsman, he is good fighter, however for bosses it might help to use long range attack, since if he dies you can't use potions. Alicia-Healer, Alice is a MUST in a party, unless your very high level, she heals, resurrects etc. Shell-A little she-dragon who spits fire, you cannot equip her much, only some sort of bracelets, I found her true from much more useful thou. Moon Goddess-A charachter hero dreams abaut and is his obsession. Clare-Alice's sister, swordswoman, very useful. Karen-A princess, she becomes avaible after you finish the game for first time, uses sort of gun and trows stuff personally I don't like her. Caroll-Lina from Slayers anime, except her body is better, quite powerful. Ruby-Thief, uses throwing knifes and shurikens, average, can also summon useful golems. Marin-Cat-girl, uses pike and summons all sort of familiars. All charachters represent someone from anime, almost all of them are from Scrapped Princess, except Caroll whos from Slayers. II. The system is very simple. Fighting-left click on enemy or right click and hold(2 modes). Moving-left click on the spot. Missions-You get missions from Guild. Missions are important because they increase love-points with certain girls. At end of most missions you get a choice of answers and depending on your answer you get love points according to girls personality(for example most of girls will not agree if you take Dragon Egg, however you will gain love points with Caroll). A girl must be in active party for love points. Party-Only 4 people can be in party at a time, Hero and Shell(or later form) is a must, so it only leaves you with 2 girls at a game(Like you can gain love points with Marin and Alice for same question). Getting girls in and out of party depends on mission you choose. Events-You can get events with girls by staying at the inn and talking to girls(they will say where they will go), you need to be at different towns for different events, check below.If event does not heppend you don't have enauf love-points. Endings-To get a certain ending you must have all events and H-Event. Multi-Events-You can have multiple events with multiple girls with compatible answers after mission, however after having H-Event your stuck with that girl. H-Event-Final Level with certain girl. After 1 event stay at inn again for another H-Event. Alicia has in second H-event two choices, explore both ;). III. Dual with Codben-When you finish this go to libary and read all the books abaut Dark Lord. Aicent City-You will get a holy item and decurse Clare. The Aicent City and last dungeon near Misntrel will not be as Guild Mission. Lost Paradise-You have to complete the game and die once against Dark Lord.It has 100 levels, however by applying the patch you can buy matches(99) and then talk to zombie in Staff Room, he will open all the warp gates. Staff Room-After finishing the game you can then(in new game) go to Border and they will let you in. IV.Items Rings-Power Rings, Magic Rings, etc, increases attributes. Necklece-Increases attributes slightly. Seeds-Increases attributes permanently. Etc. Special Items-You gain special items for some girls(like Clare) with events after staying. V.Events Ending 0-Beat Loser Paradise -ALICE Souvenia Souvenia Souvenia Souvenia Estamine Minstrel Soleil Souvenia Souvenia -Shell*necesery for Clare* Souvenia Souvenia -Clare*after Aicent City* NOTE:After duel with Cordben go straight to Aicent City or you will not have enauf love-points with Clare. Soleil Souvenia Souvenia Estamine Minstrel -Caroll Souvenia Souvenia Minstrel Estamine Souvenia Soleil Souvenia Souvenia -Marin Estamine Souvenia Soleil Minstrel Estamine Estamine Estamine Estamine Estamine -Ruby Minstrel Minstrel Estamine Souvenia Soleil Minstrel Minstrel Minstrel Minstrel -Karen Estamine Soleil Minstrel Soleil Souvenia Minstrel Links: -NIRBO event guide, more specific and obvious more spoilers ;) -Patch Thanks: -Me -All the friends, you know who you are ;) VERY SPECIAL THANKS GOES TO NIRBO, I FOLLOWED YOUR GUIDE FOR GIRLS AND AS THAT IS THE CASE THE ABOVE EVENT SECTION IS ORIGINALY YOURS ;).