_________ __ _ _ __ ________ \__ ___/| \ / ||\ || \__ __/ | | | \ / || \ || | | | | | \ / || \|| | | |_| |_|___\/_|__||_|\\| |_| T O U R N A M E N T F I G H T E R S V E R S I O N N U M B E R 2.0 This FAQ will include a Move List, Character Stats, and Cheat Codes, among other things. Thanks a lot to Nintendo Power, for covering this game. It helped me a lot with this FAQ! Also thanks to Gamepro, for including the Cheat Codes! Special thanks to "Manley Campbell", CJayC and jacob.poon@utoronto.ca for finding the things that I missed. Contents Story Battle Screen Options Stats Special Moves List Codes The Bosses Read This! STORY The object in Tournament Mode is to beat everyone to earn more and more money. If you win the tournament, you could become the richest person in the world! The object in Story Mode is to fight various foes to free April and stop Karai. You can only choose one of the four turtles for this mode. The object of the Versus Mode is to beat the crap out of your friend. This mode is for two players. The Battle Screen It should look roughly like this (I love ASCII art!) __________________________ | (=======)99(=======) | Player 1 Life Bar | Timer | Player 2 Life Bar | -------- -------- | Player 1 Energy Bar | Player 2 Energy Bar | | | | | | | P1 P2 | Player 1 | Player 2 | | |________________________| Player 1 Side Player 2 Side The more times you hit your opponent, the more you build up energy. If you get the Energy Bar flashing, press Fierce Punch and Fierce Kick at the same time to do that character's Ultimate Attack. The Life Bar indicates how much more energy you have. If it gets reduced to nothing, you lose. The Option Screen Game Level: The difficulty of the game Control Pad: Adjust the controls here. I prefer: Fierce Punch: Y Normal Punch: X Fierce Kick: B Normal Kick: A Game Time: How long each round is. Choose from 30 Seconds, 60 Seconds, 90 Seconds, or Unlimited Time. Game Speed: Normal=Normal Speed. Hi-Speed 1 or 2 makes the game go faster. Credits: Continues if you lose. Choose from 1, 3 or 5. Music: Play the different Music selections in the game. Voice: Play the voices in the game. Sound: Choose from Stereo or Mono Sound. Exit: Get out of here! Tips and Tricks: Press away from your opponent to Block. This can be useful for taking less damage from Special or Ultimate attacks, or just dodge them altogether. If you block Ultimate Attacks, you still take some damage. Sorry, that's just the way it goes. Everyone has their own personal regular attacks. The way you do them is the same, but they are different for each fighter. Character Stats Graded on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being best. (S)peed (P)ower (D)efense (A)ttack (J)ump Leonardo: S=4 P=7 D=6 A=7 J=6 Leo is an all-around good fighter. Raphael: S=8 P=7 D=6 A=8 J=8 Another all-around good fighter. Donatello: S=5 P=7 D=7 A=7 J=7 Another all-around good fighter. Michaelangelo S=9 P=7 D=6 A=7 J=8 Let's face it, all the Turtles are all-around good fighters. Armaggon S=2 P=8 D=4 A=5 J=5 He's a good fighter, but he needs improvement on his speed! Wingnut S=5 P=5 D=6 A=6 J=5 He's average in everything! Chrome Dome S=6 P=8 D=5 A=8 J=7 He's also good in everything! Aska S=7 P=6 D=4 A=6 J=9 She's the best jumper, and she is pretty good in everything else! War S=1 P=9 D=3 A=4 J=6 He has lots of Power, but he's not very good in anything else. Cyber-Shredder S=10 P=8 D=6 A=9 J=9 The strongest fighter! He is extremely good in everything!! Special Moves List D=Down F=Forward B=Back D=Down U=Up DF=Down/Forward DB=Down/Back +=Push those two buttons at the same time. Note: The attack is always better if you use the Fierce attack, but you can use either. Leonardo: Shining Cutter: D,DF,F+Punch (projectile) Endless Screw: D,DB,B+Punch Roto Cutter: F,D,DF+Punch Back Flip: B,B Body Slam: D+Normal Punch (in air) Ultimate Attack: Millenial Wave. He shoots a bunch of energy blasts at opponent. Back away before using. Raphael Jamboree: B,DB,D,DF,F+Punch (projectile) Power Drill: Hold B,F+Punch Chest Buster: Hold B,F+Kick Back Flip: B,B Body Slam: D+Normal Punch (in air) Ultimate Attack: Flame Blast. He flies up in the air and shoots a bunch of fireballs at his opponent. Keep your distance so you can hit better. Donatello Ground Claw: D,DF,F+Punch (projectile) Bo Thrust: Rapidly tap Punch (can move forward or back with F or B) Headspin: Hold B,F+Fierce Kick (keep tapping Fierce Kick to keep spinning, press F or B to move forward or back) Back Flip: B,B Body Slam: D+Normal Punch (in air) Ultimate Attack: Dragon Spirit. Don summons a Dragon spirit to attack his opponent. This attack takes away about 1/2 of his opponent's life bar if they didn't block it. Stand across the screen before doing it. Impossible to miss. Michaelangelo Dynamite Bomber: Hold B, F+Punch (can hit more than once if close enough) Dragon Breath: B,DB,D,DF,F+Punch (projectile) Rising Thunder: Hold D,U+Punch (hits up to 3 times if Fierce Punch is used) Back Flip: B,B Body Slam: D+Normal Punch (in air) Ultimate Attack: Super Combo. Possibly the mpst powerful Ultimate Attack in the game, Mikey runs up to his opponent and uses every attack he knows on his opponent. Stay relatively close so your opponent can't escape. Armaggon: Aqua Shock: Hold B,F+Punch (projectile) Fin Slicer: Hold D,U+Punch Nose Dive: D+Fierce Punch (in air) Cheap Shot: Fierce Punch+Fierce Kick Slice and Bite (combo): Do a Fin Slicer, then go for a Grab-and-Bite attack by pressing Normal Punch. Ultimate Attack: Tsunami. This one isn't very good, but use it if you need to get out of a jam. He does a Fin Slicer while move starts. Stand close to score an extra hit. Wingnut Moonbuster: D,DF,F+Kick (in the air)(projectile) Power Dive: D+Kick (in air, only works if you jump straight up) Hover Attack: F or B+Both Punches (fly over to the other side to attack) Flying Punch: Both Punches Ultimate Attack: Mad Spectre. He sends out Sonic Waves to attack his opponent. Stay up close, since this one is a short-range attack. Chrome Dome Chrome Spark: D,DF,F+Punch (projectile) Electric Piledriver: D,U+Normal Punch+Normal Kick (only at close range) Diving Kick: D+Fierce Punch (in air) Double Punch/Kick (combo): Jump towards opponent and press Fierce Punch. When you are on the ground, press Down and Fierce Punch. Ultimate Attack: Self-Destruct. Chrome Dome blows himself up to injure his opponent. Then he comes back together after he blows up. Stay close to your opponent. Aska Spin Attack: D,DB,B+Kick (can score more than one hit if close enough) Spinning Uppercut: F,D,DF+Punch Butt Smash: F or B+Fierce Kick Spin/Kick (combo): Do a Spin Attack up close to get a multiple hit, then follow it up with a Fierce Kick. Ultimate Attack: Tornado Attack. She sends a tornado flying at her opponent. It works pretty well, and it can be used from any distance. Impossible to miss. War Turning Uppercut: Hold B,F+Punch Death from Above: D,U+Kick (normal goes back, fierce goes forward after hit) Head Butt: Both Punches Uppercut and throw (combo): Do a Turning Uppercut to knock then away. Then go up and press Fierce Punch to throw them into the corner. Now you can keep them in the corner and pound them to death! Ultimate Attack: Destructo-Ball. He turns into a ball of destructive enemrgy and bounces all over the screen. Stand anywhere to do this one. Cyber-Shredder Aura Crusher: Hold B,F+Punch (if you're close enough, you can get two hits) Aura Mirror: Normal Punch+Normal Kick (reflects attacks) Knee Crush: Hold B, Press Kick Kick and Crush (combo): Do a Knee Crush to knock your opponent down, then hit him with a kick when he stands up. Ultimate Attack: Lightning Crusher. Shredder surrounds himself with lightning and sends a blast of lightning at his opponent. Use it when your opponent is dizzy or they are jumping at you. Rat King Rat Bomber: D,U+Normal Punch (close up) Body Slam: Down+Punch (in air) Ultimate Attack: Shock Sphere. Surrounds himself in a big ball of lightning. Similar to C-Shredder's Ultimate Attack. Wait until they are jumping in or are very close. Karai Air Throw: Normal Punch+Normal Kick Hover Punch: Fierce Punch+Fierce Kick Wall Bounce: Normal Punch+Normal Kick (in air) Dash Punch: D,DB,B+Punch Dash Kick: D,DB,B+Kick ???: Down+Normal Punch (in air) Slide Punch: D+Punch (standing) DB+Punch (ducking) Slide Kick: D+Kick (standing) DB+Kick (ducking) Throw: Both Punches Slide Kick/Punch, Throw (combo): Use some Slide moves, then if the opponent is not knocked down yet, Karai will automatically throw them if close enough. Ultimate Attack: Dark Thunder. Surrounds herself with lightning. Very similar to Cyber Shredder and Rat King's Ultimate Attacks. Stay close. CODES! Speed UP! At the title screen, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A on controller 2. You will hear Aska if you did it right. Now go to the options and you will be able to turn the speed up to Hi-Speed 3! Fight as Karai or Rat King At the the title screen, press X,Up,Y,Left,B,Down,A,Right,X,Up on controller two. You will hear Aska's voice if you did it right. On the VS Battle Select Screen, press Right on controller one to play as a boss. Ten Credits At the title screen, press B,B,B,A,A,A,X,X,X,X,X,X. Now go to the Options Screen and choose TEN CREDITS! Boss Backgrounds To play at Studio 6 (where Rat King is) or the Metro Train (where Karai hangs out) Press L,R,L,R,L,R,A on controller two. Now you can choose these levels on the VS mode Arena Select. Change Colors At the VS Mode Select Screen, have the other player move to the character you want to choose. Move to the same character and choose. Have the other character take the cursor off and you will still remain in those colors! Ultimate Attacks in Story Mode At the Title Screen, press U,L,D,R,X,Y,B,A,X,Y,B,A,X on Controller two. Config Controls/ Handicap Press Select on the Select screen to configure your controls and set a handicap. The higher the number, the less damage that person takes. How to win at the bonus round It's very easy if you are Donatello. Just keep using the Bo Thrust. But watch out after you destroy the three safes, cuz the top one will fall. Break open all the safes and you win a whopping 10,000 points! The Bosses Rat King: He hangs out at Studio 6. If you play at level 0-2, he will be the last guy. If you play any higher, Karai will be the last guy. Karai: The main boss. She is very, very powerful and hangs out at the Metro Train. Read This! If you think I should include anything else in this FAQ, E-Mail me. My address is brunerp@juno.com