Misty and the Rodeo: all you have to do is hold o and then press left for the rodeo. To do a misty, you have to hold o and press right. To do a front flip, you have to hold o and press forward. To a backflip, hold o and press back. To do a 180, 360, and so on, hold x before you get to the bump or ramp and release (when you do this it lets you have a little bit more height, it also works with all the moves) then hold or tap L2 and R2. You should keep on spinning. I also have to admit that your site is awesome. Your typing is a little bad but it still is the best gamming site I have ever been to. From 1-10, I give this site a definite 10. Thanks a lot, you've really helped me with all of my games. Submission: mike ortiz [gex2000@mediaone.net] Cheats: Go to one player, click on new tournament. Type your name as WONITALL (it means like I won it all), this unlocks all courses, make sure you leave the last few spots blank. You can also type in OPEN_EM, make sure you leave that spot open between the words. You can also type in BIGHEADS, and make sure you leave the last few spots blank ok. To activate big heads, press start while in the game. Once you've activated the code, press x. You can press triangle to go back and keep on doing more codes. After each code, you should hear somebody say something ok. That's it. Submission: mike ortiz [gex2000@mediaone.net] Special: when your at the select splitscreen or single player mode press R1 R2 L1 L2 all at the same time and see what happens. Submission: Matthew Leach [leachjd@pacbell.net] Misty Flip and Rodeo Flip: After you jump push circle and left on the d-pad to do the misty and to do the roedo u push right on the d-pad and the circle button. Submission: Joe Hertz [glassii@cvn.net] wonitall - allows all tracks to be given open em- gives more guys and new boards bigheads- gives big heads to excess these codes u have to type them in at the tournment game Submission: UNC222@aol.com All tracks: Select tournament mode and enter WONITALL as a name. Submission: Al Amaloo (vgstrategies.miningco.com) and FishingD. All boarders: Select tournament mode and enter OPEN_EM as a name. Note "_" indicates a space. Submission: Al Amaloo (vgstrategies.miningco.com) and FishingD. Big head mode: Select tournament mode and enter BIGHEADS as a name. Press R2 to increase or L2 to decrease head size. Submission: Al Amaloo (vgstrategies.miningco.com) and FishingD. Director's cut: Select tournament mode and enter SHOWPOS as a name. Submission: Al Amaloo (vgstrategies.miningco.com) and FishingD. View game programming date: Press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 at the menu with one player/multi-player split screen options. Submission: Al Amaloo (vgstrategies.miningco.com) and FishingD. Control replay: Hold Left during a replay to switch to slow motion or hold Down to pause. Submission: Al Amaloo (vgstrategies.miningco.com) and FishingD.