Canary -Kono omoi wo uta ni nosete- Concise Guide (Version 0.5) Current Update: Wednesday, 1 August 2001 Previous Update: Saturday, 28 July 2001 Created: Saturday, 28 July 2001 By Don "Gamera" Chan ( Caution: This FAQ is based on the Windows version of Canary -Kono omoi wo uta ni nosete-. The two most visible difference between the Windows version and the Dreamcast version are: First, the Windows version (developed by FrontWing) contains pornography, and the Dreamcast version (co-developed by NEC Interchannel) doesn't. Second, the Dreamcast version has an extra heroine, Hoshino Mai. This means the Dreamcast version has more CG, events, and endings. FYI, I don't have a Dreamcast. 1. Acknowledgement 2. Nutrition Information 2.1 1st Impression 3. Solution 3.1 Saeki Ayana 4. Links Disclaimer: I send the newest version of this file to only three Websites: - - - http://DLH.Net/ If you downloaded or read this file at other Websites, the SysOps of the other Websites probably leeched it from one of the above Websites. Dementi: J'ai envoye la plus recente version de ce fichier a seulement trois sites webs. - - - http://DLH.Net/ Si vous avez telecharge ou lu ce fichier a partir d'autres sites, les responsables de ces sites l'auront probablement pompe a partir de l'un des sites ci-dessus. "Setsunasa!" (*1) 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thanks to these sierra hotel persons/organisations: - Jean-Luc Barbera of France, for the French translation of the Disclaimer. (After all, Canada's official languages are English and French.) 2. NUTRITION INFORMATION (Introduction) Title: Canary -Kono omoi wo uta ni nosete- (KANARIA -Kono omoi wo uta ni nosete-) Genre: Renai adventure Rating: Adult (Windows), non-adult (Dreamcast) OS: Windows 95J/98J, Dreamcast Maker: FrontWing NEC Interchannel On Sale: 4 August 2000 (Windows), 23 August 2001 (Dreamcast) 2.1 1ST IMPRESSION This Ecchi game is on two CD-ROMs. The first CD installs the game. The second CD runs the game. The game doesn't allow the player to choose the install size. After installation, the game occupies about 579 MB. The game resolution is typically 640x480. The game has an OP movie (76 MB) with an OP song. At first glance, IMO the chara designs look a bit like Soreyuke! Uchuu Senkan Yamamoto Youko, because of the colour (green) and shape of the main heroine's eyes, the space between her eyes, and her tiny nose. But then many other recent Windows games also have this AIC style of chara design. A friend said the Canary chara designs look like Gainax. The main menu has a Music Mode and a CG Mode. In Music Mode, the player can play 32 tracks of BGMs and songs. Reportedly, each heroine has a different ending song. In CG Mode, the player can view 89 CG, AFTER the player has seen those CG during the game. Each heroine has six to 20 CG. The game has 10 save game slots. When the player starts a new game, the game asks for the protagonist's family name and personal name in kanji and furigana. The protagonist's default name is Hazumi Youhei. (Again, I lazily input "Shinjou Hayato" in kanji and katakana, named after the lucky Sotsugyou Crossworld protagonist.) *SPOILER ALERT* The player can load or save at almost anytime, but can't load or save at a multiple choice node. Worse, some multiple choice nodes have a time limit, as in Sakura Taisen. The player can load or save at the message just before a multiple choice node. If the player doesn't choose an answer before the time limit ends, the game advances with one of the answers pre-chosen by the game programmers. The game is practically full voice. The heroines have voices. The protagonist haven't. The other male chara also have voices. The Canary drama CDs and Canary for Dreamcast reportedly (according to SION han, who runs MannaKAHO Kurabu, a Mannaka Yukiko fan page) have the same cast of seiyuu (voice actors). (I'm not certain the Windows version and the Dreamcast version have the same seiyuu, but I don't think they have the same seiyuu.) The game begins on Monday, 20 May. (Incidentally, 20 May 2001 was a Monday, but 20 May 2000 was a Saturday.) The protagonist Hazumi Youhei is a High Two student, or second-last year of high school in North American terms. Youhei, his sister, and his parents have just moved from Tokyo to Kotohira, a rural town in Kagawa Prefecture in Shikoku. They and the heroines of the game are all musicians. For instance, Youhei plays the guitar. (I'll briefly describe the heroines later.) FYI, Kotohirachou is a real town in Kagawa Prefecture in Shikoku, and is famous for the Konpiraguu, a Shintou shrine. (Back in Sentimental Graffiti 1, I wasn't and isn't a Sugihara Manami fan, so I don't know much about Kagawa Prefecture.) After the first few days (game time), the player can choose a spot in Kotohira for Youhei to go. The Kotohira in Canary is understandably and slightly different from the real Kotohira. The spots in the Kotohira in Canary are: - Kotohira Shoutengai, the shopping street in downtown Kotohira where the idol Megumi "lives". - Shinjou Gakki, the music instrument shop where Youhei's cousin Chiaki lives. - Kotohira Gakuen, Youhei's high school. - Irorian, an udonya or noodle restaurant where Youhei's classmate Mika lives. - Jitaku, where Youhei and his sister Eri live. - Tera, a Buddhist temple where Youhei's classmate Ryouta lives. 3. SOLUTION (Note: This section is incomplete and under construction.) The abbreviations used in this section: * The multiple choice node has a time limit. 1-2 On a certain game day, at the first (1) multiple choice node, I chose the second (2) answer. The answer reveals one of the specified heroine's CG in the CG Mode. Actually, I'm considering re-writing the below solution(s) in chart form without using Excel, so it's easier for the player to simultaneously aim for multiple heroines. I don't think the Windows version and Dreamcast version of this game have the same seiyuu, but based on the Dreamcast version seiyuu, I'm tending towards the two heroines Saeki Ayana and Chigasaki Megumi. Ayana and Megumi's seiyuu are respectively Mannaka Yukiko (former SG Girl) and Yukino Satsuki. 3.1 SAEKI AYANA MAY 20 * Wakatta, nani ga hoshinda? (If the player Time Over this node, Youhei unpacks his belongings by himself.) RONGU [long] no shoujo ni... * Onegai shimasu. (If the player Time Over this node, Chiaki telephones Jun for Youhei anyway.) MAY 21 MAY 22 * ... DASA (If the player Time Over this node, Mika abuses Youhei anyway.) * Shikata nai na, tsurete itte yaru ka. (If the player Time Over this node, Youhei takes Eri to the welcome party anyway.) MAY 23 Ganbarimasu. MAY 24 Sore ga zenzen... MAY 27 Ayana wo sasotte kaeru. MAY 28 (The player can now choose a spot in Kotohira for Youhei to go.) Kotohira Shoutengai. * Sankousho wo toru. (If the player Time Over this node, Youhei takes an adult magazine. If the player Time Over the second node, the protagonist keeps reading the magazine. In the Dreamcast version, Ayana's skirt completely covers her underwear.) MAY 29 (Eri's wake up call has a cat (nekomimi) version and a maid version.) Kotohira Gakuen. (If you're aiming for Chiaki, go to Shinjou Gakki. If you're aiming for Megumi, go to Kotohira Shoutengai.) Yamu made matsu to suru ka. (If Youhei really, really wants to go home before the rain stops, Youhei has to choose that answer several times before the game allows him to go home.) Koutei. Rouka. Bushitsu. Koutei. (The objective is to wander in the school until Youhei automatically returns to the bushitsu (club room).) (The results of the three choices are the same: Mika abuses Youhei. If Youhei chooses the first answer, Mika's CG stays on-screen. If Youhei chooses the second answer, the screen becomes black. If Youhei chooses the third answer, Mika's CG stays on-screen, but the event quickly ends.) MAY 30 (Whether Youhei goes to Kotohira Gakuen or Kotohira Shoutengai, he meets Ayana. I chose the shopping street.) Kotohira Shoutengai. MAY 31 (If Youhei goes home, the game reveals one of Eri's CG (panchira). If Youhei goes to Kotohira Gakuen, he meets Ayana. I chose Kotohira Shoutengai, so that Youhei meets Megumi. If he goes to Kotohira Shoutengai and doesn't meet Megumi, and you want him to meet Megumi, reload.) Kotohira Shoutengai. Na, nan no you desu ka? (If Youhei chooses "NA, NANPA desu ka?", Megumi seriously abuses him with her Megumi Quiz anyway.) JUNE 1 1-1. Hikigatari shiteru onna ni yarareta. * 2-1. Suki wo mite osoikakaru. (Youhei and Ryouta street-fight with Megumi.) JUNE 2 1-3. Mazui. JUNE 4 Kotohira Shoutengai. 4. LINKS (I'll sort the Canary links I've collected before I post them.) - Selios' Lairs, by Jean-Luc Barbera of France. "Selios' Lairs is primary a fan site on different things I enjoy a lot, some of which are not well known outside Japan or by rare fans worldwide. "Les Antres de Selios sont avant tout un site de fan sur differentes choses que j'apprecie beaucoup, dont certaines sont tres meconnues en dehors du Japon hormis de rares fans de part le monde." __ Don "Tsuru Hiromi Inochi" Chan (aho) *1 "Sakuretsu!"