S O L U T I O N MISSION 1: Arkangelsk, PART: 1 (Dam) ==================================== Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Neutralize all alarms: hard 2.Install covert modem: medium, hard 3.Intercept data backup: hard 4.Bungee jump from platform: easy, medium, hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- pp7, KF7 Soviet, Sniper Rifle, DD44, covert modem. Around the first corner, you'll see a soldier on your left. Your default weapon here is the silencer, aka the pp7 (silenced); use it to shoot him in the head. Grab his weapon, the KF7 Soviet, an loud automatic rifle. Now directly in front of you is a guard tower with a few men around it and in it. Tag them all. Head to the tower, but go around the left side (not the right side), or you will notify soldiers in the tunnel on the right. At the top is the Sniper Rifle. Look through it, press R, and adjust the zoom lens with the top C button. In the tunnel are two guards. Pick them off. Head into the tunnel. After taking the tunnel just past the bend you'll want to move to the right to protect yourself. In the distance you'll see about two close soldiers, peg them and then zoom in to nail the two guys in the bunker. You'll notice a tower on your right (sometimes there's a guard in it) and a large stack of crates on your left (behind it hides a guard). In the easy level there is body armor in the tower. Grab it. To collect more ammunition, blow up the wooden crates near the bunker. Shoot only the wooden boxes. Watch for barrels with skulls and cross bones, which will blow up and hurt you. The green truck is waiting at the far end. To its right is a red switch, so you need to press B to it. After it is another switch, press it. A tower is on your right with at least two guards near it. Make sure to hit them, but be sure to quickly zoom in the soldiers in the far distance, the ones nearest the alarm. Now dispose of the red alarm on the barrack wall (it looks like a button), and then back up to the red garage door. Open it and be careful of hiding guards as you move inside (there should be at most three). Exit the compound and move onto the next bunker. A set of crates appear just behind the bunker. Blow up the one closest to it, and you'll see a monitor. Attach your covert modem to it (in medium and hard). Head to the fence, shoot at the lock, and press B to push the gates open. In the distance you'll see three guard towers. Zoom in and pick off these tower guards with the lovely sniper rifle. There's one guard in each tower. I think it's best to eliminate each guard at each tower, then destroy each alarm, systematically. There is one alarm located in each tower, so just walk through the door and you'll see each one on the wall. You can access this downstairs region by going down a ladder near each guard tower door. But the best way is to go to the farthest tower (farthest from your starting point). Enter the tower, walk down the stairs, open the gate, and head left. The upcoming corridor is loaded with guys, so use the leaning technique and your Sniper Rifle. When you've reached the end of the tunnel, open the door and prepare for serious battle, i.e. take a few steps back. Use the KF7 Soviet for massive attack, making sure not blow up the mainframe in the back at the left. Approach the mainframe and press B to intercept data backup, and you're almost done. Go back the way you came, and head toward the second guard tower, where, across from it, there is a set of stairs. Walk up and jump off the dam. Mission complete. MISSION 1: Arkangelsk, PART: 2 (Facility) ========================================= Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Gain entry to laboratory area: easy 2.Contact double agent: easy,medium, hard 3.Rendezvous with 006: easy, medium, hard 4.Destroy all tanks in bottling room: easy, medium, hard 5.Minimize scientist casualties: easy, medium, hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- pp7, KF7 Soviet, door decoder, keys, mines, mine activators, grenades. Head down the air shaft to the bathrooms, where you'll see the head of a sergeant. There are three other soldiers in this room. Kill them with your PP7, other soldiers will hear and swarm the bathroom. Leave the bathroom, but don't go downstairs. On that floor open up the door and at the bottom of the stairs is one guy. Kill him, and then open the door near to where he was standing. Open it, take a few steps, turn left and you'll be behind a guard with Keycard B, which will permit you into an important security room. Across from the stairs is a security door, open it and press B to activate the computer in front of you. There should be three guards in there, and now you should switch to your KF7. Make sure not to blow up the computer. This keycard will open up a timed security door down the hall and to the left. Be quick because there's yet a third door to run through and it closes fast. Leave that room, turn left, run down the hall, pick up the armor to your left, keep running, take your first left, and open the door on your left. Then turn right, and pass through that door and stop. To your left in a locker room are two guards, it's not necessary to kill them, but it's fun. Now open the next door, behind which at least three soldiers are waiting with rifles in hand. Open it, step back a few feet and wait for them to enter. They line up so the killing is easy. Go in and check the left and right rooms, where Dr. Doak, the double agent scientist, will hand you a door decoder for later use. He may not be there (he's got a light brown hair and a beard and he walks slow, without putting his hands up) -- if he's not there, you'll see him near the bottling facilities upstairs. Leave those two bottling rooms and continue on through the next door. In front of you is the room with the two security switches, and hallways on either side. Pull out your PP7; pick off the security guard to your left and right. Now, enter and go toward the room in front of you. The room is filled with four guards, so switch to your KF7, but don't throw a mine in there. Go to the left and right and pick off the guards. Almost guaranteed, you'll invite others. After dusting those stray guards, and facing the door, hit the console on the right with the flashing button, press B , and now run because the doors are timed. Of course, you'll have to bust out through about five guys, so reload your KF7 and then blow the guards away. If you make it through the security door, go up the stairs, dust the three to four guards and enter the bottling rooms, one by one, to find Dr. Doak, if you haven't already found him. He walks around, and may actually walk toward you if he's near. Talk to him, wait until you get the decoder key, and then get ready to run. Have your KF7 loaded and ready. Now run down the only other hallway. Killing about three guys should set you free for a few seconds. Now, you can use the door decoder. You'll see two doors, the one on the right is your door. In easy mode, you simply approach it, but in medium and hard you must switch to the key and wait. Once you're through it, switch to the mines. Go down the stairs, approach 006 so that a conversation begins and as soon as it starts lay one mine on each of the five giant vats. Across the room from the staircase you descended, there is a door -- it's your escape route. Now there are only two things that need be done. One, make sure that 006 is about 5-10 feet away from the tanks (so that when you blow them up he doesn't die). Two, blow up the ALL of the vats. As soon they're toast, just walk out that door. If you stick around to see what happens, guards will come by the bucketload hooting and a'hollering and gas will flood the room. Make it out alive, and your mission is accomplished. MISSION 1: Arkangelsk, PART: 3 (Runway) ======================================= Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Find plane ignition key: easy, medium, hard 2.Destroy missile battery: medium, hard 3.Escape in plane: easy, medium, hard 4.Destroy heavy gun emplacements: hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- pp7, KF7 Soviet, timed mines, detonator, grenades, Klobb, ignition key. Addendum Tank alert! There is a tank, which we neglected to mention in our early version of the strategy. It–s also noticeable in the cut-scenes when the game has just started. It–s excellent help when trying to finish off the 00 Agent level. We found it was best to use after we got ahold of the ignition key in the bunker. We suggest then getting into the tank and taking out all of the auto guns first, while trying to kill off men second. It–s practically required in the 00 Agent level, but not in the Agent or Secret Agent level. Immediately behind you is a large crate of grenades. Grab the box. A guard is in a nearby room. Kill him and pick up the crate of mines. Head out into the snow by sliding through the snow chute at the far left end of the hallway. One guard is watching the area. Kill him and grab his KF7 Soviet. To acquire the plane key, walk left and enter the shed. Grab another crate of grenades just outside the door. After entering, turn right and two guards guard the plane key. Kill them, walk behind the table and pick it up. This level is unusual because all of the enemies is far away from you and yet there isn't a Sniper Rifle to be found (as far as we know). Stick to the left side of the runway, which is the side you're already on once you walk out of the shed. A soldier is guarding something obscure, and a pair of barrels are near him. Aim at a barrel just for fun, he'll die in the explosion. Run past him, shooting the next few guards, who are practically lining up, until you reach a nook in the wall. Hide here for a few seconds and switch your ammo to land minds. Across from you, in the distance, is a soldier or three, but your focus here is the missile battery nearest you. Throw a few mines at the machine gun battery, and run back to the crevice. They'll take out the gun and a guard. Now run back to the nook in the wall. Across the field is a single guard. Zoom in and dust him. By this time, about three to four soldiers are just about to greet you. Kill the closest soldiers first, then back up and wait. More will arrive. Use the leaning technique if you want. They come in waves. Dust the first and second waves and grab their guns. You'll pick up a Klobb, and you should switch to it. If you simply stay in that nook, the guards will never stop coming. You're next target is the missile battery across the runway, nearest the plane, so to get there you'll eventually have to stop killing them. It's hard to stop, isn't it? Eliminate a wave of them and then run. The best way to run is to strafe and run at the same time. It works. Head to the battery where you'll dispose of two guards. Switch to your mines. Throw a mine or two onto the battery itself, not the structure on which it rests. From far in the distance another machine gun battery is nicking you, and it's annoying, so in the medium level, run to the plane and touch it. In the hard difficulty, you need to blow them up. Use your mines, but be fast and stay out of its reach. Even better, use the mines. By the time you reach the plane, the second battery should blow. Check to see mission B completed. That should be the mission, in a nutshell. MISSION 2: Severnaya, PART: 1 (Surface) ======================================= Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Power down communications dish: easy, medium, hard 2.Obtain safe key: medium, hard 3.Steal building plans: medium, hard 4.Enter base via ventilation tower: easy, medium, hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- Silenced PP7, KF7 Soviet, Sniper Rifle, Klobb, grenade launcher, safe key, hut key, grenades. Unlike the easy mission, fewer soldiers chase you, but they're better at aiming their weapons. Follow the road to a crossing that splits to a small house on the left and right. Two guards shoot at you on the right. Kill them and grab the booty inside. Skip the left house for now. Continue on down the road, keeping the big satellite dish in sight. You have to power it down anyway, so use it to guide you when disoriented. Along your path is an observation tower, which has nothing in it. Skip it. When you're at the satellite dish, take a right. Along the way, you should pick up the Klobb, a fast-shooting, automatic machine gun. It's excellent, albeit loud. A small guard construct and two houses appear. Ignore the metal girded construct and the first house and head to the other slightly farther house, the one at the end of the road. You'll find the hut door key, grenade launcher, and more grenade ammo. A beige-suite military official has the key. Kill him off. Now, remember that hut at the beginning of your journey we told you to skip? The military officer you just killed gave you the key to it. Run back to that first hut, ignoring soldiers. Just run and occasionally strafe to avoid gunfire. Unlock the hut door, grab the safe key. Objective B completed. Now head back to the main road, and be sure to reload because they will be some a few out-of-breathe guys wanting to kill you. Head straight to the main satellite, ignoring any distractions. Enter the facility and run up the stairs. In easy mode, you simply walk in and open the door, ascend the stairs to the door, and press B to power down the satellite. In medium and hard you have to unlock it with the key, and power it down. Just don't shoot the computer, which will sound the alarm. Run down the stairs. Two more objectives to go (in medium and hard). You must obtain the map, in the very dangerous bunker compound, and find the ventilation shaft. Turn left once you leave the satellite area. Follow the path to the compound. There are many houses; enter the first house on the left to unlock the safe, grab the map, and head out. If you want to get rid of some guys, use your grenade launcher, aiming at the barrels. That'll get them for sure. Still, the best idea is to run, because there are too many guys around. Where was that ventilation shaft again? If you're at the enemy bunker where you found the map, with the gate to your back, look to your right. There is a narrow road to the left of the satellite dish (off the main road) that leads to the shaft. Pass the satellite, follow the path, and then stay to your left. You'll see in about four seconds. Climb up to the top of the shaft, pull out your silenced PP7, and then blow off the four locks with two shots per lock. The grate will drop out of sight, and then you're home free. MISSION 2: Severnaya, PART: 2 (Bunker) ====================================== Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Disrupt all surveillance equipment: medium, hard 2.Copy Goldeneye key and leave original: easy, medium, hard 3.Photograph main video screen: easy, medium, hard 4.Get personnel to activate computer: hard 5.Download data from computer: hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- Silenced PP7, DD44 (.44 magnum), Klobb, KF7 Soviet, grenade, camera, key analyzer, data thief, security card, computer room keycard, Phantom, and Klobb. Open the door in front of you and quickly kill both guards. If you're slow, they'll hit sound the alarm. Pick up their stuff, KF7 Soviets, and use the PP7 again to knock out the red alarm on the wall. Turn around and head to the room from where you started. There's another door there, and behind it is a generator and a surveillance camera, quickly open the door and blast it to pieces (you can nail it with one shot if you're good). No alarm means you've succeeded. Go back to the second room you were in. You'll see a guard passing. Reload the PP7 and take him out with one shot to the head. He's got a security keycard. If he doesn't, another guard in the near vicinity will. Knock out the camera outside and to the right. With the room you just departed behind you, turn right. You'll reach a room that's also part cave. Three men will guard it. Kill them and eliminate up the camera. Use your PP7 for quite death and few enemies, or your KF7 for more enemies, plus better enemies as well, like the Klobb and DD44s. On your left is a hallway that leads to a staircase. That staircase leads to the main room with Boris, the key you need to copy, and a map of the world, of which you'll need to take a photograph. But you can't go in yet, there are simply too many armed men in it. Leave that cave when the coast is clear. You'll find very close to you a gray door that leads to another gray door inside it. Go inside the first door, but not the second. Look through the window. There are three men, and a mainframe. Don't use any grenades, and make sure not to blow up the mainframe. In the difficult level you'll have to bring Boris up here and turn on the computer. Two men are to your right and one to your left. Open the door and spray them with bullets. Collect their weapons and head to the main room. At this point, you should have eliminated everyone in the hallways and other rooms, except for the main one. Round the corner to your left and slowly use your silenced PP7. A few guards should be in various places around the room. One's directly to your left, another straight across from you - now's a good time to switch to the Phantom. To your right is a staircase, so run up it and kill off the three enemies in it. The room you're in is a split floor and across from it is a similar one across the large main floor. Two men are in it. Run over there and blow out the camera. That should complete objective A. This should all be done quickly, so that Boris doesn't run away. Initiate conversation with him for the hard level of difficulty. He'll lead you to the mainframe room. Now, while you're in the main room, you'll see a giant world map. While you're following the ever-so-slow Boris, switch to your camera and take a shot of the map, completing objective C. Let him type in "knockers," and then switch to your data thief. Press Z to enact it, and wait until it's completed. Boris will have turned on the alarm, so prepare to face dudes with DD44s. Now run back to the computer in the main room where you found Boris. Pick up the key and switch to your key analyzer. Copy the key by pressing the Z button and your primary objectives are now complete. There is one door to the right of the world map. Enter this door which leads to a staircase where at least two guards are standing at the top. Use your C button to aim high. That's it, spy guy. MISSION 3: Kirghizstan, PART: 1 (Silo) ====================================== Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Photograph satellite: easy, medium, hard 2.Obtain telemetric data: medium, hard 3.Retrieve satellite circuitry: medium, hard 4.Minimize scientist casualties: easy, medium, hard 5.Plant bombs in fuel rooms: hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- PP7 silenced, plastique, camera, KF7 Soviet. In the easy section, there is no time limit, but in the medium and hard difficulty levels, the whole mission is timed and a clock at the bottom of your screen delivers the time. You have 7:30 minutes (in medium, and 8:30 in hard) to meet all of your required objectives. That means a lot running and killing, baby. Also, in every room there is a green card, i.e. the satellite circuitry, and important telemetric data which you'll need to recover. The satellite circuitry lies around on tables, and is pretty easy to spot, while the telemetric card is harder to find. Security cards are in the hands of the scientists. If you run and scare them, they'll drop the cards, otherwise the cards are in their hands. Usually the guy in the deepest corner has it. Again, in the easy level, you just need to make it out, keeping a few scientists (and yours truly) alive. But in the hard level, you'll have beat the time limit, collect all the circuitry, take a picture of the satellite, and blow up the fuel rooms. Like the instructions say, concentrate on rooms H4, C3, K2, and A1. In the middle rooms there are two body armor vests, so keep an eye out for them. Go to the first room and kill off about three soldiers guarding it. They will be in range and if you're kill them fast enough, and no scientists should get in the way. Pick up the required cards (two green data ones resting sitting on a table on the left) and the security card on the floor. After the first room you'll come to a split in the hallway, take a right, and pass along a side bridge, by the rocket. At least two men stand behind the door that leads from the bridge to the hallway, so when you open the door, shoot fast, strafe right. Then strafe left in front of the doorway and finish the other guys off. At the end of the hallway that turns left, there are a few barrels. A few soldiers may also appear. Instead of shooting them, shoot at the two explosive barrels in the corner, if done right, all of the nearest barrels will blow. Give yourself a lot of room, like stay at the bottom of the stairs. Approach the corner of the wall without revealing yourself. Lean out and shoot about three or four guys in the distance. Be wary of grenades. Take out one soldier at a time. There are more barrels just around that corner, so if the barrel explosion you caused didn't set them off, make sure the enemy fire doesn't either. You're now ready for room two, containing at least three soldiers who hide behind the door on the right. Another will be in your sight as soon as the door is open. One green data card lies on a computer card just on the other side of the door, so grab it. Grab the security card on the floor as well. As many as three more guards may enter the room, so watch out. Go up the stairs and out. Another split in the hall appears before you, and you should strafe to the left side of the hallway and kill the guy on the right without exposing yourself to the intersection. Now turn left, press R and Right C, and lean to see a soldier ducking behind a crate. Now turn and go to the right where you'll open a door to a bridge with a load of soldiers on it. More appear on the other side of the door. Strafe and shoot, strafe and shoot. After that, enter the room, follow the corridor that leads up a short set of stairs and then lead to the third room where more soldiers will meet you at the top of the stairs. Don't forget to wave. The third room. No soldiers will appear initially. Enter and head right to the bald scientist in the corner. He will have a DAT card, which will complete objective B. Great, now turn around. Go to the far side of the tall computer just next to the door. Another bald scientist is there, so you'll need to grab the security card from him. Objective C has now been completed. You should have no less than 1:40 on your clock if you're half way decent. Three guards will stand in your way as you pass through a T shaped split in the corridor. Turn right, and get ready. After the third room, turn right and kill the few soldiers on the bridge. After that, a clan of gunmen are ducking, hiding, and shooting. Follow suit. Crouch down and wait until there is no gunfire, and then stand up and shoot. Kill the first guy on the left and hide behind that crate. Then duck and shoot a few times quickly, before they start tossing grenades. Room four has the satellite. It's easy to spot because of the blue side paneling; switch to your camera and take a picture. All objectives are met for easy and medium. Walk up the stairs and prepare for another battle. There are no less than a dozen men, plus Ourumov, who has a brief case behind them all. While it's relatively easy to kill off the soldiers, Ourumov will shoot and not miss until you run toward him. And you're gonna take a few hits, so hopefully you've acquired those vests. Half way through the tunnel he'll run. You're on a time limit, so rush at him as soon as you kill all of the soldiers. Chase carefully after him, but slow down before you turn the corner left in the final T-shaped hallway. At least three guardsmen are there. Strafe right and left to avoid their shots. Turn left, go out the door that leads to a bridge, and then to another door. Enter it and pass through a hallway with an oval shaped room. A guard will stand at each side. Shoot one, then the other. More should appear. Go right into the next room and kill the few guards that are in the middle of a giant computer circle. Plant the plastique, ascend the three stairs, and turn left past the room you entered. Don't forget to run like a crazy fiend. Take a right to an elevator, and that's the ball game, spy guy. MISSION 4: Monte Carlo, PART: 1 (Frigate) ========================================= Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Rescue hostages:easy, medium, hard 2.Disarm bridge bomb: medium hard 3.Disarm engine room bomb: medium, hard 4.Plant tracking bug on helicopter: easy, medium, hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- bomb defuser, tracking bug, D5K (silenced), Phantom, PP7, KF7 Soviet. You begin the level by quietly docking at the frigate via a small motorboat. Walk up to the man deck using a lone stair case. Turn left once you're at the main deck, and make your way to the second staircase you see. Walk up the stairs, open the door. Go the hallway's end, where there's a door in front of you and one to the right. Enter the door on the right and take out the guard holding a hostage. Kill the guard closest to the hostage first, because he's most likely to kill the hostage. There should only be two guards in that room; after you kill them, go to the only other door in that room. A second hostage is there, so aim and drop his captors, being careful not to blow up the amazingly sensitive equipment. Leave that room, walking right along the hallway. Walk down the set of stairs, then take a right. The first room on the right holds a gunman on the far right side. Take him out (duh). Retrace your steps out of that room. Continue through the hallway to a set of stairS next to another turn in the hallway. This is kind of cool: shoot the guard at the bottom of the stairs first; the other guard won't even notice all the racket, and then kill the deaf guy at the top of the stairs, collect his gun, and descend the stairs. Now do a 180 degree turn, walk a few short steps, and enter the room on the right: It's the engine room. There are a handful of guards in it, about four to five. Shoot the ones all on top of the walk, descend the stairs and at the bottom and at the far side of the room, you can see a hostage standing, looking as if he were being held at gunpoint. Funny that, he is. Walk carefully toward him and, after clearing ventilation shaft on the left, you'll see the assassin. Make sure to add extra lead, when you kill him. Be stealthy, or the assassin will kill the hostage (this goes for any of the hostage situations). If you turn 45 degrees to your right another guard is standing there waiting to kill you. Turn around, and... (that's right) kill him. One more should be floating around down there, so remember to kill him dead too. Now, you're on your way to disarming the computer. Ascend the stairs and look across the room. If there is another guard there (and there may be), well...kill him! You should see a computer monitor against the wall. Before approaching it, check to make sure no once will shoot you, and then switch to the bomb defuser located via your handy watch. Diffuse the bomb by pressing B. There's only one hotwired computer left. It's upstairs. Leave the engine room via the door you're closest to. Follow the hallway, passing a staircase, to a door leading to a control room with a hostage in it. Kill the aggressor. Beyond this room is a hallway with yet another hostage. Dispatch of this bad man and take his nice gun. Retrace your steps, and ascend the stairs you found outside the machine room. Retrace your steps all the way back to the very beginning, where you first entered into the ship. The hallway is the first one entered. When you enter into the hallway, a door across the ship will catch your eye. Go toward it and prepare to save one last hostage. Before you enter, you may be carrying a gun in each hand. Switch to one, whichever you feel comfortable with, but remember there are at least three guards in that room, and more who will enter when they hear your shots. Load you gun if it hasn't been reloaded. Make a special note to yourself that the assassin and the hostage will be in the center of the room. To the right, just out of site are at least three others. Shift to the left side of the door before you open it to get a much better angle on the assassin. Enter, shoot the guy nearest the assassin, then kill the other three or four. Remember not to kill the hostage who may get in your way once he's freed. Once everyone is dead, reload. Look for the control console with a little bomb on top of it. Diffuse the bomb. This will complete an objective in the medium and hard levels. You now need to find and place the tracker on the helicopter. Back up against the computer consoles. Look across the room: from left to right on the opposite wall, there are four doors. Take the door second from the left. Go straight through two doors, take a left, a right, and then continue on through the hallway, passing though two more sets of hallways. You should be able to hear the helicopter. The last door in that hallway leads to the copter. Go down the stairs, approach the copter, switch to the Tracker bug, and press Z. Now you just have to find a way out. Walk around the copter to other side of the ship where you'll see a long staircase, walk up it, through two doorways, and then descend a staircase. You'll be outside on the deck again, but on the correct side. Stroll forward to the giant missile, look across the deck, and eye a the narrow staircase descending to your motorboat. MISSION 5: Severnaya 2, PART: 1 (Surface) ========================================= Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Break communications link to bunker: medium 2.Disable Spetznaz support aircraft: easy, medium 3.Gain entry to bunker: easy, medium 4.disrupt all surveillance equipment: hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- Silenced PP7, Klobb, KF7 Soviet, Remote mine, Comms room key You were planted here in mission 4 (surface), so this environment should be more familiar. Bond needs to go to only three areas to beat this mission in the medium mode. Start by killing three soldiers who are all carrying Klobbs. Take the bounty. Switch to the Klobb, it'll make you feel good. Now follow these basic steps. Stay on the main road until you reach the third road on the right. Take it past the empty bunker on your right, to the dead-end with a single bunker on it. Kill the surveillance camera and enter, and then kill the military commando just inside the door. Pick up the comms room key and his gun. You'll need the key later. Head back to the main road, but make sure to shoot the borsch out of the Russian dudes who've heard all the racket. When you reach the main road, take a right, at the fork just before the satellite, take a right and follow this road to the satellite building. Run and you'll miss all the guys who want to join in the killing. Run straight up the stairs, locate and shoot the surveillance camera (at the second tier), open the door at the end of the stairs and you'll see the communications computer console. Smash it. Text will tell you when it's completely destroyed. Now leave (and you'll have already been joined at this time by about five Russian dudes (just kill them). Two objectives left (in the medium mode), and to meet them you need to take this path. In the hard mode, you must go to the enemy bunker (yucchh). There are at least two camera in that area, and you should be fully loaded and in good health. You will take damage here. Now go back to the main road, and take a left at the fork and head toward the ventilation shaft. Now if you take the next left, you'll go to the ventilation shaft, which is perfect if you're in mission 4. But here, before you reach the ventilation shaft, take the right at the fork, avoiding the ventilation shaft. By taking a right, you'll run straight to the helicopter and the bunker. Switch to the timed bomb, plant on the helicopter, walk far away and make sure the helicopter is blown up. A few stray Russian guys will show up to drink vodka with you. Usually you can just stray left to avoid them, but we usually kill them. Kill them (hey, why not?). Enter the bunker. You're done. MISSION 5: Severnaya 2, PART: 2 (Bunker) ======================================== Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Compare staff/casualty lists: medium 2.Recover CCTV tape: easy, medium 3.Disable all security cameras: medium 4.Escape with Natalya: easy, medium Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- Magnet watch attract, KF7 Soviet, throwing knives, Klobb and double Klobb, videotape, memos, notepads Addendum Silenced PP7s: There is a way to get two Silenced PP7's in this. There is a safe that can be opened in this level that will recover your PP7 and your dossier. If you go to the room that has six mainframes and one camera and one soldier, you will find a safe key that will open the safe near the prison from which you extricated yourself. This safe is the closest one to the jail cells. These guns are only available in the Agent and Secret Agent levels. This level is hard, but it's one of the best designed levels in the game. You're stuck in a cell and next to you is Natalya, who you meet for the first time. (Approach her cell and you'll initiate a conversation, but you don't have to talk with her if you don't want to). Check your gadgets. Switch to the magnet watch attract. Approach the side of the cell with the door on it. Across from you is a key, so press Z and the key will fly to you. Wait until the guard is really close to you and press B to unlock the jail cell door. The guard will bend down on one knee to shoot at you, when he stands up give him three judo chops (judo chop!). Take his KF7 Soviet. Switch to the watch attract magnet again, walk to the circular caged platform at the end of the hallway, press Z, and you'll pick up a set of throwing knives. You can let Natalya out by pressing B at the cell door, but don't. Go to the double door, look through the windows. Use you site and in the next minute you should see as many as three soldiers walk by. Knock each off with a blow to the head. Try to use only one bullet per soldier, otherwise you make a racket and the whole building will know you're there. If you're not that good yet, try to control your fire to a single shot, pause, and then another single shot, etc. Open the door, peak around the left corner, it should be clear, but don't go down the long hallway on your left yet. Go to the double doors ahead (which you'll need a security key for) and turn left. Another set of doors (which you can get through). Peak through the window. Three guards. Aim for one, peg him in the head, and stand back. The two others should come out. Try to be quiet while you end their boring lives. The basic aim here in this first part is to avoid the many annoying security cameras (which are everywhere) and find security keys. Go back to the long hallway and stop at the end. Soldiers will pass by. Wait until there's just one and then peg him quietly (one shot). At least three others will follow. Kill them as quietly as you can, too. Go up the short flight of stairs head straight. You're now entering an automatic gun area that wasn't in the easy level. At your first turn look up and ahead, the back of a big gun. Blast it. Run through the maze until you see a red light. It'll come after the blue light. Stop when you see it and the big automatic gun. Blast it. Walk ahead into that slightly open area and stop. To your right is another big automatic gun. Blast it. Stray soldiers will come from behind you every so often, so keep an eye out for them. There's a split in the hallways. Turn right and kill two gunmen and hide in the corner while you reload. Lean out and kill the guy on the other end of the hallway. At least a half dozen more soldiers in little batches will arrive from both ends of the little maze you're in, but if you're somewhat subtle, their march will end. Kill them all off and then peak out into the long hallway, but don't step out. There's a guard at the end of it. Pick him off with slow single shots. The coast should be clear. Run down the hallway and take your first right. Peep through the window, kill off one guy. The door will open, kill the next guy. You should pick up Keycard A also the Severnaya staff list. Cool. Step out of the room, take a left, go down the flight of stairs (you should recognize the area you're now in), go down the hallway, and take a left. The keycard will now open those double doors. If no guards are around then run like the dickens to the next set of doors. If you stop and look down the hallway, you're sunk. There are two guards there, plus a security camera. That's why you run. Turn around and wait for the dumb guards. Kill them. Now enter the double doors. Then look through the window, kill one guy through the window, and the door will open, followed by at least three guys. Kill them quickly and hide in the storage slot on your left. If no one comes, then one by one kill each single or set of guys who hide in those storage slots. If all goes well, then the room will be empty. Look around. There are two important items here. One is a red clipboard, and the other is a body vest. The clipboard will allow you to meet objective A. Grab them both and head toward the opposite door. Look through the next double doors. Knock out the camera. Go through the hallway, and instead of ascending the stairs on your right, pass them. There's another camera waiting for you there, so don't do it. Instead, circle all the way around to where you picked up the keycard A and the staff list, pass that room, and enter the long hallway. Walk down the hallway. You have several choices. First take out the most obvious camera in that hallway. Take one slow shot at a time. We've actually knocked one of these cameras out in one shot, but it usually takes three. Back up a few steps now. Take the first door on your left. Peak through the second set of doorways, and look left. Blow out the camera on your left, and then wait for the guard inside to move on you. Kill him and take his keycard B. More guards will arrive from outside. Keep their deaths somewhat quiet, and stay away from the mainframes so stray bullets don't blow them up. Leave the room, take a right, and don't move. Inside that room is a camera. Open the door and strafe right out of its site. Time your approach so that when you strafe back in its site, you blast it right off. If you blow this chance, you're history. Lots of guards will kill you. OK, once that's done, enter the room. Head toward the other door and look straight up. The nastiest camera in the game is way up on the wall. Blast it. Only two left. Enter that room and grab the CCTV tape. Yes! Now back out, and head toward the main control room. You're almost done, and there's only one camera left (thank God!). Peak around the corner. Two guards hover inside the glass encased room across the way. Two more guard the exit. Start picking them off one by one, but still remaining in hiding. After killing them off, get to the stairway closest to you, and switch to your Klobb (actually you should have double Klobbs by now). Kill off as many as two to four guys in that room. Descend the stairs. Head toward glass room across the main room. Make sure to stay against the wall. There's a camera up on the wall in there. Use your site and blast it. Almost done. Go get Natalya from out of her cell. She will follow you back to the main room, although slowly and sometimes awkwardly. Nonetheless, she will follow you. She'll check a computer, set off a timer, and then both of your should run the heck out of there. Use the glass door exit, run up the stairs, and depart. You're done. MISSION 6: St. Petersburg, PART: 1 (Statue Park) ================================================ Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Contact Valentine: easy, medium, hard 2.Confront and unmask Janus: easy, medium, hard 3.Locate helicopter: easy, medium, hard 4.Rescue Natalya: easy, medium, hard 5.Find flight recorder: easy, medium, hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- pp7, KF7 Soviet, automatic shotgun, flight recorder. This is a straightforward mission, obstructed by bizarre, Russian constructs, 3D shapes, and the remnant shards of the collapsing communist union. Mission objectives in three the difficulty levels don't differ, except that your life meter runs down faster and bullets that hit you do more damage. Turn around and check out the gate. This is where you'll end up at the end of the mission. Turn around and walk into the park, eliminating about four military personnel along the way and picking up a trusty KF7 Soviet. Stay left, pass by a gold star (which you need to remember to get back safely), and under two constructs that appear to be arches. You'll approach a set of pillars and a group of red, blocky letters on your right that read PCCC. Keep going to the left. Soldiers will leap out from nowhere throughout the level, but relatively few of them are necessary to kill -- that is, once you become familiar with the markers and shape of the park. Within about a minute or so, you'll see a red box-shaped thing on your right; it looks like a shed or an 18 wheeler cargo freight. Enter it to meet Valentin. Now enemies will attempt to kill you while you speak with him. He'll tell you about Janus, and how you need to meet him at Lenin's statue, how Janus is a Leintz traitor, and then he'll walk away. The real trick is to get to Lenin's statue. From the shed, it's extremely easy to get lost, so watch for sign posts. Looking out of the shed, turn about 10 degrees right. The first sign is a bright white post directly ahead of you. Go to it, and then proceed along the red fence on your right side. Along this venture you'll be greeted by soldiers, and even on the medium level, they're pretty bad shots. The next sign post appears to your left. It's a shiny hammer and sickle, that great Communist symbol. Stay to your right or you'll end up in a cul de sac with a tool shed. Remember, keep along the red fence. To get a handy vest of body armor, look just past the hammer and sickle at an odd-ball group of shapes in front of you. On the left is the back side of a giant hand, and just beyond is another golden hammer and sickle. Walk between the hand and the wall to its right (where you'll find the narrow entrance) to retrieve it. Come out, make a 180 turn, and continue the same way you were walking before picking up the armor. You'll reach Lenin's statue in about 10-20 seconds, switching back and forth through the obstacles (the best strategy is to stay nearest the middle, avoiding the side paths). Walk around the statue once and face the path you just traversed. Make sure to go through the weapon selection so that no weapons appears. That's right, you want to meet Janus empty handed. In addition, don't walk to close you Janus, or he'll flee (wuss). Janus turns out to be Trevelyan, your old secret agent associate whom you believed dead in the dam incident. The game follows the movie to a T here. Trevelyan will talk about how everyone else is a Leintz traitor, and deliver a message about Natalya: she's at the helicopter, and you only have three minutes to get there. Doh! You may get a little damaged here, but it's possible not to with a bucket load of strafing and running. But first, don't fret, the four henchmen with automatic shotguns aimed at you are not that big of a deal. Really. Pick them off however you want, left to right, right to left. What really matters is that you pick up their guns, five-cartridge shotguns that pack a mean punch. The KF7 is just as effective to get out, possibly more effective, but the shotgun is more fun. These henchmen are pretty much the only opposition between you and the copter now, and instead of just military guys rolling out of the woodwork to kill you, these dudes will, too. Kill them off fast. Now to get back. Weave through the constructs until you see the gold hammer and sickle, and then aim a fraction to the left. Once you see the white pillar again (the red fence now should be on your left), aim down the slope so that you can see the red shed where you spoke with Valentin. Make sure it's to your right as pass it. Now you must retrace your steps. Keep running until you see a block structure, which you'll go under. The next set of landmarks are a tall, white pillar on the left and a short, squat pillar on the right. Hey, and remember those crazy red, 3D letters? They'll show up just after those pillars. A white hammer and sickle will appear on your left, so turn slightly to the right and you'll see a red star and a white shed, the next land marks: run between them, then under several constructs. Now you'll see a path beginning -- it'll lead you back to where you started, and just beyond that is the helicopter and Natalya. Natalya is lying on the ground to the right of the helicopter. Run up to her and as soon as she begins talking, check the bomb detonation time, and walk toward the gates. She'll follow you. Now there's just one last step. You must retrieve the flight recorder, which blew out of the helicopter somewhere in the park. You can leave Natalya at the gates. The recorder is bright yellow (and sometimes red) and appears in different spots on the path depending on what level you're on. The easier the level, the closer it is. In the easy mission, the recorder is resting at the bottom of the hill from the helicopter; in medium, it's farther along, and hiding just beneath a high red construct on the path, in hard, there are more soldiers and it's slightly harder to find. If you go too far, a message will appear indicating that the tape couldn't have been thrown that far. If so, walk back up the hill to find it. After you retrieve it, hike back to get Natalya, who's been taken hostage again. Stow your gun (like when you met Trevelyan) and walk through the gate when they ask you to. Mission accomplished. MISSION 6: St. Petersburg, PART: 2 (Millitary Archives) ======================================================= Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Escape from the interrogation room: easy, medium, hard 2.Find Natalya: easy, medium, hard 3.Recover helicopter black box: medium, hard 4.Escape with Natalya: easy, medium, hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- pp7, DD44, Klobb, KF7 Soviet, grenade, watch magnet attract, interrogation room key, flight recorder Once again, you're screwed. It seems that Natalya has gotten you in trouble again. Is she really worth it? A gun and a single round of ammo rest on a table in front of you. Pick up the weapon and the ammo quickly so that you're armed, and press A to switch over. If you're super quick, you can fire on the two Russian thugs before they even get a shot off. Pick up the guards's guns and a door key. Switch to the newfound DD44. Now, a thousand and one soldiers, thugs, KGB and other personnel, and anyone else you can imagine will flood to your doorway. This isn't easy past the easy level. Shoot the first two or three guys who show up at the door, and then run straight out. This takes some practice, and after several tries you should get it. You'll take a little damage, too. Whatever you do, don't stand around. The longer you stay in there, the less chance you have to escape. After about three or four guys appear, charge the door, head straight to the very next door, about four feet away. Open it and plug whomever is in your way. Run and keep going. You're now in a warehouse room full of crates and ammo. In the center is body armor. Run straight, grab it, and go the far side of the room, and then exit. Now stand at the bottom of the stairs our of harm's way. The guys who were chasing you will eventually come. You should have added to your arsenal a Klobb and a KF7 Soviet. We like the Soviet since it's quieter in short bursts, and a little more accurate. When they arrive, dust them and then wait. They come in waves. A few guys might come down the stairs as well. Keep an eye on the staircase, too. You can do this whole operation from the top of the stairs as well, but it doesn't work as well. Now (assuming you haven't already done so), ascend the stairs, open a door. There are three ways to go. To your right is one to two soldiers. Take an immediate left down another hallway, kill one soldier and duck behind come crates. Stand up, kill the second guy in front of you and then run in to the main chamber (or you can turn around and kill the guys behind you). But again, the trick is to be fast, not to wait until winter comes. After passing through the door at the hallway's end, you'll see you're in the main library. Turn left and enter a door (there is a staircase to your left but don't take it). More guards will arrive. Instead of taking those stairs (which lead to the attic), hug the wall to your right, and run to the middle of that room where a set of double doors is. To the right is a smaller single door. Open it. Natalya will be in there with two to three armed KGB members. Two to your right, one with Natalya on the left. Don't shoot her or the guy near her. If there are three guards, one has a grenade and he may set it off. Shoot the KGBs as fast as possible to the right but stay away from them. Natalya may try to escape. If she does, she may get caught, and she'll end up in a room near the beginning of the level as a hostage again. If not, she'll hide in the attic. The way to calm her is to instantly kill the guards in that room. Quickly shoot the guy who held Natalya and then quickly move into the corner of the room where the two guys were and reload. There you'll fend off as many as 12 soldiers. The battle will eventually end. Escape through the door you came through, careful to eliminate anyone else around, and quietly. Before you get Natalya (or is she's with you), make a B line across the big room and to the left. A set of double doors opens directly to the stairs that descend to the main room floor. Descend the stairs, and walk across the length of the floor to a doorway (to the left). Open it, take an immediate left again and open the second door. There may be guards to your right. If so, shoot them, quiet like. You'll be in the corner of another library type room. To your immediate right is another door; open it. You'll appear in a hallway with shining light. Run to its end, take a right, and enter the door. There's a guy in black who looks like a bad guy, but isn't. Don't shoot him! You'll meet Mishkin, who will have a discussion with you and then hand over the safe key. The safe is right behind him. Open it with the key and remove the black box inside. If Natalya isn't with you, retrace your steps to the attic. If she's not there, she was captured again, and you need to find her. Go to the observation deck above the main floor by ascending the steps you originally took. On the wall opposing you are two doors. Take this left door into a hallway. At the far end is where she is being held captive. Empty rooms should appear on your left (and occasionally one or two of them have soldiers in them). If you see a soldier, kill him quietly with one shot. When you get to the room, there are three men in thick dark coats and Natalya. Kill them all to escape that room. (That room also has a secret door. Directly opposite the door is a wall. Press B to open it. Cool!) Once you've found her, head back to the library observation deck. Once you've made it into that big area on the second floor, shoot out any one of the windows and jump through. That's it. MISSION 6: St. Petersburg, PART: 3 (Streets) ============================================ Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Contact Valentin: medium, hard 2.Pursue Ourmurov and Natalya: easy, medium, hard 3.Minimize civilian casualties: easy, medium, hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- Specialized pp7, KF7 Soviet, tank. In the easy level, you simply have to reach the end in your tank. In the medium and hard levels, there is a cool, but weird extra objective, to meet with Valentin. To meet with Valentine, run forward and lean left around the corner. Kill the three soldiers coming your way. Don't get hit, these guys aren't that good and strafing will keep them from missing. Or simply kill one and let the rest come to you. Pick up their KF7 Soviets. Head toward the tank and to the left of the jeep is a guard who's taking shots at you. Kill him and then turn around and in the corner is another one. Kill him, too. A third and final soldier will attack from behind a gate. It's pretty easy to figure out what to do with him. What next? In the medium level, you must make contact with Valentin first, and then jump in the tank. In the easy level, there's no need to speak with Valentin, so jump in. For the medium and hard players, walk out of the gate and take a left down a narrow alley. Follow the alley, killing about a half dozen stray soldiers along the way. Don't get hit, you need all the health you can get. Follow the road and a wide, long street with about four soldiers will appear. Kill them and take notice of the shots coming from the far building. If you walk all the way to the end, look up close. You can see soldiers in the rooms and you can jump through a few of the windows and kill these guys if you want. Don't bother with these guys. There's a door that clearly means for you to enter into it on the building to your left (if you didn't enter the far building). Go in, take a left, and you'll see Valentin in a small room there. Talk with him. Valentin will extend the time you have to rescue Natalya, but only if you listen to him. Walk around Valentin so that you're facing the door. After Valentin talks to you, he'll run back to the tank. Follow the streets back to the tank and get in the tank as soon as possible. A message will flash on the screen telling you that Valentin has contacted his friends, and you will receive double the time you started off with, 5 minutes. In the tank, the fastest path out is as follows. Drive out the gates, turn right at the fork, and follow the street for a few blocks, turning when it does, until you reach the next intersection. Go straight and you'll hopefully run over several enemies (and hear their yelps of crushing pain). A mixture of civilians and military roam around the streets, so be careful. Civilians wear red and the enemies wears green. Switch to the Soviet occasionally because it's more effective than shooting tanks shots at everything. Troops are faster and can make better turns than you, and your cannon just can't hit them at close range. You can also turn the head of the tank as well. At the next intersection, take a left and blow up a few cars from a distance. Entering an explosion will cause serious loss of health. (In at least two instances, you'll need to blow them up to clear the road.) Beware of the path of blue land mines that a civilian is running around. Shoot one cannon shot into the patch and they'll all set each other off. When the explosions finish, drive through. At the next intersection, go left, then the next right. Next you'll see several troops shooting at you, so shoot them or crush them, whatever seems most cruel. You'll know when you've reached the end: There are two cars parked in front of an opening of the street. Make it there alive, and you've completed the level. MISSION 6: St. Petersburg, PART: 4 (Depot) ========================================== Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Destroy illegal arms cache: hard 2.Destroy computer network: medium, hard 3.Obtain safe key: medium, hard 4.Recover helicopter blue prints: medium, hard 5.Locate Trevelyan's train: easy, medium, hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- PP7, D5K Duetsche, Safe key, blueprints. Secret Weapon: Rocket Launcher! Correction: In order to beat the Agent 00 in this level, you must first find and destroy the illegal arms cache. Instead of running to the computer network area straight off, take a right where you would have taken a left, and run to the second warehouse on the right. Kill off the three to four guys there and then pick up the Rocket Launcher! Yeah, baby! Then destroy the cache from up on the bridge using a rocket, but don–t use the second one. Finish off the cache with any other gun. (Save the other rocket for the computer network auto gun). Once this objective has been completed, then stay cool -- and hidden -- once you open the warehouse door. Enemies will be crawling on all sides. Once the coast is relatively clear, head up to the computer network and follow the rest of the guide. The first goal is to get bigger weapons quick. In the easy mode, go to the far all, and behind a crate on the right is armor. Three crates past that on the left is your first Russian victim. Take his gun, a D5K Duetsche. In the medium level, you need to obtain a safe key and blow up some computers. In the easy level, you simply have to find the train. Now back up a few steps after the first kill, and at the opening take a left and start running. Skim the left hand wall until you reach a double gate fence. Open it and go through. Skim the left wall, to keep out of site. At the end of the path is a garage with a door, reading BXOII. Go to the far left side of the garage door, and angle your gun inside, then press B to open the garage. There are two guards. You'll have perfect aim at one. Kill him and step back to the wall. The other will step into view. Kill him. A large crate on your right will protect you from soldiers who'll run over fro the right when they hear the racket. Three to four other soldiers from inside the garage will appear. Kill them, and your right for more soldiers. A good place to couch yourself is in the crevice between the wall at your back and the crate on your right, which gives you a perfect angle of any newcomers. You can strafe left and right to see anyone who's coming from here. Try entering the room again as soon as the coast is clear (which won't be for long). Wait for the garage door to close, keeping the bad guys outside. Shoot the remaining soldiers by peaking and leaning around the giant gray wall of crates between you and a large, mean automatic machine gun. This auto gun shoots non-stop and will kill you within seconds. Once the soldiers all seem dead, play a little trick on the machine gun. Strafe to the right and let it see you and then quickly strafe to the left. It'll still be a second or so behind you. You'll have time to aim, and unload a flurry of shots. Destroying this auto machine gun is hard, and you may die a few times in the process. Aim upward to kill it. After it's dead, walk left and there may be one soldier remaining. Just be wary. You should be able to pick up a double D5K Deutsche now. The far table on the left should have a safe key, so grab it, and then blow all of the computer equipment away. Shoot the big screen, too. Objective A and B should have been met for the medium and hard level. Now, before you leave there are a bunch of soldiers waiting for you. So be smart. Open the door and lean out to kill the trio of guys waiting for you. When the coast seems clear, run straight down the path, past that earlier gate on the right and keep going until you reach a big clearing. The clearing is noticeable because of the orange-ish pipe that runs form building to building overhead. At that point, turn left there and head straight. There will be a few stray soldiers shooting at you so stay lean, mean, and run! Veer a bit to your left. You'll go about 100 feet or so, until you pass under another orange pipe. You'll see a white gate on your right and several graffiti-laden crates on your left. Pass through that area until a white building appears on your right. (in this area are at least two body vests and more soldiers hidden in between crates, but you may not really need the vests). Enter through the door on that building. Ascend the staircase and find the safe upstairs. Toggle to your safe key, choose it, press R, bottom C to duck, then press B and back up so that the door can open. Grab the train blueprints, having met objective C, and go out the nearest door. This door leads to the train. Open it, descend the stairs, and run toward the far left garage door. Open it. There may be one or two guards on your right to meet you. Kill them. The train is right in front of you. Walk toward to the yellow vertical stripes and press B. At least two guards will be there. Kill them. You're in and the mission is done. MISSION 6: St. Petersburg, PART: 5 (Train) ========================================== Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Destroy brake units: easy, medium 2.Rescue Natalya: easy, medium 3.Locate Janus secret base: medium, hard 4.Crack Boris' Password 5.Escape to safety: easy, medium Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- PP7, D5K Duetsche, 9 mm ZMG, watch laser. Secret weapon: Onboard the first train car in the Agent level, if you shoot your way all the way through and blast out the brake mechanism on the floor, try shooting the two wooden crates across the way from the brake box. Under the bottom crate is an RPC-90, which makes getting through the rest of the level a piece of flaming cake! In the Secret Agent level, there is a DD44 n the same location, but there is nothing there in the 00 Agent level. See below for extra tips on how to meet the last objectives. In the first train, there are two parts. You start off with a PP7. Use your site to knock off the guy on the far right, and the guy on the far left, using a crate to employ the leaning technique. After that reload, and stand straight out there and fire away. This first train is easy. Collect all of the ammo, and you're now loaded with the D5K Deutsch. Before you leave the train, knock out the brake system to the right of the door. It's yellow and red and made of pipes, and has a gray box on top of it. They all look like this. There are more crates in the second train, so try to hide behind the gray, metal ones, because they won't blow up in your face. A man in a beret will be on your immediate right once you get to the gray box. Another enemy in a beret will be on your left just behind a crate or two. Strafe, shoot, strafe, shoot. Stay away from the crates that begin to get dark in color because they are about to blow. Kill the brake system at the end of the car. The third car is a passenger car. As soon as you open the door enemies are waiting for you. Stay near the entrance, picking them off as they come toward you. A few will hang back, so lean to the right and use your site to kill them. On your left is a bathroom. Each car has one like this. As soon as you pass this room a soldier will step out of it. Step in front of it and then quickly back up and shoot him. You don't need to check the passenger areas in this car. Run to the front and blow up the brake box. The fourth car is lots of fun. Oh, yeah. Soldiers will enter the third car just after you blow the brake box, so just line them up for a bullet fest. Now that a few are gone, step up through the door and position yourself so that you can aim at them with the site and pick them off as they bottleneck. The brake on the fourth car is just to the left of the entry point. Open the bathroom, step inside for a good, safe shot at the brake box, and then step out again. Check all the passenger rooms. The second room contains two soldiers, and so does the fifth. Two guards are lined up at the very end, and they can hit when they hear you half way through the car. There are some timed, locked doors, and guards will emerge from them. Be smart, always check your rear. In the next four, shorter, green rooms, there are more troops, but with better guns. Some of them are in the bathrooms as well. In the last of the green rooms, two servicemen provide you with a 9 mm ZMG, a super cool rapid fire gun. As soon as you kill the last man in the four room, turn around because one of those earlier locked doors opens, and out comes sneaky Russian dudes. Be ready for them after the doors of the fourth green car open. You're in the second to last car now, a gray girded car. To your right is the brake control. Don't shoot it just yet. One or two servicemen are in the hallway. Dust them. Now shoot the control box. At least two more highly armed servicemen will appear. The best tip for this car is to simply stay just inside the entree door near the brake control and wait for them to come to you. Once you blow the box, objective A is met. Now walk into the next room full of crates (there's nothing there in medium and hard, but in easy there's a body vest in the back) and switch to a single gun with a site. Enter the next car slowly. Natalya is captive and has a gun pointed at her head. Two soldiers are behind this pair. Just like in the park in St. Petersburg, walk slowly. Trevelyan will tell when you're too close. This is a cake walk, if truth be told. Turn on your site, aim for his head, and take one shot. If you kill him, automatic doors will shut you and Natalya in. Behind you and to the right is a white hatch. It's bolted to the floor. Toggle to your heaviest weapon first. A timer goes off, leaving you with about one minute to get out. Blast the hell out of the bolts until you can barely see them any more. now switch to your laser watch and melt each gray strip off one by one. You need to beat the clock by at least five seconds, otherwise you're toast (because Natalya has to get out too). Soldiers will be shooting at you from the right. Just run left, strafing left and right to avoid their shots. Natalya will follow you. Occasionally, she'll get shot. Try not to run too far ahead of her to avoid this. You'll have to find the secret base which is just ahead. You've completed all of your objectives. Addendum: How to get Natalya out of the train without getting her killed can be a terribly depressing experience (especially in 00 Agent). We had a heck of a time completing this level in 00 Agent -- it was especially difficult keeping damn Natalya alive. Here–s how to get her out safely and to meet the mission objectives -- in all difficulty levels. Killing Ouromov When you finally get to Ouromov, Natalya, Xenia, and Trevelyan, whip out your D5K Deutsche and kill Ouromov by putting a single lead piece through his face. Quickly after, crouch down so that any shots from Trevelyan will be avoided. Breaking Through the Hatch Next, aim your D5K Deutsche toward the hatch on the ground, and start picking off bits of the annoyingly strong metal latches that keep the hatch on. Why? Because it physically makes it easier for you to burn them off (with your laser watch) once they–ve been beaten to all hell. The only disadvantage to this technique is that it–s more difficult to see the actual pieces. Anyway, we–ve been able to open up that hatch with as many as 20 seconds left! Cracking the Password, Locating the Base Natalya will automatically start in on the computer in the attempt to achieve these two objectives. Keep an eye out for her computing messages. She needs to locate the secret base, which should happen first, and then Crack Boris– code, which will take the longest. Should you wait until the last second, or leave early? Natalya will follow you as soon as you leave the train, so don–t leave early, got it? Usually, it–s best to wait about five seconds before the train blows, and then escape. Maybe four. She–ll almost always wait that long until cracking the code. Waiting any longer give or take a second, and Natalya will get blown up trying to escape. Keeping Natalya (and yourself) Alive, Complete Mission A bunch of trigger-happy henchmen will start shooting at you as soon as you leave the train. They–ll appear on your left. Before you leave the train, switch to the RP-P90, or in Secret Agent and 00 Agent, the two ZMGs. The trick here is to give Natalya enough space to get off the train so that when it explodes, she doesn–t get catch the explosion. So, get off the train, turn left toward the enemies, shoot a few shots, and move all the way to the right and back a few steps -- that will give her enough space to walk away (remember, Natalya will follow you wherever you go). Now blast away at the enemies, making sure to hit the wooden, explosive boxes (which of course will scatter their body parts across the area) as well as the guys themselves. The trick is to be fast and shoot enough of them before they hit you or Natalya. If you–re slow, they–ll eventually hit Natalya. As soon as you think the coast is clear, then run in a zigzag fashion toward the front of the train, and -- about 50 feet past it -- if you and Natalya are still alive, you–ve beaten the game. MISSION 6: Cuba, PART: 1 (Jungle) ================================= Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Destroy drone guns: easy, medium, hard 2.Eliminate Xenia: easy, medium, hard 3.Blow up ammo dump: medium, hard 4.Escort Natalya to Janus base: easy, medium, hard Transfer interrupted! Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- US AR33 Assault rifle, RC-P90, Grenade launcher. Start by moving just into the jungle landscape, about six steps. A handful of military men come at you with US AR33 Assault rifles in hand. Kill the first one and pick up his rifle, then kill the others. Use trees as hiding spots, and progress through the mission constantly looking for new trees to hide behind. In less than a minute you'll find the first automatic turret. or it may find you first. Hide behind a tree, and use the leaning approach. Take a few seconds after it finishes firing. Then lean out and shoot it. After the first automatic weapon is destroyed, go to the far left jungle wall and pick up body armor near a fern and a few trees. Progress through the jungle hiding and searching, and you'll find two more turrets surrounded by soldiers. There is body armor on the right of the second one and to the left of the third one. Each vest is very close to the jungle 'wall.' Stay as healthy as possible, you'll need it for later. After the three turrets, you'll come to a hanging bridge. Run across it until you hear a change in the music. Xenia will say something cliche like, "This time the pleasure will be all mine," and will shoot and roll a lot in the easy mode. She's easy to kill here. Just keep shooting. In medium and hard, she will throw grenades and shoot you with deadly accuracy. Shoot her and strafe, shoot and hide, and Natalya come in to help. Don't let Natalya get killed, or it's back to the drawing board. Finally Xenia will die, and you an pick up the a nifty RC-P90, the best gun of the game (at least at this point). Cross the bridge and take out the automatic machine gun to your immediate left. It won't activate until you pass it. Kill it first. Go to the mouth of the cave, located forward and to the right. In the cave, fog will hide an automatic machine gun on the left and about three to five soldiers on both sides. Find yourself a good place from which to shoot, and use the sight on your rifle to pick them off, aiming for the auto gun first. Remember to keep your shots to a minimum. Now head up a slope, taking out two to three gunmen. On the left part of the cave is a ladder. Ascend it slowly. If done right, you'll see an automatic machine gun that hasn't been activated pointed right at you. Take three shots to kill it. A bunch of crates are up there and you'll need to blow them up to meet an objective. Do it from a distance. But look to the right first because there is another automatic turret. Kill it. If you don't take the ladder route, the right path is laden with army men hiding behind steel crates. That path also leads to the same area via a different route. Either way is good, but you can eliminate the turrets that could kill you from behind by taking the left route. Go right and prepare for battle. There is a major stash of ammo and gunmen sitting waiting for you. Switch to the grenade launcher. Shoot one grenade into the area, one to the left, middle, and right areas. This will cause major damage, but won't kill everyone. If you wait to long, the soldiers simply replenish themselves. Seconds after the explosion, switch to the US AR33 Assault rifle or the RC-P90, and kill, kill, kill! Do it right, and there's nothing left. Again, there's not much to hide behind here, so strafe, shoot, and duck. Do it fast, too. After you've cleaned them out, you will see a cave path that leads around the right corner leading to your exit. A few soldiers will block your path, so pick them off. Enter the next room, and you're done. MISSION 6: Cuba, PART: 2 (Control Center) ========================================= Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Protect Natalya: easy, medium, hard 2.Disable Goldeneye satellite: easy, medium, hard 3.Destroy armored mainframes: easy, medium, hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- PP7, timed mines, Deutsche, detonator. You start off in an elevator with Natalya, and in the easy mission, you simply stroll out and shoot everyone in the cave. But it changes in the medium and hard levels. There are three vicious guard guns placed high on the walls, and the first time in medium mode, you won't know what hit you. Run out of the elevator to the wall in front of you. Kill the three soldiers who run at you. The first automatic machine gun is tough, but there is a spot where you can shoot it without it seeing you. The second one is in the middle of the room, so stay covered in your first hiding place across from the elevator. The third one is the nastiest because it's high and right around the corner. Once you've taken it out, there are two soldiers just behind it and one behind you in the area where the computer controls are. Kill them. Get Natalya and she'll open a door for you. A few guards will appear in the distance. Kill them from a distance. Farther on is a room full of soldiers with big guns and grenades. Oooooh. Pick them off one by one, careful of grenades. back up if you hear that awful clinking sound. In the medium and hard levels, there are many more grenades. When they're all gone, instead of taking their stuff, go down the stairs to the room where you knocked of those two guys from a distance. There are weapons, and timed mines. Ahhhhhh. Now enter into that crate-filled area and pick up all of that lovely ammo. At the far side is a path, and four guards will bottleneck there for you to kill. If not, two will, and two will wait just outside to the right. You're in a pump room. Go up the stairs. Ascend the stairs, open the door, and back up a few steps. Soldiers will line up to get shot. There should be four, maybe five. Once that area is cleared, go down the stairs, open the door and check around the area for soldiers. Boris is in front of you at a computer console. Let him go, and make sure NOT to kill him. If you do, Natalya will quit the mission. He'll pull a gun on you, and then drop it like a goof, and then run away. Don't bother with him. Just for fun, follow Boris to a caged area upstairs that contains body armor. He'll disappear into the rocks! Stick mines on the two mainframes and blow them up. This should kill the two soldiers upstairs. Go upstairs and to the end of each hallway and stick mines on the mainframes. Blow them up. There are two more. Go back down to the main floor and head toward the only door you haven't opened. One of two giant turrets will shoot from the distance and three to four soldiers, guarding a mainframe, will run toward you. Pass in front of the door to let the soldiers know you're there, and then wait for them to come to you. After, angle yourself so that you can just see a piece of the turret on the right, but so that the gun can't actually shoot you. Take out the second one. Don't enter yet. In medium, on each side of the door are two more turrets aimed at you. Open the door and run straight ahead fast. You can avoid getting hit. In the easy level the staircases above the turrets didn't make any sense, but in the medium level, they do. Ascend the stairs and duck down so that you see a piece of the gun. It can't shoot you, but you can blow it up. Perform this same task for both sides. You can also shoot down the turrets from the rooms nearest them, using boxes to protect you. Walk out and before ascending the staircase. Go to the main part of the room with the computers in it. Take out the side computers, leaving the two center ones alone. Now, facing the big screen, ascend the spiral stairs on the right and walk to a small door in a rocky area. Walk down and get Natalya. If you're really fast, you'll have to wait for her. Lead her to the main computer area, to the central monitor. Natalya will start working on the computer but she'll sound the alarm. Reload your guns and position yourself in the middle of the monitor section, facing Natalya. What you're doing is getting the best possible angle on the soldiers who will come flooding down the stairs. From your spot you can hit all of them and completely miss Natalya, who's in the center. We haven't found a better way than this. Be democratic with all the soldiers. They'll flood down two to three at a time. Kill each one off, and don't let anyone get too close to Natalya. Your objective is to protect her, and if she dies, you'll have to start the mission over. A door to your right (the double door that didn't open up before), will leak a few soldiers and they'll bust through the big glass screens. This is the hardest part of the game, almost. When she finally overrides the computer (and it takes forever), Natalya will flee. Don't follow her. With your back to the main screen, take a right, then another right at the previously locked double doors. Make sure your guns are loaded. You'll now be way outnumbered. Enter and like before, be democratic with your lead (i.e. kill everyone). Run and gun. Pass through the first room (a locker room with a body vest in it). Take a right and another right behind a stack of crates. behind them is a small room containing the last mainframe. Reload and blow away the two guards there. Prepare for another onslaught from the door you just entered. Switch to your last mine or two, throw it on the glass encasing the mainframe, strafe to the farthest corner, and then switch back to the Duetsche. You should have completed the last mission, except escape. Be wary of each door opening and guards coming in. Head out the way you entered. Go straight out and take a right in medium and hard. For easy, take a left and head out the far exit. A double door should lead to an elevator that will take you out. MISSION 6: Cuba, PART: 3 (Water Caverns) ======================================== Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Destroy inlet pump controls: medium 2.Destroy outlet pump controls: medium 3.Destroy master control console: medium 4.Use radio to contact Jack Wade: hard 5.Minimize scientist casualties: easy, medium, hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- ZMG (9 mm), PP7, AR33, timed mine), shotgun. Four to five guards will be in your immediate presence, kill them, and try not to get touched. It's possible. Then just follow the path the only way you can. You'll pass through two doors before being able to veer off the beaten path. Go downstairs to an area with two computers, a scientist or two, and some ammo boxes. Blow these up the computers, and then the boxes, for ammo. There is a pathway to another similar area; you can take it or the stairs, both lead to the same place. There are two main computer set-ups down there as well. Blow them up, and objective A will be met. Make sure not to hit any scientists. You'll come to an opening. It leads to what seems like the bottom of the entire cavern. There should be a guard or two, so kill them off. A winding path leads in a spiral fashion along the right side. Take this path (there aren't any other choices anyway). Knock out about three military personnel along the way. At the top is a guard and a door. From this door, a handful of soldiers will emerge. Stand back, wait until they show up, and then blow them the pieces. Make sure to stand back and off to the side to stay unhit. A circular cave with a central pillar and about three to four guards and lots of ammo boxes are next. Nail all of these guys and grab some ammo. Follow the path until you have a choice of going down some stairs to your right or continue upstairs. Go down the stairs and run straight down the hallway killing everyone until you reach the end. Guards will shoot at you, so turn back and go back up the stars you descended. Now run along the top of the bridgeway blowing everyone away. You'll reach an entrance, but don't go inside yet. Retrace your steps to the very door that led you into this area in the first place, and then walk down the stairs and do a 180 degree turn. Follow this new path around until you get to a cavern with lockers in it. The lockers will be on your right side. Blow up the lockers. Behind them is a secret path to another cavern. Lockers on the other side will block your path, and you'll have to blast them, and unfortunately draw attention to your arrival. You should have two ZMGs by now. Use them to blast through the second set of lockers. Guards on the other side will take note of all this racket, so be prepared when you arrive to shoot at anything that moves. There are initially about three. Two to three more join in from a stone staircase on the left. Once the area is generally clear (note: if you stay in one place too long, more soldiers will come), you'll see a big pump on the left, surrounded by two computer consoles. Blow these consoles up and the one to the left of the secret entrance, and objective B will be met. Walk up the stairs carefully. No one should be in sight. That should worry you. To your right is an automatic machine gun and two guards. Move out about a foot quickly to get the guards' attention and then quickly move back down the stairs. If done skillfully, the machine gun won't react. The guards will come to you, and you'll kill them. When the coast is clear, angle slightly to the right so that you can hit the big gun. Make note of the locked door to the right for which you'll need a key for it). Take the door to the left, instead. Now you have to carefully clear the guards from the paths. Wipe them out and you should pick up a few security cards along the way. You will next approach an opening guarded by two soldiers with sunglasses and berets. These guys have RC-P90s and carry code cards B and C. You're near the heart now. Kill them but don't enter the doors behind them. You're about to enter the radio room. You must not make any big explosions that could destroy the radio. Take a look around real quickly and then pull out. There are a few guards inside, one with a RC-P90 to your right, as well as a piece of body armor on the crate. Go through the first door, open the second and peek around. Kill any stray guards and back out. Do this until you're sure no one is left but the RC-P90 guy on your right. In the distance are the radio, scientists, and three soldiers who stand right in front of explosive barrels. They can easily shoot at you from the right, so shimmy to the far left wall and turn around from where you came. The RC-P90 guy will start shooting, and to need to take him down from where you stand. Now, use the leaning technique to peg each of those three soldiers near the radio. Use the site on the rifle, too. Once the area is clear, go to the control room and radio intelligence. After you've send your signal, put a timed bomb on the explosive barrels, and another objective is met (Objective C). Now get out. Go back to the room with the strange blue door you couldn't open. You should have picked up a key to open it by now. Two guards will be waiting for you on the other side. Kill them. Go through the next door on your left, the exit. Janus will appear and say something like, "Too slow, eh, James?" Then an automatic machine gun on the ceiling will start blasting you. Kill it as fast as possible and enter that area because visitors will appear behind you. Run through that tunnel, find the elevator, and you're out. MISSION 6: Cuba, PART: 3 (Antenna Cradle) ========================================= Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Destroy control console: easy, medium, hard 2.Settle the score with Trevelyan: easy, medium, hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- ZMG (9 mm), PP7 The main principles of beating this level are rather simple, ol' chap. 1. Find the computer console that controls the satellite dish and destroy it. 2. Follow closely behind Trevelyan once you find him. He will run from you the entire level, occasionally stopping to shoot or double back. By staying as close to him, you'll reach your goal faster, which to settle the score (i.e. kill him, difficult to guess that one, wasn't it?). You start off on a cul-de-sac wing. Back up to your left and pick up a piece of body armor and then run forward along the hanging bridge in front of you. Pick the center of the path with your PP7 and, without using the site, start shooting. You will hit an enemy soldier running toward you. Pick up his two ZMGs and keep running, because at the top of the wing are at least three more soldiers just like him. Kill them and grab their guns. Turn left, run to the staircase to the center platform, and descend. Half way to the first descending staircase you'll discover Trevelyan has set the auto destruct to explode. You have three minutes to turn it off. That at least helps to set your priorities straight. So, go to the first platform, making sure to kill the single guard, take the staircase on the left down to the lower platform, and you'll see two shacks. Go left; the computer console is in it. The door will be open. There are at least two guards, each packing. Be careful not to enter right away. Trick the soldiers to come out by running in front of the door and then getting out of the way. An automatic machine gun is aimed at the door. When you are ready, point your gun up, target, and blast away. Another auto machine gun is inside. It won't set be set off until you're more than half way in. Step in about three steps and shoot the remaining guys, if there are any. Always check your back, too. New soldiers will run down the steps when you're not looking. A giant piece of machinery is to your left; behind it is the computer console. You should have more than a minute left. Blow the second turret up and then hustle to the other side of the machine. You'll see the computer console. Shoot it to stop the antennae and the cradle from blowing up. Objective A is achieved. Trevelyan is next. A few more guards will approach you from the door you entered. Kill them, and get used to taking a little bit of damage. You now need a body vest. Leave the shack from he door you entered and go to the other shack, which is nearly identical inside. Swing around the machine and pick up the body armor. Head back to the other shack. Settling the score with Trevelyan means that you chase him across the entire cradle at least once. The biggest trick to this chase is to stay as close as possible to him. He'll run around the cradle at least twice if you're decent. He stops inside the shack, at the bottom of the staircase beneath the shack, and at the top of the cradle to shoot at you. He will eventually run to the very bottom of the cradle, to the antennae. He'll drop down to the antennae platform, a mere 10 feet across, and then sneak up on you. Get out your biggest, fastest gun (duh, the ZMG), and make sure it's fully loaded before you jump down. He'll immediately start shooting. Reply with as many shots as fast as possible. You'll have to knock him off the antennae to win this battle (or settle the score, as the game says). If you're left standing and he falls off, you win the battle and beat the game. Yahoo! Now you can beat the game on the medium and hard levels if you dare. By beating the 18th level in the most difficult mode, you will open up the 19th level. If you beat the 19th level, you will open up the 20th level. If you beat that in the most difficult level, you'll open up the 007 mode, enabling you to modify enemy control, like health, accuracy, etc. MISSION 8: Teotihuaca'n, Aztec Complex (bonus mission) ====================================================== Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Reprogram Shuttle Guidance: easy, medium, hard 2.Launch Shuttle: easy, medium, hard Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- PP7 Special Issue, Moonraker Laser, Grenade, Guidance Data, Security Smart Card, Launch Protocol Data, AR33 Rifle This level is one of the coolest, but also one of the more task-oriented, and you'll need to do some backtracking amongst this many room Complex. You'll also meet Jaws! You start off in a small door frame, with guards to your left and to your right. There are fewer to the right, so strafe out pointed to that side, kill the guard there, rush toward his collapsing body, grab his gun, and then spin around and hide behind the nearest pillar, a few steps from him. The remaining living guards have grenades and aren't always that athletic about handling them (sometimes they blow themselves up). But beware just the same. If you hear that little clinking sound, you know to run and hide. If they don't throw grenades right away, they will approach you and start shooting. Kill these two guys off, and then head toward the opposite side of the room. A shadow on this wall highlights the secret door which opens by pressing B. Inside the next room, which is bigger than the previous one, you'll look through a stone hallway. One guard will stand directly in your way, so kill him immediately and then look out in the distance and you'll spy one more guard to the far left. Kill him while two more fill the hallway. Knock them off without advancing. Now move about three-fourths of the way down the hallway, staying to the right. A guard in the distance on the right is hiding behind unbreakable crates and has a perfect view of you. Unfortunately, you don't have the same view. There's one on the left but he's father off. Lean out and let him give away his location. Then lean and shoot him off. Again, beware of these guys because they have grenades, and they're slightly better at throwing them. After pegging this guy, move out and to the right and hide behind the nearest pillar. There should only be one soldier remaining, hiding on the far left behind steel crates. Run to the pillar parallel to the one you're hiding behind (on the left side), and pick off the last guard. Now you can breathe for a moment. Take a look around. There are two parts to the room, separated by a deep crevice in the middle. From here there are two ways to go, and one is definitely better than the other: you can drop down the gully, or take the secret door across the chamber. Either way you chose, you'll get to the same place, it's just that the path via the secret door is much more manageable. A lot more manageable. (Just for fun though, drop down the gulley and you'll end up facing jaws -- from the 007 movie Moonraker. You'll face him eventually, but this way you'll see him much earlier.) Press B to open the door and play a little trick. Run into the large, dark control room about two steps to let the guards on either side know you're there. Then quickly step back into the hallway. This forces them to come to you, and you can then just pick them off in the hallway. There are at least four more guards in the hallway, and you'll need to trip them up, too. After those two are down, run in and into the first three-sided 'room' or 'slot' on the right and reload your weapon. At least three guards will appear slowly from the other little slots. Pick them off as they approach you. There are at least three, so when you believe the coast is clear, snoop carefully across other little slots to make sure they're all gone. In this control room you can see computer panels behind a glass encasement. That's where you will set the data to reprogram the Space Shuttle. Also you'll pick up another important document, a DAT for launching the shuttle. but you must first face jaws to acquire a Security Smart Card. So, turn around. A control panel in one of the slots to your right has a flashing red button on it. This should look familiar. Hit the button and a giant computer on the wall will open up, revealing a secret pathway. Inside is at least one guard. Use your rifle site to quietly pick him off. Then enter the area. Pick off any other guards you see. Follow the hallway and open the next door on the right; at least three soldiers guard this hall. Pick off each one quietly, one by one, by placing a bullet in their heads. Follow that hallway, and turn right at its end. You'll face a strange room with two computer panels on the far side of the room. Quickly step in and out and let the two guards on either side of the entrance come to you. Kill them, spy guy. As soon as you do, the floor and roof will transform and a message will tell you that the shuttle is about to do fire its engines (or something), which will kill you instantly. But it won't if you do something simple: Blow up the computer console on the far right wall. And then enter into the hallway behind it. Strangely enough, there's a labyrinthine corridor behind it. Hmmmmm... Enter in and follow it to the first left, and take it. Then take your first right and hold your spot. Beyond you is a long hallway with two automatic machine guns and a few guards running your way from the left. Let the three or so guards come to you, and kill them. You should pick up their guns and one will be the Moonraker Laser with unlimited ammo! Yes! This is just short of having the Golden Gun. Now move up to the T split in the hallway, where, on your left is an auto gun facing away from you. Lean out and shoot it. Do the same to the one on the right. Check to make sure no guards are coming your way, and then run right to the end of the hallway to pick up a piece of body armor. Now, you're ready to make your assault. Walk down the hallway containing the broken auto guns and follow it to the end. You can pass through a ventilation door, but don't just yet because there are four motion sensitive auto guns in the area. Strafe to the left and inch forward halfway down this hall until the nearest gun is activated or you see it through the door, then shoot it. Then move up to the ventilation door and peak out right -- an inactive auto gun is hanging on the wall to your right about five feet away. Kill it. There are two more hanging high on the walls to your right. From behind the door you can blow up the one on the left as well as the more difficult one on the right. A few stray soldiers will approach the door and shoot in; kill them off. There are at least three soldiers with lasers hiding behind steel crates against the wall on the far right, so take them all out. The coast should be clear. You should have a grenade by now. Keep it until later, when you meet Jaws. Now move toward their carcasses and pick up their weapons and then head toward the Space Shuttle on the other side of the room (notice the mainframe on your right, you'll need to go back to it later). Half way to the space shuttle is a ladder that leads up to a control panel. Go up and hit the button which will close the exhaust doors and also open up a necessary door you've already been through. Now to meet Jaws. After descending the ladder, turn your back toward the vent door from which you arrived. A similar door is on the opposite side of the room. Go through it, take a left, kill any guards around you, and descend the stairs. Take a step to your right and, facing the same way, go forward until you reach a right turn that looks through a high, narrow passage. At the end of the tall, narrow crevice is a huge room that opens up and which contains Jaws and a few other soldiers. Jaws takes a million hits, unless if you hit him in the mouth (or face), but he still takes a bucketload either way. Use the attention getting trick (walk out so he can see you and then slip back) and lead him into the narrow hallway. Back up, switch to the grenade and throw it so that when Jaws walks in, he gets it. He'll easily survive, but you'll have taken some life out of him. Then back up out of the hallway to your right, and use your Rifle. (We use the rifle because it's a non-stop weapon and the laser takes a millisecond between shots, allowing Jaws some time to recover; use the weapon of your preference, but at least you know ours.) When Jaws turns the corner, aim for his head and pummel him until he drops. He usually gets a few shots in so be careful and hide behind walls. Now, pick up his weapons and the smart card you've been needing. Kill any other guards in the area and run back to the vent shaft, cross the room (a few guards will be there), and enter the vent shaft from whence you first came. Follow it all the way back to the control room with the glass doors. We're finally getting something done now. There are two things you must perform once you've opened up these glass doors: Pick up a DAT on the right table; and reprogram the Space Shuttle. So go ahead and pick up the DAT, and then switch to the Guidance Data via your watch and slip it into the computer terminal on the table to the left. Objective A will have been met. Now, go back to the Shuttle Room, where you'll once again meet up with a bunch of ingrate soldiers, and ascend the ladder so that you can once again open up the exhaust doors, and then head toward the computer terminals on the far end of the room. Go to the mainframe (remember?) on the right and toggle to the Launch Protocol Data you picked up in the glass-encased control room. You'll have to do this quickly because a few stray soldiers will shoot at you from behind. If you've done it correctly, a timer will set off, and you'll have approximately 30 seconds (or so) to run out of the room and keep yourself alive while the shuttle launches. If you're alive when it does (and the exhaust doors are open), then you have beaten the level. Nobody does it better. MISSION 9: Tal-Saghira, Egyptian Temple (bonus mission) ======================================================= Primary Objectives: ------------------- 1.Recover the Golden Gun 2.Defeat Baron Samedi? Weapons and gadgets: -------------------- PP7 Special Issue, Golden Gun, ZMG (9mm), grenade This level is actually quite easy if you know how to get the Golden Gun, and therein lies the biggest trick. Also, do you really defeat Baron Samedi? Here is the quickest way to accomplish both of your goals. First, obtain the Golden Gun and then kill that crazy Baron, who must be killed three times. You start off in a long rectangular room centered around a pool. Move to the right side of the room and walk down the stone path. At the end and guarding the large entrance into the next room are two guards, one on each side of opening. Hide behind the last pillar and pick off the first guard which will send the other toward you, and then kill him. Obtain their ZMGs and pass through the opening, staying to your right. In the second room, there is a passage on the right side leading to the Golden Gun. In the passage is a staircase and at its foot is a path to the right. Remember this path. Take the staircase up and press B when you arrive at the gray door. A narrow hallway leads to a medium size room and from where you stand you can see the Golden Gun. Well, don't be fooled, it's a trap. The four odd blocks in the room are 'stone sensitive' and hide never-ending, indestructible auto-machine guns that will surely kill you every time -- if you don't follow our directions to the T. You've got to think back to Indiana Jones's first movie. Remember the movie's first adventure when Jones obtained that first golden statuette? He stepped on a particular sequence of stones to get there. Oh yeah, now you remember. So, step on the first stone, and watch the glass case appear and encase the Golden Gun and the ammo. Now, move all the way to the left, and then move up (toward the gun) to the second stone. Move three stones to the right, two up, one across left, one up, one across left again, then two up and one to the right, and you should be standing right in front of the gun. The glass will move down if done correctly and the machine guns won't come out at all. That's the easy part. Now locate the only way out -- a gray stone door that will reveal a piece of body armor, and a door that lets you back out and into the clutches of a few gun-crazy soldiers. Switch to the Golden Gun, and you'll only need to hit each soldier once to kill them. Sweet, eh? With your back to the door you just stepped down from, kill off the soldiers around you and head straight into the next room, where Baron Samedi is waiting for you. He must be killed three times regardless of the difficulty level. Each time you face him his strength is heightened, and last time you face him, his weapon of choice is the Moonraker Laser. So, dodge, duck, and strafe when you see him, and then simply shoot him once with the Golden Gun to kill him. His death is also obtained without the use of the Golden Gun (lot's of bullets from your ZMG will kill him, too), but it's just easier with the Golden Gun, and you stay healthier, too. He'll next appear in the same room you began this journey in, and so you can retrace your steps or circle around (and face a lot of soldiers along the way). Either way, the second meeting will appear in the room where you started. So, get there and be prepared for more soldiers and a stronger, more dodgy Baron. (if you chose the alternate route, you'll pick up a lot of ammo and another body vest). After dispatching him the second time, you'll need to locate a hidden room where you'll also find another body vest. He'll be there. Go back to the first secret passage that leads to the Golden Gun, and instead of going up the stairs, turn right down that passage you didn't take the first time. Follow it to a room that has only one other door in it, and follow that passage to a T intersection. Take a left at the T and switch to your Golden Gun. You can see a room about 10 feet away and the Baron is in it. He's usually either on the far left or right side. This is head-to-head combat here and his Moonraker Laser is very powerful, so play your cards right. A bizarre, slim pyramid of unbreakable glass sits in the middle of the room and should be used to hide behind. The trick here is to get the vest first and then kill him fast. Otherwise, more guards will fill the chamber and you'll be trapped. Once you kill him (shooting him only once with the Golden Gun), you will have beaten the level. End of game...or is it?