______________ ___________ ___________ /_____ _____/\ / ________/\ / ________/\ \____/ /\____\/ / /\_______\/ / /\_______\/ / / / / /_/___ / / / / / / / ______/\ / / / / / / / /\_____\/ / / / / / / / / / / /_/_______ /__/ / /__/ / /____________/\ \__\/ \__\/ \____________\/ Team Fortress Classic Fighting FAQ Copyright 2001-2003 by Lee Laughead Go ahead and put this FAQ on your site, BBS, or UseNet group. Just don't change a single character, and that includes typos. And don't try removing all my bizarre, pointless comments scattered throughout this FAQ. If you do, I just might remove your eyes from their sockets with a claw hammer. But not really. Updates v2.5 10/29/03 Over two years since my last update. I've become a better player since then, like you care. I'm fixing all this trash. I changed a lot of my comments in order to make me appear more assholish. I removed some garbage from the end of the file. This will probably be the last update evar. v2.0 07/23/01 Smeg, it's hot in here. Fixed some more typos. Added to, edited and improved many section in the Fighting Guide. Updated Fighting Guide intro and Misc sections. Altered outdated info in some sections. Changed ambiguous wording here and there. Made logo look nicer. If enough people e-mail me, I'll make strategies for specific maps. (Note: I did this update twice in one day, once before I went to sleep and once after I got home from work. This is to show how much I love you. If you loved me, you'd show it by sending me all your money. v1.41 04/19/01 Fixed one smegging typo. v1.4 04/17/01 Added to credits and glossary sections. Give me money. v1.3 03/18/01 Added to Civilian vs. Civilian fighting section, credits section, and misc. section. v1.2 03/06/01 Added ascii logo and new section. v1.1 02/10/01 Added to glossary section. v1.0 02/05/01 (I think) Just started. 1. Index 1. Index....don't tell me how to write 2. Glossary 3. Fighting Guide 4. Credits 5. Misc 6. Contacting the author 2. Glossary I use a lot of slang and abbreviations in this FAQ. Most of them are commonly used in TFC play and this FAQ, so I don't want anyone to be confused. AC - Assault Cannon. Used by HWGuys. AIDS, Herpes - The disease enemy medics give you. Slowly drains your life until you die or a friendly medic heals you. Armor stripping/chipping - Most servers have it set so shooting your teammates only removes health. This is so damn irritating. Good servers set it so shooting your teammates hurts you instead, making you have to actually pay attention. BS - "Bull excrement." Often used in conjunction with lag. Camping - What retards whine about if you stay in one position for more than fifteen seconds. Murder them. Clan - A groups of players who get together to fight against other clans. "Gang" is a better word for it. You can tell what clan someone's in by the initials (Almost always three) at the beginning of their name, which are usually in brackets or parentheses. (For example, [POS]Bill ) And no, I don't want to join your clan. I turn down each and every of both clan invitations I get. I'm a vagabond. Conc - Concussion grenade. Knocks you back and forces you to look in a figure-eight pattern for about 15 seconds, simulating dizziness, and throwing off your aim. Used by scouts and medics. CS - Counter-Strike. Another Half-Life mod, much more popular and and less fun than TFC. Filled with perpetual newbs. CTF - Capture The Flag. Maps where the object is to go into the enemy base, get their flag and take it back to your base. Used in most TFC maps. Defense - AKA Camping by idiots. Demo - Short for demoman. Also: DM (Which I advise against using for fear of people confusing it with deathmatch.) Detpack - VERY powerful explosives that take 5 seconds to set and 5, 20 or 50 seconds to explode. Can't be thrown like other explosives. Used by demomen. DM - Deathmatch. Maps where the object is to kill rather than capture flags. Looked on with disdain by most TFC players, with good reason. Doc; Doctor - Medic. Drunk; Stoned - When someone has been rendered dizzy by a concussion grenade. Not used very often anymore. EMP - Electric Magnetic Pulse. Does more damage to the target depending on how many ammo or grenades they have. Used by engineers. Eng; Engie; Engy - Short for engineer. Fnord - FNORD! The fnords are coming! uNf!!! FPS - First Person Shooter. What people invariably say they don't care for when you mention TFC to them, because they are fags. Frag - Kill. Gren - Grenade. Can be used with any type of grenade, such as "nailgren" for nail grenade. HPB - "High ping bastard." Someone whose lag is so high that they're practically worthless. Hunted - Slang for the civilian on The Hunted maps. See "Prez". Incendiary Cannon - The weapon no one can spell. Used by pyros. Lag - Everyone's worst enemy. This is what it's called when things get slow or even stop while playing online games. Blame this when you get 0wned. See "Ping". Llama - An insult said to people who have absolutely no talent or go out of their way to make the game less fun for others (And no, I don't know where they got "llama"). One of the weakest insults in history. The fagstacks who use this probably think "Same to you" and "The feeling is mutual" are cool insults and listen to prog-rock. LPB - "Low ping bastard." What you'll most likely get called if you have low ping and you kill someone with high ping. Make fun of them. Macro; Script - A set of commands typed into the console that enable numerous actions to be done with a single key. IMO, this is pure cheating, since there's no margin of error and it's impossible to detect. Use this only if you have no skill. Med - Short for medic. Medkit - Heals allies of their wounds, pumps them up to 150% their natural health maximum (200% for civilians), cures afflictions and infects enemies. Used by medics. Newbie; n00b - You if you don't know what this means. NS - "Nice shot." Also, Natural Selection, a mod I have never played. 0wn - To completely and utterly defeat a person or team. That's spelled "zero double-you en". Offense - AKA spamming by idiots. Ping - How much lag you have. The lower the number, the better. See "Lag". Prez - Short for "president". Slang for the civilian on The Hunted maps. See "Hunted". Puke Bomb - Slang for the spy's gas grenades, since they look a lot like puke. They cause hallucinations and nonsensically remove health and armor. RCTF - Reverse Capture The Flag. Maps where the object is to take the flag from your base into the enemy's. RTFM - "Read the freaking manual." Often used in reply to people who ask simple questions that can be easily answered by reading the Readme file. Fools. SG - Sentry Gun. Built by engineers. Shotty - Shotgun. Skill - What I have and you don't. Skin - A player's color, or a spy's disguise. You can also use custom skins, if you're an idiot who thinks it's funny to see jagged polygons vaguely in the shape of Kermit the Frog. Smeg - All-purpose swear word from the TV show "Red Dwarf". Used by me. And yes, I know what it means. Spamming - Either means talking so much that you annoy the other players, or using far more grenades than necessary. The former is solved by muting, and the latter is not a problem unless you have no skill Spanner - An engineer's wrench. It's an actual word, but few people know what it means. This means that all the nuts on the sentry gun and dispenser are the same size. Hmm... SS - Super Shotgun. Not used very often. See Shotty. TF - A mod for the original Quake, much like TFC but with worse graphics (As it is teh old) and different physics (As it has a different engine). Since then, several first person shooters have TF mods for them. TFC - Team Fortress Classic, a TF mod for Half-Life. The game this FAQ is all about, fool. TK - Team Killer. One who intentionally attacks team members. Despised by all. Trash Talk - Get good at this. This is the most fun aspect of TFC. Aside from, you know, actually playing. w00t - That's spelled "double-you zero zero tee". Used when someone accomplishes something good or noteworthy, much like saying "Awright" or "Huzzah!". 3. Fighting Guide This section, the most homosexual one, will tell you how to fight every class as every class. Note: These are SUGGESTIONS, fool. If you know of a tactic that's better than mine, use that instead and e-mail me so I can fix it. Civilian Demoman Engineer Heavy Weapons Guy Medic Pyro Scout Sniper Soldier Spy Sentry Gun Civilian vs. Civilian Thanks to "Smith", (See credits) I have played a map where civilians can fight civilians. It's fun at first, but when you realize that everyone only has one move, it gets old. Try to get above your opponents so you can whack them with your umbrella easier than they can whack you with theirs. In the map I played, "don_warfare1_tfc", there is a quad damage module hidden in the rafters. I suggest you get it so you can 0wn the other prezes. Civilian vs. Demoman The best thing to do is, as always, run like the wind and get your bodyguards to fight him. As with all classes, watch out for pipebomb traps and MIRVs. Smeg, as a civilian, you need to watch out for crowbars! If you even imagine you see a grenade, RUN!!! Civilian vs. Engineer Has anyone made a Hunted map with engineers as assassins? If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Civilian vs. HWGuy Has anyone made a Hunted map with HWGuys as assassins? If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Civilian vs. Medic Has anyone made a Hunted map with medics as assassins? If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Civilian vs. Pyro Has anyone made a Hunted map with pyros as assassins? If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Civilian vs. Scout Has anyone made a Hunted map with scouts as assassins? If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Civilian vs. Sniper RUN. Think you've run enough? Wrong. You're not done running until you've made it through the map. A L W A Y S have as many bodyguards as you can around you. I prefer at least three, including a medic, but anything's better than fighting assassins by yourself with an umbrella. Always make sure you're surrounded by bodyguards in case a sniper has his red dot trained at you. Civilian vs. Soldier Has anyone made a Hunted map with soldiers as assassins? If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Civilian vs. Spy Has anyone made a Hunted map with spies as assassins (Which would rock so hard)? If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Civilian vs. Sentry Gun Has anyone made a Hunted map with engineers as assassins? If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Demoman vs. Civilian What a joke. Come on! 50 health and 0 armor? Anything you can do will kill him with ease. Just watch out for his bodyguards. Unlike the Hunted, they actually have a chance of killing you. Demoman vs. Demoman Try to set up a pipebomb trap where he can't see you doing it, then lure him into it by shooting pipe grenades at him in a way so he runs into the pipebombs. If he lays down a detpack, get out of there. Remember that he can do anything that you can. Most of the time you will spend ineffectually shooting pipe grenades at each other. Demoman vs. Engineer Pretty easy. Engineers aren't fast enough to dodge your pipe grenades 100% of the time, and they're not strong enough to kill you if you're not heavily damaged or unskilled. Just watch out for his EMP -- It'll blow you to bits even if you have full health and armor. If he runs away, it's usually a bad idea to follow him, since he's probably running back to his SG so he won't have to fight you alone. Demoman vs. HWGuy Use a MIRV or a huge pipebomb trap unless you want to be shot down. If you don't have any MIRVs and you don't have the time to make a pipebomb trap, you're better off running away. After you run, make sure he's following you, then lay some pipebombs or a detpack right by a corner and watch the fireworks. Remember that even big explosions might not kill someone as strong as a HWGuy. Whip out the shotgun to finish him off. Demoman vs. Medic DON'T LET HIM GET NEAR YOU!!! If he gets half the chance, he'll give you AIDS. Plus he's fast enough to dodge any grenades you throw at him. You'd best shoot him with your shotgun while running away and hope he doesn't come after you. Set up a pipebomb trap in case he does. Demoman vs. Pyro You'd probably be better off fighting him with help, since he can use fire in many ways to obscure your vision. And if your vision is obscured, you have no chance of hitting him with any bomb. Use the shotgun since it's instantaneous. Only fight him if you feel lucky or he has no skill. Demoman vs. Scout Don't bother. He's so fast that you have NO chance of hitting him with anything but a pipebomb trap or your shotgun. Since he's probably headed to your flag, you should have a bunch of pipebombs right by it so you can blow them up right after he gets the flag. Don't get mad if it doesn't work, since he might be able to dodge it. If he's smart, he'll run right next to your pipebombs then quickly run away and hope you blow them up so he can get past. While he's doing this, shoot him. Demoman vs. Sniper Get in close. That way you can use pipe grenades to make him bounce all over the place to throw off his aim. Make sure you kill him off fast, since he can kill you with one hit. Try shooting explosives into the enemy battlements so you can take out snipers and they can't even see you. A detpack on the sniper's nest is risky, but it's a really good way to keep snipers out of your team's hair for 50 seconds (Unless they're stupid enough to stand by a detpack for a long time, which they are). Demoman vs. Soldier Your only hope is a pipebomb trap or a MIRV. Or, if he's wounded, a whole smeg of a lot of pipe grenades. Try to stay away from him until he shoots four rockets, then hit him while he's reloading. But if he reloaded before firing the fourth one, he'll probably kill you. Don't push your luck -- Use a pipebomb trap. Demoman vs. Spy Don't let him tranq you. If he does, you have no chance. He'll dodge anything you throw at him then he'll plant his filthy knife in your back. If he's going for your flag, make sure you have some pipebombs there to blow him up. No disguise can get around that. Demoman vs. Sentry Gun If you can, try to richochet pipe grenades off a wall at the SG. If it doesn't work, run in for a second to see where the SG is, then pipe gren it. If engies are nearby, MIRV the SG. If the first explosion doesn't take it out, the second will... and when the engies run at it to repair it, the MIRV's second wave will take them out. If you hit, you're guaranteed to either take out an SG or an engie. Engineer vs. Civilian Has anyone made a Hunted map with engineers as assassins? (Which would be pretty interesting and would require teamwork) If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Engineer vs. Demoman Run. He will 0wn you with little effort. Run to your SG and hope he's stupid enough to follow you. (If he doesn't manage to destroy it, he'll be shot down) If you can't do this, throw an EMP at him. It'll take him out -- Guaranteed. EMPs can also destroy his pipebombs, which will make your ungrateful teammates not get killed quite as fast. Engineer vs. Engineer If you're in your base, try to lure him to your SG. He'll be dead in seconds. If you're in his base, you probably should get some help since you aren't likely to win in a fight against his SG. Engineer vs. HWGuy RUN. RUN VERY VERY FAST. The only way you can win is with an EMP (And even then if he's already damaged) or your level 3 sentry gun. A level 1 or a level 2 simply will not beat him if he has any skill or non-wounds. Be careful of his MIRVs... if he wants to take out your SG, he'll use them. While he's doing this, decide what's more important: You or your SG. If you're more important, then just EMP him, then shoot him with your super shotgun a few times and get out of there. If your SG takes priority, make sure it's at full health, wait for the first explosion to go off, then repair it. You'll almost certainly get killed, but your SG might take him out. Engineer vs. Medic Super shotgun the smegger and hope you take him out before he gets next to you. If he does, you can forget about living. Try to fight him near your SG, since it can't get infected like you can. If he tries using his super nailgun to take out your SG, blast him. Engineer vs. Pyro He'll most likely 0wn you in a fair fight. That's why you shouldn't fight fair. His fire attacks will kill you fast, but they don't do so much damage to your SG. Notice how all of these basically say "Lure him into your SG"? That's what you should be doing all the time when you're an engineer. Engineer vs. Scout Grrr. Your EMP won't kill him if he's at full life, and he's too fast to shoot. If he's good, he'll try taking out your SG with a nailgun. This is why you shouldn't leave your SG unless you need to resupply or your team's offense sucks. Remember that he doesn't have any grenades, so if your SG's in a good spot, he can't take it out. Engineer vs. Sniper If they can get at the right angle, they can take out your SG with one shot. So while they're charging their sniper rifle, throw some grenades (Don't waste EMPs on snipers. Save them for stronger classes.) at them and shoot them. If you're on offense and they're on defense, try using grenades to kill them, since if you get in their line of sight they'll kill you in an instant. Engineer vs. Soldier Your second worst enemy. They can use rockets and nail grenades to take out your SG with ease. If you're stuck fighting them, throw and EMP and hope it hits, cuz if it doesn't, you're dead. Engineer vs. Spy It's your own worst enemy... ringing the bell on the door... but the person inside says "Nobody's home" and your own worst enemy peeks inside, and sees you softly weeping, because he took out your SG while standing right in front of it and you weren't nearby to defend it. (Note from Soulcleaver in 2003: Wow, I thought quoting They Might Be Giants in 2001 made me kewl? I was an idiot in ways GameFAQs won't let me print.") One stab from him will kill you, and he can destroy your SG with incredible ease. So put your SG in a place where it's hard to destroy it with grenades, like the ledge by the ladder by the tunnel on Badlands. Engineer vs. Sentry Gun Unless you can take it out with a grenade or your railgun (From a distance), you're better off getting some help. (Note: Never, never, ever use the railgun unless you want to take out SGs from a distance. Aside from being slow and incredibly weak, they create a bright green laser that indicates there's a pansy engie nearby. It also fools your allies into thinking you might be an enemy spy, since it's the default engineer weapon and only n00bs use it!) HWGuy vs. Civilian Has anyone made a Hunted map with HWGuys as assassins? (Which would be completely unfair. It would be like Bruce Lee fighting Bob Dole.) If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. HWGuy vs. Demoman You're slow enough to get hit by his explosives, but strong enough to survive them, plus you don't get knocked around as much as the other classes. Keep your barrels spinning and try to avoid his MIRVs and pipebomb traps and you'll probably pull through, but get severely damaged in the process. HWGuy vs. Engineer Too easy. The only way he has a chance of beating you is with an EMP or his sentry gun. Kill him before he can EMP you. His SG is probably nearby. HWGuy vs. HWGuy Basically, if both combatants have equal health and armor, whoever starts shooting first wins. So, try to shoot first. Attack him before he can see you and you'll almost certainly win. A great spot to do this is from the "sniper's nests" inbetween command points 2 and 4 on CZ2. If you're fighting another HWGuy and you're getting killed, throw a grenade or MIRV and get the smeg out of there. HWGuy vs. Medic Annoying. He'll probably try to run up to you and give you AIDS. And since you're so slow, he'll probably succeed, although you can usually kill him after he does this and runs away. If you see a medic coming at you, try to get at the end of a long corridor where you can continually shoot him where he can't dodge and he can't infect you. Watch out for concussion grenades. HWGuy vs. Pyro With a recent patch (As of 2001), HWGuys are weaker and pyros are stronger. They're still not too much trouble, unless they manage to blind you. If you get blinded, keep shooting and run away until your vision clears. Then go after him. HWGuy vs. Scout You can kill a scout in literally one second with your assault cannon. He has Z E R O chance of beating you unless he sees you before you see him and you're mortally wounded. Basically, all he can do is throw a concussion grenade at you or drop some caltrops as he's running away. If you're on defense, start shooting your assault cannon, stop before you start firing, then start it up again. That way, if a scout comes running past you, you won't have to wait two seconds for your AC to charge up and you can kill him with ease. As with medics, try to get at the end of a corridor so he can't get past you. HWGuy vs. Sniper You are slow. Their rifles are fast. If you're far away, you might take a hit before you can get to cover. Contrary to what I said in previous versions, a single sniper bullet to the head can kill you even if you're at full health and armor. If you manage to sneak up on a sniper, he'll have about a second to hear your AC's barrels spinning, turn towards you, and shoot you. This is why you should use a grenade to weaken them or just clear them away with a MIRV. Don't even think about attacking them from the front. HWGuy vs. Soldier Since HWs don't get pushed around by explosions so much, you can keep your aim on the soldier and keep hitting him even while he's firing rockets at you. When he fires four rockets, he'll almost certainly run away to reload. This is your chance to finish him. If he throws a nail grenade at you, he's probably trying to get you away from him so he can reload or run. Instead, keep shooting him. You have 300 armor, remember? You can take a few hits. HWGuy vs. Spy Using your AC as a spy checker is a good way to kill enemy spies fast. It's also a great way to get your teammates to TK you. If you get in a fight with a spy, KILL HIM FAST. If you don't, he'll tranq you and easily run behind you and stab you to death. Watch out for his gas grenades. You'll take a lot of damage running through them since you're so slow. You better start sweatin' to the oldies, hog. HWGuy vs. Sentry Gun The best way to take out an SG is to get to a point where you can see it, but it can't see you. Then you can easily (Albeit slowly) destroy it with your AC. If this isn't possible, try a MIRV. You might even kill both the SG and its creator. If you get stuck fighting an SG mano-a-machino, keep shooting and throw a bunch of grenades. Even if you don't win, your grenade might. Medic vs. Civilian Has anyone made a Hunted map with medics as assassins? (Guess he didn't put enough money into health care, eh?) If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Medic vs. Demoman Pretty easy. You're fast enough to dodge all his explosives and strong enough to survive his shotgun. Just run up to him and give him AIDS. Watch out for pipebomb traps, though. And if he throws a MIRV, run. Medic vs. Engineer You shouldn't have much trouble giving him AIDS, altought his super shotgun hurts, his EMP can probably kill you, and his SG can DEFINITELY kill you. If he starts running away, don't follow him. He's probably trying to get you to run into his SG's line of sight. If you can manage to take out his SG, you can give him AIDS with no trouble then get the smeg away. Medic vs. HWGuy Try to attack him before he can see you. This is a LOT easier on a server with footsteps turned off. Once you give him AIDS, it's easy to get away. Unless, of course, he decides to attack you, in which case you will die fast. So try to attack near corners so he can't shoot at you before you're gone. A conc might save your life if he sees you first. The second you give him AIDS, get the smeg out of there. Don't E V E R try to fight him with anything but your medkit unless you personally saw him become severely wounded. Medic vs. Medic You're pretty evenly matched. He, being retarded, might try to attack you with his medkit. You can get hurt, but you can't get AIDS. So use your super shotgun instead. Try running away and dropping a grenade. If he's dumb enough to think he can give you AIDS, he might be dumb enough to run into a grenade. If he attacked any of your teammates, make sure you heal them ASAP. No one likes dying a dishonorable death from AIDS. Medic vs. Pyro You can probably give him AIDS... if you can manage to hit him despite not being able to see. You'll probably get hit a lot if you get close to him, so make sure you have plenty of health and armor unless you enjoy being a martyr. Be sure to heal any flaming teammates you see. Remember that even though you can put out a teammate's fire, you can't put out your own. Medic vs. Scout You're the only class anywhere near fast enough to keep up with him. And, unlike him, you have the super shotgun, which can take him out in four hits or less. If you're chasing him, watch out for caltrops. Try to get a friend to walk on them, then heal him. It's a waste of time to try to give scouts AIDS unless you're in a narrow corridor and he's trying to get past you. As fast as you are, he can blow you away in a race. Medic vs. Sniper Do not let him see you. Virtually all snipers train themselves to kill their most annoying enemies, the medics, on sight. If you must, use a concussion grenade to disorient them first. It might save you. If you can, get behind them, give them AIDS, then RUN. Don't stay to finish the job or infect the other snipers. If you do, you're begging to be shot. Medic vs. Soldier You should probably just run. He can knock you all over the place with his rocket launcher. It hurts, too. Giving him AIDS is quite difficult unless you can sneak up behind him. And if you can sneak up behind him, prepare to get a rocket in the balls. If he throws a nail grenade, get the smeg out of there. Most of the time, a single soldier will 0wn you. If you absolutely have to fight, run around like a chicken with its head cut off. When he uses four rockets, give him AIDS, then RUN LIKE THE WIND. Medic vs. Spy Heal absolutely every single person you see who appears to be on your team. If you hear them yell and see them bleed, you know you got a spy. Chase after him and make sure he gets AIDS. An enemy who pretends to be your friend deserves to die a painful death. If he tries to run behind you, run and shoot him with your super shotgun or super nailgun. If you can't take care of him, tell your team. If you don't have the time, keep shooting him... don't use your medkit. If your teammates see you shooting at an ally, they'll know he's a spy, too. Stand by to heal tranqed, stabbed or hallucinating teammates. Medic vs. Sentry Gun Try bouncing grenades off of walls. If this doesn't work, try to get into the right position so you can shoot it with your super nailgun (Never use the super shotgun; it's too slow, too noisy, and too easy to trace back to you) and it can't shoot at you. Sometimes if it can't shoot with its gun, it can still shoot rockets, so get ready to hit 'n run. Pyro vs. Civilian Has anyone made a Hunted map with pyros as assassins? (He raised taxes? Burn him!) If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Pyro vs. Demoman Actually, I've never had this encounter, since I rarely play as a pyro. I'd probably stay away from him, since his bombs aren't hindered by your flame- proof vest. I swear, they should have made it so pyros take half damage from explosions. Then people might actually want to play as them. Pyro vs. Engineer Mmm... Reese's Pieces... oh, sorry. Burn him and take his pot o' gold. Heeheeheeheeheehee. (Note from v2.0: I was crazy when I wrote this in v1.0) Pyro vs. HWGuy Even with the patch that makes pyros stronger,, it'll take a long time to roast a HW. So you're better off torching him once and letting your companions handle him. Your napalm grenades will hurt him a lot since he's so slow. TMBG forever!!! (Note from 2003: I was so damn stupid. TMBG still 0wn2, though.) Pyro vs. Medic Light him up so he can't see you and therefore can't give you AIDS. Then cook him. May I recommend grilled medic? Those medkits REALLY bring out the inherent flavor. (Note from 2003: So very gay...) Pyro vs. Pyro Since you can't set each other on fire, you'll probably blast each other to bits with super shotguns. The fight will go a lot faster if you have a friend, hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge. Pyro vs. Scout Your flamethrower will inflict DEEP HURTING on him thanks to the new (As of 2001) patch, but you'll never catch up with him. So go drink a bucket of A&W root beer instead. (Note from 2003: Who was I trying to impress with this blatant faggotry?) Pyro vs. Sniper Don't waste your ammo firing rockets at them from a distance, since, unless their tear ducts suddenly stop producting fluid and they lose their sight, they will see them coming. A napalm grenade into the battlements will stop them from firing from a certain area for awhile, but it's not quite as effective as a puke bomb or a nailgren. In 2Fort and lots of other maps, you can get right underneath the battlements and shoot your incendiary cannon up at them. Since the flames go through walls, they'll get burned and won't even be able to fight back. Get out of there fast, though, because the entrance is a great place to get killed by berks coming out of the base! Pyro vs. Soldier Pyros are basically wussified versions of soldiers. So, naturally, you're at a disadvantage. So run away and bring friends. Not pyro friends, you idiot. Pyro vs. Spy If you're on a server where you can't hurt teammates at all, use your flamethrower on everyone and keep attacking anyone who starts burning. They're either a regular enemy or an enemy spy. If you're on any other kind of server, this is a great way to get your teammates to TK you. Pyro vs. Sentry Gun A napalm grenade will probably take one out, I think. Don't hold me to that promise, as I am a liar. I'm not sure about the other weapons, since I don't use pyros that much. You guys are SUCKERS! Scout vs. Civilian Has anyone made a Hunted map with scouts as assassins? (Which would be pretty stupid. Whee. Let's take the prez's flag.) If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Scout vs. Demoman Ah, the scout. My favorite class. When fighting demomen, you'd best stay far, far, far away... and leave some caltrops behind you. Try to find ways of getting past pipebombs, like walking by them for a second, then running away before he activates them. If he uses a detpack, just walk on it to deactivate it. Be careful, because doing this will really smeg him off. Scout vs. Engineer He's not a whole lot stronger than you, but he does have the super shotgun, EMPs and not mention his all-1337 sentry gun. If he throws an EMP at you, you can probably use it instead of a conc if you want to fly (Just make sure you don't have a lot of shotgun shells, or you'll get blown up). If you manage to take out his sentry gun, he'll either run after you or stupidly build a new one. If he does the former, drop caltrops and throw a conc at him. His super shotgun hurts, but hey, at least it's not a sentry gun. If he does the latter, shoot him. Scout vs. HWGuy Run. Done running? Run some more. Think you've got away? Keep running. Don't ever stop running for any reason. I mean it. Don't consider fighting a HWGuy unless you want to die. I'm serious. If you fight a HWGuy, you WILL die. You might be thinking, "But I can run rings around him and he can't hit me!" No. He can hit you. He will hit you. You WILL be killed. In case it hasn't sunk in yet, NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER FIGHT A HWGUY AS A SCOUT FOR ANY REASON AT ALL AT ANY TIME. EVER. Unless, of course, you want to be sent back to respawn for some reason. When I'm playing CZ2 and I want to get back to my flag room, I pick a fight with a HWGuy. If I see him first, I can chip a little off his armor before I get shredded to bloody ribbons. If you're being chased by a HWGuy, drop caltrops, concs, whatever. Just keep running and hope he doesn't figure out how to catch up with you. Scout vs. Medic Keep running. As a scout, you should run from all non-scout enemies, but especially from medics. They're the only other class that has ANY chance of catching up with you. Which means that you might get AIDS. Stay your distance, get off a few shotgun blasts if you can, drop some caltrops, but keep away from him. Scout vs. Pyro Before the pyro-strengthening patch (As of 2001), if I saw a pyro, I'd think "Big deal, I'll just take a hit from his flamethrower and keep on running." Now I think "Where's another way I can get past him?" Now that the pyro's flamethrower does more damage, scouts can get fried like shrimp in seconds. Oh man shrimp is good. I want some right now. Aw smeg, it's snowing outside and I don't want to walk to Long John Silver's. (Note from 2003: Retardery abounds!) Anyway, stay away from pyros. You can probably jump over their napalm grenades, and their incendiary cannons are relatively easy to dodge, but if you get in close, get ready to take some heavy damage from the flamethrower, if you survive at all. (Note: Back when I wrote this is v1.0, I was crazy and it was really, really cold. Now it is hot. Send me your air conditioners. If you don't, Satan will sodomize you in your sleep.) (Another note: I'm even less stupid now!) Scout vs. Scout This is the only fair fight you will ever have. Be prepared for a long fight. It takes a surprising amount of time to take another scout down, since both your weapons are so weak and you can both dodge attacks so easily. Most of the time, someone else will show up and uneven the odds. If they don't, you should find a nice, long corridor, run down it and drop a smegload of caltrops, enough that even a scout can't jump over them. Even the paltry amount of damage caused by caltrops hurts a scout, not to mention that having their speed reduced eliminates their only advantage. Don't waste your time with concs. The other scout will dodge it easily. Scout vs. Sniper Don't. Technically, they can kill you even faster than HWGuys. After all, one shot is all it takes. If you're in their base going for their flag, don't run up to them, shoot once, and run. As fun as this is, they might come after you. If they do, they can guard all the corridors from any distance. Even though you're fast enough to dodge most bullets, their auto rifle hits repeatedly. And it hurts. It's a scratch to other classes, but you aren't the other classes, are you? If you are, why are you reading this section? Scout vs. Soldier This is not a fair fight. It's what is probably the best class in the game versus what is definitely the worst class in the game. One direct hit from a rocket will kill you. One splash hit from a rocket will almost kill you. One nail grenade will severely damage you. Even the super shotgun hurts like smeg. While they can't kill you as fast as a HWGuy, they can still kill you very quickly. Your best chance is to drop caltrops and run like Forrest Gump. Scout vs. Spy You're best off touching anyone on your team, espeically if they're acting suspicious (Sometimes this makes your teammates think you're an enemy spy yourself, though). If they're an enemy spy, they'll lose their disguise immediately. They'll most likely run to some obscure location and put on a new disguise. Alert your team with his location and disguise, and don't ever stop shooting. He can't hit back without losing his disguise, so you can keep pounding at him. If he throws a grenade, you can easily dodge it. If he throws a gas grenade, run out of its radius, and keep shooting. Usually an ally will come in time to take him out for you. If they don't, and you don't want to be cheap and change classes so you can kill him, he'll be damaged enough that after he takes your flag, someone else can finish him off. Scout vs. Sentry Gun Your only, and I mean only chance to take it out by yourself is to get to a position where you can get a shot at it with your nailgun and it can't shoot you. Why didn't they give scouts grenades instead of near-worthless caltrops? Sniper vs. Civilian Oh, please. You can kill him in a few seconds with your crowbar! One shot from a half-charged sniper rifle will send his entrails flying into the air (Try to get a groin shot for style points). If he sees you, get out the auto rifle and fire like mad, since he's a lot less likely to dodge a couple dozen shots than just one. If he has bodyguards around, try to shoot him anyway. If he's surrounded, you'll probably kill one, unless it's a HWGuy. If it's a HWGuy, he'll probably come after you. Plan out a good exit away from wherever you snipe from. (Note: Some servers, especially Hunted-only servers, don't allow the snipers to use the auto rifle or nailgun. This is because they are run by talentless fags who don't know the meaning of war. Thank you and goodnight.) Sniper vs. Demoman No problem at all, unless he manages to sneak up on you. In which case, you should fire your charged shot, then run straight to respawn unless you want to die. Watch out for his MIRV. If you see a MIRV (Or a detpack, or any explosive for that matter), run away until it's done exploding. Sniper vs. Engineer No problem. Watch out for EMPs and SGs. Sniper vs. HWGuy Problem. You need a fully charged headshot to drop him at full health and armor. His AC will rip you to pieces. His MIRV will blow you to bits for sure. Your best bet is to get in one shot, then shoot him with your auto rifle and hope he dies before he can start shooting. Of course, if he's still far away after the first shot, you should keep using the sniper rifle. Sniper vs. Medic He might be too fast for you to shoot. In this case, you should try to get him to run at you in a straight line. A good way to do this is to get at the end of a corridor. Be careful, since he can conc jump right into the battlements on most maps. He can also give you AIDS quite easily if you're zoomed in. So, zoom out every once in a while to check for berks at yer back. Sniper vs. Pyro If you get caught on fire, you can forget about winning until it goes away. Get ready to run and take lots of damage. Sniper vs. Scout Using your sniper rifle is usually a waste of time. Use the auto rifle instead. If he conc jumps into your battlements and runs for your flag, you should run after him. If you keep firing, he'll be weakened by the time he gets your flag. By this time, backup will usually have arrived. If it hasn't, keep shooting him anyway. Or you could just stay in your battlements like the skilless fag you are. Sniper vs. Sniper Get to a spot where you can see him, but he doesn't know you're aiming at him. It's important to put your laser sight in a spot where he won't notice it, like above his head. If you miss and you're far away, go to another spot and try it again. If you miss and you're close, run like the dog you are. Be ready with a charged shot when he and/or his friends come after you. Sniper vs. Soldier You can usually see his rockets coming from a mile away. When you do, get FAR away. Don't get to where you think you're far away enough. I've been killed too many times when I thought I was out of the blast radius. If he gets in close, shoot once, then RUN. He will 0wn you if your shot misses. If you see his nailgren, run away until you hear it explode. Don't get close enough to see it explode. Sniper vs. Spy Annoying. If he gets behind you, you're dead. His gas grenades prevent you from sniping in a large area for quite some time. You can shoot everyone who looks suspicious, but you'll invariably hit your teammates a few times. I'm sure they'll love having all their armor taken away. This is why I like to play on servers where hurting teammates hurts you instead. Sniper vs. Sentry Gun Unlike the other classes, you can kill the SG while it's seeing you. Just charge yer sniper rifle, look at it and fire. If you miss, it would be a good idea to get the smeg out of there and try again. Watch out for angry engineers afterward. Soldier vs. Civilian Has anyone made a Hunted map with soldiers as assassins? (Which would be like Chuck Norris fighting Ross Perot.) If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Soldier vs. Demoman You can usually waste him, but be careful because you're slow and it's hard to dodge his explosives. If he runs away, he might lead you into a pipebomb trap. Soldier vs. Engineer He has basically no chance against you unless you're at death's door, he uses an EMP, or you run into his SG. Soldier vs. HWGuy As strong as you are, HWGuys are even stronger! Don't stay in one place. Keep running and jumping around unless you want to be murdered by his AC. Don't expect your rockets to knock him around much, since he's so heavy. If you get wounded, don't run away. You're so slow you probably won't make it. Drop some grenades and keep shooting. If you run out of rockets and you NEED to fire, use the super shotgun. Soldier vs. Medic Shoot at the ground in front of him so you'll knock him back. Do whatever it takes to keep him away from you unless you want AIDS. If he concs you, you're screwed, since you can't run fast enough and you can't aim well enough to shoot him. Just fire randomly and hope you hit. Soldier vs. Pyro Remember that your cannon is stronger than his, but his has a bigger splash radius and can set you on fire. I've always considered pyros to be a weaker version of soldiers. But that doesn't change the fact that he can blind you easily. Get in close and get burned. Stay far away and maybe get burned. If you get blinded, don't waste your rockets, since you can't see very well and you probably won't hit him. Use your super shotgun until the fire goes out. Soldier vs. Scout One shot, one kill. And you're not even a sniper. The only thing you have to fear is if he takes your flag. Stay in a corridor that he's running down and he has no chance of getting past you. If you need to get past a scout's caltrops, either just run past them and get slowed down even more, or, if you need speed, rocket jump over them. Soldier vs. Sniper Here's a hint: Don't fire rockets at them from a distance. Since they can see them a mile away, they'll only hit idiots who don't run when glowing things come flying at them from the enemy's base. That and they'll know there's a soldier coming at them. Fire rockets at them only when you're close. When you do this, it might take two hits to kill them. If the first shot doesn't kill them, GET OUT OF THERE! You're tough, but snipers can kill you in one hit. Throw nail grenades in the battlements for extra fun. Soldier vs. Soldier Don't jump all over the place. Sure, it makes it harder for you to be hit directly, but it means a glancing hit will knock you really far away. It also makes it harder to aim. So stay on the ground most of the time and stay off ladders. If you get wounded, don't run if you and him are alone. No matter how far away you get, he can shoot you with rockets. If you're looking where you're going, you can't see the rockets coming and he'll hit you for sure. If you look at him while you're running, you can't see where you're going. d0f! Soldier vs. Spy They're only a problem if they're disguised and you don't know it. In this case, there's nothing you can do about it. If they aren't disguised, two shots will kill 'em. They'll probably come in close for a stabbing. Keep in mind that if you shoot at an enemy really close with the rocket launcher, you'll hurt yourself, too. But you have more armor than him, right? Soldier vs. Sentry Gun Ways to take out an SG as a soldier: 1. Run in, fire a rocket, run out. Repeat. 2. Fire rockets from a distance. 3. Throw a nailgren at it. Spy vs. Civilian Has anyone made a Hunted map with spies as assassins? (Which would be pretty cool.) If so, contact me and tell me what map it is so I can make a strategy. Spy vs. Demoman For the love of smeg, don't run over their pipebombs unless you have a disguise on and you're certain they don't know you're a spy. You'll have to get in close to stab them, and they have the advantage there. Practice your dodging skills. Spy vs. Engineer These guys HATE you. You are their enemy. Your Republican to their Democrat. Your Eminem to their Insane Clown Posse. The thing is, they're about even with you unless you get in close with your knife or their SG sees you. Try to make the former happen and not the latter. Spy vs. HWGuy Stay away from these smeggers even if you have a disguise. Most HWs like to use their assault cannons as spy checkers. If they do, you are quite screwed. If you try to stab them, it'll usually take more than one hit, so be prepared to be shot. If they run after you, drop a puke bomb, because they'll take a lot of damage from it since they're so pokey. Spy vs. Medic How ironic. Neither of you are very good in a fight unless you're right next to the enemy. The problem is, he can give you AIDS with one hit, and it might take more than one hit for you to kill him. If he runs away, use your super shotgun (And maybe your tranq first). If you're disguised and he doesn't know it, pretend you have something important to do so he won't heal you. If he's any good, he'll heal anyone and everyone he sees as a spy checker. You don't want AIDS interfering with your mission, do you? Spy vs. Pyro Get in close and you'll burn. So use your super shotgun instead. If he doesn't have his flamethrower out and you're in close, run in and stab him before he can switch to it. That is, if you're feeling lucky. Spy vs. Scout Don't bother trying to stab him unless he can't see you. He's just too smegging fast. Even your puke bombs won't do that much since he can run right through them. You could always tranq him, but he'll probably dodge it. Your nailgun has the same problem. So use your super shotgun or don't bother at all. If you're disguised, don't let him touch you, or he'll reveal you for the slippery weasel you are. Spy vs. Sniper If they're zoomed in, get behind them and stabby stab stab. If they aren't, I wouldn't bother. Toss a puke bomb into the battlements to keep them out for 15 seconds. Spy vs. Soldier This is like a weasel fighting a lion. Technically, the weasel is a lot smarter and sneakier, but the lion can still rip the weasel to pieces. Since you are a weasel, stay away from lions, mmm-kay? (Note: I was crazy when I wrote this in v1.0) (Note from 2003: STFU.) Spy vs. Spy Break into his base and steal his nuclear plans. D'oh! That window is really a guillotine! (End of [2003 note: Spy vs. Spy] reference) Seriously, you should stay away from him unless you want to lose your disguise. If you lose your disguise in his base, you will probably be killed. Spy vs. Sentry Gun What a joke. Just throw two grenades in the right place and say goodbye. If it's in a hard to reach spot, pull the pin on the grenade and hold onto it for a few seconds, then let go at the right time so it explodes right next to the SG. As Civilian RUN, FORREST! RUN!!! As Demoman Learn to use your pipe bombs and pipe grenades. Set up traps, detonate pipe grenades in the air, and don't get close to anyone. Remember, if the enemy's running around too fast for you to hit them with bombs, whip out your shotgun and blast away. As Engineer You are the mama bear. The SG is the baby bear. Anyone who touches it must die. Your dispenser can be destroyed. It doesn't matter. Your SG is all that matters. If anyone kills your baby, you must get vengeance. Even if it means suicide, you must get revenge. Don't ask questions, just do it. Put your dispenser in narrow corridors or staircases leading into your base. When you're warned that an enemy is using it, blow that smegger up! It's almost like having two sentry guns! (Type "bind p detdispenser" into the console so you can blow your dispenser up just by pressing "p". Try to fill it up first, so it does more damage.) As HWGuy Don't waste time. You're slow. You will always be slow. You know that. Your opponents know that. They will use it against you. You must always be prepared. Fight. Fight for your right to party. As Medic Some losers whine that infecting people and running is cheap. Actually, it's about the only way to succeed as a medic. Give them AIDS and run. Sure, it's immature, but it's quite fun. There's nothing as humiliating as dying by AIDS. Hmmm... maybe voting for Carter. As Pyro Burn anything and everything. If it yells or bleeds, it's an enemy, so keep burning. Fire is your friend. Let it help you. Your napalm grenades can be as good as the scout's caltrops. As Scout Against any class that poses a threat, you can throw a conc at their side so they get knocked away. It's hard to do, doesn't work often, and wastes time, so I don't recommend it. Unless, of course, you're really good at it. When you run down a corridor, drop so caltrops. Even if no one's coming after you. It can't hurt, right? If you're REALLY good as a scout, you can beat people to death with your crowbar by hitting-and-running. I'm serious. No one will take you seriously when you do this, but if you know what to do, and you're really good at dodging, the crowbar can be your strongest weapon. As Sniper Unless you have to get away NOW, charge up a shot. I know it means walking at an absurdly slow speed, but you'll be glad when some big bad muthertrucker pops in front of you and you can hurt him. As Soldier It's hard to hit enemies directly with your slow rockets, so try to hit the ground or walls around them. It doesn't do as much damage, but it knocks them around and disorents them. While they try to figure out where they are, shoot them again. Nail grenades can clear rooms even better than your rockets. Always reload when you're not firing something. You'll need it later. As Spy You have two primary weapons: Your knife and your gas grenades. The others can be useful, but the knife and the gas grenade are vital to successful legerdemain (Duh, I use big word!) Make them run with gas grenades and stab them as they run around. Pure joy. vs. Civilian You gotta be kidding me. vs. Demoman Get in close to dodge his grenades and he's finished. Get far away and shoot him and he's finished. Just don't get kinda close to him unless you want to get blown up. vs. Engineer No big deal, just watch out for his SG and his EMP. Both are quite nasty. vs. HWGuy If you hear his assault cannon whirring, get out of there. It doesn't matter what class you are. Do you like getting killed? If not, then run. If you can help it, attack from behind whenever possible. Use of grenades will probably be necessary. vs. Medic Keep him away! Use grenades, rockets, or just plain gunshots to the head to convince him to give AIDS to someone else! vs. Pyro He can torch you in many varied, interesting ways. All of them hurt. All of them continue to hurt. All of them blind you. A good pyro can 0wn anyone just by making sure you can't see them. If you get burned, run away until you can see again. vs. Scout An easy kill for any class. Just make sure he doesn't steal your flag! vs. Sniper Don't run in a straight line towards him. In fact, don't run towards him at all. Attack from behind, where he's not looking. That'll teach him to sink your battleship. vs. Soldier This is probably the hardest opponent you will ever face. If you're not a soldier or HWGuy, you're often better off just running away. vs. Spy Read the rest of this FAQ for precautions against spy attacks. Use them. vs. Sentry Gun If you're a spy, you know what to do. If you're a demoman, you can bounce explosives off walls at it. If you're a soldier, you can throw a nailgren at it. If you're anyone else, you better be good at throwing grenades or trick shooting, or else you should get help from a spy, demoman, or soldier. 4. Credits Valve, for making such a ludicrously awesome game. YelseyKing, for formatting this FAQ so the text doesn't go off the edge of the screen. Everyone hates that. Smith, (herman@link2000.net) for showing me a map where civilians can fight civilians. FartingDrunk, (Fartingdrunk@aol.com) for letting me know what EMP stands for. TFC sites I recommend: (Note: I haven't checked these since 2001. Most of them are probably dead.) http://tfc.pcgame.com (Tons of strategy for all the classes) http://freespace.morat.net/Vitenka (Even more tips for classes) http://www.planetfortress.com (A great, comprehensive site, just stay far away from the articles, which are written by idiots) http://www.planetfortress.com/misanthropy (A great place for beginners to get info) http://www.planetfortress.com/fragopolis (An excellent page for tactics in TFC or any multiplayer game) http://members.tripod.com/pcgcolin/index.htm (Mr. T vs. Half-Life. Funny shiznit.) http://www.hometown.aol.com//novaman3/mrtvstfc.HTML (Mr. T vs TFC. Not as funny as the previous, but still worth viewing.) 5. Misc Go to www.gamefaqs.com for the newest version of this FAQ, plus FAQs for any other game you want... almost any game you want, anyway. My best TFC score so far: 848/72 (On Murderball, therefore it doesn't count) If you ever want to see me on TFC, I usually use the name Smeghead, or Soulcleaver, or Drunken Sasquatch Posse, or w00tw00t Mc0wnage. I'll be the guy with the highest score. 6. Contacting the author E-mail removed for now. I'm going to be out of the country for two years, so I won't get any of your e-mail, anyway. I'll probably put this back up if I get back. If.