Geneforge 2 Creation Guide (version 2.6) by blueman00 (Ron P) Contact for questions/comments Geneforge 2 and all names in this Guide are copyright Spiderweb Software ( This is my first FAQ so hopefully it's understandable and informative to everyone that loves this game as much as I do. I would like to acknowledge Matt P (and various contributors) for his excellent FAQ/Walkthrough for this game which aided me MANY times while playing and writing this guide. I would also like to acknowledge General Jah (spiderweb message board member) for asking the question which prompted me to start this. And finally Spiderweb Software for such an excellent game. This was primarily written to show a comparative value for creations as far as attacking and avoiding, and some additional info. that was only discovered by testing these values. Basic principles that can be found in the game were omitted in order to avoid over saturation. TABLE OF CONTENTS 0. Chance to hit and avoid stats 1. Creation Breakdown 2. Trainers 3. In Depth Stats 4 Version info ============================================================================ 0. CHANCE TO HIT AND AVOID STATS ============================================================================ Ok, for chance to hit and chance to avoid, the Fyora was used as the base value (0). All other creations were calculated as if they had equal stats to the Fyora. Example- "Artila +10" means that with all stats equal, the Artila is 10% more likely to hit than the Fyora. For chance to avoid, again the Fyora is the base value (0). +10% is more likely to avoid an attack. *notes* 1. Strength increases chance to hit by 5% per strength point. (even for ranged attackers like Vlish, Artila etc.) 2. Dexterity increases chance to avoid attack by 5% per dexterity pt. 3. For creations w/ranged & melee attacks only the ranged was tested. 4. Level of creation has no bearing on chance to hit or avoid, only stats gained from leveling or otherwise. 5. PyroRoamer and Ornk were omitted. NAME TO HIT TO AVOID Fyora (0) (0) Roamer (+10) (0) Drayk (+90) (0) Drakon (+65) (0) Cryoa (+20) (0) Cryodrayk (+100) (0) (thanks to xKiv for providing this one) Ur-Drakon (+65) (0) Thahd (+5) (0) Clawbug (+10) (0) Battle Alpha (+25) (+10) Rotghroth (+60) (0) Thahd Shade (0) (+20) Plated Bug (-10) (0) Worse chance to hit than Fyora Battle Beta (+25) (+10) Rotdhizon (+60) (0) Artila (+10) (0) Vlish (+25) (+10) Glahk (+40) (0) Gazer (+70) (+20) Searing Artila (0) (+10) Terror Vlish (0) (+10) Ur-Glahk (+40) (0) Eyebeast (Auto) (+20) ============================================================================ 1. CREATION BREAKDOWN ============================================================================ FIRE CREATIONS -------------------------- Fyora- Basic starting creation that shoots Firebolt. Can also use bite attack in melee range. Loses its usefulness very quickly. Cryoa- Upgrade of the Fyora. More accurate, does more damage. Better chance to hit than Fyora will keep him useful a little longer. Roamer- Shoots Searer which does acid damage over time. Better than the Artila (also does acid damage) because of more life and spell energy. Pyroroamer- They explode when they die. May be useful (but probably not) Drayk- Very nice. Good damage, decent life, excellent value for essence, almost always hits. There is nothing bad to say about this guy. Cryodrayk- A more powerful version of the Drayk, he does more damage. His ranged attacks never seem to miss. Again, excellent value for the essence. Can also cause stunning. (seems to stun like the Vlish but its kind of hard to tell) Drakon- Can attack up to 3 targets with his ranged attack, but his melee attack does more damage to a single target. Nothing else stands out For the essence cost I expected more. Ur-Drakon- An upgraded Drakon, it can do slightly more damage. The most expensive creation in the game. 3 Drayks would be cheaper and more effective. Very disappointing really. BATTLE CREATIONS ----------------------------- Thahd- Get one ASAP and keep him alive. With 4 pts into strength and 2 pts into dexterity, this guy is a Battle Alpha (except for look and name) Total essence cost of 32 with 2 Intelligence. Battle Alpha costs 63. By the time you get the Alpha, your Thahd should be about the same level making the Alpha pointless. You can upgrade it a little more to make it even better and still save essence. Not really a factor for a Shaper because they should be putting skill pts into creations which would make the Alpha better (higher starting level). The Agent and Guardian would probably find it useful as a cheap and reliable assistant that can be helpful instead of just cannon fodder. Shade Thahd- Sacrifices ability to hit for a better chance to avoid. Giving him 5 str. gives him the same chance to hit as the Battle Alpha and lets him do good damage as well. Has slightly lower life than the Alpha, but with a higher avoid stat it's not a problem. He is also immune to poison and mental attacks (or at least highly resistant to them) If you get him early enough and upgrade the str. he's better than the Alpha but not by much. (also costs slightly more) Only real difference is the avoid stat and it's cheap enough to be able to add a few pts into dex. makeing him even harder to hit. Clawbug- Of the Battle creations it has the lowest life. Nothing really stands out. An okay creation. Plated Bug- The lowest chance to hit in the game, but with 2 AP extra it may be worth it. Investing heavily into strength will help and it will do nice damage, but it will get very costly. Great for running down ranged or fleeing attackers but frustrating when he misses so often. There are better ways to spend your essence. Battle Alpha- All around not too bad, but nothing really stands out either. If u don't have a leveled up Thahd than he is very nice to have around until you get something better. Battle Beta- Supposed to be an upgrade of the Alpha but it's not, it just starts at a higher level. If you're an Agent or Guardian save your essence and level up the Alpha instead. (or the Thahd) Rotghroth- This guy is great! Chance to double attack, adds acid damage, chance to parry attacks. Well worth the essence. He has the skill Quick Action, even with 4-5 less Dex than my other creations, he always went first in combat. Rotdhizon- Has more life than a Rotghroth, other than that they are identical. Save your essence and level up a Rotghroth instead. MAGIC CREATIONS -------------------------------- Artila/Searing Artila- Searing Artila is supposed to be the upgrade of the Artila but it's not. If you take the time to level an Artila, the basic Artila is better. At equal levels, they have the exact stats. The only difference is the chance to hit and chance to avoid. But the basic Artila can be upgraded a few times and still cost less essence. Only good thing about the Searing Artila is that it starts at a higher level. Keep your original Artila alive and save your essence. Vlish- These guys are great in packs of 3-4 for immobilizing the enemy. They shoot stunning bolts that can usually cause the enemy to lose it's next attack. Great throughout mid game and very cheap in essence. Only problem is they tend to run out of energy at low levels. Terror Vlish- Attack with the Terror spell which can cause enemies to run away or freeze in terror. Some people like them, but they never fit into my strategy. Chance to hit is same as Fyora and that's not very good. Glahk- Decent amount of life for a Magic creation. It's the only Magic creation that doesn't have a ranged attack. Stuns target like a Vlish but seems to do it better. A good creation. Ur-Glahk- An upgrade of the Glahk with the same abilities. The stun seems to last longer also. A good creation. Gazer- Attacks with the Kill spell. It does the most damage to a single target of all creations. (unless the Rotgroths get a double attack) Very powerful and well worth the essence. Eyebeast- Almost too strong. Aura of Flame attack that hits everything in range and stuns. One hit will often keep the enemy stunned for 2 rounds. Runs out of spell energy very quickly and it takes a long time to recharge. If you want to crush everything in sight, this guys for you. ============================================================================ 2. TRAINERS ============================================================================ This is to show which places have the best prices for training and what they can teach. The Loyalist have the cheapest prices when aligned. The others offer the same prices as each other. Unaligned- The Loyalist Encampment is the cheapest to train. They teach up to the 3rd tier. (with the exception of Drayk) Phariton's Hall is the cheapest to learn Drayk. Can not train in 4th tier creations. Loyalist- The cheapest trainers in the game. Drypeak Warrens can train up to 2nd tier and the Battle Alpha. Upper Research Hall can train up to 3rd tier creations. Do NOT train at the Loyalist Encampment because they do not offer any additional creations and they do NOT lower prices. Can not train in 4th tier creations. Awakened- Only two places to train, Medab and Magus Complex. (prices are same) Magus Complex can train up to 2nd tier creations and the Battle Alpha. Access to the same creations whether your aligned or not. Only the prices are cheaper if aligned. Tuldaric does not train in shaping. Excluding the Battle Alpha, can not train in 3rd or 4th tier. Barzites- The Radiant College is the only source of training. After being modified, can train in all creations. Takers- Salgudar in Benerii-Uss Shaping is the source of training. Can train only 4th tier creations and the Drayk. ============================================================================= 3. IN DEPTH LOOK AT CREATIONS ( info provided by xKiv AKA Detteh Mehkej ) ============================================================================= This section is taken from the game scripts. Some things that are included are unknown exactly what they are for or do. Some creations show a bonus in their primary stats (end,int,dex,str)which could imply a resistance. Could, but I am more inclined to think that they are just bonuses that get over- written by level-dependent values (and thus pointless). Base accuracy differs with attack type, there is energy cost and some attacks can have more than one target. I don't know what of the missiles/effects numbers is used for what attack. I only put in one number if I am sure it is correct. Also, I have ommited creation types (some number I don't understand) and numerical attack types. I have a hypothesis that creations with higher type are resistant to attacks with lower types (which would make ice *way* better than fire, since ice has highest number - 5 - while fire is 1), but I have no evidence. Nimbleness- The Thahd Shade and Searing Artilla both have this listed for them It is speculated that it gives them a chance to completely avoid damage or effects. Blvl- Base level as written in gforscen.txt; the actual base level of creations you can shape is 1/4 (25%) lesser, (round difference up) (ie blvl 1..4 has -1 penalty for actual base level 0..3, 5..8 has -2 for 3..6, 9..12 -3 for 6..9, 13..16 -4 for 9..12, 17..20 -5 for 12..15, 21..24 -6 for 15..18, 25..28 -7 for 18..21, 29..32 -8 for 21..24, 33..36 -9 for 24..26, 37..40 -10 for 27..30 Example- (Fyora) 25% of 1 is 0.25, round up is 1, effective blvl=0 (Drayk) 24*25%=6, round up is still 6, effective blvl is 24-6=18. The effective blvl is then added to your shaper's skill and knowledge bonus to determine the creation level at the time of the summoning. *NOTE* Terror Vlish is the only Exception Blvl-12 EBlvl-15 Formulas for HP and Energy HP= base HP + (level+1)*(endurance)/2, round down Energy= base energy + (level+1)*(intelligence)+6 Formula for Maximum Damage (reduced by enemy armor and/or resistances) Maximum Damage= (Attack Skill Level)*(Damage) Example- (Fyora-Firebolt) ASL (2)* Damage (4)= 8 (Add 3 pts to Str) ASL (5)* Damage (4)= 20 (Drayk-Firebolt) ASL (20)* Damage (6)= 120 Creations with a high Damage value (Gazer-12) would benefit the most from adding points to Strength as each point would add more damage. (It would take 3 points of Str for the Fyora to gain 12 damage and only 1 pt for the Gazer) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the Key for understanding the next section. Name- Creation name Base Level (Blvl)- Base creation level Effective Base Level (EBlvl)- The level seen in the game. (see above) Hp/Energy- Base values of Life and Energy Courage- Possibly affects how hard it is to frighten(could be affected by Int) Abilities- Parry attacks, Quick Action, Nimbleness (see above) etc. Armor- Armor value (reduces damage) Attack Skill Level (ASL)- Each level of skill adds 5% to hit and adds damage. (Improved by Strength 1 Str point= 1 ASL) Damage- Maximum damage of attack per Attack Skill Level Base % to Hit- It is always 60% unless specified otherwise. (affected by Attack Skill Level +5% per ASL) If not listed it is 60%. Attack Type- acid, fire, ice, etc. Type Effect- Number of missiles/effects. (number of targets it can hit) Energy- Spell energy required for the attack. *** FIRE CREATIONS *** ------------------------ Name-Essence(2 Int) Base Level HP/Energy Courage Abilities Armor (Blvl/EBlvl) (Hp/Eng) (Cour) (Abl) (Arm) FYORA- 8 (10) 1/0 25/20 70% none 4 Attack 1 Attack 2 Bite Firebolt Attack Skill Level 0 2 Damage 8 4 Base % to Hit 60 60 Attack Type x Fire Type Effect 1 1 Energy x 4 CRYOA- 30 (39) lvl-8/6 HP/Eng-25/400 Cour-70% Abl-none Arm-4 Attack 1 Attack 2 Bite Ice Spray ASL 0 2 Damage 8 6 Base % to Hit 60 80 Attack Type x Ice Type Effect 1 1 Energy x 50 Special x 70% Stun ROAMER- 15 (20) lvl-10/7 HP/Eng-25/250 Cour-90% Abl-none Arm-0 Attack 1 Attack 2 Bite Searer ASL 2 2 Damage 8 5 Base % to Hit 60 70 Attack Type x Acid Type Effect 1 1 Energy x 40 PYROROAMER- 12 (17) lvl-4/3 HP/Eng-0/250 Cour-90% Abl-Explodes Arm-0 Attack 1 Bite ASL 2 Damage 8 Special Explodes on Death DRAYK- 60 (75) lvl-24/18 HP/Eng-60/0 Cour-85% Abl-none Arm-0 Attack 1 Attack 2 Bite Firebolt ASL 8 20 Damage 8 6 Base % to Hit 60 60 Attack Type x Fire Type Effect 1 1 Energy x 4 CRYODRAYK- 90 (111) lvl-28/21 Hp/Eng-60/0 Cour-85% Abl-none Arm-0 Attack 1 Attack 2 Bite Ice Spray ASL 8 20 Damage 8 6 Base % to Hit 60 80 Attack Type x Ice Type Effect 1 1 Energy x 50 Special x 70% Stun DRAKON- 150 (183) lvl-35/26 Hp/Eng-300/500 Cour-92% Quick Act 8 Arm-20 Parry 3 Attack 1 Attack 2 Bite Searing Orbs ASL 13 13 Damage 8 4 Base % to Hit 60 70 Attack Type x Essence Orbs Type Effect 1 3 Energy x 75 UR-DRAKON- 300 (363) lvl-40/30 HP/Eng-300/500 Cour-100% Quick Act 8 Arm-20 Strength +27 ? Parry 3 Attack 1 Attack 2 Bite Diamond Spray ASL 13 13 Damage 8 6 Base % to Hit 60 70 Attack Type x Essence Orbs Type Effect 1 5/8 (at least 5 but could be 8) Energy x 0 (possible bug) *** BATTLE CREATIONS *** --------------------------- THAHD- 8 (11) lvl-4/3 HP/Eng-60/0 Cour-90% Abl-none Arm-0 Attack 1 Melee (punch) ASL 3 Damage 8 THAHD SHADE- 28 (35) lvl-14/10 HP/Eng-50/0 Cour-90% Abl-Nimbleness 20 Arm-6 Attack 1 Melee ASL 2 Damage 8 CLAWBUG- 20 (27) lvl-10/7 HP/Eng-35/0 Cour-90% Abl-none Arm-0 Attack 1 Melee ASL 4 Damage 8 PLATED BUG- 48 (59) lvl-16/12 HP/Eng-10/0 Cour-90% Abl- +2 Action points Arm-8 Attack 1 Melee ASL 0 Damage 8 BATTLE ALPHA- 50 (63) lvl-20/15 HP/Eng-60/0 Cour-80% Abl-none Arm-0 Strength +1 ? Attack 1 Melee ASL 7 Damage 8 BATTLE BETA- 80 (99) lvl-26/19 HP/Eng-60/0 Cour-80% Abl-none Arm-0 Strenth +1 ? Attack 1 Melee ASL 7 Damage 8 ROTGHROTH- 125 (152) lvl-32/24 HP/Eng-250/0 Cour-95% Abl- Parry 3 Arm-20 Strength & Dexterity +11 ? Quick Action 6 Attack 1 Rotting Touch ASL 14 Damage 9 Attack Type Acid ROTDHIZON- 250 (303) lvl-38/28 HP/Eng-400/0 Cour-95% Abl- Parry 3 Arm-20 Strength & Dexterity +11 ? Quick Action 6 Attack 1 Rotting Touch ASL 14 Damage 9 Attack Type Acid *** MAGIC CREATIONS *** --------------------------- ARTILA- 12 (17) lvl-4/3 HP/Eng- 10/40 Cour-70% Abl-none Arm-0 Attack 1 Attack 2 Bite Searer ASL 0 2 Damage 8 5 Base % to Hit 60 70 Attack Type x Acid Type Effect 1 1 Energy x 40 SEARING ARTILA- 30 (39) lvl-18/13 HP/Eng-10/40 Cour-70% Abl-Nimbleness 20 Attack 1 Attack 2 Bite Searer ASL 0 0 Damage 8 5 Base % to Hit 60 70 Attack Type x Acid Type Effect 1 1 Energy x 40 VLISH- 15 (20) lvl-12/9 HP/Eng-25/0 Cour-70% Abl-none Arm-0 Endurance +3 ? Attack 1 Attack 2 Poison Sting Slowing Mist ASL 2 5 Damage 5 5 Base % to Hit 60 70 Attack Type Poison Slow Type Effect 1 1 Energy x 40 TERROR VLISH- 45 (56) lvl-12/15 HP/Eng-1/0 Cour-70% Abl-none Arm-0 Endurance +3 ? Attack 1 Attack 2 Poison Sting Terror ASL 2 0 Damage 5 4 Base % to Hit 60 70 Attack Type Poison Terror Type Effect 1 5/10 ? (not sure about this) Energy x 80 GLAAHK- 40 (51) lvl-20/15 HP/Eng-40/0 Cour-85% Abl-none Arm-0 Intelligence +4 ? Attack 1 Stun Touch ASL 10 Damage 6 Attack Type Stun UR-GLAAHK- 65 (80) lvl-30/22 HP/Eng-40/0 Cour-85% Abl-none Arm-0 Intelligence +4 ? Attack 1 Stun Touch ASL 10 Damage 6 Attack Type Stun GAZER- 125 (152) lvl-32/24 HP/Eng-180/500 Cour-90% Abl- Parry 3 Arm-10 Intelligence +24 ? Luck 10 Attack 1 Attack 2 Terror Touch Kill ASL 1 10 Damage 6 12 Attack Type Terror x Type Effect 1 1 Energy x 100 EYEBEAST- 250 (303) lvl-38/28 HP/Eng-300/500 Cour-90% Abl-Parry 3 Arm-10 Intelligence +24 ? Luck 10 Attack 1 Attack 2 Terror Touch Stun Aura ASL 1 1 Damage 10 12 Base % to Hit 60 Auto Attack Type Terror Fire/Stun Type Effect 1 Auto (Hits all in range) Energy x 200 ORNK- 8 (11) lvl 1/0 HP/Eng-18/0 Cour-40% Abl- none Arm-0 Attack 1 Bite (Better biter than Fyora) ASL 4 Damage 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note how: Cryoas are really the best creations available early (+1 base+2 from trainer) Lots of energy, 80% base accuracy, armor, 6 damage/level (as opposed to 4 of Fyoras and 5 of Artilas) Drayks have +20 levels to their missile attack, which is unparalleled anywhere (drakons have +13); cryodrayks have another +20% base accuracy, but high cost. Tier 4 creations have armor(I might have made an error, maybe vanilla Drakons don't have it) and parry. (Drakons and Rots have Quick Action) Drakons and Ur-Drakons have multiple-target missile attacks, which is a real annoyance against opponents I want to keep dazed. Ur-drakons attack has 0 Energy cost. (possible bug) Thahd Shades have some defense, Plated Bugs action points and defense. Searing Artilas have Nimbleness and high base level. Cryoas and Cryodrayks have Ice Spray, which has 70% stun. I don't know if that is more or less than default, nor what relation it has to other stun attacks. Terror vlish has only +1 base HP. Moreover, creations gain experience (and thus level-ups) with you, not with their levels, which means that if you are *now* deciding between lower level and higher level creation, choose higher level - it will freeze more essence, but it will *always* have that extra few levels. Which is another point for drayks and especially cryodrayks. ============================================================================= 4. VERSION INFO ============================================================================= version 1.2 - Added Trainers section, Table of Contents, and a few minor corrections. version 2.5 - Added In Depth section (thanks xKiv) version 2.6 - Made some corrections and cleaned it up, hopefully making it easier to read.