=============================================================================== Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast Walkthrough / FAQ Azraelot - Matthew Rorie http://www.stratosgroup.com/ http://www.matthewrorie.com/ azraelot@stratosgroup.com Last Updated 10/15/02 Version 1.13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS 1. Background / Introduction 2. Revision History 3. Walkthrough 4. Force Powers 5. Weapons 6. Inventory Items 7. Enemies 8. Multiplayer Tips 9. Hints / Tips / Cheats / Links / Other 10. Contributors / Misc. Info =============================================================================== 1. Background / Introduction =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE SERIES I remember playing Dark Forces in the heady days of post-DooM gaming, when everything LucasArts turned out was made of gold. For those who never played it, Dark Forces was a Doom-style shooter that introduced gamers to the nearly personality-free Kyle Katarn, then a mere mercenary and Imperial defector, having yet to discover his latent Force capabilities. While the game offered some interesting moments (fighting off multiple Kell Dragons with your bare hands for the amusement of Jabba the Hutt, single-handedly destroying a Star Destroyer), I think it's fair to say that Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight is a superior game. Now armed with his trusty lightsaber and a bevy of force talents, Kyle took on a cadre of Dark Jedi as their leader attempted to unlock the secrets of an ancient Jedi burial ground. Again, some interesting moments, not the least of which was Kyle's escape from a free-falling ship, but the real kicker for most gamers was the inclusion of force powers and Lightsaber combat. This was the first game that allowed you to get into the real meat of the Star Wars mythos, as you sliced and diced Stormtroopers, and unlucky deathmatch foes, with your wand of death. (As an aside, Jedi Knight inspired my first-ever fansite, now thankfully relegated to the mists of time, or perhaps some dusty Geocities archive somewhere....) Unfortunately, LucasArts' fortunes have taken a turn downhill in the four years or so since Jedi Knight was released. The production of Star Wars games has continued apace, but most gamers would agree that the quality has dropped, with some games being simply average, some convoluted and overly complicated (Rebellion), and some simply bad (Force Commander). Very few Star Wars games released over the past few years ranked as "must-haves" for members of the gaming community. Thankfully, LucasArts seems recommitted to their Star Wars license, with a wide range of intriguing projects on the boards, mostly outsourced to proven developers eager to put their own twist on the most sought-after license in gaming. Rogue Leader was a stand-out title at the GameCube launch, Star Wars: Galaxies looks to bring SW goodness to the MMORPG market, and Bioware's Knights of the Old Republic will probably force me to get an XBox once it arrives. Which brings us around to Jedi Knight II. After the production of the original Jedi Knight and its mission pack, Mysteries of the Sith, the lead designer, Justin Chin, left LucasArts to design his own title outside of the Star Wars universe. (The game? New Legends, an XBox-exclusive action game. It was released in February of 2002 to somewhat underwhelming reviews.) Therefore, when LucasArts decided to pursue the series, they decided to reach out for a company with a track record for producing grade-A PC games, specifically in the shooter category. Their choice? Raven Software, a company well known for games such as Soldier of Fortune and Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force. A couple of years later, and here we are, with Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast in our hands, just in time to not give it up for Lent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IS JEDI KNIGHT CONSIDERED TO BE STAR WARS CANON? No, no; a thousand times no. To yank a quote from LucasBooks' Chris Cerasi right out of its context: "When it comes to absolute canon, the real story of Star Wars, you must turn to the films themselves - and only the films." So there. And Boba Fett's dead, too. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THIS FAQ This FAQ is intended to be a one-stop shopping guide to info about the single-player game included in Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. The walkthrough will obviously be the most substantial portion of the guide, and I hope to keep it mostly spoiler-free, though some tidbits of the story will have to be discussed in order for the guide to make any sense at all. I recommend that you play as far as you possibly can before resorting to this document, if only to keep whatever enjoyment you may gain from experiencing the twists and turns of the storyline. The other sections will have brief explanatory paragraphs at the top to, well, explain what they're about. =============================================================================== 2. Revision History =============================================================================== ***SPOILER ALERT*** Some sections of this revision history may give away events that occur during the game. I wouldn't read it if you haven't beaten the game yet. v1.13 - 10/15/02 Well, I got so far behind on submissions that I think it's time to hoist the white flag. I appreciate everything that everyone sent in, but nothing ever spoke to me as being earth-shattering enough to warrant an update. While it gnaws at my conscience a bit to let your emails sit in my inbox unattended, the ratio of effort to gain is a bit too unbalanced to warrant me going back through three months' worth of email to pick out all the submissions (as opposed to the questions, requests for help, and non-Jedi related messages). I think that for my next FAQ I'll have to make some kind of rudimentary filtering system. If you wish to submit a tip, I'm not going to stop you, but be forewarned that the chances of me updating this guide with it are pretty slim. Questions are still welcomed; I can't always answer in a timely fashion, but I will be happy to help if I can. While I'm on the subject, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who emailed me for no other reason than to say that they enjoyed the FAQ. There's no financial reward for doing these guides, so I think I speak for FAQ authors everywhere that "thanks" emails are about as good a reward as we can get. :) In any case, the most pressing issue with the game at this point still seems to be the broken fuel symbols on the Nar Shaddaa Space Port level. I still get emails from people claiming that they can't get by this section of the game, and I haven't heard of any resolution of this problem yet. The only thing I can recommend is that you activate cheats, then use the "map bespin_undercity" code to flip ahead one level. Other than that, I can offer no help. Terry Derendinger says that he was able to get past the part by reloading his last checkpoint save and proceeding from there, so maybe that will help. I did add a few things here and there. The exploit at the end of Nar Shaddaa Space Port, whereby you could exit the ship, has apparently been removed from the game, so I deleted the tips that suggested it. Thanks to Dr. M for pointing this out. Daniel Hamill helpfully pointed out a few things - the difference between "taunt" and "victory", for one. He also sent along a tip on the backwards-attack move for the Lightsaber, and another tip for Fyarr. There are a few more things added, as well. mekuzmak, for instance, reminded me that Reborn *can* be shot with the Disruptor, if you aim at their feet to make them jump, then aim at their chest while they're falling down. I managed to kill Desann this way, so there's a cheesy way to get past him if you are having trouble. I'm reluctant to slap the "final" tag on this guide, because you never know if something earthshaking will happen. As of now, though, I have no further plans to update it. I'm sorry if I said that I would add your tip in the next version of the guide, and it's not in here; that's a little irresponsible of me, I guess, but it would take a few hours worth of work to go through and find every original tip and add it. v1.12 - 7/19/02 *Robert Simmons sent me an article on fighting reborn. I added it to the top of the Hints and Tips section. *If you're looking for a lot of cheat codes and random stuff that isn't in this document, you might want to head over to gamewinners: http://www.gamewinners.com/DOSWIN/blstarwarsjedioutcast.htm There's a lot of other stuff thrown in in this version. Denis Seguin sent along a few tips for different levels. If you submitted something, do a ctrl-f for whatever's in your email signature, or your email name, and see if it's there. If it's not, and you think it was really good, resend it. Or take a look at the (massive!) Contributors list and see if anything pops out at you. I'm probably going to be winding this thing down over the next couple of revisions, now that the game has been out for a while and interest is dying down a bit. While there's sure to be surges of new players in the future (I'd bet money on a Game of the Year edition and an expansion pack eventually), we seem to be settling down into the "community" phase of things, where people who really like the game will go on playing it, while others will move on to new things. Since I never really enjoyed the multiplayer side of things overmuch (though I haven't played 1.4; with less backstabbing it would probably be more enjoyable), I can be considered one of the latter. Nothing specific is drawing my attention games-wise, but I have an unbelievable backlog of books and magazines to read through. Or skim through, as the case may be. v1.11 - 7/11/02 *Mark Bahra sent along a HUGE list of things to note before playing on Jedi Master mode. You can find these in the Tips section. *Matt Sponsler sent along a technique that allows you to permanently control a NPC with the "SetForceAll 4" code. This is in the Cheats section, underneath the original note about the cheat. Do a CTRL-F for "Sponsler" to find it. *Joe sent along a list of single and multiplayer maps. If you're stuck on a level and want to jump past it, you can use this list to jump to the next level. Theoretically. *Changed the "Attack Droids" entry to match the Official Strategy Guide's taxonomy of "Mark I". Sure to be a popular decision. :) Thanks Kyle Caton. Just wanted to make a little, incremental update. First off, I will no longer be replying to submission emails. I wish I had time to, but unfortunately, I get so much email that answering it all with the depth I would like can take half an hour to an hour every day. Rest assured, I read it all and will put it in the document (probably), but this will save me a lot of time, a precious commodity by anyone's standards. Secondly, I'm not going to be putting every single submission in this revision list. I'll make a note of anything that I feel is particularly, well, noteworthy, but again, the volume of submissions is such that making a note of everything easily doubles the amount of time it takes to crank out a new revision. I'm still going to add the submissions and the submitter's names to the end of the document, of course. I've been pretty permissive about what I've been adding to the document in the past, but I think I'm going to have to start weeding out the tips that aren't really useful from now on, simply because this thing is already huge enough. (We're passing the 40,000 word mark with this update.) I know everyone wants to see their name in lights, but make sure what you're sending me isn't redundant with material already in here, or else I'll pass it over. Hopefully, the game dropping out of GameFAQs' Top Ten list marks a downshift in interest in the game, and email will drop off accordingly. This update doesn't reflect all the submissions I've received since 1.09; I still have about three weeks' worth of backlog to add in. So hold off on resending your tips until I say that I'm caught up, if you would. v1.10 - 7/04/02 *At the suggestion of Oystein Bech Gadmar, I've made a page with an index of all the secret area screenshots, as well as the other misc. shots I've included in this walkthrough. You can find it here: http://www.matthewrorie.com/bookmark.html I will be adding to this list in the future, I just haven't had much time recently. *Many, many (many!) people have emailed me about the secret area in the demo. It is duly included. I have plenty more stuff to include, but I won't have to do it all until the weekend at the earliest. Been busy recently with work and Neverwinter Nights; got to get caught up with email first. I just wanted to get the secret area for the demo in here; a ton of people have sent it in. Thanks to all. Just in case anyone was curious, there was a plaigarized version of my walkthrough up on a fairly well-known site recently. I won't name names, since they were pretty good about the whole thing, but a certain David Swift of the UK should be ashamed of himself. Also, someone named Josh D Azzena, working from an Earthlink email address, has been spamming people with virus attachments, using the header of this document as the body of the emails. I don't know who this guy is, or if his computer is simply whacked out, but watch out for virii. v1.9 - 6/4/02 *Added a walkthrough for the demo level. Not very long, but there you go. This is Chapter 3.0, at the very beginning of the walkthrough. *Added a Binding Keys header to the Tips section, along with my weirdo config. Don't laugh! *Added a tip from Nausicaa Jhil for the Starport level. *Added a little cheat/funny thing from Pedro Polonio to the Cheats section. *Keith Steiger pointed out that I was spelling "hangar" wrong in the Starpad level, and noted an error. *Andor Drakon tipped me off to a method of detecting Shadow Troopers. Find it in the Enemies section. *Rick Ross added a tip for killing ShadowTroopers. Enemies section. *Ben Myton sent along a note on accessing the saber styles of Tavion and Desann. Cheats. *Tavion strats from Will Donald and Edwin van der Thiel have been added. *LOTS of stuff from Wong Si Yuan; check especially the Cheats section, but there's snippets of stuff from him in Grip, Push, the Disruption Rifle, and under Tavion. *New Desann strats from Tamago Imai, Christopher Chohin, and Mark Behra. *David "The" Bruce sent along a note for the Jedi Academy level. *BeerManMike sent along a tip on binding force powers. Binding Keys section. *Moved Mind Tricks to its correct spot in the walkthrough. Thanks Vua vua. *A tip from Derek Ho on beating Reborn has been added. *Added another cheat from Jeremy Giesbrecht. *Alari Hyena clarified a secret area in the first level of the game. *Odd Ball sent in a clarification on the beginning of Reelo's Hideout. *Jeremy Skrenes sent in a tip for dealing with the large room of Troopers in the Doomgiver Detention level. *Chris Redfield sent along a tip for the gauntlet hallway on Bespin: Streets. I'm now caught up on submissions, as far as I can tell, so if you sent something to me and don't see it here, resend it, because it probably got lost in the virus shuffle. I'm going to try to get caught up on comments and help mail and stay that way from day to day, since the volume has decreased a bit from the level it was at when the FAQ first came out. But, as they say, "Want to make God laugh? Make a plan." So we'll see how it goes. I'd also like to thank everyone that's sent me a note of thanks - it means a lot to get encouragement from everyone who's enjoyed the FAQ. Thanks! v1.8 - 5/28/02 So, there's been quite a bit of downtime since the last iteration of this FAQ. No, this isn't a full update - I just wanted to apologize to everyone who's emailed me and hasn't received an answer. Long story short - I was keeping up with my email fairly well, but some kind of virus hit me and wiped out one of my crucial system files, so I reinstalled Windows 2000, reinstalled Service Pack 2, all my drivers, all my programs, etc. (This took some time because W2K refused to install with my new video card, and it took me a couple of days to figure out what was going wrong.) This is when the email started to back up. So I was going to get going back with it, but then the same damn thing happened. So I eventually just had to format c: and start clean, because I had three installs of W2k on the same hard drive. So now I'm afraid to even open Outlook anymore; I certainly don't want to use it as my email client. I have all the emails stored away from before this whole mess began, but I don't think I'll be able to browse through them anytime soon. I have a webmail client for my stratosgroup account, but it's not the most flexible thing in the world - it doesn't tell me which emails I've replied to, for instance. My web server also doesn't have any antivirus software on it (it only services 8 people), so I'm still getting a bunch of klez.e emails with 150k attachments to them, causing my inbox to explode in size. Right now it contains 200+ emails, and is over 10 megs in size. Quite a bit of work to prune, as you can imagine. Anyway, enough bitching. Yes, I do plan to get around to updating this document eventually, and yes, I will try to get back to answering every email I receive. I have no ETA on either of these events, however. I would really like to be able to use a real email program to check my email before I start work on future revisions - I suppose I'll try out Eudora. So this is basically just an "I'm not dead" update. Sorry to anyone who expected a quick reply - sometimes life throws you a curveball. It doesn't help that I'm working 50 hour weeks at work. In the meantime, if anyone is looking for help, I'd point you out to the Jedi Outcast messageboards at gamefaqs.com. Lots of helpful people, and it'd be much quicker than waiting for me to reply. If you have a submission, send it along - I probably won't be able to reply, but I will keep it around and add it to the next version of the FAQ, when I can update it. If you do email me, ***please put "Jedi Knight FAQ" in the subject line***. Like I said, I'm getting a lot of klez.e stuff, so anything to differentiate your mail from the infinite "Spice Girls Vocal Concert" flood will ensure that I don't delete it. Also, if you emailed me with a submission before 5/5/02, you might want to resend it. I don't know if I'll be able to check the email archives I have for before this date, so I can't guarantee that I'll ever be able to use these submissions. Hate to inconvenience you, but I'm a bit inconvenienced here myself... In other news, Episode II rocked me like a hurricane. v1.7 - 4/16/02 *Added the locations of *all* of the secret locations in the game, each of which has its own accompanying screenshot. BIG, big thanks to Greg Evans, Claude Arm, Joel Frazin, CoachBenet, Dean Ryan, and whomever else has been sending me these things. I really appreciate it! I haven't manually checked all the URLs for these shots (recipe for disaster!), so if anyone notes a broken link, let me know and I'll update it. *I added a bit on the effects of different difficulty levels at the beginning of the walkthrough. Thanks to Steven Roy for clueing me in to the effects of the Jedi Master difficulty. I haven't started it - yet. *Steven Roy also sent along two gems of strategies for two of the more difficult set-piece battles in the game - the Artus Topside AT-ST fight, and the R5 Laser Mine Gauntlet on Nar Shaddaa. *Chris Thompson sent along a tip for defeating the Shadow Troopers in the Yavin Swamps. *Scott "Eih'Beir" Hebert sent along another way to defeat Desann. *Clayton McNeil tipped me off to a method of eliminating the first two Shadow Troopers you encounter on the Cairn. *Peter McCaffery pointed out that Grip is one of the only Force powers that works on submerged Swamp Troopers. Benjamin Middendorf also noted that the troops won't shoot at you if they can't see you, so that you can, on occasion, swim past them *Erwin Dautzenberg sent in another name for the Attack Droids. *SG.MFLOWER reminded me to put in a bit about wall-running in the Force Jump description. *Michael_W added a technique for getting rid of Reborns. *Added a bit on the "Can't Activate the Fuel Panels" problem, courtesy of Steven J. Carlson. *Evers0r- added a hint about getting friendly allies to attack you - want to see if you can take on Luke? Head to the Cheats section. *Claude Arm pointed out that the readme file had a section on Acrobatics. Since I had never seen this, I cut and pasted some of the sections into the Tips portion of this FAQ. *Thanks much to Lenroc, Ratty R, Ray M., and Vaevictis Asmadi for helping me out with my word-wrapping problem. *Diesel added a little Lightsaber attack strategy. Incorporated into the Lightsaber write-up. *Brian Gluckman pointed out a little tidbit that makes Mind Tricks pretty interesting. Check the Cheats section for more info. *Lt. Phil pointed out a typo; duly corrected. I changed around a few things to eliminate the medium difficulty level bias in the walkthrough. I've been playing through on Jedi Knight difficulty - a nice improvement over the Jedi difficulty. As the submissions mount, it's quite likely that a few emails have slipped through the cracks. I'll be going through my inbox and seeing if I missed any - I apologize in advance if this happens to you. I've tried to be diligent, though. v1.6 - 4/11/02 *Big thanks to GameFAQs for awarding me "FAQ of the Week", a co-award with Kyle Katarn's FAQ/Walkthrough. I'd like to thank everyone that's checking out the guide on that site. Lots of great feedback so far! *Greg Evans gets two thumbs up for helping me with quite a few secret areas (four or five in this update alone). *g_saberrealisticcombat is perhaps the most fun code I've ever seen in a 3D action game. Check the cheats section for more details. Thanks to Tim Swindler for pointing this out. *Riggormortis Necronomicon pointed out an alternate strategy for dealing with some foes near an alarm panel in the Cairn installation. *Quite a few people have pointed out that you can Grip (at level 2 or 3) Reborn and Shadow Troopers, then Throw your saber to get an easy kill. Matt, Mikey Wells, and a *I've rewritten the Grip and Lightning Force descriptions based on more playtesting and info that's been sent in from various folks (who are mentioned in the section or in the Contributors section). *Claude Arm told me about another secret area in Artus_Detention. *Chris Bloomfield sent along some Force power combinations that I've entered into the Force section. *Renamed the Enemies entry for the Walkers to Attack Droids, and added a tip on killing them that and Mike Sharp and Fletcher Fuller sent in. *Added a Drones strategy from Daniel W. Paschal to the Dueling section. *Added a couple of excellent strategies for dealing with an enemy on the Doombringer to that walkthrough section. Thanks to Andysoft and Cyclops de Baba. *Nick M. and Chris Mayberry both sent along a section of the Nar Shaddaa - Reelo's Hideout that was unclear. I've edited and rewritten the section so that it's less confusing, and I'd like to apologize to anyone who got stuck here because of this. Sorry! *Corrected a typo that Dennis Jakobsen sent in. *Added another tip on defeating Desann from Leto_II. Still working on screenshots for the secret areas. I want to get the screenshots in 640x480, so that they'll be easier to upload and download, but since I play at 800x600 (I would play higher, but I'm still on an archaic GeForce 256), I have to flip it down when I want to take a shot. I also want to wait until I have all the secrets for a level before I start renaming them; if I upload them now for a section where I don't have all the secrets, I'd either have to number the other secrets out of order when I find them, or break the links for anyone hosting the FAQ that doesn't update it. Neither option is really palatable, so there you go. I apologize if I've missed anyone's email, or haven't responded to it, or didn't credit you properly for something you submitted. There hasn't been a deluge, but it has been steady, and between work and writing I've been out of sorts when it comes to email. I've tried to be diligent about responding to everything, but if something slipped through the cracks, re-send it and I'll definitely get back to you. A few questions for everyone: 1: I uninstalled JK from its default directory on the C drive and reinstalled it over to the E drive (which is faster). Now it won't let me save games, other than auto-saves at the beginning of missions and quick-saves. Has anyone else had any problems with this? 2: If anyone is interested in purchasing any Star Wars: Customizable Card Game cards, from the Decipher game, please let me know. I have many, many cards; a full set from Premiere to Special Edition, including multiple Vaders, Lukes, and Obis of all variations, and quite a few main rares from most other sets. Long shot, I suppose, but I figure if anyone reading this enjoys that game too, I might find someone to bite. v1.5 - 4/8/02 *Added a large section on the "npc spawn" command that can really spice up single-player games. Check for it in the Hints and Tips section, way down at the bottom of the document. *Added the number of secret areas for every mission in the walkthrough header, at the suggestion of Dan Morris. *Rewrote a section of the Doomgiver - Reactor walkthrough for clarity. Thanks hvtorres. *Amended the walkthrough for Bespin Undercity and added a note from Claude Arm regarding an Ugnaught. *Added a strategy for defeating Desann from Harry Voyager, and added another odd one from myself. *Darwin (and others) pointed out that the Stun Baton is more useful against the Crabs than the Blaster Rifle is. *Mike reminded me that Drones serve as excellent distractions in fights against Reborn and Jedi. *Greg Evans reminded me of the bartender's race, and also pointed out another secret area in the bar on Nar Shaddaa. *Leto_II pointed out a typo that was corrected. *Rewrote a small section of the Jedi Trials walkthrough at the suggestion of Daniel Edstrom. *Mitch pointed out that you can duck and move at the same time with the Disruptor Rifle, and the zoom will remain in place. Helpful to know. *Por Que sent in a tip for beating an opponent on the Doomgiver Shield Array level. He also pointed out another secret area on the Nar Shaddaa Streets level. I have screenshots for most of the secret areas that I know about, but I haven't gotten round to uploading them and renaming them, etc. Hopefully on Tuesday, my day off. If I don't have a secret area mentioned in the walkthrough, I probably don't know about it, so I'm going to have to go through the levels with noclip and see about finding the rest of them. Still updating the other sections of the walkthrough with some frequency, but it's slowing down a bit now that I've played through a couple of times. I've been busy with Freedom Force lately (great game), and I anticipate Dungeon Siege taking up a lot of time in the next week or so, so who knows when it will be complete to my satisfaction? At any rate, look for the first batch of secret area screenshots (which will consist of links to my website) in 1.6. V1.4 - 4/4/02 *Added walkthroughs for the rest of the missions. *Added a multiplayer cheat from Todd Hauck. *Changed a few sections due to a tip from David Erlenbusch. Apparently, you don't use Force Pull to retrieve your saber if it's fallen to the floor; you can simply hit the attack button to pull it back into your hand. *David also pointed out that the code "drive_atst" seems to work just fine. *Thanks to Josh Errickson for pointing out that the Force meter doesn't replenish while you have Force Speed activated. Dang, am I beat. I apologize if the Cairn missions seem to be poorly written - I was trying to watch the NCAA Championship game and play at the same time. I decided to forgo the daily updates for the last couple of days, and simply finish the game and get the walkthrough complete. And now it is, for what it's worth. Now all I have to do is track down the secret areas. If anyone knows of any forum posts somewhere with these locations, or has a list that you could send me, it'd be much appreciated. I don't get a chance to visit many forums, since between work and sleep I haven't had much time to do anything but play and write, so I apologize if I seem a little aloof - rest assured that if you email me I'll do my best to respond promptly. V1.3 - 4/1/02 *Thanks to Jason Anastas, Stoney03, Dan H., Hawksmoor, and Old Gamer for sending in the location of the very first secret area in the game. I'm surprised I missed it. *I added a Dueling section to the Hints section, way down at the bottom of this document, in the last update, but forgot to mention it. If anyone has any ideas for better dueling, let me know and I'll add them in. I'll be editing this as I proceed through the game. *Continuing to update and revise the weapons and Force powers sections as I proceed. *Added a list of cheats that Peter J. Rzeminski II was kind enough to send me. I also appended a note on binding keys for those of you not familiar with Quake 3 engine syntax. *Added the walkthroughs for the Cloud City levels. I got an email asking me for a clarification about a section of the Jedi Training tests, which I had had a hard time describing in words. I snapped a couple of screenshots and uploaded them to my personal website, which got me thinking, "Maybe this could be handy for the FAQ...." I think screenshots would be especially helpful in showing the positions of the secret areas, which are often difficult to describe. So I'll start taking screens of the secret areas I find and adding them to the walkthrough; and I'll eventually go back and do this for the earlier secret areas as well. It's an inelegant solution to my blunt-force trauma use of the English language, but at least it's a solution. V1.2 - 3/31/02 *Added the walkthrough for the Nar Shaddaa levels. *Redid most of the descriptions of the Force powers as I've been exploring their use. *Added some more enemy profiles and edited others. I see another (complete) walkthrough has been posted to Gamefaqs, which is good, since I won't have to hurry to finish this one off. After I get done with the walkthrough I'll do a complete re-edit and rewrite for all the sections to make it a bit more readable. One mission a day until the end of the game, that's all I'm promising - keep in mind playing Outcast and writing this are essentially replacing sleep for me, since I'm at work for nine hours a day (including commute). It's all good, I guess... I do have one secret area submission that I haven't added yet. I haven't been worrying too much about finding the secret areas as I play through, simply because there's no real gameplay purpose other than to find items. In Jedi Knight, you had to find the secret areas to gain Force powers, but in Outcast you're usually just going to find some Bacta tanks or Shield Generators - useful, but not worth spending hours tracking down. That said, if someone wants to send me their locations, I'll definitely verify them and plug them into the walkthrough. V1.1 - 3/30/02 - First release. Have the first levels of the walkthrough done (took me nearly six hours of playing and writing just for the Kejim levels - this isn't something you can do quickly). I'm going to play through the game, doing a level at a time, updating the miscellaneous sections of the FAQ as I go. I'm scheduled to work eight hours a day for the next five days straight, so I won't have much time to polish the edges until my day off, but hopefully I'll be able to get the walkthrough mostly completed by then (cross my fingers). Too bad Freedom Force has to wait until I can finish this thing off. Please do note in the meantime that much of the information in the various sections is placeholder stuff, and will be updated as I proceed through the game. I prefer to be methodological rather than hasty, so please hold off emailing me about obvious errors until I start hinting that the FAQ is nearing completion. I've just gotten to Nar Shaddaa, so lots of the other info is from Internet previews, the trailers, etc., and will be updated when I get farther into the game. V1.0 - In Medias Res Mostly working out the format of the document, and filling in what sections I could before I actually have the game, with info from previews, movies, screenshots, and interviews. (Speaking of interviews, I have to say that whatever they're paying Kenn Hoekstra probably isn't enough.) =============================================================================== 3. Walkthrough =============================================================================== This walkthrough is intended to be spoiler-free and concise. I'll be fairly explicit in the first couple of levels, as we wade into the game, but I don't intend to serve up every facet of the levels in detail - I assume most players will feel comfortable exploring the levels and will only turn to a walkthrough for help solving a puzzle, so I intend to make it suitable for just that, rather than explicitly guiding you through everything there is to do. This is, of course, balanced against the fact that, without a compass or internal means of telling direction, it's somewhat difficult to describe some of the more complex levels without getting into the "turn left, take the next right" pedantry. That said, if you feel the walkthrough isn't detailed enough at any point, let me know. If you want an easy index of the screenshots, check here: http://www.matthewrorie.com/bookmark.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIFFICULTY LEVELS Padawan: Easiest Haven't played it yet. :) Jedi: Normal The standard difficulty level. Enemies have fair accuracy, standard health. Jedi Knight: Difficult A step up from Jedi. Enemies are more numerous and have better accuracy (even the Stormtroopers), and appear to have a bit more health, as well. Most Shield Converters will only give +50 protection. Crosshairs do not turn blue to clue you in to areas where Force powers may be useful. Jedi Master: Nightmare Health and Shields are capped at 50 apiece. (You can raise your shields past this limit at Shield Converters.) Steven Roy commented that the major battles seemed much harder on this difficulty. I'll take his word for it. :) For more info on Jedi Master mode, check the Tips and Hints section. (Or CTRL-F for "Bahra".) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 - Demo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Do Some Stuff Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Imperial Officers Secret Areas: 0 First off, this is a simple level without any of the really difficult puzzles that distinguish Jedi Knight, so don't look for a masterpiece of walkthrough writing here. There are no secret areas, and the entire level can be blown through in less than five minutes on Jedi difficulty, so this section is here more for completeness' sake than anything else. As the level starts, you take control of Kyle outside a rather castleish Remnant outpost. Flip on your saber and head down the walkway to enter through the main doors. Take a left inside the entry; you'll see two doors here, one heading left to the exterior bunker, and another straight ahead leading to the sniper's roost. Head up the elevator and kill the Officer and grab his Security key. Head back down to the castle's foyer and unlock the large doors by accessing the panel to their left. The power generators past the next room will need to be disabled. You can smash the pipes on the ground floor if you wish. **Secret Area!** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/demosecret.jpg On the right side of the room, you can smash the piping and jump on the electrical conduits to find the demo's secret level. Now, head up the elevator at the back of the room and through the nearby door to find a large room with an Officer inside. Kill everyone and use the panel by the window overlooking the power generator to shut down the same. Once you've knocked out the power, take the elevator across the room from the first one to reach the third level. There's a door exiting the generator that's blocked by a force field, but next to it is another security room with a panel. Use that panel to unlock the security room above the generator; the Officer inside will probably not be amused at your attempt to bypass Remnant security protocol, so wipe him out...ALL OF HIM. Or something. The panel inside his little cubbyhole deactivates the force field blocking your exit. Head through the subsequent rooms until you hit a Checkpoint; there's a duel approaching! If you've played the full version of the game, you shouldn't have much of a problem here, though the Reborn is not one of the easier variants. If the demo is your first exposure to Jedi Knight, however, it'll probably take you a couple tries to get the hang of dueling, so be sure to save ahead of time. The framerates really drag here, due to the reflective floor. If your system chugs along (mine did, even with a GeForce 4), try jumping onto the platforms that ring the room to hopefully reduce the graphics hit you take from the mirror. Juxtapose points out that on harder difficulty levels, you will face two Reborn, so watch out. Once the Reborn is dead, head through the doors for a linear journey to Jan, and the end of the level. Congratulations on completing the demo; now you can try the real game, which is a much different beast, in a good sense. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 - Kejim Post ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Investigate the abandoned Imperial Outpost. *Engage Remnant forces in the area. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Imperial Officers Secret Areas: 2 You'll find yourself in control of Kyle behind an Imperial lander, with Jan by your side. The very first secret area in the game is off to your left, through an unlocked door. Hop on the crates to reach the top shelf and a few items. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/kejimoutpost1.jpg You can use the small area where you begin the level to move around in, adjust your controls, etc., but you probably shouldn't fire until you're ready to take out the Stormtroopers nearby. Use your Bryar to snipe one in the head, then shoot the other one until he falls. Grab the Rifle and head around the corner, where a whole mess of Stormtroopers awaits. Jan has apparently rigged her Rifle to fire faster than you can manage, but she shoots, well, like a girl, and can barely hit anything. You'll need to take out most of the Troopers yourself. Once Jan examines the blast door, be ready for a few reinforcements that come around the corner. You can use your Binoculars when you're looking over the valley to check out the Troopers that are keeping watch on the odd structure below. You can't shoot them - they're behind sturdy shielding - but if you take a potshot, you'll attract a Probe Droid. Anyway, once all the Troopers are dead, head around the corner and pump up your shields at the Shield Power Converter. Head through the door and whack the Imperial, then grab his supply key. Use the elevator to reach the upper level, then take the nearby lift to the observation deck. Flip the switch to supply power to the guns, then head back below to greet a few more Troopers. Head into their little hiding room to get some ammo and a Bacta tank. Now head below and mount the turret gun, then fire on the door to blast it open. Once you and Jan are on the elevator, it will automatically begin to lower itself. Wait for it to reach the lower level, then hop off. When it rises again, jump into the shaft and proceed into the small corridor. There's some kind of energy reservoir to your left, which you can shoot if you wish (but watch out for the blast). Head to the right to deactivate the reservoir, and then move around it until you reach a small lift. It will take you above a control room inside the base. Shoot the grate and fall down. Grab the key from the Imperial and then unlock the doors using the four switchs. Jan will run in and man the control panel. Head out the door and take a left, head through the door, then take a right through another door. Take a left around the corner and you should be in a large room with a Gonk (little black droid that makes a weird sound). Open the crate to get the handy Light Amp goggles, then flip the switch near the circular platform to reach a darkened area below. Activate your Light Amp goggles to see. (Default keys are [ and ] to toggle your inventory and Enter to activate and deactivate.) There's a "secret" area near the crates; just walk around until a pop-up message tells you you've found it. Alari Hyena points out that there's an MSE droid (little roller droid) that leads you to the secret area, so look out for it. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/kejimoutpost2.jpg Now head through the small passageway in the wall and crouch through the opening. Wipe out the Imperial and the Troopers, then head into the room. Take the key from the Imperial, get the code key from the funny display on the wall, then flip the green and red panels along the same wall to unlock some doors in other areas of the level. Now, disable the red force field and head up the stairs. Take a left and head down the corridor until you hit some walkways over a very large pit. Head down the walkway leading under the green Imperial insignia, and be ready for some ceiling-mounted turrets. Destroy them, then head through the door and into a large number of Troopers. Go through the other door to your left and kill the Troopers that are mulling about. Once you locate the flashing blue control panel, use it to call Jan. She'll need some help reaching your position, so head back up to the walkways and start moving towards the room with the Gonk. Once you reach Jan, escort her back to the control panel, where she'll unlock a door nearby. Head through it and indulge in some glass shattering, but watch out for the troops. Get the second code from the display, and head back to the walkways over the pit. Now proceed under the red Imperial signage, and watch out for more turrets. Go through the door, then up the stairs to your left. The lift nearby takes you above the walkways - flip the switch nearby to deactivate the force field across the way, then walk along the perimeter of the room to flip the other switch, which activates the computer array below. This will call up some troops from below, but if you're quick enough, you can run back and drop a Detonator on their heads before they can spread out from the lift. Once you've got the computer up and running, you need to find the third keycode. Head through the door in the room at the bottom of the lift. Kill the troopers in this room, then use the satellite dish control panel to get some hints as to what awaits you in later missions. Proceed down the corridor and into the next area - the explosion that occurs will not harm you, but it will kill some of the Troopers that were waiting for you. The walkway is a bit unstable, as you'll notice - hurry along until you reach the far end, and the walkway will collapse behind you. The door ahead leads to some steps. The sound that comes through the walls portends an encounter with Probe Droids, and sure enough, there are three of them awaiting you at the foot of the stairs. Destroy them and then ride the lift up to to the Ammo Power Converter if you need to use it. The door this way leads to another walkway, but it will break before you can get all the way across - head back down to where the Probe Droids were and stand on the floor to reach an open area above the walkways. Take out some more Droids, grab the Large Shield Generator nearby, then walk along the ceiling of the intact walkway to reach the other side. You can snipe the Imperial troops in the observation room from the top of the walkway. Once you drop down, pass through the observation room and round the corner to get the final code. Proceed back to the walkways and enter the codes into the computer. You need to manipulate the three screens until the display on the large, center screen matches the symbol (check the codes by hitting TAB). Once all the codes have been entered, you can cross the bridge to the second half of this mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 - Kejim Base ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Objectives: *Investigate the hidden section of the Outpost. *Engage Remnant forces in the area. *Rendezvous with Jan and the Raven's Claw. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Imperial Officers Secret Areas: 3 You'll start off with a firefight here, but you can shoot the gas container through the window to lighten the troop density a bit. Get the Security Key from the Imperial, then unlock the door. Disable the turrets. Take the door to your left, then flip the panel to raise the blast shield. Shoot the window out and proceed on through. An Imperial and a couple of odd, floating droid-turrets will be waiting for you in the next room. You can't shoot the droids when they've shielded themselves - you can only damage them when they're prepared to fire back at you. Grab the key from the Imperial, then flip the switches on the control panel to rotate the manipulator arm around in the cold chamber ahead. Smash the window leading into the chamber, then drop down and head through the door on the floor. You can disable the freezing units in the next room. Go back to the cold chamber, but this time hug the wall until you can climb on top of the manipulator arm. Once you reach the top level, crouch and head around the outside of the chamber to find a secret area. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/kejimbase1.jpg Head back around the way you came, and then jump from the lattice walkway to the Ammo Power Converter for another secret area. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/kejimbase2.jpg Once you're back on the walkway, you can go through the door to enter a large area with a pool of electrified water below. Head around the upper level to your right until you can fire through the windows into the small control room. Shoot the explosive container, which will fry the panel nearby, opening the door and extending a walkway. Move into the room, flip the switch, then drop down the lift and look around until you find yourself in an observation room overlooking a large white storage area. Hit the control panel to raise a jumpway to one of the small caches of items around the area. Now, head back to the water room, then proceed down into the white storage area and jump around until you get the items. (This isn't technically required, so feel free to skip it if you just want to get on with the mission.) From Denis Seguin: "In 3.2, Kejim Base, in the big room with the floor sections that go up and down, I've found that you can take out most of the turrets by crouching right in front of them and shooting up at their ceiling mounts, while their guns are blocked by the edge of the box they're in. Just make sure your back is to a block or you've already taken out the turrets behind you." Now, back in the water room, move around on the lower level until you come to the walkway that lets you access a door opening onto an open shaft. Drop down and crouch through the passage until you reach another largish room. Take a left and proceed into another small observation room to shuffle the floor plans once again. Head back out and into the white room through the now-unlocked door, and nab some more items. Once you're through in there, head back through the previous room and through the door on the other side. There are plenty of troops in the area, so this might be a good time to bust out some of your Thermal Detonators. Once the troops are dead, disable the turret nearby, grab the key from the Imperial, and head down the steps to the brig area. You'll find a platform that takes you up above the prison cells, where you'll encounter another Imperial guarding the locks. Disable the forcefields, then drop down and look around until you find the supply areas, where you can pick up some neato Det Packs. The odd humming sound is coming from a pair of Interrogation Droids that are coming your way. These fellows don't seem to have any distance attacks, so shoot them down before they can get near you and you should be fine. Now walk back past the area where you killed all the Troopers until you come to a locked door. This will open with the security key of the Imperial that was hiding in an alcove across the way. You'll find yourself in an observation room that overlooks one of the rooms you were in earlier. If you're running low on shields, you can get to the shield generator by futzing around with the control panels nearby. Hit the right one once, then the left one three times to blow the shields. Continue on your way through the door, and get ready for a firefight. The blast doors will open automatically, revealing a room full of troopers and an Imperial manning a turret. The Troopers die as easily as they ever do, but you'll have to strafe-fire the Imperial to knock him out of the turret before he can rip you to shreds. Clear the room, and hit the switch in the rear area. Troopers will charge you, so get into the turret and knock them around a bit. Now that the force field is down, proceed into a room with a very odd contraption. The device you're looking at bounces laser beams off the crystal suspension. You'll want to activate the machine, but you'll also want to move the crystal so that the lasers can cut you a passage; you can do both in the small alcove nearby. When the lasers start cutting through the locked door, crouch and move around the perimeter of the room so that you don't get fried. Once you're out of the door, the machine will self-destruct. The next room confronts you with a bit of a puzzle. If you enter the room with the bodies inside it, you'll die very quickly of radiation poisoning. You should have enough health to dash in and grab the Security Key, however, so do that and unlock the computer panel nearby. This activates a remote-controlled Mouse droid, which you'll need to use to flush the radiation from the next room on. Once you're controlling the Mouse droid, roll it along into the next room, and then zip through the small blue passageway until you locate the machines that are pumping out the radiation. Shut them down, then bring the Mouse droid back through the blue passage. Be sure to hit the obscured computer link device on your way back, however; this unlocks the third secret area. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/kejimbase3.jpg This computer access panel opens a doorway leading to a Power Converter nearby; this is the final secret area for this level. Hit the Jump key to return you to Kyle's body, then proceed through into the formerly irradiated area. Use the Ammo Power Converter to get the final secret area, then proceed through the door and escape the facility through the crystal immersion chamber. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 - Artus Mine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Infiltrate the mining facility. *Cripple the mining operation. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Imperial Officers *Crabs Secret Areas: 1 Mosey down the valley until you come to a canyon. Drop down and scope out the scene - I don't think the EPA would have many good things to say about the Remnant's environmental policies, given the green sludge that's floating about below. Head off to your right to find a Bowcaster next to a body, but don't fire it yet. Avoid the spotlights off to the left, and head into the room below their spire to deactivate them. Once you've got that done, jump onto the piping that crosses the valley, but watch out for falling pieces. Make your way over to the other side of the valley. The Troopers in the room above are a bit too concentrated for you to risk running in and blasting away, so alert them to your presence and then retreat to the bottom-most walkway above the canyon. As the Stormtroopers pursue you, they'll almost all fall off into the valley below, since the walkways don't have any guardrails - something for their union to take up with OSHA, I imagine. The Remnant better hope they don't get audited, or else there'll be hell to pay in fines. Once you've cleared the Troopers and the Imperial, grab the latter's key and unlocked the door. You've infiltrated the mine successfully. Now clean the next room, and grab the keys from the Imperials. Head down the elevator, but be ready to hit a secret area about halfway down - there's a small passage you can crouch into as you head down, but it's easy to miss, so be sure to save your game ahead of time. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/artusmine1.jpg You can bomb or snipe the Troopers from above, then head back down to take on the rest of the troops. There are a half-dozen or so soldiers in this storage area, but you won't have much mobility in the doorway, so watch the crossfire. There's only one exit from this room, so head towards the elevator, but watch out for the Troopers that drop down before you can get there. You can get them all with one well-placed Detonator if you're ready. Ride the elevator up and take a left, passing through the rocky mining area. Take a right at the intersection and head down to another room with some Imperials and a few Troopers. Grab the key (you can head back to the rocky area to open the crate, if you wish), then find the doors that lead back out into the canyon. There are two guidelights on posts here - stand between them until the pipe below you extrudes enough for you to jump on it. Do so, then crouch and fall down to the small ledge below. When the pipe retracts, crawl through until you reach the smelting machine. Shoot the power devices along the walls, then blow away the machine itself. Ride on top of the machine to the room above, then climb on one of the barriers so that you can jump on top of one of the moving platforms. Hitch a ride until you reach the small, dark corridor with the green force crystals; this is where you want to jump off. This corridor is dark enough to require the use of light amplification goggles, but it's fairly linear so you shouldn't worry too much about it if you run out of battery power. The little Crabs in the area are troublesome, however, since they move a bit too fast to lead with your Rifle. Use the alternate fire and aim at the ground between you and them to stun them, then finish them off as they stand still. This will deplete almost all of your ammo, probably, but it's better than being turned into critter food. (A few people have pointed out that the Stun Baton is a little more efficient at taking out the Crabs than the Blaster Rifle is.) Once you reach the mining equipment, activate it and start sniping the soldiers below you - the Bowcaster's alternate fire is quite handy at this, if you haven't noticed. Drop onto another of the moving platforms, and head for the bottom of the room. The door nearby leads to some sort of lava-smashing contraption, conveniently placed to allow you access to the upper platforms. The next room over contains a mess of troops, and the mine's powerplant, which you can overload by manipulating a panel nearby. Once it's destroyed, head through the far door to find yourself back in the main storage area of the mine. Take the previous elevator back up to the upper level, but this time take a right. Take out the Troopers and the Crabs, and proceed to the next room, where you'll find a couple of delightfully positioned turrets. Activate the car here to reach the next area of the mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4 - Artus Detention Area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Objectives: *Rescue the Miners from the prison. Release the prisoners. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Imperial Officers Secret Areas: 1 Shoot the prisoners in the room you start out in, then climb up the metal bar to reach the panel to unlock the door below. Kill the troopers in the next room, then use another panel to unlock anohter door. You'll find yourself in a large cylindrical prison area, joined by a series of staircases. You'll need to fight off quite a few Trooper ambushes as you progress upward, and there's a surprise in the form of Mobile Turrets on the top level, so be prepared for a firefight. Take another staircase up to the facility's control room, where you'll be able to unlock all the prison doors, as well as activate the fan in the airshaft running up the middle of the room. Go back down the stairs and through the previously locked door. Proceed through and talk to the prisoner. He'll tell you that you need to capture the Base Commander and force him to unlock the hanger's blast doors - but first, proceed into the hanger and take out the Troopers. They'll fire on the prisoners, unless you get really close, so pick them off from a distance. You can examine the hanger's floor for some miscellaneous items. Head to the upper platforms in the hanger, and find the unlocked door. When you reach the walkway, shoot the lattice grille and jump through. Thankfully you activated the fan earlier, and you can float down the pipe until you hit the bottom; make sure you land on the grate or you'll get injured by the fan. Head through the pipe to reach the bottom of the detention area; look around for a loose grate to find a secret area. (Thanks Claude Arm for pointing this out.) **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/artusdetention1.jpg You'll eventually reach another darkened mine area, which will be much longer than the one you ran through in the last level. My recommendation? Book it. Just run past all the Crabs, keeping your goggles on, and they shouldn't have enough time to get their bites in. The passageway is linear, so proceed until you reach another room where the Crabs are chewing on Trooper bodies. Head through the door hear to reach a hallway with two more doors. The rightmost passage will take you back to the hanger, but the leftmost will lead you to the Base Commander. Kill all the Troopers and walk down the stairs to your right to find the Commander, who won't put up a fight. He'll walk along slowly as long as you have your crosshairs on him, so march him up the stairs towards the blast door. You'll have to protect him from the Crabs that pour forth. After he lets the prisoners out of the main door, he'll predictably turn on you, so blast him and the rest of the Troopers. Now head out the newly unlocked door until you find a locker room for the mine enforcers. Blast the grates and crawl out of the facility to end the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5 - Artus Topside ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Objectives: *Disable the external defenses to allow evacuation of the prisoners. *Rendezvous with Jan and the Raven's Claw. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Imperial Officers Secret Areas: 1 Well, you're caught between a rock and a hard place as the level opens, since an AT-ST is gunning for you right from the beginning. Duck into the alcove to your left to grab the Imperial's supply key and activate the elevator. Run back outside, avoiding the AT-ST's fire, and take the elevator up to the top level. Man the turret to kill the AT-ST, then swing it around to take out the Troopers above you. Another AT-ST will pop out of the hanger here; once its AT-ST is destroyed, you can check the nearby room for a Large Shield Generator if you got the Supply key below. Steven Roy sent along this tactic, which should come in handy on harder difficulties: "Trying to keep the prisoners alive at the beginning of the Artus Topside mission was nearly impossible [on Jedi Master difficulty]. The lower AT-ST would always hit me in the gun turret at least twice, draining the energy levels to a ridiculously low level. I could never kill the stormtroopers before my energy was completely gone. I spent a half hour doing this until I figured a much easier way of winning. First, the prisoners do not start dying until you actually reach the top. So, instead of rushing to the elevator, I charged the AT-ST on the canyon level, ran around it, and kept dodging all the way to the other end. No stormtroopers on on the lower level until you clear the top, so they aren't a worry. Then, once you've reached the end, turn around and come back, hugging the right wall (don't forget to keep dodging!) If all goes well, the AT-ST tries to follow you in a straight line, and gets caught on the right wall and cannot see you or the turret. Then, just head up to the top and eliminate all of the troopers and the upper level AT-ST with a fully charged cannon!" Take the elevator back down into the valley. Run (do not walk) down the valley's length. There are a lot of Troopers hanging around, but if you strafe and dodge well, you can make it to the end without getting hit. (Just make sure the AT-ST doesn't squash you.) Take the lift up to the top of the valley. The troopers outside are using juiced-up Rifles, and can fire more rapidly than most soldiers can, so you might want to set a proximity mine or something to take them out, since they will wear down your shields quite rapidly in a firefight. Once you take out the troopers on the ledge to the right of the door, walk across and shoot the grate to find a secret area. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/artustopside1.jpg Now, head down to the Ion Cannons, and use the Turrets to shoot any of the troops in the valley below. Make sure you get the AT-ST in particular, because you'll have to come back and shoot it if you miss it now. Walk past the Ion Cannons, making sure to avoid their walkways before they fire, since the charge electrifies the metal temporarily. The next large room after the cannons is a repair bay for the AT-ST's, so clear it out and grab the security key from the Imperial. There are a couple more rooms accessible from the lowest level of the repair bay, and in the final one you'll be able to access the force fields that are protecting the Ion Cannons. Shut them down, then head back up and blast the Cannons with the nearby turret. If you didn't destroy the AT-ST in the canyon before, you'll get a message telling you to do it now, which is a task, since it will sometimes hide in one of the mini-valleys underneath the Ion Cannons. If it's already been destroyed, head back to the repair bay and through the now-unlocked door on the other side of the upper level. Avoid the trip mines in the passages beyond, and eventually you'll reach the Raven's Claw. Desann, unfortunately, cannot be beaten at this stage of the game. I've managed to knock him over with a lucky Detonator Pack, but he'll generally throw everything you dish out right back at you. Once you fall, a series of cutscenes will ensue, ending the mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.6 - Massassi Temple - Jedi Training Academy - Yavin 4 Moon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Objectives: *Meet with Luke Skywalker. Primary Foes: None Secret Areas: 1 A Protocol Droid will let you know that Luke is waiting for you. You can look around for a bit if you wish; there's a recreation of the War Room from A New Hope near where you begin the level. There's not a lot to do in the Academy proper except check out some Jedi Padawans engaging in a little lightsaber duel action. Once you get bored of watching and heckling them ("We want a fencer, not a belly...encer!"), head up to the very top of the Temple, where Luke awaits. Apparently he finally hit puberty, because his voice has changed a bit. Once you're ready to begin your tests, head back down a level or two and find the door that was previously locked. Stroll through the garden until you find the rabbit-hole. Drop through to begin your adventures with the Force.... Go right once the next level loads to pick up Force Push. In the next room, Push the grey panels on the wall to find the correct glyphs you need to proceed. The middle square, between the arrows, needs to have the correct sequence of glyphs to unlock the door, so Push the tiles around until you are able to proceed. Grab Force Pull from the altar, then head into a water room for the next text. Use Pull to extract the walkway from the wall. Once you get to the door, you can keep going past it to reach a secret area, but it'll only net you a Battery and a Bacta tank. You'll need to Pull these items out of the alcove, since they're stuck far into the recess. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/yavintrial1.jpg Proceeding out the door, grab Speed and drop down the hole nearby. Stand on the platform to drop the door, then stand on the pressure plate to unlock all the other doors. Once the last door has dropped (you should be able to see a cage at the end of the corridor) hit the Speed button and take off. Don't worry about the rising pillar; you'll see it again shortly. You'll find Jump nearby, and a door that leads back to the main area. I was stuck here for quite some time, because I didn't see the golden pillars off to the right as you enter the room. You need to use Jump to scale the pillars, after which you're done with the first go-round of tests. The next test is down the stairs and through the doors. Use Pull on the gargoyles to initiate water flow from each. Once the water level has risen, stand by the door to let the platform float up from the bottom of the water. The gate across the way will also rise; once it's completely retracted, hit Speed and dash across the platform. It'll sink, but you should have plenty of time to Jump underneath the gate before it falls completely. Now, use Push on the wall next to the door to break open another passage. Once you're below, you can use Push on the blocks below the stepping stones to make something of a ladder. You'll need to Jump on top of the stones, then Jump on the small guidestones next to them to complete the next jump. This area is confusing so I've updated a couple of pictures to help anyone who's stuck. This is Kyle looking at the small ledge he needs to jump upon: http://www.matthewrorie.com/images/jeditrialstones1.jpg This is Kyle looking down from the small ledge. He needs to jump from here to reach the next stone: http://www.matthewrorie.com/images/jeditrialstones2.jpg Once you're up top, head to the end of the corridor, behind the pressure plate. Activate Speed, then jet off down the corridor towards the opening. You should intersect a sliding platform, from which you can Jump to reach the final area of the tests. You're almost done. Use Push to retract the pins that stick out of the pillar until the cage containing your Lightsaber is at floor level, then jump on top of the weight nearby (above the ramp that leads downward). As the weight falls, hit Speed, run up the ramp, and use Pull to get your Lightsaber out before the cage closes again. Now you can jump around and act like an idiot for a few minutes. The Lightsaber here is much-improved over its implementation in Jedi Knight, so get used to the new movement system and throw the saber around a bit for good measure. Once you're ready to get on to the next mission, jump up on top of the small pillars near the exit door, then throw the saber through the ropes to release the stones. Cut the lock on the next door and you'll be off to Nar Shaddaa. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 - Nar Shaddaa - The Smuggler's Moon - Streets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Objectives: *Track down the gangster, Reelo Baruk. Primary Foes: *Rodian *Gran *Weequay Secret Areas: 6 (The fly-by intro here is an homage to the opening cinematic of Jedi Knight, in case you didn't know.) The bar up the street is populated by Grans (fellows with three eyes), Rodians (green-skinned insectoid things), and Weequays (individuals that manage to be both bald and dreadlocked simultaneously), along with a Chiss bartender, of the same race as Grand Admiral Thrawn. Engage the bartender in conversation, then kill every single living thing in a hundred-foot radius. You're remarkably proficient at blocking incoming laser fire, even at this early stage of your Lightsaber skill development, so whip it out and chop up the freaks. Lightsaber Throw is a kick here; I took down four enemies at one time with a well-thrown saber. There are two secret areas in this bar; one is in the kitchen area, where you can Push a freezer to reveal a small hidden room. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nsstreets1.jpg The other is accessible in the main seating area. Hit your Use key on one of the recessed seating areas in the back wall, where the Weequay and Rodians were enjoying their drinks earlier, and the seats should retract into the wall, leaving a passage to the secret area. Not very logical, but there you go. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nsstreets2.jpg Head to the top of the bar and locate the lock to the bar blast shield. Interrogate the bartender and head up and outside. The Rodians that are scattered throughout the rest of the level will possess Disruptor Rifles, so you'll have to move very slowly through any exposed areas, unless you fancy being disintegrated. (The death animation when you do perish is pretty cool, though.) You'll need to duck in and out of doorways, while returning fire with your own Disruptor Rifle, in order to not get hit, since your Lightsaber unfortunately can't block the shots. The Disruptor is perfectly accurate and fires very quickly, so you can hit far-off enemies with the primary fire if you have good aim. If you need to zoom in with the scope, aim for the head and charge it up about halfway - disintegrating the Rodians is neat, but drains your ammo and will leave you open to fire for too long to be really worthwhile. (Mitch points out that if you hold duck while wielding the Disruptor Rifle, the sniper zoom does not disappear when you move. This is obviously helpful for acquiring your targets while exposing yourself for a minimum amount of time.) Head around to your left and walk across the chasm. No guardrails, yet again; a poor example of city planning. Head up the lift in the nearby room and through the hole in the wall. Don't forget to use Push and Pull to knock your enemies off their feet; this is really handy in the case of the Grans, which are often armed with Thermal Detonators. From Denis Seguin: "In 3.7, Nar Shaddaa Streets, just after leaving the bar by the second floor and crossing the chasm, there's a room with two holes in the ceiling where Grans lob thermal detonators at you. I've noticed that they face away from the door, so you can take them out with the bowcaster's secondary fire by bouncing the shots off the edge of the hole in the ceiling. The angle is just right if your back is to the wall (the one opposite the lift). By the way, in that same room, I've tried taking out the Weequays that come down the lift by lobbing a few thermal dets of my own through the same ceiling holes (and through the already-broken glass), with no luck at all. I'm convinced those guys spontaneously appear only after the lift is activated. There's no point trying to kill them before, because they're just not there." Head out to the small balcony and jump over to the set of ramps leading up. Ignore the door to your left and head up the ramps, where you'll find another door. You can roll a Thermal Detonator down the small incline inside the door to kill the Rodian and the Gran below, then explore the room they're in to find a Large shield generator. Now, head up to the second-highest level of the ramp and jump from the small balcony area into the building below, which has a control panel you can use to extend a nearby bridge. Head out of the building and walk to your right to find the now-complete walkway. In the next room, you'll need to shuffle some crates around with Push and Pull to bring down a lift, then Push the crate again to make the platform rise when you're standing on it. Once you're reached the top of the lift, use the panel nearby to drop another ramp heading up. Walk along the walkway outside until you reach the skylights, which you'll need to drop through. One of the doors in this room leads to a lift heading up to the highest level of the outside area. There are two secret areas up here. For the first, jump across the bridge that the Gran was standing on, then head up the darkened ramp nearby to find an upper platform. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nsstreets3.jpg (Jump up on the ramp that is visible in the upper right of this shot to find the secret area.) The second area is to the left of the lift that brought you up; you need to drop down onto the walkways that connect all the locked doors until you find a small platform with a couple of Converters. Unfortunately, this will return you to the beginning of the level, so be forewarned. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nsstreets4.jpg (The secret area is in the middle of the crosshairs, but it's a long way down...) When you're ready to proceed, head back to the room with the skylights and jump out the rightmost window onto a small ledge. Jump into the floating vehicle and jump from there up to the nearby door. Take the lift up and proceed across the walkway - but watch out for the proximity mine in the middle. Shoot it out from a distance, and be careful not to fall. In the next room, shoot the barrel to get through the wall, then cut the small electrical pipe to de-charge the water. Pull the platform out from the next wall, then jump up above to another small area. There's another secret area across the top of the glassed-in walkway; jump from there to the area to the right to find a couple of Bacta Tanks. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nsstreets5.jpg (If you can make this jump, you'll find yourself in another secret area.) Hit the panel near the R5 unit to pull a loading crane below within jumping distance. Fall down onto it, then Pull the other crane to you, and jump from there into the floating garbage scow. As it moves off, you'll notice a red garbage chute above you; the jump from your hauler to this area is very difficult. Stand on the very edge of the hauler and hit crouch when you reach the apex of your jump, and you might make it into the corridor; this is the final secret area. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nsstreets6.jpg (SpeedySlim2 says you might be able to jump from the R5's head up to the grate above him. I've never been able to do this myself, but perhaps it'll work for some of you.) Drop down into the hauler again, and as it speeds along, you'll need to hit the small red/green switchlights with Push in order to bypass the early exits and hit the end of the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.8 - Nar Shaddaa - Reelo's Hideout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Objectives: *Track down Reelo Baruk. Primary Foes: *Rodian *Gran *Weequay Force Power Adjustments: *Force Jump from Level 1 to Level 2. Secret Areas: 7 As the level begins, you can find a secret area by jumping from the crate to the metal piping on either side, then jumping from there up to a pair of Converters. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nshideout1.jpg If you miss the jump, you can cut through the grating on your left to avoid the garbage smasher. (Thanks to Odd Ball for pointing this out.) Head through the door to find a large room full of garbage smashers. There's another secret area through the first door on your right - blow up the explosive barrel in the room to open a passageway to a sniper's roost with a couple of Rodians. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nshideout2.jpg (The explosion here blows open the wall.) There's yet another secret area in the first room here. Find the stack of crates near the wall, then drop down between them and the wall, and hit your Use key while facing the wall. A secret panel should open up. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nshideout3.jpg Go back to the garbage smashers and find one with an exposed pipe sticking out of its side. You'll need to jump up and into the garbage smasher, then run underneath the smashing mechanism without getting squashed. There's a simple jumping puzzle in the next large room, from which you'll proceed down some corridors until you find what seems to be a dead end. Use your Force Pull on the dumpster to pull it towards you. What you have to do in this area is not attempt to move around the dumpster that you pull, but instead head all the way back to the large central area of the level, the one with the four large garbage smashers. There's a room attached to this area with a large wall of glass and a number of crates. Here's a screenshot of the room in question; hopefully you'll recognize it: http://www.matthewrorie.com/images/reeloroom.jpg After you've pulled the garbage hauler near the jumping puzzle, go back to the central area and find this room. There's a crate you can pull to reveal a passageway, which then leads you to another garbage hauler; Push this one to reveal the passageway leading to the rest of the area. The point of Pulling the first garbage hauler is not to clear the hallway so that you can pass, it's to make room so that you can Push the other garbage hauler enough to reveal the adjacent corridor. (As a note, there is a secret area in the ceiling above the garbage hauler in the hallway; look for a small area that you can jump up into.) **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nshideout4.jpg Smash the window in the adjacent room, while being careful not to step on the red-hot incinerator track. Pull the lever across the way to unlock the door. This next hallway is populated with some Rodian snipers, so watch for the windows to open and blast them with your weapon of choice. You'll reach a ramp eventually - watch for a grate on the right side of the wall. When you find it, smash it, crawl into the duct, and then blow up the explosive canister below. Head back to the ramp and drop down into the room below. Cut the door's lock, and proceed through the now-smashed wall to find the prison area, where the game's very special guest star awaits. Once you've had your conversation, head back to the ramp area, and go through the door at the top to find yourself on the walkways at the top of the garbage smasher room. At the far side of this area is a small control room where you'll be asked for a password - the prisoner gave it to you, so you'll be allowed through. (If you didn't have the password, you'd have been dropped into a room with an electrified floor.) This next area is rather tricky, due to the overwhelming forces aligned against you, so keep your Bacta tanks primed and ready to go when you hit your item key. First off, there's a secret area behind the second elevator past the passworded door. Jump off the elevator as it's falling, and you'll notice a small gap in the far wall. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nshideout5.jpg Once you reach the grate separating you from the Weequays, break through with your saber and start chopping. Take your time with the turrets ahead, and be sure to destroy them all before proceeding. The next hallway contains a multitude of recessed Rodian riflemen (really!), but you can run past them if you wish. Push the panel through the cracked window to escape. Once you find yourself in Reelo's gladiator pit, destroy the turrets up above, then flip on your lightsaber to avoid getting mauled by the Weequays that come pouring out. One strategy to take them down quickly is to lure them off to the side of the room, then duck into the little alcove they formerly inhabited. They'll bunch up as they run towards the alcove, allowing you to duck out and get most of them with a single saber throw. Now, head upstairs to find that Reelo has flown the coop. Snoop around behind his desk to find a switch that opens a secret door nearby. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nshideout6.jpg Drop down the shaft to find another secret area below the stairs. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nshideout7.jpg (Pull the lever to slide the stairs to one side). Head through the door to find Lando, who leads you to the end of the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.9 - Nar Shaddaa - Starport ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial Objectives: *Find Lando's Ship, the Lady Luck. Primary Foes: *Rodian *Gran *Weequay Force Power Adjustments: *Force Speed from Level 1 to Level 2. *Mind Tricks to Level 1 Secret Areas: 3 Follow Lando until you reach the control room overlooking the Lady Luck. Head down the lift and across the walkway nearby to find yourself back in the previous room, then proceed through the door to your left to enter a room with an unexplainable chasm. The next area is darkened, so activate your Light Amplification Goggles and proceed through it. Once you're on the rooftop area, head to your left until Lando messages you about the turrets. Destroy them from a distance (you can use the Disruptor Rifle from long distance to place yourself out of their range), then proceed through the room behind them until you reach the walkway that juts out underneath where the turrets were placed. Jump up through the turret wreckage and go down the hallway to reach a control room, where you can unlock the hanger door. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nsstarport1.jpg Above the panel where the hangar door is unlocked, you'll note that the ceiling of the control room is made mostly of glass. In order to find the secret area, you need to bust through the glass above the panel and jump through onto the ceiling. It's a tricky jump; I found that moving underneath the slanted window, then attempting to jump while facing down in third-person mode helped a bit. Once you're up top, head towards the wall to find a couple of Bacta Tanks and some Shield Generators. Thanks Greg Evans. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nsstarport2.jpg Now, if you drop back down into the hangar control panel room, you can find another secret area. Head down the ramp and out the door to your left. You should be able to see a hint of a ramp off above the bottomless pit; jump up here to find the secrets. Head back to the docking bay and recharge your shields at the station while Lando blathers on. A wave of troops will come in - your priority here is to protect Lando, since the mission ends if he dies. This battle can be particularly tough on the higher difficulty levels, due to the huge number of enemies that pop in through the doors. You may want to lay proximity Mines to take out more enemies than you can slice with your Lightsaber. Once they're all taken care of, Lando will message you and let you know that you need to start the refueling process, as well as open the roof so that you can escape. Examine the blue and red piping that's connected to the ship to find the codes for refueling. To find the fuel tanks, exit the hangar and proceed to your right. You can't miss the large fuel reservoir; it's the cylindrical tank with all the piping that heads into the hanger walls. Enter the codes on the panels (the red code is a small gray stop sign; the blue code is a yellow x). A few people have emailed me saying that they can reach this part of the level, but the panels are inactive, and cannot be manipulated. One reader eventually found out that Lando had gotten stuck in the hangar, having never reached the Lady Luck. If this occurs, you may have to reload your game to a time before the entrance to the hanger, or attempt to dislodge Lando with Force powers or some explosives. Just get his attention, though; Lando doesn't appreciate sitting on Thermal Detonators. Update 10/15/02: I still get emails about this portion of the game, so apparently sometimes the game is simply unpassable at this point. The only solution I've come across is to warp to the next level using the code "map bespin_undercity". If anyone has successfully managed to fix a game where the fuel symbols are non-functional, please let me know how you did so. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/nsstarport3.jpg There's a secret area across the way from the code input terminals; jump on top of the fuel cylinder and you should be able to see some Bacta tanks on a ledge nearby. Jump on the piping to reach them. To open the ceiling of the hangar, you need to find two grates in the hangar floor and bust through them; one is beneath a set of explosive crates, the other is hidden beneath a Pushable crate. In each of the rooms connected to these passages, there are five computers that need to be activated. Once you flip on all of the computers, the roof will open and Lando will summon you back to the ship. When Reelo makes his appearance, hit the panel in the cockpit of the Lady Luck to lower a hidden turret. Aim for Reelo first, and then blast the rest of the troops to finish the level. (Did this battle feel a little anticlimactic to anyone else?) [EDIT/DELETION] Dr. M points out to me that the formerly submitted tips, where you could leave the Lady Luck and attack Reelo and his gang with your Saber, is no longer relevent. The exploit was apparently fixed in a patch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.10 - Bespin - Cloud City - Underside ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Infiltrate Bespin City through the lower levels. *Find Lando's R5 unit near Carbonite Chamber #17. Primary Foes: *Rodian *Gran *Weequay Force Power Adjustments: *Force Push from Level 1 to Level 2 *Force Pull from Level 1 to Level 2 *Force Heal to Level 1 Secret Areas: 3 There are grates around the corner from your starting position - cut one open, then wait off to the side for the blast of air to pass by and hop onto the rising platform. You can start abusing Force Push on the enemies above - Level 2 is a huge improvement over Level 1, so be sure to have it bound somewhere handy. Stay away from the edges of the lift as it reaches the top of the tube; you can sometimes be caught between the lift and an obstacle, killing you instantly. There's a secret area in the ceiling of this area that's reachable by jumping from the lift - thanks to Greg Evans for pointing this out. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/bpundercity1.jpg The door nearby leads to a forked corridor. Head off to the left and take the nearby lift up to a dead-end room with some enemies and a few items on the upper level. This is optional, of course, but it's easy to miss if you don't notice the lift. Now proceed through the door to the right of the bottom of the lift. There's another platform in this room that leads to another docking bay if you wish to get a couple more Bacta Tanks. Otherwise, wait for the flames in the central chamber to abate, then hit the panel next to the Ugnaught and use Force Speed to cover the distance before the door closes. (You can also use Mind Tricks on the Ugnaught when you're standing by the door to get him to open it.) Cut through the lock and take the lift up. The door here leads out to a large open area. Take out the Rodians while you still have a little cover, but watch out; if you strafe too exuberantly, you can fall into the shaft where the platform was. Once the snipers have fallen, wait for the power...thing...across the way to fall down to your level, then activate Speed and rush across the red force field while it's still active. Jump on the platform before it starts to rise, and ride up to the next level. Proceed in this manner to the top level, where you need to take a right to find the door to the next area. In this small room is another lift, and the second secret area: hit the button for the lift, then stay out of the way until the lift rises to reveal a hole in the ground. The old "hidden hole underneath the elevator" secret area - a true classic. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/bpundercity2.jpg The three grates in this room cover up airshafts - cut the one to the left of the entrance and float up to a large open area, similar to the location of Luke's duel with Vader. Ride the columns of air up to the higher platforms; if you feel cruel, you can use Push in midair to knock your enemies off their feet and into the ether. Once you reach the top platform, you'll come face to face with your first Reborn. Read the Dueling strategies in the Hints section (near the bottom of this document) if you need help in this battle. Once the Reborn is dead (and trust me, this guy is a piece of cake compared to the individuals waiting), go through the door and walk down the hallway to Carbonite Chamber #17, which acts as an elegant backdrop to another duel. There's another secret area here, underneath one of the set of stairs. It's darkened, so equip your night vision goggles to see it. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/bpundercity3.jpg The door nearby contains the R5 unit which you need to access the adjacent lift. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.11 - Bespin - Cloud City - Streets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Search for Desann. *Engage hostile forces in the area. Primary Foes: *Rodian *Gran *Weequay *Trandoshan *Reborn Force Power Adjustments: *Force Grip to Level 1 Secret Areas: 3 Once you're able to move, jump up to the elevated area and take out the Trandoshan - watch out for the trip mines near the door. Lower the lift in the control room, then head around and wait for the R5 unit to open the door. This hallway here is quite a gauntlet. Your R5 unit can take a fair bit of damage from the trip mines that are spaced out along the hallway, but the enemies across the way will pose a double threat for you. You have to shoot as many of the trip mines as you can, so that the droid doesn't perish, but you'll also need to shoot some of the aliens across the way so that you don't get killed. Concentrate your fire on the Rodians, then take out any trip mines that are still in the way of the droid. You'll get hurt pretty badly in this area if you're not careful, so keep an eye on your health and make sure you don't set off any of the mines yourself. Steven Roy sent along a perfect strategy for getting through this area with a minimum of hassle: "The key is using Force Pull on the R5. After he opens the door, just Force Pull him back to you, step around him and get between him and the door. You may have to Push him back a little, but don't knock him over the edge. [Ed. Note: The falling damage appears to kill him if this occurs.] Now, just stay in the middle of the doorway, but far enough back that the snipers can't see you. You should be able to shoot most of the mines....I used the disrupter and it's scope for this. I used some thermal detonators to clear the few I couldn't see behind columns, and for the final group of mines at the far end, I used Speed to run down until I could see them, then just shot them. When sniping the mines, don't sidestep to get better shots, as the R5 will use any such move on your part to go zooming on by." Another strat from Chris Redfield: "In the Bespin - Cloud City - Underside part of the game, the part where R5 opens the door, leading to the hallway with the snipers and trip mines, I've discovered a strategy that works best for that hallway. After R5 gets off the platform, force push him until he's all the way to the right side of the doorway, as close as possible. When he opens the door, the little bit that's sticking out will block R5's passage into the hallway, allowing you to scout ahead and take out the trip mines and snipers. Hope this was useful." The next room contains an alcove where the R5 unit will stow itself away - wait for it to open the door and walk through for an easy Secret Area credit. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/bpstreets1.jpg The next door over leads you to another room with various miscreants. Pass through to an open area with a Cloud Car. As you proceed towards the exit door, another Reborn will appear and challenge you. He may be bugged - I was able to freeze him in place by shooting at him with a Blaster Rifle as he landed, and then finished him off with the Lightsaber as he was immobile. Your mileage may vary. Join up with the Cloud City Trooper in the next room and hit the streets. If you see Grans or other enemies on the ledges above you, you can combine Jump and Pull to cause them to stumble onto the ground below, which usually kills them. This is a handy method of threat disposal that you can use without de-equiping your lightsaber. When you round the corner with the Cloud Car, switch to your Disruptor and snipe the enemies at the far end of the road - the last thing you want is a turret pointed your way. Once you proceed down the road, all hell will break loose in the form of multiple enemies on the upper ledges. You can hop in the turret if you like; I generally just run to the platform, ride up to the next level, and take them on from there. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/bpstreets2.jpg (From the lift, head to your left, and you should come to a small alcove in the wall, near the ledge that overlooks the turret below. Though it looks empty, you can jump up here to find a darkened secret area. Thanks Greg Evans.) Follow the walkway until you reach another series of rooms - don't miss the Shield Converter or the locked door that contains some more of your CC Trooper friends. When you reach the large open crevasse, ride the lifts to the control room and open the large door below. The next area pits you off against two Reborn at the same time. I found that Saber Throws were particularly effective against this dynamic duo, especially when you aim at their feet. Ride the nearby lift up and gingerly cross the bridge - it's wired with mines that activate when you're about halfway across. It's best to retreat, shoot the enemies, then use your Repeater's secondary fire to wipe out the mines in your way. From Denis Seguin: "In 3.11, Cloud City Streets, when you get to the booby-trapped bridge, you don't have to take out any of the trip mines at all. Once the bad guys on the opposite side are dealt with, you can navigate the entire bridge by starting on the right-side railing and crossing over to the other side whenever you encounter a vertical tripmine on the railing itself. Why waste ammo on a bridge you're not going to come back to?" When you reach the window nearby, find the pool of water below and drop down. As you round the open-air corridor nearby, you can drop down to find a barely-visible ledge for the final secret area of the level. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/bpstreets3.jpg The next room over contains a few Stormtroopers - the first Imperial targets for your newly-appreciated Lightsaber. Head up the lift for another firefight, then go out onto the docking platform to find an Imperial with a Security Key. Use it to unlock the door nearby, which ends the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.12 - Bespin - Cloud City - Platform ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Search for Desann. *Engage hostile forces in the area. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Officers *Reborn Force Power Adjustments: *Force Lightning to Level 1 Secret Areas: 1 Another Reborn will attack you as you proceed down the hallway. When you reach the door, you'll spy some Troopers milling about, protected by a pair of trip mines. When you alert them to your presence, they'll come through the nearby room to your area - I got a kick out of Pushing the field commander into the laser beams, but if you feel less cruel, you can simply mow them down with your Saber. In the area with the small lamp in the middle, take either of the doors and use your Repeater's secondary fire to clear the mines and the Sentries on the floor. Head through the unlocked doors to find a room with a few Stormtroopers - there's a secret area in the shadows between the stairs, near the R2 unit. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/bpplatform1.jpg Kill the Officer in the adjacent room, get his key, and return to the lift you passed by before. Be sure to destroy the trip mines above before you start going up, however. Take the hallway to your left and use the Security Key to unlock the door. Kill the Reborn that comes out of the room, then use the panel by the window to unlock the doors leading to the docking platform you see. Head back down to the area where the Sentries were posted, being mindful of a couple of large firefights. If you kill another Officer with a security key, you can open the doors near where the trip mines were placed when you entered the level. The door with a Shield Converter contains another Reborn, one more powerful than the ones you've faced so far. Recharge your shields, then head through formerly Sentried hallway until you reach the docking platform. From Denis Seguin: "In 3.12, Cloud City Platform, near the beginning, when you unlock the two rooms with the imperial's security key, in the room with the Reborn, if you're not in the mood for a duel, I found that you can take him out from the hallway with the bowcaster's secondary fire, by bouncing it off the back wall. For some reason, it doesn't occur to him to move out of there and attack you." Tavion awaits. She is...tough. Even on the regular Jedi difficulty level, I have a hard time beating her. She's wicked fast and agile enough to change directions in mid-jump, even without a surface to propel herself from. She wields what seems to be a Level Three Saber Throw, as well as advanced Force Grip and Lightning. I recommend making a full save as soon as the fight begins, and quicksaving during the fight as you wear her down. She makes a distinctive grunt when she takes damage, so if you think you've managed to hurt her without being hit since your last save, quicksave again. Repeat. It's certainly a cheesy tactic, but one that practically guarantees victory, if you are able to wield a Lightsaber at all. In practical terms, though, you'll need to stick close to either the open pit in the middle of the platform, or the sides of the platform, simply to avoid her Lightning attack, which wears your shields and health down considerably if you can't outrun it. If she catches you in a Grip, Push her away to break free. If your sabers Clash, hit the primary fire button while also tapping Push as quickly as possible. You can't Push out of a saber clash until your Push is at Level Three, but if she knocks you down, you can sometimes Push her away before she can strike you when you're defenseless. Your primary method of dealing damage will be simple slashing techniques; she'll sometimes overwhelm you and deal massive amounts of damage when you're in close, however, so you should float like a butterfly and sting like a bee (i.e., dart in and out of her saber range while getting as many licks in as you can). Once you defeat Tavion, the level ends. Here's Will Donald's strategy: "I would like to suggest an alternative and (in my opinion) much easier strategy to use in fighting Tavion. Rather than going at it with the light saber, just get her attention with a blaster to start, and then immediately jump on to the top of the stack of crates a short distance behind you (you'll have to turn around, run, and jump rather than just back-flipping). Two things have happened to me upon doing this: 1. She had jumped on top of the ship before hand, and when she jumped to me, she went just over and past me. 2. She followed right behind me, and jumped up next to me. If she jumps over you, use force push on her while she's in the air to send her flying off of the ledge. If she follows you, jump down off of the crates. She'll jump down to follow, and if you're ready, you can easily throw her over with force push. When she falls, the cinematics start just as if you had won the fight (I assume, anyway- I haven't actually fought with her until I won)." From Wong Si Yuan: "When fighting Tavion, hit her with a quick burst of lightning (stuns her VERY briefly) and then Push her WHEN she jumps over you. If she gains enough height, the battle is over when she hits the ground. Try standing on top of the freighter to make this work. She should jump up to reach you... zap, push, aieeeeeee *splat*." From Edwin van der Thiel: "I found out on Jedi Knight 2, when you have to fight Tavion in Bespin, it is much, much more easier to defeat her when you lure her into the hall underneath the platform. She has minimal movability, so I just kept slashing until she died." From Anders Brink: "After getting killed about 5 times I positioned myself atop of the "container" behind and to the right of the starting position. From there I could slash, shoot lightning and push her around without getting hit at all. She kept jumping up towards me but that just made it easier to hit her. It took me about 15 seconds to kill her..." From Pedro Marques: "Hello, mate! I found out that is very easy to kill Tavion. When the fight starts, use the force speed and run to her. She will move in slow motion and you can slice her easily. When the force speed effect ends, activate it again. Defeating Tavion should be piece of cake now." From David Bland: "I found a quite effective way to deal with Tavion. Using force Push seems to have no or little effect on her so I switched to Lightning. Get quite close to her at the start (she doesn't seem to attack until you do) and throw Lightning this damages her and then dive right in with a quick sabre attack, I found repeating this process, Lightning then attack, a quite effective way to dispatch her." From Marco Awater: "I managed to beat Tavion in less then 5 seconds using the following tactic: -turn on speed - pull her so she falls down - slash her in several parts instantly I saw in your walktrough that she was tough, but even the Reborn were more difficult IMO..." From Migo: "Im not sure did this came out allready in that walktrough; but about tavion, in in cloud city (3.12 - bespin, cloud city in the walktrough), the best way to get her is to push (i aimed for the feets), and if--- or when she gets knocked down, go and slash her as much as you can. I defeated her, and in the end i still had 100hp, and 75armor. Before, when i didnt use that push, i got allways killed, it took a while to notice that the push really helps, and it helps A LOT!" From Tyler Jason: "I found myself in a predicament when I encountered Tavion. I had 100 health but no shields. Therefore, fighting her in a heated swordfight didn't work. Becoming chopped liver over and over again was not fun. In order to beat Tavion, I found out that if you turn to your right after the cut scene ends, there are two large blocks. Jump onto the center of the largest block. Tavion will taunt you to come down and fight but stay your ground. She will try to jump onto the block. As she does, hack her up. She will also try to use her force powers, but they too will be ineffective. Three points: 1) Try to remain in the center of the block (the angle is to great for lightning/grip to hit you) 2) Always keep an eye on her, since she can perform multiple jumps without a surface to launch from 3)Keep on swinging" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.13 - The Cairn Installation - Docking Platform ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Search for Desann. *Engage hostile forces in the area. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Officers *Reborn Force Power Adjustments: *Saber Throw to Level 2 *Fast Lightsaber Combat Style available Secret Areas: 1 Yes, you now have the Fast Lightsaber fighting style availble. You can hit the 'L' button by default to switch between the styles as you wish - I found that the Medium style is still best for dealing with Troopers, while the Fast style is preferable when dealing Reborn or Jedi. You can, of course, futz around with the Fast style and see if you prefer it. There are two doors leading out of this docking bay. Find the one near where the black R2 unit is loitering, and take a right through another door to meet up with Luke. You'll get into a scrum with some Reborn, after which Luke will depart. Proceed through the door across the bay (not the one with the bloodstain nearby). You should find yourself in a series of corridors, at the end of which is a small control room. After disposing of the troops, flip the panel by the window to open the main docking bay outside to space, thereby allowing you to eliminate a dozen or so troops without lifting a finger. Well, maybe one finger. Find the other control panels in this room; these activates the lifts in the docking bay you just opened. Don't miss the Sentry hidden away in the crate. Proceed all the way back to the docking bay you started the level in, then find the entrance to the main docking bay through one of the greenlit doors. Snipe the Troopers at the top of the lifts, then ride them up to find another control room. When you locate the small panel with three brown glyphs, use it until the bottom right symbol is lit up in white, then head to the right and hit the other control panel in this room to open another small docking bay. (This bay should have one of the large, white Imperial Lander ships in it. If it doesn't, go back up to the control room and open up the other hangers until you find the correct one.) **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/cairnbay1.jpg (Before you ride the lift down, jump across to the small, dark ledge across the way. Put on your x-ray specs to reveal a grate which you can bust through to find the goodies.) Head back down the lift and enter the open bay. Eliminate the troops, then jump from the Shuttle to the platform above. Blast the grate above your head and jump through. You'll find yourself in a series of small corridors. Disable the forcefields that prevent your progress and make your way through the ducts until you come to a grate leading downward. Throw a Detonator or two down to alert the troops below, then drop down and eliminate the stragglers. The two connected rooms each contain a panel that half unlocks the door, and one of them also has a semi-hidden switch to deactivate the turrets in the next room. In said next room, open the crate and proceed into the elevator shaft. Smash the grate above you to find another elevator shaft, this one with a working elevator car. Jump on top of it as it's rising, and jump from there to the small passageway one or two floors above the grate you smashed through. This little passage is pretty difficult to see, unless you're looking right at it, but trust me, it's there. The gap leads to yet another elevator car, which, in turn, will lead you to still yet another elevator car, which has a broken ceiling you can drop through (convenient, that) to end the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.14 - The Cairn Installation - Assembly Area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Search for Desann. *Engage hostile forces in the area. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Officers *Reborn Force Power Adjustments: *Force Grip from Level 1 to Level 2 *Mind Tricks from Level 1 to Level 2 Secret Areas: 1 A firefight ensues as soon as you begin this level. Stay in the elevator and Pull the weapons out of the hands of any enemies that come into sight, then head around the corner and shoot out the Turrets. The Officer behind the window should be Mind Tricked to open the door, after which you can kill him as thanks. Head through the room and take the lift to your right to get a Supply key. You can hit the panel here to move the nearby platform, but this doesn't appear to have any gameplay consequences. Move back down the lift and through the door on the other side of the room to reach the assembly area for the drop ship. Climb up in the infrastructure until you spot a ledge and a weakened grate. Bust through the grate and smash the machinery inside the passage - this will destroy the Lander, as well as the blast doors that were previously locked. Proceed through the blast doors and into a large storage area. The green door to the right leads into a firefight with a large number of Troopers - you might want to set your Sentry, if you have one, in the corridor to weaken and distract them while you chop them up. Go down the ramp to find a room with an electrified floor. You need to jump from crate to crate to move around the room - you can Push your enemies onto the floor to kill them in an amusing fashion. Once you reach the inside of the Lander, ride the lift to the top and crawl out one of the windows. Deactivate the electricity in the control room, then head back down to the bottom of the Lander and move through the blast doors to another storage area. The door nearby leads to a small lift. Kill the Reborn in this chamber and proceed through the blast doors. There's a new enemy here - an Attack Droid that fires Repeater pellets and what appears to be the Bowcaster secondary fire. Then again, there's also a new weapon here, the DEMP gun, which you can find to the left of the entrance in an opened crate. Use it to take out the Attack Droids. There's a secret area underneath the walkway leading to the exit door - smash the grate to find it. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/cairnassembly1.jpg Through the doors is another lift leading to a contigent of perhaps half a dozen soldiers. You can set another Sentry hear and retreat back down the lift if they overwhelm you. Once the room is clear, proceed through the door and find the panel that starts up the assembly line below. Head all the way back to the area where you fought the two Reborns and move around to the left, where an AT-ST will lurch through a door. You can kill it with the DEMP here if you wish, but you might be better off running through the door from which it came and heading up the stairs at the rear. When you have a set of stairs between you and it, you can fire the DEMP gun at it with impunity. After it and the soldiers have been destroyed, drop down into the narrow space behind the stairs. Destroy as many of the trip mines as you need to reach the central hole, then drop down to end the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.15 - The Cairn - Reactor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Search for Galak's ship, Doomgiver. *Navigate the hazards of the installation's reactor assembly. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Officers *Reborn Force Power Adjustments: *Force Speed from Level 2 to Level 3 *Force Heal from Level 1 to Level 2 Secret Areas: 1 Your task as you begin the level is to avoid the laser beams using Force Speed. It's quite easy once you get the hang of it, since there's a few seconds' margin of error for most of the runs. Quicksave before you dash, and you shouldn't have a problem - there's a fairly linear path to take. When you reach the area with three rapid-firing arrays, shoot the purple caps on the reactors to blow a hole in the wall, then proceed through the hallway beyond until you reach a room with a four-laser tower. You'll need to duck into a small off-shoot corridor and wait for the laser to fire before you can reach the end of the main hallway; if you take a wrong turn and keep dying due to the crossover of two beams, backtrack a bit and return to the corridor adjacent to the three rapid-fire arrays. Deactivate the laser tower using the panel on the side, then head back to the rapid-fire arrays, where a Reborn will drop down and challenge you. Jump into the hole he came from to find a room with a series of small platforms. Jump up, avoiding laser fire, until you find a door which leads to the cylindrical reactor core. The path here is, again, linear. If you get stuck, look for piping or another object to jump on to reach the platforms to either side of the core, which you should definitely avoid touching. Eventually you'll reach a room where Troopers will barrage you with Repeater fire. Find the piping underneath the holes that lead to their roosts and jump up. Proceed through the door here and Push all of the enemies off the platform - they'll either fall to their death or be disintegrated on the reactor. Jump along the reactor to reach the end of the room, being careful to rush past the Sentries on the platform at the end. The corridor here contains a hidden Sentry - jump on the piping to find it. Go through the door to enter a large room of undeterminable purpose. There's another of the small walkers here, which you can lure back to the door and shoot with the DEMP to destroy easily. Snipe the troopers above you, then take the floating platform around the room. All is not well in Metropolis, however, as a pair of troopers at the far end will start pelting you with rockets from their handy Merr-Sonn Portable Missile System. Snipe them before the platform crashes, if you can, and start jumping along the structures attached to the wall to reach the dock on the other side. The secret area for this level is located here - follow the path around the corner to find a grate. From John Doe and Maxguy 25: "Just wanted to let you know that in The Cairn-Reactor, you don't necessarily have to take the floating platform to cross the gap and therefore subject yourself to the Merr-Sonn troopers. Instead, just jump across using the grey hooks that attach the white platforms to the wall. While doing this, the three troopers do not come out wielding their Merr-Sonns, in fact when you kill them later on they don't have them at all! You simply find one Merr-Sonn in a weapon rack in the room before you cross the walkway where the two troopers are." **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/cairnreactor1.jpg Take the lift nearby to the upper platform leading to the inner shaft of the level; you can walk around the ledge to find some miscellaneous items before you go inside. Once inside, take the large platform up to the top and find the control panel that unlocks another lift further down the shaft. Ride the lifts until you reach the administrative area at the bottom of the shaft, where you'll find an Imperial with a Security key that unlocks the door that you saw at the top of the shaft. Head across the platform to reach the next level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.16 - The Cairn - Docking Bay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Search for Galak's ship, Doomgiver. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Officers *Reborn Force Power Adjustments: *Force Pull from Level 2 to Level 3 *Force Push from Level 2 to Level 3 Secret Areas: 1 Well, your two most useful Force powers are at their maximum level, so get ready to use and abuse them. First things first - head through the blast doors to your left to find an arsenal. Stock up, then head through the other unlocked door to meet up with some Shadow Troopers. These fellows are stocked with suits that resist lightsaber blades, so you're going to need to mete out some mighty wrath to survive this fight. I'd suggest the same tactic as you (or, at least, I) used in the fight with Tavion: fight so that every time you inflict damage and take none in return, quicksave the game, and reload from the middle of the fight if you die. Your best bet is probably to try and knock one of the Reborn down with either Push or Pull and kill him while he's on the ground. If you allow yourself to get sandwiched between these guys, you're almost certainly dead. Clayton McNeil sent along a fantastic tactic here: If you jump over the pit the Shadow Troopers are in before they jump out, you can sometimes use Pull to launch them into the air, killing them on impact, much like you can do with any Stormtrooper. The timing here is somewhat tricky, since if they're aware of your presence they'll simply block your Pull, but if you get the Pull off correctly, you can kill both of the foes in a couple of seconds. From Shelly Tumbleson: "Notice the platforms running up the side of the room that you're fighting "Tweedle Dum" and "Tweedle Dee" in. Jump up to the highest one you can. Do this for two reasons. 1) there are shield boosters on at least one of these platforms, and quite possibly other goodies nearby on other platforms and 2) You need to be up high to beat these guys. I waited for these guys to jump. They jumped WAY over me. When they started their decline, i kicked in the Force Speed, waited for the first one to get a little closer, then pressed F1 (Force Push) to push him even higher and back down to the pavement below. The next one came and they were both Street Pizza within seconds." From Jim Fetters: "On section 3.16, in the Cairn dock level when the two shadow troopers come out of the floor, I was having my ass handed to me regularly and I could not get past them with the lightsaber. I was just not maneuverable enough to kill both of them. I happen to have a couple detonation packs on me, so out of frustration, I entered the "arena", hit force speed before the hatch in the floor opened and ran to its edge. As the hatch opens, I threw a couple packs in there, retreated and detonated them before the hatch had fully opened. It took care of those troopers with no problem!" When the Shadow Troopers are dead, proceed through the unlocked door to get a Security Key, which you need to take back to the first room to unlock the door there. Kyle'll spot a few troops through the window and start acting like a wussy, and helpfully remind you that this is supposed to be the token stealth mission for the game. Sigh - if there has to be one, there has to be one; let's just get it over with as soon as possible. From Maurice Jonas: "In the "The Cairn - Docking Bay" section, you talk about stealth. The part where you say "Sigh - if there has to be one, there has to be one; let's just get it over with as soon as possible" I found out that this could be done the "violent" way without any stealth. After you get out of the lift, you can see the security panel. It is possible to defend it. Place a few trip mines on the left of the security panel. I did two in the passage just left of the panel and one to the left of that. Watch out because there is a trooper inspecting the area. Then stand to the right of the panel, and use whatever weapon you are comfortable with. Most enemies come from the right so concentrate on that. The trip mines will take care of the first few troopers/officiers. After the right side is clear turn left and kill the ones that weren't killed by the trip mines !! After that you are safe !" Take the lift down to the docking bay, being sure to silence your lightsaber (just hit 1 again to holster it). Crouch-move off to the right until you find a small passageway. Jump over the gaps in the passage until you reach the end. Take the lift up, then turn around and jump across to the ledge to the right of the window. You should find a small hole in the wall here - crawl through and deactivate the reactor core nearby. Crawl back outside and take the lift again. The reactor has been shut down, but it doesn't stay that way permanently - use Speed to ensure that you'll make it across in time, then chop down the Officers to find a supply key. The crate is around the corner. Moving on, you'll see a large hole in the ground - this is a lift where eight or nine Stormtroopers will appear soon. If you rush to the hole before it reachs ground level, you can aim a Pull at the middle of the Trooper pack, pulling them all high up into the air, causing them to die on impact. Afterwards, grab the key from the box near the Officer and the Sentry from the crates in the corner, and take the nearby lift to a small control room area. You'll find a panel overlooking some more Troopers - hit it to drop the platform they're on. Move on down the next lift and across the platform to find another door. After avoiding the electrical sparks in the next room, snipe the soldiers across the way, making sure that none of them are able to hit the alarm panel. (You can also use Force Speed to run across the way before they see you, then drop down on them before they can activate the alarm. Thanks to Mike for pointing this out.) Jump the piping nearby to bypass the electrified floor. The next area contains a secret - jump up to the grate near the door and blast it. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/cairndock1.jpg The room nearby is full of soldiers, so you'll have to shut off the lights. Find the streetlamp outside the room and jump on it, and leap from there to the ledge, from which you can crawl into a balcony overlooking the crowded area. Shut the lights off with the blue panel, and crawl off the ledge and through the room. When you reach the door, let it close behind you before saving your game and whipping out your Saber. Through the next door is a Reborn and two Officers, who split up and head towards two different alarm panels when they spot you. The Reborn can wait, but you'll need to kill the Officers before they sound the alarm, so track them down and slice-and-dice. Take the nearby lift up to find the bridge of the Doombringer to the end the level. (By the way, the duel between Luke and Desann here produced one of the game's funniest moments for me. The fight isn't choreographed - it's produced in real-time and different things will happen each time you watch. On one occasion, Luke proved to be the inferior duelist - he had his hand chopped off (again!) by Desann. Never one to give up, however, he proceeded to pretend like he still had his saber in his hand, but the rest of the brief duel resembled a man beating a dinosaur with a bloody stump - high comedy that only comes from random iterations.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.17 - Doomgiver - Communications Array ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Search for Jan. *Find Doomgiver's communications array. *Contact Rogue Squadron using the communications array. *Set Doomgiver's sensor array to Rogue Squadron's communicator frequency. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Officers *Reborn *Shadow Troopers Force Power Adjustments: *Force Jump from Level 2 to Level 3 *Mind Tricks from Level 2 to Level 3 *Force Lightning from Level 1 to Level 2 *Lightsaber Defense from Level 2 to Level 3 *Lightsaber's Strong Style available Secret Areas: 3 Head through the sea of Troopers to find a lift heading down. Find the panel in this room to open the blast door, through which there is another door with a lift heading down. Kill the Officer for the Supply Key, then head into the left door nearby and look up to find a grate. Jumping up, you'll encounter some more Interrogation Droids. Destroy them with a few Throws, then look around for a supply crate. There's a grate up here that will lead down to a room filled with R5 units - kill the Officer to get his key, then open the door. Head into the other adjacent door and find another grate in the ceiling; this one leads to a secret area. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/doomcomm1.jpg Head back to the R5 units and use the control panel to commandeer one of the droids. Take him out the door and through the blue force field on the left. Use the droid to unlock the door, and look around for another small chamber that you can unlock to reveal a Sentry. Hit the Jump key to get back to Kyle, and head through the now unlocked door to reach a lift heading down. (You can use the R5 to pass through the other blue force field, but the room there is much the same as the other one, and the lift leads to the same area.) Taking this lift down, you'll find a large chamber with a couple of turrets and two of the Attack Droids, as well as a couple of smaller, laser-equipped droids. Eliminate the threats, then hop across the piping to the center of the room. There's a secret area in a small crevasse here. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/doomcomm2.jpg Smash the window in the middle of the room, then drop down. Proceed through the hallway and ride the lift up. You can activate the trams with the control panels in the room beyond. The trams all lead to the same place, so hop on one and ride it along the rail. After you dispatch the troops in the next area, take the Officer's key and unlock the door. Head through the Communications command center to find the encryption mainframe for the array. Find the lift below the command center window and ride it down to the guts of the machine. There are three levels here, each one corresponding to a color, and each one containing a number of panels containing elements of the code sequence. Hop around and look for the panels corresponding to the symbols in your Mission panel (hit Tab to refresh your memory). All you have to do is hit the three panels that match up with the ones indicating the sequence for Rogue Squadron's communicators; these can be entered in any order, but you'll want to make sure you don't hit any of the other panels once you've reached the correct ones, as this will force you to return to the correct panel and press it again. Once you reach the bottom level, and have tabbed in the blue code symbol, find a way to get on top of that room, then look below it for a secret ledge, which contains the level's last secret area. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/doomcomm3.jpg When all three code symbols have been entered in correctly, head back up to the mainframe and manipulate the three panels to unlock the control panel in the command center. Run back and hit that panel to communicate with Rogue Leader. Now, proceed back through the mainframe room and through the now-unlocked door near the blue housing to exit the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.18 - Doomgiver - Detention Area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Search for Jan. *Locate Doomgiver's shield array. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Officers *Reborn *Shadow Troopers Force Power Adjustments: *Force Heal from Level 2 to Level 3. Secret Areas: 3 Move down the hallway to find a large area with a few troops at attention before an Officer. Use Mind Tricks at long distance on a couple of them to cause a little chaos, then proceed through the room. You'll note a locked door here; once you find a security key on dead Officer nearby, you can return here to face off against a Shadow Trooper and engage in a mini-game where you shoot TIEs with an external turret, but this appears to be optional, and isn't a secret area. Proceed until you reach a large hanger. Go through the door across the way and through the door to the left to find control rooms for the hangers; the blue panels open the hangers to space, while the other levers activate the lifts in the middle of the bays. One of the hangers will have troops in it; you can shoot them out into space if you wish, but make sure you reset the door so that it's closed before you head back to the first hanger and ride the lift down. (The lift across from these control rooms leads up to the upper level of the hanger; nothing appears to be up here.) **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/doomdetention1.jpg When the lift reaches the bottom, look around for the secret area hidden in the elevator shaft. Dispatch the Attack Droids nearby and proceed into an area where a few turrets await you. You can destroy these if you wish; it might be quicker just to run past them and take the lift up. From Denis Seguin: "In 3.18, Doomgiver Detention area, regarding the Attack Droids that lurk in the long hallways below the hangars, I've found that while it's easy to dispatch them with the light saber, it's much more entertaining to lure them back onto the nearest hangar lift, then duck into the hangar control room and blow them into space." Once you're on the ledge with the Troopers, walk around until you find the control panel that opens another corridor below, then drop down and head through said corridor. The lift here takes you up into the second hanger you spotted before. There's one more hanger beyond this one, which you can also open to space if you wish. Keep moving until you reach what appears to be a dead-end room with a locked door. Jump on the piping above and crawl through the vent to reach a small crawlspace above a large command room, filled with Troopers and Officers. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/doomdetention2.jpg (There's a secret area in the ceiling above the ceiling; look up above the far side of the locked door to find it.) One of the Troopers in this large room is packing a Merr-Sonn, while a couple of others wield Flechettes, so get ready for a fight when you drop down. The ceiling panels will not protect you when the Troopers are alerted to your presence, as they break just as easily as the grates do, so you may wish to just drop down and perform a mass Pull to throw the Troopers into confusion, and eliminate the rest of the enemies afterward. Jeremy Skrenes says, "When you are in the destroyable ceiling above a horde of stormtroopers, I found it easiest to place a few detonation packs around your floor, return to the pipes outside of the double-ceilinged room, set the det packs off, and snipe out the enemies rather than drop through the gates and face all the imperials at once." From NemesisII_the_sequel: "I found that after collecting the goodies in the far corner, going back to the opening & "sitting" on the pipes/opening ledge, throwing one thermal detonator across the ceiling (you don't want the opening too close to you at first) so that one large hole opens up, then just using Mind Trick on any troopers dumb enough to try shooting up through the hole while I'm sitting smugly behind my saber, eventually caused them all to either shoot each other or get wiped out by rebounds off my saber. No loss of health or shield power. :)" Take the keys from the Officers and head through the locked door. Proceed through the corridors into a large hanger with a few Troopers and a couple of Reborn. Mind Trick the Troopers so that the Reborn wind up eliminating them, and then kill the Reborn to clear the hanger. Proceed through the unlocked door in the upper corner of the room and Mind Trick the Officer behind the glass to find your fuzzy lumpkins. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/doomdetention3.jpg (One of the other detention cells has a weak wall you can break to find the last secret area.) Once Jan is in your entourage, kill the Officer, being careful not to accidentally swipe Jan with your saber, and head out through the dual-locked doors. You'll need to leapfrog each other, with you holding open one door while Jan proceeds to the next switch, until you come back to the hanger. Head through the supposedly locked door across the way to end the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.19 - Doomgiver - Shield Array ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Locate and destroy the Doomgiver's shield array. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Officers *Reborn *Shadow Troopers Force Power Adjustments: *Force Grip from Level 2 to Level 3. Secret Areas: 1 Go out the door to enter a large cylindrical room filled with Troopers. Have fun with them if you wish, then head off through one of the adjacent doors to enter a hallway patrolled by Walkers. You'll eventually hit stairs leading up to a control room; hit the panel here to extend a pipe to the central structure below. Head back and walk across the pipe to enter the structure, using the switch near the door to unlock it. Kill the Officer inside and take his Security Key, then walk back across the pipe and through the door the Troopers pour out of. Go through the door to your right to find the locked door where you can use the key; use the control panel in the next room to lift the covers of the ventilation shafts in the central structure. Head back to the central structure and drop down into the upper left shaft, as seen from the door. When you reach the end of the pipe, Push the cover above your head and jump out. The nearby room contains a lift; use it to go up, then head out the door and jump to the uppermost walkways, being careful to avoid the tripmines that are invisible from below. Head through the door here, then smash the window and drop down to a room where you'll be ambushed by two red Reborns. From Kevin James: "In section 3.19, at the part where you smash the window and drop down into a room to be ambushed by two red reborns, I found that you could throw a thermal detonator into the doorway where they come from, and then drop into the room. If you get the timing right, they run in just as the detonator goes off and don't trouble you :)" Take the hallway nearby to another lift, but watch out for the Walkers when you exit the elevator. My recommendation is to simply avoid them by ducking through the door nearby, then turning around and using your DEMP to take them out. Now that you've reached the shield generator room, all you have to do is destroy it. Jump up onto the infrastructure and locate the power shunts that extend from the wall to the generator. Shoot out the y-circuits above the shunts, then use your saber Throw to destroy the shunts themselves. As the fourth one goes down, Admiral Fyarr will join you in a suit that reminded me a bit of Hitler at the end of Wolfenstein 3-D. Fyarr packs only a Heavy Repeater, but his shielding prevents you from damaging him directly, and will repel and damage you if you make contact with it. You'll need to use your Lightsaber to overload the shields, which is a delicate process to say the least: move too close and you'll be thrown across the room; stay too far away and you won't make contact and probably get hit with a few bullets. I'd use the Medium Lightsaber style to knock the shields out, as that style combines the range and the speed you need in this situation. Por Que points out that you can use the secondary fire of the Repeater to drop his shields much more easily and safely than using the Lightsaber. He also notes that you can jump into the girders to avoid Fyarr's fire for a limited amount of time if you need to heal up or recharge your Force meter. Cyclops de Baba sent along a tip that prevents Fyyar from re-raising his shields after they drop. I didn't notice this at first, but Fyyar has a Y-circuit above his head that the shields emanate outward from; this circuit is distinctly targetable and can be destroyed when his shields are down. Once you drop his shields, hit Speed, run around him, and blast the circuit with any rapid-fire weapon; the Blaster Rifle works just fine. The circuits explode, damaging Fyyar, and making him vulnerable for the rest of the fight. Andysoft sent along this tip: "After several tries my best effort was with the Golan Arms FC-1 Flechette gun. Secondary fire will disable his shield pretty fast if you hit him dead on. Then after his shield is down, Force Speed and shoot him from behind from close range. He was toast in no time. Resembles a rodeo it was so quick :)" When Fyarr's shields fall, they recharge slowly and go back up 12-15 seconds later if you don't destroy the circuitry. (They recharge more quickly on higher difficulty levels.) You'll need to take advantage of this interval by slicing the Admiral six ways to Sunday while you can, but be wary of getting too close to Fyarr's front side, as he'll use his fist to punch you across the room if he connects. I recommend the Strong style and Speed here, similar to the tactic that you'd use against a Shadow Trooper. It may take you three or four sequences of dropping his shield and attacking, but Fyarr will eventually go down. From levthan: "i found a dead sure way to beat mr. fyyar. you simply position yourself with your back to some space to run backwards and wait for galak to come at you. he will stop dead about two steps from you and you should not have any problem whatsoever deflecting his repeater fire with your saber. next you take one or two careful steps forward and start hacking at his shields just when he stops firing. as soon as his shields drop you start running backward (lest he hit you with his, well, sum'tn) and throw your saber at him. you might also want to activate speed to get you some more time, on the other hand this might leave insufficient force for the throws. maybe you'll be hit once or twice which is no problem because as soon as his shields are up and you are in position again you can heal yourself as much as you need to while keeping his repeater fire at bay. it takes some time to kill him with this strategy, but there are a number of advantages: - you don't have to lower his shields by shooting at him with some secondary fire which leaves you exposed to his repeater. - you don't have to take the trouble of running around him and destroying his shield generator when his shields are down (which i, to be honest, never quite managed) - by leaving his shield generator intact you still have some phases where you can heal yourself without any danger whatsoever (as described above)" From Sam Nicolitsi: "I have an addition you might like. When fighting garak(sp?), you can set up 3 or 4 portable assault sentries to really sap his life. Here's what you do.. 1. Take out his force field with a couple of blows from your saber. 2. Hit jedi speed and strafe off to the side and drop 3 sentries down. 3. Strafe back to him and take a swipe with your saber. When you see him raise his arm to hit you, back pedal a couple of steps to avoid, then fun back in and swipe. 4. In the meantime your sentries are pumping in an incredible amount of fire power into him. In no time he's toast!" From woodrow Stonechild: "I don't know if anyone has submitted this tip for defeating Admiral Fyarr, in this level, anyway here is the tip for some cool effects, if you have any assault sentries deploy one before destroying any y connectors or conduits, cause when you are done destroying them, and Admiral Fyarr comes out they will fire on him during the cinematic cut,only deploy one tho save the rest for after as they distract Fyarr. the tip is if you have any Arakyd Mark VII Inquisitors deploy one while fighting Fyarr, run from him and while your Arakyd Mark VII Inquisitor is deloyed it will distract Fyarr while you fire on him with the secondary fire mode of the heavy repeater, then when his shield is down use the speed and saber attack method." From NemesisII_the_sequel: "I found two useful tactics. Firstly, the "catwalks" above. If you hop up on one the two unbroken ones that cross each other & stand about a "stride" out from the wall, then Fyarr can't seem to fire up at the beam & instead spends his time shooting at the wall. So you can safely take the time to power up your health & bug Fyarr with thermal detonators and Mind Trick (Mind Trick works on him if you're above him). But the most helpful thing I found was the one that made it easy to polish him off quickly. I hadn't used any of "Inquisitors" at all, just collected them. (Having them buzzing around me was annoying when I had tried them earlier in the game.) So I had five or six of them. I switched to the Flechette & then set all the "Inquisitors" off while up on my beam, immediately jumped down & ran behind one of those big columns while the "Inquisitors" looked for & started zapping Fyerr. It was then pretty easy to come at him from behind & get his 'antennae' while he was trying to get rid of the "Inquisitors", then he was no problem to blow up real good once his force field was down & there were still enough "Inquisitors" to keep his attention away from you. Make sure you keep your distance from him during all this though." From Perry Gruver: "When battling Fyarr on the padawan level I was able to stand on the cone in the middle of the room. Fyarr could not attack me here when he had his shield up. He would shoot at me but everything was blocked by the Lightsaber. Here I could heal and when ready sneak down the cone to hit him with the Lightsaber to drop his shields. If he raised his shields again I could hide on the cone again. But, once his shields are down the cone does not save you." From Denis Seguin: "In 3.19, when up against Fyyar, you can play merry-go-round with him around the cone-like stump in the middle of the room. Keep the stump between you: he shoots straight so he'll mostly hit the stump, but you can lead your shots in the direction you're running from (off to one side of the stump) and hit him in transit. I mostly used the repeater's secondary fire, switching to rifle and using speed just to take out his shield. The stump also prevents him from coming close to you and engaging in some bar-brawl action." From uninspired979: "I was reading your faq and i wanted to share a tacticfor beating admiral fyarr in the better part of about 10 seconds. After firing 5 or six rockets at him with the rocket launcher (preferably homing missiles), his shields go down and then you can pull out the heavy repeater and hold down the primary fire." From Daniel Hamill: "The best strategy for defeating Galak I found was with the Merr-Sonn and the Repeater. Five or so rockets are enough to take his shields out, and since the Merr-Sonn isn't very useful anyway, you may as well use it now. Once his shields are down and his Y-Circuit destroyed, the Repeater's primary fire will easily take him out; it also takes the use of his weapons away, as he cannot fire while being shot, and with the Repeater he gets shot several times a second." For some reason, the destruction of the shield generator apparently causes a power overload that shorts out the artificial gravity on this level. Before you head back to the escape pod, float up above the shield generator to locate a small alcove containing some items; this is the level's sole secret area. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/doomshields1.jpg Float back along the path that took you to the shield generator, avoiding the flames and electricy by floating above them. There is a tricky window area with arcs of electricty blocking your path; use Speed and time your movement so that you float through when the arcs are temporarily disconnected. When you reach the hallway that the Walkers once patrolled, duck into the rooms to pick up a few items, then head out into the cylindrical room when the fallen metal blocks your path. Take the next door to the right from the one you just exited and you should find yourself back under gravity's sway. Find the open door nearby to reach the escape pod and end the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.20 - Yavin Swamp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Make your way to the Jedi Academy. *Engage Remnant troops in the area. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Shadow Troopers *Swamp Troopers Force Power Adjustments: *Force Lightning from Level 2 to Level 3. Secret Areas: 2 Welcome back to Yavin. "Did framerates just...drop sharply while I was away?" The swamps of Yavin are quite stunning graphically, what with the little details like water fizzing out on your Lightsaber, but can cause your system to slow down quite a bit because of all the foliage being rendered. If the Lightsaber controls feel a little less responsive, you might want to temporarily knock down your resolution, or switch off some of the details in the control panel. Before you shoot off into the undergrowth, you should know that your Lightsaber will not function underwater, and will automatically switch off if you are submerged, so be sure to re-activate it when you surface. Luckily, your foes cannot shoot you while you're submerged, since they generally won't be able to see you. You do run the risk of drowning if you stay in the water for too long, however, so come up for a breather now and again. Also note that your Force powers seem to be useless against enemies that are mostly submerged; that is, Push and Pull don't seem to affect these foes, but you can always Grip them and drag them bodily out of their watery abode. Thanks Peter McCaffery for pointing this out. This area is populated by Swamp Troopers, a new breed of troopers outfitted with special suits that seem to be somewhat more resistant to Lightsaber swings compared to regular Stormtroopers, though this could just be in my head. Shadow Troopers are also numerous; if you don't feel like dueling, Chris Thompson points out that you can simply lure them into a pool of deep water and use Lightning on them until they die. Since their Lightsabers won't function, they should be mostly defenseless. They, like you, require air, so if you manage to keep them below the water line for a period of time, they'll visit Davy Jones' locker. The path here is fairly linear in the beginning, so proceed along until you reach a set of rocks where Shadow Troopers ambush you. You can split them up by simply running forward; only one of them will likely follow you. Walk around to a small crevasse that leads to a Lander that broke up on landing. Look for a small stream of water falling near a Bacta Tank on the ground; there's a small passage that's mostly submerged nearby. http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/yavinswamppassage.jpg (This connection is fairly difficult to spot, so here's a screenshot.) Head up to the cave-like passage that leads to another swampy area. Inside the cave, there's a secret area on a series of rocks to your right - look for areas where you can jump and you should find a Large Shield Generator. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/yavinswamp1.jpg (Now there's a picture that should help a whole lot.) After exiting the cave, head right to proceed to one of the Massasi Temple's perimeter walls. (You can head left to face off with a Shadow Warrior over a Bacta Tank - worth it, I'm sure.) Once you spot the hole in the wall, duck into the hole and proceed through a darkened hallway where two Shadow Warriors lie in wait. You'll exit and drop into a small lake, where you can swim to the right to find the level's other secret area. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/yavinswamp2.jpg (The secret here is submerged, and therefore a little difficult to find.) Swim back to the left and jump onto the rocks to find a scrum between Republic and Remnant troops. Continue on the trail until it divides into three paths, with another firefight taking place to your front. The front and right paths here are joined; the left path leads to another firefight with quite a few Troopers, and possibly an AT-ST on the higher difficulties. Head through the nearby lander to end the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.21 - Yavin Canyon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Engage Remnant troops in the area. *Make your way to the Jedi Academy. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Shadow Troopers *Swamp Troopers Secret Areas: 3 You start off this level outside the hull of the lander you just passed through. Head back and proceed up into the upper levels of the infrastructure to reach the secret area on the top floor; items aplenty in here. The lift doesn't work, but that's why Raven gave you Force Jump. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/yavincanyon1.jpg You'll notice an abandoned AT-ST near the start point; you can jump onto it and Use it to drive it around if you wish. Be sure to holster your Saber if you do, or any incidental contact will probably drain its shields drastically. Proceed down the canyon, and don't forget that you can stomp on the Troopers to kill them instead of shooting them individually. If you decide not to take the AT-ST, watch for cave passages that lead through the mountain to cut your walking time. Once you round the corner in the AT-ST, you'll pass a green wall and face off against another AT-ST. This large area with the turrets contain a secret: jump up to the ledge where the Trooper was pelting you with a Merr-Sonn to find a passage into an abandoned temple. You'll need to approach the ledge from around the corner to the right in order to make a series of jumps to reach it. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/yavincanyon2.jpg From the turret crossfire area, continue along the canyon, shooting down Troopers and turrets as you go. You'll run into a few more turrets mounted atop a Massassi perimeter wall. Destroy these, then leap up to the high rock outcropping to your left to find the last secret area of the level. **Secret Area** http://www.matthewrorie.com/jkpics/yavincanyon3.jpg (That rock in the crosshair conceals a secret cave you need to walk into to find the game's last secret area.) You'll find a fresh AT-ST nearby that you can jump into if your first one has taken a beating. There's a fork in the road eventually, with a path leading right that contains four turrets, and another path leading straight on. Take the path ahead of you to bend around the canyon and flank the turrets. After destroying the AT-ST nearby, head into the lander. Jumping up into the cave and falling into the hole will end the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.22 - Yavin Jedi Academy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Engage Remnant troops in the area. *Make your way to the Jedi Academy. Primary Foes: *Stormtroopers *Shadow Troopers *Swamp Troopers Force Power Adjustments: *Lightsaber Throw from Level 2 to Level 3. Secret Areas: 0 Head up through the passageway to find Remnant and Republic troops engaged in a Laser Tag game gone horribly, horribly wrong. Watch out for the Merr-Sonn Troopers; Mind Trick them if you can to gain their help during the fight. Proceed through the hole in the far wall and jump up. You're entering the Academy's Padawan training grounds, so get ready to referee some duels between Reborn and baby Jedi. Help out your friends as best you can; this is a good place to put your third level of Lightning to work, since there's no friendly fire, and the arc is wide enough to shock all of the Reborns in your field of vision. Eventually the Trooper in the hallway above will fire his Merr-Sonn and break the glass; jump up (after you Mind Trick him) and proceed through the doorway nearby to come across another Jedi melee. You don't necessarily have to help out these fellows if you are too weak to or don't want to; they aren't going to live much longer at any rate. David Bruce pointed out that you can jump up the nearby shafts to reach Luke's chamber for a fight with a couple of Shadow Troopers. Not critical, of course, but a fun little fight nonetheless. Samsurin Welch sensibly reminded me to point out that if you keep the Jedi alive here, they'll tag along and fight beside you in this area. Useful, to say the least. Kevin says that if you Grip one of the enemy Reborn and hold them in front of your helpers, your friends will chop at them while they're immobilized, generally killing them right away. Sounds useful! Head around the corner and into the courtyard to come across a number of Shadow Troopers and Reborn; the size and composition of the group varies depending on the difficulty level, but it's never going to really be easy. This is a tough fight even if you don't have Jedi allies, but your Lightning may help to thin the crowd, especially if you blast the weaker Reborns first. If you win, or simply decide to run ("Wars not make one great", after all), head to the nearby passage and through the door. A short cutscene will play, after which you'll take on two Shadow Troopers. Kill them to reveal the hole beneath the stairs, through which you need to drop to enter the game's final level. From Charles Gilliland: A quick strategy for section 3.22. The Jedi battle right before you slip down the hole to chase Desaan. I found that if you jump on top of the tall column in the center of the courtyard and use force pull on the jedi below it will toss them straight up in the air, above your head, killing them on impact when they land. It's HILARIOUS to watch and works every time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.23 - Yavin - The Final Showdown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives: *Find and defeat Desann. Secret Areas: 0 The rocks ahead can be destroyed to reveal a passage. You'll eventually find a corridor with a Small Shield Generator in it - the oddly moving wall nearby is illusory, so walk through it and proceed to the Hall of Flame. Use Push on the flames to shut off the fire before passing through, or else you'll be toast. The room here has three illusory Desanns. The passage to the right leads to a fake wall over an instant-death pit; the front passage leads to a mirror where Desann taunts you; and the left passage leads to a ramp over a small pit of fire. Cut the pipe in the ceiling to douse the flame, then drop down the hole. Push the walls here and walk through the passages until you notice another symbol on a wall, which you need to Push to reveal a hall of crushers. Speed through them to reach Desann's hideaway. I guess Luke just forgot to tell you about the Force toaster he was working on beneath the Jedi Academy. Desann is tough, of course, mostly due to his overwhelming Force powers. He can use them on you indiscriminately, so you'll find yourself Pushed and Pulled during the fight, which leaves you knocked on the ground, defenseless and generally dead. He also enjoys jumping on your head, which shoves you to the ground, and also usually results in death. He has a Grip that is unbreakable if you don't have enough Force left for Push (and even then it's not a sure thing) and Lightning that has evolved from the annoyance it was at the hands of Shadow Troopers to a serious threat to your life. He wields his Lightsaber like a pro, switching Combat Styles rapidly and constantly throughout the fight. Fortunately, the machinery in the middle of the room imbues the recipient with enough Force power to wield him invincible for a short period of time, during which you should press on Desann hard. You activate it by Pulling the two symbols on the upper level of the chamber, after which a beam of light will appear. Jump through it to obtain temporary invincibility. During the time that you're invincible, switch to the Strong combat style, activate Force Speed, and attack. Desann will usually initiate a Speed of his own, but you'll still have enough time to slice through his defenses a few times before the invincibility shield falls away. If you managed to damage him at all, quicksave your game and run to the upper level. The beam activates every 60 seconds or so, and in the interval in between these occurences, you're at a severe disadvantage to Desann in terms of fighting ability. You can beat him without being invincible, but you might as well take every advantage that comes your way. I've noticed another fluky way to kill Desann. If you hide behind one of the pillars in the bottom area of the room, Desann will start walking slowly towards you. If you wait until the right moment, you can sometimes catch him unawares and use a Saber Throw to cut down the pillar, crushing him instantly. As I said, fluky, and very hard to replicate. (I've only done it once.) Still, something to try if you're bored. Robert Passmore emailed me and said that he's been able to do this multiple times, so if you're really getting frustrated with Desann, you might want to see if you can't plant a pillar on him to take him out. Here's another strategy from Harry Voyager: "It's not so much a technique, as it is a "How to get Lucky, Quickly". First I'll quick save right after the cutscene. Then I'll switch to strong style, and take a flying leap off the ledge at Desann, force push on the way down, and just before I touch ground, activate force speed. Once I'm fighting Desann, I'll just keep attacking and force pushing at the same time. It seems to throw him completely off balance (as well as all over the place). Desann ends up so busy defending himself that he doesn't start using his devastating force powers, and since his defence seems to be only about average, he ends up very dead, very fast." And from Leto_II: "I just fall into the arena, activate speed and run to him while using Lightning. And in front of him, fight him with the saber in strong mode. He died in 1 or 2 hits, less than 5 seconds. I tried this 3 times with success (normal difficulty). From Scott "Eih'Beir" Hebert: "I was running around looking for the switches to active the machinery in the center of the room when Desann stopped on one of the collapsible columns. I thought I'd give it a shot, so I pulled out the repeater and blasted at the base of the column, it crashed, so did he, and I entered the cut scene. Quick and painless." From Tamago Imai: "Hi, I've found out that 1 easy way to beat Desann is to wait till the second he throw his saber at you, press force speed and you will find out that his thrown saber is moving at a slow speed. Take this moment where he's unarmed without his saber and use the Strong Saber Style to slash him, well do whatever you want with him. Very fast way, probably 2 slashes with the strong style will kill him." From Christopher Chohin: "I tried something to kill Desann : I had a few spare Sentinel turrets and Self defense sphere. Just after the cutscene, I have put 5 turrets just above Desann and then launched all my defense spheres. Then I jumped down where Desann was trying to destroy the Turrets. At the same time he was attacked by the spheres and I was hitting him in the back. I know, it's not a heroic Jedi combat style but Desann died 10 seconds later. Quite efficient...." From Mark Behra: "I noticed in your walkthrough that you mentioned that if you activate speed near Desann, he will activate a speed of his own, effectively negating your speed. Therefore, the key to beating him is to turn on speed and have him not turn it on. The way to do this is to turn speed on BEFORE you jump down to face him. Apparently his program does not sense that you have turned speed on if you turn it on before jumping down. This makes him insanely easy to kill. All you have to do is press him hard and he will not be able to use any of his force powers. This ALWAYS worked on Padawan and Jedi, and I see no reason why it should not work on the higher difficulties because the other Jedi and Reborn do not have increased senses. In fact, they have a very short sensing range (I cannot even count the times that reborn have said "Where are you Jedi?"). This stragey works on almost all the other dark jedi and reborn as well, because the vast majority do not have force speed. The only Jedi it does not work on is Desann's apprentice, because she has force speed and it is not easy to get away from her quickly enough to be able to activate it and have her not know." From Exor: "All i did was force push him once, he went flying back but got up before i coul dget close enough. Then i just did the Lightweight/Weak/Blue saber stance move where the saber is brought up from the ground and he died. I guess i got lucky, havn't tried to do it agian yet but it seems to work. And no, his lightsaber didn't block any of it, i found an opening." From Ariel Benzakein: "I have a really easy strategy for defeating Desann at the end of the game. I had never used an "Inquisitor" drone during the entire game, so I had a whole bunch of them by the time I got to Desann. I basically unleashed them ALL right away, then when they got in range of Desann, he got totally tied up trying to destroy them. I unloaded a full load of Force Lightning on him, then activated force speed and got behind him while he was still tied up with the Inquisitors. I think he went down in about two direct swipes of the lightsaber!" From MarK Chin and Edward J. Tsai: "Here's a tip for defeating Desann that modifies Scott Herberts idea. Go behind one of the collapsible columns and when he's walking toward you, instead of using the repeater just throw your lightsaber out at the column and hold it out there until it destroys the column base. Column falls and he dies." From Nickthegun: "These are not really tactics but are fun anyway. Firstly, quick save the game after the desann cutscene (yavin final). Now when fighting Desann, spawn about 4 lukes and watch them go to town. He will usually kill them all but it makes for one hell of a scrap. Secondly, If you fancy yourself as a bit of a master dualist, try spawning different levels of reborn or shadow troopers to beat desann with. You have to use the setforceall 9 trick, and then mind control them. I have managed to kill him with a shadowtrooper and a rebornforceuser. It is very hard with any of the weaker reborn (and they die when they fall off the ledge!). Or you could fight Desann with another Desann (interesting because you can use all three of Desanns stances)." From Miguel: "I just want to say that killing Desann is easy if you use the fast saber style and force speed. He is too slow and if you keep walking around him, hitting him in the back and sides he'll dye fast. Another way to kill him easily is to lure him near one of the pillars and use saber throw to bring it down.if you need to heal, use one of those spheres or a turret to keep him busy." After Desann falls, the game, predictably enough, is over. Enjoy the credits, and try again on a higher difficulty level. =============================================================================== 4. Force Powers =============================================================================== The Force Powers in Outcast act as Kyle's invisible toolbox, enabling him to fight effectively even if he's been disarmed. You can access these powers at any time, though they will all drain from your Force Meter (which slowly recharges on its own). Given Kyle's unique perspective on the Force, having danced along the waterfall's edge between Light and Dark power, he isn't as fearful of the Dark Side as many other Jedi would be. As such, he can access both Light Powers and Dark Powers as he roams the galaxy, affording him a flexibility that other Jedi lack. In contrast to Jedi Knight, Jedi Outcast eliminates player choice from Kyle's force progression; while in the first game, you could choose whether you wanted to become a Light or Dark Jedi (a choice essentially based on your proclivity, or lack thereof, for killing civilians), Jedi Outcast removes that choice from the player, and instead doles out Force Powers according to a set schedule as you advance through the levels. This isn't necessarily a bad thing; other games have given the player more control over their capabilities, but this often complicates level design. Deus Ex, for example, forced the player to choose between multiple, mutually exclusive upgrades, so that J.C. Denton could never be capable of both jumping higher than normal and running with softer footsteps. This prohibited the level designers from ever assuming that the player had chosen a specific upgrade path, and instead forced them to include multiple paths through most levels, each one appealing to players that had chosen a certain upgrade. (In retrospect, it seems that they could never really assume that the player had installed *any* upgrades, since the game never forced you to do so....) Whether this system is preferable to Jedi Outcast's is debatable; what is not debatable is that this generally results in longer development time, as the levels and upgrades have to be balanced meticulously in order to ensure that one particular upgrade isn't much more powerful than another. The elimination of player choice in Kyle's force progression might rankle some players who like a bit more RPG in their FPS, but if Raven had chosen otherwise, we might not have seen the game for another six months or so. This also makes the Force Powers more integral to the gameplay: since the designers know exactly what array of powers the player has at any given point in a level, they can place unique obstacles and puzzles in Kyle's way that they would never have been able to use had they given the player a freer rein. (For the record, I love Deus Ex, and am eagerly awaiting the sequel, but I think Raven probably made the right choice for this particular title.) One thing to note about the Force Powers is that, with the exception of Jump, the hotkeys are going to be inconvenient for most players, since the WASD bind, which is probably the most popular one, makes it nearly impossible to hit the function keys while moving. You'll want to remap some of the Force powers to other keys closer to your movement keys, so that you can hit them in the middle of a fight. Push is probably the most important one to have handy, since it can affect numerous enemies with one use. Analyze your Force usage and remap your favorite skills accordingly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEUTRAL POWERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Force Push ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Level: Knocks down single enemy Second Level: Knocks down multiple targets Third Level: Pushes multiple enemies, and can be used to Push out of Lightsaber locks Movie Moment: Darth Maul pushing Obi-Wan into the ventilation shaft on Naboo A simple yet devastatingly effective tool, Push is incredibly useful in combat situations, since it essentially stuns enemies for three or four seconds, rendering them incapable of attacking and completely vulnerable to your attacks. Keep this bound near your left-hand keys for an easy advantage in most mano-a-mano combats. The simplest tactic is to simply knock them off their feet, then stand over them and chop downwards with the Saber. Later in the game, you can use Push to knock most enemies off ledges if you position yourself correctly; this isn't necessarily any more effective than simply using your Lightsaber, but it never gets old. Note that Push requires more Force as the number of targets increases, so you might not want to abuse it in the face of large crowds if you don't want to be caught without your Force powers temporarily. Push can also be used to deflect Rockets and Detonators away from you, which is fairly handy when you face off against Grans or Stormtroopers with Merr-Sonns. Some crates and instrument panels can be Pushed, as well; you'll notice a blue swirl around the targeting reticule when this is possible. Its range is limited, but adequate for most combat uses. From Wong Si Yuan: "Did you know you can Force Push ANYTHING back (short of Disruptor Rifle shots)? In places such as Reelo's pit with those annoying ceiling turrets or places with a TON of stormies, you can push the blaster bolts back at their shooter. So far level 3 has the best chances of success (wide arc), but don't snub level 2 just yet." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Force Pull ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Level: Pulls levers and objects, or one enemy Second Level: Strips one enemy of his weapon, and knocks him off his feet Third Level: Pulls multiple enemies and their weapons Movie Moment: Luke reaching for his Lightsaber in the Wampa cave on Hoth This was a favorite skill of mine in Jedi Knight, since the AI never quite knew what to do when you stripped their weapons away from them; sometimes they would make an attempt at fisticuffs, but they'd more often simply run away. Pull in Outcast is much more effective, but it's worth noting that the AI opponents react somewhat believably when you manage to yank their weapons; some flee in terror, some raise their hands and hope you don't slice them, and some run for their weapon (assuming you didn't pick it up) and attempt to re-arm themselves. Pull's effects are fairly self-explanatory: once you get the Lightsaber, you'll probably have little use for the weapons of individual opponents, but Pulling a Merr-Sonn or Flechette from a Trooper's hands can save your skin in a tight situation. At level 3, the speed of Pull rockets enemies off their feet; using it while you're on a ledge or jumping over a foe's head will send them flying into the air, usually with enough force to kill them on impact. I found Pull to be useful when enemies were on a ledge above my head; if you can Jump and Pull with a bit of accuracy, you can usually knock enemies off their ledge towards you, into a fall which will wind up killing them. Chris Bloomfield sent along this tip: "It's an effective way of taking out large groups of troopers; you use your force jump to get to the desired height and then press your pull button, voila! flying foes who tend to land on their faces and die, very efficent and class when you see them fly on by." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Force Jump ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Level: Can jump twice as high as normal Second Level: Can jump four times as high as normal; minor wall-walking abilities Third Level: Can jump eight times as high as normal Movie Moment: Luke escaping from the Carbonite trap on Bespin Jump is one of the most important Force Powers to wield effectively, because of the numerous advantages it yields to the proficient Jedi. This skill is automatically activated by simply holding down the Jump button when you want to make a flying leap. If you hold strafe and Jump while you're near a wall, you will wall-walk, with essentially lets Kyle use the wall to push forward, resulting in a bit more forward distance than a straight jump would. This is a tricky skill to master, though, so practice it thoroughly before you rely on it to save your life. Precision jumping in the third-person view is somewhat tricky, so you might want to switch out from the Lightsaber before you attempt a jumping puzzle. Wall-walking is activated by rubbing up against a wall, then holding down the strafe button facing that wall and pressing Jump. Kyle will attach himself to the wall and run along it in a parabola-shaped arc for a ways. This isn't a particularly useful skill, as far as I can tell, but it's there if you want to use it. You can press Jump again in the middle of the walk to have Kyle flip off the wall and back onto the ground. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Force Speed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Level: World reduced to 75% normal speed Second Level: 50% normal speed Third Level: 25% normal speed Movie Moment: Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon escaping from the Destroyer droids on the Trade Federation flagship Pretty self-explanatory. Moving faster is of limited use against normal foes, simply due to the fact that Push or Pull can incapacitate them as easily as any other skill can, and for less Force, but when you face off against Reborn or Shadow Troopers, Speeding up can make your duels much, much easier. Using this in conjunction with the Strong Lightsaber style will make most duels fairly simplistic, since you can time your swings a little easier, and you can cut through most Lightsaber defenses. The cost is somewhat prohibitive, however, at half the meter per use, and note that you don't regain Force during your hyperactive state. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightsaber Throw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Level: Very short-range attack Second Level: Longer range, spins faster, and you can put english on the saber by moving the mouse Third Level: Spins fastest and homes in on enemies Movie Moment: Vader cutting down the walkway on the Death Star II The perfect compliment to the Lightsaber's close-range deadliness, Throw extends your range a bit and allows you to cut down multiple enemies at once. The drawback is that you lose the ability to block shots while the saber is in the air, but if you know how to strafe, you can generally dodge enemy fire until you have the saber back in your hands. The force cost is minimal, so you'll be able to Throw as much as you like, provided you didn't just use Lightning or another high-drain skill. The first level here is a short-ranged attack that zooms straight out from your hand and comes right back. You can twist it in midair by moving your body; if you can maneuver yourself so that an enemy is between you and the lightsaber, it will generally chop them on its way back to your hand. The second level gives you a bit more control, as you can move your mouse to control the saber's movement while it's in midair. The range is also extended. The third level makes the saber self-guided, so that it homes in on your opponents without your needing to control it. This is a blessing and a curse, as you will no longer be able to use it to get easy kills on fallen enemies, since the saber will simply rotate over their bodies for a while before returning to your hand. Your saber can sometimes become fall to the floor if you Throw it at another Jedi, so if you hear the clattering sound, hit your primary attack key to retrieve the Lightsaber automatically. From Kylechww: "I noticed that saber throw will block anything it hits, including rockets, concussion grenades, thermal detonators, and it keeps moving, so you can kill the other guy!!!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mind Tricks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Level: Distracts one enemy for five seconds Second Level: Distracts a group of enemies for ten seconds Third Level: Can be used to convert enemies into allies Movie Moment: "You don't need to see his identification...these aren't the droids you're looking for." The first two levels of this skill are, frankly, worthless; it's neat to be able to sneak by an enemy or two, but there are few, if any, situations where stealth is preferable to Saber combat. Once you reach the third level, however, you'll gain the ability to convert enemies into pawns for a short while - generally long enough for their erstwhile friends to use them as target practice. When you convert an enemy, all your other foes in the area will attempt to kill him, and your pawn will fight back with whatever weapon is at his disposal. Even a lowly Trooper can sometimes be a worthwhile human shield in the right situation, but the Force cost is somewhat high. The range on this last level is extraordinary, as well, so you might want to think about Tricking an opponent as opposed to simply sniping him at long range. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIGHT POWERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Force Heal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Level: Healing requires immobilization Second Level: You can move while healing, but not attack Third Level: You can move or attack while healing, and healing is very rapid Movie Moment: I guess Obi-Wan forgot about this when Qui-Gon was dying in his arms.... Simplicity itself. Heal yourself up in single-player, or heal your teammates in multiplayer games. When you heal, your Force meter will continually drain until it runs out (a full charge is worth 25 Health), so you should be careful not to get run dry in the middle of a firefight. On the other hand, if you're running low on health, Heal is preferable to Bacta tanks outside of combat, as your Force will replenish automatically. Save your Bacta tanks for emergencies or duels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DARK POWERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Force Grip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Level: Immobilizes target without damage Second Level: Lifts target into air with damage Third Level: Target can be moved laterally in the air Movie Moment: Vader getting a bit miffed with Admiral Motti on the Death Star Grip is an entertaining skill, even if it isn't very efficient. Level one is a mere distraction, since the target takes no damage and you can't manipulate their position at all. At level two, the target is lifted up into the air a bit and begins to take damage. It isn't until level three, however, that Grip comes into its own. At this level, Kyle is able to pick up opponents, move them laterally, and walk forwards and backwards, all while the enemy is immobilized and taking damage. Of course, no one ever really just holds a Grip until the enemy is choked to death; it's far too much fun to bang them into walls instead. You need to move your mouse fairly quickly to get lethal damage in, but it's worth it, since you can kill an enemy in less than a second. A number of people have pointed out to me that dropping an enemy while he is Gripped above your head will generally result in their death from falling damage; Tyler Kemp notes that if they fall on Kyle's saber they'll usually die right off. You can, of course, accelerate this process by dropping enemies off of cliffs, down elevator shafts, etc., or simply using Jump to launch yourself up into the air and letting the target fall at the apex of your jump. One tactic that's a bit more utilitarian is the Grip + Throw. Most Reborn and Jedi opponents will use Push to break out of a Grip, but usually you will have a little time between your Grip and their Push, a period in which they'll be defenseless. If you Throw your Lightsaber during a Grip, you will generally be able to take down an opponent in one shot. A number of people pointed this out to me, and it does work quite well against solo opponents. Another tip from Chris Bloomfield: "This works from grip 2. Basically, all that you do is grip-a-grunt and then when they lift off the ground, let go of them and quickly press the push button a couple of times; they tend to fly quite far back, and sometimes die too. More fun than useful." Something from Wong Si Yuan: "One more trick: This is a combination Grip (level 3)+Push technique... but with a difference. This requires a lot of ceiling space to pull off, especially on stronger enemies. You need to have two easily accessible hotkeys for Grip and Push (I use G and R respectively). Line up your 'shot' with the enemy (Reborns, Shadowtroopers are the best targets for these) and get ready. The moment you hit 'Grip', pull your mouse straight UP and then let go and immediately use Force Push to send them flying into the air. (this should take less than a second total) It works flawlessly 90% of the time and you get to hear them scream as they plunge to their deaths. It MAY work on bosses (I know it works on Tavion, but you can't use Grip 3 at that time) but I haven't tried yet. Desann takes a LONG time to start screaming." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Force Lightning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Level: Single bolt Second Level: Continuous stream of lightning Third Level: Wide arc of power Movie Moment: Emperor Palpatine attempting to kill Luke on the Death Star II This skill is much improved over its implementation in Jedi Knight. Players of that game will remember a sorry-looking little bolt of lightning that was difficult to use and never really dealt enough damage to be worthwhile. In Outcast, though, Lightning has become quite a bit more powerful, especially at the higher levels of the skill. I'll confess that I found the first two levels of the skill to be fairly useless, as the arc and distance of the Lightning require you to be at close range, where you might as well just use your Lightsaber. At level three, however, Lightning becomes a force to be reckoned with, as the arc of damage extends to nearly your whole field of view, and the damage dealt is enough to take down a Stormtrooper in just a couple of seconds. The drain on your Force reserves is still considerable, but this does allow you to attack groups of enemies a bit more efficiently than with your Lightsaber. Lightning is also useful against opposing Reborn and Jedi, since it allows you to attack from a distance if you're low on health. =============================================================================== 5. Weapons =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightsaber ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Fire: Swing Secondary Fire: Saber Throw This is probably the coolest weapon ever implemented into an action game, and is certainly the most powerful weapon in Jedi Outcast. Though you have to suffer through the first couple of levels without a saber, it's worth the wait, because you'll rarely want to use any other weapon after you've obtained your most elegant piece of equipment. In point of fact, there are a few weapons that I've never used in Outcast; I don't recall ever setting a Laser Trip Mine, for instance. If anything, the Lightsaber might be a little *too* powerful; it basically makes every other weapon obsolete (except perhaps for the Disruptor Rifle). The basics of the saber are familiar to players of Jedi Knight; you can use it to block much of the incoming blaster fire, and reciprocate with swings that take out most enemies on contact. Outcast thankfully makes it much easier to block and reflect blaster fire, even at the earliest level of your Defense development, so you will rarely find yourself getting hit, except against truly overwhelming forces. In addition, your secondary attack with the saber has been upgraded from the ungainly wide-swing of Jedi Knight to a very cool Lightsaber Throw, which can be used to destroy multiple enemies at short or medium range. The mechanics of the Lightsaber require a bit of practice to get used to - since the movement of the blade are based on the conjuction of your attack button and movement buttons, you'll need to have Kyle dance around in order to get the attacks that you desire. While it may seem awkward at first glance, practice makes perfect in this instance, so whip out your Lightsaber in an empty room and go to town, before some Ugnaught comes along and kicks your butt because you thought having a Lightsaber made you invincible. The regular offensive capabilities of the Lightsaber have also been improved, with the addition of a three-tiered system of Lightsaber Combat styles, each influencing the power, speed, and range of your melee attacks. Each style has its own special move, of varying worth. Medium Combat Style: The default style, and the only one that's available to you when you first obtain your saber. It balances speed and power to excel in neither, but is a useful style to wield against regular, non-Jedi enemies, due to its simple sequence of slashing movements. *Special Move*: Forward Flip Move so that your enemy is in front of you. Tap Attack, hit Forward and Jump. You'll jump forward over your enemies head, slashing downward as you go by. This rarely hits, but it looks kind of neat. Fast Combat Style: The Fast style emphasizes speed over power. This is useful against Reborn opponents, before you obtain the Strong style, but can be a bit unwieldy due to the odd motions of the saber and short range of the attacks. *Special Move*: Forward Lunge Hold a crouch, then press Forward and Attack. You'll bring your saber up in a sharp upward slash, hopefully hitting whatever is in front of you. In reality, this is kind of worthless, since you'll rarely be crouching in a duel. From Robert Perilloux: "Also, there is a nice use for the fast lightsaber combat style special move I have discovered. You were correct, you will rarely be crouching during a duel, but you can execute the move VERY quickly with practice. You must be standing still; it does not work while moving. Hit the crouch key first, followed immediately by the forward and attack buttons. Kyle will crouch and lunge forward, appearing as one move. I have found this to be an EXTREMELY devastating move in the game. It will normally take down reborn with a single hit (I think the blade connects with the target's head while moving up), and is even good for taking out shadowtroopers." Strong Combat Style: Powerful, but very slow, the Strong Style can eliminate most Reborn in a single slash, and is also the Style of choice for use against Shadow Troopers and Dark Jedi. The elaborate windup and follow-through for swings leaves you open to counterattack, so I'd recommend that you combine this style with Force Speed during duels to gain more control. *Special Move*: Downward Hack Stand still, then press Forward, Attack, and Jump. You'll fly through the air, bringing your Saber down like an axe on your foe's head. This move is incredibly slow in execution, so it'll rarely connect, but if it does, you'll probably kill whoever's on the receiving end. As a note, there is one general combo that's pretty neat, and works for all Combat Styles. It combines a forward slash and a rotating spin. The movement is: Hold Backwards, press Attack, hold a Strafe button. This enables Kyle to spin around for the second attack, leaving him momentarily defenseless, but it results in a high slash that will connect to your opponent's head if they are unable to block it. Diesel sends this tip along: "I noticed when forwards rolling on the ground (Running and pressing Crouch) causes the lightsabre to cut into the ground. I incorporated this into my attack strategy. When pushing over enemies, you can roll over them to kill them, rather than wasting time doing downward sabre cuts, which obviously take longer. Another advantage is that I never once got shot using this strategy." Check out Dustin M. Kulwicki's Lightsaber Combat FAQ at gamefaqs.com for a more detailed analysis of the various Lightsaber movements and combat options. From Daniel Hamill: "This isn't so much a move that you deliberately perform in a duel as one that comes in handy by neccessity. If you suddenly find that your enemy is close behind you, this move can usually take them out, but it's not one that I would actually set out to execute because you may well end up sliced. If you find yourself in the afore mentioned situation, switch to either the Strong or Medium styles (it doesn't work in Fast). Then just press primary attack. You will grasp your saber in one hand, crouch low, spin around behind you and scythe at around waist level; if it makes contact, it will usually penetrate their defense and kill them, more or less having the same lethality as an ordinary swing in Strong mode." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stun Baton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Fire: Close-Range Shock The Stun Baton is a close-range weapon designed to stun foes. Not very useful, unless you run out of ammo completely. Once you acquire a lightsaber, it replaces the Stun Baton in the weapon selection menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bryar Pistol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Fire: Single Shot Secondary Fire: Charged Shot, extra damage Max Ammo: 300 (Blaster Pack) A basic sidearm, the Bryar Pistol is a handy weapon, with good accuracy at long distance. You can use it as a poor man's sniper rifle in the early portions of the game, but the slow rate of fire is a hindrance in a firefight, and once your arsenal expands, you'll want to move up to the beefier weapons. Charging up the weapon with the alternate fire chews ammo, but can take down many of the basic enemies in one shot, especially if you hit them in the head. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-11 Blaster Rifle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Fire: Automatic shot, slow firing rate Secondary Fire: Automatic shot, quick firing rate (less accurate) Max Ammo: 300 (Blaster Pack) The standard Stormtrooper sidearm is, ironically, well suited to taking down Stormtroopers themselves due to its wide laser spread and rapid fire. It's not very efficient for working at a distance due to the slow speed of the laser, but the primary fire can sometimes be used for a quick head shot on an enemy if you don't want to take the time to switch to the Bryar. The difference in accuracy between the primary and secondary fire is appreciable, however, so you will need to be fairly close to your targets when you start blasting away. Ammo can be a concern if you use the secondary fire too much, but stormtroopers will be dropping more Rifles anyway, so you shouldn't have too much of a problem. Just watch your meter, and stick with the primary fire if you get down to 50 or so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenloss Disruptor Rifle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Fire: Single high-speed shot, medium ROF Secondary Fire: Scope zoom view, use primary fire button to charge weapon Max Ammo: 300 (Power Cell) The primary fire here isn't much to write home about, but it's a fairly accurate shot at long distances and uses Power Cells instead of Blaster ammo, so it's a nice weapon to revert to if you run out of ammo for your Blaster Rifle. The secondary fire is the draw, though, since it allows you to snipe from long distances away and can even disintegrate a foe completely. You can't strafe while the scope is active, however, which makes it less that suitable for combat situations. I've been able to pierce a closed door with a full charge and still deliver a killing blow, but I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature. One thing to note is that the beam travels far too quickly for most enemies to dodge, so use this on enemies like Probe Droids that usually duck out of the way of your fire. (Mitch points out that if you hold duck while wielding the Disruptor Rifle, the sniper zoom does not disappear when you move. This is obviously helpful for acquiring your targets while exposing yourself for a minimum amount of time.) From Wong Si Yuan: "They can distintergrate up to 3 enemies in a row (random tho for some reason) and disintergrate corpses as well... you CAN ruin a game by disintergrating the corpse of an officer carrying a key and then Pushing the key off a ledge..." From James Caddy: "Just a note, if your using the rifle to hit the enemies in the head, a single shot, using just 3 "bits" of power does the job just as well, nice way of keeping the ammo up :D" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bowcaster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Fire: Single shot, or charges for five shot array Secondary Fire: single powerful burst. Max Ammo: 300 (Power Cell) The favored weapon of Wookiees galaxy-wide, the Bowcaster ostensibly requires great strength to operate, but the versions Kyle encounters have been modified to make them accessible to weaker species, such as humans. This weapon is still fondly remembered as the lamest of the Jedi Knight weapons, but it has been redone a bit to make it more utilitarian for JK2. It still functions as it did in JK, but is a bit more powerful (which isn't to say that you'll be using it that much). The primary fire will fire a single bolt with a single click, or can be charged for a spread of five bolts in an arc. This is obviously useful for crowd control, but does require 25 ammo. The secondary shot is a single blast of highly kinetic energy that bounces off walls and obstacles until it dissipates or hits a target. Handy for firing around corners or simply blind firing to see if you hit anything, but travels a bit too slowly to be useful at long distances. The secondary fire is more accurate than a Blaster Rifle, so it can replace the Bryar as the poor man's sniper rifle until you find the Disruptor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMP 2 Gun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Fire: Energy ball, effective against droids and mechanical foes Secondary Fire: Fast attack, splash damage to all enemies Max Ammo: 300 (Power Cell) Intended to make quick work of droids and other mechanical foes, the primary fire of the DEMP gun short-circuits electrical wiring, thus disabling most of the technological terrors Kyle encounters in his travels. It has a negligible effect on living flesh, however, so the alternate fire can be used in desperation to attack human opponents, if you are caught in a situation where you can't switch your weapon quickly enough. In truth, this is a specialized weapon for special situations; useful when you're facing off AT-STs or combat droids, but rarely utilized otherwise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy Repeater ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Fire: Solid rapid-fire projectile attack Secondary Fire: Launches a concussive grenade, stunning and damaging enemies Max Ammo: 400 (Metallic Bolts) Your basic machine-gun style weapon. The primary fire's inaccuracy makes this weapon a liability at anything more than short distances, but the secondary fire has a wide splash damage effect, making it perfect for a preliminary strike at an unwary crowd, or taking down Sentries and Trip Mines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golan Arms FC-1 Flechette Weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Fire: Shotgun-style blast of metal shards Secondary Fire: Dual explosive mines Max Ammo: 400 (Metallic Bolts) This is essentially the Star Wars equivalent of a nice, double-barrel shotgun. To be honest, I barely ever used this; the primary fire is only useful at close range, when you're almost always going to be using the Lightsaber anyway, and the secondary fire is too inaccurate to be of much use against any but the most dense crowd of Troopers. One thing to note is the high ammo capacity and the fact that the secondary fire only requires eight ammo per shot, so this might be something to whip out if you hear voices around the corner, since the mines can bounce off walls and obstacles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merr-Sonn Portable Missile System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Fire: Fire-and-forget non-seeking missile Secondary Fire: Hold down to lock on to target; let go for homing missile Max Ammo: 10 (Rockets) The Outcast Rocket Launcher isn't encounter until fairly late in the game, and is barely used after that. While using the rocket attacks are nice against enemies that are far away and unaware of your presence, in most situations the designers have included short-range nuisances along with long-distance threats, making it impractical to switch away from your Lightsaber until no one is firing at you. I usually just ignored anyone at long distance until I could cover the ground between Kyle and his foes, so my style of play wasn't suited for using the PMS (nice acronym), though it may be handy to keep around for the occasional AT-ST or Walker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thermal Detonator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Fire: Timed explosion after throw (four seconds) Secondary Fire: Explosion on impact Max Ammo: 10 detonators A weapon made infamous due to Boushh / Leia's gambit in Jabba's Palace, in which she successfully bluffed the Hutt crimelord into thinking she might destroy him along with the rest of his entourage, the Thermal Detonator is reknowned for its lethality. Since these detonate on a timer, they can be lobbed around corners or down shafts in order to strike blindly at enemies that you can hear coming, or suspect of lying in wait. You have to hold down the fire for a bit in order to throw it any appreciable distance, so watch the secondary fire. If you accidentally tap the secondary button while you have one of these in your hands, you'll give yourself quite a tan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Det Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Fire: Place Det Pack on walls or floor Secondary Fire: Detonate all active Det Packs Max Ammo: 5 packs Det Packs are wall- or floor-mounted explosives, designed with a detachable triggering mechanism that allows the user to wait as long as he or she wishes before detonation. These can be used to destroy certain doors throughout the levels, or they can be placed in an inconspicuous spot and triggered when an enemy comes by. The radius of the blast is fairly large, so you can use these for crowd control, but you will lose the protection of the Lightsaber while you wait for the enemies to get into position. You can place more than one if you want, but you can only hold five at a time, so you'll need to be somewhat frugal when you use them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laser Trip Mine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary Fire: Places mine and activates trip-laser Secondary Fire: Places mine and activates proximity sensor Max Ammo: 5 mines Also known as the HPB's Best Friend, the Trip Mine is one of those classic FPS weapons that everyone either loves or hates. They work quite simply: simply affix the mine to a surface, and when another player or opponent breaches the trip laser, the charge detonates, injuring or killing anything nearby. These act to slow the pace of multiplayer games a bit, since anyone who wishes to pass through a mined corridor has to switch to a projectile weapon and shoot the mine from a distance away. =============================================================================== 6. Inventory Items =============================================================================== Inventory items are called up in a separate menu (default keys are [ and ]) and activated by pressing Enter (again, by default; you can change this if you choose). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ElectroBinoculars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little guys will not be used much, but they're still cool to whip out now and then. Activate them in the inventory, then zoom in and out with your fire keys. You can't use weapons while they're activated, so the scope on the Disruptor Rifle is perhaps a more useful solution once you acquire that weapon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bacta Canister ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your standard health pack, but these can be picked up and used anytime you feel the need for a bit of healing. Luke Skywalker was suspended in a Bacta Tank in The Empire Strikes Back, after he escaped from the Wampa on Hoth; these are smaller versions of those devices. (I guess. It's not clear whether they're supposed to be digested or what.) You can only hold five at any one time, and they give back 25 health per use. This is a good item to keep your Inventory menu on, so that you can hit Enter for a quick boost of health when you run low during a fight. From Joshua Watson: "Bacta is a live yeast-type organism. It is put on the wound and grows the skin together. How that works, I'll probably never know... I know it's just a video game but just thought you might like to know." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light Amplification Goggles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The light-amp goggles are similar to the binoculars in that they slowly drain battery power while enhancing your vision. These goggles amplify the brightness of the environment, while still allowing you to equip and fire weapons. They're obviously useful for spotting snipers and campers in dark areas, and some areas of the single-player game will be kept quite dark, forcing you to use them for short stretches of time. If you run out of battery power in a dark area, watch your cursor color to know when you're about to stumble upon an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assault Sentry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployable Sentries were one of the most fun aspects of my favorite Quake mod, Painkeep, and their addition to the mix in Jedi Knight II should keep everyone on their toes in deathmatch games. The basic premise is simple: plop a Sentry on the ground, wait for it to activate, then run away. It will automatically target enemies within range with a barrage of rapid-fire laser bolts. Enemies will target it as soon as it becomes active, but these little guys are tough enough to take quite a bit of damage, especially when paired off against a contingent of Stormtroopers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arakyd Mark VII Inquisitor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Something of a souped-up version of Luke's training remote from A New Hope. This device floats above your head when activated, automatically firing laser blasts at anyone you attack. Essentially speaking, it's a mobile turret that travels with you. It only lasts for a short while, however; once its power pack is exhausted, it automatically self-destructs (which doesn't injure you). You can use these during duels to give the opposing Jedi another nuisance target, but you shouldn't expect this momentary advantage to last very long. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battery Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are required to power the electrobinoculars and the light amp goggles. As far as I can tell, you can only hold the equivalent of two battery's worth of power, so don't worry about tracking these down overmuch. =============================================================================== 7. Enemies =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stormtroopers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The grunts of the Imperial Remnant, you should expect to see, and kill, thousands of these poor fellows throughout the game. They wield Blaster Rifles, but wield the poorly, and are generally unable to connect with their shots except at extremely close range. What they lack in accuracy, however, they make up for in statistics; you generally encounter large groups of Troopers instead of individual soldiers, and they can wear you down if you don't dispose of them quickly. They're smart enough to not stand still in combat, and they're fairly quick, so you can expect a lot of frustration as you try to lead them with your own Blaster Rifle in the first few levels. Their body armor can absorb a few blaster shots to the body before they fall, so if you have the skills, aim for the head. Stormtroopers with epaulets are field commanders; they pack Repeaters or Flechettes. Target them first, as they will usually be the biggest threat in the area, and their death will cause panic in the ranks. StormTrooper StormTrooper2 STOfficer StormPilot STOfficerAlt STCommander SwampTrooper SwampTrooper2 RocketTrooper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imperial Officers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generally lightly armed and lightly armored, Imperial Officers often carry vital keycards that open supply sheds or security doors. Stormtroopers take their orders from the Officers, so if you take down an Officer in a firefight, Troopers will often retreat temporarily, allowing you to plug them from behind. There are Officers with dark uniforms and with beige uniforms; I believe the beige officers are of higher rank, but I'm not sure if this has an appreciable impact on the Stormtrooper artifical intelligence. Imperial ImpOfficer ImpCommander ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imperial Probe Droid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well-known for their distinctive aural emanations (I think they keep saying "Man is a toolshed", but I could be wrong), Probe Droids can take more damage than a Stormtrooper, but don't possess enough firepower to really threaten you. They can dodge laser fire quite well, though, which makes them tricky to take down at long range. 00 Dawg says that they're really saying "Man the defenses." I got one word right. probe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sentries ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floating spheres of laser carnage, these are the combat equivalent of the Probe Droids. Armed with a rapid-fire laser beam and heavily shielded, these enemies cannot be harmed while they are in defensive mode. Once they commence fire, though, they drop their shields and can be damaged, so you'll need to use cover efficiently if you want to escape undamaged. You can take them out with a Lightsaber Throw even when their shields are raised, however. sentry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT-ST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A smaller, more mobile version of the AT-AT, the AT-ST is a two-legged tank that is shielded enough to be impervious to laser fire and other small weapons. They can also simply crush you under their feet if you get too close, so make sure you stay a fair distance away. If you face off against an AT-ST, you're probably going to either have to find a laser turret with which to destroy it, or simply run away. The EMP weapon is able to destroy it, but it takes a while. From Jon Vish and Brad Potts: "I found out a little trick for dealing with those walkers quite by accident. While messing around with mobile sentries I placed one between myself and the walker, and as the AT walked over it the thing got stuck and just went spastic as it tried to free itself. I just used my flying saber to take it out, took a little bit but it eventually went boom. Its worked 2/2 times that I've tried it, might want to try it yourself." atst ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interrogation Droids ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarely seen outside of prisons and brigs, Interrogation Droids are floating spheres that attack with a chemical-laden hypo at close range. Unshielded and easy to avoid, no one should have problems with these guys. interrogator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crabs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These creatures, indiginous to Artus, are quick on their feet and attack at short range, tearing through your shielding until they reach your flesh. They can't take much damage, so stun them with a laser blast and destroy them while they are frozen. When dealing with a swarm, you can't run fast enough to use explosives, so you might want to crouch to get a better firing angle and use the Blaster Rifle's alternate fire to mow them down. The Stun Baton is also useful against these foes, since their bite attack is fairly slow and inaccurate. MineMonster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rodian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rodians, best represented by the inept bounty hunter Greedo in A New Hope, typically wield Disruptor Rifles and prefer to fire on you from long range. They're fairly accurate, so you can't simply ignore them like you would a Stormtrooper at long range. The best way to deal with them is to fight fire with fire and equip your Disruptor. Find a corner to duck behind and strafe out, using the primary fire when the reticule is locked. If you use the scope and attempt to charge the Disruptor up, your target will almost always hit you, so try to be quick about it. Rodian Rodian2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gran ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These triple-eyed creatures aren't known for their intelligence, which is why many of them choose to bring Thermal Detonators into crowded areas. There's no simple way to deal with Grans that are packing explosives, except to use your Force Powers judiciously in taking them out. Push is useful in deflecting the Detonators while they're in midair, or simply knocking the Gran down while you mosey over and chop-chop-chop. Gran Gran2 GranShooter GranBoxer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weequay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weequays should be somewhat familiar to viewers of Return of the Jedi; these are the guys that were on the skiffs with Luke and Han above the Sarlacc's nest. They pack Bowcasters for the most part, and possess the accuracy of the typical Stormtrooper, so they're a low-level threat at best. Weequay Weequay2 Weequay3 Weequay4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trandoshan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These reptile-men were justly feared in Jedi Knight, since they packed the Concussion Rifle, that game's most deadly weapon. Here, though, they simply serve as more grist for the mill that is Kyle Katarn, as they usually bring Repeaters to battle and possess no talents that the rest of the criminal scum enemies don't also have. Trandoshan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reborn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maleficent, minatory minions of Desann, these pseudo-Sith wield Lightsabers with varying degrees of aptitude. While the simple fact that they pack Sabers makes them dangerous enough, they also possess rudimentary Force skills. There are five main varieties of Reborn; the chromatic scale seems to move from yellow to blue, with the darker scales becoming more dangerous as the game moves along. Keep in mind that the AI system for lightsaber-wielders is quite different than that of the more inept enemies; see the Dueling section under Hints for a little more information. From Derek Ho: "an easy way to beat reborn (I'm not sure about bosses, haven't really screwed with them lately) is to switch your saber style to strong and let them attack you. After 2-3 strikes your blocks will send your opponents saber flying where the force is then easily apllied. Before they pull it back, quickly use force grip (lvl 3) on them and bang them against cielings, walls, floors, people until they die." From Yvan Cloutier: "The least I can do for your concern to my request is to tell you the way I found to easily kill Reborns, including Desann ( I played the game twice, as padawan and jedi). You put your saber mode in fast (blue), get close to the reborn in Force speed, and alternate constantly between right and left horizontal swipes. Two or three swipes are enough for the common type (green and red), four or fives for the cortosis type, and five or six for Desann himself. The nice thing is that while you do this, they are unable to attack you. It's foolproof ( maybe too easy?)." From James M. Giaco III: "I found that when in a lightsaber fight with a sith, the easiest way to win is a diagonal slash (strafe left or right while moving forward or back) while crouching. it is easy to avoid getting hit, while doing a tremendous amount of damage. In many cases you win while taking no damage. I was able to do that to Tavion." From JGArenson: "hey this is a little tip on how to beat reborn or shadow troopers after getting force grip level 3 if you can get them into the grip it takes a few seconds for them to push you so if you quickly throw them in an open area or in a closed space you can hit them on the ceiling to usually kill them. in the open area make sure you get them high enough (move the mouse up and quickly right and let go of them and they will most likely die)" From Jean-Baptiste Fleury: "You have to switch to the speed guard stance and use the crouch special attack. (Hold crouch, then press forward and attack). You execute a nice up slash while stepping forward. This attack is extremely powerfull, and its seems almost impossible to parry. Because you are crouched, almost every swing of your opponents goes above your head and while doing this, they lower their guard allowing you to slash their belly. If you use the speed force in the single player mode, it is even more easy. By doing this, you will never waste time trying to parry blows or going in the back of your opponents. You should try it, just stick the ennemy, and then repeatedly do this attack till the baddy is cut in half. Even in multiplayer mode its very strong. In fact I can win one on one fight only that way." From mekuxmak: "One of the coolest things that the dark jedi get to do is that matrix dodging against disrupter rifle shots. However, if you shoot at their feet, they just jump. Well, i figured out that if you shoot at their feet in primary mode of the disrupter, they will still jump up, but will then immediately be able to be shot with the disrupter. I am not sure how effective this is against reborn damage wise, but it is a cheap way to kill a reborn who is trapped too far away to saber you." RebornAcrobat Reborn RebornForceUser RebornFencer RebornBoss ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For lack of a better nomenclature, we'll call these odd beasts Attack Droids. Attack Droids are slightly smaller than an AT-ST, but with greater speed and a rapid-fire main turret. Their secondary turret launches a green laser blast that deals a significant amount of damage, but needs to hit directly; there is no splash damage or explosive force, as in the secondary fire of the Repeater. The DEMP gun is your best bet for quickly eliminating these guys; try to give yourself a little distance to fire from, however, as the green laser blast from the Walker can sometimes be lost in the blue fire from your DEMP. (Regarding the name, I've heard more arguments on both sides than I really care to recount. Lest I use one officially and piss off half the people who emailed me about it, I'll simply wimp out and use the Official Strategy Guide's name of "Mark I". A bit bland, perhaps, but unless I hear from someone at Raven (I'm vaguely curious whether they've read this), I'll leave it at that.) Mike Sharp and Fletcher Fuller point out that your Lightsaber will block all of the attacks from the Attack Droids, so that you can simply stand in front of them and wait until they die from their own reflected fire. This can take a while, but you will not be hurt at all, so its worth remembering if you are conserving shields or are low on health. There is another model of Attack Droid other than the large walking beast; this alternate version is a smaller droid similar to the Mouse droid, but equipped with a slow-firing laser attack. I can only recall seeing two of these in the entire game, so they're not something you need to worry about overmuch. From Rahsas: "I have an easy tactic for killing those small walkers. It's a cheap way to beat them but it is very effective and I never take any damage from it. I usually just get really close the the small walkers with my lightsaber out. The stupid things don't even try to run away, they just stand there and shoot while I block the shots. I usually just hold my lightsaber (not slashing, just holding it) to one of their guns til it blows up. Then I hold the lightsaber to the other gun til it blows up and the walker is dead once both guns are gone. Much better than using a DEMP gun since you don't waste any ammo." From Demosthenes: "when you fight them, take out your lightsaber to block their shots. next, use force lightning and for some reason, their shots reflect off of the lightning. this makes it way easier than leaving yourself open to attack by using the DEMP gun and the lightning usually kills them in 1 or 2 tries. hope this was useful." mark1 mark2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Troopers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These fiercest of foes appear to be Reborn enemies encased inside a black suit of armor designed to repel Lightsaber attacks. Their armor also allows them to temporarily become invisible, Predator-style, but there is a telltale glow given off in these instances, so you shouldn't have too much of a problem seeing them. They can take more damage than normal Reborn, and are more proficient in the Force to boot; many of them will bust out Lightning during a duel. Use the Strong Lightsaber Style in combination with Force Speed to gain an advantage against these enemies. Andor Drakon points out that the Light Amp goggles can be used to detect "invisible" troopers, though this will obviously make dueling an interesting proposition. :) The Force Crystal these fellows drop simply resets Kyle's Force meter to full; they don't show up in your inventory (though I suspect they were intended to at one point in the game's development). From Ace: "Just a comment on the shadow troopers. The Force Crystal they leave behind doesn't just reset the force meter, it gives unlimited force for a second or two. If you collect more in a short time period, the more time you have for infinite force." From Rick Ross: "The Shadowguys have a bad habit of throwing their lightsabers around quite a bit. LS throw requires force and that leaves them both empty handed and force occupied. When the ShadowFoo throws his LS, try pulling the Shadowguy towards you (carefull not to pull the LS itself) and running right at him at the same time. The ShadowGuy has two options, block the pull (which drops the LS) or get pulled and keep up with the LS return. Normally (always?) they try to block, which often gives you a free shot at them." From Morgan Brown: "I liked your FAQ, and I've discovered a trick you might want to add. After you kill a shadowtrooper, you get a force crystal, which restores your force power. However, you can a second force crystal if you pull out the disrupter and vaporize the shadowtrooper with a fully charged shot. It's not extremely useful, but it does make healing after a tough duel go a lot more quickly." ShadowTrooper ShadowTrooper2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swamp Troopers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal Stormtroopers with a change of clothes, Swamp Troopers wield Flechettes or Repeaters, and their suits are more heavily armored and camoflauged to allow them to meld into a swamp environment. Keep in mind that they are semi-immune to Force Push and Pull while they're submerged; you can use Grip to grab them and yank them out of the water. =============================================================================== 8. Tips / Cheats / Links / Other =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tips ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHTING REBORN This is an article sent in by Robert Simmons. Thanks Robert! "Reborn and Shadow troopers are both force wielders so beware of their usage of force powers. Shadow troopers are usually lighting happy. whereas reborn usually use speed, jumping and other powers. There are a few things to remember when using force powers against these foes. First, direct attack like used on a stormtrooper will not work. When fighting a force wielding foe, subtlety and timing are called for. If you try a direct attack, they will merely block it. Second, make sure you understand the force powers thoroughly. A good knowledge of the energy it takes to use the force powers will give you a decided edge and take away from some of their advantage. In fact, my first kill of Desann was after I used a force knockdown and speed. First thing to do is map the force powers to keys within easy reach of movement keys for fast reaction. I have mine mapped to my numpad. You will be moving and using the force at the same time so they better be close. Push and Pull: How to force knockdown an opponent. You inevitably have to catch them off guard. A primary time for force push is when they are in the air. If you nail them head on, you will keep them from dropping right on top of you, if you get them at an angle, you might knock them flat on their back. Another prime time is when they are cart wheeling around you or flat out running right at you. It is a divine pleasure to knock that acrobatic jerk right on his butt. Once you achieve a knockdown always exploit it. Engage force speed and switch to strong style and charge in with a downward chop. If you are parried, pivot left or right with a strafing cut. This will usually take them out. If you miss, be sure to go back to normal combat style or you wont parry very well. Force push works best for knockdown. Force pull for that opponent sailing over your head in a tight area. It slams them into the wall. Saber lock: As was said before, the key is to tap primary attack as fast as you can. I have also found that it helps to engage speed and switch to strong style in the middle of the lock. If the bad guy looses there is a good chance that you will follow up with a clean slice before he even hits the ground. Force choke. Give this one up with force wielders. It will mostly just get you knocked on your butt. Make sure you always have enough force push or pull strength to counter this. Lighting: Shadow troopers use this allot but the important thing to remember is that this takes a whole lot of force energy. This leaves them open to other types of attack. Id personally not bother using this myself because it leaves you open to force grips and other techniques. Remember if you have no force power, you cant break the grip. Once a trooper uses lighting, you will take damage, don't sweat that. but retaliate. Engage force speed and strafe right so that the trooper is side on to you and force push knockdown on them. They will then be open to attack. Beware that force troopers are not usually a one shot kill so get out quick if he doesn't die. Switch to strong combat style in mid air or while charging the opponent. If he gets up during speed, use a rolling attack available by hitting crouch and forward. Speed. Speed is your friend. With it you can get behind Desann and dice him like a ginsu chef or circle around a reborn and give him a nasty slice. One good speed tactic is the face-off. The reborn is facing you and has his saber drawn. Engage speed and charge him, changing to strong style in mid charge and leap over with a downward cut and then a backspin swipe when you land. A couple times on rank Jedi, I clean killed a reborn in one move. Also use speed to retreat to give time for force heal to work. If you use speed while the opponent is in the air, you will stand a good chance of a knockdown. Multiple opponents. The trick here is whatever you do, don't let them surround you. Keep them all in front of you. If you engage them all at close range, you are a dead duck. If you can move to higher ground such as a platform, do it. and keep them separated. Let one come up and engage him and watch for his buddy. While his buddy is in the air, force push him backwards. Try to finish off the single opponent and then take on another. In the Jedi academy where you have 4 opponents, it will take all your skill to defeat them. Remember to not be afraid to run and heal. They are devilishly fast but not too bright. If you cant get to higher ground, keep them in front of you and pick one to kill first. Engage him primarily while keeping them both in front of you. If you can speed pivot, you can sometimes knock one into the other with a quick force push. General saber fighting. Rapid clicking just wont do it. Choose your opportunities, don't just random slice. Remember, when slicing, you cannot block incoming attacks. Change tactics rapidly. Don't try to just slam them into the ground. go high then low. use spins and flips. A back flip out of immediate contact is a good move. If you can time it right, its wonderfully fulfilling to back flip over an opponent that has knocked you down and bisect him. Do not let them get behind you. that cannot be said enough. If they are behind you, hit force speed immediately and leap the inevitable slice headed for the small of your back. Back flip if the opponent is close and forward flip if he isn't as close. If he has to move to get you, it may be a good time to force push. At any rate, if you follow these basic procedures, your fights will end up being much more satisfying and much less luck." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JEDI MASTER DIFFICULTY Mark Bahra sent this along, and he obviously put a lot of work into it. Thanks Mark! "A few days ago, I beat JK 2 on Jedi Master. Here's some tidbits that I found useful: Speed is your best force power. You can use it to take out a bunch of storm troopers quickly, kill dark Jedi that don't have it with impunity (basically all of them), and take out turrets by activating speed and using saber throw. Lightening is basically worthless. Grip is not. One of the coolest things to do is to grip submerged shadow troopers on Yavin Swamp and then jump and release them at the apex. Extremely fun, but wastes a lotta force. Don't underestimate the power of level 3 mind trick. When taking on a bunch of troopers, mind trick the guy with the best weapon, and watch the fight become much easier. Push is a great force power. Always look for ledges to push things off of. My favorite thing to do is push people. If the terrain slopes downward at all, level 3 push will usually kill them. The saber is a great weapon for blocking. With lightsaber defense at level 2, you can deflect energy shots back at the user, and at level 3 you can deflect almost all shots (besides heavy projectile weapons). Stephen Roy is brilliant. His strategy for taking out the AT-ST on artus topside is just plain stupendous! Even better is his strategy for the "droid gauntlet" on bespin streets. Search the walkthrough for his name (by hitting control f and typing in "Stephen" and then hitting enter) and do whatever he says! If you cut off a Jedi's saber hand, he automatically dies! This is just AWESOME, especially on the higher difficulties where dark Jedi have a lotta health. The best way to target a Jedi's saber hand is to use speed. It is relatively easy with speed, it is almost impossible without. This principle works on people carrying weapons, too. If you cut off a guy's weapon hand, they automatically die as well. I should mention that both Desann and his apprentice seem to have saber hands that cannot be cut off. I should also mention that you can slice all the way up to the shoulder. As long as the hand detaches from the body, you are fine. This is really really helpful when taking on multiple Jedi at once. Also, this works best with the fast style and speed. It works on the strong style as well, but it is not as effective. The best style for fighting dark Jedi is the strong style, WITH SPEED ACTIVATED. You can use it without speed on the lower difficulty levels, but you MUST use speed on Jedi Master or you'll get slaughtered. The reason this works so well is because you are still much faster than the Jedi (you would be faster if you used the fast style, but it is less effective) and you can really dish out the damage quickly, leading to a fast death. My trick of activating speed BEFORE jumping down to meet Desann works on all difficulty levels besides Jedi Master. On Jedi Master, he WILL turn speed on. However, there is one way to counter this. If you jump correctly so that you land DIRECTLY in front of him, you can start pressing him hard and he won't be able to use his speed. The strong style is the most effective style here, because it takes the least hits to kill him. You will probably have to activate speed again before you kill him (he has a TON of health). When you do, make sure that you are next to him and ready to attack him or he will turn on speed and just devastate you. Desann's force powers are just godlike on Jedi Master. When facing Fyarr, use the secondary fire of the repeater to take out his shields. Activate speed after his shields are down. Circle around him and use the primary fire of the repeater to take out the "y" thing above his head (so that his shields stay permanently down). Activate speed again and use your Merr Sonn to hurt him a bunch. Activate speed again and use the secondary fire of the flechette to hurt him some more. Activate speed again and use the secondary fire of the bowcaster to finish him off. When using the bowcaster, aim for the head (this is why speed is important, because he will move slowly, making him easier to target). It doesn't matter where you aim with the other weapons. I suggest clearing the ceiling of the room of those "beams" with saber throw. This is because you will probably have to run from him while your force recharges so that you can reactivate speed. It is much easier to do this if you have cleared the ceiling. Some people may say that you can hide on the ceiling, but this really isn't true. Fyarr will simply fire electricity at you, which mega-hurts (hehe, mega-hurts sounds the same as megahertz! LOL). Also, make sure that before you take out the last shield generator piece (before you meet Fyarr) that force is full. This is important for obvious reasons. Also, while waiting for your force to recharge so that you can use speed, run and jump around to make sure you don't get hit. It is much better to strafe in a circle and stay moving in one direction than doubling back. Also, stay away from him, because if he gets close enough, he'll punch you across the room. I used this strategy to defeat him on Jedi Master and only lost 34 shields. When getting out of the level, you can avoid getting hurt by the fire and electricity by floating over it or using speed, depending on the situation. On Nar Shaddaa Starpad, the fight with Lando is one of the hardest of the entire game on Jedi Master difficulty. My strategy was this: before talking to Lando, place secondary-fired trip mines around the starpad door. Also, place detonation charges around this area, too. Try to make sure the entire front is covered, but make sure you don't step to far into the room. You know you have if Lando starts talking. Place the det packs FIRST, because the secondarily-fired trip mines will explode after a certain amount of time, while the det packs won't. Now save (don't just quicksave, save) and activate speed. It's important that you have full health and shields (you'll need them for this fight), but hopefully you won't have to use the shield generator here because you need that time for the fight. Anyway, after activating speed, run right by Lando and pull out your thermals. Run to the back of the room, and when your in range of the door, throw two primary-fired thermals at the door (primary fired so that they'll explode when people actually enter the room). If your firing them while more than two people are in the room, you are screwed, reload and try to get there sooner and throw the thermals from a longer range. One tip for this is keep moving even when throwing the detonators. Hopefully speed is still activated. Pull out your saber and kill the guys. Try to avoid anything that uses up force (like saber throw) because you need that force to activate speed again. When you've finished the guys off (and you had better do it quickly; you want to have taken out three to four with the thermals) activate speed, and then change your weapon to the det packs. Press the secondary fire button to explode them, because by this time the second wave is entering the front door (your at the back door). If you can, try to find Lando, and run to that side. It's not necessary, but it is helpful. If you think your doing well, quicksave. Anyway, run to the front of the room and scope out how many enemies are left (shouldn't be much). Try to lure them to the middle of the room before you start taking them out (this will be important later). The only problem with this strategy is that if you took to many of the guys out, the third wave will start, and you won't be back at the ship to protect Lando. This is why it is important to stay near the middle of the room. Take the remaining guys out with your saber, but avoid using force powers, so that you can activate speed once more later. After finishing off the guys (or you being close to it), the third wave will start. They will come in the back door. Lando will go into the ship and tell you to hold them off. This is why speed is important. You need to get inbetween the guys and Lando, so kill anything that stands between you two, but don't kill anything behind you, yet. Now just block shots or push and saber until you kill them. I lost 100 shields and 23 health doing this on Jedi Master. Next, it's better to open the roof panels first, and it's better to open the one that you have to explode the box (instead of pushing it) first. This is because the guys are easier. Also, there are two shield recharges in this room, which, on Jedi Master, will bring you up to 50 shields. Get THESE shield BEFORE using the shield generator in the main room, because on Jedi Master you won't be able to get these if you already have 50 shields from the generators. On lower difficulties, this doesn't matter. Speed is the best force power to use to kill the guys in the roof panel rooms. After activating the roof panels, it's time to get the fuel pumping. Instead of going out the back door, go out the front, because this makes the scenario easier. When facing attack droids (the things that look like AT-ST's but aren't), look for things to push them off so that they die. They fire a lot, so the obvious way to beat them is to be able to attack them while still blocking their shots. This is pretty easy, because your saber does damage even when it is not being swung. Approach one of them until you hear a "saber-against-metal" sound and see a green sheen coming off the attack droid. You should attack one of their legs, or one of their arms. This is because if you destroy one of their legs, to automatically die. If you destroy both of their arms, they automatically die. It is easier to take out the legs, but more fun to take out the arms. If you are facing two of them, put yourself in a corner or against the wall, so that the other one will not be able to strafe around you and shoot you in the back. This strategy works with regular guys as well. If you charge someone with a weapon and touch them with the lightsaber, they will die. If they don't die, they will start taking damage. This will take FOREVER, so simply sidestep until you manage to kill them. The best places to hit with your saber are the head and the weapon hand/arm, as they auto-die if the head is hit or if the arm is cut off. Sidestepping and then moving forward works best. This strategy makes fighting really easy. This strategy doesn't work on Dark Jedi or Reborn, because they'll easily kill you if you don't attack them by swinging the saber. When facing the AT-ST on Cairn Assembly, activate speed and run by it into it's little alcove (there are more AT-ST's in there). If you hide around the door so that only a little bit of you sticks out, you will be able to target it without it targeting you. You can use saber throw and lightening to take it out (this takes FOREVER), or you can use most of you DEMP 2 ammo (and sometimes your flechette ammo as well), it's your choice. However, whatever you chose to do, you will not get hit. In the Nar Shaddaa bar, run to your right into the separate room. Now run up the ramp. Guys can come up the ramp or they can go around (they only go around on Jedi Master, for the most part). You will have the high ground, and can choose to take only a couple on at a time. Push combined with saber throw and speed (speed for grans (the thermal guys) only). There is a shield generator in the frontmost room on the first level (there are only three rooms on the first level, the main room where you start the fight, the room you run to so you can go up the ramp, and this room) and you'll find a shield generator on your immediate right in the room. It's handy. On Jedi Master, you should never accept a hit from any Jedi besides Desann or his apprentice. You should use the strong style with speed for combating Jedi, and before the strong style is available, the fast style. I like the fast style for taking out troops because you can infinitely chain attack, and well, its just really fast. I didn't like the medium style that much, and only used it because no other ones were available. On Jedi Master, the only hits that you should take should come from extremely large battles. You should go entire levels with 50 health and 100 shields (you can get 100 shields by using the generators, but not any other way). On lower difficulty levels, you can accept some damage. If you find yourself taking damage on the first levels, you probably should practice more on Jedi Knight. The best way to take out troopers is to strafe and use the secondary fire on the E-11 Blaster Rifle. If the trooper is not firing at you, use your secondary fire on your bryar pistol (charge it up all the way, which the equivalent of 5 shots of ammo). If a storm trooper is alone, do not hesitate to use the stun prod, it is a really good weapon because you can still strafe and get hits in. In fact, it is much easier to use the stun prod on a single stormtrooper than any other weapon in the early game, because you will waste ammo really quickly because you have to strafe. Use explosive canister as best you can to take people out by shooting them. Don't underestimate the power of RETREAT on the levels without your saber. If you can get the enemies to come to you only a few at a time, you will do much better than if you were taking them all on at once. The interrogator droids and those other droids that look like interrogator droids but can fire shots are best taken out with a bowcaster, if you don't already have your saber. If you do have your saber, saber throw works like a charm. Use it all the time. To take out ANY turret, use speed and saber throw, or speed and just hit it with your saber. This works really well. When using saber throw on multiple enemies, throw the saber so that it will immediately go through one person. Then move without the saber (kinda like moving without the ball in basketball) and get in front of another person that you want to kill. The saber will kill him in returning to you. You can kill many, many, many troopers this way. One time I killed 5 troopers in one saber throw (there were a ton of them facing me). When facing Dark Jedi or Reborn, push is still a great force power to have. You can't push them if their on the ground, but as soon as they jump, they are pushable. Use this with or without speed for an easy kill (with speed still works better). This strategy works on ALL Dark Jedi and Reborn, even Desann and his Apprentice. Secret Areas are cool, but not necessary if you are good. On Yavin Canyon (the level with the AT-ST), the first weapon you get when entering the AT-ST is the AT-ST Main Cannon. Primary fire is relatively slow shots, secondary fire is rapid fire. Hit "1" to change to the AT-ST Side Cannons. Primary fire on these is a shot that looks like a bowcaster shot, except it is yellow in color and a lot more powerful. Secondary fire on these is Merr Sonn missiles. EXTREMELY cool. It seems that you can't fire seeking Merr Sonn's, however. Also, when using ANY AT-ST weapon, be aware that you may have to edge around a corner you with you didn't have to to effectively fire. This is because the AT-ST Main Cannon is the directly horizontal center of the AT-ST, and the gun must be around the corner to shoot (both primary and secondary fire come out of the same gun on the AT-ST Main Cannon). The primary fire of the AT-ST Side Cannons fires from the right side of the AT-ST (from your perspective). The secondary fire of the AT-ST Side Cannons fires from the left side of the AT-ST (from your perspective). This makes Merr-Sonn's not only your most powerful AT-ST weapon, but also the best located, because it is the farthest left, so that you can target easily without being exposed so much. The problem with you being able to target but not being able to hit because you hit the wall with your shot is due to the fact that you are in third person view. There is no way to get into first person in the AT-ST. On a side note, there is a Dark Jedi that you can face while in the AT-ST. However, he is hard to spot because he is in Shadow Armor, and doesn't sense you while you are in the AT-ST. Listen carefully for the sound of a saber. He is about halfway through the level. You may have to come out of the AT-ST so that he will see you and uncloak himself with his Shadow Armor. You can take him out by stepping on him (also a great strategy for taking troops out on the ground), or you shoot him, which is actually harder. However, be careful, as on Jedi Master he can really tear your AT-ST apart quickly. On Yavin Courtyard, use speed liberally when facing Dark Jedi. You can let your companions (the Jedi Academy Jedi that are fighting with you) die in the first room, as you will not see them again. Speed and the strong style work well here, but so do speed and the fast style. It's your choice. I like speed and the strong style (just like the rest of the Jedi encounters). The guy with the Merr Sonn in the ceiling can be neutralized with mind trick. Jump into the ceiling using the pillar, then kill him. You don't want the Jedi in the second room to die, because they will be with you for awhile, and even if they don't take out a lot of people, they are a great distraction. You should try to take out the Jedi facing them by strafing behind them and taking them out. This is great because they can't block you. The strong style is best here, because you do the most damage. Anyway, staying near them for the rest of the time is a good idea. Try not to take any hits on Jedi Master. Use speed for every encounter, and after every encounter, save (don't quicksave; this way you can quicksave in the middle of an encounter without screwing yourself over) and wait for your force to recharge. A note on difficulty levels: Padawan is easy, there are almost no enemies, and they do very little damage. Jedi has many more enemies than Padawan, and they do more damage. Jedi Knight has a TON more enemies, and they a LOT more damage. On Padawan, shield generators give either 75 or 100 shields, I forget which (I think it's 75). On Jedi, they give 75. On Jedi Knight and Jedi Master, they give 50. On the first three difficulties, you can get up to 100 health and 100 shields. On Jedi Master, you can only have 50 health and 50 shields. You can never raise your health past 50 (even with bacta and healing), but if you have 50 shields and you go to a shield generator, you can get 100 shields. You get an unconditional 50 shields from the generators. This means that if you have 30 shields and you go a generator, you can get up to 80 shields. However, you can't raise your shield past this amount with boosters, you can only can more shields with generators. Furthermore, if you have 49 shields, and you pick up a booster, you will get 50 shields (this is the cap from boosters). You should always use boosters and then later use generators if you have less than 50 shields, so that you can get the most bang for your buck. On Jedi Knight and Jedi Master (and I seem to remember some on Jedi), some generators do not give 50 shields. These are very few. I know one of them that does this on all three difficulty levels is in the room on Artus Topside where you turn of the shields to the ion cannons. This phenomenon does not occur on Padawan. On Jedi Master, there are significantly more enemies than on Jedi Knight, and they do a TON more damage (one shot from a Tenloss rifle does 30 shield damage!). Jan can die (I found this out on Jedi Master). Be careful that she doesn't. You should improve as you go up in difficulty. If you find that this doesn't happen, replay a difficulty until it does. You'll get more out of this than going on to the next difficulty and being whomped on. Well, that's about all the tips that come to mind. I hope that this can help some people." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BINDING KEYS The efficiency of your configuration in Jedi Outcast can make or break the fun factor of the game. If your setup is awkward or unwieldy, you'll probably find yourself overwhelmed by groups of enemies that players with more flexible configs blast right through. While it's difficult to imagine any given config being bad enough to make the game unplayable, I'll voice my opinion here and say that the standard configuration needs to be modified if you really want to play as a bad-ass Jedi. This is more true for multi-player than it is for single-player gaming, but still applies to both. The problem with the game's default config is that the Force powers are useable either by hitting the function keys, or by scrolling through a Force menu and using the F key to activate the selected power. Neither option is really suitable for desperation use in tight situations, simply because the scrolling method takes too long, especially when you have the larger multiplayer list available (my opinion), and the function keys are too far away from your left hand's resting spot to be easily hittable, and moving your left hand will usually leave you motionless for whatever length of time it takes you to hit the key. The simple solution is to remap the keys for activating the Force powers you use most often. Where you remap the keys depends on what keys you use for movement; I have a pretty wonky setup that I've been using since Quake 1 came out, so it won't be applicable to most of you, but I'll put it here anyway: Move Forward: Mouse 1 Move Back: Mouse 2 Primary Fire: Mouse 3 Secondary Fire: Left Shift Strafe Left: Z Strafe Right: C Jump: X Crouch: A Use: Space Force Push: CTRL Force Pull: ALT Force Grip: D Force Lightning: E Force Speed: W Mind Tricks: Q I left Force Heal at F5, and the quicksave and quickload keys as they were, because these were things I normally only used when I wasn't around any enemies. The S key, which I normally use for the reload function in FPS games, I use to take screenshots. This is, of course, optional for people who don't like to fill up their hard drives with massive amounts of screens. I have very little experience in multiplayer Outcast, but I don't think my config would require much overhauling. There are a few more keys clustered around the Z-X-C core that I could use for the other force powers. Here's a tip from BeerManMike: "If your still willing to update your walkthrough/faq, i found that if you use a mouse with a wheel and a side button(s), binding the force powers to them makes its VERY easy to change and use force powers. Just bind the wheel to scroll through the powers and have the side button use the selected power. When fighting you can use your thumb to use the power on the side while using your index finger to use the gun/lightsaber. Very effective." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACROBATICS There are a few different acrobatic moves that Kyle can perform; I never noticed these since they're buried in the readme.txt file that came with the game, rather than appearing in the manual. Thanks to Claude Arm for pointing this out; these following sections are quotes from the readme file. Crouch Jumping -------------- Sometimes you may find that there's a ledge above your character that is just out of range of your standard jump. In these rare cases, try crouch jumping. By pressing the crouch key (default: c-key) while near that ledge during your jump, you can pull your characters feet up a little higher and possibly land on that hard to reach ledge. This is also an effective technique to use in multiplayer when you're trying to out-maneuver an adversary. If you crouch and/or crouch jump, you become a smaller target that is much more difficult to hit from a distance. Leaning ------- To lean, just hold the USE button and strafe left or right. This feature only works in first person mode. You cannot shoot while leaning, but you can use mind trick. Acrobatics ---------- Acrobatics are key for evading enemies and allow you to maneuver into a better fighting position. Command: Forward or Backward or Strafe Right or Strafe Left + Crouch Conditions: Must be running or landing from a jump. Move Type: Roll Description: You will roll in the direction you have pressed. Rolling from a jump may help absorb some of the impact damage. Be careful, though, because once you enter a roll, your momentum will carry you forward until the roll stops. You can still turn while rolling so you can use it to outflank an enemy or avoid rolling off a cliff. You may not attack during a roll. Command: Forward + Jump x 2 (Press Jump once to jump and again to flip) Conditions: Must be running towards a wall and have at least Force Jump level 2 Move Type: Back-flip off wall Description: You will take a couple steps up the wall in front of you and flip backwards away from the wall. You may end up behind a pursuer, leaving him open for an attack. (Ed. Note: This only appears to work if the first jump isn't a Force jump; i.e., you need to tap the Jump key very quickly. If you go into a spin, you won't be able to launch off of the wall.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUELING By way of a tidy little plot twist, Raven and Lucasarts have managed to populate the later levels of the game with numerous semi-Jedis; foes with Lightsabers and force powers, but who aren't as adept at either talent as Kyle is. Nonetheless, they're still your most dangerous common enemy, and require some special tactics to defeat. (These hints, such as they are, generally apply to boss Jedi as well.) First of all, you'll notice that none of your regular weapons are of much use against the pseudo-Sith; their force powers are advanced enough to block incoming projectiles and Push away any thrown or placed explosives. (They can even pull a Matrix and dodge your Disruptor bolts if you try for a little Rodian action.) You can occasionally get lucky with a hastily dropped Detonation Pack, especially if you're around the corner from your enemy, or know their position and are sneaking up on them before they've seen you, but you'll almost always have to whip out the Lightsabers to take them on. In some instances, however, especially early in the game, you can get lucky with some of your weapons. While blaster fire will almost never hit, you can occasionally connect with the Repeater's Secondary Fire. Michael_W notes that the instant-detonation Thermal Detonator can be used to great effect on Reborn foes, but this is tempered by the fact that if they do manage to Push it back towards you, you'll take a heaping helping of damage. Lightsaber combat against similarly-equipped foes boils down to equations of speed and luck, in my opinion. The opposing pseudo-Sith are devilishly fast, and move their lightsabers about a bit too quickly for you to effectively build any kind of conscious defense; you'll need to rely on instinct and a bit of good fortune to take on the more advanced baddies. If you are swung at while you're not attacking or Throwing your Lightsaber, you'll usually block the swing, but you may take a bit of damage anyway. If your enemy connects with a clean swipe, you can sometimes be taken from full health and shields directly to death in one blow, so you'll understand the need for a quicksave file before every fight. Your best bet in the earlier portions of the game seems to be to mix dash-and-parry tactics with a circular strafing motion. In practical terms, don't stand still, and keep your distance from your foe until you're ready to strike. The side-sweeps of the Lightsaber which are activated when you're holding the strafe keys give you a good chance to penetrate their defense, especially if they're off-balance with their own attacks. Saber Throw can often be used to good effect against Jedi, especially when you aim at their feet, but your lightsaber will generally fall to the ground, leaving you temporarily defenseless. Saber clashes are something you need to be alert for, as the more powerful foess can exploit even a momentary lapse of attention to finish you off. If you find yourself grinding Sabers with your opponent, tap the primary attack key as quickly as possible - the loser of a Clash will find themselves knocked down momentarily, leaving them open for a free attack by your opponent, or sometimes simply taking damage as soon as the Clash is broken.. If you do lose, hit Jump as soon as you hit the ground to pop up and try and get back on your feet. Your Force powers, as you'll no doubt notice, don't work on Reborn and Jedi as well as they do against normal, non-Force-wielding enemies. The effectiveness of a power depends on your level of skill and the type of opponent; you'll often be able to use a Level 3 Push to knock down a red Reborn, but the same skill will rarely work on a Shadow Trooper. You can experiment with the various skills as you like, but the most effective one for duels will usually be Force Speed in combination with the Strong Lightsaber Combat Style. The overhead smash swing of the Strong Style is almost always instantly fatal to opponents, but is very difficult to wield against the super-fast Shadow Troopers you encounter late in the game. Speed can balance this difficulty by slowing down the action somewhat, allowing you to time your swing so that you connect as soon as you come within range and immediately retreat. One or two clean connections are usually all it takes to kill a Shadow Trooper, and the same tactic can be used against the end boss. Mike also sent me an email pointing out that using Drones is a good tactic against Reborn and other Jedi foes, as they will waste their time attempting to strike down the drone, leaving them open for counterattack. Using Drones in conjunction with Force Speed can make duels much simpler, as you'll have a distracted, and possibly defenseless enemy, rather than one that is attacking you. Since Drones are nearly useless for other purposes, you might as well save them up for the tougher enemies. Here's another comment on Drones from Daniel W. Paschal: "Deploy the seeker drone (default 3 key on your number pad) and then withdraw a bit so the seeker gets out in front, and then watch as usually the opponents will begin to focus on the seeker, either deflecting its shots, or trying to saber throw it into scrap. This is your chance to do "some major life altering damage". Especially useful is force push since it will either distract the opponent further, making him unable to really attack you or the drone effectively, or he will be shoved right over, having expended much of his energy trying to saber throw the drone (or just not paying attention. Move in for a couple of quick downward chops to finish him off. Often times this works even better on more than one opponent, since they get in each other's way while trying to swat the pesky little baseball of death. During my first encounter with Shadowtroopers, the two were right underneath it trying to saber toss it and hitting each other, and temporarily started to attack each other." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First off, you can access the console at any time by holding Shift and pressing the tilde key (to the left of the 1 button on your keyboard). These commands are entered there. These cheats below are from Peter J. Rzeminski II (http://CollisionCourse.net/). As a note here, you should know about the Bind command. Bind allows you to manually assign keys to commands, even commands that aren't in the keyboard mapping menu (such as the cheats below). The syntax is "bind [key] [command]", so if you wanted to bind the Taunting animation to the "e" button on your keyboard, you would open the console and type (without quotes) "bind e taunt". When you're back in the game, hit your e button to execute a taunt. Easy as cake. "One cool thing I should mention, there are two non-cheats that you can use to make Kyle to cool things. taunt - allows the player to spin his or her weapon victory - sends a verbal victory message to players in the vicinity" Using the sabre-color change (cycle through all colors) and the victory on a hot key makes for a nice effect. Effect Code Enable Cheat Mode helpusobi 1 100% Health give health 100% Armor give armor 100% Force Mana give force 100% Battery Charge give batteries All Inventory Items give inventory All Weapons give weapons All Ammo give ammo Everything Above give all Set Force Jump Level setForceJump [1 2 3] Set Force Heal Level setForceHeal [1 2 3] Set Force Push Level setForcePush [1 2 3] Set Force Pull Level setForcePull [1 2 3] Set Force Speed Level setForceSpeed [1 2 3] Set Force Grip Level setForceGrip [1 2 3] Set Force Lightning Level setForceLightning [1 2 3] sets force level of all abilities setForceAll [1 2 3] (J. McDaniel sent along these two) setSaberDefense # # = (1,2,3) setSaberThrow # # = (1,2,3) Set your Lightsabre Color saberColor [red orange yellow green blue purple] God Mode god Undead Mode undying Move Anywhere noclip Enemies will ignore you notarget Crash the Game fly_xwing" Peter also sent along the code "drive_atst", which he thought would crash the game, but David Erlenbusch points out that it seems to work just fine. It works best when you have a lot of room to maneuver, but doesn't appear to have any deleterious effects on the game, other than clipping problems when you enter the code when there isn't enough room for an AT-ST. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a list of single- and multi-player maps from Joe. You can access the console at any time by holding Shift and pressing the tilde key. Two console cheats(multiplayer): god---god mode give all -- give all weaponary. devmap X --- makes map X appear with cheats enabled(provided you are playing offline) pit ctf_bespin ctf_imperial ctf_ns_streets ctf_yavin duel_bay duel_jedi duel_pit duel_carbon ffa_bespin ffa_deathstar ffa_imperial ffa_ns_hideout ffa_ns_streets ffa_raven ffa_yavin The same can be done for singleplayer using the map names below for different stages. Level select where X = map name. Map List kejim_post kejim_base artus_mine artus_detention artus_topside valley yavin_temple yavin_trial ns_streets ns_hideout ns_starpad bespin_undercity bespin_streets bespin_platform cairn_bay cairn_assembly cairn_reactor cairn_dock1 doom_comm doom_detention doom_shields yavin_swamp yavin_canyon yavin_courtyard yavin_final ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's another cheat from Todd Hauck. "In a multiplayer game in the console type devmap XXXXXX where the x's are the name of the map. Equip a lightsaber then deactivate it. Then type into the consle /thedestroyer. You now have a dual bladed lightsaber." The tricky part here is finding out the names of the maps. These appear on the loading screen in multiplayer, or you can open up your assets0.pk3 file with a ZIP editor, and scroll down to the maps directory to get the names directly. So, for instance, in order to open up the Death Star multiplayer level, in the console you'd type: devmap ffa_deathstar And you'd be in the Death Star level, where the /thedestroyer code would pop up a double-bladed Lightsaber. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Tim Swindler: "Here's another console command I think you might enjoy and/or want to add to your faq. g_saberRealisticCombat 1. This enables the lightsaber to actually act like one; so that when you strike enemies, you actually lop off hands, arms, legs, head, or even cut them in half! Great fun. Have you tried it with saber throw yet? Often, if you throw it through an enemy and it passes back through them as they fall, you'll end up slicing them again. I've had it happen where I took off just about every appendage doing that. I've also noticed that if you hit an enemy at the right angle, you can also take of more than one thing. The most common I've notice is a head/ arm combo with a diagonal slash. Sometimes if you just walk up to an enemy and run into them with the lightsaber and hold it there, things will just start popping off. It's also fun to run up and cut the legs out from under them, and with the battles against other saber users, it just makes the slowed down kill sequence that much more cool when you finish them by taking off their head or slicing them in half." Editor's Note: This is the greatest code ever. I'm sorry, Konami code, but this is the new king. I can't help but imagine that Raven snuck this one under the noses of the LucasArts people; you have to think that LA would never approve something so cool! I've taken to calling it the "Jedi of Fortune" code, after Raven's uber-violent Soldier of Fortune games. I originally thought that it was purely cosmetic, but it does seem to make the saber more lethal, as you don't even need to swing the saber to take out enemies; just run into them and their heads will come right off. There's no blood, but that's probably to be expected of a cauterizing weapon like the Lightsaber. Still, it livens up regular gameplay quite a bit, and makes the slow-mo deaths a sight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Brian Gluckman: "Ok so this isn't quite an Easter egg, but it is interesting. If you type in setforceall with a number greater than 3, the jedi mind trick allows you to possess that enemy. They shoot incredibly fast when you do that, and they run out of ammo quickly. Either way it sure is fun to make a storm trooper jump off a cliff." "I was just using the npc spawn cheat, and I actually managed to mind CONTROL Desann! The effect doesn't last forever, but it sure is fun. Hopefully if I type in something like setforceall 8 it will last longer. I'll let you know if it works." FOLLOW UP: From Matt Sponsler: "I noticed that if you posess an enemy through the "setforceall 4" cheat, you can permanenty posess them by quickly returning to the console and turning off your force powers, "setforceall 0" after you have posessed them. You will remain in control of the NPC until the NPC dies or until you turn your force powers back on. This would probably be a bit easier if you bind "setforceall 0" to a key. At least it works on the demo (I don't have the full version yet, but I will soon). You may want to confirm this works on the full version of the game. I was even able to permanently control Desann this way (by spawning him first, of course). Yeah, I forgot to mention the limitations of a posessed character. (Again, I'm still only have the demo right now, so I'm not sure how it all works in the full version of the game.) It seems that posessed characters can not "use" anything. Automatic doors will open for them, but you can't press a button to make an elevator work, for example. Another problem is that Kyle is completely vulnerable while posessing an NPC, and what's worse, it also seems that when you attack another NPC, that NPC will ignore you and go for Kyle, even if Kyle isn't in immediate view. I've often had to chase down an opponent before he finds Kyle. I hadn't thought about using notarget like you mention below. It would probably help alot!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Pedro Polonio: "I also found out that if you deactivate enemy tracking of youself with the notarget cheat line and then spawn multiple enemies into one tight place like a corner they will seem to be one only. Then throw the lightsaber (I've only done this with Saber throw rank 3, don't know if other levels do the same) and it wil kill quite a few, which apear one at a time only after the previous one dies, but fast enough to seem like they ere replicating thmselves like living cells. If you use the g_saberrealisticcombat cheat not only it's the funniest slaughter ever but probably the biggest and quickest one. Note that they must be weak enemies you can kill with one single slash, like a stormtrooper or a rodian." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Ben Myton: "Tavion uses what appears to be an alternate version of the "fast style" saber offense, multiple rapid attacks with a very distinct swing. Desann uses what appears to be a modified "heavy style" saber offense which can chain together multiple attacks and has a generally higher attack rate than the normal "heavy style". Both of these offensive saber styles can be used by Kyle during the game through cheating. By setting the level of your saber offense to 5 using either "setSaberOffense 5" or "setForceAll 5" you can access these new styles, appearing as a second blue and a second red attack style in the window. Just another fun feature to the game and an easier way to kill the reborn jedi." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Wong Si Yuan: "To get enemies to fight each other (I've only experimented on those with lightsabers), there's a method you need to use. You need to use notarget (duh), setforceall 5 (I think 4 works fine) and npc spawn (as usual). Spawn 2 enemies. Mind Trick one of them. Note that certain enemies (Certain reborn and Shadowtroopers) cannot extend their lightsabers the full length when mind controlled for some reason, so have them attack Kyle (with saber extended) to get their saber out properly. (Kyle blocks the attack and the both of you have your sabers out full length) Now, simply attack the enemy. He will respond by defending himself and counterattacking. Simply use Mind Trick again the moment a hit is about to land and when the 'exorcised' enemy is hit by his enraged buddy, the two will fight. Oh, note that the Jedi enemies don't seem to have friendly fire on... I had Desann, a standard Reborn and a Shadowtrooper go at each other for about twenty minutes and nothing. But beware, possessed NPCs ARE vulnerable to attacks." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Jeremy Giesbrecht: "I just wanted to make sure you added the "thereisnospoon" cheat to your list on the Walkthrough / FAQ page for Jedi Outcast. It's a pointless one, but it's still fun to do a few times. When you type that in, you get a bullet-time style feature. The camera spins around your character." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NPC Spawn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The command so cool, I had to give it its own section. I'll make no bones about it; I enjoy singleplayer games more than I do multiplayer games these days. I'm still on a 56k, so my connection for multiplayer games is generally horrible, at least compared to my glory days of playing Quake at college with a 30 ping. So anything that extends the longevity of a singleplayer game warrants my attention, and the NPC Spawn cheat code is something that I've had a lot of fun with over the past couple of days. NPC Spawn is a simple code that can be used to summon in any enemy or ally that you encounter in the game, and can be used any time, on any level, or even bound to a key like any other command. Want to see if you can take on five Shadow Troopers at the same time? Start a fight between three Luke Skywalkers and five Tavions? See how many Crabs it takes to kill Desann? All of this can be yours, for a limited time only, in this very special TV offer. When you're in a single-player game, open up the console (hold Shift and press the tilde key to the left of the 1 key), and type "helpusobi 1", without the quotation marks, to enable cheats. Then type "npc spawn luke", for instance, to spawn Luke Skywalker into the map. He'll act much as he did in the Cairn Docking Bay, slicing up troopers, using Force powers on enemies, etc. Or, type "npc spawn Desann" to throw down Desann, and watch him and Luke take each other on. The easiest way to implement this is to bind the commands to keys. I used my function keys as binding fodder, since I remapped my Force powers to the bottom of the keyboard. Now I have F1 - F4 to summon Tavion, Desann, Shadow Troopers, and the hardest variant of the Reborn enemies, while F5 - F8 summons Luke, Jedi Trainers, Jedi apprentices, and Lando. (Lando dies a lot.) You can imagine the fights that break out - sometimes I think that I've dropped myself into the premiere of Attack of the Clones. http://www.matthewrorie.com/bigfight.jpg You see? All you need to know is the code itself, and the name of the enemy or ally you wish to summon. I've noted many of the names in the Enemies section above, and most of the rest are fairly obvious. As a note, you'll want to find an area suitable to large battles before you start dropping in Desanns, so you may want to load up a save game near an area you think suitable. So, just to recap, to use the codes mentioned here, you need to enter the console and type: helpusobi 1 npc spawn desann (for example) or, to bind: bind f1 npc spawn Desann (where you're binding to the F1 key). Couldn't be simpler. Some of the other names you can summon: Luke Desann Tavion Galak_Mech MorganKatarn Lando MonMothma Reelo Jan Kyle Jedi Jedi2 JediF JediTrainer You can find a complete list here: http://www.gamewinners.com/DOSWIN/blstarwarsjedioutcast.htm Evers0r- points out that you can try your hand at dueling with Luke or other allies by Gripping them, or attacking them assiduously enough to kill one of them. If you do so, the rest should come at you and attempt to take you down, apparently thinking that you suddenly turned to the Dark Side. Another simple way of turning your allies against you is to Mind Trick an enemy so that they join your side. For some reason the friendly AI assumes you've joined the enemies, rather than the other way around, so they'll start attacking. Also, be aware that there is a limit to how many enemies you can summon. I'm unsure of a certain number, and this may fluctuate depending on the amount of RAM in your system (though it's probably hard-wired into the engine), but after 20-30 enemies are summoned concurrently, the game will crash out to the menu system. You can reload your game from there, but be forewarned that this may happen. From Robert Wallace: "If you have the demo for Jedi Outcast, it substitutes a lot of the models with a stormtrooper, hence you get some very funny combinations eg an ugnaugt becomes a mini stormtrooper, spawning a torture droid creates a stormtrooper that floats around while spinning over and over!! There are all sorts of funny things to be done with that!! With the full game, I don't know if you've tried creating massive battles between remotes and seekers!! Spawn a load of seekers first, then move elsewhere, use notarget to switch of AI, spawn a ton of remotes, step back, quicly use notarget to turn on the AI, then quickly tun it off again. The remotes should fire at you shortly, instigating your protective remotes into attacking them. This look really good in a hangar or hall as the orbs float into the air and a mixture of lasers and explosions ensue!!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Developers: http://www.lucasarts.com http://www.ravensoft.com Reviews: http://pc.ign.com/articles/356/356503p1.html http://gamespot.com/gamespot/stories/reviews/0,10867,2859529,00.html http://www.gamezone.com/gzreviews/r18815.htm http://www.fragtopia.com/reviews/jediknight2/jediknight2.htm http://www.mixnmojo.com/php/site/resource.php?feature=/reviews/jedioutcast/jedioutcast http://www.agz.com.au/reviews/JediKnight2.htm http://www.ferrago.co.uk/story.asp?id=226 http://www.pc-gaming.com/read.asp?text=rvw/jediknight2.htm Fansites: http://www.jediknightii.net http://www.bluesnews.com Resources: http://www.ggmania.com http://www.penny-arcade.com/view2002-03-29.html http://www.penny-arcade.com/news2002-03-29.html http://www.stratosgroup.com http://www.matthewrorie.com :) http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/32648.html (the GameFAQs page for Jedi Outcast) http://www.gamewinners.com/DOSWIN/blstarwarsjedioutcast.htm =============================================================================== 9. Contributors / Misc. Info =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTORS I can't thank everyone who's written in enough - I apologize if I don't acknowledge your specific contribution here, but I've tried to make note of what you sent me in the Revisions section above. Jason Anastas Stoney03 Dan H. Hawksmoor Old Gamer (www.oldgamer.net) Peter J. Rzeminski II (http://CollisionCourse.net/) Todd Hauck David Erlenbusch Josh Errickson Dan Morris hvtorres Claude Arm Harry Voyager Darwin Riggormortis Necronomicon Greg Evans Leto_II Daniel Edstrom Mitch Por Que Aerothorn Stuart Allen Patrick Nelson Mike Duffy Tim Swindler Chris Bloomfield Michelle Agnew Mike Sharp Fletcher Fuller Daniel W. Paschal Tyler Kemp Cyclops de Baba Andysoft Nick M. Chris Mayberry Dennis Jakobsen kgb 383 Paul Bruno The Mandroid Joel Sutton Scott "Eih'Beir" Hebert Cameron Gridley Steven J. Carlson Promethius Henrik Brandbye Michael Tousey Chris Thompson Joel Frazin Coachbenet Dean Ryan Clayton McNeil Peter McCaffery Erwin Dautzenberg SG.MFLOWER Michael_W Steven J. Carlson Evers0r- Steven Roy Lenroc Ratty R Ray M. Vaevictus Asmadi Diesel Brian Gluckman Lt. Phil Nausicaa Jhil Pedro Polonio Derek Katz Keith Steiger Andor Drakon Rick Ross Ben Myton Will Donald Wong Si Yuan Edwin van der Thiel Andrew Swan Nic Manahan Tamago Imai Christopher Chohin David Bruce BeerManMike vua vua Derek Ho Jeremy Giesbrecht Alari Hyena Odd Ball Jeremy Skrenes Chris Redfield Mark Behra Robert Passmore Dusten Henderson Chris Mownn Juxtapose Kyle MacNair Mike Gehl Darth Washer Mohegunson Victor Au Kyle Falconer Erich Wiederhold Zach C. Crosby Hayton Mark Bahra Yvan Cloutier Anders Brink Kylechww Jon Vish James M. Giaco III Matt Sponsler Kevin James Pedro Marques Morgan Brown Rahsas Robert Wallace Shelly Tumbleson Morten Tijleset Stephen Tures Samsurin Welch William Stokely Joe Exor Kyle Caton Maurice Jonas Charles Gilliland James Caddy Ariel Benzakein Robert Perilloux Dread Pirate JGArenson Ben Meyer-Strom Jean-Baptiste Fleury Robert Simmons Mark Chin J. McDaniel Nickthegun levthan David Bland 00 Dawg Marco Awater Sam Nicolitsi Migu woodrow Stonechild Ace ("Love transcends nationalities, borders, and genders!") John Doe Edward Tsai Miguel Kevin NemesisII_the_sequel Jim Fetters SpeedySlim2 Shigmiya64 Sandu Grecu Perry Gruver David Shideler Denis Seguin Demosthenes Tyler Jason uninspired979 Joshua Watson James Andrews D.A. Xyron Maxguy 25 mekuzmak ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND USAGE REQUEST This walkthrough is, of course, copyright Matthew Rorie 2002. Don't steal it. In the last FAQ I wrote (the Rhino Tank FAQ for Grand Theft Auto 3), I gave carte blanche to anyone who wanted to mirror the FAQ; no need to email me, just post it anywhere!, I said, giddy at just having something tangible up on GameFAQs.com. Rookie's mistake, as it turns out: it was mirrored far and wide, at sites large and small, including GameSpot, but few, if any, of these sites bothered to update the FAQ as I uploaded new versions to GameFAQs. So, I wound up getting hundreds (upon hundreds) of emails from people contributing information that I had already incorporated into the FAQ. Long story short: I'm requesting an email before you mirror this document. I almost certainly won't turn you down, provided you don't intend to alter the document, and this way, I can keep your email and send you the newer versions of the FAQ as I complete them. If you read this FAQ anywhere but GameFAQs.com, please check GameFAQs.com for the latest version of the document before emailing me a question or submitting information. Thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT INFO azraelot@stratosgroup.com My email address is noted above. Feel free to email me any questions you have about the guide, any interesting info or easter eggs you may have uncovered in the game, or any comments or suggestions for the FAQ. I will generally answer questions about the game, if I know the info, but if you're asking something that's answered in the FAQ, don't be surprised if my reply is a cut-and-paste from this document. I doubt I'll receive anything near the volume of mail I received after the GTA3 guide went up, but please check this document thoroughly for something relevent to your question before emailing me. In particular, I would request that anyone with a fair grasp on FAQ design or English usage point out any rough spots in the guide itself. I've done a fair number of guides for publication, both online (check my System Shock 2 guide on the Stratosgroup.com for an early and somewhat embarrassing first step) and "for real" (with the strategy guide for Baldur's Gate II: Throne Of Bhaal being the latest example - I co-wrote this with one other person), but I realize that I have a fair way to go before I can be considered very proficient in the art of FAQ making. So, if anyone finds themselves confused by my wording or word choice at a certain point, or thinks that a sentence could be shuffled around for more clarity, please drop me a line with the offending section of the document and what you think is wrong with it. Thanks in advance!