Mission #1: Rescue at Axis 5 Objective: Locate agent Marissa and get out of the enemy base as fast as you can. From the beginning, fly right until you get to some elevator platforms. Go down one level and then go right until you can’t go any further. Shoot down through the floor and then continue to go right. Fly up the opening you come to and go right to an orange wall. Wait a few seconds and the enemy to the right of the wall will blast an opening in it. Now go right and destroy the cannon. Continue right along the lower path to a big room full of orange blocks. Shoot your way through the blocks to the lower left corner of the room to find Marissa. After picking her up, fly straight to the left (shoot through the orange blocks) until the mission ends. There is no boss in this level. Mission #2: Boarding Party Objective: Seize control of the enemy ship. Go right from the start and drop down the first pit. Continue right along the upper path until you get to a big room full of missiles. Exit out the room on the right side (use your map(1)). Continue following the path to the right until you get to a section that is too short for your metal warrior to fit. At that point, jump out of the warrior (press select) and go right until the mission ends. There is no boss in this level. Mission #3: War on the Rock Objective: Secure the enemy base. Go right from the start until you get to a vertical shaft. Fly to the top of that shaft and go right. Shoot down through the orange platforms and then go to the right until you get to a cannon on a ledge above you. Shoot the cannon and go to the right from it. Drop down and jump out of your metal warrior. Fly to the right and shut off the “On” switch. Now get back in your metal warrior and fly to the top of the shaft. Go to the right until you get a message that says you’ve captured the central computer. You must now protect the Central Computer Core. Mini boss: Central Power Core There are 5 core generators on the wall (they are numbered 1-5 and look like orange circles with a glowing dot in the center). You must protect at least 1 of them from the enemies that are flying around (about 15 of them) until you are told “Good work, now go to the hangar”. After saving the core, shut off the “On” switch at the bottom of the room and then follow the lower left path until you find a life power-up. Ride the elevator up 1 level and go left until you get to the gun turrets on the enemy drop ship. Boss: Enemy Drop Ship Shoot the 3 gun turrets on the top of the ship, then get out of the robot, drop down into the ship, and go to the right side of the ship where it says “Ship Com”. When you are told to guide the ship back into the base, just push right on the control pad to move the ship until it stops. Mission #4: Ship Defense Objective: Protect the mother ship from all of the attacking enemy warriors. You are on a spaceship in a Prometheus robot. You must protect the space ship from the attacking robots. If too much damage is done to the main part of the ship, you lose. Just shoot all the enemies as they appear. Keep defeating them until the stage ends, about 25 enemies that you must defeat. Mission #5: Frontal Assault Objective: Find and destroy the huge ground defense cannon. Go right from the start until you get to some railroad tracks. Shoot down through them and drop to the ice level below. Look carefully on the ice for a section with cracks in it and shoot down through that part of the ice. Drop down and go left until you find a place that you can shoot down through the floor. Drop down again and start going right until you come to an elevator. Ride it up 1 level and then go right until you come to a small narrow passage. Jump out of your warrior and fly right and up until you see an empty warrior above you. Fly left, up, right, and then down to get to that warrior and enter it. Drop to the floor and go left to an elevator. Ride it to the top, go right, and up through the opening. Shoot the orange barrier on the left until it disappears. Then get out of the warrior and shut off the “On” switch. Now move to the left to find the boss, The Ground Defense Cannon. Boss: Ground Defense Cannon The only part that you must hit on the cannon is the glowing orange spot in the center. The best advice is to shoot the small round spots below the center of the cannon so that they stop shooting out the little grenades. Then concentrate on the orange spot. Mission #6: Inferno Objective: Locate and steal the enemy’s new combat unit in the underground research facility. From start fly right until you can drop down an opening to some yellow blocks. Get out of the warrior and fly through the small opening to the right. Fly to the right and down and turn off the “On” switch on the left to open the yellow blocks. Fly back into your warrior and drop down to the very bottom. Go right to an elevator shaft and drop to the bottom. Go all the way to the right and then fly up and continue to the right until you drop down, Shoot through the wall to the right to an elevator. Go up 1 level and continue going straight to the right until you get to a narrow opening. Get out of your warrior and fly through that opening until you come to a ballistic warrior. Enter that warrior and continue right and down to the lower right corner of the area to find the underground base. Once you are in the underground base, go right and fly up the first opening. Go left and turn off the “On” switch. Now go right past the elevator to 4 yellow blocks. Wait a few seconds and they will disappear. Drop down to the very bottom, get out of your warrior, and go through the narrow opening to the left. Go to the far left and turn Off the “On” switch. Now return to your warrior and go to the right. Shoot the floor to find a section you can drop down through and then go to the left. Carefully go past the electrical barriers and shoot through the next section of floor to drop down one level. Now go to the right until you get to a large yellow elevator. Use the elevator to get around the right side of it and continue to the right to another yellow elevator. Ride it up 1 level and go right to another yellow elevator. Take it down 1 level and go right to a gray elevator. Ride it to the top, go left to another elevator, ride it to the top, and go to the left. Ride the next elevator to the right up 1 level. Now go left, up, and then right until you get to the boss, the Drache. Boss: The Enemy Drache Fly around to avoid being hit and shoot the Drache as often as possible. If you get close to the enemy, use the laser sword instead of the gun. After defeating the boss, fly down through the hole in the lava below, jump out of your warrior, and go to the right. When you see the Drache warrior, climb into it and fly straight up to finish the mission. After getting the Drache warrior, fly straight up to the top of the shaft and go right through the first opening. Go all the way to the right, then all the way up, then left to 4 yellow blocks. Place the Drache in the opening in the upper left, exit the warrior, and fly to the left. Look for an opening going down that is just big enough for your character to fit in. Drop to the bottom and enter the Havoc warrior. Now shoot the wall to the right of the “On” switch. Get out of the Havoc and turn off the switch. Get back in the Havoc and jump up through where the 4 yellow blocks were. Go up and over the hill to the right and then drop down to a gray walkway that you can shoot through. Drop down, exit the Havoc, and fly to the right. Fly right and turn off the “On” switch. Now drop to the left and turn off the 2 “On” switches. Now fly to the right and then straight up to return to the Drache warrior. Enter it and fly down and then left. Shoot down through the floor and go down. Take the first path on the left, then the first path going up. Fly straight up into the sky until you can’t go any further. Then fly to the left until the mission ends. Mission #7: Fire Objective: Prevent the Axis forces from destroying the base at Dorado City. From the start, go right, shoot down through the floor, and drop to the bottom. Now go as far to the right as you can and then fly up the shaft above you. Work your way to the right until you get to the 2nd elevator shaft. Half way up that shaft is an “On” switch that you must shut off. Now return to your warrior, fly to the to of the shaft, and then fly to the right until you are sent to section 2. You will be told that there are 3 enemy units in Zone 4. Fly to the right staying along the bottom of the area until you find the first enemy unit. It looks like a large metallic worm. Defeat all the worms to finish the mission. Boss: 3 Large Metallic Worms When it shoots, jump out of the way of the bullet, then land in front of the worm and shoot it a lot. Mission 8: The Tower Objective: Steal the Axis commands key from the main Axis Communications Tower. From the start, exit the warrior and go to the left through the narrow opening. Go all the way left then drop to the very bottom. Now go all the way to the right, then go up, then right to the “On” switch and turn it off. Now go left and drop all the way to the bottom. Go right and enter the Drache warrior. Fly to the left to get the message saying that you have the command key. Exit from the warrior and turn off the “On” switch. Now get back in the Drache and go right, up, left, and then go to the upper left and find a narrow passage going straight up to an “On” switch. Turn it off and then go back down that passage and take the first left. Follow the narrow passage left, up, then right to a prometheus warrior. Enter the robot and go right to the first elevator. Ride it up to the top, exit the robot and fly left to an “On” switch. Turn off the switch and then return to the Prometheus robot. Walk to the right until you get to another elevator (make a bridge with the B button to cross over a gap). Ride the elevator up to the top and then go to the left. Go up the next elevator you come to and then go to the right. Fill in the gap using the B button and go up the next elevator you see. At the top, go to the left until you get to a closed door. Exit the warrior and fly right, down, and take the first path to the left until you get to an “On” switch. Turn it off and then return to the warrior. Go left through the door and then ride the elevator up to the top. Go right until you see a closed door. Exit the warrior and fly to the “On” switch below the door. Turn it off, return to the warrior, and then go right through the door. Continue going back and forth and riding elevators until you get to a large drache robot. Defeat the robot and then continue to the right and turn off the “On” switch. Go out the upper right corner of the room that had the large robot in it. Follow the path right until the mission ends. There is no boss in this level. Mission 9: Final Mission Objective: Go inside the Axis main base and destroy the super weapon. From the beginning, drop all the way down (slowly) until you get to a large green beam. Fly to the right and then drop down to the bottom. Exit the warrior and turn off the “On” switch to the right. Get back in the warrior, go up, and take the first path on the right. Work your way up to the upper left corner of the room and then work your way up a shaft where blocks are sliding back and forth through the walls. At the top, turn off the “On” switch and then go through the door that opened. Go up and follow the path right to the second set of orange blocks. Exit the warrior and fly up through the narrow opening to find a Havoc warrior. Follow the path all the way to the left and then shoot up through the blocks with X’s in them. Jump up as far as you can go and then head to the right until you get to a wall that says, “Axis Core”. You are now in the underground Base. From the beginning of the Underground Base, go all the way to the right until you get to an “On” switch. Turn it off and then go to the upper left corner and go through the door that opened. Now wait until you see some blocks appear from the walls and use them to work your way up as high as you can go. Then work to the left and drop down a long shaft. Turn off the “On” switch and go through the door. Work your way to the left and then up the shaft. Then go right until you come to some orange blocks in the floor. Shoot down through the blocks and then follow the path to the left until you come to the Boss - the large green robot. Boss: Large Green Robot Because it has a huge gun and flies around the entire room, there are no tricks or safe spots. Just shoot fast and use your shield a lot. The Havoc robot is a better choice than the Prometheus. However, if you can get to the boss and use 1 as a back-up, you will stand a better chance. After defeating the boss, exit the warrior and go through the small opening in the lower right. Fly up to the top and enter the Nitro warrior. Now fly straight up until the mission ends. CONGRATULATIONS!!!