=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY =============================================================================== ___________________ | GUIDE INFORMATION | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо AUTHOR : Tom Hayes E-MAIL : tomhayes83(at)hotmail(dot)com SYSTEM : PC UPDATED : 4th September, 2004 VERSION : 2.0 __________ | CONTENTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 3. Item List 4. Point List 5. Maps 5.1. Earth 5.2. Vogon Ship 5.3. Heart of Gold 5.4. Damogran 5.5. Party 5.6. Traal 6. Copyright information _________________ | VERSION HISTORY | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо VERSION 2.0 : 4th September, 2004 Updated the format. VERSION 1.0 : 28th February, 2004 First version. =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is an entertaining interactive fiction game based on the book of the same name by Douglas Adams. The books are known for containing an extremely strange (though highly funny) humour and style of writing, and the game is no different in it's atmosphere and descriptions. It all starts with Arthur waking up one morning with a dreadful hangover. After leaving his house he discovers that it is about to be demolished by a bulldozer which is currently storming it's way toward his house. At this point, the game gets slightly strange when Ford appears to offer Arthur a towel. A few puzzles later, Arthur and Ford end up in the local pub where Ford explains that Earth is about to be demolished, so Arthur shouldn't worry about his house. From here on, the game takes players on a journey to the Vogon ship with a poetry-obsessed captain, a visit to the Bugblatter Beast of Traal's lair, an exploration inside Arthur's mind and of course and a meeting with a massive whale that is currently plunging down toward a large planet below. All the characters from the books like Trillian, Ford, Marvin the depressed robot and the Vogon captain are here, and while following a different path from the book itself, the style of the game feels very similar to the brilliant book. =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== _______ | EARTH | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо The game starts in Arthur Dent's bedroom, where it is currently dark. "Stand". "Turn on light" and "get gown" that is slung over the chair. "Wear gown" and "look in pocket" to find buffered analgesic and pocket fluff. "Get analgesic" to recover from the headache. South. "Get mail". South to the front of the house, where Prosser is currently driving a big bulldozer. "Lie down in mud" to stop the bulldozer from moving toward the house. "Wait". "Wait". "Wait" and Ford will appear to offer Arthur a towel. "Wait". "Wait". "Wait". Ford will convince Prosser not to knock the house down, and Arthur will stand up. South. West into the bar. "Buy sandwich". "Wait" for Ford to arrive and buy the drinks. "Drink beer". "Drink beer". "Drink beer". After the third beer, a distant crash will signify that Arthur's house has been demolished. East. "Give sandwich to dog". North to the front of the house. "Wait". "Wait", and Ford will drop a device on the floor. "Get device". "Press green button" to leave Earth. ____________ | VOGON SHIP | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо It will be dark after arriving on the ship. "Wait" four times, and the smell sense will no longer be displayed on the screen. "Smell". "Look at shadow" to get a description of the untidy vogon hold. "Eat peanuts" that Ford offers. "Remove gown". "Put gown on hook". "Get towel". "Put towel on drain". "Get satchel". "Put satchel on panel". "Put mail on satchel". "Press dispenser button" to receive the babel fish. "Press switch" to play a recording which mentions the location of the word needed to open the glass case. Remember this location. "Wait" until guards enter the hold and take Ford to the captain's quarters. "Wait". "Wait", and the captain will start reading his poetry. "Enjoy poetry". "Wait" four times and the captain will start reading the second verse. Look at the first line and use the location from earlier to discover which word is the correct one. "Wait" four times to return to the hold. "Type ("word")", where word is the word mentioned in the poetry. For example, if the word was "Gashee", then you would enter this -> type "Gashee". The case will open, so "get plotter". "Get gown". "Get towel". "Wait" until Arthur and Ford are thrown into the airlock. "Wait" four times to exit the airlock and be picked up by the Heart of Gold. _______________ | HEART OF GOLD | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо "Wait" four times and the hear sense will become available. "Hear" to hear the distant hum of a star drive. South. "Wait" to be taken to the bridge. "Drop all". "Get towel". Down. South six times to enter the engine room. "Look". "Look". "Get generator, pliers and rasp". North. North. West to the galley. "Press pad". "Get advanced tea substitute" (which can be abbreviated to ATS). East. Up. "Drop all". "Get ATS and towel". "Put dangly bit in ATS". "Put small plug in small receptacle". "Press switch" to arrive in... dark. From this point, five small chapters must be completed in order to get all of the items needed to complete the game. The chapters appear in a random order depending on the senses that are shown. For example, if "smell" is one of the senses that is displayed, then typing "smell" will make Arthur go to the Bugblatter Beast's of Traal's lair. After returning to dark after a chapter ends, "wait" four times, "hear", go south twice, up and then "press switch" to return to the dark. Follow any of the five smaller chapters below, then skip onto the next Heart of Gold section after the total score is 225 points. _______________________________________ | COUNTRY LANE ("See". "Look at light") | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо "North" to front of house. "Open satchel". "Get towel and fluff". "Offer towel to Arthur". "Idiot". "Walk to Prosser". "Prosser, lie down". South. West to the pub. "Buy beer". "Buy peanuts". "Drink beer". "Drink beer". East. North to front of house. "Give fluff to dent". "Wait". "Wait". "Wait". __________________________________ | LAIR ("Smell". "Look at shadow") | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо The beast will demand that Arthur says his name. "Say Arthur". East to outer lair. "Put towel over head" to confuse the beast. "Get stone". "Carve Arthur on memorial". "Remove towel". West. Southwest. "Get interface". "Wait". ______________________________________ | LIVING ROOM ("Feel". "Drink liquid") | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо "Look at Arthur". "Drop wine". "Get fluff". "Open handbag". "Put fluff in handbag". "Get wine". "Wait". "Wait". _________________________________________________ | PRESIDENTIAL SPEEDBOAT ("See". "Look at light") | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо "Look under seat" to find the small key and seat cushion fluff. "Unlock toolbox". "Put fluff in toolbox". "Get toolbox". "Steer toward spire". "Wait" three times. "Stand". "Out". "Wait" for Trillian to jump out of the crowd. "Guards, drop rifles". "Trillian, shoot rifles". East. _____________________________ | WAR CHAMBER ("Hear". South) | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо "Get awl". "Wait" four times to enter the maze. "North" until you reach the large black particle in the maze. "Get particle". _______________ | HEART OF GOLD | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо After returning to the Heart of Gold, "wait" four times and then "hear". South. South. South. Down. "Get toolbox". Up. North. Up to the bridge. "Get seat cushion fluff from toolbox". "Drop toolbox". "Open handbag". "Get jacket fluff". "Put all fluff in pocket". Down. West to the galley. "Open panel". "Get circuit board". "Drop circuit board". "Put interface in panel". "Press pad". East. Up to the bridge. "Put large cord in large receptacle". "Wait". "Press switch" to turn the missiles into a sperm whale. Down. West to the galley. "Get tea". "Get no tea". East. Up. "Remove dangly bit from ATS". "Put dangly bit in tea". "Press switch" to arrive in the dark. "Wait" until feel is one of the senses that is not displayed. "Feel". "Drink liquid". ________________________ | INSIDE THE SPERM WHALE | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо "Put all fluff in pot". "Get flowerpot". "Put pot in thing". "Wait" to return to the dark. "Wait" four times, then "hear" to return to the Heart of Gold. _______________ | HEART OF GOLD | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо South. South. "Get pot". Up to the bridge. West to the sauna, where Arthur will step out with a changed plant. "Eat fruit" from the plant, and remember the tool that Marvin asks for in the description. "Get tea". "Get no tea". "Get (the name of the tool)". Down. South to the aft end of the corridor. "Open door". "Drink tea". West to the pantry. "Marvin, open hatch". East. Down. "Drop all except (name of tool)". East. "Wait" for Marvin to arrive. "Give (name of tool) to Marvin. West. Down to complete the game. =============================================================================== 3. Item List =============================================================================== ADVANCED TEA SUBSTITUTE Found by pressing the pad in the galley on the Heart of Gold. It is connected to the dangly bit on the plotter to access the dark. ATOMIC VECTOR PLOTTER Found by using the correct word to open the glass case on the Vogon Hold. It is connected to the ATS to access the dark. BABEL FISH Found by solving the puzzle in the Vogon Hold and then pressing the dispenser button. It is used to understand different languages. BUFFERED ANALGESIC Found in the pocket of the gown. It is used to help Arthur recover from his headache in the bedroom at the start of the game. CHEESE SANDWICH Bought in the bar on Earth. It is given to the dog outside of the bar to prevent the microscopic space fleet from being eaten. CIRCUIT BOARD Found in the panel of the Nutrimat on the Heart of Gold. It is not used. ELECTRONIC SUB-ETHA SIGNALING DEVICE Ford drops the device on Earth a few seconds before the Vogon Fleet arrives. The green button is pressed to transport to the Vogon ship. FLATHEAD SCREWDRIVER Found in the bedroom at the start of the game. This is one of the items that Marvin may need to use after Arthur has eaten the fruit. FLOWERPOT Found inside the sperm whale. The four pieces of fluff are planted in the flowerpot, which is then carried into the sauna to make the fruit grow. FRUIT Found after taking the flowerpot with the four pieces of fluff into the sauna. It is eaten to discover which tool Marvin needs in the future. GLASS OF WHITE WINE Found in the party. It is dropped to create more space in the inventory. This also makes the hostess appear, so make sure to pick the wine up again after putting the jacket fluff in the handbag. GOWN Found on the chair in the bedroom at the start of the game. It can be used to store extra items, and is also hung on the hook in the Vogon hold. HANDBAG Found in the party. It is used to store the jacket fluff. HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE Found after visiting the captain of the Vogon ship. It can be consulted about various things in the game, but does not have to be used. HYPERSONIC PLIERS Found in the engine room on the Heart of Gold. This is one of the items that Marvin may need to use after Arthur has eaten the fruit. IMPROBABILITY DRIVE Found in the engine room on the Heart of Gold. It is not used. IONIC DIFFUSION RASP Found in the engine room on the Heart of Gold. This is one of the items that Marvin may need to use after Arthur has eaten the fruit. JACKET FLUFF Found by getting the fluff from Arthur's jacket after looking at Arthur at the party. It is put in the handbag, and is one of the four pieces of fluff that is put in the flowerpot. JUNK MAIL Found in the porch of Arthur's house. After the satchel has been put on the panel in the Vogon hold, the mail is put on the satchel. LASER-ASSISTED MONKEY WRENCH Found in the toolbox. This is one of the items that Marvin may need to use after Arthur has eaten the fruit. MAGNIFYING GLASS Found in the toolbox. It is not used. MOLECULAR HYPERWAVE PINCER Found on the bridge of the Heart of Gold. This is one of the items that Marvin may need to use after Arthur has eaten the fruit. NO TEA Available at the start of the game. No tea is dropped after Arthur gets the real tea, but after the large black particle has been removed in the maze both no tea and tea can be picked up. Having both no tea and tea allows Arthur to walk through the screening door to Marvin's pantry. NUMBER TWELVE ASTEROID PAINT CHIPPER Found on the bridge of the Heart of Gold. This is one of the items that Marvin may need to use after Arthur has eaten the fruit. NUTRIMAT/COMPUTER INTERFACE Found in the Bugblatter Beast of Traal's outer lair. It is put in the panel of the nutrimat in the galley to make the tea. PEANUTS Ford will give Arthur the peanuts after he arrives on the Vogon ship. They are eaten to replace the protein loss caused by transporting to the ship. The peanuts are also bought by Ford in the pub when he returns to Earth. PLATE OF HORS D'OEUVRES Available in the party section. It is not used. POCKET FLUFF Found in the pocket of the gown. It is one of the four pieces of fluff that is put in the flowerpot. SALES BROCHURE Found in Entry Bay Two on the Heart of Gold. It is not used. SANTRAGINEAN MINERAL WATER Found in Ford's satchel on Earth. It is not used. SATCHEL Found in the Vogon hold after Arthur falls asleep. It is put on the panel in the hold, and is then covered with the mail. The satchel is also opened when Ford returns the Earth to get the satchel fluff and towel. SATCHEL FLUFF Found in the satchel when Ford returns to Earth. It is one of the four pieces of fluff that is put in the flowerpot. SEAT CUSHION FLUFF Found by looking under the seat in the presidential speedboat on Damogran. It is one of the four pieces of fluff that is put in the flowerpot. SHARP STONE Found in the Bugblatter Beast of Traal's lair. It is used to carve Arthur's name on the memorial after has put the towel over his head. SHIPPING CARTON Found in the galley. It is opened to reveal the strange gun. SMALL KEY Found by looking under the seat in the presidential speedboat on Damogran. It is not used. SPLITTING HEADACHE Available in the house at the start of the game. It is cured by eating the buffered analgesic from the pocket of the gown. STRANGE GUN Found by opening the shipping carton from the galley. It is not used. THERMO-FUSION CHISEL Found in the toolbox. This is one of the items that Marvin may need to use after Arthur has eaten the fruit. THING Found in the pocket of the gown. It is used to hold the flowerpot. TOOLBOX Found in the presidential speedboat on Damogran. It is used to hold the seat cushion fluff. TOOTHBRUSH Found in the bedroom at the start of the game. This is one of the items that Marvin may need to use after Arthur has eaten the fruit. TOWEL Found in the Vogon hold. It is put over the drain as one part of solving the Babel Fish puzzle. It is also used in the Bugblatter Beast of Traal's lair to prevent the beast from seeing Arthur. TWEEZERS Found in the handbag. They are not used. ULTRA-PLASMIC VACUUM AWL Found in the war chamber. It is not used. =============================================================================== 4. Point List =============================================================================== ____________ | 400 POINTS | оооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооооо 10 : Get the buffered analgesic from the gown pocket. 5 : Drink the first beer in the pub. 5 : Drink the second beer. 5 : Drink the third beer. 8 : Arrive on the Vogon ship. 12 : Successfully get the babel fish. 15 : Enjoy the Vogon captain's poetry. 25 : Type the correct word to open the glass case. 25 : Walk into the Heart of Gold engine room. 15 : Drink the beer in the pub when playing as Ford. 25 : Get the interface from the Bugblatter Beast of Traal's lair. 25 : Leave the party. 25 : Walk into the Heart of Gold on Damogran. 25 : Get the large black particle from the maze. 25 : Walk into the sauna holding the plant with the four fluffs in it. 100 : Drink the real tea. 25 : Enter Marvin's pantry. 25 : Give Marvin the correct tool needed to open the hatch. =============================================================================== 5. Maps =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1. Earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________ |BACK OF HOUSE| /ооооооооооооо\ (sw to front of house) (se to front of house) |ооооооооооо| | _______ | | |BEDROOM| | | ооо|ооо | | __|__ | | |PORCH| | | оо|оо | ооооо|ооооо (nw to back of house) | (ne to back of house) \______|_______/ |FRONT OF HOUSE| оооооо|ооооооо | ___ _____|______ |PUB|---|COUNTRY LANE| ооо оооооооооооо ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2. Vogon Ship ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________ __________ _______ |CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS|---|VOGON HOLD|---|AIRLOCK| оооооооооооооооооо оооооооооо ооооооо ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3. Heart of Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________ | _____ ______ | | |SAUNA|---|BRIDGE| | | ооооо ооо~оо | ооооооооооооооо~оооо _____________________~___________ | ______~______ | | |ENTRY BAY TWO| | | оооооо|оооооо | | ______ ________|_________ | | |GALLEY|---|CORRIDOR, FORE END| | | оооооо оооооооо|ооооооооо | | ______ ________|________ | | |PANTRY|---|CORRIDOR, AFT END| | | оооооо о~оооооо|оооооооо | | ~ ____|______ | | ~ |ENGINE ROOM| | | ~ ооооооооооо | оооооооооооооо~оооооооооооооооооо _____~_______________________ | ___~____ ____________ | | |HATCHWAY|---|ACCESS SPACE| | | ооо~оооо оооооооооооо | ооооо~ооооооооооооооооооооооо ___~____ | _~__ | | |RAMP| | | оооо | оооооооо ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4. Damogran ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________ ____ |HEART OF GOLD|---|DAIS| ооооооооооооо о|оо ____|____ |SPEEDBOAT| ооооооооо ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.5. Party ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________ ___________ |DINING ROOM|---|LIVING ROOM| ооооо|ооооо ооооо/ооооо ___|___ _________/ |KITCHEN|/ ооооооо ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.6. Traal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ __________ |LAIR|---|OUTER LAIR| о/оо оооооооооо __________/ |INNER LAIR| оооооооооо =============================================================================== 6. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This document is Copyright 2004 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.