-----------\ ---- ----- ----------\ ---- ---------- ----------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----\ | | | | | | ----- | | | | ----- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------ | | | | | | | | | | | | ----- / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | | / | | | | | | ------ | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | | ----- \ | | | | | | | ------ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----- | | | | | | | ----/ | | | | | | | | ----- | | | | ----- | | ------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -----------/ ---- ---- ---- ----------/ -------- ---------- ----------- "LORD OF DESTRUCTION" Dedicated to Max, my most loyal friend who has at last found peace. ============================================================================= Ý This walkthrough is copyrighted to Mister Sinister (2003) Ý Ý I don't mind it being lifted in its entireity, but if you do so, please Ý Ý make sure you give credit to the author (me) and DON'T pass it off as Ý Ý your own. Thanks ! Ý ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý INDEX Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= PART ONE BEFORE WE GET STARTED PART TWO CHOOSING YOUR CHARACTER PART THREE ACT ONE - THE ROGUE ENCAMPMENT PART FOUR ACT TWO - LUT GHOLEIN PART FIVE ACT THREE - THE KURAST DOCKS PART SIX ACT FOUR - THE PANDEMONIUM FORTRESS PART SEVEN ACT FIVE - HARROGATH PART EIGHT HINTS AND TIPS PART NINE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý PART ONE Ý Ý BEFORE WE GET STARTED Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Hi there. Welcome to my Diablo II: Lord of Destruction walkthrough. There are a few things I would like to clear up before we begin if that's ok. You might get the impression from reading this walkthrough that I'm intending for it to be read exclusively by newbies ... I'm not - however, I have DELIBERATELY made my commentary for Act One flexible enough so that it CAN be read by newbies, and I (hopefully) explain things clearly enough for them to be able to pick up the game and run ... however, I think that there are a few things in there that even a more seasoned player might have not considered ... ... I hope so, at any rate !! =) From Act Two (since the acts are kinda formulaic - not BORING - just formulaic) I have tried to speed up the walkthrough a bit so that people of any standard can flick through it ... Also, I should point out that I'm British. I say this because in the past when I have done walkthroughs, people have commented that some of the terms I use ... like ... slaphead for example, they just don't understand ... ... you can always e-mail me and I'll explain as best I can ;) Also, when I give directions in this walkthrough - e.g. Alkor's hut is to the north-east of your present location, I have tried to take into account that the maps are always at an angle. Therefore, imagine tilting the screen as if you were looking down on the characters before you interpret my directions, or you *might* get a little confused ;) Right !! Thanks for letting me get all that out of the way - LET'S GO !! =D ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý PART TWO Ý Ý CHOOSING YOUR CHARACTER Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= This is obviously THE single most important decision you need to make in this game. You can only play one character at a time, and as you will see when we play, a LOT of effort goes into developing your character. That being said, there are seven characters available to you to pick from. I won't bore you with their details too much, but my comments on each are as follows :- ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý AMAZON Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= NOT BAD !! Check out those DUDS !! And the hair !! We like her ... well fitted armour is SOOOOOOO attractive =./ What's that ? Get to the point ?? Ok ... The Amazon is a VERY well balanced character to play. She specialises in both Bow AND Polearm skills, making her good in hand-to-hand AND at range. She also has a good range of passive skills - i.e. skills which run all the time in the background without having to be specifically called into play ? GOOD POINTS :- * Very well balanced * Offers a broad set of skills to choose from BAD POINTS :- * Lots of attacks costs mana, and given her ROF (Rate of Fire), if you don't have loads of mana available to you to draw from, you can quickly whittle down her reserves. * She's not MEAN enough for my taste. CLASS-SPECIFIC WEAPONRY :- * There are certain bows in the game - e.g. Stag Bow, that can ONLY be used by the Amazon. QUIRKS :- * Whilst she can use arrows with her bows, the Amazon has the rather fortunate fallback position of being able to CREATE magical arrows through the expenditure of mana. This means that she SHOULD never be unable to fire her bow, if you're able to keep her mana in check. HIRELINGS :- Given that the Amazon has both ranged and hand-to-hand skills, she favours perhaps the greatest variety of choice for a Hireling ... Rogue Sister - Perhaps my LEAST likely suggestion, as she offers nothing that the Amazon doesn't already have skill-wise - SCORE: 1/4 Desert Mercenary - Good choice - his hand-to-hand skills reach MAMMOTH proportions in terms of the damage they can do if he is properly equipped, and given that he HAS to get into hand-to-hand, she can either fight by his side up close and personal, or back him up with her ranged skills. PLUS you can use his auras to great effect if you pick him carefully - SCORE: 2/4 Iron Wolf Mage - The most versatile hireling you can get, as he boasts both hand-to-hand combat skills, AND ranged spellcasting abilities. I would suggest that you might like to look to using him, as he can back up your Amazon in any given situation. SCORE: 4/4 Barbarian Warrior - The strongest fighter I would say, so my comments are pretty much as per the Desert Mercenary (bar Barbarian's Lack of ability to use auras of course). SCORE: 3/4 ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ASSASSIN Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= OMIGOD !! I tell ya, from the moment she did that first spin-kick at the character select screen ? I fell in LOVE with the assassin ... I love assassins as characters anyway ... they are so PRO ! So she was my first character (and is still my best even today !!) The Amazon boasts a specialised set of skills, with a broad variety of martial arts attacks that can be used to great effect if you feel like getting up close and nasty ... for those of you who are keen to stay away, you can rely on her traps instead - there are plenty of those to amuse you too. She ISN'T as versatile a character as the Amazon, but given the fact that she's just so plain MEAN, I just HAD to play as her first of all. GOOD POINTS :- * If you augment her skills intelligently, she can become DEVASTATINGLY powerful as the levels go on ... PLUS her ability to place traps means that she can pretty much avoid most difficult situations, by wearing down her opponents with fire and lightning before they get close enough to do her any real harm. * She just looks so MEAN !!!!! =D BAD POINTS :- * Whilst she has a load of hand-to-hand skills at her disposal, when I was playing her I found that - even though they were varied - they weren't generally as powerful as her traps and, as such, I pretty much wound up focusing on increasing her trap skills at the expense of her other abilities. CLASS-SPECIFIC WEAPONRY :- * Various hand-held weapons, including the hatchet hands, katar and quhab. QUIRKS :- * The Assassin can automatically pick locks ... this means that she need never carry around keys, and can automatically open locked chests ... RESULT !!!!! =D HIRELINGS :- Given her versatility the Assassin should ideally look to choose a hireling that reflects her style of play ... if you are a Trap Specialist, you might like to go for the hireling (as I did) to afford you extra protection at range ... if you focus more on the assassin's hand-to-hand skills, then you might like to go for the desert mercenary or barbarian for more backup when you are in the fray ... As such, my comments are as follows :- Rogue Sister - This is the hireling that I personally pick when I'm playing the assassin. I feel that her powerful long-ranged bow attacks work well in conjunction with the way I play my assassin - inflicting OPTIMUM long-range attack damage rather than getting up close and personal. SCORE: 4/4 Desert Mercenary - Another good choice for the Assassin ... the Desert Mercenary's Auras can provide her with benefits should she need to mix it up a little, whilst his hand-to-hand skills can provide her with enough time to set up a couple more traps and wipe out some enemies. However, I personally find that the Desert Merc's tendency to just run head-first into combat frustrates my style, as it would be better if he just held back that little bit longer ??? SCORE: 2/4 Iron Wolf Mage - A well balanced hireling, 'tis true ... if you are the type of player that chops and changes his/her style of play to suit the circumstances, and has spread your upgrade points pretty much evenly across your skills, then this might well be the hireling to compliment YOUR style of play. SCORE: 3/4 Barbarian Warrior - Bless him ... I'm sure there is SOMEBODY out there that would have a 4/4 for the Barbarian Warrior, but it AIN'T gonna be me sunshine ... I tried using him with my assassin, but I found that my comparatively weak hand-to-hand skills (because I'd loaded up so heavily on traps) meant that I couldn't provide HIM with the kind of support HE needed when he was wading up to his neck into trouble ... SCORE: 1/4 ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý NECROMANCER Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Looking mean as you would expect for a death-peddler, the Necromancer specialises in curses and command of the undead. He is the ULTIMATE when it comes to mass-troop-management, and at high levels can have a small ARMY of undead creatures following him around and mauling his enemies into little bitesize chunks in seconds. We like him ... but he ISN'T the easiest character to play ;) GOOD POINTS :- * Being able to resurrect a small army of undead warriors to do your bidding means that the Necromancer SHOULD not need to directly involve himself in physical combat most of the time. * His curses can weaken your enemies en masse and can dramatically turn the tide of battle in your favour when used appropriately. BAD POINTS :- * Generally weak in hand-to-hand combat, the Necromancer should avoid this wherever possible. * His skills are focused predominantly in inflicting pain and agony on his opponents, which leaves him kinda lacking in the "self-help" skills ... in MY opinion at least !! :) CLASS-SPECIFIC WEAPONRY :- * Certain shields - almost invariably heads (e.g. the Demon Fetish and Unraveller Head) - are Necromancer specific. QUIRKS :- * One of the best combinations that you can have when using your Necromancer (and I FREELY ADMIT THAT I HEARD THIS FROM SOMEBODY ELSE - Sorry mon ami, but I can't remember your name !!) is to create a Blood Golem, and then use the Iron Maiden curse on enemies that the Blood Golem is fighting ... health is transferred from the Golem to you, and so whilst he's fighting, you can heal at quite a rate of knots !! :) HIRELINGS :- Given that his fort‚ is being able to command huuuuuuuge armies of undead warriors and curse his enemies to b*llocks, my recommendation is that the Necromancer focus on somebody that will be able to hang back from the fray, and give him support ... as such, my comments are as follows :- Rogue Sister - She's good !! Give her her dues, she's good ... whilst the Necromancer's army of bad@ss goons is busy killing things up front, she can provide good ranged cover, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the oncoming enemy. SCORE: 3/4 Desert Mercenary - Whilst undoubtedly a powerful hand-to-hand combatant, he might not be able to get at the thick of the action if the necromancer's boys have already sunk their teeth into the enemy and, as such, his effectiveness is slightly reduced I fear. SCORE: 2/4 Iron Wolf Mage - Perhaps the best match for the Necromancer is the Iron Wolf Mage, simply because he can provide ranged support for the Necromancer's minions if they are swarming over his enemies, and if they FALL he can take their place, allowing the Necromancer enough time to create more ... SCORE: 4/4 Barbarian Warrior - Again, bringing up the rear it's the barbarian warrior ... bless him, and all who follow him. I fear that the necromancer's powerful magic, whilst great in the troop-management area, might not lend itself to working in harmony with the barbarian's in yer face attitude. SCORE: 1/4 ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý IMPORTANT NOTE Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= I was originally quite happy with my above scores for the Necromancer's Mercenary compatibility, but then I got an e-mail from Cyrus Nunn who pointed out that the Mercenary is actually a blessing in disguise for the Necromancer, as his auras can lend support to the Necromancer's troops en masse - if he has defensive auras, so much the better !! :) In fact I believe his exact words were :- "If you get a defensive guy, his spells can turn even ordinary skeletons into serious meat(less) shields" I like that !! :) This has, of course, chucked my scoring totally out of whack, but Cyrus is right - I had TOTALLY failed to consider it as an option. Therefore I am going to RE-GRADE the four mercenary's for the Necromancer as follows :- Rogue Sister now gets 2/4 Desert Mercenary now gets 4/4 Iron Wolf Mage now gets 3/4 Barbarian Warrior now gets 1/4 ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý BARBARIAN Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= The undisputed KING of hand-to-hand combat, the Barbarian ROCKS when it comes to bashing heads together, but his REALLY limited set of distance-based skills means that he needs either good ranged support to make up for this shortcoming, or just sack off range altogether and get stuck in there !! I have to say that there are only 3 characters I have played in Lord of Destruction that was able to kill Duriel in hand-to-hand combat WITHOUT DYING EVEN ONCE. The others are the Paladin, and the Amazon. GOBSMACKED is the word I would choose to describe how I felt when that happened. ANYHOW ... GOOD POINTS :- * His ability to use two single-handed weapons at the same time provides for TONNES of fun combinations of weapons that can be brought into play, thus increasing his appeal AND the amount of damage he can inflict. * He has a WICKED set of passive skills that can increase his effectiveness with almost any weapon ... AND he has the OH so entertaining Frenzy move at higher levels (which is REALLY fun to use, trust me !!) BAD POINTS :- * As stated above, he is a bit pants in the ranged department ... he has no real magic skills to speak of - his specialities are warcries and combat techniques ... nothing so spectacular as a full thunderstorm, or chain lightning, unfortunately. * As a result, he has to get in close to harm his enemies, and this means that he is frequently outnumbered. CLASS-SPECIFIC WEAPONRY :- * Helmets, such as the Lion Helm and Fanged Helm, are Barbarian-specific. QUIRKS :- * His ability to search the bodies of the fallen for potions should not be underestimated - it means that (if luck is on your side) you can heal him back from near death VERY quickly. RESULT !! HIRELINGS :- This is a tough one ... the Barbarian is quite specific in terms of his strengths - i.e. CARNAGE. He lacks the support of a ranged unit, but maybe it would be better to just give him another hand-to-hand fighter to back him up ... let's have a think ... =./ Rogue Sister - If you want to give ranged support to your barbarian (as I did when I was playing him), then the Rogue Sister should not be overlooked. Using her wisely, and in conjunction with available terrain, means that you can pick off the pain in the @rse baddies from a distance - like those who are lightning enchanted - and thereby reduce the likelihood of your Barbarian dying in combat. SCORE: 2/4 Desert Mercenary - A good choice, given that he can back you up in hand-to-hand AND his auras give you an extra edge whilst you're hacking and slashing away. SCORE: 3/4 Iron Wolf Mage - Whilst he is VERY versatile as a companion, I feel that the Iron Wolf Mage's versatility when put side by side with the Barbarian's clear-cut approach to playing dilutes his effectiveness ... really speaking I would think that it would be better to have an "all or nothing" hireling to go with the Barbarian, and this AIN'T the Iron Wolf Mage ... =./ SCORE: 1/4 Barbarian Warrior - What could be better than a Barbarian and his bro kicking BUTT ????? Given that they are BASICALLY the same character, you should find that they play quite well together, and increase exponentially the amount of damage inflicted when they are fighting side-by-side. SCORE: 4/4 ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý PALADIN Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Ah yes, the Paladin. I must admit that when I first saw him I just laughed. The BOLD way he goes down on one knee ... the shiny armour ... the ... (spit spit spit) GOODNESS of it all. BUT, I have been converted to liking him ... his auras are REALLY useful, and he really surprised me when he managed to best Duriel in hand-to-hand combat without dying ONCE, taking his place alongside the Barbarian and the Amazon ... He's quite a surprise entrant in my opinion, because as with the Barbarian he is predominantly a close-quarters combatant, BUT he has the advantage of having auras to support him whilst he's fighting, which can aid not only him but his party as well ... .... we like the Paladin :) GOOD POINTS :- * His use of auras is GREAT ... he can use them to achieve good results on his own, AND many of them can be used to aid his party too - this is a good thing =) * Whilst his hand-to-hand skills are not on par with the Barbarian in my opinion, he has the Zeal skill, which is KILLER cool to watch. Stabby stabby stab. * His resist fire/ice/lightning auras BAD POINTS :- * The lack of ranged skills makes him a largely close-quarters character. * He looks pants at first ... we just CAN'T like those green and yellow pants =./ CLASS-SPECIFIC WEAPONRY :- * Certain large shields (e.g. the Heraldic Shield and Aerin Shield) are Paladin-specific. QUIRKS :- * Paladin Auras can extend beyond your party - e.g. on Act V your aura can actually protect errant Barbarians as they make their way up the Bloody Foothills, and so on ... this is kinda kewl !! HIRELINGS :- Given the Paladin's strengths being close combat and the use of auras, he can lend strong support to any hireling he obtains ... however, my comments and recommendations are as follows :- Rogue Sister - One of the worst matches with the Paladin, as she runs around a lot, and this frequently places her OUTSIDE the range of influence of his auras. SCORE: 2/4 Desert Mercenary - Hmmmmmmmm ... not good I fear ... the Desert Mercenary has his own auras that he can use to influence the party, and this may put him at odds with the Paladin in terms of which aura is in use. SCORE: 1/4 Iron Wolf Mage - My hireling of choice for the Paladin, owing (once again) to his versatility. The Iron Wolf Mage can attack up close, or fall back to provide long ranged support for the Paladin. SCORE: 4/4 Barbarian Warrior - Whilst there are instances in which I would think the Barbarian Warrior WOULD make a great hireling to be paired up with the Paladin, the Barbarian Warrior as a hireling is perhaps not as versatile a companion as the Iron Wolf Mage, from the Paladin's point of view. SCORE: 3/4 ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý SORCERESS Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= The Sorceress ROCKS. Plain and simple. Her mastery of the elements - fire, ice and lightning - make her a REAL force to be reckoned with in the game and, whilst she should avoid hand-to-hand combat if at all possible, she can hold her own in MOST situations at higher levels. The obvious downside is, as I've just said, that she's VERY weak in hand-to-hand combat ... but trust me, as with most sorcerer characters, if you play them well, you can kick BUTT regardless. GOOD POINTS :- * Arguably the strongest magic user in the game ... some of her spells inflict SOOOO much damage it's unreal !! =) * One of her passive skills (warmth) increases the speed at which she recovers mana naturally, and that's a BIG bonus if levelled up wisely ... BAD POINTS :- * Weak in hand-to-hand combat, as is to be expected really. * Sounds very bitchy if you try and get her to carry too much stuff at one time. CLASS-SPECIFIC WEAPONRY :- * Certain wands and staves are sorceress specific, e.g. the Eagle Orb. QUIRKS :- * Telekinesis should not be overlooked for its usefulness, as it can enable you to a) pick up items that are lying on the floor Jedi Stylee, b) open/close doors, c) open/close chests and d) push back enemies. It's VERY versatile and even if you just put one skill point into it, it's worth having. HIRELINGS :- Important to bear in mind when playing the sorceress is that she should NOT get into hand-to-hand combat if she can avoid it. Therefore, depending on the PACE at which you play the game, my comments are as follows :- Rogue Sister - Pretty much the same comments as with the assassin to be honest with you, I find that when I am playing the Sorceress I play carefully and deliberately. I don't just rush around here there and everywhere, because she DOESN'T have the kind of troop support that the Necromancer can call into play, so the Rogue Sister suits my needs best. SCORE: 4/4 Desert Mercenary - If you are diligent and keep an eye on him, he can work quite well as a companion for the sorceress as, even though he has a tendency to just barrel straight into the enemy, he can lend you the protection of his aura, and you can lend him the protection of your NEO-THUNDERKISS-BLASTER 3000 !! =D. SCORE: 2/4 Iron Wolf Mage - Almost ranking up alongside the Rogue, owing YET AGAIN to his versatility, the Iron Wolf Mage can pair up with the Sorceress very very well indeed. However, I prefer to have my hirelings using their heads, and therefore in order to compliment my "keep out of harm's way with the sorceress" policy, I *really* don't need the hassle of having to keep an eye on my hireling, and this boi DOES sometimes just feel the need to go off on one ... SCORE: 3/4 Barbarian Warrior - Poor, poor little Barbarian ... whilst a REALLY attentive sorceress could put his strength to good use, you would have to keep an eye on him 24/7 for fear he'd get in over his head and this would leave you a) stretched to keep him alive mana and health potion-wise and b) having to focus more on him than yourself, and in my opinion a hireling just shouldn't be causing you that much concern. Sorry mate. SCORE: 1/4 ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý DRUID Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Finally, we come to the rather peculiar-looking druid. Representing mastery over nature and the beasts, this lad likes nothing more than to adorn the corpses of dead animals and march about making cute comments about planting the dead and other oddities ... he's funny, and I do kinda like him, I must admit. In game terms, the Druid is the SECOND best troop management character, playing second fiddle to the Necromancer ... however, the druids support troops are, I believe, marginally more powerful than the Necromancer's (with the possible exception of the Necromancer's Golems), and so the two even out pretty well. The Druid also has a good, varied command over magic and the elements. Finally he has reasonable hand-to-hand skills ... all in all a good all- rounder, without being a MASTER of anything ... except the beasts ... but you know what I mean :) GOOD POINTS :- * Can command multiple troops at the same time - e.g. ravens, wolves, dire wolves, spirits, etc. * Possesses a variety of skills from reasonable hand-to-hand combat skills, to varied magic abilities, to troop management skills. A good character for a newbie. BAD POINTS :- * His lack of total mastery of any one aspect of the game ... he's more a jack of all trades is our druid ... * His ranged magical skills, whilst reasonable, are not as effective as I would have liked them to be =./ CLASS-SPECIFIC WEAPONRY :- * Some headwear, e.g. the Griffon Headdress and Wolf Head, are specifically for the Druid. QUIRKS :- * His ability to polymorph into either wolf or bear adds not only a physical combat aspect to his character - the wolf is quicker, and can be used to get out of trouble, if you're in need of an out ;) HIRELINGS :- As he is quite a versatile character, the choice of a hireling will depend largely upon your personal style of play, but I would make the following suggestions :- Rogue Sister - Good choice ... since the Druid CAN have multiple units under his command at any one time, you might find that the addition of a strong ranged unit is of assistance to you. SCORE: 2/4 Desert Mercenary - Probably a BETTER choice, as the Desert Mercenary can not only lend support to the front-line troops of the Druid, but his auras can assist as well ... SCORE: 3/4 Iron Wolf Mage - Ideally though, wouldn't you be better with somebody that was REALLY versatile ? Somebody that could provide you with ranged cover to supplement your own skills, OR get down and dirty in hand-to-hand ? If so, then the Iron Wolf Mage is your boi ... SCORE: 4/4 Barbarian Warrior - Bringing up the rear, it's our trusty old friend the Barbarian Warrior. I really DON'T have anything against this guy - honest !! It's just that he has a tendency to be a bit ... um ... direct ? And this can leave HIM in situations in which he's fending off attacks from all sides, and it can leave YOU in situations where you are bailing him out, when you SHOULD be able to just get on with looking after yourself !! SCORE: 1/4 So there we have it !! My comments on the characters that you have to choose from in the game. I hope you found them of interest, and regardless of which one you've picked, I'm sure you'll be KICK@SS !! So let's begin ... ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý PART THREE Ý Ý ACT ONE - THE ROGUE ENCAMPMENT Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Your journey begins at the Rogue Encampment. As you will quickly learn, your path to find "the Dark Wanderer" is obstructed by Andariel - the Demon Queen (one of the Lesser Evils of Hell and a follower of Diablo), who has corrupted many of the Rogue Sisters, and blocked the path to the East behind the Dark Wanderer. It would appear that if you are to have any hope of following the Dark Wanderer east, you will first have to help the rogues by liberating their Monastery. HURRAH. So ... first off, I would suggest that you mill about the town for a little while to get your bearings ... introduce yourself to the shopkeepers and chat with the townsfolk ... you will find that depending on the character you have chosen, some people react to you ... a little differently than others ... for example, if you chose the Necromancer, Gheed takes an INSTANT dislike to you - if you chose the Sorceress then you will find that Akara is very happy to meet you, and so on. Anyhow, for your information, a breakdown of the townsfolk is as follows :- ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT ONE - TOWNSFOLK Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= AKARA - Leader of the Rogue Camp - she is a kind lady dressed in a purple hooded robe, in the southeastern corner of the rogue camp. Akara gives you several of the quests in the First Act of the game, and sells the all important TOWN PORTAL SCROLLS you will be needing ;) KASHYA - Leads the Rogues into Battle - she has little time for those she sees as interlopers, but as you will find, her confidence can be won through good deeds. Kashya will be responsible for providing you with your first Hireling as the First Act progresses. WARRIV - A travelling merchant who gets about quite a bit ... recently he seems to have been outfitting the rogues with gear he obtains from the desert city of Lut Gholein. Unfortunately of late he has been unable to leave the Rogue Encampment as his path through the Monastery has been blocked by Andariel's untimely arrival. CHARSI - Charsi is the resident Blacksmith in the Rogue Camp. She can repair your gear, and is quite skilled at fashioning new and interesting items in her shop. GHEED - A true merchant, Gheed is interested in precious little except his profit-margin. You can "gamble" with Gheed - basically this is where you buy an UNidentified item from him (usually for quite a high price), and then find out it's UTTER CR@P !! There ... now that I've given you the official line for each of the townsfolk, here is MY view on each of them :- AKARA - SOUND. Akara will replenish your life AND mana every time you visit her, so if you have run out of potions but have a town portal scroll? USE IT, go back to the town and visit Akara, and she will heal you 100%, free, no questions asked. WE LOVE HER. KASHYA - Aside from the fact that she gives you your first Hireling (which, in my humble opinion, is actually the best Hireling in the game - the Rogue Archer), Kashya is, I feel, an overly opinionated waster. She does NOTHING but gripe and whinge about your performance, and if I could throttle her ? I would !! WARRIV - Bless him ... he's in a bit of a fix isn't he ... nevermind ... we'll freeload on his wagon once we've beaten the sh!t out of the minions of Andariel ... Lut Gholein sounds like the happenin' place to be :) CHARSI - She's pretty cool ... very friendly, but if you're anything like me you won't really wind up using her that much ... GHEED - Ah yes, Gheed. What's the saying ? There's always one pr!ck in every bunch of roses ? Gheed is, in my opinion, useless. I would NEVER gamble with him - especially when you see the prices he's charging ... 50,000 GP for a RING !?!?!??!?! SHEESH !!! ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý FLIPPING THIS AROUND Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= If you are looking for :- Healing Potions - then you should go to - Akara Mana Potions - then you should go to - Akara Town Portal Scrolls - then you should go to - Akara Identify Scrolls - then you should go to - Akara Thawing Potions - then you should go to - Akara Antidote Potions - then you should go to - Akara Stamina Potions - then you should go to - Akara Keys - then you should go to - Akara Weapons and Armour - then you should go to - Akara, Charsi or Gheed Anything to do with Hirelings - then you should go to - Kashya Someone to heal you - then you should go to - Akara Someone to gamble with - then you should go to - Gheed Someone to repair your gear - then you should go to - Charsi You may also notice as you are walking around that there is (just to the northeast of Warriv) a chest labelled "your stash". This is exactly what it is. Basically it's a storage box for you to keep extra money and items in, as you WILL find that you don't have enough space in your regular inventory to carry all your items in. The stash ROCKS !! =D HINT: ALWAYS deposit your cash into your stash, as you can a) draw on it instantly, and b) you won't lose any if/when you die ;) If you wind up filling your stash ? Drop excess gold on the floor in town before you go back into the wilderness, for the same reasons ... just make sure you remember to pick it up BEFORE you save and exit, or it (along with anything else that you left lying around on the floor) will be WAPORISED !! Also, you might notice to the east of Kashya that there is a waypoint ? Basically because the Acts in Diablo II and LOD are so HUGE the game designers came up with a quick system of teleporting back and forth between significant points in the levels ... these are called WAYPOINTS and, once activated, they will remain "on" for the rest of the game. You can even teleport between different waypoints in different acts if you like =) ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT ONE - MAP Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= For your convenience, here is a VERY rudimentary but functional map of Act One, geographically. ROGUE ENCAMPMENT Ý V BLOOD MOOR --> THE DEN OF EVIL; THE HOLE; THE CAVE Ý V COLD PLAINS --> BURIAL GROUNDS; THE CAVE Ý V STONY FIELD --> UNDERGROUND PASSAGE Ý V DARK WOOD Ý V THE HOLE <-- BLACK MARSH Ý V TAMOE HIGHLAND Ý V MONASTERY GATE Ý V OUTER CLOISTER Ý V BARRACKS Ý V JAIL Ý V INNER CLOISTER Ý V CATHEDRAL Ý V CATACOMBS ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT ONE - QUEST ONE Ý Ý DEN OF EVIL Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Once you've spoken with Akara you will find that she has kindly given you your first quest - The "Den of Evil". Basically, she wants you to go and clear out an underground hideout in the area just outside the Rogue Camp, as she is concerned that the denizens of that hideout are likely to pose a threat to the safety of the camp in the near future. NO WORRIES LUV - I'll get right on it !! So ... leaving the rogue encampment for the first time you will find that you have access to oodles more options. Basically, there are many things you CAN'T do in town. Here's a quick run-down. 1) You will NEVER be attacked whilst you are in town. 2) You CANNOT attack anybody whilst you are in town. 3) You cannot use most of your skills whilst you are in town. Basically you have to think of town as a stopping point that you can use to replenish your supplies, hire and fire mercenaries, upgrade or sell items, and so on. OUTSIDE the town you can use all your special skills, kill practically anything that moves, and so on. Explore the area around the rogue camp and you will find it's inhabited by, as you would expect, low-level baddies ... slow-moving zombies, little porcupine-thingies that shoot their quills at you, imps (remember them from the first game ?? Bless 'em !!) and other iddy-biddy bad guys. This would be a good time to bring up the whole concept of levelling up. Skip this bit if you're a veteran of the Diablo Games ... basically experience points (xp) are gained for every kill you, or one of the members of your team (when you have a hireling or minion working for you) perform. When you have gained enough xp you will level up. When you level up in this game you will gain :- 5 Statistics Points, and 1 Skill Point. Statistics Points are used to increase one or more of your character's basic statistics - strength, dexterity, vitality and energy. Your health and mana increase as your vitality and energy increase. Your SKILLS are peculiar to your character and come in three "schools" ... each character has access to three sets of skills, and by the time you've completed the game you should be conversant with pretty much all of them. Allocating a point to a statistic will increase your level of power in that statistic ... allocating a point to a skill will cause that skill to increase by one level. As you increase in level you will notice that the number of xp you require to reach the next level increases too ... by a larger margin than the previous level. It's all very obvious, and that is one of the reasons I LOVE this game so ... the interface is a simple point-and-click one ... the plot is immersive, and the mechanics are logical and simplistic. BUT IT'S STILL SO ADDICTIVE !!!!! I LOVE IT !! =) So ... what I'm trying to say is that you might level up once or twice before you get to even START your first quest ... so always use your xp points wisely. Once allocated, they cannot be removed ;) Also, on one of your trips back to the town, I would strongly suggest that you avail yourself of the opportunity to purchase either some more Town Portal scrolls, OR a Tome of Town Portal. Basically the difference is that a Tome of Town Portal can hold up to 20 Town Portal scrolls, thereby saving you space whilst you're carrying them. Town Portal is NOT a spell that can be learned in Diablo II: LOD - unlike in the first Diablo title. If you go too far in the Blood Moor you will encounter Flavie - a Rogue who is patrolling the entrance to the second area. She will tell you to turn back and complete Akara's quest before venturing further into the wilderness. No. You can't kill her. Go on ... hang your head and turn around ... go on ... I won't tell ;) HINT: If you start to take damage from bad guys in the immediate area, you can always lure them back towards Flavie and she will try and help you out by attacking them with her bow and arrow. Eventually you will come upon the Den of Evil. It's represented by a purple and pink blip on your map (press TAB to overlay your map onto the screen at any time, and TAB again to get rid of it), and you can go down and start your first quest whenever you're ready !! It's a VERY easy quest to complete ... there are (give or take) some 40 bad guys in the Den of Evil, and your mission is to kill each and every one of them. Pay particular attention to the "Shamen" characters, as they can resurrect imps of their corresponding type - e.g. Dark One Shamen can resurrect Dark Ones. Therefore, the Shamen should be your primary targets in any group that they are a part of. Having said that, it's NOT that difficult a quest, and you WILL know when you have succeeded ;) You are then told to return to Akara to collect your reward. You can either walk back to the town on foot or, if you've taken my advice and purchased some Town Portal scrolls, you can simply use that to warp your way back to the town. Either way, go back and see Akara. Akara is SO chuffed that you've sorted out her little problem, that she gives you A NEW SKILL POINT !! WOOOOOOOHOO !! =D ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT ONE - QUEST TWO Ý Ý SISTERS' BURIAL GROUNDS Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Next you should go and speak to Kashya, who is eagerly waiting to give you your second quest - Sisters' Burial Grounds. Basically Andariel has resurrected one of the Rogue Sisterhood's highest ranking warriors - a close personal friend of Kashya - Blood Raven. Blood Raven passed away in a tragic toaster accident a few weeks back and, now that she has been brought back to life she has started begun amassing an army of undead warriors in the Sisters' Burial Grounds just off the Cold Plains AS YOU DO. There are THREE ways out of the Cold Plains. Firstly through the Sisters' Burial Grounds; secondly through the Stony Field; or finally through the Waypoint system. Do not go to the Stony Field yet. If you get to the Stony Field ? You've gone too far ;) A couple of quick hints about manoeuvering around and about the map. First off, if you are looking to get from A THROUGH B to C as quickly as possible - e.g. from the Rogue Camp through the Blood Moor to the Cold Plains ? Then I would suggest that you skirt around the edge of the area to find the passage to the next area. It will be quicker as you won't waste so much time engaging the HORDES of bad guys that obstruct your path, and the chances of you dying are generally lessened too ............ RESULT !! =D This is also a good time to bring up the concept of False Lairs, too ... so bear with me ... MANY areas in the game have false lairs in them ... the purpose of these levels is to 1) throw you off-track, 2) increase the game's longevity (need they bother ? I'm hooked already !!), and 3) provide you with the chance to get better weapons and up your xp if you like ... in the Cold Plains you will find something called "The Cave" - you don't NEED to go into this cave if you don't want to ... it's entirely up to you. Each false lair contains a golden chest at the end of it, and each golden chest is jam-packed with goodies ... from gold to potions to magic/unique/set items (we'll get to those later). Right ... so ... as you enter the Sisters' Burial Grounds you will notice that you receive a Quest update. It's time to WHOOP @SS !! Again, your mission here is quite a simplistic one - all you have to do is kill Blood Raven. HOWEVER, this is not AS simplistic as it may at first appear, as Blood Raven has the ability (remember Kashya's original briefing ?) to raise the dead ! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees that's right ... SO ... depending on which character you have opted for, this can prove to be quiiiiite interesting. ALSO, as Blood Raven is a fallen Rogue Sister, she is equipped with a bow and arrow (as it seems are so many of the rogues), and can fire flaming arrows at you that do quite a bit of damage, so BE CAREFUL. There are two false lairs in the burial grounds should you wish to explore them - the Mausoleum and the Crypt. I would suggest concentrating your attacks on Blood Raven herself as, once she has fallen, she will let out several large bursts of energy which will kill almost all of the zombies and other undead warriors in the Burial Grounds - and CERTAINLY the ones in your immediate vicinity. Also, the longer you leave Blood Raven alive, the more zombies and skeletons you will wind up having to fight, as she will continue to resurrect them during the fight ... She isn't a stupid opponent, however, as she will try and lead you INTO groups of zombies and other undead fighters if you chase her ... you must try and outsmart her ... and always keep an eye out for her arrows, as they ARE quite damaging. Once Blood Raven has fallen, you will be told to return to Kashya for a reward. I *personally* always visit both false lairs in the Burial Grounds - just to gain xp and goodies ... I don't waste my time with the ones out in the wilderness, but these I make a special exception for. When you return to Kashya, you will be rewarded with ................... your first Hireling !! YEY !! Hirelings ROCK. You can only ever have one Hireling working for you at a time, and they come in several different fruity flavours. In THIS Act your Hireling will be one of the rogue sisterhood. They all look the same, but they can either have fire or ice enchanted arrows, and I believe they have the ability to cast amplify damage on their arrows periodically as well ... In MY humble opinion the Rogue is the BEST Hireling you can get in Diablo II: LOD, but I am of course willing to accept that opinion in this regard is quite sharply divided. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý HIRELINGS Ý Ý THE ROGUE SISTER Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Now would, of course, be a great time to bring up a few points about hirelings. A hireling is a follower - a subordinate character that follows you around and provides you with backup as and when you need it. There are FOUR different hirelings in Diablo II: LOD, and I will detail each one as and when we come to it. Your first hireling, the Rogue Sister, is an archer and, as such, can be equipped with a bow to increase her damage at range. She cannot use any "amazon specific" bows, however, nor can she equip any crossbows, but she doesn't need arrows, as she has an infinite supply. She can also wear one piece of general headwear - again, nothing specifically for another class - e.g. no griffin headdress or lion helm for her ... and she can wear one piece of body armour as well. Your first Hireling is given to you automatically upon completion of the second quest in Act One and, as such, you don't have the option of picking her from the outset. However, if you go to Kashya and examine the list of hirelings available, you will see that they have different skills ... some can create fire arrows, other can create ice arrows, for example. You can replace your hireling with another one for a fee should you wish or, alternatively, you can buy another hireling with yours dies (or, if you're happy with her, you can resurrect her). PLEASE NOTE that if you swap Hirelings, anything your OLD hireling was carrying is dismissed immediately. Therefore, it might make financial sense (depending on what he/she is carrying) to sell off their items before switching your hireling ... Another thing about the Rogue Sister is that she (regardless of her particular skills) has a chance of casting amplify damage when she is attacking. The POINT I am trying to make is that you should ALWAYS look to pick your hireling with care, as he or she will be with you for a long time ... IDEALLY for the duration of your character's game life !! ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT ONE - QUEST THREE Ý Ý THE SEARCH FOR CAIN Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= To obtain your third quest you should go and see Akara again. Your third quest in Act One is entitled "The Search for Cain". Remember Deckard Cain from Diablo ? That doddering old geezer that identified your wares at a cost and gave you loads of "sage counsel" (aka useless rambling) ?? Well as the last living Horadrim he seems to have attracted quite a bit of attention, both wanted AND unwanted these days ... and Akara, bless her, thinks that you should go and seek him out. Why not ????? ONWARD !! I will do this quest into three bite-size chunks for you, since we're still newbies right ?? Okay ... here we go ... FIRSTLY make your way through the Cold Plains to the Stony Field. Find and activate the Waypoint first and foremost. Then look around for an exit from the Stony Field called "The Underground Passage" - it will either be set into the face of the mountain on one of the edges, or it will be somewhere in the open ... if whilst you are hunting around you find a large group of stones set into the ground ? Those are the Cairn Stones and will become of significance in a little while ... they are protected by Rakanishu and a load of his little minions ... WATCH OUT FOR RAKANISHU AS HE IS LIGHTNING ENCHANTED ... basically this means that every time he is physically wounded, he emits a charged bolt spell ... going against him in hand-to-hand can mean your death if you're not careful ;) Anyhow ... you don't NEED to do anything with the Cairn stones yet - you need to move on and find the Underground Passage. Once you have found it, make your way through it. You may as well kill off all the baddies you find to make sure you get oodles and oodles of that lovely xp, and then leave through the exit that leads to the Dark Wood. SECONDLY find and activate the waypoint in the Dark Wood, and then find the Tree of Inifuss. It's a HUGE tree that's protected by a load of Brutes led by Treehead Woodfist - a captain ... once you have secured the area, walk up to and touch the Tree of Inifuss to obtain a scroll. Town Portal or use the waypoint, and take this scroll back to Akara. Akara will tell you that she has deciphered the runes on the scroll, and that it pertains to the Cairn Stones. THIRDLY you need to get back to the Cairn Stones in the Stony Field, so either go back through the Town Portal you used to get to town and then warp back to the Stony Field via the waypoints, or just go direct to the Stony Field from the waypoint in the town ... EITHER WAY I would STRONGLY suggest that you take at least one Town Portal Scroll with you before you go. Once you are there, you need to find the Cairn Stones and either touch them in the order that Akara has indicated on the scroll she translated for you ? Or just do what I do and punch them in a more or less random order until they all glow. Once they are all glowing, you will know you have succeeded ... and lo and behold !! A RED Town Portal appears in the centre that leads you directly to TRISTRAM !!!!! =D Saddle up, and prepare yourself to administer an @ss-whuppin ... Go through the portal to Tristram, and CLEAN HOUSE BAYBEEEE !! You are looking for Deckard Cain - HE is your objective, and once he has been freed you can leave Tristram and need never come back ... Deckard Cain is located in the centre of town in a Gibbet (a big hanging cage). I always deal with Tristram the same way ... from the Town Portal, which is in the top right of Tristram, I work my way down to the bottom on the right side of the area, taking out any Goatmen, Skeletal Archers AND Griswold, who you will see has been cursed and transformed into an undead warrior now ... bummer - I used to quite like him too !! ... and then along the bottom of the map from right to left, where I search Wirt (remember him ? The Peg-Legged Boy ?)'s body for gold and Wirt's Leg (the significance of which will become apparent later). Then I work my way up the left hand side of the map, and then across the top of the map to the middle, where I descend into the centre of town and take out the skeletal archers and champions in the area (usually there are 2-3 captains plus Griswold and some champions/possessed/fanatics in Tristram). Once the area has been pacified, I free Cain. As soon as you release Deckard Cain he will town portal back to the Rogue Encampment, and you are requested to go and speak with both him AND Akara. Town portal back to the Rogue Camp yourself, Skeletor Stylee, and then have a word with Cain and Akara. Deckard Cain is so grateful to have been released from his captivity that he offers to identify any unidentified items you uncover on your travels ... .... clears throat ... ... puts on a big booming voice ... ... F-R-E-E O-F C-H-A-R-G-E ... I mean REALLY how cool !! SELL ALL THOSE IDENTIFY SCROLLS - you no longer need them ... think of the SAVINGS !! $œ$œ$œ$œ$œ$œ We like Cain - he's just gone up in our estimations ... Akara will thank you for releasing Cain, and provide you with an already identified magic ring, which is ALSO cool 'coz in your average game you probably won't have picked up any jewellery yet ... so ANY ring she gives you will be better than nothing !! The quest completed, we move on. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT ONE - QUEST FOUR Ý Ý THE FORGOTTEN TOWER Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= The next quest that you can undertake is one which you yourself must activate. To cut a long story short (because I am sure you are getting tired of my ramblings aren't you ??), there is a Tower located in the Black Marsh - an area just beyond the Dark Wood. You will know when you have found as a purply/pink box will appear on your mini-map (by now you are doubtless familiar with this - it represents a way up or down from where you are), and a HHEEAAUUUUUGE black tower will be visible on the map ... OR, failing that, you can pre-empt this quest by finding a book called the "Moldy Tome" in the Stony Field. If you find it and read it (grizzly, I know), you will acquire this quest. Again, it's not TOO taxing in terms of its complication level - basically you have to hack 'n slash your way through the FIVE levels of the Tower (and no smarty-bum, that DOESN'T include the entry level), until you get to the bottom level ... as soon as you get to that level, you will receive an update to your quest, which is now to "dispose of the evil countess" ... so it's time to put your pants outside your trousers Superman style, and GO GO GO !! The Countess is located in a large room at the back of the fifth floor of the Tower, and she is surrounded by minions ... you should prepare yourself to fight Goatmen, Ghosts and fallen Rogue Sisters ... not to mention Zombies, Skeletons and the like ... The Countess is quite fast, but in all honesty most characters don't seem to have that much trouble whupping her @ss ;) She can create the odd wall of fire though, so watch your feet !! She is also Fire Enchanted, which means that when she dies she creates a corpse explosion that will do damage to you if you are standing too close to it. Once the Countess has been slain, watch in awe as she turns into mist and opens a chest in the middle of the room. .... yes friends, not since Mary Poppins' Carpet Bag have we seen so many items inserted into a single chest ... but are we complaining ??? HEEEEELL no ... it's all good - grab the loot and SCRAM !! =) This is your reward for completing the fourth quest - nobody in Town will give you anything ....... tight-fisted !?!?"Uœ)"$œ&$&"(!œ"+$*œ"$!"s ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT ONE - QUEST FIVE Ý Ý TOOLS OF THE TRADE Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Fifth quest you can get from Charsi. It's a quest to find and return an item she seems to DESPERATELY want called the Horadric Malus. Basically it's a big mallet-type-thingy that she uses to forge weapons ... she says that if you can get it for her, she will help you by strengthening your armour. The Malus is being protected (as you would expect) by a guy called "The Smith" ... remember the Butcher from Diablo ? Same type of dude ... big, ugly, fat, sweaty ... kinda reminds me of my high-school science teacher ... only cuter =./ Anyhow ... in order to FIND the Malus (which is stored in the Barracks), you will need to fight your way past the Black Marsh through the Tamoe Highland, and up to the Monastery Gate. Once you have reached the gate you will have to fight your way through and into the Outer Cloister, and then into the Barracks. Be careful, as the Smith is no wimp, and there are quite a few minor baddies lurking around him ... if I were you, I would make every effort to take out as many of the little guys as possible - ESPECIALLY (as ALWAYS) the shamen who have a really nasty habit of resurrecting their fallen comrades ... AND any captains in the area as they boast better items (almost always at least one magic, set, socketed or unique item), and do more damage if they hit you ... before you try and take on the Smith. If you stumble upon him and he starts to knock you about ? DO THE SMART THING AND RUN !! Fall back to a more stable position and wear him down ... use your head ... Once the Smith has fallen, grab anything he drops and then leg it to where he was and pick up the Horadric Malus. Once you reunite Charsi with the Malus she tells you that she will imbue one of your items with magical powers. Now ... .... let me explain something to you here ... .... this may sound REALLY cool ? And it CAN be ? But it can also be REALLY limiting. Charsi *WILL* imbue any one item with magical powers, PROVIDED that item :- 1) Doesn't already have any magical powers 2) Isn't a set item 3) Isn't a unique item 4) Isn't a socketed item (whether it has gems/runes in it or not). .... see what I mean ? At this stage she can make you a MEAN pair of Horadric Socks ... or the Horadric Sash of Jock-Itch, but that's pretty much it ... If I were you, I would get her to imbue an item that you are NOT liable to be looking to upgrade in the near future - a belt/gloves/boots ... probably not a weapon, as you're most likely to swap that for something else ... OR heed my note, below. NOTE: You don't HAVE to have her imbue anything yet ... you could wait until you get something really special, and then come back ... for example, if you wait until you're strong enough to carry and wear a Plated Belt ? THEN you might want to come back to her and have it imbued ... .... come to think of it, I might do that with MY next character !! =./ Anyhow ... ONWARD !! ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT ONE - QUEST SIX Ý Ý SISTERS TO THE SLAUGHTER Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= The sixth and final quest in Act One you pick up from Deckard Cain. After you have completed the Horadric Malus quest for Charsi, he gives you the Sisters to the Slaughter quest, where your objective is :- (Queue Fanfare) To Find And Slay The Demon Queen Andariel (End Fanfare) Riiiiiiight ... so ... armed with your Horadric Booties of Worthlessness or whatever you've got, now is the time to find that biatch and make her PAY for all the trouble she's caused the rogue sisters during her stay here. .... yeah ... .... bitch ... Talk to Deckard Cain about this quest to gain more information - basically he will tell you a VERY very useful thing about Andariel, which is that she does not like fire. Excellent !! So now we know that we REALLY need to have some type of flame-based attack so as to make sure we whup her butt, right ? RIGHT !! Go back to the Barracks, and then fight your way down and into the Jail. Activate the waypoint in the Jail, and then fight your way through (it's three levels deep) and into the Inner Cloister. From the Inner Cloister enter the Cathedral, and from there (be careful of the Captain who's standing at about the centre who can poison you quite badly - you'll know him 'coz he glows bright green) ;) fight your way into the Catacombs, and then down all four levels until you come to Andariel's level. .... hee hee ... didn't you just love the way I crammed all that into those four little lines up there, when we ALL know that it's going to take you AGES to do all that ?? Don't worry ... I'll wait ... .... g'wan girl ... kick sum @ss !! All done ? Right ... As you will have noticed, when you arrive on the Catacombs Level Four, your quest is auto-updated. This is the place alright - it's time to take on your first Lesser Evil !! Level Four is divided up into THREE rooms. The room you are in is safe at the moment - there are no bad guys there. The NEXT room - room 2 - contains LOADS and loads of villains ... mostly shamen and their lesser kin, zombies, and so on. Possibly even some mis-shapen. Before you go into room 2 ? Do yourself a favour and follow Mister Sinister's BASIC rules to beating bosses :- 1) Cover your butt. Create a Town Portal in the first room. You don't need to use it, but this way, if you die ? Which you might well, you won't need to walk back from the last waypoint to where you are - you can just jump back through the portal, grab your corpse and keep on fighting. 2) If you do die ? Make sure you create ANOTHER town portal to replace the first one as soon as you arrive back in the midst of the action. 3) If you die, the hireling dies ... but if the hireling dies first, you obviously do not automatically die. This means that your DARLING hireling CAN be used as cannon fodder if you need to get clear. Your life is more important - weemember dat Liu Kang. Now ... armed with this knowledge (and having just created a Town Portal), move forward and into the second room. Clear out this room IN ITS ENTIREITY. Do NOT attempt to enter the third room until you have, or you are just making a rod for your own back. Once the second room has been cleaned up, enter the third room. This room is shaped like a large ... um ... hang on a sec ... (confers with colleagues) Space Rocket ... with thrusters ... and everything ... .... effectively it looks like this :- ----- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý x Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý -------- -------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý --- Ý ----------------------- ^ Ý Way In Andariel is directly ahead of you - at the x. She won't see you just by you opening the door and, if you're VERY careful and keep that hireling of yours in check, you should be able to clean out the left and right sections of this third room before you take on Andariel. When she finally comes to you ? Draw her back into the second room. There is a large pit in the middle that you can run around like a little girly-mon if you need to (and you most likely will need to). Andariel's thing is POISON ... she loves to poison you ... she can fire either a single string of poison gas at you (which moves like a snake towards you), or a big cloud of poison gas that spirals out from her in several different directions at once. If you get into hand-to-hand with her, she WILL smack you one ... your best bet is to play to her weakness - FIRE. If you have any fire-based magic, flaming arrows, that sorta thing ? Use it like it's going out of fashion ... your rogue hireling (assuming she is still with you) can be sacrificed as cannon fodder if things start to get REALLY tough, as I mentioned above. Also, MOST important in this room ... WATCH OUT FOR THE FLAMES THAT WON'T GO OUT ... I will illustrate this with a real example. See the flames in the second room that are always burning ? Like the ones near to that rogue that's staked to the spear in the ground ? You know you take damage from those, right ?? Well, last time I fought Andariel, I was doing REALLY really well ... I was playing a Paladin and took her on in hand-to-hand whilst my rogue was pinging her with flaming arrows from afar. GREAT! I thought ... I killed her in hand-to-hand with practically no health left and let out a sigh, and then I realised (all too late, 'coz my Paladin died in near slow-motion to my eyes) that I had been fighting her whilst standing in a set of flames that weren't going out ... .... in what can only be described as David Timing, as Andariel died, SO DID MY PALADIN. This wasn't the end of the world, as I had created a Town Portal in Room 1, so I just came back through it and picked up my corpse ... but do you know what REALLY annoyed me ?? APART from my own stupidity ????? I didn't get ANY experience points for killing Andariel, because the game felt that as she died, I was dead too, and corpses obviously can't gain any more xp. I was GUTTED !!!!!!!!! So PLEASE don't make the same mistake I did. Now my son ... daughter ... whoever you are ... GO KICK THAT B!ATCH'S @SS !!!!!!!!!!! =D Once you have killed her, a town portal will be created for you to return to the Rogue Encampment, and you will be congratuled by the Townsfolk. Once you have healed, id'd, sold off and upgraded your weapons/armour, etc., it's time to talk to Warriv and take the caravan outta here, which you can now do, as he can travel out of the Rogue Encampment through the Monastery. WELL DONE !! YOU HAVE JUST COMPLETED ACT ONE !!!!! Now relax and watch the cutscene, as we follow the path of the Dark Wanderer, who it would appear is already ahead of us ... ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý PART FOUR Ý Ý ACT TWO - LUT GHOLEIN Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= .... sooooooo ... the Dark Wanderer has beaten us to Lut Gholein eh ... what a BUMHEAD !! He's probably already rented all the best movies and been to all the local bars ... that SOD !! *sigh* Lut Gholein is a city located in the desert and, as such, there are plenty of desert-stylee villains you will encounter ... BUT FEAR NOT !! I am here ... (cheesy, I know ... sorry ...) At the start of Act Two you are approached by Jehryn - the ruler of the city. Hear what he has to say ... basically he will give you a low-down on the peeps in the City, which I will also do (with my own comments), and then direct you towards Atma to pick up your first mission. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT TWO - TOWNSFOLK Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= JEHRYN - Jehryn is the keeper, if you will, of Lut Gholein ... he is responsible for looking after the city, and has hired Greiz and his mercenaries to help him do so. Jehryn cares deeply about the safety of the townsfolk, and the keeping of the peace in his port city. MESHIF - Captain of a ship that travels all over the place and, from time to time, between Lut Gholein and the Eastern City of Kurast (although Meshif hasn't been back there in quite a few years it would appear). Meshif is a good man who's heart lies with the open seas. ATMA - The owner of the Tavern in Town, Atma is much loved by the townsfolk, and tragically lost both her husband and her son to the monster that lurks in the Lut Gholein sewers - the Radament. GEGLASH - A drunkard who frequents the Tavern, Geglash is reputed to have been quite a warrior in his day, but too many ales have dulled his senses, and now he is about as much use as Farnham was in Diablo. LYSANDER - A potion peddler in the Town Centre, Lysander is a little cranky, but his shop is well worth a visit should you need to pick up some healing potions ;) DROGNAN - A wizard who resides just outside the town square, Drognan sells scrolls and magical items to you during the second Act. He is well versed in arcane lore, and knows much about the events that unfold as the Act progresses. FARA - Fara is a Paladin who was trained in Kurast in her youth. She runs a weapon shop in the town centre, and you will doubtless be visiting her often, to stock up on weapons and sell those you have brought with you. Fara has a strong set of principles, and will come across to you as being unbending in her beliefs. ELZIX - Keeper of the "Desert Rain" - an inn in the city. Elzix used to lead a band of ruffians in his youth that terrorised the city for a time, but now in his old age, and having suffered serious wounds during his youth, he has settled into the life of an innkeeper. Elzix can be gambled with ... GREIZ - Greiz is the leader of a band of mercenaries that has been hired to help police Lut Gholein and keep the peace. He is having a tough time, but his mercenaries are managing to hold things together. WARRIV - Now that he is able to move back and forth between Lut Gholein and the Rogue Encampment, Warriv is perfectly happy to take you back there should you wish to go back and visit your old friends at any time ... CAIN - Deckard Cain has come with you from the Rogue Encampment, and is still quite happy to identify items for you at no cost (WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!) Now for my comments on these plebs ... JEHRYN - Jehryn is a nice guy, but there is one point on this level where he actually made me laugh out loud (I'll tell you when you get to it). MESHIF - Friendly enough, and you will need him to get outta here so don't tread on his toes JUST yet ;) ATMA - Poor lassy ... ever since she lost her husband and father in that tragic beetroot-mincing incident last year she just hasn't been the same :( Seriously tho, I do quite like Atma, and I did enjoy doing the first quest, just to placate her :) GEGLASH - A drunk wastrel that I have no time for. LYSANDER - Grumpy, but funny - I like Lysander :) DROGNAN - The COOLEST guy in Lut Gholein, Drognan just ROCKS !! He's old, but he still kicks BUTT, and his subtle understated way of saying things makes me chuckle. FARA - Ordinarily I can't be doing with goody goody characters - they make my SKIN crawl. Fara, however, has a logical approach to things that makes her that little bit aloof, so I kinda warmed to her after a while. Also, she can heal your health and mana for free, so we have to give her big luv for dat. ELZIX - Think of him as Gheed Mark II. Elzix is another rip-off merchant that I have absolutely NO time for ... he's just a pain in the @rse basically !! GREIZ - Cold and aloof, Greiz is just a man doing his job ... he is ALSO the keeper of the OH SO COOL Desert Mercenary Hirelings ... WARRIV - Whilst I think it's really sweet of Warriv to offer to take you back to the Rogue Encampment in his caravan, there isn't REALLY any need, as you can get back to it via the waypoint system. Therefore, he is now superfluous and can be disposed of. HURRAH !! =D CAIN - Deckard Cain is useful, even though his accent drives me up the wall after a while. His ability to identify any unidentified items in your inventory free of charge is DEFINITELY a cool thing to have =) ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý FLIPPING THIS AROUND Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= If you are looking for :- Healing Potions - then you should go to - Fara Town Portal Scrolls - then you should go to - Drognan Identify Scrolls - then you should go to - Drognan Thawing Potions - then you should go to - Lysander Antidote Potions - then you should go to - Lysander Stamina Potions - then you should go to - Lysander Keys - then you should go to - Lysander Weapons and Armour - then you should go to - Fara, Drognan, Elzix Anything to do with Hirelings - then you should go to - Greiz Someone to heal you - then you should go to - Fara Someone to gamble with - then you should go to - Elzix Someone to repair your gear - then you should go to - Fara Someone to id your items - then you should go to - Cain * Nobody sells Mana Potions in Lut Gholein It should now be quite obvious to you that your first port (no pun intended) of call when you arrive in a new area should be to visit all the merchants and see who they are, what they do, and look to pick up any quests and information you can from them. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT TWO - MAP Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Here is a VERY rudimentary but functional map of Act Two, geographically. ----<--- LUT GHOLEIN Ý Ý Ý Ý V Ý Ý ROCKY WASTE --> STONY TOMB Ý Ý Ý Ý V Ý Ý DRY HILLS --> HALLS OF THE DEAD V Ý Ý Ý V Ý Ý FAR OASIS --> MAGGOT LAIR Ý Ý Ý Ý V Ý Ý LOST CITY --> ANCIENT TUNNELS Ý Ý Ý Ý --------> PALACE --> HAREM Ý V PALACE CELLAR Ý V CANYON OF THE MAGI <-- ARCANE SANCTUARY ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý HIRELINGS Ý Ý THE DESERT MERCENARY Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= As you will see when you speak to Greiz, he is the hireling-guy in Lut Gholein and he has a bunch of "desert mercenaries" working for him. The Desert Mercenary is the second of the four hirelings that you can pick up in Diablo II: LOD, and I HAVE to say that many people do really favour using this hireling at the expense of the others ... The Desert Mercenary can be equipped with a helmet, one piece of body-armour, and a polearm or spear-class weapon, such as a halberd or glaive. He cannot use anything that is "Amazon only", but at higher levels he does do PLENTY of damage. Also, the Desert Mercenary's BEST feature is his ability to use auras that enhance the performance of the GROUP - i.e. NOT just himself ... I cannot say his whole list of auras by rote, but I do know that they include (depending on the difficulty setting you are playing on and what his speciality is - e.g. defense/offence) thorns and defiance. My comments with regard to choosing the right type of desert mercenary for you are the same as for the rogue sister ... pay close attention to his speciality - is it offence or defence that you are interested in ?? before you pick him. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT TWO - QUEST ONE Ý Ý RADAMENT'S LAIR Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= The first quest you pick up in Act Two is called Radament's Lair. You pick it up from Atma at the tavern just to the northeast of Deckard Cain. Atma tells you her tragic tale of woe, which, out of respect to her, I won't take the p!ss out of. Basically there is a demonic creature living in the sewers under Lut Gholein that has begun to terrorise the populous, and kidnap people from the City, dragging them down into the sewers where it devours and mutilates them. Both Atma's husband and her son have fallen to the Beast, and she is DESPERATE to see it slain. She pleads with you to help her, and I think you should. In fact ? You don't really have that much of a choice ... but it's worth it - trust me !! The Radament, as this beast is called, is actually a Horadric Ancient - an embalmed Horadric Mage who has somehow been respawned and has violated his sacred crypt to wreak havoc on the living. You must make your way into the Lut Gholein sewers and destroy it. There are TWO ways to get into the sewers - you can either take the ladder beside Greiz, or you can take the stairs beside Meshif. I always take the ladder, but it's entirely up to you. Whichever way you go, you will wind up on the Sewers Level 1. There are THREE levels to the sewers, and you should be aware that there is a waypoint that you should really activate on the second level of the sewers. The sewers are infested with predominantly zombies, skeletons and the OH so annoying skeletal archers. If you find yourself out in the open being pinged by flaming arrows ? RUN AWAY !! Fall back to a secure area - like around a corner or something, and pick off your enemies as they come to you ... So - basically all you need to do is make your way all the way down to the third level of the sewers and search out and slay the Radament. I should point out that the Radament is a PAIN in the @RSE because he has the ability to resurrect fallen undead warriors, AND raise new ones, to fight for him. Focus your attention on the Radament as, even though he is quite strong, if you just spend your time killing his minions, you will never get around to attacking him directly !! (Same rules as for Blood Raven then, basically !!) Once the Radament has fallen, open the chest near him and you will receive LOADS of goodies, PLUS the Horadric Scroll !!!!! (Um ... what is that ?? GO SEE CAIN !!) =D When you are back in Lut Gholein, first off you should speak with Atma who will thank you for slaying the Radament, AND tell you that by way of a reward, she has spoken with the townsfolk on your behalf, and they have agreed to reduce the price of their wares for you. This is good as it means that Drognan, for example, will now start selling you Town Portal Scrolls at 90 gp per scroll, instead of the regular 100 gp you're probably used to ... This can't be a bad thing as you are bound to need a lot of these scrolls on this act !! ;) ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT TWO - QUEST TWO Ý Ý THE HORADRIC STAFF Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Next up you should go and speak to Deckard Cain who will give you the second quest on Act Two, entitled "The Horadric Staff". Basically he tells you that the Scroll you have just brought him details how to create a Horadric Staff - a device you will be requiring in order to gain access to Tal Rasha's Tomb, where Tal Rasha struggles to keep Baal - the Lord of Destruction - in check. Essentially you will require three items to create a Horadric Staff :- 1) A Horadric Cube 2) A Horadric Staff's Shaft Piece (aka the Staff of Kings) 3) A Horadric Staff's Head Piece (aka the Viper Amulet) Once you have all three items you can place the shaft and the head piece into the cube, and transmute them. Don't worry - we'll get to all this in a bit ;) So !! Armed with the knowledge you must now set off to find yourself a horadric cube. Q. Why couldn't Cain be satisfied with fluffy dice ?? WHO KNOWS !?!?! Nevermind eh. You need to leave Lut Gholein through the main gate and head out into the desert to start this second quest. Head through the Rocky Waste to the Dry Hills, and activate the Waypoint there BEFORE you go into the Halls of the Dead to look for the Horadric Cube. You might find a place called the Stony Tomb in the Rocky Waste. This is just a sub-level, similar to the Hole or the Pit - you can go there and clean it up if you like, but this isn't necessary in order to proceed with the quest so I won't go into it in any great detail. I will go straight on to the Halls of the Dead. Once you have entered the Halls of the Dead, be aware that it is also three levels deep, and that there is, as with the sewers, a waypoint on the second level. Again this level represents a regular cleanup job - however you will doubtless note that there are plenty of Horadric Ancients and other nasty things kicking about that intend on causing you harm, and so I would strongly suggest re-checking your weapons and armour before you head down there. You don't want to be caught short !! ;) Once you have found the golden chest on the third level down of the Halls of the Dead, you will have found yourself the Horadric Cube. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý HORADRIC CUBE Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= This is one of the COOLEST items you can get in the game and you MUST keep it in your stash AT ALL TIMES. Basically you should think of the Horadric Cube as a melting pot. You throw in items, and use the cube's "transmute" function to turn them into other items. Examples (and please note that this is NOT an exhaustive list) include :- 1) Three gems of an identical type become one gem of the next type up (chipped > flawed > normal > flawless > perfect). This also works for skulls. 2) Three healing potions (needn't be the same strength) + Three mana potions (again, any strength or combination of strengths will do) become one light rejuvination potion. 3) 3 light rejuvination potions become 1 FULL rejuvination potion (WELL WORTH IT !!) 4) Quest items can be assembled in the Horadric Cube - like the Horadric Staff and Khalim's Will (later in the game). ALSO, you can just place items into the cube for storage reasons, as it only takes up 4 points in your stash, but it can hold many more points worth of items inside it ... !!! THE HORADRIC CUBE ROCKS !!! Right ... anyhow ... now that you have the cube and have spent a wee while transmuting all those lovely little gems you've been picking up, AND cleared up your stash a little, it's time to go find the shaft portion of the Horadric Staff - the Staff of Kings. In order to do this you must travel through the Dry Hills and into the Far Oasis (again, please activate the waypoint before proceeding). This time you are looking for a way down into the *shivers* Maggot Lair. IMPORTANT : DO NOT ENTER THE LOST CITY, so do NOT go down any tunnels that lead from the Far Oasis - I'll explain why in a bit ;) The Maggot Lair is ANOTHER three-level structure, but this one DOESN'T have a waypoint located inside it, which is cool 'coz it's not INSANELY difficult ... unless you encounter scarabs inside it, and then you're screwed basically ... =./ ANYHOW !! =) Make your way down to the third level and find and slay Coldworm the Burrower to obtain the Horadric Staff's shaft portion. Hints for this level are as follows :- 1) Stock up on antidote potions, as you are going to need them when you come up against Coldworm the Burrower. You should be aware that poison cannot kill you unless it is accompanied by impact ... what I mean is that if you have 100% health and you are hit by an arrow that does 20 points of damage to you (leaving you with 80 health), even if the poison does ... say ... 120 points of damage over 10 seconds or something, you won't die. You WILL be reduced to 1 point of health, but you cannot die in this fashion. HOWEVER. YOUR HIRELING MOST DEFINITELY CAN DIE IN THIS WAY, SO BE CAREFUL !! You CAN die if you have ... say ... 10 health left, and a poison bomb hits you, the bomb doing 20 points of damage and the poison doing 120 points of damage, as the INITIAL IMPACT of the blast will kill you ... hokay ? 2) Coldworm has THE most effective poison attack I have ever seen ... it lasts for AGES and is MEGA bad when compared against Andariel's comparatively pathetic poison attacks ... 3) Swarms look and sound far more menacing than they are - it's just 'coz there are so many insects that it looks like you're going to get your butt kicked ... 4) If you see Scarab Beetles, RUN AWAY unless you are playing the Paladin and/or have good lightning resistance. Scarab Beetles are semi-lightning enchanted in that they will EITHER emit a charged bolt upon death, OR with each hit - depends on the type of impact I think. 5) It is worth exploring the maggot lair as there are several rooms that branch off that contain powerful magic items ... so I would suggest you take the time to have a proper look around before you kill Coldworm. Once you have slain him (her ?), take the Staff of Kings and go and see Cain again. Cain will give you a good pat on the back and tell you that you are now well on your way to being able to create a Horadric Staff, and that all you now need is the head piece ... Place the Staff of Kings into your Horadric Cube (or carry it if you prefer) for safe-keeping, and let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOO !! =D ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT TWO - QUEST THREE Ý Ý TAINTED SUN Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= The next thing you need to do in your quest for the Horadric Staff is to go back to the Far Oasis and through it and into the Lost City. .... you remember ... that place I told you NOT to go into earlier ?? Well here's why ... Almost as soon as you enter the Lost City, you will witness an eclipse, and everything goes REALLY dark, making it tough to see where you're going, who's in the area and what's lying on the floor (most importantly). You will have just acquired the third quest - "Tainted Sun", and are told to visit Drognan to ascertain what has caused this sudden eclipse. Drognan will tell you that he believes it to be the work of Claw Vipers, and advises you to go and find their temple and put a stop to WHATEVER they are doing down there ... .... sounds like a plan !! Let's do it ... the Horadric Staff thingamajig can wait ... So ... go THROUGH the Lost City (activating the waypoint there) and into the Valley of Snakes. The Valley of Snakes as an area is miniscule, as you've probably noticed if you've gone around the edges like I suggested back in Act One ?? There is really only one structure worth looking at in the Valley of Snakes, and it's that very impressive set of stairs leading down into the desert sands, with the two snakes standing proudly one on either side of it ... .... which we're about to take ... so ... down we go !! You'll be pleased to note that the Claw Viper Temple is only TWO levels deep, although once again there is no waypoint to activate, but I would make a suggestion. When you find the way down to Level 2 ? Create a Town Portal at the TOP of the stairs, as the second level is really compact and there are a few nasty boys in there to contend with ... .... same suggestion as I offered when you were fighting Andariel ;) So ... when you go down to the second level you enter an area that looks like this :- ---------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ---------- Ý Ý Ý y x Ý Ý Ý Ý ---------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ---------------- x = the stairs leading back up to the first level. y = the altar You need to get around to the Altar and activate it to complete the third quest. HOWEVER, don't just go charging in because to the south of y is a bunch of snakes led by a lightning-enchanted purple claw viper called Fangskin. BE V-E-R-Y CAREFUL. As you will most likely already be aware from having fought them on the first floor (and perhaps elsewhere), Claw Vipers, Salamanders and their kin can shoot from a fair distance away, DIRECTLY into combat range ... this isn't good ;) .... of course, if you do die it's not the end of the world as you've already heeded my advice and created a town portal in the vicinity that you can use to get straight back into the fray, non ??? ;) Once you have activated the altar you will be rewarded with the completion of the THIRD quest, and the Viper Amulet (which is actually the head piece of the Horadric Staff !!) NEAT !! =D Now you need to go back to Lut Gholein and see Cain, who will tell you exactly what I just have, and also confirm that you now need to assemble (or 'reunite', as he so quaintly puts it) the shaft with the head piece in the Horadric Cube. Do so now, and transmute the two pieces to make the Horadric Staff - your key to entering Tal-Rasha's Burial Chamber !! =D You will find that you HAVEN'T yet completed the second quest, however, as your final chore in that quest is to physically lug the Horadric Staff into Tal-Rasha's Burial Chamber, which we are obviously not yet ready to do ... LARGELY because we haven't a scoobies where it is !! Hmmmmmmmmmm ... =./ ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT TWO - QUEST FOUR Ý Ý ARCANE SANCTUARY Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= In order to obtain the fourth quest on Act Two you need to go and speak with Drognan. He will tell you that he believes he has uncovered a way to ascertain the correct burial chamber of Tal-Rasha ... the Arcane Sanctuary !! The Arcane Sanctuary was the residence of the ancient Summoner, Horazon. Horazon used to keep beasts that he summoned as his slaves within the Sanctuary, and from his position he kept eye on many of the most significant events that unfolded in the world of man ... he would most DEFINATELY have been watching when the Horadric Mage Tal-Rasha chose to embody the spirit of Baal and, if you're lucky, you MIGHT find reference to the location of the Tomb of Tal-Rasha in Horazons Journals ... .... Drognan tells you that the Palace is the site of an ancient Vizjerei Tower, and that there should be a way to get into the Arcane Sanctuary from within the Palace. He also suggests that you go speak with Jehryn. Do that now, please. (waits whilst you haul @ss across town). Ah Jehryn. It's been a long time ... how are you old friend ?? (whips out his Jehryn glove puppet and wibbles it about a bit) What's that ??? You've got a problem ????? What's that then ??????? (wibble wibble wibble) Oh my !! That IS a problem ... (takes off glove puppet because he suddenly realises you are watching him). Ahem ... Yeeeeeess ... sorry about that ... (kicks glove puppet out of sight). So yeah ! Jehryn made me laugh out loud when you speak to him this time around ... I was like .... oh REALLY how generous of you to let all those terrified little Harem Girls come into the safety of your big palace you little pornking. I mean REALLY !!!!!!! =O Does he think we're stupid or what !?!?! Jehryn's tale of woe (IF you can call it that) is that when the troubles began in the city, he allowed the Harem Girls to join him and his guards (for a tea party I'm sure) in the Palace. HOWEVER, one night his guards heard screaming from the palace cellar, and went down to find the Harem girls being mercilessly slaughtered by a bunch of demons that had started pouring forth from a mysterious rift in the cellar. His guards fought the demons back into the cellar and barracaded them in, but more kept pouring forth from this rift and things got to a stage where Jehryn's men couldn't cope on their own ... THIS is when he decided to hire Greiz, to keep the peace. AND with that in mind ? It's time to go down into the Cellar and see what's cooking !! Now, the Palace Cellar (before we go any further) is LARGELY static in its layout, so whilst the things I'm going to point out to you may move about a little bit ? They are invariably very near to where I'm going to tell you they are, so you should be able to find them no problem. Since I've not done a numbered list for a little while ? Now might be a good time ... This is how to get through the Harem and Palace Cellar levels as expediently as possible. 1) Enter the Palace 2) Descend into the Harem 3) Work your way to the bottom left hand corner of the Harem Level 2 and descend into the Palace Cellar. 4) Activate the waypoint just south of the CENTRE of the Palace Cellar 1 level. 5) Descent to the Palace Cellar level 3 - the way down is in the bottom left hand corner of the Palace Cellar Levels 1 & 2. 6) Make your way to the CENTRE of the third level, and activate the portal to the Arcane Sanctuary. Once you are in the sanctuary, activate the waypoint !! The OTHER way of dealing with the Harem level is just to clear out room by room. It's kinda satisfying because there are quite probably going to be some demons in there that you've not yet encountered - like Dune Beasts and Marauders ... but there are SHEDLOADS of archers and spellcasters in the Harem and the Palace Cellar, so please make sure you are prepared !!!!! :) Once you have entered the Arcane Sanctuary you will see that BROADLY speaking it looks like this ----- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý --------- --------- Ý X Ý --------- --------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ----- X marks the spot where you enter the Arcane Sanctuary from the Palace Cellar. Let me just point out one thing here. THREE of the points (picked entirely at random, so I cannot help you unfortunately) contain GOOD things at the end - usually three chests loaded with gold, gems and magic items. THE FOURTH POINT is the resting place of ... not Horazon himself ... OH no ... but a Vizjerei Mage that came to Lut Gholein a while back, looking for the Arcane Sanctuary. Drognan knows him. This FALSE Summoner has EXTREMELY powerful ranged attacks, so WATCH OUT for him. It doesn't matter which order you attempt the stalks in, but here are a few pointers for you :- A) On the stalk with the teleportation pads, don't worry if you seem to teleport to a place that you can't quite work out whether you should be in or not ... just keep on going - it'll all turn out right. B) When you get to the end of a good stalk you have three options ... either 1) fight your way back down the stalk using the side you DIDN'T use to come up this stalk; 2) go back down the way you came up, thus avoiding confrontation with any baddies (as you must have killed them to get here); 3) Town Portal back to Lut Gholein and then use the waypoint to get back to the centre of the Arcane Sanctuary and try another stalk. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT TWO - QUEST FIVE Ý Ý THE SUMMONER Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= C) When you receive new quest information ? FALL BACK IMMEDIATELY as it means you have found the stalk that contains the False Summoner. Now, Sinister says you should fall back to a safe location, and create a town portal just in case. The False Summoner attacks with a variety of VERY powerful magic attacks - predominantly curses, Glacial Comet, and Wall of Fire ... DO NOT stand on his wall of fire as you will die VERY quickly - it does MEGA damage !! If you can get up close and personal you should find that the false summoner falls to your blade(s) quickly, as he is very weak in hand-to-hand ... it's just at range that he is a bumhead ... Once you have slain the false summoner, read Horazon's Journal and you will learn that there are SEVEN tombs out in the desert, and that ALL are touted as being the "true" tomb of Tal-Rasha. However, only ONE of these tombs is the true tomb ... the other six are false tombs designed to help keep the location of the true tomb secret. HOWEVER, fortunately for you ? Horazon knows the symbol of the TRUE tomb, and he will inscribe it for you into your quest screen (so you don't need to copy down the symbols of the six false tombs onto a piece of paper like I did when I first got here - what a muppet eh !!) - you just need to either press 'Q' on the keyboard, or click on the Quest button and highlight the sixth quest on this act to see the symbol of the true tomb of Tal Rasha. You will doubtless note that you have also created a red Town Portal when you opened the Journal, which you should go through now. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT TWO - QUEST SIX Ý Ý THE SEVEN TOMBS Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= As soon as you get through the Town Portal, head upwards and activate the waypoint ... then go back to town and sell your goodies for cold, hard, keesh. The layout of the Canyon of the Magi (into which you have been through from the Arcane Sanctuary) is as follows :- -------------------------- 1 2 3 \ 4 \ Ý Ý Ý 5Ý Ý Ý X Ý 6Ý Ý Ý Ý 7Ý Ý * X marks the waypoint - you start this portion of the game just south of the waypoint, at the Town Portal that you used to get here from the Arcane Sanctuary. * 1-7 mark the locations of the 7 "Tombs of Tal-Rasha". Bear in mind that only one of these seven tombs is the TRUE tomb, and that the symbol for this tomb is in your quest screen. If you want to check the symbol that represents a particular tomb ? Look on the smashed pillars at the entrance to the tomb ;) I MUST POINT OUT that it is a very good exercise in xp-gaining AND item- pickups to clear out the six false tombs before attempting the real one ... this is because each false tomb has a golden chest at the end of it, and we ALL know how cool those can be :) HOWEVER, in ONE of those tombs (it's almost always in one of the fake tombs, although I'm sure it COULD conceivably be in the real tomb from time to time) you will find a Horadric Ancient called "Ancient Kaa". When you find Ancient Kaa, fall back ... he is VERY very powerful, and normally lightning enchanted, so again, unless you're a Paladin with kick@ss lightning resistance ? Don't even GO there !! ;) Fortunately in most instances you can trick Ancient Kaa into following you back out and into areas that you have already explored, and you can then actually trap him in ... say ... a room that you've been in before ? And then leave him there and go off and finish exploring that particular level. ANYHOW ... enough of the six false tombs, onto the REAL one. The exact layout of the true tomb varies ... but in one of the rooms you will find, inset into the floor, a circle with a point in the centre into which you can insert an item. Find this point, and then insert the Horadric Staff into that point. When you choose to let it do its thang, each of the points around the outside of the circle will light up in turn, and then a HUGE blast of lightning will strike the wall to the north-west of the circle, and the way to Tal-Rasha's Burial Site will be opened for you. STOP !!!!! Make 3,000% sure that you fully heal, AND (and this is MOST important) create a Town Portal in THIS room BEFORE you go any further, ok ? So ... leaving an open town portal behind you, IN THIS ROOM, you may descend to your next big battle. .... which ISN'T with Tal-Rasha OR Baal, as you might have been led to believe ? It's with ... ----------- ---- ---- ----------- ----- -------------- ----- Ý \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ----- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ------ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý -------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ----- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý -------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ Ý Ý Ý -------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý\ \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ------ Ý Ý ------- Ý Ý Ý \ \ Ý Ý Ý -------- Ý Ý------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý \ \ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý -----------/ --------------- ---- ---- ----- -------------- ------------ That's right ... DURIEL. And he is P!SSED !!!!! (So would I be if I looked like that ... I mean DAMN !!!!!) Duriel is kinda like a gigantic bug on rollerblades ... he moves REALLY really quickly, and he can slow you down by virtue of an aura he has ... although you can't really see it because it is under his blubberbutt. Basically it's identical to the Paladin's "Holy Freeze" aura ? He does MEGA damage in physical range, and he has been responsible for killing my characters more times than ANY other creature in Diablo II: LOD., with the possible exception of Diablo himself. I HATE Duriel with a passion, and I have found that the surest way to wear him down is to simply keep on using that Town Portal trick I told you ... if you fall to him, you will die, and you will be brought back to life in Lut Gholein. Go back through the Town Portal you created and you will be back in the chamber outside your fight with Duriel ... create a replacement Town Portal, and head back into the fight with Duriel. The only THREE characters I have ever been able to use to defeat Duriel without dying themselves have been the Paladin (through judicious use of his thorn aura and a LOT of healing potions), the Barbarian, through his plain coolness factor !! and the Amazon (again, through lots of healing potions and her use of a really cool Spear I picked up). Once Duriel has finally fallen, ransack his corpse for cool items and then head through the hole in the north-western wall to find Tal-Rasha's burial site, and the Archangel Tyrael who, it appears, has been waiting for you for quite some time. He will create a Town Portal for you, to take you back to Lut Gholein. Go there, and then speak with the townsfolk ... sell any items you don't want, heal up, the usual ... and then go and speak with Jehryn. Jehryn will tell you to go and speak with Meshif, to arrange safe passage to Kurast, as it appears you have arrived too late to stop the Dark Wanderer, who we now understand to be Diablo himself (!?!?!), from having freed Baal from his imprisonment. It looks like the only hope for our world now is to head them off before they free Mephisto from his imprisonment in the Eastern Temple City of Travincal - the Capital of Kurast if you like - otherwise the three Prime Evils will be reunited and this would NOT be a good thing. When you are ready, speak with Meshif and get him to transport you to Kurast. WELL DONE ON BEATING DURIEL, BY THE WAY !! ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý PART FIVE Ý Ý ACT THREE - THE KURAST DOCKS Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Ooh !! COOL cutscene eh ?? I really enjoyed that one - I don't know about you ? Unfortunately it's not good news as that DIPSH!T that's been following Diablo around has just made a CATASTROPHIC mistake in releasing Baal into the world ... but we're secretly glad he did 'coz it means that we can now proceed with the game !! ;) So ... Meshif has taken you to the eastern city of Kurast and, lo and behold, it's a jungle. Great. A ... Jungle ... JUST what we needed, eh !! Well there's no sense in stopping ... let's get cracking. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT THREE - TOWNSFOLK Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= The Official Line :- MESHIF - By now you are doubtless familiar with Meshif - the ship captain that brought you to Kurast. He's a nice gentleman that will give you free passage to and from Kurast and Lut Gholein should you wish to return there. HRATLI - Hratli is a mage who specialises in enchanting weapons and armour with magic. He does come up with some quite cool goodies for you to buy during the level, and he can repair your weapons and armour, so keep in touch with him. ASHEARA - Asheara is the leader of the local group of hunters - the Iron Wolves. She can hire out a mercenary to you, should you need one. ORMUS - A Skatsimi Mage who speaks in riddles, Ormus may confuse you, but he is arguably the most useful character in Kurast, as he holds the scrolls you need to buy and will heal you free of charge whenever you visit him. ALKOR - Alkor is an Alchemist who does not like to be disturbed. He is, however, open to the occassional gambling session, and can provide you with insight into the troubles that lie ahead of you ... NATALYA - A representative of an order that is sworn to hunt down and slay corrupt mages, she offers to aid you with information that she picks up during her travels, as long as she is in Kurast. CAIN - Deckard Cain has, we see, tagged along with you for this new adventure as well. This is good, as he is always a sight for sore eyes. .... and now for my Sinister Spin on it :- MESHIF - Meshif is a nice guy, but can you IMAGINE spending days at sea with him ? He'd drive me demented !! We don't need him to take us back to Lut Gholein, as we can get there via the waypoint in the town ... but he will still prove useful to us ;) HRATLI - Hratli is ok, but his voice annoys me after a while ... he IS, however, a skilled blacksmith and, as such, I suppose I shouldn't gripe about him too much. ASHEARA - Aside from being leader of the Iron Wolves, and able to resurrect YOUR hireling if he/she dies (which will probably be the case), Asheara isn't that much use. Natalya reckons she's all mouth and no trousers, and whilst I think that's perhaps a little harsh ? She's probably not THAT far from the truth. ORMUS - Yes, I agree with my comments earlier (shocker eh !!) - Ormus IS the most useful character in the town, as he will heal you and replenish your mana free of charge, and he is literally just around the corner from Deckard Cain, so he's the handiest person to sell any items you don't want to. ALKOR - Omigod how funny !! We LOVE Alkor - he is DEFINITELY my favourite character in Kurast. He is dry and cutting, and I REALLY dig his accent. He can stay. NATALYA - A TOTAL waster !! Natalya is USELESS. She DOES nothing, she GIVES you nothing, she TAKES nothing ... she just wastes your time with her drivel ... stamp reject and move on honey. CAIN - As per usual, Deckard Cain is here ... he's kinda like an old piece of comfy furniture, but ... not as fun to sit on ... he's always there, and you need him to always be there ... but ... he's not really very exciting is he, bless him. Ah yeah ... so as we can see, we have another motley crew to work with, but nevermind !! I'm sure you'll soon whip them into shape ;) ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý FLIPPING THIS AROUND Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= If you are looking for :- Healing Potions - then you should go to - Ormus Mana Potions - then you should go to - Hratli (very very rarely) * Town Portal Scrolls - then you should go to - Ormus Identify Scrolls - then you should go to - Ormus Thawing Potions - then you should go to - Alkor Antidote Potions - then you should go to - Alkor Stamina Potions - then you should go to - Alkor Keys - then you should go to - Hratli Weapons and Armour - then you should go to - Hratli, Ormus, Alkor Anything to do with Hirelings - then you should go to - Asheara Someone to heal you - then you should go to - Ormus Someone to gamble with - then you should go to - Alkor Someone to repair your gear - then you should go to - Hratli Someone to id your items - then you should go to - Deckard Cain (as always) * I'm not sure whether it's just a quirk this one time I played the game ? But Hratli actually sold me mana potions ... and no I didn't sell them to him and then forget and then buy them back - I'm not THAT stupid ... as I say it only happened the once, so whilst I've put him on my list up the top there, I wouldn't rely on him being able to supply you with any if I were you ... ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý HIRELINGS Ý Ý THE IRON WOLF MAGE Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= If you are bored with either your rogue sister of desert mercenary and fancy a change ? You can go and speak with Asheara ... she leads the mercenary band of mages called the Iron Wolves, and she will be quite willing to hire one out to you if that is your wish. Iron Wolf Mages are the most versatile of all the hirelings that you can commission to work with you in Diablo II: LOD. They all possess one of three types of ranged attack - fire, ice or lightning, and can be equipped with a helmet, a single piece of body-armour and a single-handed sword and shield for close-quarters combat. As you will see from my compatability analysis at the top of this walkthrough, I have ranked the Iron Wolf Mage quite highly and, whilst I INVARIABLY use the Rogue Sister (as I will freely admit I DO have a soft spot for her), the Iron Wolf Mage would be my close-running second choice as a hireling. Same comments as always apply ... please be careful when deciding which hireling you wish to pick up ... look at their skills - do you want them to have fire, ice or lightning as their primary method of ranged attack ?? Hmmmmmmmm ??? ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT THREE - MAP Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Here is a VERY rudimentary but functional map of Act Three, geographically. KURAST DOCKS Ý V SPIDER FOREST --> SPIDER CAVERN; ARACHNID LAIR Ý V GREAT MARSH Ý V FLAYER JUNGLE --> SWAMPY PIT; FLAYER DUNGEON Ý V LOWER KURAST Ý V KURAST BAZAAR --> KURAST SEWERS; 2 TEMPLES Ý V UPPER KURAST --> 2 TEMPLES Ý V KURAST CAUSEWAY --> 2 TEMPLES Ý V TRAVINCAL Ý V DURANCE OF HATE Kurast and its surrounding areas are kinda both a pain in the butt, and really cool ?? In my humble opinion, the Spider Forest, Great Marsh and Flayer Jungle are TOTALLY annoying, but Lower Kurast, the Kurast Bazaar, Upper Kurast, Travincal and the Durance of Hate ROCK !! IN FACT I would say that Lower Kurast is my favourite part of the entire game !! I'll explain in a bit ... Hokay ... ready ?? Here we go !! Walking out of town takes you directly into the Spider Forest, and you will notice the Dark Wanderer directly ahead of you ... follow him for a few steps (don't waste your time trying to kill him - he can't be hurt), and he will teleport away leaving some nasty little deformed critters in his wake ... slay them and then begin to explore the area. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT THREE - QUEST ONE Ý Ý THE GOLDEN BIRD Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Before I get to the meat and bones of the first quest, a word about Shamen. You will wind up fighting loads and loads of little pigmy qweetchas (creatures - sorry - couldn't resist) in this Act, from Soul Killers to Flayers to Undead Stygian Dolls, and so on. Each of these races (bar the Undead varieties) have SHAMEN to accompany them. ... and these Shamen are MUCHOS more difficult to dispose of than the ones in Act One my friend. Shamen may LOOK cute ... sitting on the shoulders of their kin, and chanting away ... but they are EVIL little muthas that you should take GREAT care when facing. Basically a Shamen has the power not only to resurrect his fallen companions, but also to create a flamethrower-like blast of fire that he can direct at you INDEFINITELY - i.e. he DOESN'T run out of mana for it, so going in against a bunch of Shamen in hand-to-hand is borderline GUARANTEED suicide. Watch yourself, and try and take them out at a distance if this is at all possible. Anyhow ... I'm getting sidetracked by my hatred of these little muthas ... sorry ... In a random encounter with a boss (usually in the Spider Forest), you will find a Jade Figurine is dropped along with the regular goodies - e.g. a magic weapon from the boss fight. When you pick up this Jade Figurine you will be given your first quest - that of the Golden Bird. This is SUCH an easy quest it's basically taking the pish ... All you need to do is this (once you have picked up the Jade Figurine) :- 1) Go back to the Kurast Docks 2) Talk to Deckard Cain 3) Talk to Meshif 4) Talk to Deckard Cain 5) Talk to Alkor 6) Talk to Alkor again. And that's it !! Deckard tells you that he knows Meshif collects Jade Figurines, and that you should go show it to him. Meshif is so impressed with it that he offers to trade a Golden Bird he has been carrying with him for it, and you accept. Then you go and show the Golden Bird to Cain and he identifies it as being the Golden Bird of Ku Y'leh - an artifact that Alkor might find interesting ... showing it to Alkor makes him VERY happy and he offers to make you something from it to say thanks ... Alkor then mixes you up a potion that PERMANENTLY adds 20 points to your life when you drink it !! =D Drink drink dink dink dink. Dink da joops. G'wan. Here endeth the first quest !! Easy, wasn't it ? ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT THREE - QUEST TWO Ý Ý BLADE OF THE OLD RELIGION Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Next up you should go and speak with Hratli, to get your second quest in Act Three - "Blade of the Old Religion". He tells you that the enchantment that he placed to keep the monsters out of the Kurast Docks is weakening, and needs its energy replenishing. The only way to DO this is to find and put into place a sacred Skatsimi Blade called the Gidbinn. The Gidbinn is located in the Flayer Jungle, and is quite well protected. So ! Off we go !! Whilst you CAN speak to Deckard Cain before you leave the town, and he WILL give you the third quest, for ease of reading this guide I'm going to totally ignore him for the time being, and deal with the quests sequentially, just so as to keep things simple. Head through the Spider Forest (through the Great Marsh if you have to, although sometimes the Spider Forest leads directly into the Flayer Jungle (!?!?!)), and look for a clearing that has crude huts in it ... there will be faces carved out of stone, and small huts with spikes stuck into the roofs that signify you are in the right place. There is also a big black cooking pot sitting in the hamlet with two bodies in it ... In this area you will find an ILLUSORY Gidbinn sitting on a stand. Clean the area out thoroughly before you activate this stand as, when you do, the illusory Gidbinn will disappear in flames, and a boss will be summoned ... THIS BOSS has the Gidbinn, and should be killed ASAP. Once he has fallen, grab the Gidbinn from his corpse, and head back to the town. Give the Gidbinn to Ormus, who will use it in an enchantment to strengthen the power of the magic at the dockside. Speak to Ormus again, and he will reward you with a magic ring that you can obviously either keep or sell as you see fit. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT THREE - QUEST THREE Ý Ý KHALIM'S WILL Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= The next quest (which in all practical reality you will probably have already picked up) you get from Deckard Cain ... it's called Khalim's Will, and to cut a long story short, as with the requirement to obtain the Horadric Staff before you could enter Tal-Rasha's Burial Chamber, so too must you recombine items to craft Khalim's Will before you can enter Mephisto's Durance of Hate. Unfortunately, whereas the Horadric Staff was just two parts, Khalim's Will is actually a FOUR- part item, comprising :- 1) Khalim's Eye 2) Khalim's Brain 3) Khalim's Heart & 4) Khalim's Flail Your first objective is to find Khalim's Eye, which is located in the Spider Cavern ... NOT in the Arachnid Lair - within the Spider Forest. Let's do this first (naturally - duh - sorry). Find the Spider Cavern (which you may already have done - Act Three is a bit topsy-turvy - soz), and go down. PLEASE take my advice and create a Town Portal outside before you go in though ?? When you are inside, hunt around VERY VERY CAREFULLY until you find SSzark the Burning - a VERY powerful spider - and his cohorts. SSzark the Burning is very powerful because, as you will see if you wand him with your mouse, he is (unless your copy of the game is going to make a liar out of me) EXTRA-STRONG ... this means he can do MEGA-DAMAGE to you if you get up close and personal with him ... but what other choice do you have ? He's really quick !!!!! Slay him by whatever means are necessary (and don't feel bad if he kills you at least once ... he even killed my barbarian ... yes - the same one that killed DURIEL in hand-to-hand combat without dying !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!). Once he has fallen, go to the golden chest nearby and grab the contents, including Khalim's Eye, and then go back to the town and insert the eye into your stash ... there's no point in carrying it around with you ;) Next thing to look out for is Khalim's Brain, which you will find in the Flayer Dungeon. The Flayer Dungeon is one of two structures in the Flayer Jungle - the other being the Swampy Pit. The Flayer Dungeon is three levels deep, and Khalim's Brain is located on the third level down, as you would expect. It is guarded by Witch Doctor Endugu and his band of Shamen ... this level has the POTENTIAL to be INSANELY difficult to beat, but here are a couple of quick pointers that you might find to be of use :- 1) Create a Town Portal at the entrance to the third level of the Flayer Dungeon ... it is not THAT important whether you create it at the way down from the second floor, or the way up from the third floor - what IS important is that you create it, as the third level of the Flayer Dungeon is (by virtue of the good Witch Doctor) a B@STARD !! 2) You will notice that in lots of the walls there are bits that you can actually see through ? Use this to your advantage if either you or your hireling have a ranged attack. Incidentally, the barbarian can jump through wall-gaps like this (if you want to lure more enemies back so that you can pick them off) ;) 3) Use this technique to move around the level cautiously, and take out those enemies that you can see but who cannot hit you ... the trick to success in the Flayer Dungeon is to get Witch Doctor Endugu into a position where you (and ideally your hireling) can pelt him from a distance without taking damage yourselves !! :) Once Witch Doctor Endugu and his cronies have fallen, check out the golden chest in the area and nick its contents, including Khalim's Brain. Return to the town and insert the brain alongside the eye into your stash. Next up is Khalim's Heart. This is located in the sewers beneath the Kurast Bazaar. Before we get there, we must go through Lower Kurast (which, as I've mentioned before, is my FAVOURITE part of Diablo II: LOD, AND I'LL TELL YOU WHY !!). Basically Lower Kurast is a GIGANTIC shopping centre ... on almost every screen, regardless of where you stop, there is something to open, or a corpse or hollow log to investigate ... it ROCKS dude !! PLUS of course it's considerably smaller than the three areas before it (Spider Forest, Great Marsh and Flayer Jungle), and CONSIDERABLY better structured ... What's also cool is that next time you play the game ? You can just come back here ... or to any other area you enjoyed playing - e.g. the Arcane Sanctuary - and do them again for xp gains and item gains ... this aspect of the game makes it easier to ENJOY tailoring your character at higher levels ... Anyhow, enough of all that ... you need to hack 'n slash your way through Lower Kurast to get to the Kurast Bazaar. When you arrive at the Kurast Bazaar two things happen ... first off, you can go down into the sewers (look for a way down - there are several in the Kurast Bazaar), and SECONDLY you can go UP into two temples that are in the area. Since this represents your fourth quest and I am trying to do things chronologically, I will finish this portion of the third quest before we even GO there, k ?) So ... find your way DOWN into the sewers beneath the Kurast Bazaar ... the sewers are a two-floor compound ... the first floor is ENORMOUS and spans the entire of the Kurast Bazaar AND Upper Kurast ... look around until you find the way down, which you will see is heavily protected by bats that fire lightning at you at close range. They are led by a creature called Icehawk Riftwing, who USUALLY has the ability to teleport, so watch out ... Once you have pacified this area, activate the winch and the stairs to the second level of the sewers will open up before you. Go down and explore the OH so COOOOOOOOOOOL second level of the sewers, which is very small, and VERY well packed with goodies ... it's shaped very much like the arcane sanctuary, just on a really diddy scale !! Once you have opened all the chests and taken your fill, you WILL find that you have Khalim's Heart ... take this and place it in the stash with Khalim's Eye and Brain. Now all that remains is Khalim's Flail ... but we won't be able to get that until we get to Travincal, so now would be an opportune moment to broach the subject of ????? ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT THREE - QUEST FOUR Ý Ý LAM ESEN'S TOME Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= As soon as you enter the Kurast Bazaar you SHOULD be able to pick up the Lam Esen's Tome quest. To do this PROPERLY, you should go back to town and speak with Alkor. He will tell you that there is this VEEEEEEEEEEEERY special black book that you need to find for him, that might give some insight into what is actually happening in Kurast. It is called the Tome of Lam Esen. The Book is located in one of SIX possible temples. Two are in the Kurast Bazaar, two are in Upper Kurast and the last two are in the Kurast Causeway. You need to explore these temples until you find the Tome of Lam Esen, and then take it back to Alkor for a reward. This is quite a satisfying little quest really, as all six temples are very small in size, but PACKED with monsters ... logic dictates that you have an out, so I would cast a Town Portal before going into EACH and EVERY temple ... this is because in quite a few cases what will actually wind up happening if not is that as soon as you enter the temple you will appear right smack bang in the middle of a monster gathering, and there will be too many monsters in your path for you to be able to make it back to the exit !! BUMMER DUDE ... Furthermore, whilst none of the temples have golden chests in them, ALL of them have at LEAST one captain in there ... .... you will know when you have reached the correct temple, as there will be a really quick and strong captain called Battlemaid Sarina there. She MUST be slain, as she is too much of a pain in the bum to be allowed to continue to roam around free ... so deal with her and then go grab the book from its stand in the main chamber of this temple. Go back to the town with the book and show it to Alkor to earn your reward - an additional FIVE attribute points !!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOO !! =D ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT THREE - QUEST FIVE Ý Ý THE BLACKENED TEMPLE Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Back in town, speak with Ormus to get both the fifth AND sixth quests - The Council, and The Lord of Hatred. The fifth quest is to destroy the High Council of Zakarum. In times gone by, these men were the High Priests of Zakarum, chosen for their virtue and strength. Decades of being slowly warped by living under Mephisto's hateful influence has caused them to mutate into vile creatures hellbent on destruction and mayhem, however, and now you must slay them. ... odd ... they sound disturbingly like the people I work with !! =./ Incidentally to do so will be to kill two birds with one stone, as one of the members of the High Council holds Khalim's Flail - the only item you now need to complete the third quest !! So ... we know that the High Council have their seat of power in Travincal - the Capital (if you will) of Kurast. In order to get there you will have to go through the Kurast Bazaar to Upper Kurast (don't forget to clean out the two temples here for xp and ESPECIALLY if you haven't already found Lam Esen's Tome) and then up and onto the Kurast Causeway (same comments really - just make sure to check out those two temples - you might find some natty goodies in there !!). Once you have made it through Upper Kurast, and across the Kurast Causeway, you are FINALLY at the Gates of Travincal. Travincal represents several things :- I) The seat of power of the High Council of Zakarum II) The location of the Compelling Orb III) The location of the final waypoint. In the broadest possible strokes, Travincal looks like this :- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ý Ý Ý OUTER RING OUTER RING Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý---------------------------------------------------------------------Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Y Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý --------------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý--------------- -------- -------- -------------------Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý-------- Ý Ý Ý Ý ---------------------Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý x Ý -------- -------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý-------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý--------------- Ý Ý -----------Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý---------------------------------------------------------------------Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý OUTER RING OUTER RING Ý Ý w Ý ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- w represents where you enter Travincal x represents the location of the waypoint (This is the last waypoint in Kurast) Y represents the seat of power of the High Council AND the location of the Compelling Orb AND the entrance to Mephisto's Durance of Hate. You need to VERY VERY careful when you are wandering around Travincal, as there are LOADS of bad guys lurking in the corners, just waiting to pound you into a pulp. PARTICULARLY dangerous are the Zakarum Spellcasters - the Hierophants, and others ? They can cast blizzard and lightning bolt and can quickly wittle down your health reserves to nothing if you aren't very very careful. This is how I would recommend you deal with Travincal :- 1) NEVER stage a direct frontal assault on the Council, as a) they outnumber you, and b) YOU WILL DIE. 2) That in mind, head forward until you see two large square ponds - one to your left and one to your right. As soon as you see them, turn 90 degrees to your left and go directly forward until you reach a structure. Inside this structure is the Travincal Waypoint - marked x on my map. Activate the waypoint, come out of the building and head north and into the next structure. Clear out all the villainous SCUMBAGS in this area as you MAY well need it (in case you've lost where I've directed you, you should now be in the north-westernmost structure on the map ... if you make your way to the far right hand edge of this structure you can JUST about peer into the High Council's Chamber and, if you have ranged weaponry or spells, you MIGHT be able to injure them from afar. 3) BEWARE OF THE HIGH COUNCIL, which you may see splashed up in your Quest screen ? Is NOT a joke. They are VERY dangerous - they are divided into two groups - regular council members, and captains. The captains have (for the most part) two enchantments each, e.g. Extra Fast and Extra Strong and, as such, should NOT be taken lightly. 4) In order to make things easier on yourself, I would strongly suggest that you clear out the whole of Travincal BEFORE you approach the Council's Building ... this is because IF you mess up, which happens, and the Council come BARRELLING out of their hiding place, they will not hesitate to chase you all over Travincal, and if you haven't cleared up the entire of Travincal before you get to the Council, you might wind up doubling- back and entering areas of Travincal that are inhabited by yet MORE bad guys, thus increasing your risk of ... well ... DYING, basically !! 5) You DON'T need to create a Town Portal before taking on the Council, as the waypoint in Travincal is so close. 6) Approach the council's resting place very quietly, and be prepared to back off very quickly. Most of the Council Captains can heal themselves, AND can cast the Hydra spell as well, which is MAJOR badness as it means you can't REALLY stand and fight them. So ... what do we do ????? Well ... I approach the Council's chamber from the north-western structure ... so I walk in-between the Council's chamber and the pond beneath it on the left ? Just edge past so as to draw a few of the Council Members out of their INNER chamber, where they are VERY well defended, and into the OUTER chamber, where they are easiER pickings ... they are NEVER that easy to kill off unfortunately. Then I just pick them off one at a time, falling back if either myself or my hireling starts to take too much damage for their Hydra spells ... and GRADUALLY you will be able to wear them down until they have all fallen. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT THREE - QUEST SIX Ý Ý THE GUARDIAN Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Once the Council has fallen, it's time to seek out and destroy Mephisto. We are still not sure whether Diablo and Baal will have found and released him from his imprisonment, but given the large concentration of bad@sses in Kurast, AND the fact that the High Council (as we have just seen) have been corrupted, leads us to be thinking that we're not going to like this ... ... buckle up - we're goin' in !! First off, you need to pick up Khalim's Flail. One of the Council's Captains was carrying it. Now you need to go back to Kurast and transmute Khalim's Eye, Brain, Heart and Flail together in the Horadric Cube ... I'll wait whilst you do that ... *tappy tappy tap* *tap tap tappy* Done ? Kewl !! NOW we need to go and smash the Compelling Orb (in the Council's INNER Chamber) with Khalim's Will, so it's back to Travincal for us. Take one (sometimes two) hefty swings at the Compelling Orb and WHAMMO !! Away it goes ... causing a big red cloud of energy to swirl forth from the Compelling Orb, and open the stairway that leads down to Mephisto's Durance of Hate, in the back of the Inner Chamber. Go down, and explore !! HINT: Mephisto's Durance of Hatred is (in my humble opinion) NOT as complicated - well ... at least the upper TWO levels are not as complicated - as the journey to get here was ... so you needn't panic ... the WORST creature you will find down here are undead spellcasters, such as Blood Lords, and the Undead Stygian Dolls ... you will hear the pitter-patter of their tiny skeletal feet as they LEG IT through the Durance to get at you ... so BE READY ... .... also, please remember my technique of wanding captains to ascertain their skills BEFORE you go in all guns blazing ?? I know it's difficult when you're facing, say, an Undead Stygian Doll Captain, as he will move SO quickly, but if he's lightning enchanted and you've gone in hand-to-hand against him ? You can kiss yo @ss goodbye homey !! UNLESS of course you are playing the Paladin, and are using his Resist Lightning Skill. Once you have cleared up the first level of the Durance (it's three levels deep - did I already mention that ?), go down into the second level ... On the second level, I would strongly suggest that you activate the waypoint ... same rules as before - just do your regular clearup and move to the way down to the Third Level. As you had anticipated, Diablo and Baal HAVE already freed Mephisto, but for some reason he has elected to remain behind - most likely to deal with YOU - and they have already departed ... I would STRONGLY suggest that you create a town portal on the second level at the stairs leading down to the third level BEFORE you go down, juuuuuust to be on the safe side. MEPHISTO'S DURANCE OF HATE - LEVEL THREE ... here we go ... Here is a rough sketch of what this level looks like :- ----------------------- Ý Ý Ý S E C R E T Ý Ý Ý ----------------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Y Ý --------------------------- --------------------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý-------------------------- --------------------------Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Z Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý x2 Ý Ý ---------- Ý Ý x3 Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý---------------- Ý----------------------Ý ----------------Ý Ý xxx Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý --------------------------- --------------------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý --------------------------- --------------------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý x1 ------------------ X Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- X = Your start point Y = Mephisto Z = Exit through the Dark Portal to Hell (!!) Before I begin, a couple of pointers :- 1) There are BLOOD LORDS on this level - i.e. undead life-draining spellcasters ? You've seen their kin before - Night Lords, Dark Lords, etc ?? You MIGHT have even encounted a couple of Blood Lords elsewhere in the Durance ... but PLEASE be careful - Blood Lords can do you MASSIVE amounts of damage through their meteor and wall of fire spells ... So ... from your starting position, move forward (as in, INTO the level) and hide behind that line I've drawn in the middle ? On the level proper, that line is a series of pillars ... hide behind them for a second and make sure your Hireling is with you. Then continue to the other side of this part of the Durance (I've marked it with an x1 ? You basically want to clear up this level piece by piece, and make sure that all areas are cleared before moving on to the next area. Once you have completed this strip of the level, move to the centre and upwards, towards the Z. You will most likely need to fall back to this outer strip, as a council captain and a couple of his council member cronies will pour forth. Once you have slain this captain, head to the left of the level and clear out the room marked x2. Once you enter x2 you will be attacked by ANOTHER council captain, but don't worry - this one doesn't have any council members with him which should HOPEFULLY make the fight a little easier for you ... He IS protected, however, by a group of Blood Lords, so still BE CAREFUL. Once he has fallen and x2 has been cleared up, head directly UP and grab the contents of the Armour Stand that's there. Then head directly DOWN again - DO NOT GO TOWARDS MEPHISTO YET. Move back across to the right of the level ... i.e. head from x2 as if you were going down to the outer strip you cleared when you first arrived here, but instead go directly across and clear up x3. There is (shock of shocks) another council captain in x3, and this little sh!t can teleport and is cold enchanted ... again he is alone (insofar as council members are concerned - he DOES still have the protection of Blood Lords), so he shouldn't be insanely difficult to kill. Once x3 has been pacified, head due north and grab the contents of the weapon rack and then fall back to x3 again. Right ... now that we've all but cleared up the Durance Level 3, it's time to take on our first Prime Evil. Ready ? Time for Sinister's Mephisto Pointers methinks :- 1) Mephisto is REALLY easy if you follow my techniques ... if you want a bit more of a challenge (i.e. you enjoy dying and starting from your last town portal/waypoint/all the way back in town ?) then please do your own thing ;) 2) The key to defeating Mephisto is to use the terrain to your advantage, and to stay out of the range of his missile attacks AT ALL TIMES. So ... without further ado, this is how I beat Mephisto down like a biatch ... works every time. A) Make sure you have a ranged weapon that does good damage, or a ranged Hireling, or spells, or any combination that can do damage at range. B) Go into x3 C) Head up and then left, and approach Mephisto. D) Once you have his attention and he has started to follow you, FALL BACK as quickly as you can. Your aim is to reach xxx on the map. E) Once you have reached xxx, switch from run mode to WALK mode, and edge your way back up towards Mephisto's original starting place - DON'T go through x3 to get there ... you just need to edge up from xxx and you SHOULD see Mephisto struggling at the steps above you to reach you. All you need to see is his glow ... if he starts throwing spells at you or your hireling you are TOO CLOSE so pull back and try again. Using the Rogue Sister as an example, you need to edge up until she starts firing ... she will shoot at Mephisto until he dies, and he will make NO attempt to fight back as he will be struggling to get over that little expanse of blood to get to you !! EEEEEEAAAASSSSSSYYYYYY or WHAT !?!?! Just in case you've not been able to follow me, THIS is a graphic showing where to stand etc., to kill Mephisto. ----------------------- Ý Ý Ý S E C R E T Ý Ý Ý ----------------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý --------------------------- --------------------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Y Ý Ý-------------------------- --------------------------Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ---------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý---------------- Ý----------------------Ý ----------------Ý Ý xxx Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý --------------------------- -------------------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý --------------------------- --------------------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ------------------ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You should be at point xxx, and Mephisto should be hovering around point Y trying to get at you, without success. If he starts shooting you're too close so back off ... you should be able to take him out at range with NO worries !! ;) Once Mephisto has fallen, pick up what he's got and then head into the area marked SECRET on this second map of the level ... it's just behind where you would expect his Throne to be ? Inside this little area you will find oodles of gp's on the floor, a chest filled with goodies AND some Blood Lords protecting it ... you know what to do, non ?? =D CONGRATULATIONS, you have slain Mephisto and are now ready to take the fight to the other brothers !!!!! To complete this Act you need to enter the Dark Portal. MAKE SURE THAT YOU TAKE MEPHISTO'S SOULSTONE WITH YOU INTO ACT IV. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý PART SIX Ý Ý ACT FOUR - HELL Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Oh dear ... another beautiful, but DAMNING cutscene I feel ... Mephisto, Diablo and Baal - the three Prime Evils - have been reunited ... Diablo has gone into Hell to signal their return, Mephisto has remained in Kurast to deal with anybody who attempts to follow Diablo, and Baal has disappeared to WHO KNOWS where ... .... AND the hope of mankind rests with that demented little GOBSH!TE that released Baal from Tal-Rasha's Chamber ... WE'RE SCREWED !?!?!?!?!?! GAMEPLAY COMMENT ABOUT HELL. Hell was the final level of Diablo II, and as such it lacked as many missions and as much character development and interaction as the previous acts, as you will see shortly. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FOUR - TOWNSFOLK Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= The Official Line :- CAIN - Brave and fearless Deckard Cain has followed you through the Dark Portal and into Hell itself ... now he stands by your side in the Pandemonium Fortress. Bless !!!!! TYRAEL - The Archangel Tyrael has also arrived at the Pandemonium Fortress to provide you with both guidance and insight into the goings on in Hell. JAMELLA - A resident of the Pandemonium Fortress, Jamella can help you with magic and scrolls. HALBU - Another resident of the Fortress, Halbu has set up shop as an armourer and weaponsmith in the Fortress, and can also be a source of assistance to you in this way. .... and I have the following comments to make :- CAIN - Like a fly to sh!t, Cain just can't seem to keep his nose out of trouble !! Wherever there is death, destruction, carnage and mayhem, he's sure to be peddling his advice. However, his is perhaps a welcome visage in this otherwise unfriendly place. TYRAEL - Oh ... him ... whilst I DIG the FUNKY wings this Archangel has got, if he had done his job then none of this would have been necessary, non ???!!!??? JAMELLA - Jamella is quite cool - if you leave her alone for long enough she does this cool spell effect where she writes stuff in the air and it glows for a few seconds ... HALBU - Halbu is ... ok ... to be honest with you I don't really have that much cause to deal with him ... he appears to be quite softly-spoken, however. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý FLIPPING THIS AROUND Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= If you are looking for :- Healing Potions - then you should go to - Jamella Town Portal Scrolls - then you should go to - Jamella Identify Scrolls - then you should go to - Jamella Antidote Potions - then you should go to - Jamella Stamina Potions - then you should go to - Jamella Keys - then you should go to - Jamella Weapons and Armour - then you should go to - Jamella and Halbu Anything to do with Hirelings - then you should go to - Tyrael Someone to heal you - then you should go to - Jamella Someone to gamble with - then you should go to - Jamella Someone to repair your gear - then you should go to - Halbu Someone to id your items - then you should go to - Deckard Cain * Nobody sells Mana Potions in the Pandemonium Fortress ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý HIRELINGS IN HELL Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Quite simply, there aren't any !! You can bring one with you from a previous act, but you cannot hire a Hireling that is peculiar to Hell ... which is a bit of a bugger really, 'coz I was TOTALLY looking forward to being able to rent an angel to help me kick butt !!!!! =) Tyrael is perfectly willing (for a fee of course) to resurrect any fallen Hireling for you, however. Why is he charging ??? He's a bl**dy ARCHANGEL for crying out loud !?!?!?!?!? ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FOUR - MAP Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= PANDEMONIUM FORTRESS Ý V OUTER STEPPES Ý V PLAINS OF DESPAIR Ý V CITY OF THE DAMNED --> RIVER OF FLAME Ý V CHAOS SANCTUARY ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FOUR - QUEST TWO Ý Ý HELL'S FORGE Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= With his first words on this Act, Deckard Cain tells you that it is now time to Destroy Mephisto's Soulstone. Once this has been accomplished, Mephisto will be banished and will no longer be able to re-manifest himself on the mortal plane ... WOOHOO !!!!! In order to destroy Mephisto's Soulstone you must adopt the tried and tested "WHACK IT WITH THE HAMMER" approach that has served you so well in the past ... basically you have to take Mephisto's Soulstone to the Hellforge and "strike it soundly" with the Hammer. I.E. Bundy it. You already have the Soulstone in your possession and, if I were you, I would leave it in your stash ... you don't need to carry it with you AT ALL in order to complete this quest ;) Ordinarily, as you know, I hate the concept of mixing quests ... I think that it would be far easier to tackle one quest at a time ... HOWEVER, on Hell the first two quests are kinda in a strange order, as you can see from my comments above ... so I would suggest going and speaking with Tyrael at this point to get :- ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FOUR - QUEST ONE Ý Ý THE FALLEN ANGEL Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Tyrael will tell you of the fall of one of his comrades - an Angel named Izual ... he tells you of how Izual's tortured soul has been fused into a demonic body, and asks you to do him a favour and release Izual from his torment - I.E. chop him into fish food and burn the pieces. Sounds good to me !! Bring this mutha on !!!!! Izual is kicking about in the Plains of Despair, and we will get to him in turn ... for starters, let's enter the Outer Steppes. Now ... in Hell (as you would expect, what with it being the final level of Diablo II and all), there are PLENTY of nasty sonofab!atch bad guys just waiting to slay you ... AS SUCH, I would strongly suggest that you DON'T go running into combat blindly, but play this level CAREFULLY. BEFORE I START, however, I should point out the existance of one of the most dangerous AND annoying enemies in the game in Hell ... and no, it's not a boss ... it's a general type of enemy unfortunately ... Undead Spellcasting Knights ... They come in a variety of fwooty flavours - Oblivion Knights, Abyss Knights, etc., etc., and they can have one of four main types of attack - you can tell which type they will be using by the colour of their hands ... PURPLE HANDS = Magic Missile/Arrow attack (i.e. a white bolt of concentrated energy) BLUE HANDS = Ice Missile/Arrow attack (slows and does mega-damage) GREEN HANDS = Poison Missile/Arrow attack (poisons - arguably the weakest of the lot) RED HANDS = Fire Missile/Arrow attack (pretty obvious really). The stronger varieties can also fire HOMING MISSILES at you ... ... sounds like nothing unusual, right ? W-R-O-N-G !! These boys do SERIOUS amounts of damage, and can kill even the TOUGHEST of characters in just a couple of hits, so ALWAYS keep an eye open for them ... even though in most cases the first time you will notice them is when one of their energy attacks comes whizzing onto the screen and barrelling towards you ... it ain't easy, but you can handle a little drama can't ya ??!!?? From your starting point at the Outer Steppes, I would suggest that you move around the edge of the map (doesn't matter which direction), and avoid entering the centre. Note how the edges of this terrain are jagged and offer plenty of opportunities to use the terrain to your advantage in the event that you DO get overwhelmed (which is a near certainty in my experience). Eventually you will come to a set of steps leading OUT of this area and upwards ... take them. These steps will lead you to the Plains of Despair, where you will need to find and slay Izual. Same rules as for the Outer Steppes please ... just pace around the outside of the map ... in all practical likelihood Izual WILL find you and, when he does, he WILL come for you. BEWARE - Izual is a VERY very strong opponent who does lots of damage in hand-to-hand, is surprisingly quick considering his size, has TRUCKLOADS of hit points AND has the ability to cast Frost Nova to slow you and your hireling (if he/she is within range) down to a crawl. My suggestion for taking Izual out is to try and use the terrain to your advantage wherever possible and, IF he starts to chase you and you feel the need to run ? DON'T run into areas that you yourself haven't already explored ?? You'll just cause MORE bad guys to see you and join the chase, and pretty soon it'll start to look like a bad Benny Hill comedy sketch ;) I would suggest using frosty attacks on Izual to slow him down, and then dishing out as much pain as you can ... you should have more time to dodge his blows if he is slower as well ;) Once Izual has fallen, speak with his Ghost to learn that the forces of light have been WELL played by the forces of darkness, and then move AWAY from his spirit so that it disappears. You then need to go and speak with Tyrael, so I would Town Portal back to the Pandemonium Fortress and speak with him ... Tyrael gives you TWO ... yes ... count 'em ... T-W-O extra skill points to distribute as you see fit ... We LOVE this guy !! MWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWA !!!!! And, with that, the first quest is completed ... ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FOUR - QUEST TWO Ý Ý HELL'S FORGE Ý Ý REVISITED Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Right !! Sorry about this ... back to destroying Mephisto's Soulstone. Go back to the Plains of Despair and continue to edge around the outsides until you come to ANOTHER set of steps leading up. Take these and you will enter the City of the Damned ... ... now ... ... in the City of Damned you need to enter the inner portion ... this is because there ARE no more steps leading out of this area ... but there ARE a set of steps leading down to the River of Flame, and THAT is where you need to go. Also note that there is a waypoint (your first in Hell, apart from the Town), right beside the steps leading to the River of Flame. I don't know why it's always there, but it's ALWAYS there. ... so potter about until you find and activate the waypoint, and then head down into the River of Flame. ................... ah yes ... I remember this place well !! It's just like the Hell Levels of Diablo and Diablo: Hellfire, non ??? Neat !! AND roomy ... we'll take it !! =D HINT: If your enemies in the River of Flame comprise mainly maggots and Urdar ? You're in for an easy time. If they comprise Burning Souls or Abyss Knights ? You're SCREWED ... :( Make your way through the River of Flame and explore as you are doubtless used to doing by now. You are looking for a Quest Update, which will tell you that you have reached the Hellforge. If you get to Hadriel, you have gone too far ... Hadriel stands just past the second waypoint - that before you can get to the Chaos Sanctuary. He will tell you that you need to destroy Mephisto's Soulstone before you can enter the Chaos Sanctuary (and he's kinda right). As soon as you have received your Quest Update, FALL BACK ... the Hellforge is not INSANELY heavily well guarded, but there ARE still plenty of bad guys there waiting to beat on you, PLUS of course there is Hephasto the Armorer (I love American spelling !!) waiting there too. I would suggest that you deal with the Hellforge like this :- 1) Keep on going until you get your quest update (as stated above) 2) Fall back, heal up and tool up. 3) Edge forward and take out as many bad guys as you can ... keep going until Hephasto comes after you. A good indication of his proximity is from the aura he uses to affect you ;) 4) Fall back, drawing Hephasto with you, until you get into an area in which you can work. IDEALLY you need to look to using the terrain to your advantage - just as you did when you fought Izual a little while ago ... there are bridges and other bits that you can trap Hephasto on the other side of and, whilst he WILL ultimately get bored of not being able to hit you and move out of missile range ? You can quickly lure him back into combat range and then hit on him some more ... The TROUBLE with Hephasto is that he is very strong, aura enchanted, and takes no sh!t ... which means that you are going to have to do BETTER if you want to kill him. If he gets in close, fall back ... and you MIGHT want to consider creating a Town Portal so that you don't have too far to walk if/when he kills you too ;) Once Hephasto has fallen, grab everything he left lying around INCLUDING the Hellforge Hammer, and go back to town. You will need to have the Hammer identified before you can use it ... Show the goodies to Cain and dispose of them in the usual fashion, making sure to keep the Hammer to one side (i.e. in your possession) for short-term use. As I said way back when, you DO NOT NEED to take Mephisto's Soulstone with you ... as soon as you arrive at the Hellforge you can summon it to you ;) There we go !! Go back to the Hellforge and ensure that any remaining bad guys are slain before you commence the ritual to destroy Mephisto's Soulstone ... you've earned the right to see the pwetty colours, and it'd be a shame for you to miss it through scrapping with maggots or the like ... Once the area is cleaned up, use the Hellforge and you will call Mephisto's Soulstone to you. Then equip the Hellforge Hammer and use it on the Soulstone to SMASH it to BITS !! Pick up the gems (WOOHOO !!) that get dropped in the process, marvel at the number of skally-wags that disappear and then head back to town to stash the loot ... ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FOUR - QUEST THREE Ý Ý TERROR'S END Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Once you have completed your first two quests, Tyrael will tell you that it is now finally time to hunt down and destroy Diablo ... AAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT LLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAASSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! So !! Return to the River of Flame and make your way either BACK to the waypoint (if you adventured too far at the outset and have already met Hadriel), or KEEP ON adventuring until you come across the waypoint and Hadriel the Angel. HINT: Just in case you get into trouble up ahead and think about doing a Flavie with your enemies - i.e. luring them back towards Hadriel so that he can bail you out ? THINK AGAIN. He's about as much use as a chocolate fireguard is this boy ... a TOTAL waster. HOWEVER, in spite of his USELESSNESS, Hadriel does give you one piece of vital information. He tells you that Diablo's Innermost Sanctum is protected by Five Seals ... and that each of these five seals must be opened before the way to the final battle with Diablo will be cleared. Basically what this means is that if you want to fight Diablo, you have to activate five seals, and then you can fight the man himself !! What he DOESN'T tell you is that three of those five seals contain three of Diablo's Captains. Don't worry though - you've got me to keep you company - you'll be fine ;) So !! Past Hadriel the path splits and rejoins several times, making the way forward not EXACTLY as direct as you might like ... however, you will be pleased to note that there are many ways in which you can use this terrain (i.e. the little walkway between Hadriel and the Chaos Sanctuary) to your advantage - e.g. you can snipe them off with missile weapons from a distance if you're careful. Just be careful of the Oblivion/Abyss Knights as always !! Once you have reached the far side of the walkway, enter the Chaos Sanctuary. For your information, the Chaos Sanctuary looks vaguely like this (its exact layout changes each time you play it) :- --------------------------- Ý Ý Ý 3 Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ---------------- Ý Ý Ý ---------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ----------- Ý ---------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ---------------- Ý 1 Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý --------------- ------------------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý . . Ý Ý Ý Ý Z Ý Ý . . Ý Ý 2 4 Ý Ý . Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ------------------------- ---------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý 5 Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ---------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ---------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ---------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ---------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ---------------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý X Ý ----------------------------- X = Your Starting Position 1 = First Seal 2 = Second Seal 3 = Third Seal 4 = Fourth Seal 5 = Fifth Seal Z = Diablo's Starting Position. Please note that, as per Hadriel's comments, Diablo will not appear at point Z until you have activated seals 1-5. Here are my general suggestions for clearing the Chaos Sanctuary :- 1) ALWAYS always Always AlWaYs ALWays AAAALLLLWWWWAAAAYYYYSSSS make sure that you have a Town Portal open ... it's a MUST on this level, as you can die VERY very quickly if you're not extremely careful. 2) CLEAR OUT THE WHOLE CHAOS SANCTUARY BEFORE ATTACKING DIABLO ... you can always use the xp !! From your start point move to the left and go up that side ... when you get to the main area (i.e. point Z), take a left ... remember all the while to keep clearing the area. Move in and open first seal. It's seals 2, 3 and 5 that contain the bosses ... Once you are ready to take on your first of Diablo's Captains, activate the SECOND seal and prepare to be attacked by a load of those really irritating little floaty sh!ts that fire homing missiles and drain mana from you ?? Led by ... ... THE GRAND VIZIER OF CHAOS ... who emits an eery green glow. Take these muthas DOWN and then heal up and move towards the third seal. BEFORE YOU ACTIVATE THE THIRD SEAL, please MAKE SURE that you activate a Town Portal near to the first two seals ... this is because the guardian of the third seal is arguably the most difficult to destroy, and if you have boxed yourself in then you will have a REALLY bad time trying to beat him up ... ... once you have done this, activate the third seal and prepare to face ... ... THE LORD DE SEIS ... who has pinky-coloured hands. Not only is this guy a pain in the @ss, but he is also SURROUNDED by Oblivion Knights that are GUARANTEED to ruin your afternoon ... I once tried to outrun him ? And succeeded !! Only to find that it's not just as simple as activate the five seals ... the three captains must ALSO die, or Diablo won't surface ... *grumble grumble* Once the Lord de Seis has fallen, you can move on to the fourth and fifth seals ... these are, you will be glad to hear, very similar to the first and second seals ... you can activate the fourth seal without a problem - it's the fifth seal (in MY experience) that causes the captain to arrive, who is ... ... THE INFECTOR OF SOULS ... and he's REAL mad ! He leads a group of those Vortex Lord/Balrog demons ? And depending on the layout of the level he CAN be the easiest of the three captains to despatch ... you might be able to take him out by ranged attacks along, if the layout differs from that as drawn above ... if not, then you are going to have to deal with him in hand-to-hand ... be advised, however, that both he and his troops are very quick, and quite strong, so I hope for your sake you gave yourself a Town Portal "out", or you might not be able to evade them ... Once all three captains have fallen, and all five seals have been opened, a huge earthquake will signify the arrival of the Lord of Terror ... ... that and his opening line "Not even DEATH can save you from ME" (which sounds kinda good I must admit !!) ... ................................................ FIGHT !!!!! Diablo is arguably the toughest SOB in the game ... as you would expect. He has several primary types of attack, which I will list briefly here. 1) RING OF FIRE. This is where Diablo creates a HUGE flaming nova spell that shoots out very fast and does damage to everybody in its range - i.e. everybody in the area not hiding behind a wall or other stationery object. Best avoided by jumping over it or falling back and trying to fall between the blasts, OR by hiding behind a stationery object, like a wall. 2) FLAMETHROWER. Diablo raises his hands and fires a long, flamethrower-like blast of energy from his hands ... AVOID IT !!!!! He will turn around slowly to follow you with the trail of energy, but if you are quick enough you should be able to avoid it without a problem. 3) BONE PRISON. Diablo can imprison you in a small prison of bone, or block your access back through your own Town Portal with this skill ... just hack away at it until it is destroyed. 4) SLOWDOWN. Diablo can (if you get too close to him in hand-to-hand) slow you down by raising his hand ... if it glows blue ? You be SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWED bayBEE ... 5) CLAW STRIKE. Again, if you get too close, Diablo can swipe at you with his claws. 6) CHARGING STRIKE. Going down on all fours gives Diablo the ability to charge at you like a dog ... he can cover more ground this way, but if you move out of the way he will still head to where you were standing originally, and that's not a bad thing ... So !! He can use any combination of these attacks to hit you hard, fast and many many times. This is how I was able to beat him :- AMAZON - I used my Amazon's ranged javelin enchantements and bow skills to their max effect, and just TRIED (and I do mean TRIED) to keep him at a distance as much as possible !! It took a while ;) ASSASSIN - use traps to their maximum advantage and wear him down that way. NECROMANCER - use a blood golem and iron maiden combo on him. BARBARIAN - FRUSTRATION CENTRAL !! Use frenzy and Double-Swing. PALADIN - thorns are about as good as you're gonna get unfortunately !! SORCERESS - the sorceress has MANY skills that can be used against Diablo - Glacial Comet / Chain Lightning / many others are hers to command. DRUID - create your minions and let them draw his attention whilst you strike him with your most powerful weapon, naturally !! :) Once Diablo has fallen (and don't feel bad if it takes you AGES to beat him - it did me with almost every character I played through to the first few times ... this boy is TOUGH !!), then he will drop some goodies and DIE (phew !!) You can then go back to the town and get your WELL-DESERVED congratulations from the townsfolk. Speaking with Tyrael will open the portal to Act Five - Harrogath. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý PART SEVEN Ý Ý ACT FIVE - HARROGATH Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= YET MORE beautiful cutscenes ... I'm pleased that LOSER who messed everything up by freeing Baal got his just come-uppance ... gobsh!te ... AND that Baal is free, 'coz I was rootin' for him from the start (whips out his little Baal Pom Poms and jigs about a bit). *alarm bell rings* Oops ! Sorry - time to check my dosage ... brb *rumble rumble* All done ... SO ! Now that we know that Baal has amassed a small army (how did he manage to do that so quickly ? I guess being a Prime Evil pays, eh ??) and has assaulted the Barbarian Stronghold at the foot of Mount Arreat. ... why ? Who knows. I will tell you that Mount Arreat is the holding place of the Worldstone, but the significance of that and other things will become apparent as we adventure on ... One thing before we begin ? ACT FIVE IS MEGABLING !!!!! It ROCKS !!!!!!!! ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FIVE - TOWNSFOLK Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= MALAH - Malah is a Healer in Harrogath, who is weary of treating the wounded in the struggle against Baal, and prays that the fighting will end soon. QUAL-KEHK - Senior Man-at-Arms of Harrogath, Qual-Kehk directs troops into combat, and can offer the services of one of a selection of his barbarians to you as a hireling should you wish. CAIN - As trusty as ANY lap dog, Deckard Cain has followed you yet again into this newest land of peril. NIHLATHAK - Nihlathak is the only surviving Village Elder ... all the other Elders sacrificed themselves to create a protective ward around Harrogath, but Nihlathak abstained for whatever reason. He appears to be quite aloof and haughty. LARZUK - Larzuk is the village's Blacksmith and Armourer ... his skill is legendary, and many people who have not even met him know of his work. ANYA - Although not present in the village at the outset, you will eventually get the opportunity to meet Anya. Anya is the daughter of one of the Village Elders, and does not like Nihlathak. And now, for those who are interested, here is MY two penneth :- MALAH - Walking like she's just sh@t herself, poor love ... Malah is actually really quite a sweetheart ... she will heal your life and mana free of charge whenever you visit her, and as her shop is handiest from where you come out of the town portal, odds are you'll be visiting her most often ... she's lovely. QUAL-KEHK - Qual-Kehk is THE man to see if you want to hire a barbarian ... and you might well, as they are VERY very strong indeed. Qual-Kehk takes his role in Harrogath very seriously, and is genuinely concerned about the men who fight for him, and the city. He has our respect. CAIN - What can I say ? He's just ... Cain ... isn't he ... like him or loathe him, he's reliable !! NIHLATHAK - Having nothing nice to say puts Nihlathak WELL UP in my book (kidding - he's a loser and the sooner his face cracks from that glum look he's always pulling ? THE BETTER !!) :) LARZUK - Larzuk is an angel ... bless ... not only does he sell some pretty hot items, but he also gives you what is SURELY one of the greatest rewards to a quest IN THE ENTIRE GAME !! =D ANYA - Ah yes, Anya. She looks to MY eyes like she'd like to be the next ruler of Harrogath - she has that quality about her ... let her I say ... I'm not planning on spending any longer in this arctic wasteland than I have to !! ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý FLIPPING THIS AROUND Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= If you are looking for :- Healing Potions - then you should go to - Malah Town Portal Scrolls - then you should go to - Malah Identify Scrolls - then you should go to - Malah Thawing Potions - then you should go to - Malah Antidote Potions - then you should go to - Malah Stamina Potions - then you should go to - Malah Keys - then you should go to - Malah Weapons and Armour - then you should go to - Malah, Larzuk, Nihlathak, Anya Anything to do with Hirelings - then you should go to - Qual-Kehk Someone to heal you - then you should go to - Malah Someone to gamble with - then you should go to - Nihlathak or Anya Someone to repair your gear - then you should go to - Larzuk Someone to id your items - then you should go to - Deckard Cain * Nobody sells Mana Potions in Harrogath. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý HIRELINGS Ý Ý THE BARBARIAN WARRIOR Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Qual-Kehk, as the senior Man-at-Arms of Harrogath, is the guy in charge of hiring and firing around the place. As such, if you want to hire a barbarian to accompany you as your hireling, he is the man to see. The barbarian warrior can inflict MUUUUUUCHOS damage in hand-to-hand, and can equip either a single-handed or twin-handed sword together with a helmet and a single piece of body-armour. The barbarian warriors all attack with regular swipes of their swords, and have the bash AND stun powers available to them. As such the only thing you need to decide when picking one is the name and level (i.e. how much do you want to shell out ???) Whilst the Barbarian Warriors are VERY strong, and good as close-quarters backup ? I find that I spend too much time running around after them making sure they are ok for them to be my favourites ... that honour (if you can call it that) goes to the Rogue Sister, who is savvy enough to keep herself out of trouble ... bless her ... Having said that the Barbarian Warrior ROOLZ ;) ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FIVE - MAP Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Here is a very crude map of Act Five :- HARROGATH ------------------------------------------------------ Ý Ý Ý V Ý Ý BLOODY FOOTHILLS Ý Ý Ý Ý V Ý Ý FRIGID HIGHLANDS Ý Ý Ý Ý V Ý Ý CRYSTALLINE PASSAGE --> FROZEN RIVER Ý V Ý V NIHLATHAK'S TEMPLE GLACIAL TRAIL Ý V FROZEN TUNDRA Ý V ANCIENT'S WAY Ý V ARREAT SUMMIT Ý V WORLDSTONE KEEP --> THRONE OF DESTRUCTION ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FIVE - QUEST ONE Ý Ý SIEGE ON HARROGATH Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= Once you have spoken with Deckard Cain in the town, you can go and speak with Larzuk to get your first quest - SIEGE ON HARROGATH. It transpires that whilst Baal has started to ascend Mount Arreat, he has left one of his Overlords - an 'ORRIBLE little mutha called Shenk the Overseer - to continue the siege on Harrogath. Baal's war machines reign fire and death down on Harrogath from afar, and Larzuk is worrying because he isn't sure how much longer Harrogath's walls will hold from this assault. Don't you WORRY luv - leave it to us !! So ... off we go !! In order to complete the first quest you need to exit the village and head up the Bloody Foothills ... On the way you will find several barbarians dotted about the place, fighting Baal's minions. Yes, you CAN help them !! So I would strongly suggest that you do, as it will increase the number of peeps that you will have barrelling up that field towards their ultimate destination, and this in turn should help you get by quicker !! HINT: The Paladin's Auras will actually extend so as to cover Barbarians ... as will the Desert Mercenary's, so if you are playing as/with either of these characters, you can help them out a bit if you like ;) Take out any and all catapults that you find, and make sure to keep on the move so as to keep dodging the incoming attacks from those catapults higher up the field. The enemies that you will fight in Act V are unlike any you have encountered before ... Demon Sprites, Death Brawlers, Stygian Harlots, all these and more await you ... so you need to learn how each one attacks and work out ways of dealing with it FAST ... otherwise you can quickly find yourself outgunned and in BIIIIIIG trouble !! Once you have worked your way up to the top of the Bloody Foothills you will find what looks like a big burnt circle in the ground and there, in the middle of it (at least at the outset) is Shenk the Overseer. He is armed with a whip, and can use this to whip his troops into a frenzied state wherein they attack faster and harder than normal ... he can also use it to fire projectiles at you. Once Shenk has fallen, you should return to Larzuk for your reward, which iiisss ??? THE COOLEST !!!!! =D He will place sockets into any item of your choosing ... now ... before you go nuts and grab the first thing that you can lay your fingers on ? THINK !! The number of sockets depends to a certain degree on the size of the original object; the maximum number of sockets I have ever been able to have inserted into an item by Larzuk is 5, with the minimum being a paltry 1. Once Larzuk has socketed your weapon/item/whatever, the quest is completed. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FIVE - QUEST TWO Ý Ý RESCUE ON MOUNT ARREAT Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= To obtain the second quest you now need to go and speak with Qual-Kehk, who will tell you that several of his warriors have not reported back, and he is concerned for their safety. He asks you to send them back to him if you find any on your travels. Basically there are three sets of Qual-Kehk's Men located in the area past the Bloody Foothills. It's called the Frigid Highlands, and it's also the location of the first waypoint in Act 5. The three sets of barbarians are located in pens of sharp spears that appear WHITE on your map ... as soon as a set of barbarians appears on your screen, bad guys in the surrounding area will start to attack their barbarian prisoners in an attempt to kill them before you get to them. STOP THEM !!!!! Once you have opened the door to the pen, the barbarians (five per pen) will Town Portal back to Harrogath. Once you have released all 15 of Qual-Kehk's Men from their imprisonment, the quest is over !! Nice and easy, non ?? You should now return to Qual-Kehk for your reward :- three runes ... 1 x Ort Rune, 1 x Ral Rune, 1 x Tal Rune. A VERY VERY VERY nice combo I might add, as they give (when socketed into a weapon) Lightning PLUS Fire PLUS Poison damage !! R-E-S-U-L-T !!!!! ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FIVE - QUEST THREE Ý Ý PRISON OF ICE Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= In order to obtain your third quest you need to speak with Malah. She tells you that Anya - that girl that I mentioned a while ago whilst I was giving you a run-down on the characters in Harrogath ?? Is missing ... ... um ... we knew that luv ... that's why she's not here ?? She confides in you and tells you that she believes Nihlathak has something to do with Anya's disappearance, as she heard the two of them arguing shortly before she vanished ... Malah doesn't seem to like Nihlathak ... I wonder why !! To find Anya you need to make your way through the Frigid Highlands to the Crystalline Passage, and from there you need to descend down to the Frozen River, where you will find Anya. DON'T go to the Glacial Trail - that comes later ;) You need to go DIRECTLY from the Crystalline Passage to the Frozen River. As there isn't really anything I can say ... you just sorta have to fight your way down there, I will skip now to the bit where you find Anya. When you are in the Frozen River and you get a quest update, it means you are about to be MOBBED by a load of those Drifter creatures ?? Led by a bad boy called Frozenstein. Once Frozenstein and his minions have fallen, you can go and talk to Anya ... Anya tells you that Nihlathak trapped her here, and that the only way she is going to be able to get out is with Malah's help ... use a Town Portal scroll and go back to Harrogath to speak with Malah. Malah provides you with a THAWING POTION 3000 to give to Anya that should break her free from her frozen prison ... return through the Town Portal and give the potion to Anya to set her free. Anya will then Town Portal back to Harrogath, so follow her through your own Town Portal (obviously you'll need to create another for this purpose) and speak to her when you get back to town ... she's just to the south-east of Deckard Cain. Anya is obviously most grateful to you for having freed her from her prison, and presents you with an item that she has had specially made for you by Larzuk. Treasure it, or sell it - it's entirely up to you !! :) Quest over !! =D ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FIVE - QUEST FOUR Ý Ý BETRAYAL OF HARROGATH Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= You now need to speak with Anya again to get the next quest - "Betrayal of Harrogath". It appears that Anya confronted Nihlathak who, in a true Bond Villain stylee, told her EVERYTHING she needed to know about his plan, including dates, times, locations of bombs, numbers of henchmen and their weaknessess, bla bla bla. Anya can now confirm that Nihlathak made an arrangement with Baal, whereby Harrogath would be spared from Baal's Destructive Influence IF Nihlathak agreed to turn over one of the Barbarian Stronghold's most sacred relics - an item which allows the bearer to gain access to the Worldstone Keep !! See, the whole thing goes ... ... ordinarily in order to gain access to the Worldstone Keep, one must prove him/herself worthy to the Ancients - I.E. beat the cr@p out of them in mortal combat. However, if Baal gains possession of this relic, he will be able to waltz straight past them as a "friend of the barbarian people", and gain access to the Worldstone Keep without any challenge whatsoever !! THIS IS NOT GOOD !! Anya then creates you a red Town Portal to the entrance to Nihlathak's Temple, and suggests you haul @ss to go kick some tail and sort him out good and proper !! LET'S GO !! Nihlathak's Temple is divided up into FOUR levels ... the entrance level, the Halls of Anguish, the Halls of Pain and the Halls of Vaught. Nihlathak is waiting for you in the Halls of Vaught, so you must fight your way down to him. BEWARE OF THE SKELETONS. As you may have noticed from trudging through the Crystalline Passage and Frozen River, the skeletons in this Act re-spawn over time ... this isn't a good thing by any stretch, but it DOES mean that you get more xp, so it's not all bad either ;) From your starting position on this level, prepare to be ambushed ... all those skeletons lying on the floor like a bunch of lazy bones (narf narf) will be upon you very soon. Clear the area and fight your way down to the Anguish. Clear this level and move down to the Halls of Pain. Activate the waypoint on the Halls of Pain level and fight your way down to the Halls of Vaught. THIS is where it's at. The Halls of Vaught looks (very simplistically) like this :- ----- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý --------- --------- Ý X Ý --------- --------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ----- x shows where you start ... and Nihlathak is waiting for you at one of the extremities of this floor of his temple. Which one is chosen at random, so I can't aid you in finding it. However, what I CAN tell you is that once you have arrived there, be prepared !! Nihlathak is a POWERFUL Necromancer and uses Corpse Explosion to great effect in his fights ... make sure that you are stocked up on healing potions as each corpse explosion that hits you can do HUGE amounts of damage if you're not careful. Concentrate on luring as many of Nihlathak's cronies as far AWAY from this area as possible, as logic dictates that if there ain't no corpse for him to blow up ? He won't be able to blow it up !! Obviously corpse explosion isn't his ONLY method of attacking you ... not be a long shot ... but it IS his most damaging. He can also shoot short-range bolts of freezing cold at you, which will dramatically slow you down AND he can create minions to attack you (thus providing him with more corpses to blow up). If you're able to use skills which increase the likelihood of destroying bodies - e.g. Glacial Comet if you're a sorceress, then I would suggest doing so, as he cannot blow up da little chunks ;) Once Nihlathak has fallen, grab anything that's lying around and go back to Anya for your WELL EARNED reward !! Anya will offer to personalise any item or weapon for you ... (applause sign flickers) (crowd cannot decide whether to applaud or not) (crowd EXPLODE into rapturous applauds just in case) (Sinister pushes a big red button on his chair and the crowd are eaten by horny gigantic squid). *sigh* She offers to ... WHAT ???!?!?!?!??!?!? "Personalise" an item ?? What bl**dy use is that !?!?! Basically all she will do is what your name at the beginning ... so instead of the Weird Cedar Bow of Evisceration she WAS carrying, my Hireling now wields Pharique's Weird Cedar Bow of Evisiceration. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... it has a certain coolness factor, but come ON man !! Nihlathak was a BAD@SS !! How come I can't get a better prize ?!??!?!?!?!!!? Nevermind. ONWARD. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FIVE - QUEST FIVE Ý Ý RITE OF PASSAGE Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= It appears that after all that, Nihlathak didn't have the relic !!!!! This can only mean that he has ALREADY given it to Baal and this is MEGA bad news, as it now means that Baal will be able to enter the Worldstone Keep unchallenged by the Ancients !! Whilst this is a HEFTY kick in the nuts for you, as it means that you will have to battle your way up to the summit of Mount Arreat and prove yourself worthy to the Ancients before they will let you enter the Worldstone Keep, this is now the ONLY way that you have a cat in Hell's chance of stopping Baal before he does WHO KNOWS WHAT in there ... ... so it's off to work we go (again !!). In order to reach the Ancients you need to go back to the Crystalline Passage. From there you need to go through the Glacial Trail to the Frozen Tundra. From THERE, you need to enter the Ancient's Way ... and this will in turn lead you to the Summit of Mount Arreat. Sounds easy ? It's gunna take you AGES mon !! ;) So !! JUST BEFORE you go out of the Ancient's Way to the summit, CREATE A TOWN PORTAL. DON'T do it after you have gone through the Ancient's Way. I insist. It's bad Feng Shui. Here is how the Ancient's Challenge will come at you. As you go to the summit and head towards the entry to the Worldstone Keep you will find a tome sitting on a pedestal, in the middle of three rather rough looking golden Barbarian Statues. Once you read the tome, you will be spoken to by the Ancients collectively, and then you will be challenged. The Ancients' Challenge is this :- Beat ALL THREE of these Barbarian Warriors in combat WITHOUT dying OR fleeing back to the town. If you die ? The challenge is reset. If you Town Portal outta here ? The challenge is reset. Once ALL THREE Ancients have fallen, you will be justly rewarded. I could go into a huge long spiel about how best to take them on, but there is precious little to be gained from this ... what I WILL tell you is that the three have different methods of attacking. One prefers to hit you from range with thrown weapons. One is BIG TIME into the Whirlwind skill, and the third likes to leap about quite a bit. You must NOT allow them to box you in ... try and use the terrain, make sure you keep stocking up on health potions and the like ? AND don't let your mana go down too low ... Keep an eye on your hireling ... if you can summon extra backup - e.g. Shadow Master or Valkyrie, DO SO. Just common sense stuff like that really. Once you have slain all three ancients, you are given a HUGE boost to your xp. Normally this is SO HUGE that it will bump you up 1-2 levels NO problem. It's great !! Once this quest is completed, you may enter the Worldstone Keep. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý ACT FIVE - QUEST SIX Ý Ý EVE OF DESTRUCTION Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= So here we are, my friends. The sixth and final quest in the fifth and final act of Diablo II: LOD. You've battled against Andariel, Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo, and now Baal must fall to your might or all will be lost in the battle against evil. ((( GOD I love this stuff !!! ))) So here we go. The Worldstone Keep is a FOUR level complex ... there is a waypoint on the second level, and levels 1-3 are all much of a muchness. BEWARE on level 3 ESPECIALLY, as Baal likes to fire off spells at you whenever he gets the chance. Keep moving - don't hang around unnecessarily ... and if you hear him laugh ?? RUN !! When you get to the fourth level (named "The Throne of Destruction") you will find that the level is decidedly more ... red ... than the first three. The Throne of Destruction is a very static level that looks BASICALLY like this :- ----------- ---------------------- ----------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý BAAL Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý -------- -------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý -------- ------------ -------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ------------ Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý x Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý -------- -------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý -------- -------- Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ----------- ---------------------- ----------- x = where you start. ... and can you spot Baal ??? :) Cheeky, I know. Sorry. Right. I would STRONGLY suggest that you clear out this entire level BEFORE entering the Chamber that Baal is occupying. NOTE: This ISN'T the Baal fight - this is the PRE-BAAL WARMUP, ok ?? Hokay ... so, clear up everything on this level and then enter Baal's Chamber. JUST BEFORE YOU DO ????? TOWN PORTAL ;) When you enter Baal's Chamber you will have a few seconds to clear it up, and then he will start to summon wave after wave of bad guys to attack you ... you must clear the waves and then you will be able to follow him through that portal behind him, into the Worldstone proper. The waves that he sends after you are as follows :- 1) Imps and Shamen 2) Skeletons, Skeleton Mages and Horadric Ancients 3) Council Members 4) Balrog Demons 5) Minions of Destruction (these you won't have fought before) In between each wave as it comes to you, you will have a few seconds within which to pause and recuperate ... do so ASAP - don't bother picking up items off the floor until they are all dead. Once all the waves have been despatched, you can chase Baal through the portal and into the Worldstone proper. NOW you can kick his @ss ;) Baal is the middle-brother when it comes to difficulty in my humble opinion. Mephisto was a REAL chump. Diablo was REALLY bad, so Baal is right smack-bang in the middle. He has the following (a non-exhaustive list I might add) powers at his disposal :- A) Create duplicates of himself to attack you and draw your fire. B) Create tendrils that come up out of the ground near you to strike at you. C) Fire gigantic flaming arrows at you that push you back. D) Fire gigantic ice arrows at you that slow you and push you back. E) Fire short-range bolts of orange and red energy (same as he used to attack that dude in the cutscene ??) that do MASSIVE amounts of damage. F) Strike you by hand if you get too close. Baal is difficult, but at your level and with your skills you shouldn't find him impossible. I would strongly suggest paying close attention to the terrain, in order to better enable you to defeat him. Hide behind rocks and jagged outcroppings of the Worldstone to present him with as minimal an aspect as possible. THEN BEAT THAT MUTHA DOWN !!!!! =D Once Baal has been destroyed, grab the items he drops and listen to Tyrael's speech (he'll appear in a sec). If you have not been able to pick up the items Baal dropped when you defeated him then PLEASE DO NOT GO THROUGH TYRAEL'S PORTAL as this will automatically end the game. Create your OWN Town Portal and you can then come back and pick up the rest after you've sold all your gubbins off. Once you are ready and have picked up everything ? THEN go through Tyrael's red Town Portal. This will trigger the end of the game and your final cutscene. CONGRATULATIONS MY FRIEND - YOU HAVE JUST COMPLETED DIABLO II: LOD !! Depending on the difficulty you were playing on, you will gain a rank proportionate to the danger you faced ... Completing the game on normal difficulty makes you a SLAYER Completing the game on nightmare difficulty makes you a CHAMPION Completing the game on hell difficulty makes you a MATRIARCH/PATRIARCH depending on your class. ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý PART EIGHT Ý Ý HINTS AND TIPS Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= After having played through this game more times than I've had hot dinners I STILL don't consider myself an expert by any means, but I have amalgamated a short list of tips and tricks that I have found work for me ... I hope that they help you too :) ---------------------------- WELLS Wells are VERY good spots to hang around as every time you drink from one you heal a certain amount of health, mana, stamina, and all your followers (including your hireling) do the same. ALSO, Wells remove negative enchantments - e.g. curses and poison ... If you find yourself overwhelmed and there is a well in the area, make a stand at the well ;) Also, you will be pleased to note that wells DO recharge over time, so you should keep a mental note of where they are on the level so that you can come back if you need to ... ---------------------------- TRAPPED CHESTS When you open a chest, make sure you listen to the sound it makes. Whilst each type of chest has its own sound - e.g. a normal chest creaks open, whereas a stash is stone and slides open, and a bone chest sounds different again - if the chest is TRAPPED, the sound is always the same. Obviously I'm not going to go into a whole spiel about what the trap sound SOUNDS like ?? But keep an ear open for it ... if it doesn't sound quite normal ? LEG IT !!!!! ---------------------------- DEAD BODIES ALWAYS examine dead bodies you find lying around if you can ... many of them contain items and other goodies you can scavenge. Be careful, however, of dead bodies that are staked to the ground (usually in act one), or tied to the ground (usually in act four), as these can sometimes be trapped - ordinarily with a long-burning fire trap ;) ---------------------------- COMBINING SHRINES Whilst you can only have one duration-based shrine affecting your character at any one time, e.g. you cannot combine a stamina shrine with a mana recharge shrine, you CAN use one-off shrines during a duration-based effect. So, for example, whilst you have your stamina shrine's power affecting you, you CAN still use a health shrine or a mana shrine or a gem shrine without causing the power of the stamina shrine to abate. ---------------------------- RECHARGING SHRINES Some shrines' power recharges, so keep an eye open for these ... examples include the resist shrines (the ones that give you a 75% resistance to cold/lightning/fire/poison on normal difficulty, and say "You no longer fear (whatever)" ?? So if you wait with them long enough, they WILL recharge ... alternatively you can just come back to them the next time you're passing through ;) ---------------------------- HELP! I CAN'T GIVE MY HIRELING A POTION !! Sometimes you will find that even if you're very careful with your dragging and dropping, you just can't seem to feed your hireling that potion you wanna give him/her ... To get around this, press the Z key on the keyboard to suppress your hireling's portrait, and then press Z again to bring it back. NOW you should be ok to give him/her that potion ;) ---------------------------- LOOSE ROCKS/BOULDERS Same rules as with dead bodies ... always look under loose rocks and boulders for treasure if you can. ---------------------------- HOUSES AND STRUCTURES Sometimes you will find huts, houses and other structures - particular in the first act - dotted about the place. Make sure you look thoroughly inside, as quite often treasure will be hidden under blankets and other things inside the building ... ---------------------------- MUCH CASH !! Once you have maxed out your stash's available space for cash, I would suggest that you drop your remaining cash on the floor in town. In this way you won't lose it if you die ... just remember to pick it up before you save and exit, or you'll lose it. ---------------------------- TOO MUCH CASH ?? If you wind up having maxed out your stash AND the amount of gold you can carry with you, why not use the excess to buy items ?? Even if you don't need them, you can carry them with you (space prevailing of course) into your savegame, and then sell them off when you start again ... FOR MORE CASH !! =D ---------------------------- SECOND SET OF WEAPONS Don't forget that if you press the W key you will switch from your primary set of weapons, to your secondary set ... but you don't JUST have to use this for weaponry ... FOR EXAMPLE, you CAN actually have two different skills set - one on each set of weaponry ... sooooooooo when I was playing as my Paladin, I put Holy Freeze on his primary set of weapons, and Might on his second ... that way I had the ability to slow my enemies down and then, with the flick of a key, move over to using might to enable my party to SMITE THEM like the PEONS they are !! ---------------------------- QUICK HEALING For the cost of a Town Portal Scroll you can be fully healed and have all your mana restored - NEVER forget that. If you're depleted in both, or your hireling is about to die or WHATEVER, then you can always use a Town Portal to get OUT of trouble, heal up with whoever is the healer in the town you're in, and then jump STRAIGHT back into the fray. ---------------------------- TOWN PORTAL = MINI-SAVE Don't forget that you don't HAVE to use a Town Portal once it's been cast, so if for example you're entering an area where you KNOW from past experience you are most likely going to die ? And the waypoint in this area is MILES away ? Then cast a Town Portal Spell in a safe location BEFORE you go into harm's way. In THIS way you will (if you die) be able to go back through the Town Portal FROM town and back to just before you died - i.e. you'll get to your corpse quicker ;) ============================================================================= Ý Ý Ý PART NINE Ý Ý ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ý Ý Ý ============================================================================= This walkthrough is dedicated to Max, who brought so much love and happiness to all those who knew him, and who is sadly no longer with us. I hope that fortune smiles on you Max :) I am also dedicating it to the people at Blizzard who, in this title, have made a game that practically DEFIES the term coolness ... you guys ROCK !! =D Special mention must be made to my new friend Axel Barvaeus of Marrondust, who made me feel really glad to have written this guide, and confirmed that I did not waste my time. Thanks my friend ... NOW KICK DIABLO'S @SS !!!!! =) Special thanks go to Cyrus Nunn for help provided re: the Necromancer's Mercenary Compatibility Grading ... Thanks Cyrus :) Finally, special mention must be given to Christian, who pointed out that you CAN actually buy Mana Potions from Akara in the Rogue Encampment. Cheers mate ! - copyright Mister Sinister, 2003.