TFC STRATEGY GUIDE BY [UoM]KYOSUKE Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION II. A GUIDE TO TF LINGO III. MULTIPLAYER ETIQUETTE-"HOW TO BE NICE" IV. CLASS GUIDE V. MAP GUIDE VI. 10 THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT TF VII. SKILL VIII. FAQ IX. CONCLUSION I.INTRODUCTION TFC is a mod based on the Half-Life engine. Although another mod (Counterstrike) enjoys greater popularity, I've always enjoyed TF more due to it's variety of character classes and the all out mayhem that can ensue. Plus, once you die, you can come right back to Counterstrike, you have to wait till one team or the other wins (which usually takes too long for my short attention span). II. A GUIDE TO TF LINGO While playing TF, experienced players will throw around terminology that makes no sense unless you're...a more experienced player. Or if you read this guide. TF- Team Fortress TFC- Team Fortress Classic (same thing, for all practical purposes) GG- "Good Game", usually said after a map ends GTG/G2G- "Got To Go", said before someone is about to leave game FF- "Friendly Fire". On some servers, you can hurt your teammates...on other servers you can't, which obviously consists of Friendly Fire. Usually someone new to a server will ask "Is FF on?" TK- "Team Kill". This is when someone kills someone on their own team, which detracts a point from the killers' kills. TKER- Someone who kills their own team on purpose. LLAMA- Either 1.) A Tker, or 2.) Someone not very good at TF. Newb/n00b- "Newbie". Someone inexperienced/not good at TF. SG- "Sentry Gun", a gun turret built by Engineers. HW- "Heavy Weapons". Refers to "Heavy Weapons Guy", a class. BTW-By the way... GJ- "Good job" TY-"Thank you" SPAM/SPAMMER/SPAMMING-This refers to randomly throwing grenades or some other such weapon, hoping it will do damage to the enemy, but not really aiming at anyone in particular. Most of the time this has a negative context, but it's actually a fairly effective technique. Don't spam enemy respawns. There are other initials that people write all the time that I won't put down here, along the lines of "wtf". I'm sure you'll figure out that one fast enough on your own =/ III. ETIQUETTE GUIDE There are certain things that you should avoid doing because certain things tend to make your teammates very angry. Of course, it's within your rights to do just about anything you want; but these will often make people mad. And, in some servers, these actions will get you banned. -SWEARING.Be aware of the server's swearing policy. Many servers do not allow swearing or racial slurs. Read the little screen that pops up before the match begins, that should indicate the server's policy. If it doesn't say anything about swearing, then it's usually fair game. -FLAG STEALING. This occurs when a teammate steals an enemy flag and brings it most of the way back to your base, and then gets killed, leaving the flag lying around. Then, another teammate (not the one who carried it most of the way) grabs the flag and caps it, getting ten points. Because I usually play as a Scout, I can testify that it is often very difficult to complete a cap, and it's very frusterating when someone just takes it two steps and gets points that they really don't deserve. If you see the enemy flag lying around your base, the best course of action is to grab it and take it to a safe area, then ask your team "who's cap?". If someone says "mine" then tell them where to find you, and press the key to toss the flag (default key:c). If no one responds, or if someone types "take it", then go ahead and cap. NOTE: There are a lot of subtleties involved in this. One obvious question: How close does your flag need to be to your base in order for it to qualify as "someone elses"? The rule I use is over the halfway point of the map. NOTE: If it takes multiple people to get the flag over the halfway point, it's usually acceptable to take it for yourself. NOTE: I'll be the first to agree that this doesn't really matter. In my mind, team points are the most important, more so than individual scores (it is called TEAM fortress, after all, not Kyosuke's Fortress, although that would be cool). But you have to realize that sometimes people are trying to make a good impression on clans, friends, or have some other motive for getting a high personal score. IN the end, it's your choice; but if you take someone's cap, they will often be pissed off. -TURTLING-This occurs when a team gets a lead, and then all or almost all of their players switch to defense, in the closest TFC equivalent to genuine team-camping. Much like flag-stealing, there's nothing really wrong with this, but it pisses people off. -TKING. If FF is on, don't kill your own team on purpose. If there's an admin around, you will be kicked off or banned from the server. If not, you're just ruining everyone's fun. Go read an anarchy book to get rid of your angst. -BE RESPECTFUL OF THE RULES. Often times, I play on servers that are run by guilds or clans. Although these clan/guild members can usually be identified by their tags, sometimes they go undercover with generic names. Bottom line: You never know who's watching you. Be safe and obey the rules. IV. CHARACTER GUIDE First of all, here are some general strategies that apply to everyone. -When you need to get somewhere fast, jump diagonally towards your goal. This increases your speed. -Strafe as often as possible. It makes you more difficult to hit. -Jumping and ducking can help you avoid Sniper shots, although the best method of doing so is to hide behind some barrier. There are 8 characters in TF. 1. SCOUT- "Think Squirrel" Health: 75 Armor : 50 Weapons: Crowbar, Nailgun, Shotgun Grenades: Caltrops, Conc.Grenade The Scout is the fastest character in TF, by far. The Scout has two primary uses...1.) Capturing Flags/Securing Command Points, 2.) Finding Spies. While on offense, the Scout's great speed can help him grab a flag out of enemy territory and quickly return it. This speed can be increased twofold when performing a Conc.Jump (see below). On Defense, the Scout can run into everyone in your base. While this may seem like a worthless activity, if you run into an enemy spy, it will remove his disguise. This will help keep your team's SG's alive, and will help your snipers know who to shoot. GENERAL STRATEGIES -Learn the essential Scout technique, the Conc.Jump. The purpose of this technique is to use a grenade to LAUNCH the Scout towards his target, at a very high velocity. There are two ways to do this. 1.) Press and hold the keyboard key that prepares a conc.grenade (the default key is 'G') while walking forward. You'll notice that when you do this, a beeping sound will occur. When 'primed', the grenade will beep three times slowly, then two times very quickly, and will then detonate. What you want to do to perform a conc.jump is wait for the three slow beeps and one fast beep to go by, then jump before the last beep (while walking forward). You should aim to be around the peak of your jump when the conc. grenade goes off. Got all that? The key component to a successful conc.jump is TIMING. And in order to get the timing right, you need to PRACTICE. Find a server that dosen't have many people on it and just practice the timing until you can perform it anywhere, on command. This technique is INCREDIBLY useful in maps like Warpath, 2fort, Dustbowl, Rock2, and...well, pretty much every map. Trust me, learn it if you plan to be a Scout. 2.) The second way to perform this technique is to throw a conc.grenade and stand on top of it, then jump between the 4th and 5th beep (same as before). Don't forget to push forward when you jump. This will propel you vertically (it makes you fly high, not far). This is useful for gaining easy access to high ledges. The first way is generally more useful, but both ways are worth knowing. -Learn to use your Caltrops (default key:'F'). When you use them, it drops a set of spikes behind you, and anyone who steps on them will have their speed reduced by 1/2 (temporarily). When anyone is chasing you, drop the caltrops to give them an unpleasant surprise, and allow you to make a clean getaway (hopefully). -Do NOT fight. What the Scout has in speed, it lacks in fighting power. All of his weapons are weak, and unless you are VERY skilled or very lucky, you WILL lose in a direct fight. There are three situations where fighting with a Scout is permissible: When you see an enemy sniper who is too stupid to use his assault rifle, if you're fighting another Scout, or if you know that your opponent has like 2 life left, and even in these situations it still takes some skill to emerge victorious. Golden Rule: Just RUN. -Master evasive techniques. Learn to effectively strafe from side to side. Jump. Duck. It doesn't take much to kill a Scout; do all that you can to avoid getting hit. -As unlikely as it seems, Scouts are good at taking out SG's (as long as the Engineer isn't close by), and is a VERY useful technique to know. First, determine the location of an SG. Then put a wall or some other barrier between you and the SG. Crouch down, and SLOWLY edge forward. If you do this slowly enough, you will see a piece of the SG before the SG will see you. Get out your nailgun, and fire at the visible portion of the SG until it blows. You'll know if you're hitting because the SG will sort of glow. Just be aware that when doing this, the Engineer will eventually get the idea, and will more than likely come to attack you. Be prepared to evacuate quickly! -Now, for the most important thing a Scout can do, even more so than the Conc.Jump (!!!): KNOW YOUR MAPS. A conc.jump is not very useful if you don't know where you're going. Getting the enemy flag doesn't do any good if you don't know where to take it. This is THE most important thing a Scout can do. Know all of the secret passages and hiding places you can use to get into the enemy base undetected. Know where you can get health and armor, because if you're hit, you'll need it. Learn where the Engineers usually place their SG's. Know every map forwards and backwards. I can't stress this enough! -Scouts can defuse enemy detpacks by running over them. This is especially useful for when a demoman sets his detpack for a minute and leaves it somewhere where it will likely hurt your team. Scouts are like squirrels; they're fast, they're weak, they always run, and they're easy to kill (not that I know that from personal experience or anything, heh heh). It is a deceptively difficult class to master. A large following of TF players believe that the Scout is not a good class, because the Medic is better in every fashion, except he's slightly slower. While that's true, I often find that extra bit of speed is exactly what I need to escape. But then, I'm biased, since I almost always play as a Scout. I love Scout :). 2. SNIPER- "Have Advil Close By" Health : 90 Armor : 50 Weapons: Crowbar, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle Ah, the Sniper. Probably the most popular class, and arguably the most annoying class. MANY servers limit the amount of Snipers that can be on one team; not many servers limit Pyros. However, they are annoying because, in the right hands, a good Sniper is invaluable. I would rather have a good Sniper on my team than a good member of any other class. GENERAL STRATEGIES -This may seem simplistic, but a lot of people new to the game don't know how to "make the red dot appear". Switch to the Sniper Rifle (weapon #2), then press and hold the fire button (default key: Enter/Left Mouse Click) until the red dot appears. Also be aware that you can zoom in (Default Key: Right click) on targets. -The most important aspect of sniping is knowing where to do it from. Find the ideal places in every map to snipe from. If you're new to the game, look where other snipers go. -Sometimes, with a little help from your friends (like friendly scouts, medics, demo men, other snipers, etc etc), Snipers can get to sniping points that would otherwise not be possible. Sometimes, through use of grenades and other such means, they can shoot you up to platforms that can't be reached by just walking. See the Map Guide for examples of these places in each map. -Aim for the head. You will be able to kill most classes in ONE SHOT if you hit them directly on the head. You can also shoot at their legs, which decreases their speed. Aiming at the legs seems to be particularly effective in hurting HW Guys. -The Sniper Rifle is most effective for long term sniping. If an enemy gets close to you, use the Assault Rifle unless you are fairly adept at using the Sniper Rifle. -On a similar note, ALWAYS leave yourself at least five bullets when using the Assault Rifle. Why? It's important to remember that the Sniper Rifle can kill enemies in one hit. So every bullet is potentially a kill...five assault rifle bullets won't even kill a Scout. If you're low on ammo, always switch to the Sniper Rifle. -Learn to "hit and run". If someone is charging at you, and you hit (but don't kill) them with a Sniper Rifle, don't just stand there while you reload; they will probably kill you. Instead, run behind a wall or other barrier, then reload and aim where the enemy will most likely appear. Until you've achieved a certain level of skill, Snipers are not very adept at close-quarters combat. -It's sometimes advisable to move after every kill. If whomever you kill sees where you are, they'll be more ready for you next time. If you're on a roll in one spot, stay there; but if you're getting killed a lot, move around. -Learn the strafe technique. Prime the Sniper Rifle, and strafe from behind a wall, ready to fire. Sounds easy, but it's hard to do it effectively. -A lot of the time, there is a lot of fighting between competing opposing Snipers. Remember that almost all maps in TF are mirror images; wherever you like to snipe from, the enemy Snipers will like to snipe from. Learn where the enemy Snipers like to hang out; they can kill you as easily as you can kill them. -Snipers can perform a version of a rocket jump on teammates, as long as FF is off. If it's off, then kneel down, and wait for a teammate to jump on top of you (obviously this is not going to happen randomly, you have to plan it out). Then prime your Sniper Rifle, and aim it towards where you want to shoot your teammate. Then have them jump, and release the trigger. If done correctly, your teammate will fly to wherever you aimed. This is ideal for shooting Engineers or other Snipes to otherwise inaccessible areas, which makes it much more difficult for the enemy to dispatch them. If a teammate ever asks you for a "boost", this is what they mean. -Remember your grenades. If you have them, don't be afraid to use them. In closing, there's some advice I'd like to give new Snipers. Number one, try to train a little on a small server before you go onto bigger ones. Since many servers limit the amount of snipers that a single team has, good Snipers can get very angry if a newb Sniper is taking up a slot. Whoever get there first has the right to be Sniper, I'm just saying that if you're not good, you'll take some heat for it. Likewise, don't take grenades when other people are waiting in line for them. Although they can be useful, ALL other classes need grenades more than Snipers. Snipers are, in good hands, the best unit in the game (in my opinion). But in order to become a good Sniper, you need to practice, a LOT. There are a lot of subtle techniques that one can use to maximize their effectiveness. If you want to be an excellent Sniper, you have a lot of work ahead of you. Despite all I've written about Snipers, I'm only an average one. That shows you how difficult it is to master =/ 3. SOLDIER- "Like a HW, only with skill" Health : 100 Armor : 200 Weapons : Crowbar, Super-Shotgun, Rocket Launcher Grenades: Grenades, Nail Grenade The Soldier is the meat-and-potatoes of any team. When used effectively, the Soldier is capable of many powerful feats. GENERAL STRATEGIES -The key to being a good Soldier: master the Rocket Launcher. The key to doing this is simple: Do not aim for your opponent's body, aim for their feet! Rockets are slow; if you aim for the body, they can be avoided easily. But when the rockets explode, they cause damage over a wide area. If you aim at their feet, it won't do as much damage, but it will do some. Plus, it will send your opponent flying into the air. If you watch them fly, you will eventually be able to determine where they will land, and you can fire another rocket. If you're good enough, you can keep an opponent in the air for virtually your entire encounter. This is the ideal of the Soldier. -Another keystone to being a Soldier is "rocket-jumping" or "bunny- hopping", which are the Soldier's equivalent of a conc.jump. To do this, aim straight down with the Rocket Launcher, then jump and quickly fire, while walking forward. This will send you flying up and forward. Very useful for getting to high ledges. Also, while you are in the air, you can fire rockets down on your unsuspecting foes, a technique especially useful for killing Snipers on various battlements. Bunny- hopping will do some damage to you, so be careful not to do it if you're low on health. -When fighting in close quarters, don't be afraid to fire the Rocket Launcher near you. It will hurt you, yes, but it will also hurt the enemy. Since Soldiers have a lot of armor, you can afford to take some collateral damage. -The Soldiers have an interesting grenade, called the nail grenade. It fires nails for awhile, then detonates. This isn't overly effective at killing opponents, but it does have two uses; killing SGs, and scaring enemies away. As for killing SG's...that's self explanatory. As for the other use, try throwing one of these into where a few enemies are standing. Snipers will likely stop aiming in order to run away, and enemies won't enter the area when they see the nails, for fear of getting badly hurt. It is essentially a chaos device; learn to use it well. -Whenever possible, when entering an open area, fire a rocket towards favorite sniper hideouts. Since Soldiers are so slow, they make easy target for Snipers. But when Snipers are faced with a rocket flying towards them, most will stop aiming and start running. Keep this up until you get to a relatively safe area. Bunny hopping can sometimes help avoid Sniper shots, but the above method is less painful. -When facing fast opponents with low armor, you might want to switch to your Super-Shotgun. Also use your Super-Shotgun if you're low on health and can't take any collateral damage (unless you don't mind killing yourself with the Rocket Launcher in order to take some enemies down with you). In most situations, use the Rocket Launcher. -A useful fighting technique; jump while using the Rocket Launcher. It minimizes damage to you. Easy to say, hard to do, essential to master. -When fighting as a Soldier, it's critical to always keep moving. Run around, strafe, jump, just make it so that you're not an easy target. This will help you live a little longer. -Additionally, a technique that will often help turn the battle in your favor is if, while you're firing your rockets and jumping around, you also prime a grenade. The extra damage the grenade will do to your opponent will often make the difference. This is a somewhat advanced technique, so it's sort of hard to do. In a sense, there's not too much to being a Soldier. The Soldier's usefulness is largely based on mastery of the Rocket Launcher. However, much like Snipers, they are incredibly useful if in good hands. BTW, if you can take one thing away from reading this section about the soldier: AIM AT THE ENEMIES' FEET!!! If you can take away two things, ALWAYS KEEP MOBILE WHEN FIGHTING! I'm a pretty good Soldier, but the good ones out there make me look like a fool =/ 4. MEDIC- "The Most Balanced Unit" Health : 100 Armor : 100 Weapons : Medikit/Poison, Super-Shotgun, Super-Nailgun Grenades: Grenades, Conc.Grenades As mentioned in my little quote, the Medic is the most versatile (balanced) unit in the game. The Medic is the second fastest unit in the game, and has some decently powerful weapons, with the capability to take out the entire enemy team in one shot (really)! Let's explore the general strategy of this fascinating unit. GENERAL STRATEGIES -Here's how to potentially kill the whole enemy team. Use your Medikit (Weapon #1) on enemies. If you hit them, they will be affected with a deadly disease. If they touch any of their teammates, their teammates will be affected with this disease. So if you infect a newb, he won't know why he is losing health, and will run to the respawn to refill his rapidly deteriorating health, and infect all teammates in the respawn. The only way to get rid of the disease is to be healed by a friendly medic, or to die (there is a secret way to get rid of disease, but not many are aware of...I'll get into that later). While experienced players usually do a suicide charge, or even kill themselves in order to avoid death by disease, it is a VERY useful technique that will greatly annoy your foes! -For greatest effect, try to infect enemies named "Player". -Medics can get points for healing teammate's infections. -Medics can perform conc.jumps as well. To see how to do this, see the "Scout" section. The process is the same. -Medics can also use their Super-Nailguns to effectively take out SGs. To see how to do this, read the "Scout" section. -Remember that you can heal your teammates. Be attentive, and listen for the plaintive "Medic!" or "Excuse me, I'm in need of medical attention!" calls of your teammates. Make sure you're especially available if an enemy Medic is infecting your team. -A Medic is a good candidate for capturing the flag/key/command points. Some say the Medic is better at capping than the Scout. -Use your Medikit/Poison against HW Guys and Soldiers, unless you're pretty confident with using your grenades and Super-Shotgun. It's usually a good idea to use the Super-Shotgun against Scouts and other Medics. I view the Medic as, essentially, a more powerful version of the Scout. Most of the strategies that apply to Scouts can be used effectively by Medics. What makes the Medics different revolves mainly around the Medikit/Poison. Learn how to, and when, to use it. And finally, remember to help your teammates! 5. HEAVY WEAPONS GUY- "You're already good at it!" Health : 100 Armor : 300 Weapons : Crowbar, Super-Shotgun, Machine Gun Grenades: Grenades, Scatter Grenades More or less everyone agrees that the HW Guy is the easiest class to play. As a matter of fact, many people believe that it takes no skill at all to play a HW Guy. There are those that claim that it takes a lot of skill, but those people often only play as HW Guy. I think it is the easiest class to learn and master, but you do need to know what you're doing. The basic idea/purpose of a HW Guy is simple. Take out your Machine Gun, aim, and shoot. This will shred any class but another HW Guy to ribbons in a second or two. That's basically it, but here are a few extra tips to bring out the full potential of this heavily armed and armored class. GENERAL STRATEGIES -Don't use anything but the Machine Gun and both types of grenades, allowing for the rare use of the Super-Shotgun. -One of the biggest HW Guy challenges is meeting up with another HW Guy. The most critical thing to do is, if possible, get in the first shot. At equal health and armor, it becomes a case of who shoots whom first. Also, try to strafe when firing. Anything that you can do to make your opponent miss, even for a moment, adds to your chances of coming out of the encounter in one piece. But make sure that you can hit HIM while taking the above evasive maneuvers; otherwise it defeats the purpose. Also, if you can prime a grenade while firing and dodging, it will often make all the difference in a HW battle, as the damage it does to the enemy will work to your advantage. -The other thing that strikes fear into the heart of a HW Guy is an Engineer. The Engineer has something called an EMP Grenade, which does damage based on how much metal the grenade is carrying. With 300 Armor and loads of ammo, it spells instant death for a HW Guy. The main way to avoid this is to kill the Engineer before they get close enough too even lob a grenade. If you see an Engineer running around you but not firing, then he's priming a grenade. Be aware that even when you kill him, there may be a live grenade on his body. Be careful. -In order to counter for your slow speed, do the diagonal-jump method to increase your speed. -...well, most of the strategies for HW Guys are how to battle. There are other FAQ's that deal more with battling. I'd consult those. I don't play HW Guy all that often, so there's not much more I can really say here. I really don't think it is all that hard of a class to be good at, although there is definitely a difference between good and bad HWs. If you are just starting to get into TF, HW Guy might be a good class to start with. BTW, they're REALLY slow. 6. DEMOLITIONS MAN- "Ready, Set, Blow" Health:100 Armor:120 Weapons: Crowbar, Shotgun, Grenade Launchers, Remote Grenade Launcher Grenades: Grenades, Scatter Grenades Demolitions Man (Demo) is the ultimate spammer. Almost all of his weapons result in a massive explosion with great annihilation power. While spamming a doorway is the picture of simplicity, using the Demo in any other situation requires a finesse not immediately evident when looking at the name of the class. GENERAL STRATEGIES -I'll start out with the Demo's "hidden weapon", the Detpack. The Detpack is a massive bomb that kills everything in a large radius. The default key to set this monster is 'M'. The primary use of the Detpack is to blow open sealed passageways in various maps, like Dustbowl and Warpath. But here's a devious tip; in any map where there's a timer (60 seconds before gates open), when there's about 7 seconds left, start to set your detpack. Once it's set, run. Roughly when the gate opens, BOOM, large numbers of the enemy team can be killed. Just be careful; if FF is on, it has the potential to wipe out all of your defenses, too. -Learn to use Weapon #5. You can fire grenades that will then just sit wherever they land, until you detonate them by pressing trigger 2 (default key:right mouse button). This is especially useful for guarding your flag...if an enemy takes your flag but then later dies, leaving it on the ground, shoot some grenades around it. As soon as an enemy touches it, detonate the grenades. Repeat process. You can also use a similar procedure on doorways and other narrow passages. -Weapon #4, the Grenade Launcher, to spam small passageways, such as the ones in Dustbowl. -Both Weapons #4 and #5 can be used as primary weapons. The Grenade Launcher is obvious; point, shoot, and hope that they're too stupid to strafe. Sometimes it's better to fire it at the ground, and let it bounce at the opponent; it seems to increase accuracy a little. A more subtle (and often more effective) way to use Weapon #4 is to shoot around where you suspect the enemy will be in a few seconds. It's sort of hard to predict that, but it's easier than it sounds. -When using Weapon #5, you can fire then detonate at will. One way you can do this effectively is to run around and fire a few of the pipe bombs around. When your opponent (ideally) runs over one of them, detonate and repeat the process. -The Demo can hold a lot of grenades. Make full use of them. -The Demo can also do his own (painful) version of bunny- hopping/conc.jumping. To do this, fire a pipe bomb and then run towards it. If you want to fly straight up, stand on top of the bomb, jump, then detonate it. If you want to fly up and forward, jump and detonate immediately after running over it. NOTE: This technique does a fairly significant damage to you, so use it sparingly and only when necessary. -Don't forget your Shotgun! With so many other powerful weapons in your arsenal, it's easy to forget. But since it's the only long-range weapon with precise aim, it can be very useful, especially when fighting another Demo who is trying to hit you with grenades...just back away and use your Shotgun, it's actually surprisingly effective! Aside from mastering the uses of the Detpack, the main task is to discover the effective uses of Weapons #4 and #5. This is harder than it sounds, and the best way it can be accomplished is by (you guessed it) practice. However, the Demo's main effectiveness does come in booby-trapping narrow passages and Detpack usage; he is not the best open-field fighter. 7. PYRO- "The Gadfly" Health:100 Armor :150 Weapons: Crowbar, Shotgun, Flame Thrower, Incendiary Cannon Grenades: Grenades, Fire Grenades Have you ever seen one of those flies that buzzes around your house, around your food, just being annoying? The TF equivalent of that fly is the Pyro. Another strategy guide once said that the Pyro was the only class that can do it's job without getting a good score, and I agree fully with that statement. The Pyro's job, simply put, is to be annoying. Although this is what I wrote originally, the Pyro's usefulness has been increased in the past few months. I've heard that their damage ratio was increased, and since [UoM]Ginta plays as Pyro often, I've learned some new strategies that make the Pyro potent. GENERAL STRATEGIES -The medium of the Pyro's annoyingness is fire. The Flame Thrower, the Incendiary Cannon, and the Fire Grenades make fire. When the enemy is hit with fire, it does some damage for a time, and also clouds their field of vision with fire. The main strategy of the Pyro is, appropriately enough, to set stuff on fire (yaaa!) -It's especially useful (and fun) to set snipers on fire. It disrupts their deadly aim. Throw a fire grenade or shoot the Incindiary Cannon into favorite Sniper hideouts and watch the barbeque. -The most effective way to do battle is with the incendiary cannon. This weapon detonates into flame wherever it connects. Although if you detonate it close to you it will hurt you fractionally, it seems to have a much more accurate hit ratio than the flame thrower, and it has the large advantage of range. The Flame Thrower is effective for doing big damage to slower moving enemies. But the incendiary cannon is better in general because it is effective against everyone and has better range. -That being said, the best weapon that Pyro's have is the normal grenades. Try to have four of them when you go to attack. -The Fire Grenades can hurt SG's as well as normal grenades can, and normal grenades are more useful. Use Fire Grenades to kill them if you can spare the time. -On servers where FF is off, Pyro's have an additional skill that can be of great use; spy detection. Just flame anyone you see. If they catch on fire but appear to be a member of your team, then they're a Spy. Act accordingly. While annoying people is all well and good, I find it is generally better just to kill them (this only applies to TF, of course, not real life...heh heh...). Pyro is more or less widely regarded as the worst class, but he does certainly have his uses, and is currently becoming a little more popular. 8. ENGINEER-"The King of Defense" Health:80 Armor :50 Weapons: Wrench, Super-Shotgun, Laser Although the Engineer (I believe) was created largely for defensive purposes, he can play offense and defense equally well. What he lacks in health he makes up with his sentry gun and EMP Grenades. GENERAL STRATEGIES -The most important function of the Engineer is to build a Sentry Gun in the right places, and maintain it's health. In order to build a SG, the default key is right-mouse button. This will open a menu, and select to build SG. If it's not an option, grab a few backpacks of ammo and try again. Once it is built, hit it with your wrench to make it more powerful. Get more ammo backpacks and repeat this process until your SG is level 3. If the gun itself is facing the wrong way, open the menu and rotate it. -A hallmark of a good Engineer is WHERE to build the SG. There are certain places in every level where SGs can be most effective...see the map guide for more info. -The other piece of equipment that the Engineer can build is a Dispenser. This device resupplies anyone who uses it. This is not as useful as the SG, but it has it's uses. In some maps, you can build a dispenser in a narrow passageway, blocking enemy access. Of course, the enemy can destroy it, but then you'll know where he's at, and can head over and toss an EMP to finish the job. If the enemies use the Dispenser, a message will flash across the screen telling you as much. You can then detonate the Dispenser (open the same menu that you used to build it, it will now be an option). This will often kill the enemy, or at least seriously hurt them. -EMP Grenades do damage based on how much metal your opponent is carrying...they are deadly for HW Guys and Soldiers, and even works very well against other classes. Try to make sure to have these handy grenades with you at all times. For some reason, EMPs work well against Scouts too. -Your little laser gun isn't good. Don't use it. -Your sentry gun, at level 3, can survive an explosion from a grenade. It can't survive two normal grenades. So if an opponent throws a normal grenade at your SG, wait until it explodes, then quickly run in and repair it, and then quickly run all likelihood, a 2nd grenade is on it's way. If a scatter grenade lands by your SG, just get away; there's no way you can save it. -If on defense and not under immediate attack, you may want to do "spy checks", similar to the Scout. If FF is off, then shoot everyone you see with your Super-Shotgun. If they bleed, they're an enemy Spy, kill them! If FF in on, then bump into everyone...if they're an enemy spy, then their disguise will be removed. It's important to be aware of spies, because they are prime-candidates to destroy your SGs. Similar to the Sniper, a lot of being a good Engineer comes from where to place your SGs. Also like the Sniper, it's a good idea to change it's location occasionally, to throw off the enemy (unless you have it in a great spot). 9. SPY-"Watch Your Back" Health: 90? Armor : 100? Weapons: Knife, Tranquilizer Gun, Super-Shotgun Grenades: Normal Grenades, Gas Grenades The Spy can perform a variety of tasks that can be of great use. From scouting to killing sentries to killing snipers and everything in between, the Spy is a class that is very useful, yet very difficult to master. GENERAL STRATEGIES -First, learn the subtlety of disguises. Use the default key to bring up the disguise menu is the right-mouse button. From there, go to "enemy disguises" and choose one. When choosing a disguise, you'll want to be sure to pick a disguise of an opposing players' class. For example, if the enemy team doesn't have a Pyro, don't disguise yourself as a Pyro. If you do, you will be MUCH easier to spot. Trust me here. -It's not enough to just disguise yourself; you have to ACT like a Spy. Experienced players are very aware of spies, and will often perform "spy checks", and if you fail, you're in trouble. Here are a few tips on how to blend in: 1. Don't go "Straight for the Gold". If your goal is to capture a flag or something like that, don't just rush straight towards it. The enemy will view this as highly suspicious. Likewise, if a large group of enemies are walking towards you, and they see a member "of their own team" running at them from the opposite direction, it's pretty apparent you're a Spy. 2. Run Backwards. This gives the illusion that you were fighting some battle and made a temporary retreat, and are still prepared to fire on the "enemy". It will draw less attention then running in facing forward. Of course, you have to be somewhat familiar with the map in order to do this, or you'll be running backwards in random directions, an action which is just BEGGING for attention. 3. Act Like The Enemy. The better you fake it, the more likely it is that you will survive the encounter. In addition to running backwards, throw a Grenade forward to give the idea that you're battling back some opponent (don't use a gas grenade, obviously). Be careful doing this if FF is on. 4. Pick an Appropriate Disguise. If you're goal is to take out some SGs, disguise yourself as an Engineer; the enemy will be less likely to attack an Engineer on his way to "repair" a SG than some Soldier or something making a beeline for the named SG. Likewise, if you want to take out some Snipers, disguise yourself as a Sniper. The enemy team will not think much of a Sniper running towards the battlements. Another class running towards prime Sniper areas will draw more attention. 5. Don't disguise yourself as a Scout. There's not much reason why a Scout would be running back to his home base, and the variation in speed between the Scout and the Spy will clearly mark you. Also be aware of disguising yourself as a Medic. The enemy team will call for you to heal them, and might be curious when you just run away. -You lose your disguise if you ever use any of your weapons, with the exception of Grenades and Gas Grenades. You also lose it if you bump into a member of the opposite team, or pick up a flag/key/ or secure a command point. -If you need to disappear quickly, use the "Feign Death" technique (which is found in the same menu as Enemy Disguise, Friendly Disguise, etc). This will make it appear as if you are dead to all observers, but you can pop back up by selecting the "stop feigning" command. Just be aware that you can still be hurt, and experienced players often routinely shoot bodies on the ground, in an extra- vigilant Spy check (either that or they like to mutilate dead bodies. Either way, you're screwed). Also, be aware that if someone stands on you, you will not be able to get up, and then can kill you at their leisure. -"Feign Silently" is the same as "Feign Death", except you don't make the death-groan sound. This is more useful than feigning death. -Spies are great for taking out SGs, because, when disguised, the SG won't fire on them. Just lob two normal grenades at the SG when no one is watching (if possible), and then continue on your merry way. -You can use the knife to kill people in one hit, if you stab them in the back. Walk behind an enemy character and use your knife, they will die instantly. This is great for taking out a group of Snipers, because their attention is usually focused elsewhere. Get 'em all! -Spies don't lose their disguise when throwing Grenades. Thus, before you go into enemy territory, make sure you're loaded to bear with grenades. This will ensure that you can do the most damage possible before losing your disguise. -Another neat trick; feign silently in a favorite Sniper spot. When they come and their attention is focused elsewhere, pop up and knife them. Repeat the process until they wise up (might be never, if they're n00bz). -If possible, throw a Gas Grenade into the Sniper area, or any other area that will cause hassle for the enemy. Do this only if you can do it undetected, or if you're about to die. -Your gas grenades cause your opponents to have illusions. Much like the Pyro's flame grenades, all this really accomplishes is minor damage and minor annoyance. Thus, as I said above, only use them if you can do it discreetly. -Recognize when an enemy figures you out. If someone keeps shooting you, it's fairly obvious that they figured you out. Drop the facade, whip out your Knife or Super-Shotgun and grenades, and battle it out. -Your Tranquilizer Gun makes the enemy have illusions and slows their reflexes, much like the gas grenades combined with caltrops. The purpose it really serves is if you shoot the enemy (this also slows their movements), and then take advantage of the situation by stabbing them in the back. -Ironically, the Spy makes a better scout than the Scout does. When you infiltrate the enemy base, you can tell your teammates about the defenses the enemy has set up, such as where SGs are and if there's a Soldier camping around somewhere. -Try a knife fight between spies sometime. It's fun. There are a lot of subtleties to being a good Spy. I'd say the Spy's two most important tasks are to take down stubborn SGs and to learn how to knife people. In order to ensure your survival to even GET to the SGs, however, you must act like the enemy. The Spy is a very useful class that is very hard to master. IV. MAP GUIDE Here's a guide to all of the common maps in TF. For each map, as opposed to any general strategies, I give class-specific tips. Here's a brief translation table: Sc-Scout Sn-Sniper So-Soldier Me-Medic De-Demo Py-Pyro En-Engineer Sp-Spy Did you figure out my brilliant abbreviations system? DUSTBOWL- "Let the Spamming Begin!" In Dustbowl, as with other maps, the players are devided into two teams (duh). But in Dustbowl, they are broken up into "Defenders" and "Attackers". The Defenders' goal is to defend a fortress against a series of attacks from, you guessed it, the Attackers. There are three separate fortresses; if they lose all three, then they lose the game. This map emphasizes teamwork; it's my favorite map. Attackers' Strategy Sc-Don't be a Scout at first. Not at the beginning of any of the three fortresses, anyway. There will be so many grenades and bombs flying in your face that there's no way you'll make it through it alive. Once the first lines of defense are cleared and you can change to Scout, get some grenades, and then just pick up the flag and go for the CP. Be sure you know where the CP is before you take the flag. It can be effective to do a conc.jump to the CP. Just be careful; if you jump somewhere wildly, you might be killed and drop the flag in some obscure place. Your teammates will not appreciate that. Sn-Before the assault on any of the given fortresses start, the Defense will invariably set up SGs near the gates. Once you spot one, prime your Sniper Rifle and aim it at one of the SGs. When the gates open, fire on that SG immediately. The SG is a HUGE pain; if you can take it out right away, then it will be a huge help to your team. Other than this, however, it's probably not a good idea to be a Sniper. It's essentially a defensive class; the enemy will slaughter you before you have a chance at a good shot, most likely. If you're a really good Sniper, then go for it, I'm sure you'll find a way. But if you're a really good Sniper, then why are you reading this far? So-When the gates open, rush forward and throw as many grenades as possible. Do this until things clear up a bit, then aim rockets/grenades at the SGs if no one else has taken care of them yet. Other than that, just do your normal Soldier things; kill Snipers, shoot rockets, etc etc. De-Same as the Soldiers, rush the gates and throw as many grenades as possible. If you manage to survive long enough to use all your grenades, then switch to the grenade launcher. If (by some miracle) you survive even longer, try to take out some SGs or kill a few Snipers. However, after the initial rush, changing to a Soldier or a HW would probably be more useful. Py-Use your fire grenades to cause an annoyance for the defense. Use your incendiary cannon to target Engineers and their SGs. Sp-The Spy plays a critical role in Dustbowl. Since (when disguised) the SG's wont mow them down, it is usually the responsibility of the Spy to get past the Defensive spamming and take out the SGs. This will usually take a few tries, and will be much more difficult if the enemy has good Snipers. But keep trying. Throughout Dustbowl, just try to take out the enemy defenses. Defense Sc-Scouts are useful for Spy checks, especially after the initial chokepoint is passed. Sn-This is a map where good Snipers can be a great asset. Before the gates open, find yourself a good Sniper spot. In the first fortress, standing on the high cliff (next to the grenades), aiming at the main gate, is one god spot. The other good spot is standing right above the secondary entrance. Near the Capture Point, there are numerous good Sniper spots, including in the building near the CP, the area above the CP (accessible by a ladder near the respawn), and standing behind the boundary of the CP. For the second fortress, the first good sniping spot is behind the "grenades" sign, or on top of the building that's near the gate. When your defenses are pushed back a bit, there are three more good sniping the left of the CP (further from respawn), above where the double-entrances are, and right on the CP, facing the double doors from afar. In the third fortress, just find a position that's far from the gates, and be sure to zoom in. When your defenses are moved back, there's a nice big final area with a bridge leading to it; just hide in one of the nooks and crannies there and snipe away. In general, in this level, find a safe place to snipe that's far away from the gates. There will be plenty of grenades going off around the gates, and you don't need to deal with that. Finally, be extra vigilant looking for spies. Spies are often the ones that will kill you and your team's SGs; they are very dangerous. De-The Demo has one of the most important jobs in Dustbowl. This job is simple to accomplish; just fire your Grenade Launcher at the gates as soon as they open. About 7 seconds before the gates open, place a detpack near the gates, to give the first few rushers a nice little surprise. After that, just let loose with your Grenade Launcher and grenades. If there's another Demo, try to make sure that one of you is spamming the enemy entrance at all times. Get more grenades when it's safe, and continue to spam. If the enemies get past your first line of defenses, switch to another class before until they get the actual CP. Then switch back to Demo, and begin the spamming anew. Very important on Dustbowl. En-The Engineer has potential to rack up a very nice score on Dustbowl. There are ample places to build a SG, and since the Attackers' only hope is largely to charge the gates, you will likely get a good score. In the first fortress, good places to build a SG are on top of the secondary entrance, and along the edge of the cliffs that frame the main entrance. When your defenses are knocked back, build one either iin the building next to the CP, near the arch that's close to the CP, the space above the CP, in the doorway to the building near the CP, or on top of one of the two passages that lead to the seconds area. In the second fortress, build a SG in the first building (in the window), on top of the small building near the gates, and tucked in between the small building and the cliff face. When your defenses are knocked back, build the SG either above the double-entrance, somewhere in the nearby building, or in the area directly around the CP. In the third fortress, build it in the small building with a window. If your defenses are knocked back, build the SG in the last line of defense fortress, and in the area directly before you cross the bridge (in the nook). In general, try to stick close to your SG, and be ready to repair it any instant. If you have grenades, then throw them. But, mainly, make sure your SG is always up and running. Pyro-Since Spy detection is critical on Dustbowl, if FF is off, fire that incendiary cannon at everyone you see. If they catch on fire, they are a Spy, and you should try to kill them. If your teammates are smart they will try to do the same thing. WARPATH-"A Scout's Paradise" Warpath is an ideal map for Scouts and Spies. The goal is for a team to capture all 5 of 5 commmand points, at which point that team will win the round. Each point captured is 2 points, so often times good Scouts will have great scores on this map. Sc-A very effective class on this map, especially for getting the first two Capture Points. It is in this map that it is critical to use the conc.jump effectively, especially if there's a Scout on the other team that knows what he is doing. Capturing CP 3 early on can often determine the tone of the entire round, so it's capture is very important. As a Scout, use your grenades to conc.jump you to the first two CPs. If you're quick and lucky, you'll be able to get the another CP, and if you're playing a team of n00bs, then you might be able to win the round very quickly. However, much of the time, there will be an SG up near the enemy base, and it's often hard to deal with those since there are also usually other enemies hanging around. Even so, if you're careful and are good at conc.jumping, a Scout is a very effective unit on this map. Another tip:If the enemy is overtaking you, hide in the Garage near CP3. Whenever the enemy takes CP3, wait for a little while, then run out, retake the point, then hide in the garage again. This will get very annoying for the enemy, and does wonders to keep your team alive. Sn-The classic Sniper spots on this map are on the ledges that face Command Point 3. Other than that, try behind the signs that say "Red Team" and "Blue Team", near CP3. Near points 2 and 4, there are plenty of ledges that give the Sniper a good vantage point. Near CPs 1 and 5, there are also plenty of vantage points. Take your pick, based on how many CPs you control. So-Bunny-hopping is fairly useful in this map. Use it especially to launch yourself onto the enemy ledge near CP3. From there, kill the annoying Snipers, and try to get a few rockets into a SG or throw some grenades in the mix. Bunny-hopping is also a good way to get to CPs 1 and 5 before the enemy has a chance to set up good defenses. De-Be sure to blow the collapsed entrance to the enemy base, which can be found under the bridge that has CP3. Whenever enemies defensively gather in their base, your scatter grenades are a great method of dispersing them. Also, using weapon #5 around the area near CP3 will help you maintain this critical CP. Sp-The Spy has a very important role in Warpath. Obviously, the Spy can disguise himself in order to get CPs with little harassment. However, the Spy's best use in Warpath is to get close to CP's 1 or 5, feign death, and then move in for the final kill. Normally it's a good idea to feign death outside of the areas of CPs 1 and 5, because if you enter the enemy base, a message saying such will inform the enemy of your prescene. This is fine if you're reasonalbly sure that your teammates will capture CPs 2 or 4 fairly quickly. But if you're feigning for a long period of time, an opponent might come around looking for you, shooting the bodies on the ground. Also important for Spies on this map is (like most other maps) to take out those annoying SGs. En-Good places to build SGs are on top of any building, in the entrances to CPs 2 and 4, directly under the ledges near CP3, and inside the buildings near CPs 2 and 4. Also, Warpath gives you ample grenades whenever you respawn; make good use of those EMPs! AVANTI-"Coping with Sentry Guns" Much like Dustbowl, the teams are again divided into attackers and defenders. Unlike Dustbowl, the map does not end when one team wins a round; instead, offense and defense switch. The goal of Avanti is to capture a series of four points, at which point that team wins the round. The role of the defense is to prevent that from happening. ATTACKERS Sc-Scouts actually aren't too helpful on this map. They can cap the points as well as any other class, but since the fighting in Avanti is fairly confined and linear, and since SGs are so prevalent, the Scout can't make full use of his speed. If you want a fast class, go with the Medic. Sn-If you're a Sniper on offense, just move around until you get in a position to kill other enemy Snipers. Also, if at all possible, try to take out some SGs. So-Use your rockets and grenades to kill SGs and Snipers. Me-A Medic is useful in this level because of his relative speed and ability to infect. Infecting the defense is a good way to cause some chaos. Also remember your Super-Nailgun for killing SGs. The Medic is a good choice for capping the points. De-You can blow a hole into the church with your detpack...just follow the narrow ledge near CP3 to the end, then set the detpack/ Otherwise, not as effective, since grenades are in such short supply. Also, the battle is largely uphill, which limits the usefulness of weapons 4 and 5. More useful on defense. Hw-Since grenades are in such short supply, just use your machine gun to kill the SGs. You'll probably die a few times trying to do this, but you'll be able to fix your score when you go back on defense. Sp-As usual, the Spy's job here is to take out those stubborn enemy SG's. This is especially important in the Church command point (4), where there are almost invariably SGs set up in the church itself. DEFENSE Sc-I usually play on Random class. Whenever it makes me a Scout on defense, let's just say I don't last very long. Sn-All of the balconies make good Sniper points. Note especially that if you're on the edge of the balcony at CP2, you can aim down at the opening gates. Just be careful of any Snipers aiming for you! Another good sniping spot is through the window of the church (near CP3). Also, there's an overhang in the building near CP3; if someone helps you (with a grenade or rocket) to get you up there, it's a pretty good vantage point. There's another, similar ledge below CP2. There's also a narrow ledge near CP3 that offers a good view of this one ledge that the attackers often jump off of to reach CP3. It is very important to keep an eye out for Spies! Shoot anyone suspicious if FF is off! Spies are usually the ones that sway things in favor of the attackers. The map is designed in such a way that SGs are very effective, but the only thing the SGs can't deal with are Spies. That's largely your job in this map! Me-Infecting the attackers can be very effective in this map, especially if they don't have a medic to heal them. De-Use weapon #5 on the gates and other narrow areas. Use it to surround the flag if the attackers drop it somewhere. Used effectively, weapon #5 can be a very good friend when defending on this map. En-Engineers are the keystone to defense on this map. The more SGs you get up, the better. Good places to build are outside of the well near CP1, in the balcony across from CP1, on the ramp to the north of CP1, on the ledge near CP2, on the ledge overlooking the overhang relatively close to CP2, the first ramp you see when going for CP3, the small ledges by CP3, in one of the areas under the overhangs near CP3, and in the church. Sp-Maneuver your way behind enemy lines, then go knife-crazy. I can't do it, but a lot of good spies can apparently do this pretty well. FLAGRUN The goal of Flagrun is to get all four flags into your base. You start out with one, the enemy has another, and there's two in a tower in the central part of the map. One of the keys to this map is to be the first one to grab the flags in the central tower. For some reason, people often forget to do this. Sc-The Scout's job in this map (like most other maps) is so capture the flags. In doing this, Conc.jumps are critical. One useful place to conc.jump is between the two sniper balconies, across the center of the map. Get the timing right; it's possible. Other good places to conc.jump include after you steal an enemy flag, to get out of the tunnel or to make a quicker escape from enemy territory. As a matter of fact, once outside of friendly territory, everywhere is fair game for a conc.jump. Just make sure that you save some for when you really need them. Try to stay out of sight when possible; there are plenty of Snipers around. Also keep an eye out for SGs, especially in the enemy flagroom. Sn-In addition to the Sniper Balconies (pretty obvious where they are), there are plenty of hidden Sniper spots. One good place is the tower where the two flags are...just be aware that if they see you, the enemy might send someone up in the tower after you. Also consider the two bridges that are inside friendly territory (the ones that lead directly to where your flags are stored). With a little help from a conc.grenade (it might be possible to do this by falling out of the balcony from the friendly-facing side), you can get onto the slight incline above the tunnels that lead into your base. For a slightly less exotic position, hide in the corner (away from the medkits) and snipe the enemies as they run into your base. It's also possible to get up into the corner above the ladder that leads to the Sniper balcony; don't ask me how, I've just seen people there, and they otherwise sucked too bad to be cheating. Another good place to snipe is the tunnels that lead from your base to the middle of the map. Another, final good place to snipe is in the tunnel in the ENEMY base that leads to their Sniper Balcony; not the path from their respawn to the balcony, but from the balcony to the ground. I really don't think I'm good at describing these places =/ So-As usual, send some rockets in the direction of the annoying Snipers. There is something additionally useful that you can do; a few seconds after the map begins, go to the middle of the map, and towards the tower...on the ENEMY side. Walk in the area between the tower and the enemy wall (near a ladder that leads up to their Sniper balcony) and crouch against the wall. More than likely, a point-hungry enemy will run to the top of the ladder and wait there until the gate to the other two flags opens. Send some rockets up there to spoil his fun. If no enemies run to wait up the ladder, then when the gates open, go up there yourself and grab a flag. If your other teammates have been doing their jobs, it's possible to be up 3 flags to one in a relatively short period of time. Me-This is another map where the Medic is useful. Infecting the Snipers is a good idea if they're being a pain. Otherwise, either stick around your base to heal the infected, or go for the flags. Use your Super-Nailgun and normal grenades to kill SG's, and don't forget to use your conc.grenades to perform conc.jumps to rapidly exit the area. De-Use weapon #5 on the area where your flags are kept. You don't have to stick around the flag room, but it might be a good idea. As soon as the "enemy stole flag __!", detonate them. Remember that this weapon works best when the grenades are dispersed over a decently wide area. Another good place to use weapon #5 is on the enemy Sniper balcony. Another idea: hide behind one of the walls in the center of the map at the beginning of a match, or just be in the relative area when "neutral flags are available!". Throw a scatter grenade into the area underneath the tower, where people fall after they grab a flag. Sometimes an enemy will drop down, and then immediately be blown up by your scatter grenade. As I mentioned earlier, getting these flags in the beginning of the match can be a great help. Py-Yes, strategies for the Pyro! The Pyro is useful on this map because he can carry so many offensive grenades. He's ideal for killing those SGs in the enemy base and polluting the Sniper deck with fire grenades. Just like the Soldier, it's a good idea to send some rockets (in your case, the Incindiary rockets) into the favorite Sniper spots. En-Build SGs in the area where your flags are kept. Almost anywhere In the room is alright, but the ledge above the main entrance, the ledge above the elevator, the area next to the elevator, and even directly facing the entrance. An idea for an offensive placement is in the enemy tunnel that leads from the ladder to the Sniper deck. As long as you build it fairly close to the ladder, and stick around and take good care of it, then it will be somewhat effective. Sp-Guess what? Time to take out those SGs. Also consider coming in the enemy base, going up the elevator that leads to the enemy respawn, and knifing all the Snipers. For extra-sneaky spies, feign death around the Sniper balcony (preferably in some dark area), and repeat the process. Also a fairly useful technique in enemy flag room. And, once the defenses are down, it might be a good idea to try to capture an enemy flag yourself. CROSSOVER 2-"Control the Bridge" Crossover 2 is another capture the flag map, kind of similar to 2fort. Almost all classes are useful on this map (sorry, Pyro). Sc-Capture that flag! The best way to do this is to get to the bridge in the middle of the map, jump in the water under the bridge, and swim through the underwater passage and into the enemy base. Once in the enemy base, be aware of the small area near the flag that has an elevator that leads to some health (in a backpack). Once you have the flag, there are two options for escaping. If you're skilled enough, it's possible to perform a conc.jump that will lead you to the front "yard" of the enemy base. It's also possible to conc.jump into the gate to the underwater passage. The final options of escape are up the conveyor belt and out of the enemy base, or up the stairs behind the flag and out of the enemy base. Between these two, it's usually the better idea to take the conveyor belt up. Throughout your visit to the enemy base, be especially cautious of those SGs. There are plenty of places where they are likely to be, and that will really not make your day. Once you're out of the enemy base, take the passage that leads through rock (if your Demo has opened it). From there, it's a good idea to jump back into the water and use your own underwater tunnel to your own base. Do this especially if there are enemies on the bridge. Sn-As always, there are places to snipe in this map, but in general it's not a map that's too hospitable to snipers. The Sniper balcony is, as always, a good place (it's by your CP). You can also stand on the building (the one with the elevator inside). Both sides of the bridge in the middle are also good spots. It's also possible to get onto the roof of your main complex. Finally, the gateway that leads to the enemy base is a good place for offensive sniping. Me-Medics are good for capping the flag in this map, especially because they have both conc. and normal grenades at their disposal. So head to the enemy base with a full load of grenades, kill those SGs, and conc.jump out of there. En-See the Sniper section for this map...everywhere where Snipers are effective, your SGs will too. In addition, building next to the flag, across from the flag (near the lowest respawn), under the underwater passage exit, in the underwater passage itself, in the health-backpack area (near your flag), on the raised platform near the top of the conveyor belt ramp (climb a ladder to get there), somewhere near your upper-most respawn, in the passage that the Demo's blow open, near the stairs that lead to your flag, and in the yard of your base, near the entrance. Sp-Kill the enemy SGs. 2FORT-"Home of the Evil Camping Soldiers" 2Fort is another capture the flag map. It's also a map where people just seem to LOVE to defend. It's not uncommon to see a big fat HW standing at the top of the enemy ramps along with a few SGs spread around. Not to mention the evil, evil enemy Soldiers who never leave the basement. 2Fort is also probably the most hospitable Sniper map around...many people in serious clans (not [UoM]) use 2Forts as a tryout map for potential Sniper recruits. A difference between 2Fort and most other capture the flag maps is that almost any class has a decent chance of capping the flag. Since it often takes a lot of firepower to blast your way out with the flag, power is just about as valuable as speed. A lot of people really love this map. I hate it with a vengeance. Sc-Scouts are not too useful on this map. They work fine if the enemy does not have much defenses, but if they do (especially if they have a soldier in the basement), then forget it. The best ways to access the enemy base is to either perform a conc.jump onto their balcony or to go underwater. Beware of crossing that bridge, though; as I said earlier, this is a great Sniper map. Honestly, if you want to cap the flag, use the Medic. Sn-2Fort is a good map for good Snipers. If you're NOT a good Sniper, and there ARE good Snipers, you will be annihilated. There are basically two sniping spots in 2Fort; on the sniper balcony, and below it. There aren't too many clever places to hide, so it's important to be a quick shot (read:skilled). The only 'clever' places to hide are inside the top of the elevator area, across from the water passage that leads to your base, and next to the small ramps of the enemy base (snipe them from their own side while they run across the bridge). But the truly good Snipers need no good hiding spots here; they just dominate the balcony. This is a map where the Snipers can determine the winner of the match. So-As much as I hate when people do this, being a defensive Soldier is very effective on this map. Just hang around in the basement, and rocket anyone who comes down (be more discriminate if FF is on). If they manage to get to the flag, stand by the ramp that leads out of the flag area, and wait for them to come out, or throw some grenades in the area. It's fairly easy to kill whoever goes down there, usually, because they have likely already been weakened. The Soldier is probably most effective down there on this map. If you don't feel like hanging around a dark basement for 45 minutes, then just do the normal strategies for a Soldier. Although, there is one critical exception; it's not a bad idea to go for the cap. Because defenses are often strong in 2Fort, it's sometimes useful to have a powerful class (soldier, HW, Demo, even Pyro) go for the cap. Me-More useful for capping on this map. Conc.jump or use the water to get into their those grenades for taking out SGs. As for capping the flag itself, be aware that in addition to the spiral ramps that lead down into the enemy flagroom, you can also drop down the elevator shaft. If there's an enemy Soldier down there, use both types of grenades, and if all else fails, try to infect them. Once (if) you manage to get the flag out of the enemy flagroom, then duck into the little room next to the spiral ramps, drop down, and use the water passage to get into your base. Stay out of sight of the Snipers. When not capping, it's a good idea to infect the enemy in their base...since it's a fairly enclosed area where the enemy stays, the infection can spread quickly. On the flipside, if there's an enemy medic, be sure to spend some time healing in your base. Demo-The Demo can be very useful in this map, in many ways. First, it's possible to close the spiral staircase that leads to your base from the water (although it's usually not a good idea to do so). Perhaps the most useful thing Demos can do is to take out SGs and Snipers. Once you know where the Engineers typically build their SG, then just lob a few grenades from your Grenade Launcher in those areas. Since Snipers are such a pain in this map, if you penetrate the enemy fortress, use your normal and scatter grenades to kill them. Just take a detour to the Sniper balcony to blindside them. Another devious trick; go down into the water via the passage in your own base, swim to their base, walk outside of their base (directly below the Sniper balcony), prime a Scatter Grenade, then toss it up on the balcony. The reason for all this secrecy is because shelling the Sniper deck with grenades is a fairly common practice; if they see you running towards them across the bridge and they fail to kill you, Snipers will usually take a few steps back, anticipating the grenades. The beauty of this technique is that they literally never see it coming. Finally, if you're out of grenades, it's fun to set your Detpack for 1 minute on the Sniper deck. That can really ruin their fun. Pyro-Pyro's are OK for capping. It's also pretty annoying for enemy Snipers when you throw a flame grenade into their favorite areas. Engineer-Good places to build are on the top of the ramps that lead to your main respawn, near the spiral ramps, in the room directly before the spiral ramps, anywhere in the flagroom area, and in the water. Even though your SGs might get killed a lot, it's important to keep building them (move it's location after it's been destroyed a lot). And keep your grenades full; they're very useful for killing invaders in your base. Spy-In addition to killing SGs, your duty in this map is also to kill Snipers (or at least throw a gas grenade into their favorite areas), and possibly to kill the defending Soldiers and HW Guys. BADLANDS-"Another Annoying Sniper Haven" Badlands is a Snipers' paradise, with lots of narrow ledges all over the place, at least two areas more or less designated for Snipers, and plenty of nooks and crannies to hide away in. It's also a pretty good map for Engineers. Most of the servers I play on don't have this map in their rotation, so my memory of it is a little fuzzy. Scout-Be aware of the favorite SG hideout in this map, which is in the only area you can go after grabbing the enemy flag. BEFORE you grab the enemy flag, go out on that little ledge that leads into the next room, and use your nailgun to take out the SG. Then grab the flag and get out. Often times, falling into the crevice is the safest way to get back to your base. But if the crevice is well guarded, go out their front or side door, and be ready to conc.jump to safety. Sniper-Plenty of places to go on this map. So many places, as a matter of fact, I'm only going to name a few of the best places. The Sniper balcony above your main base is, of course, one such good defensive sniping position. Also, if you go to the top level of your base, there is another Sniper area, and a path that leads to a thin ledge...anywhere in this area is a good place. The favorite place for skilled Snipers is on the area directly before the bridge in the middle of the map. The favorite place for annoying Snipers is in the crevice of their own base, facing the tunnel that leads into their base. Soldier-Use your nail grenades to flush Snipers out of their hiding spots whenever possible. Medic-This is another map that seems to lend itself to mass infections, so break out your poison. Additionally, the Medic is good at capping in this map...his extra firepower more than makes up for his slight speed disadvantage. Pyro-If you want to make a nuisance of yourself, set enemy Snipers on fire (ideally killing them) and then make your retreat to the upstairs portion of the enemy base, and repeating the process. But still, a Pyro just isn't the best class to pick. Engineer-Good places to build SGs are: in either room that leads to the flag room (one is at the top of the tower, one is where the only obvious exit to the flag tower leads). Additionally, if you fall into the crevice by your base, you'll notice a ladder that leads up to this little ledge, which is a good place to build. Also, if you walk across the bridge outside the exit to your base, you can walk up the wall to your right, and build the SG there. Another good place is just inside the entrance to your base. Spy-This is a map where Spies make good cappers. Sometimes the only defense on this map is an SG outside of the flagroom; just toss some grenades at the SG, grab the flag, and get out. Of course, it's also great fun to knife the Snipers from behind, feign death, and repeat the process. CP2-"Slow, Ugly, Violent, Annoying" The goal of CP2 is to bring a total of 5 flags to five separate capture points. This map is particularly unrewarding for Scouts, since the flags reduce your speed just by about half (when carrying them), and you're only rewarded two points for every cap. And because EVERYONE who carries a flag has his speed reduced by half temporarily, you can imagine how long it takes for a HW Guy to make a cap. Scout-Although your speed is greatly reduced, you're still the fastest out there. Make good use of your conc.jumps...because you're so slow, it will be twice as useful as normal. If you run into enemies and you are far away from the CP, toss your flag (default key:c) and get out, unless you think you can perform a conc.jump straight onto the CP, or are very good with conc.grenades. Otherwise you'll be cut to ribbons. Sniper-There are as many sniping points on this map as there are boxes and ledges. The two favorite points seem to be in the river system near the enemy base, on the ledge above your main headquarters, and on the narrow bridge that leads from CP3 to the CP closest to your base (1 or 5). Another good place is behind the boxes on the ledges near CP3. Since there are ample places to snipe, it's a good idea to move around and switch positions. Unless the other team is pretty bad and never spots you. Soldier-Because everyone carrying a flag is so slow, it'll be easy to defend CPs. Or to clear the way for Scouts or Medics to capture a CP. In addition to sending a few rockets in the Snipers' direction, it's a good idea to clear the path to CPs, or defend the CPs that your team had already captured. Sort of like a bodyguard. Medic-This map isn't as conducive to poisoning as other maps. Capping CPs is still a pretty good idea, but a Scout would be preferable. If capping, conc.jump to gain speed. Engineer-Build SGs around CP3, or around any CP you particularly wish to defend. Spy-Not as useful, since SGs are not as useful in this map. If you ever need to penetrate the enemy defenses, use the river system to get behind enemy lines, and use your knife/grenades to destroy whatever is causing the problems. THE HUNTED-"..." I hate the Hunted, and I'm not going to devote much time to it because I've only played it a few times, and I usually always leave the server if Hunted comes up. In Hunted, there are three teams; The Hunted (one person, who looks like Marlon Brando and carries an umbrella), The Assassins (a team of up to five Snipers) and the Bodyguards (a team that consists of Medics, HW Guys, and Soldiers), who's job it is to protect the Hunted. They have to get the Hunted into this truck in a garage across the map. The Assassin's jobs are to prevent this from happening. The Hunted-There's not much you can do in terms of offense. The best route to take is through the sewer, then up the ramp (hide behind the boxes ) and wait for your teammates to open the garage door. Then, under the cover of your teammates, run into the truck. That's about all you can do. The Assassins-This map is essentially custom-tailored for Assasins. Just about everywhere is a good place to stay. My favorite is the area above the first alleyway. The Bodyguards-At least one Medic should stay with the Hunted, to heal him up as much as possible and to act as a last-line-of-defense bodyguard. Soldiers and HW Guy, kill Assassins wherever you see them. A smaller group of bodyguards should be aware of the Hunted's route, and stay ahead of him, to perform tasks like opening the garage door. WELL-"Camper's Delight" Well is a well balanced map (pun intended). It has plenty of benefits to offer all classes, even Pyros (to a lesser extent). It's another capture the flag map. This, along with 2-Fort, seems to be one of the most popular maps. And, if done correctly, about three people can make this map a Campers Delight with a defense that's very hard to penetrate. Scout-You can conc.jump from the bridge near your base to the bridge near the enemy base, bypassing that middle section. The best entry into the enemy base is through the underwater passage, which a Demo must blow open. Once in the flagroom area, you can perform a conc. jump to the upper ledge, and thus avoid the agonizing trip up. Another option is to go out of the water, behind the wall, up the enemy ramps, past the Sniper balcony, and onto the resupply floor. Once there, start to prime a conc.grenade. Time it so that soon after you take the elevator up (to the flagroom) it will detonate, and you can thus jump across the entire flagroom onto the platform near the flag. If an Engie has built an SG in the area around the flag, you may be able to see the SG from the elevator that leads from the resupply floor to the flagroom...if convenient, kill it from there, before conc.jumping. After you get the flag, stay underwater as much as possible. If someone sees you going into the water, leave a conc.grenade behind you, which might disorient them. Also strafe back and forth. Snipers-The Sniper balcony is one good place. Another is the area above your base, accessible through a ladder outside your base. It's also possible to stand on top of pipes that are largely submerged in water, for a well-disguised Sniping spot. However, perhaps the most well-disguised spot is in a small area UNDER the ladder that leads to the top part of the outside of your base. In the doorway to your base and crouched on the outside of the middle part of the middle tube. Also see the end of this strategy guide for the impenetrable defense. Medic-Poisoning works pretty well on this map. Go for it. HW Guy-Yes, even HW Guys have some strategy in this map! See the end section for the "impenetrable defense". Demo-Plenty for the Demo to do on this map. First off, blow the gate to the enemy base. Very useful. Second, the Demo has the potential to do mass damage if he gets in the enemy base. Once inside the enemy base, make your way onto the area above the Sniper deck. If you're in the right area, you'll be in an oval-shaped room with a oval-shaped hole in the middle, with two elevators and four supply backpacks. One of these backpacks will restock your grenades. This location is conveniently located above the two enemy respawns! So, you're in an ideal position to shell the enemy respawn with Scatter Grenades. This actually usually does surprisingly little damage, aside from the occasional lucky shot. But this intends to incense the enemy team, and they will come after you. Line the elevator exits with Weapon #5. When enemies come up the elevator, detonate the weapon. Even if it doesn't kill the enemies, it will often knock them away. Repeat this process. If you can get an Engineer friend up there with you, the pair of you will be very hard to destroy! Engineer-Good places to build SGs are inside the entance to your base, and in the tunnel that leads to your base. There are also plenty of opportunities for offensive SG placement (for an example, see Demo section). Spy-Plenty of places to feign death and cause later mischief. As usual, take out any problematic SGs, and clear the Sniper areas with your Knife or grenades. Since you can get more grenades in the enemy base, if you can avoid detection, theres potential for causing the enemy some long-term problems. ROCK2-"Ultimate Defensive Map" Rock2 is a variation of a 'capture the flag' map. In this map, you must grab a key in the enemy base, and bring it to a separate area in the enemy base. Notice that all of this takes place INSIDE the enemy base. In addition to penetrating the enemy base, you must cross over a large courtyard twice, going past the enemy respawn twice, along with a series of narrow tunnels. In short, it's pretty hard to score. And even when you do score, it can kill your teammates, too. Go figure. Rock2 is also an ideal map for...teamwork! But good luck trying to get any form of teamwork going on a public server =/ Scout-The Scout is one of my favorite classes. But I just can't advocate being a Scout in this map; too many opportunities to get killed. If you're playing a team of fools who don't build SGs in the courtyard, then you can use the Demo-blown tunnel to get access to the enemy base, grab the key, conc.jump across the courtyard and run into the Gas Chamber. But this won't work unless you have incredible skill or your opponents are incredibly stupid. Sniper-The Sniper balcony faces the wide gap between the'll need to take an elevator to reach it. Other favorite Sniper spots are under the ramp on the outside of your base (in the water), and at the end of the Demo-blown passage. If you're patient enough, then wait along the upper-railing of the courtyard, near one of the towers. Medic-A good alternative to the Scout on this map, since the Medic has great SG-destruction potential (Super Nailgun, grenades). If you can survive long enough, Rock2 is a pretty good infection map. Try for the cap. Demo-Blow the passage to the enemy base, which is located under water and through a passage. Once you blow the passage, use the Grenade Launchers to take out ay convenient SGs. Walk through the long passageway and across the plank of wood to emerge in the enemy fortress, roughly around the area of the gas chamber. Enemies rarely go back in this area unless someone has the key, so it will be safe for you to do a little scouting. Specifically, look for a SG built around the flagroom. When your team has the enemy key and is near the gas chamber (not before), take out the SG if there is one. After that, be sure to go into the gas chamber with your teammate, so you survive too :) HW+Soldier-Getting the key from the drawer to the chamber is often a process that involves the death of many team members. A lot of bloody grunt work. Who better to keep the key moving than these two? Likewise, these two make good defenders. Engineer-The best places to build are above the entrance to your base on the inside, on the bottom level of your courtyard (preferably under one of the lookout towers) and in the room before your gas chamber. SGs make life a big pain for your foes in this level. Spy-Spies work great in this level, as long as you can get into the enemy base undetected. The best use of Spies, I think, is to throw grenades at any SG in the courtyard, then grab the key and make a run for it. EPICENTER-"The Test of True Team Dedication" Epicenter is a variation of a capture the flag map, but in this case you must bring a flag that starts out in your base to a vehicle in the enemy base. The catch is, you don't get your 10 individual points for capping. Thus, many people lose their incentive, and this map often degenerates into a big Deathmatch on public servers. How dedicated are you to the team? Scout-If the enemy doesn't have SGs up, this will be easier than usual. Grab the flag and walk across the bridge in the center of the map, into enemy territory, until you reach a balcony where straight ahead is a rough slope down, and there will be a dark area and an enemy respawn to your left/right. From here, it's possible to conc.jump straight to the ACV (your ultimate goal). Snipers-Useful on this map. Favorite areas are before the slope that leads down from your base, in the raised area to the left of that slope, the bridge on your side that faces your open courtyard, behind the boxes directly below that point, the bridge in the middle of the map, and the dark area that I mentioned in the Scout section. If you're in the right place, you should be able to manuver your aim between the two respawn exits with only a little movement. Soldier-It's possible to perform a rocket jump in order to get access to the ACV. Maybe you can take out some SGs while you're up in the sky. Medic-Same as the Scout and Soldier, the best thing you can do here is to conc.jump to the ACV with the flag. Poisoning doesn't work as well in this map. Engineer-Just about the only really good places to build are around your ACV. Anywhere in that area, just make sure it's in a place not easily accessable by rockets or Snipers. CASBAH-"Hope Your Team Is Good" Casbah is the only main map that has only one respawn point for each team. Worse, in order to get out of this respawn, you must run down this long, open passageway, which can easily become "the hallway of death". If your opponent is skilled enough, they can set up defenses at the end of this hallway that will prevent your team from ever getting out, while they cap at will, in an ultimate domination scenario. Being on both ends of this, I think that this is a fundamental error of this map. Casbah is also the only main map I can think of that is NOT a mirror image. Both of these factors, I believe, are fundamental flaws in the map. Nonetheless... Scout-The enemy defenses are fairly formidable in this map. It's best to have another teammat take out SGs, but do what you must. Once you get the flag, the best strategy is to conc.jump onto the balcony, and then run to safety. Sniper-The best area to Snipe is in the middle area, near the exit to your base. Other good places are the windows above your base or the enemy base, or the balcony above the enemy base. Soldier-Good at both offense and defense, although you shouldn't try capping unless the other team is pretty bad at defense. Where Soldiers are particularly useful on this map is in the upper tunnel that connects the two bases. A few Soldiers guarding this can make life very difficult. Another good place is right outside the tunnels that lead to the respective bases. Medic-Go for the cap! This map is a pretty good one for conc.jumping. But since it's also a good map for SGs, just watch your step. Demo-Plenty of places for pipe bomb traps, the best place being on top of your own flag. Whenever the enemy grabs it, then detonate, and repeat the process. MURDERBALL-"Soccer gone wrong" This is a map that does NOT come with the original TF package, you have to download it separately. But since it has risen to a high popularity in TF circles, I figured I'd put down my strategies here. Keep in mind that I've only played this a few times myself. Scout-Never attack unless you absolutely have to. A better strategy is to roam around the center (and I do mean, ROAM...chances are likely that you'll be killed if you stay in one spot. When the ball is dropped and appears in the center, prep a conc, grab the ball, and conc jump to the safety of your base. Good places to hide with the ball are UNDER the ramp, behind the boxes in your health room, inside the elevator (keep going up and down), in the side tunnel that leads to your base, on the ledge near the main entrance across from the lower elevator, and in other people's bases (you'll still get points, although this is dangerous for obvious reasons). Sniper-The best function that Snipers have in this map is to pop anyone of the opposite team that grabs the ball once it has been dropped. Stay on a friendly balcony, and shoot away. If someone gets the ball in your base, guard any of the three entry points into the bases; the side passage, the main passage, and the balcony itself (which is accessible through rocket-jumps and conc grenades). For alternate Sniper spots, you can try going to another team's balcony, behind the wall in front of your base, or in the corners of the outside of the map. Soldier-The Soldier's main function should be attacking whoever has the ball. Just charge after whoever has it, and try to kill them, even if you have to suicide to do it. Remember that you can rocket- jump into a team's base via their balcony. Know the good hiding places, and check those first. If your team has the ball, then you can either stay in your base and defend, or roam around the outside of your base, harassing people before they even get inside. This does not work as well if the other team has good Snipers (although, as of this writing, I haven't played on a server that has allowed Snipers on Murderball). Demoman-The Demoman is most effective on defense, as pipe bombs are very useful on this map. There are three good places to pipe; the main entrance to your base, the side entrance, and the center of the map (where the ball appears when it is dropped). When piping the center, just observe from a safe distance, and if the enemy grabs the ball, then detonate. Also, if you do attack, throw a scatter grenade into the good hiding places, you might get lucky. Additionally, the Demoman is a decent candidate to grab the ball, as he has fairly good armor and decent speed. It's risky, but you could also perform a pipe-bomb jump to propel yourself towards your base. Medic-Like the Scout, it's important to know the good hiding places. Also like the Scout, the Medic is a good class to try to get the ball with. Unlike the Scout, the Medic can also be a good attacker. Infections work decent in this map, but since a class with lower armor is most likely to have the ball, your Grenades and S.Shotgun can often make quick work of the ball carrier. Along those lines, the S.Nailgun can also take out the inevitable SG's in the enemy base. HW Guy-Good on attack and defense. Just don't expect to get the ball too often. Pyro-Not too bad on this map. Once the ball is dropped, especially if FF is off, use whatever you can to set the middle of the map on fire. This causes a lot of confusion, and since people often get quite injured when going for the ball, the residual damage from the fire is sometimes enough to kill them. When on defense, make sure that you use your grenades and Incendiary Cannon to set your entrances on fire as often as possible, as fire will again cause confusion in the attackers. Engineer-A staple on defense. Good places to build your SG are: the ledge by the side entrance (have it face forward, towards front door), in the tunnel itself (not as effective), in the side area near the main entrance (go up a ladder, build it there), inside your health room, and somewhere on the upper floor of your building. SGs are very useful in this map, just be sure to guard it carefully. A good place to build a Dispenser is in the tunnel. When the ball is dropped, then it could be a good idea to load up on some EMPs and get ready to take out whoever grabs it (provided it's not your teammate, of course). Spy-Things are generally too chaotic, and teams too small, for Spies to be much use on offense. If your team is having a lot of trouble taking out a SG, then you can try Spy, although since teams are generally smaller (4 teams as opposed to 2), you will be easier to spot. Another use for a Spy is if you can somehow backstab a Demo who has piped somewhere, which will get rid of all the pipe bombs he layed. However, oddly enough, Spies are quite useful on defense. Throw your gas grenades at the entrances to your base. This will deter enemies quite a bit. Also throw grenades and use you S.Shotgun, as you would as a Medic. VI. 12 THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT TF 1. SGs ARE EASY TO KILL-Although when you first begin you will likely despise SGs, the fact is that SGs are actually pretty easy to kill. The secret: you will always be able to see the SG before it fires on you. There isn't much of a margin here; you will likely only be able to see a small portion of it. But aim at that portion, preferably with a nailgun, and the SG will die. SGs are effective when an alert Engineer or other enemy teammate guards the SG well. But if no one is around, just inch up to the SG slowly, putting a wall between you and it, and then let loose. 2. HW GUYS ARE EASY TO KILL-Scouts can't kill HW Guys very well, but everyone else can. Snipers, aim at the head and legs. Soldiers, aim at their feet and keep moving. Medics, use your conc. grenades to knock them away or poison them. Demo, use scatter grenades. Pyro, use the Incendiary Cannon and stay mobile. Eningeers, use EMPs. Spies, stab them in the back (anybody hear that X-Japan song?). 3. HOW TO GET THE IP ADDRESS OF A SERVER-Go to console (default key:~) while playing on a server, and type 'status'. Then press PgUp until you can see the IP address, and write it down somewhere. Whenever you want to connect to that server, go to console and type "connect", then press space bar, enter the IP Address and press return. If the server is full, you can type 'retry' to try to connect again, as opposed to typing the whole thing again. 4. HOW TO DETECT A BOT/CHEATER/HACKER-Look for players with a ping of 5...that usually indicates a bot. As for cheaters/hackers, they are usually Snipers. Look for a Sniper that always gets headshots, and be weary if you are apparently Sniped through a wall. If you suspect someone is cheating, go to spectator mode and observe them. If you have clear signs that they are cheating, the wisest course of action is to contact the server's administrator, who can take the appropriate actions. Be careful before you accuse someone of cheating, however, especially if you are new to the game. Even if you keep getting killed by the same person, and you think you shot them like 20 times, chances are you missed. People really DO get that good, especially Snipers. It's better to have solid proof before you throw out accusations. 5. HOW TO DETECT A SPY WHEN FF IS ON-Spies always carry their class' "default" weapon, which is the weapon they start equipped with (i.e. Soldier-Rocket Launcher, Spy-Tranquilizer Gun). You can be fairly sure it's a Spy if you see someone "on your team" who is equipped with a weapon that IS a class' default weapon, but is NOT a weapon that they normally use. For instance, if you see a Spy "on your team" who is carrying a Tranquilizer Gun, they are probably an enemy Spy. Likewise, you can be sure that someone is NOT a Spy if they are carrying something other than their classes' default weapon, such as anyone carrying a crowbar, or a Engineer carrying a wrench. Also, whenever a Spy uses a weapon other than a grenade, they will lose their disguise. So if you see someone on your own team fire a weapon, they are not an enemy Spy. When FF is on (and even when it's not), it's a good idea to fire a shot into the wall. This tells your intelligent teammates (or the ones that read my strategy guide) that you are not a Spy. Another way to detect a Spy is to bump into them for a little while, which will remove the disguise (if you're a Spy or Scout). If someone runs away from you when you get close to them, they might be a Spy (if people run away from you in real life, try bathing). Occasionally, you'll find a Spy who picks a disguised class that your team doesn't have...for instance, an enemy Spy will disguise himself as a Pyro or something, when your team doesn't have a Pyro. When this happens, when you focus your aim on that Spy, his name will pop up as your own name, and no stats (health, armor) will be beside it. You can be absolutely sure that this is a Spy. Also look for incongruent behavior, such as a Scout "on your team" running for your own base, or a Sniper "on your team" throwing grenades and running for your flag. If you see someone throwing grenades at your Snipers and SGs, they are probably a Spy. If not, they're a Tker or just plain dumb, in either case it's ok to wax them regardless of they're a Spy. Finally, look at how fast they walk. If you see a HW walking much faster than HW's normally do, it's a Spy. Likewise, if you see a Scout or a Medic walking slowly, it's a Spy. BTW, if FF is off, just shoot everyone you think is a Spy. If they bleed, they're a Spy. 6. INTERESTING SERVER COMMANDS-There are a few things that you can type that yield interesting results. These are somewhat dependent on the server...on some servers these commands will work, on some they won't. Just press the talk key (default:y) and type the following: timeleft-tells you how much time is left on the current map. nextmap-Tells you the next map in the rotation. rockthevote-initiates a map vote...sometimes. vote -after someone types rockthevote, you can type vote, then the name of a map, which will register one vote for that particular map. glow -On some servers, if you type glow and then a color, your character will glow that color. Colors that I have seen are white, black, red, green, and blue, amongst others. Some players will try to be cute, and if they're on the blue team for instance, they will glow red, hoping that they'll blend in or something. I take special pleasure in killing those people. 7. LEAGUES AND CLANS TUTORIAL-For the more advanced player (ideally), there are "clans" that you can join. "Clan" is just a fancy name for "team". You can identify someone who is in a clan by their 'tag', which is a collection of letters or symbols before their name. For instance, here's how you'd see my name: [UoM]Kyosuke [UoM] is the clan tag, Kyosuke's the name. Usually, someone who has a clan tag is pretty good at TF. Although anyone can start a clan, the only clans that get any respect are those who are a.)Good, b.)Have their own server/website, and c.) are in a league. A league is a bunch of clans together who play organized, mediated matches against one another. It's kind of like the NFL of Team Fortress. If you're in a clan and a league, you're probably a pretty hardcore player. Each clan has different procedures for taking in new members...the serious ones usually involve a tryout. In clan matches, maps other than the ones I have listed in this strategy guide are often used. So you'll have to rely on pure skill at first, as opposed to knowing the tricks that are map-specific. Unless you download it and practice on it ahead of time, of course. And in case anyone is wondering...[UoM] is a small clan with about three members, one of which is reliable (me), and a shit server that is usually broken and, as we speak, it's actually serving as an Anime FTP. I'm trying to start a college league ([UoM] is the initials for my college). 8. IMPORTING YOUR OWN SPRAY-A spray is something rarely used, but are very fun. I think the default key is T. When you press it near a wall, a little spray paint logo will appear. Under Customize, there are a variety of default pictures you can choose from, along with a few colors. But what many don't know is that you can import a spray of your own, with little effort. Too much effort to go into here, though. Do a web search for "Custom Sprays", that should do it, hopefully that won't bring up porn. There's a great website out there that tells you exactly how to do it. Speaking of porn, don't make "porn sprays", they will often get you kicked or banned. 9. THE AVANTI BELL-In the map Avanti, before CP3, you can see the entire front of the church. Above the windows where snipers usually hide, there is a small dark window. Shoot at that window and you will ring the church bell! 10. CONSOLE COMMANDS- There's some interesting things you can do in console. To access console during a match, the default key is ~. Connect- Type connect and then an IP address, and you will be connected to that IP Address (as long as it's a TF server). It will also not connect you if the server is full. This is the most useful console command, which you can use to access your favorite servers. Status-Gives you various information during a match. Most importantly, it gives you the IP of the server you're playing on. Use PgUp key to get to the IP. Ping-Displays ping (ping=connection speed, sort of) of server and players. Texgamma-Tells you what your texture gamma is. Default is 3. Lightgamma-Tells you the game's brightness gamma. Default is 3. +det20-Demoman sets Detpack for 20 seconds. +det50-Set detpack for 50 seconds. Kill-Makes your character commit suicide. Useful if you're stuck somewhere. NOTE: It is very easy to cheat using console commands that I won't put down here. Do not do this...not only will you sometimes get banned, but it will not help you get any better. 11. HOW TO UNPOISON YOURSELF-I personally hate to be poisoned when there's no medic around to heal me. I used to kill myself just to avoid dying from poison, until I discovered this little trick. When you're poisoned, switch to the other team before you die from poison. But don't pick a class, instead just switch back to your original team and choose a class there. When you respawn, your record won't be affected at all, and the poison will be gone. Medics get really pissed at this and call it cheating. It sort of is. 12. FUN AND EASY WAY TO KILL SPIES-if you see a Spy feign death, stand on top of them. They won't be able to stand up. Kill them at your leisure. VII. SKILL You likely won't be playing Team Fortress for long before a discussion (or accusation) is made that someone 'has no skill'. There is no precise, scientific measure of skill in terms of Team Fortress, although some people claim there is. Here are a few common arguments for skill, and their flaws. 1. THE POINT SYSTEM: This is what many beginners believe at first, that the number of points (kills, caps, etc.) determines skill. While points give an idea, it's not always the best measure of skill. For instance, what if a Soldier is playing on defense and no one attacks? Then the Soldier has 0 points, and apparently no skill. This is not always true. Or, consider a player with 50 points and 70 deaths, and a player with 45 points and 2 deaths. Is the first player really more skillful? Not likely. Also, in terms of caps, sometimes if a flagroom is unguarded, a Scout can easily get 100+ points a game with relatively little effort. Even an excellent Sniper will usually not get that many points. So, again, there are situations where the Point system does not measure skill. Which brings us to the... 2. THE RATIO SYSTEM: Remember 4th grade math? The ratio system compares the number of kills you have to the number of deaths you have, yielding a ratio. I think that this system is much more valid than the point system, but it still has it's flaws. I'll use an example on one of my favorite maps, Warpath. Since I'm usually a Scout, sometimes I essentially have to sacrifice a life to get a CP. As a result, if the teams are evenly matched, I usually get somewhere in between a 2:1 and a 3:1 ratio. However, HWs who stay in the base all game killing Scouts (like myself) can achieve a nice ratio without having to do much at all. Or, consider if a Sniper is very careful, and gets 12 kills and 0 deaths. This could be considered a perfect ratio. But he did relatively little, with only 12 kills. Thus, the ratio system is an improvement, but still not an adequate measure of skill. 3. +/- SYSTEM: Those familiar with sports (particularly hockey, I believe) know that the +/- system refers to how much points a team gains while a particular player is playing. In TF, your +/- rating is your points minus your kills. This is also somewhat valid, but I find that someone can be overly rated fairly easily, such as the Scout who caps from the unguarded flagroom. Or if you're a defensive Engineer in Dustbowl. 4. TEAM POINTS: Your skill is measured by how often your team wins. This is flawed because no matter how good you are, if your team sucks, you're not going to win too often. 5. MY POINT SYSTEM: This is the system, which I devised myself, that I believe is the best measure of skill. It takes a long time, but when you're bored with college, you will have a lot of time. What I did was I played on a variety of servers, and then recorded my kills, my deaths, what class I was, what the server was, and whether or not my team won. Since servers vary in the skill level of their clientele, I played on a variety of different servers ranging from very easy (I won't mention those servers here, I don't want to offend anyone), to servers that are sometimes easy sometimes hard (like ThOl, HomeLan, GF Games Dustbowl/Avanti, Vendetta's Blood Feud) to servers that some of the best practice in (like Phat Farm). Then I took my scores from those servers, throwing out the scores where I had too many easy caps or if my ping went too high, and I compiled my ratio. I also threw out my top five and bottom five scores. And here is the result: My ratio is 3.97:1 !!! My +/- rating is +476!!! My team wins roughly 7.5/10 times. I believe this system is accurate because there are many trials, well over 50 at the moment, and growing every day I play Team Fortress. Included in the ratio are both the outrageous scores I get on Dustbowl (102-5) to the horrible, horrible scores I sometimes get in Phat Farm (no need to go into that), and everything in between. Everyone can do very well or very bad in a game; it happens. But by taking a lot of measurements over time, you get the best idea of how good you really are. VIII. FAQ If you have a quick and commonly asked question, this is the place to look. Here I've tried to cover all questions I hear asked most often from players of all different skill levels. Q. When I'm a Sniper, how do I make the Red Dot appear? A. Select weapon number 2, and hold down your primary fire button (default key:left mouse button). The dot will appear. Q. Where do I put the flag?? A. Read the level summary that pops up before the match begins. That will tell you. Q. Why do I keep dying?? A. Whenever you die, it shows the type of weapon that kills you in the upper right corner of the screen. If you can't tell what killed you, then it was probably a Sniper or a Spy. Q. I keep losing health but no one is hitting me. What's happening? A. You've probably been poisoned by a Medic. When a Medic uses his Medkit on the enemy, it poisons them, and they lose health periodically until they die. Look in the lower left corner of your screen; if there's a mask-looking thing flashing on and off, you're poisoned. Don't go near your teammates; it will infect them. The only way that you can get rid of it is to die or to be healed by a friendly Medic. Medics can't infect other Medics. You can also switch teams and then switch back (it gets rid of the poison), but that's kinda cheap. Q. Occasionally I see people flying through the air at high speeds. How do I do that? A. Medics, Scouts, Demos, and Soldiers are capable of launching themselves or others. To see how to do this, see the Scout, Demo, and Soldier sections of the Class Guide. Q. How do I spray paint? A. The default key is T. You can change your spray paint in the Customize menu under Multiplayer when you first start the TF application. It's also possible to make your own spray...see section VI of this strategy guide. IX. CONCLUSION I'm pretty good at TF, but nobody's perfect...if you see any mistakes, errors, or have any comments or suggestions, then send me an email at (That's Kyosuke_66). For all veterans of this game who are insanely good and have a problem with this strategy guide, keep in mind that this strategy guide is designed mainly for beginners, although most people would benefit from reading it (especially the etiquette section). So don't flame me about being a newb because I missed your favorite Sniper spot or left out your favorite Soldier technique or something. I'd like to thank Homelan Alliance, |NFK|, and }ThOl{, who operate my favorite servers. Also, thanks to for info on a few of the console commands. Finally, thanks to all my pals at [UoM]. I hope this helps you avoid all the mistakes I made when I was a beginner. Have fun, and good luck!