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Units and Descriptions (c) Massive Entertainment. You can read this, recommend to your friends, bookmark, save onto your hard drive, and print off one copy for personal usage if you want, but please do not take anything without asking. I'm a nice guy, so if you email me asking and explaining nicely I'll probably let you. Sites allowed to host this FAQ: GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) NeoSeeker (www.neoseeker.com) Gamespot (www.gamespot.com) IGN (www.ign.com) DLH (www.dlh.net) Sites not allowed to host this FAQ, and probably never will be: Cheat Code Central (www.cheatcc.com) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UNIT FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Overview NSA units tend to be more expensive than the Virons, but the NSA have better quality units - they are more long-ranged, tougher and in most cases, more 'adaptable' (they are suited for more than one role). However, Viron units are capable of travelling over water, due to their hover-engines. Viron units are less-ranged, but stronger than NSA units. Head-To-Head Looks: NSA Toughness: NSA Speed: Viron Versatility: NSA Range: NSA Adaptation: Viron Price: NSA No. Of Units: Viron Score: NSA - 5 Viron - 3 NSA wins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Northern Star Alliance "Once a prominent force in the Orion Sphere, the Northern Star Alliance is one of the few colonies that still resists the might of the Terran Empire. Their home planet, Morning Star Prime, has been under siege for many years and they valiantly continue the fight. Originally a colony of the now-defunct Crayven Corporation, the Alliance has survived due to strong leadership and resourcefulness. They are known as a resilient people and this shows in everything they do and create. Though the colony has only existed for a couple hundred years, they managed to construct a mighty space fleet, only to see it destroyed by the Empire. Holding true to their philosophy of life even in war, the arsenal of the Northern Star Alliance is practical and conventional. Shunning high-tech beam weapon technology, they rely more on resilience and the brute force of projectile weapons. Their ground-personnel are some of the toughest men and women in the quadrant and their commanders are some of the most brilliant tacticians." Ideal Fleet: 8x Soldat 4x Raptor 15x Ogre 3x Rhino 2x Watchman 6x Marauder 5x Zapper 8x Ravager 20x Liberator 3x Volcano 6x Hailstorm 15x Shade 4x Bigbird 2x Sentry Gun (per Zapper) 2x KZ Sensor (per Zapper) 1x Dropship (maxed out) Let's kick some ass! Units Note that damage is based on attack type - an Assault APC and an Artillery Terradyne do NOT have the same range. Infantry Light Assault Infantry 0 NSALAI-94 "Soldat" The Light Assault Infantry or simply Rifle Infantry are the backbone of the NSA Military. Rifle Infantry fight best on terrain that favours their ability to hide and entrench buildings. The light assault trooper is particularly suitable for defending areas of constricted terrain, such as in cities, ruins, and forests. The Rifle Infantry are equipped with the NSAR-340 Assault Rifle "Hammer" fully capable of defeating body armor but seriously under powered against reinforced armor and terradyne. Secondary Mode: In secondary mode, the Light Assault Infantry will crouch and activate the missile launcher. The unit cannot move while in secondary mode. Technical Info/Statistics: Primary Mode: Health: 200 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 5 Attack Type: Infantry Cannon Weapon Damage: 2-4 Weapon Range: 100 View Range: 150 Stealth: 20 Secondary Mode: Health: 200 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 0 Attack Type: Turret Weapon Damage: 15-30 Weapon Range: 100 View Range: 150 Stealth: 20 NSA Sniper - NSA/RICI-5 "Raptor" Being vastly outnumbered the NSA favours using long-range sniper fire to pin down its enemies. The Special Forces infantry also known as Raptors are snipers capable of killing infantry at great distances. They are also extremely hard to detect since they can "cloak" themselves and blend in with the terrain. The Raptors are armed with High Impact Gauss Rifles that in their able hands are capable of taking out enemy infantry at long range. A popular tactic is to use the Raptors to target enemy tank commanders. Their usefulness lies not only in their ability to take out enemy infantry but they are also masters of suppressing enemy vehicle and tank commanders. The raptors are specialized in stealth techniques, which make them ideally for staging ambushes and for sabotage missions. The Raptors hold an almost legendary status in the NSA army and Fort Pushka where they are trained is popularly called "The Raptors Nest". It is worth to notice that while Raptors are excellent in taking out infantry - this should be done at a distance. Their sniper rifles cannot match close combat assault rifles. Secondary Mode: While the Raptor is cloaked in Primary Mode, he cannot fire his weapon. Activating Secondary Mode deactivates the cloaking field and activates the rifle. In this mode it's view range and weapon range are significantly improved. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 180 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 7 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: 0 View Range: 150 Stealth: 50 Secondary Mode: Health: 180 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 0 Attack Type: Precision Weapon Damage: 30-60 Weapon Range: 250 View Range: 250 Stealth: 20 NSA Siege Soldier - M4340HC1 "Ogre" After suffering heavy casualties in the urban fighting in the Vidachi sector the need for a unit that had the armor and firepower of a combat vehicle, but still was able to move around in and outside buildings, was evident. The result was the M-4340HC1 battle suit. The battle suit was issued to the 3rd battalion 5th infantry division for combat field-testing. Siege infantry are heavily armored soldiers in exoskeletons allowing them to carry heavy firepower and armor. The standard issue Siege Soldier exoskeleton is primarily armed with a P97h Assault Minigun capable of sending a deadly hail of uranium rounds in supersonic speed towards the enemy. Secondary Mode: The Siege Soldier can set his minigun to Full auto, dramatically increasing the rate of fire. In this mode the soldier takes no evasive action as his focus is on controlling the weapon. They also move at a much slower pace in Full auto mode. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 250 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 30/30/30/30 Speed: 6 Attack Type: Infantry Cannon Weapon Damage: 3-7 Weapon Range: 110 View Range: 150 Stealth: 5 Secondary Mode: Health: 250 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 30/30/30/30 Speed: 3 Attack Type: Infantry Cannon Weapon Damage: 5-10 Weapon Range: 100 View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Vehicles/Terradynes NSA Light APC - LAPC-780 "Rhino" The Light APC is an armoured four-wheeled vehicle designed to quickly carry infantry into combat. The APC is armoured, but will not stand heavy cannon fire for long. It is armed with a heavy machine gun to provide support fire to deploying infantry. Secondary Fire: When activated, the APC will fire smoke grenades that block the Line of Sight. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 250 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/20/0 Speed: 15 Attack Type: Turret Weapon Damage: 5-10 Weapon Range: 100 View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 250 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/20/0 Speed: 0 Attack Type: Smokescreen Weapon Damage: N/A Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 NSA Recon Terradyne - ATPJS90 "Watchman" The "Watchman" is a wheeled jeep that comes with a mounted Scalletti Industries H-975 AT cannon. The jeep is faster than tracked vehicles and can withstand one or two direct hits from AT weapons. It is designed to quickly move in front of the main NSA forces and scout the enemy. It is not strong enough to take part in major battles, but it's speed makes it ideal for hit and run tactics. Secondary Mode: When activated, the "Watchman" is extremely hard to detect. It cannot fire it's weapon and only moves at just under half speed in stealth mode. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 180 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 30/20/0/0 Speed: 20 Attack Type: Turret Weapon Damage: 12-25 Weapon Range: 100 View Range: 250 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 180 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 30/20/0/0 Speed: 8 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 250 Stealth: 100 NSA Rocket Terradyne - AMRLV-320 "Marauder" The versatile Marauder is a wheeled vehicle armed with an Air Defense Anti Tank Missile System. The Advanced Multi Rocket Launch Vehicle provides the NSA an all-weather, indirect, area fire weapon system. Primary missions of the rocket system include the suppression, neutralization and destruction of threat fire support and enemy frontline targets. It can also target air units with heat seeking homing missiles. With only light vehicle armor the unit requires additional support from heavy armor or it will not last long on the battlefield. Its main drawback is its inability to target infantry. Infantry are too small and too nimble to be targeted by the missile system. Secondary Mode: The Marauder plays a vitaal part as a defensive nit due to it's Anti-Missile System. It will protect itself and surrounding units from incoming artillery and misiles in AMS mose. It cannot move or attack in secondary mode. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 140 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 40/20/0/0 Speed: 12 Attack Type: Rocket Weapon Damage: 15-30 Weapon Range: 130 View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 140 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 30/10/0/0 Speed: 0 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: 0 View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 NSA Combat Engineers - ACEUV-905 "Zappers" The NSA Combat Engineer vehicle is designed to support military units on the battlefield. Inside the vehicle is a full complement of mechanics and medical personnel capable of conducting extensive field repairs and giving medical assistance. Combat Engineers are lightly armoured and unarmed. Secondary Mode: The Engineer repairs all friendly units within it's proximity. The unit cannot move in repair mode. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 150 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/0/0 Speed: 12 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 100 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 150 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/0/0 Speed: 0 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 100 Stealth: 0 NSA Fortress Terradyne - DTU-7499 "Ravager" A moving fortress, the Heavy Ravager stops for no one. It is extremely heavily armoured and its turret is armed with two powerful large caliber guns that easily pulverize enemy vehicles and terradynes. Its heavy armour makes it a very slow tracked vehicle but that can mow down almost any terrain features. The Ravager is great versus tanks and stationary objects. Its main strength is its impressive armor. The Ravager is a terrifying sight for any unit caught in the way of its path but is also in spite of its armor and cannons quite vulnerable to fast moving vehicles flanking it, the turrets rotate speed is so slow the gunner has a hard time keeping the sights aimed at the target. But used correctly and with the right units supporting it the Ravager tank is a valuable asset to your ability to knock out dug in enemy and structures. Secondary Mode: While the Ravager is impressive by itself, it truly excels itself when taking up a defensive position in Fortress mode. The side armour slides up front for additional frontal protection, shielding itself and nearby units and the engine power is redirected to the cannons and sensors making them slightly stronger. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 500 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/10/10 Speed: 6 Attack Type: Turret Weapon Damage: 30-60 Weapon Range: 100 View Range: 80 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 500 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 80/0/0/0 Speed: 0 Attack Type: Turret Weapon Damage: 35-70 Weapon Range: 130 View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 NSA Main Battle Terradyne - SEK-450 "Liberator" The Liberator Terradyne is the backbone of the armored forces of the Northern Star Alliance. The purpose of the terradyne is to provide mobile firepower for armored formations and sufficient capability to close and destroy any opposing armored fighting vehicles. The Liberator- series has been in service for over a decade and has proven both reliable and effective. The crews have seen plenty of action and are very confident in their equipment. The design with a very low and streamlined profile makes it a very hard target to hit. With its main armament, a 150mm smooth bore cannon, the Liberator poses a serious threat to any unit unlucky enough to be caught in its sights. It can operate both day and night with the help of a laser range finder, thermal imaging night sight and a targeting computer. One of the main threats for Liberator terradyne crews is enemy infantry sneaking up from behind and firing AT rockets at its thin rear armor. Secondary Mode: In it's secondary mode, the liberator is equipped with a Heavy Machine Gun to take out enemy infantry. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 300 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/0/0 Speed: 12 Attack Type: Turret Weapon Damage: 25-50 Weapon Range: 120 View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 300 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/0/0 Speed: 12 Attack Type: Precision Weapon Damage: 5-10 Weapon Range: 100 View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 NSA Assault APC - AAPC-D90 "Volcano" The Assault APC is a massively armoured tracked terradyne designed to carry 8 troopers into hot fire zones. It is heavily armoured, and can withstand several direct hits before being disabled. It is armed with the Genti GTT-30 Heavy Incinerator - a heavy flamethrower capable of melting both infantry and vehicles at very close range. Secondary Mode: In the secondary mode, the "Volcano" fires phosphorus grenades that shower the enemy with quite a burning sensation. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 350 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/10/0 Speed: 12 Attack Type: Toxic Weapon Damage: 15-30 Weapon Range: 50 View Range: 100 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 350 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/10/0 Speed: 12 Attack Type: Toxic Weapon Damage: 10-20 Weapon Range: 100 View Range: 100 Stealth: 0 NSA Mobile Artillery - AFAS-109 "Hailstorm" The AFAS-109 (Advanced Field Artillery System) consists of a quad barreled 175mm self-propelled howitzer operated by three crew members. It is capable of firing grenades at extreme ranges, and is lethal to all but heavy armour. The vehicle is lightly armoured and fairly slow. Secondary Mode: The Artillery vehilce can enter Siege Mode to fire even more powerful rounds at a greater distance. The Artillery cannot move in Siege Mode. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 240 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 20/10/0/0 Speed: 8 Attack Type: Grenade Weapon Damage: 15-30 Weapon Range: 300 View Range: 100 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 240 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 20/10/10/0 Speed: 0 Attack Type: Grenade Weapon Damage: 20-40 Weapon Range: 400 View Range: 100 Stealth: 0 Helidynes NSA Light Helidyne - IRH45 "Shade" The Shade is a fast recon helidyne of instrumental value when obtaining battlefield intelligence. It is armed with S.H.A.R.K. - an advanced AA/AG missile system capable of penetrating heavy terradyne armour. Popular belief has it that Imperial officers cringe in terror when they hear the characteristic scream of the Shade firing its missiles. Because of its focus on taking out heavily armored vehicles, the Shade cannot target infantry. It relies heavily on speed and maneuverability, and is therefore only lightly armored. Secondary Mode: As a secondary option, the Shade can activate turbo thrusters to dramatically improve its speed, but it cannot use weapons while in this state. Being an airborne unit, it cannot capture Victory Locations or hostile Landing Zones. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 250 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed:25 Attack Type: Turret Weapon Damage: 10-20 Weapon Range: 120 View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 250 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 35 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 250 Stealth: 0 NSA Transport Helidyne - AVTCH-6 "Bigbird" One of the drawbacks of the NSA military is the terradynes' inability to cross deep water. For that purpose the NSA have developed the Bigbird - a transport helidyne capable of quickly airlifting terradynes and other ground units over great distances. It is often used to transport vehicles deep into enemy territory for use in sneak attacks and ambushes. The Bigbird is heavily armoured and can withstand severe punishment. In order to ensure maximum payload capacity, it has no weapons or secondary options. Being an airborne unit, it cannot capture Victory Locations or hostile Landing Zones. Secondary Mode: The unit can activate an Anti-Missile System that will defend against incoming Missiles. However, it comes at the sacrifice of flying speed. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 300 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 25 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 300 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 20/20/20/20 Speed: 10 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Fixed Structures NSA Sentry Gun - TTP-90 "Sentinel" The Sentry Gun provides excellent point defence, capable of dealing with both ground and air units. It is relatively weak against heavy armour, but excels against large concentrations of infantry. The sentry gun is immobile, but can be transported using an APC or Combat Engineer. Technical Info/Stats: Health: 200 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 20/20/20/20 Speed: 0 Attack Type: Infantry Cannon Weapon Damage: 7-15 Weapon Range: 100 View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 NSA KZ Sensor - MSRS-4 "Detector" The NSA KZ Sensor allows the military a great view of the battlefield. It covers approximately an area 500m around its position. The KZ sensor cannot move and can only be transported in an APC or Combat Engineer. Technical Info/Stats: Health: 200 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): Speed: 0 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 350 Stealth: 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Viron Nomads Humans first came into contact with Virons after their space was violated in the 25th century by the rogue corporate agent Sarah Parker. In the years that followed, attempts were made to establish relations with the Virons, but these met with little success. The Virons proved to be extremely reclusive and xenophobic. Little else is known about them except that they are bipeds and are wielders of a highly advanced nano-organic technology. When negotiations with them failed, reports began coming of battles being fought in the Ragnarok Nebula, the unconfirmed location of the Viron homeworld. In these reports there are several references of Viron units "melding" on the battlefield to form completely new vehicles of destruction. Officially no further human contact has been made with the Virons since that time. IDEAL FLEET 6 Kah'meh 3 Maalh'bul 10 Pack'changh 4 Tah'changh 3 Bah'ko 6 Haai'tah 5 Kee'on Rimah 3 Chingh'geh'ohn 3 Geom'raah 3 Bull'gasaalh 10 Hun'muh 7 Chee'woh 6 Geeh'mu'gee 2 Joh'jack 2 Borah'maar 3 Wan'greh'ohng 2 Sentry Gun (per Kee'on Rimah) 2 KZ Sensor (per Kee'on Rimah) Skirmish anyone? Melding One of the unique aspects of Viron warfare is the ability to meld units on the battlefield to create a more advanced unit. MORTAR CLANGUARD = Missile Clanguard + Missile Clanguard INFECTOR CLANGUARD = Assault Clanguard + Assault Clanguard MORTAR CENTRUROID = Engineer Centruroid + Engineer Centruroid MISSILE CENTRUROID = Gun Centruroid + Gun Centruroid THUMPER CENTRUROID = Corruptor Centruroid + Corruptor Centruroid HELLFIRE CENTRUROID = Penetrator Centruroid + Penetrator Centruroid SCREAMER HELIDYNE = Fighter Helidyne + Fighter Helidyne CORRUPTOR HELIDYNE = Surveillance Helidyne + Surveillance Helidyne Units Note that attack damage and range is based on weapon type. cLANGUARDS Viron Assault Clanguard "Kah'meh" The Assault Clanguard is armed with a strong Bio-Pulsar gun. The weapon projectile's molecular acid component swiftly eats through any known material before the kinetic impact deals a massive energy discharge well inside the target. Clanguards are highly suitable for urban warfare as they are capable of taking shelter withing buildings. Two Assault Clanguards can be melded to create an Infector Clanguard. Secondary Mode: They carry capsules of Pronocol, a synthetic combat drug that gives the user a massive boost of adrenaline at command. Effectively boosts the regeneration process. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 180 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 10/10/10/10 Speed: 5 Attack Type: Anti-Tank Weapon Damage: 15-30 Weapon Range: 110 View Range: 150 Stealth: 20 Secondary Mode: Health: 180 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 10/10/10/10 Speed: 5 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 150 Stealth: 20 Viron Infector Clanguard "Maalh'bul" The Infector Clanguard is armed with a gas purger spraying engineered viral spores over its intended target. The Infector is extremely useful against infantry but can also damage vehicles and tanks. Secondary Mode: The Infector Clanguard can infect the area surrounding him with lethal spores genetically engineered to cause damage to the enemy while harmless to allies. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 200 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 7 Attack Type: Toxic Weapon Damage: 10-20 Weapon Range: 50 View Range: 150 Stealth: 20 Secondary Mode: Health: 200 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 7 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 150 Stealth: 20 Viron Missile Clanguard "Pack'changh The Missile Clanguard is a common sight on the battlefield, armed with missile spewers, they cause mayhem to enemy air units. They excel in taking out enemy air but can also engage vehicles and tanks. The missiles cannot target infantry due to their small signature. Two Missile Clanguards can be melded together to create a Mortar Clanguard. Secondary Mode: The Missile Clanguard can fire Torment missiles that do very little damage itself but showers the target with acidic spray, temporarily lowering the targets armor. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 200 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 5 Attack Type: Missile Weapon Damage: 6-12 Weapon Range: 150 View Range: 150 Stealth: 20 Secondary Mode: Health: 200 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 5 Attack Type: Missile Weapon Damage: 2-5 Weapon Range: 150 View Range: 150 Stealth: 20 Viron Mortar Clanguard "Tah'changh" The Viron Nomads have a very flexible unit arsenal and when dealing with massed concentrations of enemy infantry or light vehicles the Mortar Trooper is an obvious choice. The trooper is armed with a rapid firing mortar mounted on the units back. The mortar fires a seed-case containing a highly volatile compound mixed with piercing needles/shrapnel. The seed-case is designed to rupture above the intended target showering it with razor sharp shrapnel capable of tearing through light armor. The mortar's high rate of fire allows it to penetrate enemy missile defense systems. The seed-cases are however rather small and cannot penetrate terradyne armor. Secondary Mode: The Mortar Clanguard can fire grenades that release a cloud of highly active spores that will interfere with combat and targeting systems effectively acting as a smokescreen. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 150 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 4 Attack Type: Grenade Weapon Damage: 10-20 Weapon Range: 150 View Range: 150 Stealth: 20 Secondary Mode: Health: 150 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 4 Attack Type: Smokescreen Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: 150 View Range: 150 Stealth: 20 CENTRUROIDS Viron Gun Centruroid "Bah'ko" The fast and furious Gun vehicle uses a direct spike cannon to deliver razor sharp bio-spikes at its enemies. While the spikes are capable of penetrating the thickest armor with easy, their small size severely limits their damage potential. The Gun Centruroid fills the role as a fast long-range recon unit. With its fast speed unnervingly long range it is capable of luring the enemy into lethal ambushes. Two Gun Centroroids can be melded together to create a more defensive Viron unit, the Missile Centruroid. Secondary Mode: The Gun Centruroid can, like certain Earth reptiles, extend a hard carapace in the front effectively protecting the unit from frontal attacks. The unit is however immobile while the shields are up. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 150 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 20/10/0/0 Speed: 20 Attack Type: Infantry Cannon Weapon Damage: 5-10 Weapon Range: 120 View Range: 160 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 150 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 90/0/0/0 Speed: 0 Attack Type: Infantry Cannon Weapon Damage: 5-10 Weapon Range: 120 View Range: 160 Stealth: 0 Viron Missile Centruroid "Haai'tah" The "Haai'tah" is a fast missile-carrier unit. Its main purpose is to defeat enemy air units but it is also useful against vehicles and terradynes. The missile system cannot target infantry. The unit fires a swarm of homing pods against its target. Secondary Mode: The Missile Centruroid can extend a bio field capable of defending itself and other nearby units against missile and grenade attacks. Be warned - the bio field can be overloaded and fail to defeat all missiles if attacked by a high number of missiles simultaneously. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 280 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 40/20/0/0 Speed: 20 Attack Type: Missile Weapon Damage: 5-10 Weapon Range: 150 View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 280 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 40/20/0/0 Speed: 0 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Viron Engineer Centruroid "Kee'on Rimah" The Engineer Centruroid is armed with a medium spore-thrower and a transport compartment capable of taking up to 8 Clanguards. The unit fills an important role on the battlefield being able to heal friendly units in its secondary mode. Two Engineer Centruroids can be melded together to create a Mortar Centruroid. Secondary Mode: The Engineer can activate its repair equipment and is capable of spraying friendly units with mucus capable of accelerating the Viron regeneration process. However it cannot use its weapon while in secondary mode. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 250 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 30/20/10/10 Speed: 15 Attack Type: Toxic Weapon Damage: 7-15 Weapon Range: 100 View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 250 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 30/20/10/10 Speed: 15 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Viron Mortar Centruroid "Chingh'geh'ohn While the Viron arsenal lacks the long artillery range of the NSA, the Mortar Centruroid does an outstanding job at quick hit-and-run grenade attacks. The unit's powerful Seed-Launcher fires a volatile seed-case that is designed to detonate above the target showering everything below with razor sharp spikes. Prior to detonation the spikes are encased in a lethal toxic that is engineered to literally short out the brain. Secondary Mode: Instead of firing it's usual volatile seed cases, it fires an acidic grenade effectively reducing enemy unit's armour in the target area. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 160 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 40/20/0/0 Speed: 15 Attack Type: Grenade Weapon Damage: 15-30 Weapon Range: 300 View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 160 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 40/20/0/0 Speed: 15 Attack Type: Grenade Weapon Damage: 4-15 Weapon Range: 300 View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Viron Corruptor Centruroid "Geom'raah" The Corruptor tank is a huge lumbering armoured infantry transport with a heavy spore thrower moutned topside. It spews forth a huge cloud of bioengineered spores that instantly corrode the material they come in contact with. After a weapon discharge, a huge spore cloud remains on the battlefield. Contact with the cloud results in instantaneous damage every second. Two Corruptors can be melded to create a Thumper Centruroid. Secondary Mode: The unit emits a highly lethal virus that eats through friends and foes alike. Even the unit itself sustains damage in this mode. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 300 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/0/10 Speed: 12 Attack Type: Toxic Weapon Damage: 15-30 Weapon Range: 50 View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 300 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/0/10 Speed: 0 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 Viron Thumper Centruroid "Bull'gasaalh" The Thumper tank is a huge Viron unit, heavily armoured and fitted with a unique and ingenious bio-weapon - the Thumper. With a distinctive "thump" the weapon spews forth a wave of organic mass with supercharged protons that travels along the ground toward the target. As the organic mass travels forward, it loses some of it's destructive power. Secondary Mode: The Thumper projects an energy field capable of enhancing the armour of itself and those units in it's immediate proximity. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 450 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 60/30/15/15 Speed: 10 Attack Type: Grenade Weapon Damage: 15-30 Weapon Range: 70 View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 450 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 60/30/15/15 Speed: 10 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 Viron Penetrator "Hun'muh" The Penetrator is the Viron's main armoured Centruroid. The Penetrator is a very direct and brutal way to deal with enemy units, especially heavily armored targets. The unit fires a single nano-engineered chitin spike, heated to near cataclysmic temperature. The nano-spike easily penetrates any armor up to 200 cm thick. The energy released when the hyper-velocity nano-spike hits its target equals to a small nuclear detonation. Two Penetrators can be melded together to create an even more powerful unit - the Viron Hellfire Centruroid. Secondary Mode: In it's secondary mode, the Penetrator is capable of shooting at a greatly increased range. In order to fire accurately, it needs spotters to fully utilise it's increased range. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 300 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/0/0 Speed: 10 Attack Type: Turret Weapon Damage: 30-60 Weapon Range: 120 View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 300 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/0/0 Speed: 10 Attack Type: Turret Weapon Damage: 25-90 Weapon Range: 250 View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 Viron Hellfire Centruroid "Chee'woh" The "Chee'woh" is an impressively armoured giant of a unit, armed with hard- hitting nano-drones. The unit can deliver a punch even capable of denting a fortified Ravager terradyne. The nano-drones are not capable of hitting air or infantry. Secondary Mode: In it's secondary mode, the unit's speed is greatly improved at the sacrifice of it's weapons, allowing it to reach intense fire zones quickly. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 600 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/20/0/0 Speed: 8 Attack Type: Turret Weapon Damage: 25-50 Weapon Range: 150 View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 600 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/30/20/20 Speed: 16 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 120 Stealth: 0 HELIDYNES Viron Fighter Helidyne "Geeh'mu'gee" The Viron Fighter Helidyne is a fast response unit in the Viron air cadre. The Fighter is armed with a pair of highly advanced seed launchers spewing forth homing projectiles that are more than capable of tearing any airborne unit into tiny pieces. Its dominance on the battlefield is however limited to air units, leaving it in desperate need to ground support to take out enemy anti-air. Two Fighter Helidynes can be melded together on the battlefield to create a Screamer Helidyne. Secondary Mode: In secondary mode, the unit is capable of quickly regenerating it's carapace and vital systems. However, it is defenseless in this mode. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 160 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 27 Attack Type: Missile Weapon Damage: 15-30 Weapon Range: 150 View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 160 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 20 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Viron Screamer Helidyne "Joh'jack" The Screamer is mainly a support weapon; used with other Viron units, it truly makes the Virons a foe to fear. It is armed with a weak sonic cannon that utilises sonic waves to pulverise it's target. Secondary Mode: The Screamer continuously projects a multi-spectral aura of raw Viron hostility, which disturbs and disrupts the enemy, grating at the edge of their brains like a blunt razor blade being scraped against glass. The aura effectively degrades the target's ability to defend itself. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 300 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 15 Attack Type: Precision Weapon Damage: 5-10 Weapon Range: 100 View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 300 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 10 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Viron Surveillance Helidyne "Borah'maar" The Surveillance Helidyne is capable of attacking both air and ground forces with a relatively weak bio-cannon. It has great perception and view range. Two Surveillance Helidynes can be melded to create a Contaminator Helidyne. Secondary Mode: The unit can extend battlefield sensors capable of detecting all enemies within 400-500m. It cannot move or attack while the sensors are extended. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 300 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 10 Attack Type: Infantry Cannon Weapon Damage: 2-5 Weapon Range: 120 View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 300 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 20/20/20/20 Speed: 10 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 400 Stealth: 0 Viron Contaminator Helidyne "Wan'greh'ohng" The Contaminator Helidyne is armed with a medium spore thrower gas weapon. The combination of being airborne and armed with a gas weapon strikes fear into infantry holed up inside a building. It's APC capability allowes it to gas a fortification an unload a full squad of infantry while the gas dissipates. Secondary Mode: Special glands are activated constantly, feeding the armoured areas with new nano-material effectively reinforcing it's armour. The unit moves slightly slower and is unable to attack in this mode. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 220 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 15 Attack Type: Toxic Weapon Damage: 15-30 Weapon Range: 80 View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Secondary Mode: Health: 220 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 50/50/50/50 Speed: 10 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 FIXED STRUCTURES Viron Prime Sentry Gun The deployable Bio-Pulsar gun can be used to bolster the Viron's defenses. It cannot move on it's own accord and must be transported to it's intended position. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 200 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 20/20/20/20 Speed: 0 Attack Type: Infantry Cannon Weapon Damage: 10-20 Weapon Range: 140 View Range: 150 Stealth: 0 Viron KZ Sensor The deployable field sensor will detect all enemy units within 400-500m. It cannot move on it's own accord and must be transported to it's intended position. Technical Info/Stats: Primary Mode: Health: 200 Armour (Front/Side/Back/Top): 0/0/0/0 Speed: 0 Attack Type: N/A Weapon Damage: 0-0 Weapon Range: N/A View Range: 350 Stealth: 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE TERRAN EMPIRE The Terran Empire, a relatively new empire formed out of the ashes of the old mega corporations, is driving an iron willed offensive against the outer colonies and is now severely threatening the NSA home world planet Morningstar Prime. The goal of the Terran Empire is to to reconquer the outer colonies and reunite mankind at all costs. The end justifies the means and this surely means the end for Morningstar Prime. The Imperial military relies on advanced technology, using heavy hover dynes, lethal plasma weapons as well as a seemingly endless supply of fresh legionnaires. They are also capable of bringing down heavy orbital bombardment from their orbiting star cruisers. Emperor Marcus Augustus has put the trust in his right hand agent, the most ruthless and successful, Imperator Vlaana Azleea, to bringing Morningstar Prime into the Imperial fold. Imperator Vlaana, also known as the "Butcher of Ariel", because of the heinously brutal way she crushed and retook control over that colony, is unusually merciless, cold and austere. Hating weakness of all kinds, it is impossible for her to understand why the NSA should continue to resist, when they obviously would be so much better under the command of the Empire. UNITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Log 1: 10/07/2004 16:08 Hey all, I've just started this thing. It's a freakin' monster to write. Never knew the manual could be so big. Anyway, I've left you with the NSA unit stats, they're complete. I'm doing the Viron at home, I'll finish and upload soon. Anyone know anything about the Terrans? -Seb --- Log 2: 11/07/2004 03:24 Having insomnia sucks. Decided I might as well spend the night on the FAQ. Finished the Viron units. I will make a personal analysis section soon, and I might even make a head-to-head of each unit. That'll take a while. If my speech recognition was working, I'd be making a lot more progress. Anyway, cya. -Seb --- Log 3: 11/07/2004 16:32 I added a little more to the FAQ. I'm going to start the Terrans later (it's hard, I only have one level in which I can play them and they're all a mess). Still, I'm working on it. Anyone know any cheats for Sonic Heroes on the PS2? -Seb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREDITS/CLOSING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Massive, Sierra, Bink and Miles for making this game. - You, for reading this. - James, for adding a small fact about the NSA/Viron Comparisons - CJayC, for creating the best gaming site in the world. - Imperials, for causing me endless frustration. - ASCII Generator for the Text at the top. In closing, I'd just like to say this: "Hope you enjoyed the FAQ." I'll see ya later, -Seb (c) Seb Haque 2004