=============================================================================== ==( Icewind Dale 2 v2.01 walkthrough v1.1 (c) Nailz 2003 )===================== =============================================================================== email: nailz@nailz.demon.nl subject: iwd2 --( Index )------------------------------------------------------------------- (-) Prologue PR1.1 - Targos Docks PR1.2 - Targos Town PR1.3 - Targos Palisade (-) Chapter 1 CH1.1 - The Shaengarne Bridge CH1.2 - The Horde Fortress (-) Chapter 2 CH2.1 - Crashed Airship CH2.2 - The Glacier CH2.3 - The Ice Temple CH2.4 - The Ice Temple Basement (-) Chapter 3 CH3.1 - The Wandering Village and the Fell Woods CH3.2 - The River Caves (-) Chapter 4 CH4.1 - The Black Raven Monastery CH4.2 - The Eight Chamber Challenge CH4.3 - The Underdark CH4.4 - The Drider Cave CH4.5 - Z'Hinda Citadel (-) Chapter 5 CH5.1 - Kuldahar CH5.2 - Yuan-Ti Jungle CH5.3 - Yuan-Ti Temple CH5.4 - Dragon's Eye CH5.5 - Dragon's Eye Exit CH5.6 - Fields of Slaughter (-) Chapter 6 CH6.1 - The Severed Hand CH6.1 - The Severed Hand Level 1 CH6.2 - The Severed Hand Level 2 CH6.3 - The Severed Hand Level 3 CH6.4 - The Severed Hand Level 4 CH6.5 - The Severed Hand Towers =============================================================================== ==( PR1.1 - Targos Docks - AR 1000 )========================================== =============================================================================== Your main objective is to kill all the goblins in this area. Be sure to check inside all houses. (!) Talk to Brogan at the warehouse, with high enough dialogue skills you can convince him to let you drive the goblins out of the warehouse (x=2400 y=500). There is a dead cat inside a barrel (x=790 y=400). Go down the trap door at x=600 y=200. This will lead to a small cave. Kill all the goblins including the one named "Rukwurm". Be sure to pick up the "Charred Vellum Scroll" he drops! (-) Talk to Reig Redwaters (x=1450 y=900). He wants you to get healing draughts from Magdar Shenlen (x=990 y=520). You can find the healing potions inside a locked chest at (AR1001) x=1180 y=430. (-) You can get a dagger from Honest Jon (x=1370 y=950) with high enough dialogue skills. (-) Inside the Salty Dog Tavern (x=900 y=1800) you'll find Guthewulfe Henghelm. He has some items for sale and after you get rid of the goblin threat you can compete with him in a drinking game to get his magical wolf charm. Character needs >16 Constitution. (-) Inside the house at coordinates x=800 y=2200 you will find Firtha Kerdos, Hedron's mother. Kill the goblins and talk to her. After this you can go back to Hedron (x=2500 y=890) for some gold. Come back after killing all the goblins for a lot of information. (-) There is a bottle of wine in the from the boat hold at x=2888 y=2032. =============================================================================== ==( PR1.2 - Targos Town - AR 1100 )============================================ =============================================================================== (-) Talk to Ulbrec Dinnsmore inside the house at x=2300 y=1400 to get recruited. Let Elytharra identify the "Charred Vellum Scroll", talk to her again to learn that there is a traitor in Targos. (-) Confront Phaen (x2270 y=970) and show him the scroll. After killing him return to Elytharra for a reward. (-) Also ask Elytharra about her troubles; a diviner named Valin Geldencross has become ill. He's in the Temple. Talk to him to learn he wants to have "Braegh". Buy it from Guthewulfe Henghelm in the Salty Dog tavern. (-) Gallaway Trade Depot (x=1550 y=1750) Deidre Gallaway has a lot of useful weaponry for sale, including the "Heart of X" longsword. This is a must get weapon in HoF mode. (-) Temple Pavillion (x=1250 y=600) This is the local temple, one of the clerics has a +1 Wisdom ring for sale. --( Weeping Widow Quest )------------------------------------------------------ (-) Inside the house at x=420 y=940 you will meet with Koluhm Bonecutter. Do not kill this person! Talk to him for information about the spirit in the Weeping Widow Inn. (-) Make your way to the Weeping Widow Inn. (x=800 y=1650) Talk to the owner, Cahl-Hyred a couple of times. You should get a key to the weeping spirit's room and a magic bottle. Go upstairs during the night and talk to the spirit, Veira. Talk to the Cahl-Hyred again about Veira's husband, Donavan. (-) Go to Elytharra to have the bottle identified. (-) Go to the Salty Dog Tavern (AR 1000 x=900 y=1800) and talk to Gohar. He will give you a piece of Donavans ship, "Veira's Gaze". (-) Talk to Koluhm and tell him what you know about the bottle for some extra experience points. (-) Go back to Veira and show her the ship prow. You can also get her to shed one final tear into your ghost-touched bottle. (-) You can sell the bottle to Elytharra for 700 gold maximum, or she will offer to make you an enchanted dagger. =============================================================================== ==( PR1.3 - Targos Palisade - AR 1200 )======================================== =============================================================================== (-) Niles (x=3265 y=2290) wants a bottle of wine, instead of helping him order him back to his post. (-) Bluff Tabard Mooncalf (x=3280 y=1660) out of your way. Grab the shield. (-) Talk to Anson (x=3240 y=1450) and listen to his story. Be sure to ask him how he got rid of the rats. Mention it to Firtha Kerdos for some XP. (-) Talk to the drill sergeant (x=2830 y=1700) with a cleric. (-) Talk to Gable and Kadance (x=3100 y=970) with a character holding a ranged weapon. You can make a wager with Gable for 50 gold. Force attack the keg. Gable only has a normal bow which you can sell for aprox. 35 gold. (-) Destroy the keg (x=2290 y=2190) with your fighter, you will then be able to give some tips to the trainees. --( Shawfords Chores )--------------------------------------------------------- (-) Go inside the barracks at x=2700 y=2500 and talk to Shawford Crale. (1) Your first of four chores will be to talk to Olap Tamewater (x=2570 y=520). Make your way to Lumbar Grundwall inside Targos Town (x=1150 y=1650). The crane needed to haul the wood is broken. Report back to Olap. Olap's father, Jorun is a carpenter and can fix the crane. He can be found at the docks (x=635 y=1460). Fix the crane by putting the part into the container at x=1000 y=1850. Report back to Shawford. (2) Your next assignment will be to get arrows for Isherwood (x=650 y=2100). Talk to Isherwood then head for the Gallaway Trade Deport. Talk to Deirdre with your best dialogue skilled character. Report back to Shawford. (3) Your next job is to talk to Koluhm Bonecutter. He can be found inside a house in the town area (x=420 y=940). Initiate dialogue with a dwarf or drow character so you can translate the goblin message yourself. Report back to Shawford. (4) The last chore is to get the Iron Collar mercenaries to report to the palisade. They can be found in the Salty Dog tavern in the docks area. This can be done several ways, one is to accuse them of being friends with Phaen. Another way is to use a bluff skilled character; you can threaten to have their contracts revoked. Be sure to finish of all the other little quests in the palisade area before reporting back to Shawford. A major battle will start once you talk to Shawford. =============================================================================== ==( CH1.1 - The Shaengarne Bridge )============================================ =============================================================================== --( AR 2000 )----------------------------------------------------------------- (-) You will encounter Torak, chieftain of the Broken Tusk Clan. Proceed northwards killing orcs. (-) Break the logs. (x=1837 y=930) (-) Talk to Dereth Springsong. (x=2000 y=1000) A passage south of your position will open. (x=800 y=2500) (-) Find Sabrina Fairwynd. (x=250 y=870) (-) Break the logs. (x=1650 y=850) (-) A passage to the east will open. (x=2800 y=1070) This passage to will lead to an orc which drops a magical weapon (x=1900 y=530). (-) Leave this area northwards. (x=2350 y=50) --( AR 2001 )----------------------------------------------------------------- (-) You enter an ambush and Emma Moonblade will appear. Talk to her and agree to return her Moonblade. (-) Travel east and talk to Kaitlin Silvertongue. (x=2300 y=1700) Get the invisibility potion (x=2190 y=1480). Use the potion with one of your characters and go north, open the gate. (x=2190 y=1100) Move your party to the now opened gate. Kill all the orcs to rescue the villagers. Return to Kaitlin. (-) Check the barrel (x=560 y=1170) for magic weapons. (-) Now attack Torak's party. (x=2800 y=1200) Be sure to loot the Highland Gate Key from Torak's corpse. (-) Enter the cave. --( AR 2002 )----------------------------------------------------------------- (-) Inside there are several slimes and zombies. (-) Pickup the magical axe at x=3067 y=956. (Random?) (-) Kill the troll Vrek Vileclaw. (x=2220 y=2130) Loot the chest for the Moonblade. (-) Return to AR 2001, first talk to Kaitlin then Emma Moonblade. With the proper skills and dialogue choices you get to keep the Moonblade. Leave through the gate. (x=780 y=520) --( AR 2100 )----------------------------------------------------------------- (-) Be sure to check the container at x=1920 y=410. (-) Kill Gaernat Sharptooth and his wererats. (-) Leave the area at x=50 y=560. --( AR 2101 )----------------------------------------------------------------- (-) Destroy the support beam. (x=2450 y=540) (-) Destroy the other support beam. (x=1230 y=370) (-) Grab the wood planks. (x=130 y=630) (-) Put the planks in the container at x=250 y=1160. (-) Leave the area at x=50 y=1150. --( AR 2102 )------------------------------------------------------------------ (-) Prepare for battle! Whatever you do, you can not stop getting the bridge from being destroyed. (!) Xuki the mage drops a bag of holding, be sure to get it. (-) Return to Targos after killing everything. Report to Ulbrec. Don't forget to collect your reward from Shawford. The Horde fortress will be accessible on your world map. =============================================================================== ==( CH1.2 - The Horde Fortress )=============================================== =============================================================================== --( AR 3000 )------------------------------------------------------------------ (-) Upon entering this area you will encounter Ennelia. She has a lot of information about this area. She is also looking for Braston, a prisoner in the fortress. Heal Ennelia for some extra XP. There are 3 camps each with their own wardrum. (-) Kill Trugnuk, the orc shaman at x=3500 y=850. Loot the warren key of his corpse. (-) Open the gate at x=2980 y=2300 and enter the cave. --( AR 3001 )----------------------------------------------------------------- (-) Locate Pondmuk (x=2050 y=1600) and agree to fetch him some spiders. Kill some spiders (x=1000 y=1300) and return to Pondmuk with some corpses to learn the password (Chimera) for the door. (-) Talk to Yquog the troll at x=2970 y=1250. Agree to help him get his message from a goblin called Kruntur. He will tell you a password (Xvim) to get past Kruntur's guard peacefully. (-) Leave the area at x=3300 y=120. --( Fortress Cave - AR 3002 )-------------------------------------------------- (-) Get the Iron Ward Stone from the orc Gumph (x=2700 y=1000). (-) Get the Black Ward Stone from Orog (x=800 y=3000). (-) Talk to Kruntur (x=730 y=1010). He wants his bracers back, go back to Yquog (AR 3001 x=2970 y=1250) to fetch Tamjan's Bracers. Go back to Kruntur. In return for the bracers you will get the note and a Large Shield of Luck +1. Now give the note to Yquog for another reward, Lightning Star +1. If you let Yquog live you will encounter him again later in the game. (-) Using the two ward stones you can now use the stairs (x=2400 y=270). --( Fortress Exterior - AR 3100 )---------------------------------------------- (o) Kill everything and leave at x=800 y=1100. --( Fortress Interior AR 3101 )------------------------------------------------ (-) Kill the two bugbears at the entrance, an Old Orc will appear which has the key to open the double doors. Once you open the door you will see Sherincal talking to Guthma. (-) Free Brastor (x=1500 y=1450) and escort him back to Ennelia (AR 3000 x=250 y=2500). (-) Return to Lord Ulbrec in Targos for your next mission. Dont forget to claim your reward from Shawford. Speak to Oswald Fiddlebender (x=2040 y=660) to start chapter two. =============================================================================== ==( CH2.1 - Crashed Airship )================================================== =============================================================================== (-) Keep talking to Oswald to wake him up. Get Oswald's spellbook from the Table. You need the following components for the melding spell: Spider Silk -> Kill spiders (AR 4000 x=2100 y=2500). Bottle of Thrym extract -> On the ground inside the airship. Belladonna paste -> Aurilite village x=2400 y=640. Smidgen of iron ore -> Broken weapon of Captain Yurst body. (AR 4000 x=1935 y=1910) Two Diamonds -> One is in a locked box inside the airship, the other in the Aurilite village at x=3250 y=130. Wood -> Just outside the airship. (!) Oswald is also able to craft armour if you bring him a boring beetle shell. Bring him winter wolf or yeti pelt for clothing. --( AR 4000 )------------------------------------------------------------------ (!) Get the Periapt of Wound Closure from a locked box at x=930 y=1030. (-) Approach Captain Yurst (x=1935 y=1910), go east and kill the giants. Talk to Yurst again and let him use the Periapt of Wound Closure. Loot back the periapt and pick up the broken weapon. (-) Head toward the north-eastern part of the map and look for Odea Winterthaw (x=3000 y=1300). You will hear about a local cult. Head to Beodaewn at x=560 y=665. You can bluff by threatening to mention his cult to the mayors of Ten-Towns; you can now shop at cheaper prices. After that you can just kill him and loot his stash. (-) Slaughter the Aurilite village. There are stairs at x=3440 y=540. Grab the Belladonna. (e) You should now have all the ingredients for the melding spell, so return to the airship. Finish your business with Oswald and leave the airship. You can now travel to the glacier. (x=3500 y=560) =============================================================================== ==( CH2.2 - The Glacier - AR 4100 )============================================ =============================================================================== (-) When you enter hug the western wall and proceed northwards, following the corridor until you reach the crystal golem and two Aurilites. (-) Push down the 3 rocks (x=1675 y=1540) and go back down to loot the Aurilite Holy symbol. Once you equip it the doomguards will attack you and all the doors will open. (-) Open the door at x=556 y=1234 and "talk" to the spider. (-) Open the door at x=790 y=2070 and kill the Remorhaz Queen. (-) Kill Shenical (x=2400 y=1050). (-) Kill the Remorhaz at x=2250 y=2500 to free Zack Boosenburry. Tell him you saw his spider for some extra XP. You can buy scrolls from him as well. (-) You can enter the ice temple though a door (x=3000 y=880) if you have a Dwarf or Half-ling character in your party. Enter with a fully healed party! Talk to the white abishai leader, Xhaan. Agree to help her. Exit this are and use the front entrance to the temple. =============================================================================== ==( CH2.3 - The Ice Temple - AR 4101 )========================================= =============================================================================== (!) Make your way to the prison area (x=500 y=1900) and free Nathaniel and the other prisoners by lockpicking the doors. When you talk to Nathaniel you will learn he is missing his bag of holding. (!) Kill the High Priestess Lysara (x=1170 y=800), on her body you will find a temple key. (!) Kill the High Priestess Cathin (x=1500 y=1650), on her body you will find a another temple key. (-) Kill the genie Ondabo (x=2090 y=910) for a Scimitar of the Defender +1. (-) The Dias Room (x=1130 y=850). ! To open the doors to the white abishais stand on the right hand side of the dias and turn it north. Stand left and turn it round till it faces north again. ! To disable the anti-magic field; stand right then turn east, stand left and turn west. (You learn this by talking to Nathaniel.) ! To unlock the study room (x=2070 y=1400); stand left then turn southwest, stand right then turn northwest. (-) Great Oak Painting (x=3240 y=1250) Talking/looking at this painting and saying a certain word or phrase will cause the stairway to change it exit: ! Death to Kuldahar and all who defy the will of the Cold Goddess! -> Stairs leading from lower level to ground level (AR 4102). ! Andora? ->Andora village on crash site map (AR 4000). ! Lysan. -> Door leading to altar room (AR 4102, x 900 y 950). ! Auril, shower me with strength! -> Game room (AR 4102, x 2180 y 2500). ! Bedroom. -> Nickademus' bedroom. (AR 4102, x 1300 y 1400) ! From the Sea of Moving Ice.. -> White Abishai den (AR 4101, x 1500 y 500). ! In Auril's name, from winter's veil.. (Available after defeating Oria) -> Oria's private vault room (AR 4102, x 1500 y 1000). ^-- Nathaniel's Ring of the Ram. ! Hmmm... Interesting.. -> Random location. (e) Go downstair through the door (x=2600 y=760). =============================================================================== ==( CH2.4 - The Ice Temple Basement - AR 4102 )================================ =============================================================================== First should run around and kill all of the baddies. (!) Retrieve Nathaniels bag of holding, it is in a chamber to the south (x=380 y=1780). In order to do this you have to position a few characters in different places. Place one in the mirror room (x=450 y=1650). Place one in the coffin room (x=1250 y=2100). Open the hidden passage at x=1050 y=1900. Go the center of the area to the prism room. Operate the prism device with the lever (x=2020 y= 1190) so that it faces south. Use the other lever to activate the device. A jolt will shoot south and bounce off the mirrors in the shadow and mirror room opening the door there (x=380 y=1780). (-) Get Nathaniels' bag of holding (x=160 y=2200). On your way back to Nathaniel, lockpick Nickedamus cabinet (x=1060 y=1280). (-) Go to Nickademus' bedroom, he has awoken from his sleep. Talk to him for heaps of information about the temple and its devices. Be sure to ask about everything. (-) Find your way to the Great Oak painting and choose "Lysan". Take the stairs down and they will lead to the shadow door (x=970 y=4100), touching it is very painful. Open the hidden passage on the left. Position one character in near the mirror just outside the shadow door. Position another character near the mirror in the top left corner of the map. Another character halfway through the corridor leading towards the prism room. Rotate the mirror at x=2480 y=950 and leave a character there. Rotate the prism device north and fire a jolt. If done correctly - the jolt will bounce of all the mirrors and into the shadow door, opening it. Go in the room and talk to the spirit, say its real name out loud: Aeij-Kllenzr't. This will free the white abishai, go talk to them for some XP. --( The Battle Arena x=2150 y=2500 )------------------------------------------- (-) You get a key to Oria's room if you beat the battle square game on rank 1. There are 3 levers together here, the bottom one is the on/off switch. Put the other two levels on off (so they face west). The other levers set the rank level 1-9. Start the game. The character who pulled the level has to do some 1-on-1 battling. Obtain 3 squares to win rank 1 level 1. Each rank has 5 levels. In order to win a rank you have to beat all 5 levels. Link up 3 tiles to win/end a round. Use the following patterns to determine how to win levels. LV1 LV2 LV3 LV4 LV5 xxo xxo xxo xx- xx- Select the tiles marked "x" first, end with the --- --- --- o-x xox "o" tile to connect 3 squares in a row - you win --- x-- xx- xx- -xx the level! Rank 1 mastery: Dragon's Belt +3 Bonus to Reflex saves. Rank 2 mastery: Potion of Holy Transference (+2 Wis, -1 Dex perm). Rank 6 mastery: Club of Disruption (One-handed Mace) Damage 1d6 +3 Attack Bonus +3 Enchantment +5 All undead and outsiders must make a Fortitude or be destroyed. (-) With the key go to Oria's room (x=2800 y=4100), and kill her. When she threatens to break her staff let her. Run back to the game room and move the levers so that it is set on "Inner Sanctum", then activate it. Your party will get plain-shifted so they can combat Oria's Essence. (-) You can now use the Great Oak painting to go to Oria's private vault room. See previous section. Grab Nathaniel's Ring of Ram from the chest at x=1290 y=1060. (-) You now have access to the rest of the chambers. (Minor treasures) (-) Return to Nathaniel and give him the ring. Leave the temple. =============================================================================== ==( CH3.1 - The Wandering Village and the Fell Woods )========================= =============================================================================== (-) Talk to Suoma, the wandering village elder (AR 5000, x 1850 y 420) to get things starting. (!) (Missing children) Talk to Venla the Healer. (AR 5000, x 2420 y 870) Exit the wandering village area to the east. Enter the tent. (AR 5001, x 2400 y 630) Inside you will find Limha. If you have a paladin in your party he will expose her immediatly. If not you will have to exit the tent and proceed eastwards into the Fell woods. (Do not buy any scrolls from Limha.) From the entrance with the ghost (AR 5010) take the exit at x 190 y 290. Wolf clearing (AR 5024) -> x 900 y 430 Container in trunk (AR 5017) -> x 490 y 220 Area with tree trunk (AR 5018) -> x 830 y 250 Area with tree trunk (AR 5019) -> x 830 y 250 This will lead to AR 5016, the Dryad area. Kill the Restless Dead. Carynara the Dryad will appear. She will expose Limha. Return to the tent and confront Limha. After getting rid of Limha and her trolls return to Suoma for a new assigment. (!) Talk to Tahvo the Huntmaster.(AR 5000, x 2340 y 510) Talk to Sordinsin the Tusked (AR 5000, x 900 y 1600), he's looking for his Drinking Horn. Make your way to the Dryad area as explained in the previous section. Dryad area (AR 5016) -> x 170 y 360 Spiders (AR 5020) -> x 210 y 350 Maze 1 (AR 5026) -> x 620 y 230 Maze 2 (AR 5027) -> x 850 y 900 Maze 3 (AR 5028) -> x 250 y 310 Maze 4 (AR 5029) -> x 850 y 900 This will lead to a clearing with some standing stones. Loot the body at x 566 y 488 for the Drinking Horn. Watch out for the traps. Take the west exit, return the horn to Sordirsin, loot his grave for treasure, then report back to Tahvo and Souma. (!) (Kyosti's Spirit) Talk to Kurttu (AR 5000, x 1890 y 670) Talk to Carita (x 2400 y 570) and Leevi (x 2430 y 580), then go back to the Fell Woods. Go to the area with the standing stones as explained in the previous section. Standing Stones (AR 5011) -> x 850 y 550 Frozen Pool 1 (AR 5012) -> x 705 y 570 Frozen Pool 2 (AR 5013) -> x 670 y 220 Frozen Pool 2 (AR 5014) -> x 250 y 230 Frozen River with 2 logs (AR 5021) -> x 330 y 240 3 Logs (AR 5022) -> x 850 y 270 3 Logs (AR 5023) -> x 830 y 720 Destroy the 3 will o'wisps in this area (AR 5030) Exit west. Talk to the ghosts at the Fell Wood entrace, they will reveal the location of Kyosti's Spirit. Go to the area with the tent (AR 5001). Talk to Kyosti (x 700 y 600). Return to the village and talk to Kurttu and Suoma. (-) Before you leave the village be sure to buy two hemp ropes and give the Fell Wood remains to Suoma. Head for the Fell Woods, at the ghost entrance kill the dark treant and go south-east. --( AR 5004 )------------------------------------------------------------------ (-) Kill several trolls and babarians. Solve the boulder puzzle to advance north. --( Wyvern's Nest - AR 5005 & AR 5100 )---------------------------------------- (-) Kill the White Wyrm outside, and the White Dragon inside the cave. Go down below. =============================================================================== ==( CH3.2 - The River Caves )================================================== =============================================================================== --( Hook Horrors and Duergers - AR 5101 )-------------------------------------- (-) Kill all the Hook Horrors and use the passage at x=1750 y=1700. Kill the Ochre Jellys and Shambler. Loot the key from the corpse (x=3166 y=1980). (-) Go in the gate (x=310 y=1150). Speak to Barud Barzam and accept his job to clear out the river caves of any monsters. Kill all the monsters on this level, including the Jellys and Shamber. Return to Barud Barzam and accept his next mission, to wipe out all the monks in the monastery. (-) Grab the mining tools from the chest (x=750 400). (-) Talk to Dragu Ironbreaker (x=1450 y=450 with your most intelligent character to get his prototype crossbow, the Doom Bolter. (-) Enter the tortore chamber (x=2250 y=570) with a cleric. After talking to the spirit turn him with your cleric for some extra XP. (-) Clear the rocks at x=3100 y=850 with the mining tools and proceed deeper into the cave. --( River Cave Exit - AR 5102 )------------------------------------------------ Kill Harshom and his gang. Loot the key of Harshom's corpse. Exit the area. =============================================================================== ==( CH4.1 - The Black Raven Monastery )======================================== =============================================================================== --( Outside the Monastery - AR 5200 )------------------------------------------ (-) Loot the wyrm egg and ruby ring from the nest (x=1180 y=1200). Kill the Yeti's and use the passage (x=2700 y=1400). Enter the monastery. --( Monastery Interior - AR 5201 )--------------------------------------------- (-) Talk to Aruma Blade (x=1300 y=1300). (-) Lockpick the door and break into Dolon Daemba's room (x=1045 y=1100). Get the note from the chest (x=770 y=1050). Show the Dolon's letters to Aruma. (-) Talk to Salisam Harbash, you are now allowed to take the chamber test. (-) Talk to Sersa (x=770 y=830) and ask if she can train somewhere else. Offer to talk to Svaltid, the monastery trainer (x=910 y=480). You will need a fairly high Bluff skill to convince him to train Sersa. (-) Lockpick the store room door (x=1630 y=960) and enter. Talk to Ven or just kill him on the spot. You don't want him looting the tomb a bit further ahead. (-) Talk to Nonin (x=650 y=500) with a ruby ring in your inventory for some extra XP. (-) Go down the stairs and talk to Morohem to start the chamber trials. =============================================================================== ==( CH4.2 - The Eight Chamber Challenge )====================================== =============================================================================== (-) In every chamber there is a container with weapons. <1> The Chamber of Stone Pull the levers in the order as displayed on the northwest wall. 1 - 5 - 3 - 2 - 4 <2> The Chamber of Shadows Enter the portals in the following order: Top, Right, Left, Bottom. <3> The Chamber of Sorcery The two green tiles will spawn a monk each. Once they disappear/get killed closely watch the blue tiles. One will raise - step on it as fast as possible. This will give you immunity to electricity. Keep killing the Crystalline Monks, eventually it will end. <4> The Chamber of Clockwork There are 3 monks, focus your attack on one. Once its damaged enough one of the levers in the wall will be accessible, pull it before the time runs out. <5> The Chamber of Sand Run around pushing the buttons to activate the fire beams. Try to make the monks run into them. <6> The Chamber of Silk Kill all Poisonweb Spiders. <7> The Chamber of Battle Lure the Iron Monk onto the blue platform. When he is knocked down use the lever on the northern wall. A door will open. Lure both monks onto their own blue platform in this new room section. Pull the lever. <8> The Chamber of Immolation Destroy the two Brass Monks. A sorcerer with Mirror Image and Animate Dead or Summon Fire Elemental does wonders. (-) Talk to Salisam Harbash to learn that you've become an associate of the Black Raven Monastery. You now have access to the lower tombs, go there. --( AR 5203 )------------------------------------------------------------------ First kill the duergars, then empty the tomb (x=560 y=1100). Iron Golems are very hard to kill, probably impossible in normal mode. Best strategy is to cast invisibility on your thief and make a run for it. (-) Exit the area (x=1400 y=50). =============================================================================== ==( CH4.3 - The Underdark - AR 5300 )========================================== =============================================================================== (-) Upon entering this are you will be greated by Malavon Despana, accept his hospitality. Agree to investigate the drider cave for Malavon. Be sure to talk to Kadresh Olonrae and Viizra Arabani in the drow encampment. (-) You will encounter the Lolthian assasins when you move your party to x=1050 y=450. (-) You can find some dwarfen merchants (Don't anger them) just south of the drow camp. (x=550 y=2200) Talk to Wode the Guileful for the best trade prices. When you are about to leave the Underdark you can come back here to slaughter them and loot the chests. (-) Speak to Oinchack'olp the Mind Flayer (x=2450 y=1710) and accept his job to retrieve his blue stone. If you return the stone (+2 Wisdom) you will get a +2 Strength belt in return. (-) Leave the area at x=3800 y=1260. =============================================================================== ==( CH4.4 - The Drider Cave -AR 5301 )========================================= =============================================================================== (-) Loot the Incandescant Blue Ion Stone at x=1170 y=2610. (-) Talk to Ginafae Despane (x970 y=700), convince her to leave the cave and return to her brother. (-) Speak with Imphraili Asserbai at x=1730 y=1870 and learn about the driders. Loot everything in sight. You should find the following items: 3 Vial of Spores Vial of Silvery Fluid Imphraili's Transfusion Sotes Progess Journal: Viciscamera A Treatise upon Flesh Golem (-) Feel free to kill Imphraili so you can use the alchemy table (x=1640 y=1730). Create a Viciscamera conversion poison. You can also enhance healing potions here or use the Wyrm Eggs to create strength potions. After talking to Enhanced Flesh Golem you can attempt to create "Sanguis Anima", a fluid needed to animate Flesh Golems. Use the potion on the golem, then activate it by hitting it with a electricity spell. (-) Make your way to the Viciscamera Heart (x=3600 y=1000) and hurl the conversion poison into its maw. (-) Report back to Malavon Despana. Then kill the Mind Flayer to get his belt. You can now leave the drow area at (AR 5300 x=3200 y=480). =============================================================================== ==( CH4.5 - Z'Hinda Citadel - AR 5302 )======================================== =============================================================================== (-) Scattered throughout this map you will find Lighting Generators, after destruction there is a pickable container each with a diamond. (-) You can forge your own magical axe at the armoury (x=620 y=1640). (-) In the center of the map there is an Elder Brain, kill it to unlock the rear gates. (-) Leave the are through the rear gates (x=3040 y=500). Be prepared for a big battle. --( Reunited with Oswald - AR 5305 )------------------------------------------- (!) THIS IS YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO RETURN TO THE BATTLE SQUARE ARENA. After having killed Mirabel and Majrash, speak to Oswald. =============================================================================== ==( CH5.1 - Kuldahar )========================================================= =============================================================================== --( AR 6000 - Kuldahar Pass )-------------------------------------------------- You will be greated by Hiepherus, a priest of Bane. Kill his minions and proceed north, towards the watch tower (x=1750 y=850). Pick the lock and go inside. Talk to Jermsy and Nathaniel. Agree to get rid of Hiepherus - go through the gate at x=1500 y=250. They are also looking for Gerbash, he can be found in the Kuldahar village (AR 6001 x=2900 y=830). ($) Jermsy was a little boy trapped in the windmill in Icewind Dale 1. (-) Be sure to buy the Every God Ring (+5 Wisdom) from Nathaniel. --( AR 6002 - Kuldahar Graveyard )--------------------------------------------- (-) Try to remember this place, you will return later in the game. Kill all the undead and go in the cave (x=1600 y=250) to kill Hiepherus. (-) Return to Jermsy after having killed all the undead in all of the areas! Leave the area at (AR 6000) x=3780 y=1270. --( AR 6001 - Kuldahar Village )----------------------------------------------- (-) Talk to Conlan inside the house at x1010= y=1830 for information. Head north to the tower (x=350 y=800) and speak with Sheemish, return to his dad Conlan to let him know he is alright. (-) Talk to Gerbash inside the house at x=2900 y=830 and return the tower key to Jermsy and Nathaniel. (-) Speak with Iselore (x=1790 y=2370). You will have to get rid of the Yuan-Ti threat in Kuldahar by thraveling through the portal at x=1400 y=600. =============================================================================== ==( CH5.2 - Yuan-Ti Jungle - AR 6050 )========================================= =============================================================================== (-) You'll find a group of Mezro Warriors, speak to their leader Katchmat (x=2230 y=1700) and learn about the idols and temple. (-) Get the Religious Stele at x=1960 y=990. (-) Get the two Religous Steles from the altar at x=1300 y=950. (-) Get the Religious Stele at x=630 y=790. (-) Talk to the Yuan-Ti teacher at x=520 y=1020 for some background information (listen carefully), they will attack afterwards. Loot the robes from the initiates. (-) Equip the robes on all of your characters and go insite the temple (x=330 y=1670). Paladin will refuse to wear it, you will miss out a lot of story information. =============================================================================== ==( CH5.3 - Yuan-Ti Temple - AR 6051 )========================================= =============================================================================== (-) Applicable only if you entered the temple disguiged. Use your best Bluff and Diplomacy skilled character to scout the temple. Throughout the temple you will get challenged by the guards. The following questions and answers are possible: Q: Who keeps the ancient venom of Sseth potent? A: His faithful followers. Q: What approaches at dusk? A: The growing darkness. Q: Where does Sseth embrace unbelievers? A: In his cradle of scales. Q: What drowns Selune's gleaming on a cloudless night? A: The obscuring moon of our faith. Q: What is the black flower of the world. I wasn't able to get a proper answer for this one, neither of the 3 answers (Orchid, Sseth, Darkness) was the correct one. With the proper skills you might be able to get out of the dialogue with the "Excuse me?" option. (-) Use a rogue to disable the fire/acid pit traps. (-) Pull the lever at x=2960 y=2230 and get the last Stele at x=3680 y=2150. Doing this will set the Heartless Dead free. They will try to retrieve their hearts which are located in the ritual chamber (x=2500 y=700). It's not a good idea to do this if the ritual is taking place. A good way to make sure they reach it to the altar: Block off the doorway, pull the lever and cast Invisibilty on all the Heartless Deads. (-) Talk to Jeszrael (x=2310 y=2480) to learn about Chimera's plans. (-) With the proper skills you can get a lot of information about the temple out of Yuan-Ti priests. Learn about Jeszrael and the vault room. (-) Confront Ojaiha (x=2990 y=370) with these facts and try to make him stop his attacks on Kuldahar. Prepare for battle! The rest of the temple will remain neutral after this. (-) To open the vault room you need to code. Talk to the Yuan-Ti cook (x=2250 y=2620) for the first part. Talk to one of the Viper's Fang Assasins in the room (x=300 y=1900) next to Ashra (x=710 y=2020) and try to trick him. Go to the stone room (x=3300 y=1700). The stone on the right side is the "Restore" stone, so don't press it. Press all the stones from left to right, then push down the remaining 2 stones. (-) After cleaning out everything return to the temple entrance and use all the Steles on the altars to summon the Guardian. Kill the guardian and immediatly head back to the portal. If you are too late the portal will close and you will be trapped. After returning to Kuldahar a major battle with start. Afterwars talk to Iselore and you will be able to travel to the Dragon's Eye (AR6001 x=3770 y=1670). =============================================================================== ==( CH5.4 - Dragon's Eye )===================================================== =============================================================================== (-) Collect and keep the following items: Rope, fire agate gems and wyvern stingers. You need these later in the game. --( AR 6100 - Dragon's Eye Entrance )------------------------------------------ You will entercounter High Sorceress Izbelah who makes a runner. You can disable all the traps on the bridge at x=910 y=710. Enter the cave. --( AR 6101 - Dragon's Eye Level 1 )------------------------------------------- (-) Get the rope from the bridge at x=1757 y=1200. (-) Get the wyvern stingers by killing wyverns near x=700 y=2060. (They look like daggers when dropped on the floor.) (-) Use the door at x=2800 y=2000, it's locked but you get a hint on how to open it. Use the torture device at x=2911 y=1470 to open the door. Rush down south through the door and free the prisoners. Speak with Nheero Fhutma (x=2610 y=247) for information about the Dragon's Eye. You will learn about the Histachii Transformation, wyvern poison and the alchemy lab. (?) There is a mage (x=3265 y=2420) in the prison which will attack you once he is done casting protective spells. He also casts non-detection and improved invisibility on the troll. In one occasion I talked to him and told him he should get some rest. After I rested and woke up he moved to the troll and starting buffing it and himself. He dropped the 7th circle spell "Malavon's Rage". (-) Go past the swinging blades (preferable with a high dex character) and disable the blades with the switch at x=2315 y=620. Kill commander Grisham. Place fire agate gems in the five braziers. Enter the passage in the altar (x=3060 y=440). --( Dragon's Eye Level 2 - AR 6102 )------------------------------------------- (-) Nheero Fhutma to tell him about it. Accept his assigment to find Mandal's sword. Mandal Graye's spirit will appear at his body. (-) Travel west and talk to Nathaniel (x=290 y=1200), you can trade with him. Just south is a Yuan-Ti pyramid and the alchemy lab (x=1900 y=2500). (-) Exit the area through the opening at x=2900 y=2080. --( AR 6103 - Dragon's Eye Level 3 )------------------------------------------- (-) Make your way through the snake room to x=750 y=1580. Kill all the slimes that spawn. Have your rogue search near x=740 y=1480, use your thieving skills on the weak spot, it will open up a new area. Explore. ! Mandal's sword can be found on the ground x=2390 y=1590, it's being guarded by a Iron Golem. Pick it up and bring it to back to Mandal (AR 6102 x=2550 y=1260). Mandal will show you where he lost his modified mandrake root. Go to Ancient Wyverns cave entrance on level 1 (AR 6101 x=1750 y=1960), you need the rope here to descent. Kill the wyvern and pickup the roots (x=2198 y=1990). (-) Tell Nheero that you have found the modified mandrake root. Agree to help him and go to the alchemy lab on level 2 (AR 6102 x=1900 y=2500). Place the modified mandrake into the table at x=2020 y=2440. You can intimidate the alchemist D'hey-jazerrion into making the potion or do it yourself. Pull the lever at x=650 y=2450 to start the process. Afterwards put the original mandrake root back in the table. ! While we are here you can make wvyern poisons by putting the 4 wyvern stingers into the table at x=1850 y=2520. (-) Return to Nheero with the Sabotaged Histachii Brew. Ask him about the strange creatures with purple skin and severals eyes and tentaccles (Feyrs); you can find Nheero later after his transformation in the library on level 2. ! You can use the potion yourself immediatly to get passed the mind warded room on level 3 (x=1730 y=550) but you will miss out a lot of dialogue and information. (-) Talk to Nheero at the egg shells on level 2 (x=440 y=390), if he's already transformed back you can find him in the alchemy lab. You can ask him for another sabotaged potion or make one yourself. Ask about the Feyrs again, he will offer to further study it in the level 3 study room. (Be sure to have visited it.) (-) Go to the room guarded by the Sseth's Eye (x=1730 y=550) and drink the sabotaged brew, you can enter safely. Loot the cupboard (x=1920 y=130) and you will find out if was actually a switch. It will lower the drawbridge at x=1600 y=1750, go there and wipe out all the Efreetis. (Holy Word + Acid Storm combo works really well.) (-) Talk to Thorasskus (x= y=) a couple of times, he is disguiged as a child. Eventually he will transform into his own form, kill him and use the passage at x=2000 y=2450. If he flees you can find him at the snake statue. --( The Holy Avenger )--------------------------------------------------------- You will fall down into the storage room. Be sure to loot the Medallion of the Lost Followers from the containers. With this item you will be able to obtain the Holy Avenger. Before leaving Dragon's Eye backtrack to the Kuldahar Graveyard (AR 6002). With the medallion in your inventory take a closer look at the grave at x=1330 y=850. One of the more interesting battles in the game, you will be facing 6 high level characters: Atalaclys the Lost - Mage (Undead Male, Chaotic Evil) Str 10, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 30, Wis 20, Cha 9 Broken Khree - Monk (Undead Male, Chaotic Evil) Str 18, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10 Has boots of speed. Inhein-Who-Was-Taken - Cleric (Undead Female, Chaotic Evil) Str 10, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 30, Wis 20, Cha 9 Memorized Draw Upon Holy Might, Hold Person, Animate Dead, Circle of Blades, Divine Shell, Blasphemy, Symbol of Hopelessness, Tremor. Jaiger of the Fanged Seasons - Fighter (Undead Male, Chaotic Evil) Str 18, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 Uses bow and arrows (WF), able to cast Hold Person, Dispel Magic and Cure Cricital Wounds. Kaervas Death's Hand - Fighter (Undead Male, Chaotic Evil) Str 30, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 9, Wis 9, Cha 9 Uses an axe (WF). Veddion Kairne - Fighter (Undead Male, Chaotic Evil) Str 30, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 19, Wis 19, Cha 20 Uses a Warhammer +1 (WF). You don't have to kill them to get the Holy Avenger, just pick it up from the floor. Normal mode: "Cera Sumat", Holy Avenger - a one handed large sword. Damage 1d8 +5 Attack bonus +5 Enchantment +5 Damage type: Slashing Special: +2d6 against evil creatures (Holy) +15 Magic resistance can cast Dispel Magic, no limit per day. (-) If you do go back for the Avenger you will come through Kuldahar. You will notice all the NPC are lined up in the village. Talk to Nathaniel; learn that he has never been inside Dragon's Eye. Return back to the Nathaniel in Dragon's Eye and confront him, he will morph into Rakshasa Maharajah. (-) Pour the wyvern poisons into the four pools. South-east pool x=3060 y=2160 North-east pool x=2900 y=200 North-west pool x=550 y=240 South-west pool x=605 y=2150 Enter the now open door at x=3000 y=1350. =============================================================================== ==( CH5.5 - Dragon's Eye Exit - AR 6104 )====================================== =============================================================================== (-) Day Five Head east and follow the path until you reach the bridge. Repair the bridge with ropes. Talk to Archon (x=850 y=1450) and travel to Lord Pyros' domain. Gathering information by speak with Ambassador Jasper (x=1950 y=1630). Talk to archon and go to the embassy for some minor treasures. Head for the Field of Slaughter exit. Kill Zil-t'yor and exit the area. (-) Day Four Head for the ambassy and talk to Jasper. Go to Pyros' Domain and watch Inquisitor Venomin kill Lord Pyros. Go back to the ambassy and speak with Venomin. Next destination is the amphitheathre, talk to one of the Flamewalkers to learn about the trial. It seemed I was stuck until I encountered King Lothar summoning Efreeti's at x=3200 y=1500. (?) At this point I think my game was bugged, Yuan-Ti priests and thieves spawned everywhere as well as a lone Iron Golem, which was quickly killed by King Lothar. It seemed like all the monsters from Dragon's Eye level 1 spawned here, including wyverns dropping stingers. After all this I could go the Field of Slaughter exit. (-) Day Three Speak to Lord Pyros. If you have an antidote potion in your inventory you can offer it to him. Learn about the play. From Lord Pyros' location move north, the walkway (x=1950 y=1600) will flash and Venomim will approach Lord Pyros. He informs him that Izbelah is innocent. Visit King Lothar's Citadel. Lothar and Pyros will have a little discussion. Afterwards you need to go to the amphitheater and watch the play. Revisit King Lothar's Citadel and overhear the conversation Lothar has with Venomin, he will get angry with you for eavesdropping. Exit through the Fields of Slaughter. (-) Day Two Speak to Archon and have him take you to the lava mephit lair, loot the chest - you need fairly high Open Lock skill. Talk to Lothar and witness the trial. Save your game and proceed to the exit at the Fields of Slaughter. (-) Day One Hurry to Archon and go to the ambassy. Kill Izbelah before she casts the tempral statis spell, loot her corpse and go the exit at the Fields of Slaughter. --( AR 4103 - Nickademus Favor )----------------------------------------------- You will get teleported to the Ice Temple, kill all the demons and fiends. Once you are ready exit through the staircase on the right. =============================================================================== ==( CH5.6 - Fields of Slaughter )============================================== =============================================================================== Almost finished the chapter! --( AR 6200 )------------------------------------------------------------------ (-) Talk to Blah'mah with your best dialogue character, he will take you to see his leader Kratuuk. Agree to kill M'darfein the lich, he will give you a key to open the gate to the east. Speak with Gorg (x=2420 y=1130) and kill the lich (x=1740 y=1970). (-) Be sure to loot the Vial of Elven Holy Water from the elven corpse. Purify the waterfall by using the vial on x=3340 y=1600. (e) Fight your way until you reach the world map, travel to the Severed Hand. =============================================================================== ==( CH6.1 - The Severed Hand Level 1 - AR 6301 )=============================== =============================================================================== It's possible to bluff your way in at the entrance. If unsuccesfull you might still learn that the severed hand has a Minister of Foreign Affairs. Make your way into the severed hand where you will encounter Zigma. (-) Speak to Xavier Townsend (x=1340 y=490) for a lot of background information. Ask to see the envoy imprisoned in the tower, he will redirect you to captain of the guard. GET THE DELEGATE PASS, with it you can travel unmolested through most of the severed hand. This opens up a lot of extra quests. (-) Talk to Jerre Stoh (x=700 y=1700) and gain valuable information about the demons. Speak to the Glabrezu Guard, but not with an Aasimar. (-) Talk to Ysha (x=470 y=1520) and agree to help her with the construction plans. Find Kav Lathram (AR 6302 x=1100 y=500) on the second floor who can alter the documents, then return to Ysha for some XP. (-) Meet with Vashti Zerran (x=2230 y=780). She wants you to talk to the cook about allocating more food to the slaves. Miram, the cook can be found on level 4 (AR 6304 x=535 y=830). She is not very helpful, return to Vashti. A short cinematic will follow showing you how you spot the thief. Talk to Zaem (x=2583 y=1270). Bring him the ring of Nourishment which can be found on level 2 at x=1100 y=500. Report to Vashti for some XP. (e) Head up the stairs at x=1600 y=2050. =============================================================================== ==( CH6.2 - The Severed Hand Level 2 - AR 6302 )=============================== =============================================================================== (-) Talk with Roga Thulc (x=1760 y=2000), he has heaps of information about the Severed Hand. Roga will ask you to convince Vylu on level 2 to stop her pranks (AR6302 x=470 y=980), but she has a mental disorder. (!) Get the ring of Nourishment and the Virulent Agent from broken barrel at x=1100 y=500.(!) Help Fynne and Tasha (x=1650 y=580) by killing the Demonic Construct. Loot the Tainted Demon's Blood and find the Diary of Garuk Katah. (!) Talk to Vese Nejj (x=2700 y=920), he wants you to find a solution to a portal puzzle in the Mage Tower. Accept his mission. Check the Mage Tower section on what to do, return and insist on a reward. You'll be able to get a Iron Will, Greater Fortitude or Lightning Reflex tattoo, a free feat! (-) Grab the Diary of Zaem Astyr from the bookcase (x=570 y=1460). (-) Stormlord Garuk Katah (x=2070 y=690) tells you a tiny bit about the Globe of Essence. (e) Go up the stairs at x=1400 y=1354. =============================================================================== ==( CH6.3 - The Severed Hand Level 3 - AR 6303 )=============================== =============================================================================== North-east -> War Tower East -> Cleric Tower South -> Officer Tower West -> Wizard Tower (-) Talk to Yxbudur'zmutkimdu, you will have some interresting dialogues with a high Bluff/Diplomacy character. He is impressed and will let you go alive, 1500 XP. (High INT?) (!) Get the Bonding Agent from the cabinet at x=410 y=750. (!) Get the Iyachtu Xvim Holy Symbol from the cabinet at x=800 y=1800. (!) Get the Illmater Holy Symbol from the desk at x=1860 y=1834. (e) Go up the stairs at x=1370 y=1610. =============================================================================== ==( CH6.4 - The Severed Hand Level 4 - AR 6304 )=============================== =============================================================================== (!) Talk to Riki (x=1160 y=755), agree to poison the guards food supply. You need the following ingredients: Virulent Agent (Severed Hand Level 2) Tainted Demon's Blood (Severed Hand Level 2) Bonding Agent (Severed Hand Level 3) An alchemy lab (AR 6302 x=2690 y=1360) can be found on the second floor of the Severed Hand. Ask Draceins permission to use the lab, it should be alright as long as you have the delegate pass. Put all the 3 ingredients in the table and wait a few moments. Now get the Lethal Virulent Poison and go to kitchen. Put the poison in the food supply at x=870 y=750. You need a fairly high alchemy skill, probably 20 or more - I couldn't do it with 19 alchemy? The alternative way of doing it is to kill all the guards in the room at x=2200 y=1600. Report back to Riki and he will redirect you to imprisoned cleric in the War Tower. (!) Learn how to destroy the demons by showing the Dairy of Garuk to Hatemaster Drothan (x=2230 y=940). (!) Get the Chain of Drakkus out of the chest at x=2020 y=1840. (e) Head for the Wizard Tower. =============================================================================== ==( CH6.5 - The Severed Hand Towers )========================================== =============================================================================== --( The Wizard Tower - AR 6400 )----------------------------------------------- ..-(1+6)-.. .--""' / \ '""--. ." | | ". ." | | ". / / \ \ / | | \ (3)-----------+-------+-----------(4) / "-. / \ .-" \ .' ". | | ." '. | "-. | | .-" | | )-. .-( | " | ". ." | " \ / "-.-" \ / ". | .-' '-. | ." \ | ." ". | / \ / .-" "-. \ / ".|.-" "-.|." (5) (2) "--.. ..--" '""-------""' (e) Connect the dots in the order shown above and you will be teleported into the Mage Tower. :) (!) Loot Orrick the Grey's Spellbook from the brazier (AR 6401 x=590 y=320). (e) Go up the stairs at x=930 y=790. (!) Get Orrick's Book of Mythal from the bookshelf (AR 6402 x=820 y=230). (!) Get the Tome of Illmater from the bookshelf (AR 6402 x=205 y=230). (e) Go up the stairs at x=640 y=730. (!) Get Larrel's remains from the container. (!) If you want to solve the puzzle quest, first report to Vese Nejj! DO NOT SPEAK TO ORRICK BEFORE THAT! (-) Talk to Orrick, be very thourough. In case you finished Vese's quest, confess "I may have tipped to scales in their favour, Orrick" for some XP. (e) Head for the War Tower. --( AR 6700 - War Tower )------------------------------------------------------ You enter in the War Tower's central jail cell. Get the prison key from the table and free the prisoners. (!) Talk to Toral Sorn -> read "Ilmater Sanctification Ritual" section below. (-) Talk to Ormis Dohor, someone transformed into a Lemure. Agree to help him. See the Cleric Tower section. (-) Speak to Puddy Talltale, promise to speak to Orrick about a safe way out. (e) Go up the stairs to the second floor. (!) Get the Bonds of the Faithful from the torture rack (AR 6701 x=250 y=309). --( AR 6500 - Cleric Tower )--------------------------------------------------- The first floor is where you perform the ritual, check the Ilmater Sanctification Ritual section below for further details. (*) You will encounter Yquog on the first floor - the statue room, if you didn't kill him in Fortress Cave (chapter 1). Show him the bodies of a cat and/or woman and/or a man, you get extra XP for this. Yquog will attack nonetheless. You can find a cat on the second floor in the Cleric Tower, a male body on the third floor in the Officer Tower and a female body on the second floor in the War Tower. (e) Go up the stairs to the second floor. (-) You need six Holy Xvim Symbols to use the portal, they can be found at: Severed Hand Level 2 - Guards guarding the Globe of Essence (2). Severed Hand Level 3 - Cabinet at x=800 y=1800. Cleric Tower Level 2 - Two symbols. Cleric Tower Lever 3 - Two more Symbols Equip the Xvim Holy Symbols and go through the portal (AR 6501). Kill Tyrannar Brutai Mar for the Monk's Antidote (AR 6503). Go the first floor of the Water Tower and give the antidote to Ormis Dohor. (e) Go up the stairs to the third floor. (-) You will see Ruinlord Mayzom Col having a lecture. Kill them all for the Xvim Holy Symbols. =============================================================================== ==( CH6.6 - Ilmater Sanctification Ritual )==================================== =============================================================================== (-) Toral Sorn wants you to perform the Ilmater Sanctification Ritual, you need four items: Tome of Ilmater (Wizard Tower) Ilmater Holy Symbol (Severed Hand Level 2) Bonds of Suffering (War Tower second floor) Tears of the suffering (From Jerre, Severed Hand Level 1) (-) Head to the first floor of the Clerics Tower and "talk" with the Ilmater statue. Place the items on the pedestal and start the ritual. The Iyachtu Xvum Statue proposes an alliance - Isair and Madae will not be able to summon demons in the final fight if you agree to slay 10 slaves. Doing this will pervent you from completing the ritual, so you won't be able to free the Severed Hand slaves. You can not choose this option with a paladin in your party. Reject his offer. Iyachtu Xvim - Tanari (1)Cleric/(8)Fighter/(18)Wizard - Lawful Evil Str 24, Dex, 24, Con, 22 Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 18 Casts: Sunfire, Chainlightning, Fiery Cloud, Great Shout, Gate and Meteor Swarm. Very vulnerable to Cold and Electricity damage. He dropped a very nice axe in normal mode: Greataxe of Cleaving +5 (Two-handed Axe) Damage: 1d12 +5 Attack Bonus: +5 Enhancement: +5 Damage type: Slashing Special: +2d6 slashing damage (-) Continue with the ritual. Check your inventory, you should get the Holy Water of Corellon Larehtian. Return to Toral Sorn for some xp. (-) Go to the pool room on the third level of the Severed Hand. Purify the radiant pool by pouring Holy Water in. (-) Destroy the Globe of Essence (AR 6302 x=2150 y=600). (-) Note: The guards will have 2 Holy Xvims, so you probably have 6 now. That means you can now travel through the portal on the second floor of the Cleric Tower. (-) Go to the first floor of the Hand and kill the Glabrezu Guard. Talk to Jerre Stoh to free the slaves. (-) Return to Toral Sorn in the War Tower jail cell. (-) Speak to Riki on the fourth floor of the Hand. Head for the Officer Tower. --( The Final Battle )--------------------------------------------------------- (-) Kill everything in sight on your way to the top floor of the Officer Tower. You will interrupt a conversation between Captain Pudu and Vyxein. You need Captain Pudu's key so you can open the door at the top of the War Tower. (!) ONCE YOU ENTER THE TOP LEVEL OF THE WAR TOWER YOU CAN NOT GO BACK! (-) You will meet Nalakore at the top of the War Tower, defeat her and get your party ready for the final battle. =============================================================================== ==( Legal Information )======================================================== =============================================================================== Icewind Dale II ¸ 2002 Interplay Entertainment Corp. The BioWare Infinity Engine ¸ 1998-2002 BioWare Corp. Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale II, Baldur's Gate, FORGOTTEN REALMS, the FORGOTTEN REALMS logo, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, the D&D logo, Wizards of the Coast and the Wizards of the Coast logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------