,.,.,. ,. ,. ,.,.,. ,. ,. ,. ,.,.,. ,.,,..,. ,. ,. ,. ,.,. ,. ,. ,.,. ,.,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,.,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,.,.,. ,. ,. ,. ,.,. ,. ,.,.,. ,. ,.,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,.,.,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Infantry CTF: Twin Peaks/Heinrich's Point/Haruna Infiltrator Guide = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Version: FINAL Date: 4/27/02 By: Nivrae (Earvin Santos) SNivrae@hotmail.com --------------- Version History --------------- Version 1.0 4/11/02 -Finished the Basic Layout of the Guide, from Sections 1-8. -Need to add F.A.Q as soon as I get some questions... -Need to make better ASCII art (help...) Version 1.5 4/20/02 -Added my guide to www.Neoseeker.com -Added my guide to http://DHL.net -Added an Easy Money and Experence Trick! -Added Cloaking Tip -Adding Aiming Tips -Added Macro Tips -Added Base Locations -Added an F.A.Q Section -Added a Control Setup Section -Added Ratings for all Equipment Version FINAL 4/27/02 -Final Version of Guide, apparently starting May 1st, Infantry will be no longer free. So my days on the battlefield are no more. -Added Offical Infantry Anouncment... Web Link: http://infantry.station.sony.com/news.jsp "Infantry, Cosmic Rift, and Tanarus are ready for Prime Time!" [04/26/2002 1:00 pm] The testing phase for Infantry, Cosmic Rift, and Tanarus is now officially over. Beginning May 1, 2002 we will be asking our loyal players to subscribe to our new Station Pass service. As a member of Station Pass, you are able play any or all of these games without any time limits to make sure the fun never stops. All of this for only $6.95/month, or $4.95/month for current EverQuest subscribers. And there's still plenty to look forward to. Stay tuned for updates to existing zones and official league support in the near future. If your friends still haven't tried Infantry and Cosmic Rift, don't fear. They can still play a limited mode without a subscription to get a feel for the fun you've been having this whole time. The Station team thanks you for your continued support and we look forward to providing you with more great content in the future. -------- Contents -------- NOTE: This guide is mainly based on Infantry CTF: Twin Peaks but most if not all this information applies to all the Infantry CTF maps like Heinrich's peak and Haruna. 1.Introduction a. CTF Twin Peaks/Heinrich's Point/Haruna b. Why be an Infiltrator c. Beginning Setup d. Pros and Cons 2.Weapons a. Guns b. Secondary Weapons 3.Armor a. Combat Armor b. Cloaking Armor 4.Utilities/Other a. Add-ons b. Enhancements c. Other d. Vehicles 5.Setups a. Cloaking Infiltrator b. Combat Infiltrator c. Sniper Infiltrator 6.Strategies and Tips 7.FAQ 8.Control Setup 9.Credits 10.Copyrights +=+=+=+=+= Section 1 Introduction +=+=+=+=+= ----------------------------------------- a. CTF Twin Peaks/Heinrich's Point/Haruna ----------------------------------------- In Infantry and other war games CTF essentially means Capture The Flag. The goal in Infantry CTF is to have your team capture all the flags and hold the flags for a set amount of time (I think in Twin Peaks it's 90 seconds, it might be the same for the other CTF games too.). You get flags by finding them on the map, sneaking into your opponent's base and stealing theirs, or kill someone who has a flag. When you have a flag you have a set amount of time before you drop the flag, during that time you should find a suitable place to hide your flag. During the game players call this place HOME or BASE. A good HOME is one where your opponent would have lots of trouble getting to your flag, and has a high probability of being killed by you or your teammates before he reaches the flag. The main difference between CTF Twin Peaks/Heinrich's Point/Haruna is that they all have their own respective maps. Each maps has excellent places to hide flags or ambush your enemy, so once you start playing you should explore to get a feel for the map. ------------------------ b. Why be an Infiltrator ------------------------ Out of all the character classes why would you want to be an Infiltrator? And what the heck is an Infiltrator? An Infiltrator (Commie/Infil) is the person who usually gets the flags and gets them to HOME so that the team can win. Infiltrators do this because of their high speed and ability to cloak. While cloaking an Infiltrator can sneak into an enemy base undetected with a few exceptions. A skilled infiltrator can earn loads of EXP and Money quickly from flagging and sniping. The Infiltrator class is a fun and rewarding class to play as. ------------------ c. Beginning Setup ------------------ When you first start out you begin with this basic set of stealth equipment. Infiltrator HP: 50 Energy: 800 Carrying Weight: 30 kG WEAPON: Maklov G7 PSMG Sunspot ARMOR: MK IV Infantry Fighting Suit (Note: All character classes have a version of this, this one has the Infiltrator abilities like Sunspot and Enhanced RFG as well as the standard Dropship recall and Suit Teleport. The armor you goes over the fighting suit, so when you start off as infiltrator you don't really have any actual armor until you buy some.) UTILITIES/OTHER: Dropship Recall Suit Teleport Enhanced RFG Energizer Repulsor Coil ---------------- d. Pros and Cons ---------------- Being an infiltrator has its advantages but with it comes some disadvantages. PROS- 1.The Fastest Class on Foot 2.The One Class able to buy the Cloaking Units 3.Great for Getting Flags 4.Good for Sniping 5.No Need to Buy Ammo for Any of the Infiltrator's weapons and 90% of its other equipment. Most of your stuff runs off suit energy, which recharges as you play. 6.A Wide Variety of Tools and Utilities CONS- 1.Not a Fighting Class 2.Low Selection of Weapons 3.Low Selection of Armors 4.Lower H.P. then some other classes 5.Cannot Ride any Vehicles As you can see the Infiltrator is not a class you would want to charge in to the battlefield. But with the Infiltrator's cloaking unit it can be easy to rack up a few kills from behind... +=+=+=+=+= Section 2 Weapons +=+=+=+=+= ------- a. GUNS ------- Assault Rifle: Kuchler PR209G $12,500 5.5 kG Ammo: 35 kJ of Suit Energy per shot Fire Delay: 150 ms Reload: 800 ms Info- It is one of the two Assault Rifles that the Infiltrator can equip. It fires 2 shots in rapid succession, with quick reloading like the other Assault Rifles. Can bounce off the wall once. Damage: Inner/Outer 20/10 Kinetic 220/100 Shield Drain Rating:***** Good Main Weapon for the Infiltrator, with some practice of course. Maklov MK IV PR $8,000 6 kG Ammo: 35 kJ of Suit Energy per shot Fire Delay: 100 ms Reload: 850 ms Info- The other Assault Rifle that the Infiltrator can use. It is similar to the rifle above but it has a few more advantages and disadvantages. It cost cheaper but it weighs more, which can slow down your Infiltrator. Also it fires quicker, but has a longer reload. Can bounce off the wall TWICE. Damage: Inner/Outer 20/10 Kinetic 220/100 Shield Drain Rating:**** Not as good as the one above. It also weighs more, and that's not good. Use Kuchler PR209G instead. Fire Support: NONE Machine Gun/Cannon: NONE Mines: NONE Pistol: Plasma Pistol $1,000 2 kG Ammo: 20 kJ of Suit Energy per Shot Fire Delay: 350 ms Reload: 1500 ms Info- The basic Plasma Pistol, it is basically the gun version of the Plasma Projector (see Secondary Weapons Section). It does some damage and is good at draining shield energy. For $1000 it's not too bad. You can fire 8 before reloading. It can bounce off the wall twice. Damage: Inner/Outer 10/10 Kinetic 120/80 Shield Drain Rating:** Not very good, don't buy unless you don't have alot of weight left. Rifle: Kamenev PR K111r $5,800 6.5 kG Ammo: 40 kJ of Suit Energy per Shot Fire Delay: 350 ms Reload: 2200 ms Info- The Kamenev PR K111r is the only rifle available to the Infiltrator. This weapon is pretty heavy compared to some of the Infiltrator's other weapons. If you hit them with all 5 shots, chances are your opponent is dead, or badly weakened... finish them off! It can bounce off the wall once, the shots colored Dark Blue. Damage: Inner/Outer 25/10 Kinetic 220/100 Shield Drain Rating:**** Cool, kind of heavy but good. Good for a backup Main Weapon, or maybe even a Main Weapon. Shotgun: NONE Special: NONE Sub Machine Gun: Kuchler 201a PSMG $5,250 2.2 kG Ammo: 15 kJ of Suit Energy per Shot Fire Delay: 150 ms Reload: 1500 ms Info- The Kuchler 201A PSMG is a very light weapon. It fires 5 quick red shots. They can even bounce off the wall twice. The shots disappear quickly though. Damage: Inner/Outer 10/5 Kinetic 120/50 Shield Drain Rating:***1/2 This weapon is okay. This could be a nice backup Main Weapon. The shots disappear kind of quick though. Maklov G7 PSMG $4,500 (This is the gun that you start with) 2 kG Ammo: 15 kJ of Suit Energy per Shot Fire Delay: 180 ms Reload: 2000 ms Info- The Maklov G7 PSMG is the gun you start off with. You can fire 10 before you have to reload, and it bounces of the wall twice. With the ability of firing 10 without reloading is nice, you will drain yourself of energy quickly. Also a longer Fire Delay and Reload than the Kuchler 201a PSMG Damage: Inner/Outer 10/5 Kinetic 120/50 Shield Drain Rating:***1/2 You get this gun for free when you start off. It is well worth the price, although you may want to sell it and pick a better weapon. Not bad of a gun to use when you start off though. Well-Rounded. UnitTech Tech 07m PSMG (2) $8260 4 kG Ammo: 30 kJ of Suit Energy per shots fired (2) Fire Delay: 150 ms Reload: 1300 ms Info- The UnitTech Tech 07m PSMG (2) cost twice as much, and cost twice as much the energy to fire than the other 2 guns in this category. The reason why is that it is 2 guns! You hold one in each hand and fire. You can fire 5 times (10 shots) and it bounces off the wall twice (two guns). The only problem is that it is inaccurate, even if you are standing still some of the shots will shift to the left or right. Nice for firing in narrow halls or at large groups of enemies. Looks very cool. Damage: Inner/Outer 10/5 Kinetic 120/50 Shield Drain Rating:**** Looks cool! Firing each weapon to max, you'll fire 5 times but since it's 2 guns you fire 10 shots. The only problem is that the gun is inaccurate, but that isn't bad because if you suck at aiming, fire this gun and you have a high percentage of hiting someone. The main problem with this gun is that the bullets disappear quick. This weapon is excellent for close combat while strafing. An excellent backup Main Weapon for the Kuchler PR209 G. ------------------- b. Secondary Weapon ------------------- Sunspot FREE (It comes with Infiltrator on the MK IV Infantry Fighting Suit) 0 kG Ammo: ?? kJ of Suit Energy per Sunspot (E-Mail Me if you know) Fire Delay: (E-Mail Me if you know) Reload: (E-Mail Me if you know) Info- A deadly weapon if used correctly. Your infiltrator drops a red ball of plasma on the floor. You can drop 5 at a time, also you can pile them up to make a super Sunspot. They repel the enemy and cause some damage, great for if someone is chasing you. Even someone with full health would die after walking over 4 or 5 of these. Try placing in doorways or in narrow hallways. Damage: Inner/Outer ?? /?? Kinetic (E-Mail Me if you know) ?? /?? Shield Drain (E-Mail Me if you know) Rating:**** Great. Just place them in small hallways or doorways and it can be easy to rack up kills. With some practice you can rack up easy newbie kills. Particle Accelerator $9,000 10 kG Ammo: 400 kJ of Suit Energy per shot Fire Delay: 0 ms Reload: 3000 ms Info- This is pretty much the Sniper Rifle for Infantry CTF. You can only fire one shot at a time, which takes about half of your suit energy! Also you MUST be standing still for a shot to fire out. This is the most damaging weapon for the Infiltrator, it cause 3 types of damage! With the Zoom mode trick (See Strategies and Tips Section) you can easily pick off enemies from afar. Remember to use a cloaking unit and something to make you invisible to radar so you won't get killed yourself when sniping. It adds a lot of weight to your infiltrator though. Damage: Inner/Outer 80/60 Kinetic 40/0 Armor Piercing 600/400 Shield Drain Rating:**** Takes time to master, but a good weapon. Not recommended for Newbies. Cost alot of energy to fire, get perfect aim before firing. Plasma Bomb $4,000 2 kG Ammo: 125 kJ of Suit Energy per bomb Fire Delay: 500 ms Reload: 3000 ms Info- The Plasma Bomb is like a sunspot, but you can throw it. You need to be very accurate to score good damage. It can bounce off the wall or floor up to 6 times before it explodes. It does three types of damage. A good weapon to finish off weakened enemies. Damage: Inner/Outer 35/15 Kinetic 10/0 Plasma 200/40 Shield Drain Rating:*** Takes some skill to use, and can destroy turrets. For the cost of 125 kJ of Energy it's not worth it. Plasma Projector $4,000 6 kG Ammo: 40 kJ of Suit Energy per projection Fire Delay: 450 ms Reload: 2240 ms Info- The Plasma Projector fires 3 shots of plasma in all directions, you can fire 6 before having to reload. Having 24 of these things flying in a small room or hallway is deadly. If fired in a small room many times, chances are you are going to hit something, these things bounce off the wall twice. See the Strategies and tips Section below for a quick tip. Damage: Inner/Outer 10/10 Kinetic 120/80 Shield Drain Rating:**** This is deadly in small rooms. Especially when guarding flags. It is basiclly an energy shotgun for the infiltrator. A great secondary weapon. Pulsar $5,500 4 kG Ammo: 200 kJ of Suit Energy per pulsation? (LOL) Fire Delay: 2000 ms Reload: 2000 ms Info- The Pulsar fires 6 shots in all directions. This bounces off the wall once. In a small room it is very powerful. This is like the Plasma Projector except the shots are like the ones fired from a Kamenev PR K111r. See the Strategies and tips Section below for a quick tip. Damage: Inner/Outer 25/10 Kinetic 220/100 Shield Drain Rating:*** Not as good as the Plasma Projector, but it weighs less than the Projector. Disruptor $8,500 4 kG Ammo: 280 kJ of Suit Energy per Disruption? Fire Delay: 500 ms Reload: 5000 ms Info- The Disruptor wastes a lot of energy, but it is used for disabling turrets and vehicles. It doesn't bounce of the wall, but can cause some good damage to enemies. I don't suggest using it a weapon though due to energy cost, just using it for disabling turrets. Damage: Inner/Outer 20/10 Plasma 300/100 Shield Drain Rating:** Not good, after testing this out, the damage it does to turrets is not worth the 200 kJ Energy usage per shot. Plus you also have to worry about dodging turret fire. Electron Beamer $2,500 5 kG Ammo: 20 kJ of Suit Energy per beam Fire Delay: 750 ms Reload: 2500 ms Info- This quickly drains you opponent's energy leaving them helpless. It is also inexpensive, a nice thing to have but it doesn't do damage. It bounces off the wall twice. Damage: Inner/Outer 250/100 Shield Drain Rating:**** Worth the 20 kJ per shot. Should be used to "prep" your enemy before you start firing at home. Once their energy is drained you can easily finish them off. Good for defending flags too. Try on enemy Jump Troopers who are riding vehicles. Gravitron $3,500 5 kG Ammo: 40 kJ of Suit Energy per shot. Fire Delay: 1000 ms Reload: 2500 ms Info- It is suppose to repel your opponent while draining some energy. It barely moves them unless they are riding a vehicle. Not too bad I guess... The shot looks like a mini air shockwave. The energy drain is not to bad either. Damage: Inner/Outer 100/80 Shield Drain Rating:** Not too good, does some shield drain but barely moves them unless they are on a vehicle. Not worth $3,500. +=+=+=+=+ Section 3 Armor +=+=+=+=+ NOTE: YOU CAN ONLY EQUIP ONE ARMOR AT A TIME whether it is a combat armor or the cloaking armor. --------------- a. Combat Armor --------------- Ceramax Combat Armor $2,000 2 kG Info- This is for the Infiltrator that wants to be on the battlefield. It has the EXACT same protection as the Improved Cloak Unit, but it doesn't have the cloaking abilities. Protection: Damage/Percent 1/10%Kinetic 1/10%Explosive 0/0% Plasma 0/0% Gas/Chemical 0/0% Armor Piercing 1/10%Shield Drain Rating:* Buy Improved Cloak! Shock Armor $4,500 3.5 kG Info- Shock Armor is the best armor for the Infiltrator. The only problem is that it has no cloaking abilities. But if you prefer to be on the battlefield more and take advantage of your Infiltrator's quickness to outmaneuver opponents and kill them this is the armor for you. Protection: Damage/Percent 1/10%Kinetic 3/30%Explosive 0/0% Plasma 0/0% Gas/Chemical 0/0% Armor Piercing .5/5%Shield Drain Rating:*** If you don't care about cloaking get this armor. It is the best the infiltrator can have. ----------------- b. Cloaking Armor ----------------- Cloak Unit $6,000 2 kG Energy Cost: -18 kJ per second (It doesn't lower your energy but cause your suit to recharge energy slower than normal.) Info- The cloaking unit is as basic as it gets. It allows you to cloak yourself from your opponent but not his radar. It also has the lowest amount of protection out of all the other armors. I STRONGLY suggest you just forget about this and buy the Improved Cloak Unit instead. But if you do you might want to buy the Stealth Coating and the Enhanced Sensors to make up for the Radar Cloaking and the ability to see cloaked enemies. When you fire your weapon your Cloaking device turns off until a few seconds after you stop firing. Protection: Damage/Percent 0/0% Kinetic 0/0% Explosive 0/0% Plasma 0/0% Gas/Chemical 0/0% Armor Piercing 1/10%Shield Drain Rating:* Buy Improved Cloak! Improved Cloak Unit $10,000 4 kG Energy Cost: -18 kJ per second (It doesn't lower your energy but cause your suit to recharge energy slower than normal.) Info- The Improved Cloaking Unit is a much better cloaking unit than the normal one. Not only does it cloak you from you opponent's screen but also his radar. Another big plus is that it has built in Enhanced Sensors so you can see any cloaked enemies. It has the same protection as the Ceramax Combat Armor. When you fire your weapon your Cloaking device turns off until a few seconds after you stop firing. Protection: Damage/Percent 1/10%Kinetic 1/10%Explosive 0/0% Plasma 0/0% Gas/Chemical 0/0% Armor Piercing 1/10% Shield Drain Rating:***** This is great. It is a cloaking unit, stealth coating, Ceramax Combat Armor, and enhanched sensors all packed into one unit. +=+=+=+=+ Section 4 Utilities/Other +=+=+=+=+ NOTE: You can only have a few of these equipped at time. It depends on what type of Utilities you've equipped, I.E. You can't have a Powercell and the Supersuit Charger ON at the same time. ---------- a. Add-ons ---------- Blink Generator $15,000 3 kG Energy Cost: -300 kJ to set a beacon down 0 kJ to teleport to Beacon Info- At the cost of 300 kJ you can set a beacon down which last 60 seconds. With in those 60 seconds you can use the Blink Generator to teleport back to the beacon. Good for leaving outside the enemy base so when you get their flag you can go back with out wasting energy and making sure you don't get shot down. It is better to use this than the Suit Teleport if it's going to be a short distance or if you are low on energy. Rating:**** These will save your life, used primarly for Flagging. Dropship Recall FREE (It comes with Infiltrator on the MK IV Infantry Fighting Suit) 0 kG Energy Cost: -800 kJ Info- At the cost of all your energy, any flags you might be holding, and Blink Generator beacons you may have set you can be teleported back to the Dropship. Here in the safety of your Dropship you can buy more weapons, ammo, etc or to drop to another place. Rating:*** Good. Light Powercell $100 2 kG Energy Cost: +120 Energy to Capacity Info- Increases the CAPACITY of your energy by 120, more people use the Suit Supercharger instead because it is more effective in the long run. Rating:** Buy Suit Supercharger. Medium Powercell $500 5 kG Energy Cost: +190 Energy to Capacity Info- Increase the CAPACITY of your energy by 190, more people use the Suit Supercharger instead because it is more efficient. Rating:*** Buy Suit Supercharger. Heavy Powercell $1,000 10 kG Energy Cost: +250 Energy to Capacity Info- Increases the CAPACITY of your energy by 250, more people use the Suit Supercharger instead because this weighs too much. Rating:** Buy Suit Supercharger. It weighs way to much. Suit Teleport FREE (It comes with Infiltrator on the MK IV Infantry Fighting Suit) 0 kG Energy Cost: -400 kJ? (E-Mail me if you know) Info- On the player list at the right if you have on your TEAMMATES name highlighted then you can teleport straight to them. It's good to use as if you are teleporting to a medic, someone at home, or who is at the enemy. Rating:***1/2 Great. Suit Supercharger $10,000 4 kG Energy Cost: +10 kJ per second (increase suit energy recharging rate) Info- This increases the rate at which your suit recharges energy. This is VERY important as most of your stuff runs off suit energy. If you plan to be an Infiltrator this should be one of the first things you buy. I prefer to use this than the Heavy Powercell because it weighs less. Rating:**** This is great. Since all your stuff is mostly run on energy, buy this! --------------- b. Enhancements --------------- Stealth Coating $2,500 2 kG Info- Stealth Coating allows you to stay off radar without an Improved Cloaking Unit. The Stealth Coating is a nice complement to the Standard Cloaking Unit, which only cloaks you from your opponent's screen. Also you may want to get it even though you have the Improved Cloak because when your Cloak is off, or temporally off (when you fire your weapon) you will be seen on radar. Rating:***1/2 This is good even if you have the Improved Cloaking Unit, it reactivates faster after you fire than the Improved Cloak. Enhanced Sensors $5,500 2 kG Info- These allow you see any cloaked enemies on your screen. The enhanced sensors are a nice complement to the Standard Cloaking Unit. With the Improved Cloaking Unit you have no worries, its built-in Enhanced Sensors are on all the time. Rating:**1/2 Just buy the Improved Cloak. -------- c. Other -------- Holo Taunt GC $8000 .01 kG Ammo: Itself Info- Used to taunt opponents with a hologram. No other use really... You can hold up to ten of them. I haven't used one of these before, nor have I seen on the Battlefield. If you know some more information, please e-mail me. Rating:???? Who knows... Stim Pack $500 .25 kG Ammo: Itself Info- Heals 10 H.P. You are only allowed to hold 1. Nice to have you are low on health, or there are no medics around. Rating:*** Nice if you are low on health, or if there are no medics around. Energizer $500 .25 kG Ammo: Itself Info- Heals 200 kJ of Suit Energy. You are only allowed to hold 2. Energizers are nice to have if you need a quick boost of energy. Rating:*** Good if you are in a gun fight, or low on energy. Enhanced RFG FREE (It comes with Infiltrator on the MK IV Infantry Fighting Suit) 0 kG Ammo: Repulsor Coils Info- Enhanced RFG stands for Enhanced Repulsor Field Generator. Unlike the other classes the Infiltrators RFG can also drain energy. The RFG repels both weapons and enemies. Check the Strategies and Tips Section for a way to use these. Rating:**** The Flaggers best Friend. Repulsor Coil $150 .15 kG Ammo: It is the Ammo Info- You can only hold 3 of these at a time. Use them wisely. Rating:**** Ammo for the Flaggers best Frieng Repulsor Charge $200 1 kG Ammo: Itself Info- This has the SAME effect as the Enhanced RFG, but you can throw it. It doesn't bounce though. Rating:***1/2 Not as good as the Enhanched RFG, but hey you can throw it! ----------- d. Vehicles ----------- Sadly, unlike the other classes in Infantry, the Infiltrator can't ride a vehicle. But that is the reason why the Infiltrator is the fastest class on foot. +=+=+=+=+ Section 5 Setups +=+=+=+=+ ---------------------- a. Cloaked Infiltrator ---------------------- Weapon: Any Armor: Improved Cloak Utilities/Other: Blink Generator Stealth Coating Suit Supercharger Weight- Used/Total 13/30 kG Uses- The Basic Cloaking Infiltrator, good for flagging. Cost- $37,500+Weapon --------------------- b. Combat Infiltrator --------------------- Weapon: Kuchler PR209 G UnitTech Tech 07m PSMG Plasma Bomb Armor: Shock Armor Utilities/Other: Heavy Powercell Stim Pack Energizer x2 Weight- Used/Total 19.75/30 kG Uses- The Combat Infiltrator, able to last longer on the battlefield. You could use the Heavy Powercell instead of the Suit Supercharger if you wish. Cost- $36,250 --------------------- c. Sniper Infiltrator --------------------- Weapon: Particle Accelerator Armor: Improved Cloak Utilities/Other: Suit Supercharger Stealth Coating Weight- Used/Total 20/30 kG Uses- The Sniper Infiltrator is for... *gasp* Sniping. Using the Zoom Tip (see Strategies and Tips Section) you can easily pick off enemies from afar. And with Improved Cloak, they will have trouble finding you. Cost- $31,500 +=+=+=+=+ Section 6 Strategies and Tips +=+=+=+=+ -Infiltrators are the fastest class in the game. Take advantage of that fact; get flags, hunting people down, retreat. Retreating is good, if you're low on health, just go find a medic and get back into action. -STRAFE, the key to playing the game. Lots of newbies just charge into battle and fly right into a hail of bullets. With strafing you walk sideways so you can easily dodge shots with out moving forward or backward. Running to the side then running back readjusting your aim wastes time and came be costly. To strafe press ALT + Left or Right, try shooting and Strafing! -Blink Generator, Use it can save precious flag holding time, or your life. -Suit Teleport, and easy way to get back into the action quick after you die, or get back to base. -Dropship Recall, never do this while holding a flag or you will drop the flag. Use the recall to get back to the ship and buy supplies. -Keyboard Configuration, when you get a little more experienced change your Keyboard Configuration to keys that you can quickly press and memorize. It can make finding weapon on the keyboard easier and quicker. -Resolution, try to make the game resolution (in the Infantry Menu) as high as your computer can handle. The more of the game you can see the better. -Transparency, in the Infantry Settings make the player list and chat window transparent so you can see more of the battlefield. -Sunspots, great for getting some easy kills or stopping a pursuer. Drop them in narrow hallways or doorways. Try piling them up to make a Super Sunspot. Place around your team's flags, or while you are running from someone. Place near an enemy on a vehicle and watch them get tossed across the screen. -Zoom, by holding the Shift Key + Home or End Key, you can zoom in and out. When you zoom you can see ahead of the screen and see if you're running into an enemy, or an enemy rocket turret. BTW, you also see a tiny dashed line for aim, which is great for... -SNIPING, when you find a good location you the zoom trick and pick off enemy troops. You can still see the aiming line so you can snipe with great accuracy. -Enhanced RFG, if you got to make a run for the flag in enemy territory, or you have to make a run for it through a hail of bullets use the enhanced RFG. It repels your opponents, weapon fire, and drain your enemies' energy. These run off RFG Coils, and you only have three coils at a time, so use them sparingly. -RFG Charges, these are like the Enhanced RFG but you can throw it. Good for clearing a path. If you can spare it take ones of these with you. You can only hold one of these at a time so you it wisely. -Plasma Projector and Pulsar, With Improved Cloak walk directly onto your opponent and unleash the Projector or Pulsar. If done correctly all the shot will hit causing lethal damage. -Base Locations TWIN PEAKS Collective Militia A7 C7 G4 Titan Militia D7 E8 G7 HEINRICH PEAK None(Send some in SNivrae@hotmail.com) Haurna None(Send some in SNivrae@hotmail.com) -Macros These save you time, so you can send messages and fight at the same time. Keep standard macros like these. //At Home, Currently Safe //At Home, UNDER ATTACK, ATTACH NOW //At Home, all flags are at home... why aren't you? //At NME, Currently Safe //At NME, Attacking now, attach at your own risk. -CLOAKING REMEMBER, turn this off when you don't need it. Like when you are defending flags, or in a gun fight. Since you are firing shots you turn the cloaking unit off, thus wasting energy. It makes you recharge less energy per second, so if you don't need it turn it off. VERY IMPORTANT if you want to survive and not run out of energy. -AIMING Don't shoot where your enemy is at unless he is standing still. Try to fire where he is going to be, not where he is or by the time your shot gets there he will be all the way somewhere else. REMEMBER the farther you are, the farther your shot should be to where he will be at. Aim for their feet, or else it will fly right pass him. Try to follow your enemies movement patterns, especially strafing. -EASY MONEY AND EXPERIENCE This trick is really cheap, I see it more and more often on Infantry. Step 1- Get Flag(s) Step 2- Go to a remote area, or an area with no other players. Step 3- Drop Flags Step 4- SWITCH TEAMS Step 5- Pick up the "enemy" flags Step 6- Repeat Steps Try not to let anyone see you do this... or just do not try it at all. I Don't Recommend Using This Trick, but it does work. If you have any strategies or tips, please e-mail me them and I will add them here. You'll get credit in the credit section (seen below). Please e-mail with the name you want shown on the credit section. +=+=+=+=+ Section 7 F.A.Q. +=+=+=+=+ In case you didn't know, F.A.Q means Frequently Asked Questions. If you have any questions about being an Infiltrator or just Infantry overall send them to SNivrae@hotmail.com 1.What is team chat, and how do you do it? One important part of playing Infantry is sending team messages. The go to only your teammates. Alot of newbies forget to use team chat, and send important info like Base Coordinates to everyone in the game. To team chat you must type ' before your message, or // before your message. If done correctly your message should appear YELLOW and not blue. E.X. ' At Home(E7), Currently under attack! or // At NME base(E7) BTW: Blue Messages- Sent to everyone in the game Yellow Messages- Sent only to your teammates Green Messages- Private Messages, sent to one person. +=+=+=+=+ Section 8 Control Setup +=+=+=+=+ When you first play Infantry your control scheme should be CTRL, ALT, etc. But as you progress into the game you should change your buttons to suit your needs. Pretty soon you will have all these items and the buttons will be confusing. TIPS: 1.When using letters for your keys don't forget to set your options to "Press Enter to Type" so you don't fire your weapons when chatting. 2.Play a few games with your set up, it takes a few games till you get the keys mastered. Don't Be Discouraged 3.Try setting your keys on the number pad, you can get some good results. 1.Simple Infiltrator Setup |Q|W|E| |R|T| |A|S|D| |F||G| |Z|X| |C||V| |UP| |LEFT| |DOWN| |RIGHT| Q-Sun Spot W-Back Up Weapon E-Repulsor Charge/Enhanched RFG A-Left Strafe S-Main Weapon D-Right Strafe Z-Secondary Weapon/Utility X-Secondary Weapon/Utility R-Suit Teleport T-Dropship Recall F-Blink Generator G-Enhanced RFG/Repulsor Charge C-Stim Pack V-Energizer Comment: This is the setup I use, it is well rounded once you get used to it. The Keys A S D are your main combat keys. With the left and right strafe with your main weapon key on the bottom, it will be easy to strafe and fire. With the Blink Generator and Enhanched RFG at the keys F G, it will be easier to get to a flag and blink out of there. If you have any setups for you keyboard feel free to send them to SNivrae@hotmail.com +=+=+=+=+ Section 9 Credits +=+=+=+=+ -Nivrae (Earvin Santos) SNivrae@hotmail.com ME, for creating this Infiltrator guide for Infantry CTF. Usually plays on Infantry CTF: Twin Peaks, and plans to move to the Heinrich's Peak or Haruna soon. Plays as Infiltrator (duh!) -CjayC www.GameFAQs.com For posting this guide, and creating GameFAQs.com -Neoseeker www.Neoseeker.com For posting this guide on their web site. -SonyOnline http://www.infantry.station.sony.com/ For creating Infantry and other cool online games. Best of all, they are all free, so go to their site and go download Infantry. NOTE: Starting May 1st, Infantry will no longer be free. It will be $6.95 per month $4.95 per month for Everquest Subscribers. They will be adding new zones and offical league support. -DHL.Net http://DLH.Net Germany's biggest Computer Gaming Fan site for hosting my guide. +=+=+=+=+= Section 10 Copyrights +=+=+=+=+= This Document is copyrighted to: ¸Copyright 2002 By: Nivrae (Earvin Santos) Infantry and all names and trademarks are copyrighted by ¸Copyright SonyOnline www.station.com The Only Web Site(s) authorized to post this guide are: www.GameFAQs.Com www.Neoseeker.Com http://DHL.net If you wish to post this guide on your site or want to add info, corrections, etc, e-mail me first at SNivrae@hotmail.com