=============================== = THE IMPERIAL LEGION GUIDE = = = = ELDER SCROLLS III = = MORROWIND = =============================== Version 1.0 May 2002 Written By: Paul Ferris Email: p_ferris@optusnet.com.au Unpublished work Copyright 2002 Paul Ferris This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976. It is for private and personal use only--it cannot be reprinted in part or in whole, or reproduced in any way or in any form (written or otherwise). It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving it away as a gift. This guide was created and is owned by me, Paul Ferris. It can be found exclusively at (www.GameFAQs.com), and is not to be put up on any other website (such as www.cheatcc.com). All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein. This guide cannot be referenced, altered, or used by anybody (including webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without my express written permission. Not that these people would know what that means: Ziff-Davis Video Game Group (publishers of Expert Gamer), Game 13th Magazine, IDG Media, Future Publishing, Ltd. (publishers of PlayStation Power, Official UK PlayStation Magazine, etc.), Brady Games, Eric Pratte of Prima Games, and IGN. Remember, plagiarism is a crime and is punishable by law. The Elder Scrolls series is (c) Bethesda Inc. All rights reserved. ===================================================================== REVISION HISTORY ===================================================================== None ===================================================================== BACKGROUND ===================================================================== I wrote this mini walkthru as a guide to playing an Imperial Legionaire within Morrowind. This guide is a work in progress, so if you see any mistakes please email me an let me know so I can keep this document up to date. This is also my first FAQ/Walkthru so please keep that in mind. I entered the Imperial Legion Quest before undertaking the main Morrowind Quests, so your experience may be different - depending on skills levels and equipment. The reason I did this was to get some experience before tackling the main quests, and to get some keep (free) armour for my money poor chaacter. When you join the Imperial Legion you are given an Imperial Steel Curias (medium armour). This (and the other types of Imperial issue curiass') serve as the 'uniform' of the Legion. Once you have joined, you MUST be wearing your curiass for the other members of the Legion to speak with you. ===================================================================== CHARACTER CREATION ===================================================================== The character I created for this was a female Imperial with the custom class of Legionnaire. I choose this race as it had the skill bonus' that fitted the career path I was going to take. The custom class had the following abilities. Combat Class Strength and Endurance as primary Statistics Primary Skills: Athletics Long Blade Heavy Armour Block Speechcraft Secondary Skills: Spear Blunt Weapon Armourer Sneak Security I choose these as the fitted with the favoured skills of the Imperial Legion (see below) which I knew I had to advance to move up the ranks. Also, there is a smattering of skills favoured by the Blades (the main quest faction) to aid with moving up the ranks within that group as well. ===================================================================== IMPERIAL LEGION LEVEL REQUIREMENTS/REWARDS ===================================================================== FAVOURED SKILLS Athletics Spear Long Blade Blunt Weapon Heavy Armour Block RECRUIT Requirements: None? Reward: Imperial Chain Cuirass SPEARMAN/WOMAN Requirements: Endurance 30 Personality 30 Need one favoured skill at 10 Reward: Imperial Shield TROOPER Requirements: Endurance 30 Personality 30 Need one favoured skill at 20 Reward: Imperial Steel Curiass AGENT Requirements: Endurance 30 Personality 30 Need one favoured skill at 30 and two at 5 Rewards: Imperial Steel Helmet Imperial Steel Right Gauntlet Imperial Steel Left Gauntlet CHAMPION Requirements: Endurance 30 Personality 30 Need one favoured skill at 40 and two at 10 Rewards: Imperial Steel Boots Imperial Steel Right Pauldron Imperial Steel Left Pauldron KNIGHT ERRANT Requirements: Endurance 31 Personality 31 Need one favoured skill at 50 and two at 15 Rewards: Imperial Templar Curiass Imperial Templar Greaves KNIGHT BACHELOR Requirements: Endurance 32 Personality 32 Need one favoured skill at 60 and two at 20 Rewards: Imperial Templar Helmet Imperial Templar Left Bracer Imperial Templar Right Bracer KNIGHT PROTECTOR Requirements: Endurance 33 Personality 33 Need one favoured skill at 70 and two at 25 ===================================================================== IMPERIAL LEGION QUESTS ===================================================================== QUEST: Land Deed ENEMIES: Window Vabdas or Lugrub gro-Ogdum, Rats, Kwama Warriors, Kwama Maggots, Slaughterfish From the Silt Rider, turn right and walk down to the Madach Tradehouse. Once inside head downstairs and speak with Generial Darius. Joining the Imperial Legion you are presented with your uniform (an Imperial Chain Curiass), and given your first orders. Darius wants you to recover the Land Deed from the Widow Vabdas (her hut is located just outside of Gnisis, to the south west) as her land is vital to the expansion plans of the Legion. Speak to the widow to learn that her husband was murdered in the Gnisis Eggmine by a fellow Legion member, and that the noble thing to do would be to avenge her husbands death. Either pry the Land Deed from the Widow's dead fingers (and report back to Darius), or head over to the eggmine. Speak with Vatollia Appo (guarding the Eggmine) to gain the key and entrance to the mine. Go past the first staircase, and then up the second staircase, and turn right, through the door to the Lower Eggmine. You are confronted with a guard (Lugrub gro-Ogdum) and warned to leave. Ignore him and take the opposite door to the Underground Stream. Speak with the ghost of the dead husband to learn that Lugrub murdered him, and threw his body into the pool ahead, along with the axe used to kill him. Dive into the pool and retrieve the axe to take back to Darius. HINT: Head past the pool with the body and you come to the stream. Dive in and swim along until you enter a large chamber. Inside on a ledge is a body and a book titled the Ransom of Zarek, which raises the ? skill Tell Darius about the Land Deed, and let him know that Mansilamat Vabdas was murdered - giving him the axe as evidence. Lugrub is delcared an outlaw, and it is up to you to take revenge for the dishonour to the Legion. When you go back to fight him, try to lure him to attacking you by staying close to the door - this stops the Kwama Warriors down the side passage noticing you and joining in on the fight. Once he is dead return to Darius for a reward (Imperial Broadsword) HINT: There is a book inside the tradehouse titled the Death Blow of Abernant, which raises the Block skill. QUEST: Cure the Kwama Queen ENEMIES: Kwama Warriors, Kwama Maggots Having proven yourself with the handling of the Vabdas affair, Darius orders you to fix the Eggmine situation, by curing the Kwama Queen of the Blight. He suggests you speak with Hetman Abelmawia (his hut is near the Temple entrance), and obtain a scroll of Cure Blight. After getting the scroll, head back into the mines, to the chamber where you met Lugrub. If you havent already, dispose of the Kwama Warriors guarding the Queen, and cast the Cure Blight spell on her. Before heading back to Darius, for a small reward of 100 gold. HINT: The passage leading of the approach to the Queen's Chamber, leads down to an ancient Dewemer ruin called Bethamez. Inside you can recover a book titled Divine Metaphysics, Dwemer plans for an Airship, and scap metal from he body of a Steam Centurion. The book is part of the Mage Guild quests (so hang on to it if you intend to go that route), and the scarp metal can be kept for a quick solve to a later quest. QUEST: Rescue Madura Seran ENEMIES: Ashlander Outcasts, Bandits, Rats, Guar Darius orders you to rescue Madura Seran, who has been take hostage by outcast Ashlander near the town of Ald Velothi. Head out of Gnisis and follow the road signs to Ald Velothi - depending on the route you take you may run into small side quests. Reaching Ald Velothi, you learn that the Ashlanders have a camp just south of the town, on a hill to the main approach to town. The camp consists of a single yurt, campfire and two guards. Entering the yurt, speak with the leader (you may need to bribe him before he likes you enough to tell you) to learn that he will release Madrua for a ransom. Either pay the ransom, or dispose of the kidnappers, and speak with Madura. She asks that you escort her back to the Ald Velothi Outpost (first main building of the town). Once you enter the Outpost with Madura following you the quest is complete. Head back to Darius for your next assignment. QUEST: Rescue Ragash gra-Shuzgub ENEMIES: Rats, Skeletons Darius asks you to find to find the local tax collector Ragash gra-Shuzgub, who was last seen entering the tower of Arvs Drelen (located on a hill next to the entrance to the Temple) the home of a local wizard named Baladas. Enter the tower and turn right, then turn left and enter the room at the top of the stairs. Obtain the key to the summoning room, and then head up to the top of the tower. Speak with Baladas about Ragash (after a couple of bribes) and let him know that if he releases her he will not have to pay taxes again. He gives you the key to Ragash's cell. Head down to the cells (lowest part of the tower) and free Ragash, escorting her outside the tower completes the quest. QUEST: Find the Aims of the Talos Cult ENEMIES: Oritius Maro, Arius Rulician Darius is concerned that the Talos Cult is plotting against the Emperor asking that you infiltrate the cult and find out what they are up to. Head over to the Gnisis Barracks and speak with Oritius Maro. After a couple of bribes/flattery he tells you about the cult, asking if you want to join. Take the key and head down to the lower storeroom, opening that trapdoor in there. Speak with Arius Rulician to learn more about the cult, and that they have 'plans'. The evidence you need is in the locked chest on the alter. Take it and defeat Arius and Oritius and return back to Darius with the evidence. HINT: There is a book in the Barracks titled The Locked Room which raises the Security Skill. Darius advises you that he has no more quest for you - suggesting you go to the other Forts and speak to the Commanders. Head to Balmora and Fort Moonmoth for the next quest. QUEST: Retreive Scrap Metal ENEMIES: Mad Wizard, Skeleton, Cliffracer, Dewemer Spider, Steam Centurion, Dewemer Ghost The Buoyant Armigers have challenged the Imperial Legion to a hunt. They claim they will bring in the skin of a corprus beast. Radd Hard-Heart (the head of the Legion at Fort Moonmoth) wants you to bring in the scrap metal from a Dwemer Centurion. While any peice of scrap metal will do (and if you kept the piece from the Egg Mine quest you can end this quest without leaving the fort) the nearest location is the Dewemer Ruin of Arkngthand which is on the hill next to the Fort. (This is also the location of the first main story quest so you may want to head into Balmora receive it). In the mind explore until you find the Centurion, and kill it to find a piece of scrap metal on its body. Return to Radd to complete the quest QUEST: Resuce Jocien Ancois ENEMIES: Diseased Rats (others depend on how you get to Erabenimsun camp) Radd Hard-Heart asked you to rescue Jocien Ancois, who is trying to teach the Ashlanders of Imperial culture and virtue. Radd informs you that he was taken from the Erabenimsun camp by outcast Ashlanders, and that you should start your investigation there (he marks the location on your map). The camp is basically due east of the Fort, but is a fair distance away. I found the easiest way to it was to head back to the Dewemer ruins, and just follow the road that runs past the ruins into the ashlands. Eventually (keep checking your map) you will reach the camp. Speak to the villagers (may need to bribe) to learn that Jocien has run off, like a love sick puppy, after the wise woman (Mabrigash) of the camp by the name of Zennammu. Head north from the camp and you should spy some pages that have fallen from the many books Jocien carries. Follow the trail of pages and you eventually reach the camp where Jocien is being held. Speak to Zennammu to learn that she will free Jocien if you bring the Erabinimsun hunter Assaba-Bentus to her (he can be found in the Erabenimsun camp). Go speak to him and question his bravery by saying he is too scared to live in a camp with woman, and eventually he demands to follow you back to the camp. Escort him back to Zennammu to have her realse Jocien QUEST: Resuce Dandsa ENEMIES: Humans, Slaughterfish, Crabs, Rats Radd Heart-Hart asks you to rescue Dandsa, an Imperial citizen, who was captured by raiders, and is being held in dungeon of Abernanit (on an island south west Gnaar Mok). The easiest way to get there is to grab a silt rider up to Caldera, and then travel west from there to Gnaar Mok. But before you do, head to Balmora and pick up two potions of water walking Reaching Gnaar Mok, walk out to the dock, and then head south west out into the ocean. Before you get to far you should see the island. The dungeon is in the middle of the island. Explore the dungeon and you should locate Dandsa, simply escort her outside the dungeon to complete the quest. QUEST: Slay the Netch threating Gnaar Mok ENEMIES: Bull Netch Radd Hard-Heart asks you to head back to Gnaar Mok and kill the two Netch that are breeding north of the town. This is a pretty easy quest - just retrace your steps back to Gnaar Mok, and you should find that there are two Bull Netch north (along the coast) of the town. Slay them to complete the quest. QUEST: Slay the Sorkvild the Raven ENEMIES: Sorkvild the Raven, other humand guards Radd lets you know that a Necromancer living in the Dwemer ruins near Dagon Fel, is threatening the delicate relations between Dunmer and Imperials. Radd Hard-Heart wants the Necromancer dead before he ruins the reputation of other Imperial citizens. The easiest way to get up to Dagon Fel, is to catch a silt strider to Gnisis, and then another up to Khuul. From there catch a boat up to Dagon Fel. Sorkvild dwells in the Dewemer tower on the edge of town. While he lives in style upstairs, three minions guard the lower levels. Defeat them, and then head up the stairs and slay Sorkvild HINT: There are several books upstairs that will increase stats. The downstairs guards have a number of nice magic items (vey nice if you are doing these quests be fore any others). When you return to Radd, he informs you that he has no more quests available for you to do. So head up to the next fort for your newest post.