Game Name: Global Operations Available On: PC Author: Tony Quach aka Master Tony Subauthor: Dan aka twEEker The First Contacts: AIM- ttq8025 E-mail - AIM - twEEkerTheFirst E-mail - ********************************* 0.1 Legal Stuff ********************************* This is MY FAQ. Which means you cannot sell it, copy it, or put it on your web page. I spent my own time writing this, and it wasn't made for people to steal and say they wrote it. If you lie and steal, the world will crush you eventually. I'm sorry, but as of May 1st, 2002 I will not be alloqing my FAQ to be posted anywhere else now. I am finding that I receive 10-20 e-mails asking for permission to post and I'd have nearly 100 in a month. Enough with the threats, are we friends again? :-) Then go ahead and read this! ********************************* 0.2 Versions ********************************* 1.0 - 4/08/02 Added Intro, Controls, Jobs, Salary, Tips and Tricks, Missions 1, 2, and 3 1.1 - 4/11/02 Finished Guns, Grenades and Specials section, and fixed up minor typo errors so the FAQ looks more neat, added Terms I Use 1.2 - 4/15/02 Added Copyright Info, Missions 4, 5, 6, and 7. Also added a Terms I Use section. Almost complete with all the guns and ammo 1.3 - 4/26/02 Fixed ALL spelling and grammar mistakes, Guns & Ammo completed, subauthor twEEker added, Missions 8, 9, and 10 Complete 1.4 - 6/14/02 Finished Guns and Ammo section and also added my opinion of each, Few more tips added. It also looks like this will be my last update for this game. I'm sorry that I could not finish this FAQ. I'm just too busy right now. I just got a job and I'm spending nearly 25+ hours a week at work, and during my freetime I'm spending it playing other video games or just hanging out with friends. I hope you find this FAQ helpful still. Also, any e-mails regarding to this game I may still answer, but I rarely check my e-mail account now. I have a newer one, but that'll prevent you spammers from getting to me :-p *Note- I apologize for the late update from April to June. My internet dial-up number was disconnected for some reason and I couldn't get a new internet account for awhile. ********************************* 0.3 - Terms I Use ********************************* In this FAQ I may abbreviate some things and you may not know what they are. Here, I've just listed them so you won't get lost. BTW----------------------------By The Way GO-----------------------------Global Operations LSD----------------------------Life Signs Detector Thermo Gogs--------------------Thermal Vision Demon--------------------------Demoman(I think of him as a Demon) AI-----------------------------Artificial Intelligence(Computer Player) MAG----------------------------Mobile Anti-aircraft Guns ;)-----------------------------A smirk typeface, AOL users should know ^_^----------------------------A smiley/happy face :-p----------------------------Sticking tongue out, "P" is tongue ********************************* Table of Contents ********************************* 0.1 - Legal Stuff 0.2 - Versions 0.3 - Terms I Use 1.1 - Introduction 1.2 - Controls 1.3 - Jobs/Classes 1.4 - Salary 1.5 - Guns, Grenades and Specials (Almost Complete) 2.0 - Walkthrough (Under Construction) 2.1 - Tips and Tricks 2.2 - Questions and Answers 3.0 - Special Thanks To..... 3.1 - Places my FAQ are allowed at *NOTE: You may press at anytime the Ctrl+F to do a word search. Just type in the numbers to find them more easily. Let's say you want to go to the Tips and Tricks section. Instead of scrolling and looking press the Ctrl and F at the same time and type in 2.1 and Vwa-lah! ********************************* 1.1 - Introduction ********************************* This is a FAQ that will help guide you through Global Operations. I decided to write this FAQ because I just love this game. The only thing I hate is the lag in multiplayer that I get, but that's my own problem. Anyways, in this FAQ you'll get tips on how to beat each of the Missions. You can also find me on the servers named Master Tony. You may also contact me via e-mail or AIM. I've listed these at the top of this FAQ. Also, remember that any contribution will be posted up and credited by you if you decide to send me anything. Just so you guys know I like having good comments sent ot me cause they make me feel good inside. Anyways! ^_^ on with the FAQ! Enjoy! Also, I've added in a subauthor. Dan has been a great assitant in this FAQ. My computer does not have Microsoft Word so I cannot do a spell check. Dan fixes ALL gramatical errors, and helped GREATLY in the Guns & Ammo section. He also added in some tips as well. He's also a great player and you'll usually find us playing in one of the Home LAN servers. Having a good friend in GO is the key in succession! If you see me playing you'll usually ifnd me and Tweek ruling ;) ********************************* 1.2 Controls ********************************* This section is the list of controls that the game has. Please note that these controls are the ones set up automatically. You may change them to any buttons that you'd like. I am only listing the initial keys that they are set on. MOVEMENT --------- Move Forward/Back-------------W/S Turn Left/Right---------------Left/Right Strafe------------------------Alt (left only) Strafe Left/Right-------------A/D Jump--------------------------Control (left only) Crouch------------------------G Crouch/Stand Toggle-----------F Run---------------------------Shift (left only) Run/Walk Toggle---------------Caps Lock Look Up/Down------------------Page Up/Page Down Center View-------------------Home Mouse Look--------------------/ ACTIONS -------- Primary Attack----------------Left Click Secondary Attack--------------Right Click Flashlight/Laser--------------Q Zoom In/Out-------------------'/; Reload------------------------R Trigger Group Select----------X Drop Item---------------------T Use---------------------------Spacebar Vision Aids-------------------E Inventory---------------------C Next/Previous Item------------J/I Select Specialty--------------B Select Team-------------------N INVENTORY ---------- Primary Weapon----------------1 Secondary Weapon--------------2 Side Arm----------------------3 Knife-------------------------4 Grenade Slot 1----------------5 Grenade Slot 2----------------6 Grenade Slot 3----------------7 Equipment Slot 1--------------8 Equipment Slot 2--------------9 Equipment Slot 3--------------0 Objective---------------------Minus Sign *Note: I couldn't put a "-" in because I use those to guide your eyes ;) MISCELLANEOUS -------------- Radio Menu--------------------Z Voiceover IP Global-----------Backspace Say---------------------------H Team Say----------------------J Suicide-----------------------End Scoreboard--------------------Tab HUD Layout Mode---------------L ********************************* 1.3 Jobs/Classes ********************************* These are the Jobs that can be played in Global Operations. Each class is unique in its on way. You can see that Heavy Gunner, and Commando are great jobs. They have almost no disadvantages at all. You must also factor in the headshots. Most of the time you'll buy fully upgraded weapons, armor, and thermo goggles. All of a sudden you're hit in the head and lose all of your stuff. Sometimes playing as a Commando or Heavy Gunner may get you pissed off more easily if you die so armor isn't everything! Ex) ============== Job Name ============== Description of job and its' unique qualities Advantages- Good things about the job Disadvantages- Downside of the job Primary Weapon---------------------------Main Weapon Secondary Weapon-------------------------Backup Weapon Sidearm----------------------------------Handgun Grenade Slots----------------------------1/2/3 grenade slots Special Items----------------------------Unique Items Speed------------------------------------Fast/Medium/Slow Armor------------------------------------Light/Medium/Heavy ============== Medic ============== The Medic uses his med kit to restore health to both him and incapacitated players. To heal your friends and allies use your primary attack. To heal yourself use secondary attack. The Medic usually carries an assault rifle. Advantages- Healer, fast, get money by healing allies Disadvantages- Weak armor, average income can carry only 1 heavy weapon has to deal with people yelling Medic! Medic! Constantly Primary Weapon---------------------------Assault Rifles Secondary Weapon-------------------------None Sidearm----------------------------------Handgun Grenade Slots----------------------------1 Slot Special Items----------------------------Medic Kit Speed------------------------------------Fast to medium Armor------------------------------------Light or Medium ============= Sniper ============= The Sniper is equipped with powerful scope on his weapon that allows him to target the enemies at great distances. He is able to move quickly and is more accurate at sniping than other jobs or classes. Advantages- long ranged, survives more often, relatively high income, can sit back and relax sometimes ;-) Disadvantages- No variety, expensive guns, sometimes never gets in on the action Primary Weapon-----------------------------Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon---------------------------None Sidearm------------------------------------Handgun Grenade Slots------------------------------1 Slot Special Items -----------------------------None Speed -------------------------------------Fast to Medium Armor -------------------------------------Light or Medium ============== Demoman ============== The Demoman is a demolitions expert trained in planting and defusing explosives. While all jobs or classes can defuse C4 bomb, the demoman can perform this task much faster than others can. Advantages- Explosives, strong armor, high income, can carry 2 heavy weapons Disadvantages- Slow, more "friendly" casualties, expensive at times Primary Weapon---------------------------Grenade Launcher Secondary Weapon-------------------------Shotgun Sidearm----------------------------------Handgun Grenade Slots----------------------------3 Slots Special Items----------------------------Explosives Speed------------------------------------Medium to Slow Armor------------------------------------Medium or Heavy ============== Recon ============== The Recon is fast, light, close range, offensive force equipped with the Life Signs Detector (LSD). The LSD has the ability to detect enemies within a variable range. Players within close proximity to the Recon share this information. LSD- The LSD has 3 main functions, which are Navigation, Broad Scan, and Narrow Scan. Navigation is the least used and it allows teammates and waypoints to be seen. The Broad Scan allows a 180-degree scanning radius. This allows you to see enemies who are fairly close to you. Narrow Scan will be commonly used. It allows 90-degree scanning radius. Allowing you to see enemies extremely far away. The LSD's battery depletes in Broad and Narrow Scan mode and it regenerates in Navigation Mode. Therefore, keeping your battery at 1/2 power is always a good idea incase you get too close to an enemy and want to know his next move. Advantages- Fast, LSD, cheap weapons Disadvantages- Weak armor, mostly weak weapons, low income, can carry only 1 heavy weapon Primary Weapon-------------------------Sub-Machine Gun Secondary Weapon-----------------------None Sidearm--------------------------------Handgun Grenade Slots--------------------------2 Slots Special Items--------------------------Life Signs Detector Speed----------------------------------Fast to Medium Armor----------------------------------Light or Medium ============== Commando ============== The Commando is a mid-range offensive force. Because he can be equipped with powerful assault rifles, a secondary weapon, and the LAW disposable rocket launcher, he is the most versatile job or class available. The LAW functions as a Grenade Launcher type weapon and can be carried in his Grenade Slots. He is the only person who can use the LAW. The Demoman cannot use it. Advantages- LAW, Variety of guns, good armor, and income is relatively high, can carry 2 heavy weapons on pick-up Disadvantages- Slow, can be expensive at times, average Primary Weapon-------------------------Assault Rifle Secondary Weapon-----------------------Sub-Machine Gun Sidearm--------------------------------Handgun Grenade Slots--------------------------2 Slots Special Items--------------------------LAW (Must Be Purchased) Speed----------------------------------Medium to Slow Armor----------------------------------Medium or Heavy ============== Heavy Gunner ============== The Heavy Gunner is slow but packs a large punch. The Gunner's primary weapon is the machine gun. These guns are good for close to mid-range combat and can penetrate various materials. The Heavy Gunner is also equipped with a secondary shotgun. This extra weapon gives the gunner more offensive options in battle. Advantages- Machine guns, good armor, variety of weapons, highest income, can carry 2 heavy weapons on pick-up Disadvantages- Slow, expensive weapons Primary Weapon-------------------------Machine Gun Secondary Weapon-----------------------Shotgun Sidearm--------------------------------Handgun Grenade Slots--------------------------3 Slots Special Items--------------------------None Speed----------------------------------Medium to Slow Armor----------------------------------Medium or Heavy ============== *Intel. Officer ============== The intelligence officer does not engage in actual combat, but rather collects information from the team and provides combat strategies as the mission unfolds. The intelligence officer is able to view the action through a system of 4 selected monitors. The primary monitor is the largest of the 4 views and displays full motion video. Members of the intelligence officer's team are viewable through his monitor system. Enemy soldiers may also appear on the intelligence officer's screen if they are in range of the recon's LSD. Cameras- any of the monitors can be used to view the game through various cameras to which the intelligence officer has access. Each in- game player is equipped with a small personal camera. The intelligence officer only has access to his teammate's cameras and cannot get any signal from the enemy team. In some missions, there may also be a system of security cameras to which the intelligence officer has access. His team must acquire control of these cameras in order for these cameras to be of use. To acquire control of a camera press spacebar or if you changed it the "Use" button. Waypoints- The intelligence officer has the ability to place numbered waypoints on the map. These waypoints are represented on the players' compass, and can be used to regroup or to guide players to important elements in the missions. Advantages- never dies, provides enemy location and strategy Disadvantages- No cash acquired, never shoots a gun! *Please note that Intelligence Officer can be played only in multiplayer games. It is unavailable in single player. It is seen on the top right of the character select screen. Displayed as a rectangular box and not a human character. I would advise not to be an Intel Officer though. I was playing once and someone tried to guide me and he ended saying things like "NO! Not THAT way!" and "Oh GOOD job there!" IMHO, I think it's a very boring job because you don't get to shoot people. The game's not just about shooting, but you just have to shoot a gun ^_^ ********************************* 1.4 Salary ********************************* Every job needs a salary right? In Global Operations you get paid to do various things. Whether it's killing someone or healing someone you will get money. Every job or class receives money in their own unique way, but each of them will receive these bonuses no matter what: Eliminating an Enemy----------------------------*Varies Assisting in Eliminating an Enemy---------------$250 Rescuing a Hostage------------------------------$750 Touching a Hostage------------------------------$150 Killing a Hostage(if on rescue team)------------Lose $900 Killing a Hostage(if on prevention team)--------Lose $750 Winning a Level---------------------------------$4000 Losing a Level----------------------------------$3000 Staying Alive-----------------------------------$150/30 seconds Bonus for level losses--------------------------$250/per loss(3 is max) *Eliminating an enemy is random. It depends on how much health the player had before he died, where he could have been shot, what gun was used, and kill/death ratio. Most of the time you won't even notice yourself getting money because you'll be more concentrated on the game. Letting your eyes drift off for a mere 5 seconds may result in death. Trust me, I know =) In addition to getting money for killing enemies. Each class/job has its own unique way of earning cash. It wouldn't be fair if Medics didn't get paid to heal the wounded and it wouldn't be fair if Recons receive no money from sharing data. Here's a list of the bonuses included for each of the jobs: =============== Commando =============== Initial Cash---------------------------------------$2300 Respawn Cash---------------------------------------$1150 Eliminate an Enemy---------------------------------$300 =============== Recon =============== Initial Cash---------------------------------------$1200 Respawn Cash---------------------------------------$600 Eliminate Enemy------------------------------------$200 Teammate Kills an Enemy while you use LSD----------$150 =============== Sniper =============== Initial Cash---------------------------------------$3500 Respawn Cash---------------------------------------$1750 Eliminate an Enemy---------------------------------$200 Killed an Enemy 30 Feet or Closer Near an Ally-----$100 Killed an Enemy that was a Threat to VIP-----------$100 =============== Medic =============== Initial Cash---------------------------------------$2300 Respawn Cash---------------------------------------$1150 Eliminate an Enemy---------------------------------$200 Revive a Teammate or Heal Ally---------------------$200 Heal a Teammate or Ally for 10(or less)------------$25 =============== Demoman =============== Initial Cash---------------------------------------$3500 Respawn Cash---------------------------------------$1750 Eliminate an Enemy---------------------------------$200 Killed Enemy With Explosive------------------------$100 Planting a Bomb------------------------------------$75 Defusing a Bomb------------------------------------$75 =============== Heavy Gunner =============== Initial Cash---------------------------------------$4100 Respawn Cash---------------------------------------$2050 Eliminate an Enemy---------------------------------$300 Assist in Eliminating an Enemy---------------------$250 =============== VIP =============== Eliminate an Enemy---------------------------------$200 Escaping From Capture------------------------------$500 I am not quite clear on why VIP will get money when he kills an enemy in a multiplayer game. VIPs cannot buy guns or use money for anything. It's possible that the money is spread throughout the team members that are protecting him, but other than that I don't know why he gets money. ********************************* 1.5 Guns, Grenades and Specials ********************************* Here's a rundown on the available advanced tools and weaponry. I've also indicated a tilda (~) near my favorite gun out of the selections and the upgrades I get with them that are a must have. Example) *Name of Gun* Caliber: Bullet Type Clip Size: How many bullets Price: How much it costs Upgrades: Extras that are added to the gun ($Cost of Upgrade) Accuracy: Weapons aiming property Damage: Weapons strength Info: My opinion on the gun. If it's worth the money to buy. --------- Handguns --------- Handguns are the standard sidearms available to all player specialties. Beretta *92F* Caliber: 9x19mm Clip Size: 15 Rounds Price: $300 Upgrades: Suppressor ($200) Accuracy: High Damage: Low Info: Although it is the weakest gun with the lowest amount of bullets it's the cheapest. I personally love the Berreta(Devil May Cry ^_^) and buy it as a sidearm. A few good shots to the head will be sure victory. Glock *18C* Caliber: 9x19mm Clip Size: 19 Rounds Price: $350 Upgrades: Extended Clip ($350), Tac Light ($75) Accuracy: High Damage: Low Info: Possibly better than the Beretta, but I buy these on rare occasions. I see many people use them though because the extra 4 clips could help out greatly. This pistol also has an exteneded clip allowing it to be more useful, but quite costly. Instead of buying the extended clip you should spend your $700 on the Magnum. Much better! Para *P14* Caliber: .45 Clip Size: 14 Rounds Price: $450 Upgrades: Laser Sight ($300), Suppressor ($200) Accuracy: High Damage: Medium Info: This is my "gun" What I mean by this is that I use this very often. It's the cheapest gun that can do Medium damage and 2 good shots to the head can kill someone. I buy this one 75% of the time I start out a game. HK *USP45* Caliber: .45 ACP Clip Size: 12 Rounds Price: $500 Upgrades: Suppressor ($200), Tac Light ($75) Accuracy: High Damage: Medium Info: FN *Five SeveN* Caliber: 5.7 X 28mm Clip Size: 20 Rounds Price: $575 Upgrades: None Accuracy: High Damage: Low Info: Sig *SP2340* Caliber: .357 SIG Clip Size: 12 Rounds Price: $600 Upgrades: Tac Light ($75) Accuracy: High Damage: Medium Info: Colt ~Anaconda~ Caliber: .44 Magnum Clip Size: 6 Rounds Price: $750 Upgrades: ~3x Scope ($300) Accuracy: High Damage: High Info: VERY strong and accurate. When combined with the scope you may get kills in one shot! This gun cannot load an extra bullet, but 6 shots is more than enough to take someone out. This is the number one gun in terms of money/damage ratio. IMI *Desert Eagle* Caliber: .50 AE Clip Size: 7 Rounds Price: $975 Upgrades: None Accuracy: High Damage: High Info: For the $1000 it will cost you it will be worth your money. This gun is very strong and reliable. In the right hands you may get 5 kills before you even die! The money is a bit too high, and if you'd rather use your $1000 for a Mahine gun or something else stronger it may be wise. Picking one up wouldn't be a bad idea though! --------- Shotguns --------- Demomen and heavy gunners typically carry shotguns as their secondary weapon. Remington *870* Caliber: 12 Gauge Buckshot Shell Capacity: 6 Shells Price: $900 Upgrade: Tac Light ($75) Accuracy: Medium Damage: Low Info: Horrible! I would ignore this shotgun if possible! The reload is done 1 shell at a time like a real shotgun. This is low in damage, medium accuracy, and slow reload time. Compare this to the Magnum up on top. For only $750 you get a gun that is high accuracy and damage, and a quick reload time. Buy a pistol instead! Benelli *M1* Caliber: 12 Gauge Buckshot Shell Capacity: 5 Shells Price: $1100 Upgrade: Tac Light ($75) Accuracy: Medium Damage: Medium Info: A bit better than the Remington 870, but still not worth the money. I'd rather stay away from the first 2 shotguns because they're not worth the money. Buy a pistol instead! *SPAS15* Caliber: 12 Gauge Buckshot Shell Capacity: 6 Shells Price: $1675 Upgrade: None Accuracy: Medium Damage: Medium Info: Much better! This shotgun is very strong and reliable. The reload is much quicker than the other shotguns, but it's still a tiny bit slower than a pistol. If you're picking a shotgun you should buy this one or the next one. ~USAS12~ Caliber: 12 Gauge Buckshot Shell Capacity: 10 Rounds Price: $3000 Upgrade: ~19 Round Drum Magazine ($875) Accuracy: Medium Damage: High Info: Can you say hell razer? This shotgun is the best of the best. It's reload time is very quick, like a pistol. The damage is extremely high and accuracy is more accurate than it says. Used in close range you can take people out in a bunch. I once mowed down 6 people with this bunched together! The shotgun fires like a machine gun, but with shells! VERY deadly in the hands of a master. ------------- Machine Guns ------------- Machine guns are the primary weapon of the heavy gunner. *M249SAW* Caliber: 5.56x45mm Clip Size: 100 Rounds Price: $3625 Upgrades: 200 Round upgrade ($950) Accuracy: High Damage: Low Info: Cheapest machine gun on sale. This machine gun is good, but I stay away from this because the next one is much better. If you start out as a Heavy Gunner I'd buy a shotgun instead, but it's really your choice. Stoner ~96~ Caliber: 5.56x45mm Clip Size: 100 Rounds Price: $4250 Upgrades: ~3x Scope ($425), ~200 Round upgrade ($950) Accuracy: High Damage: Medium Info: My favorite of all the machine guns. It has the ability to scope and this is very useful in certain spots. It's accuracy is good, and damage is fair. I would choose this out of the other machine guns. HK *21E* Caliber: 7.62x51mm Clip Size: 100 Rounds Price: $5600 Upgrades: 200 Round upgrade ($950) Accuracy: High Damage: High Info: An "okay" machine gun, but that may be saying too much. This machine gun has high damage, but it shoots and bounces around so you never actually hit your desired target. In my opinion it stinks because I hate guns that do spread shots. Try out the FAL and you'll see what I mean by spread shot. Avoid this and by the next one. *M240G* Caliber: 7.62x51mm Clip Size: 100 Rounds Price: $6425 Upgrades: 200 Round upgrade ($950) Accuracy: High Damage: High Info: Unlike the HK 21E this gun doesn't go out of control. Your shots won't boucne around and it's accuracy is great. Because of the money it needs plus an upgrade you probably won't want to buy this. Most of the time I pick machine guns up on the floor. I'd advise you to upgrade armor and buy the Stoner 96 instead. ---------------- Sub-Machine Guns ---------------- The Recon specialty carries a sub-machine gun as their primary weapon. Commandos use the sub-machine gun as their secondary weapon. IMI *Micro Uzi* Caliber: 9x19mm Clip Size: 32 Rounds Price: $750 Upgrades: Suppressor ($300) Accuracy: High Damage: Low Info: Crappy crap crap. Although it carries 32 clips it stinks! It's possible to shoot someone with the whole 32 clips and not kill them. Buy the Magnum instead! HK *MP5KPDW* Caliber: 9x19mm Clip Size: 30 Rounds Price: $900 Upgrades: Suppressor ($300), Double Clip ($375), 3x Scope ($350) Accuracy: High Damage: Low Info: Like the Uzi it stinks. I would avoid this gun and buy a pistol instead. You can try it if you want, but I bet you'll toss it once you see its' "suckiness" Beretta *12S* Caliber: 9x19mm Clip Size: 20 Rounds Price: $1100 Upgrades: Tac Light ($75), 3x Scope ($325), Extended Clip ($450) Accuracy: High Damage: Medium Info: This is a pretty decent machine gun if you're low on cash. I wouldn't buy the extended clip though. buy this gun if you're low on money. Otherwise buy a different one. HK *UMP45* Caliber: .45 ACP Clip Size: 25 Rounds Price: $1425 Upgrades: Suppressor ($200), Tac Light ($75), 3x Scope ($400) Accuracy: High Damage: High Info: This machine gun is worth it's money. The high damage/high accuracy is useful for only $1450. This is the sub-machine gun you want to buy. Don't buy any of the lower level ones. Start looking from here on. HK *MP5/10* Caliber: 10 mm Clip Size: 30 Rounds Price: $1700 Upgrades: Tac Light ($75), 3x Scope ($400), Suppressor ($200) Accuracy: High Damage: High Info: Possible tied at first place sub-machine-wise. Although, there arne't very many good sub-machine guns ;) This should always be picked up if you're very accurate in shooting. FN ~P90~ Caliber: 5.7x28mm Clip Size: 50 Rounds Price: $2275 Upgrades: ~Suppressor ($200), Laser Light ($300) Accuracy: High Damage: Medium Info: A little too expensive for my taste. If I have a lot fo extra cash I'll buy this one. I wish it were a bit cheaper because I like this gun. The only downside to this gun is the cost. If you're playing as a recon it'll be ahrd to purchase. Buy this if you have extra cash! --------------- Assault Rifles --------------- Assault Rifles are the primary weapons of the Commando and the Medic ~AK 47~ Caliber: 7.62x39mm Clip Size: 30 Rounds Price: $1975 Upgrades: ~5x Scope ($500) Accuracy: High Damage: High Info: Although being the cheapest assault rifle it packs a punch. The AK 47 is something you will want when you think you're low on cash. It's very worth your money and can easily kill people. I would choose this over many assault rifles so try it out! *Olympic Arms M4 Carbine* Caliber: 5.56x45mm Clip Size: 30 Rounds Price: $2500 Upgrades: 5x Scope ($575), Suppressor ($225), 100 Round C-Mag ($1750) Accuracy: High Damage: Low Info: This rifle says it has a low damage ratio, but I think it's actually medium. THis assault rifle is pretty good, but I'd rather stick with the AK 47. I wouldn't spend money to upgrade this and get the Round C-Mag. It pumps your clip size to 100, but at the cost of $1750 and $2500 to buy the rifle, I'd stick with the HK G36 instead. FN *FAL* Caliber: 7.62x51mm Clip Size: 20 Rounds Price: $2800 Upgrades: 5x Scope ($600) Accuracy: High Damage: High Info: This rifle is very powerful, but very weird. Each shot will cause the gun to jump around and bounce making your aiming a bit off if you plan on using it for its rapid fire ability. I tend to use this for short burst. Just shoot 2-5 bullets and pause for 2 seconds and then shoot again. You'll have to experiment with this, but I personally like it because I've gotten use to the sloppy aiming. Sig *SG550* Caliber: 5.56x45mm Clip Size: 30 Rounds Price: $3150 Upgrades: 5x Scope ($575), Double Clip ($375) Accuracy: High Damage: Medium Info: A powerful and reliable gun. I don't see why they categorized this as medium damage. It should be high because I can mow down many people with this. The DOuble CLip will only cost you $375 and that's close to nothing if you're playing as a Commando. If you have extra cash you should buy this gun for sure! HK *G36* Caliber: 5.56x45mm Clip Size: 30 Rounds Price: $4250 Upgrades: 100 Round C-Mag ($1750) Accuracy: High Damage: Medium Info: This assault rifle is costly, but may be worth your cash. I tend to stay away from this only because the Sig SG550 is $1100 cheaper and I think saving my money for the HK G11 will be worth the wait. Once in awhile I'll pick it up, but usually I take the other 2. The assault rifles are too good to choose between them, so experiment with each. HK ~G11~ Caliber: 4.73x33 Caseless Clip Size: 45 Rounds Price: $6500 Upgrades: None Accuracy: High Damage: High Info: OMG! This weapon is the weapon of all weapons. It automatically comes with a 5x Scope free of charge. On top of that it can hold 45 rounds and has an extremely high damage. This is the weapon of choice if you manage to get enough money to purchase it. The only real downside to this gun is that the gun moves up when you shoot a bullet. Sorry but I forgot the word for it. It moves up pretty high when you do it, so you have to get used to the gun, but once you do you'll be the Human Slayer in the game. -------------- Sniper Rifles -------------- Remington *710* Caliber: .270 Winchester Clip Size: 4 Rounds Price: $2800 Upgrades: 12x Scope ($750) Accuracy: High Damage: Low Info: Well, for a basic sniping gun it's alright. Sometimes a shot in the head won't exactly kill someone, but at least you can injure them extremely bad. It's highly recommended that you buy the 12x Scope so you can use it at it's fullest. On top of that you'll have to go abck to your normal vision for every shot you take. This is a major set back since you have to push the secondary button to zoom back in. I would rather play as a Heavy Gunner or Commando to save up money for a better sniping gun though. HK *PSG1* Caliber: 7.62x51mm Clip Size: 5 Rounds Price: $3750 Upgrades: G-1 Extended Clip($550) Accuracy: High Damage: Low Info: Although having an extended clip it's almost similar to the Remington 710. Again, I would rather spend my money elsewhere and wait for the last 2 sniping guns. You can try it out, but it's too tacky for my tastes. ~Dragunov SVD~ Caliber: 7.62x54 Clip Size: 10 Rounds Price: $4525 Upgrades: ~10x Scope($750) Accuracy: High Damage: Medium Info: Ah, this is "my gun". I always use this sniping gun because I always have. Probably because it sounds like Dragon too since I love dragons. Anyways, this sniping gun is a bit better. You won't have to go out of your zoom so you can easily finish off people. Every hit to the head is a sure kill. I've probably killed 150 people with this sniping gun and I've probably failed 149 of the times. This one is me Old Reliable. *AW50* Caliber: .50 BMG Clip Size: 5 Rounds Price: $7350 Upgrades: None Accuracy: High Damage: High Info: Being the msot expensive sniping gun it's the best. I tend to stay away from this only because of the high cost. If I find one ont he floor I use it though. The reason why you can't buy an extra scope for it is because it comes with a 12x Scope already inputted in! Maybe it's worth the money, but usually I'd just play as a pumped up Heavy GUnner with $7350 in my pocket. It's your choice, but I don't like this gun. I prefer my Dragon gun ;) -------------------- Specialty Equipment -------------------- Specialty Equipment ranges from a variety.