STAR WARS: JEDI KNIGHT - JEDI ACADEMY ------------ LIGHTSABER GUIDE Version 2.1 written by: Kent Francis UPDATES - 26th October 2003 -Added some more information on stances -Added some more information on sabers ============== = GUIDE INFO = ============== Basically, this guide teaches you the various lightsaber moves you can do in the game. It's easier to just print this out and paste it on a wall rather than switch back and forth. ================ = INTRODUCTION = ================ The moves listed in this faq are important. While not a necessity, they can make your saber duels easier. You aren not going to gain much from running towards an enemy and furiously left clicking. Combos, take the enemy by surprise, giving you the upperhand. Besides, you can also impress your friends! =============== = LIGHTSABERS = =============== The lightsabres are a Jedi's best friend. It blocks off laser shots and has a high damage rating. Personally, I used the sabre for 95% of the game. With a little skill, luck and experience, you'll never need to touch the firearms. There are three types of sabers which you can acquire in the game. Only the standard saber will be available at the beginning. The dual and double-bladed saber will be unlocked later on. STANDARD -------- The standard saber has the weakest defence capability since you only wield one saber. However, don't let that put you off. The standard sabre has the most number of saber moves and combos making it an excellect offensive weapon. I wouldn't recommend it to beginners though. Switching stances in the middle of combat can gain you the upper-hand. DUAL ---- Like Anakin Skywalker from Episode II, you wield a lightsaber in each hand. This is my personal favorite since it does wonders. You can toss a sabre at an enemy and block off laser shots at the same time. Defensive and offensive capabilities are tops as well. Bad thing is, it's harder to control and saber moves are limited. Recommended for beginners. STAFF ----- Darth Maul nuts, this is for you. This is double-bladed lightsaber that the dark apprentice wielded in Episode I. The staff is great in all areas. Many moves, great in both defence and offence. Bad thing is, handling the staff is a bit of a pain. The moves are complex and in addition to swinging the blade, lots of acrobatics are invovled making this a hazardous, yet powerful weapon. ============= = THE MOVES = ============= To switch between saber styles, hit the L key. The saber modes can be identified through thier color on the bottom right corner of your HUD. Saber style fast and strong have to be acquired in the middle of the game. You start with the medium stance first. If you change your saber to dual or staff, the medium stance will be replaced with the moves list for that weapon. If you turn it to fast or strong, you will wield the standard single saber. Certain moves require a minimum force requirement so make sure you check the move details carefully before bombarding me with E-Mails saying they don't work! Also, a few of them requires perfect timing. Keep practicing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * = REQUIREMENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ACROBATICS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What's a Jedi without agility? When you combine acrobatics with saber moves, you are almost unstoppable. Acrobatics always catch enemies by surprise. Expect to see and hear alot of confusion. FORCE JUMP *Force Jump 1 -Jump + any direction FORCE FLIP *Force Jump 1 -Jump + tap any direction ROLL -Any direction + Crouch BACKFLIP OFF WALL *Force Jump 1 -Forward + tap jump SIDEFLIP OFF WALL *Force Jump 1 -When next to wall, left / right + tap jump WALL RUN *Force Jump 2 -Jump towards wall + Forward + left / right LONG JUMP *Force Jump 3 *Force Speed 1 -Force Speed + jump + forward WALL GRAB JUMP *Force Jump 3 -Jump in the direction of wall + tap jump + direction of wall RUN UP WALL + BACKFLIP *Force Jump 3 -Run towards wall + tap jump + forward + jump JUMP UP FROM KNOCKDOWN *Force Jump 1 -When knocked down, hold jump JUMP KICK FROM KNOCKDOWN *Force Jump 1 -When knocked down, hold forwards / backwards ROLL FROM KNOCKDOWN -When knocked down, hold left / right ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ SINGLE SABER: FAST ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I usually use the fast stance when I'm up against more than two enemies. Especially if it's the saber wielding disciples of Ragnos. While it may be offensively weak, the speed makes up for it. STAB BACK -Attack + back LUNGE ATTACK -Crouch + foward + attack FORCE PULL IMPALE *Force Pull 3 -Force Pull + attack FAST ATTACK KATA -Attack + alt attack ATTACK ENEMY ON GROUND -Jump + forward + attack CARTWHEEL *Force Jump 1 Attack + jump + left / right ROLLING STAB -Roll + attack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ SINGLE SABER: MEDIUM ~ (Default) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saber style medium is the basic lightsabre stance. It's fast, powerful and is recommended throughout most of the missions though in certain areas, a different stance would be most useful. Recommended for non force using enemies as well. SLASH BACK -Attack + back FLIP ATTACK *Force Jump 2 -Tap jump + forward + attack FORCE PULL SLASH *Force Pull 3 -Force Pull + attack MEDIUM ATTACK KATA -Attack + alt attack ATTACK ENEMY ON GROUND -Jump + forward + attack CARTWHEEL *Force Jump 1 -Attack + jump + left / right ROLLING STAB -Roll + attack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ SINGLE SABER: STRONG ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Best used when up against saber wielders. I've found this stance to be the best as it's swings are powerful and while it may be slow, the strength can never be doubted. SLASH BACK -Attack + back JUMP ATTACK *Force Jump 2 -Tap jump + forward + attack FORCE PULL SLASH *Force Pull 3 -Force Pull + attack STRONG ATTACK KATA -Attack + alt attack ATTACK ENEMY ON GROUND -Jump + forward + attack CARTWHEEL *Force Jump 1 -Attack + jump + left / right ROLLING STAB -Roll + attack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ DUAL SABERS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SLASH BACK -Attack + back FLIP FORWARD ATTACK *Force Jump 2 -Tap jump + forward + attack DUAL SABER TWIRL -Crouch + forward + attack ATTACK ENEMY ON GROUND -Jump + forward + attack DUAL SABER BARRIER -Attack + alt attack DUAL SABER FRONT & BACK -Attack + forward / backward DUAL SABER LEFT & RIGHT -Attack + left / right CARTWHEEL *Force Jump 1 -Attack + jump + left / right ROLLING STAB -Roll + attack ~~~~~~~~~ ~ STAFF ~ ~~~~~~~~~ STAB BACK -Attack + back BACKFLIP ATTACK -Attack + jump + backward SABER STAFF TWIRL -Crouch + forward + attack ATTACK ENEMY ON GROUND -Jump + forward + attack SPINNING KATA -Attack + alt attack (when move is finishd, press any direction to roll) KICK -Alt attack + direction of enemy JUMP KICK -Jump + alt attack SPLIT KICK -Alt attack (when enemy is on the left and right) SPIN KICK -Alt attack (when enemy surrounds) FLIP KICK -Alt kick (when enemy is in front and behind) BUTTERFLY ATTACK *Force Jump 1 -Jump + forward / left / right + attack ROLLING STAB -Roll + attack =============== = LEGAL STUFF = =============== This FAQ is free and should not be distributed for any amount or used on any other site other than / without my permission. (c)NXMT