NFL BLITZ "TONIGHT'S MATCHUP" CODES Numerically-sorted list for all versions, with descriptions UPDATE: OCT 21 1998 / 14:23 PDT NFL BLITZ INFO CENTER: E-Mail at: This code list is sorted by numeric value of the button entries. For a compact list of codes and their system-specific mode compatibilities, consult the appropriate list for your system. _________________________________________________________________ Confused as to what this all means? I have a full explanation of how the TMCODES work, as well as links to pages which explain the most recommended controller button configurations for making code entry easier on the home systems. [Go here for the FAQ Page.] _________________________________________________________________ Key to symbols: * 1.1x Arcade BLITZ v1.1 or earlier * 1.21 Arcade BLITZ v1.21 * PSXA Playstation BLITZ in Arcade Mode * PSXS Playstation BLITZ in Season Mode * N64A Nintendo 64 BLITZ in Arcade Mode * N64S Nintendo 64 BLITZ in Season Mode * PC-A PC BLITZ in Arcade Mode * PC-S PC BLITZ in Season mode, where available * B'99 Arcade BLITZ '99 If there is a ---- in place of an entry, then the code is not available for that system. If there is a -??- in the place, then the code has not been fully tested for compatibility yet. _________________________________________________________________ CODE NAME | TURBO JUMP PASS DIR | Description of Code =============+================================================================ SHOW FIELD | 1.1x 1.21 PSXA PSXS N64A N64S PC-A -??- B'99- | GOAL % +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 0 0 1 D | After kicking field goal, a | | percentage shows up in the corner | | next to the score. Helps figure | | out whether a future field goal | | attempt in similar conditions is a | | good or bad idea. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ LATE HITS | ---- ---- PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- ---- | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 0 1 0 U | Allows late hits?? Doesn't it | | always? | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ NO CPU | 1.1x 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | ASSIST +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 0 1 2 D | Normally, the CPU alters the game | | to even up lopsided games by giving | | the person far behind an extra boost | | in ability. This code disables that | | feature. Now it's all up to you. | | 2P ONLY, AGREEMENT REQUIRED =============+================================================================ SHOW MORE | ---- 1.21 PSXA PSXS N64A N64S PC-A -??- B'99 | FIELD +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 0 2 1 R | Let's you see the WHOLE width of | | the field. No losing yer wide | | receivers off the edge of the | | screen! | | 1P OK | | 2P AGREEMENT REQUIRED? =============+================================================================ FOG ON | 1.1x 1.21 ---- ---- N64A N64S PC-A -??- B'99 | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 0 3 0 D | Turns fog on. Looks nice! | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ FAST TURBO | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | RUNNING +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 0 3 2 L | Just what the name says. Combine | | this with INFINITE TURBO if you want | | to make the game sickeningly easy. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ HUGE HEAD | ---- 1.21 PSXA PSXS N64A N64S PC-A -??- B'99 | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 0 4 0 U | Head 4 times normal size! Wacko! | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ THICK FOG | ---- 1.21 ---- ---- N64A N64S PC-A -??- B'99 | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 0 4 1 D | When normal fog just isn't enough. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ SUPER | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | BLITZING +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 0 4 5 U | Description unavailable. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ BIG FOOTBALL | ---- 1.21 PSXA PSXS N64A N64S PC-A -??- B'99 | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 0 5 0 R | For the visually impaired? The | | football is now a bit larger. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ HIDE RECEIVER| ---- 1.21 PSXA PSXS N64A N64S PC-A -??- B'99 | NAME +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 1 0 2 R | No idea why this would be useful... | | does exactly what it says. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ MORE CODE | ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- PC-A -??- ---- | TIME +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 1 1 0 D | Increases time alloted for TMCODE | | entry from 6 seconds to around 25. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ CLEAR | ---- ---- PSXA ---- ---- ---- ---- -??- ---- | TOURNAMENT +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- MODE | 1 1 1 U | If Tournament Mode is on, it's not | | on anymore. | | 1P OK? | | 2P AGREEMENT REQUIRED =============+================================================================ TOURNAMENT | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- -??- -??- B'99 | MODE +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 1 1 1 D | Sick and tired of all these codes? | | This code will nullify powerups and | | secrets, and will also turn off CPU | | assistance (012 D) | | 2P ONLY =============+================================================================ NO PLAY | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | SELECTION +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 1 1 5 L | Bypasses the Play Selection screen | | and sets both players up with a | | random play. Speeds game up a bit! | | 1P OK | | 2P AGREEMENT REQUIRED =============+================================================================ SUPER FIELD | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | GOALS +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 1 2 3 L | Now you can kick a field goal from | | ANYWHERE on the field. 81 yards? | | No problem! Well, almost. You | | be nearly PERFECT on your accuracy | | to make a long one go straight. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ HEADLESS TEAM| ---- ---- PSXA PSXS N64A N64S ---- -??- ---- | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 1 2 3 R | All players on your team are | | without heads. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ TEAM BIG | ---- 1.21 PSXA PSXS N64A N64S PC-A -??- B'99 | PLAYERS +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 1 4 1 R | Perfect complement to BIG BALL... | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ NO PUNTING | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 1 5 1 U | 4th Down and 48 yards to go? | | Sorry buddy... yer gonna have to | | go for it! NOTE: This works in a | | 1 PLAYER game, but the CPU will | | *still* be allowed to punt while | | you will be forbidden to! | | 1P OK, BUT BROKEN | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ BIG HEAD | ---- 1.21 PSXA PSXS N64A N64S -??- -??- B'99 | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 2 0 0 R | A little eye candy.. double-size | | heads! Add this to BIG BALL and | | BIG PLAYERS... | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ TEAM BIG | ---- 1.21 PSXA PSXS N64A N64S PC-A -??- B'99 | HEAD +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 2 0 3 R | BIG HEAD for everyone!! | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ NO FIRST | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | DOWNS +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 2 1 0 U | Oh evil... does this mean you | | HAVE to score in 4 downs?! ACK! | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ ALLOW | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | STEPPING OB +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 2 1 1 L | Oh this is nice... now you don't | | have to jump to go out of bounds... | | you can just walk out now. The way | | it should be, really. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ WEATHER: | ---- ---- PSXA PSXS N64A N64S -??- -??- ---- | CLEAR +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 2 1 2 L | Avoid random bad weather with this. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ ALWAYS QB | ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- B'99 | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 2 2 2 L | Player executing this is always QB | | when using a 2 player team. Good | | when one player is more skilled. =============+================================================================ NIGHT GAME | ---- ---- PSXA PSXS N64A N64S -??- -??- ---- | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 2 2 2 R | Sky is dark magenta, stadium lights | | are on...Monday Night Football, baby! | | NOTE: 222R different on BLITZ '99 | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ ALWAYS HUMAN | ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- B'99 | RECEIVER +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 2 2 2 R | Description not available... | | NOTE: 222R different on regular BLITZ =============+================================================================ UNLIMITED | ---- ---- PSXA ---- ---- ---- PC-A -??- ---- | THROW +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- DISTANCE | 2 2 3 R | I guess the name just about tells it | | all? | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ POWERUP | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | TEAMMATES +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 2 3 3 U | Make teammates stronger, break | | tackles better, etc... apparently. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ FAST PASS | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 2 5 0 L | Also known as Bullet Passes to some. | | Your passes are VERY fast, however, | | This can lead to more misses due to | | receivers not being ready... | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ TINY PLAYERS | ---- 1.21 PSXA PSXS N64A N64S PC-A -??- B'99 | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 3 1 0 R | Ah....memories of childhood...well, | | maybe not. Players are scaled down | | in size a bit. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ POWERUP | ---- ---- PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- ---- | OFFENSE +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 3 1 2 U | Description not available. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ POWERUP | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | BLOCKERS +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 3 1 2 L | Offensive line permitted to hold | | defensive players in place | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ SMART CPU | 1.1x 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | OPPONENT +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 3 1 4 D | FOR MASOCHISTS ONLY!!! The game old name: | | secretly replaces the players in UNBEATABLE | | the CPU team with VERY skillful DRONES | | players!! Not unstoppable, but if | | you aren't experienced, yer gonna | | get yer team pasted all over the | | field! | | 1P ONLY =============+================================================================ NO HEAD | ---- ---- PSXA PSXS N64A N64S ---- -??- ---- | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 3 2 1 L | Current ball-carrier has no head. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ CANCEL | ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- B'99 | ALWAYS +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- QB/RECV | 3 3 3 U | Nullifies the ALWAYS QB and ALWAYS | | HUMAN RECEIVER codes if used. =============+================================================================ INVISIBLE | ---- ---- PSXA PSXS ---- ---- -??- -??- ---- | RECEIVER +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- HIGHLIGHT | 3 3 3 L | Turns off highlighting of target | | receiver. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ OPEN SECRET | ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- B'99 | PLAYS +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 3 3 3 D | Makes Page 1 of the original BLITZ | | playlist available in BLITZ '99 =============+================================================================ NO | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | INTERCEPTIONS+-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 3 4 4 U | Let the passing game begin. :) | | Most likely, this code nullifies | | the ability of the defense to catch | | a pass. | | 1P OK? | | 2P AGREEMENT REQUIRED? =============+================================================================ POWERUP | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- -??- -??- B'99 | SPEED +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 4 0 4 L | Boosts base speed of players | | 1P OK | | 2P AGREEMENT REQUIRED =============+================================================================ POWERUP | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | DEFENSE +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 4 2 1 U | Boosts effectiveness of the | | defensive line | | 1P OK | | 2P AGREEMENT REQUIRED? =============+================================================================ SUPER PASSING| ---- ---- PSXA ---- ---- ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 4 2 3 R | Increases pass effectiveness? | | 1P OK | | 2P AGREEMENT REQUIRED =============+================================================================ NO RANDOM | 1.1x 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | FUMBLES +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 4 2 3 D | Fumbles now cannot ever happen... | | unless it's yer own fault. In other | | words, if you spin like Taz, you're | | still likely to cough it uo. | | 1P OK? | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ INVISIBLE | ---- ---- PSXA PSXS N64A N64S ---- -??- ---- | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 4 3 3 U | Whoever is carrying the ball is | | invisible. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ SUPER BLITZ | ---- ---- PSXA ---- ---- ---- ---- -??- ---- | +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 4 4 4 U | Ok, what's the difference between | | this and HYPER BLITZING (555U)? | | 1P OK? | | 2P AGREEMENT REQUIRED =============+================================================================ TURN OFF | ---- ---- PSXA PSXS N64A N64S ---- -??- ---- | STADIUM +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 5 0 0 L | All stadium graphics are deactivated | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ LESS CODE | ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- PC-A -??- ---- | TIME +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 5 1 0 D | Decreases time alloted for TMCODE | | entry. Good for use after the MORE | | CODE TIME code so that you don't | | have to wait to play once you're | | finished entering codes. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ INFINITE | ---- 1.21 PSXA ---- N64A ---- PC-A -??- B'99 | TURBO +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 5 1 4 U | Turbo NEVER runs out! | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ UNIDENTIFIED | ---- ---- PSXA PSXS ---- ---- PC-A -??- ---- | BALL CARRIER +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 5 2 2 D | Crosshair highlight not used to | | identify player in possession of | | the ball. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ WEATHER: | ---- ---- PSXA PSXS N64A N64S ---- -??- ---- | SNOW +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 5 2 5 D | It's beginning to look a lot like | | Green Bay.... | | 1P OK | | 2P OK =============+================================================================ LIGHTS | ---- ---- ---- ---- -??- -??- -??- -??- ---- | OUT +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 5 3 4 D | Turns out the lights, whatever that | | means. Better description needed. | | 1P OK? | | 2P OK? =============+================================================================ HYPER | ---- ---- PSXA ---- N64A ---- -??- -??- ---- | BLITZING +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 5 5 5 U | Ok, what's the difference between | | this and SUPER BLITZ (444U)? | | 1P OK | | 2P AGREEMENT REQUIRED =============+================================================================ WEATHER: | ---- ---- PSXA PSXS N64A N64S -??- -??- ---- | RAIN +-------------------------+-------------------------------------- | 5 5 5 R | It's Mud Bowl, folks. Players who | | get hit often slide down the field. | | 1P OK | | 2P OK ============='========================='====================================== To enter a code, press the designated buttons the correct number of times, and then enter them by pressing the joystick in the correct direction. You may enter as many codes as the short amount of time allows. Some codes may not work in one-player games, and some codes being used in a 2 player game may require BOTH players to do the code. _________________________________________________________________