FAQ....... FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Here is a complete list of the most frequently asked questions for the new game Gazillionaire. There is a 99% chance that you will find the answer to your questions on this list, but if you don't, please let us know, and we'll update this list right away!!! WHAT IS GAZILLIONAIRE? Gazillionaire is like Monopoly set in outer space. As the owner of your own galactic trading company, you travel from planet to planet buying/selling goods, encountering alien creatures, acquiring larger ships, investing in advertising, and trying to out maneuver your competitors. You can play against up to 5 other human players and 6 computer players. Gazillionaire can be played at various complexity levels. The more advanced you become, the more challenging the game becomes. WHERE CAN I FIND GAZILLIONAIRE? If you want to check out Gazillionaire, the fastest way to get the shareware version is to download it from Compuserve, America On-Line or the Internet. Sorry, but our game is too large to send by email. You will find four Gazillionaire files waiting to be downloaded to your computer. The files are: gaz.txt gaz1.zip gaz2.zip gaz3.zip NOTE: We broke our game up into four separate files so that it is easier to download. CompuServe in the games forum, GO GAMERS, LIBRARY 4 or in IBM, new users/fun forum, WINDOWS FUN or in ZiffNet, games or in Public Brand Software, games America On-Line, pcgames, strategy, GAZSHARE If you want to download our game from the Internet, here is a complete list of ftp sites. If you cannot find our game on one site, try another. Also, some of these sites are faster than others. The speed of a site depends on the number of users and the distance from your computer. We recommend you try several sites before downloading the game. ftp.netcom.com /pub/lavamind wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/msdos_uploads/games/gazillionaire ftp.wustl.edu /pub/msdos_uploads/games/gazillionaire ftp.std.com /pub/games ftp.cica.indiana.edu /pub/pc/win3/games ftp.orst.edu /pub/mirrors/ftp.cica.indiana.edu ftp.sunet.se /pub/pc/windows/mirror-cica/games ftp.uu.net /tmp ftp.concert.net /pub biochem.dental.upenn.edu /pub/gazillionaire ftp.cd.chalmers.se /pub/pc/games garbo.uwasa.fi /windows/educgames ftp.funet.fi /pub/msdos/windows/games We are in the process of uploading our game to as many ftp sites as possible. If you can think of any additional sites, please let us know. Also, if you want to upload it to any additional ftp sites or your favorite BBSs, feel free to do so! NOTE: Once you have the game downloaded, be sure to UNZIP GAZ1.ZIP and read the SETUP.TXT (NOTE: SETUP.TXT is a text file located inside GAZ1.ZIP). It will tell you how to PKUNZIP the files directly onto three 1.44 MB floppy disks before you can install the game onto your computer. HOW DO I USE FTP? Here is a simple example of how to use ftp to access any of the ftp sites we have listed. For instance if you want to access ftp.netcom.com in directory pub/lavamind, you would type: ftp ftp.netcom.com anonymous (type in your personal email address) cd pub cd lavamind dir hash asc get gaz.txt bin get gaz1.zip get gaz2.zip get gaz3.zip bye This assumes you are operating from a UNIX shell account. Now just apply this to any ftp site. The commands and their functions are listed below: ftp = connects you to ftp the site. anonymous = user name = allows you to access the site as an anonymous user. (type in your personal email address) = password. cd = changes directory. dir = lists the files in the directory. (ls may also work in place of dir) hash = keeps the data transfer from timing out. asc = changes to ASCII text data transfer mode. get = transfers the file to your computer. bin = changes to Binary data transfer mode. bye = exits ftp. DO I NEED TO DOWNLOAD IN BINARY? If you are downloading a .ZIP file, you should set the ftp to binary mode by typing: bin If you are downloading a .TXT file, you should set the ftp to ascii mode by typing: asc ERROR WHILE INSTALLING THE GAME If you try installing Gazillionaire on your hard drive and get the message Error - Could not copy file: VER.DL_ then just go to your Windows directory and delete files VER.DLL and VER.DL from the WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory as well as the WINDOWS directory. Now, reboot the computer and try installing Gazillionaire again. It should install without a problem, and don't worry, Gazillionaire will install a copy of VER.DL and VER.DLL on your hard drive. This same rule applies any time you get the message Error - Could not copy file: Just make sure not to delete a newer version of the .DLL or .VBX files. This is a problem with Microsoft's component software system, not our game. If an old version of VER.DL or VER.DLL is on your system, the game will not install properly. This also applies to any of the following .VBX and .DLL files: GRID.VBX, GRAPH.VBX, GSWDLL.VBX, SPIN.VBX, THREED.VBX, MCI.VBX, VSVBX.VBX, VER.DLL, VBRUN300.DLL, VBRUN200.DLL, SETUPKIT.DLL We have gone through this with several people, and they all have the game up and running now. WHY DOESN'T PKUNZIP WORK? If your PKUNZIP doesn't work, you probably have the incorrect version of PKUNZIP. If you have an older version, it will give you an error when trying to extract the game files. We used version 2.04g If you do not have PKUNZIP version 2.04g, then go to any software library and try downloading PK204G.EXE. Most ftp sites have a copy of PK204G.EXE including our ftp site: ftp.netcom.com /pub/lavamind This should solve the problem. HOW AND WHERE DO I UNZIP THE PROGRAM? After you copy GAZ1.ZIP, GAZ2.ZIPand GAZ3.ZIP files into a temporary directory on your hard drive and unzip them, you must unzip the DISK1.ZIP, DISK2.ZIP, DISK3.ZIP directly to 1.44 MB floppy disks. For example, type PKUNZIP DISK1.ZIP A: Assuming A: is your floppy disk drive. After this is done, you can delete the temporary directory containing the .ZIP files. Now you can install the game to any computer from your floppy disks by simply running the setup routine from Windows. INSTALLING THE GAME DIRECTLY TO YOUR HARD DRIVE. Another alternative is to copy GAZ1.ZIP, GAZ2.ZIP and GAZ3.ZIP into a temporary directory named GAZTEMP. Then unzip all three .ZIP files. You should now see three more files called DISK1.ZIP, DISK2.ZIP and DISK3.ZIP. Simply unzip these files into the same directory. For example, type PKUNZIP DISK1.ZIP Once you have unzipped all three DISK files into a single directory, start Windows and from the Program Manager select FILE and choose RUN. Then type C:\GAZTEMP\SETUP.EXE to install the game. Once the game has finished installing itself, you may delete the temporary directory called GAZTEMP. IS THIS A WINDOWS GAME? Yes, it is a Windows game. It runs on any Windows 3.1 compatible computer. HOW LARGE IS THE GAME? Compressed, the game is around 3 MB. Uncompressed, it's about 10 MB. IS THE GAME COPYRIGHTED? Yes. We own 100% of the game and have already copyrighted it. IS THIS A SHAREWARE GAME? Yes. This is a shareware game, and we hope you enjoy it. This SHAREWARE game is NOT a DEMO. The SHAREWARE version doesn't include as many features as the FULL version. However, the SHAREWARE version is a fully functional game and lots of fun to play. WHAT IS THE SHAREWARE GAME ABOUT? As the owner of your own galactic trading company, you travel from planet to planet buying/selling goods, encountering alien creatures, acquiring larger ships, investing in advertising, and trying to out maneuver your competitors. You can play against up to 5 other human players and 6 computer players. Gazillionaire is a non-violent, business strategy/adventure game. It can be played at various complexity levels. As you become more advanced, the game becomes more challenging. WHAT ARE THE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS? Windows 3.1 386, 486 or Pentium computer 640 by 480 VGA graphics Hard drive and 1.44 MB floppy drive WHAT DO I LOOK FOR WHEN SEARCHING FOR GAZILLIONAIRE? Usually the game will be saved as three .ZIP files: gaz1.zip gaz2.zip gaz3.zip However, sometimes the Sysop will have changed the name to some other name such as: gazz1.zip or ga1.zip or gaz_1.zip It may be called some other name similar to those listed above. The game may even be saved in one giant .ZIP file called GAZ.ZIP. WHERE IS THE SETUP.TXT FILE? The SETUP.TXT file is located inside the GAZ1.ZIP file. First, unzip GAZ1.ZIP, GAZ2.ZIP and GAZ3.ZIP files. Then be sure to read the SETUP.TXT file. WHAT DO I DO ONCE I HAVE THE GAME DOWNLOADED TO MY COMPUTER? In order to install the executable game to Windows 3.1, the SETUP ROUTINE requires three blank formatted 1.44 MB floppy disks. 1) First, extract the DISK files by typing PKUNZIP GAZ1.ZIP PKUNZIP GAZ2.ZIP PKUNZIP GAZ3.ZIP Three disk files will be extracted: DISK1.ZIP DISK2.ZIP DISK3.ZIP 2) Go to the directory on your hard drive where DISK1.ZIP is located. Insert a blank 1.44 MB disk in drive A: (assuming A: is your floppy disk drive) Type PKUNZIP DISK1.ZIP A: Once PKUNZIP has extracted all the files to your disk, remove the disk from drive A: Insert another blank 1.44 MB disk in drive A: Type PKUNZIP DISK2.ZIP A: Once PKUNZIP has extracted all the files to your disk, remove the disk from drive A: Insert another blank 1.44 MB disk in drive A: Type PKUNZIP DISK3.ZIP A: Once PKUNZIP has extracted all the files to your disk:, remove the disk from drive A: 3) You have now completed creating your Gazillionaire floppy disk installation set. Follow the instructions below to install Gazillionaire onto any Windows 3.1 compatible computer. NOTE: You may now delete all the .ZIP files, such as DISK1.ZIP, DISK2.ZIP, DISK3.ZIP, GAZ1.ZIP, GAZ2.ZIP and GAZ3.ZIP. This will free up over 6 MB of hard disk space. 4) To install Gazillionaire from the FLOPPY DISKS follow these instructions: i) Start Microsoft Windows ii) Insert DISK # 1 in drive A: (assuming A: is your floppy disk drive) iii) From Program Manager, select FILE menu and choose RUN iv) Type A:\SETUP The installation has been completed. Now it is time to play the game. ONE OR MORE VISUAL BASIC APPLICATIONS ARE RUNNING? I have a problem installing Gazillionaire on Windows. When I go to my 'File Manager' and select Run on the 'File Menu' and type a:\setup.exe, an error message appears on the screen. It says ONE OR MORE VISUAL BASIC APPLICATIONS ARE RUNNING. PLEASE CLOSE THOSE APPLICATIONS THEN CHOOSE OK. I don't get it. I am not running any applications. Just the 'File Manger'. Could you help me out? Yes, we can help you. The error occurs because you are using the FILE MANAGER. Don't go to the 'File Manager' and type run. Go to the 'Program Manager'. The 'Program Manager' is different from the 'File Manager'. The 'Program Manager' is the main menu for Windows, while the file 'File Manager' is the yellow filing cabinet icon. Go to the PROGRAM MANAGER and choose FILE, look at the top left corner of the screen, select RUN, and type A:\SETUP (assuming A: is your floppy disk drive). Gazillionaire should install without a problem. HOW DO I RUN THE GAME? i) Go to the Gazillionaire program group. ii) Double click on the icon labeled Gazillionaire. iii) The game Gazillionaire should run. DO I NEED A GRAPHICS CARD? The graphics look best if you are running in 256 color mode. If you run the game and the planets do not look like real planets with hundreds of colors, then you are probably running in 16 color mode. You should use VGA, 640 by 480 graphics, 256 colors, small fonts. To change your system settings (Windows Setup), contact your computer manufacture's technical support. They should help you install the necessary graphics drivers. HOW DO I ORDER THE FULL GAME? We are distributing the SHAREWARE version of Gazillionaire free of charge. The FULL version is similar to the SHAREWARE version, only it includes more graphics, voices, sound effects and game features. The FULL version is so large that we are not distributing it over the Net. The FULL version comes on a CD ROM or eight 1.44 MB floppy disks. If you want to order the FULL version of Gazillionaire, just send a check or money order for $39 plus $4 shipping/handling payable to LavaMind, 3627 Moraga St., San Francisco, CA 94122. Remember to include your full name, address and day time phone number. Please specify whether you want the CD ROM version or the 1.44 MB floppy disk version. Also, don't forget to include a mailing address and clearly specify what you are ordering so we don't confuse it with other orders. In addition to this, you can order a GAZILLIONAIRE HINTS AND STRATEGIES GUIDE (on 1.44 MB floppy disk) for $9 plus $2 shipping/handling. NOTE: California residents please include sales tax. If you are ordering from outside the U.S. or Canada, please include an additional $6. Thanks! POSSIBLE ERRORS: (If you encounter an error not on this list, please let us know.) 1) If you have any trouble with the display, text size or colors, try switching Windows to VGA graphics. Gazillionaire looks best if you use VGA, 640 by 480 graphics, 256 colors (8 bpp), small font size. 2) All programs running under Microsoft Windows share resources, and this tends to cause problems. If you encounter any problems, try closing down any power hungry applications like Photoshop or MS Word. They may be stealing resources from Gazillionaire. If you are still having problems, try rebooting your computer and running Gazillionaire without any other programs active at the same time. 3) Gazillionaire uses a lot of memory, so if you are having memory problems, you should go to the Windows Program Manager, double click on the MAIN program group icon, double click on CONTROL PANEL icon, double click on 386 ENHANCED icon, select VIRTUAL MEMORY. Check to see that your VIRTUAL MEMORY is set to at least 6 megabytes. 4) If you try installing Gazillionaire on your hard drive and get the message Error - Could not copy file: VER.DL_ then just go to your Windows directory and delete file VER.DL from the hard drive. Try installing Gazillionaire again. It should install without a problem, and don't worry, Gazillionaire will install a copy of VER.DL and VER.DLL on your hard drive. This same rule applies any time you get the message Error - Could not copy file: . Just make sure not to delete a newer version of the .DLL or .VBX files. 5) Gazillionaire copies several .VBX files and DLL files into your Windows system directory. If you already have these files installed, the installation program will NOT overwrite them. Other Windows applications may also be using these same files. If you have older versions of these files already on your hard drive, the older versions may not be compatible with the new versions. This is a design problem with Microsoft's component software system. Microsoft has not yet figured out how to solve this problem. If you encounter this problem, you need to delete the older VBX and .DLL files yourself using the FILE MANAGER. Be sure to check the version number before deleting any of the .VBX and .DLL files in your Windows System directory and Windows directory. NOTE: We have included WPS.EXE to help you check the version numbers. Just go to FILE MANAGER, select RUN, and type C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WPS.EXE. WPS allows you to load in any file from any directory and check its version number. Once you have deleted any outdated files, try installing Gazillionaire again. The Gazillionaire setup program will install all the .VBX and .DLL files required to run the game. Listed below are the .VBX and .DLL files we use in connection with Gazillionaire. All these files are from either Microsoft Visual Basic version 3.0 or VideoSoft VSVBX version 4.0. If you have any questions regarding later versions, please contact either Microsoft or VideoSoft. GRID.VBX, GRAPH.VBX, GSWDLL.VBX, SPIN.VBX, THREED.VBX, MCI.VBX VSVBX.VBX, VER.DLL, VBRUN300.DLL, VBRUN200.DLL, SETUPKIT.DLL WHO ARE THE AUTHORS OF THIS GAME? Naomi Kokubo and Steven Hoffman LavaMind@netcom.com If you need any additional information, just let us know, and we'll send it to you! Thanks again for your support. Cheers, Naomi and Steve