Nomad Game Hints 1. Save your game before entering dangerous spaces. 2. Be frugal when you bargain, there is no reason to give any alien something for free. 3. You can actually talk and trade with some of the KOROK in the neutral zone. 4. Crystal Velos can fetch a hefty price. Trade them wisely. 5. Chanticleer are very shrewd. Treat them nicely and you might come out on top. 6. Don't send your robots planetside when the area is less than hospitable. They tend to explode. 7. Keep track of the equipment in tow. Make sure you don't trade away your best equipment. 8. When you're expecting a battle, come out of warp and go immediately to combat mode. Get them before they get you. 9. Try to broadside enemy ships. They can't fire on you from their flank. 10. Keep an eye out on your sheild and damage meters. If things get too hot, disengage and issue repair orders. 11. If your are facing more than one ship, concentrate firing on just one ship and escape. Come back to finish the others after you have repaired your craft. 12. Arden traders have a sweet tooth. Give them all the chocolate they want. Hints for obtaining Gateway Codes: Code 1: Acquire one or more Arch-Bots by trading them with a Pahrump. Usually chocolate will be an acceptable trade. Go to the second planet of Castor (in sector 3,6). Send an arch-bot down to mine the planet. It will take a while to mine anything, and may take several tries to the EX-1 head. View the EX-1 head in inventory. Another window will pop up with some text which will include the first code entry for the Losten Gateway. For the other codes you have to acquire a fact, PARAMIS: Tavel to the second planet of the Alphard system in sector 6,5. Send an arch-bot down to retrieve the Alien Alloy Tablet. Again it will take a little while and may require several attempts. View the Tablet in inventory. The text will be signed "PARAMIS". At this point, PARAMIS is a fact that you have. Code 2: Go to the planet Losten (the third planet in the Achernar system in sector 2,6). Note: You need to have the STEALTH SHIELD before to talk to the guardian. Hail the ship Guardian and talk to WR-6000. Give WR-6000 the fact PARAMIS= =2E WR-6000 will respond with the second part of the code. Code 3: Go to the first planet in the Alhena system, in sector 3,5. Hail the ship Supply 7 and talk to EX-3. Give EX-3 the fact PARAMIS. EX-3 will respond with the third part of the code. Code 4: Go to the second planet in the Bellatrix system, in sector 2,7. Hail the ship Supply 9 and talk to EX-4. Give EX-4 the fact PARAMIS EX-4 will repsond with the fourth and last part of the code. When you have all the parts of the code, go back to Losten. Through the Navigate Menu, select Enter Gateway. You will be prompted to give the code (watching the little window that shows the current gateway ring position). When you are through the gateway, send an arch-bot to retrieve the Fail-Safe Device. Once you have the Fail-Safe Device, and the MasterShip is in the system, you will be able to activate it and destroy the MCR, winning the game.