Sid Mier's Alpha Centauri FAQ Version 1.00 Copyright 2003 Wood Elf E-Mail - First Site: E-mail me suggestions or corrections. --- Note: I have not edited this yet so some parts may be spelled wrong, use the wrong word, ect. ------------------------ Legal Info ------------------------ This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Look at bottom for more info. ------------------------ Quicksearch Note: You can use the Find command (Ctrl+F) to quickly find the part you need. ------------------------------ 1.00 Single Player 2.00 Factions (Normal) 3.00 Factions (Alien Crossfire) 4.00 Story 5.00 Victory Types 6.00 Technology 7.00 Base Facilities 8.00 Secret Projects 9.00 Unit Chassis 10.00 Weapons and Equipment 11.00 Armor Types 12.00 Special Abilities 13.00 Proposals 14.00 Terraform Actions 15.00 Basic Units 16.00 Versions 17.00 Credits and Thanks 18.00 FAQs ------------------------------ -------------------------- 1.00 Single Player -------------------------- There are 5 options in the first screen... Make Random Map: Use this to just start a game quickly. Customize Random Map: I use this a lot. You can change a lot of stuff in the game, like how much rain, how much solar activity and worm activity. The Map of Planet: Just a random map that is normal size. Huge map of Planet: Same thing, only the size is huge. Load map file: Loads a map that was made by some one. --- Customize Random Map options. Map Size: Tiny to Huge. Ocean Coverage: 30-50%, 50-70% and 70-90% water coverage. Erosive Forces: Changes the average height of all terrain. Native Lifeforms: The higher this is set, the more Worms there will be. Cloud Coverage: This increases the amount of nutrients, I don't think it decreases solar energy. ------------------------------ 2.00 Factions (Normal) ------------------------------ Gaia's Stepdaughters Leader: Lady Deirdre Skye Background: Free Scotland, Unity Xenobiologist Agenda: Green Democracy Starting Tech: Centauri Ecology +1 to Planet "Environmental safeguards; can capture mindworms" (FEAR MY ARMY OF DEATH) +2 to Efficiency "Experience with life systems & recycling" -1 Morale "Pacifist tendencies" (they are hippie like, they are not fighters) -1 Police "Freedom loving" (again, they are hippie like) +1 Nutrients in fungus squares May not use "Free Market" economics (though they liked freedom...) First Mind Capture attempt is ALWAYS successful (doesn't say in the info, but its true). Gains are not the fighters, their main force I use for them is worms. Also, since they get extra fungus, you can plant a lot of fungus with +Planet to get a lot of resources for each type, while your enemies cannot survive. That's the best way to rule the economy. --- Human Hive (Enslaver) Leader: "Chairman" Sheng-Ji Yang Background: Great China, Unity Executive Officer Agenda: Atheist Police State Starting Tech: Doctrine: Loyalty +1 to Growth "Rapid population growth" +1 to Industry "Brutal serfdom" (Slave drivers) -2 to Economy "Little political freedom" (they don't want people to have freedom) Free Perimeter Defense at each base (these are good, I always like to get Perimeter Defense) May not use Democratic politics Immune to negative Efficiency stats --- University of Planet (the scientists) Leader: Dr. "Provost" Prokhor Zakharov Background: Russian Commonwealth, Unity Science Officer Agenda: Research, free flow of information Starting Tech: Information Networks (nice to have at start, research boost and Alien Artifacts). +2 Research "Brilliant research" (the main strength of the University) -2 Probe "Academic networks vulnerable to infiltration" (this is a problem in a normal game, but dangerous against Data Jacks). Free Network Node at every base (good to get once you Virtual World) One Bonus Tech at beginning of game (nice to get Secrets of human brain) Extra Drone for every four citizens "Lack Ethics" (a problem for me, I hate it when you get a drion riot once a Secret Project almost is finished). May not use Fundamentalist Politics At high populations, only drones will be added. (I hate drones, STABLE THEM ALL I SAY!) Basically, keep working on research and don't give any to any one else unless you have to. Get Fusion Reactors, then take out your enemies before they get Fusion Reactors tech. --- Morgan Industries (the Money-man) Background: Namibian Diamond Tycoon, Unity Franchise Holder Agenda: Free Market Economics, Pro-Industry Starting Tech: Industrial Base +1 Economy (he likes money, it's Morgan's best strength) -1 Support "Followers have expensive tastes" Commerce: bonus increases value of treaties, pacts and loans. Need a Hab Complex to go above 4 population "Creature comforts at a premium" (Ouch, this is the biggest problem of Morgan, you need to watch out for this. Expand quickly.) May not use Planned Economics Work on expanding to get more bases to counter act the need of Hab Complex. Also work on Hab complex upgrade ASAP. --- Spartan Federation (Military power!) Leader: Col. Corazon Santiago Background: Survivalist, Unity Security Chief Agenda: Right To Keep and Bear Arms (weird, think it would be kill everyone...) Starting Tech: Doctrine: Mobility (Go Rovers!) 2 Morale "Well-armed survivalist movement" (They are fighters, not hippies, aka Gians) +1 Police "Highly disciplined followers" (can't allow your people to get out of control, you rule with an iron grip!) -1 Industry "Extravagant weapons are costly" (Can't fight without super weapons can ya?) Prototypes units do not cost extra minerals May not use Wealth value in Social Engineering They are warriors, guess what a good strategy is? Let loose of your death machines onto your helpless enemies. Take down any one who is in your path, BWHAHAHAHA. --- The Lord's Believers (think Dark Ages church, kill any one who opposes them) Leader: Sister Miriam Godwinson (Good ol crazy killing Miriam) Background: Christian States of America, Unity Psych Chaplain Agenda: Life of Religious Worship (Really? They go to war a lot, they should add that too.) Starting Tech: Social Psych 25% Bonus when attacking enemies "from strength of convictions" (Major strength) +1 Probe "Devout believers difficult to brainwash" +2 Support "Citizens eager to defend faith" -2 Research "Suspicious of secular science" (Witch! Witch! Burn them all!) -1 Planet "Believe Planet is their promised land" (What? If they think it's their promise land, wouldn't they want to take care of it?) No research points until MY 2110 (So, it takes multiple turns until you can research AND -2 research? Major problem.) May not use Knowledge value in Social Engineering Take down other factions at the very start, is the best way to win or at least dent the enemy severely. Or, get high research allies like Zak. --- Peacekeeping Forces (Peace? We want war!) Leader: Commissioner Pravin Lal (doesn't say where he comes from, but he looks Arab). Background: United Nations Space Authority, Unity Ship's Surgeon Agenda: Humanitarian Ideals, Democracy Starting Tech: Biogenetics (He can get Secrets of the Human Brain the first most of the time.) -1 Efficiency "UN Style Bureaucracy" Extra Talent for every 4 people "Attracts intellectual elite" May exceed Hab Complex requirements by 2. (This part is nice, can really help out) Receives DOUBLE votes in elections for Planetary Governor and Supreme Leader (Lal is normally leader) May not use Police State Politics Get more bases. Be friends. Become Planetary Governor. Become supreme leader. --------------------------------------- 3.00 Factions (Alien Crossfire) --------------------------------------- The Cybernetic Consciousness (My favorite Faction, she looks very cool) Leader: Prime Function" Aki Zeta-5 Background: Subroutine Specialist under Unity Science Officer Zakharov Agenda: Rational Objectivity (What?) Starting Techs: Information Networks, Applied Physics (lasers at start, nice to prevent that early rush). +2 Research: "Human research abilities enhanced by algorithmic" (same as Zak's research bonus). +2 Efficiency "Cybernetic biologicals extremely efficient" (Cyborgs, perfection) -1 Growth "Humans possessed by an algorithm' find reproduction awkward" (main problem with them, not that much of a problem). Impunity to Cybernetic penalty "Cybernetic social choice is rational and not dissented by citizens" Can steal technology when capturing a base (You normally have better research than your enemy. But, you can get better tech that you may not have, or if you're fighting vs. Zak you will get some techs.) May not make Fundamentalist choice in social engineering --- Nautilus Pirates (Arg matey!) Leader: Captain Ulrik Svensgaard (I think its Norwegian) Background: Unity Astrogator Agenda: Pillage and burn (Arg! I shall steal your booty!) Starting Techs: Doctrine: Mobility, Doctrine: Flexibility -1 Efficiency "Individualistic mentality opposed to central organization" -1 Growth "Culture does not play high emphasis on family" (You will be building a lot of bases, no need to fear) Free navel yard with discovery of Doctrine: Initiative: Skilled Shipwrights Enhancements may be built in ocean and trench squares with discovery of Advanced Ecological Engineering: Trained for life at sea Sea colony pod & sea former prototypes free (greatly needed) Bonus mineral from ocean shelf squares (very nice!) Marine Detachment ability FREE to all navel combat units upon discovery of Adaptive Doctrine ALWAYS start in water. (Not a trait, but they ALWAYS will be in water, no matter what.) --- The Free Drones Leader: Foreman Domai Agenda: Emancipation of the proletariat Starting Tech: Industrial Base (Morgan wannabe) +2 Industry "Excellent craftsman and skilled workers" (One of the good things about Drones) -2 Research "Emphasis on productivity instead of 'blue-sky'research" Revolting bases tend to join drones (A very nice and probably best thing about the Drones. About 3 out of 4 times they join) One less drone in every base (It's a very nice thing about drones) May not use Green economics --- The Data Angels Leader: "Datajack" Sinder Roze Background: MorganNet QA Manager, Unity Information Services Helpdesk (Tech Support) Agenda: Free Flow of Information (The same as Zak, weird ain't it?) Starting Techs: Information Networks, Planetary Networks (Starts with Probe teams) 2 Probe ("Highly motivated computer specialists" (They love to hack... ___________________________ / \ | | | Credit Reserves: 0 | | Thank you, Roze | | | \___________________________/ (That would be a nice skill, to bad =p) -1 Police "Decentralized, difficult to control" (Can't control hackers can ya?) Gain any tech known by 3 factions with whom Data Angels have infiltration: Wide-ranging covert activities. -25% cost to probe team actions: Skilled at network access and control (Already the +2 probe makes it go down to -75%, get one more and...) Free Covert Ops Center with discovery of Pre-Sentient Algorithms May not make Power choice in social engineering Note: If you get +4 probe, the game thinks you have 0 so do not go to level 4 probe. --- The Cult of Planet (The much more crazy Gians) Leader: Prophet Cha Dawn (He's a kid, 6 years old. God, these guys are crazy) Background: Born of uncertain parentage (Mother was a high level talent for gaians. Parent was fungus (I think... Found INSIDE of the fungus...) Agenda: Return Planet to its pristine state Tech: Centauri Ecology, Social Psych +2 Planet "Devoted to promoting native growth" (More than Gaians even) -1 Industry "Reluctant to pollute environment" (Crazy hippies) -1 Economy "Disinterested in wealth and its trappings" (Crazy ain't it?) Free BROOD PIT with discovery of Centauri Genetics Mind Worms do double police duty: Fear and reverence for native life May not make Wealth choice in Social Engineering Stars with a mindworm --- Manifold Caretakers (Their like alien Gaians) Leader: Caretaker Lular H'minee Background: Unknown Agenda: Prevent Transcendence Starting Techs: Progenitor Psych, Centauri Ecology, Field Modulation, Information Networks, Biogenetics (5 Start starting techs, nice.) +25% Defensive Bonus "Can sense and manipulate 'Resonance' fields" (What?) +1 to Planet "Understand workings of Planet, the Sixth Manifold" (They like the planet) Free Recycling Tanks at every base (Me like!) Energy Grid at each base: Increased infrastructures generate additional money (They do not have commerce, this is their only way to get credits). Make Planetfall with Mk I Battle Ogre and extra colony pod. All prototyped units have 2-squared sighting radius (Resonance sensitivity) Can direct research efforts (rediscovering technology & infrastructure) Posses a physical scan of the planet (Hurrah, even though it's just where the landmass is) Cannot be involved with UN (No governor murderous aliens...) Only race that can use Alien Victory (Build 6 I believe transmitters to call a ship to rescue you) Need Social Psych to talk to humans (I want to talk...) Aliens do not talk to each other, NO WAY to be pact, I've tried. --- Manifold Usurpers Leader: Conqueror Judaa Marr Agenda: Subvert Planet for galactic domination (What?) Starting Tech: Progenitor Psych, Centauri Ecology, Field Modulation, Applied Physics, Biogenetics +1 Growth "Abuse Planet's resources for their own gain" (I don't like people who abuse the planet > = ( ) +1 Morale "Warlike culture" (They like to fight, GRAWHAHAHA) -1 Planet "Planet senses Usurper's dark intent" (Evil evil warriors) +25% Defensive Bonus "Can sense and manipulate 'Resonance' fields" Free Recycling Tanks at every base (Me like!) Energy Grid at each base: Increased infrastructures generates addition money (They do not have commerce, this is their only way to get credits) Make Planetfall with Mk I Battle Ogre and extra colony pod. All prototyped units have 2-sqaured sighting radius (Resonance sensitivity) Can direct research efforts (rediscovering technology & infrastructure) Posses a physical scan of the planet (Hurrah, even though it's just where the landmass is) Cannot be involved with UN (No governor murderous aliens...) Only race that can use Alien Victory (Build 6 I believe transmitters to call a ship to rescue you) Need Social Psych to talk to humans (I want to talk...) Aliens do not talk to each other, NO WAY to be pact, I've tried. --- 4.00 Story: Humans: The basic background of Alpha Centauri is that earth is in peril. Wars are rampaging across the world, political corruption among other problems. The UN decided to build a giant ship, to fly to Alpha Centauri to save the human race from the deathly problems of earth. Near Alpha Centauri, the nuclear reactor got a malfunction, for an unknown reason (Sabotage). The caption got assassinated by some unknown perpetrator. The people inside the Unity (the ship) split into 8 factions. Each with their own beliefs and agendas. All 8 factions fell to Alpha Centauri, without advance technology, communication with each other and without any hope... Now, they must work or fight each other survive against the odds on Alpha Centauri. Progenitors: Eons ago, the advanced race of aliens called the Progenitors created 6 planetary Manifolds. These were huge sentience experiments. The first to reach sentience gained the ability to project tremendous power across the galaxy. This "flowering" event swallowed up many star systems and plunged the Progenitor culture into an age of darkness from which it never recovered. From this chaos, the location of the six Manifolds was lost. Then, the Progenitors went into civil war. There where 2 sides, Caretakers and Usurpers. Caretakers want to prevent the sentience from happening again, but the Usurpers wanted to use them for destruction. Two small ships, one on each side started to fire at each other. They fell down to Alpha Centauri and found out that it was a Manifold. -------------------------- 5.00 Victory Types -------------------------- Transcendence: You first need to finish the secret project "The Voice of the Planet". Then, ANY faction can work on the next secret project "The Ascent of Transcendence" to beat the game. Once you finish, you win along with any pact members (If you have cooperative victory). You get 2000 points minus 2 for every turn taken. If you have cooperative victory on, you split the points between all pact members. --- Conquest: You need to destroy all players, except pacted if you have cooperative victory on. If a computer surrenders, and says something like "swear a pact to serve you", they count as a defeated faction. You will get 1000 points minus 2 for every turn taken. --- Progenitor (Alien players only): To win, create 6 Resonance Transmitters, one at each base to call your home planet for help. You get 2000 points minus 2 points per turn you have taken. --- Diplomatic: You win this way by becoming Supreme Leader. You need 3/4 votes from the factions combined. The best way to win this is to be Lal and get Planetary Governor to get more votes. Then you should be able to win as long as you're nice to every one. --- Economic: Once you get Planetary Economics, you start by trying to corner the energy market. The cost of it is equal to Probe Teams trying to Mind Control every base on the map. The other Factions have a period of time to capture their HQ. You get 1200 points minus 2 for every turn. ----------------------- 6.00 Technology ----------------------- Any Base Facilities with "The" in the name, it's a secret project. --- Explore: 1 Centauri Ecology: Base Facilities: The Weather Paradigm Technologies: Centauri Empathy, Ecological Engineering, Field Modulation Unit Advances: Terraforming Unit (Equipment), Formers Misc: Increase nutrient on fungus squares --- Conquest: 1 Applied Physics Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Nonlinear Mathematics, High Energy Chemistry, Optical Computers Unit Advances: Laser (2 Attack) Misc: N/A --- Discover: 1 Information Networks Base Facilities: Network node Technologies: Nonlinear Mathematics, Polymorphic Software, Planetary Networks Unit Advances: N/A Misc: N/A --- Discover: 1 Biogenetics Base Facilities: Recycling Tank, Human Genome Project Technologies: Secrets of the Human Mind, Gene Splicing Unit Advances: N/A Misc: N/A --- Discover: 1 Doctrine: Mobility Base Facilities: Command Center Technologies: Doctrine: Flexibility, Doctrine: Loyalty Unit Advances: Speeder (2 Movement) Misc: N/A --- Build: 1 Industrial Base Base Facilities: The Merchant Exchange Technologies: Superconductor, High Energy Chemistry, Polymorphic Software, Industrial Economics Unit Advances: Synthmetal (2 armor) Misc: N/A --- Explore: 1 Progenitor Psych Base Facilities: Aquafarm Technologies: Field Modulation, Adaptive Economics Unit Advances: N/A Misc: N/A --- Discover: 2 Planetary Networks Base Facilities: Hologram Theatre, The Virtual World Technologies: Industrial Automation, Cyberethics Unit Advances: Probe Team (Equipment), Probe team Misc: Planned, Librarian --- Build: 1 Social Psych Base Facilities: Recreation Commons Technologies: Doctrine: Loyalty, Ethical Calculus, Secrets of the Human Mind Unit Advances: N/A Misc: N/A --- Build: 2 Industrial Economics Base Facilities: Energy Bank Technologies: Industrial Automation, Environmental Economics, Adaptive Economics Unit Advances: N/A Misc: N/A --- Discover: 2 Secrets of the Human Mind Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Neutral Grafting, Centauri Empathy Unit Advances: Hypnotic Trance Misc: Fundamentalist First Faction to research Secrets of the Human Mind, gets 1 free tech --- Explore: 3 Centauri Empathy Base Facilities: Biology Lab, The Empath Guild Technologies: Centauri Meditation Unit Advances: Empath Guild, Mind Worms (^_^) Misc: Green, Can build roads on Fungus --- Conquer: 2 Doctrine: Loyalty Base Facilities: Perimeter Defense, The Command Nexus Technologies: Intellectual Integrity Unit Advances: Intellectual Integrity Misc: Police State --- Explore: 2 Ethical Calculus Base Facilities: Children's CrŠche Technologies: Intellectual Integrity, Gene Splicing Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Democratic --- Conquer: 2 Nonlinear Mathematics Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Superstring Theory Unit Advances: Particle Impactor (4 Attack) Misc: N/A --- Conquer: 2 High Energy Chemistry Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Advanced Subatomic Theory, Synthetic Fossil Fuels Unit Advances: Plasma Steel Armor (3 Armor), Nerve Gas Pods Misc: N/A --- Explore: 2 Doctrine: Flexibility Base Facilities: Pressure Dome Technologies: Doctrine: Initiative, Doctrine: Air Power, Adaptive Doctrine Unit Advances: Foil (4 movement water), Troop Transport (equipment), Transport Foil Misc: N/A --- Discover: 2 Polymorphic Software Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Advanced Subatomic Theory, Optical Computers, Adaptive Doctrine Unit Advances: Heavy Artillery Misc: Increases Probe Team base morale --- Conquer: 2 Field Modulation Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Bioadaptive Resonance Unit Advances: Resonance Armor (3) Misc: N/A --- Discovery: 3 Optical Computers Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Superconductor, Advance military algorithms Unit Advances: N/A Misc: N/A --- Build: 3 Gene Splicing Base Facilities: Research Hospital Technologies: Synthetic Fossil Fuels, Bio-Engineering, Ecological Engineering Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Nutrient restrictions lifted; can produce 3+ nutrients/square --- Build: 3 Advance Subatomic Theory Base Facilities: Shunkworks Technologies: Applied Relativity, Silksteel Alloys Unit Advances: Comm Jammer Misc: N/A --- Build: 3 Adaptive Economics: Base Facilities: Thermocline Transducer, The Planetary Energy Grid Technologies: Planetary Economics Unit Advances: N/A Misc: N/A --- Build: 3 Industrial Automation Base Facilities: Hab Complex, The Planetary Transit System Technologies: Silkskin Alloys, Doctrine: Initiative, Neutral Grafting, Industrial Nanobotics Unit Advances: Supply Transport (Equipment), Supply Crawler Misc: Wealth, Increase Commerce income from treaties and pacts --- Explore: 3 Intellectual Integrity Base Facilities: The Citizens' Defense Force Technologies: Cyberethics, Planetary Economics Unit Advances: High Morale, Non-lethal Methods Misc: N/A --- Conquer: 3 Adaptive Doctrine Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Advance Military Algorithms Unit Advances: Pulse 3 Armor (3), Marine Detachment Misc: N/A --- Build 4 Cyberethics Base Facilities: The Planetary Datalinks Technologies: Substring Theory, Pre-sentient Algorithms Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Knowledge --- Build: 4 Planetary Economics Base Facilities: Hybrid Forest, Sea Trunkline, The Ascetic Virtues Technologies: Quantum Power, Sentient Economics Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Increases Commerce income from treaties and pacts, Economic Victory allowed, Proposal: Globe Trade Pact, Proposal: Repeal Globe Trade Pact --- Build: 4 Silksteel Alloys Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Monopole Magnets, Photon/Wave Mechanics Unit Advances: Silksteel Alloys (4 armor) Misc: N/A --- Conquer: 4 Neutral Grafting Base Facilities: Bioenhancment Center, The Neutral Amplifier Technologies: Mind/Machine Interface, Bio-engineering Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Units can be designed with two special abilities --- Explore: 4 Ecological Engineering Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Centauri Meditation, Environmental Economics Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Mineral restrictions lifted; can produce 3+ minerals/square, Formers can execute the "Plant Fungus" order, Formers can execute the "Construct Condenser" order, Formers can execute the "Construct Echelon" order, Formers can execute the "Thermal Borehole" order, Formers can execute the "Drill for Aquifer" order, --- Explore: 4 Doctrine: Initiative Base Facilities: Navel Yard, The Maritime Control Center Technology: Nanometallurgy, Homo Superior Unit Advances: Cruiser (6 movement sea), Amphibious Pods Misc: N/A --- Conquer: 4 Advance Military Algorithms Base Facilities: Punishment Sphere Technology: Pre-sentient Algorithms, Retroviral Engineering Unit Advances: Deep Radar, AAA Tracking Misc: Power, Formers can execute the "Construct Bunker" order, Proposal: Repeal UN Charter, Proposal: Reinstate UN Charter --- Explore: 4 Synthetic Fossil Fuels Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Doctrine: Airpower, Organic Superlubricant Unit Advances: Missile Launchers (6 power), Fungicide Tanks --- Build: 5 Bio-Engineering Base Facilities: The Longevity Vaccine Technologies: Retroviral Engineering Unit Advances: Clean Reactor Misc: N/A --- Conquer: 4 Super Conductor Base Facilities: N/A Technology: Applied Reality, Fusion Power Unit Advances: Gatling Laser (5 power) Misc: N/A --- Bioadaptive Resonance Base Facilities: N/A Technology: Sentient Resonance Unit Advances: Resonance Lasers (6 power), Soporific Gas Pods, Spore Launcher Misc: N/A --- Build: 5 Environmental Economics Base Facilities: Tree Farm Technology: Adv. Ecological Engineering Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Energy restrictions lifted; can produce 3+ energy/square, increased commerce income from Treaties and pacts. Formers can execute the "Terraform up" order, Formers can execute the "Terraform down" order. --- Explore: 5 Doctrine: Airpower Base Facilities: Aerospace complex Technologies: Mind/Machine Interface, Orbital Spaceflight Unit Advances: Needle Jet (8 air movement), Air Superiority Misc: Formers can execute the "Construct Airbase" order --- Explore: 5 Centauri Meditation Base Facilities: Centauri Preserve, The Xenoempathy Dome Technology: Centauri Genetics Unit Advances: Isle of the Deep Misc: Empath, Increase Energy production in fungus squares --- Discover: 5 Pre-Sentient Algorithms Base Facilities: Covert Ops Center, The Hunter-Seeker Algorithm Technologies: Fusion Power, Probability Mechanics, Orbital Spaceflight Unit Advances: Polymorphic Encryption Misc: Increases Probe team base Moral --- Conquer: 5 Superstring Theory Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Monopole Magnets Unit Advances: Chaos Gun (8) Misc: N/A --- Discover: 5 Applied Relativity Base Facilities: The Supercollider Technologies: Unified Field Theory, Photon/Wave Mechanics Unit Advances: N/A Misc: N/A --- Discover: 6 Fusion Power Base Facilities: Fusion Lab Technologies: Adv. Ecological Engineering, Organic Superlubricant Unit Advances: Fusion Reactor Misc: Engineer --- Discover: 6 Orbital Spaceflight Base Facilities: Sky Hydroponics Lab Technologies: Advance Spaceflight, N-Space Compression Unit Advances: Missile (12 air power), Planet Buster (99), Conventional Payload (12 air power) Misc: Proposal: Salvage Unity Power Core --- Build: 6 Monopole Magnets Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Unified Field Theory, Nanominiaturization Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Formers can execute the "Build Mag Tube" order --- Conquer: 6 Mind/Machine Interface Base Facilities: The Cyborg Facility, The Cloudbase Academy Technologies: Graviton Theory, Digital Sentience, Biomachinery Unit Advances: Chapter (8 air movement), Drop Pods Misc: Thinker, Increases Probe Team Base Morale, Diplomatic Victory Allowed --- Conquer: 6 Photon/Wave Mechanics Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Probability Mechanics Unit Advances: Photon Wall (6 armor) Misc: N/A --- Conquer: 6 Retroviral Engineering Base Facilities: Genejack Factory Technology: Biomachinery, Centauri Biogenetics Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Genetic Warfare Atrocity can be committed by Probe Teams --- Explore: 7 Centauri Genetics Base Facilities: Brood Pit, The Pholus Mutagen Technologies: Centauri Psi Unit Advances: Locusts of Chiron Misc: Increases Minerals production in fungus squares --- Conquer: 7 Organic Superlubricant Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Nanominiaturization, Advance Spaceflight Unit Advances: Fusion Laser (10 power) Misc: N/A --- Build: 8 Biomachinery Base Facilities: The Cloning Vats Technologies: Homo Superior, N-Space Compression Unit Advances: N/A Misc: N/A --- Build: 7 Adv. Ecological Engineering Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Centauri Psi Unit Advances: Super Former Misc: +1 mineral bonus for all mining platforms, Formers can execute the "Construct Soil Enricher" order, Proposal: Melt Solar Caps --- Conquer: 7 Unified Field Theory Base Facilities: The Theory of Everything Technologies: Frictionless Surfaces, Secrets of Creation Unit Advances: Tachyon Bolt (12 power) Misc: N/A --- Build: 8 Nanominiaturization Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Matter Compression, Industrial Nanorobotics Unit Advances: Hovertank (3 ground), Algorithmic Enhancement Misc: N/A --- Build: 7 Probability Mechanics Base Facilities: Tachyon Field Technologies: Nanometallurgy Unit Advances: Probability Sheath (6 armor) Misc: N/A --- Explore: 8 Nanometallurgy Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Matter Compression, Quantum Machinery Unit Advances: Deep Pressure Hull, Carrier Deck, Repair Bay Misc: N/A --- Explore: 8 Centauri Psi Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: The Will to Power, Secrets of Alpha Centauri, Sentient Resonance Unit Advances: Psi Attack (Psi), Dissciative Wave, Sealurk Misc: Formers can improve Fungus squares, Fungus Movement Restrictions eased, Increased Nutrient production in fungus squares --- Discover: 8 Advance Spaceflight Base Facilities: Orbital Power Transmitter, The Living Refinery Technologies: Super Tensile Solids Unit Advances: Plasma Shard (13 power) Misc: Proposal: Launch Solar Shade, Proposal: Increase Solar Shade --- Conquer: 8 N-Space Compression Base Facilities: Flechette Defense System, Geosynchronous Survey Pod Technology: Self-Aware Machines Unit Advances: Tectonic Payload (Equipment), Fungal Payload (Equipment) Misc: N/A --- Explore: 8 Homo Superior Base Facilities: Nanohospital, The Universal Translator Technologies: The Will to Power Units Advances: N/A Misc: N/A --- Explore: 9 The Will to Power Base Facilities: The Dream Twister Technology: Eudaimonia, Secrets of Creation Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Thought Control --- Build: 9 Industrial Nanobotics Base Facilities: Robotic Assembly Plant, The Nano Factory Technologies: Frictionless Surfaces, Digital Sentience Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Increases Commerce income from Treaties and Pacts --- Conquer: 9 Matter Compression Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Super Tensile Solids Unit Advances: Neutronium Armor (8 armor), Fuel Nanocells Misc: N/A --- Conquer: 9 Sentient Resonance Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Secrets of the Manifolds Unit Advances: Resonance Bolt (12 power), Resonance 8 Armor (8 armor) Misc: N/A --- Discover: 10 Frictionless Surfaces Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Quantum Power Unit Advances: Cloaking Device Misc: N/A --- Discover: 10 Digital Sentience Base Facilities: The Network Backbone Technologies: Applied Gravitonics, Self-Aware Machines, Sentient Economics Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Cybernetic, Increases Probe Team base Moral --- Discover: 10 Secrets of Creation Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Singularity Mechanics Unit Advances: N/A Misc: First Faction to research Secrets of Creation, gets 1 free tech --- Build: 10 Super Tensile Solids Base Facilities: Habitation Dome, The Space Elevator Technologies: Matter Editation Unit Advances: Pulse 8 Armor (8 armor) Misc: N/A --- Discover: 11 Quantum Power Base Facilities: Quantum Labs Technologies: Quantum Machinery Unit Advances: Quantum Chamber Misc: N/A --- Explore: 11 Sentient Econometrics Base Facilities: Paradise Gardens Technologies: Eudaimonia, Secrets of Alpha Centauri Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Increases Commerce income from Treaties and Pacts --- Discover: 11 Self-Aware Machines Base Facilities: Nessus Mining Station, Orbital Defense Pod, The Self-Aware Colony, The Nethack Terminus Technologies: Singularity Mechanics, Matter Edition Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Increases Probe Team base morale --- Explore: 12 Eudaimonia Base Facilities: The Telepathic Matrix Technologies: Tempral Machanics Unit Advances: Psi Defense (psi) Misc: Eudaimonia --- Build 12 Matter Editation Base Facilities: Nanoreplicator, Clinical Immortality Technologies: Matter Transmission Unit Advances: Antimatter Plate (10 armor) Misc: N/A --- Discover: 12 Singularity Mechanics Base Facilities: Subspace Generator Technologies: Controlled Singularity Unit Advances: Singularity Engines Misc: N/A --- Build: 12 Quantum Machinery Base Facilities: Quantum Converter Technologies: Graviton Theory Unit Advances: Quantum Lasers (16 power) Misc: N/A --- Explore: 13 Graviton Theory Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Applied Gravitonics Unit Advances: Gravship (8 air movement, no fuel), Antigrav Struts Misc: Units with Drop pods may make orbital insertions --- Explore: 14 Applied Gravitonics Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Controlled Singularity Unit Advances: Graviton Gun (20 power) Misc: N/A --- Conquer: 15 Controlled Singularity Base Facilities: The Singularity Inductor Technologies: String Resonance, Transcendent Thought Unit Advances: Singularity Laser (24 power) Misc: N/A --- Discover: 12 Secrets of Alpha Centauri Base Facilities: Temple of the Planet Technologies: Matter Transmission, Secrets of the Manifolds Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Transcend, First Faction to research Secrets of Alpha Centauri, gets 1 free tech, entire planetary map is revealed --- Discover: 13 Secrets of the Manifolds Base Facilities: The Manifolds Harmonics Technologies: Threshold of Transcendence, String Resonance Unit Advances: N/A Misc: First Faction to research Secrets of the Manifolds, gets 1 free tech --- Build: 13 Matter Transmission Base Facilities: Psi Gate, The Bulk Matter Transmitter Technologies: Temperal Mechanics Unit Advances: Blink Displacer Misc: Increases Mineral Production in fungus squares --- Build: 14 Temporal Mechanics Base Facilities: N/A Technologies: Threshold of Transcendence Unit Advances: Stasis Generator (12 armor) Misc: Increases energy production on fungus squares --- Conquer: 16 String of Resonance Base Facilities: N/A Technologies N/A (For ONCE!!!) Unit Advances: String Disruptor (30 power) Misc: N/A --- Explore: 15 Threshold of Transcendence Base Facilities: The Voice of the Planet, The Ascent of Transcendence Technologies: Transcendence Thought Unit Advances: N/A Misc: Increases mineral production on fungus squares --- Discover: 16 Transcendence Thought This technology has no purpose except to continue on a tech. Once you get to this, put your Research% to 0%. --------------------------- 7.00 Base Facilities --------------------------- Note: If I say you get lifecycles or moral bonuses, it's only at bases with that facility. Name (Maintenance cost) (Mineral building cost) Description --- Aerospace Complex: (2) (56) Repairs air units quicker and all units built at the base will receive 2 moral upgrades. You also need this building to build space improvements. --- Aquafarm: (1) (56) All Kelp Farms give 1 more Nutrients. --- Bioenhancement Center: (2) (70) ALL units gain +2 morale and aliens get +1 lifecycle bonus. --- Biology Lab: (1) (42) +2 lab per turn and all aliens get +1 lifecycle bonus. --- Brood Pit: (2) (56) You get +1 lifecycle bonus for aliens It decreases cost of breeding aliens by -25%. The negative lifecycle effects are canceled inside this base. Also the base gets +2 police rating. --- Centauri Preserve: (2) (70) Decreases Eco damage and adds +1 lifecycle bonus. --- Children's Creche: (1) (35) Increases Growth by +2 and +1 efficiency. All negative morale effects are cancelled and +1 morale inside the base. It also reduces vulnerability to mind control. --- Command Center: (0) (28) Repairs ground units quicker and built units gain +2 morale upgrades. --- Covert Ops Center: (2) (70) Probe Teams get 2 morale upgrades and gets a +2 probe rating. --- Energy Bank: (1) (56) Increases economy at the base by 50% --- Flechette Defense System: (2) (84) There is a 50% chance that a normal missile will be shot down if it comes near the base. It also can shoot down more powerful missiles like Planetbusters 50% of the time. The more you have, the more chance you have. (50% to shoot down, if he lives, another 50% to be shot down by the second) --- Fusion Lab: (3) (84) Labs and Economy is increased by 50% --- Genejack Factory: (2) (70) You gain an extra 50% minerals at this base, but you get 1 more drone at the base and you're more vulnerable to mind control. --- Geosynchronous Survey Pod: (4) (112) Sight Radius of the base is now 3. They also count as sensory array so you get +25% defense. They can be destroyed by Orbital Defense Pods and Probe Teams. --- Hab Complex: (2) (56) You need this to increase maximum population past 7. --- Habitation Dome: (4) (112) Allows your base to grow beyond 14. Note: You need Hab Complex first --- Headquarters: (0) (35) This facility can be moved, you can only have 1. You get +1 energy at the base and you have ZERO inefficiency. And enemy Probe Teams cannot try to Mind Control. --- Hologram Theatre: (3) (42) Reduces number of drones by 2 and psych by 50% --- Hybrid Forest: (4) (168) You get +1 Energy and Nutrient from forests. You get an extra 50% psych and economy. It removes eco damage from terraforming 100% (You need Tree Farm first before you can build this). A must have since, you can get 3/2/2 resources from forests! --- Nanohospital: (4) (168) Psych goes up 25%, labs go up 50% and the amount of drones go down by 1. Helps prevent lose of population by disease or genetic warfare --- Nanoreplicator: (6) (224) Mineral output goes up by 50%. --- Navel Yard: (2) (56) Navel Units repair quicker and gains +2 morale. --- Nessus Mining Station: (0) (84) At EVERY base, you get an extra +1 mineral. You need Aerospace Complex to build these. If you do not have an Aerospace Complex, the effects are halved. You can place more than 1 Nessus Mining Station. --- Network Node: (1) (56) You get 50% extra research bonus and you can study alien artifacts. --- Orbital Defense Pod: (0) (84) 50% of all missiles will get destroyed if they try to attack ANY base. To stop a Planet Buster, an Orbital Defense must be sacrificed. --- Orbital Power Transmitter: (0) (84) At EVERY base, you get an extra +1 energy. You need Aerospace Complex to build these. If you do not have a Aerospace Complex, the effects are halved. You can place more than 1 Orbital Power Transmitter. --- Paradise Garden: (4) (84) Two extra talents at the base. --- Perimeter Defense: (0) (35) You get an extra 100% defense power at the base it was built at. --- Pressure Dome: (0) (56) Without this, your base will sink if it goes under water. This also adds recycling tanks. --- Psi Gate: (2) (70) Can teleport to any base with Psi Gate. --- Punishment Sphere: (2) (70) Eliminates talents and drones, and reduces research by half. It also reduces vulnerability to mind control. --- Quantum Converter: (5) (140) You gain an extra 50% mineral output. --- Quantum Lab: (4) (168) Adds and extra 50% research and 50% economy. --- Recreation Commons: (1) (28) Reduces drones by 2. --- Recycling Tanks: (0) (28) Adds an extra 1 Nutrient, Energy and Mineral to your base. --- Research Hospital: (3) (84) Psych goes up by 25%, research goes up by 50% and drones go down by 1. Reduces population lose from genetic warfare and diseases. --- Robotic Assembly Plant: (4) (140) You gain an extra 50% mineral output. --- Skunkworks: (1) (42) Eliminates the extra cost for building a prototype. --- Sky Hydroponics Lab: (0) (84) At EVERY base, you get an extra +1 nutrient. You need Aerospace Complex to build these. If you do not have an Aerospace Complex, the effects are halved. You can place more than 1 Sky Hydroponics Lab. --- Stockpile Energy: (0) (N/A) Converts all minerals into energy for that turn (2 minerals = 1 energy). --- Subsea Trunkline: (4) (84) Increases minerals by 1 on every square (in the sea). --- Subspace Generator: (5) (420) Only aliens can build these. If you build 6 generators, you win the game. You need to have a population of 10 or more. --- Tachyon Field: (2) (82) Adds defense by 300% at that base (triple of Perimeter Defense). --- Temple of the Planet: (3) (140) Reduces Eco damage. Lifecycle goes up by +1. --- Thermocline: (0) (56) Gain an extra energy in sea squares with Tidal Harness. --- Tree Farm: (3) (84) Psych and economy goes up by 50%. Gain an extra nutrient from forest squares. And halves eco-damage from terraforming. A must have since if you get this and Hybrid forest, you can get 3/2/2 resources from forests! ---------------------------- 8.00 Secret Projects ---------------------------- Secret Project Name: (Mineral Cost) Description. --- The Ascent of Transcendence: (2000) Gain Transcendence Victory. --- The Ascetic Virtues: (300) Increases population limit by 2, and you gain +1 police. --- The Bulk Transmitter: (600) Gain an extra 2 minerals per turn at every base. --- The Citizens Defense Force: (300) Every base you own, you will receive a free perimeter defense base facility. --- The Clinical Immortality: (500) One extra talent at all your bases and you get double votes on Planetary Governor and Supreme leader (Think if Lal got this) --- The Cloning Vats: (500) All bases will always be in a population boom, until the nutrient surplus is gone or you need a building such as Hab Complex. This also removes negative effects from Power and Thought Control social choices. --- The Cloudbase Academy: (300) Every base gets a free Aerospace Complex. --- The Command Nexus: (200) You get a free Command Center at all of your bases. --- The Cyborg Factory: (400) All of your bases have a Bioenhancment Center. --- The Dream Twister: (400) +50% Psi damage. --- The Empath Guild: (200) Get all faction communications, infiltrator at all other factions and 50% extra votes for Planetary Governor and Supreme Leader. --- The Human Genome Project: (200) An extra talent at all of your bases. --- The Hunter-Seeker Algorithm: (300) Your units and bases are immune to probe teams unless they have the Algorithmic Enhancement. --- The Living Refinery: (400) You get an extra +2 support. --- The Longevity Vaccine: (300) 2 less drone if you use Planned social choice. 1 less if it's green or simple. Economy goes up by 50% at this base if its free economics. --- The Manifold Harmonics: (500) Increases resources on fungus and monoliths by how much planet you have... 0 = +1 energy +1 = +1 nutrient, +1 energy +2 = +1 nutrient, +1 energy, +1 mineral +3 = +1 nutrient, +2 energy, +1 mineral --- The Maritime Control Center: (300) All non-aliens water unit gain +2 movement every turn. Also every base counts as there is a navel yard. --- The Merchant Exchange: (200) +1 on EVERY square in the base area. --- The Nano Factory: (400) Units heal quickly can heal past 80% on the field. Also upgrade cost is reduced by 50%. --- The Nethack Teminus: (400) +1 morale to probe teams, probe teams costs reduced by 25%. If a probe team has a Fusion Reactor or better, it counts that have Algorithmic Enhancement. --- The Network Backbone: (400) +1 research for every commerce you get at this base. You also get +1 research for EVERY Network node on the planet. Also it eliminates the negative problems with Cybernetic social choice. --- The Neutral Amplifier: (300) +50% defense with to Psi. --- The Polus Mutagen: Reduces Ecodamage from Terraforming. Normal non-alien units get a bonus from fungus how aliens normally do. Also your aliens get +1 lifecycle. --- The Planetary Datalinks: (300) If 3 factions know a technology you don't, you automatically learn it. --- The Planetary Energy Grid: (300) You get a Energy Bank at all bases. Also, you get an extra 25% energy from Stockpile energy. --- The Planetary Transit System: (300) Any new bases you create, it has a population of 3. And any base with population level under 3 gets 1 less drone. --- The Self-Aware Colony: (500) Energy Maintenance is reduced by half, and if police is allowed under the current social choice, the base is considered to have 1 extra police unit. --- The Singularity Inductor: (600) Gets Quantum Converter at every base, and mineral production eco damage is reduced. --- The Space Elevator: (500) Doubles energy reserve at base built, and double mineral production at all bases with orbital improvements. Units with Drop Pods now can make Orbital Insertions anywhere. All Aerospace restrictions for Orbital Improvements are lifted. --- The Supercollider: (300) DOUBLE research at this base. --- The Telepathic Matrix: (600) Drones will NEVER riot and all probe teams get +2 morale bonus. --- The Theory of Everything: (400) DOUBLE research at this base. --- The Universal Translator: (400) You get 2 free techs, and any amount of alien artifacts can be examined here. --- The Virtual World: (300) Network Nodes adds Hologram Theatre which reduces Drone by 2 and psych goes up by 50% --- The Voice of the Planet: (600) After this project is done, you can start the secret project The Ascent of Transcendence. +1 lifecycle. --- The Weather Paradigm: (200) Half the time for Formers to finish their work except Remove Fungus. You can also order then to Condensers, Boreholes and raise/lower terrain. --- The Xenoempathy Dome: (300) All fungus squares are considered roads and the speed of fungus planting or removing it is doubled. +1 lifecycle bonus. ------------------------- 9.00 Unit Chassis ------------------------- Note: Only ground units can capture bases. Name: (Cost) Info --- Infantry: (1) The most basic chassis. They are normal foot soldier. They gain a turret stand for any weapons beyond the basic hand weapons. They may be the slowest, but they get +25% attack bonus if they attack a base. They can only hold 1 troop if they are equipped with troop transport. --- Speeder: (2) The next level of chassis. They are a basic vehicle, 2 bigger wheels in the back and 2 smaller in the front and a window that rises from the body of the car. In a open area, they gain an extra +25% to their attack. Also, they can "Disengage" (Aka retreat) from an infantry if they "surprise" them (Says surprise in the description). Same with the --- Hovertank: (3) The powerful, mighty hovertank!. It is a weird looking vehicle. It has a beak like thing in the front and 2 little wings on the sides. And the rest look like a half circle. They NEVER get penalized from going on tough terrain like fungus. They also, like Speeders, get an extra +25% attack damage in open ground. --- Foil: (4) They are basically small transports and sea patrols/sea scouts. They can carry 2 x reactor level. If they equip troop transport, they have 1 less movement each turn. --- Cruiser: (6) The most feared unit in the... How ever many seas in your random map there is... uh... ARG!!! If you can choose between killing a little foil or a cruiser, take the cruiser out. These guys can carry DOUBLE the amount of troops that Foils can (4 x reactor level), and they don't get a movement penalty. --- Needlejet: (8) Flying Death from above! Though, they are limited. They can only stay up for so long, they need to go to your base or an ally for refueling about every other turn, or they will crash. To help boast their power, equip higher reactors to increase their maximum fuel. I would greatly suggest NOT making these guys transports. Besides the fact they will die in a short time, they can only carry 1 person where a level 2 reactor Cruiser can carry 8 units. --- Chopper: (8) Smaller amount of fuel compared to the Needle Jet, but it can stay up after a few turns unlike the needle jet. Every turn, if they don't get to a base, they get damaged 30% so they can live for more turns to get to a further base unlike the Needlejet. --- Gravship: (8) The super air unit. They NEVER have to use fuel, so that eliminates the only (And VERY HUGE) problem with Needlejets. Also, they cost nearly, if not the same amount of minerals. These guys also have a pathetic transport number, 1. Though, these guys can move the furthest and they don't cost fuel, but I still prefer cruisers of the Gravships. --- Missile: (12) These guys can be equipped with multiple types of attacks. Conventional Payload, aka BOMBS. They also have Fungal payload, which plants fungus that covers 1-4 squares, 1 for each reactor level. They can get tectonic payload, which RAISES the area 1-4 squares, again, 1 for each reactor level. And the final, THE ULTIMATE WEAPON, PLANET BUSTER (Aka, Supa nuke). ----------------------------------- 10.00 Weapons and Equipment ----------------------------------- Hand Weapons: It has a weapon power of 1. --- Laser: It has a weapon power of 2. --- Particle Impactor: It has a weapon power of 4. --- Gatling Laser: It has a weapon power of 5. --- Missile Launcher: It has a weapon power of 6. --- Chaos Gun: It has a weapon power of 8. --- Fusion Laser: It has a weapon power of 10. --- Tachyon Bolt: It has a weapon power of 12. --- Plasma Shard: It has a weapon power of 14. --- Quantum Laser: It has a weapon power of 16. --- Graviton Gun: It has a weapon power of 20. --- Singularity Laser: It has a weapon power of 24 --- Resonance Laser: It has a weapon power of 6, and gains an extra +25% attack versus in psi combat. --- Resonance Bolt: It has a weapon power of 12. It is a Tachyon Bolt, it also adds +25% attack while in psi combat. --- String Disrupter: It has a weapon power of 30 (Wow!). --- Psi Attack: It uses Psi Combat to attack enemies. In Psi Combat, weapon power and armor are ignored and the attacker gains 3 to 2 advantage against the enemy (1 to 1 in sea). --- Planet Buster: (Missile Only) This weapon has an attack power of 99! This is a nuke, that's why. It kills anything in the explosion range (about 5x5 squares) and it destroys some land (I think totally destroys a base). If the UN atrocity law is in effect, every one will be forced to vendetta you. --- Colony Module: This is not a weapon. You equip a unit with this equipment and you can create a new base (Hotkey is B). Once you create one, it reduces your base population by 1. Any unit except missile can use this equipment. --- Terraforming Unit: You need to equip a chassis with this to do terraforming actions such as build farm, plant forest ect. You should get formers as quick as you can. --- Troop Transport: These are used to transport units (Of course). You only can carry 1 unit for every unit type except Foil and Cruiser. With a Cruiser and a level 4 reactor, you can transport a full army, 16 guys! I mainly use this equipment to transport my army from continent to continent. --- Supply Transport: With this equipment, you can carry resources from one square back to you base. I generally don't get these. You can disband these guys for their full mineral value and get what ever the Supply Crawler picked up. --- Probe Team: You need this equipment to do ANY probe team actions. --- Conventional Payload: (Missile only) This does an explosion on any units. They use fuel to move around. --- Tectonic Payload: (Missile Only) Increases the level of elevation by 1-4 levels, depending on the reactor level (Can be used to change sea level into a above sea level base ^_^) --- Fungal Payload (Missile Only) This places about 1-4 squares of fungus where it explodes, depending on its reactor room. Fun to do it at their main base. ------------------------- 11.00 Armor Types ------------------------- Synthenal Armor: This armor has a rating of 2 --- Plasma Steel Armor: This armor has a rating of 3 --- Silksteel Armor: This armor has a rating of 4 --- Photon Wall: This armor has a rating of 5 --- Probability Sheath: This armor has a rating of 6 --- Neutron Armor: This armor has a rating of 8 --- Antimatter Plate: This armor has a rating of 10 --- Stasis Generator: This armor has a rating of 12 --- Psi Defense: Adds the same defense as native life --- Pulse 3 Armor: Acts as Plasma Steel armor, but it also increases attack if the unit has more than 1 movement (Non-infantry). --- Resonance 3 Armor: Acts as Plasma Steel armor, but it also gains +25% defense bonus in Psi Combat. --- Pulse 8 Armor: Acts as Neutronium armor, but it also increases attack if the unit has more than 1 movement (Non-infantry). --- Resonance 8 Armor: Acts as Neutronium armor, but it also gains +25% defense bonus in Psi Combat. ------------------------------ 12.00 Special Abilities ------------------------------ Name: (Cost) Description --- AAA Tracking: (1) Gains DOUBLE defense against air units. --- Air Superiority: (1) Gain DOUBLE attack versus air units, but its -50% attack against ground and navel units. Navel or infantry equipped with SAM Missile can use this ability. --- Algorithmic Enhancement: (1) Increases chances of success of probe missions. You still can do missions if the enemy has Hunter-Seeker Algorithm, but the chances are low. --- Amphibious Pods: (1) Allows you to attack from a sea square when disembarking from a transport. It also allows you to be able to go from continents to sea bases that are right next to land. --- Antigrav Struts: (1) Your unit gains +1 movement (or +Reactor x 2 for air). This also removes all terrain penalties, so all of your ground units can move like Hovertanks. --- Blink Displacer: (1) Ignores base defense which are Perimeter Defense and Tachyon Field. --- Carrier Deck: (1) Allows sea units to transport and refuel them (Think about it, 16 Needlejets/Gravtanks inside a carrier and then move out, 1 with transport with a Speeder, I do this against bots). --- Clean Reactor: (2) Costs no support minerals from home, good if you have little support. --- Cloaking Devices: (1) You're invisible unless you try to move in the same square that you're trying to move into. It also ignores Zone on Control. --- Comm Jammer: (Attack/Defense) You gain an extra +50% defense against fast vehicles (Hovertank and Speeders). --- Deep Pressure Hull: (1) Sea units can function as a submarine, which they are harder to detect. --- Deep Radar: (0) You get a vision of 2 squares, instead of 1. --- Dissociative Wave: (2) Nullifies Comm Jammer and Hypnotic Trance. --- Drop Pods: (2) Allows you to make Air Drops. They need to be in a friendly base/air base at start of their turn. They airdrop in empty squares 8 away (I believe). They get a -50% attack that turn when they dropped. --- Empath Song: (2) +50% attack bonus against psi units like Mindworms. --- Fuel Nanocells: (1) Aircrafts gain an extra +2 fuel to their max amount. --- Fungicide Tanks: (1) They can clear fungus or plant fungus in half the time. --- Heavy Artillery: (Defense+Speed-2) They gain the "bombardment" ability. They can attack from 2 squares away, it deals about 1 or 2 damage. But if a unit is equipped with this, you cannot attack enemies directly. --- High Morale: (1) You gain an extra +1 morale when the unit is first created. --- Hypnotic Trance: (Attack/Defense) Gain an extra +50% defense bonus in psi combat. --- Marine Detachment: (1) Sea units with this ability can capture enemy navel units if they are severely damage. --- Nerve Gas Pods: (1) (Atrocity) You gain an extra +50% attack bonus. You can use this on the population and kill a lot of the population. --- Non-lethal Methods: (1) Double the effects of policing. --- Polymorphic Encryption: (1) DOUBLES resistance against probe teams. --- Repair Bay: (1) Allows transport units to repair/heal units while they are transporting them. Very useful IMO. --- Soporific Gas Pods: (1) Reduces non-native moral by 2 ranks. --- Super Former: (1) Doubles the speed which takes to perform Former tasks. ----------------------- 13.00 Proposals ----------------------- Note: You can only do proposals if you know ALL the commlinks. And you get more votes for Planetary Governor and Supreme Leader by increasing your population. --- Elect Planetary Governor: As planetary Governor, you can Veto most proposals, extra commerce and provides you will an infiltrator at all factions. --- Unite Behind Me as Supreme Leader: If you get 3/4 of the total votes for Yes, you win the game by Diplomatic Victory. --- Global Trade Pact: The Commerce DOUBLES. I like this proposal. (This replaces Repeal Global Trade Pact if it was passed) --- Repeal Global Trade Pact: Reduces Commerce by half (This replaces Global Trade Pact if it was passed) --- Launch Solar Shade: It decreases Sea levels by 333 meters I believe in 20 years. --- Increase Solar Shade: It decreases sea level by 333 meters in 20 years (This replaces Launch Solar Shade if it was passed). --- Melt Polar Caps: It raises sea level by 333 meters in 20 years. --- Repeal UN Charter: Removes negative effects of Atrocities. --- Reinstate UN Charter: Puts the UN Atrocity charter in effect again. ------------------------------- 14.00 Terraform Actions ------------------------------- Name: (Turns without terrain penalties or former bonuses) Info --- Build Road: (1) Roads increase the movement speed. For 1 movement square, you can move 3 squares on roads, though, it's only for ground units. Roads also increase mineral productions on rocky areas (The places where you cannot build farms). --- Build Magtube: (3) Once you research Monopole magnets, you can build these. You first need to build a road and THEN build this. Then it does not take ANY movement points. It's very nice to move your newly built super unit to the base under attack in 1 move. Once I built a world-wide network against AI. --- Cultivate Farm: (4) Farms increases the Nutrient output by 1. I normally build farms before Mine/Solar collector. They can't built be built on rocky terrain. --- Construct Mine: (8) A mine increases the mineral output. Always put these on rocky areas. Flat Squares will bring in a extra 1 measly mineral. Rolling Squares will also bring in an extra measly 1 mineral. Rocky squares give 2 extra, AND another if a road is placed on the rocky squares. You also get +1 more mineral, so that's +2 if a mineral resource on the map was on a Flat Square. --- Construct Solar Collector: (4) These are used to collect the cold cash, well, hot cash in this case. Energy. The higher the altitude, the more energy you will collect. --- Construct Sensory Array: (4) These have a sight of 2 squares away from the sensory array. If any land unit is inside the sight radius, it increases your defenses by +25%. --- Construct Mining Platform: (8) It increases the mineral output by +1, or +2 if you have Adv. Ecological Engineering. --- Construct Tidal Harness: (4) Tidal Harness yields 3 energy. That's about the same amount as a energy resource on land! --- Cultivate Kelp Farm: (4) Kelp Farms increase the nutrient output by 2. --- Soil Enricher: (8) Once you research Adv. Ecological Engineering, you can create these after you build a farm. These increase the nutrient output on that square by 1. --- Construct Condenser: (12, wow) Condenser increases the rainfall in the area, which +1 nutrition in all surrounding squares, including the one it's on. You can also build a farm, increasing it more. Once, I got 10, that's right, TEN nutrients on a single square. This also has a significant ecological effect, so don't create a lot of these, just a few. --- Construct Echelon Mirror: (12) Echelon mirrors increase all surrounding squares energy output by +1. It also counts as a Solar collector on its own square, but it doesn't get a energy bonus. --- Construct Thermal Borehole (24, WOW!!!) Thermal Boreholes are a giant hole that goes deep down into the middle of Alpha Centauri's crust and takes the huge amounts of minerals and energy. 6 Energy and 6 Minerals! No matter what, you can't get nutrients on a borehole square. You cannot place A borehole on a slope or on a square next to another borehole. These are the most ecological damaging terraform in the game, so don't build many, max of 1 at a base I think. --- Terraform Up/Down: (12) This is used to increase or decrease the height of the terrain. I use this mainly for making it able to lift up the trench level to a sea level so I can place my buildings there. --- Terraform Level: (8) You can pave the area down and it will reduce the rocks in a square, so you can build farms. --- Drill for Aquifer: (18) Drilling for an Aquifer creates a new lake where the drilling started. It's good for those dry deserts. --- Plant Forest: (4) First off, I want to say forests are my favorite all around terrain type. You only get 2/1/1 at start, but once you get Hybrid Forest, you get 3/2/2, and you can get that for every square. Forests also spread so if one gets damage, it can be expanded. They can also drive out of the fungus, which is another reason why I like forests. --- Plant/Remove Fungus/Sea Fungus: (6 for all of them) I clumped all of these together, since its easier, lol. Anyway, they are what the title is, to remove or plant fungus. ------------------------- 15.00 Basic Units ------------------------- Alien Artifact: These Progenitors artifacts can be linked to a network node. Once their linked, they give you a free research. So these are VERY nice at the start of the game. --- Battle Ogre MK1 (through 3): Each level increases their defense and weapon power. These guys are very strong, but the problem is they cannot be repaired, by anything, not even monoliths. --- Colony Pod: When you planetfall, you come with one of these. To start a base, go on the square you want to and hit B. --- Formers: Formers are required. They are the backbone of your faction. They build the mines, roads, farms ect. --- Fungal Tower: These guys are very cool. They are a giant mass of native life. When attacked, it gains an extra +50% because their ability to control nearby native life (It's just a bonus, cant move mindworms with it or something).Sp --- Isle of the Deep: These guys are cool. They are native lifeforms that can carry units (Depending on their lifecycle, 1 for each lifecycle). --- Locusts of Chiron: They flying version of mindworms, and just as deadly. --- Mindworms: These guys are very cool. These Mindworms create nightmares, then the burrow into their head and lay larvae inside their minds. --- Probe Teams: If you walk onto a unit or base, you will get a menu of options. Probe teams can attack each other, the higher morale level, the winner. The higher morale level you have, the better your chance of getting the mission done with a success. Also, you get a moral upgrade nearly every time you perform a mission successfully. --- Scout Patrol: The basic 1/1/1 unit. They are basically are used as the first small unit inside a base to prevent them from being captured and used to scout (Thus the name). --- Sealurk: These are another type of navel unit. They rarely attack unless you go inside fungus and they are near by. --- Spore Launcher: Their favorite thing to do is make you want to kill them. They basically go around and use their bombardment ability to destroy your farms, mines ect. --- Supply Crawler: You use these to carry resources from one square (out of the range of your base) and return to base with the bounty. --- Transport Foil: The basic transport for sea. Nothing special. -------------------- 16. Versions -------------------- 1.00 Put on GameFAQs -------------------------------- 17.00 Credits and Thanks -------------------------------- Me for making this. CJayC for making GameFAQs Every one who helped make Sid Miers Alpha Centauri and Alien Crossfire expansion. ------------------ 18.00 FAQs ------------------ Q: I would like to post your Walkthrough on , can I? A: Yes you can, as long as you DO NOT CHANGE ANY TEXT. You also need to send an e-mail saying that you will post it on your site, this is just to know what sites have my Walkthrough. And if you wish to change the file from a .txt to another format, please notify that in the E-mail. If you do not follow every condition, REMOVE MY WALKTHROUGH NOW!!!