-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Runaway City FAQ v3.0(edited) created and updated by: cantbel[at]yahoo.com (Industrial Boie) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revisions: v1.0: Took out a few offensive words v2.0: I took out offensive and suggestive themes. v1.0 is available elsewhere or by emailing me. v3.0: Added Homepage URL NOTE:I've covered almost every aspect of the game except the story. I consider that spoiling. If I missed anything email me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System Requirements: WIN95, MS DOS, 16MB RAM, KEYBOARD AND/OR MOUSE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: 01. Controls 02. Characters 03. Hentai Scenes 04. Ending 05. Extras 06. Credtis 07. Locations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Controls The Controls for RC are basically the same as other DOS based Hentai games. Arrow keys, Return or Enter button. Enter/Left Mouse Click: Select an action or option Escape/Right Mouse Click: Cancel action/load/save game or quit Arrow Keys/Mouse: Navigate through actions/options NOTE: The Arrow Keys are a lot more accurate than the Mouse. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02. Characters (In order of Appereance) These are the Characters you will run into during the game. A. Katsuhiko Katsuhiko is your father. He runs a video game company that makes the ultra popular Virtual Ninja game. Your father hasn't had a woman in the house since your mother passed away. You meet Choko through Katsuhiko and one of your favorite pornstars. B. Rin Watanabe Also known as "Akihabara no Hondala". Rin is a master in the art of Virtual Ninja. She is trying to beat 100 opponents in a row. With your help she does that and a whole lot more. Rin is also in Seasons of the Sakura, but she only makes a couple of appereances. Rin wants to run a Arcade when she graduates from college. C. Megumi Fujisawa The bright and energic flake of sorts. She loves to show off. She's also a real snob at times. The regular guy doesn't have a chance with a brat like her. But someone with good luck might just have what it takes... D. Sayaka Suga Timid describes Sayaka. She is always carrying around her writting tools everywhere she goes. Her dream is to write poetry books and publish them for the whole world to see. Sayaka always seems to be hiding something. Maybe she is. E. Yume Togawa Yume is a little bit too outgoing. She has recently aquired a taste for S/M or Submission and Domination. F. Nene Togawa Yume's sister. She has become so afraid of people, because of her sisters "experiments" , that she freaks out the first day you talk to her. When you help her she begins to open up and trust her sister a little more. G. Yuki Aizawa Yuki is a very rude woman. At least that's what you get out of her during most of the game. Yuki later tells you how she knows you and that Kana wants her to help you find mariko. Yuki later reveals the secret behind your good luck. H. Fujiko Fujiko is your lover. Notice I said LOVER not girlfriend. That's because that is all you two do; make love. Fujiko lives off of her "lovers". She gets money and gifts from many men. She used to black mail men into money. You notice a change in Fujiko early in the game. I. Mariko Iijima The rebel. Mariko hangs out in the alley and backstreets of town. Her mother asks you to find her and try to convince her to come back home. Mariko puts out on "I'm tough" acts but You see right through that. Mariko is really insecure when it comes right down to it. J. Kana Kurimida Kana is a classmate of yours. Much to your suprise she works at Soapland as the alias Kurimi. She is a very smart woman and convinces you to help people achieve their goals with your luck. She is also how Yuki knows what kind of person you are. K. Choko Iijima The mysterious multi-millionaire. She seems to be in love with your father at first but it soon becomes apparent that she wants to use your good luck to make a lot of money. (What's the point!?) L. Hiromi Sasaki Owner of the bar. She attracts a lot of men to her bar with her looks and the fact that she is single. Hiromi is in a word a blunt woman. She helps you out during the game if you give her something. M. Yumirin Kroda Your favorite porn star. Yumirin is the woman on the video Kenta lent you before he went to india. She is a Gaijin (foreigner) from the Phillipines. She knows Choko. N. Kiri The S&M author that doesn't write her own stories. She has recently aquired the work of her neice Sayaka. You must teach her a lesson. O. The Legendary Tree God Gave you your power. Whatever you need seems to appear. The Tree saved you and your father's life but couldn't save your mother. You must choose to keep your powers or risk death and get rid of them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03. Hentai Scenes The only two scenes you can miss are with Fujiko. If you go to her house the first day you can get one and if you think about her the first night you'll be treated to a flashback. NOTE: You can't really miss any. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04. Ending When you finally find the Tree that gave you your power you will ask it to take your power away. Afterwards you start to see visions. Here is a step by step walkthrough to get the Good and Bad Endings. A. Bad Ending To get the bad ending simply choose to keep your powers. B. Good Ending To get the good ending follow this EXACTLY. Choice 01: Do it Choice 02: Think; Fujiko Choice 03: Think; Fujiko Choice 04: Think; Myself Choice 05: Look; Fujiko Choice 06: Look (until it repeats) Choice 07: Think; Fujiko (until you ask yourself if you want the powers) Choice 08: Think; Myself (do you want the powers?) Choice 09: No Choice 10: Look; Woman (until your thoughts repeat) Choice 11: Talk and Think (you should think "time for justice") Choice 12: Talk (you should say okay I'll pay the fee) Choice 13: Yes Choice 14: Yes Choice 15: Watch (until you say to yourself "now's my chance") Choice 16: Whistle (to confuse the bad guys) Choice 17: Punch Choice 18: Kick Choice 19: Knockout Move (you'll change them into good guys) Choice 20: No, that's wrong Choice 21: Do it, Stop and Refuse (when Kanto askes if he can finish it) Choice 22: Interrogation Choice 23: Let Me Do It! Choice 24: Interrogate Choice 25: Where is Sister? Choice 26: Let Me Do It! Choice 27: Interrogate Choice 28: Ask Choice 29: Make Them Stop (until an assasin shows up) Choice 30: Don't touch her Choice 31: Ask (until USE; Executioners, appears) Choice 32: Undress Choice 33: Stop, Stop, Save Her (you should contemplate dying to lose your power) Conclusion: If you wake up in the Park you got the Good Ending. Remember this if you didn't wake up in the Park; Do bad but then good when you can and your sure to get it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05. Extras Extra things or characters you should know or take notice of. A. To find Mariko simply choose every place besides the Overpass/Underail until you leave Yuki with Hiromi. B. There is a picture of Rei from Evangelion in your room! C. People at the main intersection talk about Aki, Mio, Reiko, and Kiyomi from Seasons of the Sakura (I did a FAQ on this game too!). D. Desert Eagle from Seasons of the Sakura is somewhere in this game. E. Fatal Fury, and Samuri Showdown are in the game...somewhere. F. Virtual Ninja's sequel is talked about in Seasons of the Sakura. G. Zero One seems to be a very popular store for Hentai Games. H. There's a poster of Ryu and Ken from the Street Fighter series in the Arcade. I. Rin makes a cameo appereance in Seasons of the Sakura. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06. Credits FAQ AUTHOR: Industrial Boie (cantbel[at]yahoo.com) AUTHOR'S HOMEPAGE: http://geocities.com/cantbel/ib GAME PRODUCERS: Jast USA THANK YOU: Hentai Otaku, Artists, and Fans. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07. Locations To download the latest versions of this FAQ visit the following locations; Gamefaqs.com - http://www.gamefaqs.com If you want to offer this FAQ on your site Email me at: cantbel[at]yahoo.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Runaway City and all related characters are Copyright ¸ Jast Usa This FAQ is the property and Copyright of Industrial Boie (cantbel[at]yahoo.com). 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------- ---------- Industrial<(^_^)>Boie