All you have to do is to edit the file user.ini in the folder deusex/system and bind a key to a talkline. Look for one of the empty key bindings and change it to X=talk (on all appearances, X can be any empty letter). Save and start the game and now press the selected letter and you will see a talk line beginning with SAY. Erase this SAY and type on the blank line: set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True Now the cheat mode is enabled and you might type in: god God mode invisible 1/0 Invisible ON/OFF behindview 1/0 Lara View ON/OFF fly Fly mode ON walk Fly Mode OFF ghost Walk through walls iamwarren Turn on EMP field allskillpoints All skill points allskills You learnt everything allweapons All weapons allammo Ammo filled allaugs All basic augmentations tantalus Destroy current target opensesame Unlock desired door legend Secret menu allhealth Health complete allenergy Energy complete allcredits 10000 credits allimages All images fov ## Change angle, ## = 1 - 360, 90 = standard summon x The famous SPAWN command where x might be: AcousticSensor AdaptiveArmor AlexJacobson Ammo10mm Ammo20mm Ammo3006 AmmoDart AmmoDartFlare AmmoDartPoison AmmoNapalm AmmoPlasma AmmoRocketWP AmmoRockets AmmoSabot AnnaNavarre AugBallistic AugCloak AugDatalink AugEMP AugEnviro AugIFF Augmentationupgradecannister AugShield AugStealth AugTarget BallisticArmor Basketball Binoculars BobPage Candybar Cat (l„sst sich sch”n grillen ... wie gemein) ;-) Chad Cigarettes Credits Doctor FireExtinguisher Flare GarySavage GilbertRenton GordonQuik Gray Greasel GuntherHermann HarleyFilben HazMatSuit JCDentonMale JaimeReyes Jock JoeGreene JojoFine JordanShea JosephManderley JuanLebedev Liquor40oz LiquorBottle Lockpick LuciusDeBeers MJ12Troop MaggieChow MaxChen Mechanic MedKit MedicalBot MorganEverett MultiTool NicoletteDuClare PaulDenton Rat Rebreather RepairBot SamCarter SandraRenton Smuggler Sodacan Soldier SoyFood StantonDowd Terrorist TiffanySavage TobyAtanwe TracerTong UNATCOTroop VialAmbrosia VialCrack WaltonSimons WeaponAssaultGun WeaponAssaultShotgun WeaponBaton WeaponCombatKnife WeaponCrowbar WeaponEMPGrenade WeaponFlameThrower WeaponGasGrenade WeaponHideAGun WeaponLAM WeaponLAW WeaponMiniCrossbow WeaponNanoSword WeaponNanoVirusGrenade WeaponPepperGun WeaponPistol WeaponPlasmaRifle WeaponProd WeaponRifle WeaponSawedOffShotgun WeaponShuriken WeaponStealthPistol WeaponSword Weapongepgun Weaponmodaccuracy Weaponmodclip Weaponmodlaser Weaponmodrange Weaponmodrecoil Weaponmodreload Weaponmodscope Weaponmodsilencer WineBottle Mutt Pigeon Militarybot Securitybot2 Securitybot3 Nurse Allskills Karkian spawnmass x # Hey, thats new, summon a special ammount (#) of x AugAdd X Install augementations, where X might be AugLight AugDataLink AugIff AugDefense AugDrone AugTarget AugVision AugCombat AugMuscle AugBallistic AugEnviro AugHeartlung AugPower AugHealing AugAqualung AugCloak AugRadartrans AugShield AugEmp AugSpeed AugStealth open x Jump to Level x, where x might be: 00_Intro 00_Training 00_TrainingCombat 00_TrainingFinal 01_NYC_UNATCOHQ 01_NYC_UNATCOIsland 02_NYC_Bar 02_NYC_BatteryPark 02_NYC_FreeClinic 02_NYC_Hotel 02_NYC_Smug 02_NYC_Street 02_NYC_Underground 02_NYC_Warehouse 03_NYC_747 03_NYC_Airfield 03_NYC_AirfieldHeliBase 03_NYC_BatteryPark 03_NYC_BrooklynBridgeStation 03_NYC_Hangar 03_NYC_MolePeople 03_NYC_UNATCOHQ 03_NYC_UNATCOIsland 04_NYC_Bar 04_NYC_BatteryPark 04_NYC_Hotel 04_NYC_NSFHQ 04_NYC_Smug 04_NYC_Street 04_NYC_UNATCOHQ 04_NYC_UNATCOIsland 04_NYC_Underground 05_NYC_UNATCOHQ 05_NYC_UNATCOIsland 05_NYC_UNATCOMJ12lab 06_HongKong_Helibase 06_HongKong_MJ12lab 06_HongKong_Storage 06_HongKong_TongBase 06_HongKong_VersaLife 06_HongKong_WanChai_Canal 06_HongKong_WanChai_Garage 06_HongKong_WanChai_Market 06_HongKong_WanChai_Street 06_HongKong_WanChai_Underworld 08_NYC_Bar 08_NYC_FreeClinic 08_NYC_Hotel 08_NYC_Smug 08_NYC_Street 08_NYC_Underground 09_NYC_Dockyard 09_NYC_Graveyard 09_NYC_Ship 09_NYC_ShipBelow 09_NYC_ShipFan 10_Paris_Catacombs 10_Paris_Catacombs_Tunnels 10_Paris_Chateau 10_Paris_Club 10_Paris_Metro 11_Paris_Cathedral 11_Paris_Everett 11_Paris_Underground 12_Vandenberg_Cmd 12_Vandenberg_Computer 12_Vandenberg_Gas 12_Vandenberg_Tunnels 14_OceanLab_Lab 14_Oceanlab_Silo 14_OceanLab_UC 14_Vandenberg_Sub 15_Area51_Bunker 15_Area51_Entrance 15_Area51_Final 15_Area51_Page 99_Endgame1 99_Endgame2 99_Endgame3 99_Endgame4 --- Easter eggs: Start the cheat mode and go to the main menu and click CREDITS. Now you might type in: quotes Quotes from the programmers at the end of the game danceparty The secret 4th ending thereisnospoon Matris mode huthut Message bighead Message iamwarren Activate Warrens EMP field If you don't like the message CHEATS ENABLED in your savegames, just repeat the cheats enabling command with the parameter FALSE: set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled False Now save and no annoying messages are captured in the savegame. --- You can also bind everything to special keys in the User.ini, e.g.: H=set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True I=ShowInventoryWindow J=god --- In the Vandenberg mission you might enlarge your skill points account: You will have to power up two generators, one is on level 2 the other outside. You get the code for it from the female scientist on the roof at the beginning of the mission (5868). Any time you type that code at the keypad that secures the generators you will be rewarded with 100 skill points.