SILVERLOAD COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH by CRASH This game, I would say, has a very unique story but poor gameplay and short play. The grafik isn't bad though ( but why in the earth that the people is shut up when they suppose to talk ). So here is the complete walkthrough to all of you who plays it. I don't want to spoil your game, so I try to make this walkthrough not step by step exactly. One thing, you can't bring all of your inventory ( there's a maximum limit ), so you must remember where you put your inventory before you try to take another one. DAY 1 WHAT SHOULD I DO IN THE BEGINNING ? - Try to talk to people for information - Visit the wagon on the left side HOW CAN I PASS THE DESERT, I KEEP DYING WHEN TRYING TO PASS IT ? - Cover your eye when walk in the desert and bring a compass - Eyeglasses, did this word ring your bell ? - Get it from the chest in the wagon ( it's on the right side ) Move the object, the eyeglasses is under that thing - Receive compass from the sick man - Move north from the fire WHY THE WEREWOLF ATTACK ME WHEN I VISIT THE CEMETARY ? - It's dark, too dangerous to walk in the cemetary - Don't go there yet. Back again later WHAT SHOULD I DO IN THE SILVERLOAD TOWN ? - Find a hotel, take a sleep - Don't walk around too long or you will get killed. CAN I DO SOMETHING FIRST BEFORE I GO TO HOTEL ? - Talk to people near cemetary and try to visit the barn - The barn is on the left path from the hotel - Get paper on pole ( it's a message ) and get the stick lying on the ground - Return to hotel quickly THERE'S NO ONE IN THE HOTEL ! - Call the manager - Do you see the bell on the counter ? Ring it - Get the room key THE MANAGER DOESN'T WANT TO GIVE ME THE ROOM KEY ! - Did you say something wrong ? - Try to give the reason "I'm just pass through" when he asked you THERE'S A STRANGE CABINET IN MY ROOM, BUT I CAN'T OPEN IT ! - Unlock it first - Have you found the key yet ? It's behind the counter downstair - Move the paper, voila that's the yellow key for the cabinet - Unlock the cabinet, enter, and talk to Leo about the story of the town DAMN, I GOT KILLED WHEN I TRY TO SLEEP ! - Did you forget to lock your room door ? - Not with your room key, it's not enough - Get the chair outside the room - Use it to secure the door - Now get some sleep DAY 2 WHAT MUST I DO NOW ? - Remember what did you give to the manager last night ? - Take your gun back, it's behind the counter I GET KILLED WHEN I TRY TO HELP THE POOR MAN OUTSIDE THE HOTEL ! - Mind your own business ! - Say that you're just pass through and just ask why the people beat him WHAT MUST I DO NOW ? - Look around, get information and buy anything you can - Visit the local shop ( it's to the right path from the hotel ) - Buy rope and matches - Go to barber, ask him to shave you ( cut you, I might say ) and the story will be more awesome - Talk to sherrif. He's in the jail next to the statue. WHERE CAN I FIND SOME BULLETS FOR MY GUN, IT'S EMPTY ? - Go to gun shop, it's on the north side of the town - Buy bullet ( it's on the shelves behind the merchant ) CAN I TAKE THE CROWBAR FROM THE CART OUTSIDE THE BAR ? - Buy the owner a drink - Buy an ale from the bartender ( click on the ale poster ) - Give him the ale BUT HE DOESN'T DO ANYTHING AFTER I GAVE HIM THE ALE ! - Not enough. - Buy him another one ( he will get sleep ) - Take his mallet and crowbar from his cart I KEEP LOSING THE CARD GAME, HOW CAN I DEFEAT THE GAMBLER ? - Find the cheat sheet. - Ha.. Gotcha. - Go upstair - Talk to the lady and make an appointment with her - After she walked away get a tricky dice behind the curtain on the right - When you play with it you're undefeated - Play for 3 or 4 times - He will get angry and try to shoot you - Just kill the gambler WHERE CAN I FIND THE LOVELY LADY I'VE SEEN UPSTAIR ? - Can you climb a tree ? - Go outside, climb the tree in front of the bar HELP, THE SHERRIF CATCH ME IN THE ROOM WITH HIS LADY ! - Don't just stand there, find a place to hide - Hide under the bed - Listen to their conversation I MEET THIS STRANGE PREACHER, WHAT MUST I DO ? - Take a picture - Ask him to make a picture with the coffin - When he walks inside, take the hook from the body in the coffin and take the hammer lying in the ground ( near door ) - Receive the picture, nice picture huh ? I FOUND THIS OLD WELL, CAN I CLIMB DOWN ? - Sure you can, go ahead. Use something to help you - Get the rope - Use it on the pulley - Go down, take the bucket and the coin IN THE BLACKSMITH. CARL ATTACKS ME WHEN I TRY TO GET HIS THINGS ! - Help him first, did he say blood ? - Does "pig farm" ring your bell ? - Go to pig farm ( it's the building with some bizzares kid outside it ) - Pull up the pig SO WHERE IS THE BLOOD ? - Kill the pig and take his blood - Find a butcher knife from the kitchen near the barn - Cut the pig's head ( ugh.. gross ) - Fill the bucket with it's blood - Give Carl the bucket of blood - Take his diary, shovel and tongs. - Read his diary for the information about silverload I GET KILLED WHEN I TRY TO PASS THE BRIDGE WITH SOME VULTURES BESIDE IT ! - Don't go there yet. You must have an amulet first and destroy some spell - Get it from the cemetary - You will pass the bridge on DAY 3 I GET KILLED BY THE WEREWOLF WHEN I TRY TO VISIT THE CEMETARY ! - I've told you don't go there at night, visit this cemetary earlier - Go there before sunset - Find a protector. Remember the story Leo has told you - Get it from the room under kitchen floor - Use hammer to open the loosen board on floor - Open the crate with your crowbar - Take the protector WHERE CAN I FIND THE AMULET IN THE CEMETARY ? - Nice girl huh..? - Do you remember the story of silverload from Carl's diary ? - Go to where the girl disappeared - Dig the grave using your shovel IT'S GETTING DARK, WHERE CAN I SLEEP ? THE SHERRIF CATCH ME WHEN I GO BACK TO THE HOTEL ! - Remember your appointment with a lady ? - Climb to her room - Talk with her - Agree to help her ( yikes she bites me !! ) - Take a nap on her bed WHY I GET KILLED WHEN I SLEEP ON HER BED ? - Destroy the voodoo spell first - Find the voodoo doll - Remember the big house near the statue in the town ( it's preacher's house ) I DON'T HAVE THE KEY TO ENTER THE HOUSE. WHERE CAN I FIND IT ? - You don't have to. It's burglar time - Use your crowbar to open the door - Go upstair. Look at the nice scene of man becoming a werewolf !!! I FOUND THIS GREEN KEY ON THE COAT, WHERE CAN I USE IT ? - Unlock the drawer behind the desk - Get a spell paper in it and a small key - Get the journal on the desk - Read it WHAT'S THIS LITTLE KEY DO ? - Look for a secret room. Where is usually the secret room take place ? - Yup behind the bookshelf - Look carefully at the picture behind the desk - Use the key with the small hole on the leftside of the picture - Turn on the switch - Push the bookshelf aside NOW WHAT MUST I DO ? IT'S A DEAD END ROOM HERE, THERE'S NO DOOR OR ANYTHING TO GET OUT ! - It's magic time. Use transport spell - Use the spell from the drawer on the pentagon NOW WHAT ? - Check out the table - It's the voodoo doll - Destroy it with your mallet - Take another transport spell - Take a jar of potion on the right shelf - Use the spell on the pentagram - Now you reach the top of the tower - Use spell I on the altar to get back to the big house again - Now you can sleep safely DAY 3 WHERE CAN I PREPARE MYSELF TO MAKE A SILVER BULLET ? - First find all the tools - Go to gunshop - Look at the glass case - Get the book - Read it ( it's the manual book to make a silver bullet ) - Buy the bullet pressing - Go to kitchen - Get a pan from the table - Get lantern in the room downstair WHERE IS THE SILVER MINE - Go to bridge ( right of the undertaker ) - Cross it - Now you can cross the bridge safely after you take the amulet - Go to the eye icon on the far side WHY I STILL GET KILLED WHEN I CROSS THE BRIDGE AFTER I HAVE THE AMULET ? - I've told you to destroy a spell first - Remember the crystal ball in secret room in the preacher house - Crush it with your mallet HOW CAN I ENTER THE MINE ? - Look at the strange picture on the top of the gate, remember where have you seen the picture ? - Yup, it's the picture on the coin from the well - Give it to the man behind the gate ( through the small window on gate ) - Talk to the old man - Receive his key after clicking at 'silver' from the lady's bubble - Take the glove on the left side IT'S TOO DARK I CAN'T ENTER THE MINE CAVE ? - Use some light - Get the lantern from the cellar under kitchen floor ( it's on the crate ) - Combine the lantern with the matches - Turn on the lantern HOW CAN I CROSS THE CHASM ? - Make some grappling hook to cross the chasm - Combine the rope with hook - Use it on the board above the chasm - Swing with it WHERE IS THE HIGHER GROUND ? - The entrance is with the green light - Put the skull on the grave - A white wolf will appear - Talk with it - Ask it for help AFTER I GET THE SILVER, THE SHERRIF BLOCK MY WAY OUT. WHAT MUST I DO ? - Let's blow him to hell - Get the dynamite in the same room with the silver - Light it with the matches - Put it in the cart - Hey sherrif take this gift for you !!!!! I GET TRAPPED IN THE MINE, HOW CAN I GO OUT ? - Dig your way out fool !!! - Find the pick axe head from the higher ground entrance - Combine with the stick to make pick axe - Dig your way out with it WHERE CAN I MAKE THE SILVER BULLET - In the train - Get inside the left house - Take the robe on the left seat - Cover the bird so it can't see you enter the room in front of you - Enter the room - Look in the telescope - Go to the station and go forward to train HOW CAN I MAKE THE SILVER BULLET - Read the book from gun shop - Get the coal - Open the furnace - Put coal in it - Use matches to lit the furnace - Use silver in the frying pan from the kitchen - Put it in the furnace - Use tongs to get it out - Use the bullet pressing - Now you have the silver bullet HOW CAN I DEFEAT THE SHERRIF, I SHOT THEM BUT THEY WON'T DEAD !! - Remember what the lady had told you earlier ? - Shot them on the head exactly - The guys with a robe on the right must be shot twice HOW CAN DEFEAT THE PREACHER ? - Go to church - Enter the secret room - Blow the room with dynamite ( it'll happen automatically if you have the dynamite in your inventory ) - Use the spell on pentagram to enter the altar - Grab the kid - Shoot all of the preacher's guard exactly in the head THE PREACHER WON'T DEAD WHEN I SHOOT HIM ? - What is the open part of his body ? - Yes, his mouth - Eat this silver bullet you maggot !! - Watch the blowing ending You win !!!! Vicky "CRASH" Indrawan