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This Game is one of my favouite Games of all time, because of its interesting and mystic story and the very good graphics (for the time I first played it) Sometimes you just can't believe that there are just 16 (in words _sixteen_!!!) different colors on the screen. The graphic artworkers, namely Ken Macklin, Gary Winnick, Steve Purcell and Mark Ferrari have done a really good job back then. On a sidenote I want to mention here, that Steve Purcell is the creator of the world famous Freelance police, namely Sam 'n Max! The Game itself is very easy to get into and can be played in one afternoon. After having cleared it you can try again in higher difficulties to get a new challenge. How these things work out is described in the corresponding section in the FAQ. As everything else you need to know about this masterpiece of a game. Selmiak November '05 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table of Content <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [.ToC.] So what can you find in this guide? Everything listed here will be found in the guide. >>> 01 >>> Introduction ............. [.int.] >>> 02 >>> Table of Content ......... [.ToC.] >>> 03 >>> Walkthrough .............. [.Wkt.] >>> 04 >>> Book of Patterns ......... [.BoP.] >>> 05 >>> Different Difficulties ... [.Dif.] >>> 06 >>> Secrets .................. [.Sec.] >>> 06 >>> Version History .......... [.VeH.] >>> 07 >>> Legal Stuff .............. [.LgL.] >>> 08 >>> Thank yous ............... [.Thx.] >>> 09 >>> Contact information ...... [.Con.] You can always quickaccess the desired Section just by pressing Ctrl+F to activate your browser's / Texteditor's Searchfunction and then enter the abbreviation in the Brackets (with the dots) and you will be taken there! ___________ Help for hungry guidewriters ;) If you think, this FAQ helped you out, then please be so kind and type the following url in your browser an click on one of the ads there. http://schmutzschild.de/supporte.html You can't loose anything by doing so, except half a minute of your time and I get some tips and write more guides! Even little money is money! Thank you! ______________ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Walkthrough <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [.Wkt.] This Walkthrough guides you through the Game from the beginning to the bitter end. Everytime you get a new note on your distaff it is marked wit a ">" and everytime you learn a new pattern to weave the reality so that it fits in your mind it is marked with a "*". ----------------- | PART 1 | | THE BEGINNING | ----------------- + the village + ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ You first start to gain control over Bobbin on top of the hill outside his village after he gets a call by the elders telling him, they want to see him. So start walking to the left and enter the village. Walk to the tents and enter the left one. Looks bigger from the insinde doesn't it? This one is the holy cathedral of the loom where the elders meet. You can listen to their conversation on it all sounds a bit vague what they are talking about up to now, but what do you expect, the game just has started :) So wait until the swan enters the hall an attacs the council and transforms all memebers of the council into swans and takes them with him. One of the elders looses his distaff while being turned into a swan. Pick up the distaff and klick on the egg they made out of mother hetchel. Now you will learn your first pattern for weaving the reality, the pattern for open, resp. close. open: * eced close: * dece This pattern is always an in every game you play the same,but if you play again or in another difficulty, the other patterns change with every game, so you might want to print out the book of patterns I included under chapter 04 - The Book of Patterns and note down all the patterns you discover there! Now click on the egg and you will see it in the lower right of you screen. As the egg only wants to open now weave the notes "eced" on the egg and you will weave the reality so that the egg opens. Mother Hetchel will tell you what you have to do so let's find a way away from this island. And also let's find all the Swans. Before leaving this place, doubleklick on the loom to hear the pattern for the human to swan melody. You can't weave it right now, as it consists of some very high pitched notes Bobbin has to learn befor he can play them. Now leave this tent and enter the one on the very right. Here you can pick up the book of patterns and push a flask so that it drips. Doubleclick it and it will play the melody for emptying things. Note down that melody and remember that you can also fill things by plaing it backwards. * dye / bleach * empy / fill Have a look at the dye-pot. Doubleclick it and you will instantly hear the pattern for dyeing. Now practice your weaving skills by aiming at the undyed clothes there and dye them to green. All of them. As this looks ugly, now bleach them. All of them. When I say all of them, I mean all of them. If you can't remember how to bleach, it's just the pattern for dyeing backwards. + the woods/graveyard + ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Now leave the village and at the fork take the way to the very left (to the darkness, not to the footbridge. You will find youself in the woods. Walk along the trees with the holes and click on every hole. There is an owl inside nearly every hole and you will reach the spooky graveyards (with only one grave..) at the end there. There is one Owl sitting on a gravestone but the animal seems asleep. Walk to the thorns on the left side of the screen and double click there. A rabbit will come out and the (sleeping?) Owl will catch it and find it's way to it's hole in the tree. Have a look at the Gravestone. It is your mother's gravestone and there is a very interesting message on it you will fully understand in some minutes so make sure to remember it. Now get back one screen to the trees with the holes. As the last owl is in it's hole double click on one of the holes and you can hear the melody playing used for seing in the dark. Note it down of course. * see in darkness Now leave the woods. You can now pay a visit to the footbridge, and practice your learned patterns there or you go straigt to the village again and practice your skills later on. + back in the village + ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ In the village enter the middle tent right next to the path you enterd the village. This is the place where your villagemates spun straw to gold. But you can't see anything in here so klick around until you get the darkness in your lower right screen (indicated by 2 eyes) and weave the see in darkness spell on it and you will see the wheel. Doubleclick on the wheel and it will reveal the pattern for weaving straw to gold. Try this pattern on the different heaps around there forwards and backwards and you will now learn a new note on your distaff, the next higher pitched one, the Note f. * straw to gold > f available on distaff + fulfill the prophecy + ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Remeber the prophecy on your mothers Gravestone? The message was about when the sky is opened and the tree is split asunder. So head up to the hill you once started the game and point to the sky. Now try to open the heaven. This will cause the space and time continuum to get into seriuos trouble but as you are weak right now you just reach a flash coming from the sky smashing into the tree. The tree floats to the footbridge, so go there and have a good ride on the treetrunk. + row row row your boat + ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ There is a waterspout in your way. Doubleclick on it and hear it's twisty sound. Cast the same spell it covers backwards on it to unspin the waterspout and you should be able to pass on by. * twist / untwist ----------------- | PART 2 | | NEW SHORES | ----------------- You finally reached the mainland and are awarded with a new note to this noteworthy achievement. > g available on the distaff Now leave the shore to the left background. + the shepards + ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Once you are on the nice woodway try to go on to the left. There are the shepards stopping you and interrogating you. They think you are a wizzard but as you don't want to talk to them this way, just walk away and note down their pattern of making them invisible. * invisible As you can't pass the shepards walk to the glasscity. + the crystalgard + ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ You should be coming from the back so enter the glascity right there. Walk up 2(!) stairs and enter the door there, so that you are still in the same room after that but farther in the background. Double Click the crystal there and you will be transportet to the foreground by lighspeed! Master Goodmold of the Glassmakers will come and welcome you. Now beam back and enter the other door in the same room. You will listen to an interesting conversation of Master Crucible and Bishop Mandible about a sphere to look into the future. Leave this place out to the front door and look up to the workers on the tower. Cast the invisible spell on them and enter the crystalgard again to where you just camefrom. Now you can enter the first crystal here and beam you up to the workers but they won't see you as you are invisible. Examine the blade they polish and you will uncover the pattern for sharpening. Pass the workers and use the other beamcrystal to get down one floor. * sharpen Now you can have a look at the future sphere and see how to impress the shepards. Of yourse, note down that spell! * frighten You can have two more short looks into the future before the spell is hearable again, but the other views won't spoil anything for you. + back to the shepards + ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Now as you know what to do with the shepards go there again a frighten the crap out of them. it should look something like this: http://img145.imageshack.us/my.php?image=frightentheshepards5mm.png Hah! That was fun! Go on on your quest and follow the path. You will now find some sheep and another shepard. Doubleclick on the sheep and they will show you the pattern for the wake spell. Once the shapard is awake, he will be upset, that you upset the sheep and will set them back up over the fence again and they will show you the spell for the sleep cast. * sleep / wake After learning that go to the background and follow the path. You will come to a small hut with a sick lamb inside. Have a look at the lamb and woman will appear, tell you some stuff about the dragon and on the clerics ordering a whole bunch of sheep perhaps for feeding an army. What clerics need an army? Well, then, have another look at the sheep, so that she shows you the spell for healing. Did I mentione to write it down already? No? Then do so immedeately! * heal So now try to help this young lady of the shepards that also confuses you with a mage. Step outside and have a look at the sheep. The dragon can't miss them as they are white and the background is as green as can be. So dye all the sheep green with the dyeing cast. Yeeaha, all the sheep are green and the dragon won't see them anymore. So he takes you. D'oh! You find youself again in the + Dragon's lair + ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ So now you are trapt there with an trendy dragon. Talking to him isn't that funny as in other Lucas Film games, so just weave all his stolen gold to straw with the spell you learned a while back. For this clever action you will be awarded with the note a. Now you are able to cast the sleep spell you learned from the sheeps on the dragon. Get him asleep and he will start snoring and by that set the straw on fire. So he leaves in a hurry and the burnd straw is away and shows a new cave you should enter. > a available on the distaff + maze + ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Lighten up the maze by casting the see in darkness spell on it. Now find a way through here. Walk until you reach the pond of water and have a deep look inside. This is the best explanation for making a sound in this game and looks really great. So note down the reflect spell and leave the cave. * reflect You will see some twisted sister'd stairs here and on the lower end there is missing a bit. So whatcha gonna do now young fellow? Remember the waterspout in front of the mainland? Just untwist this twisted nerve as well and you'll be fine. I hope you still got the spell for it noted, that's why I always mention it. So after another nice animation for this, you can follow the stairs to the next szene. + The blacksmiths + ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ You see this young fellow lying there? This is Rusty Nailbender. Wake him up so he can tell you all about his guild, the blacksmiths. Actually there is not much he can tell you about his guild, so just step next to him as he falls asleep again and cast the reflect spell on him. This will let you look like him and he will still be sleeping. Looking like a blacksmith you can enter their, hmm castle, or city, ... thing! So just enter this place. Follow the strangely arranged way through there and you will find you master waiting for you and your, uh-oh firewood. He throws you into prison and there is nothing you can do about it. He takes away your distaff and there is nothing you can do about it. Because there is nothing you can do about it go to sleep by doubleclicking on the hay. Finally the Dragon finds your Rusty Nailbender looking like you and kills him and there is nothing you can do about it. Finally the old blacksmith throws your distaff into the fire and there is nothing you can do about it. Looks bad, eh. but the distaff attracts Mother Hetchel and she can help you quite a lot! So pick up your distaff once again and finally open the door. Leave this place and have a look at the woodbin. Looks empty, doesn't it? Let's fill it. Do you remember the dripping flask from the beginning of this game? It's spell it for emptying things, but when woven backwards on things you can also fill somthing up with it. So weave the fill draft on the woodbin! Nice isn't it? You learn something new everyday and poor Rusty Nailbender won't have to fetch firewood anymore. Not that a dead Rusty would need any of this. So go to the next room and listen to the conversation between Bishop Mandible and the Blacksmith and you can cast a spell on the sword while he is holding it up. Just unsharpen or twist the sword and another step in preventing the yet unknown but sure evil plans of Bishop Mandible is done. But now you are caught and brought to his place. When you didn't time it right to twist the sword, just click on them again to make the other blacksmith stop his welding job and so it'll be silent in here and you can curse the sword. ---------------------- | PART 3 | | THE CATHEDRAL | ---------------------- Now you are imprisoned in the dark gloomy dungeons of the Bishops cathedral, that looks something like this: http://img84.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cathedral9ee.png As there is nothing else you can do, open the cage with the open draft. Now Mandible was just waiting for that and now wants to summon all the dead from his very own graveyard. If he has to kill them all to make his army, he'd better have kept them alive... But the dead are the better fighters. Now you are in the dungeon again with Madible's Goon. Just try to look into the Sphere and everything will work out fine ^^ + Beyond the patterns of reality + ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ After that get back to Mandible and watch another cool and bloody stuff and get back to the sphere and then get back to the balcony again. You will fall into the hole leading to the other side of reality. Now float to the swanlake. One of the swans discloses it's identity as your mother and tells you all the things you should know. Now close those holes in the pattern of reality. Back up to the very big one. Close it with magic. Enter the next one and good ol' Rusty Nailbender will be upset because of you and won't let you leave before you bring everything back into place. So weave the healing pattern on his corpse and you will be friends again. enter the hole again and close it from the inside. Float to the shepards and heal them, same for the glasguys. After that close the holes and you will get the b on your distaff. > b available on the distaff + back to Loom Island + ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Make your way to the Loom on Loom Island and you will find Hetchel followed by Chaos. She will give you the advice to make over the Loom but you don't know how. Chaos pops in, looks ugly and says evil stuff. Just look at this: http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/4103/chaos8re.png Hetchel, as the good girl tells you not to listen to the master of the dark side and bla bla bla and Chaos knows she talks way too much and so he casts a silence spell on her and she will be dumb. Now if you heard that spell and can remember it it's nice, but if not, just double click the Loom, as he always remebers the last spell made next to him. Now write this one down and weave it backwards on hetchel and the show goes on. Now she is transformed again, so transform her back the same way you did right now, and this time Chaos will not be as friendly as before and will destroy Hetchel completely. Well not completely as one feather stays in this side of the reality, but the rest is gone. So listen to the Loom once again and note down that spell. Weave this one on the Loom and the reality will finally be torn apart and you gain the last note on your distaff. > c' available on the distaff Enter the hole in the Pattern and break on through to the otherside. Finally there with your swan buddys weave the final draft on yourself and you will turn into a swan and the game is very over. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Book of Patterns <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [.BoP.] All the magic weaving Patterns used in the game in the order they appear while playing the game using the Guide above. Just mark this paragraph with your Mouse and then coose print > Print marked stuff and then fill in the Notes as they appear in the Game. If you want to experience the game like in the old days or you lost you very own book of pattern follow the Link at the end of this section to get new one in pdf format. !!!!!!!!! Please be aware that everytime you start a new game or play in another difficulty the notes will be different than in the game before. (except the Open and the very last pattern) !!!!!!!!! OPEN: _E_ _C_ _E_ _D_ CLOSE: (OPEN BACKWARDS) _D_ _E_ _C_ _E_ EMPTY ___ ___ ___ ___ FILL (EMPTY BACKWARDS) ___ ___ ___ ___ SEE IN THE DARK ___ ___ ___ ___ STRAW TO GOLD ___ ___ ___ ___ GOLD TO STRAW (STRAW TO GOLD BACKWARDS) ___ ___ ___ ___ TWIST ___ ___ ___ ___ NOTWIST (OBVIOUSLY TWIST BACKWARDS) ___ ___ ___ ___ INVISIBLE ___ ___ ___ ___ VISIBLE AGAIN (INVISIBLE BACKWARDS) ___ ___ ___ ___ SHARPEN ___ ___ ___ ___ BLUNT ___ ___ ___ ___ FEAR ___ ___ ___ ___ WAKE UP ___ ___ ___ ___ SLEEP ( WAKE UP BACKWARDS, EH?) ___ ___ ___ ___ HEAL ___ ___ ___ ___ REFLECT ___ ___ ___ ___ SILENCE ___ ___ ___ ___ SPEAK AGAIN ___ ___ ___ ___ FOODTRANSFORMATION ___ ___ ___ ___ ANTIFOOD ___ ___ ___ ___ DESTRUCTION ___ ___ ___ ___ SHOW YOUR DESTINY _C' _F_ _G_ _C_ These are all the Magic Pattern used in the Game Loom, but there are some more mentioned and in a much better layout in the original Book of Patterns, included in the original Version of the game, so you either get the game on ebay or somewhere around this place, or you look here: http://www.replacementdocs.com/download.php?view.625 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Different Difficulties <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [.Dif.] The differnt Difficulty Settings do not interfere with the storyline or events in the game or what you have to do. The only changes are in gameplay to be precise in your distaff. What the changes are in particular are shown here: * Standart * Practice * Expert the difficulty increases from practice to expert. Practice: ============ Your distaff is shown, all the sections glow in different colors when a pattern is shown, the notes are on the tabs under the distaff shown and under the tabs there is an extra box with the letter of each note shown in it. Klick on the pattern in the box while aiming at an object and Bobbin will start weaving this pattern. Standart: ============ Your distaff is shown, all the sections glow in different colors when a pattern is shown, the notes are on the tabs under the distaff shown but there is NO extra box with the letter of each note shown in it, which isn't really needed. Expert: =========== Your distaff is shown, and that's it. No sections glowing in different colors, and of course NO extra box with letters. Now you just must concentrate really hard on the tones and proove a good ear. To enter the notes you can either click on the distaff and try to get the right note or you use your keyboard. By pressing the letter C you play the tone C by pressing D you play D, and so on until C' which is Shift+C. This mode is for real experts. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Secrets <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [.Sec.] <> The Inscription on Lady Cygna Threadbare's Gravestone: In Memory of LADY CYGNA THREADBARE 7983-8004 Destiny shall draw the Lightning Down from Heaven; roll its Thunder Far across the Sea, to where I Wait upon the Shore of Wonder, On the day the Sky is Opened And the Tree is split asunder. <> See Bobbin Threadbares Face It is possible to see what Bobbin looks like under his hood. Just play in the difficulty setting "expert" until Cob lifts Bobbin's hood and only in this setting you will find out how he looks. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version History <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [.VeH.] Version 1.00 --- 17.11.2005 =============================== First Version, this Version! Started today, done the walkthrough, the layout, the ASCII-Art on Top, the Introduction, the book of Patterns, the Version History (no really!), the different difficulties, the secrets, the thank yous and copied the legal section from my other guides, as I don't write this new! I like this guide this way, quick and easy, as my scummVM, dunno what to add, perhaps some FAQs or something about ScummVM, perhaps with the eventually next update. Version 1.01 --- 22.11.2005 =============================== Some spelling errors fixed and the usual reviewing corrections, for example the header for the book of patterns was completely missing, same for the shortcut to this chapter. Version 1.02 --- 17.03.2006 =============================== So what did I do, well, I played around with the ASCII image on top, I hope so badly, that it looks better now. I'm a bit narcissistic with ASCIIS ;) Some more spelling stuff, some little corrections and improvements here and there, don't want to list'em all :P Added my own Hompage to the hosting sites. Translated the Guide to german and update it with the release of the translated guide. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Legal Stuff <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [.LgL.] Disclaimer -------------- This FAQ is written by me, selmiak, just for the purpose to help you, so that you are allowed to look at it, download it or print it. The only websites allowed to host this FAQ are: www.selmiak.de.vu www.gamefaqs.com If you want to host or publish this guide you need my permission. I'm a nice guy (most of the time, not always, and not in this FAQ...) and will most of the times say yes, but hosting my guide without asking me is stealing my work, and you commit a crime. Same is for claiming this guide as your work altering it's content, selling it without my permission and what else you can think of to profit from my work. If you find Typos or other constructive criticism, different pathes or other stuff that should be in this guide drop me a line at: !!! please make sure that you have the name of the game in the subject !!! ---> faqs [at] gmx [dot] de If it's not obvious, the [at] is for @ and the [dot] replaces . I replaced these symbols because of robots scanning the web for email-adres- ses and spamming my account. ___________ Help for hungry guidewriters ;) If you think, this FAQ helped you out, then please be so kind and type the following url in your browser an click on one of the ads there. http://schmutzschild.de/supporte.html You can't loose anything by doing so, except half a minute of your time and I get some tips and write more guides! Even little money is money! Thank you! ______________ If you think one (or more) of my statements posted in this guide make you sick, embarresed or are against your nature, please mail me at: imnotinterestedyoucanstopreadingallthetime@chitchat.fuk So, that's enough to my position of right, that means: you have no right! :P =============================================================================== =============================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank Yous <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [.Thx.] My thanks go out to Lucas Filmgames and especially to: Brian Moriarty, Mark Ferrari, Gary Winnick, Steve Purcell, Ken Macklin. Tschaikowski for writing his music and inspiring the guys above to do this game. Thanks to the coders over at ScummVM for the cool engine, translationmanchine, whatever, cool stuff, keep it up! Gamefaqs for hosting my guides. CJayC for todays daily grind and reminding me how great these Games were and motivation me to write this FAQ. crusader 77 for hosting this game under http://www.crusader77.de/html/loom.html The online dictionary of the Technical University of Munich for providing me with help in translating my thoughts and writings. http://dict.leo.org/?lang=de&lp=ende me for writing all this stuff and finally the most important person in this FAQ, You, the reader, without you I wouldn't be writing this. ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ another SHAMELESS SELFPROMOTION: To find more FAQ to other great games penned by me go to: >>>> http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/39198.html there are also some helful maps for Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders and other neat stuff written by me on gamefaqs.com! that's enough for now, now... ...ENJOY! ___________ Help for hungry guidewriters ;) If you think, this FAQ helped you out, then please be so kind and type the following url in your browser an click on one of the ads there. http://schmutzschild.de/supporte.html You can't loose anything by doing so, except half a minute of your time and I get some tips and write more guides! Even little money is money! Thank you! ______________ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Contact Information <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [.Con.] If there are still some questions left or unanswered don't hesitat to drop me a line and ask, but please make sure that you have "LOOM - Question about ..." in the subject line. You can also write me when you found something that should be in this guide or you found a terrible mistake. Positive Feedback is also, as always very appreciated, so that I know that someone actually reads my guides. You can also send me a donation via paypal if my guide helped you out. faqs [at] gmx [dot] de If it's not obvious, I'll advice you to please exchange the [at] with the @ symbol and the [dot] with the . character. Otherwise your mail won't reach me. _______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) 2005 - 2006 by Selmiak ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _______________________________________________________________________________ www.selmiak.de.vu [.eof.]