Extreme Warfare Revenge 4.0 A Guide to Hex Hacking For a Better Promotion Version 1.0 beta Copyright 2004 -You can use this guide on your website or anywhere as long as you give credit to me "Raz." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose of this Guide: My name is Raz. I am a college student. I know nothing about Hex editing and this is my first time ever writing a guide. I recently used hex editing on EWR 4.0 and I must say I was very impressed. I also found that no one else at the time of this writing has published anything on hex editing so I decided to take advantage and make a guide. Once your done reading this guide, I am sure you will find very helpful information for Extreme Warfare Revenge. This guide assumes you know nothing about hex editing. So here is a brief rundown of the things you can do with hex editing when applied to this game. Ever get sick of your fed not growing? Are you sick of your public image dying out? What about worker Morale? Has that also been a problem because of dying public image? Are workers getting too expensive? Has it really been a problem generating heat from feuds? Well now you can change all that. You can hire workers for less and extend their contracts. You can increase your public image, and reduce your competitions image to literally nothing. You can increase your competition's work wages, thus try to make them go bankrupt. You can change all your workers morale, overness, charisma and other stats. You can add more heat to a feud and do much much more. All you need is a hex editor and this guide. This guide will show you how to find the right offset values to change and help your promotion rise to success. So let's begin! Table Of Contents 1. Brief Overview 2. How information is organized in EWR and what you need! 3. Changing hex values for the Wrestlers 4. Changing public image 5. Adding some heat 6. Belt Stats 7. Conclusion 1. Brief Overview: Before we begin, please note that all examples in this guide are on the basis that your federation is WWE and that you have just started a brand new game. This helps keep up with better communication as I try to explain ideas. You can use the same strategies with other Federations. The reason I didn't include examples for every federation is because IT WOULD TAKE FOREVER TO WRITE THIS GUIDE! But like I said before you can apply the same strategies to other feds. So if you have any questions email me at wesyde_ryda@hotmail.com. 2. How information is organized in EWR and what you need! Every time you load up or save your game as you exit EWR, your information is saved in a certain location. Everything about your fed and other feds are saved into these files. The key idea here is that if you can access these files and modify them you can modify information about your fed. This basically means you can play 'god-mode' in EWR. The question is, where are these files located? Assuming you are using EWR 4.0, look in the directory where all your EWR files were installed. In here there should be a folder called s1, s2, s3, etc. These folders represent your saved games. Double click on these folders and you will see .dat files that contain all your data for your saved game!!!!!!!!! However, you need to have a program that can edit these files. This means you will need a hex editor, so I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Hex Workshop from BREAKPOINT SOFTWARE. Once you have installed Hex Workshop, you can open these files through Hex Workshop. This is the rundown on how info is organized File name wrestler.dat - This is for editing wrestler stats belt.dat - This is for editing your belt values such as images and current champion fuedinfo.dat - This can be used to increase fued heat between two wrestlers or tag teams. promos.dat - This can be used to edit your fed's image staff.dat - this can be used to edit your staff's stats such as improved announcer talent Many of the other files are useless in editing or I haven't put much time into trying to figure out how to edit them because they are not really worth it. However, once your done with this tutorial, you will learn how to edit for yourself. 3. Changing hex values for the Wrestlers Now down to the good stuff. Assuming you have got your hex workshop, open up a brand new game with the WWE fed. If you do not want to start a new game then you can use edit your existing saved game, but remember to back up your files before editing them. Now lets edit a wrestler's stats: Example: Jamie Noble First click on Roster in the game to view your roster. Now look for Jamie Noble and select him. Lets take a brief look at his stats. Now open up the file wrestler.dat in Hex workshop. As you can see, the right side contains wrestler names followed by dots and other symbols. The left side contains a lot of numbers which are hex digits. Now click on Edit from the top menu and click find. In the type drop down box, select Text String and type in Jamie Noble exactly as it appears in the EWR game. As you can see it has found his name and highlighted it on the right side and has also highlighted his name in hex digits on the left side. Now lets change his overness to 100!!! Before we can do this, we need to know what his stats are right now. If you look in EWR on the Roster screen his overness right now is 65. But you need to convert 65 into hex digits to find it. So open up the windows calculator that's on every computer, click on view at the top menu and make sure it is set to scientific. Now select 'Dec' which is right under the calculator display and type in 64. Now click on Hex. The hex value is 41. So now let's change it. Go back to hex workshop and on the right side highlight Jamie Noble all the way down until you see another wrestler's name. So in this case highlight Jamie Noble all the way down until you see Shannon Moore. Now click on Edit and Find. Change from 'Text String' to 'Hex Values'. Now type in 41 and press ok. We found it! Now lets change it to 100 overness, but we need the hex value for 100. The hex value for 100 is 64. So position the cursor so that it is in front of the number 41 and then type in 64. HOWEVER YOUR NOT FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE NEXT STEP IS REALLY IMPORTANT. GO TO FILE AND PRESS SAVE. IF IT ASKS YOU TO MAKE AN EXTRA BACK UP COPY, PRESS NO. AFTER YOU SAVED GO BACK TO EWR AND PRESS THE BACK BUTTON SO THAT YOU ARE BACK ON THE MAIN EWR SCREEN. NOW GO BACK TO HEX WORK SHOP AND PRESS SAVE AGAIN!!!!!!! Now click on the Roster button and you have changed Jamie Noble to 100% overness. You can repeat this process for multiple stats. Here is tip 1 to remember: after you change all the necessary stats remember to press SAVE THEN GO BACK TO EWR AND PRESS THE BACK BUTTON TO GO BACK TO THE MAIN SCREEN AND THEN GO BACK INTO HEX WORKSHOP AND PRESS SAVE AGAIN. Here is Tip 2: when you search for these hex values, even though you are searching through a few lines of hex for a specific number you will always have a very very very small chance of coming across a situation where you find the same values. For example, if you searched for 41 throughout Jamie Noble's lines there was a small chance where you could have found two instances of 41. So which one do you pick to change? You must choose one or the other. However, one tip is that these values for wrestler stats will normally be surrounded by dots or in between dots and characters. Wrestler Contracts Ok here is how you can mess around with wrestler contracts. Lets highlight Jamie Noble's entire line. So once again highlight from the beginning of where it says Jamie Noble all the way up to Shannon Moore. We already know that Jamie Noble has a written contract so look for the words "Wri" and highlight them. As you can see the left side hex digits also got highlighted. Now the next two numbers after that are 04. If you use your Windows Calculator under Hex type in 04 and click on Dec. This shows he has 4 months left on his contract. Lets change his contract to 95 months. So go to Windows calculator type in 95 and make sure the mode is in Dec. Then click on Hex. This number is 5F. So now Lets replace 04 with 5F. Once again click Save, then make sure you back out of the roster screen onto the main screen, and then click save again. Now go back into the roster screen and Waalaa 95 months. So the general idea is when you see the "Wri", highlight it and the two digits immediately after the "Wri" correspond to the wrestler's months of contract. Wrestler Wages How about giving Jamie Noble a pay cut? Here is how it works. Place your cursor in front of the place where we edited Jamie's contract length. So this means place your cursor in front of the place where we changed 04 to 5F. Now count 11 hex digits down. We see that there is a 4 in this location. Right next to this four is a 6...46. Convert this 46 into Dec using windows calculator and we get 70. This means that Jamie Noble is getting 70,000 dollars a month! So let's change his wage to 10000. However, do not enter 10000 in the calculator and convert it to hex. When changing wages, there is a special rule. Divide the new wage you want to give him by 1000. so 10000/1000 is 10. Converting 10 to hex is 0A. So now we can replace 46 with 0A. Once again click Save, then make sure you back out of the roster screen onto the main screen, and then click save again. Now go back into Roster and its 10000 a month. Note #1 about wages: You can only use this method for people on a written contract. For Open contracts its a different story. Open contracts Let's hire Hulk Hogan at his typical 300,000 dollar per appearance price. Very expensive right? Go back to hex workshop and make sure you have the file wrestler.dat still open. Go to menu and click Edit then click find. Make sure it says 'Text String' in the drop down list box. Now type in Hulk Hogan and click ok. Now under Hulk Hogans name, let's look for the words 'Opn' on the right side of the display. Opn should only be about 2 lines down. Now let's highlight 'Opn' and replace that with 'Wri'. Thats with a capital W and lowercase ri. This turns his contract to a written deal, but now you have to specify for how long. The next 2 hex digits immediately after 'Wri' correspond to how long his contract should be. Since Hulk was on an open contract to begin with this value is 00. So let's change it to 14 months. Go to the windows calculator and type in 14 in dec then click hex. This value is 0E. So position your mouse cursor and click in front of the 00 in hex workshop. Now type in 0E. Press Save. If you still have your EWR game open and your in the roster menu then press the back button and now go back to hex workshop and press save again. NOTE #1: FROM OUR DISSCUSSION ABOVE ON CHANGING WRESTLER WAGES. TRY CHANGING HULK HOGAN'S WAGE TO LOWER THAN 256,000. IT CANT BE DONE UNLESS SOMEONE ELSE KNOWS HOW. EVEN IF YOU PUT IN 00 FOR HIS WAGE, THE AMOUNT WILL SHOW AS 256,000. I'M NOT GOING TO GET INTO THE REASONS OF WHY THIS IS BUT JUST KNOW THAT IF YOU HAVE A WRESTLER WITH A WAGE OVER OR EQUAL TO 256,000, THEN YOU WONT BE ABLE TO REDUCE HIS WAGE DOWN BELOW 256,000. NOTE #2: NOW THAT YOU KNOW HOW TO CHANGE WORKER WAGES FOR YOUR COMPANY, YOU CAN ALSO CHANGE WORKER WAGES FOR YOUR RIVAL COMPANIES!!!!! FOR EXAMPLE, FIND OUT THE WRESTLERS WORKING FOR NWATNA AND THEN JUST SEARCH FOR THEIR NAMES IN THE WRESTLER.DAT FILE. ONCE YOU FIND THEIR NAMES YOU CAN CHANGE THEIR WAGES SO THAT YOUR RIVAL FED CAN'T AFFORD THEM SO THEY GO OUT OF BUSINESS!!!!I changed Jeff Jarrett's wage by putting in FA for the hex value and he became quite an exensive character for nwa-tna. 4. Changing public image This is a bit more easier than having to go through the entire process for changing wrestler stats. Ok this is what you do. In order for you to change your public image, you need to open up the file promos.dat. Since were using WWE as an example, we notice the words World Wrestling Entertainment shows up on the first line of this hex file. Let's highlight from the beginning of the companies name all the way down until we see a rival company. So in this case highlight from World Wrestling Entertainment all the way down until you see Xtreme Pro Wrestling. Now find out what your public image is. In this case the public image for WWE is 55%. So go into Windows calculator and in Dec mode type in 55. Then click on Hex. The value you get is 37. So now click on the Edit menu and click on find. Make sure the drop down box says Hex values and type in 37 and click ok. We notice that it found it! So now position the mouse pointer in front of the number 37 and click so that the cursor is blinking in front of the 37. Now type in 64. Press Save. If you are at the public image screen in EWR, then press the back button to the main screen and now press save again. Now check you public image. It should be 100%. With this method we can also change a rival organizations image. Let's change XPW's image. First we have to find out what XPW's image is. In this case XPW's image is 20%. So let's convert 20 into hex digits using windows calculator. This comes out to be 14. So now highlight from the beginning of the Xtreme Pro Wrestling name all the way down until you see the next rival promotion. Now go to Edit, click find. Then find the value 14. Position your mouse cursor in front of 14 and replace it with 00. Do the typical saving routine that I've mentioned a million times already. If you go and check XPW's image now, it hasnt changed!!!!In this game this may happen on rare occasions. You may come across this type of situation but it is very rare! So if you can, then type the original value back into its original spot. Now let's try to find the next value of 14. Click on Edit, and click Find next. You should see another 14 value make sure this isnt the same 14 value that you changed previously. If it is then click on find next again. Now replace this 14 value with 00. Press save. Go back to the main EWR screen. Now go back into other promotions and find XPW. There image should be reduced to 0%. 5. Adding some heat Having difficulty generating heat with feuds? Well no need to worry. This is what you do. First let's make some feuds. So go into EWR and click on Feuds. Now find some wrestlers and start up some feuds. Notice if you pick random wrestlers you get low feud heat ratings, but we can change this of coarse. Open up Hex workshop and find the file 'fuedinfo.dat'. I did all the work for you for this file. So here are the offset values you need to edit data. 1st major feud offset: 0000001A 2nd major feud offset: 0000003E 3rd major feud offset: 00000063 4th feud offset: 00000087 5th feud offset: 000000AA 6th feud offset: 000000CE 7th feud offset: 000000F2 8th feud offset: 00000117 So the question is "What do I do with these offset values?" Well after you have opened up the file fuedinfo.dat in hex work shop, click on 'Edit' and 'Goto...' Then there will be a text box that comes up that says offset and you can type in these offset values. So lets say you want to change your 1st major feud to 100. Type in the offset value 0000001A into the text box and click ok. Now your mouse cursor will be pointing in front of that offset value. So now type in 64. Now lets change the 2nd feud to 100. So repeat the process again. Click on 'Edit' and click on 'Goto...' Now type in 0000003E and click ok. Now change the hex value to 64. Repeat this process with all the feuds you want to change then click save. Then press the back button to get out of the feud screen in EWR. Now press save again in hex workshop. Now go back into the feud screen in EWR and whaaa laaa. The feuds are at 100. IMPORTANT NOTE: When you type in the offset value for some of these feuds your mouse cursor may be placed in front of the hex value or after it. In other words the hex value that you want to change is 2 hex digits behind your mouse cursor. For example, this happens for the 3rd major feud, 4th feud, and 8th feud. Let's say you want to change the 3rd major feud and you type in the offset value 00000063, then your mouse cursor will be in front of the hex value you want to change. In other words, you have to hit the back arrow key twice, then you can type in 64 and now the feud heat is changed for the 3rd major feud. 6. Belt Stats 7. Conclusion These are just some of the few things you can do in EWR. If you fully understood this tutorial then you can probably go in and develop your own strategies and new tricks in EWR. Be sure to check back next month for version 2 of this guide where I show you how to edit staff wages and their contracts. Much of the same principles apply with a little variation in the theme. Like I said before if you full understood this tutorial you can easily go and change worker wages by your self as well as their talent. If you have any questions of difficulties with this guide please email me at WESYDE_RYDA@hotmail.com.