The Rocky Interactive Horror Show Walkthru by TR Wolf "It's just a simple everyday rock and roll story of boy meets girl meets alien transvestite from another world... and now its a fully interactive game" This is a great game without a doubt, lots of fun, however I think its neccessary to have a walkthru for it as some of the puzzles in the game can be VERY tricky! I recommend only using this guide to look up problems if you're REALLY stuck, dont just use it all the way through or it'll spoil it. And remember more than anything to EXPLORE, thats the most fun part of the game! :) So with that in mind my unconventional conventialists... read on! At the front door, walk to the left along the driveway and past the windows until you come to the fence at the garden, you should see something yellow on the ground, pick it up. Now wait for a second before clicking again as you'll get a little video clip explaining that its a Wedding Invitation (you get a fair few of these explination videos, but you'll get used to them). With the invitation in your inventory, go back to the front doors and up to the letterbox with the eyes peering through, cycle through your inventory and select the invite, and post it through the letterbox, Riff Raff will then open the door for you. In the little lobby area look in the basket by the door and pick up the Speeding Ticket, and then go over to the Wellington Boots and collect the key from inside. Walk through to the next room, dont get too near Riff Raff or he'll shoot you with his laser beam, and you'll end up in the infirmary in another part of the building you dont want to be in yet! Walk over to the suit of armour, and you'll find a small twisty key (part of a can opener), pick this up, you'll need it later. **Also note that in this room there is a bug, if you squish bugs it increases your time a little, this is the same if you come across pairs of bouncing lips around the house, although collecting the lips gives you a bit of an orgasmic video clip (even moreso if you dont have clothes when you collect the lips!). Your time limit is essential, so dont waste those time increasers. As well as your clock counting down you'll be able to tell time limits by the decoration around the game screen, it goes from being outside to being inside, then a lab, then a more advanced lab, then a spaceship, then a more advanced spaceship (etc)** Walk through to the hallway which has a stained glass window in it, the phone will ring so pick it up for a little video clip. Now remember this part, the candles on the wall are quite important and you'll find yourself referring to this again later so Im singling it out: ******** The RIGHT CANDLE controls the Elevator. The LEFT CANDLE controls the Doors. Turning the RIGHT CANDLE to the LEFT sends the elevator up to the first floor, turning it RIGHT brings it down to the ground hallway. Turning the LEFT CANDLE to the RIGHT will open the first floor doors, turning it to the LEFT will open the ground hallway doors. ******** Now push the stained glass window and walk through to the Dining Room, walk around to the front of the table and pick up the glass, then continue to the left and walk through to the next room (with the bear) You may have Columbia or Magenta walking around here, beware getting to close to any characters as they will steal your clothes, which will drastically slow your walking speed down until you go get the clothes again (it shows a quick clip of where they've been placed). Walk over to the Tiger Head on the wall and take the key from its mouth, then go to the Crockery Cupboard and collect the wheel/valve. Now go downstairs to the Kitchen. Collect the Cleaver from above the oven, then open the fridge and turn the control in there to "Freezer" and it will open the Cola Freezer in another part of the house. Now on the bottom right of the screen you'll find a salt pot, if you open it you'll find a key for the Wine Cellar. Now go through to the Butler's Room. You'll find Riff Raff wandering about here so be careful not to get laser blasted or lose your clothes! Get the knife from the chopping board, and collect the needle and thread from the shelf on the right hand wall. Now re-trace your steps all the way back so you arrive at the hallway with the phone and stained glass window, now walk to the right past the stairway with the shark, and into the next room. This is the room with the cola machine which is now an open door to the deep freezer, walk through it. Now you're in the freezer area so the floor is very slippy so you're going to slip now and then so just walk at a steady speed and it shouldnt be too hard. Now make sure your inventory has the Speeding Ticket selected as you need to do this part quickly... walk into the room where Eddie is on his motorbike, and quickly walk up to him and use the ticket on him, for some reason this stops him for a few seconds, then quickly walk over to the switch on the back wall and pull it, it'll freeze Eddie. (Note: if you dont do any of this quick enough, Eddie will mow you down with his bike and you'll end up in the Infirmary again) Now heading back through the freezer, there's a load of junk at the bottom of a disposal chute, have a look in the First Aid Box and collect the Pink Gloves, then examine the broken TV and you should find a part of the De-Medusa machine. Now go back out of the deep freeze and to the left, then up those stairs. On the first floor go up the other stairs, these will take you to a small space with two doors (and another time-bug, Yay!), enter the right hand door and you'll be in the attic. Ignore the Mona Lisa, its weird but doesnt do anything. Collect the crow bar from beneath the painting, open the large box in the middle of the room and collect the Leather Panties, and then collect the Paper Pattern from the Dummy/Mannequin to the right hand side. Go back through the door, down the stairs, and to the right so you enter a room with a Juke Box (have a look at the juke box, its a lot of fun!), enter the room on the back wall and you will arrive in the guest room (this room always gave me the creeps for some reason!), open the drawer on the dressing table to the left and take the cartridge inside, then go into the door on the other side of the room, this is the bathroom, and as you can see... something not too nice seems to have happened in here. If you look at the edge of the tub, you can see a shadow of a hand behind the curtain, move the curtain and (after a screeeeam!) you'll see a decomposed hand clutching a plug, take the plug and head back out to the hallway. Walk left along the hallway so that you're back at the stairs, walk left again so you're passing the paintings of Magenta, Frank, and Riff Raff, now although they each do silly things, go back to the Frank painting. Those lips on the bottom if you select them actually give you a tube of KY Jelly for some reason, emergency storage I guess... Now in this room, use the Descaler (Cleaver) with the fish to get a key from inside it, then go through the foor beneath the fish into the bathroom. Walk over the money on the floor to collect it. Now use the plug on Robbie the Robot, and when he moves you can insert money into the Condom Machine behind him. Collect the condom and head back out the door, along the gallery, down the stairs, and back into the room with the freezer, only this time keep walking to the right, and go up onto the stage. On the left of the stage should be a rope, and if you pull it, it will unveil a little room to the right of the stage, so walk past the frozen version of your loved one, and enter this little room, collect the money from in here, and head back out again and along the stage to the right, and down the steps. You will now be at Riff Raff's Disco! (Strange, I know), and just to note that the door with the Security Camera above it actually doesnt lead anywhere, you cant enter it. Enter the disco and go behind the bar, use the glass you picked up on one of the bottles and you'll reveal another key! Now go to the dancefloor...and do the Time Warp!! (The Criminologist gives you a reminder of how it goes) You do this by using the Enter key (to do a jump to the left) and then the Arrow Keys, each key performs a little section of the dance, and you might have to do it a few times (walk off the dance floor if you want to start over) but when you do it correctly up to the point of "really drives you insane", the dance will complete itself, and the floor lights will turn off, and a panel will open revealing Rocky's Brain! (Another strange storage place!) Now go out of the disco and walk to the left all the way back to the stairway room, go up the stairs, and up the 2nd stairs and this time go into the left hand door (you'll need to use one of the keys on it), this is Magenta's Room, go over to her bed and collect the key from her pillow. Go over to the wardrobe and collect the Leather Vest, and then look in the BACK of the wardrobe at 3 shoes, remember the order the numbers are in! Note them down! Now go back down the stairs and to the right into the jukebox room and to the Guest Room again (the black and white room), now go over to the left of the bed and look at the ugly painting, use the knife on it, and then go to the right of the bed and use the knife again and it will reveal a safe behind the painting! Now the combination is the order of the numbers you found on Magenta's Shoes. So if the shoes read 1-2-3 you'd do 1 then 2 then 3, now actually imputting this combination is a little tricky on the safe, and it might take a few attempts. Put in the code, press down, and the safe will open revealing a De-Medusa piece. Now go out of the room, along the hall, down the stairs, down the hall with the phone, through the stained glass windows, and make your way down to the kitchen, and then into the Wine Cellar. Go through to the Dungeon and then to the cell on the far left of the dungeon, use one of the keys to enter and when inside collect the Candy Cane Rock from the floor, the coins, and the Toilet Flush Chain. Now use the crowbar from the attic on one of the flagstones, (I think its the middle of the room to the left hand side slightly, but you'll need to explore a bit!), beneath the flagstone is another key, collect that and head back upstairs so you're in the hall with the phone again. Go to the left and back out the front doors, along the driveway to the left until you come to the gate to the garden (where you found the Wedding Invite waaaaaay back at the start of the game. Enter the garden gate and push open the stained glass window to the left, you'll find yourself in the Library. Walk towards the door on the back wall and grab the book from the taunting Gargoyle, inside you will find some Seeds. Also collect the Freezer Book from the shelves on the left hand side. The door on the left hand side leads to The Zen Room, and you can lose a lot of time here, AND those bouncing YinYang symbols damage you, so be careful! Go back out into the garden and to the right. You'll see a rather nasty looking Triffid blocking the way, so quickly go to the pot at the bottom of the screen and throw the seeds in, this will...*ahem*...distract the Triffid, allowing you to continue into the Maze! On the water fountain find the hole on the front and put the wheel/valve into it and turn it. Continue through the archway further into the maze, (Richard O Brien should give some tips on where to go around here) when you find the skeletons sat on the bench, use the KY Jelly on their hands and take the key. Continue through the maze until you come to two large male statues, collect the key from the genital piercing on the right hand statue, and continue through until you come to the Graveyard (woooo!!) Move to the right and move down so that you're facing the pot on the grave, get the flowers and make sure your inventory has now selected the Candy Cane Rock, and then collect the Control and put the pot back (if you dont put the Candy Cane Rock in, a hand will grab you and you'll be back in the Infirmary!) Now use the key from the skeletons to enter the Tomb at the rear of the Graveyard. You'll enter a room with 3 coffins in it. Open the middle one, and after a "reaction" (you'll see), use the Rubber Gloves to get the key from the crotch of the skeleton. Now make your way back into the graveyard and all the way back through the maze again until you come to the stained glass windows. Now go over to the little fountain and collect the soap from inside it. Now go back through the gates and along the drive and into the doors and back along the corridors blah blah blah blah and go upstairs and to the right into the jukebox room. Use the key in the door with the sunshine stained glass window above it, this is Frank's Bedroom! Go over to Frank's bed and look at the magazines under the bed, they'll give you a clue as to what you're to do next... Go through the door surrounded by the cherrubs, collect the Vim Toilet Cleaner from next to the toilet, look at the Crocodile on the wall and cut the skin off using the knife. Then use the Paper Pattern on the Crocodile Skin and use the Needle and Thread also and you'll have created a FABulous Crocodile Skin Bag. Go back into the bedroom and give Frank the bag, he'll give the Zen Room key in return. Walk further right into Frank's bedroom and use a key to open the balcony doors, and IGNORE Richard O Brien, walk along the balcony and you'll find a piece of the De-Medusa machine. Now exit Frank's room and walk left along the hallways and past the gallery and use a key on the door on the left wall, this is Columbia's ROom, and on the floor by the door (out of vision due to furniture) collect the note from the floor. Then leave her room and go into the bathroom beneath the fish, walk over to the toilet and when the monster's hand appears, use the Vim Toilet Cleaner and it will politely hand over a key :) Now exit the bathroom and go along the hall and downstairs and to the right, past the stage, and into Riff Raff's Disco, use a key on the door behind the bar, enter the room and collect the Leather Mask from one of the wooden crates. Now exit the Disco, back along to the left and through the stained glass windows of the hallway with the phone and walk along here, go downstairs to the Butler's room, and (avoiding Riff Raff) walk to the door on the right hand side and use one of the keys on it, then use the Toilet Flush Chain on the WC Cistern, and another key and collect the De-Medusa piece. Also collect the other half of the Can Opener from the shelf. Now head out and upstairs, and back along the corridor and up the stairs and into the jukebox room. Use the completed Can Opener on the Knight to collect another De-Medusa piece. Now go back to the kitchen (you must know how to get there by now!) and into the Wine Cellar and through to the Dungeon. Dress up the skeleton with the Mask, Vest, and Panties, and it'll pull back on its chains unveiling an Egg in the Control Room. Now go back upstairs and up the stairs to the first floor, then up the stairs to the 2-door room and go through the right hand door into the attic. Crawl through the air duct in the wall into the Control Room. Go over to the blue console and insert the Cartridge, the egg will swing around forming a chair, upon which is a De-Medusa piece. Now go back through the air duct and downstairs, along the hall with the paintings and into the bathroom. Activate Robbie using Control, press R to sweitch between normal character control and Robbie control. Take Robbie out of the bathroom to the elevator (behind the Elvis Poster), swap back to your character again using R and go downstairs to the elevator and using the instructions from earlier on, open the lift upstairs, then swap back to Robbie and walk him into the elevtor, then swap back and go back downstairs and move the elevator down and open the doors, then swap back to Robbie and walk him through the house to the front doors, take him outside and walk him along the driveway to the garden, walk through the maze (again) and take him into the Tomb in the Graveyard. Walk him through the dungeon to the Engine Room, walk over to the Control Panel and activate it, then walk onto the De-Medusa piece that appears and pick it up. Swap back and walk upstairs to the attic, go through the air duct and walk along into the Scrub Room (the room with the elevator and the basins), walk over to a basin and use the soap on it to wash your hands. Then go through the door to the left into the Creation Room. Ignore the controls for now and simply walk over to Rocky, and insert his Brain. Then walk over to the Control Panel and activate Rocky, who will then go to the Transit Room and smash one of the glass mushroom things. Now go through to the Transit Room and collect the De-Medusa piece from inside it. Swap back to Robbie and walk him out of the Engine Room, through the Dungeon, Tomb and back through the Maze, along the drive, through the front doors and back to the elevator. Swap back to your character and go through the Scrub Room and the double doors to the Control Room, crawl through the duct to the Attic and downstairs to the Phone hallway, and bring Robbie up in the elevator (switching back and forth, you know this by now), and take Robbie through to the Juke Box room, now use the Juke Box and select the first track and Robbie will do a little dance and pretty much break down. Now switch back to your character and go to the Juke Box room, and examine Robbie, you should find the Final De-Medusa Piece! Now you have all the pieces! (Ooh! Isnt this exciting!) go back to that little room behind the stage on the ground floor and use all of the pieces on the workbench. Then you can play the De-Medusa Sub Game. Basically the order the objects flash in, use the crane arm to copy the order (requires some tricky moving about and getting used to the controls, I cant really help you there. Once you've cracked the De-Medusa Sub Game, you can rescue your partner! :) YAY! I hope this was of some help! If you have any questions, comments etc, please feel free to E-Mail me at preferably with the subject line "Rocky Horror Game" :) Hope to hear from you soon :)